#this is ridic i apologize in advance
rhapsodiq · 7 months
from: SIWOO, the fool to: PAKORN, the iron fist — ( @deif1ed )
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as siwoo enters the old world casino, he cannot help but think that this is probably not one of his brightest ideas. he doesn't belong in places like this, nor has he been to them very much, but curiosity rises in his chest at the idea of the mysterious man he met a couple of weeks ago, and that convinces him to stay. plus, he has a tupperware filled with pastries in his bag, the nicer-looking ones that he handpicked, which would be such a shame to waste, considering they are still lukewarm. as he enters the ridiculously tall building, he cannot help but wonder how the hell is he even going to find pakorn in here? finding a needle in a haystack would be easier than this — there are over three hundred floors, and the reception itself is so insanely crowded he keeps getting annoyed stares for standing in one place for too long. after yet another annoyed stare, he moves forward with a deep breath and — to his luck ( and much to his confusion ), when he utters pakorn's name... he's let inside? somehow, the receptionist also knows exactly where pakorn is. before siwoo can contemplate on the implications of this whole ordeal, he is ushered further into the building — though they ask him to leave his bag and his coat at the checkroom due to security reasons. after a ridiculously fast elevator ride ( if he could, he'd ask the schematics ), the operator of the elevator gestures forward for him to move. siwoo does out of obligation, but the flashy lights blind his eyes, the noise of the machines making his movements more urgent as he looks around, trying to spot the other. and much to his surprise and joy — he does, sitting at one of the poker tables in the middle. "pakorn! hey —" siwoo lets out with glee, slipping into the chair next to him, mesmerized by the chips and the speed at which the other plays.
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basiltonpitch · 2 years
getting excited for nhie season 4 bc i'll be getting my girl devi back and having new benvi content vs. not looking forward to the discourse that will eventually end up in my inbox whenever i make a post about how ben isn't actually The Worst
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kindahoping4forever · 4 years
I didn’t get a notif for the fic yesterday but OH MY GOD CRYSTAL THANK YOU
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🎶We got a sequel, we got a sequel, we got a sequel hey hey hey hey🎶
🥰😁 Yayyyyy! Thank you, I'm glad you thought it was a worthy follow-up 🤗
I Want Your Midnights
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dangermousie · 3 years
CFC 128
He Yu in effect asking to court XQC and XQC going “well, if he’s around me and can talk about stuff, it’s good for him and he will calm down.”
And HY kissing his knuckles thanking him for agreeing while XQC is going to himself “when did I agree?” But he doesn’t say no!!!
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I do love that HY apologizes in advance if he says/does something wrong awww.
And XQC thinking in bed about why would HY like his old and sick self. OMG! He knows he’s gorgeous but he doesn’t know that he’s lovable and so is coming up with all sorts of justifications why it’s not love. My heart won’t take it once he finally decides to believe it’s love and allow himself to be loved and cared for.
HY texting asking XQC for dinner and then showing up half an hour early because he can’t wait. I am dying!
HY basically taking XQC on a date is !!! but I can’t even enjoy because I am thinking of the scene in the hospital where XX says she will have her brother cut her fruit when she’s 70 and he says nothing and the way it���s written and the way the chapter mentions him feeling worse and worse, dizzy and coughing nonstop is...is he dying?! aaaaa! I bet he is! But at least HY stopped him from smoking again thank GOD!
PS Maybe he can decide to sleep with HY because it calms him down AND because it would make HY realize he doesn’t like him on the same principle :P
PPS the fact that XQC changes HY’s name on his phone to “little devil” is !!!! (before it was the ridic moniker HY himself put in.) And honestly, XQC is relaxed and not hating it and I love it. This is the gentlest they’ve been together in a long time.
