#this is so long that i feel like i should tag the charaters but i also can't be bothered
Danny's Evil Jaunt. Its Evil He Swears. Ignore the Charity. pt. 2
Hello! Im back with Part 2 Im honored that so many people were interested <3 HOPEFULLY THE COLOR STAYS RIGHT IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT I DON'T POST ON TUMBLR OFTEN. also i have almost 0 history about Dc so if anyone wants to ramble about the charaters in the tags please do
Danny's outfit was based on @little-pondhead 's art and prompt was by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
part: 1
Oliver Queen had thought he’d seen it all; however this Fenton guy just seems to be full of fun little gadgets. And puns. So many puns.
No one knows anything about the guy other than he’s a mechanical genius. Just magically appeared out of the blue one day with inventions that make Dr. Freeze’s gun look like a toy, claiming that ‘he’s not gonna be here long today but needs to do some field testing.’
And now here's Oliver listening to this kid(it had to be a kid, Fenton didn’t look a day over 14) ramble about how much fun he had today and that he had to come back soon(not looking forward to that). Green Arrow took a good look at the kid. 
He was short, maybe around 5’4 without the boots, and didn’t have much bulk, but clearly had a lot of lean muscle from what Oliver could tell from the fight, and black shaggy undercut hair. He wore a red hazmat suit with black gloves and red with black tinted lenses goggles. All covered with a lab coat that is definitely not OSHA compliant for mad scientist children, not with the way it was singed at the bottom and the sleeves had been torn off at the elbow, and the amount of sewn on patches - the biggest being the Fenton logo on his back. He was also lugging around a massive cannon that had Oliver bound to a lamp post with a glowing green net, but nets weren’t the only thing it could shoot, no it shot out so many things within the half hour they had been fighting that Oliver lost count. The kid also had some weird meta biology if the sharp teeth and pointed ears were anything to go on. But Oliver’s thoughts were cut off by a phone ringing. Fenton looked down and started feeling around his suit until he found his phone, a small Iphone with odd attachments with a green ghost case covered with stickers, stopped the alarm and moved his goggles up to rest on his head wincing as the rising sun shined in his eyes.
“Hoo bright. Alright that's it for today I guess! Thanks for playing with me Mr. Arrow, I think I'm gonna pick up some energy drinks and  a couple of snacks before heading home, I still need to write an English paper for Mr. Lancer and Jazz’ll finish me off if I don’t get home soon” Fenton grinned and started to punch in directions for the nearest convenience store on his phone. It was just around the corner from the street they had left the fight off on, nice. 
‘Maybe I should grab some for Sam and Tuck’ Danny thought, ‘Oh wait I forgot!’ just as he was about to turn into the store he rushed back to where he left Green Arrow, who was trying to saw his way out of the Fentnet with his knife. 
“Sorry! I wanted to do something before I left!” Fenton smiled and put his wiry arm around Oliver in a side hug and pulled out his phone and did a peace sign with the hand around Oliver. “Say Frootloops!”
Fenton pulled off Oliver and showed him the picture, Fenton had a Cheshire cat grin while he had a miserable expression. 
“Ooph, probably not your best look but I think we look cool. And really, that’s all that matters at the end of the day. How I think we look.” 
“You're a menace, what do you want?” 
“You don’t know? I’m god’s playtester and I’m here for bug testing before the rest of the world sees my inventions. Consider Star City my testing sandbox. Anyway see’ya!” and Fenton was gone down the street. 
And that was the day Oliver Queen knew that he needed to make sure that the world outside of Star City could never be exposed to Fenton. Especially the bat. If anyone found out his ego would never recover.
if you want to be added to the tag list please put it in the comments! it's easier to see there!
@starkcravingmad@amuseofminds@emeraudesfateandfandoms@passivedecept@quirky-gardener@xarexraven@justwannabecat @fisticuffsatapplebees @blacksea21090 @lovelessnightfall @iceknight-of-sun @sabrina414 @moobloomrights @vortexbox @trickedri @naluforever3 @suppengott @angelsdeathsstuff @lesling123 @cosmicgesture @always-be-a-stranger @sealover89 @slapphapp1 @fantasticbluebirdfan @krzys2000 @xxwintrynightzxx @justgray15777 @littlegrayram @danisfra @kyrianclawraith @@thought-u-said-dragon-queen
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reversedumbrella · 7 months
hello and happy birthday!! I wanted to thank you for your art, your comics always make me smile anytime I see them and I really love how expressive the faces you draw are! Your demon OC's are also very cool looking... would you like to tell something about them? do you make these for some story or just for fun? 👀
Hope you have a good day.. or night!
thank you!!
my demon oc's are just for fun! they belong to a series of stories "demonicismos" which i don't plan on ever writting. sometimes i don't even remember their stories! i always find myself revising these characters and changing stuff about them and how their world works. i haven't got the opportunity to infodump about these uys in years (actually counting for how long some of them have been around is making me sick)
im going to talk a lot about them. like. A LOT
checking the demonicismos tag on my blog led me to discover i have never really posted much about them, despite the fact that i made charater charts in 2020 or something (unavailable to me atm. most drawings of these characters are away from me rn)
nowadays i don't really care much about them. i've thought about doing a digital card game with them like south park: phone destroyer (yes i used to be into south park. im not ashamed of it. im using this example bc i really liked how a kid could only ever be in the battle field one side at the time. if your opponent played character A and you also had that one, you had to wait until they opponent's died. i also thought about playing around with character dinamics. if a character saw someone they hated join their team, they'd join the enemy team and vice-versa. i got distracted so i never started programming it)
currently im mostly trying to redesign the characters as an exercise for myself. these were the original concepts for egil (pink), marcel (orange/red) and antonio (yellow), versus more recently (i am unhappy in regards to marcel and antonio)
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Design Rules
my ideas have changed over time and with them how characters should look. first there weren't any rules, i just drew whatever. then i choose that every demon should have horns and a tail even in human form - it would be a reminder of what they lost. they'd never be human again. then i went back and forth on how much demons could change their shape. it ended with all demons having a human form and a demon form, with some having specific shapeshifting habilities but always with horns and a tail (egil can stretch his limbs but mostly does so in order to be the tallest guy in the room) my last rule, added for this exercise, is that all demons always have their human face. the idea came from that undertale quote - "despite everything its still you" no matter what you do its still you. the good. the bad. you. demons can blame their behaviour on the "corruptive nature of hell" but its them
Basic Lore
i debated myself over wheter or not i'd talk indept about worldbuilding lore, which would triple this post's size. let's go through the basics. people die and become demons in hell. hell is divided into numbered layers and where someone goes after they die is judged according to the motto "nobody deserves to suffer". people that actively stopped others from suffering go to layer 1 and people that found joy in other's suffering go to 9. a demon belongs to a layer but can go to the ones below it, but not above (demons from 5 can go to 6,7,8,9 but not 4,3,2,1). demons are souls, and their physical bodies are made of mud transformed by that soul. i was inspired by some papers i read on witchcraft. demons couldn't manifets physical bodies so they'd trick people with smoke, gases and dust in the air a demon can only have one body at a time. if their arm is cut off 1) they reattach it or 2) a new one grows at the same pace the other turns back into mud. if the entire body is destroyed they reform from the mud in ground demons dont need to eat or sleep but feel hunger and sleepyness. hell is a punishement for their behaviour so layer 1 is ok, layer 9 is... not. money is also a thing. because this is hell
demons have powers based on personality and character flaws
a demon's size is based on their strength - how big their soul is - but their human form is the size of their human alive self. there are 3 ways for a soul to grow. 1) feel strong emotions, then rest and absorve those emotions. its important to rest. 2) cannibalism. eating other demons body part will give that part's strength 3) deals. a demon can share their power. deals are fast but demand consent. cannibalism is slow but nobody can stop it
Finally talking about the Characters
i don't remember very well the first story i made. it was about a boy that had another boy living in his head. and the boy in his head was really angry because he couldn't do anything and when he got extra angry things started to burn and melt around them
miguel (or michael or any other version of this name)... actually i just remembered i wanted to do this guy's story
Egil. his original design was based off angel dust from the hazbin hotel pilot and i don't think he has changed that much.
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those blue branches on his head are the guy who killed him. there are ways to permanetly end a demon and after egil did that, the dude fused into his head. the pink arms and legs are rubber gloves/boots. he's a biologist, specialized in genetics. his house/layer is full of vats filled with unnatural stuff growing in there. he doesn't have friends, he's prone to anger and always has to be the smartest person in a room - this goes with his tendency to always be the tallest person in a room. his shapeshifting powers come from his unhappines with himself and inferiority complex. he used to love biology but now tries to gain knowledge just so he can know more than the people around him. he gets angry easily so he's an unpleasant person to be around so he doesn't have any friends so he convinces himself he doesn't need anyone and i hope im making sense here
antonio and marcel. father and son. marcel my baby. you deserve a redesign more than anything
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back when the stories where set in an alternative earth with history similar to ours, antonio was an italian american. now i don't know. he went around killing fascists and made immortality magic so strong one of those "get rid of you permanetly" things just sent him to hell and is now lodge in his heart. he can remove the sword and use it as a weapon but his beating human heart is there and removing it will kill him permanently (unless you put the sword through another heart) in hell he had time to think and understood that he was only killing fascists to saciate his bloodthirst on people he deemed deserving of death. the true way of ending fascism is with good infrastructure and school system. killing fascists became an hobby
marcel... my sweet son marcel that deserves better colors. rules don't apply to him he can do whatever he wants and i'd let him. technically a cannibal
quick sketch of the sisters. i don't rememeber their names. i dont even remember if they had names. based on a bird and on a pupper/spider. cannibal vs deals
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they're both very manipulative. the bird one, the older sister, always got the upper hand at home so the spider one let out her frustrations by manipulating and controlling people. the bird one can turn people to birds and control them if they hear her play her harp. this counts as cannibalism (slow and no consent needed). the spider one manipulates weaker demons into bellonging to her by deals. in their story they end up fighting each other as they scream their frustrations, coming to the conclusion that everything is their mother's fault (wrong)
barbara and barbara, one is based off a carnivorous plant and the other a bear
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i had never thought of them as friends until i started the redesigns but now i kinda like the idea. they're both cannibals with my favourite being the plant one. in this drawing she's missing teeth on those big green jaws. she closes them with some guy inside and digests him
i have so many more characters but i've also been writting this the whole afternoon
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Eri from BNHA IK
A small, pale child with a horn appears in the room, cover head to toe in bandages, shaking and afraid for her life.
She blends in with Devildom really well, but any loud noise is enough to send her to tears, and its just really hard for her to feel comfortable and safe here. But witht the help of familial love and bonding, it all works out!
