#this is the only image ive found of this specific controller if anyone knows anything abt it pls share it with me
ilovethenintendods · 1 year
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didntyoubelieveinme · 2 months
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not to bring my little kpop guys onto this blog but i wanted to talk about some very interesting parallels i noticed when i saw this concept image for taemins guilty album.
ive already talked about my thoughts on the original scene in velvet goldmine in a previous post so i’ll start with the guilty photo. guilty has one of the most interesting concepts i’ve come across within kpop in like… forever. guilty is inspired by “erotism: death and sensuality” by the french philosopher georges bataille, both the album and the book exploring the idea of complex human emotions regarding sexuality, self-expression, as well as the taboo and societal view. there can be pages written about the entire album and storyline following the culprit and the victim, as well as the extended religious themes and well… guilt. i’d like to focus my attention more on the specific photo however and how, in my eyes, guilty parallels velvet goldmine so perfectly without even intending to.
the guilty photoshoot is meant to represent the viewer or “the culprit” as intruding, looking through curtains you’re never meant to look through. it’s voyeuristic in a sense, meant to leave you with the idea that he never escapes the watchful eye of others. the original scene in velvet goldmine focuses on brian and curt’s relationship and how they keep it hidden from the public. velvet goldmine is a movie for fans, by fans, and about fans—they deliberately keep these moments hidden behind a façade that you only see through by a stroke of fate.
curt and brian have their entire relationship publicized and capitalized upon, mostly encouraged by jerry devine. it was something born from genuine admiration before brian fell too far into the fame. throughout the movie their relationship is filmed from the same perspective as everyone else around them saw it, messy and falling apart. you’re not led to believe it was anything else until there’s those small flashing of something more.
after their official breakup, curt sighs in the car and just for a couple seconds you get the reveal of their getaway together. that in a moment where they knew no one was watching them, they still held each other close. but they weren’t alone—the viewer watches behind the curtains as they see what could be interpreted in a million different ways. the two could be expressing genuine love but you never know bcs you’re not supposed to know. it was a moment shared between curt and brian and only for them to understand. that they could just be themselves away from the world.
it’s similar to guilty, although it contrasts in the fact that taemin is alone. while velvet goldmine is fictional, it still expresses the same concept that many celebrities have faced and still face today that they are always on camera. guilty goes farther into the psychological stress and torment of taemin’s character, being controlled, manipulated, and influenced by this “culprit” figure. this is all the deeper themes behind the surface level analysis behind the image that is him being watched. the image seems to be set after he’s escaped from the manipulation and experimentation of before, showing that even though he “escaped” he’s haunted by the idea of “the culprit.” the music video even ending with him returning to burn down the original source of this trauma to end it all.
some could equate this to how brian sabotaged his own career to leave it behind and start a new one. one where he wasn’t “brian slade” or “maxwell demon.”
however while the actions of taemin’s character are freeing for himself and others, brian’s lie in a more selfish reasoning—watching the people around him fall apart due to his actions. maybe that’s where the similarities end. this is all probably a bigger analysis than i want to get into right now.
honestly i’m just yapping right now and i’m not sure if anyone else but me will care about this lmaoo. i just found the comparisons interesting considering the concept and themes behind both pieces of media. i’m assuming taemin has never actually seen velvet goldmine (though we never know 🤷‍♂️) so i find it beautiful how art can replicate itself in the most purest forms of genuine expression.
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cadykeus-clay · 4 years
Would you mind sharing your thoughts about vex and Beau being cross campaign foils?
so!!!! first things first: apologies for taking weeks to answer this, finals + having adhd sometimes makes my brain turn to mush and forget every ask ive ever recieved. second of all, i’m assuming you sent me this bc of what i said in my vm vs. m9 how they view the world meta. and i’ll be real with you. i have exactly 0 memory of what was going through my head when i wrote that line, so i am simply going to type out a bunch of thoughts that i have on the similarities and differences between beau and vex and i hope that lives up to what you were expecting jsdflksjdksld
I'll detail some specifics in a moment, but overall, I think beau and vex share a very similar kind of trauma of exclusion in their formative years, that's caused them to have a lot of similar traits that manifest in different ways - for vex, she maintains control through her material posessions and beau finds an emotional control in her asshole-ness. I've broken this down into 5 points on which I think comparing the two really emphasizes that claim:
1. daddy issues: both beau and vex have awful no good terrible very bad dads. both syldor and thoreau can suck my ass. they both raised their kids with little love and impossible-to-meet expectations, alientating them and leaving them with lifelong feelings of inferiority and unbelonging. If beau and vex were to meet, i think they would have a very friendly toast to shitty dads, and then have a good drunk vent about it an hour later.
but, at the same time, the actual minutae of their trauma and the ways it manifests are nearly polar opposites. syldor wanted nothing to do with vex, or else wanted her to somehow become a full elf. her issue was that she would never be able to belong, despite her desire to, and as she grew up it lead to her being overly protective and even possessive of the people she found who DID accept her as she was. 
With beau, rather than exclusion, her father created an environment of toxic inclusion. He created a role for beau to belong in, disregarding her distate for actually fulfilling it. And, as such, she ended up making herself into someone who could have no expectations and pushed away anyone who tried to set them up for her. In the end, they both came to love themselves by abandoning the woman their father wanted them to be but for vex it was the laying down of an impossible dream and for beau it was the picking up of a mantle she had feared to wear.
2. brothers: now, on the topic of family, I also think its really interesting how their interactions with their brothers play out. We've got vex and vax, tied at the hip til the very end and then some; and then we've got beau and TJ - decades apart and with beau barely acknolwedging TJ's existence. But, even that distance between beau and TJ didn't stop her caring for him when they actually met. She gave him lucky Jade, and she entertained the idea of kidnapping him to get him away from her stinko dad. 
And I'd espeically like to talk about what she said outside the hag's hut - "I think Luc and TJ could be best friends", in comparison to the way Vex reacted when Vax told her was going to Zephrah with Keyleth for the year break. There's an aspect to the way they interact with their brothers that lets them slip back into those bad habits they formed growing up (NOT that i'm claiming vex and vax were like toxic for each other. but even good relationships can have unhealthy moments). 
With Beau, when she offers to give her happiness so TJ can grow up safe, she's trying to take on the role she's ""supposed"" to fill - the big sister, the protector - because she failed to fill the one her father set out. And with Vex, when she grows jealous of Vax, it's because she's afraid that his leaving with keyleth is a sign that she no longer belongs in his inner circle, and she falls back on that childish, desperate desire to do anything to be accepted unconditionally. 
3. romance: spoilers for 5 or so most recent m9 eps (115-120)  if you haven't watched them ahead!!!! at this point, both vex and beau have an endgame romance - percy and yasha respectively. Obviously as the m9's campaign is still playing out, that could change, but like. yasha wrote her a love letter and they're officially going on a date so i'm counting that as at least endgame-track rather than just random flirting. What's interesting to me is that they both seem to flip between the SAME roles between their (in-game) general perception and their actual pursual of romance. 
Vex gets characterized as a pretty big flirt, right? She's got the winks, the casual "darling". She's flashed grog her boobs on multiple instances with little prompting. Beau, similarly, has easily the most game out of anyone in the m9. She's slept with two guest characters and at least one more npc in the events of the game. Caleb made her a fuck mirror in her room in the mansion. And yet, in both of their actual romantic endeavors, they became the shy, uncertain type. 
Vex only confessed her feelings when Percy was laying dead before her, and not an hour of game play before percy kissed her in the woods, she had a talk with vax about how she was pretty sure he didn't like her that way and she didn't want to pursue it. Beau, similarly, spent a very long time convinced that yasha wasn't looking for love after zuala, especially not in anyone like her, asked everyone in the party if they thought yasha ACTUALLY liked her, just to be safe, and then still terrified to ask her out after recieving a literal love letter. I'd argue this shift comes from that same sense of unbelonging - they're very good at pretending they fit a role but doubt their actual right to take it when the opportunity is presented. This time, the role is the lover rather than the daughter.
4. authority: Both vex and beau grew up shunned by the upper crust of society, and grew to mistrust those kinds of people. And yet, both of their arcs result in them assuming such a position. Vex, thrown out of high society gets her place as a baronness, and Beau, running from leadership of her father's business ends up a top member of the Cobalt Soul. There's not a lot here, but I find it interesting how both of their stories involve them shedding their baggage regarding authority and power and assuming it in a way that they feel comfortable in - invitation by someone she trusts for vex, and a promise of freedom of will and control for beau.
5. their deadliest sins: this is the point at which their similarities culminate and transform to a fundamental difference. despite everything they share - shitty childhoods, the small piece of family that's still good, flirtiness masking shy love, and a mistrust of those in power - vex and beau are such different characters because of their biggest vices. Vex, both in game and out, is "the greedy one". She's stingy with money, she haggles for everything, she mourns the loss of physical objects. Beau is "the mean one". She cares little for people's feelings if they're not in her immediate circle, she focuses on her tough guy image, she laughs at things she knows she shouldn't. 
And, over the course of the campaign, as they find unconditional acceptance, they grow away from these traits (I won't say they grow out of them) because they heal from the things causing these vices to begin with. I've always been vocal about vex's greed being a manifestation of her class insecurity, and beau's asshole-ness stemming from her fear of being forced back into another position of complacency. And I stand by that now - all the similarities in their backstories are what tally up to these different women.
Despite her careful tally of party funds and her reflexive bargaining, vex is not cruel. she is not angry on her own behalf. She saves two boys from the market in the city of brass at great personal cost, she relinquishes an entire dragon's hoard to the devastated city of Westruun, she took the time to save a baby bear from a cage when she could have just cut and run after escaping her own. She's the first one most people go to when they need a shoulder to cry on, and she's devastated when they don't (thinkin about when Scanlan left). She carved "forgiveness" into the bow she stole from a man after killing him by proclaiming how much she loved someone, because she knew anger had no place in her heart.
And Beau, Beau is a bitch and she's harsh, but she doesn't hoard or protect like vex did. she spends her money without much of a second thought. She pitches in to help her friends buy a ton of glowsticks, and she loves to indulge in material desires like drink and good food and the nicer inn room. She's a member of an organization that's about making knowledge public rather than guarding it. And, though this may be controversial, I think her position with bowlgate of "its not our problem what cali wants to do with it", her long-standing mistrust of their alliance with the bright queen and  and more recently with the tomb takers of "i want to go in and talk, rather than assuming they're antagonistic, even if it puts us at a disadvantage" are both examples of this non-possessiveness too - she has no need or desire to get involved in controlling what other people are doing.
so, i guess the general conclusion here is: vex struggles to let go of things, of money, of people. beau struggles to let herself be known in case she gets wrongly interpreted again. they both fight feelings of inadequacy, they both fight the feelings of not belonging, of 'doing it wrong', they fight the perception of them as shitty people because of the shells they hide in despite their absolute hearts of gold.  but at the end of the day, vex's story is one of having to lay down what could never be hers so she can carry what is, and beau's story is one of allowing herself to be known so a place can be made for her.
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nanasarea · 4 years
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Sucker I xvi
Prompt: Y/N attends a school for the supernatural, specifically: werewolves, witches and vampires. The school might be magic, but so is love, right? Right?
Genre: angst, fluff, slight smut
Pairing: reader x 00 line
Inspired heavily by: Legacies (and The Vampire Diaries&The Originals)
a/n: NOT PROOFREAD! um yeah, lots of questions answered in this one but not all haha also this is one long chapter but it’s so bad I APOLOGIZE! my writing really doing downhill :(
main m.list / sucker m.list /  i  ii  iii  iv   v   vi   vii   viii   ix   x   xi  xii xiii  xiv  xv  xvi xvii
You woke up drenched in your own sweat, still seeing the vivid image of the lifeless woman in front of you. 
“Man in the hood again?” Jisoo asked as you just lightly nodded, you couldn’t tell her what your dreams were actually about, so you lied, but you didn’t really have a choice. 
“Yeah, I’ll just try and fall asleep again.” You said before laying back down. 
Time jump
“It’s right up here.” Jeno explained as Hana slightly slapped Renjun’s arm. 
“Why did you bring him?” Hana asked, thankfully you and Jeno were too focused on your own conversation to overhear theirs. 
“He knows the way!” Renjun explained. 
“So does y/n!” Hana explained.
You and Renjun decided on looking for Jeno’s uncle and asking him if he knew anything, and hopefully compel him to forget you asking if he didn’t. 
You asked Hana to come along so it wouldn’t just be the two of you again, but Renjun decided to include Jeno, telling him it was just a visit to town and that if they’re already there, they could visit his uncle.
 Hana on the other hand was slightly informed, not about everything, but enough for her to understand. 
“Uncle Olor! Hi! You remember y/n and these are friends from school, Renjun and Hana.” Jeno explained to his uncle once he saw him. 
As soon as Renjun made eye contact with him however, he froze. 
“You.” Olor said, pointing at Renjun. 
“You?” Renjun asked, making everyone else confused. 
“You two have meet?” Hana asked. 
“He’s the one who kidnapped me.” And with that, everyone’s eyes widened but Renjun and Olor’s. 
“Uncle?” Jeno asked. 
“It’s a long story. May I interest you in a cup of tea inside while I explain?” Olor asked as Renjun put on his hand in front of you and Hana. 
“Look, kid, I may have been a bit too harsh, but I promise to not lock you up this time.” Olor laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
After a lot of hesitation, you were all sat down in his living room as he put the plate with snacks on the table. It wasn’t the house you and Renjun were in, it was a whole different one. 
This one was way more cozy, it was filled with family pictures, cat pictures, so on. You recognized Jeno and some of his cats from some of the photos, but for some you couldn’t quite understand why you felt like you knew the people on the photos. 
