#this is only PARTLY serious btw not fully
tsunochizu · 1 year
take a break if you need to!! we can wait
Consider: no
Either chapter tonight or am not sleeping >:[
I gotta be on schedule its good for the company /j
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curufiin · 4 months
*latches onto your arm*
please tell me more about your curufin headcanons i need curufin content please 🙏
i see you also enjoy your curufinrods so i will send some your way :3
i hc that they’re born in literally the exact same year. toyed around with him being younger actually but decided same birth year would be cute. curufin is like a week older than finrod but they functionally have the same birthday lmfao
the friendship was a little weird when they were kids, AKA finrod has a much more relaxed view on life and friends and doesn’t take everything nearly as seriously as curufin does. curufin actually went through a period where he found finrod insufferable (see curvo’s diary)
curufin REALLY doesn’t like turgon btw. only because he thought turgon was trying to replace him as finrod’s friend
i think curufin fully realized his weird romantic feelings towards finrod basically before he had celebrimbor. he’s very reluctant about marriage imo, partly because he’s not attracted to women but also because he didn’t really want a kid, so add his crush on top of finrod and you have a giant disaster
they didn’t really have a serious relationship while on aman, the most they did is probably sneaking out at night and maybe kissing
in nargothrond though. oh man. ohhh man (THEY ARE FUCKING)
finrod imo falls in and out of love super easily, and he falls especially hard for people he’s close to. so when curufin shows up again looking worse than ever, you bet finrod immediately went i can fix him
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years
I’m dying at all these people and gossip sites (that clearly post fan and shipper submissions) trying to say he is gay. I went and looked back on their posts about Harry for several years. One said back in 2019 he will use she/her pronouns… all because he worse a skirt or something (sounded a tad homophobic too) but they all say things like “this famous ex boyband A-lister was seen with his girlfriend while his real life male partner was with them in secret” - all these types of things are posted again and again when he has been seen out with women for the last 11 years. One said this when him and Olivia where in Italy in the summer and I’m like “where was this male lover then?” He was seen with no one only Olivia and Alessandro and his friends that live in Italy, then they all followed Olivia which is something Alessandro hadn’t done with Harry’s past relationships. The fact he was with his family and her in Italy over Christmas with 2 grainy pictures and no media coverage of it sells me they are the real deal. I don’t get it. If they have been saying he is gay with proof and all these people know he has a male side peace then why hasn’t any evidence ever come out? It’s the same crap year after year. People that were secretly dating a person of the same sex over the many many years of Hollywood were outed as soon as there was evidence. If there was proof he was on multiple dates with men or was on holidays with them alone like Richard madden or his two boyfriends he has had and they were papped and spotted together for months plus lived together I would think Harry might have dated these men. But no one can ever give a description of these male lovers or names. Hollywood and gossip sites don’t care about how bad it is to out someone if they know for a fact their inside scoop is real, they make huge money and that’s all that matters. The only examples people use are Louis (bull crap), Nick (who has said it didn’t happen and made nick himself uncomfortable and Harry and him never addressed it, plus that would be the only rumour of a male interest I could believe tbh) then there is Xander (who had a girlfriend/fiancé when he was hanging with Harry plus a long time Girlfriend currently who btw follows Olivia and I think some people said they all hung out last year in LA. Then there is the whole Snapchat group sex thing with fans and multiple times him and Harry hooked up with women. Xander on his private account also follows Olivia like why are all these family and firmed s that are close to him and her family and friends follow them if they are not real?). Look at that girl on the bachelor who had a date with Harry. That girl who was Nicole branch or was related to her (honestly forgot the name and can’t keep straight who Harry has been heavily linked to) who Harry was hooking up with, laughing at how he screwed her over for Olivia and she got petty and posted that fisherman hat picture in bed. I just don’t get that he has secretly dated a man for months or years and yet not been caught out, no matter how sly you are at some point in 11+ years you would definitely be caught out. It’s happened to every closeted celebrity if they are really gay. There would be some proof especially with stalkers and paps and insiders who spill to the press with hard facts for some serious cash. Someone would have outed him fully if there was proof. 🤷‍♀️. Plus someone on gossiprry who lives in Hampstead said even though they partly believe Harry and Olivia are PR die to the press, she did see first hand Olivia around Harry’s home a lot and other people would see them out and about. So she was definitely there more than we think. If he is anything but straight Hollywood crazed people who want everyone to be secretly gay need to understand he can have fun but that doesn’t mean he has or will date a man. If there is anyone here that can give me solid proof or evidence Harry has been with a man or linked to anyone other than the men his fans want him to be with please let me know. All their blinds are fan fiction and read like it too.
