#this one came out a bit messy but its ok. i woke up at 3 today please forgive me
melanorhynchus-side · 9 months
yi sang... velociraptor thing... maybe...
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the michealwave [based on crows and microraptors]
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whatgaviiformes · 3 years
Firefly’s Glow Part 4/?
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Chapter 1: Part 1 | Part 2 
Chapter 2: Part 3 | Part 4
You are Here
From the Beginning: FF | AO3
Summary: Imprisoned by the Hood, Gordon dreams of his oldest brother and of fireflies - but of course the Hood had to steal that memory too, in addition to his baldric, his boots, and Virgil’s face. What else could he possibly steal? He discovers the answer is quite a bit, and Gordon has to learn to navigate his new world, its new dangers, and the overbearing presence of his brothers’ desire to help what they can’t fix.
This part ~ 1,013 words - Continues from Scott finding Gordon
Part 4 
For all the what ifs he and John had concocted, this one was one neither of them would’ve thought possible. My brother is the size of a Hasbro figurine.
“Gord -?!” The rest of the name never made it quite past his dry lips.
“Hi, Scott.” Scott blinked at him. “So, are you going to stare or are you going to help me out of here?”
“You’re… Uh, What ha -” Scott stammered. “Gordon you’re so small! How the hell?”
“I don’t know, Scott. You tell me,” Gordon scowled, clambering over the tools in the kit to reach the edge of the box, where he was greeted with the open air. “The Hood injected me with something,” he added, rubbing at his chest where the dart had pierced his flesh, still tender from the assault.
Scott had once played with their father’s old G.I. Joe armies, though early in his youth he discovered model planes and the small figures were quickly stored in the attic again for the next Tracy child. Spoiler - they didn’t see the light of day again until Alan. Virgil was too occupied with making noise on anything and everything, John was absorbed in his books, and Gordon, though he might have had an interest, had been like a tornado when cooped up inside until he reached his pre-teen years and finally understand the concept of a good binge watch on the television. Alan had a few years of interest, then he too abandoned Captain Grid-Iron for Hot Wheels.
Scott remembered, he used to make up stories with Dad’s old G.I. Joes. Not very good ones, but intense ones, stories of heroism and sacrifice – Oh, no! Code Name Gristle’s been shot in the leg! However will he survive? Or KABOOM! Quick, evacuate the building! He once had put his toys through the ringer.
The glamour of war had been completely shredded by his actual tour of duty – granted he’d been long past his G.I. Joe days by then. But he felt a bit of acid rise in his throat standing in front of Gordon and thinking of the violence in the way he used to play with the army men. The reality was that his brother was that delicate at his current size, and he was clearly injured judging by the soiled state of his IR suit.
He’d been hurt. Whatever the Hood did, he’d hurt his brother.
“Sorry, Gordon, just give me a moment to process,” Scott said. But even as he spoke, he remembered Gordon had been waiting for his help up out of the kit, and so he lowered his hand to Gordon’s feet, leaving his palm outward.
“It wasn’t necessarily a swim in the ocean for me either,” Gordon griped, stepping onto the offered hand. “Thanks.”
Asking what happened felt redundant, but he did so anyway, lifting Gordon to eye-level so he could more clearly investigate the blood on his suit. And was he off balance? His palm tickled where Gordon’s left foot put barely any pressure against his skin.
“He had me in a cell for a bit, watched me lock pick my way out the shackles. Thus the-” Gordon gestured to his bare feet to indicate his lost boots. “Then he hit me with an injection and I woke up like this. I assume Havoc recaptured me when I fell off the fireplace. Killed a spider which sucked, and now you’re here.”  
As Gordon spoke, the movement of his hands and the unsteady surface of Scott’s palm threw him off balance, and he fell back on his backside and, in a classic Gordon maneuver, tried to make it look intentional. Despite the situation they were in, Scott found himself forcing back a grin. Then Gordon’s words sank in.
“Wait, you fell off a fireplace?!”
“I climbed down most of the way first. And it wasn’t my fault. The bottle they tried to keep me in fell and shattered.”
“Gordon, that’s really high. What were you thinking doing something like that?”
“I was thinking about escaping. Honestly, Scott, what would you have done?” Gordon had him there; they were Tracys. They didn’t give up. “That’s what I thought.”
“But we were coming,” Scott protested.
“Would you really have been looking for 4 ft me in a glass bottle?”
“No, probably not.” This time, Gordon spared his brother the yeah, I told you so, and simply hummed in his hand and wearily ran a hand through his messy hair.
They ran through Gordon’s list of injuries, and Scott did not like the sound of millions of tiny pieces of glass hurtling through the air towards his brother’s unprotected face, and it didn’t escape him that some of those shards could easily have been as large as his brother himself.  Nor was it all comforting to know that Gordon actually didn’t remember where his hopefully-only-sprained ankle came from.  
He had assumptions. Carelessness most likely, not recognizing what would be considered too high for a figure of Gordon’s size. Another side of Scott knew the injury could have been intentional. To keep Gordon contained.
For all the good that did. And, yeah, it was dangerous what Gordon had done to find his own means of escape, but hell if Scott wasn’t proud of him.
“Hey, Scott?”
“Are we safe?” Gordon asked, adding with a whisper, “Is Havoc out?”
“I got her with a stun gun, but you’re right. We should move. Kayo is here somewhere, and the others will be following shortly.”
“What about the rescue? Everyone else is ok?”
“Another successful mission,” Scott affirmed. “And yes, all accounted for now. Here, I’ll fill you in while we walk.”
He raised Gordon up to the level of his shoulder so he could climb onto his right. Scott felt Gordon’s uneven gait settle in the space near his neck, and his IR uniform collar pulled away slightly when Gordon grabbed it to steady himself.  
The others were going to be livid when they found out about all this.
“And, ah, shit. I need to call John.”
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Fresh Start part 5
Sorry if i have the college parts wrong, I’m from Australia and don’t know much about American College culture, but this is fiction right?! :) 
Warning: mentions of rape and physical abuse.
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You woke up in the morning early, showered and washed your hair; it was all sticky from the dancing you and the ADA had done the night before. When you got out, you dried yourself and wrapped yourself in a towel. You checked the clock, it was 8 am; you had one and half hours to get organised. Seemed simple right, wrong. After going through every draw in your tall boy, you pulled out your favourite pair of dark blue skinny ankle jeans and put them on. You loved these jeans; they made your ass look amazing and were so comfortable. You looked through your shirts; most of them were work shirts. Then you came across a white cold shoulder t shirt, it was your first time wearing it. You made a mental note to buy more “going out shirts” if this was going to be a regular thing, which you really hoped it was going to be. You looked yourself over in the mirror and you didn’t look too bad. You then went in and dried your hair, leaving it out straight for a change, put on just a little bit of makeup for colour and some perfume. You walked to your shoes and picked up your most comfortable pair of flats and once again weren't work ones and put them on, followed by your jean jacket. You looked at yourself once more before grabbing your wallet, keys, putting your badge in your front jean pocket, your phone in your back pocket, quickly grabbing a cold top tart and walked out the door to get a cab.
20 minutes later you arrived to where the horse carriages were, you paid, got out and scanned the side walk, that’s when you seen him, in light blue tight fitted jeans, a navy jumper and a white polo shirt collar poking out with a nice pair of navy boat shoes, you could smell his cologne from where he was standing, you loved his smell so much. He spotted you, smiled brightly and walked towards you.
“Morning Mr Barba, glad you didn’t disappoint.” You said with a cheeky smile
He looked at you with a big smile on his face, lent over and kissed you on the cheek while placing a hand on your hip.
“Morning Y/N, please today I’m Raf.” You giggled as he started to walk off to the park gates, you couldn’t help but look as his bum in those tight jeans, wow you thought to yourself. You where so used to seeing him in suit with his jacket usually on hiding everything. He turned around and caught you staring; he smiled, “Coming?” You nodded with red cheeks and headed towards him.
As you walked through the park you asked each other questions to get to know each other. You heard about his mother and grandmother, his upbringing, studies and how he made his way up to ADA and working with SVU. He heard about your home life and getting to this point. It was nice, just talking to someone that wanted to know you, know how you ticked. He was amazed by you. You sounded so wise, like you had been here before, but you were so clam, soft and kind, he hoped you never lost that, working with SVU was hard; he had seen so many things that haunted him. He found out that you didn’t have much jewellery, was because it wasn’t something you brought for yourself, you only wore pieces you had gotten as gifts from your Mum and family for different occasions. You laughed and teased each other, it just felt so right. So comfortable, it just worked. You had never clicked so much with someone of the opposite sex as you did with Rafael.
“It’s so beautiful in here.” He nodded at you. “Hungry? It’s getting late, should we go and get lunch?” You nodded, “Follow me.” He said and you both started to walk out of the park shoulder to shoulder. Just as you got to the gate, you had just finished laughing at something funny he said when your phone started to buzz, you took it out of your back pocket, “Sorry its Liv, I better take this” he gave you a small smile as he knew this, whatever this was, was about to come to an end. Way to kill the mood Liv he thought to himself
“Y/N, I’m sorry to call you on a day off, but I need you at the prescient now.”
“Um ok Liv, I’ll be there in 20.”
“Thanks Y/N sorry again.”
You hung up the phone, and looked up at Rafael standing there looking out into the traffic;
“Raf, I’m so sor.....”
He cut you off before you could finish by placing his hand around your wrist, “it’s Ok, I of all people know what the job can be like. I’ll just have to buy you lunch another day.” He said with a small shy hopeful smile.
You giggled, you lent in and kissed him on the cheek, him still holding on to the wrist, “Thank you so much for today, it didn’t disappoint, I had a really good time with you Rafael. And Yes rain check on lunch for sure”, he pulled you in for a hug and then peaked you on the cheek. You pulled away looking straight into his eyes smiling, you were nose to nose, but you didn’t have time for this right now you had to get to the station. You turned out of his embrace, walked the curb and waved down a taxi; you jumped in and shut the door and waved bye to him.
Rafael let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “You idiot, you should of kissed her, she was RIGHT there” he screamed inside his head. What if he never had a chance to make a more like that again? When he seen you walk towards him before going into the park, he couldn’t stop staring, how could he, you looked amazing in everything you wore, work cloths, ball gowns and casual clothes. You knew how to match things together, which just looked amazing. He caught you staring at him, he smiled to himself as he remembered your face when he turned around and caught you. He loved your laugh, your giggle, your quick wit and how wise you seemed, he loved that you loved old music, reading and theatre. He loved the little kisses on his cheek and how you never pulled away from his touch. He was disappointed the day had to end, but he knew too well about the job you had.
Deep in sleep, he rolled over to his phone buzzing; he looked at his clock on his bedside table with 1 eye slightly open, 1 am. He picked it up half asleep, “Hello”
“Barba, you were sleeping? It’s Nick, your needed down here now.” And he hung up. He jumped out of bed put on his jeans and polo and then a jacket and ran out the door grabbing a cab. When he walked into SVU he saw craziness, people everywhere, was it always like this, this time of night? Liv walked out of her office, “Barba, Sorry we had to call you at this hour, but we have a situation and we needed you.” She walked back into her office, him following close behind. He walked in to both blinds up on the two ways in her office. Fin and Amanda where in one room with some college kid that held his head in his hands with Fin standing over him and what looked like Amanda yelling at him. Then he looked over to the other window and saw Nick and you, with another guy, also looked like he was from college with his arms crossed and looking down at the table. When he seen you standing next to the table, he was shocked. Your hair was tied up messy, your make up run around your eyes, your face slightly reddened, what looked like a split lip which was bloody and swollen, you had a NYPD singlet top on tucked into your jeans so it didn’t look too big and what looked like finger and hand print marks around both your arms. Liv turned on the intercom.
“YOU TRIED TO TAG TEAM ME. You ripped my shirt off, which was new by the way. You thought I was just some pledge girl. If you did it to me, how many other girls have you done it to? What would you have done to be if I didn’t break free when I did HUH?.......You better start talking Mate, you and your friend are in a lot of trouble.” You snarled.
“What the HELL happened?” he spat at Liv frowning at her.
Liv went on to tell him that a young college girl came in this morning saying she had been rapped last night during a party for hell week at college. She had to ask a guy for a photo of his privates to prove she could belonged, the guy agreed, then started to hit on her, and then another one of his friends joined, they put a rush on the DNA and to was positive match for these two guys. The young lady told her that there was another party that night with more pledges to be made, so she put you and Nick in as under cover and you had to act the part and see if these guys would do it again.
Barba put a hand over his face and sighed.
“Why does Y/N look like that? She is a mess! Her lip is split and, is that....is that hand marks around her arms?” He said through gritted teeth, taking in deep breath threw his nose. He had to try and put his feelings aside for a minute and act professional. He had a great morning with you, that she interrupted with this case, just to put you under cover at some party, for you to get held down and bashed, he was pretty sure you would of have more fun with him.
Liv looked down, “Uh....Nick couldn’t get to her in time when we told him to go, she had a wire and a camera in her earrings. There were just too many people to get past, she was back handed by this kid when she wouldn’t stop screaming and she was held down by the other kid, quite hard as you can see by the marks. They ripped her shirt off, if she didn’t break free when she did, things could have been very different. Lucky she remembered her training, broke free to pull her gun on them just as Nick and all of us ran in.”
He looked down at his shoes, “Liv, it’s her second week, hell it’s just the end of her first and you put her under cover?”
“She did a great job Rafa, we were watching the whole time, and Nick just couldn’t get past everyone when he needed to. And she was the only one that looked the part.”
“You put her in danger, Nick put her in danger. Just because she looks young. I need to see the tapes of what happened, NOW. I hope she didn’t take any pictures.”
3 am you and Nick walked out of the interview room, the kid asked for a lawyer and they were being arraigned in the morning. You went straight to Liv’s couch and sat down with a huff, Nick followed sitting next to you.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t get to you in time. I would never want anything to happen to you.”
“So you should be.” You both looked up to see Barba, less than impressed, with his hands on his hips. Nick rolled his eyes, “No one asked you Counsellor.” You put your hand around Nicks arm to claim him down.
“You both need to relax. No harm was done.”
“Look at your lip and the marks on your arms.” Barba snapped
“Evidence” Nick spat back
Liv walked in, “The young lady that came in this morning said she will testify if Y/N does.”
“You need to get home get some sleep and be back at my office by midday tomorrow I need to prep you and her, be prepared for long afternoon Detective.”
“Yes Counsellor.” You said as you stood up. 
“I’ll get her home” said Nick as you both walked out of the office.
You had just walked through your door when your phone buzzed, “what now” you said to yourself out load;
4 am; Barba: Sorry if I was too snappy at you, i was worried when I found out what happened to you. Hope your Ok. See you at Midday, my office. Get some rest.
4.03 am; You: All good, see you then.
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
The wrong kiss
A/N and NOW it’s actually day 11 ! What a party today has been folks, I feel like I’ve been in this world for so long i’ve forgotten how to function as a human being. 
ANYWAY this is Sirius x reader, some best friend goodness, and a quidditch final, cause i love it. Enjoy xx
Y/N woke up suddenly, rubbing her eyes whilst sitting up. The rest of the dorm room was still asleep and there was frost settling on the windowsill. Y/N pulled herself out of bed, stretching out her back and moving towards her chair where she had laid out her uniform the night before. Today was the day.
She gulped, staring at the uniform for a moment before putting it on quickly and slipping out of the dorm room before anyone could get up. Y/N had a routine the morning before a game, and the fact that it was a final didn’t mean that would change. She made her way down the stairs, lingering in the light of the sun streaming through each window along the way towards the Great Hall. She took a breath in every four steps and a breath out every four steps.
Y/N arrived at the Great Hall feeling a little calmer and ignored the stares she was receiving when she walked down the Gryffindor table and to where there was a large portion of bacon.
“Early as always,” A loud voice broke her concentration and she rolled her eyes as a tall boy with messy black hair sat beside her and stole her piece of bacon.
“Can you not steal my food,” Y/N elbowed him over and took back her piece, pairing it with some scrambled eggs and toast, making a sandwich.
“It’s my pregame tradition!” James pouted, getting some more and chowing down.
“Gryffindor’s mighty leader, and best chaser, sitting together, getting ready for the match of the century!” Y/N smiled as she heard the voice of her best friend, Sirius Black whispering cheers as he ran down the Gryffindor table to meet them.
“Good morning to you too,” He leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head, another of their pre-game traditions. Y/N sort of wished it had never become one, since she seemed to get a tingle that moved from her head the whole way down her body every time he did it. But it was fine, that’s just best friendship.
“Are you ready?” Sirius sat opposite them, clapping his hands together.
“Better be,” James mock-glared at Y/N who snorted.
“He pretends, but he’s very serious.”
“Yeah, it’s the same look he gives me when he’s ‘ok with me stealing his clothes’”
“I regret every introducing you two,” He scowled, biting down on some toast aggressively.
Slowly students had begun to trickle into the Great Hall, many wearing either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw colours, the Hall getting louder and louder as people began cheering at each time as they passed their seats. Y/N had been sinking deeper and deeper into her seat as it got busier and James was watching her carefully.
“Alright, changerooms, now.” He was in captain mode now, his voice almost getting deeper, commanding. Y/N followed him out of the Great Hall, nodding to Sirius who wished them good luck, James picking up the rest of the team as they went down the table, leading them towards the pitch.
“Weather is great, light wind but nothing that’s gonna whip us in the face.” James turned to grin at his team. “Are you ready?”
“Damn right we are!” Rigel, the house beater cried, raising his bat in the air. The rest of the team rallied with him, yelling loudly.
“So let’s get out there and destroy Ravenclaw!” He put his hand in, the rest of the team joined him. “3,2,1, GRYFFINDOR!”
The team joined in, yelling as hard as they could muster.
“Alright, get your arses back in the changerooms and let’s go over some final strategy.”
Y/N begun pacing the changerooms as James went over the strategies they had been practicing all year. She had them in her head, she’d run over them for the past few weeks with James, by herself, if anything it was just making her more nervous.
“Are you ok?” Vega leaned in, tugging Y/N’s sleeve and getting her to stop moving.
“Yeah, sorry, just… you know.”
Vega smiled at her. She was another chaser, they had been on the team together for the past 3 years and were just about as in sync as it gets.
“We’re in this together.” She bumped Y/N’s shoulder playfully, grinning at her. Y/N smiled back squeezing her hand tightly.
“It’s time to go,” James squeezed his hands together, taking a deep breath, “Let’s do this.”
They heard Madam Hooch call out Gryffindor and they mounted their brooms, flying into the pitch to a tumultuous applause, the Gryffindors screaming as loud as they could as they landed in the middle of the pitch, meeting the Ravenclaw team.
“Captains shake hands!” Hooch called out, her voice magnified 10x its normal volume.
James and Charlie, the Ravenclaw Captain, stepped forwards the shook hands, both of them clearly trying to squeeze the others hard enough to leave a bit of a bruise. They stepped back, returning to their respective teams.
“OK, on my whistle! 3,2,1 – “ the whistle blew and the teams flew up into the air. Y/N felt the pleasant sensation of soaring through the air, the wind whipping through her tight plait.
The crowd’s cheers were drowned out as she focused in on where the quaffle was, zooming towards Vega who had stolen it from one of the Ravenclaw chasers. There was a whipping noise beside her and she ducked, avoiding a bludger as she reached Vega’s other side, there to support for the two very large Ravenclaw boys zooming towards her from the Ravenclaw side.
Y/N dropped underneath Vega, holding back momentarily as Vega continued to move forwards and towards the two boys who were about to circle her. At the last second, Y/N zoomed forwards, catching the quaffle that Vega ‘dropped’ as the boys swarmed. She dove upwards and shot towards goal, making the shot.
“Yes, Y/N!” She could hear James scream from across the pitch, his arms in the air as he circled at the top, keeping his eye out for the snitch. The Gryffindor side screamed along side him as the score went up, 5-nil.
Ravenclaw scored two more next, countered by three more goals by Vega.
Madame Hooch called half-time and the teams landed quickly, both keen to use as much time as possible to their advantage. It was tense, as expected, with both teams having been matched in scores across the season, and being evenly matched in just about every player. James had gone for the snitch twice but been cut off by the other seeker, choosing to tail him instead of go after the snitch herself.
“Look we are playing well, but not well enough.” James waited until they were all seated before talking, his voice harder than normal. Y/N knew how much the final meant to him, his last final. Problem was, it was also Charlie’s last game, and Y/N was sure he would do everything he could to take down James Potter in his last year.
“We need to be pulling out all the stops ok, last game means all your energy, all your resources. I don’t care if you have a date tomorrow, or seven exams next week. This is all you need to focus on. So, get out there, bludger heading towards your head or not, and win!”
“I don’t think I’m prepared to die, captain,” Muller grinned, the second beater, winking at James who looked like he was making a war chant.
“You know what I bloody well mean, get out there!”
“Yes, captain, sir!” Muller and Rigel saluted to James who scowled at them. They trooped back onto the pitch, mounding their brooms and meeting the Ravenclaw team. Madame Hooch whistled and the teams were off again.
Before long, Ravenclaw was on 150 points and Gryffindor was just behind on 140. Another bludger got hit directly where James was flying, but he dodged it neatly, making it slam into Y/N’s back who was flying over the top of the Ravenclaw chasers, hoping to dive on top of them.
Y/N felt the pain shoot through her, barely hearing Madame Hooch’s whistle as the game paused momentarily to ensure she was ok. Vega and Rigel came over to her, Vega holding her up as she bent over in pain, groaning loudly.
“Are you ok?” Veja yelled over the boos the Gryffindor crowd was screaming.
“Yeah just give me a second,” Y/N groaned louder, but motioned to Madame Hooch that she was ok. She raised an eyebrow but blew her whistle when Y/N straightened out her back. Y/N kept an eye on James from the corner of her eye, sending him a nod, flying slowly upwards and towards the Gryffindor goal posts.
James zoomed off, but everyone in the crowd and most of the game still had their eyes on Y/N as she waved off her teammates and the quaffle returned to play. But then they saw it. A yell went up from the pitch, Charlie screaming out to their seeker as they saw James diving lower and lower, a golden glint in the corner of the pitch.  
