#this might at least make a fun scene/short comic
You know what, I assume that people always read my pinned, or notice the pointer "new reader? start here" in every new Fragments' episode. I might be deluding myself. So hi hello lemme TALK ABOUT MY COMIC.
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Before I get too rambly (and I mean RAMBLY), here's a quick intro. Fragments is a comic focused on feels and slice of life, made by a queer guy, aiming to ~character study~ the main cast (Vivi, Raha, Alisaie, Feo Ul) and fill in the gaps in canon (or linger in canon moments that needed more air imo), the tone ranging from angst to fluff to meme. Good punches require a good windup, so please don't expect angst anytime soon :3c
The story's segmented (fragmented, heh) into episodes. Episodes 1-11 take place in ARR, you can enjoy them with no worry about spoilers. Episode 12 onward is ShB, with all the spoilers and lorebending.
My storytelling style assumes you haven't only played through ShB, but know it like the back of your hand, i.e. it's for nerds and thinkers. Of course there's plenty of silly moments that don't require any deep knowledge, but the overarching story does. Often I skip canon events, only hinting that they took place, simply because I don't wanna retell the msq 1:1, I've got plenty of original scenes waiting to be drawn. You're in for a treat if you like obsessing over emotional and moral implications of things. And, yes, this's a story about a morally grey mc. Don't expect to be spoon-fed "and this's why that thing's bad, kids".
Currently I've outlined all the main story beats up until post EW, so it's like, not being winged as I go. Yes I refine things here and there, but I know where I'm going. I'm going ham!!!! With the lorebending post ShB. Initially I didn't plan to, but the more I learned about Vivi and personally grew as a writer, the more courage I got to "divorce" from canon. The general xiv story may still be good wherever it's headed, but it's not suited for an established wolgraha, so I'm making food for myself.
Everyone imagines the lil scenes from their wol's life, I'm taking that a tiiiiiny step further. Fragments tells a cohesive story that's looking to be the longest project at least in our corner. I can and will hyperfixate on this for years.
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I started out just like many others, being hit with ShB like a truck, I wanted to put a catboy under a microscope and rotate him forever. Although I'd already been drawing for decades, I didn't have the comic-making skills yet, or eloquence to write the dialogue, so I spent the first half of 2022 self-studying, just because I needed a mouth to be able to scream about my ship.
Vivi didn't exist prior to my obsession with Exarch. He was made for this, he started out as a reagent (or a foil, now that I know fancy writing terms) for a rich and fun chemistry, and keep myself entertained for years, first and foremost.
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Me, a fool: okay let's make a guy that falls in love with Exarch in this particular moment, what kinda life must he have led to- Me: ....oh no
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The chemistry quickly bubbled up and exploded in my face, involving not only Exarch, but other characters (first as a means to subtly tell about Vivi, then they also demanded their own screentime), and here I am, sitting with a massive script on my hands, drawing my blorbos every day. Thanks for enabling that btw.
I care about characters a lot. I ask a lot of whys and hows. I'm critical-minded and burned on many bad stories that did their characters dirty, and I wanna be an opposing example. What I'm doing is extremely ambitious and risky, yes, but I can only invite you to tag along and see if I stick to my word.
The internet's a cruel and unforgiving place nowadays, and here I am, pitting my passion against what feels like decaying humanity. I'm making this comic to keep myself happy above all else, being sincere and cringe because life's too short to be anything else.
Thanks for reading this, and if you haven't yet, read Fragments here!
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homestuck-archive · 3 months
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Hi, James here. Happy American Karkat day. European Karkat day, of course, being on the 6th of December. That’s how birthdays work. Don’t look it up.
Some of you may have noticed I am going to be on a stream with a “Virtual Tuber.” Depending on when exactly this goes up, that might actually be going on right now. If you are coming from over there it is very likely you are just now learning we are still doing Homestuck in 2024. Welcome back. You missed a lot but don’t look any of that up either.
What news for the birthday boy? As you may have seen across various platforms we’re partnering with Makeship, and launched a petition for a Highly Marketable Karkat Vantas Plush! The way this works is, they gauge interest by seeing if we can get 200 people to pledge they’ll buy it before the company commits to producing anything. Their business model allows them to do this at no up-front cost to us which is good because it takes a lot of money to manufacture and ship things. Once we reach our initial goal they then move forward with production and do design revisions, prototyping, etc. They send us a little sample and once we’re all approved and on the same page they do a limited pre-order run. For the first 399 pre-orders we get a 10 percent revenue share, which then changes to 30 percent once it hits 400. You might be thinking “Hey man, that's not very much!” and you’d be right, but they cover all manufacturing and fulfillment and shipping costs. And I don’t own a warehouse. So. This is fine with me.
I did promise to try and be more transparent with what's going on behind the scenes, even when it is boring. The thought process here is that, while less lucrative overall than producing and shipping ourselves this will allow us to try out more merch options. We’ve designed some apparel, and are working out something with Andrew and the usual merch guys. This might take a while, I am still new to this. That Vinyl is still on the back burner as we wait for a few holdouts that sort of make or break things. (There are people who are notoriously hard to get in contact with, so it is taking a while and I overestimated my ability to get this done in a timely manner while in poor health. That's on me.)
The whole idea here is to get you guys some cool stuff, and to pay my team more. Right now the Patreon is doing alright, and we’re trying out some new exclusives over there. Music previews, merch previews, and things like that for paying members. Nothing required to enjoy the comic, and things people will all see eventually. Since I’m trying to pay my team as fairly as possible I split everything we make evenly. Right now, for each team member it comes out to a few hundred bucks each per month which is pretty nice for getting to work on Homestuck, but isn’t exactly a liveable wage. And you see how much work they put into it. I want to give them the world, short of that at the very least a fair wage for all the work they do. Also I don’t know if you’ve noticed but a sandwich costs $19 now for some reason. That in mind if you are a company or private individual and want to pay me to promote your product let's talk. We can work something out. I will put it in Homestuck. I will make Rose Lalonde say she loves the bold refreshing taste of Diet Mtn Dew G’raha Tia Blast. I am not joking. This is my solemn vow. Maybe it's time to bring back the “Your Fantroll Gets Put In Homestuck” deal.
Anyway, two updates this month. I Like this schedule, so it looks like we’ll be keeping it up for the near future.
So to Summarize the key points so there’s no room for confusion:
Karkat Plush Makeship petition (the pre-pre-order, even) is now live
Trying out this style of limited run merch to see what's possible
Apparel incoming, not sure when
Still trying to work out details with musicians, sorry.
Fun new Pateron exclusives, including music and merch previews. Maybe more?
Open to more collabs
Sticking to shorter, more frequent updates for now.
Ok, thanks everyone have a good one.
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sevenrenny · 5 months
I might as well ask you this because I enjoy your writing and way of expressing your opinions. Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy? What’s your favorite moment between the two? I know this is a very common question, but I hope you don’t mind me asking. 😅
Oh, this ought to be fun XD I don't mind at all. Send all the asks you like, I like to talk about my interests. I tend to ramble, so excuse my long texts. Gonna insert a break line so I don't torture my followers (that sentence makes it sound like I'm running a cult.)
Why do you personally ship Sonamy? What got you into Sonamy?
These two are connected, so it's fair to answer them both in one go. I'm very new to the fandom, unlike most of the people I've met who've been here for as long as they can remember. I originally had no interest in the franchise. Yeah, I played some games and watched the anime a few years back and had some cheap plastic toys from fast-food kiddie meals, but the franchise never stuck with me back then.
I got reintroduced through Sonic Prime around last year, which led to me reading the IDW comics, which is where I started getting into SonAmy. I really liked Amy in particular; surprising, seeing as she hadn't been my favorite character as a child. I liked Tails and Silver more back then, but the comic solidified Amy as my number one. In every fandom I've been in (HTTYD, MHA) I almost always gravitate toward characters who embody love, and that's the core of Amy.
Sonic was harder for me to decipher at first, seeing as he's more of a person who shows his emotions through action rather than words (in some iterations, at least.) But seeing him be more receptive in the comics and treating her better in more recent media portrayals piqued my interest because this wasn't how I remembered these two from when I was a kid. Seeing the progression from how their dynamic started to how it became made me feel proud of them.
And I'm one of those who likes to hypothesize that their affection used to be more one-sided but became mutual over time. Things change. Feelings change. People change. And I love that.