Once they get close to her, Asmo says, 'why don't you smile ik? you'd look more adorable then you already do!' IK pauses for a moment, stares at him, and tries to smile. But she can't.
Ik meekly whispers, "I'm sorry, but... how do you smile...?'
The room goes silent. Does.. does Ik not know how to smile?
You can continue from here!
ohhh my god i have been thinking about this since yesterday (forgive me for not answering immediately, i needed to stew in the angst potential for a bit)
there is so much hurt/comfort potential in this okay hold on
so logistical stuff out of the way: ik doesn't necessarily need to be from bnha's setting since its cast and setup doesn't have much bearing on her situation, she can just generally be from a universe where having supernatural powers/sci-fi nonsense is a thing
i'm only somewhat familiar with eri's story, what i know is mostly from screen caps and wiki pages - i know she has a time-rewind type power, but since we're taking this out of that setting, we might as well play with the power itself too
(in hindsight i got kinda carried away with the backstory - but in my defence, a long time ago whump was my whole thing, so i suppose it leaked through here sdfsp)
so let's say it's kind of like venom - a dark, goopy symbiote that's attached itself to ik's... soul i guess?? it isn't removable is what i'm saying
she was born a regular baby, but maybe her dad gave her away (because he was unable to raise her), and failed to do a background check on the foster agency he gave her to, who passed her onto a scientific organisation of questionable integrity as soon as she could walk
at which point they infected her with the symbiote with the intention of studying its effects on her body (she is. two years old)
the little horn is a mutation as a result of her body playing host to the symbiote - maybe it grows when the symbiote gets aggressive
so the experiments mostly involve exposing ik to a range of stimuli in order to see how the symbiote reacts
and they want as extreme a reaction from the symbiote as possible - that way they can gauge its maximum power
i won't go too graphic but the aim of the stimuli is often to put ik in as much as fear/pain as possible without killing her, and each stimulus experiment is usually run multiple times too
the plan is to figure out the symbiote's full potential and range of abilites, then weaponise it, but the researchers don't get as far as that before POOF, ik ends up in the devildom - at the age of six
the symbiote goes haywire as soon as she appears, because she doesn't recognise her surroundings and all these unfamiliar figures around her are terrifying - if they'd been human, everyone might well have died, but diavolo and lucifer combined are powerful enough to restrain the symbiote and intimidate it enough to retreat
which just leaves this tiny bandage-covered child, shaking uncontrollably under the table
it probably takes forever for the others to get her to calm down enough to come out, mostly because she doesn't really understand what they're saying
considering there wasn't a need for her to be educated for the experiments to be carried out, the scientists never bothered to teach ik how to read or write, and she doesn't understand much spoken language either - apart from commands like "come", "stay", "be quiet", "eat", etc
mammon also arrives just as ik is very slowly shuffling towards diavolo's outstretched hand, and he slams the door open so loudly that she immediately pulls back to hide again
guess who's mad at mammon for that one? everybody
but then they stop being as mad when mammon manages to get ik to come to him within like five minutes, while they were all trying for like half an hour
the difference is that everyone else was trying that whole soothing, quiet way of talking, which was way too similar to how the researchers talked to her - whereas mammon had that more casual, rough manner that ik had never heard before, which indicated to her that he was safer
it's honestly exhausting for everyone involved for at least two months straight because taking care of ik requires so much patience - the smallest things set her off, and they have to be extremely careful not to lose their temper in the slightest
plus the destruction that the symbiote causes when she inevitably gets scared can be pretty tiring to repair
but they keep going because for the love of everything good in the universe, this little kid just deserves to be happy, and she absolutely should not be given up on, even if so much cautious has to exercised around her
plus those kaboom moments make it all worth it
i imagine that there are like, a series of short kaboom moments for each character, culminating in one really BIG kaboom moment for all of them
here's what i mean by kaboom moment: your entire chest hurts (but in a good way) and you want to cry so hard so badly but you're also so warm and fuzzy inside holy shit
(off the top of my head, the bit in undertale where frisk hugs asriel after the final true pacifist fight is a big kaboom moment for me)
anyway let's talk about the brothers' kaboom moments! these aren't necessarily in chronological order, this is just the order i thought of them in
(also to cut out unnecessary drama, in this au belphie never got locked in the attic or anything)
(there's still, like, character development going on for the others, since the fact that they all mutually want good things for the little kid means they have to communicate so that their tensions don't get in the way)
so ik mostly refuses to be touched for a while - if you do it when she's not expecting it, you're very likely to set her off, and if you're unlucky the symbiote will bash you into the nearest wall
but sometimes she gets something on her face that needs to be wiped off, or there's a set of stairs that she'd exhaust herself climbing, and so the others start doing this thing where they'll make a humming sound to let ik know they're about to touch her
ik slowly gets used to this and no longer panics as much when people get too close, but she still refuses to be held for too long
but then, one day...
ik shuffles up to mammon and stares up at him for a bit, then very quietly makes that humming sound herself
he looks back down at her like '??', but then realises what he thinks she's trying to tell him when she makes the noise again
so, veeeery carefully, he picks ik up, steeling himself in case he's interpreting wrong
but ik just gives him an approving sort of look, then relaxes and leans forward to rest her chin on his shoulder
and then he won't shut up about it for the entire rest of the week
(ik starts letting the others pick her up for non-essential reasons as well, and one time while mammon's holding her she reaches out for beel instead, and mammon is so devastated that he sulks for hours until levi tells him that ik probably thought his arms were getting tired)
so lucifer has already put himself in charge of slowly teaching ik how to count as well as the alphabet, but it's going pretty slowly, and in the meantime satan takes it upon himself to teach her how to recognise certain objects
he knows she's mostly non-verbal, so satan doesn't expect ik to repeat after him - he just makes a point of indicating certain objects every now and then and telling her what they are
he also reads to her sometimes, and if an object comes up in the book that is somewhere in the room around them, he'll point to it
ik listens very carefully, and even though there's no way of knowing whether she actually remembers what he's telling her, satan keeps going
and then, while satan's reading to her, she taps him on the arm to get him to stop
eventually he figures out that she wants him to go back to one of the words he just read, so he goes back and repeats the paragraph he just finished, and ik stops him on the word 'friend'
she puts her finger on the word on the page... quietly repeats it... and then points to satan
now, every time he reads out the word 'friend', he and ik point to each other :)
ik ends up spending a substantial amount of time in levi's room with him because she stays at the house of lamentation pretty much all of the time, and levi's home the most (since he sometimes does online lessons)
ik likes to just sit and watch henry swim around in his tank while levi does his thing, and she seems fascinated by how his tech works, but mostly uninterested in watching the actual anime or playing the games with him
levi doesn't mind, but he does make sure to offer often just in case she changes her mind
and eventually she does!
levi's sitting there playing something and ik approaches him, sits down beside him, then reaches out and pats his controller when he pauses in surprise
he asks quietly (trying to contain his excitement), "d'you wanna play?"
and ik nods. so he goes and gets another controller for her, and very patiently teaches her the controls
the first thing ik does when he loads up a multiplayer platformer is walk her character over to his, then jump up and down several times
levi doesn't even know why this moment hits him so hard, it just does
so i mentioned earlier that he's teaching ik the alphabet as well as how to count
once he starts teaching her how to read and write simple words (with satan's help), he starts encouraging ik to use her voice more, since she knows a lot more now (also thanks to satan and his reading)
it's very simple stuff, but lucifer's so proud when ik picks things up, is this what it's like to be a father??
he teaches her how to write everyone's names, and she scrawls his out in very wobbly handwriting, then points at him and says very clearly 'lu-ci-fer'
it's the first time she's ever called him by name and it makes him tear up a little, but it isn't even his main kaboom moment - this is:
one time at dinner, she taps him on the arm, then points around the table at everyone and goes 'one, two, three, four, five, six, seven', then looks up at him, and lucifer smiles in very proud approval
but then ik pauses, like she's just remembered something.
and she points around the table and counts them all again - but instead of stopping at seven, she points to herself, then asks, "eight?"
and kaboom!
of course everyone reassures her that "yes, eight!", and meanwhile lucifer is trying very hard not to blink because he does not want his brothers to see him cry
as i said before, belphie wasn't locked in the attic in this au, and even if he retains that 'humans are the reason all the bad stuff happened' mindset, there's no way he's going to extend that to this traumatised child, what the hell do you take him for??
so anyway....
it takes ages for ik to settle into the house of lamentation enough to sleep properly instead of in short bursts, and she often refuses to go to sleep until everyone is out of the room and she's been reassured several times that the door is locked, and that it'll only be opened once it's time to wake up
sometimes she has nightmares, and belphie is always the first to both realise when she's having them, as well as head down to comfort her
he always insists on staying behind even once ik's calmed down, and for a while this is the only time ik will go to sleep with someone else in the room
belphie often brings ik to watch the stars with him since the company feels nice, and normally she just sits there and listens to him talk about constellations and stuff
but then one day, while they're both just stargazing in silence, ik shuffles over and curls up against belphie's side
that'd be devastating in and of itself, but then belphie looks over and realises that she's gone to sleep
he's so emotional that he can't even get to sleep himself, even though this'd be the perfect moment to
ik arrives in the devildom wearing this hospital-gown type thing, and since that's the only thing she's used to wearing, she has no idea how to put on other kinds of clothes - and of course she won't let anyone help her dress
so asmo digs around and finds some old but really soft t-shirts, then shrinks them a little, and they work fine
eventually ik becomes more okay with wearing the simpler and comfier outfits he picks out for her, and even if he's dying to dress her up a bit more, asmo'll only do things that ik's comfortable with, so he doesn't
of course she doesn't let him touch her at first, but after a while she'll let him brush her hair - though the nails are still a no-no
because he can't go too ham on the clothes, he buys ik a lot of other trinkets to make up for it when he goes shopping - cuddly toys, little animal figurines, that sort of thing
one of ik's favourites of these is a little plush panda, and she starts bringing it with her from room to room
belphie asks her what the panda's name is, and ik looks a little surprised, like she hasn't considered it before - then slowly says that it's momo
at first asmo doesn't think much of this, but then another day, he gets a little curious and asks, "why momo?"
ik replies very seriously, "is momo. like you."
it takes asmo a second but eventually he figures it out, and...
asmo -> mo -> momo
it takes all of his strength to not squeal and startle her
so ik isn’t used to eating much, since before she’d be given most of the necessary nutrients through a drip, and meals were usually the sort of fare you get on airplanes
at first she’ll only eat plain rice/bread, and very small portions of them at that
so of course beel takes it upon himself to help ik try more food!
