#this is not the first time that i've had to be like 'dammit kevin get out of my brain'
WELL HUH looks like I basically got that 'Nureyev are you trying to climb out that window???' scenario I spent like the duration of S4 picturing
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popculturebuffet · 3 months
Next up for Cartoon Network era of shows, who is your favorite character from each of the mid-late 2010s Dimensional era (shame they didn't get the best treatment and exposure on the channel, being the point when Cartoon Network was overplaying Teen Titans Go and pushing most other shows to the side) shows you've seen like: We Bare Bears, The Powerpuff Girls 2016, Mighty Magiswords, Ben 10 2017, OK KO Let's Be Heroes, Apple & Onion, Craig of the Creek, and Summer Camp Island?
We Bare Bears: Ice Bear though I loved them all. And as for thoughts, I really need to go back and watch all of this show as it was really good. Relaly solid. I think I just was in that hole of "If the status quo dosen't change I dont like it" which is still mostly true, it is kinda annoying to have a series long arc of someone wants to get a girlfriend with panda and not.. doing anything with that. But it's very clearly mostly slice of life shenanigans. ALso seems to have ended well
PPG: SIlico as he seems neat.. but I watched maybe one episode of this. I wasn't intrested, everything I heard was bad and looking back it seems half assed.
Mighty Magiswords: Yet another one from this era (and the last) I need to go back to, a true classic. Character wise I love Porhias for his voice and whole vibe. Though Vambre's legs will always have a place in my heart... moving on.
Ben 10 Reboot: Kevin having a bootleg omnitrix. This one I didn't see much of and while I may watch it some day for completions sake... it seems mid. Not as messy as ultimate or omniverse with some growth and really intresting ideas, but not nearly as intresting as the og or alien force seasons 1 and 2. It's firmly in the middle: trying hard to be funnier, inoffensive, but as bad as omniverse could get in it's worst moments... it had ambition. 2016 takes a much needed fresh start and just kinda... does a weaker version of the first show without the charm or real stakes or neat jack kirby-esque art style.
OK KO Let's Be Heroes: It's like asking me to pick my children you monster. But i'd have to go with Professor Venemous. He's a compelling villian, and while I feel we coudl've gotten more post shadowy figure takeover out of him (and may give him just that some day), he's an intresting villian whose bisexual as hell, clever and whose motivatoin and history with characters is great. The cast as a whole is though as this is the best show of the bunch here, though it has close compettition and you can probably guess who. It's fun, has well done character arcs, great action at a time Cartoon Network hated doing acction scnees (it's why SU got the shit end of the stick for a while and why this show ultimately did not last) and ended on one hell of a final episode (The actual climax is mixed but still pretty good given the time constraints). An all time classic and one of the best show's cn's put out and certainly one of my faviorites.
Apple and Onion: Onion, though ti's bittersweet given the whole Grahm Lihean thing. God dammit richard. A great show I wish i'd watched more of, really sweet and chill and like most of these as you pointed out , given the short end of the stick for teen titans not for me.
Craig of the Creek: Another all time faviorite and one I need to watch more of including the full story arc. But what i've seen of the story arc is excellent and the show as a whole is great, the recess successor I didn't know I wanted. It's still largely i'ts own thing but it's hard not ot see "Kids in their own elabroate clicks with terriotirY" and not think recess, but going way bigger than it's more grounded cousin. It's still clear most fantasy stuff is just the kids imaginations, but it dosen't hold back a fantastic show with a stacked roster of characters, a truly great world that just gets better and better, and a lot of nice character growth and moments. I'm not ready for it to end and boo HBO MAx for not wanting one of thier most succesful shows to go on. Favorite is JP. Eaisly. he's the boy.
Summer Camp Island: I"ve barely seen any of it I hear it's great and once again they screwed it over badly.
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omnidemidisaster · 1 year
Hey i was wondering if you could do radford x rick and make it fluff/sfw? If not then that's fine :)
My popcorn is bitter
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Radford x Rick
Tw/ Depression and suicidal thoughts.