Other players had finally seen him and chased him down the field, but they were too late. James brought his broom upwards and held his hand up in the air, holding a fluttering golden ball. A huge cheer went up across the pitch, the crowd and team in sync as they flew towards him and crashed directly into him as they all hit the ground, screaming victory.
Suddenly Sirius was beside her, lifting her up in a hug that swung her legs of the floor and had his head buried into her shoulder.
“Are you ok!” He looked slightly concerned, but his mouth was still curved in a smile that he seemed to be trying to play down.
“Give me a butterbeer and save me a dance, and then I will be,” Y/N winked and he barked out a laugh, squeezing her tighter.
"Party in the common room!" James shouted at the swarming crowd that had hoisted most of the team up upon their backs. The crowd lowered the team so they could make their way to the front of the pitch where Dumbledore was standing with Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall, ready to present them with the house cup.
McGonagall looked like she might cry, and James jumped up onto the podium and kissed her on the cheek, holding the cup into the air for the crowd to see, grinning stupidly down at them all.
“We did it!” He yelled, jumping up and down next to Dumbledore and Hooch, who were smiling and shaking their heads at him. Finally, he jumped into the crowd, letting them swarm him once more, leading them slowly up towards the Gryffindor Common Rooms.
The music began blaring almost immediately, the common room covered in scarves and streamers, obviously very hastily strewn across the fireplace and windows.
Even Remus had joined in, forgetting most of his prefect duties, and digging into the piles upon piles of food, that James and Sirius had 'miraculously' appeared with at the portrait hole. Y/N went over to the drink table and was just about to grab one when someone whispered in her ear. 
"I think they've been spiked," the voice said, and she turned to see the grinning face of Lily, who was nodding in the direction of James dancing like a lunatic and Sirius laughing beside him. Y/n rolled her eyes and let Lily lead her over to some armchairs, a bit away from all of the action. 
"So, tell me about the match" Lily grinned at her, "Are you ok?"
She stayed with her for a bit before going to join James, giving him a kiss on the cheek and attempting to calm him down as he was now threatening to transfigure Peter into a rat. Y/N was left sitting in her armchair, happily watching James and Sirius make fools of themselves. 
Sirius fell over almost immediately, attempting to sit back down on the seats in front of him. 
"The chairs keep moving out of my way!" He yelled angrily, stumbling into some of the team who were huddled together and rehashing the best parts of the game. 
"Try not moving yourself, idiot" Vega pushed him sideways and into the chair next to Y/N’s.
"Conspiracy" He muttered under his breath, sinking deeper into the chair, his head lolling slightly to the side. Rigel followed him, dancing a little excitedly through the crowd and stumbling over towards her, arms outstretched. Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his extremely happy expression.
"I can't believe we won!" he slurred slightly, picking Y/N up in a huge bear hug, spinning her around him. Y/N grinned as he lowered her back down again, before he leant in and kissed her passionately on the lips.
Y/N kissed him back momentarily, pulling back and laughing loudly at him. They’d made out before, for fun, though she knew he was desperately in love with the Ravenclaw seeker and also drunk out of his mind. He stumbled backwards, still grinning and moving off and back to their teammates.
Y/N shook her head and turned to face Sirius who had seemingly sobered up suddenly, now giving her an odd expression.
“What?” Y/N asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing,” He mumbled, still a little slurred, lowering his gaze.
“What’s the matter!” She said a little louder, over the music that had been slowly increasing in volume over the past few hours. Y/N leaned forward in her chair and kicked him lightly in his shin when he didn’t reply.
“It’s nothing!” He raised his arms in defeat, standing up, “I just need some air.”
“Ok, I’ll come with-“
“No,” He spun around on his heel, stumbling slightly back into the chair but steadying himself quickly. “I just mean, I just want to be by myself for a minute.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes, watching him leave the common room, pushing the door to the fat lady open and disappearing into the night. After a moment of consideration, Y/N grimaced and followed him, ignoring the Fat Lady’s drunken cheers for the Gryffindor team and running down the hallway in the direction where she could still hear his footsteps.
“Sirius!” She called out when she saw him, speeding up to catch him before he saw who it was. He was standing beside the large window that overlooked the owlery and far side of the grounds and jumped when he heard his name.
“What- oh, Y/N, I told you – “
“I bloody know what you told me,” Y/N huffed, cutting him off, “but I want to know why you got all sour puss, you love parties.”
“I don’t love parties,” He muttered, leaning against the window and crossing his arms. Y/N rolled her eyes and stepped forwards.
“Oh come off it, I’ve never seen you leave one before at least 4 am, and that’s if you and James haven’t continued it in your dorm in secret.”
“For Merlin’s sake, Y/N can you just leave me alone for one minute!”
“I will not if you’re in a shit mood and ruining your own favourite thing for yourself! You looked fine until.” Y/N stopped herself, suddenly making the connection. But, no. He couldn’t be mad because of that.
Sirius seemed to squirm in his spot, looking increasingly uncomfortable.
“Are you mad… because Rigel kissed me?” Y/N stared a little incredulously at him, eyes bulging as she heard the words out loud. “Are you jealous?”
Sirius huffed, leaning onto his other foot, opening and closing his mouth momentarily before actually replying.
“I’m not,” He started, his face beginning to flush, “I’m not jealous. You’re free to kiss whoever you –”
Y/N cut him off again, but this time by leaning in quickly and kissing him. He seemed to stand in shock for a second, and Y/N went to pull away, feeling complete and utter embarrassment start to overtake her but then, as if a switch flipped inside his brain, he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her back.
Y/N’s heart gave a little stutter as he parted his lips and Y/N felt the wet of his mouth on hers, his arms around her waist, her back and then reaching up to feel the edge of her hair, pulling it out of the plait that was still sitting along her back. Y/N shook it out, letting him pull a hand through it, grabbing strands as they continued to kiss, pushed up against the windowsill.
Sirius pulled away first, his face still flushed, though Y/N was starting to think it was likely the firewhiskey they had spiked the punch with, his face alive and surprised.
“I… I didn’t see that coming,” He said finally, Y/N laughing a little nervously in response.
“I honestly didn’t plan it.”
“You should not plan things more often.”
The stood in silence for a moment, wrapped up in each other. Y/N could feel Sirius’ heart beating loud and strong in his chest and she felt the sudden urge to lean against it, feel the beat against her.
“So how long…” Sirius asked, trailing off with a knowing expression.
“A long time,” Y/N laughed again, nodding, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“And you never said anything!”
“You never said anything!” Y/N pushed him lightly, smiling giddily up at him. He was smiling too, running a hand through his curly dark hair.
“So uh, am I meant to like ask you out, or?” Sirius feigned confusion and Y/N shoved him again laughing louder.
“I hate you.”
“I have definitive proof against that actually,” Sirius winked at her, pulling her closer to him again.
“Prove it.”
He kissed her again, softer this time, lingering on her lips for a moment before pulling away.
“Yeah, shit, you’re right,” Y/N looked up at him again, heart fluttering, whole body tingling. Happy.
 Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad​ @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​ @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom
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javistg · 4 years
Through the Senses
Chapter 3. Smell.
The third instalment of TTS is here! To read the previous chapters you can go HERE or to AO3 or FF.net.
This one’s from Katniss’s POV.
Hope you enjoy ❤️
  The electric fence, covered in early morning dew, loomed on the horizon. 
 Keeping to the narrow alleys of the Seam, Katniss reached the empty Meadow. The smell of freshly cut grass tickled her nose. 
She quickened her step. The place would be crawling with Peacekeepers soon -- and not the usual lazy kind. 
 The officers patrolling the streets today had been sent directly from the Capitol to oversee the reaping. They wore spotless uniforms and walked in a straight line. 
 Young and arrogant, they always kept their eyes peeled for any irregularities. The thought of catching some poor sucker trying to break the law drew them in, but the prospect of showing up the local authorities --and gaining some glory-- was what truly drove them on their quest.
 Luckily for Katniss --who spent her days breaking the law— their loud, coordinated footsteps, paired with the stench of bleach they left behind, were hard to ignore.
 Stealthily, she walked over to the loose spot in the fence and, hiding behind a clump of brushes, flattened out on her belly and slid underneath.
 After retrieving her bow and sheath of arrows, she moved deeper into the woods. There, hidden by the thick line of trees encircling District 12, she breathed easy again. 
 Wrapped in the scent of pine needles and wet dirt she knew so well, Katniss made her way to the rock ledge where Gale was waiting for her. 
 Breakfast was good that morning. Fresh bakery bread; goat’s cheese packed in fragrant basil leaves; sweet blackberries, tart and juicy, that tasted like summer dreams. 
 The sun was high in the sky when the hunting partners walked back to the district. Their satchels were full; their hearts heavy. A good haul didn’t matter as much when the reaping was just a few hours away. 
 Eager to get rid of their goods, Katniss and Gale stopped by the Hob first. 
 The sweet smell of ripe strawberries followed the hunters. Stubborn and thick, it hung in the air as they traded their fish for bread and salt. 
 After visiting Sae, Katniss wrapped her arms over her hunting bag and stepped out into the bright day. Keeping her eyes to the ground, she hoped the visiting Peacekeepers wouldn’t notice the unmistakable fragrance trailing behind on her way to the mayor’s house.  
 By the time she got home, a warm bath awaited her. 
 After scrubbing off the dirt and sweat from the woods, Katniss washed her hair. Clean and refreshed, she rested her neck on the lip of the tub, stretched out her legs, and closed her eyes. 
 As the water cooled down around her, she took a deep, long breath. 
 The anise shrub Mrs. Everdeen had planted on the windowsill was in full bloom. The soft, cotton-like blossoms released their heady scent into the muggy air, sending memories of hearty winter stews and rainy afternoons back into Katniss’s mind. 
 Soon she’d have to dry off and get ready to go to the square, but for a few blissful seconds, her world was at peace. 
 Prim hadn’t taken any tesserae. Their pantry was full. 
 Somewhere deep, in that place in her soul where she tried not to dwell, Katniss hoped her father would approve.
The cave was still dark when Katniss opened her eyes. 
 Pushing her hood away from her face, she stretched out her neck and greedily filled her lungs with cold, early morning air.
 Outside, a fierce storm raged on, pelting the rocks of the cave, and filling the small space with the rhythmic patter of droplets hitting wet earth. 
 The scent of damp tree bark and green moss that filtered through the rocks reminded her of her woods, but the strong arms holding her tethered her to reality. These weren’t the woods surrounding District 12. Her life in the Seam was miles away. 
 Trying not to disturb her district partner, Katniss gingerly flipped over on her side. It was a tight fit inside the sleeping bag, but she didn’t mind. Having Peeta there, keeping guard right next to her, beat being alone, any time. 
 “You OK?” he asked, lifting his arm to accommodate her movements. 
 “Mm-hmm. Just needed to change position,” Katniss mumbled, drowsily resting her head on his shoulder and her hand over his chest.
 Peeta’s arms wrapped around her. 
 He smelled of sweat, dirt, ointment, and… rust? 
 Probably the dried blood on his bandages, Katniss thought.  
 It wasn’t the most enticing aroma —some might have even found it nauseating— but, to her, it was better than the most expensive Capitol perfume. 
 She was so relieved to have him there, alive and kicking and resting in her arms instead of dead by the river bed, that she rubbed her nose against his t-shirt and smiled.
 “Hey, that tickles,” Peeta chuckled.
 “Sorry,” she said around a yawn.
 Lifting his free hand, Peeta began brushing the loose strands of hair on her forehead, gently stroking them back into her messy braid. “Not a problem.” His voice was a soothing caress when he asked, “D’you want me to tell you a story to help you sleep?”
 A story? 
 The world outside was falling apart. 
 The star-crossed lovers of District 12 were still trapped in an arena with a crazed career hot on their trail, but as she lay there —comforted by the steady warmth of Peeta’s body beside her— none of that seemed to matter much. 
 Maybe a bedtime story is just what I need. “Tell me about those cakes you make,” Katniss asked, “the pretty ones.” 
 Still stroking her hair, Peeta told her about the bits of chalk he collected when he was little, and of the funny animals he liked to draw on the sidewalk. “Then, when I was eight,” he whispered as her breathing evened out, “my father asked me to make those same caricatures on a birthday cake. I’ve been in charge of frosting ever since.”
 Peeta’s soft words blended with the gentle melody of water dancing around them, and before long, Katniss drifted off. 
Wrapped in her mother’s old shawl, Katniss rocked back and forth. Back and forth.
A few feet away, a fire danced in the hearth. 
The smoke of burning hickory and eucalyptus leaves floated through the house, infusing the empty rooms with its soothing aroma.
Dull, Katniss stared at the flames and rocked. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Morning broke.  
Sae bustled about in the kitchen, humming softly to herself until the smell of scrambled eggs and toast filled the room. 
“Come on, girl, breakfast’s ready,” Sae called out.
Too tired to do anything but comply, Katniss dragged her feet over to the table, sat down, and slowly cleaned her plate. 
Days went by.
The rocking chair by the fireplace swayed back and forth. Back and forth.
Sae cooked and scrubbed the house clean. Traces of lemon peel and soap lingered in the air late into the night.
Lost in a world of pain and shadows, Katniss buried her nose in her mother’s shawl and, numbing her senses with the smell of mothballs and lavender that still clung to the soft fabric, rocked in her chair. 
Back and forth. Back and forth.
“Spring is in the air today,” Sae said one morning. “You ought to get out. Go hunting.”
The idea seemed absurd, but a few hours later, Katniss left her chair and walked down to the study.  
Wrapped in the musky smell of her father’s hunting jacket, she fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning, Peeta came back. 
Shaken, Katniss shut the door behind her and ran up the stairs and into her room. 
The scent was very faint, but it still laced the air. 
A white rose —shriveled and fragile, but holding on to that unnatural perfection cultivated in Snow’s greenhouse— stood among the dried flowers in a vase.
Grabbing the vase, Katniss stumbled back to the kitchen and threw its contents into the embers. 
The flowers flared up. A burst of blue flame enveloped the rose and devoured it. 
Fire beats roses again, she thought, smashing the vase on the hardwood floor.
Back in her bathroom, Katniss peeled off her clothes and stepped into the shower. 
Chamomile scented bubbles danced around her, washing away the weeks of dirt and neglect.
Later, as she untangled her hair, rubbing pomegranate infused oil to the damaged strands, she began to wonder about the world outside her door. 
Haymitch was probably at home —drinking himself into oblivion.
Peeta was back. 
Where was everyone else?
Restored after a good night’s sleep, Katniss stretched her arms and legs until they reached the edges of the bed. With a contented sigh, she relaxed onto the mattress and turned to the empty space next to her. 
The sheets were rumpled but cold. Peeta had woken up early. 
Frowning, Katniss flipped over, buried her nose in his pillow, and took a deep breath.
Nutmeg, vanilla, orange peel, and something else —deep and enticing that she identified as exclusively Peeta’s— tickled her nose and soothed her worries.
Smiling again, she pushed the covers away and got up. 
After brushing her teeth and getting ready for the day, Katniss threw the windows open.  
The smell of sweet lemons and ripe cherries greeted her, making her heart jump in joy. The trees in her orchard were in full bloom. Summer had begun. 
Humming a happy tune, Katniss walked down the stairs. 
As she neared the kitchen, her nose picked up hints of cinnamon, melted butter, and bacon sizzling in the skillet. 
Her stomach grumbled in anticipation. Sunday Brunches with Peeta were something she looked forward to all week. 
“Morning!” she said, slipping into the kitchen.
Peeta turned away from the stove. His eyes lit up at the sight of her. “Morning! Did you have a good night?”
“Yup.” Katniss walked over to the counter and reached the teapot. It was already full. “How about you? You woke up early.”
Peeta turned his attention back to the skillet with the bacon. “I woke up at seven. I couldn’t go back to sleep, so I figured I could start my day.”
With a soft hum, Katniss poured herself a cup of tea. “Want some?” 
“Yeah, I’m almost done here.” 
While Peeta cracked two eggs onto a waiting pan, Katniss poured two teacups and carried them back to the table where she sat down. 
Resting her elbows on the countertop, she watched him work. 
He looked good. He had recovered some of the weight he’d lost during the war, and the yard work he did every day had given his pale skin a healthy golden glow.
“Got any plans for today?” she asked as the earthy smell of the freshly brewed tea hung around her.
 Peeta began to plate the bacon and eggs. “Not really, but it’s a nice day out. We should do something.”
 “How would you like to go for a swim?” 
Peeta turned around; eyebrows raised in surprise. “Really? Where?” 
“I know a place.” Katniss reached out and took the plate he was offering. French toast with cinnamon, maple syrup, fried eggs, roasted apples, bacon. The smell alone was enough to make her mouth water. 
Peeta sat down. “Is it far from here?”
“It’s a bit of a walk -- we’ll need to take some food for later -- but I think it’s worth it.” Dipping a bit of bread in the egg, she added, “You should bring your watercolors.”
Looking up from his food, Peeta smiled at her. A soft, warm smile that spoke of the trust between them, the joy he found in the small moments they shared. 
Blushing, Katniss nodded to his plate. “Eat up, your food’s getting cold.” 
They ate the rest of their breakfast in silence, stealing shy glances over their food while Katniss made a mental list of everything she wanted to show him on the way to her father’s lake. 
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Crossed Wires pt.3
Flash Fanfic
Warnings: None
Word Count: ~2,500
Pairings: Oc x Canon
***Note: Emily is my own creation, I just like sticking her in random places***
Emily woke early the next morning, Harry still sleeping sound beside her. She pondered if it would still be Harry or if Nash took control again before stretching and leaving the warm covers. With one last stretch she rummaged around for something to wear, picking up a pair of her pants before looking for a shirt. Not finding any of her spares that were clean, she instead opted for one of Nash’s. He wouldn’t miss one of his many white shirts nor would he really mind, in fact he seemed to stare a little bit longer whenever she borrowed one. Smiling to herself she slipped out of her sleep shirt and into his before turning to the bed after having heard the sheets ruffle. “Morning,” she said smiling.
“Mornin’,” the response came with a distinctive southern drawl. Emily froze studying the familiar yet unfamiliar face looking back at her. Where in the world did his shirt go? Harry certainly fell asleep with one on. “Whaaa....?” she started confused.
“My apologies,” he replied standing. “Lothario, at your whim and desire.” He bowed low looking her up and down once he righted himself with a half smirk. Emily cringed a bit recognizing who it was that had taken control. “Ah, right. You dropped trow at a council meeting.”
“Made an impression did I?” He asked somewhat smugly taking a few steps toward her. “If only because it was so unexpected,” Emily countered taking a step back. He chuckled having come to a stop a few feet in front of her. “Yes, well, I’m not just impressive to look at. Should you so choose, I’d be more than happy to demonstrate my skills.”
“Ah, no, no thank you. That won’t be necessary,” Emily dismissed stepping around him. “Worried little ole Nash won’t measure up after?” he asked cheekily. Emily spun around and looked him in the eye, something she suspected may have excited him a degree given his reactionary behavior. “Did you forget you’re just borrowing Nash’s body?” she asked.
“Are you implying you’re already, *intimately,* familiar with him?” He attempted at prying. Although she could feel her cheeks become red and ears begin to burn she held her glare. “I’m not gonna stay on this topic,” she declared bringing an intrigued raised eyebrow to the man’s face. “Doppelgängers is carbon copies of each other,” he calls after her as she turns to leave the room. “But that don’t mean he can do what I do.”
“That’s perfectly fine with me,” she called back continuing towards the kitchen. “If you want food you’ll drop it and follow me.” Lothario smirked and followed her keeping quiet about the previous topic like she asked. “Since I’ve only seen you in passing,” she said rounding a corner into the kitchen. “What did you want for breakfast?”
“You,” he said pointedly sauntering up to the table. Emily gave him a look and sighed somewhat annoyed. “I meant food.”
“You look appetizing, you tellin’ me you ain’t nowhere on the menu?” He asked trying his best at flashing a smolder look. Emily glared completely over his schtick. “You’re not the first person with such a mindset I’ve had to deal with,” she said with some authority. “I’m not afraid of enforcing boundaries.”
“Ohh, scary,” he dismissed still smirking.
“Fine, you will get toast and you will like it,” she said matter-of-factly before turning to place four slices of bread in a near by toaster. After pressing the button she spun back around to point at him having heard his steps coming up behind her. “Sit,” she ordered. Rolling his eyes he complied taking a seat near by continuing to watch her and she continued keeping her eye on him. When the toaster popped, and without breaking eye contact, she floated the bread out and a plate from a cupboard before placing the toast onto it floating it over to Lothario. “What, no butter? Honey? Maybe some sugar?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows. Keeping a deadpan face, she floated over butter setting it down next to his plate. “When you’re done I’m taking you to the lab,” she said. “So don’t dawdle.”
“Yes, of course,” he smiled buttering his toast. “Are you gettin’ somethin’ as well?”
“I basically run off cosmic radiation and as such don’t need much food,” she explained. “I’ll be fine.”
“Nonsense,” he dismissed holding up a piece of toast. “Even Superman needs breakfast. ‘Ave one at least.” Emily eyed him for a moment before accepting. “Alright, fine. One piece.” She floated over some brown sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle on top before taking a bite. Lothario watched her curiously. “What you doin’?”
“Hmm? Oh, you’ve never had brown sugar cinnamon toast?” Emily asked mid bite.
“Can’t say that I have,” he responded.
“My mom used to make that for a special breakfast whenever there wasn’t time for actual special breakfast like strawberry shortcake.” Emily explained.
“Sounds delicious,” Lothario replied interested. Emily smiled reflecting on the breakfast memory. “Started by my memere, it has dense biscuits, sliced strawberries and lots and lots of whipped cream.”
“Whipped cream you say?” Lothario asked with a smirk. Emily’s face dropped, her jaw slack and cocked to one side clearly not amused. “Uh huh,” she said before deciding to just play along. “Sometimes it gets all over, just really messy y’know?”
“Uh huh,” Lothario agreed too distracted to finish the piece of toast in his hand.
“‘Course, if you don’t wash it off right away, the cream and syrup from the strawberries just make things really..... really..... sticky.” Emily took slow careful steps toward the table where he was sitting and leaned over it. Lothario stared wide eyed and slack jawed at her, his mind swimming with images until he dropped his toast startling him. Emily smirked. “You done?”
“I uh.... yeah. S’pose so,” he said still dazed.
