#this is so much more of a sonic whiplash
lifemod17 · 6 months
hit me with your favorite "d" songs!!
Hello sweet Em!! Happy timezones 🥰🥰
Die Mf Die - Dope (always gets played when I'm in a mood to flip a table)
Deserve you - Michl (if you wanna float, this is a beautiful song)
Dress - Charlotte Sands (I love when women ✨)
Discombobulated - Eminem (one of his underrated songs off of the Music To Be Murdered By album!)
Doo Wop (That Thing) - Lauryn Hill (if you like this song, you are so cool to me and i wanna vibe out with you!!)
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blu-ish · 8 months
Ok so how do you think Shadow reacted when Sonic wasn’t in his arms when he arrived back in green hill
(Sonic prime)
... (Here's my idea as a sample mini-fic cuz I have no self-control.)
He couldn't help the panic that sunk deep within his broken heart. He failed. After everything, and he was still unable to save one of the only people who genuinely cared about him. That was Shadows most rational thought at the moment anyways. Almost tempted to let out a pitiful laugh at the irony of it all.
The hedgehog felt stupid, naive, and absolutely pathetic. Just like before.
What did he think would happen?
His grip loosened after he feels the almost ghostly appearance of the chaos emerald in his quills, the one he'd spent hours scouring for in the past. He doesn't even remember why...
The emerald looked way to much like his eyes, eye's he'd never get to see again.
As much as Shadow was willing to give into the pain, the urge to scream his lunges out, he remembered the mountain-- the prism.
What if...?
Hope burns like a small uncertain ember in his heart, one where the slightest breeze would extinguish it forever. Shadow races up the mountain, emerald in hand, unsure of what he might see--or what he wanted to see. Who he wished to see.
Ruby meets emerald green, and Shadow can breathe again.
Shadow tries to ignore the emotional whiplash he had just experienced. He really does. But, he can't help but occasionally stare- no, examine the cobalt hedgehog who sat next to him.
He's here.
He's alive.
His gloved hand twitches, unbeknownst to its owner, it slowly inches its way closer to the hero. Stopping at an invisible barrier, Shadow clears his throat.
"I hope you've at least tried to learn something from all of this."
Sonic's laughter almost makes the agent jump, almost.
"Yeah, yeah. No more smashing super colorful rocks for me, that's for sure!" Sonic played the events they both just endured like another adventure, just another day for Sonic T. Hedgehog. Or so he assumed the blue hedgehog was trying to do.
"I think that would be for the best. For everyone." Shadow concluded, gripping the grass below him a little harder then he meant too. An action that didn't go unnoticed by the hedgehog next to him.
"I'm really gonna miss everyone though, seems kinda silly after everything but..." Sonic sighed, "I'm really glad the guy I ended up getting stuck with was you, Shads."
Turning to face the hedgehog fully. Shadow scanned Sonics face for any indication of sarcasm, only to be met by the most brightest smile he'd ever seen. The warm hues of the sunset didn't help either.
He'd seen Sonic smile, the guy seemed to do it whenever he could. But now, this... felt different, personal. It didn't feel unpleasant either. That scared him, not like he'd ever admit that though.
"And what exactly does that mean?" The darker hedgehog ignored the flush that was most likely on his face right now. Narrowing his brow at the other. He could unpack what he was feeling, later.
"Does grumpy want a list?" Sonic replied playfully. Since when did he start to lean on his side? The blue hero continued, listing his reasons on his fingers.
"Not to mention you've saved my life, more than once, all in practically the same day."
"You saved mine as well, that makes us even." Shadow reminded. It was getting harder and harder to keep eye contact with Sonic. He crossed his arms in mild frustration at himself more than anything.
"We had a bonding moment! You cradled me in your arms, dude!" Sonic exclaimed, moving in even closer somehow to wrap an arm around the flustered hybird.
His mind going blank to find a proper response, he resorted to grumbling. Sonics laughter filled the air again, taking another breath out of Shadows in the process.
"Anyone would've done the same, your life was in immediate danger, I was simply the fastest mode of transportation, simple."
"But it wasn't just anyone Shads... it was you." Shadow had rarely heard the hedgehog sound so serious, but gentle at the same time. As if he was talking to a frightened woodland creature, one that was only mere moments away from fleeing.
He didn't know when they started looking at each others eyes, he also came to the conclusion that Sonics eyes--while similar, shined way brighter than his emerald.
It was Sonics turn to clear his throat, accompanied by a chuckle. "So, yeah... thanks."
What Sonic wasn't expecting was dark arms wrapping themselves around his back. Bringing him close to his rival. Or the soft patch of white fur to tickle so much.
"Don't get used to it.." Was all Shadow said, burying his face unapologetically into his peach shoulder.
"Wouldn't dream of it." Sonic smiled, hugging Shadow tight. The pair stayed like that until the night covered them in a blanket of stars.
It was good to be home.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
When are we gonna acknowledge the fact that the whole "Sonic is super cheerful around Shadow who finds him annoying" thing only started in Shadow the Hedgehog and that this isn't, like. their default
You wanna know what their original dynamic was? Sonic getting ticked off by Shadow's very presence, who would stop in the middle of anything no matter how urgent and time-sensitive it was just to mess with Sonic.
(He got sidetracked from his own mission to save Rouge from THE EXPLOSIVES THAT HE SET because the urge to make fun of Sonic was too strong. what is wrong with him)
And it's Sonic who starts their first fight, by the way. He was clearly taking Shadow much more seriously than the other way around; he genuinely wanted to fight, while I'm pretty sure Shadow just wanted to have some fun and show off. (AS THE BOMB IS STILL TICKING)
But at the same time, most likely because he was having fun, he seemed to be hoping that Sonic would prove himself to be something more than just... Some Guy. Why else would he seem disappointed that Sonic could be killed? And so impressed (dare I say proud) when it turned out that he survived by using Chaos Control with a fake Emerald?
All of the animosity was on Sonic's end - Shadow was the one who wanted someone to rival him. He never disliked Sonic, or found him annoying to be around. If he did, he wouldn't have spent so much time around him to begin with.
