#this one is a little more involved because i found a brush i really liked and settled into a groove
feydfuckernation · 8 months
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second sketch of the night for @itey of luke castellan (who did nothing wrong ever in his life)
request one here!
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Pairing - Jackson Rippner x fem!reader
Summary - Jackson was assigned with assassinating you, but how could he kill such a sweet thing like yourself?
Warnings - 18+, noncon, dubcon, stockholm syndrome, smut.
Word count - 1.3k
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Your apparent premature death was a tragedy to the world. A sudden shock to hear a promising young woman to have been deemed dead by a shipwreck with a handful of casualties. It was predicted that you would live a fulfilling life, by being the daughter of an established politician. You were goal driven, focused on your studies and wanted to help change the world for the better. That was all gone now, but you were never even on the fucking boat.
When Jackson Rippner was assigned with assassinating you for revenge against your father, the first thing he wondered was who would want to kill a sweet thing like yourself? The more he studied you, the more he desired you. It was only reasonable to have a taste of you before he killed you. It’d be like throwing away a freshly baked cake.
But he became infatuated by you when you fought, swore, cried and begged underneath him. The way you were able to make him come so fucking hard, not to mention the way he was able to make you come so fucking hard, sealed a new fate for you.
Jackson was never one to renegotiate, but he made an exception for you. For free of charge on Jackson’s sole behalf, and an unwritten waiver that if you were to ever be found alive, the client and Jackson’s company had no involvement, you could live. He thought he was doing you a favour, you were not dead because of him. But you weren’t exactly living either.
Your prison was a modern cabin in upstate New York. Jackson chose this home many years ago because he liked being secluded, he didn’t trust people and valued his privacy. It never really crossed his mind that he would share his humble home with anyone in the near future.
“Sweetheart?” Jackson called out, shutting the garage door behind him and dropping his suitcase.
He pouted his lips as he looked around the main living area for you. He climbed up the flight of stairs and headed straight for the bedroom, a smirk on his lips. You weren’t on the bed, but in the corner of the room all curled up.
“Oh baby” Jackson sighed as he slid off his jacket. You looked up to him with tear stained eyes. “Come here” he murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Hesitantly, you got up and gradually went to him. You straddled his lap, because he would have it no other way and he caressed your flustered cheeks.
You couldn’t help but to be relieved when he did come home. Isolation can drive people insane. He liked not talking to you when he was gone, just to make you go that little bit more crazy that what if he never came back. He thought it would make you acknowledge him more, he was right.
“Oh, how I missed you baby. Sorry I was gone for so long, business just got a bit out of hand. I was able to manage though” he explained as he petted your hair, admiring how you were wearing his shirt like always.
“I-I missed you too” you stuttered out. Jackson smiled and you could feel his cock harden underneath you. You were hesitant to ask, “you’re not leaving again, are you?”
“No baby, I’ll be staying for a while. I deserve a break” he answered softly, his lips brushing over your ear.
You didn’t reply, but instead laid your head onto his shoulder. Jackson couldn’t help to have a smug look on his face by thinking of the progress your relationship has made. At first, you despised his touch. He had to take a bit of time off work just to break you down, train you. Christ, he didn’t expect you to have so much dignity and fight in you. Not that he thought that was a bad thing.
There was only one occasion where you almost managed to escape. You managed to slip out of your restraints and successfully unlocked the door just for the alarm to go off. You bolted for your life, but Jackson was quick to catch up. Typically, you tripped and rolled your ankle. Jackson made sure to drag you back to the house by your injured ankle. Where he tied you up tightly to the bed, stuck a vibrator in you and left you for over an hour. Afterwards, he fucked you and your overstimulated cunt a couple of times just to really remind you not to ever pull another stunt like that again.
When Jackson did have the trust in you to be left alone, he wasn't hesitant to threaten you by killing your whole family if you tried to hurt yourself whilst he was gone. Yeah, it was nice to think about how far you guys had come.
“Baby, show me how much you missed me” Jackson murmured as the sensation of you pressed against him.
You sluggishly lifted your head and leant in to kiss him. Jackson’s arms snaked around your back and he fell back onto the bed. Your hips humped his slowly and controlled. You were rolled over onto your back as Jackson began to unbutton his shirt.
“Tell me, did you miss me? Or my cock?” Jackson teased as he pulled off his shirt and threw it aside.
“Both” you sighed, gradually unbuttoning your own shirt.
“Oh, lucky us” he grinned as he pulled out his hard cock.
Jackson pulled off your shorts and panties with ease and aligned his cock to your entrance. He didn’t even have to consider spitting into his hand, he knew you were already dripping. With a stern push, he was inside of you. A harsh moan left your lips in the process.
“That’s a good girl” Jackson grunted as he went on to find his pacing, “taking my cock so well. God how I fucking missed you” he kissed your jaw.
You hated him. Every single thing about him, you despised. Mostly, you hated how you depended on him. Jackson Rippner was all that you had now, so you couldn’t even hate him anymore. Every breath you took was for him. Your life was his for the taking.
“Fuck” Jackson purred by your ear. “I can feel how much you missed me” he mumbled, your walls clenched against him in a rhythm.
Your legs wrapped around his snatched waist as he started pounding into you. Jackson was deeply groaning with his forehead pressed against yours, your hands pinned above your head by his. You started crying out when he hit your sensitive spot. So he kissed you to make you feel better.
“Can you finally see how I saved you?” Jackson smugly asked, his hands now on your hips. There will definitely be a bruise in the morning.
“Yes” you exhaled, your arms wrapped around his back, nails dug into his bare skin.
“Do you love me?” Jackson asked, slightly unsure if he even wanted to hear your answer.
“Yes” you breathed, he grabbed your chin to make you look at him. “I love you Jackson” you admitted, knowing it’s what he wanted to hear.
Jackson didn’t say it back, but it was clear he did, in his own little fucked up way. His smile was soft and hopeful. Unexpectedly, he came inside of you, a broken moan leaving his lips.
“Fuck, I’m sorry baby. I just missed you so much” he apologised, slowly pumping himself inside of you, you moaned softly.
Aiming for your sweet spot, Jackson started pumping rapidly against you. You bit your lip as you quickly came undone around him, your walls pulsing against his sticky member. Laying defeated in the bed, Jackson pulled himself out and smiled at your mixed fluids on himself.
Jackson fell onto the bed next to you and pulled you into his arms. “You’ll never understand how happy I am to have decided not to kill you” he murmured by your ear as you laid in an unfazed state.
You looked up to him, “so am I”.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 4 months
Belle Mort || LN4
AN: this was deep in the archives of abandoned fics but figured I’ll just post it anyway.
Pairing: Lando Norris x vampire!fem!reader
Summary: Your paths weren’t meant to cross - he was a famous driver and your brethren were the thing of myths and nightmares.
Warnings: smut, major character death
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He didn’t belong here.
You could only surmise Vinny let him in the club because he knew an easy target when he saw one. Rich, young and handsome - he was ripe for the taking. A part of you knew not to get involved but, unlike your brother, you had a small conscience, especially when it came to the pretty, blue-eyed man who had shared your bed.
Making your way across the busy dance floor of Belle Mort, you snaked between the women who were selling themselves to the richest man one sway of their hips at a time. You slapped away roaming hands that tried to pull you into their laps and glared at the men until they looked away with wounded egos.
Your brother spotted the target and you stepped lightly in your high heels as you dodged the revellers, finally making it in front of the handsome man. “Qu'est-ce que tu fais, garçon perdu?”
Lando smirked as he cast his eyes over your body, the tight fitted dress hiding very little of the body he knew intimately. “I don’t speak French.”
“I know.”
His hand caught your waist and pulled you closer, his lips brushing your cheek. “You didn’t call me.”
You rolled your eyes at the need that laced his words, but it would have been a lie to say you hadn’t thought about it. You had even kept his number when you should have deleted it. Your worlds were so far apart you didn’t see the point in making it more than a one night stand, it was safer that way. “I know. Find another bar.”
“I like this one.” His hand tightened and his thumb brushed over your ribs, tracing the curve under your breast. His smirk grew as he felt your ribs expand with the sharp intake of air you took.
“You’ve never been here before.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I own it.”
“Co-own, dear sister,” Nix added as he stepped to your side. “And if Lando wants to party then who are we to deny him.”
You narrowed your eyes at your brother. “It’s bad for business.”
“Why? Because you mixed it with pleasure,” he laughed as he ruffled your hair, cracking your neck as he pushed you away to leer at the man himself. “I can see the appeal. No one can deny you have good taste, it’s just a shame you always leave them broken.”
“What’s he talking about?” Lando asked as he helped keep you steady from your brother's push.
“Nix has always been jealous of me, haven’t you?” you taunted him. “Always wanted my dolls for himself.”
Nix’s jaw ticked and if the music wasn’t so loud you probably could have heard a tooth break. “Shouldn’t you be working?”
“I’m on a break,” you stated, catching Lando’s attention as you grabbed his wrist and started to drag him to your office before freezing. Your hand met bare skin and you held your hand out to your brother. “Give it back. Now.”
Nix rolled his eyes but reached into his pocket to return the watch he had easily lifted from Lando. The glass and diamond face slapped into your palm but you curled a brow at him and cleared your throat, waiting for the rest.
“You really used to be more fun,” he grumbled as he returned Lando’s wallet too. “Don’t worry, the condom is still in there.”
“And the cash?”
“I don’t think that is really your worry, but yes, cash too.”
Nix disappeared into the crowd and even you found it difficult to trace his movements but he was one of the fastest vampires you knew.
“Interesting family you have,” Lando commented as the music was cut off with your office door.
“You should be more careful,” you warned as you slid the security chain onto the latch. “This side of town could get a guy like you killed.”
“A guy like me?” he asked as he accepted the whiskey you poured, neat. “Handsome?”
“Well known,” you corrected, despite his knowing smirk. Of course you found him handsome, or else you wouldn’t have let him fuck you in the bathrooms of another nightclub in the city. You had a business meeting, with a wolf no less, and the owner had left you displeased, so you found another form of pleasure in his den. “Where you go, pictures are taken. That is bad for my business.”
Who knew what illegal activities those pictures or videos might capture and be uploaded. Voices had been silenced for less in the dark alleys around the club - but the bodies were never found.
Lando took a sip as he weighed your words of warning, but it didn’t stop him wanting to go another round with you. He knew you were different from the moment he saw you. Determination and strength rolled off you as you stalked through the club to a door labelled ‘staff only’. A different look of determination had been seen when you emerged, scanning the crowd for someone to use - he had come to the club for the same reason.
“I can be invisible, when I want to be,” he promised as he followed you to the desk you leaned back on, crossing your heeled ankles in front of you. He placed the glass on the wood beside you and smelt the smooth spirit on his breath when he kissed the corner of your lips. “But I wanted you to notice me, again.”
His hand ran down your thighs and your ankles uncrossed. He took the space given and parted your legs so he could step between them and steal your moan with his kiss. His tongue parted your lips with the same confidence he parted your legs and he hummed when your hands slipped under his shirt, your nails dragging down his spine.
“I’m going to fuck you on your desk and every time you have a meeting here you will think of me.”
Desire pooled between your thighs at the promise and when his fingers found your body bare beneath the dress he felt it slick and warm. “You like that idea don’t you?” he chuckled in your ear, the deep timber of his gravelled voice making you clench around his fingers before they withdrew from you. “Turn around.”
For a woman who considered herself to be the bossy one, you were quick to follow his instruction and it didn’t go amiss from the smirk on his face. “I don’t remember you being this demanding last time,” you said over your shoulder, feeling the air on your skin as he pushed your dress up over your hips.
“That’s because you looked like you needed it more than me.” He flipped his wallet open and pulled the condom out, tearing through the foil packaging before rolling it down his hard length. With one swipe of his arm he cleared space on your desk and started to push you down before he changed his mind and spun you to face him. “Actually, I want to see your face when I make you come.”
The mahogany wood was hard under your ass and you spread your knees for Lando to step between. His cock pressed to your entrance and he watched your lips part as he slowly began to stretch you, inch by inch, until he was fully sheathed inside you.
“You’re going to call me, aren’t you?” he asked with the teasingly slow retreat he made. He stopped just short of leaving you empty and made no move to fill you again. “I’m not going to fuck you until you answer me.”
You tried to shuffle your hips closer but he held them tight and your feet were off the ground so you couldn’t move, not without revealing your unnatural strength. Finally a frustrated sound left your lips and he smiled triumphantly when you agreed. “Now would you please fuck me?”
He answered with the snap of his hips and you moaned in unison as he filled you completely. The computer screen came to life and the mouse moved with the rocking desk and the cup of pens tipped over, scattering among the mess he had already made. Stars danced across your vision and your body pulsed with the deep bass that made it through the soundproof door.
“Lando,” you moaned as you tipped his head back, baring his neck as you felt your canines elongating behind your lips. The throb of his rapid pulse invited you to taste him and you dragged your nose over the vein, inhaling the rich scent hidden beneath his cologne. “You shouldn’t have come here.”
He shivered as your teeth grazed his skin but he was too far gone in his pleasure to question the sharp points. Just a little sip, you told yourself.
Lando gasped as pain flared, but just as quickly as it came it bled to a burn that felt better than any high he had ever had. He couldn’t breathe as you sucked at the puncture wounds, filling your belly with the same need you had for his cock.
He couldn’t explain how he found himself sat on the couch in your office with you on his lap, he had only blinked. You were high on him, making silly errors like using your speed and strength carelessly. You weren’t new to this life, but you were acting like it with him.
“Why did you come here?”
His head fell back and his eyes closed as you took your pleasure in riding him. He couldn’t think, there was only the tight feeling in all his muscles as his orgasm threatened to shatter him beneath you. “Just wanted you,” he choked as he bucked his hips up to meet you. “Again.”
You cried out as your climax peaked and Lando followed, unable to hold back with how tight you felt around him. Your head spun as the high receded, but you wanted more - it was the curse of immortality, you always wanted more.
You turned his head and struck again, lapping at the twin lines of life blood running down his collar. Cursing inwardly, you realised you were taking too much, you always took too much when you played with your food. Lando’s eyes fluttered shut and his breathing laboured, his skin fading before your eyes. Nix was right, you always left them broken.
“Fuck,” you growled at the thought of losing another man. Tearing the skin from your wrist you made what was possibly the second biggest mistake of your life, the first would always be asking for this life. Your blood was thicker and darker than his, staining his lips as you squeezed it out before the wound could heal.
“Wake up…” You prayed you weren’t too late, the seconds ticking by with quiet reassurance that time would continue to move on even if Lando never did again.
Nix crashed through the office door as dawn approached and the club closed. His black eyes found Lando’s body on the couch and a sneer carved across his lips. “What a waste.”
You barely lifted your head from your hands as you sat at your desk. You had felt lethargic from a full belly and drained veins. “I didn’t mean to.”
“You never do,” he snickered. “There will be people looking for him, I’ll have Vinny dump him in the marina - another rich boy who partied too hard.”
Lando gasped as he jolted upright, his eyes ringed red from the transformation, and a war waged within you. Rage exuded from Nix as he realised the danger you had put the entire coven in and his features sharpened as his fangs pierced his lips. “You would bring the Council down on our heads, sister?”
“I said I didn’t mean to. I just couldn’t stand to see another die because of my weakness.”
“I would rather you have just killed him.” Nix pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. To change a human required petitioning to the Council, and permits were rarely given this century - and certainly not to those well known. People tend to notice when someone doesn’t age at the same rate: Jennifer Anniston, Cillian Murphy, Paul Rudd, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Those half breeds could get away with it for a little longer but they would soon be faking their own deaths to keep the secret of their heritage.
