#this reminds me of that pete&carl Quote
drafee · 6 years
That pattern gifset reminded me of like the long ass theory i have about it and milex. And how i 100% convinced myself that that song is about Alex and Miles but from Alex’s point of view BUT that Alex wanted it to be sang by Miles, for i don’t know what poetic reason. (Just like he made Miles sing Wirral Riddler)
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i-got-the-feels · 3 years
Things I don't see enough people talking about from Luke Cage Season 2:
Mariah's (limited) goodness
•When she tells Donovan to kill everyone before they have a chance to betray her excluding people in attorney-client privelge and Sugar because "His wife gave me clothes, I'll never forget that"
Bushmaster when he lets John McIver breathe
• "Let her go" - John to Sheldon after Tilda saved him. and whatever flirty thing they have going on
• "Than you for keeping my aunty safe" - John to Luke, a person whom he sees as an obstacle to achieve his life-long goal of killing Mariah and getting Harlem.
How Mariah, Bushmaster and Luke haven't still moved on from their families shadows
•"Call me Bushmaster"
•How every SINGLE time he corrects when someone calls Mariah as Dillard and calls her Mariah Stokes. STOKES instead.
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•"My name is Dillard but I am still haunted ny the name Stokes"
•"You are the one obsessed with Dillards. Dillards are fantasy. Stokes are real" - Tilda to Mariah.
"You name is what i gave you, Carl"
"Like Willis?" - interaction between Luke and his father after he met him years later.
The discourse on Vengeance
Luke's father
Vengeance belong to Lord and how man is vengeful and spiteful.
Bushmaster's uncle
When one seeks vengeance one must dig two graves.
But you must find peace in your heart. Me say war.
You cannot drown in your sorrow. You can only burn it
The discourse on Family
"Why celebrate someone you hate? " "That's what family is for. That's what makes us special."
"Family? All that means is low expectations, disappointment and death. "
On sense of responsibility towards others and community:
•"The world maybe my problem but it is not always my fault" - Luke Cage
•"You can't  stop the tide.you can only save as many people as you can from the flood." - Ridley quoting Ridenhour
•"It can be a lot to take on everything. You need to realise Harlem was here before you and will still stand long after you"
•"Every siren is not for you" - Claire Temple
Mariah and Tilda
"I killed Cornell because he loved Pete more than he loved me"
Alfre Woodard's acting in this scene as she tells her that she tried to love Tilda but could never do so because she saw Pete's face in her. And she did try, truly, when she told Ridenhour to never let Tilda the truth but she herself broke down.
But Mariah did her best-and once she let herself be who she was she said to Tilda, when in prison - she doesn't remind her of Pete now and that she gave her the greatest gift of all because no one can hurt her now "Nobody will hurt you, because you won't be hurt worse.Nobody will betray you because you will never let them close enough"
Tilda being who she was meant to after years of denying who she is - and says she is ready to be who she is at Cornell's grave before she kills Mariah. What she doesn't know is her mom said the same thing before she killed everyone and burnt a man alive in Gwen's so she is more like her mother than she thinks.
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His hands shivering after interacting with Mariah after Gwen's reminds me of him telling to Comanche "Ice runs in her veins. Ice"
And him telling her "You told me about light, about being hernan and not shades but you are the one who sold your soul and for what, the last name you hate?" again you can see Mariah tried to do her best and was genuine in her intentions (something even Luke's father said- you tried to do a lot of good, even if it was with blood money, something she has shown her anger over when she hallucinaties Mama Mabel and Pete and screams "Every nice thing I try to do and move forward is ruined because of something you did in the past"
And like I assumed, Shades didn't stop killing because of his guilt for killing Comanche his friend, yes that guilt is there but he cannot kill more because killing Comanache was for nothing - because Mariah broke rules and brutally killed innocent people. And he hasn't killed anyone innocent or who hasn't snitched -" Candace was guilty when she took the money and snitched. Comanche snitched. Cornell was being rabid and blowing cover. The street has rules."
Misty's growth
• Misty, someone who questioned Ridenhour for reducing Mariah's sentence offers her immunity to catch Bushmaster.
It reminds me of S1 when Ridley said "You doubted the sytem. You didn't keep her (Candace) in witness protection" shows that while she is disillusioned with the system (as seen when she went to plant evidence at Cockroache's place and then quit) after time she decides to be the person who trusts the system.
• Her whole relationship with Nandi. How initially she raises to her bait but later she doesn't. She just says her truth and doesn't entertain Nandi or her excuses further and doesn't give her the reaction she wants (also actress playing nandi, hi, please know I am single)
Luke and Mariah
•This interaction between Luke and Mariah that show their relationship with each other and Harlem
"I have done more for Harlem more than you will" - Mariah
"Harlem doesn't honour you. It somehow survives you" - Luke
•This one that shows that Luke's anger has simmered down a bit and he is going back to who he was without the weight of the rage.
"Mariah, what would you do if roles were reversed?"
"I would give you to dogs the second they started barking"
"There is only one thing stopping me from doing that. Unfortunately, I was raised better than that"
• When she tells Luke that, "You were the one to Catalyst to find who I really am" that remind me of the Season 1 moment when Cornell tells her Luke can't be shot, "He can't t be shot. Does he have gills? Can't he drown or burn?"
• The scene of her dying and he stayed with her - as much as it was to show compassion, it was also to ensure she does indeed die this time.
"You are not gonna save me?" ( reminding us of all the times she knew he would save her - because that's just who he is, a protector)
"I am done with saving I can but I can keep you company"
"Thank you. It burns"
"We are not yet done here, Luke" and guess what they weren't because
•"Harlem's paradise is the crown jewel of Harlem. It should go to someone who loves Harlem as much as I do. He thinks that being in the roost, he can control and change it . In the end it will change him" (reminds me of the faucet metaphor Shades used)
On Luke looking like he may cross the line
•"You can use anger as a tool but you disable yourself when you use it as crutch. Sometimes you gotta stomp the cockroach, I get it. But when you enjoy stomping it? "- Claire Temple
•"Don't let the darkness and anger consume you. Don't make your calling your curse" - Luke's father to luke
Who is Luke once he crosses the line
•"Harlem doesn't need a sheriff it needs a king" - Luke to Mariah saying "Harlem needs a king, I am glad its you"
•Brokering peace. Diplomat. Sheriff. Hero
•His this interaction with D-dubs
"I thought you weren't the king.
"I am not. I am the rook"
On why Luke did it
•"You can't shoot me, burn me, and most importantly buy me."
•"Thats the thing about power. It does not matter where it comes from but how you use it" This interaction with Sugar, a scene I believed he decided to cross the line.
On How he knows Luke isn't completely lost to the dark
• This scene
"If you gonna be a crime boss, no two ways about it, not in this shop. This place is Switzerland, it has to be" - D- Dubs
"Mr cage we need to talk" - Donovan
"Not here" - Luke Cage.
My favourite quotes/moments that are well-written and acted out
•"You will eat, but not taste. You will sleep but not rest" - Anansi. The grief, the anger, the rage, the sadness. Well acted.
•"I promised (myself) I wouldn't live with anger" - Claire Temple after Luke punches the wall in anger. Her hurt and sadness that she has to leave because he is walking down a path that she cannot walk with him (yes, that is a reference to padme and anakin)
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•"Past is gone. You cannot change it. All you do is build something for next generation"- Anansi
•"But more war isn't answer to war. Otherwise, its just, its just chaos" - Luke
•The story of man at the top who thinks he is safe because he has everything and can see everything without knowing that he cannot see his own demise from people at bottom of the hill- people whom he thinks he controls.
• The Luke Cage x Iron Fist fight sequence - love the lighting and the music.
• Misty x Cooleen action sequence - Misty feeling like herself and powerful after a LONG time.
The Season 2 and the show was beautifully written and while I am pissed I don't get to see how Luke turns out now that he crossed the line, I am glad I got to see how much I saw.
Season 1
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djinmer4 · 5 years
Headline News (Noir AU)
“Looking for more inspiration?”  Kitty frowned and looked up from hunting the second half of the article among the scattered sheets of the newspaper.  “What?”
Kurt passed her a plate of eggs and toast, then turned away to take a sip of his own coffee.  For once, they were switching roles, with Kitty on her way out to meet with her editor while Kurt had the day off.  He’d offered to go with her but she’d declined.  For some reason, he always made her editor Green very nervous.  So instead, he’d run a few errands that they’ve been letting slide.
“It’s a pretty interesting case.  But I’ll wait to see if anyone else in the family dies.  ‘Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, but three times is enemy action.’”  She all but inhaled her breakfast, then quickly applied her make-up and was out the door.  “I won’t be back until the evening,” she said, dropping a quick kiss on his thinning hair.