“Good, lets go then,” she said holding out her hand. Lothario took the opportunity to get up close pulling her right up against him as he held her hand, almost like he was preparing to dance. Emily blushed and felt rather uncomfortable, especially with the placement of his hand so low on her back, but kept her composure enough to form a wormhole and transported them both to the lab. “Caitlyn!” Emily called trying to pry herself away from Lothario who had pressed himself closer to her. It was still rather early in the morning but she had taken note she usually showed up first. Caitlyn rounded the corner into the cortex in time to hear Emily scolding him. “Let me go before your hands are broken,” she said sternly.
“Nash?” Caitlyn asks.
“Lothario,” they both answer simultaneously.
“Please tell me he has cloths on this time,” Cisco pleads from around the corner just as Caitlyn was about to ask what he meant. “Council of Wells, has little to no concept of pants,” Cisco explained seeing Caitlyn’s confusion. “Ah,” she responded in understanding eyeing him warily.
“I made sure he kept pants on,” Emily assured.
“Not for lack of trying,” Lothario teased still keeping uncomfortably close to her. Emily stuck her hand in his face to keep him from making eyes at her. “He’s not very convincing.”
“You didn’t give me an opportunity to,” he countered trying to get his face close again.
“Caitlyn, help, please,” Emily pleaded.
“Alright, ok,” she says heading over to break things up. “Lets see what the device readings are for last night. Maybe it can tell us how to reverse it seeing as its happened again.”
“Don’t feel you need to rush,” Lothario said nonchalantly walking to the exam room. “I’m happy hangin ‘round for a while.” He winked at Emily who huffed still somewhat flustered.
“I think we may have to rush that actually,” Caitlyn said studying the readings. “Why, what is it?” Emily asked concerned. “It would seem that, somehow, the neural device not only monitored but malfunctioned during the night and caused his brainwaves to become unstable.”
“So what does that mean exactly? Is it dangerous?”
“It’s hard to tell but, it’s possible he could suffer permanent brain damage if the instability goes unchecked effectively leaving him in a vegetative state,” she said pointing at the screen.
“So how do we fix that?” Lothario asked now worried himself.
“Well, perhaps we could make adjustments to the device in order to stabilize and prevent spontaneous jumps. Most importantly though, is getting Nash to the front and preventing as many jumps as possible. The more jumps, the more damage.”
“So, I could disappear for good?” Lothario asked. “Caput? Erased? No more?”
“You, and every other Wells entangled in there,” Caitlyn confirmed.
Hearing the news, Emily became restless and tried to keep herself calm. “Emily? Hey, are you alright?” Caitlyn asked concerned. “Yeah, I’ll.... I’ll be ok,” she said stiffly. “Just a bit of anxiety, that’s all. How many jumps happened last night?”
Caitlyn paused while hiding the tablet. “Emily....”
“How many?” She insisted. “Please, it’s gonna be worse if you don’t tell me.” Caitlyn pursed her lips and paused. “According to the data retrieved, it looks like.... maybe 5,” she explained hesitantly. Mild panic flashed over Emily’s face and her whole self seemed to fall. “How bad did that leave things?”
“I can’t say exactly,” Caitlyn admitted. “But, we really don’t want more than that to happen again. Considering he still seems coordinated and aware of what he is doing, if there is any damage it’s not serious and easily reversible.” Emily ran her hands over her face and took a deep breath. “Why don’t you go take a walk?” Cisco suggested. “You look like you could use some air.” Emily shook her head. “No, I’m fine,” she dismissed. Cisco and Caitlyn nodded after a reluctant pause, Lothario studied her curiously mentally noting her attempt at saving face. He could tell she wasn’t handling this as well as she wanted them to believe but didn’t say anything.
“Alright, what’s step one?” She asked crossing her arms and resolving to see a solution.
“First step would be to recalibrate the neural device to stabilize his brainwaves,” Caitlyn explained nodding to Cisco.
“The device is wired mostly to Caitlyn’s brain, which thinking about it now, may have contributed to the malfunction; it wasn’t calibrated to handle so many patterns,” Cisco chimed in. “So we’ll need a detailed recent scan to start things off.”
“We still have the scan from when Eobard was expelled, right?” Emily asked.
“Right!” Caitlyn said remembering the prior events. “We can use that as a ‘target’ for the device. So that just leaves programming it to re-merge the brainwaves and getting Nash back to the front.”
“I’ll see if I can get th’ other Wells’ t’talk,” Lothario offered keeping his attention on Emily. “Don’t worry, we’ll get ‘im back for ya.” He nodded with a genuine smile and not his usual leer. Emily returned it causing a glimmer to appear in his eye and his smile to widen a bit. “So you, go head off with Cisco there and deal with the programming and I’ll stay here with Miss Caitlyn, and work out how to get Nash back.” Emily nodded with a deep sigh before turning to Cisco who ushered her away. “You sure you’re alright?” Cisco asked once they got a few feet down the hall. “I’ll be better when things are sorted,” she muttered. Cisco nodded in agreement before they entered his lab to begin working.
After a bout two and a half hours, Cisco and Emily felt confident they were making good headway. Using the data from the expulsion of Thawn, they modified the device to alternate frequencies until the brainwaves merged back into stable position. All they needed now was for Nash to be in the forefront when everything fell into place. “This should keep jumps from happening,” Cisco explained holding the modified device. “Once Nash takes control, we can increase the frequency to start and hopefully complete the merging process.”
Emily smiles and sighs with some relief. “Alright, lets get this to Lothario and see if it helps stabilize things,” she suggested. Cisco nods in agreement and they both leave for the cortex. “When we see the results of this first test, we can tweak the settings to better resonate,” Cisco explains as they walk, more in an effort to break her unease than to clarify the functions. Emily nodded understanding what he was doing and suspected it was for his benefit as well as hers, he and Nash had grown into quite good friends since Earth Prime had been created and everyone settled into their new routines. She was sure he was just as worried as her about these developments. The closer they got, the louder a murmured voice became until they realized Caitlyn was having a very intense argument with Lothario. Although, Lothario didn’t quite sound like himself; it seemed to them that he donned a new accent. Emily’s face fell in concern at the immediate implication to such a development and quickened her pace. Hurrying into the room they both were at a near sprint when they arrived.
“Will you shut up!” Frost, who couldn’t take the arguing much longer and took over, nearly yelled. “And keep your voice down will you?”
“Jou can’t zeriously ve conzidering listening to zat oafs propozition,” a new Wells voice asked somewhat insulted. “He haz no idea vat he iz doing!”
“Wolfgang?” Cisco asked in surprise. The man turned and faced them having been shaken from his thoughts momentarily. “Jes, jes, of course,” he dismissed. “Ze only juan who knows vat to do apparently.”
“Yeah, that’s Wolfgang,” Cisco confirmed sourly glancing over at Emily. Wolfgang followed his gaze and his demeanor changed to a more friendly tone. “Ah, Emily,” he said with an actual smile. “So nice to meet jou again.” He breezed over and clasped his hands around one of hers, Emily staring blearily at him. “Vorry not,” he assured, “I am formulating ze perfect tactic to get jou jour Nash back.”
“Another jump?” was all Emily could mutter. “Well, at least it was one. It was only one, yes?” Her eyes pleaded more than she outwardly showed. Wolfgang paused tensing briefly while holding her gaze. “Ah, jes, vell.....” he started, gaze wavering as he struggled to hold it. “I...... I am ze..... only vun to appear.... if zat is vat jou mean,” he struggled. Emily didn’t say anything continuing to stare, Wolfgang began to feel uneasy under the unrelenting gaze and even Cisco became wary of her rigid demeanor. “Emily, dahlink.....” Wolfgang continued. “Lothario.... he’s not ze best at vorming coherent toughtz. Ezpecially zince he, well, can’t ‘tink properly’, if jou get vat I’m zaying.” His eyes and head rolled downward for a moment and he shuddered before looking at her again. “Don’t you listen to him none,” Lothario said assuming control again. “He’s just angry I have a diffnt way of doin things is all. Unorthodox he calls it.”
Emily felt her panic rise a degree witnessing a jump first hand. “No, no....” she said quietly to herself registering what he just went through. “Now, don’t worry,” Lothario tried reassuring. “I know just how to get ole Nash front n’center.”
“No, Lothario, did you just—“ Emily started before yet another Wells appeared pulling Lothario back into the recesses of Nash’s psyche. “They have no idea what they’re doing,” he said with yet another accent, this time sounding french. “They are neglecting how his emotional being is, how to calm him in order to ease the transition.”
“H.P.?” Emily asked trying to keep her freak out under wraps. “Yes, indeed,” he replied with a smile. “So good you remember me. Perhaps we could have a conversation sometime in the future. It seems something is always going on lately and prevents proper socializing.”
“Wh-Wait, you... you don’t..... You can’t......” Emily stuttered before yet another jump happened. It took him a moment to shake off the now sluggish delay before making eye contact again. “Can you b’lieve them?” Lothario said back in the lead. “I wasn’t nearly done with my-“
“No, STOP!” Emily nearly yelled, her hands now shaking as panic finally set in to full effect. Everyone froze and stared in surprise at her outburst. They knew she was worried but had no idea how much trouble she was having keeping her cool. “I think.... I think I’ll go take that.... that walk now,” she said, voice wavering a touch as she ran her hands through her hair. “I could use some air....”
“Yeah, go get some air...” Cisco agreed placing a hand on her shoulder as she walked away. He turned back to Lothario with an irritated and disapproving look. “What?” Lothario asked seemingly oblivious. “I say sum’n wrong?”
“Gee, I don’t know,” Cisco retorted sarcastically. “You were warned about brain jumps and what do you do? How many happened??”
“Now hold on, it wasn’t just me,” Lothario defended.
“I’m not talking to just you, I know the other Wells’ can hear too,” Cisco near snapped. Lothario stared after Emily for a moment before inhaling deeply and changing posture. “I’m going to go talk to her,” he said still looking past him. “No, I think you’ve done enough,” Cisco denied.
“It would help more if you stayed here,” Caitlyn added switching with Frost again now that Wolfgang had receded. “She’s really quite concerned with all this.”
“I know,” he said finally turning to make eye contact with someone other than an empty hallway. “I know. But, this is Harry. Please, I think I can put her at ease.”
“Not you too, Harry,” Cisco started to complain.
“No, I promise it wasn’t a jump or anything like that,” he assured. “I was permitted to ‘drive’, so to say, and I think that’s the key. Having Nash just close enough to the surface and then giving him permission to take control again.”
“But the question remains, how do we find him and bring him forward?” Caitlyn added.
“Well, I’ve been......I’ve been conversing, or as close to conversing as you can call it, with the other Wells’ and they’ve been trying to guide him forward. And let me tell you, it isn’t easy. Especially with Wolfgang and Lothario making so much noise.”
“I can imagine,” Cisco commented sourly.
“But I think it will help if she’s here too. Like a.... like a target or anchor point for him to aim for. But it would be best if she was on board with the idea,” Harry concluded. After a brief pause and moment of consideration, they both nodded in agreement. “So, anyone have any idea where she may have wandered off to?” He asked.
I must admit, my mind started rambling a bit at this point so I apologize if things get confusing. I couldn’t quite figure out how to articulate what it was I wanted to say.
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the-sunshine-dims · 5 years
title: green 
words: 2202
ao3 link
pairings: dukeceit (deceit and Remus,)
*warnings*; strong language, sympathetic dark sides , thoughts of abandonment, crying,  mentions of food, hurt/comfort, mentions of burns,
summary: Remus gets accepted my the light sides, deceit is happy for him but sad because he thinks Remus will abandon him. but then Remus comforts him
characters: deceit, Remus, Patton, Virgil, Logan, roman
Remus somehow unknowingly got accepted to the light sides 
he spends so much time there deceit gives up thinking he’ll see his friend  anymore, at least not as a friend,
deceit gets used to the dinners that Remus isn’t there, well at least he tries, but he never gets used to the silence, that damned emptiness, deceit hated being alone, he never had told anyone but he hates being alone, absolutely hates it!
Remus hadn’t noticed how much time he spends there,
  by the time he goes to hang out with deceit he goes around the corner expecting to see the normal: deceits room with the classic “go away” door matt.
 but now there’s a small sign on the door “please do not come in” scribbled on it lightly
and then he notices that the door is not locked, which is unusual, normally deceit keeps his door locked so Remus would stop running in with a bunch of garbage in hand, 
so Remus of course starts getting worried and did the Remus way of things; opening the door without knocking 
he sees deceit curled up in a little ball next to his bed in his pajamas (w-was he crying?) 
“hey dee-dee! sorry I stopped intruding-”
deceit immediately flinched and tried wiping the endless tears from coming down  when Remus was noticed
“hey dee-dee are you ok?” Remus said genuinely concerned about dee
“ye-yeah i’m fine’ deceit said trying to cover up his tears (and failing)
“… are you sure?” Remus walked closer to the crying deceitful side 
“y-yeah-” deceit couldn’t say another word or he would completely break down (more then he already has)
“dee… I can tell when something wrong! that’s a little bit of my job after all!” 
deceit flinched at that, deciding it was better not to respond
“dee… can I hug you?” 
deceit was a little surprised that Remus had asked he couldn’t tell if it was good or bad all he knew was that it was all influenced by the light sides… it didn’t matter what his brain was saying he nodded slowly
Remus didn’t hesitate for a second to wrap his arms around deceit in a oddly soft embrace, Remus grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around them for extra comfort
“hey dee-dee… you don’t have to but can you tell me why you were crying? the last time you cried was when Virgil left… again you don’t have to tell me!” Remus said hesitantly trying to connect the dots (and somewhat failing)
deceit hesitantly muttered something  before speaking a little louder for Remus to actually hear “I- I was- I thought you were ganna le-leave-’” deceit got out before letting out a sob
 Remus was startled by that (Remus startled?? yes.) Remus held the crying snakey side closer
“shh its ok… shhh i wont leave..i would never leave you like Virgil did… its ok shh” Remus shushed comfortingly as he began crying a little too, he wasn’t expecting any of this.. honestly he just wanted to hold deceit protectively forever
after about a half hour deceit fell asleep quietly in a comforting embrace (#letthesnakesleep)
“aww he fell asleep! its better then crying more… I don’t want him to cry…” Remus said tilting his head on deceit’s head gently
he was happy deceit had gotten sleep and Remus just noticed that deceit had eye bags,
 Remus realized he hadn’t seen deceit in a while… he was ganna change that, if he had gotten excepted by the “light” sides then he would bring deceit with him! deceit deserves to be listened to, if they would listen to Remus they would listen to deceit.
after about another half hour Remus had also fallen asleep —— Patton had decided it was a good idea to allow Remus to be a more active member of the famILY 
the others hadn’t really opposed to it but they could tell Virgil wasn’t the most thrilled, and roman got fed up with Remus easily (brothers ya know)
but Virgil knew Remus didn’t really wanna actually hurt anyone and roman just didn’t really care as long as Remus didn’t touch his sword 
so Patton invited Remus for dinner, again, and again, and again, until Remus kind of came on instinct ______ Patton didn’t know why but he felt on edge, Patton knew he was missing something but he couldn’t tell what it was, Patton knew he was missing something! it made Patton a little mad he couldn’t figure out what he was missing
then around dinner Remus doesn’t show up, and that’s all it took to worry Patton.
Remus was gone, they looked everywhere even his (very messy) room, they still couldn’t find him
it wasn’t until Virgil decided that it would be a good idea to check deceits room or at least ask him if he had seen Remus recently or knew where he is
when Virgil knocked and didn’t get an answer Virgil got more worried he already was, Virgil turned the door nob seeing if it was locked it wasn’t, so Virgil finally hesitantly opened the door
he saw the two wrapped around each other absorbing each others warmth
“hey pat Remus is fine!” Virgil yelled after closing the door
“hmm! did you find him!? did deceit know where he was?” Patton asked quickly walking over to Virgil
“well deceit definitely knows where he is, but deceit didn’t tell me…  cuddle puddle.”
Patton made a small happy lil gasp “aww!! so we should leave them be! we can talk or hang out with Remus later! maybe we can hang out with deceit too,”
Virgil chuckled “ok pat lets go tell the others- Roman. not to destroy the mindscape looking for him”
Remus woke up quietly a couple hours before deceit but didn’t want to wake him up or leave him alone so he just stayed there quietly cuddling closer letting deceit absorb his warmth
when deceit woke up he noticed the still lingering Remus around him 
“m’  sorry…” deceit muttered close to tears again, unknowing Remus was actually awake, he felt awful, ‘what if he had just ruined Remus’s chance at finally being listened to?’ his mind said
Remus wrapped his arms tighter around deceit 
Remus tilted deceits head to face him, “you don’t need to apologize… I mean I don’t apologize even when I do something wrong most of the time and you didn’t even do anything wrong!’ Remus laughed softly, trying
to make sure deceit knew  everything is ok
Remus wondered how long deceit had been crying before Remus came in, ‘how long has he thought I was ganna leave him completely? how long has he thought he would be completely alone?’ Remus thought
“thanks…… can- can we have more blankets? I want comfy!” deceit smiled wetly
Remus laughed “sure, but lets go to the kitchen first so you can eat,”
“ok” deceit smiled
Remus picked up deceit surprisingly deceit didn’t squirm or protest “now lets go!” Remus smiled as deceit quickly grabbed the blanket from the ground and readjusted himself a bit so he wouldn’t be cold,
Remus wandered into the kitchen deceit In his arms
he sat deceit on the couch 
“hey! I can help make the food! I-” deceit said 
“nope, you should be resting you have bags under your eyes, and since I don’t know the last time you’ve slept~ just sit tight, okay?” 
deceit decided not to argue, he let out a sigh “fine, but~ later we have to make cupcakes,”
Remus let out a loud a laugh “deal, it also says a lot that you’re to tired to lie,” Remus ruffled deceits hair causing deceit to blep 
“… fair… also no hair squish!” deceit swatted at Remus’s hands,
Remus laughed “ok sir blep-noodle! now i’m ganna go make pancakes,” and with that he walked into the kitchen.
deceit grabbed the remote, turning on a show, just so he had something to pay attention to, to pass he time —————- after about an hour or so, (deceit wasn’t paying attention to the time) Remus came back with two plates of pancakes,
“dee-dee! I got the food! and I only got burnt twice!” Remus beamed at deceit before handing deceit the plate
deceit gave a airy chuckle “thank you, and i’m proud your getting better at cooking but I think we should get that number of burns down to zero.”
Remus laughed “ok. now eat you sleep deprived snake, and then after we eat we can watch movies! though tomorrow we have to find a solution the- uhhh- thing? because we cant have you being sad or lonely!”
Remus smiled dee
deceit sighed “okay” then they both began eating
 a while later (no one was keeping track of the time) they turned on a couple movies and cuddled until deceit fell asleep, using Remus as a pillow,
 when they woke up they ate and watched a couple more movies.
 Remus paused the movie and looked over at the side latched onto Remus’s arm “hey dee-dee should we go to the light sides and try to solve the problem soon?”
 deceit looked at Remus and gave a contemplative look, “hmm I guess so, do you mean right now or-? because if its right now I have to change out of my pajamas”
 Remus laughed “nah, not right now, we’ll go chat with them when ever you feel like you can, talking can be hard when your tired.” 
deceit nodded “okay, well i’m not as tired as I was a couple days ago so I think I’ll be fine,” deceit smiled at Remus and Remus smiled back
“ok so are you fine with going now?”
“sure but-”
Remus stood up and swooped down to pick up dee
“lets go!”
deceit laughed “Remus- pfft- no we have to change!” deceit giggled
 “if they say anything bad about your snake pj’s then I’ll fight them!” Remus laughed maniacally causing deceit to burst into a fit of giggles
Remus beamed at the giggling deceit, he began running to the light sides area 
“Remus- no-”
“Remus yes, owo”
deceit laughed again
“Remus-“ deceit laughed again  "actually, this probably isn’t the weirdest thing they’ve seen, they have Virgil, Virgil goes to bed at 4 am and if you got to the kitchen at 3 you see him sitting on the fridge.”
this caused Remus to laugh  “yep!” 
Remus burst into the light side living room with deceit in his arms
“what up bitches?!” Remus yelled with a laugh
Patton yelped “oh- hi Remus! hi deceit!” Patton said deciding not to mention the fact about them being in their pj’s
roman on the other hand- “why are you in your pajamas? did Remus wake you up and bring you here?”
deceit stared at Remus “that wasn’t anything bad about the pj’s, no fighting.”
Remus laughed “fine~”
Patton, Virgil, and roman looked at each other confused
“have you two eaten?” Logan asked
“oh don’t worry Logan! I made sure he ate!” Remus said happily
“good, deceit i’m guessing the reason you’re in your pajamas is because of Remus?” Logan continued
deceit giggled “no, he didn’t pick me up off the couch and run me over here”
“oh don’t act like you don’t like being carried” Remus chuckled
deceit hissed and Remus booped his snoot causing deceit to blep again 
“noo! I am powerful fear me! I am an agent of chaos!” deceit squeaked 
the two abrupted into fits of giggles 
Patton beamed a smile at the two giggly bois
deceit remembered people were there. his face turned bright red and he hid his face in Remus’s shirt with the logic of ‘if I cant see them they cant see me’
and deceit stayed there for about a half hour while Remus talked to the other sides, and deceit just absorbed Remus’s warmth, ignoring the outside worlds existence 
and then deceit heard a muffled Remus asking “if I can join the light sides then can he? I don’t want him to be alone,” deceit tensed
“I mean, you’ve talked about him, and pretty much confirmed that he doesn’t wish Thomas harm, plus he doesn’t deserve to be abandoned. so yeah he can be a light side,” said a more serious sounding Patton 
Remus smiled
deceit readjusted himself “hey Remus can you set me down? its getting uncomfortable, plus I wanna go get a hoodie, its cold.” deceit whispered to Remus
Remus nodded and set him down to the confusion of the others, deceit walked off
“is he coming back or-?” Roman asked
Remus shrugged “depends if he finds a hoodie or he finds a warm place to huddle in,” 
“does he usually wander off to find warmth?” Logan asked
“eh sometimes, though when  its winter I go with him! he’s a cold danger noodle!” Remus laughed 
they continued to talk for a while before Remus left
“i’m pretty sure we’ll need more blankets,” roman laughed “first because I want to make pillow forts and second because cold snake,” 
Patton smiled “agreed” 
“am I the only one who has the feeling that we’ll randomly find deceit in a pile of blankets in the middle of the floor?” Logan asked
Virgil laughed at that “oh that’s definitely ganna happen.”
