#this is such a basic choice idec
strawberry-s0ap · 2 years
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a stimboard for my favourite jjba character from every part!
pt 4: diamond is unbreakable - josuke higashikata!
x x x / x x x / x x x
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white-weasel · 7 months
Ideal Hypothetical Saw Film Reroll episode(s)
(This is something I’ve been thinking about as I’ve watched through the movies and @afoxnamedmulder also formally asked about it so I took that as full permission from him to just start spewing my every thought about these two things together. This post is hyper niche and for literally like 3 people but idec lets gooooo)
So the first thought is if the Film Reroll crew were to ever reroll Saw it would obviously be the first one. It’s the most culturally relevant one and the one that most fits with what I can see the show doing. In the case of rerolling Saw I, ideally the players would not have seen the movie. Like I said, since this is the most culturally significant one this might be hard but I’m gonna go off of both vibes and play style for this one and just hope that it works
For the GM it’s gonna be Paulo. I just feel he could do the cramped space of the bathroom justice and bring in new “challenges”/obstacles to keep things moving.
Playing Lawrence Gordon, and this is gonna sound crazy please bear with me, I think we get Carolyn Faye Kramer. My reasoning for this is that the Lawrence of Saw I is someone who, despite his task being to kill Adam and cut off his foot, does not actually have the ability to do it until the very end when his family is threatened. If we put Jon or Scott here, Gordon is shooting Adam within the first 15 minutes of the movie. Carolyn I feel can play someone very conflicted about the choice and also won’t immediately jump to trusting whatever Jigsaw is saying on the tape. She’s willing to cooperate with her fellow player and only if she’s pushed to take things into her own hands will she start trying to make moves, which I feel is fitting. (Also she’s the only cast member I feel like we can say 100% has never seen these movies lmao lest we forget the infamous Friday the 13th “I know who the killer is” fiasco” happening because she doesn’t like scary movies)
My first choice playing Adam Faulkner-Stanheight would be none other than Joz Vammer themself! I think they could really get the tone of the character down full stop. The mixture of outbursts and jokes, but then also throwing things at the wall to see what sticks in getting them out of there. I feel like Joz also would not accept the zero sum game presented by Jigsaw and would work to find a way for both Adam and Lawrence to get out together, which is really what you need for this movie. In my heart I feel like Joz has seen the movie, but for this scenario I would hope not because…
The twist in this reroll would be there has been a 3rd PC the whole time: Zep Hindle. I would LOVE for Tim to play Zep. He could 100% play this quiet, envious guy given instructions to carry out his part of the game. My imagining for this would be he and Paulo had a session before the main game that was all about how Zep handled the set up stuff with Alison and Diana.
And then I’m envisioning the bathroom game sessions are happening on a Zoom call or the like, and Tim is sitting with Paulo in his apartment, letting him know what Zep is doing if/when phone calls to the outside world are happening and stuff. Also Paulo could totally call for “breaks” in recording where he’s actually conferring and rolling with Tim on what Zep is doing. The knowledge Zep gets is basically the equivalent of him getting to know stuff because of the camera set up in the movie. This would probably be a logistical nightmare to actually record, but I like to think that the payoff would be awesome. Like it gets revealed there was a secret third player in the episode, Joz and Carolyn are shocked, and then the edit goes back in time to show key tidbits of Tim’s turns and such. They could even release the full audio of it then on Patreon lol
The reveal at Zep being a PC rather than an NPC also kinda parallels/coincides with him not actually being Jigsaw from the original movie too. He’s not the one actually making things happen, he’s all a pawn in the game as well
HOWEVER I also had the thought - if the crew does Saw they don’t HAVE to do the first one. They didn’t do the first Friday the 13th and hell, their first episode is literally Back to the Future 2, not the first movie. If the crew just wanted to do a Saw episode to focus on the trap aspect when they’re playing, I think they could play as the Fatal 5 from Saw V (blatant Saw V bias showing here, don’t look at me, but also I genuinely think this is the group game most conducive to being rerolled). It’s also very likely that none of them have seen Saw V, so the “twist” with the traps being all survivable wouldn’t be known to them
It was between Saw V and Saw II because those are the two group games where all of the participants are free to work together and it’s not reliant on one person. I like Saw V better because I feel it can be self contained more than II. With II you have to deal with the fact Amanda is in on all of it and idk I feel like that just doesn’t work as well for a ttrpg setting. Casting for this one is a lot more vibes based and I have less concrete answers, so I’m open to suggestions
GM - Paulo once again. King of making this all work
Ashley Kazon - Carolyn (don’t know too much about Ashley but I want Carolyn in this movie and feel she could work this)
Charles Salomon - Scott (he could do it. He could bring the smarmy vibes and even though he wouldn’t know the line “I’m an Investigative Journalist for 👆The Herald👆” he would know it in spirit)
Luba Gibbs - Jon (first of all, we don’t get Jon to play women enough on this show. I love him playing Annabelle in Jumanji. Secondly, I think he can play Luba’s cut throat nature well. However I also wouldn’t mind Lisa in this role. I think she could play it well also)
Mallick Scott - Andy (he might be a bit too sedate for this, but also he’s the one I trust the most to play into the inevitable guilt complex that would be put on his sheet so)
Brit Stevenson - Kara (she could 100% do corporate woman who cares only for her own survival until she realizes that she doesn’t HAVE to care only for her own survival. I believe in her)
No twist in how the gameplay happens here, the only fun thing would be to see if the cast would be able to figure out Jigsaw’s message in that they can all actually work together to get through the traps.