“I won’t do anything you wouldn’t do,” Kurt promised.  When the door had slammed shut, he finished his sentence.  “Or at least, I won’t do anything you wouldn’t write.”
Charles Lawrence, age 34, died two weeks ago in what appears to be an industrial accident.  While inspecting a local meat processing plant, Carl was hit by a stray meat hook and torn apart by an automated dismembering machine.  Authorities have shut down the plant and have started a more thorough investigation into the practices of owner Johann Schmidt.  The death has prompted a recent jump in purchases of Upton Sinclair’s book ‘The Jungle’ with retired . .  .
Patricia Lawrence-Tomson, age 32, found deceased last week from strangulation.  Police are investigating her husband Dylan Tomson for any possible motives . . .
John Lawrence was going to be a difficult target.  Two previous deaths, a career in the military during the Great War and a lifetime of paranoia meant he wasn’t going to be taken off guard the way his two older siblings were.  Still, Kurt wasn’t too worried.  He’d been planning this hit since he first got the assignment.  Kurt went up to the gated estate and rang the doorbell.  “Who the hell are you? “
“Language, Mr. Lawrence.  I’m Dr. Kurt Wagner, from St. Patrick’s in the city.  Father Christopher is trying to make arrangements for your siblings’ funerals now that the bodies have been released from the morgue.  As next-of-kin for both of them, we’d like to know any wishes or requests that the deceased made.”  He waited a minute.  “May I come in to discuss these arrangements with you?”
Rather than the gate opening, a man came out, carrying a shotgun.  “I’ve heard of you.  The Father called last night to tell me that you’d be coming.  Any reason he couldn’t make it himself?”  
“Father Christopher is in his seventies and more than a little apprehensive about automobiles.  Since I had the day off and a car, I offered to take his place.”  He waved some papers at the younger man.  “The reading of the wills for both your siblings has been delayed, but the solicitor was kind enough to make carbon copies of any relevant requests.  Charles Lawrence wrote he wanted to be buried in the Long Island National Cemetery rather than the nearer Cypress Hills and Patricia has several requests about the flowers and decorations for the mass and wake.  Are you aware of any other preferences or requests that the two did not write down?”
John Lawrence ignored his words.  “I recognize that accent.  Did Father Christopher send a Kraut spy to speak to me about my siblings?”
“Please, sir,”  Kurt kept his hands in the air, careful not to advance towards the paranoid ex-soldier.  “I’ve lived in this country for over five years now, I’m not a spy.”
Brown eyes narrowed over the shotgun.  “I don’t fucking care.  I’m not letting some Jerry onto my property.  You can either get the hell away from me or I’ll blow your fucking head off.”
“I’ll leave then, but at least let me give these to you.  These are the arrangements the Church has made for your siblings and it also has the number you can reach Father Christopher at if any changes need to be made.”  Kurt took a step closer and Lawrence lifted the gun and pulled the trigger.  The German ducked . . . but it turned out that was unnecessary.
Instead of a bullet whizzing by where his head was a few seconds ago, the shotgun misfired.  Not only misfired but did so spectacularly, with a blowback that shattered Lawrence’s chest.  Kurt stared as the light faded from John’s eyes and his body went limp in death.  Then he turned and raced towards the nearest neighbor, shouting for them to call an ambulance.
“Sorry, it took so long to get ya outta there.  They didn’t keep ya from anything, did they?”  Kurt rubbed his wrists.  The handcuffs hadn’t been too tight but it had still been an uncomfortable couple of hours waiting for the police to check out his credentials and clear him from their list of suspects.  The German suspected they would have kept him overnight if not for Logan coming by to take over the case.  “It’s fine.  That was my last errand for the day.”  The Canadian waggled an eyebrow at him.  “And Kitty’s got a meeting with her editor.  They’ll probably be out all night.”
“In that case, why don’t I buy you a drink to make up for this?”
“Hypocrite.  Shouldn’t an agent of the Volstead Act refrain from being caught in a speakeasy?”
“Hey, I work the supply side of the chain, I don’t care about the people distributing it.  Besides, tonight’s case got nothing to do with alcohol.  I just want to bounce some ideas off ya.”
“Lead the way then.”  They wandered over to the Black Cat Nightclub and ordered a meal from Felicia Hardy.  The food wasn’t the best but it was cheap, the servings were generous and no one had gotten sick from it yet.  Logan took a generous sip of something that perhaps could be called whiskey if you were being kind and started talking.  “So, they’re upgrading the case to a serial killer.”
“I see.  ‘Once is coincidence, twice is happenstance, three times is enemy action.’”  The shorter man squinted at him.  “I got that quote from Kitty.”
Logan snorted.  “Oh yeah, she’d definitely know all about that.  Eh, I guess Charlie could have been a freak accident but Patsy was definitely murdered.”
The German nodded then took a bite, carefully turning away so that the other couldn’t see his face.  Logan had known him before the gas had ruined his good features and even several years later couldn’t look at him without the mask.  “And there’s no way that misfire could have been natural.  I was a sharpshooter, I know misfires don’t explode like that.  And I find it hard to believe a man as paranoid as John Lawrence could have had a weapon in anything in other than top condition.”
“Right.  Killer didn’t want to take chances.  The guns were fine, but all the ammunition’s been tampered with.  We’re gonna go back through his supply chain and see if we get some leads that way.”
“So are you still looking for clues?”
“Yes and no.  Our biggest suspect right now is the younger brother, Mace Lawrence.  Guy’s scum, hires out as low-level muscle to all the different gangs in the area.  Word on the street says he was angling for a bigger share of the Lawrence inheritance than the parents left him in the will.   Add that John had a successful import/export business and the proceeds from selling it will go to the survivors . . . “
Kurt took another sip of the not-whiskey.  “But you have a different idea.”
“I’m thinkin’ it might be the work of the Demon.”
“The Demon?  Not the younger siblings?”
“Two reasons.  First, there’s a big gap between the elders and the younger ones.  John was thirty, then Mace at 22, then Mary at 18.  Mary’s old enough to want the money but she’s too smart to be doing this.  Second, method.  I can definitely see Mace wanting to kill his siblings, but we’ve got three different styles used.  One person gets violently ripped apart, another is found strangled to death and the third falls prey to sabotage.  If all three of them had been poisoned or savaged, I’d be more likely to believe it was the brother.  A killer may vary their methods when first attempting to murder someone but once they’ve come across a method that works, they usually don’t change their habits.  The Demon is the only serial killer we’ve seen who regularly varies her methods when killing people.”
The shadows hid the grimace that formed on the German’s face.  “And I don’t need to ask why you think serial killer rather than strange coincidences.  People die every day, but the chances of three siblings in one month are minuscule.  There’s only one problem.  What’s the Demon’s motive?”
“Yeah, that’s why Chief Magnus dismissed my theory.  But the Demon’s an insane serial killer, it’s not like she needs a motive.”  The Canadian took another bite of salmon and potato mash.  “That reminds me, I’ve got a favor to ask ya.”
“The Chief won’t let me pull anyone off the other cases to bodyguard Mace Lawrence.  But if it is the Demon, he’s the next target.  I was wondering if-”
“Logan, I work now.  I’m not the dockworker who can just not show up for a few days to help you run a stakeout.  Besides, even if he won’t assign someone to protect him, wouldn’t the Chief lend you some people to tail Mace in case he decides to go after his younger siblings as well?”
The older man’s voice dropped.  “He already did.  But Dukes ain’t much good as a bodyguard, too slow.  Pete’s better but he’s a rookie, he doesn’t know how to watch a target while watching the surroundings too.”  His voice strengthened after that.  “Anyway, ya won’t be the only one.  I’m gonna pull in a few favors . . . from Slim and some other people I know.  I just need to know what day you’ll be taking so I can work out a schedule for everyone.”
“Do you want me to ask Kitty-”
“No!”  He took a deep breath and deliberately lowered his voice again.  “Thanks, but no thanks.  Besides, Kitty doesn’t have any self-defense or weapons training.  She won’t be much use as a bodyguard.”  Then below his breath he added.  “Or at least, that’s what she claims.”
Kurt resisted the urge to roll his eyes.  Logan was clearly still hung up on his theory that Kitty was the Demon.  “Fine, I’ll check when my next day off is.  By the way, you’re paying for the meal tonight.”
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.”
After he’d seen Logan off but before he went home, Kurt went to check on the mailbox he kept at the Black Cat.  As a hub of the underground, Felicia Hardy provided a means for customers to contact various services provided by criminals such as himself, a network she had taken over after the death of her unlamented lover, the Crime-Master.  Having just completed a job, Kurt was hoping the final installment of his payment would be in, although he rather doubted it.  This last client had been a pain in the arsch from the very beginning.  If he didn’t get his money within the week, he was going to take a pound of flesh instead.
There was some cash in the box, and another letter as well.  When he opened it, he noticed it was the same typewriter that had been for the earlier notes.  With some unexpected contents as well.  “This will make things much easier,” he muttered to himself.