What’s your favorite moment between the two?
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This. I think this is when I started seeing the ship as something I'd like. I've inserted the second panel as well because, while I know the first one is a no-brainer for some SonAmy shippers, I don't see many of them bringing up the follow-up panel.
Before this scene, Sonic kept rejecting Amy's proposal to go back to the Resistance with her (he had his reasons, as he saw investigating the circumstances of Eggman's absence and the waves of Badniks as a higher priority. Get to the snake's head to find the root of the problem.) He was in a hurry to get going. It wasn't until Amy told him she loved him for who he was and that she didn't want to change him that he stopped, got a little flustered, and proposed she come with him instead.
And she declined. She, too, had priorities.
Before this moment, it was possible he didn't see having both Amy and his stubborn way of doing things his way possible, but after, it might've finally clicked in his head that, Oh wait, I can have both? He's asked Amy to come along with him for other adventures afterward.
Also, can I just say how much I appreciate Sonic (who has a history of being touch averse) being more welcoming to her affection? Cause I do.
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Okay, switching to Frontiers:
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This scene is mostly quiet (I like nonverbal communication in general) and I found it too adorable to not mention. It's just for a few seconds, but the way Sonic does a little giddy skip when she waves him over, and the the fact that he just smiled so innocently the whole time he made his way over is just pure sweetness.
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This short little misunderstanding/confrontation. This one's just plain fun for me. Sonic's impatience and inability to articulate his reasoning leads to him sounding like he's abandoning the Koco Amy really wants to help. She's putting the Koco before herself when Sonic's just worried about her. As soon as the misunderstanding is cleared up, Amy calms down, seeing it from his point of view now. It's a subtle little exchange, but knowing how these two used to not be great at communication in past games, and seeing them now deescalate a little misunderstanding this calmly brings me joy.
With each Koco the characters help, there's a certain theme associated between the Koco and Sonic's friends. The inventor Koco and Tails, trying to be of use to others; the soldier Kocos and Knuckles, both who had their people wiped out. For Amy, the Koco (the only Koco who goes by they/them, so that's what I'll be using for them here) is trying to reunite with their lover who had gone into battle. Throughout the game, Amy in her ghostly form can't touch anyone, and she expresses symptoms of dissociation, of feeling 'detached', that she's flying in a dream, but she wishes to just land.
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Remember, Amy is a physically affectionate person, but she can't do much of anything, let alone feel anyone, in this situation. She has to leave it to her love, Sonic, to go into battles. She knows all too well how the Koco was feeling, being separated from their lover. When Amy and Sonic watch the Koco reunite with their partner for the last time, it hits Amy hard, and Sonic knows how affected she is by this. He gives her some time to grieve because he knows her well enough to understand this hit her hard. He tells her, "They're together now." And that's all that matters. And I love that scene. It's so mild compared to what others in the community might bring up, but I'm a sucker for the quieter moments like this.
I have to stop myself now before this turns into a novel lol
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onyichii · 6 months
Dofus: Book 1 Julith a beautifully animated film that failed.
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I haven't watched this movie in a long time but I think this movie COULD have done well. HOWEVER, TWO things fell short (for me).
1️⃣- Title. It has a BAD title. Terrible title. It should have been called something else. Something more appealing. More attention grabbing. I'm not good with titles myself but let's just say Dofus: The Guardian of the Ebony Dragon. That took me TOO LONG (40+ mins) to come up with. Titles are not easy but the current title doesn't stand out.
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2️⃣- Rushed exposition. I didn't feel properly introduced to the world. If you're gonna sell a movie series you have to introduce the audience to your world properly, especially if it's fantasy AND if you want to make more of it. Think Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, we got to understand the world within the first movie.
I feel like this Dofus series should have been planned as a trilogy but starting with the stories of Julith and Jahash. Here is how I would have planned...
Part 1: Introduces the audience to the world of twelve, main 12 classes, and the lives of rivals Julith of Brakmar and Jahash of Bonta. It would be an enemies to lovers story (an action romance) on how they become guardians of their cities dofus (the ebony and ivory ones). It ends with Jahash and Julith falling in love, having a child (Joris), and dying. Whilst also giving a hint of evidence that Julith might be alive. Showing they had people against the unification of their rival cities. BONUS: Introducing the classes would get people (artists mostly) interested in making their own Dofus character and posting the art online further marketing it. And you could use it to introduce people to the game thus making more sales. 🧠 business brain. Part 2: Would be this movie (Dofus: Julith Book 1), focusing on their son, Joris, and how he finds out that his mother Julith is alive and out for revenge. And how he is connected to the ebony dragon/dofus somehow (or how he becomes it's new guardian like his mother). And blah blah blah Part 3: Would unveil the culprits behind the deaths of Jahash and Julith. and blah blah blah. And how Joris officially loses his adolescence in this discovery and grows up to be who we know him to be in Wakfu. Kind of a dark coming of age story.
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That's how I would have structured it. If it was structured like this I would have been invested in this trilogy. It has romance, mystery, drama, action, and angst.
Was the movie good? It had GREAT animation, good action scenes, fun characters, but it needed more story, more exposition. More world building—To at least attract an audience who has NEVER heard of Dofus before. I would 100% watch this movie again!
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To me, it feels like Tot wants to build something like Star Wars, One Piece, MCU, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones—A HUGE WORLD that people all over the globe will know and love.
However, the company lacks consistency. Ankama started off as a game company. Then they branched into animation and comics. Now they're using all forms of media to tell their story.
Having to play the game AND read the book AND watch the show/movie, is too much for the average consumer. I don't play games anymore. So now, I will miss something because I don't play the game?
Personally, I feel like there should be ONE form of media to keep track of the WHOLE story (while still making the shows/films/games). That format is BOOKS.
Books are a GREAT way to keep things linear and on track. At least with a book, even if you branch out to animation and get cancelled you can continue the book with the story as planned. And after you have finished the book, maybe someone likes your story and will want to pick back up the animation.
You should watch Dofus: Book 1 Julith for the animation and action scenes. The story is fine but needs more.
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Upon little research i found out they did make books for Dofus: Book 1 Julith. IDK if it's good or what it's about but it does exist.
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alldaysarenights · 5 months
On Discworld…
…and the things I’ve learned so far.
I know, I’m late, but sometimes it’s fun to discover something on your own and in your time.
Recently, I’ve started reading the Discworld series, beginning with Rincewind. And there are so many tiny things I’ve discovered, I don’t even know where to start.
I’ll give D&D a go first. As a passionate player and also a I-once-ran-a-short-campaign DM, I couldn’t but notice all the references there to find, especially with Rincewind. Right now I’m 4 books into his story, barely at the beginning, yet I’ve laughed my a** off a few times. Always wondering what he took from a former campaign. Well, at first I wondered if Sir Pratchett actually played. The internet was quick to answer the question, yes, yes of course he did. Would have been more surprised, if he didn’t.
I discovered stuff about the gods playing dice and there are sorcerer, barbarians and the luggage, which slightly reminds me of a mimic. But I guess this beast came afterwards. I told the other players of my group, and they agreed on the resemblance. Now we definitely have the plan, to tame a mimic, lol.
I could quote you so much stuff, but I’d fancy you going on an adventure and see it for yourself. Read the books, assemble some good friends, and have some fun on a silly campaign. Not necessarily in this order.
Next thing that keeps popping up in my mind, while reading, is Good Omens. I came from the Neil Gaiman side, getting lured in by Morpheus, whom I met doing some research. My comic book dealer was happy to help. Naturally, there was a point where I did read Good Omens. And it was weird, this was Gaiman, but also not, and it was so funny. I knew one day I would have to read Discworld. Unfortunately, I was a bit discouraged by the massive amount of books. The problem sorted out itself, after a friend, I’ve talked to about it, enabled me to read them.
With it came a list in which order I should proceed, so I happily jumped in, secretly nurturing the idea of reading all the books within a year. If it works out, no idea, we’ll see. If so, I might write another article on the experience.
Anyway, the point is, knowing Good Omens well as for watching the series multiple times and doing the same to the book (reading actually), I couldn’t but notice some stuff that definitely came from Terry’s side. Like phrases, he kept using. I did read: “Not as such” as an answer more than once. No matter who said it, in my imagination it was Crowley for a split second.