FINALLY the most self indulgent thing and the thing they would never actually do because it technically wouldn’t be the movie itself is they would give us an apprentice campaign with the mainline apprentices working together before the start of Saw III/Saw IV, each of them with their own specific, secret objectives they’re hoping to achieve:
GM/John Kramer would be Paulo
Amanda would be Joz (Fairly self explanatory I feel. They have the range to play her. They would GET her)
Lawrence would be Andy (I feel Andy could pull off apprentice Lawrence. Lawrence strikes me as someone in the shadows during his apprentice work, biding his time, and I can see Andy bringing that sort of thing to Lawrence. At the same time there’s some room to develop apprentice Lawrence’s motivations and character so I would be interested in seeing what he’d do for him)
Hoffman would be Scott (Hoffman was the hardest for me to pin down in this line up but I think I like Scott as my pick for now. Open to more thoughts about this one though.)
In every scenario there would be will rolls up the wazoo. I feel like will stats in this would be fairly normal, it would just be the penalties that would make the rolls hard. So I like to imagine that cutting your own foot off is probably a -5 penalty or something, but if you’re in immediate, imminent danger or you have credible reason to think your family is in danger you’d get some bonuses back to make it a less tricky roll. Also numerous fright checks would also be on the table I’m sure, as well as senses of duty or different traits people will have to resist. I think building the character sheets for this would be fun, though it would be interesting to see how it would get balanced out by Paulo when actually playing
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loquentia · 10 months
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did you hear THIS WHOLE FAMILY NEEDS A SHRINK? it reminded me of PIPER HALLIWELL. rumor has it they’re from the PAST. they say they’re a WITCH, that explains why they’re loyal to THE CHARMED ONES.
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NAME. piper halliwell AGE. twenty-nine GENDER. cisgender woman PRONOUNS. she/they SEXUALITY. bisexual DATE OF BIRTH. august 7th ZODIAC. leo sun , gemini moon , virgo rising AFFILIATION. the charmed ones OCCUPATION. professional chef
FATHER. victor bennett MOTHER. patty halliwell SIBLINGS. prudence halliwell , phoebe halliwell , paige matthews BIRTH ORDER. middle child second born PARTNER. leo wyatt OTHER NOTABLE. penny halliwell (maternal grandmother)
Who is [your character]?
piper was the typical middle child , keeping the peace between her more head-strong sisters in their youth (and even into their early 20s) . there is an edge to her though , and many seemingly miss this to their own disadvantage . piper may be the perfect host , the motherly one , but she is by no means shy or a wall - flower . over the years , she has shown the most resistance to the craft , but she knows that it is her destiny . sharing an affinity for the kitchen , like her grams , piper's decision to be a professional chef was not a surprising one for any of her family .
What is their goal? Whether it’s saving the world or graduating college, short term or long term, what is your character looking for?
family . to keep her family safe , happy and (if possible) non - magical . she would love to start a family with leo , too .
When was this goal chosen? What triggered this goal? Was it an external event or internal?
since she was a little girl , she has always had a great desire to protect and nurture ( or just feed people , at least! )
Where do they go from here? This could be either your muses future plans, or it could be answered ooc with what you would like to do with your muse and their plots.
piper feels a little lost at the moment , struggling to handle the knowledge that it is her and leo's child that loses his way so badly . she needs to make the necessary but difficult choices surrounding her family , and to practice her craft .
Why did you choose the quote for your character? An explanation on why the words chosen for your application pertain to your muse. Whether it was a quote that hit you, or it defines them as characters.
piper is the funniest halliwell , idec . this quote couldn't be more accurate , really - the entire family needs therapy and if they only did this once during the show maybe things wouldn't be so bad . imagine being all - powerful magical beings and still having to deal with family drama !
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bbyboybucket · 9 months
So i see you reblog a lot of marvel stuff, and there's a lot of stuff i want to ask you, as a sort-of marvel fan myself.
for one, what's your favorite marvel movie? (for me, this is like asking me to choose a favorite child, and i can't pick just ONE, but some people manage to do that) and if you can't pick just one, top five?
second, do you read the comics? and if so, which ones?
third, are you aware of the upcoming thunderbolts movie, and if so, are you excited for it?
essentially, that's it. sorry if the wording for this is a little weird.
have a nice day! :)
Omg hey!!! I’m so happy you sent this you don’t even know
Okay you’re totally right that it’s hard to pick a favorite, especially because I feel like I switch up so much lmao. But I’ve gotta say, my number one is prolly GOTG 3 because literally everything about it was just perfect imo and I’m not even really an emotional person, and I cried like a baby both times. Like that’s the only movie I’ve ever went to see twice in theaters too, but it was just so damn good.
After it tho, I’d say TWS and Civil War are tied at second because I can never decide which I like better. Like as Bucky fan I wanna say TWS (and because it’s excellently written and has top tier action) but also Civil War is just so fun for me and the way it handled/introduced (especially introduced!!!) so other characters is just something I really really love. Then third is prolly endgame, most would disagree but it just holds a special place in my heart. And then 5th is prolly across the spiderverse, ik it’s not mcu but it’s another one from this year that was just so insanely good and that I’ve already watched more than once.