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springday-aus · 4 years
Werewolf!AU with Chanyeol
moodboard link
Group: EXO 
Member: Park Chanyeol
Genre: fantasy, fluff, romance 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 3k 
so the alpha is obviously Suho bc 
leader, duh 
Yifan and Minseok are co-betas 
and the exo boys all live together in a house in the woods
but this is more of a house they can go back to
they all live within the city/suburb
(depending on what they do)
Chanyeol lives in the city since he works part time at a music shop
he likes the hustle and bustle of the city
despite the pollution, crowdedness and rude people that are there
but when he found the whole in the wall music shop
he absolutely fell in love with it
the owner loves him btw
(Chanyeol brings in a lot of customers)
I don’t want to say werewolf!Chanyeol is just a giant puppy
but that’s exactly what he’s like
he needs to go on frequent runs in his wolf form
someone always needs to come with him because he rolls around a lot in mud
oftentimes, he has to stop himself from peeing on trees
Sehun: “dude, that’s been marked”
Sehun: “oh god”
Chanyeol is also super hyper
like he’s got more stamina and energy than the other boys
which is why he goes on the most runs
pent up energy is a scary thing
(so the exo boys have learned)
that also means he’s one of the best fighters of the pack
(Kyungsoo is a near second, but he’s really good when he’s angry)
but I mean fighting when necessary
so Chanyeol’s wolf form is………. huge
since he’s really tall, his wolf form literally towers over the others
he almost looks like the alpha
this also gives him an advantage in fights bc intimidation usually works the fastest and results to the least amount of violence
so his fur is a light brown, mixed with white—there are some dark brown spots too, but you really have to squint to see it
you know how his ears are really big and stick out
best believe his ears are literally the same in his wolf form
they’re so big and fluffy and if his eyes don’t give away his emotions, his ears do too
his paws are also big
but that’s also bc his hands are big
Kyungsoo: “what did you eat as a child?”
Chanyeol: “jealous, shorty? no one can be as tall as—oW sTOP HITTING ME”
they can hit him all they want
bc by the end of the day, he, Sehun, and Yifan are the only ones who can reach the top of the cabinets
despite his tall stature and formidable fighting skills, this man is the clumsiest
he causes the most accidents in the exo house
in his apartment building
but he hasn’t had an accident in the shop
(not yet anyways—Jongdae and Baekhyun have a side bet going as to when that’s gonna happen)
it happens a lot in the city too
but it’s not his fault
he….. just has really long limbs and don’t know how to control them 100%
it’s fine tho because he was able to meet you through because of his clumsiness
okay so mates are a thing for supernatural creatures
including werewolves
while some mates are wolves too
others are human……………
……… like you
so Chanyeol was on the street, walking back to his city apartment
he was with some of the other guys (Baekhyun and Jongdae)
and then he smells something
something sweet
and alluring
so he follows it
in fact, he runs after it down the street
(with the others chasing him)
he’s running past all these people and he’s getting closer and closer
that’s when he runs into you
and I don’t mean the cute kind of running into you
I mean this man full on tackles you
obviously, it’s by accident but
it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt less
while you were curious to what just happened
he was completely enamored
he’d heard of finding one’s mate
mate meetings can happen in wolf form
and others in human form
the main thing was that your body would just know they were the one
he had no idea how he was going to meet his mate, but this is was definitely not how he pictured it
meanwhile, all you knew was that you were walking back to your apartment
and next thing you knew, you were on the ground
and looking into a pair of brown eyes that sparkled down towards you
Chanyeol: “hi”
You: “hi”
Chanyeol: “I’m Chanyeol”
You: “hi, I’m (Y/N)”
Chanyeol: “that’s a nice name”
You: “thanks”
Baekhyun: out of breath from running after Chanyeol’s long ass legs
Baekhyun: “hey, as cute as this is, maybe you should get off of them?”
You: “I agree with the short one”
Baekhyun: “RUDE”
Chanyeol gets up and pulls you up along with him
when he gets a hold of your hand, he gets that feeling
that feeling that he never wants to let it go
unfortunately, when you do, a part of him cries on the inside
(that’s the big puppy coming out)
Chanyeol: “I’m sorry about ramming into you like that”
You: “apology accepted”
Chanyeol: “can I make it up to you…?”
You: ???
Chanyeol: “like…. a… dinner?........ date?.... if you want……”
you don’t know why, but there’s something in you that makes you say yes
maybe it’s bc this gigantic dude who towers over the crowd
looks like the softest lil marshmallow with his red cheeks and big ears
so you go on the date
and you actually have a great one
he takes you out to a drive in movie theatre, along with dinner
it’s simple
but it’s perfect
so you go on a few more dates and next thing you know
you’ve been in this relationship for like seven months
he’s great—he’s super supportive and radiates optimism 
Chanyeol and you.... just click   
but like there’s something kind of weird...... 