The first book got me so confused, I completely forgot that this was Terry Pratchett. I caught myself thinking, I was reading Neil Gaiman. This set my brain on halt and the world stood for a second. Amazing what books can do to you.
I’ve realised Death and the horsemen and how they seem unable to start a proper apocalypse. Also, sometimes there were phrases sounding a lot like Agnes Nutter. As well as the tone it is written in, the tiny wordings you sometimes aren’t aware of as an author. And it led me to the conclusion, (of course there is no other evidence and I could be totally wrong), that Neil must have invested a lot of time in re-reading the Discworld or maybe already know them by heart. For some of the things I’ve realised definitely played a part in GO2.
It is amazing how much two people can morph into one, and yet there must be a lot of work behind the scenes. I for my part can only hope that my writing buddy and I can get to this point some day. At least I’ll have to convince him to write a full-grown novel together first.
So you might ask yourself, and I know because so did I, what’s the whole point of this article? Fair enough. I came to the conclusion, that fun expands with knowledge. And I know, my sense of fun probably differs from that of others a lot. But if you are able to grasp those tiny hints and hidden pleasures, it can make a story twice as joyful.
So go out there and consume all those stories. Not just by reading. Listen to people telling their stories, watch movies, series, anime. Maybe go to the opera or watch a play. Memorise a poem or play a game. Find the medium which suits you well but keep on searching, you’ll never know what you might learn from it and what pleasures and magic are hidden in those stories. Because our world is built, or maybe better, powered by storytelling.
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choccy-milky · 1 year
Hey! I have been following you for a minute and I must say, I’m so in love with both story and art chiefs kiss 😚🤌❤️ I can’t wait to see more from you and that creative mind of yours
I wanted to ask, where did you learn how to write? Do you possibly have any advice/tips that you could share?You’ve honestly inspired me to create my own story with my own character but I get pretty overwhelmed when looking at the blank page lol. Like I know what the general idea is that I want to write but I don’t know how to write out the journey from point A to point B if that makes sense 😅
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your ask inspired me to go back to my old naruto fanfic from 2011 and pick out some winners. as you can see, i didnt start off as an amazing writer or anything LMAOO. i've always read a LOT ever since i was a kid though, and just like with art, you just kinda learn and get better by doing over and over, and reading and absorbing others writing. (and also thank you!! im happy you enjoy both my art and my fic!!💖😭) but more specifically, like how i think of how i'll fill the page and get from point A to point B...i also dunno? LOL. ive always made comics ever since i was young/made stories in my head, and my whole drive when i write fanfic or even draw fanart is hyperfixation LMAO, so there's something inside of me that's just bursting to get out and i don't even really have to think about it. though i will say, as someone writing a longfic, that hyperfixation can only carry me so far and i HAVE had to stare at a blank word doc and think about how i might get from point A to point B. but honestly something that's helpful is to know which scenes you absolutely WANT/your inspiration for writing the fic/story in the first place, and then try to build off of those scenes. think of what might have led up to them/what you can do to PREVENT them from getting there, to add more sustenance/drama/etc. also, writing advice i saw a while ago that i always think about is 'how can this get any worse?' LOL. so like, if you think the scene is fine and you've added enough events, just for fun, continue to think....ok, but what ELSE could possibly go wrong? its really helped me to flesh out scenes that, in retrospect, would have been way too short and to-the-point otherwise. but again with fanfic, at least for me, a lot of it is just self indulgent/comes down to what *I* want to see bahaha. im my own biggest fan LMAO. everything in my longfic is exactly what *I* like, with all the dynamics *i* enjoy, literally written BY me and FOR me, first and foremost LOL. so maybe start there. just think of all the tropes you like/things you've enjoyed in other media, and think about how you can repurpose them into your own story and setting in an original way! that was super long LMFAO but i hope it may have helped, and ty again for the nice words😭 happy you enjoy what im doing!!💖💖
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Link Click Season Two Episode 3: Two Funerals
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After the initial two episode fare of this season, episode three certainly feels like it slows things down. Which is not a bad thing. It gives the story time to establish itself, to provide mystery and unspoken curiosities to the world, to allow for exploration of the new characters and their roles in the story, and it gives Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi time to work their magic. So certainly quite a bit to chat about with this episode!
I think the first thing that really tickles my brain is the oddities of the production for Link Click. Not that it's a bad thing, but that it's just decidedly different when compared to anime. Stuff like the letterboxing and the camera movement leave it very telling that this is a donghua rather than an anime. Bit hard to explain over words, but check out this panning shot. Feels.... wrong, right? Well, that's because of how it's shot. The way that the pan stops during the scene is different than what you'd normally see with anime, which continue the pan right to the end typically (or at the very least have it slow down before coming to a stop).
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Similarly, the production vastly prefers depth to breadth, which is an interesting idea. Considering the share of horizontal to vertical space, you might have thought the latter, but instead they choose the former. Detail doesn't come from side to side, rather it likes to appear from front to back. Take this layout for example.
Typically, if you're operating on breadth instead of depth, you'd be more inclined to place the focus (the older characters in track suits on the right) towards the center of the frame, while placing the supporting characters and details on either side of them. Focusing on depth first however allows for far more different shots that feel more grounded in 3-dimensional space.
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Anyways, the episode itself. We start with the older characters and/or masters of Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi waiting around in a hospital. Nothing too special, just establishing their characters and why they showed up to help Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi. Though I have to admit, some of the pieces through their short time here are comical as they have a run in with an incredibly drunk person.
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Of course, the trio of elderly leave this hospital and arrive at Lu Guang's (in style, obviously) to take on the mob that has surrounded Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi. I was really looking forward to some crazy action, but I also wasn't surprised when they kept things simple and skipped most of it. They gave two crazy action sequences back to back, so I think they can afford a bit of a break. Still, they delivered some cool and interesting sequences and a fun impact frame or two.
Also, fun little detail here. During this sequence, and before the impact frames, the father of the other two actually disappears in frame for a brief second. Fun little bit to give to people paying close attention.
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Also also, this gif provides an excellent example of that depth-first approach for the production. Rather than the left to right or vice versa you might usually see, they place the camera at an arbitrary spot in 3D space, and have the mob of characters run through the camera. Pieces like this really help establish Link Click's visual style.
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A similar example can be found in a follow-up scene of Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi after the fight. It really does look good, it's just that it might take a bit to get used to because of the letterboxing. Certainly makes me curious about the choice for it to be a consistent visual restraint considering how much they might be able to accomplish with a full scene.
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I haven't really talked about the story, have I? Well, up until this point it hasn't been anything super crazy, truthfully. The bad guys got beat up and are being interrogated, and Xiao Li comes to apologize to Qiao Ling and Cheng Xiaoshi. There's nothing crazy or important yet. That is, until Liu Min's father and entourage show up and butt heads with our current trio.
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The back and forth is more performative than substantive, but Qian Jin's interactions are most certainly the focal point. Establishing his prior history as a police officer, and the past that he shares with Xiao Li, an odd rivalry brews between him and Cheng Xiaoshi.
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It makes you really curious as to what led Qian Jin to his current station in life, and what it was that happened in this flashback we're shown by Xiao Li.
Anyways, the arguments come and go, and Qiao Ling ends it all with an incredibly satisfying slap that gets the first reaction out of Qian Jin in the whole conversation.
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It's an incredibly subtle difference, but his default grin does widen a bit after the interaction. I think it adds a good deal to the sort of slimy and snake-like personality that Qian Jin wields so far. Very curious to see how his role plays out given that his lackey is being detained.
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We move forward, and into Chen Bin's funeral. They do well with it as an emotional moment and bring out the best in Chen's now-widow to help give Cheng Xiaoshi the push he needs to solidify his desire to go back and prevent Chen Bin's death. I do think the emotional beat is well done, it's just that I'm not really one to be "all-in" on this sort of stuff myself, so I don't have too many words to say about it.
What I do have words to say about though is how Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang interact as the latter goes back in time. Also, just more of that whole Black and White/Ying and Yang theme here.
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Anyways, the biggest thing is how Cheng Xiaoshi asks Lu Guang for his help. He says that he wants to help the pair, which appeals to Lu Guang through the guilt they share for being the cause of Chen Bin's death. It's a great moment that establishes the hesitation the pair have in the use of their powers currently, and their overall intent in their reasoning for using them. A solid shift from their original purpose through season 1, though of course the natural conclusion of their experiences with it anyways.