“Take him to the mountains,” Nix said as he crossed the room to where Lando writhed in pain on the carpet, the transition destroying his delicate human cells for something much more robust. “I’ll tie up the loose ends here.”
Nix took the car keys from Lando’s pocket and checked his watch. There was still enough time before dawn came to wreck the car off the cliffs and into the French Riviera. When the car was found empty they would assume his body was carried out to sea. Lando Norris was dead. Lando de Belle Mort had risen.
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fettuccin-e · 7 months
Strictly Stress Relief
Kinktober Day 21: Hate Sex
Tags: Javier Peña x Reader, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv (pls oh pls wrap it irl i'm begging), pulling out method lol, hate fucking, semi-public sex (in a supply closet), slight amounts of pining because i am weak for romance (w/c: 1K)
A/N: Back to Javi because this man is a bastard but damn it I'd really like to bang him like a screen door in a hurricane,, anyway I also couldn't help myself from sliding in a little bit of yearning because I need the romance okay?? (For Kinktober I have been using these prompts from flightlessangelwings!)
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Javier doesn’t really know when it started, how it started. 
He knows that you just get to him, in ways that he’s never felt before. You dig under his skin with smarmy comments under your breath, going behind his back with intel and planning raids without him involved.
“You’re reckless, Javier,” you say to him as an excuse, even as he looms over you, his jaw clenched with unshed rage. “It’s going to get you, or worse, somebody else, killed.” You're always so cool and collected, like you hadn't just stolen his fucking win.
He knows he drives you crazy with his methods of collecting intel, the girls that he brings in for questioning. He knows that you hate when he breaks protocol, and that you hate it even more when it works.
He knows that when you both used to butt heads, small arguments turning into full screaming matches at the office, he’d go home and drink half a bottle of whiskey, call one of the girls that always lets him treat her exactly how he wants. He’d fuck her rough, violent, working out every single bit of anger you’d stirred up in him that day. Usually, it was enough anger that it left the poor girl with bruises on her hips and a hefty tip in her bag.
What he doesn’t know is how he deviated from that habit, how he’s got you here, right now, pressed up against him in a supply closet of all places. He doesn’t know how he came into this new addiction, turning your arguments into excuses to fuck you anywhere, anytime.
He’s not sure you know how this happened either, but God, the way it feels inside of you makes him not want to fucking worry about it anymore. Your nails dig into his shoulders, a bite of pain that makes everything so much sweeter as he fucks you into the door of the closet.
You’re both making too much noise, but fuck, it doesn’t matter when you whine into his mouth, biting into his bottom lip.
“Fuck, Javi, harder, you have to fuck me harder,” you gasp, one of your legs hitched onto his hip to get him even deeper. The sticky wetness of your cunt is sticking to the wiry hairs at the base of his dick every time he pushes in deep.
“If I fuck you any harder, we’ll break down the goddamn door,” he grunts, but he grabs your hips anyway, pulling you into every one of his thrusts and grinning when you keen, your head tilting back to lean into the door. “Fucking needy, hermosa,” he grins, and you sneer at him.
“If you could fuck me better, maybe I wouldn’t be so needy,” you snarl, moving your hips forward to keep meeting him every time he drives forward.
“You say that I’m not fucking you like you need, baby,” he says, leaning close enough that his lips nearly brush yours. “But the way this pretty pussy is dripping down my cock tells a different story.”
He angles his hips just a little different, pounding up into your cunt, and he knows when he’s found it. That little spot inside that makes your eyes roll back, makes you clamp a hand over your mouth to stifle the way you scream. He slams up into that perfect little spot, over and over and over, relishing in the way you clench around him every time he reaches it.
“Fuck, baby,” he grunts, sweat beading on his forehead, his curls sticking to his skin. “So pretty like this, taking my cock so well. If I knew that this is what I needed to do to shut that smart mouth up, I would’ve been fucking this sweet pussy for months now.” 
You gasp around a response, unable to form words as Javier breaks you apart, his cock jamming into parts of you that you can’t even reach on your own. He fucks you like he fights with you; rough, primal, reckless. Strangled groans rip their way from his chest, and fuck, he can feel his orgasm creeping up, threatening to blow him to pieces right then and there.
You have to cum first. He has to make sure you cum first.
He reaches a hand between you both to rub maddening, tight circles into your clit, and God, the way you whine, high in the back of your throat, will haunt his fucking dreams tonight.
You’re goddamn beautiful when you cum, an angel in real time, though Javier will never admit that out loud. This is strictly stress relief. Mind-boggling, life-altering stress relief. 
Javier pulls out of you when you shake through the aftershocks of your orgasm, furiously jacking his cock in his hand and gasping at the way you look up at him, all doe-eyed and goddamn beautiful. You moan softly when he splatters his cum all over the outside of your pussy, letting it drip down your skin. It fuels something deep inside him, fills him with a sense of ownership that he should not be fucking feeling.
When you both finally catch your breaths, you pick your skirt up off the ground, yanking it up and over your hips. Javier ignores the fact that you don’t wipe yourself off, that you didn’t tug your panties back on. He absolutely does not think about the fact that his cum will be dripping down your thighs throughout your ride home tonight.
“You should-” you breathe, glancing up at him. “You should follow that intel we got today. You questioned that girl in the first place, it should be your win.” There’s something in the way you say “questioned” that makes his heart beat hard in his chest. It sounds bitter, jealous even.
You break from his gaze, not offering anything more than that as you tug on your heels. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow morning, Javier,” you mutter, and you slip out of the closet without another word.
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sixosix · 2 months
hello!! this is my first time asking so forgive me if i do anything wrong.
so i just saw your event anddddd first of all, i just want to say congrats on 5k!!! and also happy birthdayy!! if its not a bother, can i participate in the event?? if so heres the prompt,
[lyney, earphones(the wired ones), fluff]
your thawed series really made me fall in love with the way you write lyney😭 and because of that, i want to read more of him from you!!
once again, congrats on 5k!!
a/n HELLO ANON!!! thank you so much + dont worry u sent an ask right! im so happy u like my characterization of lyney hehe hes just a silly guy…
info 500 words, short and sweet, modern college au
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Lynette texted you this morning saying that she had a fever.
Usually, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Get well soon! or an I’ll send you the notes later would be the end of the conversation. Then you’d go on with your day and miss her, but that would be it. That was supposed to be it.
But it was Lynette. And if she was involved—
“Hey.” Lilac eyes overtook your vision, shockingly close. You jumped back, and Lyney grinned. “Are you still texting my sister? I’m right here, you know.”
Lynette You’ll be fine
Lynette He’s just Lyney
This was a problem because you had been nursing the biggest crush on Lynette’s brother since you met her—and it’s been years. The color of his eyes, the softness of his hair, the crinkle of his eyes as he smiles—
“I’m telling her I wish she were here instead,” you said, hiding your screen from his sharp eyes.
Lyney wasn’t fazed at all. He matched your steps and easily walked alongside you, his lips stretched into a wide grin. He was so suspiciously happy today.
“Are we going to take the bus there?” Lyney asked, his arms still brushing against yours. His chin was tucked in his windbreaker, muffling his words a little. He looked a little red—did he have a fever as well?
“I guess so,” you said, dragging your gaze away from the sight. You could hear your heartbeat racing.
Lyney’s smile softened, then gestured at the bus stop bench. “It’s still early. Let’s sit over there.”
It was empty, yet when you sat at the far edge, Lyney still cozied up beside you. Seeking refuge, you hid your face further in the safety of your hoodie. This was bad. Lynette rarely got sick; this was your first time alone with Lyney, and you didn’t know how to act.
When you glanced at him, Lyney seemed content with the silence. You weren’t—you could hear the loud thumps of your chest, and soon enough, Lyney would notice it, too.
You pulled out your earphones and swiped to the highest volume possible, ear damage be damned. You were not going to survive today. You’re going to embarrass yourself and make a fool of your impressions, and Lyney would get weirded out and avoid you for the rest of his life.
Your throat made some sort of warbling deflated noise as music drowned out your heartbeat, but not your thoughts. Why was Lyney so warm? Even with layers of clothing, you could feel the heat of his skin, and it was driving you mad. You wanted nothing but to curl into it like a cat with sunlight. Why did Lynette have to get sick while you were still hopelessly infatuated with her brother?
Abruptly, Lyney’s head found its way to your shoulder. Stunned, you sucked in a breath, overwhelmed with all the sensations. Your five senses were being violated left and right—all you could see, hear, and touch was Lyney.
He reached his hand out expectantly. You made a noise of confusion, then belatedly realized what he was pointing at. Careful not to jostle him, you plucked an earphone and gently placed it in his ear. Lyney flinched.
“This is loud,” Lyney chuckled, but he didn’t ask you to mess with the volume. He laid back down with his weight and stayed there, unaware of how your face was a flaming mess.
Your eyes slipped to your lap, feeling shy. From this angle, it was hard to tell what Lyney was looking at, but you could feel his smile. It could be Lyney’s unnaturally warm body heat or your burning embarrassment, but— maybe you were starting to feel feverish as well.
Lyney snuggled closer. You sighed and resigned yourself to a long day.
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darthannie · 9 months
thursday night out
2.1k / neil lewis x f!reader
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Pairing: Neil Lewis x f!reader Summary: Neil can't sleep and neither can you. A late night conversation leads to revelations. Warnings: 18+, minors dni. fluff, no use of y/n, friends to lovers, hurt/comfort if you squint really hard, Neil cries because of course a/n: I'm a lil rusty y'all but I had to take matters into my own hands.
You were absolutely restless in bed. You had come home from the bar your friend Jonathan worked at, Balanza, after needing some liquid comfort and a close friend. He was one of four. Your little group was all you needed, but more recently it was feeling like three. You, Neil, Lucien, and Jonathan were basically inseparable as you all emerged into adulthood together.
Now, you all found a little bit of community at Gumshoe Video, your and Neil’s video store. It wasn’t much but it was what you and Neil cared about the most. It was your baby, so to speak. Yet another thing that kept you and Neil stuck to each other’s sides. 
Neil was special. He had gone through it all with you. When you were in high school together you both skipped school dances and watched movies all night long while getting drunk on whatever was close by. You had comforted each other through numerous breakups, spent many long nights taking care of each other when the other was sick, and now ran a video store together. Growing up, your parents would make jokes about how you would end up together. Neil thought that was the funniest thing ever. “What a cliche.”, Neil would say. You would always laugh and agree but deep down, there was a piece of you that resented his indifference. It was only natural that you both felt something for each other, right? Neil was your rock and you were his. 
But nevertheless, Neil was seeing someone. At least you thought he was. It wasn’t totally clear what was going on, but you knew when he wasn’t at the video store he was running around with her. That left you, Lucien, and Jonathan to hold down the fort. This always happened when Neil got involved with a girl and it always left you feeling… odd. You never wanted to admit it but you had been in love with him for years. Brushing off that feeling was the only way you could disconnect. 
This constant yearning was exhausting but you just wanted to see Neil happy. Only now, you couldn’t tell if he was happy. He had been a bit secretive about the girl he was seeing. If you knew Neil, he was in over his head. Whenever you saw him at the shop he seemed drained and a bit stressed, but he never stayed long. He’d say, “I’m gonna go in about an hour. We’re getting dinner tonight, I think?” I think, was the key phrase. His remarks were rooted in confusion. Maybe his status with this mystery girl wasn’t so solid. You had hoped, for his sake, something good would come out of this. You couldn’t bear to see him hurt again.
After some overthinking, you were finally getting a bit drowsy. Right as you were about to drift off your ringtone shocked you awake. You answered it before you could check the name and heard a familiar voice on the other line. “Hey”, Neil said. “Can I come over? I can’t sleep” The clock on your nightstand read 1:34 AM. “Yeah sure what’s u-“ 
He hung top on you and within a couple of seconds, there was a knock at the door.
You scurried out of bed and headed towards the door. You weren’t prepared for what met you on the other side of the door. It was Neil, of course, but he looked sad. His eyes were puffy and red. He looked like he had been crying for hours. He looked exhausted. It took you a second before you realized you had been staring. You moved to the side and silently gestured for him to come in. 
He went right past you and towards the couch, face-planting into the cushions. He groaned and you stood over him for a moment before squatting down to his level. “Neil?” You heard a sniffle come from him and he turned to face you. Even now, he was just as gorgeous as every other time you saw him. Handsome in a classic sense. You fought every urge not to brush the hair away from his eyes but eventually, you gave in. You reached out and he closed his eyes after feeling your touch. “Neil, what’s going on?” 
“Jonathan and I got into a fight. Well, not like a fight fight. We just argued a bit and I got pissed and left.”
You removed your hand from his face. That was the last thing you expected to hear. There was never any conflict in your friend group that went beyond friendly film debates, but you were waiting for the shoe to drop. You had spent your time at Balanza tonight blabbing to Jonathan about how annoying It was that Neil was never around whenever he started seeing someone. He pushed you about it you admitted it was because you had liked him for years. Jonathan laughed “Well no duh! I could smell that shit from a mile away. You guys already treat each other like you’re married.” And he was right. There were things you and Neil did that felt like you were married. Apart from movie nights, you had spent time cooking dinner for each other, taken a couple of trips together, and confided in each other about everything. Your bond was unbreakable. 
You were thinking about what to say when Neil interrupted your fractured thought process. 
“I was at Balanza tonight, thought I’d go in for a quick drink, you know? And I got to talkin’ with Jonathan and he mentioned how you had been there a bit before me and how I’d just missed you. I thought was weird because you always told me if you were going so we could go together. Plus you’d told me you were going straight home after closing up the store. But anyway, he started joking about you and me. I mean, what the fuck right?”
You briefly paused before responding, “What did he say about us exactly?”  
Neil sat up before he began his story, gesturing as he began, “He made a quip asking where my ball and chain was and I said “What ball and chain?” and he said you. It kinda took me aback. And really annoyed me because you would never be a ball and chain, you know. And somehow he started going on about how I should maybe be a better friend.” Your heart sank. He continued, “He said I should be more “mindful” about our relationship and I thought what the fuck, you know. I know he doesn’t really have a way with words but, god, how cryptic. Who says that? Especially about us. We’re close, right? Super close! No one really gets it!” Subconsciously or not he now had your hand in his.
“Our friendship is special you know. It means the world to me and to have that questioned made me a bit upset. Then it really got me thinking. Have I not been paying attention to you lately? Then, I started thinking about all the things I’ve been doing recently. Spending time with you know who, which by the way isn’t happening anymore.”
In all honestly, you didn’t really know who. You’d only seen her a couple of times. You interrupted him, asking what he meant.
“I broke things off with her. She was, frankly, insane, and as fun as it was it was just that. Fun. Unsustainable. Unstable. Plus, I was barely meeting up with the group. Fewer movie nights. Less time at the store. Less time together. And I thought, fuck maybe I have been a shit friend. And now that I don’t have her in my life I feel like I can actually see clearly.”
He finally took a pause and looked you in the eyes. You were stunned. Neil was always a talker but it was rare he got this candid about his relationships. When you were younger, he’d tell you almost everything, but now he rarely ever spoke about his escapades and you were grateful for it. Just when you thought it was over, he continued. 
“So, I was so fed up with Jonathan I didn’t even finish my beer. I just left. I got home and tried everything to shake the guilty feeling off of me but nothing worked. I did a- a cold shower and even made some tea. I tried to watch City Lights, but I couldn’t.”
That was your and Neil’s favorite film. You had watched it the first time when you stayed home from junior prom. You both started off by doing voices for the characters and by the end you were both touched by the film. Ever since then, that was the film you both watched when you couldn’t think of anything better for movie night. It became a ritual that wordlessly brought you closer. 
