#this is what i meant when i said i love it when my obsessions influence each other
to-coyly-go · 10 months
ok so i'm so enamored with tolkien's middle-earth. i love that world so so much. i love how his works shaped the high fantasy genre and set the bar so damn high, because, hello?
he didn't just create a massively complicated world with its own mythology that can sometimes be inconsistent because of just how deep he went with it, he also made the languages for it?? most fantasy authors invent a couple words at best and their language logic is shoddy at best. but not tolkien.
you could probably communicate using quenya or sindarin, two languages he created and which are extremely different from each other, not just in their vocabulary, but in their structure as well. and that's barely the tip of tolkien's language iceberg! he then went and made more!
he thought about everything, there's a language spoken commonly by all races, westron, which is why the fellowship is able to communicate immediately. the hobbits speak a dialect of it, and this is remarked upon by other characters. but it's not their first language, save for a couple, it's a second language they had to actively learn. plus, not everyone can speak westron, namely haldir's elvish company. there are linguistic barriers in me fantasy book how cool is that?!?!?!
and just looking at the tolkien gateway, he created eight language groups, some of which influence each other, two of those being full on language family trees with old speech that developed into a newer language that is currently being used. of course, not every one of these languages is fully developed, most are just rudimentary grammar, if any, and a couple words, but they are there!
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lovezbrownies · 16 days
My actions. (Yandere!F!Med Student x GN!Reader.)
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General Masterlist
Synopsis: You meet the infamous Lorelai Marlowe, your med school's sweetheart. And you hate her. Referring to this ask!
Warnings: Mean darling, reader don't gaf! stalking, slow burn obsession, gets kinda creepy at the end, reader yelling at Lorelai.
Lorelai Marlowe x GN!Reader
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Lorelai Marlowe had never known true friendship. Born into a family of wealth and prestige, her life was shaped by expectations and status. The Marlowes were not just wealthy, they were a dynasty of accomplished individuals, known for their brilliance and influence. And where there was money, there were people eager to get close. Lorelai learned early that, for most, being her friend meant securing a piece of the Marlowe fortune. Relationships were transactional: "You give, I take." It left her craving something real, an honest friendship, untainted by her last name.
Her idol is her father, Mason Marlowe, a man who embodied success in its purest form. Mason Marlowe was a genius: the youngest person in the country to hold seven degrees, one bachelor’s, two medical degrees, two master’s, and two doctorates. "A bachelor's is barely worth the paper it’s printed on," Isa’s father would say with a dismissive wave of his hand. But his disdain wasn’t reserved for education alone; her father held a similar view on relationships. “You’ll never find true friendship while bearing the Marlowe name, Lorelai,” her father would warn. “People want our money, not you.” When Lorelai was younger, she fought against that idea. She believed in friendship, in the idea that people could care for her beyond the wealth she represented.
But now, after years of watching greed twist every connection, she wasn’t so sure.
Though she yearned to be as indifferent to social interaction as her father, that trait was beyond her reach, something she would never achieve. Lorelai couldn’t help herself. Even with the fakest of friends, she found herself chatting away, always looking for a spark of something real. Despite her privilege and the walls she built, Lorelai was a loving person at heart. She just needed someone to give her a small piece of love in return.
And soon, she would find that glimmer of hope in her medicine class. Lorelai excelled in every course she took, a testament to the Marlowe family’s near-genetic genius. With her eidetic memory, she never had to study as long or as hard as her peers. While others broke their backs studying, Lorelai effortlessly retained every detail. It was a fact that had always set her apart, and isolated her.
She’d never paid much attention to you before. You were just another face in the crowd, one of those students who always seemed perpetually exhausted, always overburdened with books and the stress of academia. And while Lorelai would sit through class texting or working on assignments for other courses, today would be different. Her professor had just partnered her with you, some random student she barely knew, for a project on the effects of diabetic medicine. Naturally, other groups were assigned far more exciting topics, but this? It was just her rotten luck.
Standing tall and poised, her family’s perfect genes in full display, Lorelai surveyed the classroom. She was everything her mother always said she was, tall, gorgeous, smart. Perfect. She scanned the room for you, but she had no idea what you looked like. All she could do was watch for a student who looked as lost as she felt. And then she spotted you.
You approached her slowly, the school's oversized jacket wrapped around you like a shield. Your slouched posture and the disarray of your appearance made you look even more exhausted than usual. Your backpack bulged with books, threatening to spill out at any moment, while your hair looked like it hadn’t seen a comb in days. Lorelai hesitated for a moment, worried that your messy appearance might signal laziness. But then she reassured herself: the more disheveled you looked, the harder you probably worked. You would be diligent, even if not polished.
With her signature bright smile, Lorelai greeted you as you finally stopped in front of her. She decided to speak first, her tone bubbly, eager to break the ice. “Hello! I’m Lorelai Marlowe! And you must be Y/N! Or are you? Hehe, I’m just kiddin, ”
You cut her off sharply, your voice curt and almost aggressive. “Are you going to take this project seriously, or should I do it alone?”
Lorelai froze, shocked by your bluntness. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. It was… rude. But it was also oddly intriguing, lighting a spark in her that had no business being lit. She chuckled nervously, trying to recover. “I, No! Of course, I’ll take it seriously. I’m so sorry if I made it seem like I wouldn’t! I was just trying to exchange some friendly banter.”
You narrowed your eyes, clearly skeptical. After a moment, you sighed, realizing it wasn’t worth the energy to argue. “Yeah, okay. That’s good. Let’s start by doing our research on diabetes in the library. Better start from there.”
Lorelai smiled nervously again, her eyes darting to the side as she scratched her arm, a telltale sign of her discomfort. “Actually, I-I had something planned with some of my friends after this class… But I promise I’ll still help!”
Before you could respond, she reached for a pen. “Here’s my number, Do you have a pen by, Oh! Heh, thanks!” You handed her the pen that had been stuck behind your ear for half the class, but when she tried to grab your hand to write on, you yanked it away.
“No. Here’s a sticky note. I don’t want to get ink poisoning from some girl’s phone number.”
Some girl? Did you not know who she was? Lorelai stared at you, stunned by your indifference. She wasn’t used to being dismissed like that. You shook the sticky note in front of her face, snapping her out of her thoughts.
“See you later,” she said, still flustered, “Next time you work on the project, p-please invite me.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you muttered as you turned to walk away. “As if you’d come…”
As the days passed, Lorelai found it hard to forget your strange, cold demeanor. Even some of her ‘friends’ began noticing her mind wandering during conversations. It was odd, she thought, how that brief encounter stuck with her. Normally, people came and went in her life without much impact. But you were different. You didn’t seem impressed by her, and that nagged at her, stirring a curiosity she hadn’t expected.
At first, she tried to brush it off. You were just another project partner, someone she’d never thought twice about before. But when you hadn’t texted or reached out in any way, concern started to creep in. What if she’d offended you somehow? Lorelai wasn’t used to people staying angry at her. She was used to charming her way out of any misunderstanding, but something about this situation felt different.
By Tuesday, Lorelai decided she couldn’t wait any longer. She wasn’t one to obsess over things, but this situation, you, felt unresolved. It itched at the back of her mind. She’d skipped the evening medicine class plenty of times, but tonight, she couldn’t bring herself to miss it. If only to clear the air. Maybe, once you two talked, this lingering unease would go away.
She arrived late, of course, distracted by the usual mindless chatter of her friends, but she did show up. That had to count for something.
Sliding into the seat next to you, Lorelai tried to catch your eye, but you seemed utterly absorbed in the lecture. She smiled, a soft, almost shy curve of her lips, something out of character for her. But when you didn’t even acknowledge her presence, that smile faltered.
Tentatively, she reached out, her hand lightly patting your thigh, expecting the usual warmth of recognition. But when you looked at her startled, confused, there was no warmth. Instead, there was an emotion she couldn’t quite place. Disdain? Annoyance?
“Hi! Sorry for scaring you,” she whispered quickly, eager to close the distance that seemed to have opened up between you. “I noticed you didn’t text me after Friday, so I thought I’d check in, make sure you didn’t start working alone. I’m here to help, of course.”
But instead of relief or understanding, your eyes narrowed. “I did text you,” you muttered, voice cold and firm. “Maybe you should check your messages.”
The words cut through her like ice. Had you? Impossible. She would have noticed. She always kept her phone on her, never missing a single message from anyone. She’d know if you had reached out.
Fumbling through her phone, her confidence wavered as she scrolled through countless unread texts. And there, hidden in plain sight, were your messages.
Her stomach dropped.
Saturday, xx, xxxx: Hey, it’s your project partner. I’m going to the library to research insulin for our project. If you’re coming, I can grab you coffee.
Sunday, xx, xxxx: Going to the library again to research more meds. Join if you can.
Monday, xx, xxxx: I finished the project. I included you where I could. Submitting it tonight.
For the first time in a long while, Lorelai felt truly ashamed. You’d been reaching out, offering olive branches, and she had ignored every one of them. You had every reason to be upset. As the weight of her mistake sank in, she looked up at you, her voice small and shaken. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t see them. I swear, I just, ”
Your sharp look cut her off, the anger in your eyes almost startling. “It doesn’t matter. I gave you the credit. Now, leave me alone.”
The coldness in your voice sent a shiver down her spine, and she fell silent. People didn’t speak to her like that. Ever. The weight of your dismissal clung to her long after the lecture ended, and as she walked home that night, her mind kept circling back to the interaction. You weren’t just mad, you had no interest in forgiving her.
Over the next few days, she found herself replaying the scene in her head. At first, it was a matter of guilt. She’d never meant to dismiss you like that, and she told herself she just wanted to apologize properly. But as the days stretched on, something shifted. You really didn’t care, did you? There was no attempt on your end to smooth things over, no effort to reconcile. You weren’t trying to get back into her good graces.
That... intrigued her.
Lorelai had never met someone who could brush her off so completely. She found herself wondering more about you, where you hung out, what your life was like outside of school. You weren’t like the others, the people who fawned over her or sought her attention. You were indifferent, and that indifference bothered her more than it should have.
Tuesday class rolled around again, and she showed up, not for the lecture, but to see if you were there. Her friends noticed the change, making offhand comments about her ‘mysterious project partner.’ Lorelai just smiled, deflecting their questions. She hadn’t told them how strange you made her feel. They wouldn’t understand. No one else ever made her question herself like you did.
This time, when she saw you seated in the hall, she hesitated. You hadn’t forgiven her, she knew that, but there was something about your anger that pulled her in. She took a seat a few rows behind, watching you for a while, studying how you scribbled notes with such focus. You hadn’t looked up once.
How could you act like she didn’t exist?
She told herself it was just curiosity. You were a puzzle to her. She’d find a way to fix this, to make you see her differently. And maybe then, everything would go back to normal.
But things didn’t go back to normal. The more you ignored her, the more she found herself thinking about you outside of class. You were unlike anyone she’d ever met. The anger, the coldness, it wasn’t something she was used to, and it fascinated her in ways she couldn’t quite explain.
Weeks passed, and Lorelai began finding excuses to cross paths with you more frequently, though she made it look casual. A wave in the hallway, a brief, fleeting glance during lectures, little things that seemed insignificant. But she was paying attention to the details. The way you carried yourself, the people you spoke to (which were few), the way you brushed off her presence like it meant nothing.
Slowly, her thoughts began to shift. What had started as guilt for a missed message turned into an obsession with understanding you. You weren’t just another person to her anymore, you were a challenge, someone she needed to figure out. Why didn’t you like her? Why didn’t you care? You weren’t cold to everyone, just to her.
The idea that someone could reject her so fully began to gnaw at her. She needed to fix it. She needed to know why.
But with every rejection, every sharp comment or dismissive glance, Lorelai’s need for your approval grew. It was subtle at first, a passing thought, a lingering glance. But over time, she found herself looking for you in places she knew you’d be, lingering longer than necessary in class just to feel that tension between you.
