#this is the blessing of a curse of artistry. i can do whatever i want. i can make whatever i want happen. At Any Time
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(i'm here to serve you~)
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GOOMT actor au - feat. Room 302 (sh4 actor au) + Father's Gambit actor au (Oscar @georgiespapers )
HEAVILY BASED OFF OF @.kianamaiart's team rocket animation: https://youtu.be/-RrgT7MfF34
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 2 months
was good of you to point out that bey and other big name celebrities are also not without flaws and are silent and complicit re: big issues. bey’s silence is also in stark contrast with what she but yeah when it comes to artistry taylor is nowhere near them. she doesnt risk or experiment because she knows her parasocial fans will throw money at her anyway. there’s a fashion youtuber i love who always says ‘if you’re obscenely rich the least you can do is stunt serve and slay’ and boy is taylor swift allergic to slaying or taking risks both in terms of visuals and sonically. its all safe and and palatable to appeal to as many people as possible. sure her quirky little easter eggs or whatever are cute at the first glance but then you actually look into those and there is not mystery or actual secrets to unfold. its the same masturbatory stuff as always: me me me look at me i am a victim look at all the men who wronged me look here is number 13. what a mastermind lmao
i just wanna say all you anons are so smart and gorgeous and thank you guys for blessing my inbox with your awesome analyses of this wretched bitch
yeah i didnt want my account to devolve into “oh im a ts anti bc im an x stan!!” cause its simply not true. im going to hold space and curse taylor tf out for her and her fans wild antiblackness to other black artists but it doesn’t mean those other artists r immune to criticism esp when it comes to their politics/branding.
no she is SOOOOOO BORING!!! in her mission to be as palatable as possible she absolutely gives and serves NOTHING!!! she really takes advantage of the fact that her fans literary analysis peaked in their HS honors english class to drop these “clues” and “secret messages” lol.
also the number 13 thing is so annoying 😭 i hope her 13th album is the one that takes her down for good. we’re currently at #11
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wicked-jade · 1 year
hi amanda! i wanted to get your advice on something. currently i'm working on a fic and i dunno if i'm just frustrated trying to find the right words, experiencing mild writer's block, or what, but i'm feeling really inadquate as a writer right now. i feel like my writing doesn't sound mature enough and that it wouldn't be considered good or even decent by anyone in the fandom. i love what i've read on ao3 and everyone in this community is so talented; i want to be as good of a writer as them. but i just don't feel like i have the artistry and magical way with words that so many of y'all seem to have. am i just having a bad writing day, or am i actually maybe not a great writer yet? if you have any tips, please let me know. thanks and take care <333
Hi there, anon! I'm sorry you're struggling with your writing right now. If it helps you to know at all, I've definitely been there, many, many times. I think we all have; feelings of inadequacy and writing just go hand in hand. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't second guess myself and doubt my writing in one way or another.
Being in the CK fandom can be a blessing and a curse, at times. Because we're lucky enough to be part of a community that's full of extremely talented writers and artists. I'm seriously in awe of some of the works that have been produced over the years, and humbled to share that same space.
But while sometimes that can be inspiring, seeing that level of talent on display can also be intimidating. More than once I've read a brilliant, thought-provoking story on ao3, then turned around and looked at my own WIPs and wondered why I was even bothering. There's always someone who makes a better analogy, or expresses a thought more clearly and concisely, or writes a funny bit of dialogue I wish I'd written, and then I start to get down on myself. And it's a terrible, discouraging feeling.
It's times like that when I have to take a step back and remind myself that even the best writers have their insecurities. Everyone feels this way, at one point or another. But the important thing is to just keep writing. Because while it's great to have writers you look up to and works you aspire to, in the long run, comparing yourself constantly to others will only get you down.
The beautiful thing about writing is that every writer has their own, unique voice. And the only way to develop that voice is through practice. And there is nothing magical about it, lol. Occasionally, a line will pop into my head like it was delivered straight from the heavens. But most of the time, it's a tedious slog, hours spent tinkering and tetris-ing the words into the right order. Trust me, if you ever saw how many times I've rewritten the same sentence, the process would probably seem less magical and more insane. 😂
All that to say: greatness is subjective. And entirely overrated as a concept. So is 'maturity,' whatever that means. How many 'classic' or 'best-selling' novels have you read that everyone else raved about, but you thought was crap? I'm betting there's a bunch. Lord knows I've read plenty of 'great' works, and just didn't get what the big fuss was about.
Wanting to improve and grow as a writer is a good thing. As is having goals to strive for. But if everyone waited until they considered themselves 'great' to share their work, I figure hardly anything would ever get published.
So try not to worry so much about being a 'great' writer, or what the fandom will think, and just write for yourself. Write what interests you, what entertains you, what moves you and makes you feel something. Have fun with it, and don't put so much pressure on yourself. Just keep writing and practicing and honing your craft.
And when you are having a bad day, know that it's okay to take a break. Take a step back, watch a movie, go for a walk, play around with another story, go do something completely unrelated. Maybe you'll find inspiration in something else. Or maybe you won't, but either way, when you come back to what you were working on, you'll have fresh eyes and a new perspective.
As far as more practical writing tips go, I would say the thing that helps me the most, when it comes to the flow of my words, is to read them aloud. This especially helps when it comes to writing dialogue or banter. I have a background in music, so I tend to take more a lyrical approach to writing; the words have a groove. Sometimes a sentence will sound right in my head, but when I read it aloud during editing, I'll realize it feels stilted or unnatural. The rhythm is off. Then I'll tweak a word here and there, read it again, and see if it improved the cadence of that passage.
This...ended up being way longer than I anticipated. (But what's new about that? 😂) Anyway, I hope all this rambling has helped in some way, anon, and that you're able to get past your writer's block soon!
To badly paraphrase Mr. Miyagi, trust that your writing roots are strong, and don't be afraid to choose your own way to grow. I know I'm looking forward to all the stories you have to tell! 💖💖💖
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The Little Scribbles by HufflePuffPatronus / @dontbeallupinmyfriesdawg
Based on this prompt:  “ I left my phone number on a wall and you found it. So every now and again you text me about your day. I don’t know how I still don’t know who you are though.”
Cover by : @klarolinessecondbreakfast
Chapter 2 || FF.net /AO3
“You’re late”
Rebekah’s blonde head appeared from behind her menu, a surly expression on her pretty face that was all too familiar.
“Good morning to you too,”
Klaus flashed his sister an easy smile, sliding gracefully into the chair adjacent to her.
“It’s gone 11. That’s practically lunch time Nik, you could have invited me somewhere far nicer to eat.”
“Occasionally sister,” - Klaus murmured, picking up a napkin and laying it across his lap - “It wouldn’t kill you to mingle amongst the unwashed masses.”