“Prophesy, explain, now.” Renjun said. 
“Calm yourself, witch boy. You don’t want to mess with a werewolf, do you?” Olor asked, chuckling. 
“Prophesy?” Jeno asked.
“To explain the prophesy, I’ll need to start at the beginning.” Olor started explaining.
“Me, y/n’s dad and another one of our friends, Richard were best friends when we were your age. We were always together, skipping class, getting drunk at 3am in the forest, we did everything together. I even attended y/n’s parents’ wedding, I was the best man, obviously.” Olor explained, pointing at a photo of him on the wall. That’s why you felt like you knew them. 
“Wait, you knew my dad?” You asked.
“You knew her dad?” Renjun, Jeno and Hana asked in unison. 
“Yes, now Richard was always jealous, he’s a vampire where as me and y/n’s dad were both werewolves, so we got along a bit better, but we didn’t realize it, not at the time at least.” He continued.
“You see, me and your dad were closer, Richard was the only vampire in our friend group, most of us were werewolves, so he developed a strong dislike towards us, but we didn’t know it was to this extend. Your grandmother told them the prophesy on her death bed, and Richard figured it all out, and he knew that if he let your dad live, your dad would do anything to protect you, as he knew you were the one with power of three.” Olor continued as he made eye contact. 
“Wow, someone has issues.” Jeno commented. 
“But how? Don’t you lose your witch powers when you become a vampire?” Hana asked.
“Y/n’s mom, she was a siphoner and her dad a werewolf, all she needed was to activate her werewolf side and become a vampire. One murder and one death later, she’d be a fully activated tribrid.” Olor explained. 
“And you can be a vampire and a siphoner at the same time.” Renjun added.
“Richard knew that the humanity in question was yours, if you turned it off, you would be more powerful that anyone could even imagine, and without the humanity, you would be willing to do as he says, as you wouldn’t care about hurting people. He wanted to eliminate all werewolves you see, just because he was jealous.” Olor shrugged. 
“With you, without your humanity, he could continue the killing spree.” He continued. 
“What a bitch.” Hana commented. 
“What a bitch indeed.” Olor agreed. 
“But when you were 5 years old, your parents died, they wanted your aunt to put a spell on you, to forget your parents, to forget me, forget everything and make it impossible to figure out who you are. He did it to protect you, y/n.” Olor explained. 
“Is that why I had such deja vu when meeting you? And the house?” You asked as Olor nodded. 
“It wasn’t until Jeno brought you to meet me that I saw you again, I got scared. When I found out you started going to the school, I thought Richard was going to find out so I kidnapped your friend here.” He explained. 
“Sorry.” he said to Renjun before continuing the story. 
“No hard feelings, but overdoing it, much?” Renjun laughed.
“That was your old home, the one that burned down. I recorded what you did down there, by the way, so I know you probably think I’m the man in your dreams but it’s dark magic, and as a werewolf, I can’t do magic, so I asked your aunt. She tracked it down to Richard, he was sneaking into your dreams to check up on you and he was disguised as me, so if you ever met me, you would be reminded of the dream. I got hold of one of your dreams though, I tried letting you know to stay away from Richard, that’s why I kept mouthing R, for Richard.” He explained. 
“I thought it stood for Renjun, because that’s when he got kidnapped.” You confessed.
After hearing all this, you all just sat in silence. 
“You recorded everything?” Renjun asked. 
“Yes, even your little ki-” “Why should we trust you?” He cut him off, knowing that if anyone found out you and Renjun kissed, he’d be dead by tomorrow.
“You did kidnap me after all.” Renjun added. 
“If I wanted to harm you, I would have already done it, kid. Besides, can’t you use like a truth spell?” Olor answered. 
“Wait, if she’s the one, is she also the savior?” Renjun asked.
 “I don’t know, I haven’t cracked that one yet, y/n’s aunt has a theory that the line is referring to another person, as in like the savior will be “the one”, like a soulmate, but I have no idea who that is. I’m sure Richard does.” Olor sighed. You sat in silence for a while, absorbing the new information
“So, what I’m hearing is that my whole life was a lie.” You said after about 5 minutes of silence. 
“Sorry, kid.” Olor answered. 
“Wait, if you knew about all this, why didn’t you say anything?” Jeno asked. 
“I thought i was protecting you all.” He explained as you felt a sharp pain in your chest.
“Drain it, all of it.” Richard instructed as the boy continued the spell. He was draining the blood from your system so you would need to feed. 
“She’s gonna have to feed, and once she feeds, she’ll lose control, the guilt has to be killing her after we sent that woman. Just one more moment of guilt and she’s turning it off, I can feel it.” He added
“What’s wrong?” Hana asked. 
“Hungry. Thirsty. I don’t know which. Need food.” You could only say a few words at a time as Hana’s eyes widened. 
“How long have you gone without feeding?” She asked. 
“I don’t know.” You answered. 
“Make it stop.” You added, pleading at this point. 
“Water, now.” Renjun practically yelled as him and Olor ran to the kitchen to get more food and water. 
“Water isn’t going to do anything!” Hana sighed. 
“Jeno!” She turned herself towards him and told him “Give me your vain, now.” She said. 
“What?” He asked. 
“She’s a vampire, she hasn’t fed in god knows how long, she needs blood and I’m shaking too badly for her to feed off me.” She explained as she grabbed him and pushed him towards you.
“Hey, it’s going to be okay, just breath. Um, I guess you have to feed so, go at it?” Jeno asked, nervously panicking as he didn’t know what to do in this situation. 
He wanted to help but he didn’t know how, so he just pointed as his neck and tried his best to smile while panicking. You wasted no time and didn’t even think about how intimate that was, you just wanted blood, now. 
You sunk your teeth into him as he let out a sigh. 
“You okay? Both of you?” Hana asked as Olor and Renjun got back. 
“Kinda sensitive, kinda hurts.” Jeno explained as both his uncle and Renjun dropped what they were holding when they saw you. 
She’s a vampire now?” Renjun asked. 
“We were going to tell you!” Hana defended. 
“Hey, you two, not the time. At least she hasn’t killed anyone to unlock her werewolf state, calm down.” Olor explained, trying to get everything under control. 
You let out a faint moan, as the blood filled your system. You quickly pulled away, not wanting to hurt Jeno the way you did to the woman. You all took a deep breath as your breathing stabilised. 
“You really are like your dad, you’re giving me a heart attack and you’ve only been here for half an hour.” Olor said, which is when his words started playing in your head. At least she hasn’t killed anyone. 
You tried to force a smile as you all calmed down before you said your goodbyes and headed back to school.
Once you got back, Renjun said that this is far too serious to handle alone so he called over Chenle, Jisung, Jaemin, Hana, Jisoo, Jeno and Mark into your room and explained everything. 
“So, to sum it up, you’re the special chosen one who we need to protect from a guy who we have never meet and have no information on, besides his name, and if we fail, it could mean the end of werewolves everywhere.” Mark said.
“Pretty much.” Jeno commented.
“And don’t forget the part where my whole life has been a lie.” You added.
“You’re fucked.” Chenle said. 
“Language!” Jisoo commented. 
“All I heard was that now we’re some sort of super squad.” Jaemin said as he wrapped his arm around you. 
“More or less.” Hana laughed. 
“I thought we were Core 8.” Jisung joked. 
“Minsoo and Haechan would be offended, Jisung.” Mark commented. 
“Where are they anyway?” Renjun asked. 
“Minsoo is with our dad, some fancy family reunion planning.” Jisoo answered.
 “And Haechan?” Mark asked “No idea.” Jisoo answered.
You decided on talking about everything in the morning, as you were all tired and in need of some rest. Jaemin on the other hand, noticed the mark on Jeno’s neck and decided to follow him to the kitchen. 
“Nice mark, who’s it from?” Jaemin asked, chuckling and surprising Jeno. 
“Oh, that?” Jeno nervously laughed. 
“Y/n might have needed to feed an-” “She feed? On you?” Jaemin asked, annoyed.
“and on your neck, of all places.” Jaemin scuffed. 
“Jaemin, it was the only way to help her!” Jeno defended. 
“Where was Hana?” Jaemin asked. 
“And what about your wrist veins? They’re not good enough?” He added. 
“She hasn’t even feed on me yet, and I’m her boyfriend, well not since she transitioned anyway!” Jaemin yelled as Jeno took a deep breath. 
“Look, you’re like a brother to me! I would never let her feed off me if it wasn’t important! Do you really think so low of me? Hana was freaking out and asked me to do it since she was shaking too much and in the panic, she just fed!” Jeno defended. 
That’s when Jaemin finally regained his senses. Jeno wouldn’t have let her feed if it wasn’t important. Jaemin knew Jeno still had feelings for you, but he respected your and Jaemin’s relationship, he wouldn’t try and ruin it. Not when he and Jeno have gotten so close. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have gotten mad, maybe i’m just the crazy impulsive vampire fell in love with his brother's girl, well ex-girl" Jaemin sighed “Hey, it’s okay.” Jeno said as he patted the chair for them to sit down.
“It’s normal for you to have that reaction. I heard feeding off of each other can be intimate, and I know you know that I still like y/n, but I would never try something on her, not while I know she’s dating my best bro.” Jeno said. 
“I’m your best bro?” Jaemin said, acting flustered. 
“Yes, and besides. She’s now your girl, you’re allowed to get crazy over her, it’s sometimes encouraged!” Jeno laughed as Jaemin smiled and hugged him. 
“I’m sorry.” They both said to each other before going back to their rooms.
“At least she hasn’t killed anyone, at least she hasn’t killed anyone, at least she hasn’t killed anyone, at least she hasn’t killed anyone.”
The words repeated and repeated in your head as the image played. Before you knew it, you heard a voice calling out for you. 
“Kitten, turn it off.” 
a/n: so,...now you know
also yes i used the “the crazy impulsive vampire fell in love with his brother's girl” quote, I had to. I JUST HAD TO. Also, an explanation for 1) the man in the hood, 2) the prophesy, 3) what y/n’s parents were 4) Olor and even a name for the main antagonist (one of, anyway), but who is Richard actually? Theory, anyone?
and I know ya’ll want haechan, he’s the center in the next part so don’t worry!
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[image description: a q&a for the webcomic someone always cares. full desc under the cut because its long and wordy sorry]
post chapter 3 Q&A
first - previous - next
thanks for yalls questions!! it was fun to answer! if anyone still has questions feel free to ask whenever i am always 100% down to ramble. even if i did go slightly off topic in some answers
additional: went off topic with the hair question a bit. their bright hair is all part of the transformations. regular hair dye does exist though. best way to tell is that if the eyebrow matches the hair its probably not dyed. also, quartz’s hair is naturally ginger.
also for more on ages, check out the character bios here
also was gonna keep this in the tags but thought i might as well actually try to answer it: the question i found it hardest to answer was someone the song one. my taste in music is. a mess really. ive been listening to like the same 5 songs on repeat all day. more under the cut because i was rambling again and now its uhhh half 1am
if it helps at the time of answering that specific question i had home by cavetown on repeat, and that song reminds me of both rami and lewis. but that may be because i project onto those two a lot, and as a aro trans dude. who sucks with people skills, yeah of course i love that song.
specifically the vibes of like not knowing how to communicate (rami is fine with his friends but other people are different), the lines “ Turn off your porcelain face, I can't really think right now and this place, Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane” idk what the porcelain face line is supposed to mean but im picturing it as like. a mask. that you need to take off and stop hiding and rami does tend to hide when hes feeling upset, and the next two lines kinda could tie into that, like the feeling of when youre overwhelemed and just want the world to stop so you just hide somewhere. also the colours could go with chapter 3 with the chromatic abberation.
also the bit with “ my eyes went dark, I don't know where, my pupils are, But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here” just kinda sums up ramis whole hero thing with his powers and all. anyway this has turned into less what songs rami would like and why this particular song reminds me of him and lewis (lewis specifically has the hair cutting/chest hiding, [big transmasc mood], and also messy haired trainwreck who doesnt know who he is yet. also the ghosts bit)
i did end up picking upbeat songs because ramis a dude who like to try and be upbeat even if things arent. even if hes not really feeling it he will pretend to.
[full description: Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: “hi ily!!! do characters like quartz who have colored hair have that naturally or did they dye it?”
“its both natural and not! while most supers can do a magical girl ish transformation, including a change in hair colour, there are some exceptions.”
theres two small full body drawings of rami, one in civilian clothes, one fully transformed.
“if a superhero were to have a biological child, the child will inherit the powers of the parent(s). however, the child will not inherit the full transfromation. they do inherit any physical transformations, but not the outfit.”
theres a drawing of a woman in blue, quartz’s mother, fully transformed, holding her mask in her hand, smiling down at a much younger quartz as a child. hes smiling back up at her with the same blue eyes, pointy ears, and blue hair, but hes still in normal clothes.
“in the case of quartz, both of hisparents had superpowers, and he inherited those powers and the physical transformations.he can also pick and mix whatphysical traits to change.“
next is a headshot of adult quartz, his face split down the middle with one side having hair and eye like his mother, the other like his father. theres a list of traits from each parents, blue hair and eyes and pointy ears from his mum, and purple hair and eyes and pointy teeth from their dad.
 “Anonymous said to someone-always-cares:  Are all the characters the same age? If not, how old are they? Are they irl friends or just superhero friends?”
theres some headshots of rami and his team lined up with ages labelled: cam is 15, rami himself is 17, lin, mateo, and dante, are all 18, and cap is 20.