“I got really restless and upset. So, I thought I would just call you.” He broke eye contact for a moment, and you could’ve sworn he looked at your lips before making eye contact again. 
Your voice was light, “But you got here before you called.”
He shrugged, “I just got in the car and started driving.”
You chuckled at his response. “Well you know you’re always welcome.” He smiled at you before he let it falter. He seemed to hesitate before he continued talking. The shoe was about to drop.
“ I, ah. There was something I left out of the story.”
You swallowed before asking, “What?” 
“Jonathan told me about… you and… Probably not everything but he told me.” It dropped.
There was a moment of silence as the tension between the two of you grew. Your world was crashing down. You’d have a word with Jonathan soon, call him a jackass for betraying your trust. You wanted to speak and deny everything, but nothing came out. 
He spoke first. “How long?”
Without hesitation, you replied “Years.” 
He sat back and ran his fingers through his hair. He muttered what you thought was fuck under his breath, but you preferred not to listen. All you could feel was the pain in your chest as you prepared to have your heart broken. Tears started to fall before you could stop them and a small whimper left you. He wiped your tears away and leaned forward again. You were now sitting on the ground as he sat over you on the couch. Neil felt a couple tears of his own begin to fall. You both sat for a moment. His silence made it hurt even more. You were ready for his rejection to slap you in the face. The sting would last long after, you thought. You heard him speak up softly, “So you… you feel it too?” 
You hesitated, “Feel what exactly?”
He laughed at himself and clarified, “You know this, um, tugging feeling in your heart when it feels like it’s trying to tell you something.” 
You avoided his gaze, “Yeah.”
You looked down at your hands. Your fingers were now interlaced with his. Space had closed between the two of you and it was getting hard to breathe. Your heart raced and you swore his did too. He brought his free hand to your face, resting it on your cheek. You looked down at it, foreign on your skin. You looked back at him and searched his face for any sign that this was some sick joke. All you found was sincerity. He was willing and ready to risk years of friendship on the off chance that you felt the same as he did. He unraveled his hand from yours and placed it softly on your neck as he pulled you in, careful not to make any sudden movements. 
The kiss was soft, at first. As it deepened you placed your hand on his chest, not to push him away, but to feel if his heart was beating as fast as yours. It soon became breathless, both of you refusing to break for air. Your fingers ended up in his hair. You felt his tongue on your bottom lip. He was testing you and you gave in. It was feverish. You both moved in sync until, finally, you both pulled away to get some air. The room was spinning. You were kneeling after he had pulled you up. He pulled you up further and sat you down on the couch. He pulled you close to him and just held you, hoping to feel as close as possible to you. You both felt like you’d just won the lottery. He traced your arm with his fingers. You looked up at him and he was already looking at you. You slowly broke out into a smile and he did too. Soon enough you were both giggling and chuckling. It was pure bliss. He leaned in to give you another kiss. There was no testing the waters this time. He pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“What took us so long?”, he sighed. 
You whispered back, ”I don’t know.”
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vinsmokc-sanji · 3 months
“I can teach you if you’d like”.
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Summary: After teaching you how to kiss, Sanji keeps his distance and that makes you quite upset;
Word count: 1.6K;
Rating/Content Warnings: MDNI, AFAB reader;
Author's note: Can you tell I was scared to write full on smut?
Tagging: @gingernut1314
Kissing Sanji was a mistake.
Ever since that night, you just couldn’t stop thinking about him; sometimes, you would find yourself daydreaming about it, wishing to drag Sanji by the collar to a secluded area and have another lesson with him. It was embarrassing, really; Zeff would scold you on a daily now, as you were frequently seen in the kitchen holding a knife in the air or burning the very expensive cut of meat a client had ordered just because you couldn’t forget the feeling of Sanji’s lips on yours.
One time, Sanji was preparing a dish right next to you and the way his perfume seemed to envelop you got you so distracted you ended up with a cut on your left thumb and an earful from Zeff on not being an airhead. But was it really your fault if the combination of expensive cologne and cigarettes was so enthralling? 
And to add insult to injury, Sanji seemed to be ignoring you — not exactly ignoring you, but more pretending like nothing happened between the both of you. He had even turned down on the flirting and was treating you like one of the guys. You had to admit that it hurt, thinking that Sanji seemed unaffected by the whole thing while you couldn't get it off your mind; you wanted it to mean as much to him as it did to you, but honestly: giving that Sanji had his way with so many women before and this was merely a kiss, you couldn’t expect it to be so important to him as it was to you.
But still, it was enough to keep you awake in your cabin at night, pacing back and forth like an entrapped lioness, fighting the urge to stomp your feet like a little child. You had been all set up to bed: in your most comfy pajamas, hair tied up in a bun and skincare routine done, teeth were brushed and you had a pair of soft socks on, but you were so aggravated by the situation you just couldn’t sleep. Eventually, you had enough and before you could realize what you were doing, you found yourself at Sanji's door, knocking at a very fast pace.
Sanji opened the door already in his pajamas, clearly confused as you passed by him and planted yourself in the middle of the room, tapping your feet furiously and with your arms crossed tightly. The blond looked at you with confusion printed all over his features and opened his arms as if to ask what was going on, letting the door close softly behind him. His cozy night, involving curling up in bed with a book under the dim light he had set up and some scented candles, was clearly canceled. You were distressed, and he would know about it whether he wanted to or not.
“Was I really that bad?” you asked, with a mix of hurt, indignation, and shame tinging your voice. Sanji tilted his head and furrowed his brows, even more confused. “Sorry sweets, but I’m not following. What are you talking about?”.
Almost involuntarily, you were pouting and Sanji could see a shift in your demeanor; not confrontational anymore, you seemed embarrassed and Sanji could see your cheeks getting flushed. “You know… was I that bad? I know you were my first, but I couldn’t have been that bad… right?”.
The vision of you all flustered, mindlessly tugging at the hem of your shirt and chewing on your bottom lip had his heart aching. He never wanted to see you feeling bad, let alone be the cause of it. “I’m very sorry if I made you feel that way, Y/N”, he said, approaching you very carefully. “I just thought that’s what you’d want… you’ve never wanted to get involved with any of us, so I just concluded you wouldn’t want me to be all over you”.
Sanji was now less than a couple inches away from you, his voice barely audible; his fingertips ghosting over the few strands of hair that had escaped from your scrunchie, and his eyes locked into yours, the blue irises slowly disappearing as his pupils grew wider. Your lips parted, feeling your heart beating faster and a rush of adrenaline running through your veins; too shy to look up at Sanji directly, you peeked at him through your eyelashes, taking in the look of hunger in his expression. “Just give me the order, sweetheart, and we can continue with your lesson because trust me… I haven't been able to get it out of my mind”. 
You felt a whole swarm of butterflies in your stomach, your heart felt like it was going to explode. Not able to bring yourself to verbalize exactly what was in your mind, you simply nodded while shyly grabbing at Sanji’s sleeve. Slowly, Sanji’s hands made their way to your waist, pressing his body against yours; he was very aware that you were still finding out your boundaries and he didn’t want to scare you or impose himself. “But we need to have some ground rules… and the first one is that if you’re not comfortable, you need to tell me, ok? If you don’t feel like doing something, or if you want me to stop, I want you to say it to me”. You nodded, eagerly, feeling your heartbeat so fast it seemed like it was going to jump out of your chest.
Sanji cupped your face in his hands, studying your eyes and making sure you were still on board. “Sorry sweetie, just a nod won’t do. Be a good girl and use your words”. You parted your lips, mustering up the courage and pretending to ignore the flush of blood that went straight to your cheeks. “Please, Sanji… I need you to kiss me”.
Even though he wanted to grab your face and finally let out the pent-up desire he had been fostering for so long, Sanji managed to compose himself; slowly, he lowered his face until your lips were touching and a low moan left your parted lips. You had your fingers clutching harder onto his sleeve, trying to pull him as close as you could and Sanji couldn't contain a smirk when realizing your eagerness. After all, you made yourself as unavailable as possible for so long that it felt like a hazy dream to have you there, in his bedroom, timidly exploring his torso over his pajamas and producing little soft moans that were enough to make his nose bleed.
Slowly, Sanji guided you to his bed; you felt the mattress at the back of your knees and timidly crawled making your way to the pillows. You looked up at Sanji chewing on your bottom lip, silently asking for guidance. The cook’s smile softened while he positioned himself on top of you, wavy blond strands of hair tickling your face. “It’s okay, princess. You just relax and I’ll take care of everything” he said in a low voice, peppering light kisses all over your face. Your eyes fluttered shut while a smile tugged at the corner of your lips, overwhelmed by Sandi's presence; the perfume that lingered on his sheets, his lips all over your face and neck, and his strong hands grabbing at your waist, leaving a fiery trail where his fingers dragged into the patches of skin where your shirt had rode up had your brain in a haze, allowing yourself for once to trust someone else and letting them take the reigns.
Working in a male-dominated restaurant made you distrustful and unable to display anything that could be mistaken for weakness, even remotely; you knew that if you gave any of the guys an inch they’d take a mile so you made a conscious decision to make yourself as distant and unavailable as possible. Sometimes the guys would make fun of you for being a Strong Independent Woman as you never let any of them take the lead; letting go so someone else could take control was scary, but at the same time… freeing.
Sanji pressed his body on yours and you could feel his cock against your thigh and you blushed, your fingers interlocked in his hair pulling him incredibly closer. Sanji’s hand made its way under your shirt, finding the doughy flash of your tits and expertly rolling your nipples between his fingers. You gasped, giving him the chance to attack your neck and collarbones with kisses and love bites; you felt like your brain had turned into cotton, an overload of sensations taking over you in a delirious way.
In one swift movement, Sanji managed to remove your shirt, exposing himself to his hungry eyes and wandering hands. Sanji captured your left nipple between his lips, his hot tongue making you whimper; the cook couldn't stop the cocky smile that twisted his lips as he rejoiced in knowing he was the only one who was able to hear those sweet little noises.
Without thinking, Sanji's fingers went to your pant’s waistband and he was startled by your hand grabbing his wrist. When Sanji redirected his gaze to your face, his blood went cold: your eyes were big, not hooded or glassy anymore, and you had an almost scared look on your face.
“Can we… Can we stop for now?”
The blond stopped, immediately looking for your shirt; Sanji helped you get dressed and planted a kiss on your brow. He pulled you under the covers and allowed you time to get comfortable - you were cuddled up against his side, you first balled up with the blanket pulled against your cheek.
There was no need to rush. There would be plenty of time for him to show you new things.
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
Yandere Rhaenyra Targaryen/Alicent Hightower Headcanons (Poly!Romantic)
❝ 🐉— lady l: This is really long but I started writing and couldn't stop, so here's a poly headcanon!! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes!
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, implied murder, mention of mutilation, very slight nsfw and polyamorous relationship.
❝🐉pairing: yandere!rhaenyra targaryen/alicent hightower x female!reader.
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Rhaenyra and Alicent have always been close, best friends and even sisters. They always enjoyed each other's company immensely and had a mutual trust between them.
Secretly, they had romantic feelings for each other but never had the courage to act on their feelings. Rhaenyra wasn't sure what she felt and Alicent considered what she felt wrong, even if she didn't quite understand what those feelings were.
Their relationship grew stronger over the years, especially when they met you. You were the daughter of a Lord of an important house in Westeros and were sent at a young age to King's Landing to learn how to be a proper courtesan. Rhaenyra immediately took a liking to you, sticking to your side like gum, while Alicent was more skeptical.
Rhaenyra adored you immediately, she found it adorable how confused and innocent you were in the face of court politics and she wanted to be your friend. It took Alicent a while to get used to your presence, to your intrusion into her friendship with Rhaenyra, but once she did, she couldn't live without you anymore.
Because they had feelings for each other before your arrival, they couldn't help but feel a little jealous of you. Alicent swallowed hard and bit her nails when you were too close to Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra became anxious and even irritated when you spent too much time with Alicent. Over the years, this changed and the jealousy was directed from one to the other.
The three of you liked to spend your days reading, gossiping, eating cake, and, depending on the situation, flying with Rhaenyra on Syrax or waiting for her to return with Alicent in the carriage.
It wasn't easy to admit the romantic feelings they had for you and each other, but when they finally did, it was like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders.
The first kiss with each of them was shy and awkward, as they had no practice. Rhaenyra's lips against yours were sloppy and dominant, possessive. Alicent's were, although clumsy, soft and gentle, hesitant.
It was an experience and one that they would remember forever. You kissed for a while, with some silly hands there, but nothing more than that. Until one day Rhaenyra decided to move on.
You were in her room, lying on the bed and exchanging caresses and kisses, when Rhaenyra touched you in a more intimate way. Both Alicent and you were surprised but excited at the prospect of going further. Alicent was a little reluctant, but she wanted you and that was a way to seal your love.
Rhaenyra's touches were strong and dominant, wanting to mark you as hers. She sucked your skin hard and her fingers entered the dress you were wearing, touching you in parts that not even you had dared to touch and bringing you to your first orgasm. She would be gentle and warm, her kisses and touches would fill you with warmth.
Alicent was no longer as innocent as you and Rhaenyra, but she still had doubts. But they all disappear the moment you touch her in her private place, your fingers moving and pushing her to the edge. She came with your name on her lips, her breathing labored and her face red.
They were both extremely possessive and overprotective of you. Any talk of marriage that involved you was quickly brushed aside. They would never let you be tainted by anyone other than them.
Rhaenyra is a dragon and her jealousy is the most intense, she will be filled with rage and will never forget an offense. Without caring what others think, she would tear you away from whoever is talking to you and make sure you know who you belong to.
Alicent is calmer, she deals with her emotions by repressing them, even though this is not healthy. She feels very jealous, but she will try to hold back and pretend that she is not bothered, but she will be brooding inside. Alicent will be sure to remind you who you belong to throughout the night.
The three of you loved each other deeply and were sure that nothing and no one would separate you. Needless to say, you were very wrong.
Your relationship was tested when Alicent married Viserys and Rhaenyra married Laenor. Although it had already deteriorated by the time the announcement of Viserys and Alicent's marriage was made, you still had hope that they would be friends again and be together.
For a while that was even possible, but when Rhaenyra married Laenor, you knew it wasn't. And the birth of Alicent's firstborn son will test Rhaenyra's claim to the Iron Throne. What followed wasn't good, with the birth of Rhaenyra's children and Alicent's disdain for them, you knew there was no going back.
And you were sure of it when you were summoned to Driftmark's main hall after Aemond was mutilated by Lucerys. Both women wanted your support and there was no way around the situation anymore.
You couldn't have both anymore. You need to choose one, knowing that you will hurt the other and that the one you will be rejected will never accept.
Your fate was sealed the moment your father sent you to King's Landing and you accepted the company of Rhaenyra and Alicent. What seemed like a true friendship that would last forever became full of intrigue and struggles for power and for you.
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chaithetics · 1 year
Can you please do something like youngest Roy is secretly dating Stewy and he sees Lucas Mattson hitting on her. And he gets jealous and wants to go public with their relationship thank you!!!!
Jealous Disclosures
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) Reader
Word count: 4.6K
Author's note: Thank you so much for this request Nonnie! I'm sorry for the delay in getting it out to you! It's been busy and I take a bit longer with jealousy/find it harder to write. I really hope you enjoy this, please do let me know! Also, this is obviously not proofread lol. I hope you all enjoy it and would love feedback :)
Chapter/content warning: 18+ MINORS DNI, established/secret relationship, some smut, jealous Stewy, icky Lukas Matsson, and douchey, douchey Roman! (Sorry about that).
It was Kendall’s 40th birthday party. You knew that this event was going to be something else, Kendall Roy always went above and beyond for a party, especially when he was in these kinds of states. Your more timid nature in comparison to your siblings' abrasive one meant that you naturally weren’t the biggest fan of big events but you could and would be able to suck that up for a night for your older brother. 