( As always, a mini PSA. If you or someone you love is experiencing thoughts of suicide, I strongly encourage you or that person to get help asap. I know for a fact someone in this wide world wants you to be alive. My dms are always open if you need someone to talk to )
"Check in"
It was another of those late nights. The nights where Rick just lied in bed...awake. Just staring at that white, now very darkish grey looking, ceiling. The bed was comfortable, but no amount of pillows or soft blankets could ever erase his thoughts.
His thoughts? Yeah...thoughts of why am I even here? or should I stay alive if I serve zero purpose?. Those thoughts were consistent, like a weed in a beautiful garden. And no matter how hard Rick tried and tried to get rid of those thoughts...nothing helped.
He sat up...and was considering. Considering everything that came to this point...
Just then...his phone rang. He looked over...Radford was calling him....Eh, why not say goodbye to him, thats what Radford at least deserved.
Rick picked up the phone.
Rick heard Radford's excited and nerdy voice coming from the other side of the phone.
"Yo! Rick! Sorry if I woke you up this late, but guess what!"
Rick sighed. He felt bad he was gonna leave such a sweet guy behind...at least it'll be the last person and he was okay with that.
"I ended up getting and saving enough and...I want you to go to The Rainbow Bullets show with me!"
Huh...he wanted Rick to see some random rock concert with him...But why Rick? Radford has other friends...Like Kevin. Kevin's clearly more worthy.
"No...its fine..."
Rick could somehow hear Radford's pout from the other end.
"But Riiick! I've been wanting you to come with me! I know how much you love them and I wanna spend time with you! Pleeeeaaase?"
Rick realized he was just staring and responded.
"But why me? I don't even have money.."
"Well thats because you keep quitting...But still! I wanna take you! I have enough to take us, don't worry about the money. Just..please, will you go with me? Pleeeaaase?"
Dammit Radford...he sounded just like his brother.
Rick gave it some thought...fine.
"Oh alright. I'll go with you. Just let me drive for us, its the least I can do"
Rick heard Radford's very hushed "yesss!", which did make him smile a bit.
"Cool! I'll meet you after my shift, okay?"
"Alright. I'll go so you can sleep. Goodnight Rick! I love you!"
Before Rick responded, Radford had already hung up.
That left Rick just staring at his phone screen. Radford...dammit Radford. Why did Radford even say he loved Rick? Surely, surely that was accidental. No one loved Rick...
His phone buzzed again with a text from Radford. It was the directions to the place where this concert would take place, plus an extra message.
Radford ☆: Oh yeah. I'm sorry about the whole love you thing
Radford ☆: But I mean it! >:D
Radford ☆: I LOVE YOU DUDE!!! <33
Radford ☆: Alright alright you gotta sleep. How else are you gonna get energy to party tomorrow?!
Radford ☆: alright. Goodnight! I love you! Don't you forget that! >:))). Okay love you!!!
Rick: love you too
Rick put down his phone. Every and all thoughts of considering just fizzled out. Fine...he can spend one day with Radford at some concert.
He rolled back into bed and got under the covers. It seemed that that bed was much more comfortable this time around.
Instead of thoughts of a life without him, now it was just what to wear to that concert...and how the hell did Radford make him feel...whatever the hell he was feeling.
Whatever...he'll see Radford tomorrow and that was all that was important right now. And for the first time in a while, Rick went to sleep without those backstabbing thoughts in his head.
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coincidenceconnection · 5 months
Thoughts on Intelligence and Chicago PD because I've fallen back down the rabbit hole
So if Hailey leaves that leaves Intelligence with 2 officers about to be married (WHY does this show insist on having married couples be partners, please switch it up), another experienced officer and basically a rookie in Torres?
Like anyone know if there's plans to bring in more people?
I'm caught between keep the cast small and get more Intelligence family time/backstories that I've been hoping for for years at this point or bring new people in.