“rami and xandra were somewhat friends before she got superpowers, so when, after the incident with her old team, she found rami had developed powers, xandra stuck close to him. their other teamates started off as superhero friends but soon turned into irl friends too”
theres a headshot of lewis and jade. theyre both 17
“when lewis first decided to start being a vigilante,jade quickly found him and decided to help train himand offered to be a mentor of sorts, as they both have similar powers. that quickly derailed.”
“ cinder5555 said to someone-always-cares: How long does it usually take to make a comic page? I'm curious because they're so freaking good that they must take FOREVER”
theres a drawing of myself, a fluffy hair tired bastard in a hoodie, smiling
“Thanks! Ive been doing this shit since like 2017 and i still have no idea how long it takes me. i can get a page done in a day if i have nothing else to do or if its a simple page, but if i have work then maybe 2-3 days? i spend like, most of my free time doing this.“
another drawing of me, now looking frustrated muttering “how the FUCK does time work”
“but i can never do it all on one sitting.i will inevitably get distracted and zone out daydreaming mid drawing so its very hard to get an accurate read on how long it takes. so however long a piece of string is i guess“
the only qustion not from tumblr is a discord message from RuneStone Cabin:
“Q: Can you talk about the incidence of superpowers in this world? Like many people are supers, which powers are more or less common, how long they've been a thing for, stuff like that. Also does Omen know I'd die for them “
theres a drawing of omen pointing at a date circled on a calender marked “decembuary”, theyre saying “i know. i already wrote your death in my calender.”
then a giant wall of text reading: “Supers have only existed for a relativly short time, since the early 1940s. momento mori was the second person to have ever gained powers.
Only a small number of the population are supers! the chances are higher in more populated cities, but unusally london has oneof the higher percentages of supers. while nobody in universe has any idea of the origins of superpowers, it does seem that powers are more likely to occur in people who would actually use their powers.
as for what powers are most common, after making a badly catagorized spreadsheet of every superpowered character ive made for this world (70% of which will probably never even be seen), turns out that elemental powers are the most common. although not all elemental powers manifest as the straight up 'controling this element' as seen in characters like lin or tsunami. for example, iris's powers would fall under shadow elemntal powers, but theyre a lot more weird that just controlling shadows.there are some abilities that have never been seen before,such as ressurection or full on time travel (aka anything that could bring a character back to life), but powers are certainly allowed to toe the line eg healing, powers involving undeath, immortality, pausing or manipulating time.
aside from that, anything goes. you could get plain old superstrength, but you could also get the ability to create dogs with your mind. other not quite rules, more guidelines are that supers are immune to their own powers hurting them (unless they were pushing themselves too hard), although the way the imminuties occur may be inconvinient to the super.
while some powers may be 'more powerful' than others, powers dont really get to be way underpowered or overpowered in comparision to others. sure being able to talk to animals may feel a bit useless compared to someone who can lift 4 tanks at once, but nobodys going to end up with a power like 'can turn into a goose but only once' or 'can grow toenails twice as fast' or 'if i sneeze i can change my hair colour'. at the same time, youre not going to get someone with the power to snap their fingers and level a city, or instantly blow up the moon or whatever.
“Anonymous said to someone-always-cares: I love rami PLEASE tell me his favorite song(s) and why. I will die for you”
a drawing of rami saying out loud “i dont really have any specific favourite song, really? i just listen to whatever sounds catchy and then listen to that on repeat for hours until i hate it. i guess i do like upbeat songs? ones that make you feel happy even if the lyrics are sad”
“ un1c0rnhh said to someone-always-cares: tell me,,, please,, cam,,, are they a cat person or a dog person?? ily"
theres a drawing of cam a metre away from a cat lying down. she has her arm out and is making ‘psspsspss’ noises at it. end id]
FUCK i am so glad i didnt hand write all of that, it would have been a major pain in the ass to write it all and then have to transcribe all that next. but nope i could directly copy paste the asks and word answers. cheers if anyone made it this far down. if anyone wonders why this is uploaded late, you know now.
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sondepoch · 5 years
IV: Neutral Route (Y/N)
Where Futures Begin
Life used to be simple for you. Peaceful. But the Savior had other plans for you, and in moments, she ruined what you thought was your one shot at happiness. Blinded by anger, you escaped the Mint Eye, but that triggered a series of events that would bring you further into the world of brothers Saeran and Saeyoung. And further into the twisted world of your love for them.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
The first one to hug you wasn't Saeran, as you had thought it would be.
No, as soon as you stepped outside the Commitment Room, the Savior had embraced you, drinking in the beautiful sight of you. Her smile was dazzling as she stared at your changed hair and irises, and not a single word was exchanged as she pulled you to her personal chambers.
Your head was still in a slight daze, your mind a second late in processing everything, still healing from the pain. The Savior must have known, though, because she didn't do anything that would further tangle your thoughts.
Instead of bombarding you with questions like you had expected, she had simply told you what to do.
It was strangely comforting, being given simple commands that you were able to carry out without fear of messing up. The Savior was thoughtful like that. There was no room for error in her words, they were so simple.
Shower with soap and shampoo. Change into these undergarments. Dry your body and hair. Come out and wear this.
"Oh, silly (Y/N), do you need help with that?" The Savior asked from across the room as she observed you struggling to pull yourself into the dress she had laid out for you. For some reason, the velvet fabric wasn't gliding over your skin as smoothly as you thought it would. "Here, (Y/N), you forgot to tie the waist down first. There we go."
The Savior smiled as she continued to dress you, ordering you to stand still while she applied makeup to your face for the first time, giving you a dab of lipstick and subtle eyeliner. "It seems that Ray decided to tattoo you on your back, so all your dresses from now on will have low backs or will be backless. Now that you're fully committed, you'll want everyone to know that you've embraced magenta. They should realize that from your eyes, but showing off the mark of the Mint Eye will reinforce their suspicions on your new position."
The Savior beamed at you as she finished straightening out your dress and makeup, moving on to style your hair. Her fingers were deft, and they worked quickly, but Saeran did it better.
"I know your mind must be a jumble right now, but don't worry. You'll go back to normal as soon as you get a nice, long sleep. Tonight, I'm going to introduce you to the other members of my council. Others who have gone through the second commitment. You want to look pretty for their very first impression of you, don't you? Ray and I are the only ones who are already personally acquainted with you."
The Savior continued on, and you were relieved that she hadn't asked you anything. If she threw a question your way, you'd need a long time before you'd be able to answer it. "Wonderful. You're really quite beautiful, (Y/N). It's a shame you weren't already born with magenta hair and mint-green eyes. That would be really perfect, wouldn't it? Well, white hair suits you fine. Here, come, follow me, you're going to meet your fellow council members!"
The Savior's smile wasn't contagious, bright as it was. You followed the blonde woman to a part of the Mint Eye that you'd never been to before, the ceilings high enough and the chandeliers extravagant enough to put the Hall of Mirrors of the Versailles Palace to shame.
It was a long walk to the end of the hall, but when you finally reached the door, you found yourself nervous. It was strange. You couldn't form a single manual thought in your head, but you felt a rush of adrenaline at the thought of meeting the other council members. Or was it Saeran specifically that you were nervous to see?
The Savior laid a single knuckle across the door, the lonely syllable echoing throughout the hall despite its delicateness, and the door opened.
Everything afterward was a daze.
Not the same kind of daze you'd been in since leaving the Commitment Room, though. It was a more numb feeling, brought forth by the crushing realization that in the month you'd been gone, things had changed.
"Saeran," You whispered upon entering the room, his name possessing your lips the first time you'd opened your mouth all day.
But the male didn't stand up to greet you.
He barely even acknowledged your presence. "S..." You were about to call him again, but stopped when you saw the image before you. Saeran, laughing openly, laughing in a way that you had only seen once before, with his left arm draped around a girl you've never seen before.
"Well, (Y/N), this is my council. What's wrong, hm? Oh." The Savior followed your line of sight to where Saeran sat, and you clenched your teeth. "That's MC, our newest admit to the council. She joined last week, actually. She's...special, so she was accepted without making any primary or secondary commitments."
You didn't catch the venomous tone in the Savior's voice.
The Savior stepped further inside, her heels echoing in the small chamber, and all chatter ceased. The council members quickly darted to different seats in the room, and for the first time since your arrival, Saeran acknowledged you.
You kept your eyes on the floor, not wanting to greet anyone as the Savior gave a short speech about who you were; she took you to your seat by the hand, as if you were a child.
And in that moment, you felt like a child.
Breakable as a baby.
Like a single caress too rough would be enough to maim you for life.
And seeing Saeran laugh so openly around another girl, staring at her with eyes full of admiration, well, he may as well have just taken your heart and used it as a punching bag in one of his workouts.
"(Y/N)?" The Savior nudged you, "Is there anything you would like to add?"
You thought about saying no. You thought about asking to be excused. You thought about ignoring the Savior.
Instead, you opted for the safest route of them all. "I look forward to working with you all in our paradise," You pulled your gaze up to Saeran, then to the brown-haired woman supposedly called MC, "Where everyone is happy."
The Savior smiled, as if that were a test, and you had selected the correct answer.
"In the magenta of dreams and hope." The council chorused back to you.
The Savior was the leader of the Mint Eye, the supreme ruler, the sovereign head. Her blonde hair and gorgeous, green eyes suited her. They made her look distinguished among the crowd of disciples and believers, and even the council members.
As you stood in front of the mirror, though, you realized that while her face was the head of the Mint Eye, yours was the embodiment of it. With the faint touch of makeup the Savior had decorated your skin with and the simple updo she had worked your snowy white hair into, your eyes were especially prominent, practically shouting mint eyes at everyone who would ever make eye contact with you.
And the dress she had selected for you to wear - it was truly stunning. The design was elegant yet provocative, the modest length and full-sleeve arms making the violet dress look almost prudishly designed, but that only furthered the provocativeness of your completely open back, where your Mint Eye tattoo caught the eye of anyone who looked your way.
Mint eyes, magenta dress; no other colors could be seen on you, with your hair bleached, and your skin faded as if someone had put a grayscale filter over the rest of your body.
The Savior was right.
You really were beautiful.
A knock killed the silence, and your eyes darted to the door, expecting it to open. When it didn't, you walked over to it in intrigue. "Yes?" You asked, opening the door a crack, sighing in relief when you saw that it was only Saeran, "Why didn't you come in after knocking?"
Saeran strolled into your room, his expression blank, "I may be supervising your work, but we're technically the same rank in the Mint Eye, now. It would be unfitting for me to enter your room without proper authorization."
You frowned.
"Why are you being so formal, Saeran?"
"The same reason you're being so distant, (Y/N)."
You pulled your gaze up from the floorboards and met Saeran's expression. He looked...hurt? Upset? What did he mean? Were you being distant? That was only because he had started it first, with MC. Or were you overreacting? Who even was MC?
You groaned out loud, bringing a hand to cradle your head as you felt your head shake with a sudden earthquake of pain. "Please don't..." You whispered, unable to remember the words to communicate your desires. "Please don't be so confusing right now, Saeran. I can't handle it. My head hurts too much..."
Whatever emotion had taken control of Saeran in the previous moment, it was gone as he watched you try to soothe the pain coursing through your mind, so preoccupied that it seemed as if you had forgotten him altogether.
His own secondary commitment had been many years ago, but he still remembered how nothing was quite right until the morning after. Saeran sighed. "Let's get you to bed, princess. Come here."
You willed your legs to move forward, almost tripping on your own feet as you tried to escape the headache that had suddenly rooted itself in your mind. Before you could fall on the floor, you felt a pair of strong arms catch you. In seconds, you were being carried to your bed by those same arms.
Saeran held you upright with one hand, deftly undoing the hairstyle the Savior had done, and even managed to remove the makeup from your skin.
You hadn't even realized that you had fallen asleep until Saeran was waking up. "(Y/N)," he whispered, shaking you. "(Y/N), you can't fall asleep just yet. You need to change out of those clothes..."
"This is a new room. I don't even know where my wardrobe is, Saeran," you murmured, rubbing your eyes. You couldn't have been asleep more than a few minutes, but your head already felt clearer. "And I'm too tired to find out. I'll just sleep in this, it'll be okay."
You could practically feel Saeran roll his eyes at your words, and you heard him grumble, "You really like being treated like a princess, don't you, princess?"
You giggled lightly in return, and heard some shuffling in front of you.
You opened a single eye lazily and saw Saeran, shirtless, offering you the large white T-shirt he had been wearing when he came in. "Change into this, at least. It'll be long enough on you to cover everything, and I promise I won't peak..." Saeran made a show of turning around. "Tell me when I can look, okay?"
You rolled your eyes, too tired to argue. Without getting out of bed, you somehow shrugged the dress off your body and changed into Saeran's shirt. He was right. The shirt hid everything that needed to be hidden, but it still exposed the greater majority of your thighs. It was like another, shorter dress. Though if you shuffled around too much, you knew he'd see your bright (f/c) panties.
"Y-you can turn around now," You whispered, slightly embarrassed at the fact that you were wearing Saeran's clothes.
"Oh come on, (Y/N), really?" Saeran gestured dramatically to the small lump on the floor where you had uncouthly dumped your dress. "Alright, I'll fold this up, and then I'll see you tomorrow, okay, princess?" Saeran leaned over to plant a kiss on your cheek, but you pushed him backward.
"No." You said with a pout.
"You don't want me to fold the dress?" Saeran asked, arching an eyebrow.
"No. No, 'I'll see you tomorrow.' You're staying here tonight." You blurted, too tired to be embarrassed by the absurd request.
Saeran sputtered out a few syllables of shock, utterly unaware of how to handle the situation, so you took control, throwing a pillow at the light switch and you miraculously hit your target, leaving the room pitch black. "Good night, Saeran," you whispered, laying your head on one of the two remaining pillows, pulled Saeran into the bed, snuggling up against him as he resigned himself to his fate.