Mace Lawrence proved to even less impressive than his reputation made him out to be.  The man was a lush, a lech and a braggart.  He regaled an indifferent audience with imaginary exploits in an attempt to lure some of the working girls into his bed but needless to say, they were all too jaded to fall for his antics.  Kurt was thankful Kitty was buried in her next chapter today, she had barely heard him on his way out.  With her so focused on her typewriter, there wasn’t much chance of spending time together, so he wasn’t missing out by helping Logan watch this fool.
Rejected and out of money, Mace made his way out of the speakeasy.  The nippy fall weather made it easy for Kurt to tail him, just another trench-coated figure in the crowd.  By the time Mace was ready to cross the 8th to get to Penn Station, the German was right behind him.  From there it only took a light shove to send the inebriate stumbling into the street  . . . and in front of a bus.
As soon as the body stopped rolling, Kurt was at its side, shouting (as much as he could with the damage to his throat) that he was a doctor and turning it to lie on its back.  He had one of the other bystanders (white hair, was this Logan’s Peter Magnus?) steady the torso while he pulled the arms up and down to stimulate breathing.  Despite the best efforts of himself and the cop (and Dukes when he came puffing up), Mace Lawrence was pronounced dead on arrival at St. Lukes.
“Sorry, Logan.  I tried to keep up with him but . . . “
“It’s alright, Kurt.  I was really expecting something more subtle from the Demon this time.  Although I guess a random figure pushing another in the crowd is as subtle as ya get.  Without other clues, there’s no way to track everyone who was there at the time.  Only good news is that Chief Magnus is taking my theory more seriously now.  The last three Lawrence siblings are gonna be moving outta New York, where the Demon probably can’t follow ‘em.”
“How did you know you know Mace had hired me to kill your siblings?”  Mary Lawrence stopped and turned to the man standing in the shadows of the pillar.  Average height, trench coat and a fedora on his head, he could have been anybody.  But the dull blue mask and harsh accent . . . it definitely matched all the descriptions the police had given her about the Demon.
“Why ask about Mace and not my other siblings?”
“I asked first.”  He moved his hand and she could see a pocket knife gleam in the dim light.  Deciding this was no time to be brave, she caved and answered first.  “Mace was an idiot.  There were a bunch of drafts contacting you that he hadn’t disposed of properly at our house.”  She took a deep breath.  “I burnt them before the police could find them.”
The anonymous man nodded.  “All the letters were done on the same typewriter, but there was a different writer for the last letter.  The first client gave me all three names at once, then sent a note delaying part of the payment after each death.  You, on the other hand, paid half up front, then the second half the day after he was confirmed dead, and didn’t bother to boast at all in the one letter I have from you.  You were very efficient.”  He paused.  “Also, there were a lot of pictures of you with the others in John’s home.  You don’t seem the type to be willing to kill for money.  Vengeance on the other hand . . .”
She sighed.  “Too bad Mace didn’t feel the same way.”
“If it makes you feel better, he only had three names on the list.  He didn’t intend to kill you or the younger ones.”
“That might be because until John died, he couldn’t afford it.”
“Maybe.  But he doesn’t seem like the type to think ahead like that.  So, are we free of each other?”
“Yes.  I’m taking my siblings out of the city and moving to Saratoga or Albany.  Someplace in the northern part of the state.  And I take it you have no quarrel with us or any intention of giving the police an anonymous tip?”
“You’ve paid your price, dame.  You won’t hear from me again.”
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lionheartslowstart · 6 years
Pete Davidson
“Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass. I’m quoting my therapist, my mom, and my mailman...sorry, Carl.”
I’ve always really admired Pete Davidson. I admired him when he became the first 90′s baby to be casted on SNL at the age of 20. I admired him when he unabashedly admitted to being a pothead and found a variety of ways to incorporate that into his comedy. I admired him when he opened up about his Borderline Personality Disorder and his Crohn’s Disease (as I’m sure he will continue to do). I absolutely adore his boldness, brashness, and dry, dark sense of humor. The above quote was taken from Pete Davidson’s appearance on Weekend Update about two weeks ago when he was discussing Kanye West’s behavior the previous Saturday. If you haven’t seen this clip, I urge you to watch it. While Pete Davidson cracks jokes and makes light, his message come across loud and clear: It’s OKAY to need and take medication. It’s NOT okay to act like a jerk and excuse yourself because you’re mentally ill.
I’m sure a lot of people read that and nod their heads enthusiastically. But the reality is, most mentally ill people are probably not aware of the fucked up shitty things they do and then shrug off because, “I’m super messed up.” I am certainly including myself in this category, and this is not at all meant to come across as “holier than thou.” It has taken me a long time to make as much progress as I have, and I think I have gotten pretty good at calling myself out and apologizing, acknowledging the other person’s feelings about my behavior, or finding ways to make amends when I do something inconsiderate (or worse) when it’s mental health related. But sometimes I need reminding, and even though it hurts, I do my best to take a step back and absorb what the other person is saying. My feelings, while valid, are certainly not the only feelings that matter.
There have been many people in my life, both past and present, who behave poorly and treat me badly, then expect me to let it go and tell me I have no right to be hurt or angry because they “can’t help it,” which may very well be true. One of my worst symptoms is dissociation and I definitely have no idea what’s going on when that happens. It’s a terrifying phenomenon. But again, my feelings are not the only feelings that matter. Just because my mental illness may cause me to do something I have little to no control over does not mean the person I’ve hurt has no right to be hurt, or that I don’t owe them an apology.
If you moved your arm in such a way that you accidentally elbowed someone in the face, wouldn’t you still apologize? Wouldn’t you feel absolutely terrible that this unfortunate circumstance and timing led to you smashing someone’s face with a sharp body part? I know it’s a bit more complex than that, but it really is the same principle. You may be in a circumstance where your mental illness is out of your control and you do or say something dismissive, hurtful, or even mean. It may have been completely unintentional. But that person’s face has still been smashed in by your elbow.
Something else I think about is that people who say and do things like this are not people who truly want to better themselves. And this goes for anyone, not just neurodivergents. No one is perfect, but we should be seeking to grow and develop into deeper, improved versions of ourselves. Some people have terrible tempers. Some people interrupt a lot. Some people say things that make others around them uncomfortable. Some people use the wrong pronouns. Some people constantly forget their friend has a broken arm and continually slaps them jovially in the same spot. (Sorry, Claire.) There are an infinite number of faults and flaws, from minuscule to dramatic. But they are ALL things that can be worked on and changed, even if it takes a lot of practice. If someone comes to you (or many someones) and tells you something you have done or do is hurting them and your response is something akin to “Well this is me, deal with it,” you’re a trash person, and you need to grow up.
And before people jump down my throat, I’ll quickly address the inevitable follow up. I am not saying that we should all go around criticizing each other. This is actually a lesson my boyfriend taught me, and listen up because it’s a goodun. In these types of scenarios, there are things you do TO someone else, and there are things you do FOR yourself.
The examples I listed in the previous paragraph are all things you would do TO someone else. You’re lashing out at someone in hurtful ways, communicating that someone’s identity or thoughts are not important to you, subjecting others to details of your personal life they do not want to know, injuring your friend. (Again, really sorry, Claire.) These are all things that could hurt someone, physically or emotionally, and things that the person could ask you to stop doing, and they would have every right to do so.
On the other hand, we have things people do FOR themselves. These are usually things like, withdraw from others when they need alone time, listen to music when they’re stressed, lock their bedroom door to feel safer, eat a lot of food when they’re sad. These types of things are not done TO another person, or with any sort of expectation FROM another person. There is no question being asked or desire to be met. These can range from habits to needs.
Now, when these things overlap, especially when mental health is involved, it gets a lot more complicated. But this is where communication, empathy, compromise, and understanding come into play. You can ask for things, you can explain your feelings, but at the end of the day, everyone is responsible for themselves. And what a person does to help themselves should never come under criticism so long as they are not subjecting others to harmful behavior. If person A throws things at person B when they dissociate, that’s an abusive behavior and it’s something person A needs to address. But if person A secludes themselves when they are anxious, person B does not have a right to ask them to stop.
In summation, people are fucking complicated. The bottom line is that we need to take care of ourselves, but we need to do it in a way that doesn’t hurt someone else. And if we do end up hurting someone else, we need to take responsibility for that, whether you’re mentally ill or not. No one is perfect, but everyone is capable of reflection and progress, if you’re willing to put in the effort. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to put in the effort, and that’s what defines truly toxic people from the people who are trying to better themselves. The toxic people will always be the ones who say “I have X mental health problem, sorry can’t help it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.” The people who care the most will always be the ones who say, “I’m so sorry I did something that hurt you. Because of X mental health problem, I can’t help it when that happens. But I’m going to work on it so I don’t hurt you anymore.” Or something to that effect.