And they were somehow like this in Heroes, too. Despite his amnesia, Shadow once again listens to Sonic talk for a few seconds and immediately decides that he needs to taunt him. Searching for the answers to his identity can wait, he just thought of a great comeback and needs to style on this random hedgehog for a bit
Then you've got the absolute whiplash of Shadow's game, where all of a sudden Sonic is Super Friendly towards Shadow, who's having none of it. Even if you try to make the argument that Sonic is trying to be friendlier on purpose because he wants to bond with Shadow more, the game portrays it as if this is just How Sonic Is.
Sure, I'd expect him to be picking fewer fights with Shadow when they're working together to save the world, but he's like. borderline giddy all the time. it's kinda funny but so, so confusing in the grand scheme of things.
Sonic 06 gave a much more sensible portrayal of how the two would talk to each other after they're done being enemies, I think. There's a little bit of rivalry in there, but it's not born out of them conflicting with each other. There's no hesitation to work together, no grumbling from Shadow, and Sonic isn't being uncharacteristically excitable about it.
(Plus they retained the silent communication thing they had going at the end of SA2, which is nice)
Unfortunately, 06 was the first and only time that we would see the two of them written this way, as friends who maybe don't "hang out" but aren't the type to bicker or turn everything into a competition at the expense of practicality.
There was no hesitation to the respect they had for each other, either, which is easily the most baffling part of their current portrayals. Not even their Boom counterparts had any hangups about that, and they were legitimately antagonistic towards each other most of the time.
Case in point, I think it's very easy to look at their designs and put them into stereotypical little boxes where Sonic is the ray of sunshine while Shadow is too edgy to find him anything but annoying, but that's just. not how they are at all, and the actual ways their personalities used to bounce off of each other was both funnier and more interesting in my opinion
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swanpit · 3 months
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i decided to also join artfight this year! (also alternate roster here because i cant decide)
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character infos under the cut cos it's gonna be long but you can also check it on this artfight site. you're welcome if you want to draw the ones not on this form
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jaka is based from a local folktale, but now with a new twist. he put himself in quite a pickle, tricking one of 7 deity sisters to be his wife and now they are after him so they can get their missing sister back. during this interpretation jaka will have to choose how he can survive this ordeal. will he choose to surrender…or will the desperation to survive makes him choose the path of no return…? this character were designed to have two possible endings for his character development so feel free to explore both possibilities
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evangeline, a young cat mage, bored of her life and seeking for truth and knowledge sends her to the most fascinating journey around their world and finding out shocking truths about their forgotten world history along the way…in the end she wonders…is this life changing trip worth it? either way there's the moment where her eyes opened and she would never see the world she knew in the same way ever again (bonus gijinka ver!)
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lea, sonic oc, based on news about intersex lions (that's why she got such a thick, bushy mane/hair)
age : 19 zodiac is leo (might as well, it fits anyway) is a gladiator, use claws and leaping attacks a lot, more tendency to counter than block or dodge if she's in a sonic heroes-esque team, her role is "power" probably she'll slowly gets more and more curious about her hair growth and hair care definitely went through trials and challenges to get her power glove/boots set
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more sonic oc, melody, an emo bunny diva (22) very confident and knows how to command the stage, but can also be a drama queen. if she were to fight her style will be dance battler
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and mercury (18) a nicobar pidgeon who works in delivery. her built is speed/flying. her biggest pride is when she can finish her delivery on time, be it shipment or messages (yes her name is from that roman god mercury)
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Dianella (she/her, bisexual, the dead girl in a dead guy's body, died at 23), novice cleric, died in battle, kidnapped and "saved" by a mad scientist necromancer and now she woke up in a body of a dead, dark elf rogue. Eventually she found herself in the middle of ragtag band of misfits living in the necromancer's mansion Alignment, prob lawful good at start, but in naive way due to her upbringing, going to slowly slide to more chaotic/neutral spectrum, but still have the idealistic core at heart. Even tho she mourns the life she once had, eventually she starts to explore the new one that this unlikely second chance gave her, and sees the world from a new point of view.
during the story she spends most of the time on the second body (the dead guy's). whereabouts of her original body is unknown, much to her chargrin.....
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the werewolf girl (name tba, demisexual/demiromantic and traumatized as fuck, age 20) born from demon mother and werewolf father. lost her father on werewolf raid, lost her mother on demon raid on different time. and since then her life is constant whiplash of people pitying her state and yet threaten to kill and make her suffer at the same time (they dont know that her werewolf form and her are the same person) or worse attract unwanted attention from exploitative or overly curious individuals….eventually she finally found someone,a son of an orc chieftain who is the first person who didnt want to kill her but saw her as a rival and they get closer from that day as they learn to get to know each other better. she was known on her wanted poster as "the infernal werewolf" and each incidents she keeps raking her own bounties....
bonus for the character who isnt in the form list :
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big liger who lived off the grid, a mercenary. he has his own small strawberry farm and his favorite is making strawberry jam. the fun uncle/dad type, and his fighting style is mix of street brawl and wrestling
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randomthefox · 4 months
It's actually shocking how fast the writers got bored of Surge. The instant her arc ended she immediately got demoted to comedic extra. Surge's return literally ends with sonic threatening her once and her getting too scared to cause anymore trouble. There's no way to take her seriously anymore.
I can only speculate of course, but I don't think Flynn and Stanley really get along as co-writers. For as much as it feels like Stanley is trying to emulate what Flynn had already established for the comic by the time she came on, you can really feel their styles clashing with each other. Particularly in the storylines where they're switching seats. And those, what, four issues where one did one story and the other did the other story both in the same issue? It's like whiplash, especially when the characters cross over into both stories. They simply do not write the same way both in terms of plotting and in the voices they give to the characters. Take for example issue #49 where the entire issue was dedicated to a big emotional build up moment for Belle, only to then go into #50 where that build up was supposed to pay off with a cathartic conclusion to her entire narrative.
