#this is why i break it down to science and observation. sometimes i find solace in the inevitable isolation (sometimes i dont)
cannibal-nightmares · 5 months
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let's make trouble in the dream world, we'll hijack heaven with another memory now; i make the most of the turning tide, it just split what's left of the burning silence
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killcapitalizm · 7 years
since u asked; wanda maximoff
summary: wanda makes a new friend months after having no one. romance ensues.
word count: 1,960
warnings: i didn’t edit this (do i edit anything?) and this probably isnt my best fic ahhh. 
a/n: as much as i love peter parker, i still need to satisfy my own gay needs. i love wanda. she's cute. i listened to/loosely based this off of since u asked by swim good x merival. anyways back to peter after this y'all dont worry
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And after the violence against Ultron that had resulted in her dear brother’s death, Wanda had decided that maybe shutting out others would be the best way to cope with that. It was awfully lonely but she’d rather sew her own heart back together than have Steve lay his hands all over it, where he’d surely expose her raw emotions to whoever asked him. As much as she appreciated him, he was terribly pushy.
Really, everyone of the Avengers had their own traits of pushiness. It made the compound feel incredibly smaller than it was. Despite how much her privacy was respected, when she emerged she felt emotionally violated. It was unclear to her how no one, not even Natasha, who didn’t even let herself witness her own true feelings, understood that she’d like to keep her trauma to herself.
But within all the metaphorical walls she was able to find peace, and that lied with you. You were a strange sight to her, to see someone so young working with the older members of the group. And yes, she too was young, but that is one thing that set her apart. You were older than her, but not by much. Your face shone with soft innocence. She wondered if you were supposed to be here, in a group of people whose pasts were all either written in the bags under their eyes or desperately painted over, so obvious that you could only assume what they’d seen.
Your eyes were kind, too kind. The bags under then were lighter than even hers, and they came from the history of a student rather than of an abused child or being raised to kill or seeing your best friend fall to his death. Wanda had once dared to peer into your mind, and you hadn’t noticed because you had no powers like she did. She assumed that you must be incredibly smart, as that was the only factor she could think of that would allow you into such a specific group of superheroes.
Later, that assumption was confirmed, when Steve had noticed how carefully Wanda was observing you.
“Stark found her, as per usual,” he had said. “Her name is Y/N. She’s really smart. Good with technology, science. Pretty wise for her age, too. You should talk to her.”
“And why should I talk to her?” Wanda watched you from afar as you followed Bruce off to wherever.
“Because she’d be good for you. I say that a lot, but she doesn’t act like us adults. She’d understand you better than I ever could.”
“Sure,” said she, but the urge to talk to you overcame her just as strongly as the urge to close herself off had cam all those months ago.
You mostly hovered around Bruce, which made it hard for her to approach you. Wanda knew Bruce held a grudge against her for the time she had pried at his head and that provoked a fear of him. A silent warning to keep a distance between him and herself. Steve insists she has nothing to fear.
But it was a real fear. So instead, she opted to wait until you were away from Banner and had your hands free of any work. Granted, she had to wait for another week, but she had learnt that it was worth that wait.
She caught you on your way to lunch one day, and indeed you were what Steve had said and everything she had wished you were. Kind and glowing. You asked her to lunch and she was more than happy to comply.
After you had convinced her to grab more than just an apple for lunch, you sat down with her and conversation turned out to be easier than Wanda had expected. You got her to talk about things that Steve Rogers couldn’t pry from her after months of trying.
“It’s terribly lonely,” said Wanda as she ate a full sandwich for the first time since she returned from Sokovia. “But it never feels right to share with anyone. I do trust everyone but not with my thoughts. Without my brother, I haven’t been able to really talk to someone.”
“You’re talking to me.” You smile. “You don’t have to tell anyone anything, despite how badly Steve wants you to share. If you feel lonely, there will be people who will listen to what you have to say. Sometimes you can’t wait for your feelings to catch up. Sometimes you need to talk, and after those first few words it becomes much easier to speak.”
“How old are you?” Wanda asks.
“Nineteen, dear, I’ve already told you.”
“Irrelevant,” she tells you. “Your words are older than your body.”
“How eloquent of you.” Your cheeks turn pink.
“Where do you get your advice from?”

“Tell me how.”
“Well, since you asked,” you sigh lightly. “I should say I don’t really know. I’m a grown up now. Keeping a thin outlook on life is a waste of my youth.”
“Tell me more.” Wanda leans on the table.
