#this isnt an attack on the people complaining btw
anxiousgaypanicking · 4 months
begging the fanders who are critiquing the janus makeup vid to think critically abt their complaints for a moment
(this is not to say that thomas is un-critique-able, just that the complaints ive been personally seeing are easily explained by general inferences made about the characters' personalities)
firstly: "janus doing the makeup makes it so that his scales arent canonical!" explanation: the beginning of the video, janus says he's in his "thomas disguise." he's doing his makeup in THOMASS BODY, to "LOOK LIKE HIMSELF." it can be assumed that when he snaps into his normal clothes, he's rid himself of the makeup and what we're seeing are his canonical scales.
next: "please take roman and janus's fight seriously! why isnt janus upset??? i want this to be more than a cat fight!" explanation: WHAT about janus makes you think he'd be vulnerable about a fight he had on camera while doing his makeup. please think about that for a moment. from what we know about both janus and roman, their entire dynamic is insensitive vs oversensitive. offensive vs easily offended. AND, MOST IMPORTANTLY, doesn't care at all vs cares too much. that last dynamic is what i specifically think will be explored in the finale, but janus - from everything we know about him, and even in the makeup video - refuses to care about things. sure, it's a part of his sassy persona, but not caring about things is a defense mechanism, and one that janus very clearly relies on. mocking roman in a video and then refusing to address it (which would be weird of him to do anyway in a LIGHTHEARTED MAKEUP VIDEO) is very in-line with his personality. very genuinely - could you really look me in the eye and tell me it'd be MORE in character for janus to sort of tear up and look away and be uncomfortable with the idea of roman? absolutely not.
last: "janus was very out of character! he was laughing and stuff!" explanation: you mean in the grey sections? the sections that are very much meant to be interpreted as bloopers? bro
again: this isnt to say thomas is exempt from criticism, and there have been critiques of his videos that i have agreed with in the past. but these couple have especially been bothering me because of how clear their answers were not only in the characters' personalities, but within the video itself!
if anybody has any other criticisms, id be very open to hearing them! but these were my two cents
i personally really enjoyed the video. i thought it was very silly, which im pretty sure was it's intention, and i hope that more people got enjoyment out of it than what i've been seeing. very funny; i enjoy the shorter, more lighthearted videos just as much as i do the more lore-focused ones.
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squuote · 10 months
man not to be that guy but like. if I gotta see or hear someone say the fandom is bad one more time I might just kill someone. and then kill someone again. just make an analysis post or idk do something fun and fucking shut uuup ohmy god
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manthequin · 1 year
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People are definitely gonna be normal about this
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gayworths · 1 year
hey why did you, an American, think it was appropriate for you butt into a conversation about a sapphic ad that isnt even released in your country? I hope you realize that undermining such a bold move in a conservative christian ass country is very hurtful to the Filipino Lgbtqia+ community. Yes we're well aware its rainbow capitalism, we dont need you foreigners dipping your toes in like that and trying to explain it to us like we arent fucking aware corporations will and arent afraid to use us for profit, but this is BIG for our country and our community because getting such a blatant sapphic, /blatantly gay/ ad greenlit is Hard. Anyways! Next time dont butt into conversation that doesnt Involve you americans.
the "conversation" in question was this contextless tweet btw
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and i didn't even criticize it, i was using it as a jumping off point to continue a conversation i've had many times on twitter about a certain type of american lesbian who complains every time a movie or show about lesbians contains conflict in any shape or form, and i was saying that they probably love this because it's too short to have real conflict since it's an ad. i certainly don't think filipinos shouldn't be happy that this exists, but you can't tell me that all 94k people who liked that tweet are southeast asians.
i didn't expect anyone to see my tweet except my own followers, but i guess that's on me for tweeting it publicly. ....and on everyone else for reading my tweet without any context and jumping to attack based on their misreading of my words. i only brought up rainbow capitalism when i was provoked. maybe i was too harsh but waking up at 8 am to dozens of tweets telling you to kill yourself does that to a person. i stand by what i said because it's true. and i'm certainly not trying to claim that you guys don't know that, i was just explaining where my own point of view comes from (considering america is currently facing a major anti-lgbt backlash and "visibility" hasn't done shit for us- and now brands are backing off of lgbt support) and trying to start a conversation about the different situations in our different countries.
i did reach out to the original poster because it was never my intention to attack her and i feel bad that my words came off that way and hurt her feelings. but i stand by everything else i said and have no intention to apologize or delete or engage any further with the absolutely vile things people are saying to me. i'm not responsible for your bad-faith misinterpretations of my words.
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char-lotteral · 3 years
Look I'm not one of those people who believe Kishimoto decided to have Hinata and Naruto end up in the middle part of Shippuden. I believe he decided in the very last arc but he wanted to sound smart so he said he decided earlier on. Otherwise, they obviously would have more scene together. In Shippuden, they have only three scenes together ; when Naruto came back, the pain attack and the neji death scene. That's it. In the original Naruto, they probably have less than ten canon scenes not including fillers.
So I'm sorry I'm one of those who wasn't convinced by The Last. They literally had a basic villain go after Hinata who was cringe btw (the villain). They gave Hinata op powers which she doesn't have in the novel 👀. Despite having op powers, they made her the damsel in distress. Very "The hero saves the princess" cliche. Again, to justify them being together. I mean Naruto can't differentiate his love for ramen and romantic love so how??? He was just being nice to Hinata just like he does to everyone. He stood up for her just like he does for everyone.
Don't get me started on the Sakura Sasuke relationship 🤣. Cringe. They never knew each other. The whole Sakura's love for Sasuke saved him doesn't make sense. They spent barely a year in their genin year before sasuke left. Sasuke tried to kill Naruto and Sakura multiple times. Then at the end of the war, Kishimoto tried to do the "oh they have such a deep understanding between each other" which comes off as cringey. He gets her pregnant then leaves for years. She's literally a single mom who's broke.
Every relationship in Naruto is so cringey and forced except shikatemari. Kishimoto should've focused on the main story and fixed his potholes and leave the ending open.
Naruto would not have been perfect but at least it would've been remembered for staying true to its vision but instead it's remembered for cringey relationships, dumbass villain (except pain and madara) and a story that lost its core which is a shame coz I used to love Naruto. I was inspired by its messages but now....
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BUT FIRST Ive read what you said and I lowkey agree :p
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okay lol now for the juicy part click readmore and beware I shall be brutally honest so yea enjoy
I mean, Naruto in general is a mess, not just the ships if we're being realistic. Alot of plotholes, rushed endings, this and that, the w a r a r c, Kaguya, the way they rushed Boruto ehhh. Honestly, getting into Naruto is literally my biggest regret of 2020 :"DD
Im an NH shipper as you can tell by my hotmess of a blog but i fully respect your opinion and understand your point of view. I also know a bunch of nh stans who have their complaints with their development. I wish Kishi gave more attention to his female cast really, thats all I fucking ask. If he did that one single basic thing, then maybe the endgame relationships wouldnt have been an asspull and theyd be given propper screentime with their love interest, both Sakura and Hinata. The Last tbh i think the writers played it safe and stuck to the whole Naruto shounen vibe thingy, so im not surprised it was plotted that way. Typical cliché shounen movie.
But does that bother me? No! The Last was a mess, their development was shit, they definitely needed more screentime but hey at the end of the day theyre cute as fuck, we have that kiss scene, flirting scenes, a shit ton of official art, three kids, Seiki's gif :33 and a whole ass arc for their wedding all that for just a shounen anime so eh. Compensates for it i guess xD theyre not toxic, unhealthy or whatnot. Theyre wholesome, soft and vanilla as fuck and exactly what i need in my hectic life rn. No drama, just two kind souls who are adorable as heck and theyre dynamic means so much to me and I will love them until i shall leave this earth.