I do read comics sometimes, not as often as I’d like to bc I don’t wanna pay lol but I’ve read a few Bucky ones, I’ve read some spiderman and Wanda comics, just a little bit of everywhere I guess, mostly at random. Right now I really wanna start reading more fantastic 4 because I love them but I just need to get my hands on some lol. But I do try to at least keep up with what’s happened even if I haven’t read comics for it, bc I like to know that extra background info and know what’s accurate for what’s being adapted into live action. And I also like knowing characters that haven’t been/may not be adapted because there’s so much interesting stuff.
I am too aware of it. You probably don’t even want me to go into bc I violently hate what’s happening with that movie, every leak, scoop, and announcement on it fills me with rage bc not only are they doing Bucky dirty (I could write a ten page essay about that) but literally every other choice they’re making for it is also HORRID. Like the team lineup, the villain choice, the fact that the void is going become another dimension in the third act instead of just being personified (idec if it’s comics accurate it’s just not needed for this movie). Literally everything going on with thunderbolts is such a mess. And it’s kinda sad bc when I first realized they were setting it up, before any actual announcements were made, I was excited because I expected so much better than this. But basically I’m praying on its downfall and cancellation lmao. They’ve already had two actors quit and they cut the movie’s budget so I’m thinking there’s a chance. But yeah I’m sorry if this isn’t the answer you expected but if you do wanna see any of my rants on how much I hate they’re putting Bucky in this, just search my page 😂
Anyways, sorry my answer is so long, I didn’t mean to give you a whole book 😂 but thanks again for asking ♥️
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minnieshark · 3 years
ina spanking mc with a book (again) and this time going all the way is all i want for queen b book 2
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bisluthq · 4 years
see idec that taylor isnt politically active like gaga. I do think that miss americana was a bit misleading tho but not a crime bc the whole doc wasn’t centered around politics.
But I really don’t understand why she didn’t post for Georgia. Like tweeting something takes 2 minutes.
Well it kind of was like that was the crux of the film. The plot/piece de resistance of it all. She released Only The Young to accompany it and like the whole idea was her career trajectory brought her to finding her political voice and now she isn’t going to sit back in silence anymore. Lol.
I agree she doesn’t need to be as loud as Gaga (or Halsey or Ari or Demi or like BASICALLY THE REST OF THE MOTHERFUCKING POP WORLD bar Lana’s problematic ass and whatever shit Katy’s on). Like at the end of the day it’s fundamentally her choice and she doesn’t owe anyone anything.
But you’re right a Georgia retweet would’ve taken her exactly 2 minutes. Like she needed to go to Osoff or Warnock or Abrams’s page - legit pick any one of those - and hit the retweet button. And she managed to release her music to stream and have lyric videos made for them. So she had time for that but not, y’know, flipping the Senate? Disappointing.
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noctomania · 4 years
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
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Rihanna posted this on twitter and this phrasing i just had to share bc this is the fucking truth.
Breonna was innocent. And guess what, even if she wasn't she still didn't deserve to be shot at all - much less in the fashion she was. It's layers upon layers upon layers of injustice topped of with a double-helping of "fuck your basic right to life liberty & pursuit of happiness" with those charges.
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
Protect Black women. Protect Black women.
For Fucks Sake Protect The Black Woman. She Is A Fucking Human. She Should Be Alive Still. Idec what her job was, what her education level was, where she was from, whether or not she had anything in her record, she deserved as much right to live & stand up for herself just as much as rittenhouse or roof or any of the tons of murderous white men who have preceded this & will come later as well no doubt.
She in no way deserved harm. Now she is dead. And the state acts like it's an accident, just collateral damage of a police officer "doing their job", and only the neighbors not listed in the no-knock matter in the eyes of the law.
There is no bringing her back, but this was an opportunity to show that black lives matter. Clearly the "law" in some places still doesn't believe that. So we will continue to repeat it.
Black lives matter.
Black women matter.
Act like it, cops. Act like it, judges. Act like it, white people. Act like it, teacher. Act like it, lawyer. Act like it, artist. Act like it no matter who you are or what you do or how you speak or where you've been.
Black people are people. They can live anywhere you can. They may do whatever you do. They may enjoy what you enjoy. They may laugh & live & love like you. They may do things different too. Just as anyone else may.
I just don't understand in what world does this make any sense. In what world is shooting recklessly into any home a primary choice as a solution? How does it make sense to charge the officer for the neighbors getting hit but not the women they murdered in her home for no reason? And the two others got nothing on them at all.
If you aren't ok with cops murdering you in your home, then you shouldn't be ok with the results of Breonna Taylor's case.
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pendulumrisen · 6 years
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———  BASICS! ♡
NAME! Kasa! PRONOUNS! she/her TAKEN OR SINGLE!  my muses have a better love life than me
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! I apparently can’t handle any more than two RP blogs at a time. @pendulumrisen and @soulburnings eat up all my time as it is atm 2! I actually? Know how to play the YGO TCG?? Salamangreats are my current deck of choice, but I pulled off a really nice Pendulum magician/Odd-Eyes set up in the old outdated format too. 3! irl I’m more just a collector of the cards though 
PLATFORMS USED! Currently it’s tumblr (for the most part) and discord (sorta, for smaller plots); but I’ve also rp’ed on devArt and old forums back in the day. Those were an experience.
