#this isnt 2008 anymore???
faintlyof · 1 year
Oh ew, I just noticed that the the -whole- bar that has a persons url in it in reblogs now takes you to their page. and also the whole thing highlights on hover.
was clicking/tapping the letters too difficult? like now im going to accidentally be opening randos blogs up constantly. which also, yeah, if im clicking on the persons blog from within the reblog, i want to see the POST on THEIR blog, im not here to fuck around and scroll back for 20 years trying to find it just because i need to cut someone out of the reblog chain before i send it to a friend???
and if i get to the post and then want to see their blog, easy. click home or whatever theyve called their main page or whatever
but like ive already accidentally opened like 5 different blogs and its been like 2 minutes,im tired
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cowboy-robooty · 6 months
imma be real with u guys i actually unironically love danganronpa but only the source content i hate 99.99999% of fan content so fucking much.
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vacalimpia · 3 months
im feeling a little bit peeved regarding the fact I havent been able to find this one book i want in about any bookstore ive been in for around 2 or so years. and you might be thinking. "oh it must be a foreign book," or "you could just order it online," and to that id say. WRONG AND JUST NOT POSSIBLE😭😭!!!!
the thing that makes me not finding it at any bookstore terrible is that this is not a foreign book— not in a different language, not from a different country— NO, ITS A PANAMENIAN BOOK!!! aka... THE COUNTRY IM LIVING IN!!!! AND I CANNOT FIND IT ANYYYWHEREEE!!!!
and it simply does not appear to be sold online so im starting to think I am cooked 😓 for a book that was one of the best sellers in the country 15 years ago it sure has become invisible
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annarubys · 2 years
my dash is so perfectly balanced between spn actor hate and intense mcr parasocialism that all it does is cancel out enough to remind me that celebrities are real people. thank god
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myriad-of-things · 21 days
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'just saw ygo dm'
@dontrollthedicesideblog: "NO YOU CANT FUCKING DO THAT THATS NOT HOW THE CARDS WORK" (actually knows how to play the game)
@myriad-of-things: "what do you MEAN bewd isnt a good card anymore???" (remembers exactly 1 card from 2008)
@turtle--daddy: doesn't even go here. got a 911 meme after googling blue eyes jet
original image below cut
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Why Is The Curse Gone In The Final Timeline ?
that isnt 'well its a happy ending so...'
Shinichiro got cursed in the original timeline, in 2003. Yet, when he comes back to 1999 (a time where he didn't kill the homeless man, and, supposedly, shouldn't be cursed) Sanzu is scarred by Mikey, acting triggered by the curse.
So, if Mikey from 2008 is cursed, Mikey going back in 1998 should still be cursed.
But he isn't.
What logical reasoning could explain this ?
Simple. First, we need to look at how Shinichiro got cursed. The homeless man yelled 'Curse you' before dying, not specifying how he cursed Shinichiro.
The last thing Takemichi wished to do before Mikey killed him was to save Mikey, to break the curse, to crush the dark impulses, to carry them (final timeline Takemichi carrying the curse ?)
So. What if the homeless man's curse was his last will ? And Takemichi's last will was to get rid of the curse ? And those last will became reality because the homeless man and Takemichi had the time leaping powers. The time leaping powers are introduced granting last wish. Takemichi comes back to the time he wanted to go back to when he's killed by a train. Shinichiro goes back to the day he wanted to go back to when he jumped from the bridge into the water.
The curse isn't there anymore because that was Takemichi's last will and the time leaping powers granted it - he was supposed to die. But then him and Mikey created a loophole, and both of them went back in time. Takemichi was too focused on giving the power to Mikey, so Mikey was the one to decide on the time they went back to - before it all went wrong with his life, before his first memory of the curse.