"Yeah, yeah, princess," He grumbled with a chuckle, acting amused even though you knew he was blushing as you wrapped your arms around his bare torso, "Good night."
You fell asleep within seconds, exhausted after a month of pain and suffering, and then a full day of actively following the Savior to meet with the council members. Your mind was far away, finally free to explore dreamland without promises of agony in the morning weighing down on your mind.
You slept with a smile on your face, blissfully unaware of how Saeran stared at you the whole night, the midnight moon through the window illuminating your face. You didn't feel him trace the tattoo he had needled into your once-bare back, or notice him playing with the hair he knew would never look the same, or even sense him staring at your closed eyes, where light circles from the eye brace still left a shadow on your face.
You didn't see him cry as he realized, once again, what he had done to you; and that every time he looked at your mint green eyes, he would be reminded of his sins against the world, against God, against you.
He stared at your soft lips, recalling how he had stolen a kiss from them in one of his attempts at getting you to drink the Elixir of Salvation. No doubt, you had no recollection of the moment—the memory drowned in the pain that followed immediately after. It was an action he regretted.
He had always wanted to kiss you, but in the right way.
Now, he didn't know if he'd ever be able to let himself get close to you again. Much less, kiss you.
As you slept, he knew you had forgiven him from the way you clung to his chest and intertwined your legs between his. He loved that quality about you. You would always forgive him whenever he messed up, give him another chance when he fell short, move on when he found himself unable to. This past month was no different in that regard, he knew. You understood his position, and you were still able to forgive him for all the suffering he'd inflicted on you.
He, on the other hand, didn't think he'd ever be able to forgive himself.
Neutral Route: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | ✔
Saeyoung’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | ✔
Saeran’s Route: 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | ✔
Word count: 2.5k 
Notes: Life is ew wtf everything sucks :\ well, not everything, but more than usual. I've been sick and, honestly, this week just hasn't been good for me. I've had almost no time whatsoever to write, and I feel strangely stressed :( Here's hoping that life gets better by the next update
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Next Update: 1/13/20
I do not own the rights to Mystic Messenger or any of the characters within it.
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foxyotomelady · 5 years
It wasn't supposed to be, Chapter III (JuminxOC/Reader)
Author’s notes:
Guys, I'm still doing it. I'm still keeping it as a slow burn.
Let's see how long I can last.
Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III (You are here) | Chapter IV | Chapter V | Chapter VI | Chapter VII |  Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X | Chapter XI | Chapter XII | Chapter XIII | Chapter XIV | Chapter XV | Chapter XVI |
Buy Me A Ko-Fi Have a nice reading!
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Riyu was terribly bored in this large apartment. She had no idea how Jumin could live here alone - it was far too much space for one person and a cat. But Jumin spent most of his time at work anyway.
The only thing she could do here was watching TV and having fun with Elizabeth - even though Jumin did not want her to approach the cat. However, she could not help that the cat clung to her, asked for caresses and followed her step by step - she had to feel lonely here, left alone for so many hours.
Riyu was just sitting on the couch in the living room, with Elizabeth on her lap when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and cursed under her breath. It was Mr. Chairman. Her stomach twisted. At times like this, she was losing faith that she could really manage it longer.
She took a deep breath, picked up the phone and spoke in the sweetest voice she could manage, "Hello, Mr. Han. How are you?"
"Hello, darling. And how are you? My son is giving you some problems?" She refrained from telling the truth, "No, absolutely none. He is very kind to me." "Wonderful, I knew I could count on him. I hope that this time will allow you to get to know each other better and get along. Our dinner did not go very well, but I think that with time Jumin will accept our relationship." No, She thought. He will never accept it. He will always despise me and I'm not surprised at all. "Yes, I think so too!" She said. "How the delegation is going, Mr. Han? Are you very busy?" Mr. Chairman sighed, "Yes, unfortunately. Sorry, darling, I won't be able to call too often." Riyu refrained from squeaking in joy and relief. Instead, she gave her voice a sad and disappointed tone, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I wish we could talk, but I understand." "If something bad happens, call my son. He'll definitely help you." "Um... Actually, I don't have his phone number." "No? It is very irresponsible of him that he did not give it to you. I will send it to you in a moment, darling. Sorry, I have to go, have a nice day." "Thank you, the same to you!" Riyu hung up quickly and leaned back on the sofa with a loud sigh. After a moment, she received the promised message with Jumin's phone number. Elizabeth brushed over her hand, demanding caresses again. Riyu scratched her ear, "You don't even know how lucky you are. You have great protection, someone who loves you sincerely... You don't have to run away from anyone. I almost envy you that you're a cat." In order not to go completely crazy and stop talking to the cat, she turned on the television - today she turned it off and on several times, unable to find anything interesting to watch. This time she found something that made her heart jump to her throat. They talked about... about her! Not just about her. About the dinner she spent with Jumin and his father. Shit! The media thought she was Jumin's girlfriend! She snarled angrily and buried her face in her hands. She hoped that this news would not reach Mr. Chairman. For a moment she even wondered whether to call Jumin, but she thought it would be too tactless. Besides, he hated her. He certainly didn't want her to disturb him at work.
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"Assistant Kang, contact every online service, every magazine and every TV channel that spreads these funny rumors. Tell them that if they do not take them off or correct their information, I will sue each of them." Jaehee looked at him with wide eyes, "Mr. Han is... This's very much-" "You don't work here to hang around," He interrupted her coldly. "Yes, yes, of course. I'll take care of it immediately," Jaehee was about to leave, but she stopped and looked at him. "Mr. Han, I read the chat room. Is it true that this Riyu girl is... in your apartment?" Jumin nodded, returning to studying the reports and documents to sign, "Yes, at my father's request."
Jaehee said nothing more, just adjusted her glasses and left. However, Jumin knew that she thought exactly the same as he did - this situation would not affect the company's image well. He could do nothing more than just bury himself at work. After a few hours of intense mental effort, when he took a coffee break, his phone vibrated. Jumin raised an eyebrow - the message came from an unknown number. Hello, Jumin. Riyu here. I hope I'm not disturbing you. I just wanted to let you know that your father gave me your number. In case I need to contact you suddenly. If you mind, I will remove this number from my list. Jumin took a big sip of coffee and thought for a long time. He hesitated. Ultimately, however, he decided to write a few sentences in response. Keep my number. I also add yours. You are now in my care, so please contact me if you have any problems. I don't want to disappoint my father. He thought that this would end their brief exchange of messages, but no. In a moment he received another one. Thank you, you're very kind. I hope we can get along. How is Elizabeth the 3rd? He had no idea why he wrote it. He did it faster than he thought. Not much time passed and he received a reply message. She is fine. I know you didn't want me to get close to her, but I can't help it! Just look at this! There was a picture in the message. Elizabeth was lying on the girl's lap, curled up, definitely happy and calm. Jumin couldn't control how his lips lifted in a slight smile. Isn't she a magnificent creature? Definitely! She's beautiful! And her fur is so soft and delicate :) Can I brush her? I don't see a problem. You should find the brush in the cabinet near her bed. Yes, I found it. Have a nice day at work! What... What just happened?
Jumin froze for a moment, his cup of coffee stuck in the air just before his mouth. He was stunned. Why did he even write to her? And let her take care of Elizabeth? He set down his cup and frowned. He had to admit it, she was really good at this game. He didn't think it would ever happen. That one of his father's women would force him to be nice to her. He wondered if he would write to her to leave Elizabeth the 3rd alone, but he thought it would be too inappropriate now. It was difficult for him to focus on work for the next few hours. He was nervous and stressed. He didn't even want to get in the chat room, though his cell phone kept him informed that someone was writing something on the messenger. They must have been fooling around again, not understanding the gravity of the situation. When he returned to the apartment, Riyu was sitting on the sofa in the living room. Not for the first time, he found her in this state - thoughtful, she did not move, stared blankly ahead. Why did this view bother him so much? He cleared his throat and only then did the girl realize his presence. She twitched in her seat, turned off the television, which she didn't seem to watch anyway, and got up from her seat. "Hello, Jumin. How was your day at work?" Jumin looked at her sharply, "Are you really interested in this or are you pretending to please me?" Her face also became more acute, "I'm trying to behave normally, as we will spend some time with each other. Should we still argue and bite each other's heads off? Don't you think that it will be quite tiring for both sides?" "You have a point." Jumin adjusted his tie. "I will order dinner, do you want something specific?" Why did he even ask her that? The girl blinked, apparently surprised no less than him, "Oh, some scrambled eggs are enough." "Scrambled eggs? Wouldn't you like to eat something more... exquisite?" Riyu smiled to herself, "You ask because you really are interested or do you want to please me?" He looked at her for a moment in a misunderstanding, and she burst out laughing. She had a surprisingly pleasant laugh. "I was joking," She explained. "I don't need anything fancy. I'm rather used to ordinary food." "Let me choose something for you, though. I insist. I don't want you to complain to my father that I didn't host you properly." So, Jumin ordered a dish of fresh salmon with boiled vegetables and honey sauce. As they waited in the kitchen for the food to be delivered, again in embarrassing silence, Elizabeth suddenly jumped on Riyu's lap. "You see it yourself!" The girl called with a smile. Elizabeth purred as she began to stroke and scratch her. Jumin watched them both for a moment, "Maybe she did like you for some reason." Riyu had a very delicate and surprisingly nice smile on her face as she looked at the cat on her lap, "Maybe she senses that I like animals. I used to have a dog, but unfortunately, he has already left me..." Jumin's throat tightened. When it came to animals, it was difficult for him to control his emotions, "I'm sorry. It must have been difficult for you." The girl nodded, "He was my only friend. The animals are extraordinary, don't you think? They have clean, sincere hearts. They love unconditionally, they don't want anything in return." Jumin was really positively surprised to hear these words from her mouth. He almost didn't believe Riyu was really saying it. Have he really been wrong about her so far? The doorbell rang. Food was most likely delivered. No, he couldn't be wrong about her. She was just clever and knew what to say to make him doubt his judgment. When dinner was ready on the table, the girl looked at the elegantly decorated dish with delight. It was actually one of the more casual dishes he ate, but she was delighted like a child. How strange. They ate in silence until Elizabeth the 3rd began to mew, sitting on the floor near the table. "No, Elizabeth. This food is not for you," Jumin sighed. "Oh, don't be like that!" The girl said loudly, pouting. "Can't I give her a piece of salmon?" "Okay, but make sure it's not covered in spices and not dipped in the sauce. It could hurt her." Riyu looked at him like at an idiot, "I know that."
"Right, you said you like animals, so I'm guessing you might have some knowledge about them," He corrected himself, then got up from his seat. "Would you like some wine?" The girl was just handing Elizabeth a piece of salmon, which the cat snatched from her hand and fled to eat it somewhere far away from them. Then Riyu nodded, "Maybe a little bit." Jumin took wine and glasses from the top shelf. He poured a little to each one and sat back in its place. Again, they ate and drank for a while in silence, which this time the girl broke, turning the glass in her hand and looking at the wine flowing down the walls, "Jumin, did you see the news?" "The news?" She nodded, "News, media on the internet and the like. Everywhere they screaming that I'm supposedly your girlfriend." "Don't worry about it. I've already made sure to cut those ridiculous rumors. It won't affect your plans for my father." The girl took a long sip of wine, narrowed her eyes, "You really judge me without thinking. But well... I can't blame you for that." For the rest of the dinner, Riyu continued refilling her wine. He didn't stop her. It wasn't his business. Finally, he left her alone in the kitchen and took care of his own matters. He still had some work to do, and after that, when he left the home office to go to the bathroom before bedtime, he was surprised by a certain view... Riyu was dozing on the sofa in the living room. An empty wine bottle stood on the floor next to it. Elizabeth the 3rd lay curled up in the girl's legs. Jumin approached her slowly, leaned over her, "Riyu?" There was no answer. The girl was completely gone. Jumin looked at Elizabeth, "You really like her, don't you? How strange." He found the blanket and covered the sleeping girl with it, then looked at her small and thin figure for a moment. Again these tormenting thoughts caught him... Something was bothering him. He adjusted his tie, massaged his eyelids and went to the shower. He hoped the cold water would let him chase away this anxiety. When he left the bathroom, ready to sleep, he saw that the girl was still lying on the sofa, now curled up like a cat sleeping next to her. He left her like this and went to his bedroom. Finally, already in bed, he decided to look at the messenger.
[Jumin Han has entered the chat room]
V: Hello, Jumin.
Jumin Han: V, you are here.
V: Yes, I finally found some time.
V: Is it true what everyone is talking about?
Jumin Han: You mean?
V: That girl. Riyu?
Jumin Han: Yes, unfortunately, it's true. She is my father's new prey. And she is currently in my home.
V: It must be very...
Jumin Han: Uncomfortable? Yes.
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V: Actually, I was thinking about something.
V: This may seem strange to you, but please hear me out.
Jumin Han: I'm listening.
V: It's interesting that this girl suddenly appeared. Just when I started thinking about resuming hosting parties.
Jumin Han: You want RFA to host parties again? But what does this girl have to do with it?