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cix-baehun · 5 years
messy sheets || yoon hyunsuk
Tumblr media
request: none
pairing: yoon hyunsuk (CIX) & fem!reader
genre: not-so-innocent fluff w/ a dash of angst
a/n: thought of this before i went to sleep last night so i made a note, but i couldn’t write it until after my classes. hope you enjoy this chaotic piece! requests are open <3 literally request anything CIX related ;)
today was your planned smoothie or milkshake i don’t discriminate lol date with hyunsuk
he had practice so you decided to head over to the dorms a little early so you could meet him there
he gave you a key a while back so you get in and see that it’s a little messy
shoes all over the entry way
some dishes left in the sink
so you decide to help these guys out a bit knowing that it’ll make it a little easier for their hectic schedules
after cleaning the common areas up a bit you head over to hyunsuk’s room
his bed unmade
he has some clothes strewn across the floor in between his wardrobe and dresser
you can tell they’re from this morning, but they aren’t dirty
he just didn’t know what he wanted to wear for practice
you laugh to yourself as you pick up the discarded items to fold or hang them up
after you make his bed for him real quick, just pulling the sheets up and fixing the comforter
once you’re done you check your phone and see that hyunsuk should be home soon
so you shoot him a quick text telling him you’re at the dorms waiting with some heart emojis
time passes and you still haven’t heard anything from him
you’re now camped out on the couch watching tv to try and distract you
or any of the others
so you know his phone hadn’t t died cause he would’ve borrowed one of theirs to text you
he was supposed to get home at 7
your date was supposed to be at 8
and when you got home it was supposed to be a face masks that seunghun so graciously donated to your poor selves to save your faces and movie night
then you were supposed to spend the night
it’s almost 9 and nobody is here yet
you text him again
that’s normal for the others, they stay late and then go out to eat
but hyunsuk always comes for your weekly outing
what if he forgot?
what if he doesn’t the care?
now it’s 10
no he cares
he’s never been late before
time continues to pass and still no word
it’s almost 11 now and you feel your tiredness starting to hit you
your early classes having taken its toll
so you just decide to go to sleep
you go back to Hyunsuk’s room
grab one if his sweatshirts and go to the bottom drawer of his dresser to grab your sleep shorts
but when you open it they aren’t there
you forgot that you brought them back to your place
oh well
his sweatshirt is long enough to fit you like a dress, going down to your mid thighs
after you fold your clothes
you turn off the light, but leave the little lamp on at his desk in the other corner of the room
you climb into his bed and hug his pillow 
trying to find some form of comfort for your worried heart
after some time you eventually fall into a restless sleep
Hyunsuk is finally on his way home 
it’s 12 now
whining to his group members to hurry up
he had seen your texts and sent his replies
not getting any response from you
he needed to get back to the dorms so he could drop his bag off then go to your place
he sits in the car, his long legs not being able to stay still
he was filled with anxiety
once they get to the dorms Hyunsuk shoots out his seat and flies up the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator
once he’s inside he doesn’t even take his shoes off
just running down the hallway to his room
he stops short as soon as he opens his door
illuminated by the small lamp on his desk
there you were
sound asleep
in his bed
wearing his sweatshirt
yet that’s not what made him freeze
what made him freeze was that there you were 
surrounded by his messy sheets, them barely covering you
his sweatshirt had ridden up your legs
leaving your panties partly exposed to his eyes
he felt his cheeks heat up at the sight
he could hear the rest start to come in 
and immediately slammed his door shut, not really thinking
you stirred slightly in bed, but didn’t wake up
he got undressed, letting his clothes fall carelessly to the floor that you cleaned earlier, and changed into some sweats and a comfy t-shirt
he climbed into bed and you woke up
you rolled over and slightly opened your eyes to look at him
once he was settled you attached yourself to him and he chuckled a little
he loved when you acted like this even though you were just a bit older than him
“you missed our date and weren’t answering my texts. i was worried,” you whines to him
“i know babe. i’m sorry. i was about to leave when they pulled us into a meeting, which took forever. yonghee-hyung even started to fall asleep so they decided to send us home. believe me if i knew that’s all it would’ve taken to get out of there, i’d have been here in time for our date,” he tells you as he tightens his hold on you
“so are you going to make it up to me,” you ask him
“oh of course baby,” he says lowly as he pulls you on top of him, your face in his neck
Hyunsuk’s mind drifting back to images of your long legs tangled in his sheets from earlier
“yeah? how,” you ask again
“anyway you want,” he responds
“ok, then brunch tomorrow, your treat,” you say excitedly and sitting up a bit to look at him with a smile
he laughs a little astonished at the turn in events, but nods nonetheless
satisfied with his answer you snuggle back into his warmth
his arms holding you firmly to him, one of his hands finding its way up his sweatshirt you wore and his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your back
while one of your cool hands slip up the short sleeve of the t-shirt he wore to rest on his warm shoulder and the other sliding up to play with his hair for a bit as the both of you drift to sleep
Byounggon being the observant AND AMAZING leader he is, had seen your shoes in the entryway and smiled to himself 
because he knew that Hyunsuk hadn’t seen them earlier when he came running in worried about you not being there
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 4, daily life (Part 2)
Note of the author: Ok uhhhhhh I didn’t expect that shit to be that long so the daily life parts (normally ‘1 part = 1 day’) are going to be '2 parts = 1 day’.
Chapter 4: Dance, dance, hanged puppets - Daily life
Day 14 since the beginning of the game.
7:30 AM.
Shuichi woke up earlier than expected.
Not because he gave up on sleeping. He simply didn't feel like going back to sleep.
He rubbed his eyes and glanced at the grey card on the table, in the middle of the room.
The ‘Sanzu key’ as Monokuma called it.
What was he even planning?
The violinist took a shower, trying to forget about those worries for a while.
But he couldn’t.
Monokuma’s motive always came the day after the new labs opened. This time they had a part of the motive, but the bear specified that the whole thing was not ready yet.
What did that even mean?
After his usual routine, he left his room. Surprisingly, Kirumi was leaning against a pillar, and Miu was laying on the ground, head resting on her arms, staring at the ceiling.
Ryoma was also there, fidgeting with his Sanzu key.
The others turned to Shuichi.
“G’morning. Breakfast canceled, we stay here.” the street artist said with a hint of sarcasm.
He blinked. “What’s... Happening?”
Kirumi shrugged. “No one knows. The dormitories’ door is locked, so we can’t go out. We’re locked here.”
... What? Was that the motive? Being quarantined in their rooms? That sounded like a bad joke.
“We tried calling Monokuma and even the monokubs and no one came.” Ryoma explained.
That sounded fishy. Extremely fishy.
They could only wait.
Rantaro, Kiyo, and Tsumugi came out of their rooms one by one. The situation had to be explained each time.
8:00 AM.
The morning announcement rang, but the message was different.
“All students are required to go out of their rooms, this is a direct order from the principal of the academy!”
Did Monokuma want them all at once? Usually, when an announcement was made they were all supposed to go to the gym. Why the dormitories this time?
Speaking of the devil, the bear and his cubs appeared before them.
“My, my! It’s as though almost everyone is here!” he cackled. “Only Mr. grumps and Mr. gloomy are missing!”
Shuichi flinched at the nicknames.
The two cubs started their shenanigans that Shuichi didn’t even bother listening to.
The only emotion he could feel when the monokubs appeared was a pure annoyance. Not even hatred. Pure annoyance.
He couldn’t even bother being mad at them. It just felt like each time they visited them, his only desire was to see them disappear forever.
Minutes felt like hours, Shuichi silently praying for Kaito and Kokichi to just come out from their room already so the green and red bears would shut up.
Kaito was the first to come out, surprisingly. his appearance was less messy than yesterday.
Shuichi noticed him glancing at Miu, the latter avoiding his gaze.
He muttered a quiet “Hey.” as he came down the stairs. The biker immediately separated himself from the group to lean against a pillar.
After another couple of minutes waiting for Kokichi, the boy opened his door, stumbling out of his room. He didn't seem to have slept well.
“Next time, do not come late to the principal’s announcement! I’ve waited way too long for you two to come out!” he raised his paws in the air, voice a bit too loud for the two who had woken up minutes ago.
“So, what do you want from us this time?” Rantaro was straight to the point.
“Sheesh, stop being so eager for the motive, I can’t even prepare the surprise!”
So it was the motive.
“Anyway, let me present you the next motive, starting from today to the moment someone dies...”
“... The Sanzu garden!”
That raised more questions than answered them.
“And what is the ‘Sanzu garden’?” Ryoma raised an eyebrow.
“To put it simply, this entire academy was renovated just for you guys!”
Something that involved the whole academy?
“Before explaining the motive, perhaps I should tell you a story passed through generations... Have any of you heard the legend of the Sanzu river?”
Tsumugi put a finger on her chin. “From what I’ve heard, the Sanzu River is a mythological river of the Buddhist religion. Souls joining the afterlife must pass the river by one of the three crossing points, depending on the actions they made in their life, also known as ‘karma’.”
Kokichi visibly flinched at the explanation.
“Great! I may also add that a cost is required to cross the river. Six mon to be specific.” the bear explained.
“In other words, this academy has been transformed into a great garden! And the cost of living for another day must be paid! However, the cost isn’t six mon like the legends told since we live in a modern society with better ways to pay your lovely headmaster!”
Kaito raised an eyebrow, arms crossed. “So what, someone must kill within 24 hours so the others can live?”
“Better! That’s where your Sanzu keys play their part! They serve as bank cards to pay your fee to live for the next 24 hours!”
“Wh- bank cards??” Miu exclaimed, taking out the card.
“There are two locks with your icons hidden in the academy, specific to each of you. You will have to activate the locks each day with your card keys to continue living. One lock must be activated between 8 AM and 3 PM, and the other between 3 PM and 10 PM. It doesn’t matter in which order you activate the locks.” the bear explained as everyone listened carefully.
“Also, do not even try to activate another person’s lock! This will not work in the slightest! And the locks’ placements will be different each day! They can be in the labs, common rooms, and even outside!”
Rantaro, who had sat down, joined his hands. “Let me get this straight. We have to use cards on locks two times a day and look around the academy to find them?”
“Where’s the catch.” Ryoma bluntly asked. “That’s way too easy. There’s a catch.”
The bear laughed. “Puhuhuhuhu... I’m glad you asked! The catch is also the reason why we are meeting in the dormitories after all!”
This did not reassure Shuichi in the slightest.
“Did you know? The Sanzu river takes its name directly from the Japanese ‘San’, meaning ‘three’ and ‘Zu’, meaning ‘way’ for our non-japanese audience!”
... What?
“This garden has a similar mechanic! There are only three choices offered to those entering it!”
“... To die, to kill or to suffer.”
... Huh?
“This academy is a garden of traps in every corner. Both outside and inside. From pitfalls to spears to arrows to spikes, everything is here to hurt you. But my favorite part is...”
“... Some rooms will lock themselves and whisper your worst fears to you.”
“Of course, none of the traps will actually kill you, that would be a shame if someone was accidentally killed!”
“But I meticulously put everything in place so you guys could enjoy this academy of nightmares!”
Monokuma raised his paws in the air with excitement.
... This could not be real.
An academy of nightmares??
“There is one zone that is free of danger, which is where we’re standing!”
“The dorms are safe?” Kirumi raised an eyebrow.
“Thaaaat’s right! The dormitories are the only place without any traps!”
Shuichi couldn't even say anything.
As if the academy wasn't already the place where they all had to kill each other, it just had to be trapped for the sole purpose of making them suffer?
What did whoever put them into the killing game even want from them?
If he even dared to ask Monokuma he would probably say "despair".
And at this point, is the truth even worth knowing?
Was there even an explanation of why they had to endure this?
"Of course it would take a loooong time to search through the whole academy for the locks, so I'm giving you one hint each day! They will be available on your monopads! How generous of me!"
Shuichi wanted to vomit.
This entire motive made no sense.
"That was all the explanations for the motive! Any questions?"
No one even dared to speak.
That was even worse than the last motive.
Even if he even managed to survive, what even would be the next motive?
"No? Then good luck! And don't forget..." the bear smiled.
"The garden will be shut down when a dead body gets discovered."
He left immediately after, the two remaining monokubs following behind.
Everyone stared at each other.
Rantaro slowly approached the door and opened it.
No traps were visible, but Shuichi knew the moment someone would set a foot outside a trap would activate.
"Give me a sec." Ryoma approached his dorm and entered the room.
About a minute later, he came out with a set of tennis balls, supposedly won at the monomono machine. He took a ball out and threw it outside.
... Nothing happened.
"Was Monokuma lying about the traps?" Shuichi raised an eyebrow.
"I think it just means that it's not a trap activated with a motion sensor. There's a possibility the trap is activated when you step foot on one of the path stones." Kirumi shook her head.
"Before we go head first and get us all killed how about we get organized? We know the dorms are the safe spot of the academy, so we'll likely spend most of our time here." Rantaro turned to the others.
"We'll still have to go outside to find the locks." Kiyo added. "We will have to think collectively or else we will not keep up for long."
Shuichi checked his monopad to see what the hints were.
Memories of lavender.
Senses and intuition ~ Follow your heart.
Of course it was going to be some kind of riddle that he didn't get.
"So? What's your plan, boss?" Ryoma asked Rantaro, hands in his pockets.
He pondered for a moment. "First off we should move as much food as we can to the dorms. It will be safer to eat here than in the dining hall."
Kirumi nodded. "Although for now, we should focus on searching at least one of our locks. We have a time limit for each of them."
"But... Do we separate or do we go in groups?" Miu asked.
Rantaro sat down to think. "There are nine of us. Since I think it's too dangerous to leave someone by themselves, I suggest we go by groups of 3 whenever we move from here."
"And our groups shouldn't change for the day so no one gets confused." Ryoma added.
... This clearly wasn't appreciated by some of them. Noticeably Kaito and Kokichi.
Tsumugi crossed her arms. "So? Who gets with who?"
"I suggest we separate Ryoma, you and I since we're probably the most qualified to detect the traps." Kirumi raised a hand. "One in each of the groups seems reasonable."
The prodigy nodded. "That is fair."
She took a few steps away, and so did Ryoma.
After some debating, the groups were made.
Rantaro, Ryoma, and Kaito were the first group.
Kirumi, Kokichi and Miu were the second.
And finally, Shuichi, Tsumugi, and Kiyo formed the last group.
"So now it's pretty much 'the first group finding all their morning locks gets the food'?" Tsumugi fiddled with her hair.
"For now, that is the plan. If we find each others' locks, we share the info however we can." Kiyo replied.
"Well, how do we even do that?" Miu tilted her head to the side. "If we're separated, we can't do anything."
Shuichi pondered. "The most we can do is yelling, I mean my hearing is pretty developed but there are limits to it..."
Ryoma fixed his beanie. "We'll only better our strategy if we face the danger at least once. Staying here won't do any good."
The others agreed.
The strategy was fixed.
The groups would go out one by one by intervals of five minutes to investigate where their lockers would be.
Kaito, Rantaro, and Ryoma left first. The others watched them go to see if everything was fine. They were walking slowly to make sure they didn't activate anything.
For now, everything seemed fine. But Shuichi preferred not to get his hopes up.
The two remaining groups talked about their riddles. They looked pretty strange.
"Hey, Kiyo... Do you have an idea of what my riddle could mean?" he asked the therapist.
"Let's see..." he took the violinist's monopad and read the two sentences. "I don't think your riddle is too far fetched. Does the color purple remind you of something nostalgic and positive?"
He pondered. "I... No, I don't think that's it."
Kiyo shook his head. "All theories could be right. Your riddle says to 'follow your heart'. Your answer could be right."
He looked at the tablet for a moment. "My... My cousin has lavender hair. And I do miss her."
Then it clicked. "Ah! My lab! That's where Miu made her portrait when we got the motive videos!"
Kiyo weakly smiled. "That sounds plausible. We will check your lab once we get to the main building."
Shuichi stared back at the tablet. "So was that the first or the second quote?"
The therapist shook his head. "I don't think one quote is for one lock. Both locks must be linked somehow."
"So the other lock is also hinted by the riddle?"
"I think so." Kiyo nodded. "Perhaps..."
He pointed at the second quote. "You found a potential solution with your intuition. So the second could be linked to your senses."
"My senses...? Something purple that could be linked to my senses?"
Hearing? No. His lab was already for one lock.
Taste? The only thing popping in his mind was that type of soda with a taste you could only describe as 'purple'. Which he didn't like in the slightest.
Touch? That would be unlikely...
Sight? Too vague...
Smell? That could be it since the riddle said 'lavender'. Perhaps...
"The wisterias from the courtyard? They're purple, right?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Does it remind you of something nostalgic?" Kiyo asked.
Shuichi weakly chuckled. "My cousin always had two long braids. Somehow it always reminded me of those flowers..."
Kiyo put a finger on his chin. "So both of your locks are related to one person. To me, we are on the right path."
Just as they stopped talking, Kirumi's group was prepared to go.
Well, Miu and Kirumi were prepared to go. Kokichi was barely keeping up.
The two girls made sure the smaller boy was following when they left, nervousness written all over their faces.
The three ones left in the dorms looked at each other.
"So, did you two find out where your locks could be?" the prodigy asked.
"I'm guessing one is in my lab, and the other should be at the pool." the therapist replied.
Tsumugi nodded. "Good, good. And you?" she turned to Shuichi.
"Oh, um... I think one is near the wisterias and the other should be in my lab as well..."
She frowned. "Three in a row."
"All of us have a lock in our respective labs. I'm thinking Monokuma put them here as some sort of guide for the first day. The next days are probably going to get harder and harder."
... What did 'harder' mean?
"What about you, then?" Kiyo asked.
"One should be in my lab. The other in the library."
The therapist nodded. "I see. Do you have a strategy for which places we check?"
She started pacing around slowly. "We have both of them in the main building except Shuichi who has one in front of the dorms."
She stopped. "For now we are also requested to help to transport food to the dorms, but there's a possibility the other groups will be done with the locks before us. So I think we should go to the ones that are not in our labs." She narrowed her eyes. "Although for the next days we should find out the locks' locations before forming the groups."
They nodded.
Enough time had passed since the last group left, so they decided to go as well.
They reached the wisterias with no problem, and a black podium with an icon was indeed there.
Before they could go under the pergola, Tsumugi glanced at the structure. She took off her jacket and threw it on the table. Spikes suddenly rose from above, impaling the piece of cloth before it could reach the table.
"... We'll have to find ways to activate traps in advance. We won't use my jacket each time. The tennis balls were pretty effective." the prodigy picked up the jacket from the floor where it had fallen.
The three made their way to the podium, which had Shuichi's icon on it. A red LED was on, indicating that the violinist had not yet activated it.
After taking out the Sanzu key and approaching it to the icon, a small jingle rang, with the LED turning green.
At least the 'paying' process was easy.
"Next up is mine, at the pool." Kiyo turned to the two.
Surprisingly, their way to the main building was quite silent. 
Perhaps the paths outside were never trapped, and it was only the main structures?
Kiyo carefully opened the door.
A black podium was right beside the deckchairs.
He glanced around to see if there were any traps, and carefully approached the podium. After the small jingle rang, he joined the others so they could move on.
Two out of three.
Something didn't feel right for Shuichi. That motive looked way too simple.
Would it be like Tsumugi said, that this was going to get harder and harder with time?
They left the pool and approached the door to the main building.
When they opened it, Shuichi took a step and immediately stopped when an arrow was shot right in front of his face.
He took a step backwards and touched the bridge of his nose.
Pecks of blood tainted his fingers.
"Are you okay, Shuichi?" Kiyo asked, worried.
He turned to the therapist. "I'm- I'm fine, this just surprised me. Perhaps we should crouch to pass this door."
He rubbed his nose with his wrist. The wound was pretty light, but it still stung.
The three made their way to the central hall, luckily not activating any more traps.
"Now let's go to the basement. Once we're done with the library we'll be free for now." Tsumugi declared.
They slowly went to the corridor leading to the stairs, until...
They stopped and looked at their feet.
Kiyo had just stepped onto a pressure plate.
Shuichi's heart skipped a beat when a wall of concrete came down from the ceiling behind them, crushing the grass on the floor.
Then another. And another.
They ran as fast as they could to the stairs, walls menacing to crush them if they were not fast enough.
The trio tripped, fell down the stairs and crashed against the wall.
"At least we're alive."
"Even though Monokuma said those traps were not going to kill us we almost ended up crushed."
"Could you two move? I can't breathe..."
"Tsumugi is on top of me, I cannot move either."
The prodigy stood up, brushing dust off her skirt. "I thought you two would be physically stronger than that."
Shuichi could barely mutter under Kiyo's weight. "Well, I'm a violinist, not a biker nor a soldier..."
The therapist stood up and helped Shuichi get on his feet.
Just as the three recovered from their fall, Rantaro's group appeared.
The medic blinked a few times in confusion. "Are you three okay?"
Shuichi rubbed the bridge of his nose to wipe off the rest of the blood from earlier. "We're fine. It could be worse."
Ryoma appeared from behind. "Tsumugi, there's a lock for you in the library. We deactivated the trap here so don't worry about anything."
"I guessed it from my riddle, but thank you."
Kaito was also there but did not seem to want to contribute to the conversation.
"Anyway, our group is done with the morning locks. We'll be getting the food." Rantaro cracked his knuckles.
Kiyo pondered. "Our group only has one more morning lock to activate. We'll be able to join you shortly."
"In that case, we should go to your lab, Rantaro." Ryoma crossed his arms. "We'll need medical supplies in case someone gets injured."
The medic nodded. "Sounds good. So you three can bring the food in the meantime?" he turned to Kiyo.
"Count on us."
The two groups separated. The concrete walls were gone- they were made to make them hurry, not to lock them in the basement, fortunately.
Just as Ryoma said, the trap was deactivated in the library. It seemed to have made some of the bookshelves fall. Tsumugi's lock was right in front of a table.
The jingle rang as she approached her key.
They left the basement to get to the dining hall. No one seemed to have gone there yet.
Shuichi approached the pantry but suddenly...