Self-awareness is a rare and beautiful gem. It’s difficult to find someone who possesses it, and even then, it’s doubtful they possess it 100% of the time. A lot of people are scared of acknowledging bad behavior, or even toxicity. But acknowledging those traits is always a good thing, so long as you plan to do something about it. If you need to take time to help yourself, not only is that okay, it’s downright impressive. What’s not okay is staying in a relationship while you still behave in abusive, toxic ways. You can’t treat people badly and then be shocked when they leave you. Nothing, including mental health, can excuse that. And we’ve come full circle.
Take medication. Talk to a therapist. Do whatever you have to do to work on yourself. But for the love of God, stop using your mental health to be shitty. You’re making the rest of us look bad.
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missoneminute · 8 years
peter+carl, favourite quotes
I could fill a book with these, but here’s a selection of favourite quotes after the cut, as requested by anon. 
“It was Pigman who once said that the blood from broken hearts writes the words to every song. And that’s the trouble, innit?” 
– Carl Barat, There Are No Innocent Bystanders, 2011
“But hey ho and never you mind the psychological burdens this most splendid and dark relationship heaps up on me.” 
– Peter talking about Carl, 26th April 1999, Books of Albion
“Interviewer: In our last phone interview with Peter, he said that he was going to get married to you. Carl: Oh yeah, we are getting along. Peter: But we had a serious fight about three weeks ago. ‘Cause Carl … Carl: Stop it. You’re going to cry again. Peter: I cried during an interview yesterday. It was a bit embarrassing. Carl: It surprised me. Peter: It was because of Carl. He said he would go to Morocco with me but … Carl: I said stop. Peter: But it’s true! Carl: That doesn’t mean you have to tell them everything! So anyway, we just had a small misunderstanding. There were times we felt distant, but that wasn’t a big deal. Peter: (Glares) Carl: Why are you looking at me? Peter: LIAR.” 
– Peter Doherty and Carl Barat, April 2003
“I don’t cry too easily, and hardly ever in public. But there were a lot of tears at that gig. Emotionally it was colossal. It was the first time I’d played with Pete for ages without Kate Moss and the whole entourage around. It reminded me how great we were together and how much unfinished business there is.”
– Carl Barat on his reunion with Peter at Hackney Empire, Mail on Sunday, 2008
“I sat on the edge of his bed and wept. There was a CD that his mum had made him, a bootleg CD with a picture of me and him on the front and it said ‘Well done’….” 
– Peter Doherty on burgling Carl Barat’s flat, NME 2003
“I wanted so badly for it to be all or nothing. Wanting it to be me and him. But then I knew that could not be, and that was not what he wanted anyway. I fell back into being a little more emotionally dependant on Carl, but I realised I had to cut myself off from demanding him like that.” 
– Peter Doherty on Carl Barat, Kids in the Riot 2005
“I live 2 minutes away, there’s no lock on the door. why am I here then? you know why. it’s close enough, I’m obsessed to the point of needing to know everything. all of you. I’ll pretend to be you because you won’t log on. you never even used the internet until you knew you could press a button and see a picture of yourself, and now you’re even afeared to read ANYTHING that might interfere with the ‘peace’ you crave. For a peaceful man you are extremely volatile. In fact, your peace comes only after conflict, til it fades and needs re-touching with further conflict. Is that what you do - what I saw in London? it’s amazing. but are you going to do when everything comes out? When the kids hear ‘bucket shop’ and ‘music when the lights go out’ are they considered Libertines songs or not? There’s further questions that I shall ask elsewhere but for now - you’re not a bad sort. I quite love you.” 
- Peter Doherty, Network 54 forum, June 2002
“Biggles stirs in his sleep laughing.” 
– Peter Doherty, The Books of Albion
“In the early days Carl came round once with this girl who had convinced him that I was just a weirdo and that we had an unhealthy relationship. He sat me down and said, “Maybe we shouldn’t see so much of each other? Maybe we should knock the band on the head? It’s not really going anywhere, is it?“ I was desperate for us to stick together and see it through because I never stopped believing.”
 – Peter Doherty, Daily Mail, 2008
“It’s as deeply horrible and beatifically brilliant as the depths of any relationship can allow.” 
– Carl Barat, when asked to sum up his relationship with Pete Doherty in one sentence, The Guardian, 2010
“Everything you do at a certain time in your life, no matter what the song’s about, all the energy is really directed towards that one person. Whether that was for Carl. Or for Kate. Or for someone else I fell in love with.” 
– Peter Doherty, Q Magazine, 2007
“Peter surprised me at work at the Old Vic one night, when we were meant to be rehearsing but I’d taken the paying job instead. Separate worlds – music and theatre – colliding momentarily, almost causing one to spin helplessly out of orbit. I was in my trusty trousers, probably gleaming in the theatre lights, serving a platter of vol-au-vents as part of a reception for Marcel Marceau. It was an after-show as far as I can remember – as much as great mime artists have after-shows, anyway. Then Peter just appeared, lumbering into sight, red-faced with tears in his eyes. I can’t imagine what the guests must have thought as a stranger button-holed one of the waiters, and the quiet of the theatre bar is shattered as he screams: ‘What are you doing here? Can’t you see these people are cunts? We’re meant to be writing songs!’ The room screeched to a halt, a hundred heads turning towards us, now centre stage in the encroaching silence. I was livid. How I kept my job there is still a mystery.” 
– Carl Barât on working at the Old Vic, Threepenny Memoir
“Two trod and one so pestering at the falter of older other in the old world. Giros and on the rob, stealing the light from the dawn and sweet lasting embraces besides the late night river Thames. Mountain ranges of paperback books, heart shaped renditions of ‘you’re my waterloo’ and ‘france’. First time I seen him cry: ‘tears and tears in his proud fathers coat’ ‘Death on the stairs’. Yes, I wrote ‘how can we..’ yes older sings it so magnificently. Now he’s stuck brogues nailed to conveyer belt and he’s screaming to come away: but the infastructure is there all behind and for him, appreciative, egging. Fat lines of coke courtesy of Rough Trade, or a Strokes guitarist, backstage passes and torments in the night. Bored, plain kids shyly approach us. wow oh scramble scramble. No, mum, I’m fine. Aaah. The nurse beckons me closer, she has watched me laughing crying, singing all day...sweet old Irish accent: ‘You’re no addict young man, they’ll mollycoddle you to death yet. Jesus you come away til I marry you. Be careful, look out now. There’s a hallful of bastards out there your friends. Just watch it now. Sing your little heart bare’. Carl. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, so truly, and I love you and I’m here.” 
– Peter Doherty, forum post, 2003
“I know of people who’ll love me when I’m dead, they won’t call me those things then. It won’t matter, they’ll say ‘he was unhappy and he’s better off’. They’ll say ‘I knew him and I spent time with him’. They’re lying. There’s only one man who knows me, who spent time with me, and he doesn’t now. One man I love in this world. One man I respect. He cripples me now.” 
- Peter speaking about Carl, Babyshambles.com, 2004
“Peter and my friendship has always been a very magical thing…with out meaning to sound a bit tossy….It was….Just the time we used to spend together and the things we used to do. We used to stand on Great Portland Street…there were these big floodlights, there were two… ‘What should we do today?’ ‘Let’s go to Great Portland Street and stand in the floodlights and pretend with our umbrellas and pretend to be statues and see if anyone notices’…and we used to literally go and do that. And like for the whole night we’d be like—*poses*. Fucking ridiculous! But yeah. And that’s nothing, we used to do a lot of pretending. It’s very liberating for the soul. I highly recommend it to anyone…I do love Peter so dearly. The thing about Peter, is that, ever since I first met him, he had this innate ability to just charm someone…Like to me he’d say: ‘I love you, you’re working class, but with a violent heart and a poetic temperament’. And I’d go, ‘wow, yeah, you really know me!’…But just that ability to sort of surmise people…and he’d do that…But um, where was I going with this? ….Just he’ll think of the tiny details that only a poet thinks of. He used to phone me up when he was miserable, when we were having one of our dramas. ‘Whatever. Ok, Pete, it’s fine. Where are you?’ And he’d go ‘In the rain!’ So endearing and so beautiful…The thing about Peter and I is that we’re both very old, very kindred souls. And for whatever we talk about, that’s kind of circumstantial. It’s like anything can happen. We could do anything. Individually, together, apart, to each other. But a conversation after six months, it’s the same thing. It’s euphoric…it’s…you know. I love Peter and …I think Peter loves me. A lot of times we don’t like each other, but the underlying thing is that love.” 
– Carl Barat, There Are No Innocent Bystanders
“We’d spent years…writing little bits in songs to take a dig at each other, or say that we love each other. Just knowing each other would hear them and pick up on them.” 