V: Well, does Riyu have any occupation? Jumin Han: I have no idea. Probably not. Jumin Han: I still don't understand. V: What would you say about her taking over Rika's duties? Jumin Han: What? V: Since there is nothing she can do there to occupy herself and she will stay in your house for some time, V: I thought she could take care of inviting guests. You could help her if needed. Jumin Han: Let me tell you something, V. Jumin Han: Riyu currently is sleeping on the sofa in the living room. V: 
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Jumin Han: She drank so much wine that she just fell asleep there, not caring about what I think of her. Jumin Han: Do you really want such an irresponsible person to host parties? V: I understand what you mean, Jumin. V: But many times, I've seen you in a similar state. V: And that doesn't make you an irresponsible person. Jumin Han: You have a point. Jumin Han: I always appreciated and considered your ideas. Jumin Han: But still, Jumin Han: this one is your stupidest. V: ^^' V: I think it will be quite refreshing for everyone if we start hosting parties again. Jumin Han: I understand, but why her? V: Well, we don't have anyone else to do it. V: And I have a strange feeling that we can't miss this chance. Jumin Han: A strange feeling? You know I don't believe in such things. V: So just try to trust me. Jumin Han: What about the others? V: I wish they'd be here. But I'm guessing they'll read this conversation. V: Please, talk to them about it. And discuss it with Riyu. We can't force her to do it in the end.
V: I feel Rika would want that.
Jumin Han: How could Rika wants that? She didn't even know this girl.
V: I feel that she would like someone to continue her duties. Please, can you trust me?
Jumin Han: Fine, just because you ask for it.
Jumin Han: But I can't guarantee that others will agree.
21 notes · View notes
a-wandering-fool · 6 years
From the blog Narcissists Suck...
Malignant Narcissism: A Brief Overview    
What is narcissism? Is it a simple case of being kinda self-involved? Is it just the human condition? This post will focus on the big picture of what this blog is about. Consider it orientation for people who are new to the subject and new to this blog. This blog is about malignant narcissism which is another name for NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder as its called in the bible of psychiatry, the DSM-IV.) This isn’t a blog about people who have a few narcissistic traits because that would mean talking about everyone on the planet. I’m not interested in throwing the whole planet into one box because it would render it a useless classification. It is understandable that people who are unfamiliar with the terms “malignant narcissism” or “NPD” to not really know how completely different of an animal is being discussed here than the average human being. This blog isn’t about assholes or debutantes. It is very possible to be a jerk or to be a self-focused princess and not have the disorder of NPD. If you label anyone who irritates or annoys you as a narcissist then you don’t have a grasp of what this character disorder really is. Every human being is bent to one degree or other toward selfishness. So to define NPD as “being selfish” is not a definition that makes any sense because it would just be statement about the whole human race that wouldn’t help anyone identify the problem of human evil. Some people say that all humans struggle against being selfish and so are quick to state that we are all narcissists. Not so fast. The label is important because we are trying to identify a certain sub-set. There is a specific definition here that is important to grasp if you’re going to be able to deal with the problems that proceed from calculated and predatory human evil which is at the root of the definition of malignant narcissism. Let’s look at the statement above, “…all humans struggle against being selfish.” No, they don’t. THAT is what this blog is about. The ones who don’t struggle against their selfish urges. It is about those human beings who long ago gave up any struggle against their lusts, their selfish entitlement attitude, their demands, their need to control others. Some, I believe, have never put up a real fight against their own selfish demands. Malignant narcissism usually manifests at a very young age even though it never becomes an official diagnosis until adulthood because this is how the grand poo-bahs of psychology play the game of labeling. There is a creature that exists in human form that has become distinctly different than those of us who do struggle against selfishness. In a very deliberate and conscious way these people have made a decision to not fight against their selfish impulses. They have embraced them. They have found ways to completely justify them. They are quite proud of their freedom to do anything they want to anyone they want. They may be quietly smug about it or openly boastful; nevertheless, they’re proud of their ability to get their way. They see themselves as set apart from mere humanity. They distance themselves from the human race by setting themselves apart from and above them. They do this by word and by action. They even usurp the very throne of God Himself as they position themselves as god over all they survey. They reserve to themselves the right to define reality to all in their domain. All this results in the train of woe that follows from the human embodiment of evil. I make no apologies for referring to malignant narcissists as a “creature” or any other dehumanizing term I may use from time to time. I didn’t dehumanize them. They do it to themselves. I’m just agreeing with them that they aren’t like the rest of us…only, when I say it, I mean it in the most disparaging way unlike the narcissist who pretends himself apart from all the rest of humanity as proof of his superiority. The outgrowth of the mental state of malignant narcissists as described above are very predictable and legion but it can be boiled down to some consistent traits seen among all who’ve dedicated themselves to human evil. I have covered these traits at length on this blog. I’ll try to revisit some of these predictable behaviors and attitudes of the malignant narcissist in brief. All malignant narcissists are cases of arrested development. They are perpetually living in a mindset of a young child. The age when a child is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong but very willing to do wrong if they think they won’t get caught. Like a child, they feel entitled to whatever they want. Like a child, they recreate reality to suit their fantasy about themselves and the world around them. Like a child, they want all attention focused on them. But, unlike a child, the narcissist is not subject to being molded and shaped by authority figures or reality. The narcissist is determined (read here, conscious choice) to remain a child whereas most children are driven by a desire to grow up. Children are childish and there is no crime in that. I’m not pathologizing childhood. I’m highlighting that malignant narcissists are pathological children.
This state of being leads to the other realities about malignant narcissists which are all characterized by being pathological excess of whatever we’re talking about: The narcissist has a pathological need for all attention in every context he finds himself in. It is so pathological that if you get any attention he is obsessed by the need to take it away from you because he imagines that if you get any that it is an unsurvivable diminution of this precious commodity for him. This is attached to his transcendent sense of entitlement. If he wants something then, in his mind, it belongs by native right to him. And because he wants every shred of human attention, warmth, regard, consideration, that means you can’t have any. This is at the very bedrock of the narcissist’s motivations. The need to have it all means he must take what you have. It makes you a target of his malevolent intent. It is the fountainhead of his ill will toward all others. The malignant narcissist’s pathological need to have it all leads to his existence of being pathologically envious. In other words, the most pernicious, pervasive and all-consuming state of being covetous. This translates to him envying anything you have or are. So, picture a human being utterly possessed of a pathological need for allthe attention and all good things which flow from human relationships and you have the framework for understanding the next identifying feature of the Malignant Narcissist Creature… The malignant narcissist is a predatory animal. He stalks his prey. He must do so because his malevolent intent is absolute and would frighten away any source of his supply if the target could easily discern his implacable nature and insatiable lusts and his intent to feed. So the narcissist transforms himself. He is an adept at making and wearing masks. He thrives on appearances. He is short on substance. People who are easily taken in by appearances and short on wisdom to discern substance are easy targets. The malignant narcissist is a chameleon. This is why so many people have a problem identifying what a narcissist is. To the superficial view malignant narcissists can appear to widely differ from each other. This narcissist here is a sophisticate with excellent worldly tastes, vast charm and a following of admirers. That narcissist over there is an unemployed alcoholic who lives off his wife or parents, abuses animals and his children, and hasn’t amounted to more than a pile of shit his whole life. But both of these widely disparate appearances are adaptations to environment, I.Q., accident of birth such as physical beauty, advantages such as education, sex, etc. It is important to understand the chameleon-like adaptations all narcissists are capable of and not be fooled by these adaptations to miss the substance of what they are: a pathological mess of predatory urges that feeds off of the people around them. How an individual narcissist presents himself or herself can cause huge variations in how a malignant narcissist appears to others, but make no mistake, these basic characteristics will be found in any of them. Both the charming sophisticate narcissist and the alcoholic loser are pursuing their favored forms of “narcissistic supply.”, another term for the attention “drug” that every malignant narcissist junkie is pursuing his every waking moment. How they go about it looks very different, but in principle they are after the same thing. All malignant narcissists are parasitical. They need people around them from whom they can steal what they need. Their need for people is desperate, yet their desperate need presents a conundrum for them. Their need for people runs counter to their even more desperate need to not appear like they need anything from anyone, especially you! Never forget, they are gods in their own estimation which means that even while they steal, demand or extort what they need from you they will trash you for giving it. The more they need you the more you will be subjected to their loathing. It is paradoxical unless you understand what the hell is really going on. Which is what I’m describing for you now. Stay focused on the narcissist as parasite. Because the malignant narcissist is a complete failure in the moral realm they must attach to sources of virtue. This is because no lie can exist without the truth. Evil can’t exist without some appearance of good. How does the narcissist wear an appearance of virtue? Most commonly he surrounds himself with those who possess real virtue. The close proximity makes it easy for the malignant narcissist to steal virtue for his own image. Does the narcissist need to feel powerful? He may prop himself up or feed on those who have real power if he is lucky enough to sidle up to them, or he will surround himself with people who are weak so he can feel powerful by controlling them. OR the narcissist can steal virtue and substance from her profession or from belonging to certain clubs or organizations or charities. Service professions are very attractive to malignant narcissists. So is religion. As is Motherhood. An example: the narcissist can get herself close to her prey of choice by her choice of profession. Does she like to seduce young boys? She may decide to become a teacher. She attaches herself parasitically to the profession’s high claim of being concerned about the education of young people. Who would suspect she is not a teacher because of the usual reasons? By association everyone assumes a certain amount of goodwill and character due to her choice of job. This is her cover to then commence her predation of her favorite flavor of attention. She has parasitically attached herself to the good name of teacher. She is stealing virtue she doesn’t possess so as to better reach her prey. In every situation the parasitical narcissist is preening himself. He needs a mirror to accomplish his acts of preening. That mirror is you. He plays to his mirrors. He poses in front of his mirrors to get the desired reflection back. When you show looks of interest, admiration, fear, concern, he is basking in his reflected self. His insubstantial self. A construct of reality he has created out of thin air. But see? He needs YOU to accomplish this. He needs you to hold up the mirror for him. But he isn’t looking at you. He is only interested in his own reflection in your face. You don’t exist as a person to him. You’re a means to his end. The parasite takes what he needs with no thought or benefit going to the host. If you cease giving him what he wants he will move on to a better host. He is completely heedless of his tremendous and all-consuming need of people to accomplish this act of reflection. His preening is an extension of his parasitical lifestyle, yet he is unable to comprehend this. We are only objects to the narcissist. He can’t comprehend it because he has transmogrified all the rest of us into objects. We have no needs that he must enter into his consideration. He is first and only in everything. He refuses (again, conscious choice) to see your humanity and the basic rights that come along with that humanity. You are nothing more than a tool in his hand, a pawn in his game, an object for his use. When done, he casts you aside as so much used toilet paper. People who believe the narcissist loves them are tragically naive and deceived. The narcissist has vast reservoirs of love, compassion and concern, but not one tiny bit of those things can be diverted from himself. He loves himself so utterly and completely there is no room for anyone else in his affections. The malignant narcissist is absolutely incapable of the true emotion of love for any other human being. Period. If you doubt me you will continue to suffer under the heartless tyranny of these blood-suckers. You can never successfully deal with a narcissist if you believe he loves you in any real way. He NEEDS you. But need is not love. His need is the need that will take and take and take with no concern as to whether his taking is killing you. Even if you’ve not been in close contact with a malignant narcissist, with a little imagination you can follow these descriptions to some of their outcomes. All of those outcomes are attended with ill will. Not one motivation of the narcissist is concerned with anyone else’s well-being. This is what makes them dangerous and evil. They are unsafe for human interaction. Do they see themselves as dangerous and evil? Very unlikely. Some do. Most don’t. Remember that they have justified themselves on every point. The evil they perpetrate is most times seen by them as their righteous cause. They have turned evil into good and black into white. This is easy enough to accomplish for someone who has for a lifetime tinkered with reality as much as those around them have allowed. As you can hopefully see by now, malignant narcissism isn’t about everyday variety selfishness. I’ll use the word again here, it is pathological selfishness. It is a selfishness that will destroy anything that gets in its way. When I decided to start a blog and needed to pick a name for it I chose Narcissists Suck for a reason. It wasn’t a flippancy. My nom de plume is that of a vampire slayer. Again, not a flippant choice. The primary meaning of this blog’s title is a succinct statement of truth about all narcissists – they suck the life out of their victims. Plus, I did really like the dual meaning of the title. The other meaning being the more casual statement of, “damn, these people SUCK.” Human evil is not of recent advent. It has been a part of human existence for as long as humans have existed. Some of the evidence of this fact is found in the many legends of evil of which the Vampire bears some startling correlations to what we know about malignant narcissism. Of course, there is no one definition or legend of vampires but there are some persistent themes. I’ll list a few for your perusal. The ability to hypnotize and/or charm their potential victims. Light destroys them. (Light is analogous to truth.) They are shape-shifters. They are predatory. Especially of family and neighbors where they lived before they became “undead.” They can only exist by draining the blood, life-force, of their prey. Despite their human appearance they aren’t really human. They can infect others with their vampirism. Great powers of persuasion. Hard to kill. Even starvation won’t kill it though it will render them somewhat insane. (Think here of the narcissist deprived of sources of supply. It won’t end up in a converted narcissist; crazy, yes, converted, no. They will survive until they find a fresh victim.) This isn’t an exhaustive list, but it is enough to supply the point that legends of vampirism find their close counterpart in the malignant narcissist. This blog is intended to be the sunlight that destroys these vampiric blood-suckers. Shine the light of truth on who they are and what they do and find them scattering to the dark corners of their lairs. At the very least, the sunlight dispels the hypnotic hold of the vampire on his victims and helps them get free. Thus concludes my attempt at an overview of malignant narcissism which is the focus of this blog. There are plenty of annoying and petty people out there. That isn’t what I’m talking about here. I’m talking about those humans who’ve embraced evil that stalks its own kind as prey. The most scary aspect of this kind of evil is that is will suck the life blood out of its own young. The children of narcissists are the ones who’ve seen what evil really is. The narcissist disguises himself when in public view. It is behind closed doors that the fangs come out. Pity the children. Save them if you can.
People with NPD should be hated.   They should be ridiculed and despised.   They should be treated the fucking piece of shit that they are.