You and Connor were the only ones of your siblings to have been officially invited. It was especially tense amongst Roy siblings at the moment, which was saying a lot because frankly, when wasn’t it? Fortunately not being involved at Waystar meant that you didn’t have to bite the bullet and deal with the tension like the middle three Roy children did. But you certainly still felt its effects. 
You were in a corner chatting away with Rava, you’d gladly clutched to her company as soon as she had arrived despite the fact that she initially wasn’t intending to stay for long. She was the nicest and most genuine of any of the partners that the Roys had ever brought back to the family. Well other than Willa you quickly thought, you liked Willa and had from the get-go, she was down to earth and easy to get along with. She also made an impressively good balance to the often well-intending but very chaotic nature of your eldest sibling. 
“Wow wee, Little Bo Peep!” A voice blurted, grabbing your attention and forcing you to turn. You found that Roman had awkwardly jumped onto the seat next to you with a poor landing that he brushed off as he completely ignored Rava, solely focusing his attention on you. 
“Wait what? Is that a nickname? What kind of nickname is that? And  Rava was talking-” 
“The kind that losers like you get.” He instantly quipped back. 
“How charming.” You sighed as you took a sip of your drink. 
“You didn’t bring a date?” Roman questioned. 
“Rava and I were having a conversation, Ro.” Roman just looked at you blankly. “Remember Rava? Kendall’s wife for over a decade, the mother of your niece and neph-” 
“Hey Rava,” Roman says turning to face her for a brief second before turning his attention back to you, Rava just scoffs, already exposed and more than used to these antics. “So, did you bring a date?” 
“No, did you?” 
“Not tonight didn’t really feel like it.” He says dryly and then looks back up at you. 
“Fair enough.” You respond. Anxiously waiting. 
There’s bound to be more. There’s always a biting and inappropriate comment seconds away from leaving Roman’s mouth. 
“But so, are you like seeing anyone?” 
“What the fuck Roman?!” You spoke and Rava had an expression of disbelief over the audacity of Roy men but not in shock, she was well acquainted with it. 
“Well, I’m not asking because I’m interested. Because trust me, I’m not.” He says with that proud, troublemaking smirk. 
“Oh, my god.” You sigh, rolling your eyes at him. 
“Perfect! I’ll take that as a no!” Roman practically leapt out of his chair in the most chaotic way possible. He pinched your arm once he was out of his chair as he grabbed your arm to pull you along. 
“Come on, I barely touched you. I want you to meet someone.” Roman said as he held your arm in his grip leaving to navigate the crowd. “You have treehouse access right?” 
“I was talking to Rava, Rome!” You said trying to squirm your way out of his grip. 
“She’ll still be there and if not, you can get brunch and get drunk off mimosas and cry over those really mean but rich Roy men.” He teased as he said the last half of that sentence in a mock crying voice. 
“Jesus, Rome!” You sighed. “Who are you introducing me to?” 
“Lukas Matsson.” 
“Wait what?” You halted in your tracks making Roman stop his walk, he turned to face you looking irritated that you’d delayed his plans. You weren’t too familiar with the name but you recognised it, certain that Kendall had mentioned it earlier in the week. 
“Kendall won’t give me fucking  treehouse access!” Roman practically shouted, loud enough to be heard over the party, and then his voice quietened down to a more reasonable volume. “And Matsson’s like a weird, bored giant apparently so I’m introducing you two. I don’t know, maybe money once removed from the family business is new money’s type?” 
“Before we even get into what you just said, did you only come to Kendall’s party because of that guy?” You sighed and asked looking at Roman. He scoffed and looked down for a moment, kicking at nothing.
“It’s in our name isn’t it?” He looked back up, with a smirk on his face.
“Oh my god Rome.” 
“What, come on. You’re my little sister, not my mom so maybe quit that tone, yeah? And maybe Matsson will be a philanthropist and you can get off your moral high horse and you two can fuck it out and I’ll be namedropped in your wedding speeches. Doesn’t sound too shabby for a Roy does it?” Rome quipped, in his cartoony, douche voice, signalling that talking to him was a losing battle. “Just get me in, maintain a conversation for a couple of minutes and I won’t tell everyone about that summer with mom.” 
“You’re such a tool.” You huffed out and started walking towards the treehouse.  
“You adore me.” Roman teased as he held your arm less tightly than before as you made your way over. 
“So, as the adored older brother you are, you’re trying to pimp me out for a business deal?” 
Roman just laughed at that and didn’t answer. But that verbal silence minus the laugh was more than enough of an answer. You entered the treehouse with surprisingly little fuss. You looked around and raised an eye at Roman.
“The Swedish giant over there. Come on, get that award-winning therapist smile out. If you diagnose him with something in five minutes, I might say happy birthday to Ken-doll.” 
“You’re literally the biggest jerk of my brothers right now, you know that right? And I have three, so that kind of says a lot.” You said quietly, as Roman and you made your way over to the tall blonde man that looked bored out of his brains. “Full disclosure, I’m telling Ken about this.” 
“Ugh, you’re such a bitch. Do you really need to be a narc?” Roman said as you both continued to walk over. 
You rolled your eyes at your brother, as you got closer you were able to fully see the tall blond man. Personally, you thought it was almost rude, the way he was sitting and playing some crappy game on his phone, looking the most bored you’d ever seen someone. He was like a child dragged along on errands with their parent but wanting to be anywhere but there. Roman started the conversation with him, he said your name as a means of introduction and the Swede visibly perked up slightly. 
“The youngest Roy finally comes out to play!” Lukas said with the look of an overexcited child. 
“I suppose so.” You pause for a second. “It’s nice to meet you, Lukas.” 
“Romey, I think you should get your sister a drink, she looks thirsty…” 
You shudder at that, he hadn’t given you good vibes and this was uncomfortable, you looked at Roman to beg him not to leave you alone with Matsson but he completely ignored you and went off. 
“So you’re not in the family business essentially at all, right?” Lukas asked as he quirked his brow as he looked you up and down. 
“Nope, my involvement is pretty non-existent.” You paused for a moment watching him. Rome would owe you big time for whatever the fuck this is you thought. You hated it. “But based on my brother’s eagerness over you, I’m assuming that you’re looking at an in?”  
“To the business or the family?” He has a large smirk on his face as if he’s said the wittiest thing ever. Lukas leans forward in his chair watching you intently. 
“I was meaning business but I guess there’s not much separation in family or business matters there.” Lukas raises an eyebrow briefly at that, he’s not surprised at that observation but he is a little taken aback at your air of candour. 
But that’s how you are with everyone. You tell yourself that if Roman didn’t want you to say such things, he wouldn’t have left you alone, he knows you. He was practically asking for it by bringing you into this awkward mess of an interaction. 
“The business potentially, I suppose the family is a bit more complicated…” He teases. 
“Buy into Waystar, you’re in the Roy’s den somewhere.” You respond somewhat cynically and absentmindedly as you look away trying to find Roman or well any familiar face. 
“Well, Miss Roy-” The way he says it makes you shudder and you immediately correct him. 
“Dr. Roy.” His eyebrows raise again, he looks borderline amused and laughs a little. He has the nature of a spoiled child in a tall, 40-something-year-old’s body you think. 
“Dr. Roy. Sorry, you’re not quite what I was expecting.” 
“Why, did you meet my sister first? Then Rome?” You quip back with a dry chuckle. 
It wasn’t the first time and you knew it wouldn’t be the last time that somebody had said something to that effect, often because of what they’d assumed based on either their interactions with your family members or the general reputation of your family. 
“I haven’t met her yet. But no, you’re just different- which I’d heard of course, but still. It’s different seeing different in the flesh you know?” “I guess so.” “Not a bad thing though.”
“Well thanks, I really needed that ego boost.” You sigh. 
He licks his lips and leans even closer, “Did you maybe want to head out? I’d love to pick your delightful brain amongst other things-” 
“How the fuck did Ken get you here Matsson?” Stewy’s voice cuts in, more serious than usual. 
Lukas doesn’t seem to notice and they must be acquainted you think, it doesn’t surprise you though. If Ken knows him, Stewy’s bound to, and regardless of Ken, Stewy magically knows everyone. You look up at Stewy, feeling slightly more relaxed as he stands near your chair. He doesn’t look at you, not even for a second which is unusual for him, even at public events. There’s always some acknowledgement in his eyes at the very bare minimum. 
You knew that Stewy was coming tonight but you didn’t expect to see him so soon. Like every event you both attended, your entrances and exits were perfectly timed. Coordinated flawless, unsuspicious executions. You’d come 3 hours earlier than Stewy to this and you’d leave with at least an hour gap between you both. That had been the plan but you didn’t think it had quite been the 3 hours yet, just over 2 hours you thought. It made more sense optics-wise for you to be here longer and Stewy to just pop through.  
“Oh, Hosseini- what a sight for bored eyes you are man,” Matsson says as Roman appears.
“There, slurp up.” Roman’s eyes hesitantly shift to Stewy as he hands you the mysterious alcoholic drink for your ‘thirst’. 
“I’m not drinking that.” You quickly respond, giving the drink back to Roman and he rolls his eyes, nonchalantly taking a generous sip from the glass as if to prove a point. 
“Shouldn’t you be in a bathroom with Kendall somewhere?” Roman directs at Stewy. 
“No, unfortunately, we’re waiting. They’re all occupied.” His eyes meet Roman’s but before they do he finally makes eye contact with you, his gaze is firm and he doesn’t look impressed. 
The whole energy of this interaction is making you severely uncomfortable. You’d seen and heard of Stewy giving others non-impressed glances and quips but you’d never seen him make eye contact with you before with an expression like that. That paired with Roman and Matsson playing some weird business game of chicken at Kendall’s birthday was not how you wanted to spend the night. You wished you were still talking to Rava or chatting to Willa wherever she and Connor were. Or that you were home. That was the ideal situation here. There’s a tense air between everyone and despite it being earlier than being agreed upon, you’re ready to head off now. You’d already talked to Ken and given him a present, seeing him and showing face for a bit for his sake was the priority of the evening.
“I need to go-” You start to say before you’re cut off. 
“Don’t abandon us, Dr Roy!” Lukas exclaims playfully like a spoilt child. 
“Sorry but I need to hit the powder room, I’m on my period.” You lie in a manner as if you’re just bluntly stating a fact as you stand up. Stewy chuckles softly, it's the softest you’ve seen his eyes look all night, well for all of the duration of your awkward interaction with Matsson. While Stewy sees through the lie and you’re sure that Roman does as well, the false candour, unfortunately, intrigues Lukas more. 
“Regular? Super? Wait, just bring me back your tampon please?” Roman asks looking up at you. 
“I don’t use tampons.” You sigh as you start to walk off. Immediately regretting your genuine candour this time. 
“Right, sorry.” Roman then looks at Lukas and Stewy. “Well you’ve seen my mum’s vagina tonight but here’s a secret about my sister’s, it’s that tight she can’t use tampons.” 
You glare at Roman who looks absolutely chuffed with himself, he starts to giggle like the child he still is inside and you roll your eyes. Stewy looks at you with a very tight lip smile, struggling not to laugh, even with jealousy coursing through his veins. 
“Maybe stop talking about your family’s vaginas Rome?” Stewy raises an eyebrow at Rome. 
“I don’t know how I always forget about your condition, always snapping dicks. Serial pad user this one.” Rome says to you, directing it at Matsson and completely ignoring Stewy. 
“I don’t have vaginismus which is a very real and not a birthday tech/finance bro over drinks discussion, so stop implying that please and go back to your weird networking.” You say as you walk off, not looking back at the trio of the men. 
“Moderna vagina dentata!” Roman calls out after you. 
“She’s like a diplomatic firecracker right?!” Lukas laughs looking at Roman who smirks and shrugs. 
You finish washing your hands and unlock the door, getting ready to leave. You’ve gone toilet and you know Roman will be busy sucking up to Matsson and you can make a quick, silent, unnoticed exit. You’ve stepped out and are leaving the bathroom but as soon as you do you feel hands immediately pounce on you, it’s a blur at first and you initially flinch but quickly see it’s Stewy. 
“Get in.” He says as he holds your hips firmly, guiding you back into the bathroom. 
Stewy’s hands leave your body for a moment as he locks the door behind him once you’re both in but they quickly return to where they previously were. 
“Somebody might’ve seen-”
“I don’t fucking care.” He says as he presses his lips against your neck, pinning you to the wall. “Everyone can know baby.” You scoff slightly at that. 
“Well, that’s interesting and surprising, considering you wouldn’t look at me two minutes ago.” He stops kissing your neck and sighs, he tilts his head against your shoulder. “What was going on Stewy? We’re always amicable in public…” You gently probe. 
He nods as his head is still pressed against your shoulder, he sighs again and tilts his head. You can feel his breath on your collarbone and his fastidiously trimmed beard brushes against you, it’s a brief little burn. In another moment it would probably feel more ticklish than it does right now, you’d probably giggle at it like you have in the past. 
“What if we weren’t?” Stewy implores. You pause for a moment, deciphering his meaning. 
“And be what…hostile?” You question somewhat incredulously. 
A change in the method of the public side of your relationship now would surely draw more attention, it certainly would raise eyebrows and questions from those closest and it would become ridiculously complicated. Even with you not being involved at Waystar. 
“No, no. Just open. No more running around, hiding, game of fucking cat and mouse. We don’t even need to say anything, we can just do it. It’s so simple.” He’s moved his handsome head so he’s now looking at you with those wide brown orbs. You exhale slightly and move your hands so that they’re now combing through his hair. It’s handsomely styled but you like it when it has less product and his natural curls are freer. 
“What’s prompting this?”
“And that’s relevant?” 
“I’m just surprised, can you please talk to me?” You ask softly, pleading with him as you continue to gently run your hands through his hair. His hand is rubbing a burning circle on your waist. His eyes are wide and there’s something there that you don’t think you’ve seen before, he almost seems manic. 
“I didn’t like that discussion out there baby.” He says, his tone becoming a bit more serious. 
“This might come as a surprise to you honey but I also am not a fan of when Rome talks about Shiv’s and I’s reproductive systems.” You reply, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. 
“No, I-I didn’t like that but I was meaning with Matsson.” 
“Oh, he’s a creep.” You immediately respond. 
“You’re telling me.” He kisses your lips softly but quickly deepens it, his hands firmly grip onto your hips. You lightly tug on his hair as you moan into his mouth. “He was eye-fucking you like his goonie life depended on it.” 
You chuckle at how he describes it but his face is serious, similar to how it was when he came over during that awful interaction. You don’t know why it took you so long to pinpoint it, it’s jealousy. Stewy Hosseini was jealous. 
Stewy Hosseini was jealous of that interaction, even though you’d both immediately agreed Lukas Matsson was a creep. You kiss him softly and move one of your hands to his shoulder. He eagerly returns the kiss back, filled with hunger. 
“Stewy?” You ask quietly. 
“Are you jealous…?” 
His brow noticeably furrows at that question, it’s quite a sight. His hair was now tousled and curlier from your tugging and raking through them, his eyes wide with lust and the aforementioned jealousy and his lips kiss-swollen. He was painfully handsome and you wished that you two weren’t in a bathroom at a party. 
“Did you only just put that together baby?” He asks after watching you for a moment, a cocky smirk on his face. You sigh with a small nod and roll your eyes, which just makes his smirk grow even more. “I don’t want anybody to ever look at you like that again and nobody ever gets to touch you but me.”
He immediately presses his face against yours for another passionate and extremely hungry kiss, you open up your mouth for him and he immediately accepts the invitation. It’s a fiery clashing of teeth and lips, you quickly get lost in it, one hand gripping onto his shoulder as the other one tugs on his hair not so gently this time. 