I think they should push Trudy in more, Voight needs someone he knows a lifetime like what he had with Al.
Bring back Mouse and have someone not quite full cop and with different perspectives but with history with the group
Make Kevin, Adam and Kim detectives dammit!! And I don't want it mentioned in passing I want full on study sessions and full uniform graduation thing
The way they handled Jay divorcing Hailey is abysmal (even if I didn't quite agree with their marriage in the first place. Please don't come at me Upstead fans, they married to get out of testifying against each other??) But Jay is loyal to a fault and wouldn't leave to become a better person and then break Hailey on purpose??
I love found families! Can Trudy and Mouch take in a teenage girl? Would love to see hard ass/sweet Trudy
Bring back patrol maybe?
What about Kim's niece Zoe? What age is she? Old enough to want to become a cop perhaps? Like they did with Kylie in Chicago Fire, have someone grow on the show and show the progression
Can Voight and Chapman secretly date and the unit have an investigation white board to solve whether they are dating or not?!
Noah is now Noah Voight, I will not take questions on this
Ugh I just want more family Intelligence time please
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flamingbluepanda · 1 year
Cam watches Shameless UK (so you don't have to)
Oh yeah it's happening. There's 11 seasons. 10 episodes each. Gonna tag them all with CWSUK so if you're not interested blacklist that.
I'm also gonna do some tldr stats because these are gonna get long every time I think and I doubt people will want to read all my ramblings.
Similarity to shameless US: 97%
Did we see Mickey in this episode? No
McAvoy count: 5
Who was the main Gallagher this episode? Fiona
Who was MY favorite character this episode? Liam
Frank speeches: 2
Anyway, ONWARD!
Season 1 Episode 1
They warn you so many times about the mature content on channel 4 lmao
They keep Carl bald so his hair doesnt stand on end. He looks like a demon sorry Carl.
I wouldn't trust this version of Ian with a single thing.
You need subtitles with this show. Need em.
I've heard that a lot of the plot is the same, but we're starting strong with Karen Jackson lmao
Oh Veronica is here!!! Can't wait to see her
Vee is blonde. And white. Liam is also white. This is like a fascinating science experiment
I love this version of jimmy Steve more than American jimmy Steve
Okay I still don't trust this version of Ian but he has HUGE eyes
Awww no okay he's just a beby I trust him I take it back baby I'm sorry he's crying lip look what you did
Carl STILL looks like a demon
No Kevin yet .....
There's Kev!! He has a gold chain and short hair.
Instead of the infamous fridge calender, they have a big ole pinboard.
Oh damn jimmy Steve is a smooth talker
I was gonna make a joke about all those graphic scene warnings being just for kissing but then they cut to the sezys
LIL BABEY LIAM IS REALLY CUTE and he told Jimmy Steve to go away as his first line. Im obsessed with him favorite character.
Lmao all her siblings watching jimmy Steve get in his car and judging
Hi Frank. You scare me more than William Macy does.
I appreciate channel 4 using different subtitle colors for different characters talking. Makes it easy to track whos talking and I love it
There has been no k*sh so far and I am hoping and praying he never shows up
At least lip told Ian he was taking him to see Karen in this version.
rip Ian he looks so unhappy.
Everyone is so freckled in this show.
"HES GONNA KILL HIM!" *Music pauses, thump* "he's killed him 0-0" Karen sounds horrified
Okay I'm coming around to Ian and lip they're such dumbasses.
Other than his infamous opening speech Frank hasn't spoken yet
Apparently instead of clowns Eddie Jackson collects owls
Ugh noooooo please no kash nooooooooooooooooooo please just let him be a dick don't make them fuck pleaseeeeee
Frank STiLL hasn't talked and it's creepy as shit
Nvm he talked
I miss joan cusack
Ugh nooooo dammit where's Mickey do I have to wait I'll episode 3 to see him
At least Ian's not doing army shit ig
Debbie has had a single line telling Liam to go to bed.
