#this is v long and is personal portrayal based
tildexart · 2 months
Hello again! Please elaborate on why you don’t like Bram Stokers Dracula (1992) I love hearing people go off and I think I’ll agree with your conclusion since I don’t like it either haha
HI thanks for sending this as an ask!! Here's a very long, convoluted response. Warning: it is not proofread.
So, the main reason I don't like Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) is because of accuracy. Now, I am completely fine when a book-to-film adaptation isn't a perfect recreation of the book (frankly thats impossible imo) but MAN does this adaptation do the original book injustice. The romance between Dracula and Mina?? The plot line about Dracula's dead wife? Renfield originally working with Harker?? MINA ATTEMPTING TO SEDUCE VAN HELSING???? Really, most of the injustice is done to Mina as a character. Book!Mina is such a strong, well written character. She is integral to the plot and to the book's structure (we would not have had all of the letters, newspaper clippings, and diary entries without her). The book itself states this with how often the Dude Squad (I think I got that title from an Overly Sarcastic Productions video, im going to keep using it) directly tell Mina that they could not have defeated Dracula without her. She is resilient, smart, and stands up for herself. 1992!Mina is not this. James V. Hart, who wrote the screenplay, took everything that made Mina Mina and created a stereotypical damsel character. It's a shame because I strongly believe that Winona Ryder could play a killer, book-accurate Mina Harker.
Speaking of who plays the characters... the cast is really hit or miss for me personally. I do think Winona Ryder and Anthony Hopkins are good picks (especially based off of the book portrayals) and I remember liking Cary Elwes as Arthur Holmwood. Tom Waits as Renfield is a pretty inspired choice ngl.
But. Keanu. Don't get me wrong, I love Keanu Reeves. I think he is great in Bill and Ted's and John Wick. But that's why it confuses me as to why he was cast in this film. He can't do the accent, he shows no emotion, and it sounds like he is remembering his lines as he says them. In fact, my family and I quote his lines in this film as a joke all the time ("Is the castle far?"). None of his former roles at the time implied that he would be a good Jonathan either.
I can't remember much of Gary Oldman's performance, I just know I didn't like it lmao. He made Dracula too suave when he's really just a Creature.
Note: in looking up the cast I was reminded that Richard E. Grant plays Seward and as a fan of Saltburn (2023) that is just. hilarious to me.
I only went into this movie because I was told I would like it because the production design was pretty. Honestly? It's not. The film is poorly lit and the costumes are questionably accurate. The few shots I can remember are for the wrong reasons- such as that One Scene with Lucy in the cemetery. I won't get into it much more, it makes me extremely uncomfortable, but its another instance of Bram Stoker's Dracula taking away everything that made the female characters interesting.
Honestly? The best thing I can say about this movie is that it included Quincey. He's my favorite and he usually doesn't make it to screen adaptations. I'm happy you're here buddy.
I think what infuriates me is the title. Bram Stoker's Dracula implies that this adaptation takes a lot from the book. It's not just Dracula, it's Bram Stoker's Dracula. It's like saying that this adaptation is the most faithful. But... it's not. Bram Stoker's Dracula takes more of it's inspiration from old Universal films and previous Dracula adaptations than it does from the actual book. Thats okay! I'm all for new interpretations of old stories. But if you're a new interpretation that changes half of the characters and plot, don't market said interpretation with the original authors name.
This is not Bram Stoker's Dracula, it's Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula.
Which, even then, this is weak for Coppola. I'm not a huge fan of his work (I've seen The Godfather and Apocalypse Now) but I can understand and appreciate why he is as influential as he is. I think his films are well written and beautifully shot. He has great casts who elevate the writing and make their characters memorable. This film goes against all of that and that bothers me so much. It feels like a cheap imitation of Coppola's work.
Anyway- that sums up my thoughts on Bram Stoker's Dracula. I reallt enjoyed writing this, as someone who wants to be a film historian but doesn't actually get to do film-deep dives this was pretty refreshing haha. Good reminder that this is a film blog, not a podcast one.
Feel free to ask me more about movies, especially if you like Dracula! I am of the opinion that there is no good adaptation of Dracula... but I have ideas on how to fix that so...
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grimowled · 21 days
can we have some info on your stolas? any special headcanons? how old is he? cis, trans, nonbinary? cloaca, cock, or stolas-ussy? give us some details! :)
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small disclaimer: there is a fair bit of canon divergence
in the mortal world stolas can morph at will into an human, a barn owl or a raven. when summoned via circle, however, he will initially appear in his eldritch demon form.
his eldritch demon form resembles a dire raven crossed with an owlbear.
given who stolas is in lore, mine is canon-divergent when it comes to age. he's young but not that young, so he's around 5000 years old. in my view hell years work differently from earth years, so it is entirely possible to go with the canon narrative that he is around 37 hell years old.
his birthday is november 11 so he is a scorpio
he is a hellborn demon, meaning he wasn't among the angels who fell with lucifer, but he is of angelic descent, as paimon's son.
apex predator: my default portrayal of stolas emphasises the shrewd, callous, manipulative and obsessive side of the demon prince, similar to the pilot, as well as the darker side of his infernal duties and insight into his powers and knowledge as an ars goetia.
courtship: stolas will use his great wealth to lavish gifts excessively, take you to see the stars, give spontaneous protection and stalk obsessively. if you're a sinner or a lower ranked demon, he may or may not attempt to coax you into making a deal to give him your soul, just so he can properly own you.
avian behaviours: these are usually curbed by the manners and etiquette he abides by. but generally speaking, stolas exhibits owl behaviours such as a variety of owl noises, feather preening, nipping and grooming others whom he's intimate with as a sign of affection.
on the mortal realm he prefers to be active at night time, the best time for sky gazing.
when it comes to food habits, he is omnivorous but his preference is an assortment of small animals that he swallows whole, unless he is in public or at a dinner party. he prefers his meat rare/raw.
he doesn't consume any dairy - he will opt for plant based varieties.
he really dislikes garlic.
owl features: he doesn't have any teeth in his default form, but has a sharp beak and a very long tongue.
stolas has excellent hearing and a well trained singing voice.
he can rotate his head to a maximum of 270 degrees in either direction, and he tilts it owlishly when he's particularly curious.
he is covered in coal-grey plumage, with white tufts on his chest and black tips on his tail and talons.
some parts of his body, like the palms of his hands, have tiny downy feathers - which is more like fur, but infinitely softer.
gender and sexuality: stolas identifies as a cis-male, and he is pansexual.
stolas has a cloaca by default, however he does not engage in a cloacal kiss for breeding as he does not deem it the most logistically efficient for that function in his form; he can therefore conjure a penile appendage to facilitate intercourse and breeding, and it will depend on his and his partner's preference whether he will do so or not.
unlike a regular avian cloaca, his own is a slit of folds between his thighs covered by a tuft of tiny downy feathers. it is capable of self-lubricating.
when conjured, his penis is long, slim and well proportioned to his lanky body. it is obviously featherless.
he is a power bottom-leaning switch.
lust is among his favourite sins for a reason - he does enjoy indulging in his cravings and desires.
he has a vast personal library of erotica, from art to novels.
kinks? he is old and has a few. just ask ;) praiseeeee
want to know what he's really like in the sheets? well, then get to work.
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twistedtummies2 · 25 days
ReCount: Top 31 Portrayals of Count Dracula
The day after tomorrow is World Dracula Day. For the occasion, I’m going to do a countdown of my personal five choices for the WORST portrayals of Dracula I’ve personally encountered. However, I’ve always believed in accentuating the positive: there are, in my opinion, more good Dracula portrayals than bad ones. Even if the adaptations and reimaginings themselves aren’t totally up to par, Dracula himself usually is enjoyable to watch, and there are PLENTY of versions to choose from.
With that said, it’s time for a ReCount of one of my largest lists: “Count-Down,” a month-long Event I held in October of 2021, where I ranked my Top 31 Favorite Portrayals of Count Dracula, along with a number of Honorable Mentions. A LOT has changed since I made that list: all across the board of the Top 31, different versions of Dracula have shifted place. Some that were on the list back then are no longer present now, and some that weren’t present then have moved in since. As for those that were there then, and are here now…nearly all of them have shifted positions in the ranks, for one reason or another. Times change and people with them, and revisiting some of these versions has given me new perspective, while renditions I didn’t know about at the time (or, in some cases, didn’t even EXIST at the time) have only added to the challenge of choosing.
With that in mind, it took a while to figure out where various takes on the Count really placed for me, overall, but I THINK the results here are - at least for the time being - the most honest and fair judgments I can give. With that in mind, allow me to present ReCount: My Top 31 Favorite Draculas (plus some Honorable Mentions).
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HONORABLE MENTIONS (Left to Right, Top to Bottom)
Adam Sandler & Brian Hull, from “Hotel Transylvania.”
Sandler famously voiced Dracula for the first three films in this animated franchise. Impressionist Brian Hull took over the role in the fourth feature. I know these cartoon comedies are really popular, and I have nothing in particular AGAINST them, but I’ve weirdly never really been THAT into them.
Alan Swift, from Mad Monster Party.
This Halloweentime production by Rankin/Bass features Swift in the role of SEVERAL famous monsters, as a whole band of Gothic icons join forces to try and steal a secret formula from Dr. Frankenstein, so they can - you guessed it - take over the world. Dracula is the leader of the monster horde, fittingly enough.
The Version from “Anno Dracula.”
I absolutely love this novel series, which blends historical fiction with Gothic Horror, and has many bizarre twists and turns. The premise focuses on an alternate universe where Dracula successfully manages to take over England, turning many of the population into vampires. While his role in the series is important, Dracula HIMSELF very rarely appears, so I didn’t think it was fair to give him a place in the ranks: it’s cool when he shows up, but the books are actually more interesting for other reasons beyond him.
Count Chocula.
Ah, yes, because if draining the blood of the innocent wasn’t evil enough, we now have vampires that give you diabetes. As iconic as this cereal mascot parody of the Count is, he’s not ACTUALLY Dracula, so I didn’t feel he counted…plus there’s just not much to say about him.
James Barbour, from Dracula: The Musical (2011 Studio Recording).
There have been several musical adaptations of Dracula. This one was the work of Frank Wildhorn, and is probably the most popular. None of them are all that great, in my opinion, but this one has some shining moments. Several people have played Dracula in this one, but Barbour’s performance on the 2011 Studio Recording is my favorite.
Kamran Nikhad, from V Rising.