This is for you anon.   I’m not going to post your questions because I don’t want to feed that fucking troll, but this should answer some of them.
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All operations just a click away!
If you need more than just a blazing fast and reliable Microsoft NTFS driver, our lightweight menubar and full-featured Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software apps are always at your service.
Access all of your Microsoft NTFS drives and perform the most common volume operations like mount, unmount and verify.
Quickly restart your Mac in Windows from the menubar (assuming it’s installed on your mounted Microsoft NTFS drive).
Seamless User Experience
If you’ve ever used Apple’s Disk Utility, you already know how to use Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. If you haven’t, it will only take a few moments to get acquainted.
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software takes the best of Apple’s Disk Utility and moves it to the next level, augmenting Microsoft NTFS volume operations and advanced mount options.
Mounting is entirely under your control with advanced options
Mount in Read-Only: select this option if you need to access sensitive data without modifying any files.
Do not mount automatically: select this option if you want to manually control access to a volume.
Outstanding performance at blazing fast speed
Ntfs Paragon For Mac Keygen Download
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is the fastest file system driver on the market:
6x times faster*
than competing solutions
*Tested on 2016 MacBook Pro with SSD drive, view benchmarks here.
Fresh review: check out the video review by European Motion Picture Association.
Latest award: 5-star review of the Mojave-ready edition.
Supported Operating Systems
macOS Big Sur
macOS Catalina
macOS Mojave
macOS High Sierra
macOS Sierra
Supported File Systems
All Microsoft NTFS versions are supported (from Windows NT 3.1 to Windows 10).
Write Access
When a volume is mounted in write mode, you can do everything with the files and folders it contains: read, edit, delete, rename, create new.
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software mounts supported volumes automatically at startup, so you don’t need to worry each time you restart the operating system or power your computer on. However, this feature can be disabled at any time in the program interface.
Volume Management
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software easily formats, checks integrity and repairs corrupted volumes.
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software supports all alphabets supported by your operating systems, including those that use non-Roman and non-Latin characters, so you will never face the problem of not getting access to file names on volumes mounted in non-native OS.
Compatible with Apple Boot Camp
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is fully compatible with Apple Boot Camp software and provides direct read and write access to Mac partitions from Windows installed on Boot Camp.
Compatible with 3rd party software
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is compatible with popular virtualization and encryption applications including VMware Fusion and Workstation, Parallels Desktop, TrueCrypt and its forks.
Paragon Technology Center
Want to learn more about the technology behind Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software? Check out the Paragon Technology Portal!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Could I try your product for free before buying?
Sure, you can try Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software for ten days completely for free. After that it will be locked until you activate a purchased license.
I’m a user of a Seagate or Western Digital device with pre-installed NTFS for Mac. How can I get my update?
You are eligible for a special update for you current version of Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. Please contact our Support Service at [email protected] to reclaim your update.
Does it work with macOS 11.0 Big Sur?
Yes, Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software works with the latest available macOS versions (incl. macOS Big Sur Public Beta).
How can I get the update if I have bought the previous version of Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software?
Please, visit your MyParagon account. If an update is released, you will be able to download it there.
What operations do you mean saying “Full read/write access”?
You can perform create/read/modify/copy/delete operations as usual.
What data transfer rate I will get using Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software?
The data transfer rate is fully the same as with the native macOS file system. There you can see the statistics.
What versions and features of the Microsoft NTFS file system are supported?
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software supports ALL the versions of NTFS (from Windows NT 3.1 to Windows 10). Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is able to get access to compressed files and folders, it has no problems with sparse files and enables all the needed operations with files and folders with security permissions.
Is BootCamp supported?
Yes, we completely support all BootCamp configurations.
What should I do if I have OS X 10.9 but Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software doesn’t support OS older than 10.10?
Please follow steps below.
Uninstall Microsoft NTFS for Mac 15 by Paragon Software.
Restart Mac.
Download Microsoft NTFS for Mac 14 by Paragon Software from your MyParagon Account.
Install it.
Restart Mac.
Can I re-activate my license on another Mac?
Sure. Please re-activate the product following the steps below.
Log in to MyParagon portal.
Find your product in the list of My Products, then click “Show details”, press “Release license”.
License status will be marked as “Not in use”: article in Paragon Knowledge Base.
Then activate your product again.
How many times can I re-activate my license?
You can re-activate it 4 times. If you need to re-activate your license more than 4 times, please contact our Support or file a support ticket and we will help you to release the counter of licenses.
It doesn’t work! My Microsoft NTFS drive is not recognized by macOS, even after installing Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software.
First of all, please check that Activate/Buy buttons are shown, and (if you have started the trial period) that you see “X days left” message. Then check NTFS for Mac Preferences and make sure that the driver is enabled. If it did not work, please check the troubleshooting guide.
I frequently work with NTFS, HFS+, APFS-formatted partitions on my Mac and Windows PC. Can I get a discount, if I buy all drivers at once?
Yes, you can purchase our new Paragon Mac ToolBox for just $39.95. The Suite contains 4 tools to guarantee seamless cross-platform data exchange and disk space management:
Microsoft NTFS for Maс by Paragon Software
APFS for Windows by Paragon Software
HFS+ for Windows by Paragon Software
Paragon CampTune
Ensure multi-platform access - activate required file system drivers based on your IT park, regardless of OS, in any proportion.
Current Version
Download Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software
Product Documentation
Download Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software One Pager
Need help?
Contact Support or file a support ticket
Latest review
European Motion Picture Association (EURMPA) reviews Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. Watch the videos!
NTFS for Mac build for Apple Silicon
Apple has announced a two-year transition to ARM-based processors known as “Apple Silicon.” Since the new Apple Silicon-based Mac computers are just around the corner, we proactively took on this project. We are delighted to offer Mac users our new NTFS for Mac build for Apple Silicon, which is available for download below.
Paragon Ntfs For Mac Crack Mojave
This offer may be of particular interest for Developer Transition Kit users. If you currently participate in the Universal App Quick Start Program or are just planning to enroll, right now you can download and begin using the new NTFS for Mac build for Apple Silicon on your DTKs.
Paragon Ntfs For Mac Keygen
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software speaks fluently many languages: English Deutsch Русский Español Français Italiano Čeština 简体中文 繁體中文 한국어 Svenska Suomi Magyar Polski
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0 notes
Paragon Ntfs Crack For Mac
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Paragon Ntfs Crack For Mac Iso
Tuxera Ntfs Crack For Mac High Sierra
Paragon Ntfs For Mac Crack + Serial Number
Paragon NTFS Crack supplies rapid and practical data trade amongst Macs and Windows PCs. The app works completely and can installed immediately. The computer software handles the NTFS, that’ll enable one personally, on the dual boot platform to get into your own windows documents on Mac. Paragon NTFS for Mac cracked version may spy on you or stole your private information. No tech support for Paragon NTFS for Mac cracked version. Thus, it would be much better if you can get Paragon NTFS for Mac discount coupon code, rather than look for Paragon NTFS for Mac crack, Paragon NTFS for Mac keygen, Paragon NTFS for Mac serial. Paragon NTFS For Mac free. download full Version 2019. Download Paragon NTFS full crack free – This software let you access any NTFS volumes under OS X El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra and Mojave.This software provides full read and write access to Windows-formatted NTFS partitions on OS X for free.
It will retain the original quality as much as possible besides offering compression options so that the final AVI file does not become overly large.You are opened up to both a free and paid version of this app which works pretty efficiently without having any compromise on the original quality. (Recommended)TalkHelper delivers a very simple and instinctive user interface besides a plethora of features to feature as one of the best MP4 to AVI converter software for Windows. Converter avi to mp4 for mac free.
NTFS for Mac is macOS Big Sur compatible and already available for Apple Silicon
Full read-write access granted!
Microsoft NTFS is one of the primary file systems of Windows. If you work on a Mac computer and need to read or write files from HDD, SSD or a flash drive formatted under Windows, you need Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software.
Write, edit, copy, move and delete files on Microsoft NTFS volumes from your Mac! Fast, seamless, easy to use. Mount, unmount, verify, format or set any of your Microsoft NTFS volumes as a startup drive.
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New! Ready for macOS 11.0 Big Sur
Write files to Microsoft NTFS drives on your Mac
Can’t write, copy, edit or delete files on Microsoft NTFS-formatted drives from your Mac? It’s because macOS has limited support for Windows volumes — that is, you can only read data, but can’t write or delete anything. Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software provides blazing fast, unlimited read/write access to Microsoft NTFS hard drives, SSDs or thumb drives formatted for Windows computers!
A no-brainer upgrade for those installing macOS 10.14 Mojave, Paragon NTFS for Mac remains the best cross-platform utility money can buy, especially now that it plays nice with Apple’s new dark mode.
MacWorld US, Editors’ Choice 2018 www.macworld.com
Whether you’re a hardcore Boot Camp user or just need to occasionally write to Windows-formatted media, this update keeps things working at peak performance…
MacWorld US, Editors’ Choice 2018 www.macworld.com
Running a Mac and having NTFS formatted external disks, you definitely need NTFS for Mac. It is well priced <…> and enables read and write access to your NTFs drives no matter what size. The speed at which you can read and write the data on these drives is the best of any competitor if there really is one. Anyone who needs to use Mac and Windows computers, needs this app for easy data transfer. The interface is best of any application found, and the application itself offers additional drive tools for taking full control. The latest version also supports Mojave and APFS format to complete a perfect application. It is without real competition and deserves a full 5 star award. This utility makes your external storage usable on any computer system Windows or Mac. So your data remains interchangeable and is fully adapted for macOS MOJAVE.
MacSoftReview www.macsoftreview.com September 2018
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is a great upgrade to an exceptional cross-platform utility that’s easily worth the money, especially if you own the previous version 14, in which case this one’s free. The user interface is tastefully designed, with buttons for mounting, unmounting, verifying, or erasing the selected volume. Dual-boot users also have the option to reboot into a compatible mounted Mac or Windows startup volume. There’s even a lovely color-coded space indicator like the one introduced with Mac OS X El Capitan, displaying content by Audio, Video, Apps, Images, and Other categories.
MacWorld, USA, August 2017, macworld.com
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software, the excellent third-party file system driver that enables writing to Windows-formatted volumes at native speeds.
MacWorld, USA, June 2017, macworld.com
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is the best such software solution: reliable, fast, and now affordable as well… Fast, seamless, and easy to use, Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is required for those who need to write to Windows volumes. And now it’s more affordable than ever.
MacWorld, USA 2016, macworld.com
A very specialized product that does its job in a very unobtrusive way. You just install it and it works. When you plug an NTFS disk into your Mac, it just mounts on the desktop like any other disk, and when you copy a file to it, it just works, no muss, no fuss. This utility is also invaluable if you find yourself in a situation where you need to format a disk as NTFS, and it performs this task with an equal lack of drama
Apple Press, DVMUG
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is an essential installation for anyone working with Macs and PCs, as it helps to break down the barriers that exist between the two operating systems
Mac World UK, macworld.com
It’ll install cleanly and easily on macOS 10.12 Sierra and “just work”, so it’s a good option
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software does exactly what we expect from it, by offering a seamless NTFS disk management. It’s good performances even allow working directly on the Windows partition, including for heavy applications such as video or photo processing.
WOW….Ive been struggling with the whole MAC/Windows NTFS issue for some time and have a number of external drives that I need to swap between Mac/PC all the time. I’ve always had a headache with NTFS drivers etc. I bought and downloaded your Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software today and WOW. Amazing. Everything just works. Brilliant product. Worth every penny. Thank you.
Robinson Philip
It is pretty fast with NTFS transfers (slightly slower than OSX extended partitions obviously) and I’ve never had any problems mid-transfer or anything. For me, it’s always done what it said on the box, and now with V14 it’s got El Capitan compatibility, so no complaints here. If you’re looking for a way to have plug-and-play NTFS drives on your mac, there really isn’t a better alternative to Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. Highly recommended for all Mac users!
M. Doyle
If you have a Mac and you need to access volumes that are formatted NTFS, this is the best solution out there. Why Apple hasn’t just baked in support for NTFS after all these years still remains a mystery. I’ve been using Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software for several years now and have never had any problems with it.
H. Jaynes
Blazing Fast
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is up to six times faster than any of its closest commercial competitors!
Fully Compatible
Supports macOS Big Sur and older macOS See Specifications
Powerful Features
Safe data transfer, hassle-free work, easy to use, seamless user experience
How it Works
Simple as 1-2-3
Download and install Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software onto your Mac.
Microsoft NTFS volumes connected to your Mac are available in the Finder.
All operations just a click away!
If you need more than just a blazing fast and reliable Microsoft NTFS driver, our lightweight menubar and full-featured Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software apps are always at your service.
Access all of your Microsoft NTFS drives and perform the most common volume operations like mount, unmount and verify.
Quickly restart your Mac in Windows from the menubar (assuming it’s installed on your mounted Microsoft NTFS drive).
Seamless User Experience
If you’ve ever used Apple’s Disk Utility, you already know how to use Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. If you haven’t, it will only take a few moments to get acquainted.
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software takes the best of Apple’s Disk Utility and moves it to the next level, augmenting Microsoft NTFS volume operations and advanced mount options.
Mounting is entirely under your control with advanced options
Mount in Read-Only: select this option if you need to access sensitive data without modifying any files.
Do not mount automatically: select this option if you want to manually control access to a volume.
Outstanding performance at blazing fast speed
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is the fastest file system driver on the market:
6x times faster*
than competing solutions
*Tested on 2016 MacBook Pro with SSD drive, view benchmarks here.
Fresh review: check out the video review by European Motion Picture Association.
Paragon Ntfs Crack For Mac Iso
Ezdrummer 2 mac catalina. Latest award: 5-star review of the Mojave-ready edition.