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Of course, we end the episode on a cliffhanger though. That red-eyed guest from the prior episode? They didn't come to take over Lu Guang, they came to deliver a picture. Are they the same person that inhabited Qiao Ling at the end of S1/start of S2? It's hard to say, but the idea of the red eyes does beg quite the question.
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The back of the photo is even more interesting when you know what it says. "Don't Die, Good Brother". Specifically "Gege" which is elder brother. Together with the drawing on the back of the young girl in the photo with an older brother, does it really mean what viewers might think it does? Is Lu Guang related to this pink haired girl somehow? Does she expect him and Cheng Xiaoshi to use the photo and learn something from it?
A far more intriguing ending than the episode itself might let on, this third episode works very hard to slow things down and draw them out so that viewers can have time to get attached to and understand the stories and characters that appear within. Of course, the quality is still way up there in terms of animation and direction, so it seems overall we've settled in for the long haul with a long term story compared to the more episodic approach of season 1. Really interested to see what they do with more time.
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more-than-a-princess · 10 months
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name — Rae.
pronouns — she/her.
preferred comms — If my writing partner isn't too chatty, doesn't like plotting much/only wants to establish a first meeting, and doesn't like muns sending them random things that remind them of our muses? Then tumblr, definitely. For everyone who is the opposite of the above? Discord. I show no restraint on sending applicable aesthetics at 3 AM if I find it.
name of muse — Sonia Nevermind, Crown Princess of Novoselic, Hope's Peak Academy's Ultimate Princess, horror/occult aficionado, chocolate connoisseur, culinary and housekeeping disaster, and generally one of the most cheerful people your muse will ever meet. TalentSwap!AU and post-DR2 game canon does not apply where 'cheerful' is concerned.
experience in RP — As of this...er, season, I'll have been roleplaying off and on for the past 24 years. I started roleplaying in autumn 1999 (my middle school RP days were indeed something). Should I have a celebration for when I hit a quarter century of roleplaying experience? Quarter life crisis?
best experiences — I don't want to boil the best experiences down to specific muses/muns/storylines, but the best way I can describe them are these: when I first started roleplaying, it was in the fandom written by the Wizard Lady and roleplaying on AOL/Yahoo/LiveJournal was just so new. There were no real expectations or rules to follow, and while there was plenty of godmodding and things that didn't make sense, it was just ridiculous fun. The second would be every time I'm able to make a friend in the mun I'm writing with and we've got giant plotlines going with all sorts of scenes and situations that allow the muses to grow and develop over time. That is truly the best part of RP for me now.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — I have a few, including but not limited to: super small text, multiple spaces between words for aesthetics (it's hard to read for me!), one-liners/single paragraph replies that aren't dashcomm or crack, uncut threads, giant icons/gifs/Danganronpa sprites, not tagging posts (but especially OOC, aesthetics, and smut), constantly dropped threads while asking for more starters/memes (hiatuses aside), no bios or muse information beyond a name/fandom (for both canon and OC muses), and instant shipping (or after 1-2 threads/interactions. It's not for me).
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — Yes! To all three. My favorite interactions have some fluff, humor, and/or soft situations when the angst gets too angsty, and some angst or conflict when the muses get too settled in and content in the lives. Generally, my least favorite thing to write is action/combat scenes, most fantasy (urban fantasy might be the exception but high fantasy stuff? Not my thing to write), and sci-fi plots. I do write smut and I enjoy writing smut, but I like it in the context of a larger storyline and with a bigger purpose beyond just the muses having sex. It's why you'll never see smut starters on this blog and why, if I'm going to write smut with a mun, I've probably plotted with them about it first.
plot or memes — Plots and memes if I'm unfamiliar with your muse, which is highly likely for anime/video game/comic muses, and anything 'recent' in the past 10-15 years. But I'm fine with just memes if I'm familiar with the fandom/muse or we have past interactions I can build off of. But in general I'm a fan of plotting.
long or short replies — Long replies nowadays, always. Mostly because one-liners and short paragraph replies just aren't fun for me: I feel most creative and enjoy roleplaying more with long replies at this point. And I'm reluctant to spend time writing anything for fun if I'm not having a good time doing it: and short replies, beyond crack or dashcomm, are just not a good time for me.
best time to write — Downtime in the mid-afternoon at work, middle of the evening on workdays (after a rest and dinner), and mid-afternoon until the wee hours of the morning on weekends/days off. Late nights and between breakfast and lunch are just no good for me, writing-wise.
are you like your muse — Unfortunately I am not blonde, European, royalty, conventionally beautiful, and constantly full of optimism. However, I enjoy horror movies (Sonia knows more than I do), chocolate, tea, and much of Sonia's fashion inspiration here because I saw her in DR2 and was just 'classic styles with feminine touches? ballgowns? it's my closet.' I'd be her snarky, pessimistic best friend unable to stop with the quips while telling her 'Sonia bb let me teach you how to make toast it does not involve buttering it before it goes in the toaster.'
Tagged by: @sparklymuses (Thanks Sparkle!) Tagging: @quickdeaths, @dcviated, @phantasmalnightmare, @crystalmarred, @fallesto, and you. Reading this. Right now.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
A continuation of yesterday's prompt! I had thought up a few more scenes of what Rhiki and Urianger might do at a fair together, but I didn't have enough time to fit them in, so I made them my extra-credit entry for today!
Rating: General Genre: Fluff, humor Characters: Urianger Augurelt, Z'rhiki Irhi (Warrior of Light) Word Count: 2,523 Content Warnings: None
“Y-you really don’t have to give it to me. You could pick out something else that you like!” Rhiki insisted, but Urianger shook his head, and once again proffered the almost-comically-large Major General plush in her direction.
“Nay, ‘twas always mine intent to bequeath the spoils of victory unto you.” He insisted with a chuckle. “’Twas my greatest of pleasures to assist. I would be most gratified if you would accept mine offering.”
Something about the formality with which he spoke about such a trivial matter made her snort with laughter. “Okay, okay, I’ll take it.” She relented, and accepted the awkwardly-sized stuffed toy. She beamed at it, then looked up at her companion. “Thanks, Urianger.”
“Think nothing of it,” he said with a flourished wave of his hand.
“I still can’t believe you actually did it,” she marveled. “That was… actually really impressive.”
He straightened his posture in exaggerated (well, for Urianger at least, she thought) pride. “’Twas but a trifle for one possessed of mine acumen.” She giggled. “In truth, ‘tis more of a feat of mathematics than physical prowess, and so did I find myself well-suited to the task.”
“And you’re taller, so you can get a better view. And throw from higher up.” Rhiki pointed out.
“This… may have also been a factor in mine estimations.” He admitted, making Rhiki huff.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t rub it in.” She griped playfully. “Anyway, what do you want to do next?”
Urianger considered this question, scanning the stalls and games lining the streets. “Hmmm,” He looked back down at her. “I am forced to concede that I am at a loss. Might thou proffer a suggestion?”
“Hmmm…” Rhiki hummed in a perfect echo of his sentiment. She squinted to read signs further down the street, wracking her mind for something that they would both enjoy. Her eyes landed on a purple tent towards the end of the road, decorated with silvery stars. “Oh! I have an idea. You’ll love this – fortune telling!”
“A fine suggestion!” Urianger agreed. “’Twill be most interesting to learn what might await us both in the future!”
Z’rhiki exited the tent with sagging shoulders, Fripon trotting along behind her.
Taking in her grim expression, Urianger questioned, “Were the seer’s predictions not pleasing?”
“Ugh!” Rhiki sighed. After a moment, though, she smiled, shrugging off the roegadyn’s ominous portent. “Don’t worry, though, it’s not that serious. It’s just in good fun.”
“May I ask what question thou posed?” He ventured.
“You really want to know?”
“I am most interested,”
With Urianger’s earnest golden eyes on her, she suddenly felt very self-conscious. She hoped she wasn’t blushing. “I asked her about my love life,” She admitted, not sure why she was so embarrassed to admit such a thing to him. Maybe because it seemed so frivolous.
“Indeed? And the results of the divination were not to thy liking?” She had thought he might find this amusing – that the Warrior of Light was preoccupied with such unimportant matters – but his expression was one of genuine curiosity.