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bunny-heels · 1 year
ive talked about this so many times and im so sorry to bring it up again but i absolutely despise how youtubers approach and handle scary topics because its clear how many of them are actually just giant babies.
like, as an example: whenever i get recommended videos like "top # horrifying artists" or "the story of the most brutal movie", my tradition is to OPEN the video, but NOT watch it, then to skim through it to find out what the thing is theyre claiming is so bad, then i'll go look for it myself to see if its actually as scary as theyre gonna TRY to make it out to be, only to find out its literally the most kindergarten baby ghost story shit ive ever seen
i just got recommended a video about controversial banned horror games and really the only one that deserved to be on that list of genuinely scary games was Devotion, but it IS genuinely a horrifying game, the story is so fucked, and it has an actual interesting reason for it getting banned in another country [it had an easter egg that made fun of Kim Jong Un]
and then the rest of the list is soooo fucking boring. "this one horror game got BANNED" ok why "it was banned for being violent and scary" in what country "[names country that's known to ban games with violence and blood and gore]" ok what was the game
"left 4 dead 2"
like sorry that im being mean but if youre trying to make a scary video out of LEFT 4 DEAD 2 getting banned in a country that NORMALLY BANS THOSE TYPES OF GAMES cause their laws SUCK then you are just so fucking stupid. this isnt 1999 anymore, youre not a grandpa who just read an article about DOOM being the most brutal game out there. go watch the 2008 version of Martrys and play The Cat Lady and then maybe you'll be a big enough boy to talk about scary shit
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xenosagaepisodeone · 1 year
hey adrienne not to make things weird but I had a dream you were in last night where we were hanging out on a very large couch watching a show that consisted of two people with these stark white masks just talking to eachother back and forth across this weird divider (?) in the middle. and they were having this really animated conversation about the ethics of something or other and you were kind of scoffing about it and providing commentary about what a dumb show this was and how the conversation was stressing you out. and then it transitioned into this strange scene where it was clearly some time later and I had my head in your lap and you were stroking my hair but in a very stress ball kind of way. and you were still making commentary about the show (which was still ongoing on the tv) but it was very pleasant all around for me. anyways what are we haha
so we all think it's odd that MGS4 is imprisoned in the PS3 right? I think the fact it's so product placement heavy is why its difficult to bring over to newer consoles. it's far from my favorite metal gear for a lot of reason, but i wouldn't object to it getting a remake. It actually works both thematically and metatextually if Kojima isnt involved! in a world where 'truth' is mere piecemeal for consolidating power, what would become of a MGS4 remake that is....passable? that is good (from a gameplay perspective)? that receives partial rewrites to strengthen parts of the story that most people were confounded by even in 2008? most would still reject it, recognizing it as bad from an ontological standpoint due to konami's cruel treatment of kojima. any flaws would be made Memetic, the (inevitable lbr) mistreatment of any involved voice actors of the project from either konami or mgs fans would be brought into focus, and it's existence would be seen as a testament to the decayed moral architecture that consists Konami as a company. the generally understood sentiment regarding why MGS4 even exists however is that a combination of managerial and fan pressure (infamously via death threats) pushed Kojima to continue Snake's story; its why everyone's arcs reach such a placid finality. MGS2's ambiguities are wiped away to cudgel the player with "truth". Snake is dying, and that makes you sad, but its his Last Stand, which makes it epic. Meryl has a stupid wedding. Snake vs Liquid rivalry is resurrected then killed solely to give the story some legs despite Liquid not really being relevant anymore. Raiden gets jerked around by the system one last time before settling down with Rose and his ugly kid (until Rising fixes this). Vamp is here for some reason. Big Boss is here For Some Reason (❗️) and him and Snake hug (instead of being excecuted alongside Otacon like Kojima had originally wanted until his staff told him he was being a real downer) - because it's the narrative giving a conclusive happiness to the cast, which you want to see as a fan. I'm not saying that MGS4 is some soulless venture (it has stuff I Liked), or that writers and directors are justified as being treated as interchangeable if the end Product is sufficient in some respect, but what does it mean to defend MGS4, this conglomerate of fanservice, as an artistic vision?