Okay seriously jimmy Steve needs to stop winning my heart when I know he's gonna be a turd again.
Nvm Debbies had two lines
Three lines for Debbie!!
They show us a lil snippy of bloopers after the credits lmao.
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kriimhild · 3 years
I would like to answer @abugeatbugworld's questions
1, 3, 5, 11
1. My favorite character overall
This won't be too surprising, as I like antagonists in movies. My favourite is Hopper. I inherently love Kevin Spacey's work, even if I consider him a piece of garbage as a human being.
Hopper is an antagonist with no supernatural abilities. He's one of the most human-centric Pixar characters, as he can only rely on his strength, charisma and brutality. There is a reason this character is dangerous.  Simple, yet amazing. A true leader with a way with words. Sound familiar? 
3. My favorite scene
I love physical and mental torture, action and fear. (Yes, that's me.) So one of my liked parts is the confrontation at the end of the film when Flik stands up for the honor of the ants, and the chase.
But my MOST favorite part is when I get to see Hopper's true, killer nature at the bird's nest. Flik is aware that he's too small and weak to take on Hopper, so he relies on his wits and tries to scream and make so much noise that the bird wakes up. It gives me a pleasant thrill to know that Hopper would indeed be the antagonist I wanted him to be if he hadn't been disturbed by the bird. 
5. My first memory involving this movie
I was 3, and my first thought was: GOD DAMMIT, the grasshoppers are so fucking cool! And the ants are soooo cute.
(I’m not sure about that, but if I remember correctly, Slim was my crush for a long time before Hopper XD)
11. The character I'm most like  
I think I've already written that Hopper is my favourite, but I'll move on to the others.
Hopper's great weakness is that he thinks he's smarter than everyone else. I'm glad Flik was the one who finally surpassed him. I love that he has a bit of a feminine streak, is perpetually moving, and does what he sets out to do. Unlike many people, I don't think he's clumsy at all, because then he wouldn't be able to create working inventions. Think about it, which of his inventions hasn't worked? Exactly. They all worked. The fake bird was set on fire by P.T., and the harvester had no problems. The problem is the boy is careless. It's the imperfect but brilliant dynamics that I love about him.
Atta made a lot of mistakes though and technically she is a murderer herself. It was the council who recommended Flik's departure and she agreed. Which of course I understand, as the absence of one ant is not the end of the world. Ants are also surprisingly cruel. But Atta openly apologized to Flik and tried to make amends, which is a significant plus for me. And she was the one who stood up to Hopper without a second thought afterwards to defend him. And that made her a true queen. Because every ant is important.
I also consider Thorny a pleasant character. Well, that's not entirely true, because he's got a pretty tough demeanor, but that's what I like about him. He's smart, tough, and because he's short, I sympathise with him. I like Francis for similar reasons.
Dot will be a wonderful queen one day, or at least a sub-queen. I don't think I need to explain why I like her.
If I ever have a Doberman, I'll name him Thumper.
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princebugs · 5 years
A meeting with Niles.
Quivering digits rub and scratch at the back of his own neck, goosebumps rising as his eyes shift from corner to corner. He swallows, the nervous lump in his throat dissipating for only mere moments before quickly arising once more. His movements remain shaky, and shifty. He feels nervosa creeping up his spine leisurely, causing his hyperactivity to skyrocket. Remaining still is no easy task.
The male can almost discern a feeling of eyes on the back of his brunette tresses, watching him from the shadowed corner of the room. Perhaps a figure is awaiting the perfect time to pounce on the human and rip his throat out, at a pace fast enough that he wouldn't scream--- no one would hear his death. He whips his head in that direction, his heart pounding against his chest.
Cue a sigh of relief.
It's just dust. It's just dust, Gavin. Can't hurt you. Maybe fuck with your allergies a bit, but it won't hurt you. You're probably just crazy, like your uncle Kevin--- he still lives in that shed, right? Still talking about those damned 'creatures of the night', hiding in there with a shotgun with hopes that he'll be the one to kill 'em.