This game only JUST came out, and I haven't played it yet (nor am I entirely certain if I ever will). As a result, I don't really feel comfortable placing its version of Dracula in the Top 31 yet. With that said, based on the lore of the game, the videos I've seen featuring the character, and Nikhad's absolutely bone-chillingly breathtaking vocal work, I see no reason why I can't give this version an Honorable Mention. In this game, Dracula is a tyrannical and highly intelligent vampire warlord, who proves a threat not only to humanity, but even to other monsters. He orchestrates things behind-the-scenes to try and regain his throne, with the player's ultimate goal being to destroy him once and for all.
King, from Kamen Rider Kiva.
This was the first Kamen Rider series I ever saw, and it’s probably my favorite (or, at least, second favorite). A Japanese superhero series inspired by classic Universal Monsters? How can I NOT love it? The main villain of the series is the mysterious King; while he’s never outright referred to as Dracula, that’s clearly who he is analogous to in this universe. Much like Count Chocula, I didn’t feel he actually counted for the main list, but he’s worth an Honorable Mention at least. He is played by Shinya Niiro.
Mark Hamill, from Mina and the Count.
Just like Count Chocula and King, this is another case of a vampire who isn’t TECHNICALLY Dracula, but is clearly a Dracula-inspired figure. There are two characters on the main countdown who are in the same vein, but generally speaking, I wanted to save the main countdown for ACTUAL versions of Dracula. In this series, Hamill plays “Count Vlad,” a vampire who ends up befriending a little mortal girl named Mina Harper. Shenanigans ensue.
Michael McCarthy, from…a completely different “Dracula: The Musical.”
Barbour’s Dracula from earlier was in the musical composed by Frank Wildhorn. McCarthy played Dracula for a PROPOSED stage musical, created by the musical trio of Evans, Orton, and Lynn. The musical had a concept album released, as well as a music video for the “big song” of the show, “Within My World,” wherein McCarthy performed in-character as the Count, costume and all. However, the show never got off the ground. Admittedly, I don’t think the musical was that great on the whole, but it’s still a shame.
Orson Welles, from the Mercury Theater Radio Production.
It’s Orson Welles as Dracula. I think that statement on its own explains why he’s so great. Weirdly enough, while I’ve gained more respect and admiration for this radio version on the whole since 2021, Welles’ Dracula has conversely dropped out of the running. He’s good, I just tend to think of many other Draculas more.
The Phantom Blot, from Disney’s Dracula, Starring Mickey Mouse.
I brought up this very weird reimagining multiple times in past lists, so you all know the basic gist of it by now. Disney has done this concept twice - first as a graphic novel, and later as a children’s storybook - and in both interpretations, the Phantom Blot plays the coveted role of the Count. I love the Blot, in general - one of Disney’s most underrated villains, in my opinion - but I think it’s more for his sake that I like his Dracula, than anything else.
Phil LaMarr, from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.
All I have to say here is…if you know, you know. XD A lot of people are probably sad I didn’t include this Dracula in the rankings, but trust me, he’s a funny one.
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CHOICES 31 - 26
31. The Count, from Sesame Street.
One of the two “not technically Draculas” I mentioned in the Honorable Mentions. To be honest, I could rank Count Von Count - my favorite Muppet character from Sesame Street - MUCH higher, if I really wanted to, because I really do love him a lot. However, I felt it was too much of a stretch placing him in the upper tiers, simply because while he’s clearly a parody of Dracula, he isn’t ACTUALLY Dracula, but more his own unique character. However, leaving him off the list completely seemed criminal, and I like him too much to just give him an Honorable Mention…so, compromises being what they are, I decided to place him on the countdown, but at the very bottom of the heap. “That’s one! One difficult problem to deal with! Ah-ah-ah!”
30. Gerard Butler, from Dracula 2000.
I’m still not a fan of this movie, and I doubt I ever will be, but I will say I enjoy both Christopher Plummer as Van Helsing and Butler’s Dracula in the film. The movie makes an intriguing (if rather bizarre) change to Dracula’s backstory, revealing that he is actually Judas Iscariot, and his revulsion towards Holy artifacts is due to his past.
29. Hamilton Camp, from Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf.
One of the few “Funny Draculas” on this countdown, and a personal childhood favorite of mine. In this animated special, Dracula changes Shaggy into a werewolf and forces him to participate in an annual race between all of the famous monsters. If Shaggy wins, he’ll be turned back to normal, but if he loses, he’ll remain a werewolf - and Dracula’s servant - forever. It’s basically a spooky version of Wacky Races with Dracula as Dick Dastardly.
28. Rudolf Martin, from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
I know next to nothing about Buffy the Vampire Slayer: I’ve only seen two whole episodes of the show, along with a few assorted, scattered clips. One of the two is “Buffy vs. Dracula.” A lot of people apparently dislike this episode, which depicts Dracula as a sort of self-aware “vampire celebrity” who buys too much into his own hype, but I actually think this was a fun interpretation. Martin would later play the real-life Vlad Dracula - one of the inspirations for the fictional vampire - in the TV movie “Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula.” I doubt this was a coincidence of casting.
27. Francis Lederer, from Return of Dracula.
This film came out the same year as Hammer’s “Horror of Dracula,” and it’s not hard to see why one is more well-remembered than the other. While much of this film is honestly rather dry and dull, Lederer really delivers as a decidedly creepy, unsettling take on the Prince of Darkness, and gets a pretty great death scene to boot.
26. The Version from “Return of Evil.”
This teen novel is the first of a series of stories where the famous Universal Monsters get “zapped” into the real world to cause havoc. While the book is overall pretty decent, and actually has some legitimately scary moments, I feel that the portrayal of Dracula HIMSELF is a bit…confused. As a result, I no longer rank this version as highly as I once did.
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CHOICES 25 - 21
25. John Carradine, from Various.
Carradine played Dracula in no less than four films, as well as onstage. While his work was always good, the actual movies he appeared in were less than stellar: in “House of Frankenstein” his Dracula is thanklessly killed off before the end of the first act. In “House of Dracula,” he plays a slightly larger role, and is shown as a more sympathetic character - seeking a cure for his bloodlust - but is still destroyed (quite anticlimactically, I should add) around two-thirds of the way through the picture. The comedy film “Nocturna” is just plain bizarre, and the infamously terrible “Billy the Kid vs. Dracula” is widely regarded as one of those classic “so bad it’s good” type of movies. Had he been given better material to work with, Carradine could have ranked much higher.
24. Vlad Garfunkel, from Phantom in the Twilight.
In this anime/manga series, Count Dracula - going by the alias “Vlad Garfunkel” - has reformed and become the leader of a group of monsters, or “Umbra,” who work to protect humanity from more evil creatures - sort of a Gothic Horror/Dark Fantasy version of the X-Men. (And no, in case you’re wondering, I don’t know why the Count would choose a name like “Garfunkel” as his pseudonym.) The franchise is interesting, but unfinished; both the manga and the anime end on cliffhangers and leave a LOT of unanswered questions behind, and this “pretty boy” Dracula is admittedly a little hard to swallow at times. Overall, however, not bad stuff.
23. Javier Botet, from The Last Voyage of the Demeter.
Described as a sort of cross between “Nosferatu” and “Alien,” this horror film focuses on the tragic misadventures of the crew aboard the Demeter - the ship Dracula takes to get from Transylvania to England. Over the course of the movie, Dracula picks off the crew one by one, killing and/or transforming them as he rations them off. While the movie is admittedly flawed, it’s not necessarily bad, and this more monstrous version of Dracula is an intriguingly frightful interpretation.
22. Richard Roxburgh, from Van Helsing.
A ludicrously over-the-top movie with an equally ludicrously over-the-top Dracula: you can’t say the style and the performance don’t match. Roxburgh’s Dracula isn’t well-regarded by many people, but I personally enjoy this version a lot, even if at times he’s unintentionally hilarious in his hamminess.
21. Chris Sarandon, from TMNT (2012).
This Dracula appears as the secondary antagonist of a four-part story arc, wherein the TMNT encounter several of the classic Universal Monsters. If that concept isn’t good enough, the fact Dracula is designed to have the likeness of Bela Lugosi only adds to the enjoyment factor. And if that’s STILL not enough, then the fact his voice actor is Chris Sarandon - Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King, himself! - doing a Lugosi impression should hopefully seal the deal on why he’s so great. If Dracula had been THE main antagonist of this arc, I think he could have ranked even higher.
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CHOICES 20 - 16
20. Nicolas Cage, from Renfield.
Nic Cage has long been a fan of Dracula, and the Count one of his dream roles. You can be darn sure his chance to actually play the King of the Vampires was a treat to watch. In some ways, his performance reminds me of Richard Roxburgh’s, except in this case the humor is entirely planned. At the same time, his Dracula is legitimately menacing and scary. Cage apparently studied various other past performers to help sink into the role, and it works well: you can see little dollops of other Draculas in his work, but it’s still 100% his own take on the character. I honestly feel bad for not ranking him any higher.
19. Zhang Wei-Qiang, from Dracula: Pages From a Virgin’s Diary.
Again, in this combination of surrealist/Expressionist silent film and dance movie, all of the male characters are depicted in a negative light. Dracula himself is no exception, but there is some interesting ambiguity there: in the film, the so-called “heroes” all hate Dracula less because he’s a vampire, and more for petty and repugnant reasons. One hates him because he’s richer than they are, one because he’s more sexually attractive, one because he’s a foreigner, etc. While Dracula is still the villain, the heroes aren’t exactly good people either: they’re prejudiced and perverse, which blurs the line on who the real monster of the story is.
18. The Marvel Version.
I’m specifically talking about the actual comics here, because - as a future list will show - most adaptations of Marvel’s Dracula are…well…not that great. The comic version, however, is actually a pretty interesting character, riding a fine line between villain and anti-hero, as he’s been the protagonist of stories almost as often as the antagonist. Tie this into the fact he’s faced the likes of Dr. Strange, Spider-Man, and Blade (who was actually introduced in Dracula’s title series, “The Tomb of Dracula”), and it’s pretty clear why he’s awesome. 
17. The Version from “Fate.”
In English this take is voiced by Ray Chase; in Japanese he's played by one Ryotaro Okiayu. In the Fate universe, the ties between the real-life Vlad Dracula and the fictional Count are toyed with in a very unique way. In the anime “Fate/Apocrypha,” it’s Vlad III who is summoned to participate in the Holy Grail War, but has the power to physically transform into the legendary vampire. In the game “Fate/Grand Order,” Vlad can be summoned in two different forms: one depicts him as being Count Dracula from Stoker’s novel, while the other is his true self, Vlad the Impaler. In all three of these cases, the relationship the real Vlad has with his literary counterpart, whose name and myth he helped inspire, is…complicated, to say the least.