its meta because getting involved in any extended discussion about the remake is a zero sum game. point blank. The Patriots have you. It's too late. if the B&B Corps dont gyrate all sexy to you anymore in the remake, there is no in-between option on how you are allowed to feel about it on a public online forum. nuance is ceding to ideology, and gamers are locked in a forever war against a corporation they can't even boycott. And much like in MGS2, the Raiden option would be logging off
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fox, honey, i am such a gossip please tell me what you are talking about :O :]
hfdkgfmhh idek why im tiptoeing around it honestly :') im talking abt ger*rd way (<- censoring so my post doesnt show up in searches) being an orientalist (+ related stuff) and how ive seen a couple posts abt that but some bigger mych*m bloggers never ever mentioned it? and like idk maybe all videos/interview snippets/etc of them fetishizing asian women were from 2008 and gw*y isnt like that anymore but its not really abt him and more abt like. how do u spend your entire day posting abt someone and all of the great things they did for music/queer ppl/whatever but not Also talk abt the other stuff yk
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orbdog · 1 year
nationsquid did a video on username 666 and it got me thinking. probably about analog horror or something. which lead me to remember scruffy’s video on how fnaf plays with sound, more specifically, the sound the door light makes when you cant turn the light on.
humans love control. we love BEING in control. when we’re in control, we know exactly what the outcome of given situation is going to be. which is great, because we also hate unpredictability. we hate the unknown. in fact, we’re TERRIFIED of it.
when its 2008, and the internet feels so small, it feels predictable. i mean, surely you’ve seen everything, right? surely this place is safe and harmless. all you’ve every used it for is watching invader zim youtube poops, playing webkinz/neopets/poptropica/club penguin and watching episodes of anime filmed on a digital camera in front of a tv split into 20 different parts. you know what the internet holds and you know what most of the programs on your computer do.
its predictable, and nothing can actually be THAT scary when its contained in the box crt monitor of the ancient, lovingly outdated windows xp computer.
until, inevitably, your friend tells you that you can download some game or song for free. they don't tell you how, but how hard could it possibly be? the net is small, there's not a whole lot of searching to be done. you find it under the fourth stone you turn, and press the big yellow download button. your computer is chugging. you've never seen it go so slowly before. you move your cursor the X to just close internet explorer and try again. you click.
nothing happens.
maybe its the first time you’ve ever heard this sound before, maybe its not, but you know that when you click that X, your browser should close. why isn’t it closing? what is this short, abrupt sound and why is it making your attempts to close it feel so useless?
you try again.
you go to click on another tab.
you try to minimize, because seeing your desktop and getting the browser away from view will feel safer. you know whats on your desktop. your desktop isnt the internet, and youre starting to feel like you dont know whats on the internet anymore.
ding ding ding ding ding ding.
eventually you resort to leaning over and holding down the power button. after a few, agonizing seconds, the screen finally goes black and the fans in the case fall silent shortly after.
and you’re in control again.
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timoswerner · 2 years
Top 5 spurs kits ⭐️
right i’ve had to do this home and away because i couldn’t narrow it down lmao
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2010-2011. the rest is in no particular order but this was the first thing that came to mind. instantly makes me think of michael dawson and gareth bale - bale got his hat trick at the san siro in this kit. the year i got obsessed with football!!!