Maybe you'll be like that soon, if these delusions go any farther.
A sound of a doorknob clicking interrupts his thoughts and causes the male to jump in his seat, right forearm raising in a defensive manner before realizing that it was only his new therapist, clad in a black turtleneck and black pants.
When did he get here?
Gavin briefly takes a glance down at himself, and is just a slight bit pissed at himself for not dressing nicer.
If this was anything but a therapy session where Gavin would have to speak openly about his mental problems, he would have dressed better. He didn't see the point of wearing something appealing when it was just therapy, and his therapist was most likely going to be some old man or young female that he didn't need to impress.
Sadly for him, the male was definitely not an old man. He looked, roughly, around Gavin's age--- yet he had the sort of timeless face that could pass for a nineteen-year-old. The turtleneck's sleeves were pushed up to his elbows. Gavin usually considers turtlenecks "phckin' ugly" but this guy has changed the definition for him.
And he was overwhelmingly pale. Did he never go outside?
Lesson learned. Wear cute clothes EVERYWHERE.
“Mr. Reed?“ A voice brings Gavin out of his train of thought, and he notices that the male is no longer standing, and is, in fact, sitting right in the position ahead of him, with his head tilted in slight concern as well as confusion.
“Shit, ah,“ Gavin struggles to push away his thoughts for the time being, his nails scratching at the back of his neck as he awkwardly laughs half-heartedly. “Yeah, yeah. That's me, alright.“
The therapist merely emits a soft chuckle, though his mind seems to be elsewhere. He doesn't know for sure, but he thinks that he's making a mental note of some sort--- probably from his behavior. This feels almost like a job interview, and that makes Gavin straighten out his back and lock eye-contact with the male across from him, his cerulean optics now gazing into steel hues. This, however, prompts another brief snicker from him.
“This isn't a professional setting, Mr. Reed. You can sit however you see fit; it is better that you feel comfortable while we converse with one another.“
Gavin's brows furrow together in exiguous uncertainty--- this man spoke like he was reading from a college art essay. Though he said it wasn't professional, it almost felt like it was; like Gavin was being judged for every single movement he followed through with.
It was almost as if he was being ordered to feel more comfortable, which is the most awkward thing ever. It puts on pressure, and makes the situation even more uncomfortable. Nonetheless, Gavin leans back, slouching a modest amount whilst placing his elbows on the back of the couch he sat upon. He stared ahead with half-lidded eyes, and his therapist was studying his body language the entire time.
Gavin would consider this creepy, but it's alright because it's his therapist.
“I'm Dr. Anderson, but you can just refer to me as Niles,“ His therapist--Niles-- begins, his nimble fingers picking up a set of reading glasses and placing them on his visage for a few moments to seemingly read Gavin's file, then setting both the glasses and the file down on the table in front of him. “How about you tell me why you set this urgent appointment with me, hm?“
His voice was smooth, like velvet draped across pale skin. It brought chills down Gavin's back. Compared to how coarse and rough Gavin's voice was, Niles' voice was soothing.
Calm down, dude. This isn't a therapy session for questioning your sexuality. Reply to his question, fucknut!
“Yeah, sure, sure. Uh, where do I fuckin' start?“ Again, Gavin laughs to release some tension, and when the room is silent, he coughs. And continues. “Hah, erm... well, I've been having these weird delusions and feelings of someone watching me. Paranoia, or whatever. I can't sleep, either.“
The concept of therapy wasn't really Gavin's thing; the idea of sharing all of his thoughts with another person was just plain idiotic, in his opinion. He'd much rather keep his feelings to himself, but since his mother called him out of the blue and informed him that she had scheduled an appointment with an "experienced therapist with good reviews" (which sounded shady as hell) because she was worried.
Truth is, he couldn't blame her for being worried. He had shut himself in his apartment, and wasn't even going to work the majority of the time. And when he did go to work, he only got sent home because he continuously kept falling asleep at his desk. Probably because he doesn't feel the eyes on him as he sleeps at work.