He groans out against your mouth as you tug on his locks. His hand pinches your hip before he moves it down and then pushes up your dress, his hand then dances along your thigh while the other bruisingly pinches your hip. 
You moan out against his lips as his fingers press against your underwear, you can feel him pressing his fingers against you and dancing along the clothed area. You writhe slightly against him at the pressure. 
His lips leave yours and he kisses along your jaw, trailing the kisses down your neck. He sucks and licks softly around your pulse, then as his mouth gets closer to your collarbone he nips you teasingly. You whine out at the sensation as your fingers dig deeper into his hair and he immediately kisses over where he’d bit you. 
As he does this, he pushes your underwear to the side so that his fingers can slip through. Your arousal had already started to quickly build between your legs and now he was able to take advantage of that. You moan out as his fingers now run through your folds without the barrier of your underwear, he slips a finger inside of you as his thumb gingerly traces over your bundle of nerves. He kisses your shoulder as he hears your breathing quickly change. 
“You’re so beautiful like this, you know that right?” Stewy asks. His voice was slightly more gentle. “Nobody else ever gets this.” He says more firmly. 
“Only you Stewy.” You breathe out as calmly as you can manage as he inserts a second finger into you. He continues on with his ministrations as he kisses along your neck, reaching that spot he knows you cannot ever get enough of. 
“That’s my girl.” He chuckles as he leaves your neck to kiss your lips again. You're desperate to feel him, it can’t have been more than 2 minutes since his lips left yours but you need to feel him there again. Especially when he’s having his way like this with you. You need Stewy in every sense of the meaning. 
His kiss to your mouth is firm and hungry, you get lost in the feeling of his plump lips as he continues to overwhelm you and provide the most delectable of sensory overwhelms that you could ever imagine. But it is of course, unfortunately not long enough. The world’s longest kiss wouldn’t be long enough with Stewy though, which you of course know but it never stops you from wanting, needing longer, needing and craving more. 
When he breaks the kiss, Stewy slides down to his knees on the floor of the bathroom. In your right mind, you’d probably be too focused on the unhygienic nature of this environment but you don’t even think of that. You are just desperate for Stewy, aching for him in any and every way in which you can have him. You don’t think anyone has ever felt as desperate for someone as you do for Stewy.  
He expertly but gently spreads your legs out, putting one over his shoulder as he softly kisses along your thighs. The kisses are soft and hot and as you feel his breath against your sensitive thighs, you feel your core clench and every nerve ending of yours tingle in desire and anticipation for him. 
Stewy continues to pump his fingers in and out of you as his kisses get closer to your core, you squirm slightly as he does. He gives a few gentle kisses to your vulva, your arousal is covering his fingers and running down his hands and he licks through your folds. Softly groaning at that as you let out a whimper at the contact, the noise coming from you is so beautiful, melodic to Stewy. 
The noise spurs him on and his tongue gingerly circles around your bundle of nerves, the pressure is so perfect and the build-up from his teasing and the making out just adds to the feeling. Your hands tangle in his dark hair, gripping it for leverage and as a way to communicate just how he makes you feel. He continues to lick and kiss at your clitoris and you know it won’t be long till you reach your peak at this rate. 
Stewy’s fingers continue at their work, getting deeper and reaching that spongy spot that makes you sharply gasp. Stewy smirks against you as he hears that, he hums against your bundle of nerves and the vibrations make you shudder, bringing you so much closer. 
“Oh my god, Stewy!” You moan out as you roughly tug at his hair. 
“Come on, come for me, baby. I want to taste you and feel it all over my face.” He says in between kisses to your bundle of nerves and around it. You nod and he continues to finger you and to give your clitoris attention, it isn’t much longer until you feel your climax coming on. 
“I’m going to- oh baby!” You whimper out, and he continues at the same pace as you shake against him as your peak arrives and you ride it out. He smirks against you as he tastes you. 
After your orgasm, he stays there, looking up at you in awe for a moment, supporting your body as it’s still somewhat weakened from that orgasm. He then stands back up, he pulls your dress back down and smirks.  Stewy holds your hip gently and his free hand comes up to gently stroke your cheek. The pad of his thumb feels so soft against your cheek. You can’t help but smile at him, so absolutely in love with him and he returns the grin. 
“You might want to clean that up, honey.” You say with a smirk as you lean against the wall, enjoying the feeling of him pressed against you so intimately. 
“Nope.” He immediately firmly says. 
“I don’t care who knows, honestly I want everyone to know. Everyone should know about us and that I’m the only one who gets this baby. Fuck Matsson, fuck anyone else.”
“I think a decision like this should have a proper conversation, one that isn’t just jealously induced sweetie.” You respond as softly as you can, as you close your eyes for a moment. You hear a small scoff.
“Such a tease.” He says and you can’t help but smile when seeing the devilish expression on his face. He’s simultaneously charming, and handsome but also arrogant and you love it so much. 
“I don’t want you to regret it.” You genuinely mean it. “I never would.” He immediately responds. 
“I love you.” 
It’s not a conversation you can have right now, the bathroom at your brother’s 40th birthday party is not the right environment for this. It needs to be one at home that isn’t post-sex acts either.
“I love you too.” He says as he rubs his forehead and sighs briefly. “Go home, I’ll leave fifteen minutes after you. I know- small risk but it’s worth it.” You chuckle and kiss him on the cheek. “I expect you to be in bed waiting when I get there though.” He says earnestly but still playfully. That’s your Stewy, always playful and blunt. 
“Sure thing Mr. Hosseini, maybe write me a love poem on the way home?” You tease with a small giggle. 
“Oh baby, you didn’t get my love poem?” He has that loveable but chaotic, cocky smirk on his face. 
“What?” You raise an eyebrow at him. 
“That was my love poem.” As he delivers that line his smirk somehow grows by ten times. You roll your eyes at him as you kiss him on the lips softly. “Wait, do I need to better emphasise next time?” He teases with a wicked grin and laughs. 
“Get better material, Hosseini.” You immediately quip back with a smirk as you leave the bathroom stall to make an Irish Goodbye from Kendall’s birthday to go home, our home you think. 
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lunargrapejuice · 1 year
could you really love me too?
kaveh x fem!reader | 2.4k + words
warnings: hurt/comfort, alcohol use, idiots to lovers <3
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you know you shouldn’t have looked. you shouldn’t have. not when you knew it would end up like this but you just couldn’t keep your eyes from following the bounce of soft blonde hair with his long strides to the bar or the way the silky strands rested against the pale skin of his back showing through his half open shirt. the wine against your tongue grew bitter watching pretty and slender fingers reaching for his shoulder while others twirled long hair as their owner batted long lashes and flashed a smile that was obnoxiously obvious in its intentions and infatuation but even though you wanted to look away, you couldn’t. 
kaveh could have anyone. the light of the kshahrewar, smart and talented, beautiful to boot, with a heart so big and an eye for romance that many thought was only written about in books. no one could possibly not fall for him and so easily, for so long, you have found yourself at the mercy of that love.
not that he knew that. no, he doesn't know how much your heart is knocking uncomfortably against your chest at the thought of him with someone else or that your entire being bursts into butterflied at the mere brush of your hands, which happened far too often, and you had no intention of telling him for more reasons that you can cont.
you can feel alhaithams eyes on you, studying and noticing every little bit of emotion that’s shown through your eyes. how could he not have seen when fuck you felt like you might actually cry right here and now, in the middle of lambads tavern, as you watched the scene of flirty students cozying up with kaveh while he waited for your drink refills. as much as you hated it right now, you loved when he smiled back at them, bright and big. you just wish it was back at you and not at them but bleh that thought didn’t make you feel much better. not when it filled you with shame.
“you know you could just tell him how you feel,” alhaitham says in his normal flat tone. you might have teased him for caring about what happens between you and his roommate if it weren’t for the emotions your overflowing with swallowing all of your wit.
you tear your eyes from kaveh, hearing the student talking with him laugh just a little too loud and glare at alhaitham with ice daggers that he found rather amusing on your pouty face.
he knew how you felt about kaveh, as your long time friend, over all this time, he found you rather easy to read and had been the one to introduce you to kaveh in the first place. and he normally wouldn’t get involved, it had been entertaining to watch you play this game of chicken with kaveh when alhaitham knew something you didn’t, but this had gone on long enough. by now anyone with two eyes and a brain not clouded in love could see how you felt about each other. at this point you were both being unreasonable and quite frankly stupid in the scribe's opinion.
“i can’t do that and you know it,” you snap at him but there's no real bite behind your words. you couldn’t tell him.. didn’t.. didn’t he deserve someone better.. smarter.. more accomplished.. more beaut-
“and why not? what do you have to lose?”
“besides my dignity?” you flash your eyes up at alhaitham just to tear them away again a second later, your gaze briefly coming across the architect on the other side of the room, catching the girl kaveh was speaking with leaning into his chest and tracing the stones that rested against his neck. “our friendship. him as a whole..” you continue, biting your bottom lip to stop it’s trembling. it’s fine.. as long as he was happy that’s what matters and- “at least this way he's in my life somehow.”
“is that really what you want?” alhaitham asks, crossing his arms, watching the processing of his question across your face and the true answer you probably weren’t going to share with him behind your eyes.
and he’d be right, you wouldn’t tell him because saying it outloud.. admitting it was tearing you apart to just be friends when you loved him, when you wanted to always be beside him in a way no one else could, never leaving him alone again.. no you couldn’t say it.. it was so selfish when he didn’t want the same with you.
“since when do you get involved in such things, huh?!” now there is actual venom in your words. not that he minds, it only confirms what alhaitham already knew. “it means nothing if he doesn’t..” your voice dies off and instead of finishing your thought you down the last of your drink, the bitter liquid joining the previous drinks that warm your cheeks and weaken the wall you normally keep these feelings well hidden behind.
alhaitham speaks, you hear his voice but the words hardly register in your mind when you find yourself the fool for the second time tonight when you chose to look again and see a sight that struck your walls so hard it crumbled them to dust, leaving your heart bleeding and bare; dainty white flat showing from under the traditional scholar robes as she stretches to reach for the same lips you’d longed to taste, eyes closing and kavehs grip on her shoulders. from the angle he had moved his expression was mostly hidden from you but that was probably for the best. 
“s-sorry alhaitham..i.. i gotta..” you stutter a broken apology as you reach into your bag before tossing a handful of mora on the table and making a b-line right for the door, not daring to look back and far from carrying how crazy you looked sprinting out the door and ignoring the shout following after you.
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“what did you say to her?!” kaveh yells at the unbothered scribe sitting a few tables away from where he stood by the door, waiting to continue going after you. he had only been gone a few minutes and when he finally had the chance to tear his eyes away from the drunken scholar that was annoying him, after pushing her off of him when she got too handsy, he had only seen you talking with alhaitham.
neither of them care about the many eyes on them in the quiet bar.
“i wouldn’t be so quick to place incorrect blame,” alhaitham shrugs and takes a sip of his drink, pulling out a book from his pack.
“tch,” kaveh scoffs but he doesn’t have time to say much more, not if he was planning to catch up with you, your figure getting smaller and smaller in the distance when he makes it out the door and takes after you with a racing heart and worry pumping through his veins.
he had seen the tears you swiped from your eyes before you made it out the door and his chest ached at the thought of you crying alone.. didn’t you know that he would always be here so you would never have to be alone again? thats what you do when you.. when you love someone.
hes admitted it to himself before, even let it slip to alhaitham one drunken night at home but he had yet to admit to the one person it should have been said to.. and kaveh has no one to blame but himself. he had fallen for you so quickly, can’t help wanting to shower you in his love and sometimes doing more than he should as a friend because of it but he.. did he really deserve someone as wonderful as you? could he give you everything you want and more? is he.. enough for such an ethereal soul..
the city streets weren’t crowded, thank archons and the patrons that parted in your wake stayed to the side with kaveh chasing after you, both of your speeds increasing but his longer strides slowly but surely closing the distance.
over and over he calls your name, urgency in his voice but you only stop when you gets a hold of your wrist just as you make it to the outskirts of the city, no one but the birds and wildflowers around to hear your panting breaths, the dew drops of your tears catching on long blades of grass.
“go away kaveh!” you shout, turning around, eyes closed and trying to hide their wetness as you push against his heaving chest to get away.
“no,” his grip on you tightens but not enough to hurt, he would never hurt you but he couldn’t just let you go either, not when you were hurting.. not when you might need him.  “not until you tell me what's gotten into you. i’m worried you know?”
“honestly, why do you even care?” you try so hard to hide your broken voice but it's all to no avail. 
“w-what?” his chest tightens into knots that constrict painfully and you can hear it through his voice, feel his fingers around your wrist loosen in his shock. “what in the world are you talking about y/n?”
you pull your hand from his, shoving your other hand against his chest to put some distance between you, giving you the chance to get away because you were not holding it together at all right now and didn’t know how much more you could take. “just forget it!”
“hey!” he shouts, reaching out and grabbing your hand again, using his surprising strength to pull you into him, your face now resting against his exposed chest, his other arm wrapping around your middle to keep you pressed close. he can feel you shaking in his hold, knows it's your tears that are rolling down his chest and collecting on his shirt. “tell me..” he lets go of your hand in favor of cradling the back of your head, slender and calloused fingers getting lost in your hair. quiet and full of worry, his warm breath against your face thanks to the proximity you share, he tries again. “what's wrong? why are you running from me?”
“let me go.” you protest but don’t fight to get out of his hold. you let his scent envelope you, grip the thin fabric of his shirt when you finally stop resisting him so much. never let me go.. your heart echoes. 
he only tightens his embrace, the pads of his fingers on your back sinking further into your skin. he held you with care, like you might break in his hold but still he put his strength behind it, like it might hurt him too if you left in this state. “so unusually stubborn tonight y/n.” he doesn’t sound annoyed, he’s more admiring than anything, as he was with any part of you but after a moment, in a voice not nearly as sure, he asks “… have i done something to upset you?”
you swallow the lump in your throat, letting the warmth of him calm your tears, bringing a steady rhythm back to your breaths. while it did have to do with him, it wasn’t him.. he couldn’t help how adored he was and he wasn’t yours to covet or be jealous over. “no.. it wasn’t you..”
“then what was it hm? you can tell me anything, you know that."
“that just it kaveh..” you bury yourself further into his chest, as if it might hide you from him, not let your feelings be shown on your sleeve. “i.. i can’t tell you this..”
“why is that?” he’s so patient trying to coax it out of you, running his finger through your hair to help you calm, assure you it was okay. his own heart was erratic in your ears, telling you just how calm he was not. in his arms, where you would rather be than anywhere else in this world, with his undivided attention and worry, you felt your resolve slipping. 
“because.. what… what if you don’t feel the same.. what if i lose you forever..” you say it so quietly you wonder if he had heard it at all.
but of course he had heard, he was listening so closely to any sign of what could make your pain go away, how he could bring back your lovely smile. it wasn’t what he had expected to hear, though his entire being filled with warmth hearing it and his brain searched for any meaning behind your words aside from what his heart and soul knew was the truth. what he wanted to be true all along and now it was unfolding before him. 
you really had loved him back… 
“don’t,” you interrupt on a choked sob. “i don’t..” don't want to hear how you don’t love me in the same way..