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You can feel such an immediate difference in how the scene is handled, and how the character of Belle is written. If Stanley had written issue #50, this confrontation between Belle and Eggman in person, Belle facing the evil man who wears her fathers face, would have been so much more emotionally wrought and dramatic. But Flynn handles it in such a utilitarian way, and the emphasis is more on EGGMAN than on Belle. The purpose of this scene is to wrap up Belle's daddy issues, and so that's what he has happen in the scene, no real investment in the character is delved into or paid off. Belle is treated almost as a hook for Eggman, since the emphasis of this exchange is on him realizing she could be potentially useful to him and taking an interest in recruiting her. Belle's character is treated as a tool for the narrative, and not as a narrative worth exploring in and of herself.
Belle was Evan Stanley's pet character, the entire catalyst for her getting pulled into the comic as a writer in the first place. And Ian Flynn obviously did not give a wet shit about her whatsoever.
With Surge I can VIVIDLY see it being the OPPOSITE. Where Surge is Flynn's pet character, and Stanley sooooooo could not give a fuck.
Flynn wants Surge to be taken seriously.
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But to Stanley she's a joke
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Even the moments Stanley gives her that feel like they're meant to be Real Moments don't really feel natural for the character the way Flynn writes her. They just feel like Stanley's penchant for soap opera melodrama seeping in. These moments still do not feel like they fit the way Flynn writes her - these moments would NOT have been written this way if Flynn wrote these issues. Because he doesn't really DO this kind of thing, this is Stanley's habits of angsty interpersonal focus.
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Surge suffers from having two different cooks throwing in ingredients from two different recipes into the pot. And at the end of the day the character ends up sucking and not being fun to write or having a satisfying story, so the writers get bored of her and want to move on and make something new instead. And she gets shuffled off to the sidelines along with all the other girlbosses they lost interest in. And right alongside Belle.
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into the trash you go along with the rest of the narrative refuse.
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theangrycomet-art · 9 months
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Sonic Underground: Queen Aleena
this woman is so underrated. She is literally the one of the only useful Royal's ACTIVELY working against Robotnik.
Random Notes
Brief history
An egyptian long-eared hedgehog
not from Mobotropolis, she had traveled there in her youth for her studies and to find a potential suitor
Her older sister was the heir for the throne, and had already happily married and had two children, so her royal duties were few and far between
this, as well as their mother's insistence, led to Aleena having a lot of freedom as she grew up, traveling around the world, training to be an ambassador of sorts
though Aleena is of royal lineage, she technically is not the Queen of Mobius, so much as the people's chosen royal due to her kindness and fight for equity
Mobotropolis' then Crown Prince (King Max) sought out a betrothal between the two, though this fell through
met Jules when he and Argus were helping Chuck test out an invention
more specifically when he crashed spectacularly into the fountain she had been reading beside, soaking her quills to toe
she dyed her quills darker in her youth (this was somewhat traditional in her homeland)
has a limp from the injuries she received escaped the Raid of Mobotropolis
magic runs strongly in her family and is the partial source of Sonic's speed and Sonia's strength
skilled sorceress, though her magic is suffering from burnout due to the constant strain she is under
left arm formerly had special tattoos that helped stabilize her magic- serving as a sort of modulator
her limb was destroyed during Robotnik's takeover where she pushed hr magic too far trying to protect everyone
More specifcally a protection spell for her children, which lasted until their 15th birthday when they received their medallions
the tipping was when she tried to cast this on Jules as well- it caused a whiplash that wrecked her arm
Argus helped her as she recovered and take care of the kids
she had a bodyguard, though she perished in the Raid of Mobotropolis
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skaruresonic · 29 days
So Sonic 3's trailer finally dropped today. Any thoughts on it?
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I had zero hype for this film because I didn't like the previous two and had no reason to believe this one would turn out any different. Lo and behold! ...it doesn't.
There's so much I could talk about.
• The shameless digging up of the corpse of my favorite Sonic game just to dress it up Norman Bates-style. Why yes, I love getting butchered adaptations of SA2 shoved down my throat. Keep 'em coming.
• The fact that the overly-furry aesthetic Paramount chose for Sonic and the other anthros still looks plug-ugly to my eyes no matter how much I try to get acclimated to it. In fact, it somehow looks even worse here than it did in previous movies.
• The fact that they ripped off a scene from Matrix Revolutions. Interesting choice, lmao.
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• Jimbotnik continuing to register as "Jim Carrey in a costume" and not as Eggman.
• Agent Stone continuing to be a nothingburger of a character aside from being a living footstool for Jimbotnik. I thought everybody said he was going to be 3's main antagonist. Why is he even here.
• Jimbotnik calling Gerald "Pop-Pop," cutesy-ing it up for no real reason, when Eggman simply called him "grandpa" at most in the games. What, is his grandfather Mike Ehrmantraut now?
• The original game's "fuck the police" angle now being ignored in favor of maybe making GUN look like the good guys (what?).
• The fact that the ARK, an iconic location, is nowhere in sight is making me more than a tad apprehensive. Idk if this thing is supposed to replace it:
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• This one really steams my hams: the fact that Paramount portrays Jimbotnik's weight gain via hateful stereotypes of fat men which the games do not employ in their overall portrayal of Eggman. It reflects a fatphobic attitude I could have told you was the case years ago judging by the fact that they cast a thin man in the role.
Games!Eggman is stylish and immaculately groomed, but Jimbotnik has to be a slob who dresses like The Dude just because he gained a little weight. Of course. 🙄
It really bothers me because Eggman is quite possibly one of the only examples of positive fat male representation I can point to, and they can't even let him be a little fat onscreen without literally exposing his belly with the intent to make fun of him in ways the games seldom do, if ever.
God fucking forbid he actually weighs the 281 lbs. he does in canon; Paramount would probably portray him like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers.
In lieu of being portrayed as dumb and weak, as is usually the case for fat male characters, Games!Eggman is portrayed as cunning, intelligent, powerful (physically and mentally), and stylish in a way that commands respect, despite whatever this Chili's says to discredit him. Eggman is fucking cool, and y'all are tripping if you don't think so.
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• The fact that this movie is probably going to be cringe on the basis of its constant bathos-inducing insistence on making the characters crack mistimed jokes during serious moments.
• Doing a double take when Sonic called Shadow an "alien," possibly realizing that "alien" is the film universe's designation for anthros, then promptly short-circuiting and catching on fire. Can we not.