Ignoring Rebekah’s steely glare, he picked up a menu of his own.
“Don’t count on me for a once of sympathy if anything in this hovel ends up giving you food poisoning.” She hissed.
“Can I get you, folks, anything?” A man with a lot of facial hair in an apron approached their table, looking at them expectantly.
“A coffee please,” Klaus replied without looking up. “Black, no sugar.”
The waiter nodded dutifully and noted that down.
“And for you Miss?”
Giving the menu another unimpressed once over Rebekah let out an over long suffering (entirely over-dramatic yet not out of character) sigh.
“A glass of water, please. Mineral preferably.”
The man flashed Rebekah a slightly incredulous look before schooling his expression and jotting that down on his notepad.
“I’ll see what we have,” he said uncertainly before shuffling away.
Klaus rolled his eyes as Rebekah sent another unimpressed look in his direction.
“Might I remind you,” he said coolly. “It was you who forced me to be present for this lunch engagement,”
And had he deliberately chosen, somewhere less than up to par with Rebekah’s impossible standards simply out of juvenile retaliation? Yes. But he was only human after all.
“I am your sister Niklaus.”
Klaus winced at the use of his full name and made a point of suddenly looking extremely interested in the screen of his Blackberry.
“-Your favorite sister at that.” Rebekah continued.  "I shouldn’t have to borderline blackmail into spending time with me,“
Sighing impatiently, Klaus looked up and gave his sister an exasperated look.
“Don’t play the victim card with me, Rebekah,” he warned. “We both know you wouldn’t have brought me unless you had some sort of hidden ulterior motive for demanding an audience with me,”
Rebekah shifted uncomfortably at that and stared out into the traffic passing by the window.
“And what ‘ulterior motive’ would that be?”
Klaus reclined back in his chair and smirked knowingly at his sibling just as the waiter returned and placed his coffee and Rebekah’s water down in front of them before leaving again hastily, obviously sensing the tension between them.
“Ah I don’t know,” he hummed, tapping his chin, pretending to look pensive. “Perhaps, Elijah conspired with you and now you’re here to make yet another attempt to lead me down the straight and narrow?”
Rebekah scoffed and tossed her hair off of her shoulder.
“Alright then, perhaps then this has something to do with mother then?”
Rebekah then visibly tensed and picked her napkin to wipe off a nonexistent bit of dirt on the side of her glass.
Klaus tutted and tilted his head patronizingly.
“Poor sister, you are as predictable as you are gullible,”
“Sod off Nik,” Rebekah snapped, thumping down her glass back on the table. “For the life of me, I’ll never know while you feel the need to be such a bloody prick all the time,”
“Well it’s true, isn’t it? You’ve spoken with her.” Klaus replied nonchalantly while reaching for his mug.
“We had brunch on Saturday,”
“Brunch…” Klaus bit out scornfully as if the word alone had mortally offended him.
“I’m not saying she’s changed Nik-”
“Here we go-”
“-But she’s concerned about you.” Rebekah finished, staring at him imploringly.
Klaus took one look at her and began laughing uncontrollably.
“And what exactly is funny?” Rebekah demanded.
“I’m sorry Rebekah-” Klaus attempted through, splutters. “-But the only thing our mother cares about is herself and her own well being- and the idea that you’ve convinced yourself any different,”
“It’s not like that Nik,”
“Let me guess, she’s ‘worried’”- he made quotation marks in the air for emphasis - “about my lack of suitable mate and is still adamant about setting me up with the Marshall-Kenner’s obnoxious offspring, so she can call it her good deed for the year and hopefully get some trophy grandchildren out of it while she’s at it?”
“You really are jaded for someone of your age Nik, you know that?”
Rebekah grabbed her glass from the table and took a sip, wrinkling her nose at whatever it was she did or didn’t taste that made her water so unsatisfactory.
“Ah, right again.” he nodded smugly.
“You can hardly blame her. You haven’t had so much as a date with anyone since the therapist. What was her name? Blonde, a little dull, but a sweet girl God bless her…”
“Camille has nothing to do with what we’re discussing,” Klaus said defensively. “This is about your active participation in mother’s mission to control my life,”
“Now who’s being dramatic,” Rebekah fired back, sharply raising a razor thin eyebrow at him.
“I’ve heard enough,” Klaus growled, rising from his seat.
“And now you’re running, typical I must say-”
“Keep your hair on sister, I wouldn’t be so inhumane as to force you to pay for your own glass of tap water,” Klaus answered sardonically. “I’m visiting the facilities,”
“Well hurry up about it, if sit in this place any longer, I’m certain I’ll come out with a rash.” Rebekah hissed, writhing uncomfortably.
“So a typical Tuesday afternoon for you then?” Klaus smiled, retreating before Rebekah could answer him.
Of course, there’s only one loo in this bloody place he thought as he slipped through the door at the back of the cafe.
Klaus sighed loudly, positioning himself near the bowl and adjusting his clothing. He then attempted to calm himself down and began calculating whether he’d have enough time (and patience) to take Rebekah to a nice patisserie and sweet talk her into taking his side over their mother’s.
Suddenly something above his head caught his eye. The wall in front of him had various scribbles and doodles scrawled all over it ranging from varying degrees of offensiveness and artistry but what caught his eye, was what was written in unusually neat handwriting - a stark contrast to everything else - and the number above it.
Only call in the state of a crisis
Klaus laughed ironically to himself, considering that anything that had anything to do with Esther Mikaelson, was something he considered to be a crisis. Perfect timing.
So yes maybe in a moment of utter madness he pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket and took down the number on the wall.
And maybe just maybe, he took out a pen also and scribbled it out so that nobody else would come after him and do the same thing.
Hey, he was a possessive sort of man, even when it came down to the numbers of complete strangers written in bathroom stalls. It was the Aries in him.
Later that evening
“Hello, yes?” Caroline demanded, answering her phone and irritably responding to the voice on the other end of the line.
“Hey Care is this still your number?” the voice mumbled uncertainly
“Matt?!” Caroline said incredulously, suddenly sitting bolt upright.
“Uh, yeah,” he replied, sounding slightly embarrassed and just as bumbling and inept as usual.
Matt was one of Caroline’s ex-boyfriends who she’s had the misfortune of ‘agreeing to stay friends’ with. Which everyone knows, is just code for ‘I don’t hate you but seriously I hope we never see each other again’ except Matt missed that memo apparently and figured that them being quote unquote friends justified him calling her at ass crack at night, for what Caroline was certain promised to be complete and utter nonsense.
“Seriously, it’s like eleven at night Matt,” Caroline complained, smoothing her hair out of her face and glancing at her alarm clock.
“Yeah, I know and I’m really sorry,” Matt said hurriedly. “But you’re the only one I thought I could ask who would be available and wouldn’t laugh at me,”
“What Matt?” Caroline sighed exhaustedly.