She shook her head, the small braids on one side of her hair swinging back and forth. “Nope. Apparently the future looks grim. Disastrous even.” Saying it out loud, she was struck by how comical it sounded, and suddenly burst out into a short fit of laughter.
Though her giggling eased the serious expression on his face back into a small smile, he still placed a hand on her shoulder. “Take heart, my friend! It presseth against the boundaries of belief that one with true knowledge of the stars’ designs would be found offering their wisdom to the public for a mere 50 gil. And, as we both well know, even the will of the star itself  can be changed.”
Still snickering, she swatted his hand off of her shoulder. “I know that, silly! I appreciate the thought, though. Now, your turn!”
Z’rhiki was crouched down, entertaining Fripon with a long, tufted weed she had plucked from the ground, when Urianger stepped back out into the light of the fair. She straightened up to her full, inconsiderable height.
“Well, how’d it go?” She demanded when he was close enough that she didn’t have to shout.
“The soothsayer hath revealed to me that, in my previous incarnation on this star, I did live as a thistle mole. A most intriguing supposition.”
Rhiki almost choked on her own laughter. “A thistle mole?” She cackled. “Why were you a thistle mole?!”
Urianger remained unfazed, his tone still good-humored. “Must there be a reason for any single creature’s existence?”
It was one of those esoteric questions that tended to pop up in conversations with him, and her laughter subsided as she contemplated it… whatever it meant. She decided a fair was hardly the place for such deeply involved rumination, however, and quickly changed the subject.
“Let’s- Let’s save that question for another time, shall we?” She suggested. “Anyway, why did she tell you about your past life? She didn’t tell me about my past life!”
“Mayhaps mine ‘aura’ did suggest that such knowledge would be of the greatest benefit to me?” He posited, lightly.
“Well I don’t see how. Did you tunnel in the dirt as a thistle mole? Eat bugs? Get chased by angry botanists?”
“Such details were not afforded to me by the reading. Presumably, I would have done all of these things and more.”
“What more does a thistle mole usually do?”
He must not have had an answer to this question, she thought, because his reply was unnecessarily cryptic. “What more need a thistle mole do?”
“Uhh…” Not only did she not have an answer, she had no idea what type of answer the question called for. So instead, she posed a different one as she led them away from the fortune telling tent. “Okay, what do you think I was in a past life?”
Urianger gave this some thought. He searched, it seemed, for an answer that would not offend – much like a real carnival fortune-teller. “Mayhap thou were a goblin. This would explain thine affinity for them, and the ease with which thou art able to communicate with them.”
“That’s because I spent a lot of time around Idyllshire, not because I used to be a goblin,” She pointed out. “Plus, who doesn’t like gobbies? They’re cute!”
“Then mayhap… a dragon?”
She shook her head. “Now you’re just trying to flatter me! There’s no way I was a dragon! That’s the best you’ve got? I thought you were an astrologian! Ask the stars or something!”
“Nay, thou art correct.” He conceded, “I did not consider thy question with adequate diligence. Prithee wait a moment. I shall consult the stars.”
She stopped walking a step after he did. “Wait, you’re not actually going to try right now are you?”
Urianger held up a hand to silence her, his face already turned skywards. They stood there for more than a minute as he gazed at the stars. Rhiki was starting to worry people would notice the strange behavior when she saw Urianger nod in understanding. “I see…” He muttered.
“What? What is it?”
He looked down at her with a serious expression. “The stars hath lent me their wisdom. In thine past life, I believe thou to have been a common garden worm.”
This time it was Urianger who laughed, a sound that might have been strange and unfamiliar to her had she not been so flustered. “I almost believed you for a second!” She exclaimed, giving him a light slap on the arm. “I can’t believe you said I was a worm!”
Urianger did his best to contain his laughter, though failed to actually do so. “Mine apologies,” He offered yet again. “Shall we proceed to another attraction?”
“Ugh, whatever! I bet I was the coolest worm ever! All the other worms probably loved me!” She grumbled as they resumed their walk.
“Thy training as a dragoon still serveth thee well,” Urianger observed as they pushed through the curtains at the exit of the small “Haunted House” – though rather than a  house guests were taken through a temporary wooden construction designed for easy assembly and disassembly.
“Huh?” Rhiki asked, not quite following. She leaned down and scooped up Fripon as they descended the handful of steps to the street. She squinted at Urianger. “Was that… a joke? Are you making fun of me?”
“Nay nay,” He insisted jovially. “I merely surmised that the instinct to leap with such height and distance in response to fright must have been instilled in thee during thy many hours of practice with the lance.”
“You are making fun of me! I wasn’t scared! I was just… startled! I’ve fought way scarier monsters than a lalafel in black robes who grabs at your ankles! And at least I was paying attention! You were so interested in the displays that you completely missed one of the jump scares.” Though the interior had been kept intentionally dark, she could clearly remember seeing the confusion on one actor’s ghoulishly painted face as he leapt from a hidden door, fake knife in hand, only to find that his victim had failed to even notice his entrance. Rhiki had found the scene hysterically funny,
Urianger nodded, unbothered by the accusation. “It is indeed impressive that the organizers are able to use such limited resources to such great effect. To use scarlet sap mixed with currant juice to create the impression of fresh blood displays a commendable dedication to their craft.”
“I still can’t believe you almost tasted that,” Rhiki said. “I guess I never really thought about it before? You see stuff like that at haunted houses all the time. Cotton bolls used for cobwebs and all that. Oh! But did you see the big diremite? That was pretty cool!”
“Indeed. ‘Twas most frightening.” Urianger agreed, though she hadn’t seen him so much as flinch during the entire experience. “The application of simple thaumaturgy to create the effects of mist and thunder was quite ingenious.”
Rhiki glanced over to another section just off  of the main street, where she saw light whirling around. “If you like that, you’ll love this! Some of the local conjurers use wind-aspected magic and old barrels to made spinning rides! Let’s do that next!”
Having released Fripon, she skirted back towards the entrance of the attraction to pick up the prize Urianger had gifted her, which the attendant graciously had offered to hold for her while they were inside. Upon returning to where he stood, she grabbed him by the wrist with her free hand and tugged him along with her. “C’mon, let’s go!”
“Well, what did you think?” She tried not to sound smug as she watched Urianger stumble off the attraction after her. “Was that fun, or what?”
The contortions of his face as the seats hurdled and spun had already told her what he would say. Urianger groped at the nearest solid surface to steady himself, eyes knit together in a pained expression. “Surely… thou jests.”
“Maybe a little,” She admitted, snickering. She reached up to pat  his shoulder, a feat which she had to stand on the tips of her toes to accomplish.
Urianger groaned. “It defies my comprehension… that so many should willingly subject themselves to such a harrowing experience… as a form of entertainment.”
“I dunno. It makes sense to me.” Rhiki shrugged. “But I probably should have warned you it might make you a little woozy. That’s why I thought we should do it before we ate.”
“I-indeed. A wise choice.” Urianger managed. “Thy constitution is, as ever, alike to iron. Truly a fortunate quality to possess…”
She offered him an encouraging smile. “Are you alright?”
“Yes… I believe I shall recover shortly.”
She gave him a few moments to catch his breath and reassemble his insides. She was reminded of their first journey to Thavnair, when they had all ended up with aether sickness from the experimental aetheryte trip. It put her in mind of an idea.
“Oh, remember that lassi that Estinien bought us when we first landed in Yedlihmad? Maybe they’ll have something similar here. You wait here and keep an eye on Fripon for me, I’ll be right back! When you’re feeling better, we can get some festival food and head to the pier – I think my favorite part is starting soon!”
“Oh, wow!” Rhiki’s voice, though soft, rose over the crackling above them, and she pointed. “Did you see that bright purple one? I wonder how they get them that shape…”
Urianger didn’t respond, but took another sip of the pink, melon-flavored drink he had purchased. Rhiki had informed him that it was a popular choice at summer festivals. At their feet, Rhiki’s unicolt lapped at a small bowl of shaved ice she had purchased for him.
Urianger glanced down at the miqo’te, watching her tear another chunk off a large piece of fried dough and pop it into her mouth. Her eyes never left the sky, where above them another volley of colorful fireworks exploded, some twinkling out of existence and others leaving glowing streaks in their wake as they spiraled. She was leaning over the pier’s iron railing, eyes wide and her lips, though parted in wonderment, forming a clear smile.