“I don’t know. Leave the past in the past. Look to the future with a broad gaze. I speak from emotional experience. Being good with words helps, too.”
She wanted to look into your head, but something told her not to. There was a peculiar beauty in leaving your thoughts unknown to her, in letting you tell her when you wanted to.
Her room was on the other side of the compound but that didn’t stop you two from seeing each other every day.
She went to you with her thoughts and emotions and she found solace in your gentle brightness. She cried once when talking about her brother. You held her to your chest and your heartbeat reminded her to breathe. You told her that her awful sadness won’t last and then you told her a story of your aunt that found strength in colors and she blushed when you told her she’d look lovely in yellow. She decided to tell Steve, who was incredibly happy that Wanda had made a friend and perhaps something more, she told him that her heart feels so amazingly light when you smile. Steve told her that she was feeling love and she asked him what that is. He told her, “Wait a bit, and when you need to know, ask Y/N.”
She wanted to ask again, but she decided to follow Steve’s advice. So she waited, she waited for a month until that feeling in her heart was so strong that she was sure that her chest would burst open. A month of talking to you daily, really talking. She started to sleep in your room instead of her own, and then she sometimes would sleep in the same bed as you. You’d hold her close with a knowing smile and you waited along with her through all of those nights of agonizingly amazing hugs.
And after that month of being able to talk to someone, she decided that she had to know what Steve meant by love. She had love for her brother and love for her mentors and love for the little children she’d sometimes see when she was out and about; each was a different kind of love.
“Steve told me I love you,” Wanda said one morning after a night of sleeping with your limbs tangled together.
You paused and turned to her, a shirt in hand. “Steve said that?” You didn’t bother to hide a smile.
“Yes,” she answered. “He said to ask you when I really need to know what he meant.”
“Well, that’s clever of him.” You put on the shirt and sit next to her on your bed. “I suppose he wants me to explain this to you.”
“I’d assume so.”
“I’ll start by saying that I love you, too.” Wanda felt her heart swell and she rested her hand on her chest to keep it from tearing through her skin. “There are different kinds of love, I’m sure you know that, and I can only hope you feel the same love for me as I do for you.”
“What kind of love do you feel?”
“Romantic love.” You bite your lip, hard.
“Tell me what that is.” She’s certain that she feels romantic love for you. Absolutely sure, but she wants to know what it is.
“Well, there’s a love for family and a love for friends, but love for a lover is stronger than that. If your romantic love is true- and I assure you, mine is- then it is greater than any other love. That doesn’t cancel out everything else, but it is entirely different.” You swallow. “Typically, you’d want to spend the rest of your life and then more with your lover.”
“I feel that,” Wanda said. “I feel that. For you.”
“Are you sure?” You take her hand in yours.
“I’m sure.”
“How sure?”
You focused only on her hand, doubting her supposed certainty. You refused to make eye contact, because although she respected your privacy and didn’t ever dare to use her powers to look into your head, you knew she could very easily tell how you felt from your expression. The more time she spent with you, the more she noticed the smallest of details about you.
“I’m certain, Y/N,” she repeats, “I know this.”
“I don’t know if you do,” you say. “I don’t think I explained it well. Really, you can’t explain love at all, so you can’t just trust me to tell you how you feel…”
“But I know what I feel. I love you, a different kind of love than what I feel for everyone else or what I feel for my brother.” She places her other hand on yours. “Much stronger, but in an entirely different sense. Something greater than all other feelings. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Your heart swelled in your chest and you gripped her hand firmly. “Oh, Wanda,” you murmur, finally daring to lift your head. Her face is just inches from yours, and you can’t help yourself after hearing how she spoke about you. You lean forward and kiss her, and to your surprise she kisses you back. You had thought that since she had supposedly didn’t know what romantic love was, she hadn’t known how to kiss (really, she was just doing what you were doing).
Something swelled again in your heart, stronger this time, and you freed one hand and placed it at the back of her neck; when you pressed closer, you could feel the heat of her face on your skin and both of you knew that your hands were getting awfully clammy. Soon you’d pull away only to have her pull you back. She really didn’t know how to kiss, it was sloppy and new.
You managed to pry her from your lips long enough to hold a short conversation, “Does this mean we’re dating?”
“What does that mean?” She kept her face close by, eager to continue.
“You know, when you love someone as a friend and everyone knows you’re friends… When you love someone like this, you first begin with dating.”
“Then we’re dating.”
“That means you’re my girlfriend.” You couldn’t help the smile that overcame your face.
“And are you my girlfriend?”
“Yes.” She matched your smile before pulling you back in.