“How normal is it for someone to just suddenly develop a rash on the side of their elbow?”
Caroline pressed the phone to her chest and tried desperately not to groan out loud. Despite the distance, she could still feel Matt’s panicked voice through the receiver.
“Care? Caroline are you still there,”
She sighed. “Yeah, Matt I’m still here. It sounds like it’s just a regular rash. Does it hurt?”
“No but it’s itchy,” Matt replied, his tone sounding as if he was on the phone with his doctor describing the size of a growing tumor.
“If it’s really bothering you then go see a doctor,” Caroline supplied, staring up the ceiling and cursing the day she let Matt’s boy next door charm and goofy lopsided grin talk her into giving him her number in the middle of that pretzel store in the mall one afternoon.
“You’re right. Thanks, Care you’re a life saver,” Matt gushed, breathing a sigh of relief as if Caroline had just given him some invaluable, non-obvious solution to his problem.
“Sorry again for calling, good night-”
“-Wait!” Caroline exclaimed suddenly.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, I just-” “Do you?-”
“Yeah?” Matt questioned in confusion.
“Do you think I’m boring Matt?”
“Do you think I’m boring?” Caroline repeated.
After a moment’s silence, Matt finally responded with “Is this a trick question?”
“No! Matt, I just want your honest opinion,”
“Yes, really,” Caroline said with an eye roll.
“Oh, well then, no. I wouldn’t say you’re boring.” Matt answered.
“No?” she said hopefully.
“No wouldn’t be fair,”
Caroline breathed a sigh of relief.
“So would you say I’m fun?” she questioned
“What’s that now?” Matt asked a slight edge of panic returning in his voice.
“Fun Matt”
“Uh, sure… I mean yeah you’re fun. We always had a lot of fun together. I mean sure, it was pretty controlled, planned out to the letter type of fun but it was still fun,”
“Wait. What? What does that mean?”
Matt chuckled.
“Well you know, with you, it was kind of always ‘The fun will start at 10:15 sharp and not a moment sooner’” he joked, clearly unaware of how insensitive he was being.
“Yeah well, I’m kind of tired so good night Matt. Thanks for that,” Caroline said, barely veiling her ire.
“No thank you,” Matt replied cheerily, the sarcasm going completely over his head.
And with that, Caroline ended the call and proceeded to toss her phone three feet across the room and scream senselessly into her pillow.
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teensinthepark · 7 years
Get To Know The Artists!
TIPFest 2017 is right around the corner. Before you head out to the festival we want to give you a chance to get to know some of the young artists performing this year. Read about them below, follow them on social media and come out Saturday, September 23 to the Petrillo Music Shell for #TIPFest!
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Actual Name: Shuba Vedula
Twitter: @shubamusic
Instagram: @shubamusic 
Group Members: Nick Pappas, Chassion Rice and Aidan Landauer
What neighborhood do you represent? Hyde Park
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should be excited about these events because music should be as accessible as possible. Seeing artists perform is a chance for teenagers to get inspired to get involved with creative activities and opportunities that are becoming increasingly available in the Chicago youth scene. Being inspired from such a young age will allow teens to start making new friends who share the same interests as them, discovering their creative potential, and improving their artistic projects.
What sets you apart from other artists?
As one of the only emerging Indian American music artists in Chicago, my ethnicity plays a major role not only in the kind of music I create, which draws a lot on worldly sounds infused in Pop/Hip Hop beats, but also the message I hope to send to women and young artists as a whole. I have been fortunate enough to attend a respected university, interact with young adults every day, and be part of many communities that inspire the experiences I have as a growing artist. Although I enjoy writing songs about love and heartbreak, I mostly sing about the kinds of issues that people think about every day, but don't necessarily express out loud or hear about in most other music. For example, a lot of my friends and youth I interact with in Chicago community organizations talk about how they worry about their future or how they feel about growing up, not just about how they like partying and going out.  My music and artistry focuses on these sorts of issues and how people can unite in their general insecurities about life and not feel ashamed about them.
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Ty Won
Actual Name: Ty Weathersby Group Members: Carmani Edwards, Jamiah Rogers, Raamen Berry, Ty Weathersby and Jeremy Warren  What neighborhood do you represent? Chatam
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
The biggest challenge I’ve overcome is one that I am continuing to overcome, and that is discouragement, disappointment and not giving up on my dreams. Being a starving artist and an aspiring entertainer is a very tough road in which challenges are expected but still not easy to overcome. I audition and submit for many opportunities, some are successful and others are not. However, keeping a positive mindset and faith is how I am able to overcome this challenge. The music and entertainment industry is my passion.  I will not give up.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should be excited to come to this event to enjoy great music and entertainment in a positive and safe environment. I want teens to come to this event to be inspired to follow their hearts' desire to do whatever it is that they are passionate about.
What sets you apart from other artists?
What sets me apart from other artists is my unique sound. I have the ability to rap,sing and dance which is a rare talent for an artist today especially coming from Chicago. I always make sure there is a message in all of my music. I also represent a struggle that is unique because it's rarely discussed but still resonates with people. The everyday struggles of the average young adult trying to navigate life is who I represent.
Twitter: @PrinceTyWon IG: @Ty_Won Soundcloud
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Chai Tulani and The Bomba
Actual Name: Sila Tulani Group Members: Ezekiel Raggs -guitar, Samuel Glover- bass What neighborhood do you represent? Altgeld Gardens
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
The biggest challenge I've overcome was not being able to speak English When I first moved to the U.S and being teased for my heritage. I was never the "cool kid' coming up, but I always knew I was born to do something great.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should be excited for these upcoming events because the artists that are performing there may be local artists now, however, many of us are on our way to being international stars by Serving phenomenal arts to the people to inspire the world. If anyone wishes to feel inspired they will find inspiration at these events.
What sets you apart from other artists?
I embrace my pain through my songs, even the happy ones. My performance and music doesn’t just play for the ears, it plays for the soul.
Twitter: @ChaiTulani IG: chaitulani Soundcloud
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J Monet Dancers 
Actual Name: Jazzmin Monet
Members: Jazzmin Monet, Sherrion Jolly, Breanna Anderson, Tiah Jones, Nay'Aisha Edmond, N'Dea Kelly and Peyton Cox
What neighborhood do you represent? Near North, Austin and South Shore
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
The biggest challenge we've overcome is following our passion in spite of the lack of education and respect toward the therapeutic art of dance. Often been told to get a "real job." Some people don't respect art. Dance is more than movement, it's a lifestyle, a story, a gift given to share to heal and revive. Dance is a journey. Any artist can relate and/or aspire to the fact that it's fulfilling to not only share your gift, but to receive compensation for your work. I've been blessed to do both, so I'm a firm believer that following your dream, positioning yourself and knowing your worth is the key to prosper.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should excited, because they not only get to attend these events, but participate and engage with artists that inspire them.