he asks around for all sorts of dishes for her to try, diligently making sure none of them could even possibly be dangerous to her, and keeps careful track of which ones she does and doesn’t like
it’s a long process since he has to take it slow, but he’s alright with that
he’s very worried about how little of the food ik will eat though - she’s so little, how is she supposed to grow if she doesn’t eat enough??
so he makes sure she has lots of little snacks throughout the day - and ik pays attention to this
ik often comes to watch beel do his workouts - she seems to enjoy sitting on his back when he does pushups, or riding on his shoulders when he goes for a run, and sometimes she copies him when he does his stretches, it’s very cute
and then one day, after he finishes his exercise and is winding down for a bit before he showers, ik pulls a little bag of biscuits out of her pocket and hands it to him
he thanks her profusely and makes sure he savours every last crumb
the Ultimate Kaboom:
and now we finally get to where the ask left off!
so it’s been a while at this point, ik’s settled pretty comfortably into life in the devildom, and she can talk much more fluently - though she still usually elects to remain quiet
and so asmo asks her why she doesn’t smile more, and ik looks at him for a moment... then tells him she doesn’t know how
the others are kind of devastated - because it’s only now that they realise that they really have never seen ik smile
they’ve just been mistaking the times her eyes lit up in response to their smiles as smiles of her own
of course, they reassure her that it’s alright, but honestly they all have a bit of a cry once they’re alone
like, they know that this isn’t some metric for it to be measured by, and that ik’s tremendously more happy now than she was when she arrived... but there’s some part of them that says they still failed her, because hasn’t smiled even once
they get together for a serious talk about it, and eventually decide that it’s unfair to ik to keep dwelling on this, because it’s not her fault, and this is the sort of thing that needs to happen on its own anyway
and then, eventually, it does!
so ik has to be away from the brothers for a while because there’s a sick bug going around them, and they don’t know whether or not it’s infectious to humans
plus it could be extra deadly if it is, and it’s better to just be safe - so ik stays at the purgatory hall in the mean time, and the brothers call to talk through simeon or solomon’s d.d.d.s when they can
(ik’s comfortable with the other characters at this point as well, i just didn’t want to make this even longer than it already is by including them)
finally, once the bug has cleared up and all of the checks and stuff have been completed, they decide to have a nice dinner together at diavolo’s to celebrate
ik isn’t told exactly why they’re going to his castle, she’s just under the impression they’re visiting - so she’s a little confused when they all just stand silently in the ballroom for a bit
but then the brothers arrive, and it’s the first time ik’s seen them in person in nearly three weeks
and she’s just overjoyed, she doesn’t know how to express it - and she doesn’t realise she’s doing it, but she smiles wide for the first time ever
she runs up to them and crashes into mammon’s legs, and it’s a good thing he immediately scoops her up - since, with her face buried in his jacket, she can’t see everyone else dissolving into a puddle of tears
the sheer power this child holds
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cressjacquine · 3 years
Want to know what you should write?
I got three words.
gay roommate fic
okay so not a fic but some prompts
[and if you wanna know how I got this idea blame it on Kingmans the golden circle cause the mc's roommate friends were not straight no way]
Situation: So in these prompts we have three charaters who have been best friends since high school
Hayden; achaotic bisexual who had a crush on Jordan since forever eventually decided to push him up against a wall and kiss him, causing Jordan to re examine his sexuality and decide he is most definitely gay. Anyway now they are happily in love except there's a third roommate, Nick who is painfully oblivious to their relationship, they want to keep it that way
Hayden and Jordan watching a movie together, snuggling, Nick walking in and being like “what are u guys watching? finding dory, cool” and sitting down  in between them, oblivious
Hayden and Jordan trying to have shower together then hearing
“What are you doing in the bathroom so long?” 
“I'm having a shower!”
 “yeah but why is Hayden in there with you?” 
“he fell asleep and i didn’t want to move him”
 “thats freaky dude, he could wake up and see you naked”
Hayden and Jordan trying to sleep together waking up too:
“What are you guys doing?”
Both looking around the room, sheets are rumples pillows tossed everywhere
“We were building a pillow fort last night, Jordan was having nightmares
Nick being very concerned for Jordan after that and making sure to always leave the hallway light on for him
But then Nick sees’ them kissing one night, it doesn’t seem very platonic
he’s happy for his two best friends 
but also disappointed that they didn’t feel comfortable enough to tell him
so of course he’s going to make it hard for them
“Hayden, you should come with me to the bar, there’s this cute guy you would be into”
“I can’t-”
“Why not, you haven't dated in ages it’s not like there someone else your keeping a secret” *stares at Jordan*
In the end Nick just gives up when he walks into them making out in the kitched
“Morning guys”
*Hayden frantically pushes Jordan away*
“How many times do I have to tell you this is not how you stack the dishwasher!’
Tag list: @weirdoismymiddlename @black-like-my-soul 
thats it. thats the list 
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beardrabbles · 5 years
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rating: k
words: 2,053
characters: female reader, stephen strange, short mentions of other charaters
notes: ( ao3 request; Endgame reader with powers and strange? ) First time writing Strange, and I’m not sure how well I did! Let me know so I can improve. Had to rewatch the portal scene to remember who came from where and it make me emotional again, heck!
tags: none
                               There was no other way.
When you heard him utter those words, your entire world had buckled. You foggily recalled watching him fade, sharp beard and chilling eyes fluttering away like fresh ash on the roaring winds of an inferno. You had felt sick then, you remember. Not only had your stomach become a void, but so had the rest of your being. Mantis, Drax, Peter Quill and the young Peter Parker — you hadn’t known them well ( or at all for that matter ) and still it pained you to see them go.
                              There was no other way.
Stephen Strange was your mentor, your Sorcerer Supreme, the one person on Earth whom you trusted undoubtedly. There weren’t many alive that you held in such high esteem. He had held this position in your mind and heart for months, and yet.  .  . there he had sat, forfeiting the time stone.
You would never forget the way his hand trembled when he plucked the stone from the air. You would never forget the heavy burden on his voice when he admitted that there was only one option.
But that was all you would remember because seconds later, you would join the millions that had vanished. You had realized half-way through that being erased from existence wasn’t as painful as watching it happen to someone else. Moments before your mind faded and your remains lay on Titan’s surface, you wondered; was there truly no other way?
“I had to do it.”
The voice didn’t startle you, but neither were you happy to hear it. You stood with your arms out and fingers curled, golden glyphs blinking and fizzling in the air. Beyond your hands, you saw the others. They had returned the same way you had, suddenly and with a great deal of confusion. You found more interest in them than you did the cloaked man that lingered beside you.
“You’re upset with me.” He continued.
“The guy in the metal suit isn’t here. Mr. Stark, right? Neither is the blue lady.” You chose to ignore his attempts at a deeper conversation.
“Y/N.  .  .”
“Where did they go? Everyone that disappeared is here, but they’re not. Did they find a way off this rock?”
“They’re on Earth, as they should be.”
Your arms stilled, then they dropped. You turned to face him, your heart squeezing uncomfortably in your chest at the sight of his battered face. Stephen’s expressions were always difficult to read, but the one he sported now was one of pure and painful guilt.
“As they should be?” Your arms folded over your chest, thumb fidgeting with your sling ring. Stephen nodded.
“I told you. I told all of you——”
“You told us horse shit, Stephen! You told us our chances, and nothing else!” You began to panic, your words running together as it was hard to breathe between them when you had a thousand thoughts and opinions to voice. “And then — and then you go and hand Barney the Dinosaur the time stone! The time stone! Everyone’s fading, and there are you tellin’ us that there was no other way! We’re terrified. We’re thinkin’ this is it! We’re screwed! Totally screwed, and.  .  . and.  .  .”
“And.  .  . ?”
You curl your lower lip inward and bite down, eyes stinging. Your hands rose again, and you feel your power flow through them. It was like a shower of sparks flying from the tip of a lit sparkler. Every ember, no matter how tiny, pushed through your veins, your muscles, the little fibers of your being, and came to a painful halt at your fingertips. The glyphs appeared, but they popped in and out of existence too rapidly to be useful.
“I’m still scared,” finally came your reluctant confession. “I came back, and I tried to make a portal so I could find out if my friends and family were alright. I couldn’t do it, and I know that’s why.”
Your head dipped down, the back of your knuckles rubbing at your eyes and wet nose. You had come so far since the beginning of your training, but seeing your confidence return to the condition it had been in when you first started was demoralizing. You had backtracked again, and you weren’t the least bit proud of yourself because of it.
“Show me your hands.” It wasn’t a command so much as it was a request. You refused to lift your eyes and look at the man you had tried so hard to impress, but you did as he asked and held out both of yours hands with the palms facing up. You weren’t sure what he planned to do with them, but you were shaken when you felt his fingers graze against yours. When you peered down, you could see the many deep and knotted scars along his digits. Against the pads of your own fingers, they felt larger than they appeared.
“You’re not the only one that’s afraid, Y/N. We all are.” His palms pressed to yours, and the wall that had obstructed your powers felt as if it were vibrating. 
“You don’t look like you’re afraid. None of you do.” You scoffed and were almost tempted to yank your hands away — mostly out of irritation and partially out of embarrassment. They remained there purely because touch from him was rare.
“You’ve only been training for a year. We’ve been at this for a lot longer than that.” The ghost of a smile toyed with his lips. Catching it gave you some relief, but it didn’t last long. Stephen saw your expression dwindle again and continued. “But we need you. We need everyone that can fight, and I know you can.”
“Stephen, I——”
“You have to trust me.” Anyone in a situation as dire as this one would sound desperate, but you thought you heard the smallest crack in his voice. His dark eyes caught yours, and they captivated you. “I can’t tell you everything. If I do, if I so much as hint at what might happen, it won’t. I know putting blind faith into me is a lot to ask of everyone, but it’s worked out so far.”
“Yeah, so far. What if it decides it doesn’t want to work out anymore?” Your throat tightened, and the urge to crumble hit you again. “I hate this. People are going to die, aren’t they?”
“With or without Thanos, with or without the thousands of paths I witnessed, that is something we can’t avoid.”
“Is it going to be you?”
Stephen opened his mouth to answer, but it snapped shut a millisecond later. His face hardened, and he shook his head. “I can’t tell you that.”
“Please. Is there anything you can tell me? I need something.” You pleaded despite knowing there was very little he could give you. Stephen understood the concepts at hand more than you ever could, but all you needed was to hear that everything would be alright. He knew this, and still he refused to reassure you of the inevitable future.
He wouldn’t leave you without some form of encouragement, however.