Each new interaction, no matter how brief, only fueled her need to understand you more. And the more she tried to fix things, the worse it got.
By the time a few months had passed, Lorelai was fully consumed by her need to be acknowledged by you. She had abandoned most of her old friendships, her focus narrowing entirely on you. Every move you made fascinated her, the way you seemed so unaffected by her presence, even as she became more desperate to understand you. It was maddening.
You had no idea how much space you were beginning to take up in her mind. And she would never admit it out loud, but she knew this wasn’t normal. No one had ever gotten under her skin like this before.
It had been months now. Months of you trying to shake her off, but Lorelai clung to you like a shadow, always there, always hovering just close enough to make her presence felt. Her apologies, once so constant, had evolved into something far more unsettling, a desperate, needy devotion that you couldn’t seem to escape.
She never left your side, always lingering just a few steps behind, waiting for any small scrap of attention. Her eyes never left you, watching, waiting, hoping for even the slightest glance. It was as if her entire world now revolved around you, her every thought consumed by how to stay close, how to keep you from drifting away.
You had tried everything to avoid her, changing your routes, ignoring her messages, even switching seats in lecture halls. But Lorelai always found you. Always managed to squeeze herself into your world, her presence pressing in on you like a weight you couldn’t shake off.
Today, it was worse. She had followed you again, walking silently behind you as you made your way to your favorite secluded spot on campus, the far east garden near the cadaver storage. You had come here hoping for some peace, but Lorelai, ever-persistent, had trailed after you like she always did.
“I missed you today,” her voice broke the silence, the tone dripping with an almost pitiful longing. “You didn’t sit in your usual spot… I thought something had happened to you.” Her words were soft, trembling slightly as though the mere idea of you being out of her reach caused her genuine distress.
You clenched your fists, the irritation boiling inside you. She never stopped. Always prying, always looking for something to cling to. “I’m fine,” you snapped, your patience fraying. “And I need to be alone.”
But Lorelai didn’t back away. If anything, she stepped closer, her eyes wide and pleading as though your words hadn’t even registered. “You don’t really mean that,” she murmured, her voice soft and fragile, like a glass about to break. “I know you’re just upset. But I can make it better. Let me help, okay?”
You stiffened, feeling her desperation like a physical force. It was suffocating. “Lorelai,” you hissed, your voice sharp, “I don’t need your help. I need space. You need to leave me alone.”
But instead of retreating, Lorelai’s eyes filled with a sudden intensity, a wild gleam of desperation sparking in them. “No, no, you don’t mean that,” she said quickly, shaking her head as if she could will your words away. “You’re just saying that because you’re stressed. You always say that when you’re upset. But I can fix it. I can make things right, I promise. I just need more time with you, that’s all.” Her voice cracked at the edges, the strain of holding herself together evident in every syllable.
You felt your pulse quicken, panic bubbling beneath the surface. “Are you insane?” you finally shouted, spinning around to face her. “I’ve told you a thousand times to leave me alone! What part of that don’t you get?”
For a moment, Lorelai froze, her eyes wide with shock. But the hurt you expected never came. Instead, her face softened, her lips trembling as she reached for you, her hand stopping just short of touching your arm. “No… you don’t understand,” she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “You need me. You might not realize it yet, but you do. I can’t leave you. I can’t!” The desperation in her voice hit you like a wave, her neediness palpable, like she couldn’t survive without being near you.
Your frustration exploded. “You’re suffocating me! Do you understand that? You’re obsessed!” You stepped back, putting more distance between the two of you, but Lorelai followed, her movements frantic now, her eyes wild with fear.
“No, please, ” she pleaded, her voice cracking. “I’ll do better, I swear. I can be what you need. Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it! Please don’t push me away. I-I need you!” Her words tumbled out, her hands clasped tightly together as though begging for your mercy.
“I don’t want anything from you!” you shouted, your voice laced with frustration and exhaustion. “I want you to leave me the hell alone! Can’t you see how much you’re ruining everything? How much I hate this?”
Lorelai’s breath hitched at the word “hate,” her eyes watering as though the thought of your rejection was more painful than anything she could imagine. But instead of breaking, her lips twisted into a soft, almost adoring smile.
“You’re only saying that because you’re scared,” she whispered, her voice trembling. “I know it’s hard for you to let someone in, but I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.”
You stared at her in disbelief, your stomach churning. Was she serious? Did she not hear a word you just said?
“Lorelai, you’re insane!” you barked, trying one last time to get through to her. “You’re not ‘helping’ me. You’re stalking me. You’re obsessed. I don’t want anything to do with you!”
For a second, you thought maybe, just maybe, your words had finally pierced through. Lorelai stood there, blinking rapidly, her eyes wide and glassy, as if processing what you had just said. But then, slowly, her lips curved into a smile, a needy, fragile thing that looked more like a cry for validation than an actual expression of joy.
“You don’t mean that,” she whispered softly. Her voice was laced with an almost pitiful hope, a hope that you would just stop resisting and finally give in. “You’re just… upset. I know you don’t hate me. You couldn’t. I’m the only one who understands you, who can be there for you when everyone else leaves. I won’t leave you. I can’t.”
She took another step closer, her hands trembling as they reached toward you, as if touching you could somehow solidify her place in your life. You stepped back instinctively, but Lorelai didn’t seem to notice, her eyes were locked onto yours, wide and filled with a raw, desperate need for your approval, for your attention.
“Please,” she whispered, her voice shaking with emotion. “Don’t shut me out. I’ll be better, I promise. I’ll be whatever you need me to be. Just… don’t leave me. I’ll make everything perfect. You’ll see.”
You could hardly breathe. The sheer weight of her obsession, her need for you, was overwhelming, suffocating. You had to make her understand. “I don’t care what you do,” you snapped, your voice trembling with anger and disbelief. “I don’t care if you apologize a million times. I want nothing to do with you, Lorelai. Get that through your head. Just leave me alone.”
But her eyes only softened more, as if your harsh words were nothing but the fleeting tantrums of a child who didn’t know what was good for them. “You’re just confused,” she whispered, “and that’s okay. I’ll help you. I’ll fix this.” She nodded to herself, already convinced of her version of reality. “You’ll understand one day.”
Her voice was soothing, like she was the one comforting you, her needy, obsessive gaze never wavering.
“Lorelai, just, ” you started, but she cut you off, stepping even closer, her voice a pleading, broken whisper.
“Please,” she said again, “just give me one more chance. Just one more, and I’ll make everything better. I promise. You’ll see. You’ll need me, just like I need you.”
It was terrifying. Her obsession had bloomed into something so twisted, so far beyond anything you had anticipated. And now, her desperation was laid bare, her entire sense of self wrapped up in this delusional, obsessive need to be everything for you. She wasn’t just stalking you anymore; she was trying to anchor herself to you, like she’d collapse without your attention.
“I don’t need you,” you said quietly, taking a deep breath. “And I never will.”
But Lorelai only smiled, a broken, fragile thing. “You say that now,” she whispered. “But I know the truth. And you will, too. One day.”
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cherrygukki · 2 years
after last night (m)
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➸ pairing: rich fuckboy! jungkook x f. reader ➸ word count: 4.3k ➸ genres: acquaintances to fwb, smut, unreciprocated love, mild angst if you squint, and a sprinkle of fluff ➸ summary: After last night, Jungkook doesn't know what to do. You got to tell him when he's gonna see you again before he drives himself crazy. ➸ warnings: alcohol consumption, cursing, protected sex, whiny jk, rough, making out in public for like a minute, grinding, lots of kissing, hickeys, dirty talk, praise kink, face sitting, cunnilingus, fingering, spitting (once), overstimulation, multiple orgasms, squirting, he's WHIPPED for reader's pussy, i almost forgot to say that jk also finishes early but that's okay he makes up for it🤭🤭 ➸ author's note: As what the title suggests, this short series (maybe) is inspired by After Last Night by Bruno Mars. I'm literally OBSESSED with this song so I couldn't help but write something dedicated to it. As always, enjoy reading!
Wishin' on a shootin' star, say a prayer for me
And hope it comes true
Jungkook can't help but heave a sigh, twirling the almost empty wine glass around in his hand while looking at the night sky with such loneliness in his eyes.
The sight above him is beautiful, but to him, there's nothing more beautiful than the image of your face in front of him right now. He craves you by his side, appreciating the view outside his window as you spend the most loving time in your lives.
So, when his eyes spot the phenomenal shooting star that swiftly passes through his home, his mind screams your name right away, praying to whoever's listening to him in the sky to have you here with him.
It's foolish, but he'll just about do anything to see you again, hoping that his wishes will eventually come true someday.
Throw my phone out the window, there's no player in me
Those days are through
When he said that he's willing to do anything for you, he meant it with every fiber of his being. Hence, it doesn't take Jungkook any second thought to pull his phone out of his pocket only to throw it out the window. He lets it fall freely from the high level of his penthouse without a care. Perhaps it's the alcohol seeping into his veins, putting him under the influence, but there still remains a part of him where he doesn't regret what he just did. After all, he only wants to prove you one thing by the end of the day —
He's more than willing to enter a new chapter in his life, and the title of that chapter is you.
You put it on me like I never felt before
That gushy, gushy good, girl, I want some more
While Jungkook continues to appreciate the mesmerizing city landscape beyond him, his mind couldn't help but drift off to the moment you met each other for the first time.
He had only intended to have a great time with his old friends during that highschool reunion of your batch. If only you hadn't attended that party like the gorgeous goddess you were to his eyes, then perhaps he wouldn't be so crazy like he is now.
Back then, Jungkook merely thought of you as the smart student who had a few admirers here and there, only ever getting the chance to talk with you every time you're paired up on a project, but he never thought of batting an eye towards your direction. However, the clearer view of your beauty in the present is in no doubt, indeed a present to him.
Without hesitation, he strikes up a conversation with you right away, leaving everyone else in the ditch as his entire attention was now directed on you, and you only.
It took hours for the party to end, thus it doesn't surprise you to see Jungkook impatient to get the both of you out of the venue, for you already knew where this night was about to end the moment he greeted you.
You haven't even gotten the opportunity to jump inside his car, but you're already making out on his hood like horny teenagers all over again. He kisses you with a spark of fire, spreading flames all over your body like a wildfire. You moan when he bites your bottom lip before pulling away, extending his warmth down to your exposed neck where he marks you like his personal treasure. You throw your head back in no shame whatsoever, disregarding the environment around you when you begin to grind your crotch against his thigh. The moans you let out our wanton, especially when he easily locates that sensitive spot on your neck to lick, suck, and bite on it that already has you reeling for the man.
You're certain there's a wet splotch in your underwear by now, already aroused from merely grinding away on Jungkook's thick thigh as well as him leaving dark spots all over your neck as if tomorrow will never come.
He slithers a tattooed hand beneath your dress to rub your clothed folds. You gasp loudly at the abrupt intrusion, letting him do whatever he desires at the moment while you relax at the sensational touches he leaves on you.
Whimpering, you grip tightly on his shoulder to urge him to go on. "Don't stop," you whine, "Please don't stop, fuck—"
"I won't, sweetheart." He licks at the fresh hickey he's just made while whispering. "I won't."
Before anyone could even catch up to what was going on, Jungkook hides the both of you from out in the open, hastily fishing his car keys from his pocket to unlock the Black Mercedes he's about to drag you in. He opens the backdoor, and soon enough, he's messily falling along with you on the leather seats where you continue to explore each other's bodies.
He locks the car again before hunching your dress around your waist to take a look at the sopping mess you've done with your panties, pushing them to the side when he finally gets to touch your bare pussy for the first time tonight.
Growling, he leans down to your ear only to send you a hot wave of shivers with the raspy whisper he lets out. "Gonna make you cum so hard tonight, sweetheart." He chuckles, "So fucking hard."