FEMALE OR MALE! Male for some reason?? I think I’ve rped one female muse in the past and it was an old OC; females just never seem to last long for me. LEAST FAVORITE FACE(S)!  You do you and I won’t judge because idec MULTI OR SINGLE! Single; my Yuu boys are actually only the only multimuse I’ve ever run and that’s only because it makes sense for them to be that way with their canon. Singles just feel more organized to me and I’m amazed by people who can run multis with 6+ muses. I’d be a disaster in their shoes. FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! Fluff! But I’m also pretty good with angst if there’s enough plotting. I’m cool with talking smut, but idk about actually writing it. PLOT / MEMES! Both? Plots are fun, but memes are good stress relievers and ways to break the ice between muses.
TAGGED BY! @playmakiing​; but I feel like I’ve been tagged a bunch for this before?? TAGGING! uh...honestly who hasn’t done this yet?
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archearts · 6 years
headcanon question! five words that describe tony stark through your interpretation, and why?
𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐖𝐄𝐃. this one has to go without saying (and maybe it’s too broad), but i wanted to inclide it anyway. as much of a mess as tony is / can be, i feel like his flaws are what make him human??? i guess i find him more relatable in that way -- that he struggles with doing the right thing or even knowing what that is. he suffers from addictions and trauma that he sometimes (wrongly) chooses to shoulder those battles himself. he can be ego-driven and stubborn, which are only two traits on a LONG list but i think you get the idea (or i hope)!
𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐘. this has to be obvious but idec. the man always (or usually) has some kind of quick comment -- usually using his humor as a kind of mask for anything real. shocker, right? but i had to include something about the man’s quick wit cause i’d feel fake otherwise tbqh.
𝐋𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐋. tbh i see tony as pretty ride or die with the people he cares about. yes, he can be a stubborn asshole. yes, he can make the wrong choices and even choices who (unintentionally put those people at risk) -- but he cares. a lot. as much as they can disagree and fall apart, i believe he would really do just about anything for the avengers when all is said and done. he may whine about it or something but deep down? he’s a soft. 
𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐀𝐅. it’s tough for me to portray since i am not a super genius lmao but! it’s obviously (to me) an important facet to his character. he’s a great thing for sure, but it also makes him very stubborn when it comes to backing down from his own ideas. he takes almost personal offense sometimes to people questioning him (which also circles back to an insecurity around not being enough, but i’ll try not to go off on that tangent). 
𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄-𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐑. now, hear me out -- it’s not what you think. maybe this doesn’t count as a word, but i couldn’t think of one to really express what i wanted to dive into here so! BASICALLY, something that’s important to me is that tony was a bit late to the maturity game. i believe that finishing advanced degrees as a child and inheriting stark industries at a young adult age vastly slowed down his social maturity?? i guess?? likE being super smart doesn’t make you less of a dumb fuckboy kid necessarily lmao I DO FEEL that with age, tony becomes more aware of what he wants and starts to desire love/settling down more than the usual more casual relationships. IDK if that all makes any sense but just roll with me. and he’s still definitely not Peak Maturity, don’t get me wrong!
↳ HEADCANON QUESTIONS  feat.  @chaordiic !
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starwarsolo · 6 years
i feel so silly writing this down so it’s basically purely mindless and absolutely incoherent rambling of BanditoParis but it’s more for myself to help jog my memory if there ever comes a time i need it to be jogged 
 had planned on going to a florist and buy a bouquet of yellow dahlias and have one tied around an armband and/or bring the whole ass bouquet as well but didn’t work out in the end, meh
 so idk if tyler does them looking straight at the camera and pointing and doing stuff at every concert during stressed out and heathens but gdi lemmetellya i was NOT prepared shit got me all profuse sweating mode activated
speaking of fairly local the whole ass song!!! but mostly the END?!!?,!?§?!, like the smile the nodding and just the whole moment and his whole face and ‘behaviour’ i was like pleeeaaaase don’t do this omfg im gonna have to actually like you now
the pre-trees speech??? like it was so different from the usual (no slander here i truly get it) like i really liked his sincerity of like not gonna lie it can get hard to remember every show and every crowd
and then following this with but we’ll never forget this show bc you shined during the quiet game and honestly even though i don’t believe he will ‘never forget’ (again no slander against him here it’d just be natural for anybody bc life and all) in this moment i believed in the honesty of his words
also at some point he went like ….hey…. and i really thought he was about to say something but went on and ‘introduced’ josh or maybe he just temporarily forgot what he was meaning to say hehe ALSO that Star Wars prequel trilogy-worthy zoom out on the sound-and-light crew guy hashtag truly magical^^
i was like below the middle of the bridge (more or less) on the right side when facing the stage and during his comings and goings he literally passed me by and i was like *Khaled voice* comme si je n’existais pas elle est passé à côté de moi
also i felt like he took aaaages to climb on that bridge i saw him kneel down and all and i was like come oooonnnnnn man bring your ass over here so i can get physically the closest to you i could ever be
(saw a close-up of that moment in video and mannnnn that was……)
lost my shit at that first ‘paris’ with the right pronounciation BUT MOSTLY at his one-two-threes with THAt cute ass accent
i mean yeah josh made a whole ass sentence but tyler can count to three we stan a legend
had the new haircut and i didn’t even notice?????!!!
