#this is rather unbelievable
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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MDZS Disco Elysium AU part 2 - Psyche Skills
Part 1 - Part 3
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#disco elysium#MDZS disco elysium au#jiang cheng#jiang yanli#yu ziyuan#While it's more in vogue to draw a character's skill roster tailored to them -#One of the more subtle details I love in DE is how some of the skill portraits parallel character portraits of people hbd associates with.#Theres somethine rather poetic to be said about how other people shape out thoughts and sometimes act as a 'voice' in our head.#How we are in part a collection of impressions other people left behind on us.#I am a huge Skillhead (Those are my friends! My party members! They love me! They have their own agendas and alliances!)#so of course a healthy portion of this AU is dedicated to them <3#the Int skills go basically unchanged from DE. Psy as well (with changes to a few quirks in voice).#Fys skills though...well...wwx is in a different body! Those voices belong to Someone Else.#Esp electrochem (MXY in this AU also partied to near death. WWX is withdrawing and craving substances he's never even heard of before)#While I personally don't fully subscribe to Volition Jean I *do* see Volition Jiang Cheng. The voice of your Not Brother keeping you afloat#All three of these parallels make me unbelievably sad. They are also both purple. Art is like that sometimes.#Empathy Jiang Yanli...oh man do I have a lot of thoughts about her. Disco fans Who Know....you can probably see what I'm cooking.#Authority is a really interesting skill in DE because *yes* its about power and intimidation - but it's also about finesse and respect#Titus Hardie and YZY both abuse *and* finesse how they establish their authority - in a way that leaves quite an impression.#2 more mdzs disco posts that I *need* to create and then I'm off to working on raffles <3
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
what is this intrafandom horrible taste you speak of. please, i must know the gossip
a certain videoludic transformative work of chromatic inclinations really gets on my nerves.
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ghostgirl-ward · 2 months
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not persona. ive been watching precure thats why i havent posted ant art sorry guys
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theamazingannie · 8 months
Love the way people will simultaneously hate on celebrities for voicing opinions about politics because they aren’t educated enough on the topic and also condemn celebrities who don’t speak out about politics when they are clearly not the kind of person who is properly educated on the topic
#like pick a side#maybe the reason global superstar Taylor swift hasn’t spoken out about Palestine is because she is white American global superstar#and not a fucking expert on international politics#this expectation that every single person with the slightest but of a platform#should speak out on every single issue#is so unbelievably harmful#not just to the person who gets hate for no reason and also is expected to emotionally exaust themselves for your personal morality points#but because of all of the celebrities that DO speak out and clearly aren’t educated enough on the issue and spread gross propaganda#to their massive followings#like I’d rather a celebrity stay silent on politics than ruin my perception of them#because they decided to have a public opinion about something that is awful#i don’t need stranger things ruined for me because Noah Schnapp called all Palestinian supporters terrorists#i dont ask the political leanings of the clerk at the grocery store#so why do we expect this of our actors and singers#(and i only brought up Taylor cuz I just saw someone condemning her and it’s so annoying#this happens with every single political event#not everyone can be properly informed on every single issue and it’s wrong to expect them tl#i just want them to sing their silly little songs and act their silly little movies)#if they’re like an outright shitty person I want to know that#but if they’re just dumb and fall to propaganda on an issue that doesn’t affect them then just silently think wrong#and hopefully it’ll give them the chance to silently learn a better way#once they publicly post it they’re more likely to double down when called out#idk just more 2am rants ignore me as you do
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do the animorphs ever see the war effort as a way of procrastinating on homework
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bonyato · 1 year
Absolute highlight of the episode to me btw
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creativenicocorner · 11 months
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Passenger 1: This city blows.  Passenger 2: Big time.  Passenger 1: I mean, whatever. I'm not above living in a former crack house, you know? But, I came here for Janis and the Airplane, not to work at a fucking startup. Passenger 2: Dude, I've been saying for months, let's just move to East LA. This city's dead.  Passenger 1: Nah. Seriously, fuck this city. Jimmie: ’Scuse me? You don't get to hate San Francisco. Passenger 2: I’m sorry, what? Passenger 1: Yeah, dude, I mean...Sorry, but I'll hate what I want. Jimmie: Do you love it? Passenger1: It’s... I mean yeah, I'm here. But do I have to love it? Jimmie: You don't get to hate it unless you love it.