like there are periods of time when he says, “sorry, I’m gonna be busy that night :(“
and that’s fine, but he tells you like… a couple of months in advance
you wanna mind your own business
but you’re also kinda curious bc he never tells you what for
and things kind of get weirder when you officially meet his friends for the first time
you already knew Jongdae and Baekhyun from the first meeting
and you met them a couple of times after
but now you were going to meet the whole group
you’ve heard horror tales of Kyungsoo and Minseok
(courtesy of Baekhyun, but Jongdae says to ignore it—something about Baekhyun being annoying lmao)
you’ve also heard a lot about Jongin and his alarming chicken consumption
along with stories about Sehun and Tao
(and their inability to agree to anything—they’re like babies that way, at least that’s what Chanyeol says)
Suho is like a mother hen and Yifan is like the father bear
apparently, Yixing and Luhan are the nicest so you’ll bond with them the quickest
they’d be the least chaotic members, so you were advised to stay close to them lol
so this all sounds super cute and you are ecstatic to meeting them
and then the time comes for you to meet them
at first, the meeting is just………. kind of odd to you
because it’s at the exo house……………….
so he takes you into the woods to go to the house…………
but listen
if a man took you into a deep part of the woods
where you are very unfamiliar with—wouldn’t you be concerned about being murdered?
yeah, Chanyeol didn’t really think this through bc..... 
that’s exactly where YOUR head space is
lowkey you were like
hahahahaha pls don’t kill me
and just as you’re at the acceptance stage like
okay, this is fine—I’ll just die
the house comes into view and y’all enter
Kyungsoo made dinner
they planned a game night
it was so much fun—you could really tell these boys were like family
and for a second you forget that you are isolated in the woods with 12 rowdy boys
and that this is not normal……. at least, not for humans
unless they’re some frat boy that can’t get over the fact that they peaked in college
after this meeting, it was more and more common for you to join those group meetings
you’ve met the others’ partners too—well, at least those who have them
despite you getting along with all of Chanyeol’s friends, which is great
there’s still something a bit off
and the thing is 
is that Chanyeol knows you don’t know that they’re wolves
so he made sure to tell the boys that 
one, you’re human 
and two, you don’t know that they’re wolves so they need to keep it lowkey 
but.......... exo is anything but lowkey and this was something you kind of picked up on 
not just with all of them being in an isolated mansion-like house
the main thing with the boys is that they let it slip that they own the land here
but what do they do as jobs to have the house?
and sure, Suho is like a mother hen, but like they also kind of do like a reporting thing
like………… some kind of boss…………..
and yeah, Yifan is the father figure……. but there’s some type of hierarchy thing that Yifan is “reporting” to Suho too……
it’s all really weird
and you can’t tell if it’s a bro culture thing or something, so you don’t really say or ask anything
and yeah, Chanyeol thinks he’s slick 
he is not bc 
there’s also a couple of things about Chanyeol that’s kind of off to you 
like he’s weird, but then there are some things that are just………. Weird
for example, he’s very affectionate, right?
but like, he seems to hold himself back for you
yeah, skinship is a thing for you both 
let’s just say second base seems to be the farthest you’re going, even tho you’ve made it every clear you are willing to go all around and do a home run twice
there’s also another thing, which is fine, but like
he really likes tummy rubs
like really likes it
and you’re just kind of like
and like sometimes, when he feels like it, he’ll eat really really rare meat
he doesn’t eat it in front of you but sometimes when you buy raw meat
it just
goes missing
it’s just really weird
and then one day
you were at the exo house
at this point, you two have been together for about a year (?) now 
and you were chilling in woods with Chanyeol
he looks super super serious
Chanyeol: “I have something I need to tell you and I don’t know how you’re going to handle it”
You: “um, okay, sure—what is it?”
Chanyeol: “I am a werewolf”
You: bitch what
You: “are we going that thing where we just talk in vines bc you’re not making any sense and you’re doing it wrong”
Chanyeol: “no, I’m serious”
you…… just laugh
like uncontrollably
because this is the most ridiculous thing you’ve heard
Chanyeol’s just kind of…… watching you lose it
in retrospect, maybe he should have thought this through
after you finish laughing, you wipe a couple of tears from your eyes
You: “phew, Channie, that’s pretty fucking funny”
Chanyeol: “(Y/N), I’m not kidding—I’m a werewolf”
then, what he says………………… sinks in
and now it’s your turn to look at him like he’s lost it
You: it’s not too late, maybe I can take him to a therapist
You: “um, Chanyeol, you know this prank isn’t very funny”
Chanyeol: “don’t say that, I can prove it”
You: oh no
he steps back and takes off his shirt
(to which you snap a mental image)
he climbs onto a higher rock, where he towers over you
You: “hey, Chanyeol.. you might, uh, wanna get off that”
Chanyeol: “I got this”
You: he’s gonna die
and then he jumps off
there’s a flash of light and he transforms, landing on the ground on all four paws
all you saw was a giant wolf that’s at least twice your size
you could only stare
you tried not to move
that’s not very hard considering how frozen you were
for a second, you think you’ve gone insane
but it’s there in front of you
the wolf moves closer to you, slowly and carefully
when it gets close enough, it bows his head to you in submission
and when it opens its eyes
you see the familiar, warm, brown eyes that sparkle at you
the gold specks in them shine a bit more
I want to say that you were able to accept it real quickly
but you don’t
it’s kind of a shock……
so you take a little break from all of this
while Chanyeol understands, it doesn’t mean he’s not upset
his other half is apart from him and he feels like his heart’s slowly being ripped out of his chest
it’s not that you had a problem with it
it was the process
yeah, he lied but like
it’s bc he’s a supernatural being
(that you can empathize with)
but that means other beings probably exist
what if that one waiter was a vampire who could have eaten you
or that one swimmer was a mermaid
this is just a collision of so many worlds
at this point, you were just trying to understand what actually happened
time passes and you don’t even know how much has
until Suho and Yifan end up at your apartment door
they both came with like a fruit basket or something (in their defense, they didn’t know what you would like)
Suho: “hi~ can we come in?”