“Interesting,“ Niles bobbed his cranium in confirmation, his weight now leaning back as he crosses his arms over one another. He always seems like he is analyzing Gavin in some way.
Weird as fuck.
“So, perhaps you could be having some sort of stalker, or PTSD from something happening to you in the pa--“
“No, no. It's not like that.“
Niles seems suddenly interested and more inclined to listen, his head once again now tilted to the side in curiosity as his brows raise upwards. “Oh?“
Gavin gulped--- the aura that this guy gave off was intimidating as hell, and it was difficult to trust him. “Yeah, like... if it was something like that, then wouldn't I feel some sort of recognition kind of thing? Stalkers are usually people that the person knows personally or knew personally, and PTSD... don't think that's applicable to this situation. I don't think it's that.“
“If it was PTSD, then it wouldn't feel so... so...“ He struggled to search and find the correct vocabulary, the right words-- it was on the tip of his tongue. His eyebrows knit together in comprehension, irises looking down at the couch as he--
Niles' tone is almost demanding in generality; it causes Gavin to shudder and almost cower in fear. Momentarily, he remembers how stern his father's voice was, how it terrified him to his core. Fear can make anyone curl in on themselves.
Gavin nods his head, his grey-blue hues now gazing out the large-sized window located directly to his left, watching as doves fly away. “Y-- yeah. Real. I've experienced PTSD before, and it's nothing like that, at least not this time. It's inhuman, almost. Like... like someone, some thing is going to pounce on me at any second. I don't feel safe in my apartment by myself. Hah, I even had a little moment in here before you got here--- thought something was in the corner.“
His therapist only stares, bobbing his head every now and then as a way to show that he was listening. Though, it didn't seem like it. It was as if he already knew everything that Gavin was saying. He identifies a sudden feeling of recognition--- one that chills Gavin to his very core.
“I, uh--- have I met you before?“ The detective leans forward now, setting his elbows on his knees. He can feel the shadows under his eyes growing deeper-- is that normal? How long had it been since he had slept? Gavin's calloused phalanges weave through his brunette locks, then gripping them tightly. “God, I must be going crazy. Of course, I haven't seen you anywhere--- what am I thinking? Turnin' into Uncle Kev-- I've been seein' shit that just isn't there. It's probably just sleep deprivation, and this therapy session won't do anything, I'm just wastin' my ti--“
“Here, walk with me outside,“ His incoherent rambling is cut short by Niles' request.
Gavin's pate raises upwards, catching sight of the therapist's outstretched palm, reaching for him. Motioning for Gavin to take his hand. His eyes lock with Niles.
“Wowza! Hand-holding? At least take me out to dinner first, eh?“ Gavin internally slaps himself. Meanwhile, Niles just rolls his eyes. Not in an annoyed way--- in an amused manner. Phew, Gavin didn't scare away his therapist.
“Come on, you said that being in here made you have a little 'fit' as well, right? Perhaps being out instead of holed inside your apartment will make you feel better, in some fashion?“
Gavin ponders about his next move, though it didn't seem much like a request at this point. Niles just seemed like he was politely ordering him to go outside. Reluctantly, he places his tan-colored hand in Niles' pale palm, letting his hand envelop over Gavin's and pull him up to his feet abruptly.
They meandered around the perimeter of the building for several moments, neither of them uttering a single word the duration of their walk. Gavin wasn't particularly skilled at breaking the ice when it came to long periods of silence similar to this; he would usually make it worse, actually. Saying something that would be so unexpected that it catches the recipient off-guard, or something that just makes the air between them extremely awkward all of the sudden.
Eventually, Gavin can't stand it anymore. He coughs to clear his throat up, his hand clenching into a fist for him to cough into for a few moments before scratching at the back of his neck again, and again.
“So, like, you have any family around this area, or are you new to Detroit?“
Greaaat question, Gavin. What if he has no family, and you just brought up shitty memories? GOOD GOIN', PRICK.