– Carl Barat, Distraction Pieces Podcast, 2016
“It’s a huge part of my life, all those years struggling with Carl. He was magic. He was a magical character for me. For a while, he was a bit of a myth. I idolized him, really. We had grand adventures…grand adventures.” 
–  Peter Doherty, Vogue Italia, 2010
“Boys like physical contact. If you enjoy physical companionship, romance, something tender, you just want it to be true. That’s Libertine-ism: no barriers, no borders, no fakers, no forgers. Pleasure is pleasure.” 
– Peter Doherty, Attitude Magazine, 2002
“1997 I remember sitting on top of a tower block in bow and carl had that look in his eye he seized me screaming we should throw ourselves off together I had to knock him out and drag him down, `there`s nothing in this world for us` he`D say, `let`s shoot each other`.`lets shoot this shit up at the same time an drown in all eternity. no carl, it`ll be grand, lets keep going i love you I love you so much lets keep going `yeah lets keep going forever peter, til the very end` yeah til the end.” 
– Peter Doherty, forum post, April 8th 2003.
“My heart melts that…[you] ask me about soulmates. Because you’re right, you know. It’s a beautiful thing that we should all believe in…Yeah, I missed my friend so much. I still don’t think we spend enough time together. And he’s my soulmate and I love him and that’s the truth…Something so pure and beautiful and true…They’re going to say a soulmate is a myth…[but] when they experience a soulmate then that’s what destroys the myth.” 
– Peter Doherty on Carl Barat, Vice Magazine 2015
“There was someone who’d been so constant in my dreams and my thoughts and my memories and my hopes. Seeing that face … every time I thought about it I nearly passed out. I just wanted to hold my friend to make him feel better.” 
– Carl Barat discussing meeting Peter upon his release from jail, NME 2003
“Carl: I actually used to sleep with a knife [in reference to the lyrics: “You’re the only lover I’ve had / Who slept with a knife”] Peter: Yeah, what’s strange is that he actually used to sleep with a knife.” 
– Les In Rocks, September 2015
“His story with Carl was not finished of course. Pete: Ah, it is not…but it will never end. Everyone has someone in their life whom they love, but in some way or another, the relationship was abandoned by one of them, or by both of them. You become strangers and you realize that the person you love most in the world, you do not know them anymore.
Carl: We never separated…we separated, then we flirted a bit, and in 2010 we got back together, but we did not realize it. We were very uncertain about each other’s feelings. We only communicated through the press, granting interviews knowing that the other person would read them. I knew that I had to go see Peter, the friend that I love and that I missed, to know if this friend, and this friendship, still existed. It was terrifying, but I have been able to see things as they were, in all their beauty. My dear old friend, and my brother, with whom I grew up with in such an intense way.
Pete: I feel even closer to him than I did before…there is no one else who I connect with at this level. (With) Carl, I know that there are things that no one else can give. It’s strange, but he really knows me. I forgot that there was someone else on this planet who could understand me in this way, it is mysterious, but it is comforting and beautiful, and I’d never really realized it before.
Peter gives us a book to give Carl, writing a dedication on the page. It is “The Last Englishman”, the autobiography of AD Wintle.
Carl: On my part, there is nothing to forgive I think. I love him so much, he is like a brother, these are unconditional feelings.
Carl takes his mug into the adjacent album store, where with a stroke of luck, he immediately lands on an ideal gift to give back to Peter. It is the soundtrack to “Is Paris Burning?”, which Carl duly dedicates. “Perfect!” he says.”
– Peter and Carl’s separate interviews in Rock and Folk, October 2014.
“Do you want Peter to come back, to be honest? Carl: I do, of course I do (bursts into tears). Peter is the only person who I could trust for so long. I cannot express my feelings by words like ‘lonely’ or 'left behind’. It’s like something was suddenly scooped out from the inside of me….To tell you the truth, I have a twin brother who died when I was a child. And Peter would say to me, 'Even if no one stays with you in the future, I will never leave you, because I am the reincarnation of your lost twin brother.’ I still believe what he said then. And I believe that he will come back to me, no matter how long it will take.” 
– Carl Barat, Rockin'on, September 2004
“I’m scared to share a microphone with him now because people say it’s a gimmick. Sometimes I do rush over [to the mic], but that’s only because after you have had a few drinks and smoked a certain amount you get that really nice smell on your breath. You know, like when your lover has got that winey, smoky taste. Not that Carl’s my lover…I'd rather toss off a frog.” 
– Peter Doherty, Time Out Magazine, August 2015
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Baseball Quotes
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• A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings. – Earl Wilson • A baseball game is twice as much fun if you’re seeing it on the company’s time. – William Feather • A baseball manager is a necessary evil. – Sparky Anderson • After Jackie Robinson the most important black in baseball history is Reggie Jackson, I really mean that. – Reggie Jackson • Any baseball is beautiful. No other small package comes as close to the ideal design and utility. It is a perfect object for a man’s hand. Pick it up and it instantly suggests its purpose; it is meant to be thrown a considerable distance – thrown hard and with precision. – Roger Angell • As a kid, before I could play music, I remember baseball being the one thing that could always make me happy. – Garth Brooks
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Baseball', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_baseball').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_baseball img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Baseball fans love numbers. They love to swirl them around their mouths like Bordeaux wine. – Pat Conroy • Baseball gives … a growing boy self-poise and self-reliance. Baseball is a man maker. – Albert Goodwill Spalding • Baseball has been good to me since I quit trying to play it. – Whitey Herzog • Baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh… people will come Ray. People will most definitely come. – Terrence Mann • Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended. – George Bernard Shaw • Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words. – Ernie Harwell • Baseball is a fun game. It beats working for a living. – Phil Linz • Baseball is a game, yes. It is also a business. – Willie Mays • Baseball is a lot like life. It’s a day-to-day existence, full of ups and downs. You make the most of your opportunities in baseball as you do in life. – Ernie Harwell • Baseball is a man maker. – Albert Goodwill Spalding • Baseball is a slow, sluggish game, with frequent and trivial interruptions, offering the spectator many opportunities to reflect at leisure upon the situation on the field: This is what a fan loves most about the game – Edward Abbey • Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can’t get you off. – Bill Veeck • Baseball is drama with an endless run and an ever-changing cast. – Joe Garagiola • Baseball is dull only to dull minds. – Red Barber • Baseball is just a game, as simple as a ball and bat, yet as complex as the American spirit it symbolizes. A sport, a business and sometimes almost even a religion. – Ernie Harwell • Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he’s losing; nobody wants you to quit when you’re ahead. – Jackie Robinson • Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand. – Leo Durocher • Baseball is like driving, it’s the one who gets home safely that counts. – Tommy Lasorda • Baseball is more than a game to me, it’s a religion. – Bill Klem • Baseball is more than a game. It’s like life played out on a field. – Juliana Hatfield • Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical. – Yogi Berra • Baseball is reassuring. It makes me feel as if the world is not going to blow up. – Sharon Olds • Baseball is the greatest game in the world and deserves the best you can give it. – Babe Ruth • Baseball is the most perfect of games, solid, true, pure and precious as diamonds. If only life were so simple. Within the baselines anything can happen. Tides can reverse; oceans can open. That’s why they say, “the game is never over until the last man is out.” Colors can change, lives can alter, anything is possible in this gentle, flawless, loving game. – W. P. Kinsella • Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer. – Ted Williams • Baseball is the only game left for people. To play basketball, you have to be 7 feet 6 inches. To play football, you have to be the same width. – Bill Veeck • Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror. – George Carlin • Baseball is the only sport I know that when you’re on offense, the other team controls the ball. – Ken Harrelson • Baseball is the very symbol, the outward and visible expression of the drive and push and rush and struggle of the raging, tearing, booming nineteenth century. – Mark Twain • Baseball is too much of a sport to be called a business, and too much of a business to be called a sport. – Philip K. Wrigley • Baseball is very big with my people. It figures. It’s the only way we can get to shake a bat at a white man without starting a riot. – Dick Gregory • Baseball is what we were, football is what we have become. – Mary McGrory • Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field? – Jim Bouton • Baseball statistics are like a girl in a bikini. They show a lot, but not everything. – Toby Harrah • Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. – Bob Lemon • Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world. – Babe Ruth • Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona. Not all holes, or games, are created equal. – George Will • Baseball, to me, is still the national pastime because it is a summer game. I feel that almost all Americans are summer people, that summer is what they think of when they think of their childhood. I think it stirs up an incredible emotion within people. – Steve Busby • Casey (Stengel) knew his baseball. He only made it look like he was fooling around. He knew every move that was ever invented and some that we haven’t even caught on to yet. – Sparky Anderson • Close don’t count in baseball. Close only counts in horseshoes and grenades. – Frank Robinson • Cricket is basically baseball on valium. – Robin Williams • Defense to me is the key to playing baseball. – Willie Mays • Despite reforms in steroid control, serious problems still occur in and out of baseball. – Jim Sensenbrenner • Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it’s business or baseball, or the theater, or any field. If you don’t love what you’re doing and you can’t give it your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You’ll be an old man before you know it. – Al Lopez • Donning a glove for a backyard toss, or watching a ball game, or just reflecting upon our baseball days, we are players again, forever young. – John Thorn • Don’t tell me about the world. Not today. It’s springtime and they’re knocking baseball around fields where the grass is damp and green in the morning and the kids are trying to hit the curve ball. – Pete Hamill • Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is. – Bob Feller • Every player should be accorded the privilege of at least one season with the Chicago Cubs. That’s baseball as it should be played – in God’s own sunshine. And that’s really living. – Alvin Dark • Finally, for all of us but a lucky few, the dream of playing big-time baseball is relinquished so we can get on with grown-up things. – John Thorn • How can you not be romantic about baseball? – Billy Beane • I don’t know if he throws a spitball but he sure spits on the ball. – Casey Stengel • I don’t know what you guys say, but at home, life is way different from baseball. – Barry Bonds • I have observed that baseball is not unlike war, and when you get right down to it, we batters are the heavy artillery. – Ty Cobb • I haven’t had the time to say, ‘I’m retiring.’ But baseball says, ‘You’re retired.’ – Rickey Henderson • I just want to play baseball. – David Ortiz • I live in L.A., so I go to basketball games. But I love baseball. – Penny Marshall • I never thought home runs were all that exciting. I still think the triple is the most exciting thing in baseball. To me, a triple is like a guy taking the ball on his 1-yard line and running 99 yards for a touchdown. – Hank Aaron • I see great things in baseball. It’s our game – the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us. – Walt Whitman • I swing big, with everything I’ve got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can. – Babe Ruth • I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning. I think about it all day and I dream about it at night. The only time I don’t think about it is when I’m playing it. – Carl Yastrzemski • I think it puts baseball back on the map as a sport. It’s America’s pastime and just look at everyone coming out to the ballpark. It has been an exciting year. – Mark McGwire • I was born to hit a baseball. I can hit a baseball. – Barry Bonds • I was lucky enough to have the talent to play baseball. That’s how I treated my career. I didn’t think I was anybody special, anybody different. – Carl Yastrzemski • I watch a lot of baseball on the radio. – Gerald R. Ford • I would be lost without baseball. I don’t think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive. – Roberto Clemente • I would change policy, bring back natural grass and nickel beer. Baseball is the belly-button of our society. Straighten out baseball, and you straighten out the rest of the world. – Bill Lee • I’d be willing to bet you, if I were a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball. – Pete Rose • I’d never even been to Wrigley Field. I never even enjoyed baseball that much, but I loved being there, the crowd was lovely, and they all sang with me! – Bea Arthur • I’d walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball. – Pete Rose • If God wanted football played in the spring, he would not have invented baseball. – Sam Rutigliano • If it wasn’t for baseball, I’d be in either the penitentiary or the cemetery. – Babe Ruth • If it weren’t for baseball, many kids wouldn’t know what a millionaire looked like. – Phyllis Diller • If the Cincinnati Reds were really the first major league baseball team, who did they play? – George Carlin • If you don’t think baseball is a big deal, don’t do it. But if you do, do it right. – Tom Seaver • If you have a bad day in baseball, and start thinking about it, you will have 10 more. – Sammy Sosa • If you put a baseball and other toys in front of a baby, he’ll pick up a baseball in preference to the others. – Tris Speaker • I’ll play out the string and leave baseball without a tear. A man can’t play games his whole life. – Brooks Robinson • I’m not an athlete. I’m a professional baseball player. – John Kruk • In baseball, I was always in control of everything until I let the ball go. – Curt Schilling • In baseball, my theory is to strive for consistency, not to worry about the numbers. If you dwell on statistics you get shortsighted; if you aim for consistency, the numbers will be there at the end. – Tom Seaver • In baseball, there’s always the next day – Ryne Sandberg • In baseball, you don’t know nothing. – Yogi Berra • It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course. – Hank Aaron • It was a terrible day for baseball, it was a worse day for Congress. – Fay Vincent • It’s no coincidence that female interest in the sport of baseball has increased greatly since the ballplayers swapped those wonderful old-time baggy flannel uniforms for leotards. – Mike Royko • I’ve got a wife, four kids, a business, and a baseball career. – Curt Schilling • Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. – Yogi Berra • Making love is like hitting a baseball. You just gotta relax and concentrate. – Susan Sarandon • More than any other American sport, baseball creates the magnetic, addictive illusion that it can almost be understood. – Thomas Boswell • My dream was to play football for the Oakland Raiders. But my mother thought I would get hurt playing football, so she chose baseball for me. I guess moms do know best. – Rickey Henderson • My mom, she wasn’t like a baseball mother who knew everything about the game. She just wanted me to be happy with what I was doing. – David Ortiz • No baseball pitcher would be worth a darn without a catcher who could handle the hot fastball. – Casey Stengel • No game in the world is as tidy and dramatically neat as baseball, with cause and effect, crime and punishment, motive and result, so cleanly defined. – Paul Gallico • Normal people have an incredible lack of empathy. They have good emotional empathy, but they don’t have much empathy for the autistic kid who is screaming at the baseball game because he can’t stand the sensory overload. Or the autistic kid having a meltdown in the school cafeteria because there’s too much stimulation. – Temple Grandin • Now there’s three things you can do in a baseball game: You can win or you can lose or it can rain. – Casey Stengel • Nowadays, they have more trouble packing hair dryers than baseball equipment. • One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to, reach down and prove something. -Nolan Ryan • One of the beautiful things about baseball is the history. – Jim Abbott • One of the walls of my bedroom was a collage of about 15 years of baseball photos. I would cut out the baseball pictures from every issue and I had this huge montage of thousands of pictures. – Curt Schilling • People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. – Rogers Hornsby • People who write about spring training not being necessary have never tried to throw a baseball. – Sandy Koufax • Playing baseball is not real life. It’s a fantasy world… It’s a dream come true. – Dale Murphy • Poets are like baseball pitchers. Both have their moments. The intervals are the tough things. – Robert Frost • President Bush left for Canada today to attend a trade summit. Reportedly, the trade summit got off to an awkward start when the president pulled out his baseball cards. – Conan O’Brien • Sadly, this problem of steroid use is not isolated to baseball. – Jim Sensenbrenner • So, baseball is probably more physical of the two mentally. – Bo Jackson • Tell me the truth – do you think I’ve lost my Southern accent? I feel it comes back to me only when I’m shouting at fights or at baseball games. – Cleo Moore • The first books I was interested in were all about baseball. But I can’t think of one single book that changed my life in any way. – Charles Kuralt • The good rising fastball is the best pitch in baseball. – Tom Seaver • The great thing about baseball is that there’s a crisis every day. – Gabe Paul • The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and what could be again. – James Earl Jones • The only real game, I think, in the world is baseball. – Babe Ruth • The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love. – Bryant Gumbel • The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them. – Hank Aaron • The trouble with baseball is that it is not played the year round. – Gaylord Perry • There are only two seasons – winter and Baseball. – Bill Veeck • There are three things in my life which I really love: God, my family, and baseball. The only problem – once baseball season starts, I change the order around a bit. – Al Gallagher • There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen and those who wonder what happens.- Tommy Lasorda • There is but one game and that game is baseball. – John McGraw • There is no room in baseball for a clown. – Chuck Dressen • These old ballparks are like cathedrals in America. We don’t have big old Gothic cathedrals like they do in Europe. But we got baseball parks. – Jimmy Buffett • Well, there are three things that the average man thinks he can do better than anybody else. Build a fire, run a hotel and manage a baseball team. – Rocky Bridges • When baseball is no longer fun, it’s no longer a game. – Joe DiMaggio • When I began playing the game, baseball was about as gentlemanly as a kick in the crotch. – Ty Cobb • When you’re in a slump, it’s almost as if you look out at the field and it’s one big glove. Vance Law Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. – Bob Lemon • Whether you want to or not, you do serve as a role model. People will always put more faith in baseball players than anyone else. – Brooks Robinson • Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball. – Rogers Hornsby • Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game – and do it by watching first some high school or small-town teams. – Jacques Barzun • You can sum up the game of baseball in one word: ‘You never know.’ – Joaquin Andujar • You gotta be a man to play baseball for a living, but you gotta have a lot of little boy in you, too. – Roy Campanella • You owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be – in baseball and in life. – Pete Rose • You teach me baseball and I’ll teach you relativity…No we must not. You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball. – Albert Einstein [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Baseball Quotes