What sets you apart from other artists?
What sets us apart from other artists is our story. I spent some time running from dance, yet it was my first and only job since. I've been coaching and dancing professionally for 7 years. I went choreographing after school, performing in showcases as a child to my first job teaching as a sophomore in high school to starting a team my junior year (that has continued to this day) to earning a leadership scholarship to studying at Columbia College Chicago, and owning a studio for 2 years now (J Monet Studio, Home of Chez Elite Femmes and J Monet Dancers), coaching and performing at events through the city. Dance is life, truly.
Twitter: @Chez_elite
IG: @chez_elite
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Taj Mxxoy
Actual Name: Thomas McCoy
What neighborhood do you represent? West Chatam
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
Being Afraid To Grow.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Because Its A Great way for teens all over the city to come together as one body with good people, vibes, and the music. Why not be excited.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
I'm Different. I'm Diverse. But I'm In My Own Lane.
Twitter: @Tajarama IG: @Tajmxxoy17 Soundcloud
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Actual Name: Daniel Weisberg
Group Members: Daniel Weisberg, Simone Townshend, Damontay Banks, Chris Johnson, Derrick Griffin and Jazmyne Fountain
What neighborhood do you represent? West Side, Austin
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
Confidence and acceptance, the ability to listen, learn and accept criticism
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
It gives an opportunity for kids to ride the new wave of music, spread positivity and stay off the streets.  
What sets you apart from other artists?
I do not curse in my music. All of my music is honest and from the heart. I get into character and act out my words on stage.  I use storytelling, as well as facial expression and unique word pronunciations and adjustments to engage and get people to relate.
Twitter/IG:  @therealndpndnt  
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Group Members: Jazmine Stubbs, Kourtney Glenn What neighborhood do you represent? North Lawndale
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Because it's a chance to celebrate what is great in Chicago
What sets you apart from other artists? 
Our message is our strongest component. Reminding listeners to be aware of who they are emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. We are healers with our words and melodies.
Twitter/IG: @kostar_journey
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Windy Indie
Actual Name: Brenda Gilbert 
What neighborhood do you represent? Austin, North Lawndale 
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
One of the biggest challenge I've had to overcome was being confident with my imprint on hip-hop as a violinist.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
I have an aspiration to bridge the gap between music and education as a tool to introduce all demographics to a wider selection of sound.
Twitter: @Windy_Indie IG: @Windy_Indy Soundcloud
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Actual Name: Alexis Barr
What neighborhood do you represent? I represent Chicago as a whole
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should be excited for these upcoming events because no other city has the opportunities and influences that Chicago has. These festivals show local Chicago artists their age and a bit older living outside the box and taking risks with their music. It takes a lot to bear yourself on a stage in front of strangers. On top of that you can meet new people to connect with and just be in a safe friendly environment having fun.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
I'm set apart from other artists because my sound is unique. I make music and I write poetry. I call myself a floetrist because the isn't a box I can be put into I'm a musician, a poet, a singer, a rapper. I'm a Floetrist.
Twitter/IG: @Leximonee97 Soundcloud
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Ridley Victoria 
Actual Name: Ridley Morgan
What neighborhoods do you represent? Rogers Park
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome? 
The biggest challenge I've overcome is adversity regarding my career choice. When I decided to become a professional musician, many people around me didn't understand why I would choose such a grueling and chance-driven field. As time went on, however, and I started to accomplish more and more, people started to understand and support my dream.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
I think teenagers and kids in general are our future, and their opinions and intelligence actually hold a lot of weight in our communities. Events like these are created to hold the city together. In order to do that, we need all ages to be eager and involved. These events are geared toward the well-being of our youth, and it helps the cause immensely when the younger generation is able to get involved.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
What sets me apart from other artists is my versatility, and my drive. There are very few independent artists I know that work as hard as I do to reach desired goals and dreams. I refuse to be put into any artistic box, especially when it comes to genre. I am blessed with the capability of being a musical chameleon and switching it up according to my mood, desired message, or current creative space. My creativity is in constant flow, and I have my image and branding constructed down to a science.
IG/Twitter: @ridleythepoet Soundcloud
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Actual Name: Kennedy Pulliam
What neighborhood do you represent? Chatam
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Its a great chance to showcase talent to teens and to have a space where everyone gets along and can just have fun
What sets you apart from other artists?
My energy I give loads of energy and like to make sure the people are involved ...I also like to mix styles I'm easy to listen to for lyrics but I also get it fresh and innovative for the younger generation
Twitter: The_Ken_ IG: The_k.e.n Soundcloud
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Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome? 
My biggest challenge is myself and coming to understand who I am outside of what others expect and have told me.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Because it is the music of their generation which is constantly transforming and forgoing genre. This music embraces that it is different and a melting pot of genres that have come before.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
I am an artist that writes music based on a feeling rather than a set goal for lyrics. My songs are more of an uncovering than a new piece. I also take longer than many artist to write a song due to the way in which I get intimate with every aspect of each chord and lyric.
Twitter: @Viano_music IG: @Vianomusic22
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The Other Eric
Actual Name: Eric Williams What neighborhood do you represent? Humboldt Park, Austin, Garfield
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome? 
Accepting myself
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
It is a way to experience great new musical talents from Chicago artists while enjoying a positive atmosphere.
What sets you apart from other artists?
My unique arrangement of songs and desire to put the best effort in everything i want out of life, also my ability to play multiple instruments.
Twitter/IG: @Musiconthewall Soundcloud
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Jane Weyes 
Actual Name: Monique Ogletree
What neighborhood do you represent? Southside
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome?
The biggest challenge I've overcome is performing in front of others. As a young creative starting out I struggled so much with owning my craft. Through relentless practice and dedication, as I found my voice more I was also able to develop the self-confidence I needed to perform in front of anyone anywhere.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should be excited for these events because it recognizes the next generation of amazingly talented individuals on the rise in our city. These events are fun, safe, and celebrate creativity and the importance of self-expression within our youth. It's also beautiful and pertinent for us, as young people, to come together and support one another because we are the future.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
The biggest thing that sets me apart from other artists is my sound. Today's music enforces a strong emphasis on partying and carefree fun. I seek to incorporate a refreshing sound of new soul and r&b for this generation filled with soothing melodies and harmonies that gives us a taste of our favorite old school jams. Writing music and recording is a healing process and a continuous journey for me and when creating music, I like for my audience to know that they are never alone no matter what they're going through. Music connects us all.
Twitter/IG: @Janeweyes 
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Solo The Dweeb
Actual Name: SoHaan Goss
What neighborhood do you represent? South Side, East Side
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome? 