Niles hums. “I am relatively new here, but my brother lives here with me. You probably saw him whilst walking around the building, yes? Shorter than me, brown eyes?“
Gavin recalls seeing someone who fit that description. “Yeah, that's your brother?“
“Indeed, he is. He's... a little brat sometimes, prefers to do his own thing, but he's still family. We had to move rather abruptly due to some... sudden consequences of our actions, I suppose. Nothing for you to worry about.“
That bewildered Gavin, but he decided not to press further.
Luckily, Niles kept the conversation going. If the silence began once more, Gavin thought he could die.
“You mentioned an uncle earlier?“
Right, during his ramble.
“Yeah, hahah--- Uncle Kevin. He's like, the weird family member, y'know? The one who lives in a shed with a shotgun--- claiming that he'll prevent the apocalypse by killing the bloodsuckers, or something like that,“ Gavin laughs at this, yet Niles is silent.
“How peculiar. Bloodsuckers, you say?“ Niles inclines his head towards Gavin, his arms remaining behind his back as he walked. “What do you think of that?“
Gavin's face scrunches up, emitting a confused noise before sighing softly, remembering that this was a therapy session after all. “I dunno, man. Frankly, I think the idea of vampires existing is stupid as fuck, actually. Like, wasn't it just a myth, or fairytale? Or something like that. Nonetheless, it's hella dumb, and I don't believe in it one bit. If I ever saw a vampire in front of my face, I'd probably call it ugly and scream.“
Niles does laugh at this. “Be careful about what you say, Mr. Reed, you never know who, or what, might be listening.“
The way he said this caused shivers to go down Gavin's back. He sneered at Niles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and emitting a disgruntled huff. “Don't even joke about that shit, man. I mean, I may find it funny, but the way you say that shit just makes me feel hella uneasy.“
“What if I told you that you should be feeling uneasy right now, Gavin?“ Niles' tone is almost playful, like a cat playing with its prey before chomping down on it.
Gavin just emits a confused noise in return. “Huh?“ He should be feeling uneasy? Why is that such a... weird statement to make?
“I'm just messing with you-- a mere jest. Everyone feels uneasy with their new therapist; that's a sign that you're normal, Gavin.“
Exhaling a soft suspire of relief. “See, when you're all serious like that all the time, I can't even tell the difference between the real seriousness and the fake. That's what makes me feel uneasy.“
“That's how life really is, though. No one can distinguish reality from dream, but we believe that we can. How sure are you right now that you are in reality? At this exact moment, do you know if I am real, or a figment of your imagination?“ The taller male stops in his tracks, and Gavin struggles to stammer out his reply.
Gavin turns his head to Niles.
“I-- I'm totally freaked right now, dude. You're gettin' all... weird. How the fuck did we go from talkin' about vampires to--- this??“
“Gavin. Keep your windows unlocked at night, okay? It's extremely difficult for someone to break a window in a quiet manner. And it just becomes a hassle to clean up later on...“
What the fuck?
Gavin has no time to respond, Niles speeds up and just walks away with a mere wink and a smirk with relatively sharp canine teeth for a human. Remarkably, Niles had no shadow. Weird, weird, weird. Everything about Niles was weird and unexplainable.
Gavin is left on the pavement outside the building with no one around him, awkwardly standing there. He didn't know where to go. Should he follow Niles? No, no--- Gavin didn't want to be around him anymore.
He must look pathetic, wanting to run away and cry to his mother about what had just occurred--- but he'll do it nonetheless.
There was only one thing that Gavin knew from his first and last encounter with his therapist.
He's locking the windows.
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okay but the funniest bit about this episode for me specifically is that my draft chapter for 7ofSwords has a Final Resting Place flashback where Nureyev's trying to get Juno reasonably patched up so they can leave the tomb and has to scold him for dry-swallowing some painkillers. so the canon revelation that he has personally pulled that same shit in his feckless youth?? just made that scene like eight times funnier
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