Yifan: “we just wanted to talk and check-in”
they end up at your place for hours
they really did come to check in with you and see how you were handling the whole thing
and took the time to explain how things worked for them
(the impact of full moons, the concept of soulmates, imprinting….. the whole package)
and they answer any questions you have had
they really were super sweet about the whole thing
and eventually, you ask about Chanyeol
You: “is… is he okay?”
Yifan: “he’s been acting like a kicked puppy since you left—oW”
Suho rolls his eyes at Yifan, not apologizing for hitting him
Suho: “yes, he’s upset, but he’s more concerned about you and where this relationship is supposed to go now?”
Yifan: “we’re not rushing you or anything, but he…. he’ll need an answer eventually”
Suho: “just think about and sort out your emotions, and when you’re ready…. you’re welcome anytime at the exo house”
it was real eye opening for you
when they left, they also left their numbers for you
Suho: “call anytime, a mate of an exo member is a member of ours”
later that night, while you in bed, you thought about it
you should really talk to Chanyeol, he deserves an answer
but, it wasn’t until another couple of days pass that you actually talk to him
it’s a rainy day and you were sitting on your couch, watching tv and eating cereal
all of a sudden, the sadness hits you
and you really miss him
and you really wanted to see him
so you do
you grab a pair of shoes and your keys—immediately heading out
you drive through the rain, thinking about what you were even going to do or say
next thing you knew, you were at the exo house’s door
you really should have thought things through, but
you didn’t really know what else to do
you knock on it, hoping that Chanyeol was there
Tao and Sehun open the door, seeing you standing there—soaking wet from the rain, in your sweatpants and with mismatched shoes
You: “uh, hi guys”
Suho pushes in between them and sees you there
Suho: “oh my god, (Y/N), come in, come in”
they get you in
Kyungsoo gets you some green tea
Yixing gets blankets for you
Luhan picks out some warm clothes for you
and Minseok dries your other clothes
the other boys and their mates keep you entertained for a bit
amidst the chaos, Jongin rests a hand on your shoulder
Jongin: “Chanyeol went out for a run, you can wait in his room if you want”
when you find a chance, you do—you go up the familiar stairs and hallway
and you just
there’s a bit of a lull of silence and then you hear his voice
Chanyeol: “(Y/N) is WHAT?”
you can hear him running up the stairs and before you can say anything
he tackles you onto the bed
Chanyeol: “I’m sorry, I got excited” :(
you and Chanyeol settle on the bed and just………. talk
you get things sorted out and it’s great
after you figure out things, everything’s kind of back to normal (as much as it could be)
you lowkey kind of live in the exo house now
like your things are in Chanyeol’s room
werewolf!Chanyeol is a lot more fun than people would think
he’s a lot more relaxed about things
now he’s most likely to be lounging around in his half form, with the whole ears and tail thing
you give him a lot more tummy rubs
you scratch his ears too
the whole dog package
I mean wolf
you actually came to one of the full moon nights and it was super fun
Chanyeol spent the whole night right next to you
he’s also a lot more openly affectionate
I mean the whole package: hand-holding, lap-sitting, public cuddling
he knows no boundaries
he is super careful about his strength tho—always checking in with you and making sure you’re feeling safe and comfortable
and it’s safe to say that y’all are way past second base
I’m not saying anything else for the kiddos
other than the whole full moon transformation thing
there’s no real difference between the boy that tackled you and the wolf that you’re with now
and you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him as his mate
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