Supported Operating Systems
macOS Big Sur
macOS Catalina
macOS Mojave
macOS High Sierra
macOS Sierra
Supported File Systems
All Microsoft NTFS versions are supported (from Windows NT 3.1 to Windows 10).
Write Access
When a volume is mounted in write mode, you can do everything with the files and folders it contains: read, edit, delete, rename, create new.
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software mounts supported volumes automatically at startup, so you don’t need to worry each time you restart the operating system or power your computer on. However, this feature can be disabled at any time in the program interface.
Volume Management
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software easily formats, checks integrity and repairs corrupted volumes.
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software supports all alphabets supported by your operating systems, including those that use non-Roman and non-Latin characters, so you will never face the problem of not getting access to file names on volumes mounted in non-native OS.
Compatible with Apple Boot Camp
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is fully compatible with Apple Boot Camp software and provides direct read and write access to Mac partitions from Windows installed on Boot Camp.
Compatible with 3rd party software
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is compatible with popular virtualization and encryption applications including VMware Fusion and Workstation, Parallels Desktop, TrueCrypt and its forks.
Paragon Technology Center
Want to learn more about the technology behind Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software? Check out the Paragon Technology Portal!
Frequently Asked Questions
Could I try your product for free before buying?
Sure, you can try Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software for ten days completely for free. After that it will be locked until you activate a purchased license.
I’m a user of a Seagate or Western Digital device with pre-installed NTFS for Mac. How can I get my update?
You are eligible for a special update for you current version of Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. Please contact our Support Service at [email protected] to reclaim your update.
Does it work with macOS 11.0 Big Sur?
Yes, Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software works with the latest available macOS versions (incl. macOS Big Sur Public Beta).
How can I get the update if I have bought the previous version of Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software?
Please, visit your MyParagon account. If an update is released, you will be able to download it there.
What operations do you mean saying “Full read/write access”?
You can perform create/read/modify/copy/delete operations as usual.
What data transfer rate I will get using Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software?
The data transfer rate is fully the same as with the native macOS file system. There you can see the statistics.
What versions and features of the Microsoft NTFS file system are supported?
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software supports ALL the versions of NTFS (from Windows NT 3.1 to Windows 10). Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software is able to get access to compressed files and folders, it has no problems with sparse files and enables all the needed operations with files and folders with security permissions.
Is BootCamp supported?
Yes, we completely support all BootCamp configurations.
What should I do if I have OS X 10.9 but Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software doesn’t support OS older than 10.10?
Please follow steps below.
Uninstall Microsoft NTFS for Mac 15 by Paragon Software.
Restart Mac.
Download Microsoft NTFS for Mac 14 by Paragon Software from your MyParagon Account.
Install it.
Restart Mac.
Can I re-activate my license on another Mac?
Sure. Please re-activate the product following the steps below.
Log in to MyParagon portal.
Find your product in the list of My Products, then click “Show details”, press “Release license”.
License status will be marked as “Not in use”: article in Paragon Knowledge Base.
Then activate your product again.
How many times can I re-activate my license?
You can re-activate it 4 times. If you need to re-activate your license more than 4 times, please contact our Support or file a support ticket and we will help you to release the counter of licenses.
It doesn’t work! My Microsoft NTFS drive is not recognized by macOS, even after installing Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software.
First of all, please check that Activate/Buy buttons are shown, and (if you have started the trial period) that you see “X days left” message. Then check NTFS for Mac Preferences and make sure that the driver is enabled. If it did not work, please check the troubleshooting guide.
I frequently work with NTFS, HFS+, APFS-formatted partitions on my Mac and Windows PC. Can I get a discount, if I buy all drivers at once?
Yes, you can purchase our new Paragon Mac ToolBox for just $39.95. The Suite contains 4 tools to guarantee seamless cross-platform data exchange and disk space management:
Microsoft NTFS for Maс by Paragon Software
APFS for Windows by Paragon Software
HFS+ for Windows by Paragon Software
Paragon CampTune
Ensure multi-platform access - activate required file system drivers based on your IT park, regardless of OS, in any proportion.
Current Version
Download Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software
Product Documentation
Download Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software One Pager
Need help?
Contact Support or file a support ticket
Latest review
European Motion Picture Association (EURMPA) reviews Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software. Watch the videos!
NTFS for Mac build for Apple Silicon
Apple has announced a two-year transition to ARM-based processors known as “Apple Silicon.” Since the new Apple Silicon-based Mac computers are just around the corner, we proactively took on this project. We are delighted to offer Mac users our new NTFS for Mac build for Apple Silicon, which is available for download below.
Tuxera Ntfs Crack For Mac High Sierra
This offer may be of particular interest for Developer Transition Kit users. If you currently participate in the Universal App Quick Start Program or are just planning to enroll, right now you can download and begin using the new NTFS for Mac build for Apple Silicon on your DTKs.
Paragon Ntfs For Mac Crack + Serial Number
Microsoft NTFS for Mac by Paragon Software speaks fluently many languages: English Deutsch Русский Español Français Italiano Čeština 简体中文 繁體中文 한국어 Svenska Suomi Magyar Polski
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0 notes
The Clone Wars         Duchess of Mandalore
                Season 2 Episode 14
You know      I want to believe     this is going to be an episode    focusing     on Duchess’s actual character        . . . .      But the track record     of writing female characters    (Never mind blam   ing trauma for their personality )
Doesn’t     leave     much       Good      Faith      Or     trust       . .          (especially how often their    Characterization gets to     Ret-conned.   to fit the     episode,)
(Padme turned into a nag,               Ahsoka      In     unchildlike     abomination       that goes with a plot needs    her       to)
From     Relat     iv-ely        Reas        On      Able     Leader         .  .   .       Turned        exquisite          and       Ex-      - cess         -ive         (Pe        tty)
Con      trast-      With      Semi-     Constant      Smart   “laziness”       avoidant      Obi-wan       And     “Do      It     Sky   wal   -ker-
 I don’t expect this to     stick
     (Al-ways     the female  characters,”
Any. Way
And war,  truth is the first casualty,
[It’s actually   accountability    but good try]
 Deluding them selves of the     goodness usually comes after the bad action
 Any way.
The     terribly designed ship
(I’m sorry but that thing doesn’t even look even slightly      aerodynamic) 
(The shark    ship at least had that)
[it was one apparent smoke bomb and she wasn’t allowed to        do anything to try and fix it,]
  But sure...    let’s go with that        .      Allies
[Never got a feel for that and    one dude was always    snarking at her,] No  shit 
everyone can see that
And     it was one dude
  [They haven’t     heard of this yet]
 [This plot-     isn’t very good]
Right     -      ok now they’re   im-portant-
 Sit and and wait 
 As Duchess makes her case that this is just one splinter group that she can handle
Some thing you wouldn’t think would     need a trial
[Only     becoming a problem when it affects other people]
        [suffering from the Luminara               problem, where if she doesn’t meet up to      high unreasonable standards.             In an unreasonable               amount of time                    (Little)                     Instantly lambasted by         her colleagues.                             With the     nar-rative showing no signs of painting this is wrong                                Or the fact of the   male characters can feck around     screw       everything       up,        And that   isn’t considered      serious
    [Narrative’s              a           Cheater. .)
        How long
These are   actual good evil minions    
(No this could actually be good with them becoming something like the clone troopers to the, Darkside
   Making up for a lack        of human faces in the ranks         up to this point,
   Establishing that while they may be the          instigator of tox,          Actions are about   ~now~          Less abhorrent than the     Empire’s            /       Coun-       cil-
‘the       Plot,’
 Completely irrelevant
   (And stupid)
Relying on everyone   being a complete       un-     accountable-       Idiot.
  Great plan you got there      Dooku,
 How’s Duchess’s explaining that’s-not-at-all-what-happened-and-we-don’t need a foot hold and all security,     going?
Like you think he’d be more mad   Considering what seems like the only plot,          Intercepting the        vehicle in transit,         Failed       horribly,
   Unless, the guys didn’t tell     him - And he still thinks they have      Duchess -which would make     sense...because of course they sent troops for the lost     foreign    leader
    (Would’ve been a     good episode for both        of them)
    (Not sure that would cause      a riot though-)
   (-Which would make sense if Obi-Wan was the last         one they saw around here-      Thinking, that a Jedi      captured their leader,
 But I’m getting ahead of myself      let’s focus on the       actual plot.    .
Whoa rows
To Coursant
I thought you just said to    . . .sit still and leave.
         What?                ...     
Oh so we’re focusing on another     cliché plot instead of the actual characters
  (*Note;           Cliché             As              in              a           badly        established           already       done plot              . . .           There’s        nothing          wrong           with          doing         repeat          plot           so           long                as         you          do        them         well
    What you bring     into it is the fun part           (Ideally)
They’re just         there
Also yeah you already know that there there you already know what they’re doing you still haven’t done anything about it
      [I was about to say where is the courier guy     but he’s dead]
     R.I.P shortly lived villain          Killed off for a shitty       written romance-
 -He deserved         better
 [i’ve seen that image multiple times        but I never realized the city was in the ball
     [also how is this the palace     where several important officials meet         And the nice forest is supposed to be this            mining hell hole
The environments-           They’re-
  So yeah we know it’s there, but like last time we’re not going to do anything about it
   [like I said Saltine did get back at some point and          everyone’s logic was just ok let’s go complain to the council        for no reason,]
           [I     dislike this logic)
           Just...?            Why
             Also yeah who’s in charge     while she’s away?
               I mean we’ve already got like a lot of      senators’ sus
    Things         Happen          Ing
    Also yeah palace   right back to the way it was,
    I guess it was a smoke       bomb. .
    You left     the Boomer in control?
     Also, so yeah I’m surprised he didn’t run out to be a     mastermind either
     Like, yeah        That        can happen
  But given the      “legacy and proud of everything      thing,”
     You’d think he’d be the main target
    [Makes a lot more sense than Random     Sen   ator       #4
   And he was the only one in that     hallway with Obi-Wan-
During their   argu-     ment-
Prime      Minister-      It      Makes      Sense          -
You found     the deathwatch     armies         -    isn’t   hard         -           It   was like five guys last time
Now just like them, you have allowed, the situation       to get worse
Good job     smart guys.
Really because they seem like the same group of nerds
  Deathwatch will never be strong enough
 Yeah, no shit  
 Guess you      shouldn’t do anything stupid
     [how long until something           stupid happens?]
       Beyond          the normal               . . .
Seriously how does this   plan make any sense?
Jedi- come here      - everyone-         Loses         their         shit  
  How?                - like      I know it be unpleasant to have some guys     stomp into              Your               House
         But there’s literally no need for     that..
    Considering         the situation            isn’t out of control
     And       Satine should be fully capable of handling the situation
       - And telling the Senate to feck off
       - And don’t tell me he’s doing this because she’s       passive because he’s been everything but passive in defending her passive beliefs,
   [Something        not really      elaborated          on]
  NOT BE        AN IDIOT!
    [I really don’t like this      plot        it makes no sense,”.     ]
  That        Got        Dark-
[but possibly make sense if this is how she   sees members of the republic,        As a dark   brooding force that will hurt everyone if     she’s not careful,
Significant deadly threat
They-     smoke bombed one building
[That’s   juvenile]
  [The situation is not out of control]
 In the narrative’s attempt to over blow this isn’t done     ,correctly
   You need to have         self     aware     ness.
Bumper cars
[Also you had to come to the      Senate to say that]
(This could’ve been an email)
  Or a photo       op/        State       -ment-
  Duchess why did you come here   you knew they were going to pull this shit
Like this helped     nothing
And the narrative,
What was a good     situation that was supposed to come out of this?
You stand before a council of people who decided to fight, saying I don’t fight
   [ and these are toxic people         mind you]
There was   no way this is going to end up good;
And I don’t.. know what the     narrative?
Also what is with the weird bumper car      rules?
Because it seems like anyone can come up at any time and ask   any question?
    [Like,      how is that not chaos?]
   Wo rking under           toxic assumed authority.       .
   ‘ I call to the stand        Obi-Wan (Kenobi)          and Anakin             Of the Jedi         order, to      provide testament,”
      That’s all    that had to be said..
        On top              of;
“My government will submit to peace keepers   actual peace keepers -      Un-armed-        For        Eval     -uation,’
   That would make sense
 And work off     Satine’s      Ad-       vers         Ion-         To Obi-Wan,    and the Jedi Council,
Yeah, she didn’t reject, she allowed the Jedi to do a full   investigation,
Also as     brutal as the scene is,    it is a good show of you     reap what you   sow       and enablers  turning on a enablers
 Even though Satine   should’ve known better than     to argue peace     with a war   council...
Obi-won      says   nothing         . . .
  Fuck        You          (Good)
     Bad         Ass
    Lots of politicians            speaking,
   Appro      priate-
   Ser-iously       touching         someone     without         their        consent?
       Dick       entitled         move.
   Spec.    Ifically.
   After        he      stood        by       and    watched      that     happened     -       Senate          -         Yeah cause you were there       and you did nothing
  Saltine calls Obi-Wan as a witness        (Both Obi-Wan and the others.        (Anakin) standing watch      over her       home planet
    They failed to respond         due to being in the middle of some thing
   Or just distracted
    This makes looks     Satine          Look     extremely        bad,           That           Jedi            are            not     Re-sponding           On         her home planet
     The vote gets passed
    Satine is more than     distressed
    When Obi-Wan     Coms her                  In
       They            argue,           Satine           Sni,pping.               A.                Bro-ken           Promise
        “You said            you’d be there              for me                (This                Time)]
    “You’re never there when I need you,”
   “You’re never there when it         matters          most,”
       With that,        the conversation ends
       Satine possibly getting ready to defend herself against the   republic
     Coming to invade   her home
        Im-bittered               Sweet
Didn’t help at all but    okay,
We’re friends
[To be fair        the romance was so forced,      that friendship is honestly best,]
Ah,         Lady,           You just got a friendship last   block,
  No need   to act       surprised.