his smiiiiile i saw so much of that and im literally so freakin happy
when the trees confetti fell i Bathed TM in that shit lemmetellya
there were so many times during the show where i was just like…. standing there completely still smiling like a fkcing idiot while all hell was breaking loose around me bc i COULD NOT believe i was actually there and all that was actually happening
to be completely honest i think maaayyybe i might have slightly fallen a little teeny tiny bit in love with tyler mr joseph
no yeah i was completely in love with him yesterday
and like it’s so fucking surreal to think that i was dreaming about winning the quiet game and wE DID
dreaming not only josh but TYLER would say at least ONE word in FR and hE DID
fearing that the crowd might not understand whenever the boys would speak bc we’re so notoriously bad at ENG and that it would kinda sink the atmosphere down maybe but we got nONE OF THAT
and ofc and iknow im repeating myself here but like dreaming i’d get in and I DID!! like honestly all the gigs i been to i literally never got asked for ID but like i’d always had my name on the ticket so i was like i know they never check ID but what if this time they do uwu
but the main maaiiinn fear was the non-validity of the ticket like that’s where i really thought i was gonna get fucked over but anyway it’s all past now i just will NEVER do it this way again (like i never shoulda did to begin with but you know….experience)
but like gdi it’s been Worth It worth the whole ass trouble and worries and now im just.so.tired.
and that first sec guard tyler so desperately tried to get a dance move out of during my blood i came across at the end of the concert and i was like congrats on the dance and he smiled and said thanks ^.^
also THEN the beatles stopped and SAVAGE FREAKING GARDEN started playing and i was like azkhgdjsjf???agjehgfsdhfkjs???!!!!!!!! like whoever’s responsible for the choice to play that song i absolutely fucking LOVE you.
Tyler at the beginning of wdbwotv smiling ‘we’ve been looking forward to this one’ i was like ‘if you only knew’ also during pre-trees speech when he went ‘are you glad you came to the show tonight?’ i was like ‘iF OnLy YOU KNEW;;;;;;;;;’
also i been knew from the start but confirmation that tyler shouting and screaming his lungs out is my sexuality
ohhhh and during hoty when he was in the crowd and just plain ass directly pointed at Whoever’s Lucky Ass right under him like bITCh??!!! we LIKE.
oh and during my blood at one of the you don’t need to runs he did that nah move while shaking his head and it was SO sassy like biiiiiitch damn!
and ofc the hugging of the bass fren during ‘our’ lines during cut my lip cUt MY LIP PERIOD, also so many tapping hand/fist on heart/chest moments like bitch same.s a m e.
the lights too like? gorge, especially the lights of b stage like i couldn’t see properly by then so i focused on them and wow truly beautiful and just perfect for the mood of these particular songs
and idk man the whole show was fucking splendid and i still can’t believe like i could hardly believe then but it’s even harder now with reality slapping back from the moment i got in it all felt like a dream and i don’t think i’ve ever experienced that kind of thing in alllll my years of attending shows
like luck was indeed on my side that day and im so fucking grateful and so happy and stunned and in that kind of ethereal daze it’s really hard to describe it all felt so surreal but very real at the same time and words truly aren’t enough i wish i could convey my actual feelings and okay i need to stop The Rambling now but really like im so thankful for the existence of this band and obviously this particular show
lol and now i bet we’ll be beat as soon as the next show but idec all that matters is that until the next one we’re all wearing the crown and that’s that on that
and i feel bad talking only about tyler but like josh is the cutest and he needs more love from my crusty ass self im so ashamed but i truly adore him he’s a ‘cking treasure
 side note but The Regrettes are Hot TM and that ‘Fuckboy’ song…mmmmmhhh tas.ty. alsoLydiasvoiceissodeepitreachedallthewaydowntomyvaJJ
 also i probably forgot about stuff that i’d add to this bc there was so much and every single moment was so precious they’re all worth mentioning and okay noW IM STOPping bye
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pegsephone · 6 years
Honestly idec if I sound rude I just gotta say that I think it's pretty bs that you claim to be running a blog for bi people (women specifically) and yet you seem to hate the word queer. Do you not care at all about all the bisexual people who have reclaimed the word? How can you run a bisexual-centric blog while hating a part of your own identity? Your queer. You are part of the queer community. Instead of alienating half of the bisexual community, just shut the fuck up about queer issues.
tbh this ask is actually p weak to me bc like..you basically answered the question yourself. “all the bisexual people who have reclaimed the word” see. that’s the issue. bc back when i was stuck in my mogai phase, yknow what i constantly said i was? queer. i reblogged all those dumb ass “dont say my identity is a slur!” posts and spoke about “queer women” and “queer experiences” and all that crap and you wanna know why??? because i couldnt say bisexual. like honest to god could not get the word out. even now, at almost 19 fuckin years old, i can barely bring myself to say it. i choke on the word, i feel embarrassed, it’s awful. and it sucks because i fuckin love being bi. if sexuality WAS a choice, i would pick bi everytime. but i cant say the fuckin word.
 i was a self hating 12 years old who could not bring herself to accept the stigma associated with the bi label. as a csa survivor, the idea of associating myself with a label that is so often represented as oversexualized??? i’d’ve rather died. the idea of using any language that could hint at me being sexually available to anyone, esp men, at that age was my biggest fuckin fear. so i called myself queer as a blanket statement for my “akoiromantic bi curious demisexual” mogai sexuality and i acted like it somehow made me want to die any less lmao. and this isnt even including all the ways “queer” has been used as a derogatory statement towards me and around me by my homophobic parents and peers.
but thanks anon. ur totally right. i’ll stay away from “queer issues” and ur fuckin community.” id rather focus on the lgbt one anyways. 