His hands moved away from yours and found purchase alongside your face. He held you in so tender a way that you almost didn’t feel the shaking. Your breath stopped dead in your lungs, making your chest swell. Heat bloomed in your cheeks, and you were sure that he could feel it. All focus remained on your eyes, as if he were desperately trying to say something with his gaze that his voice couldn’t. But he had to say it, or else you would never believe it.
Stephen knew you, and he knew that every ounce of self-doubt you had in you would deny the truth until it was said loud and clear for your ears to hear. Because as often as you thought about it, as often as you daydreamed, you never tried to convince yourself that you were more than a pupil to him.
So he spoke, and he hoped that you knew better than to interrupt.
“I can tell you one certainty, and it’s this; you were not a mistake. Finding you, bringing you into our teachings and training you was meant to happen. Everything that has led up to this moment, no matter how bad, was meant to get you here. Right here. With me. You won’t see it because you’re too damn stubborn, but you’ve gotten better. I watched you improve. I’ve watched you fall back too, but you’ve come out stronger because of it.”
The stinging in your eyes had gone away, but only because you had finally allowed yourself to cry. You sniffled and whimpered, eyes and nose leaking. You nodded firmly, letting him know that you were listening and trying your hardest to believe him. He didn’t need to say that, you thought, but he had. And they were, by far, the kindest words he had ever said to you.
Crying out some of your frustration and anxiety had helped, but you were never fond of people seeing you in such a low state. You were grateful, but you had to deflect. You had been given permission to break down for the moment, yet you knew that time wasn’t on your side. If you had to, you could always find time after the battle to cry.  .  . if you managed to survive.
“How many apprentices have you given that speech to?” You coughed out a half-hearted laugh and rubbed at your eyes again, forcing Stephen’s hands away from your face.
“Only one.” His pointed tone and intense gaze made your stomach knot twice over. You fidgeted, eyes moving everywhere but to him.
“If I’ve gotten better, it’s only because you’re the one teaching me. No offense to Wong.”
“None taken.” As if on cue, he approached, hands behind his back. You nearly jumped out of your skin, heart hammering a hundred miles a minute.
“When did you——?”
“Just now.” Wong was a fairly stoic man, but time spent around you had opened up parts of his personality that only Stephen had seen before. Despite his claim, the twinkle in his eyes revealed he may have arrived much earlier. Early enough to catch snippets of your conversation with the Sorcerer Supreme, at least.
“Are they ready?” Suddenly, Stephen was all steely eyes and determination again.
“They’re as ready as they can be. We haven’t exactly trained them for this, but adversity tends to prove itself motivating under the right circumstances.” Wong cast you a knowing smile.
“Wait, who are we talking about?” You glanced between them, feeling twice as confused as before.
“You mean everyone-everyone?”
“Every novice and apprentice, every disciple, everyone here on this planet and on Earth and in worlds far from our own.” Stephen gave a single, firm nod. “You’ve heard of fighting fire with fire, right? We’re going to fight an army with an army.”
“So we’re doing this?” Behind your trio of magic users, the remainder of the Guardians and Peter shuffled up. Peter, looking oddly pale in Titan’s ruddy glow, swallowed hard. “We’re actually going to fight Thanos again?”
“We have to.” Stephen gave Wong one last half-nod. Wong returned it and disappeared in a wink of orange sparks.
“Good. Great. That’s cool. Never fought a whole army before, but — y’know.” Peter sighed and let the nanobots of his suit form a mask around his head. Amongst themselves, the Guardians murmured and huddled together. You were left to stand beside your mentor, your whole body quivering from the inside-out with mounting fear.
“Remember, you’re not the only one that’s afraid.” His hand found yours, and he squeezed with as much strength as he could. It wasn’t much, but you felt the sentiment behind it. “And consider this——”
Stephen’s lips curled into a smirk. “If you think we’re afraid to face his army, imagine how afraid he’ll be when he sees ours.”
You couldn’t help but to let out a genuine laugh this time around.
Hands up and fingers tingling, you prepared yourself. Your apprehension was still strong, but you have too many people counting on you the same way you were counting on them. You needed your magic, and you would be damned if it disobeyed you now.
“I wouldn’t wanna fight against us either.”
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (22/22)
Thank you so much to anyone who wants to read this fanfiction. Now is over. My sis and I are going to take a little break while we start the third part of The Tale of Three head beast. But we love the ending of The Marching Fishes.
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier.
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo …
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
Part one
The Light had left her Islands.  The King of all had promised peace for her home when Mimmi  bend the knel. Peace for The Honest Islands, there would be a most pure wish? 
 Iory and Ken were on The Salt. The prison Island. A desertic place were the worst criminals past their last years. Around the Island there were just salt water, infested with the worst leeches and the hottest weather. It was no scape. 
Iory could feel his own sweat draining. The air was heavy and salty, everything stink and in front of him was Ichijouji. HIs brother had always been handsome, always elegant and altive. Now Ken looked like a shadow of himself, skinny and pale, but most important, quiet. At first Ken had been loud and gross. He had cursed Davis name on all the ways posible, he had called Iory a coward and a fool. The guards had not come for them, just had given them an occasional meal. FInally, Ken had reclaimed his own corner on the cell and had leaning over himself to think on silence. 
“It isn't going to work” Iory said. The words between them sound weird and wrong. Ken did not answered “If you are trying to scape you better don't. We both know that it wouldn't work”
Ken kept quiet. 
“You design this prison, you know how cruel it is going to be our death” 
“They should give us separate cells” Ken said at last. And Iory actually laugh at the comment.
“They are waiting for us to kill each other” Iory said “that is why they let you kept that piece of blade on your clothes”
Ken turned to look at him for the first time. 
“I only asking if it is going to be for resentment or mercy” 
“You always surrender so easily” 
“No I don't”
And that made Ken laugh.
“I should had killed you long ago” Ken said showing him the blade. 
“When? When I lost the Ikkaku Island? When I let Davis come back?”
“That time when you replaced all my clothes with pink ones” 
“OH MY GOD, that was so stupid” 
“Even then I was the best dressed on the Gala”
“You and Davis dance all night”
 The silent showed again.
“I am sorry” Iory said. 
“Good” His brother answered.
Other day past and Ken didn't kill him.  At night Iory hear Ken crying. When they stopped to bring them food, Iory cry too. 
“Three days” Ken said “They are going to feed us again in three days to kept us alive” 
Mercy, Iory tough looking at Ken’s blade again.
Ken was right, after three days they started to feed them twice a day, one time at afternoon and one time at morning. 
Fifteen days had passed since they had been arrested when they heard the lock of the cell opened early. 
“They are going to take us to forced labor” Ken said.
“Or they are going to feed the fish with us” Iory answered. 
The Queen Mimmi entered at the room. Iory knelt and reverence until his front touch the floor while Ken lie uncaring over the dirty floor.
“Your majesty” Iory said. 
“Iory, Ken” The Queen greeting “The Light had left the Honest Island. Taichi had left to me to decide what to do with you both”
“Left” Ken said “my favorite eye is the left one, in case you are wondering” 
The eyepatch of the Queen was broided with a rose. She had come to see them alone. 
“Force labor would let the people watch our punishment and would kept the memory of our treason alive, but it would give us the best chances to scaped. The public execution will be better” Iory said calmly.
“The King last will was for you to be alive”  
Iory remember the last word of Joe. ”Don't kill the children” He trembling at the thought of he and Ken as Joe’s children. 
“Children doesn't lead revolutions” Ichijouji said. 
“Well… the KIng of all didn't know that” Mimmi answered 
Iory looked at the Queen. She was composed, but she was not in peace, her purple eye shine and an old blade of the desert rest on her side. 
“What do you want?”
“The Light come to the Island with false promises of peace and when we had solve our problems THe Wolf Knight killed my husband”
“Your majesty” Iory claimed as Ichijouji raised from the floor. 
“Joe was the best of us and they killed him” The Queen said “i am going to do what it has to be done” She get at the door and opened the cell “Stand up, my knights, I, The Queen of the Honest Island, had proclaimed our independency, join me and this land would remember you as libertadores, refused it and you would be forgotten” 
“You are asking for another war, and for what? the people would suffer, Joe knew…” Iory claimed.
“But Joe is death and his murderers are free and ruling!”
“Joe never want a war and if you truly love him you would honor his memory and would rule over the peace that he left you” 
Iory was standing in front of the Queen. He was short for his age, his eyes were brown as his hair. A little rock in the sea, standing. The son of Joe that wasn't hers. 
The forgotten Prince felt the cold iron on his back “For the back, brother?” The child said with sorrow to Ichijouji, who removed the blade from the back of his brother with no hesitation.  
Iory’s body hit the ground and Ken Ichijouji kneel in front of the Queen. 
Mimmi left The Salt with a new knight and that same night she wrote a letter to her sister, the Queen of the Desert would be happy.  
Part two
When he wake up she was already gone.
The remorse craw on his head, why she would stay? What else would she want for him? 
Taichi was not ready for another day, he didn't want Hikari´s eyes over him, her empty words, her endless patient, her lies, her light. 
But behind his door was still dark, no sister, no wife, only one soldier guarding the room.
None of them were ready, Taichi hold his breath uncertain, he want to talk, to come close, but he didn´t know how, Sora´s touch was still fresh on his skin.
“Yamato.... “Since when was he there? did he saw the queen go? did he notice her sweet, her bed hair, her trembling legs?
“Your majesty” The knight do the formal salude, so much melancholy
Taichi flinch, it had been so long since he hear his voice, one word of Yamato and he was able to breath again.
The short distance between them feels like a thousand miles, but it doesn't matter, Taichi run and hold him against the wall, Kissing him had always been easy, they belong together.
“i´m sorry” he murmur at some point when he was able to finally articulate words ”Im so sorry” he repeat while Yamato hands trip under his vest
 “good” he smile while his armor fall over the floor, when they enter to room?
“Yamato.. wait” he use all his strength to separate their bodies “we must be careful, we canot... we cannot make the same mistake twice”
“mistake?” now he was mad, Taichi knows his frowning forehead and the trembling lips 
“No like that, please listen”
“I miss you” somehow it´s feel like a reclaim 
“I.. I... “ No, he wasn't strong enough and once agains he rush to him  “This is dangerous” 
“That's a brilliant discovery your highness, it took you all this time to get to that brilliant conclusion?”
“Shut up!” the skin behind his neck where so soft, her blonde hair has grown at least a few inches since the last time he get to touch him, Taichi get scare for all the new scars on his lover back “ I'm serious”
“Im aware of that, im the lover of the King, i know everyday could be my last”
“I will never allowed that! i promise …” 
“stop, don´t do that” he saw him in confusion “ don´t make any promise” 
“I will protect you” 
 “That's my job” 
“I can…” 
“No you cannot!” Yamato yells  “I´m not afraid of death, look at me Taichi, im not a good man, im a bastard, a liar, a murder” 
“You are not…” 
“Yes im, and if you love me you must accept it , what we do is not right...  Taichi there are only two ways this could end”
“What are you talking about?”