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1993-1995. i own this kit so i kinda had to say it lmao but i love it. the collar, badge, holsten sponsor... fucking elite and it covered my birth year
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2017 -2018 perhaps controversial now and definitely controversial at the time. everyone thought it was too plain and people hated the shield around the badge but i liked it, it was because we were playing at wembley so its was like protection when we were away from home!! i liked that it was so clean tbh
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2011-2012 honestly again just makes me think about gareth bale but its clean, got a collar. love that x
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2007-2008 special kit that we wore in a home game against villa for our 125th birthday. its just fucking sexy isnt it i need it
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2021-2022 i mean.... its a galaxy kit!!!! of course i’d love it. it was funky and whatever they did this year wouldn’t live up to it imo
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1991-1994 again i own it so i kinda have to say it but these years were just so good for our kits???? its yellow, got a collar, the sponsor again and it makes me think of my dad because he always talks about how he had a sweatshirt version of this that he wore until it fell apart
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1994-1995 again i own it because damn the early to mid 90s umbro were just on it!!! love spurple
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2019-2020 i thought this kit had VIBES but unfortunately the season did not play out like that. but it has a collar, is the nicest blue and i wish i brought it in a bigger size because i bought a youth xl and now my tits are too big for it
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2017-2018 like its home counterpart people thought it was too plain but i liked it!!! it was a really nice blue and again i wish i bought a bigger size because my boobs dont fit in mine anymore :(
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nanjokei · 2 years
top five genres of music 🫡
no particular order
1. denpa - genre is still alive in my heart. god will strike down kawaii future bass with his righteous thunder. i genuinely think that its kawaii future bass's fault— i know a lot of people blame it on denpa singers becoming vtubers but i dunno, the denpa singers that i know that took on those careers still do denpa stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ on the other hand all the singers that have pivoted to kawaii future bass don't do denpa anymore. I HATE KAWAII FUTURE BASS AHHHHHHHH AHHH AHHHHH AHHHHH ITS SO HORRIBLE IT DOESNT EVEN SOUND GOOD STOP WITH THE FINGER SNAPPING AND POPPING NOISES AND GARAGEBAND LOOPS LITERALLY THE MOST BRAINDEAD MUSIC POSSIBLE *gets hit over the head with a mallet* anyway. sorry about that
2. shoegaze - SHOEGAZE NEEDS TO COME BACK!!! where is MIKGAZER II!!! i fucking love shoegaze. incredibly good and underrated genre i will not let people make it the butt of every "lol average nerdy white boy music" STFU!!!!!!
3. folk/fantasy/traditional/whatever the person tagging the music is calling it - are you seeing a pattern here. i just really like stuff thats kind of sequestered to doujin music, niche or kinda dead... i love both vocal songs and instrumentals of this genre. i just want to feel like im in a 16 bit console or ps2 jrpg at all times. yes specifically those descriptors. please understand
4. synthpop - i feel like this has been dead since the early 2010s but when jpop and kpop were into this sound >>>> (think lovegazer (album) btw its really fucked up how much deco seems to hate this album. ik some of the songs are on the 2008-2014 comp but not all of them... he wants to erase this and his gumi songs so bad. but to me i love this so much its such a strong album)
5. eurobeat - i know god is kind because eurobeat exists
h/m - not really a genre but, DTM music in general - i really fucking love DTM music from the early 90s to mid 00s. i fucking love amateur midi music. i think its natural bc i grew up in a time where midi music was still really common + a lot of my interests (largely subculture) have crossover into music and a lot of producers started off as desktop music nerds or had love for such a subculture. (and ofc a lot of early post-miku vocaloid music had that charming sort of DTMer midi touch to it so its triple the nostalgia) this isnt the most subversive example, but i really love this album like crazy
also another h/m is 2nd gen kpop. i am not a kpop guy, i only had friend's recs in the early 10's— but i have a lot of love for that music and that is what kpop is to me. i don't really like a lot of the current trends (songs almost entirely in english, egregious rapping where none of the members have any flow, everything being girl crush) its just not fun to me. i think current kpop needs to be fun again its too serious, then i might actually get more into it or at least enjoy it as a bystander. more songs like this please
another h/m, mostly cause its such a jumble of genres to me— in general im not good at identifying genres. but i love moody rock stuff, all the soft rocks, folk rocks and alternative shit but i also love grunge and emo and all that. just the pure vibes but im mostly talking about the stuff that usually falls under alternative barring grunge and emo. idk how to describe it...
also gothic stuff like whatever ali project is on
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basedtater · 2 years
writing vent post pls dont reblog thanks
i have. such bad imposter syndrome lately to the point where i cannot write at all. like? im very "im a bad writer because very few people read my fics so i should just not write ever because nobody cares" when thats not entirely true like some people care but its weird
like logically i know i write very niche content that few people even understand (looking at you fear itself that got like 40 kudos after six months of hard work which lmfao that was devastating) but brain is like "nobody likes your fics so you should just. never write again" and im so tired. i want to write. i miss writing.