- The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019) dir. Joe Talbot. Screenplay by Jimmie Fails, Joe Talbot, and Rob Richert  
Reblogs, Kudos, and Comments are deeply appreciated ♡
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skincareroutine · 4 months
my favorite genre of tv series always has to involve like a character that has gone thru some form of rape or sa. like idk man it's crazy when i watch them i just instantly relate to them so much like if the actor is good n the writing is well done i can literally like idk how to say this but we have the same train of thoughts our minds work the same way. like the anxiety and urgency that they go thru life like i can smell it on them i know the smell
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raspberryfem · 4 months
every time a big event/award show happens, i'm dismayed at the amount of famous, rich women who are essentially naked. it's not like it's new, of course, but it does seem to have escalated lately. there used to be opaque flesh-colored illusion mesh on more dresses, or there would be cut outs and sheer areas but the breasts and butt would at least be covered! now we're seeing nipples even. doja cat was barely dressed at all at the grammy's last night! there's no way these women are able to let loose and have fun, much less focus on work or appreciating art! ik other women have articulated this issue better than i have, but it's just bothering me terribly rn
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thomas-mvller · 2 years
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Lucas Hernández (50’) Leroy Sané (54’)
FC Bayern München | 2 - 0 | Barcelona ²⁰²²⁻²³ ᵘᵉᶠᵃ ᶜʰᵃᵐᵖᶦᵒⁿˢ ˡᵉᵃᵍᵘᵉ ⁻ ᵍʳᵒᵘᵖ ˢᵗᵃᵍᵉ
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biracy · 1 year
I think it's actually kind of to be expected for a lot of trans people to feel a little iffy in conversations abt "removing the boundaries between cis and trans" bc it is So often something that is used directly against us lmao. Like the whole thing that trans people are "forcing" all the poor gnc cis people who can't think for themselves into mutilating their bodies or "why can't you just be a masculine woman/a feminine man" or "by being trans you're literally saying that masculine = male and feminine = female which means you're actually a conservative who hates women". When a LOT of people talk abt "removing the boundary" they mean removing trans people. There are a LOT of people who are MUCH more comfortable with gnc cis people than they are with trans people (literally regardless of how much we "pass" or whatever btw), so there is a distinction, politically speaking. I DO think that ideally there should be little to no distinction between "cis" and "trans", and I also think that for a very large amount of gnc gay people who still id as cis there IS a very considerable overlap with trans experiences and that is important, worthy of acknowledging, and worthy of solidarity, but also like I don't think it's unreasonable for trans people, a group of people whose existence is extremely threatened right now, who cannot go two fucking seconds without having to hear about people who do NOT want us to be trans, to react a little strongly during conversations abt removing the boundaries that categorize us as trans. In My Opinion.
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illegiblewords · 7 months
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Dungeons and Dragons-related thing! Heroforge updated, so I decided to try my hand at some Abyssal tieflings. From top to bottom gave influence tied to Demogorgon, Pale Night, Yeenoghu, Obox-Ob, Orcus, Pazuzu, Zuggtmoy, Fraz-Urb'luu, Baphomet, Graz'zt, Dagon, and Juiblex.
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jooeeydee · 2 months
We know how Sara Lance likes her coffee, black with lots of sugar! We learn that early on in Legends Season One. You might like your coffee differently and that's fine, so is artistic liberty in matters the show didn't elaborate on but if the show gave us the answer, stick with it. And the shows gave us several people's coffee preferences. Sara drinks it black with two sugars, Oliver likes it black, Felicity drinks a none fat latte with extra sugar (that makes zero sense on a nutrition level) just to name a few. We got the info. So do your research. Use another methaphor. Sorry things like that just really annoy me. But then again, I spend hours working out the smallest detail and researching things like Max Fuller's wife's name...