16. Al Lewis, from The Munsters.
The highest ranking “Funny Dracula” of the bunch (since I placed The Count from Sesame Street far lower). Lewis’ Dracula - typically referred to simply as “Grandpa” - is more like a combination of a mad scientist and a kooky vaudeville magician than anything from Bram Stoker, but he’s certainly a lot of fun to watch.
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CHOICES 15 - 11
15. Christian Camargo, from Penny Dreadful.
After being teased for two seasons, Dracula pops up in the third and final season of “Penny Dreadful” as the main antagonist. In the series, Dracula is depicted as the brother of Lucifer himself, and desires the main character - Vanessa Ives - as his Bride, hoping to use her in a plan to, of course, take over the world. The show was rife with darkly Gothic melodrama, as the title implies, but Camargo’s Dracula subverts this: a subtle, sinister, manipulative villain with a silver tongue, whose understated demeanor belies intense power and menace. A surprising and intriguing interpretation.
14. Frank Langella, from the 1979 Film.
When I did this countdown back in 2021, for the first time, Langella’s Dracula ranked MUCH further down. Having revisited the film since, I sincerely have no idea WHY I maligned the movie, or his Dracula, as much as I did. While not perfect, the movie is much better than I remembered, and his Dracula much more impressive: a suave, slick, sympathetic, but still sinister take on the vampire with all the necessary gravity the role requires. I am pleased to now place him in my Top 15.
13. Jack Palance, from the 1973 Film.
Palance’s Dracula was the first of several kinds: he’s the first Dracula to make a direct connection between the fictional vampire and the real-life Vlad the Impaler. He’s the first to be depicted as overtly romantic, seeking the reincarnation of his long-lost bride. And while he is not necessarily the first to be presented in a sympathetic light, he is the first where that sympathy is highly focused upon, making him into a more tragic figure. While not an obvious casting choice, Palance plays Count Dracula excellently, giving him both the elegance of his noble title and a warrior’s vicious ferocity.
12. Klaus Kinski, from Nosferatu the Vampyre.
As of now, there are three remakes of Nosferatu. One is still upcoming, as I type this, starring Bill Skarsgard as the vampire. Another was finished just a couple of years ago, starring Doug Jones as the Count, but has yet to be publicly released. (Perhaps if/when I see both of those, this whole countdown will change again.) The very first was “Nosferatu the Vampyre,” which featured Klaus Kinski as a more sympathetic, but still grotesque, interpretation of the undead Transylvanian. Kinski’s Dracula isn’t a romantic figure, but instead is depicted a lonely, outcast creature who is driven by urges he cannot control; he doesn’t WANT to be a monster, but he HAS to be, which makes for an interesting interpretation.
11. Willem Dafoe, from Shadow of the Vampire.
This was the other version, along with Count Von Count, who I mentioned technically doesn’t actually count (ha ha) as Dracula. However, under the circumstances, I felt this one was worthy of higher placement. In “Shadow of the Vampire,” Willem Dafoe plays “Schreck” - a real-life vampire who coincidentally shares the same name as the actor Max Schreck, and is thus cast under this pretense in the role of Count Orlok in “Nosferatu.” While the film establishes Dracula/Orlok to be a fictional creation, Dafoe is nevertheless playing that character at the end of the day, given the premise, and he does so brilliantly.
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CHOICES 10 - 6
10. Duncan Regehr, from Monster Squad.
In this 1980s cult-classic - a sort of combo of “Ghostbusters” and “The Goonies” - a group of teenaged heroes have to face Dracula and several of the other Universal Monsters, when the villains plan to - of course - take over the world. I'm not really sure WHY I love this particular Dracula so much, I just...kind of do. Regehr’s Count is just the right level of over-the-top in the film. Much like Nic Cage and Richard Roxburgh, he’s hammy, yet still manages to have menace and power, and is quite the snazzy dresser to boot!
9. Louis Jourdan, from the 1977 BBC TV Film.
Aside from his role as Dracula in this 1970s BBC production, Jourdan is probably most famous for playing the main villain of the James Bond movie “Octopussy.” So, if you ever wondered what Dracula would be like as a Bond Villain, you’ll basically get it here. Jourdan is debonair, dashing, and deviously devilish, with a coldness and an unsettling calmness that even some of the best Draculas lack.
8. David Suchet, from the 2006 BBC Radio Production.
As usual, not pictured here in costume, because this is a radio version…but I’ll safely say, in this image, one could almost believe it. ANYWAY, Suchet played both Dracula and Van Helsing within the same year, both times for the BBC. In a TV film adaptation he played the vampire hunter, while in this radio version he takes the role of the Count. This is probably one of the most book-accurate takes on Dracula I’ve ever encountered, audio-based or not. Suchet’s work is often overshadowed by Tom Hiddleston’s appearance as Jonathan Harker in this audio play; he’s definitely worthy of more praise.
7. Peter Stormare, from The Batman vs. Dracula.
Inspired by (though not directly based upon) the “Batman & Dracula” Trilogy of graphic novels, this film (set in the universe of the early 2000s animated series “The Batman”) reveals that, after being destroyed by Van Helsing and his allies, Dracula’s remains were shipped off to America, and wound up buried in the middle of Gotham City. When he’s accidentally resurrected by Penguin, Dracula begins a reign of terror, transforming various characters - including the Joker himself - into “Lost Ones”: ghoulish vampires under his command, as he plans to take over the entire city. Interestingly, Stormare would later appear as a totally different vampire, subservient to Dracula, in Netflix’s “Castlevania” animated series. It was weird to see Dracula chewing himself out there, let me tell you…
6. Gary Oldman, from the 1992 Film.
Oldman is to many people nowadays what performers like Christopher Lee and Bela Lugosi were to many audiences of yesteryear: I don’t think any version of Dracula SINCE Oldman’s has been quite as influential and almost universally enjoyed as his. While I do enjoy his performance, and the movie in general, I can’t say it’s one of the first versions that comes to my mind when I think of Dracula, so I therefore don’t feel I can rank this one in my Top 5. Sorry, Lord Shen.
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5. Max Schreck, from Nosferatu.
Often imitated, but never duplicated. The true “OG” Dracula. There’s really not much to say about “Count Orlok” from this silent classic: it’s one of the most iconic and influential versions of the character ever put to the screen, and almost stands in a league of its own. While the silent film itself has some elements that haven’t aged all that well (the movie IS over a full century old now, no joke), Schreck’s work as this repulsive spook is still more than laudable.
4. Alucard, from Hellsing.
I used to say Alucard was one of my Top 3 takes on Dracula, but upon revisitation, I no longer think that’s fair: I just don’t quote him, reference him, or generally think about him as often as the three I’ve placed above him in the ranks. I will, however, still contend that he is one of the scariest versions of the character out there (which is especially impressive, since he’s the main “hero” of this series), and in my opinion the single most unique Dracula of the whole lot: it’s hard to think of a version that does everything this one does, and yet STILL feels like Dracula at the end of the day. Kudos to his voice actors: Jouji Nakata in Japan, and ESPECIALLY Crispin Freeman in English dubs.
3. The Version from Castlevania.
There are no less than three separate continuities for the Castlevania series, and Dracula is a constant figure in all of them…and in all of them, he’s pretty awesome. The “Classic” era, as I like to call it, has evolved over the years, and Dracula with it: starting off as a straightforward villain but gaining more layers and complexities (perhaps a few TOO many complexities, one could argue) as the series went on. Interestingly, Crispin Freeman - Alucard, our previous pick - somewhat recently got to play this version of Dracula in remastered versions of the games “Rondo of Blood” and “Symphony of the Night,” as well as the game “Dracula X Chronicles.” In the “Lords of Shadow” reboot trilogy, Dracula is reimagined as an anti-heroic protagonist, voiced by Rumpelstiltskin himself, Robert Carlyle. My personal favorite version of him was the Animated Series, voiced by Graham McTavish…who, incidentally, appeared in the aforementioned TMNT “Universal Monsters” story arc, playing the demon Savanti Romero. I’m a huge fan of Castlevania and its take on Dracula, and I reference these games and this take on the Count pretty frequently: it didn’t take long for me to realize this version earned placement in my Top 3.
2. Bela Lugosi, from the 1931 Film and Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein.
Lugosi may seem somewhat “hokey” by today’s standards, but there’s no denying that he is almost inarguably the most iconic version of Dracula: anytime someone does a Dracula impression, or a Dracula parody, or dresses in a Dracula Halloween costume, it’s Lugosi they pay homage to before all others. It’s fair to say that no other Dracula is quite as recognizable, even if you haven’t seen either of his appearances onscreen, and for that reason above all others, he earns high marks for me.
1. Christopher Lee, from Various.
I could go into great detail about everything I love about Christopher Lee’s Dracula, because there’s a LOT I could say, but I’m gonna make this as short and as sweet as I can: in my opinion, Lee is the DEFINITIVE Dracula. Considering the fact he played the Prince of Darkness anywhere between ten and fourteen times, depending on how you count, with one of those occasions being (so far) the ONLY Dracula in film to resemble the character Stoker describes in the novel almost identically…yeah. I think it’s hard to argue AGAINST that fact, personally, whether he’s one’s favorite or not. Given the man’s…COMPLICATED relationship with the role, I doubt he’d necessarily be happy to hear it…but Christopher Lee is, nevertheless, My Favorite Dracula.
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ursafootprints · 10 months
E, I, M, V, Y
Aaaaaa you spoil me!!!
E: What character do you identify with most? Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
HMMM I don't think there's a "most" necessarily! Neither Tony nor Peter is a character I super identify with just on the face of things, but there are individual traits that they have that I resonate with-- Tony's "gotta fix it (alone)" attitude, Peter's dorkiness and "gotta prove myself" drive, but those traits are expressed very differently in those characters than for me, haha.
The things that I identify most with for them in my fics are things that I put there through my various Situations rather than stuff they reflect in canon, lmao. I identify more with Peter in YNYD and with Tony in the Starkercest saga!
I: How many fandoms have you written in? Do you have a favorite?