“Oh, pretty!” She murmured and he smiled as well. Once the last sparks of light from the cluster had vanished, she suddenly noticed his eyes on her.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
He shook his head. “’Tis nothing of import. ‘Tis simply nice to see thee so thoroughly enjoying thyself. The sight of such a genuine smile on thy lips has become a rarity these past some-odd years.”
Her ears lowered a fraction of an inch, and she fidgeted, her eyes darting to the side. “What? I smile all the time!” she insisted, though she seemed somewhat embarrassed that he had noticed such a thing.
He watched her face for a few seconds longer, but then shook his head. “Thou art correct. Mayhap it was but a trick of the light. Pay me no mind.”
“Okay,” she said, relaxing a bit. “You should be watching the fireworks anyway! They’re beautiful!”
“Just so.” He was about to follow her advice when he felt a tugging on his robe. He glanced down to find that Rhiki’s unicolt had reared back on his hind legs and planted his forehooves against his own calf. Fripon craned neck to look up at him.
“I think Fripon wants some of the melon from your drink.” Rhiki observed.
Chuckling, Urianger knelt down. He fished a piece of Allagan melon from the drink and offered it to Fripon, who eagerly accepted the treat, going so far as to lick the juice from his hand. “A reward for his exemplary performance as a friend and companion.” Urianger declared. The unicolt whinnied.
“Fripon says thank you,” Rhiki pretended to translate. “Now come on, you’re going to miss the grand finale!”
With a smile, he rose to his feat and the two watched as a spray of fireworks lit the sky.
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hecatesbroom · 6 months
For the ask game -- The Golden Girls, of course! But also The Good Place, if you'd like! And I'm curious about what your favourite movie might be, if you have one, so consider that my third suggestion :)
aa thanks for the ask! And so sorry I took so long to reply. I love asks but am notoriously bad at getting to them on time, haha.
Of course the Golden Girls! (Which you can find answered here!)
The Good Place it is! + my favourite movie, both under the cut because this is getting long
My rating (1-10)
I still haven't watched the full show so I don't think I could rate it yet, but it's somewhere in the 8-9 range!
My favourite character
Ooh this is hard! I think Janet? Maybe? I love how she makes her own journey towards humanity. Though I also love Michael, possibly for the very same reason haha. It's been a while since I watched though, so I don't have too many well thought-out things to say about them at the moment!
My least favourite character
That bad guy? The demon trying to mess up everyone's plans? I forgot his name but I detest the guy (which I think is how you're supposed to feel as the audience, so you know, it makes sense haha)
The character I think I’d be friends with
To be perfectly honest, I can't really see myself getting along with any of the main cast. I'm sure they'd all get on my nerves after a while! 😂 my safest bet is probably Janet, or maybe Chidi.
The character I think I won’t hit off with
See my answer above! But I think out of the main cast, I'd get along worst of all with Jason. He's a nice guy, but even as a relatively patient person I'm sure he'd drive me crazy at some point 😂
My favourite episode/scene
It's been a while, but I still remember the way the reveal at the end of season 1 made me feel. And that was amazing!! It opened up a whole new layer of context, and gave the show so much more meaning. So that's probably my favourite part: the reveal!
Whose clothing style I like best
Oohh, I think it's Janet's outfit, to be honest. It's just great, what can I say?
Times I watched it (and if I would again)
Just once, about 2/3 of the way through, and I'd absolutely rewatch at some point (after I finally manage to finish it)!
My favourite movie is The Sound of Music! There are plenty of others I enjoy watching and rewatching, but nothing ever quite matches up to the magic of The Sound of Music :)
My rating (1-10)
10/10!! of course!
My favourite character
Maria, if only because I adore Julie Andrews (and she's just a great character!!) It's rare to find characters who are this kind and positive, without being a pushover or the comic relief :)
My least favourite character
I don't think I really have one? There are a couple I dislike for obvious reasons, but they all serve an important part in the plot, so I can't really bring myself to pick *one* I dislike most?
The character I think I’d be friends with
It'd probably be lots of fun to be friends with Maria! She seems like such a bright, uplifting person to be around. And also like the type to befriend everyone she encounters, haha.
The character I think I won’t hit off with
Uh. I think this is obvious if you've seen the movie lmao
My favourite episode/scene
Everything?? (Alright, I always swoon a little when I watch the Laendler scene)
Whose clothing style I like best
To be really honest, the costuming is the one problem I have with The Sound of Music. They're in the late 1930s! Why is everyone dressed like they're in the 50s and 60s?? I love how everyone's outfits match their characters, but come on, why didn't they make them more appropriate to the decade at least? :')
Times I watched it (and if I would again)
More times than I can count, probably (and yup, I'm definitely watching it again. And again. And again!)
Thanks for sending an ask! <3 I tried to keep it short, and I think I kind of succeeded (for my standards, anyway 😂)
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un-pearable · 2 years
Hi! Uh, I want to get into Sonic. Any shows/games you would reccomend starting with? An order? Also!! What's your favorite iteration of sonic (if you have one)
i think this might be THE question every sonic fan is dying to be asked. that is to say, hell yeah it would be my pleasure to make some recommendations >:] 
best things to try as a very first introduction to the hedgehog and friends (that are still relatively bitesized or accessible): 
the official animations for sonic mania, team sonic racing, chao in space, sonic colors, and most recently sonic frontiers. personal favorites are chao in space bc its adorable and frontiers for… obvious (knuckles) reasons (it’s about knuckles). these are short and sweet and absolutely adorable so they’re always some of the first things i recommend :] check ‘em out if you can - you won’t regret it. 
on that topic, Sonic Frontiers is a solid place to start with the games! it’s the most recent release so there’s currently a demo available on switch and it’s also on sale on steam right now (until Feb 13th!). few of the games directly lead into each other so picking specific games to start with is more down to personal taste, i’ll go into more detail if you’d like but for an introduction to the series? frontiers has been very well received and many consider it a return to form after the last few games, so it’s a good place to pick up the series! EDIT: I FORGOT ABOUT GENERATIONS. sonic generations is basically a Best-Of compilation of sonic’s most well known stages and it’s also perfect for a first time player. it was MY first game. how on earth did i forget about it. anyway it’s also on steam and it kicks ass!!!
alternately, much of the franchise was codified in the adventure games, so if you prefer starting at the beginning, they’re big recommendations as well! both Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 are on steam and MANY playthroughs are online. SA2 was also the first of the sonic fandubs, so if you’ve seen any of those memes that’s where they’re from. 
also, if you’re into zelda games you’ll probably love frontiers. but if you prefer 2D/pixel art games, Sonic Origins just came out last summer and contains rereleases of the first four sonic games and Mania is always a fun option! alternately, try here for a taste of sonic 2 :] 
comics!! comics!!!!! the IDW Sonic The Hedgehog comics are killing it lately and double as canon and ridiculously fun. the first arc is issues 1-12 and if that won’t sell you on this funky little guy, well, there’s a lot more options too! you can find the IDW run here - but support your local comic shop if you can! 
for a little more bite-sized try the recent miniseries scrapnik island! it’s standalone from the main storyline and considering you’re a ninjago fan i think you’ll enjoy a fun story about morally complex robots :D 
the Archie series is amazing at times and so bad it’s funny at others - but what isn’t? while i am a HUGE fan it does require quite a bit of time and investment. other recommendations from the 300 issue+ legacy of sonic comics are available on request (i do not know how to shut up <3) 
tv shows!! Sonic Prime just released on Netflix and it slaps. not the most traditional sonic but it’s fun as hell and ongoing - we’re only ⅓ into the first season and there’s at least two guaranteed. the animation is astounding and it’s coincidentally produced by wildbrain just like current ninjago. i edited one of it’s kickass fight scenes here 
this is almost certainly far more than you need but i love talking about this series so thanks for humoring me :] i hope you enjoy them!! hmmm… they’ve all got their own appeal to me but lately i’ve been watching a lot of playthroughs while drawing (and i eagerly await the frontiers dlc so i have an excuse to replay it) and i think atm game sonic’s my favorite! the comics are delightful and the shows always have their own twists but i love good ‘ol game sonic… the others are more than just facets of his character and have their own great stories, but there’s something special about the original. this message brought to you by how absolutely astounding his characterization is in Sonic Unleashed. we missed you big guy. hope you have fun!! 