Jungkook wasn't expecting to receive exactly the same treatment he intends to give you tonight.
The moment you arrive at his penthouse, the two of you are already sticking to each other immediately like opposite poles of a magnet until you eventually navigate yourselves to the large couch in his living room. He settles you comfortably on his lap, hands traveling down to your clothed ass where he kneads them as you continue to lap each other out. You're the first one to pull away after a few more seconds, for he's already sucking the breath out of you with his plush lips alone.
You impatiently begin to unbutton his dress shirt, admiring the bulky figure that's hidden underneath the flimsy layer of fabric. He does the same to you, wrapping an arm around your back to unzip the tight outfit refraining his eyes from indulging in your gorgeous figure. The straps fall loosely around your shoulders, and soon enough, your dress is already messily hunched around your waist, exposing the entirety of your body to Jungkook's lust-hungry gaze.
By the time you get rid of his top, you don't hesitate to lean down and place kitten licks on his nipple. He quietly gasps at your bold move, resisting the temptation to have his eyes rolling back when you lick a fat stripe on his chest. He shivers underneath you, falling victim for your presence as he tightens the hold he has on your waist. Your pussy is gushing your arousal like a waterfall, and Jungkook doesn't fail to notice how desperate your whimpers get when you pick up the motion of your hips on his thigh.
Pulling away, you attack his lips ferociously, moaning oh-so wantonly that it has the tent in Jungkook's pants growing angrier by the minute. "I wanna ride your face."
"Fuck yeah, baby." Jungkook almost whines when you hastily settle yourself on his face, having your panties already ridden off earlier from the steamy car ride on the way home. You pant heavily, sensing his warm breath knocking right on your entrance, steadily aligning your core above his pillowy lips until he takes matters in his own hands — becoming more desirous for the sweet nectar leaking over him.
"Oh! Fuck, Jungkook—" You draw out a long mewl when he laps at your pussy like an oasis, leaving no drop of your juices out of his mouth as he dances his tongue around your sopping folds.
Nothing left could be heard in the spacious room aside from your lewd moans and the obscene noises of your wet pussy being eaten out by Jungkook.
You desperately grind on his face, searching for more friction, repeatedly nudging the tip of his nose with your clit which only has you throwing your head back in bliss.
Jungkook, on the other hand, feels more than euphoric seeing your fucked out expression from below. He wiggles his tongue in every spot he deemed fit to have you toppling near the edge. Your taste alone is enough to get him off, bucking his hips in the air to seek for a release himself. Swallowing every drop you offered him only has him going crazier by the second, only urging him to fuck you with his tongue this instant, and that's what he exactly did.
The abrupt intrusion of his tongue between your folds elicited a loud whimper from you. He fucks you with his tongue like how he would with his cock — messy and fast.
Breathy chants of his name and a messy mantra of moans and whimpers come tumbling off your tongue. You bounce on his face like the desperate one you were, chasing that orgasm that's merely boiling from deep within your core.
He simply couldn't get enough of your essence, akin to getting intoxicated by the best form of addiction in the world. He continues to lap on your dripping cunt as if he's the next one in line on a death row, moaning every now and then which sends vibrations reverberating up your spine. Your mind blacks out, and now the only thing you can think of is Jungkook's skilled and wet tongue bringing you to an intense orgasm.
You don't hold back from leaving your mouth ajar to spill out the most sinful, yet heavenly noises Jungkook has ever heard, provoking him to add up to your pleasure by encouraging you to swivel your hips around his face.
Your pending orgasm is peeking around the corner, and the knot that's about to blow up inside you is about to make a mess on Jungkook's swollen lips. "Fuck, Jungkook, I'm cumming—" you whine, thighs shaking profusely until the knot snaps.
Gasping, Jungkook doesn't leave any of your juices unwelcome, for he's greedily drinking your juices up in pure gluttony. Your pussy keeps gushing out new waves of your orgasm for Jungkook to consume, and he can never get sick of it. If anything, it leaves him wanting more of that gushy sweetness you provide him, never ever being stunned from the way you do it.
Sweet, sticky, thick and pretty
You changed the game
At this point, Jungkook wants nothing more than to shove his cock in the prettiest pussy he's seen in his life, similar to a messy abstract painting that always succeeds in enticing the people's eyes — that's how beautiful Jungkook saw you.
Slowly lifting your hips off his panting face, you finally take a glimpse for the first time on how fucked out he already seemed. His lips are absolutely smeared with your essence, and perhaps a few of it even landed on his chin and his nose. However, your appreciation session on the man's features are cut short when he rips open the condom hiding in his pocket, swiftly stripping himself off his pants until his dick is finally sprang out in the open; tall and leaking with pre-cum.
He rolls the condom around his shaft, and before you know it, he's already forcing you down on his lap where your soft walls gain contact with the tip of his cock.
"Gonna fuck your pretty little pussy with my cock, baby. You want that?"
You mewl in response, eagerly nodding as you visibly bite your lower lip. Spreading your slick all over his tip, you steadily sink yourself around his girth, eliciting a guttural groan between the two of you. For a moment, you can feel the wind knock out of your lungs from how full you felt. Your walls kept themselves snug around Jungkook's veiny shaft, and he swears, he's losing his composure faster by the second.
"Fuck," he lowly whimpers when you finally bottom out, large hands settling on your hips to slowly drag you up again. Your pussy already leaves a trail of dribbling slick down the length of his cock, and it definitely earns a hiss to come out between Jungkook's teeth.
He helps you in riding him, a lewd yelp falling off your pretty lips when your hips crash down on his thick thighs, causing his tip to kiss the top of your cervix inside. Soon enough, your pace becomes increasingly desperate, as what seemed to be mildly moderate a few seconds back turns to a merciless wrath of Jungkook's cock roughly fucking into your dripping cunt.
"Jungkook!" You cry his name in utter bliss before the weight of your head gives in, leaning on his shoulder for support as you unknowingly drool on the taut muscle. He growls animalistically, fucking you with full force and great speed which leaves the air humid, and the sound of skin slapping and wet squelches of your pussy fill the quiet space of his penthouse.
A staccato of breathy moans spill out from your lips like a waterfall. His cock was covered in your slick, shimmering in your thick arousal which only heightened Jungkook's stimulation.
"God, look at you—your cunt is drooling all over my cock, baby. Wettest pussy in the fucking world, shit—"
Your walls clench from his words, another wave of your juices gushing out from your pussy. No one else can make you hornier than the man fucking you right at this very moment. His brows are furrowed in concentration, mind unable to think of anything else aside from his cock rearranging your guts. He's practically pierced everywhere, and the fact that he has a full-sleeve tattoo covering the whole of his right arm only aids on to your arousal.
He catches you momentarily staring at him, and he only simpers at you. "Fuck, like what you see, baby?" The clench you do confirms your thought. "Yeah, I know you do, baby. Your cunt is so fucking wet for me, isn't it? Such a good fucking cunt, taking dick so obediently, yeah?"
"S-So good," you mewled on his shoulder, breathing becoming labored when his tip repeatedly nudges your sweet spot. The obscene noises increase in volume, which encourages Jungkook to remain consistent with his thrusts.
Everything feels messy and sticky down below where your arousal has certainly reached Jungkook's balls, covering them in white as some of it land on your ass where they clap in motion of his rough thrusts.
Jungkook swears to God that he's losing it every minute, feeling his climax build up faster than usual, too lost in the incredible sensation of your tight walls clinging onto his length for dear life. Oh, and was he extremely whipped for the way you keep creaming around the base of his cock as if you're marking him as your own. He tries to hold back the fighting orgasm bubbling within his gut, but you just had to keep him snug against your warm folds for one last time until he's eventually reaching his breaking point.
"Shit, baby, your cunt's so fucking good I think I'm gonna cum soon—" He draws out one last whine before he's filling up the thin latex material. He breathes heavily, knowing that he's never been the one to cum first during sex. Feeling his dick immediately soften, he pushes you off his cock and pulls the condom off his shaft, hastily flipping you around so he's the one on top of you this time. He grips your knees to force your legs wide, kneeling down so his face is directly in front of your dribbling cunt.
"You haven't cum yet, haven't you, angel?"
"N-No," you stutter, sensing the proximity of his face between your folds.
"Sad you didn't get to cum on my cock, but my fingers will do the trick for now."
Before you could even fully react to his statement, he's already plunging three long digits in your warm cunt, plunging them inside and out at a swift rate that has your eyes rolling to the back of your skull in an instant.
"Holy shit, pussy still so fucking tight even after getting split open with my cock." He bites his lip, pleased with the wet noises your cunt makes whenever he digs them deep within your cavern. You throw your head back as if you're floating on clouds, eyes giving in as you surrender to Jungkook's fingers finishing you off.
"Such a good girl," he coos, "taking my fingers like your pussy's made for them."
You can feel your high lingering in your lower abdomen, that familiar knot beginning to form and Jungkook detects it right away. You almost lost it when he began to increase the speed of his fingers, but what has you screaming in such a pornographic manner is his mouth sucking your clit ferociously.
He laps on your clit like a madman, desperate to reach your climax. Your legs begin to profusely shake, and your screams morph into pleasurable sobs that have Jungkook smiling against your heat. You're flooding more and more juices on his hand, his tongue aiding to your fast-approaching orgasm.
"Don't stop, don't stop, pleeeaasseeee, don't fucking stop!" You pant wildly as your hands fly to his soft locks, gripping on them for dear life to lock his mouth in place of your clit. Jungkook was absolutely shameless for loudly slurping on your wetness, flicking your clit with his tongue simultaneously which brought the cherry on top for your orgasm.
"So good, I'm cumming, shit—"
He temporarily pulls away from your cunt. "Go on and make a mess all over my face, pretty girl. You did so, so fucking well for me."
With that, he sucks on your clit for one last time before your vision fades to black. A large wave of your wetness gushes out of your pussy, forcing his fingers to pull out which has him aiming for your clit right away. He rapidly rubs your clit, groaning in satisfaction with the mess he caused.
"Damn, angel, you just fucking squirted all over me."
You're panting heavily, unable to register anything that Jungkook's saying to you, for the recent orgasm you experienced has just hit you in the head like a truck. Your body is still twitching due to the overstimulation, but Jungkook didn't seem to care at all.
Jungkook appreciates how your pussy appears to be more glossy from how much you squirted, licking his lips in temptation before leaning in to swipe a fat stripe of his tongue from the bottom of your folds to your gorging clit. You shiver from the overstimulation, taking the pleasure nonetheless.
How can you ever make him stop when this man is an absolute fucking sex god?
"Fuck, your pussy's so sweet, baby," he whines on your folds before proceeding to flick his tongue left and right at a rapid pace. Your eyes struggle to keep themselves open, for the only sensation you yearn to keep is his mouth working wonders on you. Your moans increase in both volume and pitch, and you swear the man eating you out like a whole buffet is about to pull another mind-boggling orgasm out of you.
He only adds on to your rapture when he inserts three of his slender digits inside you again. You gasp loudly, legs profusely spasming to the point where you can't keep them open anymore. You attempt to squeeze your thighs between Jungkook's face, which causes him to forcefully pry them open when he growls on your pussy.
"This cunt will be the fucking death of me, angel," he chuckles, planting a soft peck on your clit contrary to the merciless motion of his fingers. "Make a mess one more time for me, sweetheart, hm?"
"I-I can't," you sob, nails clawing on the fabric of the couch as you feel your climax flying to its peak. "Too much..!"
"You can and you fucking will," he growls again, and the vibrations felt on your heat is what triggers another mind-shattering orgasm to crash down on you. Your legs wail around from the strong intensity, but Jungkook held you still. His mouth remains unbothered when you spill your juices all over his lips, happily lapping up on your remains.