• Why does the trailer insist on making Shadow look like a wet cat? They did not deep-freeze my boy like they did in the games. Games!Shadow emerged from stasis minty-fresh, whereas Movie!Shadow looks like a newborn kitten yeeted straight out of the womb:
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Disgustang. Stop that.
• The fact that everyone gives '06 flack for aesthetic whiplash but thinks Shadow looking like a muppet beside an irl little girl is fine, actually:
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And the fact that said little girl may be killed just making dead Maria jokes 10x more uncomfortable than they need to be.
• They missed an opportunity for a fun visual gag by having the bathroom sign read "occupied" instead of "eggupied" or "hatching" (as in hatching a scheme. or a shit. maybe both, lol). Something like that:
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They can pay homage to the Akira bike slide and the Super Burly Brawl from Matrix Revolutions, but God forbid we actually allude to Sonic games :v
...But most of this can be boiled down to "Paramount gonna Paramount."
All in all, I'm likely to continue my time-honored tradition of seeing the movie when it releases in theaters because deep down, I'm still a Sonic whore and subsequently pretending the films don't exist thereafter lol
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I’ve been gone for so long but I have so much to say and idk how to say it so please be prepared for an absolute mess of an ask lol
First, I just really wanna give appreciation for Super Emeralds (The comic creator) and their dedication to THOAM. I’ve been on Tumblr for just a little more than a year at this point, and I only joined in the first place because of this comic. I got into it way back in… What was it, 2020?? 2021? And I fell in love immediately with the concept! Sonic feeling insecure about his new Werehog form? Chip being an active member of the team and a great friend?? TEAM DARK??? SONADOW DONE RIGHT?????????? Ohohoho! You can bet I was completely on board! I tried my best to comment on every page, because I just love giving positive feedback for things I enjoy, and took note of how Super Emeralds evolved their style as the years went on. I wasn’t there during the beginning, and I really wish I was, but the time I’ve spent following this fun little comic has made me feel so much appreciation not just for Super Emeralds as a person, but for the entire Sonic art community as a whole! Art is a creative endeavor, a passionate career, and sometimes it’s really hard to just. Draw. Comics are especially hard as I’ve discovered. So just… Good job to Super Emeralds for sticking around all these years and for giving us such an incredibly thought out and beloved series. And thank you.
I’ve been a bit absent from Tumblr for the last few weeks due to sickness and lack of interest so I am undoubtedly missing a page or two from the equation but OH MY GOSH. POOR SONIC. Bro wakes up from like a 2-day long nap and the first thing he sees is his little brother screaming in his face at 3AM. He’s so confused haha! I noticed he isn’t as insecure or he isn’t really freaking out as much as I assumed he would way back during the exposition pages. This is obviously due to the confusion and whiplash after waking up as his “Normal” self again, but I feel like it’s just him putting on another fascade around his friends. To an extent, at least. He isn’t aware of the new pink markings all over his body and he isn’t aware of just how worried all his friends were. All he knows is that they know about his new form and they for some reason aren’t acting weird about it, so he’s likely just playing along to make sure nobody gets overly concerned. It just seems like something he’d do. Or maybe I’m just grasping at the angst straws, idk.
Also let’s not gloss over how Omega doesn’t care that Sonic mauled him to death. Let’s not gloss over the fact that Omega clearly cares for the others because of his ignorance to Sonic’s rampage.
Yeah if you couldn’t already tell I’m a sucker for this kinda stuff-
Uhhhhh I don’t really have much else to say, honestly. Maybe I will later, but right now I’m on a time crunch so I gotta keep this all pretty concise. Thank you so so much for reading all the way through, I know this was a really really long one. And again, thanks to Super Emeralds for being able to last this long and not losing motivation for the comic. I know I would’ve given up after just 5 pages! (I actually tried to make a comic of sorts and I literally gave up after 5 pages I am not kidding.)
Aight I gotta go now bye bye!! 👋
ur gonna have a field day in 2-3 weeks depending on when u decide to go on rampage haha
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biolizardboils · 8 months
so heads up! im popping a LOT of Prime Season 3 posts into the queue--they'll start coming out one week from now, on January 22nd! if you can see this post and haven't watched it yet, here's some tags to block: #prime spoilers, #sonic prime spoilers, #sonic prime s3 spoilers, #sonic prime season 3 spoilers.
got all that? great! here's my final unorganized little rambles about the show:
shoutout to Rusty Rose's Birdie, who only appears in the very first and very last eps for some reason 😭 her speech about it not being her power source came outta nowhere too, but i loved the message behind it
when everyone arrives at the Grim, just before the ep ends, Nine starts breathing heavily and it. instantly reminded me of Movie!Tails when the bar was calling them freaks. fuck. its a nice reminder of where Nine's coming from
speaking of Nine his poses getting more unhinged over time!! hell yeah
i love that the final fight(s) felt like a kid smashing 3 different Lego sets together, real Robot Pirate Island shit
i laughed a little too hard when the Grim's dome started closing in cus Nine's citadel-thing already reminded me of a thing that happened in Fortnite once, but hell naw they had to add The Storm too sdfghj
METAL BIG DESTROYED ME LJKHGFDV im SO glad i wasnt spoiled about it!!! a while in i started finding it creepy instead of funny, which is an added bonus
i was spoiled about the Advance flashback and its clashing sprites though. the utter whiplash of seeing that without warning mightve made me choke on my hot cheeto puffs. someone's already remade it btw, check it out
i fistpumped at the small reprise of "me beauty" gfhjk ill miss you so much Dread
we're four years into the 2020's and Sonic has nearly died an agonizingly slow death 3 times in 3 different continuities! and dare i say it was delicious every time >:)
unless Word of God says otherwise I'm gonna assume that the giant shadow at the end was The Return Of Metal Big lpoihgfds
So... Twitter, huh? My spoiler filters there had some leaks, and I saw some discussion out of context that... actually made me kinda scared to finish the show. But then I did, and had fun with it just like the other two seasons, and I remembered that Twitter gets high-strung about things that don't matter so much, and that giving it sway over how much I enjoy things is silly lol.