“or I die, or worse”
“Or what?” he could not imagine something more horrible 
“Or you grow tired of me and you  find a new boy toy to fool around” 
“Don't ever said that again” 
“Is that an order you majesty?” 
“Good, Then it's decided it,  i will die for you my love”
He wish to be stronger, wiser, to dream about something else than his blue eyes, to be selfless enough to make him go away from him; but by the end he was sure, there was no risk in this world he would not take for him.
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tartareus · 6 years
the blog:
here you will find my rules; please make sure you read them. should any doubts arise, don’t hesitate to hmu and ask about them.
I.  this is an independent multifandom multimuse roleplaying blog for various muses from many franchises. as stated pretty much everywhere in this blog, my interpretation of my muses is mine alone; although i try to keep it as close to the canon source material as i possibly can, there will be cases in which i will diverge from it &&  take a whole new turn with the characters, hence why it is mandatory that you read each file.
     I.I.  please, do not reblog my headcanons/solos/metas. as much as i love seeing how people might like them, they are not for public use.      I.II.  i simply love duplicates ! i try to consider them as friends, however i will never push an interaction with someone; that being said, if you are a duplicate of any of my characters, let me know if you are down to interact with my version of the character, the possibilities are endless and i cannot wait to interact with you.
II. the standard roleplaying etiquette applies to this blog — basically? don’t be a jerk. hate, godmodding, forced ships, ooc drama and other shit like that are highly frowned upon here. 
    II.I. i acknowledge that i may write dark/toxic topics every now and then, and i try my best to do so as respectfully as i can. please, if something ( anything ) on my blog triggers you/disgusts you/annoys you/makes you uncomfortable let me know and i will create a special tag so you can easily block it.     II.II. i have received hate for writing fictional things that are deemed as dark and i will not stand for it any longer. i am extremely shy but  i will always  prefer to talk in private rather than vague post about someone, it is only fair i receive the same courtesy.
the mun: 
you can call me nox, short for noxtromun. i used to go by another pen name that i no longer feel it suits me. although i was born ( and usually identify myself as ) female, i prefer they/them pronouns. i have been roleplaying for over 7 years and as of now i am in my early 20s and live on the countryside of brazil. that being said, if you are a fellow brazilian/portuguese speaker and want to write in portuguese with me, hmu --- i will be delighted.
III.  be aware that  usually do not interact too much oocly  — i’m a mun with social anxiety and it’s really hard for me to connect with people, no matter how much i want to, both irl and online. if, for whatever reason you might have, you want to know more about the queer behind this blog, please check my author’s note page.
   III.I. also, for personal reasons that i’d rather not say, certain plots i will only roleplay with close friends of mine; people i trust and that i care for. the point is, all you need to know about me, check the mun page.
IV. i try to tag everything — really. triggering themes WILL be found here and shall be tagges as “ tw; triggering example” and nsfw will be tagged as “ nsfw ” so you can easily blacklist these tags and not see them. if you’d like me to tag smth for you, feel free to approach me via IMs or ASK.
V. unless asked otherwise, all asks will be published. if you’re messaging me for plots, i encourage you to do so via IMs.
shipping && smut: 
as most people here, i too enjoy some shipping and, occasionally, smut. if you are interested in shipping with me please, respect these rules and be honest, contrary to most people i do not mind if someone approaches me for  a ship; just keep in mind some character development will be necessary.
VI.  i am a ship hoarder— HONESTLY ! but that doesn’t mean this blog focuses only on that. chemistry is your best friend.     VI. I. most of my muses are either bi or pan  — ‘boundaries’ of gender are nothing here       VI. I.II.  however, when a charater is listed as gay/lesbian or straight, please respect that. do not push a ship on me.        VI. I.III. although most muses are of age, some are not and therefore shipping will most likely to happen in their older verses — that are in fact my default ones so yeah.   VI. II. if you want to ship our muses, please, don’t hesitate to ask. i probably want too.       VI. II.I.  feel free to send me a shippy meme — even if we haven’t written before. i love memes, do send them. 
VII. if you feel uncomfortable/troubled with fictional  incestuous /  consanguinamory / toxic and/or unhealthy ships then this might not the right blog for you.    VII. I. i acknowledge that by writing such relationships i may trigger some people, so here’s your warning. LET IT BE KNOWN that i, by NO MEANS condone such things irl  — i just am an adult that is very capable of separating fiction from reality.     VII. I.II.  as a general rule of this blog, i encourage you to unfollow/block me if whatever fictional work here offends you; basically, IF YOU DON’T LIKE A CERTAIN CONTENT, DO NOT CONSUME IT. 
VIII. it should go without saying but no, NO SMUT WILL BE ROLEPLAYED WITH MUNS / MUSES THAT ARE UNDERAGE. pls, don’t lie about your age, i’ll be mad af.   VIII. I. no, there are NO exceptions of this rule.
interactions, formatting edits && speed:
as most of you, i have a life outside this hellsite. that being said, do not expect me to be around everyday,all day, 24/7. roleplay is a hobbie, not a job or an obligation, keep this in mind.
IX. i am SUPER friendly — honestly. i’m just too shy. please, don’t ever feel anxious before approaching me ( ic or ooc ) interacting with me is easy ; i’m here to have fuN.   IX. I.  yes, if you’re an oc i’ll rp with you, i love ocs / mumus / female muses. come @ me and lemme love you ; but only if you provide enough information about your muse/s.   IX. II.   i don’t care much about formatting - all i do is lowercase, small font and icons i made - but if you do, fine! as long as i can read it, i’m cool with anything.
X. i am an extremely SLOW REPLIER; i’m sorry, but i promise i’ll be on as much as i can. i’ll never pressure you to reply and expect you to return the favour. if i ever need to drop a thread, i’ll IM you. every now and then, i like to make edits and sometimes i am not in the mood for writing.
i make my own icons, using the lovely psds of @kingsleigh and border. some of my edits are ok to reblog, others are not, i will always let you know if thats the case.
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tentoxa · 6 years
got tagged by @tsukishima-tadashi for a thing!
1. What are some fandoms you never really reblog/talk about?
ive mentioned it a couple times but ape escape!!!! i love ape escape so so fucking much but basically nobody knows about it so i never get a chance to talk about it lmao! im also massively into spyro and borderlands i just dont really follow many people who also blog about it so shrug
2. For any of your fandoms, are there any minor characters you like more than the main cast?
uuuuhhh skdjffdjss not.. really...? like i love the minor oso characters but probably not more than the Boys bc uh. im a thirsty bitch. iyami could get it tho
3. What are some rarepairs you enjoy? 
ohohohoooo okay. OKAY. get ready for some real self indulgent bullshit: tendou and yama. hmmmmmmmm. mind you ive never gone looking but i’ll bet good money theres gonna be fuckin NOTHING for that ship
also i love ichitoto and ichinyaa but theres way more content for those 
4. Do you have a favorite breed of cat/dog? 
for cats i like the fat fluffy ones like persians and ragdolls :3c
5. Are there any unpopular/hated characters you really like? 
hummmmmm i guess perhaps.... kylo? like i know he has plenty of fans/stans but they feel like a minority. and sonic underground isnt very well known bc of how old and admittedly shitty it is but manic is my fuckin uhhh boyfriend
6. Do you have any anime/manga you’d recommend to me? 
panyo panyo di gi charat!! its sickeningly sweet but very simple and cute and the episodes are only like 5 minutes i think? i think it was the first anime i (properly) watched. it holds a very dear place in my heart i rec it to everyone regardless of taste lol
7. Convince me why I should ship your OTP. Or, if you’re up for it, why I shouldn’t ship your NOTP. 
we have a lot of the same opinions on ships actually!! im not really one for Meta on characters and relationships i just kinda gesture to them and make weird noises
8. Are there any qualities all of your favorite characters share? Basically, do you have a type when it comes to characters you stan?
honestly i couldnt personally tell you i feel like im all over the place... i certainly have my biases but i’ll also go for characters that are the complete opposite. its wild im just along for the ride
9. What’s the pettiest reason you’ve ever unfollowed someone for?
skdfjkjkdsg i dont know omg uh... i unfollowed someone not that long ago for breaking mutuals but honestly they were on thin ice for a host of other reasons already soo
or maybe that one person ages ago who posted ships i didnt like bc i couldnt blacklist at the time
10. Are there any minor details that can completely ruin an otherwise promising fanfic for you? Conflicting headcanons and such. (Example: I instantly exit any fanfic that mentions Yamaguchi being bad at baking because it conflicts so heavily with my image of him.)