Anon, im not even gonna waste my time and defend their development because i think it sucked too xD but if you wanna know why i love them so so so soooo much, Id be more than willing to tell you :33
Sasuke and Sakura on the other hand eeeehhhh i can see why people like them. Sasuke's hot, he's your typical hot bad boy aad Sakura's hot and pretty too. Basic blue and pink trope. Aside from their canon interactions, fans have all the opportunity to play around with their dynamic but for me, its just sooo basic and so hetero and can easily appeal to any 16 yr old teenage girl, no wonder it has an active fanbase on twt and---- AM I MAKING ANY SENSE? AHDBAJJE LIKE ITS SO-- BASIC, your usual bad boy x pretty girl trope that you get to read in YA and coming of age novels. Not only that, but going back to canon, they have too many negative interactions for me to like them together :p The least Sakura can do is put down her own foot and yell at him for not contacting them for god knows how long. I also dont like how he always gets easily forgiven >=[[. I mean at least He's compensating as a dad good for him but ehhhh i still dont like him and Sakura together :v And im not falling for that "Sakura is the reason why Sasuke isnt lonely anymore" because thats NARUTO AHHH. Sasuke said that Multiple times. HE LIGHTS A FIRE INSIDE OF ME. HES MY SUN. MY ONE AND ONLY FRIEND. LIEK?? THATS NARUTOOO romantic or not, Naruto was the reason for his not so lonely existence anymore smh >=[[
Sasuke almost murdered her and Naruto and made their lives a living hell but hey its all good!! He's my best friend and Sakura loves him!! So set him freeee into the worldddd~~
Sasuke left his family without even simply contacting them but can easily contact Naruto through a hawk but hey thats fine! His and Sakura's feelings are connected afterall! Sasuke gave her a ring and said thank you! Who cares about leaving your family. She loves him and he loves her so yey!!! All is forgiven :D
Sasuke gets too many life points this isnt fair >=[[ But tbh he's nerfed so bad in Boruto manga and anime power wise. Like in that time travel arc and the manga. The rinnegan kunai thing was still so funny to me even if it was Borushiki. I just idk its so funny to me lmaoo
OKAY WHAT ELSE. I dont even know any more. Im tired of complaining about Naruto and just when Ive finally gone a little bit away from Naruto, Hinata fucking pulls me in again 😩 she has me on chokehold pls send help. Watch castlevania!!! and one piece!!!! ten times better than this anime about a loud blonde boi who wants to be president. Trust me
overall, i dont fully agree but i lowkey agree i guess. I do respect your opinion tho :))
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I've seen anti-saphael posts that only focus on Raphael's faults and act like Simon is a poor uwu baby who did nothing wrong and is being hurt by the big mean vampire man. Okay... Raphael wanted his people to be safe and Simon wanted some of that entitled ginger pussy no matter the cost. But sure. Raphael is the bad guy.
why do i feel like im being lured into a trap idndjdndidndidndj to be fair im not anti-saphael or anti-simon, i think that they could have a lot of potential together, especially in the future, when things settle down and simon is more mature and etc, i think they could be really good for each other. i even wrote a few fics revolving around this (okay i wrote two but you know), i think there was a lot of shit between them but nothing that can't be fixed over time
with that being said! i think the problem with how some ppl perceive raphael and simon's relationship is that classic "taking a legitimate reaction to aggression as violence, but not the aggression that incited it" that happens a lot with marginalised ppl's, particularly poc. nine times out of ten, raphael lashed out at simon for legitimate reasons, because simon was absolutely, 100%, comitting acts of aggression against him and the vampires, but not the obvious, physical/verbal violence kind. Raphael, in turn, responded by yelling or being verbally violent, and that's what people focus on, instead of the fact that he was actually... pretty goddamn patient with simon
a good example on that is the scene when Simon went to talk to raphael about the Daylighter thing. ppl complain that Raphael yelled at him. but he asked simon to leave him alone three times. he was clearly distraught, in tears, the person he loved most in the world had just died, and simon wouldnt fucking respect that! and then raphael screamed at him, and hes the bad guy, because you know, he screamed. but that was a reaction to the very violent act on simon's part of not allowing him to grieve his own goddamn sister, and demanding that he stop everything and help simon, despite the fact that he didnt owe simon that
not to mention everything else surrounding simon and rosa. people are very quick to forget that simon threatened to hurt rosa, idc if it was izzy's idea and he was reluctant, he still did it, and besides, that's all that raphael knows about it. not to mention he refused to help raphael with the Daylighter thing, and because of that, he didn't even get to go to her funeral. but then he demands Raphael help him with the very same thing. on the day that she died. thats pretty fucking violent, if you ask me
and look, im not saying simon is a bad guy, because hes definitely not, hes actually very fucking sweet. but he is extremely entitled (particularly on the earlier seasons), just as much as clary and jace. and he also has no clue what he's getting himself into, from the start. he doesn't understand that his actions have consequences, hes careless, and because of that, he puts all of their lives at risk. he got Raphael tortured because he was so careless. that's a real thing that happened. Raphael was tortured because of simon
and again, i dont think he meant that to happen, i think he was dumb, and that he only had shadowhunters' version of the facts, and he was way too blinded by Clary. he was also clearly very, very immature, and that's something that we got to see him grow out of a little bit. but there was a war going on, and Raphael had a people to lead and save, a responsibility with them all. he didn't have the time to patiently explain the facts of life to Simon (who btw never cared to listen), and even then, he tried to. Raphael tried to reach out to Simon and help him so many times it's not even funny. hell, if it weren't for him, clary wouldnt even have gotten his body back. he tried time and time again to get Simon to understand, and Simon didnt, and kept getting him and all of the vampires at risk. so Raphael lashed out. and then of course, hes the violent one. but people ignore that Raphael's reaction to him was legitimate, because Simon was, even if unknowingly, risking all of their lives and wellbeing. and if thats not violence, i dont know what is
one more time! im not saying simon is a bad person. i really, really dont think he is. i think he's actually one of the most well intentioned people in shadowhunters, but intention, even if it matters a lot, isnt everything. and it particularly isnt everything when there are lives at stake. it particularly isnt everything when you refuse to listen, and act entitled because Raphael was, from the beginning, kind as fuck to him
I'm also not saying Raphael is perfect, because he said some pretty hurtful shit. but i am saying that he was always acting in defense, not attack. Raphael never, not once, was the one to attack Simon first. but Simon didnt do it with words, and so ppl who dont understand what its like to suffer microagressions dont see where he's coming from
with all of that being said, id like to reiterate again that i still think their relationship has potential. i think that the fact that they still clearly like each other even after everything that's happened between them (hell, simon was willing to die for Raphael) means a lot. I think that Simon has grown up, and has the potential to grow up, a lot, and that in more peaceful times, as im going to assume they will be post-canon because our boys deserve it, okay, they could be really, really good for each other. i think Simon has the potential to not only break Raphael out of his shell, but also make him really look at himself in a different light, and Raphael has the potential to help simon grow and be more sure footed, steadier, more confident.
that doesnt mean they would erase all that happened, but i think they could build good things despite it all, if they talked it through and really understood each other, which i think they could do because theyre both very empathic people. it's one of the things that draw me to their dynamics; their potential for forgiveness, for re-examining themselves, for seeing how context dramatically changed their relationship and dynamics because in a less vicious context, they are good together. so yeah. i dont think what happened between them has to be between them forever, although i do hate it when ppl simply ignore it
but the perception that Raphael was the violent one and Simon wasnt is definitely rooted in an entitled, blind to microagressions point of view, and that's something that needs to be addressed, even within their relationship, if you want it to really work post-canon
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brinesystem · 4 years
lifes bittersweet
and im gonna go on a rant? but like, a happy one???? idk man
ill put it under a cut or somethin
uh warning for like trauma mentions, if you skip the first half which is all like solid paragraphs you should be able to move right over it.
okay, so for a summary of my life real quick, and this will be p quick...
born, had no dad, lived in DC when 9/11 hit (like, walking distance to everything, IN the city DC), gained a marine dad, moved around on bases a lot, found out that im autistic and have adhd, bullied a lot in school, moved around more, got two sisters, bullied OUT of middle school, re entered a new school, bullied there too, and tHEN my memory actually starts, cause i started existing in hs?
hs also sucked though? and i was abused and became a csa/grooming victim but only online so i feel weird even taking that label, but i AM one in the end? and was so young somehow??? tbh its worse than im putting it but this is the quick version. was abused more emotionally/verbally, physically threatened at home and bullied in school right? almost lost our house too cause we were MAJORLY BROKE. Like, SUPER badly broke.