Oh I counted this up one time! Assuming I'm not missing any from the actual fics/accounts being long lost to time, I've written for 14~16 fandoms:
Detective Conan
Fullmetal Alchemist
Gundam Wing
The Outsiders (S.E. Hinton)
Cardcaptor Sakura
X/1999 (unposted)
Eyeshield 21
Ookiku Furikabutte (unposted)
Everything on that list that isn't MCU or The Outsiders is an anime/manga of widely varying levels of obscurity, haha. My favorite original work on the list is Cardcaptor Sakura, but my favorite fandom experience has been y'all here in Starker fandom! :P
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with? Did it turn into a story?
The weirdest AU I've ever come up with/written was the Tokyo Babylon-Starker fusion that @shivanessa and I are collaborating on! Because they drew some Peters and Tonys in the style of early CLAMP and I was immediately possessed by CLAMP Starker brainworms.
TB is a manga from the 90s written by CLAMP about a teenage medium tackling supernatural cases in Tokyo while being romanced by a kind and flirtatious much-older man… who secretly has very dark intentions for him. I might be the only person in the world that it appeals to but I am excited for it to be posting-ready!
V: Are there certain comments you’ve received on your stories that have stuck with you?
Any time a reader has told me that my portrayal of trauma felt resonant/especially realistic/cathartic based on their own experiences-- it's one of those things where obviously I'm sad for anyone to have to have that in common with me, but I also know how important and special it can feel when you read something that really resonates with your own experiences, too, so I'm always very touched by those comments.
(Also, any time I end up writing a paragraph or straight-up essay of meta in response to a comment it means that they said something that I grabbed and ogled and rotated in my mind in delight, so those ones, too!)
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Y: What are your thoughts on your personal satisfaction with something you’ve written vs. the popularity of your stories? Do you tend to be most satisfied with your most popular stories?
It varies by fandom! I'm pretty much equally satisfied with everything I've written for Starker-- there's always stuff that I feel like I did really well, and stuff that I feel I could've executed better-- so it's a moot point there. But for Eyeshield 21, there for a while my most popular fic on that account by far was something I wrote when I was 13 and had only posted for archival reasons/a fun little stroll down memory lane, and until my multichap for the same ship overtook it I was a little jealous of my 13-year-old self!
Thank youuuu for all the questions! 😭💖💖💖😭
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lindszeppelin · 4 months
In the press for MOTA (and even a little for D2), Austin often references how out of it and lost he was when he was in London. He even talks in one interview about how he doesn’t remember filming some of the scenes in MOTA.
We all knew he had a tough time “coming out” of his Elvis portrayal, but these interviews I think shed a bit more light on just how scrambled up he really was.
This is the exact time frame when the situationship would have been established. And I bet to him and his camp it seemed like a pretty great idea at the time — low stress, harmless, straightforward. It seemed like it would protect him from questions about V (and it did) and allow him to spend time with someone on mutually agreed upon terms. But…
“When you’re lost, people take advantage.” (Actual dialogue from the Elvis movie.)
Now I am NOT suggesting that he isn’t responsible for his own life and choices. He’s an adult so it’s all ultimately up to him. But based on his facial expressions and body language in the past weeks (months really), it’s quite evident that he is NOT feeling the benefit of being tied to this situation. And I wonder if he had it to do all over again if he would make a different decision. Of course we will never know.
But I suspect he has utterly soured on this aspect of fame and will want nothing more to do with such an arrangement. Or at least not one like this. Apart from the initial shield from speculation about V or another relationship, he’s gotten absolutely nothing back from this. She appears to be too young and spoiled to be anything but a complete drain. In fact, except for Cannes I don’t recall ever seeing her even look excited to be supporting him. I’m not saying I know for sure but from the parts that are visible she just does NOT give off warmth. She gives off needy and self-involved. The most disappointing example of this was Lisa Marie’s funeral. I would bet money that it was not long after that (which was after the Golden Globes), that the whole mess started to feel off to him. Death has a way of cutting through the bullshit. But, of course, the fog of awards season wouldn’t be the time to process that.
It’s so very frustrating to see him stuck in this contract, but I am hoping that when he is finally cut loose, he can actually spend some time in the kind of seclusion/privacy he genuinely wants.
I’ve been thinking about this a lot. But I’m also moving this week so I’m insane and haven’t even had time to watch episode 5. There’s more in my head but I just had to stop and take the time to share this much with you Linds.
god MJ i love you and your messages like these, i enjoy them every single time because you provide so much beautiful nuance and depth to your comments. ugh it's so good. and like always i agree with everything you said. we be on the same wavelength like that lol.
that elvis quote you dropped too was PERFECT. like literally, Elvis himself got mixed up with people who were not good for him but he was trapped. and people come through and try to say austin isn't trapped. then what do you call a man who has had no spark in his eyes for the last year+, looking morose every time he is with her, forced to be her pap puppet while she knows he hates being papped, etc? the only time austin feels happy is when he is with his costars and his friends that he loves. but when with her it's like the soul gets sucked out of him and he's mentally somewhere else while his body just goes through the motions. robotic and predictable.
and yes him and kaia met around that time he had finished filming MOTA. this man was barely in hospital for a week before flying over to London and being thrust into a new environment, new characters, new people. these shippers are too young and inexperienced to know how a person who goes through that much stress and quick change can be in a fog for a long time. plus yes, he didn't have to answer anything Qs about vanessa since he was already dating kaia when they were first papped after a gym session.
also let's not forget that this man was put through award season, grueling and 10x more stress for his oscar campaign. all of the events he attended in 2022/2023 were for Elvis and his Oscar nomination. that's an entirely different kind of PR he would be thrust into that he never experienced before. and yes of course while he agreed to do it in the beginning when it was new and different, clearly their dynamic changed and it's never been the same.
but one day when he is able to walk away from it, we will see an entirely vibrant and new austin. i swear to god this man will be totally reborn. it gives the energy of nicole kidman pumping her fits in the air excitedly after divorcing tom cruise lol.
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legendheroes · 1 year
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Welcome, this blog is full on delusional and crossover art/stuff between the Digimon TV series protags. Ah, and stuff from that peculiar XW AU setting i didn't shut up about on my artblog last year LOL.
Expect chaos and shitposts here. Also some canon divergence because some series i didn't rewatch for a long long time ago.
There's only love and unhinged energy here. Daisuke might be present in most of those because yeah, i love this kiddo a lot.
I won't tolerate any series/game/manga hate in this space. If you don't like any of them, please unfollow/block me instead.
Askblog → @tomorrows2top Artblog → @digitalgate02
Call me Ni (she/they), btw. Please be over 18+ to follow this blog, since some stuff might be not recommended for minors (mostly language, i don't draw/write NFSW/smut stuff). And don't steal or edit my stuff please! If you don't agree with my headcanons or ideas please politely block or mute this account 💦 I accept fact checking/corrections, but as long they're done in a non-passive-aggressive or non-mockery sense. And yeah, my English my not be perfect as well (and i can only read kanji and so little stuff in Japanese, having to double check stuff with friends with better skills than mine orz)
Blog status: Currently on depression season + trying to work on a few personal projects (YPD is one of them)
↓ Some important things to be said regarding asks are below the cut ↓
I won't write/draw AUs or Stories/Fanfictions, OCs or even headcanons/theories from other people. Even the old ones i've collaborated with i prefer to not touch them again (because, i lost contact with people and also lost all the posts/details of them )
Please avoid sending me many of "what do you think of [X]" questions because sometimes those kiiiinda make me get no idea what to answer, or perhaps i've been answered/posted something related to it before. Even so, if you would like to send one of those, first check if i hadn't answered it or something similar to it first!
At this moment, this blog is me being delusional about the AU thingy on the pinned post. Most of those posts might be about them.
My memory is foggy about certain series, so if i end up misremembering something... Yeah, please contact me asap.
I know i've said this on countless accounts but, I have little to zero knowledge of the American dub, so my portrayal/answers/headcanons/etc are all based on the original Japanese version and sometimes stuff borrowed from the BRPT dub (which is mostly the same as the original JP for most of the series -- except Fusion). So please, don't assume that I had watched the US dub or that I am American.
My stance on the digimon (monsters) are that there's more than one of each species within the multiverse. So, Daisuke's V-mon/Magnamon, OG & Reboot Taichis' Agumon/Omegamon and Takato's Guilmon/Dukemon are not related to the Royal Knights.
I will follow all canon material if possible when working with canon versions of the characters, BUT only what i can work with. If something gets in conflict with the main TV series (Adv99-02-Tamers-Frontier-Savers-XW-Appmon-Adv2020-GG) i will reject the contradictions and use only the stuff not affected or influenced by it. Basically playing with the idea the events we know in certain media are played differently in-universe, adopted from Pixiv Dictionary. Explained better by Shiha in this post here.
I don't like passive-aggressiveness. If you have something to correct in my posts, please do it politely.
Usual common etiquette -- No hatred towards people's religions, sexual/romantic orientation, gender (or lack of), PoC, ethnicities, etc. I won't hesitate to block if needed.
Do not edit my art or repost it. If you wanna use it as an icon/sidebar, ask first. And no, you cannot use my art on A/I & N/F/T for ANYTHING. If you do that, I will block you immediately.
If you like, ship them in the age of the AU setting, please don't ship the adults with the minors. I beg you to not tag me in anything suggestive about 20yo!Daisuke/Tagiru. Please. (however i do accept any adult Daisuke/Takato and adult Takuya/Daisuke SFW content.)
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baishouqijia · 1 year
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#𝖇𝖆𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖖𝖎𝖏𝖎𝖆 independent PANTALONE  of the FATUI HARBINGERS ( genshin impact ). headcanon-based portrayal until canon confirms otherwise. themes of violence, adult content and spoilers. minors do not interact. by dima. ⓒ
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BLOGROLL: @capitaneus ✦ @knayv ✦ @kohlapsar
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I. no homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, harassment etc. i do not reblog callouts unless the individual is genuinely harmful (i.e. behaviour related to those listed), rather than being called out for personal grievances. you are welcome to block the tag 'callout /' for this purpose.
II. i do not interact with minors. if you are a minor, i ask that you do not interact with me or this blog. i cannot guarantee that this blog will remain sfw, therefore this is a blanket rule.
III. pantalone is a villain, and i don't intend to shy away/soften him up, so dark topics may be present. i do not write incest, nsfw involving minors or sexual violence - i'm okay with these topics being included in a character's backstory but will not be writing these explicitly.
i do write nsfw headcanons/nsfw themes in my threads. this may include sexual content and explicit gore / violence, with my rp partner's consent.
as an aside, i appreciate that a lot of people enjoy the villain/victim dynamic but please don't reach out to write with me if you're only focused on tragedy/victim plot for your muse. it's very one-sided for development, and i get very little enjoyment from writing it. i want to explore pantalone as his own person, and not as a plot device.