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pmdttas · 1 year
Hello everyone!
Thank you all so much for voting on the poll! It gave me a feel of what you guys wanted when it came to asks and the upcoming comic!
While the poll was pretty fairly split, there were more people favoring that I keep the comic on this blog, so that’s what I am going to do!
Here are all of my official plans:
- The comic will be hosted here. I don’t have a definite schedule yet. Being completely honest, this is my first time doing a comic (I’ve experimented in the past, but nothing ever really got off the ground). This story has pretty strong planning so I will try to update at least once a month. I’ll create a more official schedule later on!
- If I ever go on hiatus, I will pin a hiatus post to the top of the blog. Hiatuses will usually be due to family/work related conflicts or vacations. If there is a hiatus posted, please do not send asks about when I will be back. You can ask if I’ll be back on the hiatus post, but I’d rather keep questions like that out of my ask box.
- I’m going to retcon (sorta) the first two asks on this blog. They are still relevant, but mostly to later in the story. So asks should be based on the current timeline (spoiler: don’t send asks about the prologue unless it’s to the OOC, because they likely won’t be answered til muuuuch later).
- While asks will still be answered, the comic will take priority over asks unless they are asks for the OOC (me).
- This entire comic is an experiment for me! Meaning I might change up my style, how I do backgrounds, panels, etc. Please understand that this comic is mostly for me to have fun with it and share the story, so artistic consistency might sway! That being said, I might make changes if I find a way to produce comics faster but still keeping the level of quality that I find to be appropriate. It’s all up in the air, but I hope you’ll stick around!
- I’ve already finished the prologue (it’s a bit short, but that’s intentional just to give readers a taste), but I will not release it until I’ve finished the first scene of Chapter 1. I want to keep a buffer of one scene between posting when possible. Meaning, scene 1 will release after I finish scene 2, and so on!
- Any additional side art of the characters will be posted on my regular account @rising-in-the-ash! I might repost it onto this account if I feel like it.
- It should be noted that I don’t plan to make any money off of this comic! I’m doing this for fun! I’m an adult with a job and other responsibilities, so my real life will take priority (this shouldn’t be too shocking lol). Also, making money off of a property I didn’t technically create has some legally grey ickyness. If you want to support me, you can commission me!
If you read all of this, bless you, I know this was long! I’m very excited to share this story with you all and I hope you will enjoy it!
Thanks for reading!
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foolofatook001 · 1 year
Fic Stats Game
got tagged by @pointvee :D (hi vee <3) I love stats so this was very fun
rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
I think katwala also said this but yeah there's a lot of dsmp on here which does not surprise me haha
Most Hits: Death and Her Angel, with 2790 hits. This one is a multichapter look at c!Philza and c!Kristin's relationship, starting in hardcore and moving up through SMPEarth. As yet unfinished, but I do plan on adding at least one more chapter to end it well.
2nd Most Kudos: This is actually also Death and Her Angel, so I'll do the 3rd most instead, which is I Don't Discriminate (Between the Sinners and the Saints), with 239 kudos. This is Ranboo's POV of Phil's house arrest and a couple things afterward during the Butcher Army arc :D
3rd Most Comments: Moments in the Multiverse! (21 comment threads) This is a collection of a bunch of unfinished/half-baked X-Men plot ideas I had, mostly centered around Rogue/Gambit lol. Hopped around various continuities including the movies, comics, and Evo.
4th Most Bookmarks: Only Magic's Gonna Save Your Soul, a Beast!Wirt AU OTGW fic I did for a discord event last Halloween. Probably my favorite fic I have written to date. (40 bookmarks!)
5th Most Words: As The Sun Rises, a multichapter DSMP aeduo Ladyhawke AU (13,546 words). It is unfinished and I might return to it at some point, but chances are slim currently.
Least Words: This Doesn't Change Anything, (390 words) a little Zutara ficlet I originally wrote for a competition on FFN haha. It's a short scene from "The Southern Raiders" with a little extra added on <3
I shall tag. hm. @fennzer, @crystalcatgamer, and @gracefulleopard (leo I will make you prove you are famous :P), but if you see this and I didn't tag you, feel free to also do it. we love to see more statistics in the world. also if I did tag you do not feel obligated if you don't want to lol
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hasaniwalker · 11 months
Hey Mr. Walker! I've been a huge fan of your Doris Doodle webcomic for a long time! As you might remember or not lol, I've been making fanarts and fan animatics and am still in the process of creating my OCs to coexist in your little "Doodleverse" (as I've liked to call it 😂) but I hit a bump in the road while working on fleshing out the world-building on my OC Daisy's interactions with other Toons (that's why my fan content has been on writers block/artists block hell for a few months). She would've interacted a lot with Betty Boop (Mentor figure/VIP member of FxF) and Jessica Rabbit (Mom figure/FxFManager) but I've realized I can't further develop the story accurately and up-to-date with ur posts if I can't use these characters because of your whole copyright issue you went through and the fact that you're rewriting the whole story with your own characters for the Doodleverse. So basically my question is, should I continue writing the story with Lana Lamb and your other original characters in Doris' universe or stay true to the source material and still feature Betty or perhaps cameo Betty and Lana in the same scenes kinda like a visual language cinematographic type way to show the viewer they're one and the same character or something? Idk if I'm explaining that correctly lmfao?? Sorry if this is long-winded 😅 I just wanted to mention all of this before I lose the courage to aaaannnnddd because you seem to be actively posting more Doris &Dawn content once more 😁😊
Thank you for your message! The Doodleverse, I like that! I do wish I could've at least kept Betty Boop in the story as a main friend, but yeah, my attempts at talking to the rights holders never went anywhere. Once the book comes out, that's going to become the Canon story. However, other cartoons will still exist in the world (I can't have them as side characters or really have their image, but characters will still mention them now and then). So Dawn still has her Mononoke poster and sailor moon merch. Doris will still know nearly everything about the looney tunes. And well-known characters will still show up in the short comics I post online. They just can't appear in a published book. So when you make stories for your characters, you can still include Betty Boop and others. In the end, just have fun with it! Thank you so much for being a fan of these characters!!! I really appreciate and love your fanart!
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Hmm OK I'm about to just direct bitch about something I read in a tag and I'm aware that that's unkind but it's such a weird take to me, I feel like I need to express my thoughts
So, this is what they said:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
This feels so strange to me. Broadly:
This isn't boring neutral coworker stuff, it's direct antagonism and also they kind of aren't friends?
They're relationship is antagonistic right now specifically because of whats happened in other series - so, not a lack of continuity but the opposite
The fandom point is bizarre in a number of ways
So Number 1, what we've been seeing between Sam and T'Challa in this series so far (since issue 1 let's be clear) is T'Challa being a dick to Sam unprompted. He's condescending to him and generally being prickly, and Sam clearly bothered by it. This is actually kind of fun to read, in particular T'Challa's insistence on calling him "Sam" only - it's interesting, T'Challa is intensely bothered by this one guy in a way that is kind of more intimate than their early encounters.
And, yeah, I don't think they've ever been friends necessarily. They've worked together a lot of times. They seem to like each other. Sam seems to really look up to and respect T'Challa, and T'Challa seems charmed by and impressed by Sam. But they weren't close by any means - they don't hang out outside of work etc. What we're seeing here is that same dynamic turned a little dark, purely because T'Challa is being a dick.
Also, unless something goes horribly wrong here on the writing side of things, it's clear that this antagonism is a plot thread that's been set up, currently expanded upon and will be resolved in the series. It's there on purpose and hopefully will end with them closer than before... and if not that, it will at least end with them putting this shit behind them (again, so long as the writing doesn't completely collapse behind the scenes which does happen in comics a lot lol)
Number 2, I agree that they seem to have forgotten that T'Challa made Sam's original wings, and actually also made his current get up, or at least the shield. I'd love for them to talk about that.
That said, I think you could bring it up in a way that compliments the current drama. Sam is indebted to tchalla, it's part of why he respects him so much, but also might make him pull his punches when the guy is being a dick... or does he? Maybe t'challa thinks he ought to, but maybe Sam doesn't care.