Yes, I think the last season could've been paced differently so it wasn't 5 episodes of the same Final Boss Fight. Yes, I think the writing switches jarringly between gearing for a young new audience and for a seasoned old one. Yes, I think the 2D flashbacks look and move worse than what fans constantly make for free. Yes, I think the final episode doesn't do nearly as much housekeeping as it should (does the Shatterverse still exist or not??). Yes, I think declaring the show is canon to the games or whatever they said probably wasn't the best idea. And yes, I think Black Rose should've had a shoulder-parrot!Birdie to match the other Amys. All valid critiques! All sensible things to think when you've been around the Sonic bush!
But I swear to god, people on Twitter act like these things spoil the whole package. Where's the nuance? Why does every opinion there become an absolute worth tearing others down for? Is it the character limit? I bet it's the character limit.
There's so much I love about this show that were infeasible for the Sonic brand just 3-4 years ago. Externalizing the characters' facets to explore them in-depth. Said exploration spanning multiple episodes instead of being one-and-done. The sheer amount of genuine Sonadow food (and I don't actively do shipping, so me adding it here should hold a lot of weight). The snappy, playful, yet blistering fight scenes that, dare I say, feel like a successful TV-budget Spider-Verse. It was all so much fun!
But I guess stuff like Green Hill being the gang's "home" is a big deal-breaker?? Like?? I thought that was silly too, but not worth ratio'ing people with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse over? Get well soon, I guess??
Rambling over, shout-out to the entire country of Canada for giving me the most fun I've had with a Sonic show since X! I'm gonna go figure out how to address all this as The End lol
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hunniegl4zed · 2 days
Oh man, those designs are more than what I could’ve come up with. I’ve never seen Scourge look so deteriorated before. 
Like you would not believe the whiplash I got from the transition Phase 3 to Phase 4, talk to meeeee, what happened to the poor boy, what was the push that led to further physical harm??? I need to know his thought process before withering under Super Scourge’s control entirely! (I WOULD HATE FOR THAT THING TO BE MY SLEEP PARALYSIS DEMON, I HEADCANON HE SOMETIMES ADJUSTS HIS HEIGHT LIKE A SHADOW JUST TO FUCK WITH YOU LMFAOOO) 
Looking at base Scourge to the very end of his phases I was like oh you can breathe, you can blink, you can cry but say goodbye to yourself, by the end of this au you’ll be a changed man. 
Ahh, you just delivered on the horror aspect so so well.
 (Also yay Patch’s got a good chance of living through his life well even if he’s got questions about it and it took years to finally brush his quills. additional question: based on shiny’s first post about patch, would he still hate the color purple?)
Also shoutout to Realm once again for whipping up the life reversion idea and potion purification method, BECAUSE HE BLOODY NEEDS IT!  🗣️🗣️
**I now believe if some methods were used such as the “mind crush” one, Scourge/Patch would need the wheelchair for a good while as part of his recovery process. Going through something like that would fuck you physically up for sure even with chaos healing involved. He’ll be fine but for now he’s just burnt out and doesn’t talk much.
Yessssss, big about out to @hevexns-realm for always bringing up her A-Game with writing 😫💕💕🙏🙏 Realm, you're always know how to create bangers with words and swing my motivation and inspiration right back at it 💪💪❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Well, my boy's thoughts before he got under Super Scourge control are confusing to him as well. Dude just got brought back to life and no one wants to believe him. In the beginning he's just thinking people are pulling pranks on him or that he's used to not being taken seriously by anyone else. The longer the stuff goes on, the more he believes the world is against him and the world should pay for it (Going from the idea another Anon did as well~)
He goes on with his promise and takes care of Moebius, leaving death within his wake. Until he's burned out and somehow ends up in Sonic's world. Clearly traumatized from the stuff he did pull off (killing his father ect.), the whispers of Super slowly start getting into his mind. His harm starts when the whispers starts since he also carries a sense of guilt with him. He starts doubting himself, thinking if all that rampage was for a good thing. Only for Super Scourge to egg him on, to tell him that what he did was right. Purple spots would start to appear on his body and it frightens him, causing the harm we see in the designs. But once it starts, there's no way of going back. It gotten so worse at the end that he takes off his own arm to see if he's sleeping or not and to take "Super away from his body."
When you hear the same thing over and over again everyday, at some point you will start to believe the voice inside your head. The whispers turning to screaming making it unable to deny anymore. At his weakest and most broken moment, Super takes hold :3
My writing isn't the best so might change a few things along the way 🤣✨️
AND HECC YES, SUPER SCOURGE CAN CHANGE ANYTHING HE WANTS FROM HIS BODY. He wants to be able to give maximum trauma and pain. He can take ANY kind of form. Even from other people 👀
Patch and the color purple are no friends indeed. That boiio is traumatized by it, but weirdly also fascinated about it. When Mephiles shows him the power of Dark Chaos energy, Patch would be scared at first since it does have a purple glow.
Also, when Patch gets older, especially in his teenage years, he will get visits from his big friend in his head 💀 The others better take notes on that one.
Scourge/Patch's recovery would be harsh, long and painfull when "Mind Crush" would be used against him. He basically needs to re-learn basic skills as well and mental help cause, although it saved them and made them getting loose from Super, the damage would already be done.
Thank you so so so much for all the compliments as well and for being so hyped about the AU 😭💜💜💚💚💙🙏🙏🙏 Sp honored to share and create this AU with all of you 🥹🫶💕💕💕
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sonicasura · 3 months
Yup. And you can just imagine just how shocked everyone will be about learning this truth.
Not to mention Kafka is most likely going to have some of the worst life crisis in his life. Is a good thing he has friends that will help because he's going to need it.
Then theres also how 9 and 10 will react to this information. 10 would probably not care much, but 9 is another matter entierly. The mushroom kaiju is going to go through so many emotions he's going to get whiplash.
Putting it under spoilers just in case!