theres probably plenty but oh man i havent read fanfic for months i just dont have the attention span for it anymore
im not taggin anyone bc im a lazy bitch lol ╰(・∇・╰)
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jeonghney · 7 years
20 questions tag
okay so @caratmuffler tagged me (thanks bb) and I have exam in like... 3 hours so I think it’s a perfect moment to do this
Name: Claudia Nicknames: there’s none at the moment... people used to call me Chany but it’s not even accurate now (it was a specific reference to my bias long time ago so... guess who-); anyway I’m totally okay with every nickname tho Zodiac: Capricorn Height: I don’t even remember when I checked this last time but my identity card says that I’m 165cm and I can believe that Orientation: ...that’s hard question it’s under construction Nationality: Polish Favourite Fruit: Strawberries? every berries tbh? and Mangoes. and Peaches. Ananas? I’m eating apples almost everyday- I LOVE FRUITS Favourite Season: Fall / Winter (when it comes to going outside I prefer fall, I don’t like to freeze but also I hate hot weather; it’s actually 30ºC here and I feel pretty dead) Favourite Book: there’s a lot I think? but the first one coming to my mind is Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell Favourite Flower: R u kidding me... is it even possible to choose one? I love daisies n violets n bluebells n forget-me-nots (r they really called like that in English... it has the same meaning in Polish but it’s actually ONE WORD and doesn’t look that weird I’m offended), but also roses and lilies and OH GOD SUNFLOWERS- and lilies of the valley and snowdrops I can’t choose just one flower why r u doing this to me... I’d say sunflower just because sunshine n Jeonghan n you know but... It wouldn’t be fair enough to not mention all of these. Favourite Scent: I love cinnamon, there’s nothing I love more than cinnamon. Okay also vanilla and many others I’m really terrible at choosing I’m sorry... Favourite Animal: ??? NEXT ONE I DON’T- okay no I’m sure. I love bunnies. Did you ever see bunnies? The cutest ever. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: I’d sell my soul for a good coffee. Average sleep: My roomates say I don’t sleep at all- but it’s usually 4-5 hours, I don’t have time for sleeping okay Cat or Dog: I love dogs but of course I’m a cat Favourite Fictional Character: No, I’m deleting, I DON’T HAVE ANY IDEA HOW TO CHOOSE ONE? Okay so let’s start this- have you seen Sense8? If you haven’t, well, you should. There’s one girl played by Bae Doona and damn... she’s amazing. When it comes to anime I LOVE SAILOR SATURN WITH ALL MY HEART BYE (also Tamaki from Ouran he owns me); somehow I’m in love with old ass wizards as Gandalf and Albus Dumbledore don’t ask me... I really love both of them... and wow I was in love with Aragorn all my life- and Chandler from Friends don’t ask again (is it what did they mean by saying fictional charater tho bc I’m not sure) Number of Blankets you sleep with: I think it’s always one until I’m not freezed Dream Trip: well you know... South Korea... 14-16 July... (Jamsil Auxiliary Stadium... DIAMOND EDGE IN SEOUL); well it’s my biggest dream right now but my dream trip is more like going around the world bc THERE’S TOO MANY BEAUTIFUL PLACES TO CHOOSE ONE??? I want to see China and New Zealand and Iceland and Australia (show me koalas please) and Spain and Portugal and United States and Canada and Italy and damn I want to see everything I didn’t
I won’t tag anyone because I’m pretty sure my mutuals did it long time ago, but if you want to- feel like you’re tagged, I love you
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angisam · 7 years
you wild side
Chapter 4 - The Non-Existence    
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tag chapter: underfell (au community) wolvesfell( au and charater @sanspar)
uf!sans , wolvesfell!pap, non-existence, Beartler
note: my english is bad I hope you won't have problem to read it
"Hurry up! They can't escape!" - Bearlte's shouts could be heard uncomfortably close by was a clear sign that they should accelerate the pace.
"C'mon Bossy, We should sidetrack them already! Hurry up ! "The beast growled at him complaining of the comment. Sans clung as he could to the back of the other didn't even know how he could continue to cling to him taking the strides he gave trying to dodge all the obstacles he found in the forest. Little by little the trees began to become less frequent until they disappeared almost completely, giving way to a large white meadow. "Tell me you know where we're going in?!" He looked up and smiled with total confidence - oh no ... he knew that face, Papyrus would do that face when he do madness. When he look back, he notice that Bearlte appeared with four soldiers from the forest left behind, now that there were no obstacles in between, it was only a matter of time before they were powdered. "!we have to!…. No ... you won't  be able "- Bossy increased speed in response. His grip tightened- "oh for Asgore I guess it's better than dying devoured by dogs" - in the background was observed how the land had long ago split apart in two halves; A cliff appeared before his eyes.
Each time they were closer to reaching them one could hear their tired breaths. "Stop! It's an order! "- ordered the Mighty Bear monster, but it was too late. They had already jumped the great and impressive ravine. The jump was incredibly powerful, despite that, wasn't enough to avoid the blow he received in the ribs after landing on the same edge of the other end. It was noisily painful it was so dry that the rider gave a full turn before sliding down the floor. When Sans looked up he saw Bearlte standing at one end and watching with his great and fearsome mace surrounded by four guard dogs and at the other end Pupyrus trying desperately to climb. "Damn it!" The monster skeleton rose quickly to To succor his hairy brother. I grabbed his jacket but it was too heavy for him. The other tried desperately to climb but his legs couldn't grab at anything the rock would come off at every attempt. There was a dreadful snarl and then a sharp blow to his side they both looked at the direction where it occurred and before they could really perceive that Bearlte threw their mace at the other end the ground cracked around them falling down the deep cliff.
Two days before
There is a lot of noise around him. Sans doesn't know where he is, the last thing he remembers is to have fallen asleep at the sentry station and to have woken up in a place full of smoke with people screaming nothing coordinated with a loud alarm. he was in a bad way shortened on a hard cold ground and a red light with an appearance pattern banged his eyesocker uncomfortably. Never in his life had he been so confused and sick, he felt like ... like .... It was indescribable. It was like if he had been thrown into a tornado while his ribs is hit their . He repositioned himself to sit down and made an effort to assimilate his surroundings, it was the most grotesquely realistic nightmare he had ever dreamed of. "! HERE AMONG THE SMOKE! GETTING IT "- wait ... were they referring to him? -  can hear the floors of several monsters heading towards their position -" LOOSE THE NOOSES"- oooohhhhh shit they referred to him, confused with fear and with stressed, the last thing he saw before teleporting away from wherever he  was looked up to a person tying a long stick with a bow at the premiere. Nop! Nop! Nop! The hard floor give way to the snow soft. Sans, still in his seated position, began to crawl backward until a solid wall prevented him from continuing. He tried to breathe as calmly as he could, questioning whether what he had just lived was only the product of a nightmare. Over time he forced himself to relax and inspect where he had stopped ... nice thing, he was leaning on one side of his house, between the house and the shed more concretely. It rises up little by little even having the discomfort of when it woke up in that place, bitter proof that that really happened. - I have to look for Pap- I think whatever that place is, it's something serious. He begins to walk towards the setting of his house using the wall as a support, he still feels  like a shit but gradually disappears.
When it finally arrives it he escaba in his pocket to extract the key of house. But for some reason It doesnt work "fuck ... I'm not for shit, open fucking door!" - to despair begins knocking on the door and pulling the handle almost trying to pull it out, eventually surrender, whatever, there is nobody at home. He doesn't know what time it is but there are no lights inside, his brother must be on patrol or something. Well he could wait, so he would be more relaxed and could think things through. It time to go to Grillby's.
On his way to Grillby's tavern he noticed that some monsters were watching him closely, it wouldn't be the first time that some monster was spying on him, but at that moment it was different, his eyes were to mistrustful. Sans noticed it but decided to believe that it was his imaginations so accumulated stress in such a short time, so that being watched was not something so unusual.
When he entered the bright and warm tavern, he found the same customers in their respective seats, counting the royal guards of Snowdin. That meant Papyrus would have finished his patrol hours ago .... It also meant that he would have to listen to the reprimands for not being in his station. Now more than ever he wanted a drink. But then? Where was him? Undyne. Probably called him on some matter maybe to train, well, it didn't matter, it would be late. Before going to the bar and asking for something he approached to ask Dogamy and Dogaressa to assure his theory. "Hey, do you know where my brother is now?" - Great dog tilted his head and Doggo only directed the ears to where the sound came without looking away from the fan of letters, regarding the couple looked surprised and then "You're the first one we see, surely we would remember seeing a monster as you, hehehe," replied Dogaressa. What the fuck? What did that creepy tone come to? But instead of answering he simply preferred to leave the conversation had already had too many strange things for today.
He sat at the bar in front of the flaming violet monster, which kept drying a glass with a rag. "Grillby put me the usual, you can't imagine how my day has gone" - the other simply remained silent ,silently looking behind his sunglasses- "... and what is it  the everyday?" - he frown while he kept his watch the fire "oh come Grill I'm not in the mood" - "... you're taking a lot of liberties runt " - "this is because of my tag ?, don't I always pay you ?" -they fire in front of him I stopped cleaning the glass, leaving it on the table while he was leaning one arm on the bar and the other I used it as a support to pose his head - "this is interests me now, is usually me who has to" refresh "the memory and not the Reverse, since we are what you owe me money mmm "-" ... what? ... "- his eye lights began to tremble" hey, are you bothering this appetizer? "- the other dogs laughed
the joke to Doggo. ENOUGH! A red light was the last thing they saw in the bar. Sans teleported to Waterfall, he had to find his brother, he only hoped that he and Undyne would know who he was.
he knock the door with pure terror in his hands. Out of the door came Undyne, who was looking at him with the face of few friends. Before she could say anything Sans stepped forward, "! Undyne tell me that you know where my brother is, something really fucked is going on and- "Before he could follow it the Captain she lunged at him, banging his skull against the ground. I grab him by the sweater from his lying position- "shut up! I dont get any more visits at this time of night, I don't know where the hell  your brother is. "" Undyne for Asgore, I have to find him anyway! You have to - "- Undyne put his spare hand on her Teeth without any affection, he didn't need to open his mouth to speak precisely but the message was more than clear- "I see .... He is dead "-" WHAT !? "-" you arent the first one who comes desperate asking to find a missing family member, if you haven't found him until now,so he is dead, don't have much hope "- with that explanation she get off  from above Sans and went back into houses.
He instantly got up "b-b-but I'm not- What's happening?" - again he teleported to Snowdin this time back to his house. He ran to the entrance, without expecting it, he found a giant bear monster opening the door. The little skeleton stared at him in horror, he was standing right in front of the door with a set of keys without noticing his presence. "Can I help you with something?" - well, maybe he already notice his presence - "..." - "I've never seen you around here is a bit dangerous to walk around these hours" - "I'm.. this-" "Yes? "-which I could answer-oh yeah, look me and my brother have been in that house for years but apparently no one remembers our existence-" yeah...  I'm looking for my brother, I ... em think he's in Snowdin ... in some place "- sounded  as the worst excuse in history but the other didn't seem to care or didn't notice -" I see ... "- began to rummage in his pocket -" look, I know you're worried but it isn't a good idea that monsters as you ronden at night "- the subject sack of the pocket 100 g-" W-What? "-" is for the hostal, it is at the other part of the town. There a point of transport there is behind the house in an igloo isn't lost "- where did this guy come from? Nobody gives money to strangers, the only way someone gives you money is with a beating before. "H-hey, thank you very much for your help, hehe" - "it's my job" - and with that last sentence he enter the house.
Sans kept looking at the bills that had been kind enough to give him. And if he didn't actually find his brother because he didn't exist. He had begun to tremble in his life he had been so afraid, to wake up in a strange place and never to have existed is never totally unlikely, but that is what was happening. There's something that big guy was right the nights are dangerous and he had nowhere else to go.
He intended to open the door of the hospal when he suddenly saw that in the other building the door was opened and he found another strange point to add to his day; a human .
 The human noticed his presence and gasped in surprise, more than frightened, confused.
"S-San- ..." - the human being quiet suddenly and shaking his head he stepped back without believing what his eyes were seeing, starting to run out of Snowdin.
Did that human know who he was !?