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
It not only represents the culture we have been exposed to, but shows what the bright minds of the next generation are capable of. This music although sometimes graphic and simplistic can still be seen as beautiful works of art once decoded correctly (or maybe sometimes it's there when you just wanna turn up). It's our identities and view points of Chicago culture itself.
What sets you apart from other artists? 
My hunger, ferocity, determination, my attitude, my consistency, my work ethic, my energy, my energy, my energy, and my imagination. Above all else, I feel like I'm much more than a rockstar. I set out to be a icon of my millennial generation and I plan to inspire change and love through my music. It's aggressive energy but it's completely positive. No one has the same presentation as me, the same set up let alone the same precense I bring when performing. The way I see it; with this blessing or not the way I see my route it's purely a matter of time.....
Twitter/IG: @solothedweeb
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Shayla Breneé
Actual Name: Shayla Johnson
What neighborhood do you represent? South Side, Hyde Park, Garfield
Describe the biggest challenge you've overcome? 
The biggest challenge I've overcome would have to be battling depression. I went through a period where every month I lost someone close to me for about a year and a half. Dealing with so much death and grief became overwhelming and I started to feel hopeless. But I started writing poetry and for the first time I felt like I had a purpose. My poetry is bigger than me because not only has it saved my life but it's saved others. And knowing that my struggles could help someone else in anyway is the most rewarding feeling there is.
Describe why teens should be excited for these upcoming events?
Teens should be excited for TIP Fest and other upcoming events because they showcase all of the talent and brilliance this city and the people have to offer. Today's artists are the future leaders and change makers of the world. And the events are free so there's no excuse not to go!
What sets you apart from other artists?
What sets me apart is my drive and my purpose. I'm not interested in being rich in a monetary sense. I'm interested in being rich in love and light and making other people's lives rich in the same way. I wanna be that example for little black girls that regardless of your circumstance what is meant for you will always come to pass. Any dream that you have is always within your reach and just because others may not be able to see your vision doesn't mean it's not true or tangible.
Twitter/Instagram: @shaybrenee
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do you have dateko and karasuno hogwarts hcs? :DD
Yes, yes I do!  :D
Daichi:  Hufflepuff (quidditch captain) - halfblood
Everyone he met on the train was convinced this son of a powerful pureblood who shunned tradition to be with the non-magical woman he loved would end up in Gryffindor (just like his father).  However, nothing thrilled 11 year old Daichi more than to end up in the house he was always sure would have been his mother’s had she been magical.  Hard working, dedicated and loyal, he was going to prove to everyone that those traits were to be respected.  People soon realize that he is best suited to fit in Hufflepuff and think it’s crazy to have ever thought any differently. 
Until gets on the Quidditch team and everyone’s convinced he should have been a Slytherin.  
He likes Defense Against Dark Arts because he likes the idea of being able to protect people.
Applewood wand - powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, the wood mixes poorly with Dark magic.  
Sugawara:  slytherin - muggleborn
Everyone thought the delicate looking boy would fit right in in Hufflepuff.  However, Suga knew what he was getting into, that there was a good chance he wouldn’t be able to perform at the same level as all the other purebloods (and a good number of halfbloods) who had been receiving training and tutoring since early childhood.  He made plans to compete with them.  He was Slytherin to the core.  Someone who knows his strengths and weaknesses, who can be fiercely loyal to those who he sees as “his” and very capable of seeing right to the heart of the problem 
A bit younger than Kuroo, he becomes the Slytherin prefect after the other graduates and ends up being Head Boy for his final year.  No one’s suprirsed then.  
He excels in Transfiguration.  A class that rewards those who steadily practice and work at what they’re doing, by the time he reaches his 7th years, he’s learned plenty of tricks to help him master the spells quicker than anyone else.
Beech wand - young owner will be wise beyond his years, full-grown: rich in understanding and experience; can’t be narrow-minded or intolerant; capable of subtlety and artistry 
Asahi: huflepuff - pureblood
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this boy would be a Hufflepuff.  None of the confidence that a pureblood usually has, he would much rather avoid all that talk and people in general thank you very  much.  He’s recruited to the Hufflepuff quidditch team a bit later than usual, due to a younger Gryffindor forcibly making him do it because “you looked wicked awesome to play against!”  (He’s lowkey terrified of all Quidditch players, especially his own captain but he’ll never admit to it)
Herbology.  Please.  He knows people think he’d be good with care of magical creatures because he’s so big, and could wrestle down the more unruly ones, but that’s dangerous so no thank you.  
Larch wand - instills confidence and courage in owner; the master has hidden talents and unexpected effects; until paired with the wand, the owner wont realize the full extent of his considerable talent
Tanaka:  gryffindor - pureblood
Pureblood Tanaka always knew that he was going to end up a Gryffindor.  Everyone in his family was a Gryffindor, his best friend’s gonna be a Gryffindor too.  Everything’s going to work out fine.  And no suprise to anyone, he ends up Gryffindor.  Most people are convinced that they’re reincarnations of the legendary Weasley twins (even though they’re not dead - in this au, Voldemort died permanently when Harry was a baby).  He and Noya somehow manage at every party throughout the years - sneaking into them in their first few years, invited to all by the last.  Because “no way is it a party without those two.”
Loves Defense Against Dark Arts.  However, ends up in trouble a fair amount because he and Noya like to practice what they learn outside of class.
Spruce wand - bold owner, good sense of humor; intensely loyal and particularly flamboyant and dramatic
Noya: gryffindor - pureblood
Just like his best friend, Noya (and everyone around him) knew that he’d be a Gryffindor.  His suitcases and everything were in the colors of his “potential” house.  However, just because he has house pride doesn’t mean he doesn’t like people from other houses.  He likes people from other houses so much that he’s going to their tables for meals.  (Prefects eventually give up trying to make him leave, because it’s not going to happen...or he’s just going to drag his friend from that table back to his.  Poor Asahi, nearly had an heart attack at the Gryffindor table.)
Like Tanaka, prefers Defense Against Dark Arts any day of the week.  
Dogwood wand - quirky and mischievous, playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide excitement and fun; capable of serious magic when called upon and perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions; needs a wizard who is clever and ingenious - cannot do non-verbal spells and are noisy
Ennoshita: ravenclaw - muggleborn
Ennoshita prefers to keep to himself a bit, not through any nervousness or feelings of inadequacy (well, maybe at first - being a muggleborn surrounded by pretty much the geniuses of Hogwarts isn’t always the biggest ego-booster), but because he likes to observe and figure out what’s really going on in a situation.  Calm and level-headed, he ends up tutoring Tanaka and Noya after a particularly disastorous potions class, and has never managed to shake them.
Incredible at the attention to detail required for potions.  
