#this really made me so happy !!!!!
lady-arryn · 3 years
hey i remember you said you have a difficult week ahead of you, so i'm just sending some good vibes!!! i hope the week passes by quickly and that you get to rest and relax afterwards. i really love following your blog, you are an incredibly talented artist. the gifsets and edits you make are always so creative and sharp and beautifully colored! you make me appreciate things about movies and shows that i would never even notice otherwise. and you are always so kind to people who ask for tutorials or advice! it always makes me smile. thank you, for all of that. ♥
anyway, don't worry about replying to this, i just wanted to wish you all the best. hang in there! ♥
Ahhhh anon!! I've actually read your message on my way to work and it made me tear up in a bus full of people 🙈 Thank you so much for sending this, it really set my mindset in a different (much better) place today and I'm so grateful for that. The fact that you remembered my post and took time to write to me, it just means so much ❤️
I really hope you are doing well and that you'll have amazing week yourself 💞
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hellshee · 2 years
this is just one of you hella shy followers wanting to wish you a very merry christmas, you seem like such a sweet person and I honestly wish you nothing more than happiness in the upcoming year
ay, this is one of the most beautiful messages i've received. and it really hit me in the feels because you took the time to write it out and send it to me. 🥺🥰
thank you so much! reading this made me so happy!
i wish you the very same. i hope the next year is kind to you! i wish lots and lots of happiness and sending you one big hug! ❤️
i also wish you a merry christmas and happy holidays if you celebrate!! 💕🤗
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brightokyolights · 4 years
happy birthday huff puff!!! hope you have a good one!!
✊✊✊😭😭😭 Thank you!!!! 💞💞💞
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mogoona3000 · 5 years
hi i just wanted to say that i read all of these small hours still remain in one sitting last night and i am already reading it again! i love it and it gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling. you are such an incredible writer and i’m so excited for the next chapter :)
This is it, this is the ask that’s going to get me through this story.
Anon, you are the SWEETEST. I am ELATED you’ve enjoyed what’s been posted so far. Ugh. This really is so sweet.
Thank you SO much, especially on the incredible writer part because this story is entirely backed and proof read and beta’d by me myself and I, and I was freaking out about it but alas, tis posted and people like you enjoy it so it is all good!
Thank you thank you thank you so much for taking the time to read and coming here and saying these wonderful things. I hope you have the best start of your week and you enjoy the next chapter! It has been posted!
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goreador · 2 years
testosterone is available in needle because it is bouba and estrogen is available in pill because it is kiki hope this helps
#edit dec. 28: if you tag this with a booba joke i will block you#do you see how many notes this has? your joke is not original and it is not funny.#edit dec. 28: i got an angry anon over this#edit dec. 29: im still thinking about that. they called me a dingus. you hear me?#a dingus. im so hurt. they couldve just called me a slur.#edit dec. 30: to all of you who see these tags and laugh at my misery...thank you#i made this post 2.5 hours into a car trip while stuck with my entire family#this was not a post of joy#the post is also not funny. but im happy my misery gave you some enjoyment i guess#edit dec. 30: OH SOMEONE CAME INTO MY INBOX AND CALLED ME A BOZO#im assuming its because of this post because no one really sends me anons except for the person talking about circumcision divorce#but no one really insults me with words made for vitriolic 10 year olds so im assuming people got really bent#over a kiki bouba hrt shitpost ? idk. im just the messenger#edit dec. 31: happy new years eve#because of the constant attention this post is getting im opting to use this as a to-do list#edit jan 2: happy belated new year#the post is currently at ~14.7k notes and someone finally got the initial joke i was trying to make#i am not reinventing gender roles i am just...consonants are sharp and vowels are round#and needles are sharp and pills are round#edit jan 2: THERES A TAG LIMIT?#ill stop when this is filled. thats when i will stop.#ive always been this annoying but its in the tags of my own post so......if you dislike it get over it lmao#'why do you keep updating the tags' its not like they work for any search functions#this was initially a blank shitpost anyways i could just delete it if i wanted to stop getting notifs#edit jan 3: today we broke 15k notes. we are slowing down 🎉#edit jan 4: no fun allowed#EDIT JAN 4 THIS IS IT THIS IS THE TAG LIMIT!!!! BYE#edit feb 20: its picking up again. i thought i was safe#edit jul 19: people keep reblogging this let my shitpost die please crying & begging
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
your writing is so great, rune's a baby and i'd die for them
Me? My writing??
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THANK YOU!!!! I’m literally tearing up, this is the perfect way to end a day thank you so much
Rune appreciates the thought but please don’t, they prefer you alive. (They bury their face in their hands to cover a blush, wrapping their wings around themself to shield their face. They do not take compliments well.)
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dreagine · 2 years
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Don’t think I said it here already so: happy pride month! :D
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dakotafoxart · 2 years
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Ranboo! :’]🏳️‍🌈
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toastybugguy · 2 years
Am i allowed to ask for a trans spider-man doodle? >.<
Not only are you allowed, you are ENCOURAGED!!
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Here’s a page of Pete’s for ya 🕷❣️
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calmparticles · 2 years
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💉 system update! restart now? 💉
[ restart now ] [ restart in 0:02 ]
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chick-it-out · 2 years
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he is doing his best
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the-deadlock-south · 2 years
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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you're looking at the future: your passion, your drive, your loyalty - fully automated for your leisure.
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gojosattoru · 2 years
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↳ Happy Birthday to my sweet and awesome Luna @manjiroarchiviste  ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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chipper-smol · 2 years
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@catbot2000 Joni approves and invites you to join her in the ballpit mudpit
sfgnsfGN but HONESTLY that’s so sweet and awesome n i’m glad that Joni’s able to help you out when you need it <:D
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