The overstimulation makes you shudder, and your cunt at this point is overly sensitive from the continuous motions of his wet tongue. "T-Too much." You use all of your remaining strength to push his head away, and you're thankful he did, only to land a wad of spit onto your sensitive cunt, anyway. He rubs the small bundle of nerves in slow, circular motions, which makes you whine.
"Jungkook, I really c-can't anymore," you whine, and he finally separates himself away from your cunt despite the addiction coursing in his veins. He leans down on your face to pull you in one last tender kiss. Your taste has definitely made its mark on Jungkook's lips, evident when he tangles his tongue with yours.
He's the first to pull away before things become more heated again, abruptly carrying you in the air with his taut arms to bring you to his bedroom. "You should look at yourself, pretty," he snickers, "You look fucking adorable in my arms like this."
You blush at his comment, shying yourself away from his gaze which Jungkook merely chuckled to. He brings you to his bedroom where he provides you with the most tender care you've experienced in your life, gently cleaning you up here and there with a wet tissue as well as giving you a generous donation with one of his shirts to keep you warm.
Jungkook was never a big fan of aftercare, preferring to keep things casual by letting whoever he hooked up with leave right away. However, seeing you laying there, exhausted from everything, gave him this strong urge to cradle you in his arms in an instant, which makes him exactly do that.
In tangled sheets, you and Jungkook sleep through the night with your limbs intertwining one another. He couldn't exactly place the blossoming sensation in his chest, but he decides to brush it off, thinking it'll all wither away in the morning.
Boy, was he wrong.
After last night
After last night, I think I'm in love with you
The next day, Jungkook wakes up next to the large empty space of his bed. At first, he could hardly remember everything that occurred last night, until the memories all came crashing down at him at once when the image of your face appeared in his brain.
His heart hammers the moment he thought about the long, yet ephemeral night he spent with you. His first instinct is to get up from bed and call out your name, thinking you're still somewhere within his residence.
"___?" He's been chanting your name like a broken toy, searching for every part of his penthouse. To no avail, though, it seems you have left Jungkook alone without bidding him a proper farewell. The only trace of you he has is the small note you wrote placed on top of the counter. It merely stated about you leaving extra early for personal reasons, saying you enjoyed the night with him nonetheless.
However, Jungkook feels himself pouting when you didn't bother leaving a number for him nor any sort of connection that'll have him talk to you again. He reminisces about the valuable time he cherished with you last night, remembering even the smallest details of you. His favorite feature of yours is definitely your smile, following the sound of your giggles echoing through his ears. You possess the plumpest lips that are worth dying for, and definitely the belle of the party last night.
To top it all off, you also had the sweetest pussy he's ever laid his hands on.
He didn't realize that he's been staring into empty space for the past few minutes, immediately blinking away any thoughts of you before deciding to proceed with his daily routine.
A lingering sensation of longing for you still remains in his chest, though. And it's slowly driving him to madness.
After last night, he's probably in love with you for all he knows.
Woke up and I can't get you out of my head
After last night, I don't know what to do
Jungkook has never seen himself be this crazy for a woman, let alone it being after a supposed one night stand.
Did you perhaps cast a hex on him? Your face haunts him even during the middle of daylight. You're like an addiction he can't get rid of no matter how hard he tries. You come to him like you were meant for him, and he can't help but be simultaneously overwhelmed and amused from how much he's thinking about you.
He can't think straight from how much you've been conquering his mind throughout the day, spacing out every minute and so to cling onto the last traces of you by solely remembering you.
Jeon Jungkook is absolutely head over heels for you.
(Baby, you've got to tell me)
When I'm gon' see you again
On the couch is Jungkook endlessly scrolling through his phone, checking out every social media app possible to possibly find you and gain contact with you for the sake of his remaining sanity. It seems like fate has been on the wrong side with him when he's unable to find a hint of you no matter how thorough he searches.
He can only sigh when his hope begins to plummet. Perhaps you were only meant to be another mere one night stand that'll add on to Jungkook's promiscuous history and nothing more. After all, you were aware from the very beginning that a man like Jungkook can't be trusted, thus making you leave before you could possibly get attached to the man.
However, after last night, he doesn't bat a single eye to any other woman whenever he's out with his friends.
After last night, you're all that takes up most of Jungkook's mind.
After last night, he began doing the craziest shit all because of you.
After last night, Jungkook only clings onto one question for the following weeks of his life: When is he going to see you again?
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after last night (two)
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sockatoothewafflebird · 3 months
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over and over, i fuck myself over, and under and under, i do it again.
morning and evening, i felt i was grieving, until i said fuck you, and never again.
daytime or nighttime, i feel i'm on my time, but time is fickle, just like a friend.
and with my departure, from the pain i harbor, i feel i am sinking, and sailing to swim...
I'm worried about Ragatha.
She'd definitely be better off not looking at mirrors for a while. Even more so if she stopped reciting random depressing songs to her ceiling, for no other reason than to dig a deeper hole, to sink further down. I can hear her singing to herself every night, the same songs she plays on all her instruments. What a beautiful voice. How beautifully she plays. But, it's always so sad.
She keeps falling. Faster. Further. Her screams can't be heard anymore. And yet she never falters. How many miles - and what kind - of shit has she been through, to think this is okay? How long did it go on for, for her to think it's normal?
It's not healthy.
But she doesn't mind. Somehow. She'd break her own arms herself if it meant Zooble would stop losing their temper at her, if it meant Jax would stop terrorizing Gangle, if it meant Kinger could just remember the little things.
She's such a wonderful person. Amazing. An unstoppable ray of sunshine for anyone willing to look at her. She's the kindest person I've ever met. Even behind all that fog, she cares, maybe more than anyone. It's so sweet.
It's so easy to see she's hurting though. She hurts so much sometimes I can see her hide her tears, I can tell she deflects all the time.
If only she knew she didn't have to hide. If only she saw it. If only she knew she's more than a toy.
If only I could get through to her.
I guess I should've listened when Kaufmo said to never fall for a girl with baggage. Seeing her like this just hurts.
I hope she can figure it out. I try so hard to make sure she's doing alright, and she always insists I don't have to worry. And I can never hide how much it devastates me that she thinks I'd drop the subject so quickly, and just act like I don't care. I do care. I care so much I think i'll fucking die if she doesn't start seeing through my eyes once in a while.
God. This is the longest entry i've ever written. My hand hurts.
Goodnight, I guess. Here's to hoping.
my plan when i find a character i like (in no particular order):
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this is how i feel about ragatha. in case you didn't notice. i love her as a character so much i just wanna put her under a damn microscope. the influence has influenced me and now i share the obsession with ragatha that mod bee from @ask-the-rag-dolly has been afflicted with.
pomni is such an observant character. and caring. and overall very smart. she can't pretend she doesn't notice all of ragatha's little lies and slip-ups.. and it eats away at her, knowing she can't do anything, knowing ragatha can't and won't accept help right now. ragatha needs to come to terms with it on her own. a therapist is what ragatha needs.
but in a video game? and in my au, in the middle of a broken world full of corporate greed and the cold, unforgiving whims of mother nature? if she found a therapist in either, it would be considered a once in a lifetime historical discovery. the school textbooks would have a chapter on it.
either way, something's up in the darkest depths of that cotton-filled brain of hers, and she's just built to think it doesn't matter. she's built to make sure everything stays nice and positive and okay. when we ALL see it's not. goddamnit ragatha i will make an oc that is a licensed therapist just so you can stop being such a sad wet dog and start practicing the art of self-partially-enjoy oh my god you sweet little door hinge
(song lyrics at the beginning are from over & over by rio romeo btw, theyre very cool pls check them out)
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shrewsburysworld · 26 days
Twisted Hearts | Jeon Jungkook | part 4
Y'all I am changing name of yandere popular guy Jungkook because the story is gonna get more twisted :)
Warning :- mature content, dark themes, dubious, non-consensual elements, delusional behaviour, Stockholm syndrome, physical and emotional elements, obsession and toxic relationship. The behaviour of characters is not something to emulate.
Summary :- Jungkook forces you into a twisted marriage, sparking a dangerous, obsessive love. As your resentment turns into dominance, you both become trapped in a dark, toxic relationship where love and control blur into one.
*This is my original work do not copyright ©*
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The cold walls of the mansion felt like they were closing in on you. Days blurred together as you tried to find a way out, a way to escape Jungkook's relentless obsession. But every attempt was met with a dead end. He was always one step ahead, his influence and power keeping you in place.
Jungkook’s presence was constant—overwhelming. He would check on you, bring you meals, and sit with you in silence, his eyes never leaving your face. At first, you refused to speak to him, hoping that if you ignored him long enough, he would let you go. But Jungkook was patient, disturbingly so.
One evening, after what felt like weeks of silence, you finally broke. “Why are you doing this?” you whispered, your voice trembling. “Why can’t you just let me go?”
Jungkook looked at you, his expression a mix of pain and determination. “Because I love you. I can’t live without you. You’re the only one who ever cared for me. Don’t you see? We’re meant to be together.”
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. “This isn’t love, Jungkook. It’s madness. You can’t force someone to love you.”
He stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the marble floor. “You don’t understand now, but you will,” he said, his voice hardening. “I’ll make you see that we belong together.”
As the days passed, Jungkook’s methods grew more drastic. He cut off all your communication with the outside world—no phone, no internet. You were completely isolated, with only him for company. Whenever you resisted or tried to argue, he would lock you in your room for hours, sometimes days, until you were too exhausted to fight back.
One night, you tried to escape. You waited until he was asleep, then quietly slipped out of bed and made your way to the front door. But as soon as you touched the doorknob, the alarms went off. Within seconds, Jungkook was there, his face a mask of anger and hurt.
“You’re trying to leave me again?” he demanded, grabbing your wrist with bruising force. “After everything I’ve done for you?”
You winced, trying to pull away, but his grip tightened. “I just want to be free, Jungkook,” you pleaded, tears streaming down your face. “Please, let me go.”
“Never,” he hissed. “You’re mine, and I’ll never let you go.”
He dragged you back to the bedroom, his mood swinging between anger and desperation. “Why can’t you just love me?” he muttered, more to himself than to you. “What do I have to do to make you stay? Please tell me, yn! Why can't you see my efforts. Am I that unlovable?!” Jungkook said weeping to you. Ofcourse you were there when he was on the ground surrounded by nothing but his own misery. The popular guy who had no one to turn back to when he needed help.
In that moment, something in you shifted. The fear and anger that had been consuming you began to morph into something else—something darker. You were trapped, completely at his mercy. And yet, a small part of you began to understand his desperation. He was lonely, broken in a way that mirrored your own emptiness. And as much as you hated to admit it, you began to feel a twisted connection to him.
The days continued to pass, but your resistance started to fade. You stopped trying to escape, stopped arguing. Instead, you began to talk to him, really talk. Jungkook noticed the change immediately. His touches became softer, his voice gentler. He started to open up to you, sharing stories from his childhood, his fears, and his insecurities.
One evening, after a particularly vulnerable conversation, he reached out and took your hand. “You’re the only one who understands me,” he said quietly, his eyes searching yours for any sign of rejection. “You’re the only one who’s ever made me feel like this.”
You looked at him, really looked at him, and for the first time, you saw past the obsession and the madness. You saw a man who was deeply, irreparably damaged—someone who had been failed by everyone around him. And in that moment, you felt something shift inside you again.
“I’m here, Jungkook,” you said softly, squeezing his hand. “I’m not going anywhere.”
His eyes widened in disbelief, as if he couldn’t trust what he was hearing. “You… you mean that?”
You nodded, a small, resigned smile playing on your lips. “Yes, I do.”
From that night on, something between you changed. Jungkook was no longer just your captor; he became your protector, your only source of comfort in a world that had shrunk down to the walls of his mansion. You began to rely on him, crave his presence. And slowly, the lines between love and captivity blurred.