its not even like i want to be super popular because i would. die under the pressure but i also cannot handle how i feel like nobody cares if i update. sigh. im very tired i would just like to write again pretty please and for my mental health to stop getting in the way
it doesnt help that i cannot handle being in most of the winterhawk communities anymore bc im strictly comics and i feel so misunderstood whenever i talk about my ship bc like. i will reference panels that happened in 2008 and people will be like literally what are you talking about and only talk about the fanon characters and like the fanon isnt bad but also!! there is more to winterhawk than that and i feel so alienated
so its. i dunno its weird. winterhawk is a weird place for me lately and i probably just need to move onto something else but i also dont want to.
this has been your 1am whine session instead of writing session with lou
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ghoulliojr · 6 days
sorry this is fucked up but i just recently found out that there used to be way too much bone meal in dog food and that's why dog poop would turn white after a while but they stopped putting in all that bone meal and when i found that out i was like huh! come to think of it i havent seen white dog shit since i was a kid! like it just doesnt happen anymore isnt that weird!! like idk how much of a cultural foothold the film Step Brothers (2008) still has but millennials were OBSESSED with that movie and now i bet when a kid sees it for the first time and sees the part where the bullies make them lick the white dog shit they're just like, i dont get this why is the shit white
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boredandmedicated · 4 months
Blaming the DEA for the adderall shortage does nothing
I am in my 20s and have been diagnosed with ADHD since 2008. Taken stimulants since 2008 with brief periods of trying nonstimulant medication in hopes of not needing to take stimulants anymore. I’ve been on adderall since 2016 and never had an issue obtaining my prescription until the past few years. Now, I blamed the DEA at first. Couldnt fathom why they wouldnt just raise the fucking quotas. Surely it isnt a supply issue. But as time goes on I honestly understand why more and more. Not to say I agree with it or LIKE having the stress I get every month, nor am I saying the dea is blameless here- seriously, they certainly arent blameless, okay? Dont take this to mean that.
But in large part this is because of the original, extremely loose standards surrounding an adhd diagnosis in, say, 2000-2005. Kids could get a diagnosis and a prescription for doing shit that normal kids do. Not wanting to read a book. Wanting to play outside. Normal kid shit. There were a substantial-though perhaps not a majority- of parents who obtained a diagnosis for their children like so despite knowing that their child did not have it. There were multiple reasons for this, though from anecdotal accounts it seemed more common for kids aged 12-17; whereas parents with children under 12 years old seemed (again, anecdotal, not statistical) to be seeking that diagnosis as an easy answer.
Prescriptions were booming and the kids were predictably not getting better after being given adderall- in fact, many were WORSE, unable to sit still entirely, having been given an amphetamine that just boosted their energy and didnt help with focus at all.
Following the realization that this was because a lot of kids that were prescribed adderall and diagnosed with ADHD did not, in fact, actually have it, the measures for prescribing and diagnosing ADHD were significantly tightened up. One requirement I recall is that an in-person visit and evaluation was required before any diagnosis or prescription for adderall. This would continue until COVID, when they declared a state of emergency. This allowed people to bypass the usual requirements for obtaining adderall and an ADHD diagnosis- so, no in-person, lengthy evaluation and comprehensive exam with a questionnaire, puzzle-type things, and verbal questions with open ended answers.
At the same time, as COVID quarantine extended beyond the original short-term that people were expecting, people were realizing quarantine fucking sucked. It is hard for ANYONE to work at home as they normally would at the office. Flexibility is incredible at home, but people were going stir crazy. And many attributed that stir-craziness, either validly or less so, to undiagnosed ADHD. ADHD became “trendy”. Platforms like Done would advertise on tiktok and twitter with little videos about how easy they make getting a diagnosis, how quickly they can get you adderall, how its all online. How with quarantine in place, it can get you where you need to be, easily diagnosis within an hour, a prescription within the week.