“So you told her?” Steve hums. She’s been sharing a lot more with him lately.
“Yeah, she’s…” Wanda bites back a stupid smile. “She’s my girlfriend now.”
“Girlfriend?” His face beamed with pride. “That’s great.”
“Yeah,” she sighed, rolling her eyes when he gave her a suggestive thumbs-up. “Yeah. She’s great.”
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You’re not real
(A/N): Happy birthday dear anon!
Request: Okay, for the Nat x female reader imagine birthday request where the reader comes from a universe(Our universe) where superheros are fiction and she somehow ends up in the Marvel Universe while gaining an ability to control blue fire and she and Nat falls in love with each other over time, so the reader decides to stay in the Marvel Universe and become an Avenger?            
Warnings: maybe some angst? probably some swearing
Tags: @mcuimxgine, @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x, @saradi1018, @holland-toms, @superwholockian309, @fly-f0rever, @capbuckthor, @livandlilah
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   “Nat,” Clint yelled as he rounded a corner, nearly smacking into Nat as she came running out of her room, looking around the floor worriedly. “Nat, we’ve got a situation,”
   “A situation?”
   “Yeah, a situation,”
   “What kind of a situation?”
   “I think it’s easier if you see it before you hear about it,” Nat’s brows furrow but she follows along anyway, traveling along the corridors with Clint until they reached one of Tony’s labs, the one they used to research subjects, like Wanda and Bruce, sometimes even Steve and Bucky when needed.
   Honestly, Nat didn’t know what to expect when she stepped inside the small observation room but it sure as hell wasn’t some sobbing kid strapped to some table like a science experiment. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they screamed, screamed to be let go. It was heartbreaking but Nat couldn’t let it get to her.
   Her gaze traveled up and down the patients body, inspecting for any wounds but alas she found none, that was until her eyes landed upon their palms. They were burnt to a crisp, literally but that wasn’t what concerned her. What concerned her was the little blue wisps of color amidst the burnt crisps of skin, glowing and almost shifting between the skin. It almost looked like molten lava, blue molten lava and it looked painful.
   “What the hell is this Barton?”
   “They fell from the sky a couple of hours ago but luckily Tony had been there to catch them just before they fell. As soon as he touched ground (Y/N) broke out of his grasp, panting and in near hysterics. A little time went by and suddenly (Y/N)’s hands have erupted in fire.”
   “Yeah, literal fire. Like this weird, really flowy, artsy blue-ish kind of fire.”
   “Why are they chained up?”
   “Tony deemed them dangerous after they nearly melted his arc reactor, guess their fire is a little powerful too,”
   “How long have they been strapped down?”
   “And hour or so,”
   “They’ve been strapped down a fucking hour and you didn’t think this was important to tell me? Do you realize how fucking scared they must be?” Nat growls as she turns on her heel, her hand reaching out for the knob that led to the room. However, Clint’s hand grabbed hers, stopping her from going any further.
   “Nat, you know this is dangerous-”
   “Fuck you Barton, this person must be scared out of their fucking mind and I’m going to help,” And with that Nat stormed into the room, slamming the door shut behind her. Immediately (Y/N) tensed up, their entire body going rigid at the sound.
   “Oh god, please don’t hurt me, please don’t hurt me, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,”
   “Shh,” Nat consoled as she reached out for (Y/N), her hand lightly cupping their cheek. “Shh, it’s okay, no one’s gonna hurt you (Y/N),” (Y/N) looks up at Nat with these wide, puffy eyes and goddammit- that hurt Nat much more than it should have.
   “Please help me,” They whisper, so softly and so brokenly it made Nat want to cry. “Please help me, it hurts so much,”
   “What hurts?”
   “The straps, my hands-” Nat wastes no time ripping their bindings from their body, gasping in shock when she realized that (Y/N) had been struggling so much that the bindings actually ended up cutting into their flesh. Blood dribbled down their arms and legs, thankfully their chest had been covered and so there wasn’t much damage there but there was plenty enough on their arms and legs.
   Immediately (Y/N) sits up, still sobbing as they curled in on themself, no doubt only exasperating their injuries.
   “Here,” Nat reaches for some nearby medical supplies, just some alcohol and cotton pads. “Let me help clean you up,” Nat slowly takes (Y/N)’s arms, pulling them away from their body to clean them.
   Nat was gentle, she stopped when (Y/N) would cry out, she’d dab at the blood softly, she was half tempted to kiss the cuts better but decided against it. So instead she steadily worked on (Y/N)’s wounds, finally finishing up when she had dressed them with a few bandages.