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
@daydreamreality okay this post just got so long that I figured I should start a new thread 😂
But omg yes to all of it!! I think the main source of conflict within the label would be Paris’ success focus versus Lane and Jess’ creative integrity focus. I honestly think Paris would end up giving her role to Lane after interviewing a sea of candidates, and Lane then sharing that role with another professional (possibly a Truncheon guy like you said) that Paris has vetted and approved of. I am so bitter about Lane’s AYITL life and can think of so many ‘realistic’ jobs for her that would be better: producing, teaching, community organizer, music shop owner, music bar owner, small record label owner, working in a music magazine, working as a sound technician for a venue, managing a venue, owning a concert venue, running a festival, working at a festival, part time combo of any of these- I honestly could go on and on. So this AU is partly an opportunity for me to yell about her actually getting to work with music as a bandmember and possible producer.
I’d like the Truncheon guys to get introduced through Jess. Once Paris and Rory are in Yale he needs to find part time work to pay rent and keep busy, and he finds Matt and Chris. At one point all six of them meet up and they go from light socialising to making serious business propositions in less than an evening. I really like the idea of Jess as a creative promoter/director because it would allow him to utilize his inventive prankster side and combine it with his love of rock music. I still feel like he’d be sporadic writer as I headcanon Jess as using writing as a form of self-therapy (which he then publishes because the others implore him to and f*ck it why not), but his main job would be working with the label. Your idea of Truncheon and the label becoming one is genius btw! That way Jess can still be connected to Truncheon and Rory’s work with writing will still be connected to her groupie/manager roots.
I see both Rory and Jess writing books inspired by their experience that summer and overall. Jess probably writes one first and specifically about that first summer tour. It’s only semi-biographical or loosely inspired by the events, but it’s still pretty clear for those who know him that the events that inspired the book were really important to him and came at a point in his life where he really needed them. The book doesn’t do well at first but over the years it becomes a cult favourite for music fans and indie literature lovers alike. Rory first writes about the experience for college applications (like Paris) and realizes through that personal essay and her studies that she wants to combine her love of writing and music. Her book(s?) about the quartet are fully autobiographical and lay out both factual details, societal contexts and personal anecdotes. It’s basically her excuse to write a well written gush over her friends. The book does really well and helps promote the label/platform.
I don’t think Paris would continue as a label owner after leaving the Hep Alien-Truncheon platform, but move onto law fully. I think she would mostly be a lawyer for non-music cases, but whenever the platform needs legal advice she’s the one they call. She’s also their lawyer because of course she would never let the platform go completely.
As for early days: I’m just imagining so much chaos. That summer tour is 99% tiny shitty venues in small towns across the US, and the entourage sleeps in motels and weird B&Bs. Brian has a panic attack every ten minutes. Zack is trying and failing at being a bad boy bandmember (aka the diva who gets away with it because of musical talent). Paris keeps asking inappropriate questions to everyone, from band members to Rory and Jess to random audience members in the concerts. Jess has to disappear for two hours every once in a while because being this close to other people so suddenly is a shock to his system. Rory, Lane and Dave take turns alternating between meltdowns and damage control. It’s the best summer they’ve all had so far.
Between then and college is when I imagine the label starts. Hep Alien gets record label offers at the end of the summer and Paris goes into business mode. Once in college the Truncheon merger happens and new memories form around late night zine-editing right before the print deadline, slightly bigger concert gigs, messy talent scouting and Jess making the weirdest promotion tactics for both Hep Alien and the label — and those tactics working incredibly well.
Honestly there’s so much potential with this AU because there’s so much potential with these characters and their dynamics period.
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miracloud · 5 years
always been with you
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han seungwoo x reader (ft. hypeman byungchan)
friends to lovers
fluff with slight angst
There he is again. Laughing in front of you while holding another woman’s hand. Of course, you laugh with them without knowing what was the joke. 
This has been the third woman he had introduced to you.
“y/n, this is h/n, my girlfriend. h/n, this is y/n, my bestfriend.”
He claimed that since you are his bestfriend, you have to approve of his girlfriend. Seriously, it is a ridiculuos idea to you. He’s introducing them as girlfriend already and that means you don’t have a say on it.
Seungwoo has been with you for years and at that time, you did not worry about other women. Soon, whenever you walked with him on the corridors of your school, you have noticed the stares coming from women.
You know that you have fallen for him long before but you did not rush in confessing. You have seen him as a charming goof ball and you thought, no one will fall for him.
After realizing those stares, you have observed Seungwoo secretly. He has a handsome face, a perfect physique, and a sweet smile. You mentally facepalmed. Of course, women will fall for him.