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paradisefovnd · 7 years
i was tagged by @idyllicism <333
[ 1 ] how would you explain your muse to someone who knew nothing about them ??
depends on which one, but let’s use mark bc im always feelin him. mr. darcy 2.0. okay, so this guy is a lawyer, right? he’s a human rights lawyer, which is pretty cool actually, and he cares deeply about people. however, he keeps so manY THINGS INSIDE. he just bottles shit up, and he’s honestly a huge snob, but that’s also bc that’s what he feels like he should act like, and he loves bridget rose jones to the end of the earth. also he’s one of those “fight me” ppl - would not recommend getting him angry bc he’ll be like “let us go outside for a duel,” and actually it’s pretty funny, so if u need a good laugh, challenge mark darcy to a fight
[ 2 ] what’s your all time favourite movie ??
i don’t think i have one all time favorite, but i really can watch bridget jones’s diary over and over again. it’s my sick movie, my sad movie, my happy movie. it’s comfort food for my soul. 
[ 3 ] you have to marry a fictional character. who is it ??
this might sound weird, but i’ve always thought i’d do well with an entp spouse. so, like, any character who’s an entp really (look at this pic for reference altho i’d never marry certain characters on there, but u get the gist)
[ 4 ] favourite thing about yourself ??
i don’t really know at this point, it’s been a rough couple of days
[ 5 ] who was the first muse you ever wrote ?? would you consider writing them again ??
okay, so is this tumblr rp or other rp? bc the first rp i was ever in went way way back to when i was in middle school. it was on this forum, and it was this hayden panettiere oc who was a siren (she went to school with a ton of magical creatures), and i think her name was ariella bc i was obsessed with that name back then. and she was, honestly, the_worst.mp3. like i wanted her to be with this guy who was starting to see this other girl and so when they had play rehearsal (for legally blonde, she was cast as elle), i had her start to have a heart attack?? bc i was like ‘this will work, this will get him to love her’ and whoa, what a twisted time, my friends. i don’t think i’d write her again unless i revamped her - and actually that could be really fun hm...
[ 6 ] what is one television show that’ll never get old for you ??
the office
[ 7 ] what made you decide to start roleplaying in the first place ??
i think my cousin introduced me to forums? and it just stuck
[ 8 ] you can only eat one thing again for the rest of your life. what do you pick ??
[ 9 ] your usual starbucks order ??
some kind of latte with an extra shot of espresso (lately i’ve been getting raspberry bc i like the idea of me drinking a pink latte)
[ 10 ] your best rp experience to date ??
okay, buckle up, bc this is gonna be a ride. so, four years ago, i applied for this disney rp, not knowing anything about tumblr rp tbh, and my character was the daughter of tarzan and jane. and the rp was set up that all interactions were online - like the charaters had tumblrs or whatever and that’s how they interacted (unless you decided to para, and then that was in person. it was actually a pretty genius way to get ppl to para bc whenever u wanted to do something in person, you had to write it out), and tbh sometimes i forgot about that and i think other ppl did too. anyways, when the rp first started, there was this skype chat made, and we all bonded and it became like a family. for a long time, those ppl felt like my family, we called ourselves an ohana bc it really felt like that (and honestly, i still think of ppl from that rp as fam, inky & zoe, if ya’ll are reading this i love you so much okay <3333). i got so invested in that rp, and it became my life in a sad way. granted, this was when my depression was at its worst, so this rp was a way to cope and yeah. but the friendships i made with other people were so deep and precious, and the drama in character and out of character added much needed life to me at a time when i needed it most. also, my favorite ship of all time came out of that rp, so it honestly gave me so much, and i’m thankful for it.
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vb-mask-shop-blog · 8 years
Knowing your partner well can potentially make writing together a lot easier!
1. Basics Name: vB (Short for versatileBohemian), Ember Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Heteromantic Pansexual Zodiac Sign: Cancer Taken or Single: Somewhere in between, but Taken is the easiest answer. Three Facts: I am the oldest of most of my friends, clocking in at 32 glorious years of experience. I prefer ‘Vintage’, but I take old jokes in stride. I live in a floating metal box for random amounts of time throughout the year, as I am a sailor in the US Navy. I will almost always chose support or caster classes if available in video games/RPG’s off the bat. I dislike the chaos of being in the middle of a bunch of pixelated action, when I can heal my battle turtle from the back line of nuke them from orbit with a fireblast. 2. Experience How Long (Months/Years?): Counting the notebook my friends would pass back and forth in high school... 19 years?  ::silently comes to terms with that bit of knowledge:: Platforms you’ve used: pen and paper, tabletop (DnD/WoD Vampire and Changelines/Pathfinder/Homebrews), text, skype, msparp/charat, tumblr, RPoL, Elliquiy. Best Experience: I cannot pick best, because my archive is more like the Tony awards, with some many different categories. If you have a specific genre, feel free to ask and I’ll answer ya ^.^ 3. Muse Preferences Female or Male: Female. I only really started having male muses outside of NPC/Support when I got into Homestuck, and I think the alien culture gave me some wiggle room to try. Multi or Single: Usually singleship, but there are always AU stories that can be written ^.^ 4.  Writing Preferences: Fluff, Angst, or Smut: Angst, or at least conflict/resolution. Fluff has a bad habit of just dragging on, unless is it part of set up or world-development. Smut is wonderful, if it has a reason and purpose. One-shot smuts are their own beastie, but smut in an established ship/story should have a reason for the characters, not just the writers needed some expression. Plots or Memes: Plots. I’m not good with memes outside of the reactionary ones. It’s a weakness as a writer, probably. I also struggle with M!A type memes being anything other than AU, unless the universe the muses are in supports random fuckery like that. Long or Short Replies: Longer, usually. Internal monologue and descriptions are fun. Best Time to Write: When I’m not at work. My schedule shifts, but stays mostly M-F. So... maybe the weekends? Also it depends on format/medium a bit. Are you like your Muse(s):I think an OC is always a little bit of the player, but that is a long and almost psychology discussion. My more primary OC’s I identify with more than others, yes, for better or worse ^.^ Tagged by: @afremovink Tagging: If you read this far, assume you’re tagged by me.
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naominorbez · 8 years
Ask Meme
Tagged by @roboticabirdie (Perfect timing btw!  I’m going on a hiatus from social media soon. :] )
Rules: Tag 9 people whom you’d like to know better
Relationship Status: Single 
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick.  I’ve only ever worn lipstick for theatre; it’s not my thing.
Last Song I Listened To: I think Restrained by tiasu?  I was re-listening to their Fire album; it’s a favorite of mine. 
(Last song I sung is a different story, though.  I have a constant playlist stored in my mind that cycles through all the songs I’ve learned over the years; I was recently re-singing songs from elementary school choir! X) I first learned Waltzing Matilda in that choir, a song that I have come across quite a few times in my life, and will probably see again in the future.
Top 3 Shows: Steven Universe, Black Mirror, and Merli.
(I just started watching Merli, actually.  Only seen the first three episodes, but I love it.  It has its roots in Dead Poets Society, which is a film I found to be mediocre b/c the teacher put his “carpe diem” philosophy over . . . y’know, actually teaching the material.  I think Merli balances it (that is, the philosophy of the teacher and the teaching of his class material) better, but it also has REALLY interesting characters--some who are interesting because of their tendency to do the wrong thing [the main character is like this!].  It’s on Netflix; check it out.  Warning for adult content though--this show is not for kids.
@katy-133 & @phanatyy , I feel like you especially would find Merli quite interesting; it’s the jerk Main Charater or Rick and Morty combined with Dead Poets Society.  Merli [the main character] is quite Rick-like, and Bruno [you’ll meet him in the first episode] is kind of this show’s Morty.  Like Rick, Merli drags both Bruno and the philosophy class to some strange, bad, and interesting places.)
Top 3 Characters: Oof.  Remind me to redo my Top 10 Characters list someday.  The characters I like change depending on what I’m personally feeling, though it’s safe to say a few characters I will always love (such as Hogarth from The Iron Giant).  For the sake of not repeating myself, here are 3 characters I’ve really enjoyed recently:
1. Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles.  I recently re-watched the film, and spotted quite a few things I hadn’t noticed when I last re-saw it a few years back.  The emotion of Mr. Incredible’s arc is captured so incredibly well (no pun intended), and I found myself really understanding & empathizing with him in ways I hadn’t before.  I can’t wait until The Incredibles 2.
2. Javier from The Walking Dead: A New Frontier.  Ok, let me say this: Telltale just keeps getting better and better.  I was starting to have doubts after the first episode of TWD: Michonne, but the next two episodes were pretty good (not to mention the cinematic battles and Michonne’s mental struggle--I CRIED AT THE END, OK?!), and Telltale Batman was awesome.  A New Frontier is a great step forward for Telltale.
The narrative design in A New Frontier, not to mention the writing and the expressive facial animation, was great.  I really empathize with Javi, and find him to be an interesting and complex character.  I also find it interesting that he’s showing his nephew, who’s going through puberty, what it means to grow up and “be a man”, which gives more weight to your decisions as a player.  This also gives a new light to things when Clementine enters the narrative: How will she, a stoic loner more than capable of protecting herself, impact your nephew’s life as he grows into adulthood, hoping to be the family protector someday?
Honestly, I really like all the characters in A New Frontier so far--yes, even Conrad, who did a bad thing (won’t say what because of spoilers), but had a complex and understandable reason for doing so.  I’m not saying he was in the right or anything, but I could see him and understand why he did what he did.  The characters in A New Frontier are all beautiful, flawed, and relatable, and Javier is my favorite of the bunch so far.  I can’t wait to play the next few episodes!
3. Merli from . . . well, Merli.  
Let’s be straight: this guy is a total jerk in a lot of ways.  He doesn’t play well with other teachers, and unabashedly says that he favors the students over them (the “who do you really work for” thing in teaching is a whole new can of worms that I won’t open right now.  Different teachers have different stances on it, though). Not to mention he openly disobeys his authority figures and doesn’t seem to have much of a moral compass.   Yikes.
But like I said . . . he’s the Rick of this show.  And if you’ve seen Rick and Morty (like I have.  Still wondering if I should have), you know that Rick may be pretty amoral, and is capable of horrible things, but the writers do a really good job of showcasing his talents and making us empathize with him.  And the writers of Merli have done pretty much the same thing.  There’s a moment at the end of Episode 2 that I really like, which showcases this perfectly.