  Nothing        More
    Good because there was no chemistry    between you      up to this point,
   State of mind  
  What state of mind?
 She’s       fine!
  Yeah she      over reacted to the dude
   But - got everything together when it         mattered-
 That was an         asinine statement
No   they wouldn’t be
That isn’t a   compliment.
That’s      Invalidation.
  Dick   Obi-Wan
  So much  
point in this!  
  I am so  
 I only - 
This is some  
Bomb ass tea
(I just realized       my phrasing           of words             I’m so-)          
     It’s good is the point
(Doesn’t it make up what happened in the   previous episodes,     
   But,           Makes                it           easier            to              forget                        . . .    
 Accoun-           tability                 -                 Is        the     word        you’re        looking         for        (The    character,       not       the     writer,”)        They’re          doing          good                   .    ... You   live with a child       groomer          (Are           One)
Does make sense.  Obi-won closest to the problem       (Groomed       specifically       in benefit of it)            Still sad      that they just gave up
     Even if he does   have a point   That Two generations    have essentially         grown up          Anakin        and   their time   as the present     is over
   Bit too late to have a     regrets
    (Only   when it   screws      you over..
  Not      the     future   generations)
    My     sympathy        is    officially       gone         (Not       the   storytelling’s      fault,             I         think       they           work      -ed       this   conversation      pretty         well            -          Just         the        facts          to        narcs          arguing              -             Still         made          me           think        about         what       exactly         what         was        wrong             -           That’s       good       (narc)Con   versation,
Any way,
  I love       this song
   Obi-Wan gets roasted for all his bad         behavior 2.0...
  It’s nice
This   Convo was good
      (It made me feel better about all the times the   writers used cheating tactics)
        *Not for                      giv-ed
just- better
[That expression-   was concerning]
That-      Was-
[You just spent the whole time getting yelled out      for his deeds, just continued on,    emotion     less]
The       “respectable”          kind       (Approp-riate       for an           adult)
  [Oh- no are they going to have the Obi-won rescue her and that proves that all her opinions are wrong?
 Not actually; she made some really good   points
  But in the       narrative   treating?
    (I don’t    want to see     that)
Okay,    whelp,
Coursant has the   worst security ever,
Damn      Frick
  Is a     bad day for her,
Some random dude   hijacked your car
Who are you going to     sue?
Queenie,     dude’s obviously an asshole
Also if there was no proof then why aren’t you charging her for vandalism terrorism, etc?
(See his logic is       bullshit,)
also this is a good example of   obstructive   bureaucrat          . . .
    Or avoidant
Because how do three people       nearly dying not constitute as proof?
   [Like if she       died.]
   Also, what’s the plan      if she did?
   Like; Oh yeah deathwatch is such a threat that they killed     a senator
     Those     dudes      don’t care
They only pissed at her because she’s a pacifist coming into  a      Offensive summit
[she accidentally    drove her car.     [Yelling      at the     villain]
Not     what      she   said
This dude could give     Obi-Wan a run      for his gas lighting,
    Fuck         Off
     Oh yeah the council   of war mongers will really respect the       pa-   cifist
No bias     here
None   whatsoever
   Hey    at least this time he had the   common decency not to      grab her-
Oh yeah defender of the   gaslight-ing committee  she’ll definitely help
Worry     You
Don’t give into the gaslight-
Also guilt tripping
 “ i’m afraid on that account,”
 Valid     re-ac-     tions
“Victim   blaming”       (Toxic    blaming)
    Pretty sure     they’re all enablers      at this point
Leave the   ball of tox     known as Obi-Wan
Man has turned from a     garbage fire      to a         gas       fire,
  Yeah,       you should leave,
  Also,        That       Moment,
    You        are        one         of         them.
    You’re not   backing down
     👉       This       Not,
Don’t listen to     Obi-Wan      He     sucks
Also none of the guards are going to zap him for     touching their queen     unannounced?       - - - Friends
You’re not her   friends
You’ve been   nothing      but a dick
   Gas       lighting
   [like listen to that   ag-gressive tone,          How he’s holding     her
    [Still   good on the animators who did that scene,          Very good            work,]
Oh     Shit-
Obi-won     distracted         her?
Wait-      Huh
[this is some kangaroo Court      logic
   It’s        Good.]
  “Relying on the Republic is a mistake,”
      More           Acc-        Toxic      initiative         (Since there’s         no to         little         way         they         end             this)            Based               on       circumstance            only             (No            different          sources)
       Any-way                Um
           Right                      Just                Vibin’g
          Aight              Whelp,
           Am                 I?
Oh is that the           Senator             guy?
Death   watch?
Also-      okay
Al-     right.
  Wait        What?
      We know       two greens             And one   changeling            That should be in   custody- 
     Wait-           ?
      ? ? ?
    This was a pretty a’ight episode
     (Trust me I wish      I could give it higher praise)
   However the           unfortunate           clankiness of the introduction
           Keeps it stubbornly between a decent          and good
       With that            being            said;
           That does not        take away from the fact that is           a ____ whatever it is
    -it has good characterization         for Satine
   - it handles heavy morals like enabling, tox,       abuse and        pro-         blems      With        Assumed           Autho rity-     Includ        Ing       Police          Bru-       tality        And        Fram       -ing          Very        Well
   (With the   appro-       priate       dignity it deserves,
 [there’s a small bit of better done romance/      fond-ness, near the           End]
   *Villain was neat
   [More of sidious      and on the [Main] villains
     There           were             few         Moments            that            Made              Me              Go              Wtf            (Obi              Wan’s          Abuse                  Of               The              Word               “Saw                 You,”                  The               Insist              Ence                 That               Death               Watch                Was              In                  Tim                   i-                dating
            As                For                Fix                -ing;
Episode;  Instead of to defend,   Wise        Saltine is called                           To ident       ify a               Death                           Watch                         Member-                             Or                             Re                             New                              Her                              Neu-                             Trality                             Pledge                               In                              Person                             (Due to                              Change     ling    (Over       Lap)                           Attack
                         Episode                               Pro                               Gress                                  Es
Arc     Fixes;
          Obi- won delivers news, that he’s supposed             to escort              her             Pers               On                 Ally,                Saltine expects everything to go over    swimmingly after all she hasn’t done anything wrong,                 Quickly find out otherwise,                Loyalty over her              vs the government  
           Leads to a small                break               (Episode continues as   normally)
            (Death watch-                 if want)
     Fix        Arc       Continue;        (Note no offense to the author meant     I just started some thing and I should finish it as an     accountable      writer)
  Satine          Is        Forced          Into        Either      Defend        Ing        Or     Leaving         Anakin         To        Her         Irate        People,        Soon         After      Obi-won’s        In-       Cid       ent           Pri     med
Hope      Spot        Or      Depres.       Further.     Push          Ing           Ana     -kin’s       Dec-       Ision        To      Snap)     End
[Generally I thought this was a pretty       ____ episode, the animation and set design will really good/      On par and it seems to have made up.      (Corrected)        A majority of flaws      I had with previous       episodes              . . .        Moving               On...
0 notes
john-rowell · 7 years
Protecting your images online?
Protecting your images online?
This is a subject that can make any photographer paranoid. There are many horror stories of people stealing another photographers work that they had put up on the internet, and if like me, you don't particularly like people screwing around with your work, we want to protect it. So how can you protect your photographs online?
There are three lines of defence:
Stop people getting your images
Prevent them from using them
Protect yourself
Stop people getting them
Well, you know what, you can't. If you put them up on the web, they can be taken. Sure there are ways to deter the average Joe from grabbing them (like disabling right click on your website, making a mosaic of an image so that they would have to reconstruct it afterwards, using CSS blank-overlays etc...), but all of those can be circumnavigated, a simple print screen will do that! So if there are images you absolutely don't want anyone to steal, the only thing you can do is DON'T PUT THEM ON THE INTERNET!
However, we do want to share our work, to gain clients, get feedback, generate attention, and to this end we usually use social media, as it is one of the most interactive methods of sharing. Social media is also the easiest place to 'borrow' images. So what should you do?
This is what I think is the best solution:
Don't put anything online that you don't want taken! Everything is vulnerable to one degree or another, so if there is an image you don't want anyone to use or take, don't put it up, that is the only way to be 99.9% secure (the 0.1% is because if it is in digital format, your computer and backups could be stolen). I have had friends who took amazing images that sat hidden, offline, until the right moment.
Link to your own website and don't put the image itself on Social Media. If the image is on your own website you do have some additional control of them like no right-click, CSS blank cover, mosaics...  These are not very effective as all have get-a-rounds but will make it harder for the average person.
Other than those two things, there is little you can do to stop people from taking your images. However, just because they can take them does not mean they can do much with them...
Prevent people from using them
Great, so we have established that anyone can, if they want, take any image we put up on the web. But that does not mean the image will be of great use to them. This next suggestion is probably the best functional protection you have; upload at a 'lower' resolution.
For example, I upload images at 1000 pixels along the long edge IF i put them on social media. This is large enough to be enjoyed on a screen, but little else. Sure it can be taken, but other than looking at them on a website, there is little else that can be done of real value.
For social media upload images at 1000px on the longest edge, sRGB colour space (smallest and WEB appropriate, not best for printing), 70% image quality. This is more then enough to be enjoyed, but not so much that it could be used for much else!
I do upload at a higher resolution here on my site, because I want my images to shine, but still not full resolution!
Protect yourself - This is probably the most important
First thing I am going to say here is that I am NOT a legal expert, what I present here is from my research and my understanding of it. It may not apply to every country in the same way, so for your piece of mind, check out the rules for your own country!
In short this is our only real protection! Copyright is a law that protects ORIGINAL works of authorship. That means that as soon as you take a photo, it is AUTOMATICALLY covered by Copyright law (here is the US articles). It is yours! Having Copyright on your image (which you do) allows you to do 4 main things:
Reproduce the image
Display the image publicly
Make derivatives of the image
Distribute the image (sell, rent, lend, give)
So as long as your are the copyright owner (you can give it away and sell it or course) than you are the only person with the right to do the above.
It is not easy to prove infractions
But just because an image is automatically copyrighted, does not mean it is easy to prove infractions, so to that end I recommend you do the following 4 things in order to protect yourself:
I) State you have copyright for all works within on your website!
This is not concrete but is the first line of protection. If you know that this was the original and only source of the image, it reminds people that you have the copyright.
II) Put your copyright information into the image metadata.
Metadata is embedded text information in an image, and there is a section for copyright, so, put your name in it!!! This can be done in the import and/or export settings of your image processing software.
III) Watermarks
This was an interesting one for me, as I hated watermarks, especially the ones that go right across an image and basically ruin the image. In my opinion there was not point in those kind of marks, sure they will make it very difficult to use that image, but it ruins to an extent that defeats sharing it in the first place. I never saw the point in watermarks because the neat ones in unobtrusive places can be easily removed by cropping or healing in post. But after researching for this article, I have decided that I will start to incorporate them in my images (again). They do have a specific values!
They act as a business card. People will see the image and know it is yours!
IF someone takes your image and removes the watermark, this may make them liable to "statutory damages"!
In short, having the watermark means the person will have to remove it to use the image, and in doing so, they are intentionally ignoring your ownership.
IV) Keep RAW files
This is the final back-up and one you should do anyway. If there is every a dispute over ownership of an image the RAW files are another bit of evidence showing it is yours. All of the other sections can be removed, or ignored, but you having the RAW file is a strong argument. This is another reason why you should not share RAW files.
The law, like life, is never that simple. There are also some situations that allows people to use your copyrighted image without notifying you OR breaking the law. These situations are under the definition of "Fair use" which includes their use for education, research, personal or when it benefits the public good in some way! These do sound a bit scary, but after thinking about it, I was surprisingly OK with them... If one of my images is used for education or research, then I am OK with it. Same for if someone has one of my images as their computer desktop (it has happened a lot), I hope they find it inspirational. The one that I am least comfortable with is for 'public good', but I guess what determines public good is for the courts to decide! This is where having your images only in low resolution will limiting what people can do is so important!
What to do if you they steal it
This is a very personal section, so I will just give you my opinion.
Knowing what we know above, if someone takes your image to use for education, research, personal or the 'great good of humanity', I would probably ask them to credit me. I would hope that they would do that. But other than that, there is very little / nothing I can do legally speaking (this will probably depend on every countries laws too).
However, if someone is clearly using my images ONLINE for personal gain, I would take the following actions:
Take screen shots of any unauthorised use first and foremost. This is your proof of wrong-doing
Contact them directly seeking for them to remove immediately
Report the unauthorised use to their ISP/social media provider etc. This could lead to them being removed from the platform
Name and shame them online - I would want to ruin the reputation that they built off of my work
Realistically, there is little I could conceive to gain through legal action.
But If I found someone selling my work, or making a clear profit from it, then I would seek legal council.
This is where having your images only in low resolution will limiting what people can do is so important!
The bottom line
I upload images to your site and link them to social media as a preference.
Only upload images at a web viewable resolution. That is large enough to be enjoyed but too small to be used for anything significant. - 1000x pixels for social media. Since there are situations where people can use your images legally, this will limit what use they can have.
Make sure you have you display your ownership via copyright information in the metadata of your image and watermarking them (discretely).
Never upload anything you don't want anyone to take, because at the end of the day, nothing on the internet is safe.
Let me know what you think in the comments. How do you protect your images? Do you see a need to? Have you ever encountered anyone using your images without your consent?
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