We get out of there, my mum actually gets our dad to knock it off, i fail out of hs because they changed the grading rules MID-YEAR and didnt tell me until it was too late to fix my grades for it.
cue mental breakdown, which included losing the ability to read for years, and trauma processing, etc etc. this also includes me becoming disabled, because prior to that, i actually wasnt???? i had some issues, but i wasnt disabled. now i am.
got a service dog, the dad ruined that too because he scared him a lot as a puppy and when we finally got to get him to Stop Doing That, it was too late. then the dog gets attacked twice. in home service dog only i guess now.
and then i realise, “oh fuck wait i have did”
forget about it for a year, realised/remembered it like last year and finally start doing some work with the system, finds out ive basically been fronting for like, 10 years straight at this point. only this year managed to let alters other than Fae front more, because i knew about Fae for years? but i didnt know he was an alter?????? look im dumb okay its fine.
point is that like, i dont REMEMBER most of this? this summary type shit is what i remember, and then everything else is either a blackout, or just... blurry.
like theres some details and whatever but its mostly just snapshots, and then before hs theres even less blurry and less snapshots and its mostly just black space.
im here?
like, were all here.
my system, we made it. and were alive?
like, none of us thought wed live to 20 but here i am at 24 and im actually usually happy????
its not been EASY at all, but like... i dont know?
my systems my family and i adore them more than i can put into words. the ‘scary’ ones? love them. im not afraid of them because theyre here and in our system with me and are here to help. ones been helping for longer than ive existed, like??? thats amazing? good job???? fuck.
we werent doing okay for a long time, and then we split a lot during trauma processing pt.1 because like. no therapist. i dont recommend doing that btw dont trauma process without a therapist its not worth it.
but like.
a lot changed and i know i split shit and lost some of the memories i used to have. i KNOW that happened, because i remember remembering things that i cant recall now.
which is a weird feeling but im sure you get it.
but like.
im glad we did? like i get it. and i know that some of those alters dont front much/at all/ever anymore, but i think theyre still in there somewhere... and i love them?
theyre great. and they helped us a ton.
and two of the alters that split from that (or the trauma before maybe? idk) integrated and the result is another alter (and a completed fragment) and theyre both amazing too???
i know a lot of people complain about getting more alters or splitting or fragments and such but i just...
i dont know. maybe im just really fucking lucky... and i wouldnt put that past this tbh. but i dont mind it? we function a ton better like this, and its... so nice to see them be able to interact with people?
also theyre both introjects who LOVE interacting with others alters from their source and like
its so nice to know theyre here and happy and found the people they love again?
and i have feelings on introjects and i know theres a lot of drama going on for some reason but like. a part of did is that your relationships from the beginning of your life arent stable, right? and these introjects, they not only have those relationships in theory, but they managed to find them again?? here and now?
they have what we werent able to before, and im so happy for them and theyre delighted about it and its just...
im really happy sappy and emotional and i just am kind of writing a love letter to my system right now i guess.
cause we made it. were here and tbh this year? sucks ass. the past four years have sucked ass. a LOT of shit sucks ass. but we’re still here. were standing and fighting and enjoying life and just...
one of the alters who integrated is the one who managed to stop us from being suicidal, because he convinced me that like... “if you hate your life, that means youre not enjoying it. so, if youre not having fun, its not a life worth living to you. so have fun.”
and that was life changing for us?????
for ME?
and hes Honey now and honey is joyous and enjoys life to the fullest
but the other alter who made up honey wasnt able to do that.
and now they both are? as honey?
and thats fucking amazing????????? like????
i dont feel like i lost either of them. theyre just Honey now. and hes loving life???
i mean yeah hes got a full range of emotions now which means he can feel sad and angry while the others has more limited but like... isnt that better?
isnt it so much better to feel those?
it feels so much less shallow when youre overjoyed when you know what sorrow feels like. its so much deeper because theres that bittersweet tinge of “it wasnt always like this”
and i think thats what im getting at.
it wasnt always like this.
and it wont always be like this.
but we made it this far...
so i want to keep going.
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ravenaveira · 5 years
People that say Taka was the best team/friends for him is like saying a drug addicts friends who are also drug addicts are whats best for them simply because they went along with and encouraged their habit rather than trying to get them help and off a toxic lifestyle
Just because you have friends that support your bad habits doesnt mean their good friends and whats best for you
Friends who try to get you out of that toxic lifestyle to a better place where your clear-headed and healthy THOSE are real friends who want the best for you
I know this is a weird topic to touch on after the previous episode which I'm not downplaying because I thought it was wholesome, but the fact that people blatantly ignore how toxic and unhealthy Taka was for Sasuke AT THE TIME really just rubs me the wrong way
Do I think his relationship with Team 7 perfect? course not, but you can definitely see the difference between how TRUE friends behave and how enablers behave
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Team 7 he viewed them like family and precious bonds he had to cut in order to focus on and pursue revenge
Whenever Sasuke talked or thought about Taka he treated them as strictly subordinates, we never see him bothering to interact with them other than pursuing his goals and once they were no longer needed? he discarded and abandoned them without a second thought, he didnt even know Karin was an Uzumaki or that he even met her in the past which shows how little he cared about any of them on a personal level, the only one I can say Sasuke even remotely cared about to that degree is Jugo
None of them tried to empathize with Sasuke, none of them tried to talk to him about his struggles or problems and let him suffer alone, none of them cared for Sasuke to that point and if they did then they had one hell of a way of showing it
So my point? yes I think Sasuke cared somewhat about Taka in his own way and yes I think Taka cared for Sasuke as well I'm not saying they didnt, I'm just saying they didnt care enough
And it seems crazy to me that the same people who complain about the injustices done to Sasuke and his clan are the same one who support Taka and them supporting Sasuke and his crimes against pretty much everyone
Yes killing Danzo was a good thing but it was still a crime, Sasuke and Taka joined Akatsuki and tried to kidnap the 8 tails which was a crime against the Cloud village, Sasuke attacked the 5 kage summit and every single kage there making him an international criminal regardless if his goal was just Danzo it was still a risk of them getting involved, Sasuke just being a rogue ninja joining another rogue ninja is a crime, Sasuke attempting to kill all the 5 kage after the war would have been a crime
Yes some injustices can be resolved through violence but that is not the one and ONLY solution, Sasuke going rogue unfortunately even from a narrative standpoint yea it needed to happen for him to train with a Sanin etc but the only way to resolve Konoha’s injustice was to go through the right channels and expose to corruption that was in it, once Sasuke left and started committing crimes he lost the moral high ground and anything he said or did would easily be ignored and just thought of as another crazed Uchiha who deserved to die
You can argue yes but then Naruto and Kakashi could have said something once they found out but by that point it was like Temari said, it was FAR too late for Sasuke and even with the truth revealed how does that excuse his actions at the summit? against Bee? joining Akatsuki? killing Itachi and Danzo MIGHT have been able to be excused but the rest? there's no way that was getting overlooked even with the corruption exposed Sasuke was still just as much in the wrong now
I'm a huge Sasuke fan but even I can acknowledge that not every single one of his actions was 100% right and just, his actions towards the people who actually wronged him WERE in the right, but his actions in everything that didnt? yes he was in the wrong no ifs ands or buts about it
So for those who think Taka is so much better for Sasuke because they supported his criminal actions [except Jugo I believe he’d be fine either way] but not Team 7 who wanted Sasuke to stop his criminal actions and return to his senses and be in a healthy condition again, truly make me wonder if they actually care about Sasuke’s well being or just think everyone who isnt a yes man to everything Sasuke did somehow dont care about his feelings or the injustices done to him and just wanna change him