“won't you hear me out?” he asks, a softness in his tone that drew you from his chest to look into his eyes, that struck the match of hope deep within your heart. cupping your face, he wipes your tears, the moonlight glistening in his eyes making them look like silver fire capturing your own eyes, not wavering for a moment even through the thundering pulse in his veins and at the pink that begins to dust his cheeks, up the corners of his eyes and to the tips of his ears. 
you nod your head, unable to stop yourself from leaning into his touch, melting under his tender and flushed expression. his thumb brushes along your wet face, your eyes fluttering closed as he leans down and you feel his lips against your skin, a chaste kiss on the apple of your cheek that leaves a searing heat on you after he’s pulled away. he doesn’t go far, the warmth of his breath fanning against you, the deep calming breaths he takes against your chest, the tips of his hair tickling you like a ghost's touch.
“i love you more than you know,” i always have, but he’ll have plenty of time to tell you now that you know what is in his heart.. and what he hopes is in yours too.. “and every day i love you more still.”
“kaveh..” you eyes open slowly, more tears escaping them without your permission but you don’t mind. not when they’re tears of happiness. “i love you t-”
he doesn’t let you finish before his lips are on yours, soft yet claiming, with every ounce of your adoration for one another poured into it. the first kiss of many he would share with you from now on, the first kiss of many just tonight, to make up for all the times he wished he had and even more to promise their eternal love to you.
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genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist
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spacexseven · 1 year
Thinking about a lil au idea of DOA or Rats of the House of the dead being basically your cult in the god reader idea.
Of course, the other “members” of the cult don’t see you in that much of a big light as Fyodor does (he’s the only one to be THAT devoted to you, really). But they are still members, and little by little they just
Start to like the idea wholeheartedly.
(I love the god reader idea so much it has me in a chokehold rn)
!! anime only's, you have been warned! the following includes spoilers for 2/3 of the unknown (as of now) members of the doa, and other stuff involving the doa.
i'm not writing for kamui 'cos this was a little long as it was. also am sticking w doa 'cos im more comfortable writing for nikolai, sigma and my little vampire rockstar :^^
cw: its kind of a cult, yandere themes (near the end)
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you had always known that the rats were only the beginning of fyodor's reign.
and maybe he knew that too—you could hear the soft smile in his voice when he asked you if you thought that the decay of the angel was a better-suited name for an organization that would carry out his plans and catalyze the great destruction you always said he would bring. you don't grace him with an answer, though even you have to agree that it was a name that, once uttered, could unsettle the bravest souls and fill them with trepidation. it was a fitting choice; symbolic, powerful, and ominous.
if anything, the other members were just as unpredictable and unnerving as fyodor was to you once. nikolai was the first you met. you later learned that he went against fyodor's words to come see you, seized by curiosity. bitterly, you realized that the reason why he stared at you so much was because he was studying you, like one would an insect. you almost wanted to seize some of that divine order you had and strike him down for being so blatant about his interest. but when you thought about how fyodor could never look you in the eyes, and how lonely it was as his god, you found yourself taking a liking to the eccentric clown.
there was a side to him, however, you're not sure you like at all. bloodied hands and a wicked grin to match, when anyone else seeks your time. fascination that was both lustful and violent in nature, and a possessive grip that didn't seem to let go of you.
"time for a quiz!" nikolai exclaims, "will the decay of the angel succeed?"
"of course," a wry smile plays at your lips, "who else has a god on their side?"
he laughs in response, loud and uninhibited. it's the most noise that's ever filled your room
sigma was a mystery that had too many missing pieces to be solved. a part of you could sympathize with him, having lost your own self to the blurred-together years and the exhaustion that came with being the only one with your level of sentience. however, you don't let yourself think about the book fyodor had used to create sigma, and what it meant to you. there are some things, you decide, that are best kept to yourself. some things that fyodor should never learn about.
sigma, in your first meeting, was slightly awkward; a perfectly natural response, but not in awe of your presence, not like fyodor. his voice was firm, but not unkind, and his words were respectful, but not...obedient. it was perfect.
in sigma, you found an unlikely friend. he told you about the mundane happenings in the outside world; a customer caught cheating, an employee that struggled to keep up, all the paperwork that was involved in the running of a casino in the sky. these things, as compared to your daily life, were nothing of the sort you would care about, but you listened all the same. regardless, you could tell sigma appreciated the sentiment.
you, however, don't appreciate his strange habits. recently, you think, he's been acting a little too much like fyodor. as much as you liked sigma for the natural ease that you felt by his presence, you couldn't brush off the ominous feeling that came with sigma seeking you out more and more. you start feeling like he's looking for validation of some kind from you, one you didn't wish to provide in fear that he may find this an encouragement. he reaches out for your hand often, something you might find amusing if not for the way his hand trembles.
"are you planning to leave?" nikolai, knowing the fool, must have said something to scare sigma.
"no," you say simply, "not yet."
"so you will leave," sigma frowns. you've seen that look directed to many a clumsy employee and messy files, but never to you. it's almost frightening, "don't you like it here?"
"besides, i..." he stops himself, "dostoevsky won't let you go. and...i don't want you to either. you should stay. we take care of you too, don't we?
unlike most people, you weren't surprised to see bram stoker. though in your memory, he was a lot more...whole and formidable of an opponent. more than that, you remembered him as a man turned into a monster that brought unimaginable destruction because of an ability he never asked for. it was a strange reminder of how much had really changed over the years. now, he seemed sullen, and defeated; it was a depressing sight.
now, he was exhausted. you could tell he didn't want to be here, with the decay of the angel. you could also tell that something was terribly wrong with the sword that was inside him and the pained look in his eyes. fyodor tells you of a kamui when he brings the coffin in, and just by the current state of bram and the utterance of his name, you know already you would not get along with him.
bram doesn't ask you questions, not about why you were here, or what you were doing for all those years. he doesn't explain his situation, and you don't pry. you can put the pieces together by yourself, and when it dawns on you what the kamui planned to do with bram, you realize that there were greater evils than fyodor.
there's a silent solidarity between you and bram, perhaps stemming from being something non-human. you get him the radio he's always wanted, insist that he be allowed to converse with you more often, and so on. these days, bram talks more, and it almost feels like you're talking to an old friend. bram's lived through some, though not most, of the things you have, and he remembers what nobody else does. you wonder, one day, if the two of you could have been friends had you met a lot earlier, and if you hadn't brushed off the news about the vampire ability user the first time. when you voice this out to him, bram has the most adorable reaction. your words make his eyes widen and, stupified, cause him to awkwardly change the topic, fumbling over his next few words.
ah, now you really wish you went to see him earlier.
it's that odd sensation of having a friend, caring for another, that urges you to offer your help to bram. you tell him you can get him out of here, out of the mortal angels' grasp; somewhere safe. you say you can help him regain his former state, help him survive within the shadows of humanity, like you had before. kamui, fyodor, or the doa; nothing will be able to stop you if you really wanted to make it happen, regardless of how complacent you were now.
at the very least, you thought, he might be pleased. grateful. maybe not elated, but, at the very least, relieved. instead, bram looked shocked. you can't tell if the idea horrifies him because he doesn't think you can do it, or because he believes that the decay of the angel was the only connection you had to him. perhaps he thought that saving him, freeing him, would also mean removing yourself from his life. you almost felt bad—you were very likely bram stoker's only friend in his miserable life.
still, you're not quite sure what to think when he extends his stay and starts contemplating, seriously, to cooperate with kamui. you can't wrap your mind around why he'd want to stay, and the possible loss of so many lives as a result unsettles you deeper than it does him, but he's steadfast in his decision. he tells you, with an unfamiliar tinge of scorn, that he was tired of trying to protect people, when all they did was try to kill him.
"if you're so sure, i suppose i'll have to stay here with you." concern weighs heavily on your mind, but more than that, suspicion lingers.
bram smiles, then, and seemingly relaxes in his coffin. an uncomfortable feeling seizes your chest. how had you not noticed?
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kisses4lao · 7 months
omg hear me out…kung lao x kitsune!reader where the reader like seduces him and they sleep together
Okay so I ended up doing some research for this bc I'm actually very into demonology and mythology and I found out that at certain ages kitsune can read minds???? Guys. The creative juices are flowing.
Also when I first read this I thought you meant seduction as in a succubus kind but I couldn't find ANYTHING on kitsune being able to do that cries so it'll be a semi normal romance
Tw/cw: certain parts may be mythologically incorrect for the sake of the plot, deal with it or don't I don't fucking care, AFAB reader, as always kung lao is horny, ooc kung lao, VIRGIN KUNG LAO GUYS, piv, readers a fucking tease, cursing
Not proofread fuck you
It all started when he decided to go to Madame Bos with Raiden for the first time in a while.
You were a new server, just starting out as they were one of your very first tables. Kung Lao just couldn't help but notice your cute little ears; how they'd twitch at any sudden sound, and your adorable tails. He was obsessed with it all on first sight!
He'd talked to Raiden about you any time he could, he was so in love with how cute you were! It really wasn't his fault, or at least, that's what he decided to think when his work started to become sloppy because all he could think about was you.
He'd began to make special trips to Madame Bos just to see you. He'd specifically come when he knew there wouldn't be many people just so he could talk to you. The more and more he found out about you, the more in love he fell.
He started bringing you bouquets of flowers and boxes of chocolate, which you'd usually share with him. He really relished every interaction you guys had and he ended up feeling bad about having dirty thoughts involving you.
He'd tell himself over and over that it wasn't his fault, it was yours! You were obviously seducing him! It got so out of hand he ended up reading a book(insane, I know) about kitsune and couldn't find anything on them being able to seduce humans.
This made him feel even more awful, now knowing that it was his own fault for having such perverted thoughts about you.
He felt horrible about how often he'd fuck his fist to the thought of you, hoping that one day you'd do it for him. He'd be blushing so hard seeing you afterwards, having such crazy thoughts while talking to you. Wondering what you'd sound like if he was able to touch you, wanting you to know how badly he needed you, but he has to keep it to himself for your sake.
If he would've read that book on kitsune for just a minute longer, he'd know that kitsune are able to read minds. But then again, if he did know that, he'd be too embarrassed to ever see you again. You knew everything that was going through his mind since the first time you met and you'd be lying if you said you didn't love the attention.
You'd end up teasing him just to get him going, seeing the look on his face when you'd brush against him suggestively was all you needed to do to hear his thoughts start to race.
However, on the other hand, you'd be lying if you said you didn't reciprocate his feelings. You were doing this for yourself too, wanting to see how long it takes for him to finally ask you out.
After a few weeks of the most unbearable mutual pining ever endured with multiple friends of Kung Laos being witnesses, he finally asked you out.
He decided to take you on a picnic in the sun, making a small basket filled with fruits sourced from his farm. Or at least, that was the plan. Unfortunately for the both of you, it had started raining as soon as you got to the clearing you planned to have the picnic at.
Kung Lao had apologized so many times that the word 'sorry' didn't sound like a word anymore. You settled on going back to your own cottage, setting up a soft blanket and setting your fireplace ablaze. You decided to have your picnic in front of the fireplace, the crackling sound of the wood burning and the soft rain hitting the roof made a perfect ambiance.
After a while of talking about random things, you decided to just out right tell him everything. "You know I can read minds, right? I could read yours ever since we first met."
The silence in the room was deafening. Kung Lao had stopped chewing on his strawberry just to stare at you in disbelief. You could tell all he was thinking about was... Nothing. Blank. Not a thought behind those eyes.
He turned away and he sighed, swallowing his strawberry before talking. "I'm.. sorry. Truly, I am. I just.. never felt like this with anyone before. I guess my feelings got the best of me. If you want me to leave, I will, but I promise I'll make it up to you, if you let me stay of course." You chuckle lightly at the last sentence, rubbing your hand on his arm while doing so.
"You're cute. Why do you think I agreed to a date? I feel the same way, silly." You give him a soft smile and kiss him on the cheek, resting your head on his shoulder.
You could feel him heat up, hear his mouth become dry by the seconds. "You.. feel the same? I- why didn't you tell me before? I would've taken you out so much earlier."
"I know, I just wanted you to ask me out. And here we are."
"So, you wanted me to ask you out first, that way you didn't have to be the first one to confess, even though you knew I liked you beforehand?"
"Well when you put it like that it sounds bad."
You both share a small laugh at each others expense, finding it silly how this could've been avoided if either one of you fessed up sooner. The laugh ended and you both looked at each other, making eye contact as you began to lean into him. Glancing down at his lips briefly, you connected them with yours in a gentle kiss. Kung Lao wasted no time reciprocating it, deepening it as his hands rested on your waist.
You softly bit his lower lip, being careful not to draw blood as he let out a groan of both pain and pleasure, giving you access to explore his mouth. He began to moan into the kiss more, tugging on your shirt as he leaned into you. Placing your hand on the back of his head, you climbed onto him and straddled his lap, having him moan at the sudden movement.
Suddenly, you could feel him leaning away from the kiss. Letting him go, you both caught your breath. "I've never done anything like this before- let alone kissed anybody." He was trying his best to avoid your gaze while still tugging slightly at your clothes. That when you noticed his aching member, right between your thighs, straining the confines of his uniform. How had you not noticed it sooner?
Everything started adding up. How he was moaning into the kiss, how he was tugging at your clothes, the beautiful moan he let out when you straddled him, he was turned on. You could feel yourself get wet at the thought of you being the one making him feel like this, this tall, gorgeous man writhing beneath.. you. You'd be damned if you let up this opportunity.
"I don't exactly have much experience in this department either. How about we learn together?" You tried to make it very clear that you wanted him, as a friend, a partner, a mate, everything. You wanted him. You climbed off his lap, taking off his belt and unzipping his pants slowly waiting for any protest.
You look up at him, his face is completely red, mouth agape and breathing heavily. The way the fire beside you illuminated him made him look ethereal, like you just wanted to make him feel as good as possible simply because of how good he looked. You pull down his boxers, pleasantly surprised at how big he was, much bigger than anyone you had ever seen before. He let out a soft groan at the feeling of his cock being free, before groaning again at the feeling of your lips enveloping his tip.
Your one hand wrapped around the base of his cock, the other hand gripping his thigh for stability. You slowly took your mouth off his tip before making small kitten licks, flattening your tongue to cover his whole tip. The sweet moans he'd let out were enough to keep you going, making you take his whole tip in again before sinking down on him more.
You attempted to fit as much of his cock in your mouth as possible, bobbing your head up and down and swirling your tongue the best you could- pumping what you couldn't fit with your hand. Your saliva started to trickle down his cock, smearing onto his balls and soaking the blanket beneath him. His moans increased in volume as he gripped onto the blanket more than he already was.
He felt himself reaching his climax, being soo overwhelmed that you were actually here, willingly sucking him off. He had gotten off so many times before to the thought of it that now that it was happening he had no control over his urges. His hand wandered to scratch behind your ear, giving you the incentive that he's close. Your hand that was previously on his thigh goes to his balls, stroking them slightly as you could feel him climax in your mouth.
It caught you off guard and you slowly took your mouth off his cock, licking up the mess. "I'm so sorry- I should've warned you where I'm sensitive- I- I didn't know I'm sorry-" you cut him off by kissing him, making him taste his cum on your tongue still. "You're fine, you taste good, too. I'll have to remember that for next time." You give him a wink before grabbing another blanket.
You drape it behind him and use it to pull him closer to you. "Will you please make love to me by this oh-so warm fireplace, oh mighty Kung Lao?" You say with a chuckle. He laughs as he begins to undress you, "when you say it like that, how could I ever resist?"
You share another deep kiss as he undresses the both of you, discarding your clothes as he places your legs on his side. Leaning closer into you, he lines his member up with your hole, looking at you for permission. "Ready?"
"Never more." You both share another smile before he slowly enters you, your arms instinctively tangling around his neck for stability. Your soft tails poking out from beneath came to Kung Laos sides, rubbing against him as he lay atop of you, waiting for you to adjust. He slowly strokes your ears and kisses at your neck as he awaits your response.