Jungkook noticed the change in you, and it only fueled his obsession. He showered you with gifts, whispered sweet words in your ear, and held you close every night, as if afraid you might disappear.
One night, as you lay in bed together, his arms wrapped around you, you turned to face him. “Jungkook,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes?” he replied, his breath warm against your skin.
“I… I think I like you,” you admitted, the words tasting foreign on your tongue.
His eyes widened, and for a moment, you thought you saw tears welling up. “You like me?” he echoed, his voice filled with disbelief and joy.
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. “Yes, I do.”
He pulled you closer, burying his face in your neck. “I knew you would,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “I knew you’d see that we’re meant to be together.”
As he held you, you felt a strange sense of peace settle over you. The fear, the anger, the resentment—they all melted away, replaced by a deep, abiding connection to the man who had once been your captor. You were no longer trapped—you were his, and in some twisted way, that was exactly where you wanted to be.
If you liked the story, do comment and reblog 🫶
Need smut in the next part??!
Twisted Hearts master list.
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robin33r · 4 months
Taurtis isn't talked about enough. He's genuinely gotten drowned out and it's golly awful!!! Everyone's so focused on Sam and grian and their stuff taurtis gets drowned out.
Taurtis is such an anomaly and he is MORE than just some silly guy who's Sam's best friend. I'd argue he's just as bad or maybe even a tad bit worse. Hear me out.
Straight up at the beginning of the series, no one mentions (outside of like 2 people) that taurtis has killed someone and made it on TV while getting away with it. Bros the first murderer we see in the season revealed and hey, this can imply he's done it before and never gotten caught. Taurtis knows damn well how things are and id argue hes the result behind Sam's behavior. Not Yuki, while she did also heavily influence him, he did a lot more damage.
No one ever mentions ot though because he's just a "silly little guy"
Even from the start Taurtis has been seen making these decisions for Sam but the way they work is making it look like the others independent when I can argue they're both codependent on eachother in a way. Taurtis even convinces and forces the idea of Sam doing things for to a sense someone can see "for his (Sam's) own good" When Sam was in love with Sookie and found out she was into women, he was bummed out, however Taurtis was the one who suggested he could chop her up or get Sam to dress as a girl in which; he even protested at first and kept denying. Taurtis in the beginning had a small weird obsession with when things went wrong; they could resort to "chop chop" It is known and we all talk about Sam and Yuki being a yandere but what about Taurtis being one potentially? I know this can be diminished by the nice treatment Salex (I have a whole another yap session about salex and him and sam) The second Sam said he had no chance with Sookie, Taurtis asked about using force and deceiving to help get Sam what he wants. Also for whatever reason he has a TON of images of Sam on his phone canonically?? Am I the only one who's taking that into acc?
Sam is EASILY one of the most quick-to-influence characters in the series and can easily be manipulated, despite being described as a manipulator himself. And the person who's been with him the most in life and who's been living ALONE with for who knows what time? For Sam to having gone down the rabbit hole he is, the person who'd have tk influence that would have to be Taurtis. He encourages and excuses everything and I'd argue he even partakes in stuff in his own time. There's also the fact he has no problem hurting his own friends as well, he's CONSTANTLY being physical with Sam and he doesn't even care with Stabbing him off a building as a friendly gesture to a sense. There's also the fact he literally doesn't care if someone (coughs SAM) plays dress up with him whenever they want, it's fine its whatever right?? He could care less about that stuff
HOWEVER in the end he's still a teenager, he's a genuinely insecure teenager. It's not directly stated however it is very much implied with his reactions and interactions and his need/drive to impress others and for them to be impressed by and to want him. He almost needs people to need him and that's probably part of what makes him happy about Sam's codependency because he knows Sam needs Taurtis. Taurtis needs someone to need him, which is probably what started his infatuation with salex because she always praised and flirted with him and fueled his confidence; that's what he wants or "needs." That's part of where I think not only Sam but TAURTIS is also codependent in his own way. It's an eye for an eye. He gives what he wants and expects that to be given back in its own way. He's more than happy with being popular and having Sam do so much, hell that helps boost his confidence. He's got his own demands and we've seen instances where he makes Sam supply hjm or give him his own food (which my friend has pointed out that Sam's willing to even starve for taurtis if it meant taurtis could feel full/get what he wanted.) We see Taurtis even being insecure when Sam and Grian point things out (like when he went bald and how horrible it looked) and he instantly jumped on trying to find ways to quickly grow his hair back. He doesn't want that imperfection. He's quick to jump to conclusions too because when Sam makes a small comment he INSTANTLY retorts. (Example; "you have a great chewwy/ you'd be a great chewwy-chewbaca" "are you saying I'm hairy/fat???) He's still an insecure teenager, despite his popular and having someone straight up need him to be even the slightest bit okay, I dont think he'd willingly abandon that
I have so much more to say but rn this is what I'm giving, I could go into his relationship with Sam, his acts/interests, hus family and childhood but that's for another episode
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rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Just so you know, I am not writing about any of his actual ex girlfriends. For the purpose of this story, let's just pretended he dated some sort of an influencer or something like that 😅
Anyways, hope you enjoy! This was written based on an idea sent to me by my lovely Portuguese bestie, so thank you babe ❤
Reader gets angry at Ruben after his ex talks shit on a reality show and Ruben convinces the reader she is the only one he cares about:
You couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that was bubbling in the pit of your stomach, as you listened to the words leaving the mouth of a woman on your phone screen. You got tagged in that video so many times you finally decided to check what it was about, not expecting it to be a fragment of an interview given by your husband's ex. For your understanding, it was this type of a confession interview that people give on reality shows. Ruben's ex apparently decided to take part in one and she didn't miss the opportunity to bring up his name. The things she was saying making you clench your teeth in anger. She was boasting about a certain famous footballer (not giving a name, but it was so obvious who she meant) who was so head over heels in love with her - she claimed she was the one to break up with him, after he made it clear he wanted to marry her. She was gushing all about how obsessed he was with her, how he told her she was the love of his life and the only one he could ever want, insinuating his relationship with you was only a way for him to try and forget about his ex. Making it seem like you were only a rebound. In the back of your mind you knew that what she said was not true, you knew getting mad about it was stupid, however you couldn't help but feel pure anger.
The jealousy that overtook you making you give a cold shoulder to your husband. He seemed to be extremely confused when he made it back from training that afternoon and you dodged his kiss, without as much as even saying hello to him. He tried to ask you what happened, what was the reason of your unusual behaviour, but you just kept ignoring him. After few failed attempts he decided to give up, to give you some space and come back to the topic later. He decided to mind his own business for a little while, so he occupied himself with some lengthy Netflix show. However, after hours have passed, he couldn't keep acting like nothing has happened, he was determined to make amends with you before the two of you nodded off, not wanting to go to bed angry at each other. He raised himself from the couch and went to find you, he stumbled through the rooms of your house until he finally found you, putting on your complicated skincare routine in front of your bathroom mirror. He leaned against the doorfarme and looked at your reflection in silence, until you realized his presence and your eyes met his in the mirror. For a while neither of you said anything, but it was Ruben who broke the silence.
"Will you tell me what I did to make you so upset?" he asked, but didn't receive any response from you. "C'mon y/n, this is childish. Can't we just talk it out?" irritation was clear in his voice.
"Oh, I am the one who is childish?! Why won't you say that about your ex girlfriend, huh? Is she not childish for going on a fucking reality show, talking all about how she is the one who you really wanted to be with?" you screamed at him, turning on your heel to be able to look at him and crossing your arms on your chest in anger.
Ruben blinked at your words, his brows furrowed as if he was shocked at what you have just said.
"You saw that?" he stuttered after a while of what seemed like him gathering his words.
"How do you expect me not to see it, when it's all everybody is talking about? Do you know how many people tagged me in it, how many people sent that video to me, laughing in my face about how your ex was so much better then me?" your eyes drilling into Ruben, anger and jealousy racing through your veins.
"Baby, please don't listen to any of that, you know it's not true. Please let's just have a calm talk..." he tried to reason with you, but it had quite the opposite effect, his composure pissing you off even more.
"No, I don't want to talk. You know what? Maybe you should just go back to her if she's so great, huh?" you spit out those words before turning back around so that you were facing the mirror again. Just as you were about to start putting your cream on your face again, you felt heat of a body pressing against your back. You looked up and saw the reflection of your husband right behind you, his arms wrapping around you, his head dropping to the crook of your neck and soon you felt his lips tracing your soft skin. He rutted his hips into you, making you very aware of the growing erection hidden in his sweatpants.
"Don't you see what you do to me, baby?" he rasped straight into your ear. "You think I care about anybody else but you?" he mumbled into the skin of your neck, before running his tounge against it. "Gonna let me show you who I belong to, baby?" he asked you, raising his head and looking at you through the mirror. After seeing you nod, his hands worked on the knot of your robe, until ha managed to undo it and slid the silky material down your arms. His hands immediately rested on your hips, pushing you on the counter so that you would lean against it. One of his hands traveled up your back, rested between your shoulder blades and pushed you forward, making you rest your weight on your hands on the countertop and arch your back slightly. He bunched up the material of your night gown over your hips as his lips worked on the sensitive skin of your shoulders and your neck.
"Fuck, you are so beautiful, so perfect for me" he praised you as his fingers hooked under the material of your panties and pulled them down your legs. He only slightly lowered the material of the sweatpants and the boxers that he was wearing, to be able to take out his hard cock. He wrapped his hand around it, giving it few tentative pumps before guiding himself to your entrance.
"Look at me" he ordered, as he teased your already dripping hole with the tip of his cock. "Gonna fuck you dumb, baby, make you forget about all of that bullshit, you understand?" Ruben asked, as he pushed the head of his dick into your thight walls.
You let out a moan, only able to nod your head in response. Ruben's large hands grabbed a thight hold of your hips once again, as he pushed himself deeper inside you, groans leaving his mouth at the feeling of your warm cunt swallowing his length. Your hands gripped the countertop roughly as Ruben set a harsh pace with his deep thrusts. One of his hands left your hip and traveled to the front of your body until it reached your neck. He gripped your throat, squeezing it and making you raise your head up, so that you could watch what he was doing to you in the mirror.
"Look how well we fit together, pretty girl. It's like you were made for me." he groaned right next to the shell of your ear, making you let out another shaky moan. He added more pressure to your throat, while his hips were slamming into yours in a brutal pace. "Fuck, you're so thight, best pussy I've ever had, you heard me?" Ruben asked you through gritted teeth.
Your throat was dry, the pleasure running through you so overwhelming, you felt like you wouldn't be able to let out a word if you tried, so you opted for an eager nod of your head. However, Ruben wasn't having any of that, as he let go of your neck and grabbed a fistful of your hair, making your head tilt back.
"Asked you a question angel, I need to hear words" he reminded you in a raspy voice, before attaching his lips to the skin of your exposed neck.
"Yes... Yes, Ruben" you let out in between the shameless moans that were escaping your mouth. Your eyes shut closed at the feeling of his teeth digging into the sensitive skin of your shoulder.
"That's my good girl." a smirk spread on his face at the feeling of your walls clenching around his cock. "You gonna cum for me, baby?" he asked, his fast and deep strokes inside of you not letting up.
"Yes... Please, don't stop" you begged, feeling tingles spread in your tummy, a sign of your orgasm approaching.
"Go on baby, squeeze my cock like a good girl" Ruben encouraged you, his eyes glued to your reflection, as he admired your face scrunched up from the pleasure he was giving you. "Gonna cum deep inside you, show you who I belong to" he groaned, as your orgasm washed through you, him following you soon, emptying his load inside of you.
After the two of you came down from your highs, Ruben slowly pulled out of you, letting out a hiss. He turned you around in his arms, pressing a kiss to your temple before putting you up on the counter. He fixed his sweatpants and went to find a cloth to clean you up, returning to your side in a matter of few seconds.