Yeah, change him for the BETTER not worse, if anything Taka tried to do the opposite of that but hey I guess being a bad influence is better than being a good one
And listen we can go back and forth all day about Sasuke's situation after the war because I agree wholeheartedly that thats bullshit, but realistically speaking the fact that some things about the Uchiha massacre are unresolved like those two elders even being allowed to breathe, realistically speaking what CAN you really do? the Uchihas are dead and the main man responsible is dead and Hiruzen who failed to stop it is also dead so what would exposing everything do at that point? everyone directly involved is DEAD so exposing it really is pointless even if only to clear Itachi’s name which I'm gonna say something alot of you wont like
But the Uchiha’s were not all innocent victims, atleast not the ones involved and planning the coup, yes they were treated unfairly but does that mean the best approach to fixing this is to overthrow the government? how does that make you look? your proving their suspicions of you right by attempting to be the threat they all think you are, that is NOT how you get your point across and demand justice for your clan by planning a coup that would result in many lives lost including your own
Does that mean do nothing? course not, but if you want their trust then you have to EARN it and if you want justice and equality then go on strike and refuse to serve them until their willing to talk and compromise, seriously the Uchiha was a HUGE asset to Konoha so them refusing to obey and offer their services definitely would have gotten their attention and force them to listen and find a compromise, if that didnt work they could have tried spreading the word to fellow citizens and gain their support as I'm pretty sure not EVERYONE in Konoha felt the same way towards them and would have joined their cause for equality
But no, they chose the path of violence and it resulted in their entire clan's downfall and they end up with NOTHING but a bad name, so what did they gain? absolutely nothing, so was it worth it? NO
So lets stop acting like Konoha’s the big bad villain that did nothing but wrong and the Uchiha’s were pure innocent souls that did nothing wrong to deserve what happened to them because Ima say it THEY DID and their downfall was entirely their own fault for their approach, was it right? of course not genocides never ok and just as the Uchihas could have found another method Konoha could have as well so they were both in the wrong not just one or the other
Itachi also isnt a saint for the same reason the Uchiha’s and Konoha isnt and thats choosing the wrong approach to resolving the problems, there were many other paths he could have chosen but he chose the worst ones every time so just clearing Itachi’s name because of his good intentions wouldnt be right because his methods were beyond fucked up on so many levels
So my point is Sasuke was a victim of both sides wrongdoings, Taka didnt help with that at all, Team 7 tried to empathize and tried to understand and console him and save him from himself, its just that Sasuke didnt let them and pushed them away and thats of no fault of theirs since they did try but mainly Sasuke and them being mostly in the dark about everything
Yet Taka knowing almost everything didnt even try to reach out to him or help him cope in any way, Karin you’d think would understand and get through to Sasuke the most, cared more about her lust for him and seeing his ‘smile’ than actually empathizing with him and helping him through the turmoil he was in, Suigetsu made it clear he was out for himself from the start and Jugo is just wholeheartedly loyal to Sasuke no matter what
The fact that in the end, Sasuke makes no attempt to visit them until he needs them for something speaks volumes of his attachment to them, I think Taka thinks more of Sasuke than Sasuke does of them
He didnt even say goodbye to them before he left for his redemption journey nor did he bring them along on his years-long mission which again speaks volumes
So all Im saying is, Taka being the best team for Sasuke and his true friends is complete bull because I have yet to see any argument or reasoning for this be anything other than he chose them and that they went along with everything he did without question
If you have a better reason for why you think this then please share with me I welcome it maybe you can change my mind, but as of right now all the arguments I see is bullshit or occasionally shipping based which isnt a legitimate reason btw, so if you can be civil then I'm all ears
Note: I didnt mention the other Kages because it should be obvious their ways were screwed up as well and ruined a lot of lives, however what does Sasuke’s idea of basically ruling as a dictator resolve? how does that fix and reform the system? Sasuke wont live forever so what happens when he dies? he cant be the enemy that unites everyone once he’s dead and gone it’ll return back to how things were and thus mission failed another Uchiha dies for nothing, Sasuke’s approach to the situation was just a temporary solution not a permanent one and one that wouldnt last long anyway so lets not pretend Sasuke had the best solution to the problem when in all honesty both his and Naruto’s solutions were flawed and it makes sense that they’d work together using both methods rather than one and compromise, again we can argue about Sasuke’s situation after the war all day but fact of the matter is just gotta accept this is what it is and move on, at least Sasuke achieved partially what he wanted which was a bright future for the next generation and the villages to be at peace with one another without the need of a common enemy anymore, are things completely resolved? no, but its progress, and 15 years is nowhere near enough time to fix decades worth of damage so its still a work in progress and will be for a long time
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theav0cadobaby · 6 years
Podcast Recs cause I'm listening to too many of them. I listened to most of these in a month.
WOLF 359:
I literally couldn't recommend this podcast enough it's a ride of excitement and stress; twists and turns that is a rollercoaster of an experience. Basically it's about this crew of three plus a friendly AI orbiting the dwarf star Wolf 359, it seems like a fun comedy until shit gets real.
This podcast has frequent stressful situations, a lot of violence, and a lot of near death experiences. It's hard to tag everything.
This podcast so far is really interesting in world building and characters. It's about these two mechanics held in debt by this intergalactic corporation that go around and fix space junk.
This podcast has violence, body horror in one episode, and alien plagues.
This is kinda like a mix of Gravity Falls and Welcome to Night Vale. The show is told completely through radio broadcasts of the Sammy and Ben show. Though mysterious things (more mysterious than all of the other paranormal shenanigans) start happening and it's just... Great. All of the characters are wonderful and honestly hilarious, I really recommend this one it's sooooo good.
There are depictions of Gaslighting, violence, alien abductions, intense racism from one character though it's very clear that that character is a bad person and it is comedic, homophobia in later episodes, violence against sugar gliders specifically (no I'm not kidding), and one murderous elf on the shelf.
I honestly don't know what the hell goes on in this podcast but like it's pretty cool time stuff so like yeah. Its two hours tops to get through it.
This story is a bit trippy and I honestly barely remember it so I don't have much in the way of trigger warnings
This podcast is good technically I'd say but it's kinda thick if that makes sense. It feels like a chore to watch cause I don't care that much for the characters and they don't talk like normal people which is annoying. But it's still something I think is good. It's about these two scientists going to an alien planet and getting their shit fucked up thoroughly. It's genuinely terrifying at times.
There are trigger warnings in the show notes but this podcast has a lot body horror, violence, and is kinda fucked up sometimes.
Honestly this podcast is the next big thing in my opinion. I really liked the first season it's so interesting and it's like Janus Descending but a lot cooler and more interesting and funny. I'm really looking forward to it's next season! Basically this Xenobiologist (space animal scientist) is stranded on alien planet with intense tidal activity and the podcast is a mix of her complaining about her co-workers, surviving, and talking about the ecosystem. It's super interesting.
This podcast is kinda icky but I love it. There are depictions of small spaces and people who don't like water might not like this podcast.
EOS 10:
This is one of the big ones. It's about doctors, a cook, and an alleged space terrorist on this space station. It's really funny and I love the characters to death. The third season got a bit tricky though cause they kinda had to retcon a character out of the story cause they apparently fired his voice actor. And it gets like.... Super confusing. But still please watch it it's so good.
This story deals with alcoholism and drug addiction, along with violence, terrorism, grief, sexual interactions (though these are brief.) And medical stuff in general.