When you give him the green light, he raises himself up, grabbing a hold of your waist as he begins pumping in and out of you at a slow pace. The two of you exchanged soft pleas too one another as he began to speed up. The noises of slapping enveloped the room you were in as the both of you held onto each other like your lives depended on it.
Kung Laos pace had increased greatly from when he started , beginning to make you feel dizzy off the pleasure he was giving you. You began to moan out his name as you could feel yourself getting close. He kissed at your neck, leaving small hickeys around your collar bone as he gritted his teeth in pleasure.
"Lao- please-"
"I know hon- you can do it, come for me, please, I need you."
You came with a harsh moan, practically screaming his name as you came down from your high. Kung Lao followed soon after, he was about to pull out before he came, getting ready to before he felt your legs tighten around his waist, trapping him inside you.
"inside. Please." You begged. At this point, Kung Lao would listen to anything you said. Begging him to cum inside you had his heart melting and he did it in an instant. He collapsed next to you, taking in in how warm you are as he wraps his arms around your waist again.
"I should get you something. Like a water maybe, or a washcloth? You may wanna clean your thighs." You smile at his concern.
"Aftercare can wait for the morning. I just want to be with you right now." You say as you look into his eyes. They soften as his mouth curls into a smile, kissing you on the forehead before cuddling into you more. Letting the heat from the fireplace envelope the both of you as you drift into a comfortable sleep.
A/n: ooga booga
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
omggggg congrats on getting 1k followers wooooo!!! im happy to be one of them!! can i request solomon + "Don't you know what you're doing to me?" or "I really want to kiss you right now"? it's hard to choose lmao
thanks!! ⭐
Ahh, thank you so much, anon!! I'm so glad you're enjoying my content!
Okay I went with "Don't you know what you're doing to me?" for this one. I love Solomon so much and I have to admit... the beginning of this was inspired by all the anons talking about Solomon being jealous in my ask box lately... So yeah, there's a bit of that happening here.
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GN!MC x Solomon with prompt "Don't you know what you're doing to me?"
Warnings: jealousy, some possessive behavior, oral (reader receiving), Solomon has pact marks because listen I'm obsessed with them lol
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Despite the fact that Solomon enjoyed teasing you, he never left you wanting for attention. He seemed to go out of his way to touch you briefly, to tell you to have a good day, to text you if he was going to be out late. And it wasn't as though you didn't see him frequently with your current living arrangements at Cocytus Hall.
And yet, sometimes, you felt that he was gone too long, that he was too busy with other things. What was he even doing when he wasn't at home? You weren't sure, but when you came back from a day with the brothers, you wanted nothing more than to see his face. Even if it was in the kitchen.
Lately, you were feeling his absence, feeling like you were missing out on time with him.
And now you were at RAD, which still hadn't opened yet, discussing details of the school with Diavolo, Lucifer, and the others. It was a massive project, of course, and everyone was involved in the preparations.
You were sitting next to Lucifer and Solomon was across from you. You had been simply discussing things with Lucifer when you noticed a small frown on Solomon's face. He was watching you and he didn't look pleased.
You kept your expression neutral as you leaned closer to Lucifer, acting as though you were pointing at something on the paper in front of him.
Lucifer unknowingly helped your cause by putting his hand on your back. You looked at him and smiled. He seemed a little surprised by this, but he smirked back at you.
You let yourself look across the table at Solomon briefly and found that his frown had deepened.
The rest of the planning session went on this way, with you deliberately cozying up to Lucifer while Solomon looked more and more irritated.
You thought perhaps you had gone too far when the two of you walked back to Cocytus Hall in silence. The tension was thick and you weren't sure exactly what was going through Solomon's mind. He didn't seem angry, but he was very clearly not speaking to you.
You fidgeted as Solomon opened the front door and gestured you inside. You went in, about to turn around and apologize, when you felt his hands on your shoulders, his hair brushing against your face as he leaned in.
"Don't you know what you're doing to me?" he said lowly in your ear, his lips lingering on the shell, not quite kissing it.
Goosebumps rose on your skin, a twist of something thrilling running through your belly, and you had to fight to suppress a shiver.
"I don't know what you mean," you said, trying to sound innocent.
Solomon chuckled and it was an almost dangerous sound. "I think you do."
"I'm going to need you to be more specific," you insisted.
"Trying to make me jealous by flirting with Lucifer throughout that entire meeting," Solomon said.
You pouted even though he couldn't see your face. "It worked, didn't it?"
Solomon pressed a kiss to your neck. "Why would you even provoke me like that?" he murmured.
You considered your response. There was an air of danger around him and you had to decide if you wanted to appease him or if you wanted to make it worse.
You settled on something kind of in the middle. "You've been gone a lot lately," you said. "You can't really blame me for trying to get a little more attention."
Solomon turned you around, his hands falling to your waist as he pulled you close. "Darling. If you wanted extra attention, you could have just said something. You didn't need to go and hang all over Lucifer to make me jealous. Is this really the kind of attention you were craving?"
Your breath hitched as his lips latched onto your neck. Your hands flew up to grip at the back of his shirt as he sucked on your skin. "Yes," you said, closing your eyes and bending your head to give him better access.
Your legs shook as Solomon continued to suck on your neck and you knew there would be several dark marks there you would need to cover up later.
At some point, you grew impatient, tugging him along by his shirt as you backed further into Cocytus Hall. You pulled him through the nearest door, which brought you to the library. There was a large wooden writing desk in here and you found yourself pressed up against it in no time, Solomon's lips back at your neck.
You moaned, tugging at his shirt, forcing him back enough for you to pull it off.
You paused, taking in the expanse of his chest covered in pact marks. It wasn't the first time you had seen them, of course. But no matter how often you saw them, they always caused you to linger over them, brushing your fingertips along the circles and symbols.
Solomon seemed to find this tendency of yours cute and for a moment the dangerous look was replaced with indulgence as he took the opportunity to remove all of your clothing quickly and efficiently.
Before you had a chance to try for Solomon's pants, his lips were on your chest, kissing across it, lingering on each nipple until you moaned. You put your fingers in his hair and tugged slightly, overwhelmed by the feeling of his mouth and tongue.
Solomon pulled away from you, taking your chin in his hand to make you look at him. "Now why don't you tell me what you want, MC?"
You were already throbbing with need and you knew he was trying to tease you by pausing to ask you this.
You put your hands flat on his chest. "Please, Solomon," you said. "I want you."
Solomon chuckled, your blatant neediness softening him just a little. "Now see, was that so hard?"
You were about to say something else, but you didn't have the chance as Solomon pushed you back onto the desk, lifting you up until you were sitting on it. You gasped as your hot flesh met the cool wood and you watched with wide eyes as Solomon knelt between your legs.
Solomon lifted one of your legs, pressing kisses down it until he reached your ankle. Then he propped it on his shoulder and did the same with your other leg.
Solomon put his hands on your hips, pressing his face into the skin of your thighs. He looked up at you from beneath his lashes, a mischievous smile on his lips.
And then his mouth was on you, his tongue expertly teasing you, the heat and pleasure pooling in your stomach and building up. His hands were gripping the flesh of your hips so hard you knew there would be bruises there to match the ones that were already on your neck. You felt the muscles of your legs clench and you tried not to press down on his shoulders too hard. Your hands flew to his hair, burying themselves in the silver strands as you moaned.
There was no question Solomon knew what he was doing and it wasn't long before he began to suck on you, pulling out those deepest coils of feeling, bringing you right to the brink.
"Ah, Solomon!" you cried out as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to your climax.
Solomon did not let up, only increasing his attentions, making you squirm, your body clenching. Your hands twisted in his hair as you came, your voice ringing through the library as you cried out.
Solomon gently moved your legs off his shoulders, standing up to lean in and kiss you, letting you taste yourself on him. You could also feel the hardness of his erection against your leg.
Solomon's expression was one of happiness tinged with a little sheepishness. "I'm sorry I've been neglecting you, MC. Won't you let me make it up to you?"
You were still trying to catch your breath as you leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. You laughed softly. "I've been so lonely. You really owe me."
Solomon chuckled. He knew you were exaggerating on purpose, but he didn't mind. "Then let me try to pay back my debt."
You spent the rest of the night in Solomon's bed and he certainly made up for all the time he'd been gone. You didn't think of Lucifer even once.
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rorywritesjunk · 5 months
Oh, go to sleep, Little Skylark. Fly up past the stars
After breaking your heart, Buggy is cursed to be a kid again. The last thing you want to do is be involved with this.
Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: First chapter isn't nice. Buggy is a dick, the Reader is petty. There's tears, a breakup, things like that. Just a heads up about that. No physical violence or anything but Buggy is very much a dick. A/N: This is what I originally wrote before the other Kid Buggy fic. I decided to revisit it and tidy it up before posting it. This has no connection to the other story at all. Completely different.
Title comes from "Little Skylark (safe at home)" by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8
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*Little header made by me
Chapter 1
As much as you loved your boyfriend, he was getting on your nerves lately. It seemed like every chance he got he found something to whine or complain about, like his food being too hot, the bed being too cold, or the sun being too bright, which that last one frustrated you the most because that was out of your control. Why was he acting like such a child lately? It was like he was purposefully trying to make you mad, to get you to give up on him, but you hadn’t yet. You didn’t want to.
You tried to brush it off at first, but after weeks of it you finally snapped at breakfast.
“The eggs are too runny.” He grumbled as he poked at them with his fork, glancing over at you. “Did you suddenly forget how to cook them?”
Your response was to overpour his coffee for him, not caring as it spilled onto the table. Next you slammed your own plate onto the table, ignoring him as you ate your eggs. It was too early for him to complain, but you knew he’d eat the runny eggs so what does it matter? He would have complained if the yolk was too firm, or if they weren’t salty enough, so why were you bothering?
“Just eat them.” You told him as you lifted your fork into your mouth. “No wasted food, got it?”
Buggy made a face at you as he poked at his food. This man was in his damn 30s and was acting like a bratty child.
“Why did you cook them so poorly then?” He asked. “You’re the cook, you’re supposed to be able to cook things properly!”
“Buggy, it’s too early for this.” You said, trying to remain calm as you ate, but he was starting to already get on your nerves.
“You can’t even cook a damn egg right!” He exclaimed as he slammed the fork down.
“Then cook your own damn food next time!” You snapped back. “Or maybe get yourself a new cook, because clearly it’s not up to your refined tastes!”
“How hard is it to even cook an egg?!”
“Not hard, so go ahead and cook your next meal yourself, Buggy!” You pushed your plate away from you as you stood up. “This is ridiculous.”
“You’re being ridiculous.” He muttered as he carefully lifted his coffee cup up, trying not to spill any more out. “This is all ridiculous.”
“What did you say?” You asked with a frown. He paused for a moment, not realizing you heard him.
“Nothing.” He wouldn’t look at you, taking a careful sip of his hot coffee. “Fuck, this is too hot.”
“What did you say, Buggy?” You tried again. Did he really say you were being ridiculous? You couldn’t have heard that right. 
Buggy set the coffee down and crossed his arms, refusing to look at you. “I said you’re being ridiculous. It’s just cooking. Why is it so hard for you to get right?”
“Excuse me?” 
“If you can’t get the food right, I’ll need to find another cook.” He told you. You stood there in shock. What was he even talking about? What did that even mean? Did he realize how hurtful that was? “Got it?” 
“Is this just because the egg yolk was too runny?” You asked, voice wavering a bit as you tried to keep yourself from blowing up at him. “Because I’d like to see Cabaji in here trying to cook. We all know how that will turn out.”
“Sleeping with me doesn’t give you a free pass to slack on your duties, y’know.” He told you as he looked down at his coffee. 
Okay, that stung. Why was he being like this? 
“Is that so?” You said. “Is that what you think is happening? Or are you tired of having me around, Buggy?”
He turned and glared at you. You didn’t back down, staring back at him as tears welled up in your eyes. 
“Can’t have a useless cook on board.” He muttered. “Won’t do any of us any good.”
Useless. He just said you were useless.
You clenched your fists. You weren’t going to cry in front of him. Did he really think that? This felt out of the blue, but the last few weeks it was like he was up to something with how he was acting towards you. Was he trying to drive you away on purpose? Was he tired of you, of having you around? 
“Guess I’ll find a new job elsewhere.” You told him through clenched teeth. He looked away from you again. 
It was like a knife to the heart. You loved this idiot, but clearly he didn’t feel the same way if he was talking to you like this. Was there even a reason to stick around anymore? When you had joined the crew two years ago, you were excited to be on a pirate ship, to have adventure, but you never anticipated falling in love with the stupid captain, and you thought he was in love with you. Had the last year just been a joke to him?
The ship was due to stop at a port in a day. 
You avoided Buggy the rest of the day. 
You didn’t make lunch for him or the crew, which had them confused. Buggy even had the balls to ask where the food was, but you just shrugged.
“You haven’t found a useful cook yet?” You asked. “Well, I’m sure someone onboard knows how to cook better than me.”
And you walked away, leaving behind a very angry captain.
And when it was time for dinner, Buggy was surprised to see you cooking up a steak. Oh, maybe you decided that the stunt you pulled at lunch was petty and were apologizing to him for it. His mouth watered when he saw how tasty the steak looked, and he waited in anticipation as you plated it, but then you walked past him with it, leaving the kitchen and going out on deck. Confused, he got up and followed after you as you went below. The crew looked up from where most of them were lounging, and Mohji appeared to be waiting for you, but when he saw the captain he froze.
Ignoring the beast tamer, you pushed past him and opened Richie’s cage. The lion perked up at seeing the steak. You tossed the cooked meat to him, ignoring Buggy’s frustrated scream.
“You fed the lion before you fed me?!” Buggy shrieked. You held the plate out for Richie to lick clean. “And you fed him a steak?!”
“You did say I was useless.” You shrugged. 
“You still have to cook us meals, you know!” The captain snapped. You stepped out of the cage and shut it before you turned to look at him.
“I’m getting off the ship when we arrive tomorrow.” You told him as you crossed your arms. “I’m sure you’ll find plenty of cooks in town who’d want to join this… crew of yours.”
That seemed to surprise Buggy, which confused you. What did he expect you to do after the way he spoke to you at breakfast? You told him what you were doing and he went along with it. Why was he now acting surprised?
“You’re leaving the crew?” Mohji asked, startling you for a moment. You forgot he was there, and was a little embarrassed that this discussion had an audience. “Why?”
You looked over at him before turning back to Buggy. Did you want to make a scene or just move on? Buggy was one for the dramatics, to have the attention on him, but you… weren’t. You didn’t want any more attention on you than you needed to have. So you shrugged and looked back at Mohji.
“Time to move on, I guess.” You told him. “My cooking skills have been lacking lately, so I think it’s time for you to have a better cook.” You glanced over at Buggy, words you wanted to say were on the tip of your tongue, but as upset as you were, you wouldn’t talk down to him in front of the crew. “You’ll find someone.”
You packed your clothes and other belongings into a bag. There had to be an inn to stay at on the island, maybe one of them would be hiring. You didn’t want Buggy’s words about your cooking skills to get to you, but saying you were ridiculous and useless stung more than anything. It was hard not to replay them in your head throughout the day. Why did he say those things? He wasn’t always great at communicating how he felt, but he never spoke to you like that before.
You ducked out of the once shared room once you were packed, leaving the bags at the door while you went to find a place to finally cry. There were some casks stacked up near the quarters that you were able to duck behind, giving you a place to cry. You were choosing to leave. His words made it clear you weren’t needed. 
Once you got the tears out, you hugged your knees to your chest and let your head thunk against one of the casks. He used to say how delicious your meals were, no matter what it was, and you apparently brewed the best coffee whenever he asked. He felt so lucky to have you on his crew, he would tell you after three helpings of dinner while you cleaned the kitchen. And then there was his birthday, where you baked him a cake, and he was drunk and kissed you, saying how much in love he was with the cook. 