Kaiju No. 10 actually does care but for more of the wrong reasons. Considering this dude wants rivals, he'll think kaiju blooded humans are much stronger and potentially become equals or greater in power. 10 would've gunned straight for Kafka to fight him if he was aware. A monstrous Kenpachi that just kidnaps the kids for training. Lol
No. 9 definitely has whiplash for the missed opportunity to observe a potential new species. He would've stalked Kafka's bloodline like a fucking omen to see how they could flourish and what he could learn from it. A personal boogeyman our himbo barely managed to avoid.
Kafka definitely needs the hugs and reassurance as his life became a twisted manga. Hoshina being a little shit by asking for permission to turn Number 10 into a suit since this is his grand uncle. Things would be even more awkward if it involved my version of Kafka who adopts characters from different franchises.
Sonic definitely wouldn't be happy to have a creepy mushroom guy for a great great grandpa. (He hates mushrooms.)
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barbieb0y · 4 months
joining the thoughts on golden hour part 1 bandwagon bc oh boy i have thoughts
obviously my expectations were kinda high bc it's ateez we're talking about here and that this is actually my first comeback ever. none of the title tracks have disappointed me so far – and thats not to say i was disappointed with work. but i would say it's... underwhelming.
i mean, after the world series with guerilla, halazia, bouncy and crazy form, how do you expect me to process the whiplash that is work? we got all these intense songs and performances, hammering in the outlaw concept then... work. this album. there's a reason why i was surprised to hear this is a hip-hop themed comeback bc it's not that it doesnt suit ateez, i was excited to see how they would mess with the genre, but. work sounds like a song another group can pull off. sonically, at least.
i'd like to think that work is a milestone for all their achievements thus far, like "hey we made it this far bc we hustled" and i still think that but it could've been theirs. but this sound isn't theirs. at least not yet, if theyre planning to mess with it in the future too.
i liked the beat when they first leaked it and i still like it. but throughout the whole song, it's just that. it's just one beat. im not saying it cant sound good (360 by charli xcx is a good example) and im not saying it's not good but like i said: it's underwhelming. the mv kinda saves it bc i absolutely adore how chaotic and funny it is but i wish the song itself couldve lived up to the whole chaos of the visuals.
im not gonna talk about the intro bc the intro is just the intro. let's talk about blind. when i listened to the preview, my first thought was "wow they should play this in the world cup" and i was still thinking that when i listened to the whole thing for the first time. then i listened to it with the lyrics and i thought "wowie it's a love song i see". but to put it simply, i like it but thats about it. i wouldn't skip it but i don't lose my mind or put it at the top of my rankings like everyone has been apparently doing.
moving on to empty box, i wasn't expecting to like it much when i listened to it in the preview bc i'm not a fan of slow songs/ballads usually but when i first listened to it on release... it became my first favorite of the album. this is what i mean by they can do simple good and they can make it theirs. even though the song does remind me of another song/artist (ive been struggling to figure out what/who exactly though...), it's not bc it's a song anyone else can do. they took a genre and made it theirs. that's how you own it. the lyrics also hit close to home and i find them incredibly moving.
next is shaboom. this was my initial favorite from when i listened to the preview and i was looking forward to how the whole thing sounds like and well, i wasn't blown away but i do enjoy it. i like the goofy intro and the first verses are fun, like i can imagine a silly mv where they're hosting a house party and inviting you to join in on the festivities. i can't really remember the verses after the first chorus though (idk why but im struggling to remember the non-chorus parts in this album despite looping it for a few times already) but i do like it. more than blind at least.
lastly, siren. my current favorite. ive been looping the fuck outta this song. it is actually so good but i'm not really surprised bc this, alongside empty box, are the ones that allegedly had more time spent on them (hell, siren was battling crazy form to become the title track for the world ep fin will). this is how good they can be when they actually take their time, this is who ateez is supposed to be. and im not lying nor exaggerating when i say this should been the title track for this comeback. i can already imagine the mv, the choreo, the stages that they can do if this was the title track. i sincerely believe that this song is like a mix of bouncy (mostly the vibes), outlaw and crazy form which you should know is a banging mix. i love the goofy intro (of course), i love the chaos from the verses, i love the descent in the pre-chorus down to the chorus itself (i think it's reminiscent of crazy form), the "ringing siren, ringing siren" parts make me ascend (both the post-chorus and at the end of the song), THIS IS ATEEZ. GOD.
tldr my ranking is this:
empty box
golden hour
*work and blind are interchangeable bc i like them the same amount
conclusion? a solid album but it's not their best. it's not cohesive. like it feels like it's creating a creative dent in their discography. so i can't really rate it bc it'll have to depend on what perspective you're looking at.
i can only hope they take more time to prepare for their next album. i do not want another rushed comeback and album. i want these bitches to rest and be at their actual best when they perform! go for quality over quantity of you can't do both!!
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themightyhumanbroom · 6 months
Come As You Are Chapter 2 Preview
“Marvelous work really.”
Just ignore him
“Why, she almost had 5 different kinds of whiplash when you got there.”
He's not real
“In fact it's a miracle she's not dead.
It's just your imagination
“It's pathetic how you can't even carry somebody correctly.”
An hallucination 
“It's something even a dribbling idiot can do.”
A mirage 
“I mean if Sonic can do it, what does that make you?”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” she finally snapped. 
She froze in horror then quickly looked around. Her sigh of relief was spoiled when a malicious chuckle reminded her that she was only ‘technically’ alone.
“It's good to see your volume hasn't changed one bit,” Starline snarked. 
Surge growled in rage before turning away and continued walking aimlessly around HQ, his mocking laughter following her.
Ever since waking up from her four day coma she had been enduring hallucinations of the late Dr. Starline. Surge knew it wasn't actually him but it was such a perfect recreation of him and- 
“So what are you going to louse up this time?” 
-he wouldn't shut up!
Luckily he only showed up when she was angry or frustrated. Unfortunately these were common emotions for her, especially now after being put on light duty. One would think this would mean she would be feeling these emotions less but considering this meant not being allowed doing something she enjoyed and was great at, it very much achieved the opposite. 
She hasn't told anyone about this. She didn't want to worry Kit, she didn't want her therapist Wicklow to potentially report her to Jewel, and she definitely didn't want Lanolin to think she was a psychotic freak. 