IV. please specify muse before interacting with me if you are a multi-muse. i'm also original character friendly, so long as there's a viable way for pantalone to interact with your muse.
V. please check out headcanon tags before interacting! pantalone has little canon information so will be reliant on these. some are supported by canon lore, some of these will just be based on pure vibes alone.
my pantalone uses he/they pronouns and i use them interchangeably.
VI. this blog will be low activity. i work full time in a demanding job, so please don't interact with me if you need fast replies to maintain a muse. i am quite responsive ooc, but when it comes to writing, you will just have to take my word for it that i am worth the wait ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ
VII. shipping is very cool and i am open to it! i ship with both genshin and non-genshin muses, and occasionally ocs. i prefer headcanoning more than actual writing due to my writing speed, but i am still interested! i prefer shipping with chemistry rather than what's considered canon, and i'm generally singleship but this is not a hard rule. i’m also poly friendly.
ship bias: dottore, capitano, childe, yelan, tsaritsa, pierro
all others are welcome to explore, no hard feelings if it doesn't work out c:
VIII. i'd appreciate it if you didn't use heavy metaphors / poetry in our threads. absolutely no hate or anything, i just find it very difficult to understand what the characters are actually doing in this writing style. i also ask that you don't use real life face claims in our threads; i write characters who do not have irl images so it feels very space jam.
IX. i write muses without knowing most of their lore from in-game text because i am lazy. i play genshin daily, but most of it the lore supplied by youtube/wiki because i genuinely cba going through all of the texts in game to get pantalone crumbs. if i write something incorrect to canon, like hideously wrong, feel free to let me know. chances are i just didn't read the small print.
X. i go by dima or vodka! i'm 28 and use they/them. i'm a hobbyist artist and i love fantasy, liches in particular. i will draw our muses whether u like it or not. my dms are open, feel free to ask for my discord, or genshin uid if you play on EU!
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grieverled-moved · 1 year
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                                                                      𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 . . .
i.           This is an   Independent  &  Extremely Private   roleplay blog for   Squall Leonhart   from   Final Fantasy VIII  /  Kingdom Hearts. I am incredibly selective in who I choose to write with for personal comfort.
             18+  will be the age for following  &  interacting for normal interactions, but anything delving into darker more adult in nature, will only be done with others that are   21+  WHO I TRUST.    I will not interact with Minors.
ii.           Both Squall  &  the series itself deal heavily with mentions of war  &  its after effects. There are also mentions of existentialism, depression, child soldiers  &  darker, more mature themes revolving around death & memory loss. If you’re uncomfortable with anything mentioned, I highly advise you not to follow or interact with me. I will issue warnings  /  make sure to tag things accordingly, but I plan to explore each faucet of his character  &  story to the fullest, including all the darker aspects as respectfully as I can manage. That being said, anything portrayed is purely fictional  &  does not correlate with my own beliefs. I am not my Muse.
iii.           I am fine with Mains  —  but not Exclusives. A main is someone whose lore is either greatly tied to or heavily influences my own, but I will always adhere to fit another’s world-building in the event it’s preferred over following my own. Anyone that’s been a mutual for a long enough while, has written with me for more than a handful of threads or talked to me a fair amount out of character can ASK ME to be my Main  &  are more then welcome to tie-in or take from my lore for their own muse if we have Verses developed for them or plans to make one.
              The reason I am uncomfortable with practicing Exclusives is I personally find it incredibly limiting  &  have had one too many bad experiences in the past regarding it.
iv.          On the topic of Mains  —  threads  &  asks with my Mains will always be prioritized as they’re the interactions I feel most at ease answering.
v.            I do not participate in drama. I hardly involve myself in things of that nature unless it’s truly serious. What I mean by that is if a mun actively displays behaviour that is dangerous or abusive ( displays obsessive behaviour / goes out of their way to follow or harass others, homophobia / transphobia / racism / pedophilia, etc. ), it is obviously serious  &  needs to be discussed. But other things ( miscommunication, etc. ) should be addressed privately. If you bring up issues like that about a third party with me, I will ignore it  &  cut contact.
              IF THE SITUATION CALLS FOR IT   —  I will of course make an informed decision privately  &  decide whether I will cease interactions or not. If I have a problem with someone, typically I’ll block  &  cut contact  &  I expect the same in return. If I see Mutuals participating in call out posts to a degree where it starts to become uncomfortable  —  I will also cut contact. This is a hobby, once again  —  so I’d prefer to keep the stress out of it for my own sanity.
vi.            Regarding personal blogs, reblog spam  &  non-Mutuals.  Please do not reblog my RP threads unless you are my RP partner. Do not reblog my written headcanon posts either, as those are based purely off my own portrayal  &  his dynamics built with other muns  &  their portrayals. Doing so will result in a hard block as I am incredibly protective of what content I make for my portrayal of Squall  &  Leon. I am fine with liking so long as it’s not excessive  &  taking over a chunk of my notifications, but reblogging closed threads or any of my written headcanon posts will result in a hard block.
vii.          I am NOT an rp resource blog —  it bothers me when people only follow with me to grab things for their own blogs. Please do not reblog askmemes / musings / aesthetic  posts directly from me in excess. Reblog it from the source directly if you’re able to!  It clogs my notifications, so ignorance of that will result in cut contact if it’s been done one too many times. As for reblog Karma, I don’t practice it. I want interactions to be born from genuine interest, not because it feels like the other party needs to.
                                                                     𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘 . . .
i.              I am highly private  &  highly selective. This is for my own comfort, please also understand that I am also not obligated to respond / answer all asks sent my way. This is a hobby,  &  purely done for fun. If this rule is forgotten, a hard block will follow. I will also not have the Anon function on for that reason.
ii.               I don’t have any triggers to watch out for, but I will still take care to tag the common ones. If you are a mutual of mine who needs anything specifically tagged, please let me know through DMs so I am made aware what to tag in the future.
iii.             For other muns who also write Squall! I love Duplicates / Twins! I am always willing to make a twin verse or create one for Mutuals who share the same muse. I’m a firm believer that each portrayal is different, unique to the mun writing them  &  bringing them to life, so please know that my blog is safe to poke for twin shenanigans or to follow.
iv.              I am also Multimuse friendly! Though for Original Characters, while I am open to interactions, I am highly selective  —  please have an about page / post / Google doc available to look over as it helps me tremendously in learning about your muse.  If one is not present, I likely won’t follow back.
v.              I am open to crossovers, but I am also very selective in what I choose to tackle. I don’t normally mind giving them a try so long as I’m familiar with the fandom / mun / muse  &  said mun is patient with me.
vi.               If you see me interacting with a character you also write, please don’t assume I won’t want to interact. Each portrayal is different  &  I adore meeting new muns  &  seeing their take on a character. No two portrayals are ever the same  &  I’m always down to interact.
                                                                               𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 . . .
i.             My Portrayal of Squall is  Demiromantic  /  Demisexual, but he is also Bi-Oriented. This means he only feels  Romantic / Sexual  attraction towards someone he’s developed a very strong bond with. A very strong connection usually comes first before there’s any sort of attraction.
ii.              My blog is a multi-ship one  &  I’m always down to try anything within reason. I love exploring all sorts of dynamics  &  giving rarepairs a try  —  they just need to be within comfort for me  &  we need to communicate ooc at least a little, but if you’d like to shoot  —  I am always open to discuss a ships potential!
Talk to me & be direct is all I ask about what kind of relationship you want with Squall — I am not a mind-reader & only hinting or vagueing, expecting me to catch on that you want to ship without telling me about it will fly right over my head otherwise.
For ships — each role-player has their own universe  &  my Muse is always faithful to whomever he’s in a relationship with. I have zero tolerance for possessiveness or jealousy shown ooc. It is a huge trigger of mine to be restricted in such a way so please be mindful of that or you will be hard blocked.
iii.             Forcing a ship is an instant way for me to cut contact  &  cease interactions altogether. Squall will not immediately jump into a ship with your muse. He will need time to get to know the other muse, even if they are someone he’s generally paired with. Portrayals won’t always click, so unless it’s been discussed  &  plotted in private beforehand, I won’t jump in right off the bat. Shipping is lovely! I adore it! But it’s never going to be a main priority of mine. I will treat each interaction as purely platonic unless the other mun has talked to me. I am also going to start being more selective when it comes to shipping him romantically; if you want to ship?
Please show me by being willing to put in the appropriate effort & work & actually communicate & plot with me. I don't just want Squall to be a ship that is added to a collection.
iv.            I want to also state that Squall is always open for all kinds of ships, not just Romantic ones! As your tired local Aromantic, I highly value Platonic relationships so, if you wanted to write that kind of dynamic with him? I would absolutely adore exploring it. Same goes for Antagonistic or more complicated ones!
                                         𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 . . .
i.           Because of the nature of my muse  &  the series he’s from, there will be NSFW content explored on this blog  ( violence / darker themes, etc. ). This is no place for Minors  &  because of this  &  since I am also well over the age of 21, I will not interact with anyone under the age of 21 regarding NSFW content. Anything falling into mature territory will always be tagged accordingly. If you do not wish to see such content then please either blacklist the following tags:
ii.             I will only write explicit NSFW with people I know  &  trust  —  there will be no exceptions to this. Smut / NSFW is a subject that is tricky for me to tackle  &  while I enjoy writing it, I need to be in the right headspace for it,  &  muses need to have enough of a chemistry / connection for me to be invested. I also only want to explore spicier scenarios within a safe, comfortable environment  —  again, with close friends.
                                                                         𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 . . .
i.             Do not guilt me to reply to threads. Giving me a poke every so often to check in is fine, as long as it’s not overly excessive or meant to push me to respond faster. It makes me incredibly anxious  &  only makes me less motivated to interact overall. Do not bring up my activity on other blogs / social platforms. Keeping tabs on my activity is a huge trigger of mine from bad past instances  &  is a sure fire way to get hard blocked with no warning if it is practiced.
ii.            I do not tolerate theft / stealing of any sort. There is a difference between ‘being inspired’  &  ripping something off near word for word. People work hard on their muses, so theft of headcanons, verses, graphics / aesthetics, etc. will be reason enough for me to cut contact abruptly.
iii.             For personal reasons, I am incredibly uncomfortable with self-insert characters. I will not interact with self-insert characters.
iv.            I AM NOT MY MUSE. MUN DOES NOT EQUAL MUSE. Please do not talk to me ooc like I am my muse at any point please. Once again, bad instances in the past have made this a highly uncomfortable issue for me that I need to have written out  &  reminded just in case.
v.               If I am uncomfortable with someone  & / or  enough warnings have been given  &  ignored  —  I will block  &  cease all interactions / contact altogether.