"You are the only one for me" he whispered against your lips, before capturing them in a sweet kiss. A feeling of ease washed through you at his reassurance and you rested your head against his chest when he broke the kiss. Ruben's chest filled with ease, knowing that the two of you were okay again.
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medusa12346 · 2 years
Astrology observations: Looks
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(This post can be applied to any placement of yours, not only rising. It is possible that it will apply more with rising and inner planets.
💅🏻Fixed risings want to be looking mature/look mature, as they're EARTH signs, they want to look grounded, mature and dependable. 💅🏻Pisces are familiar-I feel like because they're the oldest sign or the end, they look familiar to zodiacs.
💅🏻Capricorn placements have a thing with noses, something stands out about them, some examples of them are Rebal D (iykyk, btw it's not bad-i just meant he has a unique one) and Taehyung from BTS.
💅Leo ascendants are literally so confident, I think that's what makes them so pretty but also their features, literally gods and goddesses. Their hair is great, yes but people don't talk about their posture? Like their body or posture is so graceful.
💅🏻Taurus risings seem to get glasses at a young age? I've met quite a few.
💅🏻Earth risings have plump lips! Like they're so beautiful and pretty, I think they love them too and are very invested in them.
💅🏻Not only Scorpio but Aries have also gone through an emo phase
💅🏻Leo risings have SHORT noses, not about the bridge but they have very short noses
💅🏻Hard jaws: Virgo, Cap, Taurus, Aries, Scorpio, Aquarius, Sagittarius
💅🏻Soft jaw: Libra, Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, Leo
💅🏻!I've said this before! But, fixed risings seem to vary so much in styles which is ironic.
💅🏻I've noticed that Sag's are tall, but they have their growth spurt later than other people like they can lag behind a bit during their younger teen phase
💅🏻For Aquarius, they can look a bit uninviting when met for first time but like if you see them after a few months you'll just be so encaptured-
💅🏻For Gemini, they look sooooo sneaky istg like they're about to burn your house down.
💅🏻When older, Capricorn placements love to have beards if possible. They like to look older than they are LMAO
💅🏻Earth and water risings tend to be short while Air and Fire just-SO TALL?
💅🏻Pisces and libra are so obsessed with their eyelashes? Not only their eyes but their eyelashes are so pretty and long too, and they absolutely adore that!
💅🏻Curly hair or wavy hair is very prominent in Aquarius!
💅🏻If you have sun/leo influence you might be born with hair already!
💅🏻Taurus's usually end up being plump and cute and hourglass!
💅🏻THIS IS PROOF all of my taurus friends (any major placements) have wide shoulders
💅🏻Pisces + cancer, libra, aries, 5h can get feet injuries if not careful!
💅🏻Major Capricorn+ Cancer+Libra influence in a person=Anime man vibes
💅🏻Major Cancer+Pisces+Libra=Anime woman vibes
💅🏻Virgo's ARE petite!
💅🏻Cancers, 4th house, Leo, 5th house, Aries influences can mean baby fat lasts for a while! You all are cute.
💅🏻Aquarius influence seem to have short, pointy noses!
💅🏻My leo rising friend loves taking sunkissed photos. Is that common?
💅🏻As a taurus rising I think we have big, rounded yet winged eyes.
↳ ❝ [] ¡! ❞Some celebrity notes
💅🏻yall have you seen selena gomez? HER FACE IS SO SOFT AND SHES A CANCER OMG
💅🏻Britney Spears looks exactly as i'd imagine a Scorpio or Aries to be like.
💅🏻Its not even questionable how Bella hadid is a libra rising, nor beyonce being leo.
💅🏻Bro Timothee Chalamet looks so much like a capricorn-Scorpio duo.
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✰This is an old post, from an old account. It is mine.
Copyrighted to @amoretarot
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merakiui · 8 months
mera sorry i don’t know if my ask got sent because of connection issues but my ask was: what would a tmdg be like if reader was obsessed with azul instead of floyd? what would jade do? will azul take advantage of reader’s feelings if he found out?
:O this route would be known as The Most Tentacular Game (or something octopus-related hehe). It makes sense for you to approach Jade because he's Azul's righthand man, so therefore he'd be most equipped with the ever-so-precious Azul Ashengrotto Lore (which will not come cheap). I think it would be much the same circumstances and deal as the one seen in tmdg, but this time Jade practices octopus courtship techniques with you. >:)
Maybe he even starts to adopt some of Azul's habits or behaviors in order to exude that Azul Ashengrotto charm you seem to love so much. Poor Jade is ready to pull his hair out every time he hears you hyping Azul up and fangirling over him when Azul himself isn't even giving you the time of day. T_T what does Azul have that he doesn't? Is it the mole? The way he smiles? His blue eyes? His personality? His glasses???? You've noted how they add to Azul's handsome flair; you even said you love a man in glasses... If Jade shows up to class wearing glasses the next day, don't mind him. Moray eyesight is not the best anyway...
Jade might be a little more cutthroat in this version, dragging you down with backhanded remarks and thinly veiled insults just to make you even more desperate. That way you'll continue to come to him, relying on him to feed you information about Azul because you're too cowardly to get it from the source. He builds your spirits, always telling (but never promising) you that you have a chance with Azul. When you confess and Azul rejects you, Jade's walking on air. Oh, he's the happiest eel because you're so devastated. And in this state you're especially influenced. Malleable like clay. <3 did you really think he meant it when he said you and Azul would be a cute pairing? Did you really think he was genuinely rooting for you? Please.
Octopus courtship is so boring, or so Jade tells you with a smile. Wouldn't you rather learn moray eel courtship instead? Jade's even willing to throw in an anatomy lesson. Isn't he so generous and benevolent? Oh, but then he's learned from the best. :) observation truly is an important skill to hone.
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jacquesthepigeon · 9 months
Thinking again about parental relationships in ML and how much they leave to be desired
Luka and Juleka had the deadbeat dada drama and it concluded with the father/son relationship being the only one that mattered and Juleka, who canonically was insecure about her relationship with Mr. Deadbeat, being not so much as a bullet note; not to mention having other characters ignore Anarka’s influence in their musical upbringing (ignoring moms becomes a running theme 🤪)
Chloé. Complete and total daddy’s girl except when she’s evil, in which case she’s her absentee mother’s daughter. Daddy’s responsible for the good, mommy for the bad. Excellent non sexist writing /s. Don’t wanna dwell on her.
With Marinette, I get the impression that she’s closer to her father than she is her mother, which by itself isn’t a problem, but then we compare the amount of individual characterization Tom and Sabine get (as in, when they’re not a monolith) and like. Tom gets all the personality while Sabine gets all the foreign mysticism and also is the emotionally stable/responsible one and apparently had 0 influence on Marinette’s upbringing whatsoever and I’m just tired of it. It’s a tired trope. Other salters can speak about the subject better. TL;DR: Tom is a character whereas Sabine is a caricaturistic space filler. Moving on.
That brings us to the most important parent/child relationship: Gabriel and Adrien. I’m gonna skip over most of the analysis for this one cuz it’s all been said already. Gabriel abuses Adrien. Adrien loves his father unconditionally. Emilie is somehow a nonfactor in all of this (see what I meant about a running theme?). Gabriel drops dead. Adrien still loves his father unconditionally and also is super chill with him being dead. Oh wait, did I say their relationship is the most important? My bad, I meant to say their relationship is completely inconsequential to the plot and that Gabriel’s motivations for pretty much everything could be explained through his obsession for his fridged wife and his perceived Ideal. These two could go the entire series without speaking to each other and nothing would change. In the grand scheme of things, these two don’t matter to each other’s alleged “arcs”; Gabriel is a selfish prick who supposedly redeemed himself… by being a selfish prick, and Adrien makes friends and allegedly grieves fantastically (if at all).
And it’s such a shame because each of these dynamics have so much to offer narratively but miss the mark by leagues. Dad = Good. Mom = inconsequential unless it’s Bad in which case it’s her fault entirely. It’s disappointing on its own for all the untapped potential and sexist as hell if you think about it for more than two seconds.
@ the men writing this show: text ur mom an apology and do better
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wingedblooms · 8 months
I saw somebody ask @merymoonbeam this and thought it would be fun, as I know there were several theories you had that were also correct.
Could you pleeeaasseee share with us what theories of yours were confirmed or even seemingly true after reading HOFAS?
Thank you so much for sending this ask! 🥹
I will preface my answer by saying that nearly all my theories relate to what will happen in the next acotar book, not hofas (though I love that series). Even when talking about the crossover, I was more focused on why it needed to come first and how it might impact the world of acotar and the maasverse she is building. I am really excited about what we learned, so here is how it tracks with my theories:
1. Urd / Mother, Cauldron, Fate / Stone Mother: Anyone who’s followed me knows how obsessed I am with the Mother, Cauldron, and Fate. Based on what the Under-King tells and shows us, I believe I was correct (and so were others) in thinking they are three faces or forms of a whole and she goes by Urd, which is called Wyrd in Erilea. This is important because Vesperus confirms that the Asteri bound Urd to the land, and she is depicted on the sacred mountain that is located in between the other two: Ramiel. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Elain is so connected to the land, and that she was described in terms of blooming life in Illyria.
2. Mapping secrets underground and the Asteri’s influence on the sacred sister peaks: In hofas, Nesta and Azriel travel underground / near the heart of the Prison mountain with Bryce. In Forbidden secrets, I suspected the next acotar book would involve the sacred sister peaks because they hide secrets (correct) and that’s where the Daglan, who I believed were the Asteri (correct), made their marks the deepest (correct). I theorized they were the ones who caused the sacred sister peaks to become void of life / barren (correct), and I suspected that the secrets they find below will lead them to the top of Ramiel (not totally confirmed yet, but I think it’ll be correct and the monolith on top of Ramiel, though perhaps deteriorated over time, may have once mirrored the behemoth (and behemoth originally meant beast of the land, I’m in heaven and already thinking of a post) of Urd in CC; the bowl is positioned at the bottom of the monolith on Ramiel in the caverns, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it was once in the monolith’s upraised arms like in CC, before the Asteri). Vesperus confirms that there are more mysteries to solve under the sacred sister peaks, so that bodes well for Azriel and Elain mapping more secrets of the land.
3. Healing the Womb of the earth: I have always thought that Elain, the sister who loves growing things, would be a healer of the land. I connected that plot thread to the Cauldron since my first post on here. The reason that’s important is because we have sacred land that is clearly chained at the very root by an invasive presence, and it seems the land has waited for someone to open their heart and release them. (I mean, damn, this plot was made for Elain, who loves the land and has been chained magically and physically.) The same can be said for the Cauldron, and I believe it chose to give her something (such powers) so she could restore the land, healing the very womb of their earth (both physically and magically, dream and reality entwined). So, that healing plot in Forbidden secrets seems to be the correct direction for Elain’s book, and hofas really, truly reinforced it.
4. And the path to Hel: This one hasn’t happened yet, but since the acotar plot will likely take Elain and her friends beneath Ramiel, and there is a Helscape depicted at the bottom of it, I can’t help but feel like this one could be on the right track too.
That’s mostly from one post, but my posts are often a web of interconnected theories in one. 😅 I posted a follow-up to Forbidden secrets called Blooming dreams to pull together the new evidence we’ve been given. I’m so excited to see what she’ll do with all the seeds she’s planted.
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oshinohoshi · 15 days
Oshi no Ko Ch 160 thoughts
I think I'll start this out with a jump scare.
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Imagine this guy showing up at your door trying to sell you a nice new set of kitchen knives. I'd take ten.