   “Feel better?”
   “Slightly,” (Y/N) mumbles, voice hoarse and soft from screaming.
   “And your hands, you said they hurt?” (Y/N) nods, hiding their burnt hands beneath their legs. “C’mon, I’m not gonna judge, I think they’re really pretty,”
   “They don’t usually look like this...”
   “Well, what do they usually look like then?”
   “Like yours...” (Y/N) sniffles softly, the tears slowly starting to come back. “This day has been so fucking weird and so fucking awful, I just want to die-”
   “Hey, no,” Nat reaches out, cupping (Y/N)’s wet cheeks in her hands. “It’s gonna be okay, I promise you will-”
   “What the fuck do you know?” (Y/N) suddenly snaps, jerking away from Nat angrily. “You’re just some stupid character from some stupid book,” Nat’s brows furrow and she unconsciously looks back at the observation mirror, as though silently asking the people on the other side for an explanation.
   “I want to go home,” (Y/N) sobs, burying their face in their hands once again. “I don’t want to be here, I want to go home,”
    “What do you mean home (Y/N)?”
   “Home, where you all exist inside the pages of a book and I’m not some fire wielding freak that falls from the sky!’
   “That was the other thing,” Nat’s com bursts to life in her ear. “They kept on saying that we’re fake, we don’t exist, this is some fictional universe. Tony thinks that two universes collided at once and (Y/N) just happened to get mixed up in at all and unfortunately they landed here.” Nat looks at (Y/N) sadly, her hearting breaking for the poor, lost soul.
   “I know you must be really scared right now,” Nat whispers, completely ignoring Clint as she reaches for (Y/N)’s hands. “But everything’s going to be okay. We’re gonna find a way to get you home, but until then I’m going to make damn well sure that everyone here treats you with the respect and kindness you deserve, yeah?” (Y/N) looks at their hands, at Nat’s too, both of them intertwined. “I promise,” Nat whispers, her hands giving theirs a gentle squeeze. “I promise.”
   And promise she did. For a full year she tried to find a way home for (Y/N) but there seemed to be nothing but she wouldn’t give up, she had promised them, and she was bound and determined to keep that promise.
   “Nat,” (Y/N) whispered one night as they meandered into Nat’s lab, the one she had claimed as her own, the one solely dedicated to finding a way home for (Y/N). “You’ve been up all night, you need sleep-”
   “No, I need to find a way back home, for you. I promised you, I promised-”
   “Well...” (Y/N) takes a hesitant step towards Nat, their own hands finding solace in Nat’s. Ever since the day in the lab they had to hold Nat’s hand, it was just an unspoken rule between the two. It made them both feel safe, loved, it made them forget that one of these days they were going to have to part and go their separate ways. “I was actually thinking about that...I don’t think I want to go home anymore,” (Y/N) whispers softly, as though afraid of Nat’s reaction. Nat looks at them, eyes slightly squinted and lips pressed into a thin line. Were they serious? Did they really want to stay? “I mean...if you don’t want me to stay then I’ll leave the tower...start somewhere else-”
   “Oh my god, you’re being serious? You seriously want to stay here?”
   “Yeah,” (Y/N) looks at Nat curiously, as though she had just grown an extra head. “I thought I had said that i wanted to stay-” But their sentence is cut off when Nat wraps her arms around them tightly, squeezing them in the best hug they had ever received. 
   “Oh my god (Y/N),” Nat sighs shakily as she clings to (Y/N) like her lifeline. “Oh my god yes,” (Y/N) smiles as they hug back, letting Nat hold them and squeeze them as much as she needed to (which was an awful lot).
   “And um...maybe- maybe I could finally move into a more permanent room...maybe yours?” It was lightly suggestive, the only suggestiveness (Y/N) could manage but it still made Nat’s heart flutter and her cheeks light up.
   “Are you- Are you serious?”
   “If it’s not to much trouble or anything-”
   “Yes,” Nat looks at them seriously, her cheeks all flushed and her lips parted slightly. “Yes, I’d love to have you come stay with me,” (Y/N) smiles and blushes, nuzzling their forehead against Nat’s shyly and rather cutely too.
   “Well...how about we start moving your stuff then? Maybe break in your mattress a little more?” To this (Y/N) giggled and blushed a bright red, their lips curling in the sweetest smile Nat had ever seen.
   “Yeah,” (Y/N) smiles, a blue and black hand tracing up and down Nat’s arm. “Yeah, I’d like that,”
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