 After the date where you have participated as the third-wheel, you have received a message from him.
hey, how did you find her? she’s pretty and nice right?
* yup. she is. you have chosen well but you could have chosen me
i knew it. thanks for coming with us. good night ~
The next morning, you met with Byungchan, a friend you have met through Seungwoo. You arrived earlier than him and ordered breakfast first. While waiting for your order, he came in while jokingly stomping his feet. You laughed.
“That hyung got a new girlfriend, right? We were supposed to play this game but he ditched me ‘cause his new girlfriend doesn’t like shooting games. By the way, where were you yesterday?”
“I was with them and ate dinner. He needs an audience.”
“Argh~ how come he is so dense? I would support you being his girlfriend, you know? And you would definitely play online games with us.”
“Okay, quit rambling and order your food. I will not wait for you once mine will be served.”
He called the waitress and ordered. After a while, your order came and a few more minutes, his order also arrived. You have enjoyed the breakfast while sharing funny stories.
You later spent time to play online games with him so he can rambling about it. You are not the best player and he knew it but he simply wants a company.
 When you went back home, you have posted pictures from the cafe and his house on instagram. A few seconds passed and you have received a dm from Seungwoo.
you traitors!
hahaha. seem like you are busy so we went ahead and had some fun without you.
i will scold byungchan once i see him.
well, you should also get ready. he was rambling because you ditched him yesterday.
oh right. wait, h/n is here. talk to you later.
And there he goes again. Leaving you hanging.
You were walking along the corridors with Byungchan when you heard his voice. He went running to you after letting go of h/n’s hand. I hate it when he does that. It makes me feel more important. He placed his arm on your shoulders. You knew how it looks like to his girlfriend so you pushed his arm away and pulled Byungchan’s arm. Byungchan just shook his head. He knew what was on your mind so he just let you be.
At some point, you knew you were partly responsible for his previous breakups. Of course, you did not do anything outside of your boundaries but his previous two girlfriends had been looking at you with such despise whenever you meet them. You don’t want to happen it again.
Seungwoo was left standing there when his girlfriend also left him. It was the first of their many fights. When they have a misunderstanding, he would share it to your GC. Byungchan and you learned to ignore his messages later on. 
Their relationship did not last long, just like his previous relationships. Both you and Byungchan received a message from him one night. You visited him in his apartment and you were welcomed with the strong smell of alcohol. You looked at Byungchan. Here we go again~
He was a mess that night. There were no third parties. They realized their differences and decided to separate since there were no solutions.
Before the night ended, he promised that he will not jump to a relationship without fully knowing the person and you and Byungchan nodded.
Seungwoo exactly did that. It has already been a year and he is still single. Byungchan is definitely happy since his hyung is spending more time with him. That also applies to you. You finally feel like everything’s fine and normal again but ...there was this one time when he was staring at you for no reason. You asked him a couple of times that night if he wanted to say something but he just gently shook his head.
You didn’t mind it much since it only happened that night.
wanna hang out?
You looked at the notification on your phone. It’s from Seungwoo.
sure. byungchan has new games btw. i’ll tell him we’ll hang out in his house.
i only want to hang out with you.
You stared at your phone for some time. Is there something wrong?
is something wrong?
nothing. just come 
He opened the door the moment you knocked. It almost seem like he’s waiting for you by the door. He greeted you with a smile. He led you to the living room and you saw that it was set up for your usual movie night. Oh god. Why did he have to sound so serious when he just wanted to watch a movie?
You turned your feet to face him but he was too close, too close that you felt his breath. You immediately moved backwards.
“W-why are you so close? And you should have just told me that it’s movie night. I thought something happened to you.”
“Why? Are you worried?”, he replied with a smirk.
“O-obviously. I’m always worried”, you replied without looking at him. You sat at your usual spot and he followed and sat beside you.
He played the movie and you noticed that he was closer to you than usual. You scooted a little to your side.
“Why is Byungchan not invited?”, you asked not looking away from the screen.
“He’s on a date.” You looked at him immediately.
“What?! And I was not informed?!”
“I’m going to tease that guy once I see him”, you added.
“How about you? When will you start dating?”, he asked. You were taken aback. It’s the first time that he showed interest on your love life.
“Probably never”, you replied blandly.  He laughed. 
“Because I’m not looking at you?”
“Hah? W-w-where the hell did you get that confidence, Han Seungwoo?!”, you responded while internally wishing that you are not blushing.
He brought out his phone while seemingly looking for something. He stopped scrolling and momentarily smiled. He gently placed his phone on your hand. He placed his head on his hand and gestured you to look at the phone. You did.
You panicked upon seeing the screenshot. It’s a picture of your conversation with Byungchan.