                                                                     𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐄𝐎𝐔𝐒 . . .
i.           The best way to interact  &  get muses writing together is through Askmemes! It helps me get a good feel of our muses, on whether their dynamic works or they mesh well or not. Plotting generally happens once there’s more of a solid dynamic built to build off of.
ii.            All of my threads are considered Closed Threads with the tagged muse / mun unless it’s stated to be an Open Starter / Thread. Please don’t reblog RP threads of mine unless you are my RP partner. Solo Drabbles where I’m writing alone are fine to like, but I am uncomfortable with them being reblogged unless permission beforehand has been given to do so.
iii.           I do have a Dis.cord, but I tend to keep that to close Mutuals only. But if we have a fair amount of threads / interactions together  &  there is an interest or it’s easier for you, I don’t mind being asked for it.
iv.           I will often reblog ask replies from partners to archive them. There won’t be a guarantee that I’ll always reply  —  I’m only selective so I don’t overwhelm myself  —  but if you’d ever like to turn a response of my own or yours into a thread, don’t hesitate to let me know.
v.              I am a literate roleplayer with an admitted preference for longer, more plot heavy threads, so I do respect lengthier  &  more detailed responses  —  however, it’s not a requirement  &  I never go into an interaction expecting it.  so long as you’re giving effort to reply  &  actively showing interest in our threads, I don’t mind shorter ones. Please never feel obligated or pressured to match my length. I’m here to build a story with you, not to judge you on how much you can write.
                              * 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄.           PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME.    I do not mind waiting for replies at all  &  I understand that life comes up  &  not everyone can sit to write everyday. I’ll never take it personally or try to pressure you. Please do things at your own pace  &  know there’s never a time limit or deadline on when to reply to our threads.
vi.             Regarding Godmoding   —  I am generally alright with these kind of interactions given my muses occupation  &  canon encounters with those more inhuman. But it all boils down to communication on how smoothly it’ll go. I don’t mind my muse being manhandled ( shoved / pushed / grabbed / etc. ) or injured / wounded, but please allow me to write my muse’s reactions in turn.
                 Generally I will keep things vague  &  not as descriptive if we haven’t written together long or haven’t plotted things that far,  &  if I ever do plan to take a thread in a more violent direction, I will message you beforehand to make sure it’s alright  —  I expect this in return as well. If I ever do something in a thread you don’t like or that you think is unlikely, message me  &  I’ll edit my post. Again. I expect the same courtesy extended my way  —  communication is key.
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mell0bee · 2 years
CR asks: 1 & 17 if you're feeling spicy; if you're not, 9, 14, 25, 39 (feel free to pick & choose)
i took so long to do this because i had all the questions answered and then tumblr crashed and deleted it all :( but here we go (also thank u for the ask!!!)
9- Location in Exandria you'd like to see in a possibly canonical one-shot/EXU but with non-main campaign characters (as in Song of the Lorelei/The Darrington Brigade)
vasselheim!!! i doubt it will be a major location again for a full campaign because it was featured so heavily in c1 but an exu type deal could be so cool!!! i thought that vasselheim was SO underutilized in c1. when i was first watching it i was Big Sad that the no arcane magic thing was played for laughs, you could easily center a whole campaign around that idea. i wanted to see more of it during c1 and obvs after exu calamity i want to see more of it Even More. theres just so much to learn about it after the context of exu calamity. like i want inside information about the political system. i want to explore how decisions get made there. and like bro do u want a story about Hubris??? oh yeah??? you like critical role so are you perhaps a Hubris Enjoyer??? perhaps of the Magic User Variety?? imagine a wizard or a warlock trying to hide their magic in vasselheim. it basically writes itself. imagine a high-ranking cleric as a pc. or a noble. based on what's happening in c3 do you think they have like. an Old Secrets Protection Board? and perhaps some Scholar Spies trying to break in? idk man there's so much you can do there and i would like to See It Please Thank You
14-Describe the art you would most like to create or commission if talent/money were no object.
i have like 7 animatics in my head that i am not talented enough to make but honestly. this whole jester-focused animatic set to folding chair by regina spektor. it’s really good in my head i swear. also a post c1 animatic set to dodie's cover of blackbird which has been in my head since i finished c1 god i have actual brainworms
25-What class do you most want to see Matt play if he is in a future EXU campaign as a new (not Dariax) PC?
artificer. primarily bc as much as i love him, matt’s pcs tend not to be my kind of character. at least in cr oneshots he’s got a thing for the Generic Edgy Protagonist Boy type which i’m sorry buddy but like. no thanks. and based on artificer/engineer type npcs he’s played i doubt he will go for that archetype as a pc. matt loves some Insane Scientists and so do i, easy S tier character trope, so whether he plays it straight or goes for the more unhinged type like most of his npcs im down 100%. also i had a whole rant here abt how much i love dariax and i hope that matt continues to step out of his comfort zone for pcs because for me personally i think it works really well!!
39- favorite parental figure NPC?
I HAD A WHOLE RANT HERE ABT HOW MUCH I LOVE MARION LIKE I THINK I WROTE LIKE 300 WORDS. the gist of it was how i love that she is very much an imperfect parent which we can see in jester now, but she’s still a good parent!! she’s still trying!!! she’s got her own trauma but she’s trying!!! idk that is v important to me. also i love how she is a sex worker and is not shamed for it at all. and that she has agoraphobia (sp?) and its treated as like!!! fine and not irrational at all!!! idk man idk how matt and laura did such a good job with such a respectful and grounded portrayal of a character like marion but they DID also parent trap ftw
spicy answers under cut, just keep scrolling if u dont want to see my mildly lukewarm takes. thank u.
1- Character you don't particularly like, but will defend vehemently when people dislike them for the wrong reasons.
(also this is the only answer that saved lmao)
sadly i cannot think of any other characters so i have to talk about Mr. Warcrimes McTreason. i like canon essek okay though i do think he is Overhyped, but fanon essek is so annoying lmao which makes me not particularly like him. on the other hand i think people not liking him bc they don’t think he deserved redemption are Wrong. as a redemption arc it was like. Fine. not everyone can pull a zuko and like. whatever. and idk i think that redeemed heroes should be a little morally dubious. as a treat. i guess in a way i am glad that aeor arc essek doesn't get to actually be morally gray bc the fandom would be insufferable but Hot Take i am a Gray Morality Enjoyer i think that More protags should be war criminals actually.
17- You know that post that's like "I wish you could filter in ao3 on 'attitude towards a canon event'?" In the world of imagination, you can! What's the event or attitude?
*gestures vaugely at kingsley* to be completely honest i was pretty sad for a few moments there that they succeeded in rezzing molly, was tentative when whatever the end of 140 was, and i’m so happy kingsley is a thing. i think that people who wanted molly back have Missed The Point Entirely. molly needed to stay dead and talesin knew that (thank you talesin) (also not to mention fanon molly, who is infinitely worse than fanon essek. god can you imagine that. again thank you talesin.)
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mencnfire · 1 year
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it's a way we had over here with living with ourselves. we cut 'em in half with a machine gun and give 'em a band-aid. it was a lie. and the more I saw them, the more I hated lies.
an independent multimuse for the characters kazuhira miller, yevgeni borisovitch volgin, jack krauser - please read rules before following. penned by han.
beta editor only (unfortunately, rip)
ㅤ1ㅤㅤmultimuse / verse / oc / dupe friendly. i'm only selective in terms of i can't follow everybody back purely due to time & content. i want this blog to be an enjoyable, casual place to be. if you want to interact - deffo approach me and we can work something out !
ㅤ2ㅤㅤrated 18+ due to the series content which includes themes of torture / war crimes / mentions of child soldiers / blood & gore / violence / sexual violence / mental anguish / suicide-ideation etc. volgin's character is a large part of why this blog is rated 18+. he is a sadist, highly sexual & violent. i wont sugarcoat him for the sake of this blog. triggers will be tagged 'tw;-'. this blog will contain dark content. do not follow if you think that this will be a problem.
ㅤ3ㅤㅤthis blog is a drama-free and casual zone. i have zero time for tumblr shit. callouts aren't welcome, dnis will be acknowledged but not necessarily followed.i have no issue with things that people want to write, so long as they're respectful about it.
ㅤ4ㅤㅤshipping is welcome but it has to be noted that all of these men are messed up guys. volgin is a super sadist who will accidentally (and sometimes purposely) shock his lover's during sex. kaz is an incredibly broken man with anger issues & an obsession turned bad. krauser is a mess. all need help. shipping is welcome but i urge we discuss it before hand.
ㅤ5ㅤㅤi focus primarily on kaz during his mgsv era and onward. though his younger self will sometimes be alluded to / spoken about and maybe even written, i'd rather explore his character from mgsv onward. as for volgin, i focus largely on his mgs3/v self. though he's technically 'comatose / dead' in mgsv, i write him as having thoughts and feelings whilst he's the 'man on fire'. as you can tell, this blog began as an mgs blog - krauser, i will write during any timeline.
ㅤ6ㅤㅤfeel free to request my discord to talk plotting or chat shit ! ims are fine for talking but please don't be offended if i dont respond immediately. i'm quite slow due to personal obligations; however, if you message me requiring immediate attention, i will do my best to respond quickly.
ㅤ7ㅤㅤa lot of my portrayal is headcanon-based. there are certain fanon opinions, i do not share. i will not write volgin as a rapist so don't even suggest it. nor will i write rape / sa. i will not even look at shipping with underrage characters or writers. though i dont judge others for what they want to write, i don't want to be forced to write things i'm not interested in entertaining.
ㅤ8ㅤㅤimportant - i've added this rule because i feel it's incredibly important to me. this blog is low activity, and by extension - i am, too. i cannot be here 24/7, i cannot reply to ims and messages frequently. i have suffered a massive personal tragedy in the last few months, alongside this i'm in my final semester of university and i'm working. when i don't reply to a message, it's never anything personal, i apologise for not being quicker. if i don't reply in 1-2 weeks, you are welcome to nudge me. but please have some understanding as to why i may be slow. thank you.