It's like We Fix Space Junk but 100x more positive (not saying that WFSJ is inferior, that's not true at all) and honestly it's like so sweet to watch. Things can get a bit unclear but that's okay. Also apparently the main character is nonbinary so that's great. It's about this fellow Feston who decides "fuck it" and fucks off away from their office job and goes to explore the universe with their ship (who I love btw, she's really nice)
There are occasional moments of violence and implications of sexual situations but overall it's pretty safe I think.
I haven't listened to the other storyline yet but basically it's about this private detective on mars. It's really gay like... REALLY GAY. This is the epitome of the "podcasts are really gay" posts. This podcast is what they're talking about. Aside from that is has a really interesting plot, stellar voice acting and great characters!
This podcast has depictions of violence, body horror at some point, guns (laser guns though) and abuse (there is a warning before those episodes however.
This is a genre defining podcast. All of the podcasts I just listed proably wouldn't exist without this and it's actually so good. It's fucking trippy, and it's so much fun. You can tell the creators put so much love and thought into the podcast and it's just amazing. Basically it's a radio show about this incredibly weird town. And if I have to explain it to you, that means you need to listen to it.
This podcast is very existential, and since it's just so weird and all over the place in what's weird it's hard to really tag anything, I apologise, plus it's been a while since I've listened to it.
This podcast is so fucking good, you've probably already heard of it, and definitely of the producers, the McElroy family. It's these three brothers and their dad playing DnD (initially) together and I can't even describe it. But it literally made me cry so hard that I got a sinus infection.
There are depictions of violence, torture during the suffering game arc, there's an instance of bury your gays which I'm not gonna elaborate on cause of spoilers but don't worry about it. And sometimes some innuendos and sexual stuff ("hey thug what's your name I'm about to tentacle your dick" is an iconic line and a good example of that)
This podcast is about a philosophy student going to live in a underwater station and it's a lot of fun and the atmosphere of wet and uncomfortable is really excellently communicated. It's another really diverse podcast (which seems to be a trend with Procyon podcasts)
This podcast is not for people who like small spaces and deep ocean.
Maybe I'm just stupid or this one's hard to keep up on. Nevertheless I really liked the characters and it's just really fun. It's about this crew of ragtag smugglers trying to find out what's up with the former ship of their new crewmate. Featuring a lot of diversity (This is a Procyon podcast) and good voice acting.
This is actually a true crime / nonfiction podcast about the Bear Brook murders. It's rather gory and disgusting at times but really interesting.
This podcast is not for the faint of heart though, it is a true crime podcast, and it does talk about the horrible things that a serial killer can do.
Basically therapy sessions for those with abnormal abilities. It's really good and the characters are actually so amazing. This podcast does a lot of interesting stuff that really interests me. I haven't finished it but I'm currently pretty far in. I think this podcast has the potential to actually help people with their problems.
This podcast has depictions of gaslighting, manipulation, panic attacks, mentions of torture and isolation, attempted kidnapping, actual kidnappings, depictions of war (this has trigger warnings though), and violence
I'm actually sad that this is just a three part series. It's so much fun, and so good. It's by the same people who made Wolf 359 and it follows a bomb squad on New Year's Eve. Highly recommend it cause it's a really quick listen.
This podcast has bombs.
This podcast deals with true crime and supernatural stuff and is presented in the classic podcast way. It's also really triggering cause of the true crime aspect but I seriously recommend this. It's genuinely really informative.
This podcast like Bear Brook is not for the faint of heart.
This is a really interesting take on various legends it's a mix of storytelling in a very nonfictional sense that slips into dialogue that's rather interesting. I haven't listened to a lot of the episodes but it's good.
This podcast does discuss myths that were a product of their times so there are depictions and mentions of misogyny, rape and violence, even if I haven't listened to all of it.
Has that same kinda switches in storytelling as Myths and Legends but a lot less coordinated and a lot funnier. Its a lot of fun to listen to the podcast and the hosts are really funny.
These also have the same tw as the podcast before this.
This is by one of the co-creators of WTNV it's about a trucker trying to find her lost wife. Ive only listened to the first part but it's really good and I highly recommend it. It's actually like amazing and really captivating. Also terrifying.
This podcast has depictions of intense violence, existentialism, and body horror. And probably more I haven't even finished it.
I'm sorry if I didn't include something in the trigger warnings about these podcasts, but I hope it helps. I've been listening to a lot of them and it's so much fun!
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helihi · 6 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty: RWBY Vol 6 E 12
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I wish I could’ve enjoyed this, but the fact that this episode could’ve been perfectly merged with last weeks episode for a rightful 23-25 minute episodes makes me angry.
Overall rating: 3/10
A.N.: First we got all buildup, now we got all pay off. Why do they keep doing this?
The Good:
Quick spoilers for the review ahead: most of the contents of this section are about the Bee vs. Adam fight. In fact, the 3/10 rating is earned because of this since I was just bored during the fist half and during the cliffhanger.
A quick shoutout to Ruby for figuring out an alternative way to neutralize Cordovin without yelling it or making it as obvious as Oscar’s plan was. TBH the writers did a poor job trying to execute the first plan by being just as obvious to make it not work.
This week the fight between Blake, Yang and Adam continues, but unlike last week, both girls get to fight by each others side. What’s really interesting about the scenes showcased on this episode is the way both adapt to their current circumstances and still manage to get that sweet Bumbleby combo we’ve experienced in previous volumes.
They are both quick on their feet, always in sync. Blake’s evasive technique and light hits help to destabilize Adam while Yang carries the punch (literally). She distracts him and positions him right where Yang needs him to be. Not only that, but she makes sure Adam cannot absorb any of Yang’s heavy hits, completely conscious of how that can backfire.
Of course, the ribbon combo attack the pair is known for makes a comeback. This time, Yang grabs what’s left of Gambol Shroud to protect Blake and is the one throwing her partner around.
The flying cat Faunus is not strong enough to break Adam’s stance and she’s thrown away, and her aura breaks. Like everyone guessed, Blake’s aura is purple, the same shade Yang’s bandana is ;)
Now is Yang’s turn to hold her ground against Adam while she keeps an eye on Blake, who could easily fall to there death. hOW THE FUCK CAN SHE CLIMB WITH HEELS.
“The moment of truth, Yang. Do you think you’re faster than you were at Beacon?”
Yang trembles.
“Me neither.”
Here’s the second thing I wanted to point out about this fight: Adam still tries to use manipulation to get the upper hand. He knows a part of Blake still fears him, and he knows Yang’s trauma is associated with him.
Again and again he has tried to exploit this, but once more: he fails.
Yang goes for an evasive tactic rather than an offensive one, more proof of her character development.
Adam continues taunting, because he has no other tools or tactics he can use. He desperately tries to clutch to power, even though last episode showed him that Yang and Blake are at their strongest when together.
This is why he wanted to sever that link in volume 3. Even if he didn’t know how good of a team they were, he knew the best way to break Blake was through Yang.
“What does she even see in you!” remarks how out of his element Adam is. He lost the fight before he actually lost it.
Yang’s Semblance makes a return, but TBH the animation was pretty underwhelming considering we’ve waited for its comeback for about 3 years. I think Adam’s Moonslice animation has been maintained. Everything from the color palette shift, to the way the red on his outfit lights up. His presence is there.
Yang’s Semblance doesn’t bust in victorious and glorious. It’s more like a tame flame. I appreciate the fire effects, and the way Yang’s moments are highlighted with 2D yellow effects, but where’e the frame distortion? The glowing red eyes? The final punch was nice, but overall, I’m disappointed.
Finally, the moment we all have been waiting for comes: Adam Taurus’s death. Have some popcorn peeps. There was no other way to end the whole arc, Adam was irredeemable.
If you wanted me to be honest, I thought Adam was going to fall to his death in some fight scenario where he was so consumed by anger and his obsession that he looses it; or Yang was going to be the one ending it.