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“T-that’s edited”, and you faked a laugh. You pushed the phone back to him and stood up. You grabbed your bag and walked away. Before you can get far, he held your wrist, turned you around, and gently placed his lips on yours. Everything moved slowly and all you can think about is the kiss. He looked at you for a moment and he find your shocked face cute. He smiled before kissing you again. This time, he moved and led you to do the same. You relaxed and brought your hands to his shoulders while he did the same to your lower end of your back. 
“When did you know?”, you asked.
“Hmm.. last month? Byungchan is getting impatient that nothing’s happening so he showed me that conversation.”
“Why did you not mention it to me earlier?”
“I don’t want to make the same mistake again. I don’t want to jump into a relationship with you if I’m not fully sure. And I don’t want that to be the cause of a broken friendship.”
“So I’m formally asking you if you want me to be your boyfriend?”, he asked. He confidently said it but you can see the nervousness in his eyes.
You giggled and gave him a nod.
He hugged you tightly.
“I’m so stupid for not looking at you earlier. This.. feels right with you”, he whispered. 
Later that night, you shared the news to Byungchan and both of you laughed with his reply.
a/n: this is my first story for produce x 101 trainees/ victon. expect to read more stories in the future :) hope you liked it.
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fanseries-trashcan · 5 years
what are some of your fave Precure fanseries?? It can be from anywhere, tumblr, wattpad, etc.
You enabled me……….. to ramble……………………………………………………..these are in no particular order because they keep changing but here are some of my absolute faves that I fully reccomend! links are included! >wO ————- Mythical Pretty Cure! by Nexus_Schwarz! I mean since a lot of my blog’s content is stuff for this series… it’s probably no suprise that it’s one of my favorites hehehe. It has some awesome ideas and themes, mixing knights with mythical creatures, and a cool story hidden underneath! It hasn’t been updated in a while but fear not! The author is trying to touch it up with some (relatively small) revisions and plans to continue writing soon!
favorite character is Jasmine/Cure Garuda … she’s my daughter……. a literal birb brain————-Immortal Friendship Pretty Cure by twistedtexas (or Mattie) is without a doubt one of my faves! The cast is incredibly likable, and their simple but strong friendship together is just so pure! I love that all the Cures name themselves after what they want to be! Although… it lures you in with cuteness, but the latest few chapters made me a sad crying egg. Cure Honest is best girl. She’s beautiful, and I want her to get all the hugs ;v;; ————- Mystic Tale Pretty Cure by Snow__Drop has such a strong start so far! The author’s writing breathes life into every character and scene, and it takes the characters’ issues and development very serious, which is incredibly interesting to see! I love the idea of the Older Cures, and how they basically reside inside the newer Cures. It’s such an interesting concept, and it’s used to its fullest potentional so far!Btw!!! Piripiri is best!!!! O 3 O!!!————- Interstellar! Pretty Cure by Isurani (though it’s also sorta a collab in a way with multiple other people) is also one of my faves! The story throws you in for a loop constantly, but it still manages to make me care about basically all the characters. They all seem so full of life and emotions. The story can be a bit dark, but, to me, it never reaches that “EDGY GRIMDARK” level. Everything works, and helps the characters grow and become stronger!Best character is Sollari~ They baby!! I’d die for them.  ————- Friendly Pretty Cure by SingMeloetta is definitely worth checking out. The characters are all very likable and fun and the author’s growth through the chapters is fantastic! And it makes the while story shine even more for me. It’s not just seeing the characters’ story, but the author’s as well. The story starts out relatively simple, but becomes more and more interesting with each chapter.Shion/Cure Laugh is best girl… even if she doesn’t think so…  ————- Fairytale Pretty Cure by SAYKokoro is amazing!! It captures the feeling of Precure very well and the story takes some very wild turns, especially a certain twist (sorta) concerning the lead cure, Imari, and a thing about the main mascot Bukku. I love the idea of the fairytale puppets they use to attack as well! Very creative use of the theme!Best character is Thames! I want him to be happy ;v; ————- Delicious! Toyland Pretty Cure by HikariIno is a very fun read! I would say this series is very sweet (pun only partly intended), and there’s a lot of fun stuff to like. The theme of being considered odd or weird and feeling like you don’t belong is very nice!! I love that that’s the thing that brings the Cures together. The story is not really super deep or super intense, but it doesn’t have to be! It’s great at what it does and is very pleasant to read. It’s clear the author has fun with it too!Amakusa is top tier. He’s absolutely hilarious!  ————- So sorry for a w h o l e ESSAY but that’s basically what happens when im allowed to talk about fanseries >wfeel free to add onto this with your favorite fanseries, people! I’d love to know!
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