As a result, as shown by this graph (somewhat), there was a significant jump in adderall prescriptions for young adults aged 22-44.
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I dont know and cant say how many of these are attributed to misunderstanding normal human behavior with ADHD, as opposed to valid diagnoses. I can say this: Adderall is not a joke, and abuse of adderall, people seeking diagnoses because they just want the drug itself, thats not uncommon. Its not uncommon for any drug. The DEA will not risk another drug crisis after crack, and especially during the fentanyl crisis now- and not to mention, tranq on the rise.
For that reason, I think blaming the DEA is a fruitless endeavor. We should be focusing on things that we CAN do. One idea I’ve had is, maybe we could make nonstimulant medications the first line of treatment. Wellbutrin, for instance. Nonstimulant medications tend to work much better prior to having any stimulant medication treatment for ADHD anyways. And bringing back the in person evaluations and lengthier diagnostics. I really do understand the classism arguments made about that requirement. But I think its honestly necessary. It is much harder to “fake” or “exaggerate” ADHD symptoms during an hours long in person evaluation, than it is to do so on an unmonitored, five question quiz and a 20 minute zoom call.
Taking adderall without needing it is not only selfish, but also, harmful to others AND yourself. Heart issues, anxiety, lack of appetite, and the “focus” doesnt work the way it does in people with ADHD if you take it without needing it. Not to mention, longterm stimulant use in someone without ADHD, when that person stops taking it, withdrawal symptoms from it can look remarkably similar to actual ADHD. Then we get stuck in this perpetual cycle. And frankly, Its not fun to wake up and see posts from people who made fun of me for my ADHD in elementary and middle school, suddenly glamorizing their own sudden onset ADHD and posturing as though theyve had it all along. Especially when I know theyre the ones contributing to the stigma that not just me, but many people face today when trying to simply… get the medication we need to do work at an even remotely functional level. And even more so when I know that shit is why doctors are hesitant to even recognize an adhd diagnosis as valid anymore. They see any adult with adderall now as the epitomal pill pusher, pill seeker, addict that just got a fun little upper to stay up and be energetic.
So yeah. Dont just blame the DEA. It is people too. Its people you know, sometimes even your friends.
And, you can acknowledge the bad ones without dragging the people with valid prescriptions and true intentions through the mud. So if this post doesnt apply to you, i promise im not talking about you.
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s3plan · 11 months
thinking abt bleckmossen again but when am i not…
specifically how Bleckmossen as a location is so important to the comic (duh) and its status as a low-income community on the outskirts of stockholm and how real it feels, especially if you’re already familiar with places like it. and thats the biggest reason why it makes me so sad to see how the art style has changed and become more sanitized and pastel colored. it also seems like the stories have shifted largely to focus way more on the interpersonal drama rather than crime-solving, when there used to be an even balance of the two (i could be wrong abt this, i havent been keeping up with new bleckmossen since around 2017 which is when i really started to notice this problem)
it’s so disappointing looking at newer background art, Bleckmossen doesn’t even look like a förort anymore, at least not the kind the story’s been going for since the beginning. And i think something like classic bleckmossen would be especially important now, when our government is becoming more and more explicit in its targeting and policing of immigrant communities, something that gets brought up quite a bit in earlier bleckmossen! (i will admit though these topics are handled a bit clumsily sometimes, like how they made the greedy, snobbish villain planning to gentrify Bleckmossen in Sjöhästens hemlighet a black guy, or how many stories end with the bad guys getting arrested)
A lot of my complaints with the newer art style are probably just a mix of personal taste & nostalgia factor, i know the 2008-2013 ish style looks very dated. I just hate how much of the original vision and spark has been lost with time. the art style probably isnt gonna change though (; ̄Д ̄) unless by some miracle my childhood dream comes true and i take over as bleckmossen illustrator after Carromic. i can keep dreaming i guess…
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