Hazel wand - reflects owner’s emotional state and works best for a master who understands and can manage their feelings; it’s capable of outstanding magic in the hand of the skillful, extremely loyal and devoted
Kageyama: pureblood - Hufflepuff
The day he was sorted into Hufflepuff he managed to terrify all the rest of the first years, a good number of the third and fourth years and disconcert some of the older years.  A truly one-track mind he got Daichi, the Head of his House and the Headmaster to come out and see his flying talents the day after he was sorted to convince them to give him a spot on the Quidditch team.  He got in.  And thus Daichi decides he was either cursed or blessed that day - still not sure which.  On one hand, he’s gotten one of Quidditch players he’s ever seen.  On the other, the head of the house and Headmaster made him the official mentor to the younger boy - and as such he has to deal with getting him to do well in every other subject.  Once Kageyama somehow manages to hit it off with the hotheaded Gryffindor who declared them rivals after the first game and then somehow end up becoming best friend, Daichi takes it as his right to try and dump him on the Gryffindor prefect, Iwaizumi as much as possible.  
He passes all his classes...barely, but he does it, and he doesn’t particularly has a favorite.  He’s already decided that he’s going to play Quidditch professionaly.
Hornbeam wand - owner has a single pure passion, which will be realized; adapts quickly to owner’s style and becomes personalized very quickly
Hinata: gryffindor - muggleboorn 
Anyone who talked to Hinata on the train was not not surprised when the muggleborn was put into Gryffindor with absolutely no deliberation on the Hat’s part.  They weren’t surprised when he became “adopted’ by the Gyrffindor Quidditch team’s start player, Bokuto.  They weren’t surprised when it looked like he and the terrifying Hufflepuff might end up killing each other.  They were surprised when the terrifying Hufflepuff came up to him after a game and said that he could ensure that he and the other boy could become the best Quidditch partners in the world and by graduation they would be guaranteed a spot on any team that they wanted.  
After a night of deliberation (his housemates said it was basically “Pro: any team I want, professional Quidditch.  Con: Kageyama.  Any team I want vs. Kageyama.  Professional Quidditch!  ....Kageyama....”) he shook hands with Kageyama and never looked back.  Or at any other subject....
Fir wand - staying power and strength of purpose in owners, owners are focused, strong-minded and occasionally intimidating demeanour
Tsukkishima: slytherin - halfblood
Tsukkishima’s mother was the second wife of his father.  His older brother is only his halfbrother, and is a pureblood.  When he was younger, this made no difference.  As he got older, he realized the implications (there is still some pureblood hierarchy left in the culture) and even though his older brother does not feel the same way, Kei started to pull away. When he goes to Hogwarts, it’s with the intention to prove himself to be far superior to those around him. He practically demands Slytherin from the sorting hat want to be far away from the Gryffindor ideals of his older brother.  
Good at the more knowledge based classes, such as History of Magic and Muggle Studies.  
Pine wand - independent, individual master - perceived as loner, intriguing and mysterious; like being used creatively and adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells, sensitive to non-verbal magic
Yamgauchi: hufflepuff - halfblood
Yamaguchi is ever grateful that he ended up in Hufflepuff.  He was a little worried about going to this new school.  Despite having a witch mother, they had spent most of their life in the “muggle” world and felt a little unprepared for Hogwarts.  He grows into his own while he’s there, somehow making friends with the “untouchable” Kei Tsukkishima, but knows it comes from Hufflepuff being a welcoming place where he could just be himself.  
Actually really enjoys Divination.
English oak - loyal, and needs partner of strength, courage and fidelity
Moniwa:  hufflefpuff - muggleborn
Prefect of Hufflepuff, Moniwa is just about the nicest person you’d ever have the pleasure of knowing during your years at Hogwarts.  Always trying to be as helpful as he can, he gets along with pretty much anyone from any house - and does whatever he can to make sure that everyone from his House is doing well and doesn’t need any help with anything.  Somehow, Kamasaki ended up taking him under his “protective” wing first year when they met on the train, so don’t try messing with him.
Likes Potions, because he wants to go into healing after Hogwarts.
Alder wand - helpful, considerate and most likeable.   (A good wand for a Hufflepuff.)  
Kamasaki:  gryffindor - halfbood
Ends up becoming “vice-captain” to Bokuto on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which isn’t a surprise to anyone.  Him not killing the happy-go-lucky captain, on the other hand, most definitely is.  Being a halfblood he’s been exposed to some prejudice but not too much; however, true to his bold, Gryffindor nature he’ll take on anyone who happens to show prejudice towards any of his muggleborn friends.
Like many Gryffindors he enjoys Defense Against Dark Arts, however, he also enjoys basic charms.  After all, a good hex is the best way to get back at some of the assholes he encounters.
Holly wand - owners may need help with anger and impetuousity; owners tend to end up engaged in some dangerous/spiritual quest
Futakuchi:  slytherin - pureblood
No one’s surprised by his ending up in Slytherin.  What people tend to be surprised is a loyalty to his best friend, Aone - a Hufflepuff, that outweighs even his house loyalty.  The two have a bond that cannot be broken.  Until he gets on the Quidditch field.  Then he has no friendship or loyalty to anyone except his team.  He’s hand picked by Kuroo to be his successor pretty much from the moment he ends up in Hogwarts and is trained in strategy and coaching techniques by both Kuroo and Oikawa (who probably has just as much power in the Slytherin house as Kuroo but it’s unofficial)
Likes charmwork.  Only because it makes hexing people who piss him off nice and easy.
Cedar wand - owner who is perspicacious and perceptive; potential ot be a frightening adversary
Aone:  hufflepuff - pureblood
When people realize that the Hufflepuff who appears to be terrifying is best friends with the Slytherin they’re even more convinced that the Hat made a mistake with Aone.  And then they realize that it would be harder to find someone more kind-hearted than the big guy and they just decide that there’s been a strange influx of terrifyingly large Hufflepuffs lately and maybe they should stop being so quick to judge the house.  
Like many of his fellow Hufflepuffs, he likes Care of Magical Animals.  
Rowan waand - powerful, hard to break defensive charms, believed disassociation with Dark Arts; pure-hearted wizards; (wands tend to match/outperform others in duels)
Koganegawa: hufflepuff - muggleborn
Koganegawa was not a muggleborn who was intimidated by this new world around him, instead he faces this world both ready to embrace it and take it on.  He comes in fascinated by the idea of Quidditch the most - he loved muggle sports but one that involves flying???? uh, yes please.  Daichi has now decided that he’s cursed and begs the universe to release him from over-eager juniors who have the potential for terrifying amounts of skill and are too enthusiastic.
He loves Care of Magical Creatures - same reason as he loves Quidditch.  He likes animals and animals that are magical!!  WOW!!!!