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cow3survivor · 4 years
Ep. 6: “So Many Ways This Could Backfire” - Jennet
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so the plan worked out great except jabari said that “now jake will know the truth” in front of daisy and the other tribemates🥺 i was hoping that i could pin this on lindsay so that once we merged i could lie about it and have lindsay be out next before the merge... this is truly sickening idk what to do
(a little later)
feeling really bad... is it my fault that jake forced me into a f3 with jabari who ive barely spoken with??? idk i feel like not only did i betray her but i betrayed a black woman and that makes me sick to my stomach.... hoping that i made the right choice and this propels me further in the game🥺 i honestly hated having to do that but maybe if ethan and sam have tribal connections left, when we merge, maybe we will be able to stick together and he’ll also help connect me
I GOT THE IDOL! It is good for 4 rounds and I still have my vote. And just in time as we are swapping into 3 tribes of 5 like I thought..... wow my psychic abilities! Jabari got voted out at tribal and I'm sad. I didn't know her but I think she was new to orgs and I really wanted to play with her! Plus she volunteered to do the tiebreaker for her tribe so I thought they'd keep her due to that. Time for a swap lets kick this game into gear!
hoping jake isnt on the same tribe as daisy or lindsay
(a little later)
also hoping im on a tribe of winners so i never make it to tribal bc i DEFINITELY was/am the weakest link☠️
so. I FUCKING HATE THIS NEW TRIBE. THEY PICKING OFF ALL THE GOOD ORIGINAL CALUMMA MEMBERS AND MY GIRL JABARI LITERALLY JUST LEFT??? FUCK YOU JENNET. I KNOW THIS IS BECAUSE OF YOU! But anyways, its me and jake vs all OG (insert other tribes name) and i think I'm going next lool fuck ME. this is very sad indeed and idk im upset but ima try my mf hardest
https://youtu.be/OzrGekDCG8I xoxo gossip girl
jones and ethan on my tribe?? *blushes sm*
(a little later)
nervous about this tribe... ive pulled off three blindsides that ive helped orchestrate so if like if someone really wanted to look deeper into it.... they would be able to make a target out of me bc of it. definitely worried
(after cooking a fish)
this is basically an allstar team. everybody on here is a heavy hitter and that makes me worried bc if i wasnt the weakest link before, i definitely am now. wishing we had gotten rid of lindsay instead of jabari bc we just made another team stronger but it is what it is i guess
Today's song is "Ribs" by Lorde because I have played it on repeat all morning. Also I forget if I said for my last confessional but that song was "Sober", also by Lorde. Basically I love Lorde and my life is better because of it. This swap worked out super well for me! I really said in my host chat "Could I please be put on a tribe with Shane and Daisy?" and the hosts simply said "Okay". I have my final 3 back together and we also have Lindsay and Lovelis. Lindsay seems really cool so far and Lovelis and I have a good thing going so I feel very confident on this tribe. I really hope we do not lose because honestly? I don't want to vote out Lindsay at all. I like that she is active and she seems like someone who really is putting in effort whereas Lovelis, as much as I like him, just really hasn't been here. I would rather play this game with people who are more active so to me it's like.... Lindsay is absolutely not the obvious vote if we lose. Not even a bit! I'd love to do with her what I did with Mikey and make a separate f2 so that when we merge, she's someone who will keep the target off of me. I didn't tell my alliance about the idol because honestly I just don't anticipate using it at all. It expires so soon and I really only took it so that no one else would end up having it. Also.... I don't know, I didn't tell them right away because I was a bit busy at the moment we swapped and now it feels suspicious if I do tell them? Also who knows, maybe they would not find my story believable and think I have an idol up to final 5 which I just don't want! I'd rather throw the idol into the sea so it causes no problems. This immunity challenge is an interesting one. If I knew what was in the boxes, I would probably bet more, but I bet some of those boxes have bad things or nothing in them and I simply do not want that. If I had to guess, one has the other half to that idol, one probably has an idol clue, another maybe has extra idol searches.... maybe another has an idol nullifier? Or a vote peek? Really none of these are things that I need. They're all cool but I'd rather be immune thanks! As far as how I feel in the game, I really do want the Maples to be f3. I'd rather be at the end with my alliance and lose than flip and be there without them. Ummmm what other thoughts do I have.................... I think that might be it. My mind is empty but I'm still moving forward.
Also if we lose this immunity....... I'll be mad because I bet 0 on everything and I am STAYING that way!
feeling increasingly bad for voting out jabari /:: idk it doesnt sit right with me in the grand scheme of things. obviously its a game but the fact that i genuinely upset somebody to that extent is so sick. idec that we’re going to tribal, i want to be voted out
3 tribals in a row... I don't for a freaking second believe that Jones and Nicol "made a mistake" with their bidding. This feels like throwing, and if it is, it means that: 1. they feel comfortable enough with Jennet to have a majority 2. they feel comfortable enough with Pete to have a majority 3. it doesn't matter anyway, they now have 2 boxes and potentially an idol or two they could use Either way, this is a freaking sucky situation, and Pete is being super sketchy. People keep making bad play after bad play so honestly, it is hard for me because I keep assuming that they will be doing all of these things to throw the wool over my eyes when they actually aren't doing anything.
im annoyed im frustrated and im angry... why were so many points used?