The floor disappeared beneath his feet.
Kiyo thankfully caught his arm before he could fall.
Don't look down don't look down don't look down don't look down-
"T-Thanks a lot, Kiyo..." he mumbled.
The two others helped him up.
He sat on the ground for a minute, trying to calm down.
How deep was that hole?
"Tch. I knew something would happen." Tsumugi quietly spat.
"Then why didn't you say anything?" Kiyo narrowed his eyes at her.
"Excuse me if I don't express every single intuition I have."
"We're in a situation where we could die instantly. Every single intuition could save a life."
"It could also make us paranoid for nothing. You should know as a therapist that paranoia could also kill us."
"I prefer to be paranoid over careless."
Shuichi knew that is he didn't stop them they could argue for hours.
"Guys! Please..." he stood up despite his feet trembling. "I'm fine. Let's just... Get the food."
The two exchanged glances and stepped in the pantry, avoiding the giant hole in the ground.
"We don't have a refrigerator in the dorms, so we'll have to take durable food." Tsumugi noted.
"We have access to drinkable water in the dorms, I don't think drinks will be necessary." Shuichi added.
Tsumugi looked around. "We don't have any bags. And my jacket is too small to make a substitute.
Shuichi thought back at when Himiko and Kokichi here going to the dorms using their jackets as bags for objects they won at the monomono machine. But...
The astronomer wasn't here anymore. He had to accept it.
He shook his head. "That's better than nothing. I still have my own just in case."
"And mine." Kiyo added.
"Also, perhaps we should take cutlery. To eat and to serve as a decoy for the traps." Tsumugi suggested.
The three started taking food. Mostly canned food since it was the safest option.
Shuichi had suggested taking rice and other starchy foods, but since there was no way to cook them in the dorms, the idea was rejected.
Shortly after, Kirumi, Miu, and Kokichi joined them.
"It's nice to take food that doesn't expire soon, but we should take food that doesn't take much space." Kirumi explained. "We will not go in this building too much, so we'll have to take as much as we possibly can." 
Miu pondered for a second. "How about we use kitchen furniture to transport food? That's two in one!"
Tsumugi perked up. "I didn't think about that."
"However the kitchen furniture will be useless to us since we do not have anything to cook food." Kiyo advised.
"But that's still better than using our jackets to transport food... And perhaps we'll find a way to cook." Shuichi countered.
"Then the pots will be the best for both cooking and transport." Tsumugi declared.
The 6 of them took time to choose which food to take. Canned food, rice, noodles, dry food but also some fruits. They took enough cutlery for both the group and to use it as a trap decoy.
They left the dining hall with all the furniture.
Shuichi hoped they wouldn't have to run with that much in their hands.
Miu looked at the pot she was transporting, full of fruits. "We said we would take the pots but any idea on what to use to cook? We know there's no lighter or some kind of portable stove..."
Tsumugi pondered. "We have the candles on the fourth floor and wood in Angie's lab. But that will require maintenance."
"I believe there are tools to keep the fire alive in my lab since there is a fireplace. We should take a look this afternoon." Kiyo suggested.
"That sounds fair to m-" Tsumugi interrupted herself when she heard a click.
A series of needles was shot from the walls on the group, stabbing each of them in all places.
They ran as fast as they could to get out of the building. Shuichi is pretty sure some of the food fell on the floor, but now was not the time to retrieve it.
His cheeks hurt.
They pushed the door to get out of the building.
Shuichi heard a loud noise, of someone falling to the ground.
When he turned around, his eyes widened.
Miu was less covered than the majority of them. She only had a crop top and a short overall. The needles did much more damage on her than on the others.
She wasn't bleeding, but there were way too many of them, on her arms, legs, and even her face.
"Miu!!" he kneeled before her. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I-I'm fine. D-Don't worry about me." she stuttered.
Everyone took off the needles that stuck on their bodies, Shuichi helping Miu get hers off.
Kiyo helped her getting up. "Rantaro's group went on the third floor for medical supplies. He'll help you once they come back."
She weakly nodded.
Kirumi had taken Kiyo's pot so he could help Miu walk.
Fortunately, no more traps activated on their way to the dorms.
When they opened the door, they realized Rantaro's group was already there, organizing the medical supplies.
The medic rushed to the group. "Are you guys okay?"
"We activated a trap and Miu ended up getting more injured than us. She needs your help, Rantaro." Kiyo explained.
The group organized the food and cutlery, except for Miu and Rantaro, the latter disinfecting the former's wounds.
Kirumi prepared lunch with Ryoma since Miu was unable to do anything. Shuichi hadn't realized they took that long to activate a few locks and transport food. But at least they had enough for the day, and perhaps the day after if they managed to save enough.
For some reason, Rantaro, Ryoma, Kirumi, and Kokichi already seemed to be used to be light on food, considering how little they ate.
The group ate in silence on the floor of the dorms. Canned food was not the tastiest, especially considering what Kirumi and Miu could usually cook, but they didn't have a choice.
This motive was already starting to get the better of them. Would they even be able to continue like this for long? Long enough for Monokuma to perhaps get bored and stop the motive?
Since there wasn't much to do, everyone either stayed in their rooms or talked in the lobby.
Shuichi was already tired from the morning, so he laid on his bed for the time being.
They could only use the locks after 3 PM. Monokuma already knew they would be going to rush and unlock both if he didn't add the rule.
He thought about the situation. They were surprisingly organized.
Was it, though?
Their group had two soldiers, a mercenary, an intellectual genius, and a therapist to help them get organized.
They were teenagers more mature than any normal person their age.
A maturity that came from the harshness of their past.
The fact that they were able to get organized so well...
... That was definitely not surprising.
At around 2:50 PM, he left his room to join the others. (The others being: Kirumi and Rantaro).
He only noticed after that Ryoma was knocking on Tsumugi's door.
"Um... Is everything alright?" the violinist asked the two.
"Well, we're trying to think about how the traps work, and that's why we need Tsumugi." Kirumi explained.
Speaking of which, the prodigy joined them with Ryoma.
"We need your opinion on this, Tsumugi." Rantaro looked serious.
"I'm listening."
Kirumi crossed her arms. "We're saying that the more we are in a group, the higher are the chances of activating a trap, and possibly a huge one."
She pondered for a second. "From the traps we activated, I think that could be true. The needles were quite ferocious, even if they didn't look like it."
She perked up. "You're saying we should try to go individually and not by groups?"
Shuichi blinked. "Go individually? Isn't there a risk we could get injured without being able to be helped?"
Rantaro nervously bounced his leg. "I've inspected Miu's injuries earlier. This was not pretty to look at. I'm the only one who can treat serious wounds, so I have to admit going separately would be safer."
So the opposite strategy from earlier.
But if that was the best strategy, then it could be for the best.
Shuichi wished he could be as smart and strong as them.
At 3:00 PM, the others came out of their rooms.
After a short explanation, they decided to go by groups of two, even though they would separate at some point.
They also decided that those on the fourth floor would bring candles and wood, and Kiyo would get the tools for the fire.
Kirumi and Ryoma went first.
Then Rantaro and Kaito.
Tsumugi went alone.
Then it was Shuichi and Kiyo's turn. They wished Miu and Kokichi good luck and left.
"... I'm still nervous about this strategy." Shuichi admitted.
"For now it's for the best. This is the first day, we will decide which strategy is the best for tomorrow." Kiyo replied. "However we can go together with a distance between us so we do not activate unnecessary traps."
Shuichi smiled. "If it doesn't bother you of course."
"At the sole condition that you help me carry the tools from the fireplace."
He chuckled. "Alright. I accept."
They reached the building, and Shuichi crouched to enter the entrance hall. Perhaps the arrow trap wasn't there anymore, but he preferred not to take a risk.
The walk to the second floor was silent and surprisingly peaceful. They avoided a few traps in the corridors, going one after the other.
This strategy seemed to work.
The fewer people were together, the lower are the chances to activate a trap.
Monokuma wanted to separate them. Even Shuichi realized that.
The violinist entered his lab and activated the locker.
He sighed in relief. At least this was over for now.
Just as he stepped out of the lab, he joined back Kiyo, who was waiting for him near the stairs to the third floor.
"So, was your lock in your lab?" he asked.
"Yes, I managed to activate it." Shuichi nodded. "Thank you for helping me this morning."
The two made their way to the fifth floor.
This was too silent. Something was wrong.
"Are you coming, Shuichi?" Kiyo asked when he saw that Shuichi slowed down.
"Ah yes I'm..." he trailed off when he heard a faint noise. A voice?
He paused to focus.
"Shhh!" he raised a hand to ask him to be quiet.
There was a voice. It was definitely a voice.
It was not a voice. It was several unfamiliar voices.
Kiyo raised an eyebrow.
Something wasn't right.
He walked down the upper set of stairs since the voices were definitely below them- on the fourth floor.
Kiyo followed him.
He could barely hear anything, but voices were coming from somewhere, he was sure of it.
"... -where... ... stops-"
"... Rats..."
"... Rats..."
"... Rats... Rats... Rats..."
Shuichi had a very bad feeling.
He stepped forward to go down the other set of stairs...
... But stopped when he heard a blood curling scream. Not a scream of pain. A scream of pure terror.
And by the pitch of the voice, it was...
"... Kokichi?" he instinctively muttered.
The violinist and the therapist exchanged quick glances.
Shuichi panicked.
He ran.
He didn't even care if a trap activated. He knew where the voices were from. Where the scream came from.
He ran through the fourth floor despite Kiyo telling him to stop.
The voices were louder and louder as he ran.
Some were talking and panicking. Some were repeating the same word over and over.
"They're everywhere- Someone just kill them!"
"Rats. Rats."
"Stay away from me!"
"Rats. Rats. Rats. Rats."
"God please have mercy on our souls- There's no God! We're going to die like rats!"
"I- I think I'm infected too- STAY AWAY FROM ME!!"
Suddenly the voices stopped all at once.
Shuichi entered the corridor leading to Kokichi's lab. A second door had shut down, eliminating every possibility of entering the lab.
"Kokichi!! Kokichi!!!!"
... Nothing.
Kiyo joined him, his monopad in hand. "Kokichi isn't the only one in here."
He looked at the therapist.
"Miu is here as well."
Shuichi kept slamming the door with his fist.
"Kokichi!! Miu!! Say something!!"
No one was answering. The second door was soundproofing the lab. Which was why the voices had 'stopped'.
They didn't stop, they were just contained in the lab.
Shuichi couldn't hear Miu and Kokichi, and neither of them could hear Shuichi banging at the door.
"Miu!! Kokichi!!!"
... This was hopeless.
He thought back at what Monokuma said earlier.
“... Some rooms will lock themselves to whisper your worst fears to you.”
That was what he meant.
He meant psychological torture.
Shuichi and Kiyo would only wait, powerless over the situation.
The violinist fell on his knees.
Just the thought made him want to puke.
Kokichi and Miu were stuck in a room made for psychological torture.
And they had no way of getting out.
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mlqcimagines · 5 years
The voice came to you through a hazy dream of dark alleys and shifting shadows, breaking through the dream sounds of running feet and shouting.
"Boss, you've been out for an hour now!"
You jolted awake, the dream slipping from you quickly, and you shook your head, trying in vain to recall the details before giving it up as a lost cause. You turned your head to see Kiki there, a small smile on her face and a hand on your shoulder. You must've fallen asleep at your desk, and a small groan slipped out as you tried to stretch away the kinks in your back. A sudden change to a shooting location mere days before it was scheduled had you all working furiously, trying to re adjust everything to run smoothly, but most of it fell on you. You hadn't been home in a day or so, (you think it was a day or so, anyways, it couldn't have been that long...) and you'd been grabbing naps where you could.
"Ugh, I'm sorry KiKi. But at least we're almost done, and with a day left before the shoot."
Kiki laughed and tried to straighten your messy hair.
"Boss it's Thursday night, the shoot starts in 9 hours."
You bolted out of your chair at that, only to sway a little and catch yourself on Kiki's shoulder. How had you lost track of time that badly?!?
"Darn, darn darn! I still have to contact the caterers for the new venue, make sure the wardrobe gets there on time, email Victor..."
Kiki hopped up and down a bit, waving her hands at you, a smile splitting her face.
"Relax! It's all done already. We stayed late and took care of the rest while you took your nap." She giggled, and leaned in conspiratorially. "And you have a visitor. I have to warn you though, he's very upset with you."
You glanced quizzically at her, drawing out another laugh.
"Blame Minor, not me."
"Hey, I had to do something, she asked me the same question 5 times and she's been here for 3 days straight, the smell is getting bad!"
You blanched when you realized he was right. You weren't too fresh, and you were still so tired that it was hard to focus on anything. Even the edges of Kiki's face were blurry. Your thoughts, however, were cut short by a stern vojce coming from behind you.
"And that's why I'm here to take you home." Said Gavin, stepping to your desk. He picked up your purse, and you took it numbly, wondering why he looked so stern. You didn't have to wonder long though, because as soon as he escorted you outside he slung one arm beneath your knees, lifting you into his arms, and took off into the sky.
"Gavin, really, you don't have to do this I'm fine to walk or take a ca- oh!" You cut off as the chill of the pre dawn air hit you fully, gasping, even waking you up a little.
Gavin grumbled something unintelligible, and snuggled you tighter, somehow managing with his long arms to both hang on to you and wrap his long overcoat over your legs. The heavy leather and Gavin's own warm body combined to chase away the chill, and despite your protests you found yourself almost nodding off as he headed away.
You woke up as he descended, confused when you see not your own window, but the fire escape outside his apartment.
Still silent he carried you inside, laying you on the couch as gently as he could manage.
"Gavin, please, why aren't you talking to me?" You whispered. The hint of fear in your voice stopped the man cold, and he looked down at you, pain in his eyes as he settled carefully at your side.
"MC when was the last time you were home?"
"Um...", you hesitated, struggling to remember. Had it been yesterday? Or Tuesday? Monday? When had the location changed.... "Yesterday?" You hazarded a guess.
"You haven't been home in 3 days! Minor told me you've been napping at your desk, and Kiki said the only breakfast you had today was an orange she brought for you."
"But the shoot..."
"Would've run fine with half the attention you gave it. And you know it. So, tell me..... why don't you want to go home?"
You froze. Of course this man, this beautiful, protective man, who could be so hard and terrifying to others and yet was so careful with you, had noticed. The ginko leaf dangling from your wrist, combined with how well he knew you, had seen to that. You ducked your head, tucking your legs up to your chest, till you were curled into a ball. Your eyes started to burn, throat closing, and it became difficult to speak, but somehow you managed to force the words out.
"I.... I don't want to be there alone."
Gavin stilled for a moment, then leapt from the couch. You heard rummaging from the direction of his bedroom, and before long he'd returned, an enormous pile of pillows and blankets in his arms, topped by a tshirt and pair of sweatpants. The entire lot was dumped unceremoniously onto the couch, and he handed you the clothing, a gentle hand stroking your head as he did.
"Here. Go get changed."
In the bathroom you inwardly castigated yourself. Of course he would think you were silly, whining about staying alone, practically living at the office until Minor had to call and tattle on you. A few stray tears slipped out as you cinched the waist of the sweatpants as tight as they would go. "Stress" you told yourself as you put on the shirt that was far too big for you, dangling halfway to your knees. You hurredly wiped the tears away and stepped back into the living room.
There, a transformation had taken place. The couch had been pulled out into a bed, and on it was what must've been every blanket and pillow Gavin owned. Exhausted and stunned into silence, you didn't notice Gavin come up behind you till it was too late. Again he picked you up, carrying you to the nest of the sofa bed, and laid you down in the middle of the fluffy pile. He grabbed a remote as you looked on in bemusement and soon the soft sound of a gituar piece filled the space and the lights dimmed.
"Do you mind if I sit?" Gavin's voice lacked its usual assurance, and he was looking away from you, so you couldn't be sure if you imagined the light flush to his cheeks or if it was the low lights, but you nodded anyway. He settled carefully at your side, and tucked a blanket around the two of you.
His hand settled on your back, and you felt the pressure of his fingers begin rubbing small circles. An involuntary groan escaped you, eyes fluttering shut as you slumped forward.
"You don't have to" you mumbled without much protest, but he didn't stop, and you could feel the smile on his lips, even if you couldn't see it.
"Gavin, do you ever have nightmares?" The words spilled from you unintentionally, and you couldnt help but tense up when Gavin's impromptu massage slowed.
"Yes. Everyone does, I think. Is that why you don't want to go home?"
A nod was all he got in response. You were too ashamed to look at him.
"Sshhh. Stop being so hard on yourself. Everyone has nightmares. You don't have to be afraid of yours. I'll always be there to protect you. I'm all the protection you need. And I promise I'll never leave."
Gavin's words were soft but firm, and you gave a small shudder. A few more tears leaked out, but this time they came from a place of relief and happiness, and you felt the tension slowly leak away. Sliding down further into the nest of blankets your eyes slid closed.
"Thank you, Gavin."
The last thing you felt before drifting into the first deep, untroubled sleep you've had in a week was a light brush against the crown of your head as Gavin placed a gentle kiss there.
"Sleep tight, MC. I promise I'll never leave you to face your nightmares alone."
Lucien hung up the phone, an angry frown on his handsome features. Kiki had said the cop had taken her home, but he'd stopped by, and the apartment was empty. He tightened his fist around a pen, briefly allowing his irritation to show before relaxing himself once again. It wouldn't matter, in the end. He assured himself of that as he watched the sun rise over Loveland City.
A/N: I'm tired and tenses are hard, ok? Anyway, I needed Birdcop fluff and comfort, so here we are, enjoy!
Requests are open!
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404gendernotfound · 5 years
Living with a Hybrid Part 8 (Hybrid!Taeyong x Reader)
Summary: Your first time waking up with Taeyong clinging to you after exchanging kisses yesterday night. He is still a bit shy but gets more confident throughout the day. You’re talking about him even at work and as you finally come home you can’t wait to spend time with your favourite boy.
Contains: fluff
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 3,9 K
A/N: For all of you who have been wondering if the story is gonna end soon since the main couple got together now: I’m not planning on ending it this soon. It could be that there are 5 more chapters, it could be that I’ll still write 10 or more. I’ll have to see if I can still keep up with the flow of the story and if it will be better to not drag it too long and just end it at it’s best. So you can still look forward to a lot of cute moments with Taeyong and to get a look at the readers family and past.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
As I woke up the next morning I had to shuffle out of Taeyongs grip without waking him since I needed to get ready for work. His shift at the pancake shop didn’t start before 9 am so he still could sleep some time before he needed to get ready. I stretched and walked into the bathroom to shower and then get dressed. As I came back out of the bathroom I saw a sleepy hybrid sitting on the bed looking in my direction.
“Did I wake you?”, I asked and he shook his head.
“The bed was too cold without you”, he mumbled in a shy voice and I saw his cheeks blush slightly.
My heart skipped a beat and I walked over to the bed to take my place next to him. I sat down and Taeyong instantly laid his head down on my shoulder.
“You could still sleep some time. You don’t always need to get up whenever I leave for work”, I explained.
“But I want to see you out every morning”, he whined and looked at me with his puppy eyes.
How could I say no to this cutie? It was too adorable to know that he voluntarily wanted to wake up with me just to say goodbye for the day. I ruffled through his hair and he began to giggle quietly.
“You’re too cute for your own good”, I whispered and softly kissed his head.
I got off the bed and walked over to the desk to grab my things and put everything in my bag. Taeyong was watching me from the bed and waited until I had all the things I needed before he left the bed to see me off. I would just grab something to eat on my way from the bus to the office. As I was finished with putting my coat and shoes on, Taeyong stood at the doorstep and waited for me to step closer. I took a step forward and looked up at the sleepy hybrid that was a bit taller now since we weren’t standing on the same level. He looked like he wanted something. It was written all over his face but he seemed to be too shy to ask for it.
“Is there something you want?”, I asked and saw his cheeks turn pink.
“Can I give you a goodbye kiss?”, he asked looking to the floor and playing with his shirt.
“Of course”
Taeyong stood there hesitating while his tail was swinging behind him in excitement. It seemed like he was too shy to make a move after what happened yesterday. He just looked at me and I could almost see the anxiety in his eyes. I felt like I had to save him from the embarrassment. I leaned in and placed a quick kiss on his soft lips. As I moved back and looked at him I saw that he was satisfied now. I took one of his hands and squeezed it.
“I’ll be on my way now. I’ll see you later, Taeyongie”, I said before I let go of his hand and walked to the door.
“Text me when you arrive at work”, he added as I opened the door.
“I will. See you”
I closed the door and walked to the elevator with a bright smile on my face. I wasn’t sure what the thing between the two of us was right now but I was really happy to know that Taeyong somehow seemed to feel the same thing as I felt. As I arrived in the lobby I received a message from Taeyong. Was he already missing me?
Taeyongie 🤍: Get back home safe
I had to smile at his text.
You: I will. Now get some more rest before your shift starts <3
It took some time before he texted back. I was already sitting in the bus as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the display.
Taeyongie 🤍:  But I can’t sleep without you here…
You: Oh Taeyong…then watch some TV and eat some breakfast
Taeyongie 🤍:  Ok
There was a long pause before his next text arrived.
Taeyongie 🤍:  I can’t wait to see you again later <3
Reading his text made me wanna turn around and go back home right this instance. The bus arrived at the stop near the office and I got off walking into the direction of the bakery. After I got myself a sandwich and a croissant I walked over to the office. I quickly texted Taeyong that I arrived there and then entered the building. As I arrived my co-worker Jenny walked in with me.
“Good morning Y/N”, she said and smiled at me.
“Good morning Jenny”
“Have you heard about the new amusement park they’ll open on Saturday?”, she asked excited as if she couldn’t wait for my answer.
“No I haven’t. Tell me about it”
“They said there will be a lot of cool rides and a big Farris wheel where you can look over the whole city on its highest point.”, she explained excited.
“That sounds really nice. Maybe I can take Taeyong with me”, I mumbled more to myself than to her.
“Taeyong? Who’s that? Your boyfriend?”, she asked with a raised brow and a smirk on her face.
What should I say? He wasn’t really my boyfriend. At least we didn’t exchange our feelings really so it wouldn’t be good to assume that he was my boyfriend. I could just tell Jenny the whole story but that would take too much time. So I just decided to tell her to least I could.