But the last few weeks… he changed. You tried a few times to talk to him when he’d make comments about the food, ask him what he would have wanted instead, but he wouldn’t tell you. He stopped seeking you out, wouldn’t sleep near you in bed. He was shutting you out and wouldn’t tell you why.
This morning finally broke you.
You didn’t sleep, choosing to stay out on deck. Buggy even asked if you were going to be in the room with him but you wouldn’t talk to him. You just made yourself comfortable against one of the masts until morning when the ship pulled into port. Mohji and Cabaji came out to see you off, as did some of the other crew, but Buggy was nowhere to be seen. Probably for the best because you weren’t sure what you would say to him for some final words. You didn’t even say bye to the others, just gave them a nod as you picked your bags up and stepped off the ship. 
Maybe this could be a new start of some kind.
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tetsurosboo · 3 months
kissin’ and hope they caught us…
paring: bokuto kōtarō x femreader
wc: 852
warnings: none really? just a bit of strong language and making out, but suggestive so mdni
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watching your boyfriend’s practice was a somewhat common habit for you, this time though, you decided to go a little bit later than usual, making it on time to watch a good ten minutes of him enjoying himself while he spiked. he had noticed your presence but decided to continue with his practice and give you his full attention after it.
“hello, my gorgeous.” he approached you and kissed your cheek with a huge smile on his face, taking your hand to walk to the locker room while he asked about your day. in the locker room you noticed a small bruise on his cheek while he packed his things into his bag, you made him face you.
“what’s this?” your hand cupped his face and brushed the little purple bit on his skin, running your thumb lovingly through the rest of his cheek.
“just hit my face with cabinet this morning…” he took your hand in his, leaving a small kiss on your palm. his eyes were shifting between your eyes and your lips, they looked so pretty with that pink gloss on them, not to mention the outfit you had chose for the day, so he brought you closer to him, lifting your chin and leaving a chaste kiss on your lips, followed by a long and slow kiss which quickly turned into something else.
wether they like or not.
“ko, baby, your teammates are outside…” you said while he was leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck, he bit your skin as a reply, he slid his hands under your shirt, caressing your waist and lower back slowly. that fluttering in your abdomen didn’t go unnoticed, that’s just what he does to you.
he pulled you closer to his body and held you tighter to sit back down in a bench, making you sit comfortably in his lap, facing him. “‘s fuckin’ hot in here.” was the only thing he said before taking his shirt off and kissing you again, he was a bit sweaty, of course, but as the heat started to rise… —and not exactly in the locker room.— you didn’t seem to mind at all when you kissed him back, traveling with your hands to his neck and his hair, giving him a gentle tuck and getting a small moan from him in return.
i wanna show you off…
of course he had no shame when it came to kissing you, and much less when you had that pretty skirt on that just made his job a lot easier when he trailed one of his hands to your thigh and then your ass, giving you a spank and taking the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth when you gasped because of his action. so that’s when you decided to play him back and “innocently” moving back and forward slightly right on top of the tent that was forming in his pants.
“mhm… baby don’t tease.”
he didn’t actually intent to fuck you right there and then, of course not… not today at least, no. he was gonna take this home for later. he loves these heavy make-out sessions with you, he found it incredibly hot, and it didn’t have to involve sex, just making out with you was more than enough; he loved your kisses, those little sighs that escaped your mouth every time he bit your lips or your neck, how flustered you’d become with his whole demeanor change
i wanna show you off.
a set of familiar voices were getting closer to the locker rooms, and you and your boyfriend were too self-absorbed in your own world to even care about it. “bokkun we– HOLY FUCKIN’ SHIT…” atsumu’s voice was loud, you both were startled for a bit, a common redness forming in your cheeks and your boyfriend just left a groan and looked annoyed at his teammate(s) as he saw sakusa standing behind there with a raised eyebrow and hinata mirroring atsumu’s expression.
“who knew you two where so dirty….” it was sakusa’s turn to speak now and he let out a chuckle, making fun of you and allowing himself to enter the locker room to gather his belongings, brushing off the situation as if nothing. the two other following right behind him and your bokuto took the chance to put his shirt back on and you left his lap without even looking at him as you knew he had that shit-eating grin planted on his face, following you as he took his gym bag to leave the premises and go back home with you.
“i don’t know why i let you do that every time!” you smacked his chest when he catches up with you, only laughing and kissing your cheek to show you he was sorry. (he really wasn’t)
“oh come on, baby. i can’t resist you when you come to my practice looking all pretty.” his hand was quickly placed in your waist when you were leaving the gym, boy did he had plans for you later…
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ackerifle · 5 months
Yandere Levi finding out reader is pregnant by another man
a word with you!
yan. no regrets levi ackerman x fem prostitute. reader
+ CW. — harassment, coercion, delusional behavior, kidnapping, confessions of murder, threats of domestic violence/abuse, implied: slight past age-gap relationship, baby-trapping; darling’s pseudonym is galatea; not proof-read.
it was simply too good to be true, you had known it then, and you know it now. but wishful thinking and desperation will do terrible things to good people, no soul would willingly continue living in the underground should they find themselves with any better alternative. at a constant risk of disease and decay, mother nature’s evident distaste for her children dwelling beneath the surface, careless to the living that remained untouched by the sun. abandoned by its creators in favor of more ‘pressing matters,’ the people left relinquished in a forgotten city of ruins had fallen on hard times, people like yourself.
and thus, you had found yourself in quite the predicament. although nothing in your life had ever come particularly easy, and this once, just this once, you could manage all on your own. there was no shame in working in a brothel, not when the people around you were often worse off than yourself, and pride was a small price to pay for simply surviving. it was only once you had first bared witness to the frequent deaths of the other prostitutes had you ever come to the realization that the madam must have really favored you a lot— to clean you, to clothe you, to feed you, to care for you; to keep you. but the state of affairs in the underground have since changed from the time of your youth, you’ve changed. you wanted out, and you were not immune to making grave sacrifices for what you wanted.
you’ve encountered and met many clients in your time, men and women alike, and it is rare for new faces to draw your attention. but as of late, there has been one. a soldier from the surface, a military police member who seemed far too young to be venturing below the safety and security of the royal capital by himself, and far too naïve to be falling absolutely head over heels for some prostitute who only offers an hour and faux moans in return. it almost tugs at your heartstrings, almost. he isn’t as innocent as he looks, and you are reminded why terrible things happen to good people. he had held citizenship over your head since the moment he met you, through legal marriage, and one simple request: that you give him a child. after all, who was a man of his merit to invest such a scrupulous amount of time into a common whore without the reassurance she won’t leave him right away?
so you do, allowing him to touch and hold you in a way your other clients could only dream of. to whisper sweet nothings in your ear about your future together, because admittedly, you too are thinking the same thing. thinking about your future, but you find that there is nothing romantic about it. and perhaps the worst of it all, he hasn’t come back for you.
laying down on your tarnished bed of tattered sheets and thin blankets, you stare aimlessly at the darkened ceiling. without thought and without interest, it has been weeks, maybe months, and you think you’ve truly fallen ill, “dammit, i knew i shouldn't've let that prestigious prick back in here.” forever grateful and beholden to the brothel keeper, she continues to tend to your needs, even now.
“look at you. so sad, little girl.” the madam coos apathetically, but her actions say otherwise. a gentle hand checks your temperature, brushing aside any loose strands of hair with the swipe of her thumb. her frown only deepens when she just barely pushes your head back, met with complete compliance as your head tilts further into the pillow from even the slightest of movements. somehow, you’re still so tired and still so restless, “i’m sorry.”
she’s upset with you. she’s been upset with you ever since you’d been involved with that shady scumbag, but truthfully the madam is more upset with herself. and she wants to ask why you of all people are apologizing, but she doesn’t, “i’m sorry too.” there is more she yearns to say, her mouth is still open, as if to somehow keep you responsive in this one-sided conversation, but nothing comes out. and it’s too late when there are three loud and concise knocks banging on the door downstairs.
the madam is quick to pry a worried hand from your unresponsive body, storming towards the exit of the oppressive room, but not without taking a curious glance in your direction. her remorse does not last long, as she shuts the door with a shove, but is intentional in not forcing it too hard. and you are left alone. swallowing dryly, your eyes dart around the room, and you wonder just how intense that person must have been hounding at the door for both you and the madam to hear it from a story above. but that was no matter, it was already noisy in the brothel, the walls were thin because peace and quiet was no luxury anyone living there could afford; and who knows how many women you shared the small space with. and surprisingly, it benefitted you greatly to be sick, as the madam refused to work you; and you’d known girls who worked during pregnancy, it never did end well for them.
deafening commotion could be heard ringing throughout the brothel, to the point it had felt as if the walls were shaking and the building was caving in. you chalked it up to hysterical figments of your imagination, that the floorboards beneath your bed weren’t vibrating, and that the sound of a panicked woman and determined man arguing with one another weren’t getting closer, “sir! galatea isn’t well, she’s not seeing anyone right now!”
“i don’t give a shit, lady. i know name is still here, she hasn’t left this fucking whorehouse in a month.” it pains you that you recognize this voice, and it isn’t the one you want to hear.
brazenly, the door is reopened with much more ferocity and wrath than it had initially been closed with, and it startles you. despite anticipating a confrontation as the verbal fight had neared your room, it comes as a surprise when the door nearly breaks free from its hinges, revealing an all too familiar black haired man. he looks awful in the dour lighting, and he adorned a uniform that haunted your very soul. a lesser version of what the military police had dressed in, lacking the coat with their respective symbol, it was the odm gear that struck you odd. eyes averting, you had noticed madam — who was standing behind him, with a languid arm extended towards his figure as if to grab him — was somehow much worse for wear as she had a dramatic hand over her heart as she caught her breath.
you regret not locking the door, but then again, that has never stopped levi from doing what he wants. he calls to you only by your name, and your spine crawls. whipping his head around, the hand levi had placed over the hilt of one of the unsheathed blades draws it from the holder, and he wastes no time in threatening the madam. it only takes the sight of the sharpened edge looming dangerously close to her neck for you to yell at her to get out. she hesitates, and you know why, the madam has failed to protect you countless times from levi, but this will be the time it counts, and she knows it too. but the downright malicious glare levi sends her way has her halted in her steps, and she makes no effort to stop levi as he enters the room and places a deceivingly quiet palm flat on the door, all whilst maintaining eye contact with her, before he slams the door behind him.
you set your hand on the bed, forcing yourself to sit up as levi stomps his way over to you. and the closer he gets, the more uncharacteristically messy you realize his clothes are. the white shirt he so often wears is not clean, it’s rather dirty in all honesty, sullied with what appears to be sidestreet grime and dross filth. his boots are muddy, dragging in sludge and black water that hadn’t already been scraped off at the doorstep and staircase. but perhaps what was the most disturbing were the stains of blood on his gear, ranging from inconspicuous flecks to big streaks that were likely still wet. levi must’ve noticed your perturbed observation, because when he finally finds himself standing before you, he bends down and grabs your jaw in his hand, roughly squeezing your face, and leaning down until your noses are just barely touching.
“i leave you alone for a month, and you let some piece of shit from the mp’s knock you up?” it’s his eyes that are the scariest, more than his strength, and you crumble underneath his scrutinizing gaze. your retaliation is much more timid than you intend it to be, as if you were guilty and confessing your sins. sins of disloyalty to a man you aren’t even with in the first place, “you can’t expect me to want to stay here, i saw a way out, and i was going to take it.”
it doesn’t cross your mind to question how he knows all of this. you’ve simply accepted it as fact that you will never experience true privacy after meeting levi. in retrospect, it’s ludicrous that you’re even explaining yourself to him, but you are and it’s not helping your case, “and how did that work out for you?” levi spits venomously, violently shaking your head side to side in his grasp until your eyes were rattling in your skull. levi only lets go to prop his foot up onto the side of the bed.
instinctively, you lean away from his knee, which is almost parallel to your head, setting your hand on his calf in an attempt to direct his body away from yours. levi places the blade he had refused to release from his grip back into the metal box it belonged in, dropping his leg to the ground and hoisting you up by your shoulders, “groveling at the feet of those pigs, you’ve become real pathetic, haven’t you?” you want to defend yourself, to call him a hypocrite, to call him pathetic for harassing someone like you that was undeserving of his badgering.
“how did you even know he was a soldier?” deflecting the topic from yourself to your genuine concerns, you go limp in his arms as levi twirls you around the room until he’s satisfied with your placement. positioning you in front of the windows, leaning slightly on the stool as he pushed you backwards until you could feel the cold glass frame through your nightgown. levi slovenly flicks the sash lock, holding onto the lift and pushing the window up, “where do you think i got all of this from?” you didn’t need any clarification to know that levi was referring to his equipment.
your chest tightens, constricting your airway as you stop breathing altogether to attain perfect stillness. you only look at him with vacant eyes, and it becomes too much when he doesn’t elaborate any further, “what did you do, levi?” he sticks his head through the window, ducking to avoid hitting his head on the top rail, and peering down at the ‘city,’ below. it isn’t as if he needed to, there wasn’t anyone on the streets. when levi pulls himself back into the room, he slings an arm around your hips to bring you closer, “what do you think i did? the man’s dead, do i have to spell it out for you?”
the prickling sensation underneath your skin erupts in waves across your entire body. you were no stranger to the realities of what went on around you, the hushed rumors of what men and women who had the will to do what they wanted to others simply because they were capable, and not out of survival necessity, “you’re sick, what is wrong with you?”
“call it what you want, but he has nothing for you. you want to leave the underground? hmph, well don’t we all?” levi mocks contemptuously, tightening his hold when he feels you threaten to slip away in the slightest. he moves you around like a rag doll by the sides of your body, until you're in front of him. levi closes the little space that was left between you, until you’re forced to grab onto him for support, seeing that straining your wrists to secure yourself by the windowsill was becoming too painful, “we can go wherever you want, but you won’t be going anywhere without me.”
suddenly, levi veers down. his body collapsing onto yours until you’re nearly halfway out of the window, and he, looming over you, “oh my god, what is wrong with you?!” you repeat, blood rushing to your head as you try to prevent your upper half from being upside down and being taken by gravity completely. levi guides your arms around his neck, loosely as you refuse to acknowledge you’re even embracing him in the first place, but your fear of falling surpasses your personal grudges. and in one swift motion, levi thrusts the rest of your body out of the window, and he follow suits mere seconds afterward. and you scream, as loud as humanly possible.
levi’s body never leaves yours, and you’re uncertain as to whether it’s because you won’t allow it, or because he won’t allow it. either way, the detach hold you had on his neck fastened into a tight chokehold the moment you had felt yourself even remotely lean back any further. the landing is much smoother than you anticipated, levi doesn’t let you touch the ground before he does. and if you hadn’t shut your eyes, or buried your face into the crook of his neck, you may have gotten to witness the vertical maneuvering equipment in action; what used to be a dream for you, to leave with it, but you could kiss those fantasies goodbye now that they found themselves in the hands of levi. and he’s cautious, all too cautious with you.
you’re trembling like a leaf, and he thinks that if he lets go of you, you’ll fall to the ground, “don’t think you haven’t pissed me off, now. there’s a million things i ought to do to you after getting with that sorry excuse of a man.” levi rests a warning hand on your shoulder, loutishly hauling you towards him until you just about trip over your feet. he makes sure you’re aware of the desolate area that surrounds you two; and it becomes increasingly obvious that no one would come to intervene. if not by your shrieking, then never. levi tilts his head with an unimpressed frown, “you’re lucky you’re pregnant with our kid, because i won’t even be half as merciful once they’re born.”
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