“You mean more than you already are?” Starline needled
Surge ignored this jab and kept walking until she started seeing people bustling about. Her mood immediately improved a little at this, finding that she was slowly actually starting to like being around random people for a change. This used to be because she was actually healing and learning to trust again, but now it's more so because she was being haunted by her mental personification of her trauma and being alone made it a lot worse.
Friendly smiles and waves greeted her as she wandered about. Surge was sure she had blown any goodwill she earned after destroying the machine shop during her fight with Captain Test-tube but when people found out she was put in a coma and why exactly she flipped her shit they were quick to forgive her. This still unfamiliar grace she was given is why she was hellbent on making sure no one found out she was seeing things that weren't there, not wanting to stress test it.
Turning a corner, Surge’s mood improved further upon seeing one of if not her absolute favorite people, Lanolin. Surge wondered why the sheep looked so happy for all of two seconds until she noticed she wasn't alone. 
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Sonic Youth - Elysée Montmarte, Paris, France, June 17, 1987
Come on, get in the car! We're careening through the #SonicSummer, brothers and sisters! And speaking of sisters ... the band released Sister on June 1, 1987 — just a few weeks prior to this Paris gig, which was a double-bill with their former label mates Hüsker Dü. SY still had a long road ahead of them. The Dü would barely make it to the end of the year.
Like Sister itself, this set kicks off with "Schizophrenia." The soundman, perhaps excited by what is pretty much the poppiest thing Sonic Youth has done so far, makes Steve Shelley's drums sound like they'd be right at home on a New Order record. It's cool! While the band has certainly been heading in a more straight-ahead direction since Shelley joined, the Paris show showcases just how righteous a rock band SY was becoming, all whiplash riffs and whirlwind energy, as they play most of the new album for the ravenous crowd.
Thurston says: We were getting more seriously into song structure. It's not something we intended to do. It just became something we were getting more proficient at.
Don't get it twisted, sister, this isn't AC/DC or anything, but it rocks mightily, whether Sonic Youth is ripping through "Tuff Gnarl" or finding a very beautiful plateau during the mid-section of "Pacific Coast Highway." Things build up, the music swells majestically ... and then the quartet takes a wrecking ball to it, gleefully and with full abandon. Exciting stuff. And hey, Lee Ranaldo steps up to the mic on "Pipeline," something he'd do much more often in the years to come. Free Lee!
Once again, I haven't tracked down the Dü set from this particular evening, but why not check out a recording from a few days later? Dü it, düdes!
Bandcamp | Merch | Concert Chronology
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tayley · 2 years
Paste Magazine prematurely posted a review for 'This Is Why', they deleted it, but someone from reddit retrieved. here it is:
# This Is Why Is a Highlight Reel for Paramore's Many Eras. by Grant Sharples [@grantsharpies](https://twitter.com/grantsharpies)
Paramore is one of the few bands of their era that has withstood the test of time. Many of their fellow Warped Tour-adjacent compatriots dealt out heavy doses of misogyny, a defect that frontwoman Hayley Williams herself has acknowledged and expunged from the band’s music. Even within their own camp, they endured a homophobic guitarist and antagonistic bassist, the latter of whom departed the band twice and was inexplicably removed from the band’s 2013 album artwork last year.
*This Is Why*, the group’s sixth album, is the first in their catalog to feature the same lineup as its predecessor. Paramore has been through a veritable shitstorm, and they’ve emerged with a stronger resolve, steeling against whatever life throws at them with a hardened exterior.
“After 15 to 20 years of fighting like a bunch of brats in front of the world, you eventually learn some coping skills and communication methods,” Williams told *The Guardian* last fall. Now, the pop-punk powerhouse comprises three people: Williams, guitarist Taylor York, and drummer Zac Farro. Despite Paramore’s shifting lineups and disparate stylings across their discography, their influence on music writ large is palpable: from the hooky panache of Meet Me @ the Altar to the earnest songwriting of Olivia Rodrigo; from the iconoclastic pop of Billie Eilish to the plaintive belt-a-longs of Julien Baker. The Tennesseeans’ blueprint reigns supreme, so much so that Williams and ex-guitarist Josh Farro got a writing credit on Rodrigo’s “good 4 u.”
There’s no doubt that Paramore’s appeal reaches far and wide; they’re playing basketball arenas now, after all. It’s that cultural ubiquity that’s yielded them stages this big, yet it’s also due to their multifarious approach to art. *This Is Why* captures that interdisciplinary spirit with cohesion and flair.
***The title track*** kicks things off on a stunning note, playing like a blend of Williams’s 2020 solo album *Petals for Armor* and the groovy rhythms of 2017’s *After Laughter*, minus that album’s neon sheen.
***“The News”*** harnesses the punchy verve that makes for some of the best *brand new eyes* cuts, albeit Carlos de la Garza’s production feels abnormally thin, diluting what could’ve been acerbic and menacing.
But that misstep is compensated for immediately after: ***“Running out of Time,”*** like the title track, strikes a balance between atmospheric textures and syncopated buoyancy that is, simply put, really fucking fun. *This Is Why*, as its first three tracks show, accomplishes a feat that connects the band’s diverging sonic pathways without succumbing to whiplash. It encapsulates Paramore’s voyages into piercing pop-punk, glossy New Wave, heartfelt ballads and anthemic paeans.
Some of the record’s best moments encompass an amalgamation of these eras. ***“C’est Comme Ca”*** could’ve been an *After Laughter* single had that record contained more of a pronounced grittiness and Strokes-esque guitar tones. Hearing Williams try her hand at spoken-word verses is a total delight, too. But the song’s most affecting moment comes toward its sung bridge, with Williams’ soprano gradually unfolding into a shout: “I hate to admit getting better is boring/But the high cost of chaos, who can afford it?”
On the penultimate track, ***“Crave,”*** York’s guitar work summons the twinkling emo of their *Twilight* songs like “Decode” and “I Caught Myself” while Williams’s voice soars above the chorus, howling the song’s title and longing for simplicity.
She keeps up the momentum on the closer, ***“Thick Skull,”*** evincing her wide vocal range, shifting from a subdued lower register in the verses until she unfurls into her signature emo burst in the final chorus à la fan favorite “All I Wanted.” This concluding one-two punch marks the strongest run on the album.