“No. He’s a hybrid. He lives with me”
“Oh...wait! Since when do you have a hybrid?”
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later.”
I walked to my office and got straight to my work. It wasn’t as much work as yesterday meaning that it could be that I might get to go home early if I finish everything quickly. The mountain of work got a lot smaller when it was lunchtime. I felt like going to the canteen today even though I didn’t go there most of the time since it was noisy and all the co-workers where gathered there talking about god knows what. As I arrived there I got myself something to eat and sat down at a table with Jenny and some other people from our department.
“Hey! You left your office to eat for once”, she laughed and playfully hit my shoulder.
“I felt like socialising with you guys today”, I laughed and smiled at the others sitting at the table with us.
“So. You still need to tell us about that hybrid of yours”, one of them said and I sighed.
Jenny could never keep anything to her. She’s one of those people you can’t control what comes out of their mouth and sometimes information slips that wasn’t supposed to be said. I wasn’t mad at her since I didn’t mind the others knowing that I was living with a hybrid since I knew that they were pretty tolerant towards hybrids.
“That’s a really long story”
I started to tell them that I found him injured on the street about a month ago and took him in. I also told them about Haechan and Louis Green and what happened. I didn’t tell them about everything in detail since they just needed to know the basics. My co-workers looked at me some with a sad face and some really curious.
“So that means that you own that hybrid, right?”, Jenny asked and I shook my head.
“No. He lives with me but he doesn’t belong to me. He is officially still adopted by Louis Green”
Whenever I had to say that mans name my stomach turned and I had the feeling as if I had to puke any moment. Thinking about the bruises Haechan and Taeyong had caused my that bastard didn’t make that thought any better. I was just glad that they were healing on their own pace, mentally and physically.
“Does that mean that he will always count as that guys family?”, one of them asked.
“Actually, I never really thought about that. But now that you mention it, it might really be like that. I’ll have to call the adoption center and ask them if it is possible to undo an adoption.”
“Will you adopt him then?”, Jenny asked.
“I don’t know. If he wants me to I’ll gladly do it. But I won’t force him. It’s his decision. I don’t even know if he wants to stay with me forever. Maybe it’s better if I don’t adopt him.”
“You literally saved his life. I wouldn’t know anyone who would want to ever leave their saviour after something like this. Talk to him about it. I’m sure he’ll be very happy”, she said and pat my shoulder.
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Can we see a picture?”, one of them asked and I smiled.
I showed them my wallpaper that showed a selfie that Taeyong and I took as we were chilling on the couch. His hair was messy on the picture and his cheeks slightly pink as he shyly looked into the camera. A loud “Aww” sounded through the room and everybody looked at our table. I apologised for the noise and looked at my co-workers angrily.
“He looks really cute. I bet he is a really good boy. Does he purr?”, she asked excited looking at me with hearteyes.
“Yes he does. He is very clingy but I don’t mind that. He is the cutest. Whatever you think is cute double that and you have Taeyong.”
Jenny giggled and continued to look at my phone.
“You should have told us earlier. It would be nice to meet him if that was possible”
“Well, he is really shy around strangers so I don’t know if that is a great idea right now but maybe some time in the future when he gets more confident around other people.”
It was really nice to talk someone else than Johnny and Mark about hybrids and they all seemed to understand me. We talked a bit more before the break was over and we got back to our desks to finish our work. I really was able to finish my work early. I brought my finished tasks to the boss and then went to pack my stuff. It was only 3 pm now meaning that I was able to finish 2 hours early. I was really happy that I now get to spend more time with my favourite boy on this beautiful Friday afternoon. I decided to surprise Taeyong at home. I quickly went food shopping on my way before I walked into the apartment building. I walked a different way to the elevator just to make sure that no one at the pancake shop could see me coming home already. As I arrived at the apartment, I put away the groceries and began to bake cookies. I knew that Taeyong loved the cookies I backed and I always love watching his happy face whenever he gets to eat them. As I was done with the dough and had put them in the oven, I decided to research if it was possible to undo an adoption. After reading articles and old cases for what felt like an hour, I found out that it was possible under certain circumstances like violence towards hybrids and that we just had to add it to our case. I instantly called our lawyer telling him that it would be the best if all the hybrids that had been affected by Louis Green should be spoken free to go in court so that they could go on and live a normal life without still knowing that they were legally still a part of his family. He added it to our file and assured me that he would do everything to win this case. After the call ended I heard the front door open. I put away my laptop and walked towards the corridor. As he stepped in and took off his shoes, I already heard his voice.
“Y/N?”, he said confused that I was already home.
I walked out of the kitchen and smiled at him as he looked at me. A huge smile formed on his face and he walked towards me instantly going for a hug. I hugged back and this time nuzzled my head against his neck.
“I’m home”, I mumbled against his neck and couldn’t help but place a quick kiss on his beautiful skin.
“I-I s-see t-that”, he stuttered and I couldn’t help but giggle at his sudden shyness.
I loved seeing how he always changed from the confident man to the shy boy whenever I did something unexpected. I moved so that I could look at him. His cheeks were pink as always. I reached out to pinch his cheeks and smiled.
“You know. Pink really suits you”, I teased and winked at him which just darkened his blush.
“Don’t make fun of me”, he said pouting and looked at me with puppy eyes.
“I’m serious. Pink is a great colour on you.”, I said and stroked his cheeks with both of my hands.
He just smiled at me and closed his eyes enjoying my affection towards him. His arms were now placed around my waist still keeping me as close as possible.
“You know. I really enjoyed work today since I got to talk about my favourite thing in life during lunchbreak. My co-workers were all delighted after I told them about the pretty hybrid I live with. They instantly wanted to meet you in person since you are so adorable”, I told him about today and saw his eyes open slowly.
“Y-you c-can’t talk about m-me like t-that”, he stuttered and looked down shyly.
“Why not?”
“Because it’s not true”, he mumbled quietly and let his head hang low.
I placed my hand under his chin and softly pressed it up so he had to look at me.
“It’s true. You are beautiful, Taeyong. It doesn’t matter whatever people called you in the past. Have you even looked at yourself properly? Your eyes are the prettiest I have ever seen. You blush whenever something unexpected happens and try to hide your face even though it’s the cutest thing on planet earth or even the universe. Your fur is smooth and shiny just like your hair and I always want to run my hands through it whenever I see you. You are clingy but not in a bad way. And most important of all, your personality is even more beautiful. You are the sunshine in person. Everything I said about you is nothing but the truth.”
While I complimented him I noticed tears building in his eyes. Before they could leave and run over his beautiful face I pulled him closer and placed a kiss on his lips. This was the first time he wasn’t shy enough to kiss back. Our lips moved in the same pace and fit perfectly as if they were made for each other. My hands wandered from around his neck into his hair and softly pulled on it. The kiss ended after some time with both of us slightly panting and leaning our foreheads against each other. I smiled at him and watched his mouth curl upwards, too.
“I’m not just saying this because I really like you. I’m saying this because that’s how I feel about you and you should feel just the same about yourself. You are beautiful, Taeyong”
“T-Thank you. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t think badly about myself again”
“You don’t have to promise that to me. Promise it to yourself. You have to be able to love yourself before you can love someone else”, I added and cupped his face with one of my hands.
“I’ll try”, he whispered and closed his eyes.
“I know. Don’t pressure yourself. I’ll be by your side whenever you need me. Don’t worry about that.”
I placed one last kiss on his lips before we separated from each other and walked into the kitchen. I looked after the cookies while Taeyong quickly changed into something more comfortable. As he came back into the kitchen I almost dropped the backing tray. He had startled me as he walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist placing his head on my shoulder. He was normally too shy to do something like this which was why I was so surprised about his behaviour.
“Be careful. Don’t hurt yourself”, Taeyong said and tightened his grip on me.
“Sorry. I was just surprised. These have to cool before we can eat them so let’s just go to the couch and watch something, ok?”, I suggested and looked at him over my shoulder.
“OK”, he whispered and then turned me so that we were facing the direction of the living room.
He didn’t move from behind me the whole way into the living room. It was difficult to walk with a hybrid clinging to my back as if I would disappear any moment he loosened his grip on me but I wasn’t gonna complain. As we arrived in front of the couch Taeyong released me and sat down on it patting his lap.
“You want me to sit on your lap?”, I asked and he nodded.
I could tease him now and just sit down on his lap facing him with my legs on both sides of his thighs but that would probably be too much. It would be nice to see him all flustered but I think it probably was too early to do something like this. I sat down on his lap and instantly had his arms wrapped around my waist again.
“You are especially cuddly today, aren’t you?”, I laughed happy and moved a bit so I was almost laying on top of him.
“Can’t I cuddle you whenever I want?”, he asked and looked at me.
“Of course you can”, I answered and reached up to playfully ruffle his hair which made him giggle.
We watched a bit TV and stayed in silence until Taeyong began to talk.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Sure. I’m all ears”
“When the trial is over next month…uhm…what will happen then?”
I was confused by his question. What did he mean with what will happen? It sounded like it was depressing him. I looked up at him over my head and saw his face. Worry was written all over it.
“What do you mean?”, I asked back.
I needed more information to answer his question.
“I mean…will you make me…yours?”, he asked hesitating and getting quieter with every word spoken.
This question made me even more confused. What did he mean by “making me yours”? After a short while of thinking something from an article about hybrids popped into my mind. It was about hybrids falling in love with humans. The text said that they would want to be as close as possible, in real life and legally meaning that the closest of being with a human was through the adoption since it was still forbidden for hybrids and humans to marry, which in my opinion was total bullshit. As this realization hit me I turned around and looked directly at Taeyong.
“Did you just ask me to adopt you?”, I asked excited since that could mean that this was almost like asking someone to marry you in the human world.
“Y-Yes. I mean you don’t have to if you don’t feel that way but-“
Before he could end his sentence I had already pressed a finger to his lips making him shut up. I didn’t need any more words from him to know my decision. There wasn’t even any thinking needed to know what I was gonna say.
“Taeyong. There is no way I would say no to adopting you. See I couldn’t imagine being without you anymore so don’t even think that I don’t feel the same way as you do. And actually…I was gonna ask you sometime soon if you wanted me to adopt you since you’d be free after the trial.”
I send him the happiest smile and saw him return an even happier one. He then hugged me and pressed his forehead against mine.
“I like you”, he said, his words filled with love.
“I like you, too”, I answered and nuzzled my nose against his.
God I loved this boy so much. I could melt in his arms right at this moment. The softness his voice had as he said these words warmed my heart and made me fall in love with him even more. We separated again and I pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before I stood up to go to the kitchen.
“I’ll get the cookies, just a sec”, I said and almost ran to get the kitchen to grab what I baked earlier.
I placed them on a plate and walked back to the couch. This time I placed myself next to Taeyong so I could cuddle against him while we watched TV. Taeyong wasn’t used to being cuddled against like this. I noticed that because he didn’t know where to place his arms. I helped him and placed his one arm around me and took the other and intertwined our fingers. He looked down at me and then kissed my head like I would always do whenever he cuddled against me. Just this little copying me in this situation made my heart beat faster and I could hear Taeyongs heartbeat fasten too. As we were watching TV and eating the cookies from the plate a commercial about the new amusement park in town was screening. I remembered Jenny at work telling me excited like a child how amazing the park would be and it actually sounded like something perfect for tomorrows Saturday.
“Hey. What do you think? Wanna go to that opening tomorrow?”, I asked still munching on my cookie.
“I don’t know. I’ve never been to an amusement park”, he said which made me sit up and look at him in shock.
“Then we definitely have to go. You will love it. There are a lot of fun rides, you can buy lottery tickets and win things like cute keychains to huge stuffed animals and there is a Ferris wheel with a view over the whole city. It will be fun”
Now I knew that this was a brilliant idea. His eyes sparkled and his tail whipped from side to side excitedly.
“Yes. Stuffed animals. We could take the boys and Haechanie with us. That would be fun, don’t you think?”
He nodded without losing that sparkle in his eyes. I could already imagine Taeyong running around with a stuffed animal in his arms pressed tightly against his body while he walks around with wide eyes taking in all the new sensations and eating pink cotton candy. Only the image in my head made me smile like an idiot. This was going to be the best day ever.
Next part                                                                
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spicysawdust · 5 years
🦅Morning Surprise🦅 (NSFW)
I finished writing this at 3:15 am... sorry if it seems a bit off. I was half way asleep writing most of it. Haha😅 and I am aware that I used to many bird nicknames... so yeah. I kind of turned this into a birthday scenario. I hope that's ok. Kind of a birthday scenario🤷🏻‍♀️
2,546 words
(Hawks x female reader)
The warm feeling of your boyfriend's body against yours was the most comforting feeling in the world. You had just so happened to wake up before him but you never wanted to leave the warmth of his larger body. In attempt to wiggle yourself into a more intimate position, you slipped one of your legs between his and intertwined your legs with his. Your face was pressed against his bare chest and you could hear the soft, relaxed pounding of his heartbeat. You shifted your hips, trying to adjust yourself when your thigh rubbed against something firm. You rubbed your leg against whatever it was, trying to make out the vague shape of it. A soft groan escaped your boyfriend's mouth. Good thing he was a heavy sleeper. Your morning drowsiness fogged your thoughts. Your probably would have come to the realization of what it was if your mind was clear and you were more awake. You peeked under the covers and realized that your thigh was rubbing up against his morning erection. Your cheeks heated a bit and you felt a warm, tingling sensation in your lower stomach. You decided that since he worked so hard as a hero he deserved a hot surprise when he woke up. You carefully wiggled your legs out from his and shimmied yourself lower in the bed so that you were face level with Hawks' erect cock.
You pulled the blankets up so that he was still comfortable and warm under them, hiding yourself out of his view under the covers. You rubbed your hands together and warming them up before pulling his boxers down and allowing his cock to spring free and hit your cheek softly. There was a generous amount of precum on the tip which made your pussy throb in excitement. You waisted no time as you wrapped your mouth around the pink head of his erection, slurping up the salty precum. You could feel his body shift and his cock twitch at the sudden stimulation below the sheets. Your warm, wet mouth sucked and your textured tongue rubbed against the sensitive tip, earning you a shaky groan from the winged man. Deciding to take more of him into your mouth, you forced your head down and started to make a bobbing motion to stimulate his shaft  and let the back of your throat rub the tip from all angles. You were incredibly careful as to not scrape him with your teeth because you could just imagine how much that probably hurt.
Once when he was eating you out one of his sharp canines grazed against your clit and you almost kicked him in defense. It was definitely not a pleasant feeling. You started to feel stuffy under the blanket so you pulled it down enough for your head to be seen with his hardened dick in your mouth. You brought a single hand up and started to squeeze and massage his balls as your mouth worked the shaft, causing a rather loud groan to escape his mouth. Your other hand lowered itself and rubbed against the damp fabric between your legs excitedly. Hawks started to shift more than usual, meaning he was probably staring to wake up. You picked up the bobbing pace and gave his balls a gentle squeeze. You watched as his gorgeous, golden eyes fluttered open, immediately landing on you. His morning arousal spiked at the sight of you with a mouthful of his cock, making him cum suddenly.
Neither of you were prepared for how sudden it was. He couldn't even get a word out before you felt his balls clench and a warm, salty substance squirted from the tip of his cock. Determined not to let any of his semen go to waste, you forced your head all the way down and let his cum shoot directly down your throat. His hips jerked up into your mouth a couple times as he groggily moaned out much louder than his previous moans, gripping the bed sheets tightly with a tense body. His deep thrusts into your throat made your eyes water as you tried not to gag. The sudden intensity from his orgasm overwhelmed his senses and he felt like he might pass out. He sat up slowly and looked down as you wiped your mouth with the back of your wrist. "Well good morning to you too," he chuckled softly while panting.
"Good morning. Happy Birthday, Keigo," you said and sat up, leaning in to kiss him with a soft morning passion. He held the kiss for longer than you expected, making your wet folds feel even more wet than they already were. He eventually pulled away and placed his hands on your hips, his back resting against your headboard. "I love you little bird," he said, his wings fluttering just a tad. You rested your head against his chest and listened to his more rapid heartbeat. "I love you too Kei," you said softly. You didn't want to overstimulate him so you didn't push anything more. "You looked so hot with my dick in your mouth, chickadee," he whispered into your ear and started to nibble at the shell before moving his teeth and lips to the lobe. His hot breath against your skin along with his words sent a shiver down your spine and gave you goosebumps.
"T-Thank you," you said and tilted your head to the side, letting him nibble at your ear with more room. The heat between your legs continued to increase, leaving a visible wet spot on the fabric of your panties as you tried to close your legs. Since you were straddling his lap you couldn't, leaving you exposed to him. He pulled his lips away and glanced down, seeing the wetness between your legs. "Oh?" He gave you a sly smirk as he leaned forward, causing you to fall on your back facing him. "Did sucking me off turn you on, dove?" His husky morning voice was really hot and his warm breath felt nice against your skin. All you could do was nod softly before he yanked your panties down and pulled your tank top over your head. He tossed them off the bed before adjusting his position so that his head was between your thighs, wrapping his arms around the back of your thighs making it difficult to close them.
"W-Wait," you stopped him. "You don't have to do that... it's kind of gross," you started to get self conscious and tried closing your legs but Takami wouldn't let you. "Nothing about you is gross, dove. Everything about you is stunning. Just think of this as your birthday gift to me," he said before splitting your wet folds open with his tongue. The cute, birdlike nicknames he called you always made you blush and your heart melt. You lied on your back and looked up at the ceiling as your boyfriend skillfully used his tongue to stimulate your clit from all angles. Hawks watched every little move you made and took note of the certain spots that made you squirm, making yo sure to abuse those spots. You suddenly felt his warm, pink muscle force its way inside of you, making your back arch.
"Y-Yes, just like that," you managed to whimper, embarrassed that you were already close to your first orgasm of the morning. Keigo started to suck and lick at your clit mercilessly while digging his middle finger deep inside of you, making your thighs tremble as your orgasm approached much faster than you had anticipated. "K-Kei, I-I can't.. I'm gonna-..," you were a shuddering mess as you tried to communicate to him that you were about to cum. He quickly caught on and added his ring finger inside of you along with his middle finger. He had read up on the best ways to make women cum and he decided to try out something that he had seen. He sat up straight and pressed down on your lower stomach with one hand and used his other hand to finger you at a certain angle. Both his ring and middle finger were hooked up towards your g-spot and he started to jerk his fingers up directly into that one spot that made you see stars. Your vision blurred and your eyes rolled back as you were forced over the edge, bringing you to an intense orgasm. "KEI!!!" You screamed out his name as you arched your back, trying to lift your rear off the bed, unable to since he was holding you down in place, as he forced your orgasm to continue.
You were trembling and your eyes rolled back as you started to squirt, your warm fluids spraying on his hand and forearm. He pulled his fingers out of you and started to furiously rub your pussy in a side to side motion with his whole hand, making you squirt for a full 15 seconds which is a LONG time to squirt. He eventually pulled his hand away to let you calm down. Your entire body was trembling and you clung to his body as tight as you could, trying to calm yourself. Warm tears of intense euphoria streamed down your cheeks as you hid your face in his neck. He held you tightly and rubbed your sensitive skin in soft circles. "Such a good little bird," he whispered into your ear and leaned back so that you were resting on top of him. You could feel his firm cock beneath you, piecing together that making you squirt had turned him on again but you didn't think that you'd be able to handle any more.
"K-Keigo.. I'm not sure I can t-take you inside after that," you were still trembling as you reached down and started to stroke his hardened member, hoping it would help get him off. A quiet 'ah' fell from his lips at the sudden contact. "You don't have to do that baby. Here, lay down and I'll be right back," Takami said as he lied you on the bed as comfortably as he could make you before slipping his boxers back up and leaving the room. You tried to calm yourself down and looked up at the ceiling, taking slow and deep breaths. He came back into the bedroom about a minute later with a glass of water. "Here you go, chickadee. I don't want you to get dehydrated," he said as he sat on the bed next to you. It was clear that he had splashed off his face in hopes of waking up fully, leaving his messy hair a bit damp. You thanked him after you chugged down the cool glass of water, feeling much much better after that. "Hey Kei, I think I can take you if you're still up for it," your offered to which he was quick to respond with, "I'm always up for it, dove," he said with an excited smirk.
"You want me to give you a creampie?" the winged hero asked so blatantly, making your entire face flare up red. Just the thought of his hot, thick cum dripping from your pussy turned you on beyond belief. "Y-Yes, I want it all inside," you said, your skin still feeling a little bit achy and sensitive. He climbed on top of you and yanked his boxers back down, rubbing the head of his dick against your overstimulated clit. It hurt a bit and was uncomfortable but you kept quiet about it with a single thrust of his hips he was buried deep inside of you, causing both of you to let out a quiet moan. Both of his hand intertwined with both of yours, making the position more intimate. He leaned in and gave you a sloppy and hot kiss, biting at your bottom lip a bit as he started to thrust slowly into your naturally lubed up pussy. You gripped at his hands tightly as his thrusts picked up their pace, soft huffs and groans escaping his lips.
"Y-Yes, that feels amazing," you whimpered and squeezed his hands tighter. "Ha, yeah? You like that?" Hawks asked as he picked up the pace, wet skin slapping being the only thing filling the room. "Y-You're gonna make me cum a-again!" You managed to say between thrusts. "Good girl, cum on my cock baby. I wanna hear you scream," he grunted into your ear gave a couple more hard thrusts before your second orgasm ripped through your body violently, digging your nails into the back of his hands by accident. You squirted a tiny bit but not nearly as much as you had earlier, leaving the sheets still damp. Takami got right back to it, fucking you hard and rough in an animalistic way. You could sense how close he was, feeling his cock throb and twitch inside of you. "Y-Yess~!! Creampie me Kei~!!!" You cried out as your eyes rolled back, doing your best not to pass out from cumming twice. "Shit, little bird. You want it? Ask nicely," he grunted though his teeth. "P-Please!! Fill me with you cum!! Fuck me full of it~!!! I need it all~!!" You were drooling ever so slightly as his thrusts got sloppy and uneven. You let go of his hands and were quick to wrap your arms tight around his upper torso under his arms, locking him in place with your legs wrapped around his waist as well. A loud, harsh grunt followed by a couple of carnal moans escaped his mouth as his balls emptied themselves into you, the thick, foggy-white liquid coating your inner walls in multiple thick ropes.