Poplar wand - consistency, strength and uniform power - happiest when working with a witch/wizard of clear moral vision
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truetimbre · 7 years
I’ve been a fan of Broadside since hearing vocalist Ollie Baxxter feature on a League MVP track. They fully capture everything I love about pop-punk; they are brimming with energy and their songs offer much more than what is on the surface. I met up with Ollie and Dorian at a show in Southampton, we talked about Warped Tour, poetry and R2-D2 headphones.
Where did the band name come from?
Ollie: We’ve always been a fan of just one word band names. I wish I had a really cool answer, but we picked out a couple of names that we liked and Broadside was one of them; literally a name in the hat. It stems from the idea of one band name, a single word.
  How did you all get together?
O: The band now actually has no original members. They’ve all gone and left, but I’ve been in the band for 4 years now. I had a few covers on YouTube, I was doing RnB and Motown-ish sounding covers. Andrew, their drummer at the time, reached out to me because their vocalist had just quit and they were like ‘yeah we’re looking for a guy with your style voice, would you be interested in joining a band?’ And I did, obviously. [laughs] So yeah, we just carried on like that. Niles, who’s currently guitar, joined shortly after I did and we’ve just slowly picked up members. Then just after Warped Tour our drummer had to leave, because he has a wife and he’s older and didn’t think he could invest the time. Now we have a fill in drummer and a new bass player, we’re just kind of one of those bands who just has so many members. Now the team is pretty consistent.
  What inspired you to become a musician? Was there a moment or was it something you always wanted to do?
O: Growing up I kinda found peace in artists and artistry, mainly the idea of like good lyricism. What pulled me to music was when someone can relay a story in a romantic way that wasn’t too overbearing, but elegant in the sense that it intrigued you. When you’re young you don’t want to be preached to, you wanna be inspired. So there were bands that really inspired me with their words and I was really blown away that they could do that in the form of a melody, and I think that’s what really brought me into music. I always one of those kids who would get in front of the mirror with a comb and sing and pretend I was somebody [laughs]. It’s funny to be that actual person now, just without the hairbrush.
At least  you’ve achieved that dream.
O: Yeah, exactly. I’ve always been a dream chasing kind of guy. But I think that’s what it was; the elegance of lyricism and melody.
  What song would you recommend to someone who hasn’t heard any of your music before?
O: I would say probably 2 songs. Maybe, ‘Light in the Dark’, that’s one of my favourite songs. It’s all over the map and kind of wild. It’s kind of free-form, so it doesn’t really have a typical pop-punk feel. And maybe ‘Come & Go’ because it’s our fun and energetic song. We’re a band that likes to joke, so it’s a very satirical song in the sense that it is a love song, but it’s actually quite sad. I think that’s the finest form of art, when you can portray it on the surface as a fun pop song. But in depth there’s something there.
What artists would you say influence you?
O: I’m really into a lot of old Motown artists like James Brown, Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis. Just because I love the energy and the fact that they were trendsetters, there were no sounds with that. So they would really come out and people would go ape-shit and so that was really cool to me. But also, I was into bands like Jonny Craig and a band called Bright-Eyes, Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday. All that era of music was really cool to me because it was a bunch of guys that were like ‘we’re kind of aggressive but we’re actually pathetic and sad at the same time’ and that to me was charming in a way.
  What would be your dream collaboration? You can bring people back from the dead.
O: My favourite band of all time is a band called The Cure. So I’d have to go with The Cure, probably Taking Back Sunday, Broadside, Justin Timberlake, One Direction with Zayn and Usher. There it is. [Laughs]
  You just finished your record a couple of days ago, how do you feel about it?
D: It’s taking all of the elements that made the last record great and trying to expand in as many directions as we could.
O: Yeah, you know we have a few bridge gap songs, where they’re like ‘oh this is original Broadside sounds’ and we did a lot of crazy stuff on there too. We used a lot of our influences, we really just said fuck it and put all of our inspirations in. There’s a lot of bands that think, ‘why break the mould when I know it sells?’ Luckily, we’ve done Warped Tour and stuff like that, so we know what people like. At the same time, I want people to grow with us as opposed to grow apart from us. I’m hoping with this record they’re going to be like, this is cool because it’s Broadside in its new format, with new members and a new feel because we want to be a band that people grow with and stick around with rather than the flavour of the week.
I think as well, when bands stay the same fans get mad and when they change fans get mad.
[Both laugh]
O: Exactly, so I was like let’s entertain the people, but at the same time lets engage a new idea. What’s like pure ecstasy for me is educating people and influencing people. If people can hear this record and be influenced or inspired to learn something, whether it’s to pick up a book or sing in a band or study, that’s the goal. I’m older than a lot of the kids in pop-punk and stuff so we’ve got a bit of a different motive.
  This question is from my Mum; what is your favourite app?
O: That’s awesome. Dorian, what’s yours? My favourite app is probably VSCO, because I like to edit photos. The best thing about the iPhone or any phone is that you can take photos and edit the shit out of them to make your life seem really interesting. Or the Starbucks app because fast check-out.
D: I’m pretty torn, I like Snapchat a lot. I think that’s super fun, all I do is post stupid things to my story that nobody cares about all day long.
O: I hated Twitter for a long time, but I got one a year and a half ago and it’s just like so incredible. I love Twitter. I like it more than Instagram, which I never thought I’d say.
D: I’d say Instagram just because I love scrolling down my explore page and looking at videos for skateboarding.
  My friend Grace asks; what is your favourite dessert?
D: I know the answer to yours [Ollie’s] I think. Dark chocolate covered espresso beans.
O: Yeah, I love them. Dorian’s favourite snack would be Lay’s potato chips, which are Walkers.
  When you’re writing songs, how do you tend to write?
D: As far as this last process, Niles or I would present an idea to our producer and all three of us would try to build it together and give it our own personality in different places. Then as we’re starting to get a feel or a vibe for what it will be like, Ollie will come through and adapt an idea to it as we’re writing. We try to take an entire song and wrap it around an idea or an image, whether it’s like musically or lyrics. It’s really easy to build that way.
O: We’re a very vibe orientated band, so whatever we’re feeling is what we’ll do.
  What’s the easiest, hardest and most important part of writing a song?
O: Okay, I feel like the easiest part is the drums. The most important, I would say, is the hook. The catchiness, what the remembrance of it is, the guts of it. I would say the hardest is melody, because you are constantly like is this taken, has someone already done this and does it really matter if we steal it.
D: Because everyone has influences in different places, everyone is influenced by different artists.
O: That’s what art is. Nothing is new anymore.
  What would you say is the most challenging song to play live?
O: Probably for me personally, the most challenging song is a song called ‘A Better Way’ because it is pretty dear to my heart. I was a bit naïve when we came to this record and thought this was a subject that I’m ready to write and talk about. Just emotionally it’s kind of hard, I’m giving myself away a little bit every night like ‘oh shit I wasn’t prepared for this’.