The above image is so ghoulish that I'd be tempted to see it as just Aqua's distorted perception of his father, not a mask off moment where Hikaru morphed into Slenderman
But I have no confidence that this chapter didn't just toss Hikaru's character development in the bin
A well-executed twist following a twist should be satisfying but rather than getting a nice "aha" moment, I'm just getting whiplash
Even though I don't like it, I guess I can buy a heartbroken and jaded Hikaru who subtly manipulated Ryosuke into becoming more unhinged and later influenced Nino to do his dirty work
Although I don't think Ryosuke needed any help being a dumpster fire of a human and Nino really has nobody to blame but herself
But then what were chapters 154 and 155 about?
The mess that was HkAi is so compelling to me. I find their relationship sweet and tragic. It was a disaster that could have become something lovely if they weren't such fragile people already deeply wounded at a young age
In order for Hikaru's realization that Ai loved him to be as impactful as it is, then "I'm going to do what I can for Ai" can't be a lie
Which means he can't have wanted to hurt Ruby after watching the DVD
Which means that we're gonna keep spinning in circles about Hikaru's culpability and motives until Akasaka lets us off this ride
We've gone from "Aqua delivered a revenge worse than death to an already self-destructive man" to "oh, I guess that meant nothing. Time to have a knife fight"
And then there's the below panel. The worst thing Hikaru said about Ai was that she was a normal girl who could be cruel. Now she's standing next to a very accusatory speech bubble
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"Make people obey you?" Hikaru wouldn't think that of Ai post 154
I wouldn't be surprised if he's just winding Aqua up because he has a death wish, but I think that's just me trying to cope
I've been waiting a very long time for "you're just like me" from Hikaru to Aqua but it would have been more effective if the panels supposedly showing Aqua's power to charm didn't seem to have been chosen at random
Can I just say, this panel makes me uncomfortable:
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It's hard to think of Ruby wholeheartedly singing love songs to sweaty 20-something men, and the way Ai and B Komachi started doing so when they were just children, and not feel weird
OnK does a wonderful job portraying the good things about idol fandom alongside the heinously toxic things, but it's so heavily weighted on the good side with Ruby that it sometimes makes me think Ai's death at the hands of an obsessive idol otaku who believed she couldn't be a real person because she sang love songs to her fans was a fever dream
And I know this is Aqua's image of Ruby, but it just seems like we're completely ignoring the arc where she went into full on manipulation mode (like father like daughter, I guess)
Anyway, the standout moments of this chapter were that Ai drew a heart on her toothbrush and the below panel. The little Hoshino family melts my ugly, deceptive heart
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Christ. I haven't even mentioned Aqua's big ass knife
Aqua won't stab anyone. Just maybe do some light slashing
There is a blatant retcon about Nino and Ryosuke at the hospital because Crow Girl said there was a middle school aged boy there. The only ways this could not be a retcon is if Hikaru lied, Crow Girl lied, or crows really can't see well at night
Next chapter: Hikaru lets Aqua stab him but it bounces off because Nino, who wanted to protect her buddy, secretly made his suit knife proof. Ai's toothbrush turns out to be pivotal to the plot because if only she had used an electric toothbrush as dentists recommend, none of this would have happened.
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vanessalocke · 2 months
I received a question from Anon: "You spoke about FrUK toxicity, can you elaborate on what you meant by it?"
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Because these two questions are essentially the same question, I will answer indirectly instead of directly.
Please note that all of the knowledge below is not cited, or comes from unofficial sources. Therefore, do not consider this as "fact". I only rely on this information along with my feelings to build my own headcanon, but I myself question their authenticity.
Dover's relationship is actually extremely toxic.
I once said that the more I read documents about the relationship between these two countries, the more I feel that the British deeply love France. Yes. But next to that love is an obsession and unpredictable calculation.
England's toxicity here is that England always wants France to depend on him, and at the same time, the only person with whom England agrees to share power in Europe is France. Because of that, England always deliberately nerfed France so that when France encountered difficulties, France could only rely on England. According to my knowledge, there were 3 times England made such a decision:
- Prussia was one of the countries sponsoring the French Revolution to create discord between France and Austria and defeat the French monarchy, thereby enhancing Prussia's position. The British Embassy in France knew all that but did nothing to stop it. Reason: England wanted Prussia to weaken the French monarchy. When the French monarchy is weak, England will support the French monarchy, then put its influence on the French monarchy, or become a dynasty (as England has openly wanted the French crown for so long). Having the French court, England could spread British influence throughout Europe. But England did not expect that the French Revolution would be so violent that it would behead a series of nobles and the French monarchy would completely collapse. Only when the French Revolution was truly successful did England turn to support the French mornachy, but it was too late to do anything.
- Whenever Britain feels that France is starting to become hegemonic on the continent, Britain will immediately gather an alliance against France (even though it is not affected as much as other countries on the continent). Specifically: the time of Napoleon.
- In de Gaulle's memoirs, he wrote that before World War II, Berlin was getting stronger and the risk of Germany going to war was in sight. But London ignored Berlin because London wanted when France and Germany went to war, France would depend on Britain. Uhm and later, the exiled French had to rely on England. That is why, when WW2 happened, de Gaulle argued with Churchill a lot and refused to compromise on post-war demands because de Gaulle did not want to fall into the same situation as (what he thought, I'm not saying this is true) London thought before, that is, to become into a French dependency on Britain.
That's why I call the most toxic person here England, not France, and every time I write about Arthur's feelings towards Francis, it's always: "He hates Francis when Francis shines brightly, because then Francis will look down on him. And he loves Francis when Francis is weak and defeated, because then Francis depends on him." = )))))) England is the one who will deliberately nerf France, not only because there is any security threat to England, but simply because England still wants to have the crown of France even when the French monarchy has collapsed because England really wants France to depend on England.
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skania · 1 year
AquaKane Masterlist: My AquaKane Posts
It's been a while since I've needed to make one of these 😂
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How it started:
Playing myself and not dropping OnK because of Akane
The beginning of the Akane brainrot (back when I didn't ship AquaKane) + 1
How it's going:
In defense of Akane:
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Some of the things people say about Akane make me wonder if there’s an alternative version of the manga out there
Akane's Star Eyes (+1)
Akane wasn't a bad influence on Aqua (the manga literally tells us the opposite)
Akane wasn't trying to manipulate Aqua by acting like Ai
Akane wasn't being manipulative when she tells Aqua that he needs to be careful if he wants to date Kana
Was Akane wrong for telling Aqua to make his own choice?
Thoughts on people calling Akane obsessed instead of in love
Is Akane a plot-device?
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In Defense of AquaKane:
Let's talk about Aqua "using" Akane
Akane wasn't just "a tool" to Aqua (and it's an insult to both characters to claim otherwise)
It’s so funny how Aqua talks big about manipulating Akane, yet she ends up being the person he is most honest with in the entire manga
I’ve seen people criticize Akane’s reply to Aqua in Chapter 52, but I think Akane actually said exactly what Aqua needed to hear (+ clarification/follow-up)
I keep seeing people saying “aqua only wanted to date akane because he couldn’t date kana”, but i’m not convinced things are that white-and-black
Aqua, Akane and their relationship during his “freedom” period
Aqua in a nutshell
Could Akane be wrong about Aqua having romantic feelings for Kana? (Yes, she could be)
What I like about AquaKane +1
AquaKane Chapters Meta:
Chapter 42
Chapters 71 & 72
Chapter 78 + Akane's Tears
Aqua & Akane’s phone call in Chapter 97 + French Translation
Aqua, Akane & Chapter 98
Can we please talk about how silly Aqua is? (Chapter 116) +1
Chapter 131
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 152
Chapter 153: The many parallels between Kamiki -> Ai and Aqua -> Akane
Chapter 154: The many parallels between Ai -> Kamiki and Akane -> Aqua
What did Aqua mean when he said that Kana helped him figure out his feelings for Akane?
Aqua wants Akane to know he's Goro + Akane has most of the pieces to figure it out
Theory on why Akane's White Star is on when she tells Aqua that she'll always be his ally
Ichigo/Miyako & AquaKane foreshadowing
Replies to the Aqua's Black Star Eyes AquaKane Theory: 1 | 2
Aka treats Akane like an extension of Aqua himself
Tokyo Blade and the narrative
Do you think Aqua and Akane will get back together or stay close friends?
AquaKane Parallels:
you're better off without me
too many to count
do you like this Akane? (aka the moment AquaKane got me)
their development
soon or later, you may end up being a real couple
chapter 131 & chapter 52
this relationship isn't real + french translation
Has Akane ever made aqua smile? 
Toxic traits in their relationship? Sure, they’re both self-sacrificial people to a fault (+ 1 ask)
AquaKane Timeline
AquaKane and Unconditional Love
"Akane" vs "Kurokawa Akane" (how the way Aqua addresses her changes through the manga)
AquaKane Highlights Compilation (per arc)
Thoughts on the "Love Triangle"
I'm adding this section despite myself, but since Aka has forced my hand into talking about this more than I'd have liked to, here it goes 😂
Opinion on Aqua and Kana
Thoughts on the Akasaka 2021 tweet about Akane and Kana
I do think that Aqua’s feelings for Kana actually being platonic is the most interesting route
Aqua's "obsession" with Kana
Kana's parallels with Sarina: Kana is everything Aqua idolized Ai to be (aka, honest like Sarina) +1 + Even more parallels and a theory about their purpose
Kana may be meant to be "Everyone's Heroine" just like Fujiwara in Kaguya
Chapters 150 and 151
Revisiting Akane's monologue about relationships & dependency
Replies to OnK-related Messages/Asks
Thoughts on the Starry Eyes
Thoughts on OnK's writing
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verfound · 18 days
FIC: "Mellie's Halloween Costume" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
Read on Ao3
07 September 2024
Prompt 23: Myth
The flat was quiet when he got home.  That wasn’t entirely surprising, given the time of day: it was just around mid-morning, which meant that the girls had already been through their breakfast routine.  Harmony should already be in school, and Melody had been spending more time with her grandparents when he was on the road these days.  Tom and Sabine loved watching her (so did his ma, when she was around), and it was helping Marinette adjust to life with the twins.  So while he had possibly expected to hear something – Marinette singing in the kitchen, a baby crying, Melody screaming at one of her shows in the living room – it wasn’t entirely unsurprising when things seemed…quiet.
“Darning?” he called, setting his bag down by the door.  He’d get it later.  Just then, he had a wife to find.  “You home?”
“Girls’ room!” her voice called from deeper in the flat, and he felt his smile grow as he followed the sound.  It grew even wider when he finally saw her, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the little bookcase they had set between the girls’ beds.  The shelves had been ransacked, most of the books lying in piles around her as she flipped through another one on her lap.  He sat down behind her, wrapping his arms around her middle and bending to press a kiss against the back of her neck.  His smile warmed when she shivered at the touch.  “…stop that.”
“Never,” he chuckled, kissing her again.  Another shiver ran up her spine, and his smile grew as he tucked his face behind her shoulder.  “It’s been two weeks.  I have time to make up for.”
She hummed, and when he went to trail a line of kisses along her shoulder she turned her head towards him, so he kissed her lips instead.  She sank back against him, and they both sighed when they parted.
“Welcome home,” she said, smiling up at him.  “I missed you.”
“I missed all of you,” he said.  He looked around, frowning.  “Where’re the boys?”
“Napping in their cribs, if we’re lucky,” she said.  “We had…an eventful morning.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her, and then she held up her arms for him to see.  The sleeves of her dressing gown fell to her elbows, and he sucked in a breath when he saw angry, blistering welts shining on her skin.  He reached out to catch her wrist, then hesitated when he realized that might hurt her.
“Marinette, what…?” he asked.  She leaned up to kiss the underside of his jaw, which had clenched at the sight of the burns.  “Darning.  Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” she insisted.  “I already put some ointment on them.  It doesn’t really hurt that much – you know I’ve had worse.”
…he did, but that still didn’t mean he had to like it.