His large, scarlet wings fluttered and twitched as he finished inside of you before he promptly collapsed on top of you. His head on your chest and his wings sprawled out, hanging off both sides of the shared bed. The two of you were panting heavily as his warm semen dripped ever so slightly out of your sore, swollen pussy. He would have taken a picture of it on his phone if he wasn't so exhausted. "Damn, what a nice way to start the day," he rested his head on your chest, listening to your frantic heartbeat. The two of you decided to lie in bed and cuddle for a while, neither of you wanting to get up. "Happy birthday, Kei," you whispered to him as you stroked his messy, sweaty hair. The two of you would DEFINITELY need a hot shower after this. But not now. Right now you were both happily wrapped in each other's arms.
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The anchor #13
Its been a few weeks since Hayley has died. Hope gets Y/n to let her see her every so often. Hope has asked Y/n  to take her to Mystic Falls to meet Y/n Brother. Y/n and Klaus are officially together. Y/n is kinda like a mom to Hope but Y/n doesn't push for her to be a mother for hope. Because she knows how it feels to grow up with out a mother.
( Hopes POV ) ~~~
 "Hey Y/n." 
Hope called as she walked down the stairs and to the kitchen to where Y/n was making breakfast for the two of them.
 "Hey Hope, what's up?" Y/n asked as she Flipped the pancake.
 "I want to go to Mystic falls. I want to meet your brother." Hope says with a please look. She was practically begging. She's been doing that since Y/n went back to get her car and she went with. "I don't know, If I can just get your dad to agree on letting you come I would be fine with it but its dangerous." Y/n said as she looked at hope with a sad smile. 
"Well where is my dad so I can ask him?" Hope asked as she sat down on the counter. "I think he went to the church with Marcel, and I don't want you going there so just wait tell he comes back please." Y/n told hope as she put the pancakes on Hopes plate and handed her the syrup. "So if my dad says yes then I'm good to go to leave with you to Mystic Falls, right?" Hope asked Y/n with a smile. "Yes, but only if your dad allows it, and if he doesn't let you I don't want to hear any whining okay. Its only because he is protecting you." Y/n said then gave hope a kiss to her forehead then started to eat her Pancakes. ~ ~ "Hey Dad." Hope greeted Klaus as he walked into the Mansion. "Hello little wolf, how was your day?" Klaus asked as he kissed the top of her head that was now just bellow his Shoulder. "Good but I wanted to ask you something." Hope said making the hybrid turn and look at her as if she had done something wrong. "Oh god, what did you do?" Klaus asked in a picking tone. "Nothing I just wanted to ask you if I could go to Mystic falls with Y/n this week end since she was going?" Hope asked Klaus giving him her best puppy dog look.
 "I don't know, what did Y/n say?" Klaus asked hope about his (Your eye color) eyed girlfriend. "She said as long as you told me yes then she was fine with it." Hope said honestly. "Ok well as long as your telling the truth I see no harm to it as long as you promise to stick with her and don't run off, then you have my permission to go." Klaus said making his Daughter smile. "Thanks dad your the best." Hope said as she hugged Klaus then ran up the stairs to pack for the week end she was going to have with Y/n. 
~ The week end ~ 
"So are you ready?" Y/n asked hope as she put the last bag into the car. ( she got the car fixed) "Yes I am." Hope said as she gave Y/n the last bag. "How many outfits do you need for only the week end?" Y/n asked Hope with a smile. " I don't know I thought maybe we could stay there longer then a weekend." Hope practically begged. "We will see, now is your dad ready he was going with us?" Y/n asked hope as she looked around for the hybrid. "Right here love." Klaus said as he walked up to the car with a small black duffel bag. "Alright that's it, lets go." Y/n said as she shut the trunk, walking to the drivers seat while Klaus sat in the passengers and hope on the drivers back seat. 
~ A few hours later~ 
"So this is Mystic falls?" Hope asked as they passed the Mystic grill. "Yep this is where I grew up, this place is almost as bad as New Orleans." Y/n said with a smile at hope. "Yes that is why you are only staying for a little bit of time." Klaus said with a straight face at hope, making her frown. 
"Hey Matty." Y/n said as Hope and her  walked into the house. "Hey Blue, whos this?" He asked as he looked at hope with a smile. "This is Hope Mikealson, Hope this is my brother Matt." Y/n introduced them to one another. "Wait. . . you had a kid with Klaus!!" Matt exclaimed at Y/n. "No she is my aunt my mom died while she was helping you and your friends because she was loyal." Hope said with a frown. "Its okay hope, I will handle him. Why don't you go look at your room, its the down the hall second on the left." Y/n said making Hope smile. Hope ran down the hall way and into her room. 
"So, you and Klaus?" Matt asked as he looked at his younger sister. "Yeah, Me and Klaus." She said not really confirming but silently say they were together. "So I'm guessing you don't know he went to see Caroline since her and Tyler broke up." Matt said as he took a sip of his drink. Y/n looked up at her older brother, she was kinda scared that maybe Klaus would leave her for Caroline, they would be better together, she keeps him in line. "No, I didn't know that." Y/n said staring at her cup but looked up when Hope came into the room.
"What's up?" Y/n asked as she turned around to hope. "I'm hungry." Hope said getting straight to the point. "Well how about I take you and Y/n to the grill to get some food. How does that sound?" Matt asked Hope with a smile. "Yes lets go!" Hope Exclaimed making both Y/n and Matt smile. 
~ At the Grill~ 
"Hi I'm going to be your server today can I start you with something to drink?" The server asked us all. "I'll take a dr. Pepper." Hope told the bus boy. "I'll take a (Favorite drink)." Y/n said with a smile. "I'll take a coffee." Matt said to the Bus boy. "Do you guys need time for the menu?" He asked looking at the three. "Yes, please." Matt said looking at hope who was just staring at the menu. "Okay, I'll be back with your drinks." He said and walked off. 
"Do you know what you want?" I asked hope while looking at her menu. "I think I want the BLT and fries." Hope told Y/n. " I think I'll get the same." Y/n said as she looked at hope with a smile. 
" Okay here you are. a Dr. pepper, (Your favorite drink), and a coffee. Are you guys ready to order?" The bus boy asked looking at matt first. "I'll take a Number 3 with fries." Matt said then handed him the menu. "Well, want a BLT with fries, Please." Y/n said then handed him the menu. "Alright I'll bring them when they're done." The Bus boy said then walked off writing it down still. 
Everything was going fine until they heard a certain laugh. Y/n looked up and Saw Caroline and Klaus talking and laughing. It made her heart go in her stomach. But she didn't make a scene, not in front of Hope. " Y/n, isn't that Dad?" Hope asked Y/n as she tapped her Arm.
"Yes that is your dad he's just meeting a friend." She reassures hope and herself. "Do you kiss your friends like that?" She asked as she pointed to Klaus practically making out with Caroline. "Not all the time,  but lets not let that ruin our night here's our food." 
Y/n said as the bus boy brought out the food. "I'm surprised you take that." Matt said as he took a bite out of his food. "Not around her, I would do anything for her and making a scene about her dad is not a good idea." Y/n said as she at two of her fries. 
~ Few minutes later~
"I'm full." Hope said as she looked at all her fries gone and a half a burger left. "Alright we will get a to go box." Matt said as he looked at Hope with a smile. "Are you guys good?" The bus boy asked as he looked at everyone. "Yes, can we get two boxes?" Y/n asked with a polite smile. "Yes you can." He said as he walked off and grabbed two boxes. 
He came back and sat them in front of Y/n and put the check on the table and walked off to clean other tables. Y/n looked at the check and put the money for the food and a 20 dollar tips. Y/n put her food in the box while Matt helped Hope. Y/n got up and payed for their food and walked back to the table and sat down. The bus boy came back and Y/n gave him the money and they went back to Matts house. 
~ at the house~ 
Y/n picked up Hope since she fell asleep in the car. She carried her into the house  and put her in the bed after she changed her into some PJ's. Y/n walked into the living room joining her brother. "So are you going to break up with him?" He asked as he looked at his younger sister. "Yup" Y/n said popping the 'p'. "I cant believe he would cheat on you." Matt said shaking his head. "Well I really don't care, it doesn't surprise me. I mean Caroline and him are better together than Klaus and I any day so I really don't care." Y/n said as she grabbed a beer out of the fridge. "Well at least now you don't have to deal with him." Matt said with a shrug. "Yeah well when he comes over I'll tell him to come pick up hope tomorrow and leave. I don't want anything to do with him. I'll take care of hope but that's it." Y/n said as she took a swig of beer. 
~ The next morning~
Y/n woke up to the sound of Matt talking to someone. She got out of her bed and threw her hair up into a messy bun. She walked out to where the sound was which was in the living room and saw Matt and Klaus arguing. "Y/n." Klaus said as he saw his girlfriend. "What are you doing here?" Y/n asked as she crossed her arms in front of her.  "I'm here to see you my girlfriend and my child." Klaus said as he started to walk to her.
"Well we're over and when Hope gets up you both can leave, and if she doesn't want to leave she can stay as long as it is okay with matt." Y/n said with a straight face. "Fine." Klaus said then looked at the hallway to see Hope. "You aren't together anymore?" Hope asked looking at Y/n and Klaus then to A silent Matt. Y/n looked at the floor with a tears in her eyes.. "No we aren't, but that doesn't mean I don't love you." Y/n said as she hugged hope and kissed the top of her head. 
"Do I have to leave now?" Hope asked as tear started to go down her face. "You don't have to go nowhere as long as your dad doesn't mind." Y/n said looking at Hope then to Klaus. "I'm sorry to say it but Hope we have to go back home. Freya wants to speak to us." Klaus said as he walked to hope. "I'll call you everyday." Hope said as she gave Y/n a big hug. 
"Don't worry I will call and text you and try to visit every now and then." Y/n said as tears started to go down her face. "I Love you, Always and forever."  Y/n said as she looked at hope. "I love you." Hope said then went to Matt. "Bye Matty blue." Hope said as she have him a hug. "Bye little one." Matt said as he gave her a hug back. "Bye guys." Hope finally waved as they both walked out of the house and left. 
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cassandras-nest · 5 years
.Invisible man.
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So here we are, the first chapter is here (and i’m terrified..)
disclaimer 1: english isn’t my first language, so i apologize for any mistake
disclaimer 2: this fic uses references to the very first internet service, chatrooms & all, i was 20 back then and there were no smartphones yet.
disclaimer 3: Deakster:John CoolCat:Cassandra
pairing: 00s John Deacon x OC Cassandra
warnings: brief mention of divorce and paranoia. Age-gap (20/50), extremely slow burn, very angst, probably sweet at very end (multichapter)
thanks @binkyisonline for everything, without her i wouldn’t be here, writing silly things
summary: Newly divorced John Deacon joins the Queen forum’s chatroom with a fake account and start talking with someone who completely understand him and make him feel alive again. He finds himself obsessed with her pretty soon....
"Yeah, I think that laughing makes me feel better. I try to think about good things and smile, even if I had a bad day. It’s better than worrying too much." - John Deacon 1979
*CoolCat is online*
CoolCat - Hey D., you’re already here :’D
Deakster -…today was quite boring, so yeah…how was school ?
CoolCat - a really big NOPE day…but I’ll tell you in a bit.
Deakster - oh ok…still busy?
Cool Cat - oh no, not so much, I just came back it’s all..
This was her new normal from one month and a half, almost since the day she joined the official Queen forum and the chat room as well.
She was in London from less than a year attending the London Fashion College and apart from people from her classes she didn’t know anyone in particular; she wasn’t much an outgoing person anyway, but it was ok. In her perspective, now her studies were more important.
One day, too much free time on her hands leaded to, finally, join the official Queen chatroom. She was already registered onto the forum but she didn't have time to actually talk to people or post something but that day she was bored, more than usual, and while the school was closed for winter holidays, she found herself with nothing more to do..
Now thanks to an impulsive decision, she found so many people to talk to with the same love and passion for a band that changed her life forever. 
Luckily she found some new “friends” too. One in particular who she talked to almost every time she was there, between school, her new part time job and a almost non-existent private life.
She didn’t know much about him, he was nice and very well behaved so she assumed he was a bit older than her. She even didn’t know his real name, not that it wasn’t important but it was ok, for now. She only knew that he lived in London, like her, but she never asked where exactly and he didn’t tell her too. It was just a really nice and easy chat to pass the time and probably she will never see his face so... why bother about all this anyway?
CoolCat - so?Why a boring day? Tell me..while I finish up my dinner : )
Deakster - I’m no that interesting y’ know?i don't know why you still talk to me anyway
CoolCat - don't start, i talk to you ‘cause i want it to ...so go on then, wanna know..why boring?
Deakster - I was at home all day, cleaning up…listening to old music, I wasn’t much in the mood for tv or reading today.
CoolCat - sounds interesting ;D
Deakster - i told you it was boring, no need to mock me ):
CoolCat - I will never ;D
Deakster - as much as I want to believe you, I don’t. Are you laughing at me right now, aren’t you?
CoolCat - I assure you I’m not, ok maybe a little bit.. picturing you doing all things housewife-y is fun..and cute, maybe.
Deakster - am I cute now? Now you totally making fun of me, you little devil :’(.
CoolCat - oh, you realizing it now? That i am indeed evil? I thought you said that you were smart once… :).
Deakster - that i am, i didn't know i was going to meet a tempting devil on my way ;)
CoolCat - eh, life's full of surprises …
CoolCat - back on topic, do you still want to hear how bad my day was instead? It's funny...in its own way
Deakster - and probably much more interesting, go on tell me then…
CoolCat - alright …..in short, they didn’t like my patterns at all..not even one….
He didn’t even know why he was still there.
It was supposed to be a one time only...twice at least, just to ease up his boring life a little.
But now?
At first the idea of joining the official band forum was absurd - its own band, what the hell he was supposed to do or say? 
Hence the idea of creating a fake account, he really missed the people, the noise, the attentions that once were given to him. In short, he missed the fame and he was bored out of his mind..
Newly divorced, although he and his ex wife were still on speaking terms, she was one of the few people to know him well after all, but still, life had put him through a lot and his life had changed so much in few years
Now he find himself in up-north London, all alone in a small fancy apartment, and 50 years old already. 
He didn’t want anyone to know it was him, he wanted to be free, just be himself and not the worldwide famous rockstar. So the idea he had seemed the best way to do it 
- and quite silly- his ex wife commented once with a laugh..
It was basically hiding in plain sight, if people knew better, his nickname gave it away a lot, but in a Queen forum not really, not so much…
Deakster - so you have to do them all over again? Like you did last week ?
CoolCat - basically yes, but better and it’s so frustrating…I know it’s for my own good, I know it but..fuck….. uh, sorry, it slipped :/
Deakster - hahahahaha don’t worry about it, I used to be worst than that :D
CoolCat - really? You didn’t say one single bad word since I’ve known you..
Deakster - that’s because I can behave in front of a young lady ;)
CoolCat - LOL omg! you know, you talk like a really old man.
Deakster - I am an old man !
CoolCat - you’re not, you’re funny! ;D
Deakster - I can be funny and old at the same time y’ know?
CoolCat - haha yeah right xD …
Deakster - ..and you’re mocking me again.. :/
CoolCat - am not, I told you you’re funny..thank you btw, you really cheered me up, sorry about the rambling...
Deakster - my pleasure and..don’t worry about it :D
She didn’t know why it was so easy talking to him, but it was indeed, even if they had a limited time whenever they chatted, every time it was worthy it. She felt safe with him, from the first moment they spoke, relaxed even and she really didn't know why..
It was the first time that a man didn’t ask her for special pictures or talk to her in a creepy way and, honestly, it was quite a relief.
Each day that passed she, slowly, became the curious one but and didn’t know how to tell him just after two months but she really wanted to know more about him.
She liked their unusual friendship and really didn’t want to ruin it, so maybe it wasn’t the right time anyway..
CoolCat - as nice as it was, now I have to go..i’m so sorry D. : (
Deakster - oh, it’s ok… :’(
CoolCat - oh don’t cry, I’ll see you another day isn’t it? :D
Deakster - yes! This old man could use some nice company, every now and then..
CoolCat - I’m flattered :* ..i’m a nice company after all…
Deakster - less when you, clearly, make fun of me :P
CoolCat - ouch! You hurt me ;) …. Now for real, I have to go or I’ll have to pay way too much for my internet.
Deakster - allright..allright, listen…
He stopped for a second, torn between his rational mind and his instinct...a question in his mind for days.
Deakster - Can I ask you something?
CoolCat - maybe next time D. but if it’s important…i can stay a little more..i think
Deakster - no, not all…next time it is :D
CoolCat - ok, bye :*
*CoolCat is offline*
It wasn’t an important matter, but he really wanted to ask...he had that question in his mind for two weeks or so already…
It was stupid? Probably.
It was too soon? Absolutely.
But he felt different, he felt at peace, he felt alive again, all thanks to her..and that’s what he needed these days.
Almost everyday he was there waiting to talk even if for few minutes and he didn't know why. Infact, he knew little about her, but he didn’t wanted to seem too pushy even if he wanted to know more every time.
In almost two month they talked about almost everything: he knows she was a Queen fan and it was a “family thing” like she said; her mother was a long time fan so it was natural for her to knew about the band. She didn’t have a favorite one, she was more into their music and, to his delight, she liked almost every song he wrote, making him feel really proud. He knows she was attending the London College of Fashion and he smiled to himself at the silly coincidence.
She was a big time fan of fantasy literature, especially Tolkien.
What he didn’t know was her real name, it wasn’t important per se but the more they talked, the more he wanted to know. 
Was it the same for her? ..
Next time, maybe...?
What they didn't know was that the following days soon took an unexpected turn…
Her life was already messy, but this week seemed much more chaotic than usual.
At school they had a bunch of unexpected tests, mostly pointless and boring and at work they changed her shifts without asking and now she was on the afternoon one; It wouldn't be a problem if only she could still study too, but every night she came back from work too tired to do anything more than sleep or eat. So every morning she woke up an hour or two before her actual alarm so she could did something, even if it meant to probably fell asleep in class...
Every night was a struggle to sleep. Her mind wandered to all the things waiting for her the next day and to a specific person, the one who had soon become a pleasant habit in her life and on how much she missed their small late talks. 
She sighs, hoping to come back online soon.
The truth was that she really missed him..
He was a mess.
He logged in more than usual that week, just to check if she was there, ignoring anyone else, but nothing showed up.
Many times a little voice inside his head told him that this was pathetic, caring for a young girl like that, a girl that didn't know who he was, a girl that had a very busy life, full of interests, a girl that, surely, was not thinking about him like he was with her. 
But he did, he can't help it. 
She was somehow special to him, someone who listened to him for once, that talked to him not because of his fame but because she wanted to, someone that made him laugh. She was nice to him, that's all.
However deep down he knew it was all a lie.
What will happen when she would discover who he really was? 
That thought scared him the most, but still, he was still there looking for her.(missing her)
A week passed with no news whatsoever.
She was always tired and impossibly busy, sleeping on her day off..
He was stressed with family issues with no one to talk to 
He still hoped that she would showed up one day or another.
Meanwhile his paranoia started to tricked him in the worst way ever...
opinions?advices?constructive criticism?..please tell me what you think..
and if you like it, comment and..maybe reblog? thank you
taglist: @bluewillowmom @iwanttoridemybri @deakysgurl @deakys-chesthair @deacytits @spacedust1124719 @stormtrprinstilettos @dontstopmemeow @mydeakydoesme @culturefiendtrashqueen @babyzellodeacon @sitonmyhot-seatoflove @myguardianmailman @raven974 @chasingthespiders @bismillahnah @acdeaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings   @supersonicfreddie​
sorry two tags didn’t worked properly
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typicalhippiegirl · 5 years
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Let's talk about something.
First off, I'm not putting this messed up, peely, gross looking tattoo up for anyone to judge (I'm not happy with it either). I'm putting this out there to help others learn from my mistakes & hopefully prevent them from going thru what I've been dealing with.
There's a tattoo expo coming to town with featured artists from out of town. I find one thru IG whose work looks clean & I like her style so I DM her about setting an appt. Shes got time this weekend yay! no waiting for the expo. -Do you see the mistakes I made already? It's so obvious to me now😓
Saturday's here, I head to the shop (for the first time) for the appointment & the moment I walk in it's like Uh, wtf? Half the shop is taped off & in the middle of a remodel (no dust or active working, just shit all moved around). I brush it off, theyre getting things ready for an expo right? They need people tattooing there, not playing pool so ya, no wonder it's a bit messy.
Next she shows me the stencil and its fuckin huge. Like I specifically said between 6-8 inches max bc it's going on my forearm & i'm not Stretch Armstrong. Shes like Oh I kept it between 8 & 10. Well ya didn't fuckin listen bc what woman has arms that long? So it's resized & idk what we were casually talking about but she def rolled her eyes at me. Look man, I'm a pretty easy going person and depending on the situation I may take a slight without saying shit. Also like low self confidence helps with that right? So anyway, at the point I should have been like Alright dude, we're not really clickin & I'm not feelin this anymore & walked TF out. I didnt. Like an idiot. I'm not gonna lie, part of it was losing put on the deposit the other part was just me telling myself it would be fine despite in my heart of hearts I knew it wasn't.
So we start. Yo, she's a Fuckin. Bitch. I wanted a theme right, this chick is supposed to be a Texas pinup, I wanted certain colors in her clothes. I asked "What colors are we thinking for her?" She actually scoffed and says "These ones" while motioning at her cups. Wow. Ok, well, fuck I don't want to ask her anything anymore so I shutup & go with it.
This shit HURTS. I'm not a pussy when it comes to pain. I have several tattoos, including fingers, toes and a whale that was particularly painful because it goes directly over my very bony shin. I've been cut, I've had a baby without drugs. Mags remind me of getting a razor cut and I find pleasure in the feeling. I can tolerate some pain and this shit sucked. Yo, at the end she switched down to a single needle and that was KILLER. I felt like I was being carved into (which, if you'd ever seen my back you'd know, I know the feeling).