(a little later)
here i am... again... in the middle guys vs girls.... um this sucks bc like me ethan pete didnt use alot of points and nicole and jones did so thats like sucky bc initially i wanted pete gone but like now theres no reason for it to be him
(after soaking in the sun)
nicole says that pippa told her to wait to see whats in the box, so that could mean tribal or that could wait next round. or what if its a comeback power? i literally have no idea what to do
(after making a pillow out of leaves)
okay so the plan is, we get to tribal. me ethan and pete vote for nicole. jones and nicole vote for pete. nicole uses immunity on herself, pete goes home. there are so many ways this could backfire and honestly if it sends me home than im okay with that. i just hate going to tribal so many times in a row
I AM FREE FROM MY BROOKESIA PRISON. Current tribe dynamic on Furcifer: me/Sammy have been on the same tribe this whole time, me/Sammy/Jake were just on swap Brookesia, and i know Sam from OG Brookesia so the only person i'm just now meeting is Mikey and that stresses me out so much less than if we had merged or something. My gut is telling me that the idol is long gone and searching might just get me annoyed before it gets me an idol. On the upside, i still have time to find one if it's it out there because i highly doubt I'll be in trouble anytime soon the way my tribe keeps winning everything. ALSO: i only said that i thought Calumma would lose because Shane was on that tribe and i just felt like he would go big or go home but that's an issue to address when our paths cross again. If our tribe ends up going to tribal sometime soon, i would hope it would be the obvious choice to vote Mikey seeing as how i know him the least but idk maybe thats wishful thinking i dont want it to come to that.
Mikey has my heart on this tribe....YUP I really just wanna keep all the fun ppl...im missing daisy:// umm I did not bid on a single thing and I kind of regret it but also??? At least I am safe from tribal...but damn I really should have bid huh? Anyways not much is going on...ready to start playing a more individual game tho hehe
I cannot believe I risked being voted out only to NOT BE ABLE TO PLAY NEXT IMMUNITY!!!!!!! what a round, I'm so sad. But I hope I stay.
from f15 https://youtu.be/-_meWPNctO0
it’s literally... dude.. why can’t i just float to a merge whyyYYYYYYYYyyYyYyyyYyYy does it AAAALWAYS have to be so COMPLICATED like this is it this is the time im mufuckin ouutttiiieeeeeee that challenge was clearly thrown so like ✌🏼 it was fuuuun i hope y’all liked me enough to bring me back for whatever the next chameleon returnees thingy is uwu
(after being attacked by bees)
i know i’m paranoid and every tribal i feel sick to my stomach but nobody has talked to me today, except ethan about how fucked we are, it’s half an hour before tribal and no one really seems like they want to work with me. i still haven’t heard a name
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superdashme · 5 years
Nano PLC: Highlights Diversity, Novelty and Impact of Emerging Solutions
A nano programmable logic controller (PLC) offer economical solutions to basic control needs for simple machines ranging from simple control timing and logic to relay replacement. Integrated I/O & communication, compact packaging and ease of usage make these controllers an ideal choice for applications such as security systems, conveyor automation, building and parking lot lighting and others. The nano PLC perform functions such as data gathering, monitoring devices, supervisory control and various other process parameters of programs through communicating with other computer equipment or controllers.
The nano PLC market is anticipated to grow owing to driving factors such as the growing home automation market, rising demand for compact automation and increase in adoption of IoT in various industries. However, the huge capital investment involved in installation of nano PLC is expected to hinder the market growth.                               Download To Get Sample Copy Here
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Topmost List manufacturers/ Key player/ Economy by Business Leaders Leading Players of Nano PLC Market Are:
Crouzet Automatismes
EZAutomation Australia Pty Ltd. (AVG Automation)
General Electric
IDEC Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Omron Corporation
Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Schneider Electric
Siemens AG
The global Nano PLC market is segmented on the basis of type, component and industry vertical. Based on type, the market is segmented as fixed nano PLC and modular nano PLCs. Further, based on component, the market is divided into hardware and software. Hardware is further sub segmented by processor, power supply, input/output (I/O) and others. Furthermore, on basis of industry vertical, market is segmented as energy & power, automotive, oil & gas, pharmaceutical, metals & mining and others.
Source: The Insight Partners   
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blog-gaurav-blog1 · 5 years
Nano Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): Basics, Types & Applications
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A nano programmable logic controller (PLC) offer economical solutions to basic control needs for simple machines ranging from simple control timing and logic to relay replacement. Integrated I/O & communication, compact packaging and ease of usage make these controllers an ideal choice for applications such as security systems, conveyor automation, building and parking lot lighting and others. The nano PLC perform functions such as data gathering, monitoring devices, supervisory control and various other process parameters of programs through communicating with other computer equipment or controllers.
The nano PLC market is anticipated to grow owing to driving factors such as the growing home automation market, rising demand for compact automation and increase in adoption of IoT in various industries. However, the huge capital investment involved in installation of nano PLC is expected to hinder the market growth.
    Click Here For Download Sample PDF Copy
Some of the key players influencing the nano programmable logic controller Industry are
Crouzet Automatismes
EZAutomation Australia Pty Ltd. (AVG Automation)
General Electric
IDEC Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Omron Corporation
Rockwell Automation Inc.
Schneider Electric
Siemens AG
The "Global Nano PLC Market Analysis to 2027" is a specialized and in-depth study of the Nano PLC industry with a special focus on the global market trend analysis. The report aims to provide an overview of Nano PLC market with detailed market segmentation by type, component, industry vertical and geography. The global Nano PLC market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading Nano PLC market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market.
The global Nano PLC market is segmented on the basis of type, component and industry vertical. Based on type, the market is segmented as fixed nano PLC and modular nano PLCs. Further, based on component, the market is divided into hardware and software. Hardware is further sub segmented by processor, power supply, input/output (I/O) and others. Furthermore, on basis of industry vertical, market is segmented as energy & power, automotive, oil & gas, pharmaceutical, metals & mining and others.