“It looks plenty bad from here,” he said.  He caught her hand, loosely holding it in his own as he brought her wrist to his lips to kiss above the burn.  “What the hell happened?”
“Your daughter,” she sighed, laying her arms over his as she leaned back against him.  “Well.  Your mother, technically, but Melody only did what she did because of what her Granarchy did.  The Captain is a horrible influence on our girls, Lu.”
“And what did my mother do now?” he laughed, shaking his head.
“Gave the girls a book on Celtic myths,” she sighed.  She tipped her head back onto his shoulder, smiling helplessly up at him.  “So now Mellie’s obsessed.  She already has her Halloween costume picked out.”
“…do I even want to know?” he asked.  She rolled her eyes and wiggled one of her arms in front of them.
“She walks right up to me this morning – while I was pulling breakfast out of the oven – and declares, ‘Look, Maman!  I’m gonna be a banshee for Halloween!’” she said, pitching her voice to match their daughter’s.  Luka’s eyes widened, and he tried not to smile.  He really did.  From the annoyed roll of her eyes, he didn’t think he was very successful.
“Oh no…” he said.  She nodded.
“Oh yes,” she said.  “Because then, Luka Llewellyn Couffaine, your precious little Melody screamed as loud as she could in my face.”
“No,” he laughed, and she groaned as she turned her head to tuck against his neck.
“Yes,” she said.  “I was looking right at her, but I was still so surprised I dropped the pan – and then I tried to catch the pan, like an idiot.  So she’s staying with my parents today while I recover.”
“And here I thought you just wanted me to yourself before the girls got home,” he chuckled.  He felt her smile against his skin, and then her lips were pressing a little kiss just below his ear and he was the one shivering.  He found himself wondering how long they had until the boys woke up, and what exactly they could get up to without using her arms.  “Mari…”
“Of course I do,” she said, nipping at his ear.  “It has been two weeks, after all.  That was not, however, my immediate intention when I called my mother this morning.”
“So.  What’s with the books, then?” he asked, glancing at the mess around them.
“Research,” she said.  “I’m trying to find something even half as interesting as banshees to distract her.  I don’t want our daughter screaming in my face for the next month, Luka.”
“That’s…fair,” he chuckled, nodding.  He squeezed her middle and stole another kiss.  “But what I’m hearing is it’s something that can wait.”
“…do I need to reenact this morning to show you just how important it is we find her another favorite mythological creature?” she asked, her voice flat.  She groaned and squirmed, turning towards him and wrapping her arms around him.  She hissed as the sleeves of her robe scratched against the burns, tensing a moment at the flash of pain.  “Why couldn’t she be like her Aunt Rose and be obsessed with unicorns or something?”
“Because then she’d probably tape a knife to her head and headbutt you,” Luka deadpanned, and she rolled her eyes and pinched his hip.  He kissed the crown of her head, chuckling.  “How about this.  You come with me, maybe take a nice, long, relaxing bath and make up for lost time?  And then I’ll help you find a better costume for Mellie later.  Deal?”
“De…” she started, but then a crying started up from down the hall and she sighed as she slumped against him.  “Raincheck?”
“I’ve got them,” he said.  “You go draw that bath.  I’ll be in as soon as they’re settled.”
“They’re probably hungry,” she said, “which means you will be absolutely useless putting them down.  So how about you draw the bath, and I’ll join you as soon as I’m able?”
“Not as crazy about that,” he said.  “Two babies.  Two of us.  How about I help, then we draw the bath together?”
She poked at his chest, smirking at him.
“And how do you plan to help?  I’d love to see you feed them with these,” she teased, and he barked out a laugh.
“Marinette!” he said.  “I can burp one while you feed the other.  Or maybe they need changing – I’m good at that.”
“I suppose,” she giggled.  She pecked a kiss against his cheek.  “You’ll just have to be content with sharing me for a bit.”
He laughed as he helped her up.  Another cry joined the first, and she gave him a pointed look.  He stole one last kiss before leading her towards their room, where the cribs were set up.  He didn’t want to think about when they were older yet – he knew they’d have to start thinking about moving soon, but he loved this flat.  He paused just outside the door, taking a moment to just…look at her.
“Luka,” she said, her smile exasperated but fond.  “The babies?”
He pulled her close, stealing just one more kiss.  Just because he could.
“I missed you,” he whispered against her lips.  “I missed this.”
She smiled and kissed him again.
“We missed you,” she said.  “Now come on, before I get a headache on top of everything else.”
“God forbid,” he laughed, opening the door and following her into the room.  She rolled her eyes and nudged his side with her elbow, but he noticed how the movement made her wince and frowned.  He slipped around her, moving to Huey’s crib before she could say anything.  “Here.  Let me help, Marinette.  I’m here.  Use me.”
She gave him a Look that told him exactly what she thought of that idea, but then Huey wailed again and it was gone.
“I’m fine, Luka – I can hold my own babies,” she said, rolling her eyes as she folded her arms across her chest.  It would have been more convincing if that hadn’t made her wince, too.  He gave her a pointed look, and she huffed out a sigh before waving him towards the rocking chair between the cribs.  “Oh, fine.  I have some backup milk in the fridge.  I’ll be right back.”
“I love you!” he called, patting Huey’s back as he bounced him.  He carried him over to the other crib, where Louie was squirming on his back as he fussed.  Luka smiled as he reached down and laid a hand on his tummy, rubbing.  “I love you, too, stinker,” he said.  He kissed Huey’s downy head, smiling.  “Both of you.”
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
I have seen maybe half a season of TUA and didn’t read the comics so let me tell you seeing those panels where Vanya is yelling “We belong on that stage” (and in reference to herself and her taller blonde bass-playing brother) drawn in profile with literally Gerard’s haircut and outfit was a big shock to the system. I never even considered that he’d inserted elements of himself and his bandmates into TUA except for a bunch of weird edits people made comparing how much Aiden Gallagher looks like Frank but now I feel like I really need to read it.
im really looking forward to rereading all of the comics after this semester's over because i haven't done that since volume 3's run ended and i'll definitely make more coherent posts about it then but like. it's really really interesting to compare to all of gerard's other art because he is just...so distinctively him, even across different mediums and genres. tua and mcr and hesitant alien and kjna and his visual art etc etc etc like his artistic fingerprint is stamped so boldly and unapologetically all over them and that's something i really love about him. like his art, love it or hate it, is sooooo genuine always. even when he's purposely imitating other artists, he's very consciously doing it in his own voice, putting his own spin on it.
when i say tua and mcr are completely separate projects i mean it - i don't think one should only ever be discussed in relation to/in the context of the other - and, above all, tua is certainly not like...autobiographical, or a direct representation of real people/events. it's led by gerard but it has a different creative team than mcr does and that really shows as well - i definitely wanna talk ant this when i have more time but part of the reason im not sold on conweap as an album is because it's too umbrella academy - it's really evident that gerard was working on both of them at the same time, and letting one influence the other too directly. mcr's a band, not a Gerard Project, and umbrella academy is largely a duo (w gabriel bá), so they can't just be transplanted onto each other yk.
anyway I'm rambling but all this to say - tua isn't meant to be "about" mcr any more than bullets is "about" 9/11. but gerard's life was changed and shaped by his experiences in the music scene throughout his life, by dropping everything and living as a penniless artist, by becoming suddenly (in)famous, and that really shines through in tua. he says he drew inspiration from touring band life to write a dysfunctional family, and the dehumanising effects of fame and attention, and of being categorised and scrutinised on a private or public level, are huge themes - as is addiction, mental health, complicated grief.
like...i actually got into mcr through the tua comics lmaooo. i read volume 1 because of wonderful @blackmoldmp3 talking about it and immediately said oh. i need more from this dude's brain right now. and i was soooo not disappointed haha. i really am obsessed with quite a lot of the things gerard is also obsessed with as an artist. the particular themes and imagery and scenarios he's fixated on are really very consistent throughout everything he does - only the way they're discussed or portrayed does change over time. i don't rly subscribe to the idea of gleaning specifics abt artists' personal lives from their works because, beside all else, it just does them a huge disservice (that's my number one gripe with the popular talking pounts around hes alien and frank's solo work in particular; however "confessional" you wanna read art as, it's still art that was created with skill and intent.)
anyway that's way off topic dkfnfj. what i do love about this kind of thing is looking at distinct creations in the context of the rest of an artist's body of work. like...yeah, gerard's said there's a lot of mikey in klaus. has dressed similarly to vanya and the kraken and the seance at times etc etc. has compared himself to the rumor, because she's the one he relates to most. puts a lot of his familiar ideology surrounding music and performance into vanya. puts angry teenage vanya in a shitty punk band with her disillusioned teenage brother on bass, and puts a classical music prodigy in a punk band as an excellent guitarist, writing songs about killing the president etc etc. i could go on! because these things are just scattered everywhere through the comic, just like all of gerard thematic and aesthetic and ideologic fingerprints.
so what's reallyyy interesting to me is looking at umbrella academy as something gerard wrote on the road with mcr across multiple years. volume one was released while the tbp world tour was ongoing, and volume two only a few months after. the progression of parade -> tua -> conweap -> danger days is SOOOO fascinating to me, especially because one of the things that really works about danger days imo is the way it kind of shakes off some of the tua-style gritty cynicism and returns to mcr's defiant, extravagant theatricality. if you go through tua with a fine-tooth comb you'll definitely find the most direct comparisons to conweap, in terms of mcr. the way dd approaches the themes it has in common with tua is just.....so different, and so so mcr. and then you can see the at times self-referential development on those things in hesitant alien - AND THEN VOLUME 3 COMES AROUND AND LIKE. AUUUGGGGHHHHH the change and growth there is SO apparent. btw i don't mean "growth" "progression" etc in this post to mean "improving" - i just mean change and development in a neutral sense, bc it's so interesting to see it laid out there in an artist's body of work. but like. man it makes me crazeeee actually the way gerard picked tua back up....almost certainly around the same time mcr started discussing a potential reunion. and the way that foundations revisits and reconceptualises mcr's existing catalogue is paralleled in the way vol 3 of tua is, like...........like there's so much life lived there, between those things. gerard's even said he's changed his plan for the ending (if we ever see it 🥲) because he has more compassion for his own characters now and doesn't want to see them broken down for good. he says he's gotten better at listening to other people - for starters, he's a lot more conscious of his own subconscious racism/whiteness that came through at times in the original run and has expressed regret for that (namely, the entire main cast being white, with a couple of side characters being uncomfortably stereotyped).
but just like. augh. im not gonna lie man i have no idea what i've just typed im sorry it's probably so rambly bc I'm so dizzy rn and definitely am not gonna proofread it or whatever skdjfj but. I LOVE ART! I LOVE ARTISTS! I LOVE DIVING DEEP INTO AN ARTIST'S BODY OF WORK AND WATCHING THEM REINVENT THEMSELF AND/OR DOUBLE DOWN ON THEMSELF (SOMETIMES FOR BETTER, SOMETIMES FOR WORSE). obvs this fandom genuinely does have a big issue with invasive/un-self-aware parasocial behaviour but there's a difference between that and like. getting obsessed with a particular artist. that's so normal and in fact necessary to life imo. i think every artist literally has to have ppl like that i can't imagine any other way to live it's just a specific type of human connection at a distance baby. don't get me wrong tho i also wanna chew on his thigh. anyway.
my god. how did i get here what even was your question. tua. yes it's crazy. it's not for everyone for sure but it has enough of the shit that makes me crazzzzyyyyy that it got me into mcr which made me crazierrrr so. yes i can recommend. especially if ur like me and lovvvve stories that are a little bit fractured by design. that dance around big parts of the story, where there's as much significance in an absence or in a tiny background detail than there is in any dialogue or action scene. most of the criticism i see of tua is about the pacing but like. to my tastes it's a really great use of the comic medium yk? lmk if you want content warnings or something there are plenty skdjfj.
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