ㅤ9ㅤㅤimportant to add on from the previous rule - i have zero patience now for those who take silence personally. if you think i have an issue with you because i have not replied to a message - ask me. i have zero tolerance for the expectations of being here 24/7. as stated above, my dad died suddenly in january of this year. i am in my final semester of uni, i am currently working with my manager to expand our business. i hate writing this rule because i'm a laid-back person who gives my partners the same space i expect, but if you're the sort of person who will reply to 1-2 weeks silence with a block or a shitty comment, do not follow or interact with me.
ㅤ10ㅤㅤa final addition re threads ; i am diagnosed with migraines and unfortunately can't handle heavily formatted text. i would prefer text be simplified ( it can be small or normal ) but heavy use of colouring and space does effect my eyes. i'd prefer text unformatted or small - if this can't be changed, i understand. if you can - bless you. also, regarding threads - my way of writing is to merge character responses and dialogue. i can't write opposite characters who respond separately to each and every line of dialogue as i don't feel it's natural. please keep this in mind when writing with me, my character usually will merge their thoughts / dialogue to whatever was the last thing said by your character.
i know these rules might seem a bit dickish but im just a little exhausted when this is meant to be a fun hobby, it's nothing personal. i just wanna have a good, chill time
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dariazalldrizoti · 4 days
。゚☁︎⋆。 ゚♛。゚⋆ RULES ! 🐉
i. MUN: hi hi !! i'm tiana <3 i'm twentynine , i speak spanish and english , i live in puerto rico , & my timezone is AST . i have a big girl job so my activity fluctuates between muse levels , other blogs , & real life business .
ii. ETIQUETTE: i've been in the rp world for 10+ years , but regardless of how long , basic human decency goes a long way . respect is mutual . don't force plots or ships or opinions . communication goes the longest of ways ! just be fucking kind and we can all get along .
iii. RP DEETS: i format a bit , i use lil banners and icons , but i don't expect that from writing partners . i do use small text often so if you prefer me not to during our threads , just lmk !
iv. SHIPPING: listen , i love all romance driven storylines . chances are , if our muses talk , i can find a way to ship it . i'm just big on it being chemistry based so it's actually fun and easy flowing . i'm okay with nsfw shenanigans as well , i just don't prioritize them like that . but i'm not opposed to them ! * daemyra is shipped on this blog !
v. PLOTTING: let's fucking do it babe ! i'm down to plot like crazy . simple things , complex things , little , big , idc . i'm always down to do plotted threads . i'm also down to do things that stem from memes and impromptu starters tbh . my inbox is always open if you have a proposition <3
vi. PORTRAYAL: this is a show based rhaenyra interpretation ! i may pull literary inspiration from wiki pages and such but i know myself lol i won't be reading the book any time soon . given that she is a targaryen , and in canon has married a cousin and uncle , this blog will contain the icky subject of targaryen incest . i personally believe rhaenyra's storyline involving both husbands have great impact on her , and i will not be refraining from writing and exploring them . in the real world , however , we do not !! support !! the cest !!! you would think it goes without saying , but sometimes the reminder is needed .
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trickedmask · 4 months
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'Please don't take off my mask... revealing dark.' -- This is an independent, and semi selective blog for Joker. I take a lot of inspiration from the game but have crafted my own backstory to Joker that heavily ties into the reasoning of his character traits.
Navigation: | about. | verses. | other blogs. |
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↓ Guidelines ↓ 
My portrayal of Joker is based on my headcanons with insp from their original content.
My activity mostly depends on my health conditions(GERD & IBS) and the fact I am dealing with job hunting. This will be the main reasons if I am every slow/ever go a bit MIA. But if I ever go on break I will make a post about it.
I am a semi-selective blog and mutuals only! I am OC friendly.
I do have a discord! You may ask for it if we are mutuals and if you want to plot and what not and of course just chat ooc.
About mun: Jupiter. Pronouns: she/her. Timezone: EST!
↓ Rest of rules in full detail BELOW ↓ 
I. This is a mutuals blog only, please respect that.
II. I  deal with something called GERD, which is Gastroesophageal reflux disease, and IBS, which is Irritable bowel syndrome. It is a big reason, along with anxiety/depression that sometimes makes it hard for me to focus a lot and if I suddenly have low activity that is a big reason why. I'll do my best to not complain about it a lot ooc cause I do not wish to bother ppl with it, but it's just a heads up.
III. Please note that the mun is going through the job hunt process so sometimes I may be active for a while but then I may disappear for a bit, causing me to take some time with replies. Please understand♥
IV. Please, no godmodding my characters! Thank you ♥
V. I have a discord! If we are mutuals feel free to ask for it to plot and whatnot!
VI. SEMI-SELECTIVE BLOG. If I do not rp/follow with you, please do not take offence. Sometimes I may not because I don't see a way for our muses interacting/I may not know character too well sorry :x 
VII. I am open to AU’s and rping with OC’s! If you are an OC though, it would be nice if you would have an about page. Just so I can get the feeling of your character. Or, just make sure to tell me about your character if you wish to RP with me c:
VIII. When it comes to rping with characters from the same fandom, I roleplay the way I believe they would act with this person based on my idea of their relationship. This does not mean I am forcing you to automatically like/act the same way toward them. It’s just the way I believe they would act towards him/her.
IX. I am open to any type of threads except extreme gore. Action is fine, and talk of blood is as well but if it goes into great detail I can not handle it. I am very sensitive about it, sorry.
X. If you ever reply to one of my asks, I prefer it if you put it in a separate post c:
XI. Please!!! tag these things if you post them because I am very sensitive: TW: GORE, TW: SPIDERS, TW: BUTTERFLY,  TW: ZOMBIES
XII. While rping Joker, I have my own headcannons about him.. You do not have to agree with them but please respect them. I also wanna give a shoutout to my one friend who has helped me develop so many of my headcanons. She a real one♥
XIII. I am open to having relationships built with my muse but please do not force it on me. I’m not trying to be mean, and it does not mean I do not like you. I just believe that our characters need to get to know each-other and develop their relationship. Again, don’t take offence if my muse does not get along with yours.
XIV. If you are curious and may think you know me hah, here are my other blogs I used to rp my muses on: Noctis, Yuri, Alm, Aladdin, Cloud, and others but.. So long ago lol.
XV. I will not interact with muses from the following fandoms: fruit basket, anything fully associated with FULL ON horror.. If you are a multi muse and happen to have characters from these fandoms that’s fine, as long as you have others I can interact with.
✶ NSFW ✶
XVI. Mun is of age. But Joker is not, though there may be some implications of nsfw due to Joker’s nature, no nsfw threads will occur. Perhaps in some timeskip verse? But I am unsure. I will not do nsfw with minors. PLEASE do not lie about your age.
XVII. There will be dark themes on this blog due to Joker’s  story and past.
XVIII. I always tag topics like, suicide, abuse, self hate, depression, blood. The way I tag triggers is tw: word. Or word // If you want me to add any/if I forget to tag something, LET ME KNOW♥
XIX. What will NOT be present on this blog ever is, rape, incest, pedophillia, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism. (I’m running blank but these seem like the obvious, will add to it if I think of any.)
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glitteringcldie · 1 year
A note: All verses have had development with tcthinecwnself, so references to Scrooge are from discussions/interactions with Peggy!
She’s beauty, she’s grace, she’ll punch you in the faceDefault, 87 Show and some Comic Based Age and Background. Posts for this verse will be untagged.
The days of the Klondike’s Gold Rush have long since passed, golden hair has shifted to silvery gray, and blue eyes now need glasses to see as well as she used to, and she does not wear fancy dresses or dance as often as she once did, but Goldie’s personality has not changed much. Nor has her aim.
Toon variation: Considering cartoons breaking the fourth wall has always been a thing, I do not feel the need to tag posts set in the more Roger Rabbit type scenario. I will simply switch between or to this one from main verse when it seems appropriate for shenanigans/other muses. More info about her here.
V: Golden StarSet earlier in her life, during the Klondike Gold Rush (this is just an earlier time of main verse above).
Timewise, this verse can range between Goldie working as performer and cardshark in Dawson to working with Scrooge at White Agony Creek.
V: That's Not My StyleA verse for 2017 DT, separate due to differences not just in Goldie’s personality but for interaction with other characters as well. Important note: I strongly diverge from some of the new show’s portrayal/background of her.
Details may be found here. Some rewrite animatics for my version are here. Thief attire can be found here.
V: You Learned to Love Something ElseA verse for Mickey’s Christmas Carol.
Isabelle Goldie was not born a wealthy lady, but she was beautiful, spirited (almost more than socially acceptable), and kind. She fell in love as a young lass, and after a number of years of waiting to be married, she at last accepted that wealth had become far more important to him than she. It was the only time she had fallen in love, however, and while others tried to pursue her, she did not marry. She did not have children. She remained alone, and worked to keep a roof over her head and food to eat. It was not truly a paying job, running an orphanage with funds based on charity or assistance from the Church, but it was enough, and she found happiness in the little ones who live hoping for a happy home one day.
Since she is the only adult of the home, Goldie has more than one pistol about the house to fend off any intruder, or any prospective parent who doesn’t meet her approval. And she does know how to use them.
V: Counting StarsSpace verse.
Details and appearance reference may be found here.