Having them both kill him, with both halves of Gambol Shroud no less, is so fucking powerful and fitting. Of course, quite traumatic for Blake, who would be the one most affected by it.
I think they nailed the reaction. Aside from the obvs Bumbleby excitement, Blake breaking down, the remainder of the promise and Yang comforting her so delicately is the perfect way to end this arc.
Unfortunately, it isn’t quite as cathartic and beautiful since we’re cut short by the need to establish another cliff hanger.
The Bad:
I see people left and right on RT’s forms, Tumblr and YouTube praising the CRWBY for getting better at pacing or even “nailing” it.
Boi, oh boi, could you not be more wrong.
This episode could and should’ve been part of last episode. There’s no reason why any writer would cut the momentum episode 11 carried for a cheap cliff hanger and have the resolution to the fights be concluded 7 days later.
Do you know what real shows do? They make a two parter. A half an hour special.
I could bring up AtlA, but I’m going to bring up SU.
Do you know what’s going to happen next Monday on CN?
A 45 minute special Steven Universe season finale.
You know why?
Because the best way to finalize the diamond arc is by paying off all the buildup with a huge chunk of content! The decision to have the final 4 episodes group together to deliver some satisfactory pay off will be a blast.
Yes, we don’t know how season is going to end, but I can fucking tell you this special is the best way to end this arc.
SU’s atrocious schedule has made a lot of people drop the show, and I don;’t blame them. CN doesn’t know what its doing, and it’s purposefully killing shows with this (Se also: Adventure Time).
However, if there’s something the Crewniverse know how to do is delivering a story that can fit an episode.
A beginning/set up, a middle and a resolution/ending.
RWBY doesn’t do that. Episodes are: all build up, all buildup + some middle, some middle+tiny resolution.
The only way one can truly enjoy RWBY is by binge watching it, but unfortunately, RT doesn’t release the episodes Netflix style.
Do they change and adapt their writing because of this?
No, they don’t.
The problem wasn’t that the RWBY girls were separated, it’s that the writing team doesn’t know how to properly pace a story for an audience.
Also, is anyone bothered by the fact that no matter how many times Cordovin hit the Atlesian ship, that thing could still work?
Way to kill the momentum.
The Dirty:
I see a lot of people reflagging GIFs of Ruby and Qrow showing how much the girl has grown and how conflicted he might be, and TBH I see what you do.
I know Qrow looks at Ruby and probably thinks of Summer.
Summer is dead; Ruby is not, and Qrow wants to keep it that way. But Ruby is on her way to becoming an adult, she’s the leader on her team, a figure to her friends and the protagonist of the show. She has to show she’s prepared to take a stance.
Awesome scenes guys! You forgot something tho:
Rubys conflict.
Just like the glazed over Oscars big “this is what I stand for” moment of his arc, we never see Ruby at her weakest.
People complained of this during volume 4, but have you not notice she has not broken down or showed a real crisis? This 5 minutes with the apathy is not enough, and though I love her questioning Ozpin, I feel this needed more fuel.
Sometimes it feels like the writers know what a protagonist is supposed to sound like and act like, but don’t quite get how they got there.
Oh yeah, Grimm show up btw. We all knew this so meh.
Overall rating: 3/10
A.N.: Someone should really teach Miles and Kerry the ways episodes are structured. It’s season 6 and still haven’t grasped how to write an episodic series.
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franeridart · 7 years
Well, only the first episode for now but yeah!!! I can’t wait for my favs to show up aaahhhhhh!!!!!! 
Anon said:Omg, Kirishima, please teach me how to put on eyeliner, your eyeliner game is on point! (Seriously, tho, I love how you draw their eyes and how you draw Kiri in general. He seems so soft. Damn, Bakugou, I'm jealous that you can cuddle him)
THANK YOU!!!! And Kiri has really really pretty lashes in the manga too, doesn’t he? Bakugou too! They have seriously pretty eyes I spend a lot of time trying to get that right when drawing haha still not as good at Horikoshi tho after all, but what can we do~
Anon said:Every time I get a notification you posted something I get extremely happy! That's what your drawings did to me. How can one be so talented.
SOB thank you so much!! You being happy makes me happy so it’s happiness all around!!! What a good!!!
Anon said:Heey!! So I've been wondering... if Aizawa used his quirk on Hagakure would she become visible?? (Btw love your art)
Oh my what a question, I was actually talking about this not too long ago with a friend! And the conclusion ended up being that if her invisibility is a permanent mutation he can’t, but if she can turn it off at will then probably he can too! Right now we still don’t know how exactly Tooru’s quirk tho, so we can’t be sure which is the truth! (I like to think she can turn visible if she wants, but that’s just an headcanon with very little basis haha)
Anon said:Your erasermic art has blessed me 4ever thank u
NAH thank you for liking it and letting me know, man!!!
Anon said:I DIDNT KNOW YOU SHIP ERASERMIC OH MY GOD but seriously you're one of my favourite artists and the fact you like pretty much all the same things as I do is so amazing to me and it makes me so happy because I know that you may draw more of it in the future and I'll get to see more beautiful art if that makes sense lmao thanks for creating stuff 👌👌
Hahahaha yeah it’s one of my top ships in the fandom! Also the only one I read fics for aside from krbk I love them A LOT (and it’s all thanks to my sister who directed my attention towards them a long time ago now, thank you sis) so yeah I’ll definitely draw more of them in the future!!!! And thank you so much for liking my stuff!!!!!
Anon said:Hi! I just want to say I love your headcanon of Aizawa becoming a mentor/role model to Bakugou! Thank you for introducing me to that idea!
YOU’RE MOST WELCOME I’m just a huge huge huge fan of the Aizawa&Bakugou interactions and how much Aizawa cares for him and how much Bakugou respects and trusts him in return, so!!! I’m mostly just pushing on that canon stuff hahaha
Anon said:i came to love erasermic thru kiribaku tbh. like i saw erasermic fic in the kiribaku tag on ao3 and i read it for the bg kiribaku (kirishima was such a good boi in that fic ngl) and i was like hey erasermic isnt bad. then i saw your art of them comparing them and i was like hey this is good shit 😁👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 keep it up pal
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll t r y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
Anon said:Do you think Kyoka and Katsuki could get along? Over their like for punkrock maybe, and their gayness. Kinda like Todoroki and Momo's talks about their tiny crushes.
WHY YES ANON I think they could be the bestest of pals, I’ve actually drawn them together now and again cause I like the idea of them being friends so much - a list of some of the things Bakugou and Jirou do together:
make fun of Kaminari (Kaminari feels attacked and liked it better when Jirou was convinced she didn’t like Bakugou)
share music recs and go to concerts together (when it’s big ones they particularly care for they stand in line The Whole Day and at first it used to be sorta awkward but now being together makes the hours fly)
mutter sass and snark under their breaths to themselves in class and without meaning make the other snort or have to hide an actual laugh (they sit next to each other in class did you know that that’s my fav thing tbh)
say “god, I’m so fucking gay” and answer “mood” whenever Kirishima and Momo, like, exist or do anything equally outrageous
sit next to each other with their phones in hand in silence and at the same time look up with an intense/bored/obviously-judging-sero-come-on-look-at-them expression whenever anyone walks past them (they’re actually playing bullshit app games)
play bullshit app games in co-op or having each other as friends to earn more rewards cause they have a No-Judging policy going on between them that makes sharing this sort of otherwise embarrassing stuff with each other okay
Anon said:Hi!!! I love your art and I just wanted to ask....what band were you referring to when you said Mic named him after the band "eraserhead"? Could you possibly be talking about the filipino band "Eraserheads"?
Yeah!!!!! Tho I’m sorry to let you down anon, but I haven’t actually ever heard much from them (justttt one song two days ago cause I got curious) - I found out about them while looking up the movie!
Anon said:I love how you draw mic with his hair in a bun. It's super cute
THANK YOU!!!! But I can’t really take the merit for that, since that’s how he actually wears his hair (more or less) when he doesn’t gel it up for his hero costume!