However, *This Is Why* sags ever so slightly in the middle, namely due to the mawkish whims of its centerpiece, ***“Big Man, Little Dignity.”*** Though thematically potent and containing one of the record’s best lines (“You keep your head high / Smooth operator in a shit-stained suit”), its lukewarm instrumentation, evoking alt-radio fodder like Young the Giant and Walk the Moon, hinders its potential. There’s also the fact that Paramore makes little use of one of its greatest assets as a band: pure intensity. Occasionally, the trio reins themselves in for arrangements that signal hushed tastefulness, whereas catchy catharsis is what this band is known for.
Still, it’s not like they haven’t shown they can write compelling softer material, as songs like “Misguided Ghosts” and “26” demonstrate. Yet this album’s muted breaks leave little impact compared to the immediacy that’s been a major draw for revisiting Paramore’s work. Albums like *After Laughter* and *brand new eyes* were also punctuated with infectious adrenaline rushes, which Paramore does like no one else; *This Is Why* has fewer instances of drastic sonic contrast, lending it coherence and mild inertia all the same.
But the album revives itself with ***“You First,”*** an instant highlight that merges indie-rock and pop-punk in equal measure. “Turns out I’m living in a horror film where / I’m both the killer and the final girl,” Williams sings over Farro’s pummeling percussion and York’s discordant, post-punk guitar.
Throughout each of its 10 tracks, Williams navigates fatalism and a world where war, disease and climate change run amok. Whether she’s hiding from the public eye on “This Is Why,” lamenting the pervasiveness of a 24-hour news cycle on ***“The News,”*** or roasting chauvinists on ***“Big Man, Little Dignity,”*** Williams once again proves herself a formidable writer, and York and Farro are there to lend their craftsmanship to yet another captivating record.
After the seemingly endless volatility this band has weathered, it’s a miracle that they exist, still making incredible music. Here, they sound self-assured and steady, like a group that understands what they have and makes the most of it. On *This Is Why*, Paramore have found land after a years-long trip at sea, grounding their ship and claiming all the accolades they’ve accrued in their time away. They deserve them all.
*Grant Sharples is a writer based in Kansas City. He has contributed to* MTV News\*,\* Pitchfork\*,\* Stereogum\*,\* The Ringer\*,\* SPIN *and others. Follow him on Twitter* [*@grantsharpies*](https://twitter.com/grantsharpies)*.*
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sea-adhesiveness537 · 4 months
hi it's the op of the madd ask game! how about 1, 7, and 25?
1.) How long have I've been Daydreaming? Hmm... For as long as I can remember. Daydreaming is like breathing, it's a second nature and it just happens. The earliest daydreams I might remember are from when I was in nursery or kindergarten, I was very young.
7.) Oh boy, I've been looking forward for this question! Parallel parking prompt, let's gooooooo
Ok, so, while SpongeBob can drive in my paracosm, as in, has the ABILITY to drive a car or a boat mobile, he doesn't like it because he finds it very boring. So he wouldn't give much fucks about parallel parking his car unless it's actually at the expense of other cars. But if you let him have a monster ride like, say, Nihilego Lusamine (I'm using her as an example because it's funny and that she's actually one of his go to mode of transport), THAT'S when the MF actually can parallel park his god damn ride just fine without any problem.
Mickey would boast about being able to parallel park like a good citizen should and be obnoxious about it, but does a shitty job when he actually tries to execute it. Bonus points if he hits a villain actor's car in the process (on purpose or not) and not give a fuck about that. He even believes that his parallel parking looks good and insists that it's perfect, even though it's not.
Sandy is one of the normal ones who'd just parallel park her vehicle just fine and not be to weird about it.
Clarabelle ranges from getting anxious over her car not being perfectly parallel enough (ex: the car being an inch too close or far from another car or object, the car not being straight, the car being in a particular angle, ect), to bragging about parallel parking it successfully first try as if she's a Mary Sue incarnate. But in reality, it took her four or five tries at best, and ten or more at worse if she was having a bad day.
Sonic exe and Ludwig Von Drake would rather just park elsewhere to not deal with this than park in tight spaces if possible (SpongeBob would do this too).
Gothel's also normal, but that's because I made her a bus driver in the paracosm because I got inspired by a video of Google translate singing Mother Knows Best and I gotta yoink the idea for how hilarious the video was. She wouldn't use a bus for this, but it'd be pretty impressive if she somehow manages to parallel park it.
Lusamine would hastily park the car as if she's running from the mob or is late for work, and bump into something in the process. If it's a hero actor's car or worse, Mickey's, then shit would hit the fan very quickly. She takes after SpongeBob with the can park a creature ride properly with no issues thing going on
Cynthia is the one who can park it well and smoothly for a first try and doesn't make a big deal about it. Her ser-workers (aka: co-stars) would freak out about it though.
25.) Which para I'd hate to meet in real life? Honestly Mickey and his cult. Sure, people would make memes about it for the first few weeks, but the moment they get put into the news because of their cult shit and trying to indoctrinate people into their religion, I'm really not meeting them in person multiple times just for the memes. Also, they're very scary, you would not want to face them, especially in combat. You'll either get killed or brainwashed. Pick your poison.
It doesn't help that I try to model their cult after rl ones like the Jehovah's witnesses and heaven's gate. I just like to ruin people's childhoods by making a cult out of Disney characters because the severe whiplash of childhood cartoon characters being in a cruel cult either harming people or being harmed will never not be pretty amusing and super fascinating to me.
Honorary mention: I wouldn't like to meet Lusa in person, either because I kinda still associate her with her canon self or I can not act normal around her because of the daydreams. Either way, I really don't want to deal with her. I'd rather leave her to SpongeBob.
I forgot that answers can be edited! Welp, guess you have to deal with the ask I sent you.
So yeah, my paras are the fic kind or the pre-existing characters who were unlucky enough to be kidnapped into my mind and be near its vicinity. Yes, they're not mine, but they're adoptive children stolen off the streets from their creators because my brain said so.
Edit: found a typo and fixed it.
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