                   For More Details Click Here
The report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It provides overview and forecast of the global Nano PLC market based on various segments. It also provides market size and forecast estimates from year 2017 to 2027 with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South & Central America  
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johnmartinhg-blog · 5 years
Top 10 Companies in Nano PLC Industry
A nano programmable logic controller (PLC) offer economical solutions to basic control needs for simple machines ranging from simple control timing and logic to relay replacement. Integrated I/O & communication, compact packaging and ease of usage make these controllers an ideal choice for applications such as security systems, conveyor automation, building and parking lot lighting and others.
The nano PLC perform functions such as data gathering, monitoring devices, supervisory control and various other process parameters of programs through communicating with other computer equipment or controllers.
The nano PLC market is anticipated to grow owing to driving factors such as the growing home automation market, rising demand for compact automation and increase in adoption of IoT in various industries. However, the huge capital investment involved in installation of nano PLC is expected to hinder the market growth.
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Top Dominating Key Players:
1. Crouzet Automatismes 2. EZAutomation Australia Pty Ltd. (AVG Automation) 3. General Electric 4. IDEC Corporation 5. KEYENCE CORPORATION 6. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation 7. Omron Corporation 8. Rockwell Automation Inc. 9. Schneider Electric 10. Siemens AG
The global Nano PLC market is segmented on the basis of type, component and industry vertical. Based on type, the market is segmented as fixed nano PLC and modular nano PLCs. Further, based on component, the market is divided into hardware and software. Hardware is further sub segmented by processor, power supply, input/output (I/O) and others. Furthermore, on basis of industry vertical, market is segmented as energy & power, automotive, oil & gas, pharmaceutical, metals & mining and others.
Download PDF Brochure @ http://bit.ly/2VP2qTK
The Nano PLC Market report aims to provide a 360-degree view of the market in terms of cutting-edge technology, key developments, drivers, restraints and future trends with impact analysis of these trends on the market for short-term, mid-term and long-term during the forecast period. Further, the report also covers key players profiling with detailed SWOT analysis, financial facts and key developments of products/service from the past three years.
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njmphadora · 8 years
misc tag games
okay so here are some random extra untitled ones that are quiteee long & descriptive (hence the read more) :) i've decided to combine them all into one to stop me from having to repeat myself in answers. also i won't be tagging anyone because this is kinda just a medley of random ones but if you want to do this bc you like how many interesting questions there are then pls feel free!!!!
--- tagged by @sirrius @howlingremus @knocktvrnalley
name: natalie nickname: nat / natt / natty / nattikur / snig / sniggums / snook / flah gender: female age: 20 biggest fear: needles / paper cuts / general slicing of the skin (ew) current time: 17:38 drink you last had: coffee every day starts with: going to the toilet........ favourite song right now: probably "halo - ane brun" just bc it's so peaceful ghosts, are they real? idk but i don't think so in love with: my boyfriend (you may all go puke now) jealous of: people who are confident & can make friends easily killed someone? lmao no last time you cried: umm yesterday...... middle name: rachel number of siblings: three one wish: to write a novel someday person you last called: my boyfriend questions you’re always asked: "so, what are you doing with yourself now natalie?" (grrr) / "what happened to that writing thing you used to do?" (grrrrrrrrrrrrr) reason to smile: friendships & kindness :) song last sang: well technically halo by ane brun bc i put it on when chosing it for this tag game and ended up singing along to it time you woke up: ummm probably about 11am? underwear colour: pink below, blue on top :) vacation destination: amsterdam / israel worst habit: panicing in social situations x-rays you’ve had: the hospital are legit always x-raying my chest anytime i get even the smallest of coughs your favourite food: sushi / spagbol / chicken tikka masala / chicken soup - i can't decide, so those are the top choices zodiac sign: aries height: aprox 5'2 sexual orientation: straight-ish hogwarts house: hufflepuff / ravenclaw (a lil bit of both but mainly huffle) favorite color: pink :D favorite animal: tortoise time right now: 17:49 average hours of sleep: ummm like maybe ten?? cat or dog person: both tbh favorite fictional characters: umm okay so excuse the external tag but i literally just answered this here number of blankets i sleep with: blankets ????!!? it's winter in the uk... i sleep with a giant thick mofo duvet favorite singer/band: caravan palace dream trip: amsterdam with my boyfriend, my best friend & her boyfriend :) dream job: okay so this was to be an editor but that's p much impossible now so i guess it's back to being an author (even tho that isn't a real job but shhhh) when was this blog created: march 2011 when did this blog reach its peak: ummm right now tbh what made you decide to make a tumblr: xDD i have noo idea. i was about fourteen?? so probably teenage angst lmao relationship status: happily taken, thank god pets: none of my own, but my bf has three ish cats that are basically mine too :) last song i listened to: literally listening rn to "when i go down" - reliant k fave tv shows: gilmore girls, sherlock, doctor who, gossip girl hobbies: reading, watching rubbish, tumblring, playing strategy games and... that's it??? favourite place: my boyfriend's bedroom :) we always have so much fun when we actually spent time together and honestly i miss him when i'm not there first fandom: umm omg probably twilight books that i'm currently reading: i just started rereading harry potter favourite book: 1984 (such a typical answer but idec it's still the best ever) worst thing you've ever eaten / tasted: probably chinese sweet & sour sauce? urgghghhhh
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