So, currently in canon, Wakanda is experimenting with a more democratic system, and T'Challa is having a personal crisis. He's still being the Black Panther, but in a more secretive, quasi-exiled way, and he's having difficulties reconciling his identity as his nations hero with not being their leader - he feels untethered. His current series (by eve ewing) is about this and it's good, I recommend. But, in short, he's more grumpy than usual because he's having the least relatable personal crisis of all time.
In symbol of truth, tchalla picks a fight with Sam (instead of just talking about how Sam mostly accidentally broke some wakandan laws). Sam is there in jeans and a t-shirt ((no suit, no wings, no shield) and wins.
This is, presumably, humiliating for t'challa, and he is canonically very pissy about it. You could imagine that the fact that he made Sam's gear could add to this dynamic. Sam wasn't reverent to him, didn't perform gratitude and then had the audacity to prove that he didn't really need his help anyway.
But yes, this is why T'Challa feels this way, its why he's acting like this. This is absolutely continuous with current canon. It's not an inconsistency. It just makes sense in universe.
Now, if you'd rather they just didn't write this drama because you'd rather they dropped this thread and just portrayed them as friends, then say that. Like, that's a completely valid opinion idk why you wouldn't just say it instead of acting like it's inconsistent writing when it isn't.
Number 3 is where I am confused. So, no one cares what anyone says on tumblr, that's a freebie. For twitter, yes sometimes writers do listen to fans in ways that end up not working out but is this person seriously suggesting that some writer would deliberately make a series worse to appease fans of other series? Think about that for a second. No one is sitting at a desk going "aha! I'll make the series bad, that'll show em!".
Not that I actually think the series is bad but you get my point.
So, the Fantastic Four are literally family. X-teams tend to be a mixture of family, found family and coworkers. This is true for avengers teams to, although they often have a greater percentage of coworkers who don't really know each other. This is because the x-men more often live together, and are often formed out of necessity because the humans are trying to kill them. The avengers are more often literally co-workers; a bunch of individual heroes, with separate lives, often living planets away from each other, individually recruited to a constructed team. Like, that's fine. That's not anti-avenger propaganda from fantastic four fans, it's just the literal canon situation a lot of the time.
This particular team has two people who used to be married to each other, then a bunch of people with varying degrees of familiarity and friendship. Two of them are currently having drama, and it's arguably the most emotional they've ever been about each other. This sounds like a good thing to me! This kind of storyline is what takes two characters from coworkers to something more meaningful, you know?
It's a particularly weird complaint to bring up with Sam. In the MCU, Sam is very much an avenger, was in the team for years and a pivotal part of it. In the comics, he comes and goes, joined to replace hawkeye then quit, led them for a bit in the 2010s (but that was mostly a different team) then quit again.. etc.. He seems to have a difficult relationship with the concept, and is only occasionally actually friends with these people (Steve, Jane). Honestly, it feels ooc when he's portrayed as friendly with some of them. But I mention it because he's a weird character to focus on to make this point.
Anyway, the series has gone out of its way to portray closeness between tony and carol, who do actually have a deeper friendship than many of the others here. But for most of these dynamics, the groundwork is there, but if you want them to be portrayed as close friends or a found family or whatever, then that actually needs to be developed in, you know, storylines. You can't just dump them on a team and say "they're besties now".
You might, in fact, want to write something where the current situations that the characters are in, and their recent interactions, affect the way they treat each other. Idk. Maybe even with some cattiness and antagonistic banter? And then maybe let that play out? Idk it's just a thought
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bergeronprocess · 1 year
My Winter 2023 anime reviews! I was waiting to write these until UniteUp! finished its run, which it now has, so...here we go!
Discussed below the cut: UniteUp!, Nijiyon Animation, The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague, Handyman Saitou in Another World, Buddy Daddies, Soaring Sky Pretty Cure
This past season, I actually watched a lot of shows that were primarily about men or boys! That's kind of unusual for me, but I had a good time. I even tried watching an isekai. More on that later.
I'll start with UniteUp! actually. This is my sleeper hit of the season. It was plagued by covid related production delays - which actually led to them putting out some interesting "behind the scenes" episodes to fill the air time that had already been set aside for the show. It's an idol show, but it's different because I feel like they are a bit more realistic about the Idol Business compared to, say, Love Live (which I am also a fan of, I'm not hating). The characters are all really charming, even if sometimes I forgot all of their names lol ensemble cast problems, and the music is really good (especially the Crossfire theme song). The concerts and dancing are animated really well - they're of course using CGI there, but that makes it look really realistic and accurate. I haven't heard much chatter about this show, although Cy from Anime Feminist was effusive in their praise of it, and I just want more people to watch UniteUp!
Since I just mentioned Love Live, I also watched Nijiyon Animation. Cute, super-short length episodes based on 4koma comics. lt was like a fun little dessert every week lol. Nijigasaki is my favorite Love Live, so of course I loved it. It was also a nice farewell to Tomori Kusunoki as Setsuna.
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague was a big ole nothingburger. Pretty much no character development actually happens and we're never really sure if the titular characters are even dating in the end. Basically the only thing that happens is the passage of a year. Anime Feminist also pointed out the weirdness of the "if Himuro gets a fever, he turns into a little boy" thing, especially that scene where he is in little boy form and then accidentally pins Fuyutsuki to the bed in her hotel room and they have that blushing "ooh, oh no~" reaction that would be just...much less weird...if the guy wasn't literally in a child's body at that moment. At least there was a lot of cat content in this show, but near the end of its run I was just like "ugh, I'm frustrated with the lack of progression here but I feel like I need to see it through to the end."
Another show that had some pacing issues was Handyman Saitou in Another World, the one isekai I watched! It did have a cool premise and I like how Saitou can apply his practical 21st century knowledge of locksmithing and such to the generic medieval high fantasy style premise place. I liked Raelza too (she's played by Ai Fairouz, who is fabulous in every role I've heard her in) and there were some interesting elements. I just feel like we spent too long on the side story with the ninja and the witch. This guy loves this woman so much even though their "meet cute" wasn't so much cute as kinda creepy?! He steps on her shadow so she can't move and then kisses her? Yikes! Their story takes multiple episodes to resolve and I'm just like can we get back to the main quartet PLEASE? I did like the other adventuring parties we meet, especially the big buff dude who has a crush on Saitou. Now, the fact that death can potentially be reversed in this world did lead to some of the "oh no! This character died" story beats feeling hollow since they were always followed by "well hold on, we'll just do a revival spell" or whatever. And there is some fanservice that might as well have come with a big ole "You're not the target audience here, Emma" sign on it. Overall, I am not sorry I watched it, and I think it's a cut above the dime-a-dozen isekais that are pumped out every season, but it had its issues.
I loved Buddy Daddies. It's so much more than just "modern Spy x Family"! Kazuki and Rei are both relatable in very different ways, Miri is probably a more realistic depiction of a child her age compared to Anya (I am not a parent though), it was always fun to play "Which car is this person driving" (Ogino's Chrysler 300 is definitely an odd choice still lol) and I feel like it had a nice ending. It didn't treat its adult women characters super well - when Anime Feminist described Yuzuko as getting fridged, I was like yeah...you're right. And then Misaki was really trying to do better and atone for her mistakes, but she gets hit with the double whammy of cancer and her sudden murder. Damn. At least Miss Anna got out okay. I like to wonder what happens when Rei's dad kicks the bucket. Does he then immediately inherit the organization and the giant estate? He obviously has no interest in it, so what would he do with it all? Probably just burn down the estate and disband the organization, right?
And finally, it's the Pretty Cure series that finally did it, that finally got me Precurepilled...it's Soaring Sky Pretty Cure! I tried watching Delicious Party episode 1 last year, but between the art style and the "weird magical desert place that the battle happens in," I just couldn't vibe with it. But phew, Soaring Sky is SO good. I love the art, I love the characters, it's all just so much fun and enjoyable. I like to try to watch it first thing on Sunday mornings. It's obviously still running right now and we haven't even been introduced to Cure Butterfly yet, let alone the midseason Cure (an aged-up Ellee maybe?), which means there is a lot still to do. Also I have a theory that Yoyo is the mysterious hero who inspired Sora back in the day. Like she used to be a Cure herself, perhaps. That would be fun.
Other than Skip and Loafer and the second part of G-Witch, spring is looking pretty sparse for me, so...all the more reason to keep watching older Pretty Cure seasons, right? I'm working on Kira Kira and want to watch Star Twinkle after that!
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