Anon said:What is your favorite kiribaku au? :D
Oh boy, I sort of love everything and anything I’ve ever seen/read tbh, I’m a HUGE AU lover!! At the moment to anything with the fantasy AU (and dragon!Kiri is always a super welcome plus) is gonna make me go :O !!!!!!!! hahaha so maybe that, who knows! It’s for sure the one I think about the most!
Anon said:Hellooooo i love your art so much? Especially the bakushimas oh my god (also do you plan on drawing more soul eater *coughs*-deathstar-*coughs* in the future?) Have a good day!!
THANK YOU! And I dunno, maybe! If inspiration strikes, why not!
Anon said:hey guess what i just did... went through your ENTIRE art tag (all the way back to the knb and one piece), i found it really cool to see how your art has developed and see what your fav ship is at a certain time (and how you always come back to bokuroo)
Ah man thank you for spending all that time on my blog hahaha I wouldn’t say I always go back to bokuro though? It’s more like... whenever the manga brings the bokuros back I’m ready to start hyping all over them again hahaha my bokuro periods always happened while they were doing things in the manga, after all~
Anon said:u said u couldnt draw iida, lie of the century. i lvoe u
AHHHHH I’m glad you liked him!!!! I spent lotsa time on him in the past month or so trying to get a grasp on him, so I’m really seriously happy it seems to have paid off!! to quote Todoroki
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Anon said:where’s ur faq i’m on mobile
SORRY maybe you already noticed but I added the link in the description! 
Anon said:have you ever thought about if eri-chan can... erase her own quirk?? and would how they might handle it
Actually that’s the first thing I thought when Mirio got his own erased... well, it still depends on what exactly Eri’s quirk does? We sorta assumed she had the same quirk as Chisaki, but they aren’t actually related so who knows? I sure hope she can fix the damage done on Mirio, tho!
Anon said:Usjeiwiwj oh man, i love cats, my cat relates to urs big time ajsjehej
Cats are such a mess and I love them with all of my heart to be honest hahaha
Anon said:Do u have any, idk idea about traitor!Kaminari? I just imagine how would others react? I think it's hella sad, and still Denki never wanted this, something just go wrong in his life and it's breakin my heart... ARGH, sorry for interrupt you with something like that...
It’s okay, don’t worry about that haha but I can’t say I find the theory possible in the least, so I haven’t really spent time thinking about it at all? I mean, I can imagine it would be full of angst and regrets and a lot of tears and anger mostly from his close friends, but since I just can’t believe this theory I can’t say I have anything specific I can give you on this orz sorry!
Anon said:Who's get jealous and possessive between bakugou and kirishima?
Actually I dunno man, are they possessive and jealous? I feel like they both would like it when the other told them stuff like “I’m yours” or “you’re mine”, but being there complete and utter trust between them they wouldn’t actually be jealous or act in a possessive way... does that make sense? At most I think they’d be insecure in the beginning of their relationship, but once they managed to make it clear that yes, you’re the one I want, no one else, just you then they would have little to no problems in that sense haha
Anon said:So many people seem to misunderstand bakugou and I just really like how you portray him. Good characterization and good art! 💖✨
SOB THANK YOU !!!!! this means the universe to me oh g o d s!!!!
Anon said:Wait!! This isn't your main blog? Omg how did I not know this. What is your main blog (if you're willing to let people from this blog follow it haha)?
AHHHH yeah I have a main one this one is just for my doods!!! the main is @franeridan, if you wanna follow it! I’m mostly just crying over bakugou and kirishima and complaining a whole damn lot about... everything, tho hahaha
Anon said:I'm not the anon but u know the concept that kiri n Baku would meet when they were younger and when Baku was more... violent? (i know that's not the right word, I'm not a native speaker sorry!) Like I think kiri could actually make Baku less of a bully? Considering how much positive impact he had on his personality AFTER it already developed (like idk if this ask makes sense? What do u think?) ◇ (btw putting smth like ◇ was a genious idea ty, idk if u remember that ask tho?)
Yeah yeah yeah yeah!!!!! Actually I’ve been thinking about this A LOT in the past couple of days and my conclusion ended up being that the key would be either for Kirishima to know Bakugou since they were really young OR for him to not attend Bakugou’s same middle school? Like, if they developed their personalities together, having someone like Kirishima around since they were kids could have made Bakugou develop differently, but if we go with the “they met in middle school” scenario then I think Kirishima would have had the same sort of...soothing? Effect on Bakugou only if Bakugou didn’t see him as a threat to his dream of being the only kid from that middle school to enter UA. Well, a scenario in which they had known each other since they were small young babies and Bakugou reached middle school going “the only one from this middle school to enter UA is gonna be me and Eijirou”, that would have been hella cute wouldn’t it hahaha growing up with a notion of us instead of just me would have changed Bakugou a lot, I’m pretty sure :D
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icharchivist · 7 years
Anyway  I’ve been thinking about that new chain a lot and since I’m seeing people being negative about it I feel like i should write out my thoughts.
It’s seriously not as bad as it sounds somehow.
I was really wary when I read the spoilers that Kurapika had “a stealing chain”, I guess for about the same reasons as everyone. It’s a little op, too close to Chrollo.
But I’ve been thinking about it for a while now at least.
-First considering the Dolphin calls him out over the use of Emperor’s time, he still needs to have his red eyes activated to do that, and it is therefore pushing his limits. When he used too much his Nen in Specialist Mode, he was always exhausted. The only fact that he was warned right away makes me think this technique is probably heavier than the others ones when it comes to using it.
-Unlike Chrollo, it’s one stealing ability at a time. Besides, once it’s used one,it goes back to the person it belongs. And then there’s the attitude around it, unless maybe when Chrollo used Korutopi’s technique in his fight against Hisoka (and I’m still convinced he didn’t take Shal’s), Chrollo doesn’t exactly spell out that he’s going to spell someone’s Nen. Kurapika at least talks about it with its owner. Even if it does look like Chrollo’s (and it isn’t helped with the reversed cross on the chain) I think that the fact it’s more borrowing than stealing can be an interesting contrast (and it’s kinda dull to complain about it now since there had been tons of contrast building up between Chrollo and Kurapika, already into the YN arc.)
-It’s also not confirmed if the power can remain inside the Chain for a long time. As it seems, Kurapika seems to have to keep Emperor’s Time activated as long as he doesn’t use the Nen inside the Dolphin (ie back to point 1), and then the Nen goes back to its user. The Zetsu mode is temportary, and it seems to ask for an imediate use.
-It doesn’t seem like it’s a power he will use a lot. And honestly at this point it makes a lot of those chains. Chain Jail can only be used against the Spiders so he never uses it outside of his revenge quest. Judgement Chain puts the person he does it to in a Life or Death situation which for the most part, Kurapika tries to avoid. Now I’m not sure he’ll use Steal Chain all that often. 
-also ye we were aware that with the dc arc most of Kurapika’s fighting chains, unless he runs into the troupe, will be useless, and I honestly don’t think this chain will help him all that much. Like if the Dolphin is empty when he wants to attack someone he won’t go far. Besides, we don’t know how easy it is to actually steal it, and we only saw him steal from an easily immobilized adversary (same for Judgement Chain btw). It is possible it won’t work that easily on a Real Fight.
-And Like often with Kurapika’s powers, it seems a little more to be a Morality question than an actual Power question imo. In that case how he refuses to get help from people, even of his closest friends. And frankly i’m personally more interested in how Kurapika isnt found of seeing people as pawns (there was a mistranslation in the common scans) and how Kurapika think about “and that’s why I want to fight alone” while thinking about the group, than to the actual chain tbh. Ending up isolating the power from the individual seems to be a way to distance himself from the closeness an Ally would be during a fight, from the closeness Izunavi was reproaching him of trying to avoid, allowing him therefore to fight alone. Meanwhile he also put his distances with his Real Allies, the people who are actually there for him, by putting the accent on how he would rather work alone, because “Reality isn’t that simple”.