She doesn't like her coffee bitter, like her relationships and dirty martini, the woman mainly drinks scotch!, like do your research if you use it as something to make a point about a character and their actions.
And Sara was not sleeping with whoever tickled her fancy during her time with the Legends. There were a few choice people she hooked up with but she wasn't sleeping her way through time as so many Avalance people would like to make it out.
And who the hell thinks Ava's sweet while Oliver is bitter? It's like the exact opposite. Oliver's the sweetest person on the planet, Ava is so fucking bitter it's not even funny anymore.
And I don't why I'm over here ranting. Blame it on all the people tagging fics as Canarow simply for mentioning the fact that Sara used to date Oliver. That's a fact, you don't need to tag it that for two sentences.
I swear I get heat for also tagging a Canarrow story Olicity because technically in the story Oliver is with Felicity as in the present but Avalance and Olicity people tag a story Canarrow just because Sara and Oliver having been together is mentioned or they break up in the first chapter and them actually being together is never shown in the story.
Make it make sense and stop tagging your toxic bullshit with my ship! There are so few Canarrow fics out there don't throw your anti-fics in there I don't want to see those toxic ships under my happy tag.
I think I'm done now.
And where are my fellow Canarrow writers at? I sort of want to go through with "there can't be a none Canarrow ship at the top of the Canarrow tag" but I'm one person, my muse is flakey and given the amount of Avalance and Olicity people that are currently falsely tagging their fics Canarrow I will not be able to do that.
Wow this post just turned into something entirely different.
Anyway... I hope everyone has a great day.
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starbuck · 6 days
i think. i am going to take a day off work
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marklikely · 8 months
i feel like im never going to be fully satisfied by any saw sequel (or the fanbase for that matter) bc i dont think the majority of ppl involved read jigsaw the same way i did.
#all these attempts to like humanize and flesh him out just end up totaly misrepresenting him and his goals#no he is not actually trying to improve the world hes a sadistic little man whos angry about dying and coping with it badly#he gets a front row seat to all his games and cuts trophies off his dead victims. bc he likes the violence#he puts people who absolutely DID NOT DESERVE IT (in saw 1 at least) in these elaborate death traps that they overwhelmingly fail to escape#sometimes he puts a completely innocent person in the crossfire (like seriously who is that guy who amanda had to kill to get her key)#hell they explicitly say that guy in the chair trap did nothing wrong he was just dying 'for a greater purpose' to test the trap.#but nobody ever acknowledges all this its just like 'what if we give him depth by saying serial killing isn't so bad'#and it never works and usually ends up with him being unbelievably self impressed and annoying#id honestly rather they explore his 'depth' by just. expanding on him as in denial and wanting revenge#which tbf i thought X was doing a decent job at until the last half hour when they threw the character study away entirely#like just give me a jigsaw who is angry at dying and takes it out on the Living because he has no other outlet. ill accept that.#him killing people who need to go can be like. gory tasteless fun in the sequels but it makes it like.#idk. less satisfying to me? or it just puts this wall up that makes the movies not come together the way the first one does.#avpost#movie diary
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💗accent ask! since i got the exact same ask and i'm curious
oooo accents!! is it bad to say that i love a british accent given that i have one??? if im thinking specific types of british,,, west country, suffolk and yorkshire are my faves. also love love irish, it's my favourite to do impressions of it's very fun to imitate teehee
i do think that's a bit of a basic answer, very trivial, very subjective of course.... i don't know, maybe i prefer being able to glimpse parts of an individual through the way they speak. idioms, catchphrases, small differences in the way they pronounce words which allow a person to become themselves through their language... it's like the way that texting styles become so personalised. all giving me more reasons to love the person
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