Plus, the guy who plays Merli does an amazing job.  Especially how he utilizes facial movements--the way he expresses is kind of amazing (actually, all the actors/actresses on this show seem to have this talent, but Francesc Orella [who plays Merli] takes the total cake).  I’d show you a GIF, but apparently Tumblr doesn’t have a Merli GIF of Merli, so here’s a video clip instead that shows scenes from Episode 1.  The show is Catalan; this clip doesn’t seem to have subtitles, though.  Sorry. ^^;
(Side note: I especially like the show’s subtle commentary on the education system with the characters Pol and Joan.  Pol has failed twice in school, and is called a “trouble-maker” by one teacher, but his tendency to ask questions about the material Merli teaches is, to Merli, a very good thing, which improves his standing in the class.  Joan is a very book-smart student who seems to follow the syllabus and do the homework strictly, but he’ll have to do more than that to pass the class--he’ll have to be thoughtful about the material, not just regurgitate answers when prompted.  Merli agrues for a thoughtful classroom that is aware, with things that students will take away for their future, not a classroom of students who only memorize material for grades and then forget it the next year.  This is just what I’ve interpreted from the episodes I’ve seen so far; this was probably not the writer’s intent)
But seriously, if you like Rick and Morty and/or Dead Poets Society even a little bit, you need to watch Merli.  It’s Rick-Lite teaching high-school philosophy as Morty tries not to be too embarrassed by him, with a ton of interesting side characters--I have a hard time choosing my favorite.  Like I said though, warning for adult content.
Thanks for tagging me, @roboticabirdie ! c: Sorry this was so long; I apparently had a lot to say about Merli. ^^; 
I tag: (only if you’d like to do this) @disabledpaladin , @phanatyy , @rosemaryorangelemon , @katy-133 , @somestrangecircus , and anyone else who would enjoy doing this.  (I can’t think of nine people at the moment.)
Have a good one!
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writingcommissions · 8 years
Artemis Fowl/Eureka (TV Show) Crossover
I am sorry in advance if this is tagged wrong, after reading the instructions like 3 times, I think I did it right…anyways, onwards!
I have been shown this awesome page by one of the writers who does business here. I am a big fan of crossovers and , sadly there don’t seem to be a lot of them around so I am looking to fix that here are the basics
Length: as long as it needs to be, I think it can be done well in less than 100000 words but let the story dictate it’s length, I want it to feel natural and in character 
Pairings: Artemis×Holly Short, Juliet ButlerxF, others as the author sees fit. 
Rating: NSFW, Ideally there would be at least 1 sex scene between any pairing, if you are uncomfortable writing that way, talk to me and we will see if something can be done
Canon Timeline: Post The Last Guardian, anywhere within the Eurkea timeline, NOW here is where things get complicated, Eureka and Warehouse 13 exist in the same universe, and in my head, Warehouse 13 and The Library from The Librarians series are the same thing, you may use any characters/devices from any of these. CAUTION, I like crossovers, but they must be well done, if adding anything ruins the flow of the narrative it shouldn’t be there, so, please do not throw things together just because you can, everything should feel natural.
Basic premise: Artemis has turned 21 and in an effort to legitimize himself has taken a job at perhaps the only place where genius such as his can be appreciated…Global Dynamics, as per usual something has gone Very Wrong at GD and Haven is somehow involved. Will Artemis and Holly finally figure out and admit to one another that, yeah, they probably should date?! Will Juliet get to be more than a throwaway charater?! What happens when Artemis isn’t the smartest man in the room?! Magic! Science! And who knows what else colide in something that I hope should be a lot of fun to read!
Payment: as this is very complicated, I have more than enough money but this will be on a chapter by chapter basis, done over the course of say a year, with payments for content happening monthly, so the price is to be negotiated with any interested parties on when interest is expressed.
Side Notes: any work commissioned and paid for must be posted at archive of our own  for others to enjoy, even if incomplete, at my discretion. I also really like Sheriff Andy, so if he could be worked into the story I would appreciate it.
Mod Note: This person can be contacted at [email protected]
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (21/22)
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier.
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo …
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
One day past, and then another, and another, and another. 
All he want was to back to normality, back to the long days haunting on the forest and the short nights on the arms of his lover. 
But all he get from Yamato was silence, coldness, indifference, sometimes even fear.
At the begining Taichi thought that he only needed time, a few nights to cry over his lost friend, that at some point the both would talk about it, but that time never came.
And everyday that past the air felt  thicker between them,  he want to scream and run and fight, but they put him against an enemy he would never beat, a bigger obstacule than Yamato´s  bitterners 
His sister talked  and whispered  and sang, always the same  nonsense, Hikari  continues all day every day, she join him for breakfast and dinner, she walked him around the halls of the castle and in the meetings with the council; and when she was not there, Koushiro was, and when they disappear and he finally could breath it was night, and he was left alone on his room with his wife. 
And Yamato guarded the room 
And Sora looked at him demanding something that he refuse to give 
And everything he could think about was Yamato outside the room 
 And the woman inside the room grew impatient, but also proud; she wasn´t going to beg and he wasn´t going to bend.  
In the morning Hikari was waiting for him outside the room, and Yamato looked at the floor and Taichi died for explain him that nothing happened, that he never touch her as he had touch him, but his little sister smile at him, and the routine begins again.
Days and nights, thoughts that what could be tormented him, he should stay on the island for the execution of Iory and Ken; he should never come back for the war; sometimes he wonder if it was bad luck that Kouji stroke that arrow... 
“What a wonderful moon” Hikari exclaim when the same cheerful voice,  maybe a little bit cheerful that the usual “you should rest, go to bed earlier tonight” 
As if he want that,  between the eyes of the lights and the lies of the crown it was the Kingdom, if something allowed him not to drown was his duty, his work, the only vow that he hadn't  broken, so he devoted himself, he worked late, hardly and constand.
“ If you need rest go to your room” he smiled stacking a pile of papers that could totally wait until next morning “ This is important Hikari”  He lied, in the corner of his eye it was Yamato, of course, silence Yamato guarding the door in the room when only he and his sister where, if only, if this time she would let them alone 
“Is not as important brother, you know...” a little red appear on her sister cheeks “this moon is a powerful augury, this night  could be the night” 
“The night?” 
“You know…” It was not the presence of his sister what bothered him, sometimes he felt that Hikari did not exist anymore, they had somehow replaced the sweet girl who was scared of the shadows, the annoying young woman who scolded him about his manners, who joked, who laughed, for one more of them, an endless recital of light proverbs, a tool for their scams  “because it such a beautiful full moon” she mamble 
“ the moon?” but behind her rosy cheeks Taichi somehow saw a glimpse of his little sister “ should I let my work because of the moon?” 
“Brother!” Hikari was there “You may not know, but the moon is a light vessel, its dictade the fluctuations of the soul, enlight the spirit, especially those from  women” she avoided his eyes “and I don't ask you to quit your job, just to focus on one of greater importance” 
Taichi late a minute to catch up on her words “What you want Kari?”
“Is not about what a i want brother! is more about what I know” she lowered her voice Was she trying to prevent Yamato from listening to them? 
“I dont think you know as much as you think”
“I have been studying the texts, I have looked at the stars, I have prayed every day since your return, I have ..."  she stuttered "I have monitored the fluctuations in the queen's body, believe me, toning must be the night”  the knight at the door turn around 
He stand up, livid in anger and shame  “you have no right!”
“Dont you dare!” he feels the rage burning his skin “Dont call me brother when you act like nothing more that a priest!”
“I only want the best for you!”
“The best for me? is this the best for me? did I look like the best I had been? HOW?! How you have time for stars and book and prayers when you are watching me all day?!”
“I´m not…”
“Yes you are! Do you think i don´t know? that I´m stupid?! You are here talking about trues and life and you lie and kill”
“I never…”
“You are killing me Hikari, don´t you see? all this pat that your light draw end with my death” he laughs, sitting again “ you are just like the rest of them, are you still my sister Hikari? are something of you still there?”
“What do you mean? of course im your sister”
 “Then talk to me,  ask me if I want any of this, act as if you care when I´m suffering!”
“Of course I care! but brother you must know, suffering is how we gains forgiveness, sacrifice  will give us the eternal paradise, is the only way for The Light to enter in our souls “ the words of a priest, Hikari spoke with such a devotion, Taichi was sure she believes every single line “Only through suffering can we atone our sins”
“what do you know about my sins?”
she said nothing but her eyes move to the door 
“Live me alone sister” His voice drop a shadow between them 
“I cant…I have orders ”
“orders from who? You are nothing more than a lady of the court” 
“I´m a sister of The Light!”
 “No you are not! you are  a tool! a pretty face that they train to recitate old passage! They haven't even let you give the votes!, did you know why? “ he stand up “because you are the princess of the mountains, you are the key to our parents titles and everything than you are doing to me sister, they are gonna force on you too!  and I remind you I'm still the damn King of all the living land and I command you to leave me alone!”
She shook and tremble, her little body looked like it would broke 
“Yes your majesty”  a little bow, not a single tear  “ I must inform you that the queen is waiting for you on your chamber” she walk out,  not before calling Yamato to follow her,  finally leaving him alone.
And felt alone indeed, not Hikari or Yamato turn back to looked at him when they walk away, he knew he had lost his sister, it was not sudden; slowly the claws of The Light had dragged her for years until they took control of her entire body, there was nothing he could do to get her back, but Yamato … 
Taichi leaves his study and walked with the head up and stop in front of the door with no guards, sacrifice would bring him paradise. 
Sora was sitting near to the window, holding a book she wasn't reading, it wasn´t even midnight when her husband appear. 
“You are late” you stupid, stupid man 
“I know” she didn't expect him to talk back, he never did,  He took so long but finally walked until her and took her hand, one knee on the floor “I need to know, did you want a son? is really your wish or is a mandate of The Light?” 
She move with confusion, only Taichi ever ask for what she want 
“I want a heir, I don't want the legacy of my father to died with me” he expect sincerity “and I… I wish for a baby, I want to be a mother it has nothing to do with The Light” 
“ fine, then I'm gonna need your word” 
“My word?” she was used to be ignore by him, but this? Taichi suddenly care and for onces she was completely lost 
“Yes, the promise that you won't kill me as soon as you have a heir” 
“I would never do that!” she rush and dear heaven he touch her shoulder; he had no right, when was the last time anyone touch her? was that his fear? that was what was holding him back?  a hope that she thought dead blooms 
“Promise me that you won't let them kill him” a stupid woman for a stupid man “Promise me….” 
“And what about the promises you made to me?  what about your lies? how you dare to ask me for anything!” 
“You need it to be my son” who was that men? why the sudden confidence? “promise me that you won't let them kill him”  he repeat “promise me that Yamato would be alright” the audacy
She thought in refuse, but only the fools fight a battle already lost. 
“You have my word” she didn't need his heart anyway, she only needs his body, his  touch, his hands, his strong arms took her and carried to their bed “But you must never lie to me again” 
That's smile, he closed his eyes and stroked her skin, what a horrible way to be a gentleman, if only she care, if only they had not already passed the point of no return. 
 She undress herself, he do the same. 
If it was a defeat, she hope every failure in life feels that good
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