-Oh and by the way, it also fits the canon description of Specialist, which are that they are charismatic loners who will mostly handle things by themselves. (and frankly we accepted far more OP Nen those last few arcs.)
-And finally, we have only seen it once for crying out loud. Even all I say can be utterly bullshit. So far it was shown once, in a “Look at what he can do” way, but give Togashi some credits, when did that kind of set up didn’t lead to an eventual “and that’s how it can go wrong”.
I’m personally really hoping for more in text violent consequences as well, I sure as hell didn’t expect a Nen Stealing new Chain and honestly hated the idea, but the more I think about it the more likely, with hxh’s usual writting, it will be far more interesting.
I’ve ranted for ever over how the others chains of Pika had consequences, and I still hope that it will get in that direction textually as well. 
So now at least you guys know where I stand.
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cassiebones · 8 years
thats the thing tho there are people (even people who dont even like mon-el) that knows the relationship isnt toxic. you people are just mad that your w|w ship isnt sailing.
I couldn’t give less of a fuck that Lena and Kara aren’t together. Would I like them to be together? fuck yeah. because anybody with eyes can see that they like each other and they have so much damn chemistry. But if the writers don’t want to pair them romantically? whatever. I have fanfiction. I’m good.
But I am concerned about the fact that Kara is constantly complaining about mon-el and then, two seconds later, she’s making out with him. I am concerned that she broke up with james because she wanted to “focus on herself” and not be in a relationship with anybody. Even though they spent a whole season building up to this extremely healthy cishet relationship that I actually adored. And then they weren’t even together for a day before she came to this decision. That adds racism to the mix, because a few episodes later, she kisses mon-el and so starts the build up. 
I’m concerned that mon-el is overbearing and controlling and constantly insulting and annoying kara and somehow y’all see that as “romantic” and “goals”.
It’s not goals. It’s toxic. Mon-el is insistent that Kara being a hero makes her conceited and full of herself (his words btw) and that she has to stop “looking for trouble” as if she isn’t a fucking superhero who gets attacked left and right and is just trying to keep her city and friends and family safe. 
In the Valentine’s Day episode, we see her becoming frustrated and perpetually annoyed by mon-el, we see them berating and insulting each other, we see him going against her wishes and doing things that SHE DOES NOT DO (like trying to kill Mxy, which is something she is totally against) and yet you STILL ship it and yet you STILL do not think it’s abusive. Seriously, dude, what the fuck?
What’s more than that is Kara rejected him SEVERAL TIMES and then oh guess what? she changed her mind. for the cishet white boy, what a shock. 
Don’t get me wrong, though. I don’t hate mon-el because he’s straight and white and a man. I hate mon-el because he’s an abusive fuck who does not even deserve to call himself a hero or be anywhere near Kara. Because he’s not a hero. He’s a gaslighting (pretended that Kara was making up the kiss, even when he knew that it happened) asshole who is STILL FUCKING LYING TO KARA ABOUT WHO HE IS.
Why the hell do you ship this??????
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thesassysausage · 5 years
Toxic friends leave scars
So I had a situation were I was friends with people that were super chummy to each other and very supportive of each other but not so much with me. Like they were encouraging about superficial things like my drag make up but real problems eventually got ignored. Like at first they were great, my mom hurt herself and after things were settled with getting her to the hospital (she’s fine btw, she injured her knee again...and this was about 2 years ago too so she fine) I mentioned I wouldn’t be in class and why and a couple offered to skip class and drive us to the hospital. Like good friendship. I don’t know if I did anything that caused the shift, my inner demons like to say I did, but I slowly got the feeling I was being distanced from the group without any explaination. I also noticed that without the presense of one person outside the group that we all collectively complained about (to be fair this person had actually pissed us all off with a shitty attitude and a ‘better than you’ mentality) didn’t come to class for ‘medical’ reasons (saw her later one, she had been super sick so this isnt a bullying situation...we generally avoided her because of her shitty attitude so it wasnt a case of us harassing her). I seemed to get the brunt of their ire with out this other person being in class. I then did a presentation for one of my major classes and I worked my ass off for this project. I was happy with the results but still nervous because it was basically my undergraduate thesis. SO  it was the end of the school year and I was stressed but suppressing the stress. In fairness I left out an aspect that could have came from the research which was the role of women, It wasnt malicious, or even intentional, I was just focused on food culture and the food itself...I only mentioned people in a throw away comment as I was rambling but those in my friend group questioned me on our group chat. I was kind of taken aback because they both knew my research and because there was a period after my presentation that allowed for questions but they chose to ask in an online chat. I did say I didn’t even think of it after I misremembered an article I had read for the presentation that I had misread to say that we didnt really know who was cooking in roman households (women mostly, the article said we assume to much when we find cooking tools). Friends who were in the class immediately went off on how anti-feminist points are so hazardous in our field and I apologized multiple times because it wasnt my intention, but they continued to kind of shut down my entire presentation and talk amongst themselves about how bad anti-feminism is in archaeology. I apologized a final time and told them that I was starting to feel attack and all I got back was “Well get used to things like this because if it had been a thesis defense you cant just apologize”. To be fair, thats true but this was NOT a thesis defense and I had not prepared for a thesis defense. I would have accepted my mistake and gone to the drawing board to incorporate women into my presentation had it been a thesis defense. I left the group chat feeling like everyone hated me. I sent the one who brough up that I hadn’t mentioned women an apology afterwards because I thought “oh shit, what if she thinks I left because of her?” because I left during a depressive burst that made me impulsive. I got kind of a half assed response of not to worry but thats it. I wasnt going to ask to be apart of the group chat again, i figured if they wanted me back then they could add me but I was fine if they didnt. Then I worked with the one I apologized to and another from the group chat over the summer and I was literally ostracized to the point that the students (it was a field school, we were student teacher type people) noticed. I tried working with them, I offered multiple times to do certain things and I got shut down. They discussed the running of the field school with a friend of their that was also a student more than me. It got to the point that I had to go on stress leave because I felt like I wasn’t apart of the team. I then spent the next school semester (last semester) constantly questioning whether I could actually continue in my field, wondering if I was inherently bad, and just having an overall bad time with school.
To clarify, my research didnt EXCLUDE the role of women in Roman cuisine. I was focused on the recreation of it, I was narrowly focused on remaking Roman foods in order to create a sensory simulation of tourists in Italy but I made they off hand comment that it could tell us about the day to day lives of Romans. I know now that I should have a) avoided that comment and just stuck with the sensory experience that could come with the research, or b) talked about what it could tell us about that aspect of Roman life for women who would have been cooking in households with out slaves. 
To this day I am still very paranoid about my research now and I am literally taking a year off after I get my BA to relax from research because I’m constantly worried I’m going to fuck up again or something. Im also back to be super worried about my depression because they kind of responded like they thought I was faking or using it as a scapegoat. I made no secret about being on two different medications for my depression but I still get the sense that they think I’m making it up. I also mentioned MANY times that I was both non-binary and also use both he/him and she/her but they still constantly talked about me being a cis dude (not using those words but lumping me with them). So because of my depression I am constantly wondering if I was in the wrong still and question what I could have done to make things right...like I really did make an effort even as we started working together over the summer to clear the air and make things comfortable but they still pushed me aside and treated me like garbage (I actually had to tell students that I can’t talk about things with students when asked why I was being excluded from the other student teachers or what their problem was with me).
Probably gunna get hate when people read this because I cant word things for shit, but I needed to vent because everything I do now (research wise) fills me with anxiety because I don’t want people to think I’m being sexist, racist, phobic, in any ways because I seriously believe in the stuff I post about equity and equality and do argue with people about making the world more inclusive...does one mistake define me? I should stop before I spiral
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