D: Well, not being as emotionally attached to some of the songs, I’d probably just say rhythmically that song actually. It’s a powerful song and you have to get into it but there’s a lot of quick stuff on guitar. On a more technical aspect that song is hardest for me.
  What would you like to achieve through music?
O: I had a very back and forth mentality for a while about success, it’s human isn’t. It’s natural to want to achieve greatness through whatever your craft is. Some people are blessed with knowing what their craft is and some aren’t, some are cursed with that too. I would say for me personally, I would really like to have an established living off the idea that people, not only respect me and appreciate what we’re putting into the world, but I would love to have a life where I can wake up and say I’ve done this, I’ve built this, I’ve created this and I’ve harnessed this and people really appreciate that. I would love that. It’s flattering that people in the UK right now are here to see us. Even if it’s only two people, I’d be a little bummed, but if there’s only two people who can say I like Broadside then that’s cool.
There have been a lot of people in the queue saying they are here for Broadside and I know that you guys are the reason Grace and I are here.
D: That’s fucking insane.
O: That’s crazy, we’re in a different country. That’s flattering but imagine if I can inspire someone who could care less about a pop punk band. Imagine if I could inspire someone who doesn’t give a shit about music at all. It’s taking that craft and reaching out to other types of people, like Morrissey and Bono. You love him or you hate him, but at the end of the day he’s a good guy. That’s what I want to do – I want to influence and inspire. But I also want to make a life out of this. One day I want my child to say ‘fuck yeah, my father chases dreams. He does whatever he can, he starved, he sat in a fucking van because that’s what he felt he had to do.’ I think that’s what’s most important to me and probably for every person in this band as well.
D: Oh, hell yeah.
  Ollie, you’ve published 2 poetry books. How does that feel?
O: One thing I will say about myself, not to be an asshole, but if I have something in my mind and I want it then I’m just going to go and get it. I’m going to make it happen. It’s a weird feeling because maybe they only like it because it’s a Broadside thing. At the same time, there’s people in college that get it and people get it for their friends. In the end I don’t think it matters, because I write poetry to reflect myself without having to consider the feelings of other people in the band and what’s nice is that it’s a direct connect with myself and the people. The band is that, but also I want to represent these guys just as well. I wouldn’t write a song about sex, I would write a poem about that because it reflects who I am. I am obsessed with women, it’s just the way it  is – not multiple women, but just the idea of a woman. It’s flattering to me and always has been, maybe it’s cause I don’t have a dad, who knows? But what it is at the end of the day is a connect and I just love reading and I love writing. So how it feels – it feels incredible. To answer, it feels empowering and that’s not something I can say about a lot of stuff. Broadside is empowering, poetry to me is empowering. It’s corny because you’re like oh you write poetry it’s cute – but you know what, it is cute. I don’t consider myself a good writer, I consider myself a translator. I’m able to paint a picture. I’m trying to figure that out with writing. That’s all I’m trying to do now. Eventually I’ll try to write a book, I’d love to be able to sit in my library and look at all these great books and some bullshit I wrote.
  What would be your earliest and fondest musical memory?
O: My first encounter with music where I was really blown away, for my birthday I got a Walkman that was the shape of R2-D2 which is really weird. There was a cassette tape in there, a band called Echo and the Bunnymen and I listened to it and thought it was rad. I don’t remember the record but I remember it starts off with a really twangy guitar note which now I know is a chorus pedal. I remember hearing that and thinking what is this. I didn’t have access to that sort of thing, so when I first discovered a proper experience in shitty R2-D2 headphones it blew me away. For fondest I have a 2-parter, one is that I got to see The Cure live and I cried the first 5 songs. It wasn’t even anything other than the idea that someone that you confided in without them knowing performing in front of you and it sounded just like the record, to me that was awesome. The other part for me would be Warped Tour. I had a shit day, our RV broke down and we walked out and played a show on our small stage to 400 people. It was dangerously packed and I remember getting there and it being the moment where you’re like fuck everything else. We started the set and a tear formed in my eye because it was so powerful. Even if these people just wanted to check what we’re about, Good Charlotte were playing that day at the same time and those people chose to see us.
D: First; I was 4 years old and I was listening to an Allman Brothers record that I fell in love with. I stood up on this little stool that I had, I had this big giant measuring thing that tells you how tall you are and I tilted it sideways and pretended it was a guitar. Stood on top of this dumb stool in my PJ’s singing along to ‘Ramblin’ Man’ by Allman Brothers. I’ll never forget that.  My fondest is Warped Tour in Las Vegas. Someone decided, I don’t know whose fault it was but thank you, was like let’s give these weird kids a chance to play on main stage and we did. I remember seeing our name, it was like Broadside, The Maine and Sleeping With Sirens and I was like what are we doing here, it’s not right. We played this show, I told a really bad joke in the middle and it was awesome. That whole day was euphoric. I watched my friends ROAM play in front of a pool and jump in which was so cool.
  What would your advice be to any aspiring musician?
D: I don’t want to interject or anything, but I would say from past experiences, go to shows and meet people and try to make friends. People are just as shy as you are, people are just as passionate for certain sounds and ideas as you are. Those people are out there and do exist, if you find those people that have the same amount of drive and direction you can do anything. I truly believe that. It’s always a great feeling to have those people with that passion around you.
O: I would say, everyone who wants to be a musician and everyone that wants to play music and sold out shows – everyone is going to tell you; there will be two sides. They’ll say ‘oh cool’; they won’t believe you or they’re gunna say ‘don’t fucking waste your time’. If you want to do it take some time for yourself, think about whether this is what you really want. If you want it, don’t fucking quit because everything sucks until it doesn’t. If you know yourself and your band long enough and you suffer with the people around you, like any relationship, you know at that moment that you’ll be in sync and it’ll really count. That’s what it comes down to; opportunity. If you have that opportunity and your team is strong and you’re mentally strong and you’re cut out for it then you’ll make it. So just don’t fucking quit. Everything is going to say; you’re broke, your girlfriend/boyfriend cheated on you, you can’t handle the road, you’re sick, you can’t stand the bands you’re on the road with, you can’t understand why other bands are more successful than you; it’s all going to tell you to stop because it’s not redeeming. You have to respect the craft and the time and the people around you and anyone who gives a shit and don’t quit.
  I had so much fun talking to these two, they’re both lovely guys who give their all to their craft. If you like pop-punk you will love Broadside. Make sure you follow them on social media to keep up to date on new music and tour dates. This is a band you’ll want to follow as they are sure to blow up soon.
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Interview with Broadside I've been a fan of Broadside since hearing vocalist Ollie Baxxter feature on a League MVP track.
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