Official Website: Baseball Quotes
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• A baseball game is simply a nervous breakdown divided into nine innings. – Earl Wilson • A baseball game is twice as much fun if you’re seeing it on the company’s time. – William Feather • A baseball manager is a necessary evil. – Sparky Anderson • After Jackie Robinson the most important black in baseball history is Reggie Jackson, I really mean that. – Reggie Jackson • Any baseball is beautiful. No other small package comes as close to the ideal design and utility. It is a perfect object for a man’s hand. Pick it up and it instantly suggests its purpose; it is meant to be thrown a considerable distance – thrown hard and with precision. – Roger Angell • As a kid, before I could play music, I remember baseball being the one thing that could always make me happy. – Garth Brooks
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Baseball', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_baseball').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_baseball img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Baseball fans love numbers. They love to swirl them around their mouths like Bordeaux wine. – Pat Conroy • Baseball gives … a growing boy self-poise and self-reliance. Baseball is a man maker. – Albert Goodwill Spalding • Baseball has been good to me since I quit trying to play it. – Whitey Herzog • Baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it’s a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again. Oh… people will come Ray. People will most definitely come. – Terrence Mann • Baseball has the great advantage over cricket of being sooner ended. – George Bernard Shaw • Baseball is a ballet without music. Drama without words. – Ernie Harwell • Baseball is a fun game. It beats working for a living. – Phil Linz • Baseball is a game, yes. It is also a business. – Willie Mays • Baseball is a lot like life. It’s a day-to-day existence, full of ups and downs. You make the most of your opportunities in baseball as you do in life. – Ernie Harwell • Baseball is a man maker. – Albert Goodwill Spalding • Baseball is a slow, sluggish game, with frequent and trivial interruptions, offering the spectator many opportunities to reflect at leisure upon the situation on the field: This is what a fan loves most about the game – Edward Abbey • Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can’t get you off. – Bill Veeck • Baseball is drama with an endless run and an ever-changing cast. – Joe Garagiola • Baseball is dull only to dull minds. – Red Barber • Baseball is just a game, as simple as a ball and bat, yet as complex as the American spirit it symbolizes. A sport, a business and sometimes almost even a religion. – Ernie Harwell • Baseball is like a poker game. Nobody wants to quit when he’s losing; nobody wants you to quit when you’re ahead. – Jackie Robinson • Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand. – Leo Durocher • Baseball is like driving, it’s the one who gets home safely that counts. – Tommy Lasorda • Baseball is more than a game to me, it’s a religion. – Bill Klem • Baseball is more than a game. It’s like life played out on a field. – Juliana Hatfield • Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical. – Yogi Berra • Baseball is reassuring. It makes me feel as if the world is not going to blow up. – Sharon Olds • Baseball is the greatest game in the world and deserves the best you can give it. – Babe Ruth • Baseball is the most perfect of games, solid, true, pure and precious as diamonds. If only life were so simple. Within the baselines anything can happen. Tides can reverse; oceans can open. That’s why they say, “the game is never over until the last man is out.” Colors can change, lives can alter, anything is possible in this gentle, flawless, loving game. – W. P. Kinsella • Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer. – Ted Williams • Baseball is the only game left for people. To play basketball, you have to be 7 feet 6 inches. To play football, you have to be the same width. – Bill Veeck • Baseball is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror. – George Carlin • Baseball is the only sport I know that when you’re on offense, the other team controls the ball. – Ken Harrelson • Baseball is the very symbol, the outward and visible expression of the drive and push and rush and struggle of the raging, tearing, booming nineteenth century. – Mark Twain • Baseball is too much of a sport to be called a business, and too much of a business to be called a sport. – Philip K. Wrigley • Baseball is very big with my people. It figures. It’s the only way we can get to shake a bat at a white man without starting a riot. – Dick Gregory • Baseball is what we were, football is what we have become. – Mary McGrory • Baseball players are smarter than football players. How often do you see a baseball team penalized for too many men on the field? – Jim Bouton • Baseball statistics are like a girl in a bikini. They show a lot, but not everything. – Toby Harrah • Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. – Bob Lemon • Baseball was, is and always will be to me the best game in the world. – Babe Ruth • Baseball, it is said, is only a game. True. And the Grand Canyon is only a hole in Arizona. Not all holes, or games, are created equal. – George Will • Baseball, to me, is still the national pastime because it is a summer game. I feel that almost all Americans are summer people, that summer is what they think of when they think of their childhood. I think it stirs up an incredible emotion within people. – Steve Busby • Casey (Stengel) knew his baseball. He only made it look like he was fooling around. He knew every move that was ever invented and some that we haven’t even caught on to yet. – Sparky Anderson • Close don’t count in baseball. Close only counts in horseshoes and grenades. – Frank Robinson • Cricket is basically baseball on valium. – Robin Williams • Defense to me is the key to playing baseball. – Willie Mays • Despite reforms in steroid control, serious problems still occur in and out of baseball. – Jim Sensenbrenner • Do what you love to do and give it your very best. Whether it’s business or baseball, or the theater, or any field. If you don’t love what you’re doing and you can’t give it your best, get out of it. Life is too short. You’ll be an old man before you know it. – Al Lopez • Donning a glove for a backyard toss, or watching a ball game, or just reflecting upon our baseball days, we are players again, forever young. – John Thorn • Don’t tell me about the world. Not today. It’s springtime and they’re knocking baseball around fields where the grass is damp and green in the morning and the kids are trying to hit the curve ball. – Pete Hamill • Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day, and that’s the way baseball is. – Bob Feller • Every player should be accorded the privilege of at least one season with the Chicago Cubs. That’s baseball as it should be played – in God’s own sunshine. And that’s really living. – Alvin Dark • Finally, for all of us but a lucky few, the dream of playing big-time baseball is relinquished so we can get on with grown-up things. – John Thorn • How can you not be romantic about baseball? – Billy Beane • I don’t know if he throws a spitball but he sure spits on the ball. – Casey Stengel • I don’t know what you guys say, but at home, life is way different from baseball. – Barry Bonds • I have observed that baseball is not unlike war, and when you get right down to it, we batters are the heavy artillery. – Ty Cobb • I haven’t had the time to say, ‘I’m retiring.’ But baseball says, ‘You’re retired.’ – Rickey Henderson • I just want to play baseball. – David Ortiz • I live in L.A., so I go to basketball games. But I love baseball. – Penny Marshall • I never thought home runs were all that exciting. I still think the triple is the most exciting thing in baseball. To me, a triple is like a guy taking the ball on his 1-yard line and running 99 yards for a touchdown. – Hank Aaron • I see great things in baseball. It’s our game – the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us. – Walt Whitman • I swing big, with everything I’ve got. I hit big or I miss big. I like to live as big as I can. – Babe Ruth • I think about baseball when I wake up in the morning. I think about it all day and I dream about it at night. The only time I don’t think about it is when I’m playing it. – Carl Yastrzemski • I think it puts baseball back on the map as a sport. It’s America’s pastime and just look at everyone coming out to the ballpark. It has been an exciting year. – Mark McGwire • I was born to hit a baseball. I can hit a baseball. – Barry Bonds • I was lucky enough to have the talent to play baseball. That’s how I treated my career. I didn’t think I was anybody special, anybody different. – Carl Yastrzemski • I watch a lot of baseball on the radio. – Gerald R. Ford • I would be lost without baseball. I don’t think I could stand being away from it as long as I was alive. – Roberto Clemente • I would change policy, bring back natural grass and nickel beer. Baseball is the belly-button of our society. Straighten out baseball, and you straighten out the rest of the world. – Bill Lee • I’d be willing to bet you, if I were a betting man, that I have never bet on baseball. – Pete Rose • I’d never even been to Wrigley Field. I never even enjoyed baseball that much, but I loved being there, the crowd was lovely, and they all sang with me! – Bea Arthur • I’d walk through hell in a gasoline suit to play baseball. – Pete Rose • If God wanted football played in the spring, he would not have invented baseball. – Sam Rutigliano • If it wasn’t for baseball, I’d be in either the penitentiary or the cemetery. – Babe Ruth • If it weren’t for baseball, many kids wouldn’t know what a millionaire looked like. – Phyllis Diller • If the Cincinnati Reds were really the first major league baseball team, who did they play? – George Carlin • If you don’t think baseball is a big deal, don’t do it. But if you do, do it right. – Tom Seaver • If you have a bad day in baseball, and start thinking about it, you will have 10 more. – Sammy Sosa • If you put a baseball and other toys in front of a baby, he’ll pick up a baseball in preference to the others. – Tris Speaker • I’ll play out the string and leave baseball without a tear. A man can’t play games his whole life. – Brooks Robinson • I’m not an athlete. I’m a professional baseball player. – John Kruk • In baseball, I was always in control of everything until I let the ball go. – Curt Schilling • In baseball, my theory is to strive for consistency, not to worry about the numbers. If you dwell on statistics you get shortsighted; if you aim for consistency, the numbers will be there at the end. – Tom Seaver • In baseball, there’s