Alright so finally we're finished & I roll into the next day. I'm a bit worried about the appearance and not just bc she looks like she broke her leg. It looks wet. I continue my aftercare as normal: antibac soap & aquaphor. Day 2 I'm researching infections bc it's super painful, red but mostly it's wet. I'm afraid of infection also bc this chick had the trash can right next to the station. I mean Right. Fuckin. Next to it. To the point that the trashcan lid fell onto the pad where my arm is. I want to ask her to move it but she's in such a bad mood I think it'll just make things worse & she'll be even rougher. By day 3 I've tried antibac goo & it seems to make my skin bubble where its been applied so I quickly quit using that. My arm hurts so badly at this point I cant put it down without getting shooting pains up my arm. I let it dry out so things are crusty but at least I don't find them medically disturbing. Regardless, I spend a lot of this day crying. Day 4 I'm still researching infection and come across overworked tattoos, scars & "hamburgering" My heart pretty much drops bc this is it, this is what's going on. What's even more fucked up is that I find this on forums for people learning to tattoo. Like apprentice's first few tattoos having this problem. Rookie shit, ya hear?😑
The pictures are from day 5. You can see splitting along the black lines, there's holes in the sun & near her belt. Oh and that's a thing. The hole is the sun is bc somehow a drop of green got in there so she went over it and over it and over it again with more red. Can you imagine my frustration at that point?
So look, I got this done Saturday, here it is Friday. My skin is very shiny and puckery where the peeling has come off. The scabs are thick af, I've only been moisturizing the places safe to so as of today almost everything but the cactus. Did I mention my arm still really hurts? I can't straighten it, there's pains that shoot out from the center, and why why why is my bicep sore?! I'm really worried about how the cactus is going to turn out. My skin looks bumpy between the cracks of scab. I think she used a crappy cheap green. I'm really left wondering about her experience as a tattoo artist. I'm just saying: My first tattoo was done by a scratcher in a dirty apartment bedroom. He did such a shitty job that I took the machine from him & finished it myself. Might I mention I was 16 and completely coked out of my mind? Also, I didn't hamburger myself and there was no scarring over that disaster of a tattoo (which thankfully no longer exists thanks to the aforementioned painful whale)
This whole thing has fuckin sucked. I don't want anybody else dealing with this. Let me outline some things I should have done differently so if you find yourself in the same situation you can make better decisions than I did.
1. If you're looking on IG for an artist make sure they also post healed pics not just fresh ones.
2. If you're not vibing with your artist it's ok so call it off. Look, a 60$ deposit aint shit to lose in the grand scheme of things, can you get a cover up for 60$? How about bad work or a bad experience lasered off? You can't get those deals, oh who knew? Sometimes losing money is saving it.
3. Don't get shit from travelling artists. Maybe they woke up a 3am & drove 8 hours & now they don't give a shit about anything but going home.
4. If the shop doesn't look great, walk out. Again, whats 60$ compared to your health and happiness?
This is a long post & it's not something I usually post about (lol who am I kidding? Personal tragedies are kinda my thing). It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed how she came out, I'm embarrassed I didn't speak up, I'm embarrassed I didn't just go to the person I knew could give me a good tattoo. It wasn't even about money, I didn't get a deal on this pinup mess. All I can do is move on. Thank goodness this wasn't my first piece or I may have been totally turned off from getting anymore ink. Now all I can do is continue my aftercare, hope for the best and when the time comes I'll go visit Vinny at American Tradition and get something else on the backside of my arm to distract from this mess.
Much love my inked up friends❤
Hey and if this speaks to you like you've been in this situation or are currently in it, feel free to DM me.
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Off The Rails Part 1: Thor
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Part 2: Valkyrie/Brunhilde    Part 3: Loki
DARK Thor Odinson x Plus Size Reader (Non-Con)
A/N: I found this prompt that spoke of Thor going off the deep end after Loki’ death & after he comes back to earth. He accidentally kills someone the first time in rage, but after that he enjoys the power that it made him feel. Well, needless to say I came up with a twisted thought and my muses go, HEY! What if he ignores other good thoughts & goes for that woman he had been admiring!? So, you get dark Thor & it may not end well.
This took on three parts, each is 3,500-4,500 words these are dark, but they come to a culmination of a decent ending I hope.
 Words: +4,200
The first time It happened, let’s call it the turning, the unfortunate after math of losing the war with Thanos, loosing Asgard, Loki, the events that led up to Sakaar, hell the last seven fucking years that the god of thunder had to endure with one disappointment after another all coming to a violent messy head on this night. Wait sorry, this morning, it was 1:13 am to be exact, a quiet, actually clean ally way not far from the compound, looking down at the thing that was once a mortal, though be it a very despicable one in his own eyes.
Broad fist still balled, blood was splattering his face and clothes & was even sure that there were bits of flesh splattered on him as well. Breathing had finally calmed, looking over his handy work, not even remembering if the bloody gore that was smashed into the pavement was man or woman, let alone the true reason that made the once gentle god of thunder snap. All brute force, never called out to the heavens for Stormbreaker or the lighting that he had harnessed the use of thanks to all said events.
A quiet sigh passing blood splattered lips as tensed body straitened, knowing he should fell bad, enraged at himself for doing what he, one fist uncurling to push back through shaggy dirty blonde hair that was growing out but looked to not be regaining its once golden glow. Though he didn’t feel remorse for what he done, what was one mortal anyway, especially after the snap, these, creatures, they just moved on it seemed days after someone died, no honor, no care really for the ones who passed or gave their lives to keep this shit hole of a realm alive.
Looking away & out to the quiet empty street, the horror that he had created already to the back of his mind & thinking of the one person that he had taken note of that thankfully had survived the snap. Y/N, that mortal perplexed him to say the least, deep in thought as he stopped before entering the light of a street lamp, recalling the curvaceous woman’s smile & how she treated the remaining team when they returned from Wakanda.
Y/H/C hair pulled back, she always made a point to be on their floor when they woke up or whenever anyone called, not to mention how patiently the mortal had put up with the hateful snaps & the like since everyone had been on edge for the last year. Staying hidden as he thought of the mortal & how he wanted to ravage her body endlessly as he looked up to the sky, he knew where Y/N lived. The woman was an agent, no, wait, she was actually a soldier hired by Steve himself to put up with all the teams bullshit.
Deep breath, blood stained hand slipping into his pocket for the cell phone to look at the time, unlocking it to send a text to Y/N, maybe she would answer, but stopped short & locked it back. No, she needed a personal visit, this couldn’t wait.
Cold air raking across bare leg had it pulled back under the covers, head pulling further into the cocoon she had made, the heat must have kicked off, explanation for the draft. Roiling to plump stomach to stretch to look over at the clock that showed 1:46 am & mind thinking of what was going to happen at the compound today. A shift to her right making her pause, furrowing sleepy brow as a hand wrapped around the cold grip of the pistol was holstered on the headboard in reach.
Without another sound the blanket was ripped free before Y/N could roll to her back, a scorching body fell over her as massive calloused hand clasped over her mouth while the other all but crushed the hand that reached for the pistol to make it let go & pull the hand to ample chest. Cold jeaned thighs spreading her own, this person was strong, they couldn’t be of earth, no way, hand releasing her wrist to go to her throat to hold tight while the hand released her mouth & felt it snaking between them.
Managing to look back enough to see the flash of mismatched eyes & shaggy blond hair swearing it was speckled with blood. Yea, that was blood, it was on his hands, on the one that was on her mouth, the one that had pulled his pants down & now wrapped in the elastic of the boy shorts she wore.
“Thor,” a raspy voice wheezed before the calloused hand wrapped around soft throat squeezed it off to squeak, man hood slipping between spread thighs to probe at unprepared cunt.
Holy shit! The god was way more of a god than she thought, squirming to get away but knew it was no use, he could easily snap her neck if he wanted, a silent scream leaving her gapping mouth as he forced himself into unready hole to rip into it. It burned, it was excruciating, nails digging into the wrist that was holding the hand to her throat screwing eyes shut as she felt the other hand anchor next to her.
“Don’t fight,” came the familiar but then again unfamiliar voice of the god she knew as Thor, a pant in shivering ear as he buried his scorching head into the crook of trembling neck.
“Don’t fight me Y/N,” he grunted with a painful shove to finally seat inside of velvet soft cunt, hand tightened to keep the shrill scream that he knew was wanting to spew forth quiet allowing her just enough to breath.
Y/N was kind to him, had been very understanding of them all, then she would understand this. Strong hips moving up & down to force back into clenching cunt. The god not sure how much longer he could keep this up, it felt as if the harder Y/N fought, though it got her nowhere, the less control he had over his release.
“Thor…,” came a weak croak, obvious he had loosened his grip in the fast approaching release or meaning to as he felt his cock swell in begging cunt that seemed to finally accept his girth.
“This isn’t you OK? Let me…,” Y/N tried but massive hand squeezed tight the instant it seized the god, letting out a ragged breath that hung in the air, the massive blond collapsing on top of her & pressing thick frame into the mattress as he panted with his release.
Finally, Thor released her for breath, sucking in a lung full to choke on the stench of sex, mind still reeling & body shaking at what had just happened. It was surreal, the god that laid over shivering body ultimately rolling off to button his pants & move about the room. Y/N was to in shock & pain to really want to move but forced herself to roll to her side to look down at the foot of the bed where the god stooped to pick up the cover & throw it back over Y/N before disappearing into the bathroom.
The water cutting on, splashing in the sink as if someone was cleaning off, then shutting off, the echo of a washrag being wrung out reaching roaring ears but not registering what it was for. Body shivering now & jolting as the covers where delicately pulled back. The thick framed woman quick to set up, back slamming hard into the headboard not making a sound as the god sat gingerly & paid her fretting no mind.
Calloused hand pulling the ruined boy shorts off to grab the knee closest to him to spread her open to him the mortal jolting as the wash cloth passed gently between sore folds to get her cleaned. Hands going to the wrist as a small whimper escaped at how painfully sore aching cunt was, the god sighing out as he realized he had made her bleed.
Hands holding to the wrist between her legs, Y/N looked the god over in the dim light that filtered in from outside, no mistaking the blood smeared all over him pondering what had happened as another whimper escaped at the fill of him making sure she was clean one last time. Surprised Thor finally met betrayed gaze when he pulled away, the god taking her in before pulling the cover back over shivering form.
Without a word the god got to his feet, tossed the rag in the dirty clothes hamper, stepped through her living room opened & locked the door behind him to leave Y/N clinging to the cover trying to wrap her mind around what had just happened.
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It was agony walking into the compound at 6 am, that was the usual time the team started to stir, glad she had Nano skin to hide the ugly bruise that encircled tender neck, but it didn’t make it any easier to swallow, breath or walk for that matter. Stepping onto the elevator, pushing the events as far back as possible she had a job to do & Y/N needed to know how the god was going to react.
One boot onto the floor & immediately eyes fell on the god himself, sitting at the end of the corridor on the couch. Not turning his head but the soldier seen the glint in his eyes, more importantly the scared right one that glittered as it moved to look at her. The woman’s attention quickly averted to the raccoon that stumbled out of his own room, looking drunk.
“Jesus Rocket,” Y/N breached out, throwing her arm in the other strap of her book bag, wireless earbud in her ear as she helped the snarling raccoon get to his feet, ignoring the insult to let him be obvious he couldn’t hold himself up as she lifted over her shoulder, a grunt of pain leaving her from the ache the move caused.
“Put me down,” he slurred out to Y/N hitting the backpack but stopping to dig through it to find she had picked up the things he had asked about the other day.
“Still want me to put you down,” Y/N spoke, ignoring Thor as she carried Rocket to the sitting area to place him in his junked-up corner, gingerly sliding the pack off to pull out all the scavenged tech she had found in the lab.
“You can carry me any time,” he slurred but less drunken as he kissed her cheek before she stood to carry the pack over to the kitchen to see if more coffee was needed.
It made her heart race to look at the god, but he raped her, plain & simple. Though it seemed it would need to be kept to herself, suffer in silence as she opened the top cabinet for a familiar hot body to brush by, a ghosting of fingertips over the pistol that was holstered at the small of her back. Son of a bitch, what a real piece of shit.
“Did you pick up the paper,” Thor began casually Y/N hinting to the pack.
So that is how it was to be, the curvaceous woman thought. Well she didn’t endure all the hell of becoming a marine & SHIELD training to not be able to deal with this. Y/N turning to look over the god, watching him with hate as he reached into her pack as he always did waiting for him to look at her.
“You making a list for the team today,” Thor spoke casually, he seen the hate spark in Y/E/C eyes & like the dead body he left lying in the ally, he didn’t care, she was his now, nothing was changing that.
“Yeah, you write down what you wanted,” she snipped, showing defiance.
Damn, something the god was hoping wouldn’t rear its ugly head, well she would have to learn then wouldn’t she.
“It's in my room on my desk, you…,” he began before Y/N sweetly cut him short.
“Then you can run get it really quick. I need to go see if I can get Steve out of the bed this morning, F.R.I.D.A.Y informed me he has cut off his alarm & hasn’t rolled out of bed yet,” Y/N smiled with sass, pushing off the counter to take a step out of the kitchen & down the corridor.
Thor taking a step around the refrigerator to follow thick figure down the hall with his gaze, fuck, hopefully he want kill her before he gets her trained like he wants.
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This time he remembered it was a woman, bloodied boots stepping into Y/N’ apparent, looking over to the counter to note the bottle of whisky left out with the glass empty & the clock on the microwave reading 2:56 am. Gaze setting on the .45 that sat next to the bottle, each bullet sitting up right in an neat row, the gun broken down into as small of parts as was possible & arranged neatly. The god knew she had dark thoughts before he started coming to her, teaching Y/N how he wanted HIS woman to behave.
Heavy steps in a hurry to reach the bedroom to find her laid on her side, blankets tossed to the floor, hair in a mess. Taking his time, he slowly approached, putting a knee on the bed as he laced calloused fingers through Y/H/C tresses to startle his mortal awake, hands flying to the one tangled in damp hair. The god fisting it tight to pull her up off the bed forcefully, making the mortal kneel on the mattress, angered at what he found on the kitchen counter.
“I’ve waited too long to return to teach you wat I expect of you haven’t I,” Thor began darkly, voice low as her lips clamped shut, jerking her to sit up straighter, hand going to soft throat prepared to squeeze if she tried to scream.
“I see the way the others look at you,” Thor admitted, Y/E/C orbs squinting in confusion at why it mattered, it made this the second time he returned to her having only been a week since his first visit, the god having taken to stalking her while at the compound & swearing he was doing the same outside of the place.
“You reek,” were the first words to tumble out waiting for the squeeze that didn’t come just yet.
“So sassy,” Thor smiled darkly still holding tight to Y/H/C hair having to be careful he didn’t pull to hard or he would snap her neck as she struggled with him.
“At least take a shower,” she snarled out, hand finally tightening to quiet her as devilish thoughts crossed his mind & watching the light fade in her eyes.
“Hmmm, sounds like a good idea. You could use one as well,” Thor snipped back keeping hold to her hair to jerk the struggling mortal into his arms hauling her over his shoulder to carry into the bathroom, Y/N head swimming from the whisky & now this.
“You have drunk too much tonight Y/N, but don’t worry I will help you work it off before you have to be at work,” Thor smiled as he let her to the tub floor, glaring at him through her eyelashes.
Nothing, Y/N could do nothing to stop this, Y/E/C orbs following him as he stepped into the shower with his clothes still on covered in gore once again.
“What is wrong with you? This isn’t…,” Y/N began before a hand wrapped around tender throat to prompt her to hush even though he didn’t put any pressure to it, swallowing hard as she continued to glare up at him.
“You have no right to lecture me on who I am & am not MY lady. I seen the whisky, the gun, I know what you planned to do but didn’t,” Thor began before she cut him off.
“Yeah & you can blame yourself for that,” Y/N spat hand flying to the wrist that held the massive hand to her throat putting pressure.
“So feisty tonight little one. Looks like this will be another rough session,” he smiled darkly as he pulled her to his lips harshly to bloody them in a heated kiss, especially when she refused to allow his tongue entrance for a taste.
Reacting quick Y/N grabbed for his hair to jerk him away & kicking out to catch his groin, but he easily stepped back out of the way with a dark laugh on her lips.
“I am a god little one, you should submit, you are to belong to me for the rest of your life,” he chuckled, hands releasing to take her wrist & pin them over her head against the cold tub surround.
“I belong to no one, you're nothing but a tyrant! What happened to you! You…,” Y/N bit out now, one hand taking her wrist & the other finding it's home on her throat once more.
“Mind your tongue, I have seen far worse things than you can fathom sweetheart…”
“It gives you no right to treat me like a play toy…,” she snapped out, more pressure, darkness creeping in.
“I care not for the formalities of this realm any longer! So, you will do as I say & be what I want! YOU are mine Y/N! Your body, mind & soul belong to me now! The sooner you accept your fate the sooner it gets easier!”
It was echoes, it bounded in her skull & made it ache. Trying to twist free as the god continued to rant, about what she wasn’t sure, the last words she remembered was belonging to him, the god that held tightly to her throat trying to tell him to let her go that she was, was…
Y/N woke in time to be flung to the bed on her back with a bounce, the god falling over top of her & not having the strength to fight him off, but like she really could. Letting out a yelp as he slid into unprepared cunt, hands falling to heated chest in vain to keep him pushed off of her, but not long as they were gathered in his hand & the other to her throat. One last floundering act of defiance & her body fell limp to the mattress, might as well allow him to finish.
Thankfully he didn’t take long, quick to get up & do like he done that first night. Cleaning her up, throwing the blanket over her & leaving. Though this time when she got up to head into the compound she realized he had taken her pistol & with it the whisky.
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Thoughts of going to Steve about the god crossed her mind a thousand times, as well as the others, but she knew it would do no good, it would endanger them because there was none other except for the Hulk that could stop him & even then it was iffy. The sound of the mattress shifting under aching body as this time it didn’t seem he was about to just leave after clean up. Tonight, Thor was sitting next to her hand carding through wet hair after the recent shower he gave her, especially after learning that mortal women can get sick.
“You're not fighting me as much sweetheart, that’s progress,” he praised, Y/N pulling the blanket tight but not daring to move away from him, one of the first thigs he claimed to have taught her, hand sliding to soft cheek as a rustle of paper got her attention.
Shit, she forgot to put her notes up this evening, Thor laying the piece of paper down with dates written on it, dates that corresponded with him coming to her & deaths.
“It appears my little mortal is a smart creature,” Thor began sounding proud, but she knew the recoil was coming & braced for what he thought was a suitable lesson.
“I'm trying to help you,” she breathed out sleepily, eyes fluttering closed at the thoughts of what he was about to say or do, cherishing over soft cheek as he took in a breath before continuing.
“You are helping little one. That is why you are moving into my room at the compound. That & the fact I don’t like how the other agents look at you, I need you close, the team already thinks that we are dating, it will raise no suspension,” Thor began, taking the paper to tear it to pieces.
“Get ready for work, you're going in early & sleeping out the day in my room,” Thor admitted getting to his feet & hinting she do the same.
“No,” Y/N whimpered, she usually got to sleep off the ache when he was done with her before having to be at the compound eyes snapping open to meet his gaze expecting anger & jolting upright as he took a step back to the bed, pants still undone.
“You can’t protest sweetheart, you know to do as I say or there will be consequences,” Thor began quietly, stepping close, the first time she had shivered.
Y/E/C eyes darted around the room, eyes falling on the open bedroom door, though she had no clothes on she knew there was a way to get to her keys & get to her vehicle that was in the parking garage, there was cameras they would see she would have proof.
“Y/N, don’t you…,” Thor began, but too late as the soldier bolted out of the door, to the living area hand grabbing keys on the way & jerking the door open to run down the hall to the stairs.
Slamming into the stair door, Y/N didn’t think just reacted as she jumped from flight to flight, bare feet slapping the tile & slamming into the bottom stair well door in not time. Sprinting across the parking garage, Jeep in sight the stair well slamming open behind her, but she didn’t hesitate, getting in & starting the jeep up to speed out of the parking garage & onto the street.
Quick to hit a button on the dash that turned all the traffic lights in her favor, Y/N knew her safest bet was out of town, or she hoped, she could lose the jeep she had enough gear in the back to survive & make it off the radar, she could do it.
Except 5 miles out of town found her laying upside down in a ditch having taken a turn to fast, glass shattered all over & cutting what flesh was exposed. Y/N had only managed an oversized hoodie once out of town, this was it, this was her break down, she could do this no more, hand reaching to unlatch the seat belt & bracing for the impact on the hard roof of the jeep. Digging into the chaos for her pack & dragging it out with soar body what was once the front windshield of the vehicle.
Standing the instant a cold blast of air hit unclothed lower half, shivering violently, throwing the duffle bag down to pull out boots & pants. Stepping in the dirt to pull it on to brush the glass & like off bare feet to pull the boots on thankful they had a liner in them that acted as socks for occasions such as this.
Taking a step forward, Y/N never realized just how bad she was till she fell to aching knees, looking out across the sky to note the sun rising as pain shot through her entire body the rush was wearing off & the realization of what had transpired set in. Tears pricking, streaming down bloody face as she forced herself to numb legs to crawl out of the ditch & onto the highway to walk the road.
Though she only made it 30 foot before a blinding light crashed before her, shielding tired eyes, letting out a defeated shuttering sigh to swallow hard. The light subsiding, the sound of boots striking the pavement had the soldier hanging throbbing head & falling to her knees. She just couldn’t, this, she was done, body shivering as shoulders shook with silent sobs, doubled over with the pack on her back & head buried in bloody hands.
She only looked up when they paused in front of her, looking to the toes of the boots, heart hammering hard in sore chest & not wanting to look up to face punishment for running. Reaching up quick to grab to cool leathers & burry her face into their thigh to begin pleading for forgiveness. A lithe hand gently falling to soothe over the upset creature that clung to a muscular yet feminine thigh.
“As much as I love the begging,” a female voice began Y/N looking up to the tanned skinned woman that wore white & gray armor.
Y/N pushed away but fell to her ass unable to scoot away as the woman, the Valkyrie stalked forward & knelt before her to look her over.
“How about I take you back with me? I would like to have you for myself,” she smiled darkly reaching out to grab Y/N by the baggy hoody to pull busted lips to her own before straitening to jerk Y/N back to her thigh with a command to hold on as light swallowed them both up the instant she called out to someone that she was ready to go. 
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