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
To Leslie Garners Oscar Nod for Andrea Riseborough in Long-Shot Bid for Gold
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To Leslie was shot in 19 days, but, come 2023 Oscar time, its star, Andrea Riseborough, has earned an Oscar nomination, even if the movie only earned $27,000 worldwide. When I saw it at SXSW in 2022, I was impressed by the entire cast, but the lead performance was so honest and genuine that it dominated those of the others in the ensemble cast. Owen Teague played the son in this story. He is far from the best-known name in the one-hour and 59-minute film. Michael Morris directed. It's worth mentioning that Morris was the executive producer of the 2016 series “Bloodlines,” in which Owen Teague appeared as Young Danny. He found a script from a talented writer (Ryan Binaco) that spoke to him, because of events of his own childhood, and he knew that Andrea Riseborough was right for the lead. She certainly is, as she shows no vanity whatsoever in depicting a woman who hits rock bottom and then must try to scramble her way back to the top. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwaFEUNXMVQ The film is based on the real-life story of a West Texas single mom who won the lottery and lost it all to her addiction to alcohol. The film had a very personal connection for its director, whose mother suffered from alcoholism. Oscar winner Allison Janney (“I, Tonya!”), Stephen Root (the stapler guy in “Office Space”), and Marc Maron (“G.L.O.W.”), who also executive produced, have leads. Royal is portrayed by Andre Royo (“The Wire”), also a fine character actor on stage and screen and a writer. But the film's lead (Leslie) is Andrea Riseborough, who has been acting since she was 7 years old, which means 36 years. The film stars Andrea Riseborough, a British actress who has been hailed by the Sunday “Times” as one of Britain’s rising young stars, along with such other luminaries as Hugh Dancy and Eddie Redmayne. She graduated from the London Academy of Royal Arts (RADA) in 2005, but her West Texas accent is completely convincing. The script is courtesy of screenwriter Ryan Binaco; the Cinematographer is Larkin Seiple. Riseborough was so good in the part that other actors and actresses (Helen Hunt, Cate Blanchett, Ed Norton) sang her praises on social media and even had some private screenings at their homes to tout her work. All of this was done more-or-less without any active lobbying from Riseborough, herself, but it was aimed at voting members of the Screen Actors' Guild. And that set off a backlash against her totally unexpected nomination for an Oscar when two prominent black actresses who had been expected to earn nods did not. Investigations were held to see if any "rules" were violated, but, to date, the nomination holds and Andrea Riseborough is, for sure, a rising star whose work will garner more notice in the future. The opening scenes of “To Leslie” show a jubilant young mother celebrating winning $190,000 in the lottery and declaring that drinks are on her. Six years later, she’s broke and the drinks have definitely been plentiful during those years (and mostly consumed by her). We learn that the young mother of the opening scene abandoned her son (Owen Teague as James) and his step-mother (Allison Janney) was forced, along with Dutch (Stephen Root) to raise him, by default. To say that Allison Janney’s character is angry and resentful is an understatement. Andrea's portrayal of a woman who has gotten by on looks and charm but is now past those halcyon days of her youth is intense and convincing. I was reminded of Blanche in "A Streetcar Named Desire" who opines, "I have always depended on the kindness of others" as Leslie's femme fatale vibe begins to wither on her increasingly mature vine. The film depicts Leslie hitting rock bottom and trying to claw her way back to at least the middle. She is extended a lifeline on that bootstrap journey by Marc Maron’s character of Sweeney, the manager of a seedy motel on the edge of town. Sweeney is running it for Andre Royo’s character of Royal. Royal was left the motel by his family but, because he took too much acid in his younger days, it has left him with mental impairments that make Marc Maron’s participation in running the place essential. As Leslie gradually swears off the booze and gets sober, she and Marc Maron’s character and Royal assist her in renovating an ice cream parlor on the edge of town. The happy ending involves, once again, son James (Owen Teague), to whom Leslie turns when things are at their bleakest. All’s well that ends well with this female film equivalent of “Leaving Las Vegas.” The acting was very, very good, although the true story has been told many times previously. (Even “A Star Is Born” touches on the old familiar story of alcoholism.) I did enjoy watching Andre Royo strip nearly naked and race around amongst the cactus and sand of a west Texas prairie, as we are told in the script he is prone to do. Marc Maron’s offer of a job cleaning motel rooms and washing the laundry makes you wonder if he has romantic designs on Leslie and, yes, that seems to be the case as the film winds down. You can watch the film on Prime Video ($6.99) before the Oscar telecast. Then we can all wait and see if Riseborough has any chance of pulling off the greatest upset in Oscar history. Read the full article
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moviestandor · 2 years
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quismetarc · 3 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞   𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧:   𝐚   𝐩𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥   𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬
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before reading this,  please keep in mind that by no means am i a medical professional trained in any sort of mental diagnoses.   these are all extrapolations and just because i personally love doing deep dives in a character’s psyche.   while i do have a science background,  it is not in psychology,  so this is based off very minimal psychology courses,  research and personal hypothesis.   below you will find a breakdown of what i perceive to be the psychological profile of love quinn,  both as per my portrayal of her and what i reference from the show.   for the sake of this not being many many pages long,  this has been narrowed down to what i think are some of the most important disorders to note and have been simplified drastically.
love has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).   this is what is commonly referred to as psychopathy or sociopathy.   in order to be diagnosed with ASPD,  three or more of the criteria must be met past the age of 15.   below is the list of traits taken from the DSM-5, highlighted are the five love meets:
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deceitfulness is one that can be argued,  because love tends to lie in order to cover any crimes or mistakes she’s made.   it doesn’t necessarily fall into the purpose of conning or personal profit or pleasure.   but i’ve highlighted it to make note that love can be incredibly deceitful and is a tactical liar.   it’s been said time and time again,  especially in season 3 that love quinn is impulsive.   every act of aggression she has shown has resulted in death because of how impulsive she can be.   this ties hand in hand with reckless disregard for safety of self or others.   while we see a brief moment where love seems to show remorse when it comes to gil’s death,  i think that primarily stems from the fact that her plans hadn’t panned out how she had expected them too.   i view every moment where love seems emotional about a death (i.e natalie and gil) to be a direct result of fear for herself and safety rather than remorse for her victim.   below is an excerpt from the DSM outlining the lack of remorse with examples that i think are appropriate for love:
they may be indifferent to, or provide a superficial rationalization for, having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from someone (e.g., 'Tife's unfair," "losers deserve to lose"). These individuals may blame the victims for being foolish, helpless, or deserving their fate (e.g., "he had it coming anyway"); they may minimize the harmful consequences of their actions; or they may simply indicate complete indifference.
a key note that the DSM makes is that “the occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.”   i will touch on love’s bipolar disorder,  but i don’t think any of her acts of aggression and violence were during any manic episodes.   they instead stemmed from impulsiveness and irritability.
to avoid rambling too much there are a few quotes in the DSM i’d like to highlight:
Biological relatives of individuals with this disorder are also at increased risk for somatic symptom disorder and substance use disorders:   in relation to forty’s substance abuse
There has been some concern that antisocial personality disorder may be underdiagnosed in females:   i think love was diagnosed with BP but never ASPD because of this
Child abuse or neglect, unstable or erratic parenting, or inconsistent parental discipline may increase the likelihood that conduct disorder will evolve into antisocial personality disorder:   see the treatment of love by dottie and ray quinn,  primarily dottie
while we know that love is a psychopath,  psychopathy isn’t explicitly defined in the DSM and instead has been proposed as a specifier under ASPD,  so that should be kept in mind.   i will separately post how i think love fares on the PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist Revised) separately.
to note,  antisocial personality disorder cannot be diagnosed without a diagnosis of conduct disorder before age fifteen.
conduct disorder is broken into four categories:   aggression to people and animals,  destruction of property,  deceitfulness or theft,  serious violations of rules.   at the age of thirteen was when love had killed forty’s au pair,  which points to aggression to people and animals.   at least three of fifteen criteria must be met to be diagnosed with conduct disorder,  and i will only be highlighting the ones i believe she meets:
Has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to others (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun):   love had used a knife to kill sofia
Often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations (i.e., “cons” others):   as a child,  i think this was more prominent with love.   she would call them her white lies,  twisting the truth in order to get what she wanted.   i.e manipulating / gaslighting other people
i don’t think love would entirely meet the criteria for conduct disorder at first,  especially because it requires repetitive behaviour and only one major event would fall into the conduct disorder category.   but i do think this would be something noted in her profile and later re-examined when diagnosing ASPD.  in this examination,  the last criteria would be brought into play,  bringing her to a total of three out of fifteen:
Has run away from home overnight at least twice while living in the parental or parental surrogate home, or once without returning for a lengthy period:   i do think love has run away from home,  likely with forty when home got a little too much to handle.   however,  i do think this is something that would be disregarded as typical prepubescent teen behaviour and not noted until further examination of her profile
once again,  i don’t think conduct disorder entirely fits for love,  but there is evidence of conduct disorder which is what leads to the diagnosis of ASPD.
there is a slight reference by dottie to the fact that love has borderline personality disorder in season 3,  and for this reason i think that love does already take medications to treat her BPD.   that also means we don’t entirely have a full picture of the extent of love’s BPD.
similarly to ASPD,  BPD also has a set number of criteria that must be met in order to be diagnosed.   highlighted below are the following that i believe love exhibits:
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going through this one at at a time below:
love clearly has a problem with abandonment,  and i think this stems from her attachment to forty.   she’s had multiple scares where she’s thought that she would lose her brother,  and a part of her fears come from that.   we see her frantic effort to avoid abandonment with how desperately she keeps joe around.   even more so,  when she had told joe about her paralyzing james,  it wasn’t to kill him.   it was to convince him to stay with her despite it all.
i think both love and joe do this.   it’s very clear that all of love’s personal relationships are incredibly intense,  seen with joe and forty primarily.   the idealization of these relationships is what leads to her intense connections.   and i think,  if time had permit,  she would have ended up devaluing her relationship with joe when he turned more and more into a man she didn’t want. 
i’ve touched on love’s impulsivity more than once,  so i think it’s self explanatory at this point.
i think that love lacks a sense of self.   she has grown so used to molding herself to become what everyone would like that she doesn’t have a real version of herself to fall back to and this results in this unstable sense of self.  as per the DSM:  There may be sudden changes in opinions and plans about career, sexual identity, values, and types of friends.   i think this is very clearly seen with the shift in love’s friend groups,  and her going from an independent woman to a very motherly,  homely figure in season three.
both her reactivity of mood and her inappropriate,  intense bursts of anger are seen time and time again in season 3 when she suddenly snaps.   like a boiling kettle,  she seems to blow in a second’s time.  “the anger is often elicited when a caregiver or lover is seen as neglectful, withholding, uncaring, or abandoning”   which is often the case when love snaps due to joe.
note this excerpt from the DSM that adequately explains love and how she develops her intense interpersonal relationships (point two):
They may idealize potential caregivers or lovers at the first or second meeting, demand to spend a lot of time together, and share the most intimate details early in a relationship.
a common co-occuring disorder is bipolar disorder,  which i believe love has shown signs of as well but will not be touched on in this post.
lastly,  to note:   “borderline personality disorder is diagnosed predominantly (about 75%) in females.”
to wrap this up,   once again,   i am not a professional and this is not an actual diagnosis.   all my information is taken from the DSM-5 and a few quick searches online,  very basic very bare bones.   i will reiterate time and time again,  that mental illness doesn’t make a murderer.   at the very least,  not the mental illness we talk about in terms of everyday society and mental health.   but a murderer’s psyche is not of the norm so this is an exploration as to how she would possibly be diagnosed if given the chance.
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