always the next day – Ryne Sandberg • In baseball, you don’t know nothing. – Yogi Berra • It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course. – Hank Aaron • It was a terrible day for baseball, it was a worse day for Congress. – Fay Vincent • It’s no coincidence that female interest in the sport of baseball has increased greatly since the ballplayers swapped those wonderful old-time baggy flannel uniforms for leotards. – Mike Royko • I’ve got a wife, four kids, a business, and a baseball career. – Curt Schilling • Little League baseball is a very good thing because it keeps the parents off the streets. – Yogi Berra • Making love is like hitting a baseball. You just gotta relax and concentrate. – Susan Sarandon • More than any other American sport, baseball creates the magnetic, addictive illusion that it can almost be understood. – Thomas Boswell • My dream was to play football for the Oakland Raiders. But my mother thought I would get hurt playing football, so she chose baseball for me. I guess moms do know best. – Rickey Henderson • My mom, she wasn’t like a baseball mother who knew everything about the game. She just wanted me to be happy with what I was doing. – David Ortiz • No baseball pitcher would be worth a darn without a catcher who could handle the hot fastball. – Casey Stengel • No game in the world is as tidy and dramatically neat as baseball, with cause and effect, crime and punishment, motive and result, so cleanly defined. – Paul Gallico • Normal people have an incredible lack of empathy. They have good emotional empathy, but they don’t have much empathy for the autistic kid who is screaming at the baseball game because he can’t stand the sensory overload. Or the autistic kid having a meltdown in the school cafeteria because there’s too much stimulation. – Temple Grandin • Now there’s three things you can do in a baseball game: You can win or you can lose or it can rain. – Casey Stengel • Nowadays, they have more trouble packing hair dryers than baseball equipment. • One of the beautiful things about baseball is that every once in a while you come into a situation where you want to, and where you have to, reach down and prove something. -Nolan Ryan • One of the beautiful things about baseball is the history. – Jim Abbott • One of the walls of my bedroom was a collage of about 15 years of baseball photos. I would cut out the baseball pictures from every issue and I had this huge montage of thousands of pictures. – Curt Schilling • People ask me what I do in winter when there’s no baseball. I’ll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring. – Rogers Hornsby • People who write about spring training not being necessary have never tried to throw a baseball. – Sandy Koufax • Playing baseball is not real life. It’s a fantasy world… It’s a dream come true. – Dale Murphy • Poets are like baseball pitchers. Both have their moments. The intervals are the tough things. – Robert Frost • President Bush left for Canada today to attend a trade summit. Reportedly, the trade summit got off to an awkward start when the president pulled out his baseball cards. – Conan O’Brien • Sadly, this problem of steroid use is not isolated to baseball. – Jim Sensenbrenner • So, baseball is probably more physical of the two mentally. – Bo Jackson • Tell me the truth – do you think I’ve lost my Southern accent? I feel it comes back to me only when I’m shouting at fights or at baseball games. – Cleo Moore • The first books I was interested in were all about baseball. But I can’t think of one single book that changed my life in any way. – Charles Kuralt • The good rising fastball is the best pitch in baseball. – Tom Seaver • The great thing about baseball is that there’s a crisis every day. – Gabe Paul • The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It’s been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, is a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and what could be again. – James Earl Jones • The only real game, I think, in the world is baseball. – Babe Ruth • The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love. – Bryant Gumbel • The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games, but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them. – Hank Aaron • The trouble with baseball is that it is not played the year round. – Gaylord Perry • There are only two seasons – winter and Baseball. – Bill Veeck • There are three things in my life which I really love: God, my family, and baseball. The only problem – once baseball season starts, I change the order around a bit. – Al Gallagher • There are three types of baseball players: Those who make it happen, those who watch it happen and those who wonder what happens.- Tommy Lasorda • There is but one game and that game is baseball. – John McGraw • There is no room in baseball for a clown. – Chuck Dressen • These old ballparks are like cathedrals in America. We don’t have big old Gothic cathedrals like they do in Europe. But we got baseball parks. – Jimmy Buffett • Well, there are three things that the average man thinks he can do better than anybody else. Build a fire, run a hotel and manage a baseball team. – Rocky Bridges • When baseball is no longer fun, it’s no longer a game. – Joe DiMaggio • When I began playing the game, baseball was about as gentlemanly as a kick in the crotch. – Ty Cobb • When you’re in a slump, it’s almost as if you look out at the field and it’s one big glove. Vance Law Baseball was made for kids, and grown-ups only screw it up. – Bob Lemon • Whether you want to or not, you do serve as a role model. People will always put more faith in baseball players than anyone else. – Brooks Robinson • Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball. – Rogers Hornsby • Whoever wants to know the heart and mind of America had better learn baseball, the rules and realities of the game – and do it by watching first some high school or small-town teams. – Jacques Barzun • You can sum up the game of baseball in one word: ‘You never know.’ – Joaquin Andujar • You gotta be a man to play baseball for a living, but you gotta have a lot of little boy in you, too. – Roy Campanella • You owe it to yourself to be the best you can possibly be – in baseball and in life. – Pete Rose • You teach me baseball and I’ll teach you relativity…No we must not. You will learn about relativity faster than I learn baseball. – Albert Einstein [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
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marcusssanderson · 6 years
50 Inspirational Mental Health Quotes for Happiness and Success
Looking for inspirational mental health quotes?
Mental health refers to the state of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts the way we feel, think and act, making it important in all areas of our lives.
Mental health plays an important role in the way we deal with stress, how we relate to others, and the decisions we make in our daily lives. Without positive mental health, it will be almost impossible to realize your full potential, work productively, make a meaningful contribution to your community, or handle the stress that comes with life.
So what can you do to ensure you have a healthy mental state?  Well, there are various ways to maintain positive mental health and live a more fulfilling and enjoyable life.
Besides seeking professional help if you need it, you should make time to connect with others, think positively about yourself and get physically active. Also, make sure you get enough rest,  you’re mindful of your present moment, and be helpful to others.
A healthy mental state will help you leverage your Everyday Power to achieve the success you seek and live a purposeful life. Here are some inspirational quotes to remind you of that.
  Inspirational mental health quotes for happiness and success
  1.) “Mental health needs a great deal of attention. It’s the final taboo and it needs to be faced and dealt with.” – Adam Ant
  2.) “It’s up to you today to start making healthy choices. Not choices that are just healthy for your body, but healthy for your mind.”― Steve Maraboli
  3.) “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” — Albus Dumbledore
  4.) “Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. They don’t need to, it’s not for them.” – Joubert Botha
  5.) “This feeling will pass. The fear is real but the danger is not.”― Cammie McGovern
  6.) “Everybody knows there is no such thing as normal. There is no black-and-white definition of normal. Normal is subjective. There’s only a messy, inconsistent, silly, hopeful version of how we feel most at home in our lives.” ― Tori Spelling
  7.) “What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.” – Glenn Close
    8.) “It’s not just people who can’t find a job, or can’t fit in in society that struggle with depression sometimes.” — Jared Padalecki
  9.) “It doesn’t have to take over your life, it doesn’t have to define you as a person, it’s just important that you ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness.” — Demi Lovato
  10.) “What does your anxiety do? It does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but it empties today of its strength. It does not make you escape the evil; it makes you unfit to cope with it if it comes.” ― Raymond L. Cramer
  Inspirational mental health quotes to help you on your journey
  11.) “There isn’t anybody out there who doesn’t have a mental health issue, whether it’s depression, anxiety, or how to cope with relationships. Having OCD is not an embarrassment anymore – for me. Just know that there is help and your life could be better if you go out and seek the help.” – Howie Mandel
  12.) “I’ve run my whole life – for more than exercise, for mental health.” – Wendelin Van Draanen
  13.) “Sometimes you climb out of bed in the morning and you think, I’m not going to make it, but you laugh inside — remembering all the times you’ve felt that way.”— Charles Bukowski
  14.) “It is not the the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”― Aisha Mirza
  15.) “The only journey is the journey within.” – Rainer Maria Rilke
    16.) “You have to quit confusing a madness with a mission.” ― Flannery O’Connor
  17.) “Hope is a powerful thing. Some say it’s a different breed of magic altogether.” – Stephanie Garber
  18.) “And every person can benefit from talking to somebody. I’m the most anti-medication person, but some people need medicine, and there was a time where I needed some too.” — Miley Cyrus
  19.) “My dark days made me strong. Or maybe I already was strong, and they made me prove it.” – Emery Lord
  20.) “The acknowledgment of having suffered evil is the greatest step forward in mental health.” ― Stefan Molyneux
  Insightful and inspirational mental health quotes
  21.) “Self-esteem is as important to our well-being as legs are to a table. It is essential for physical and mental health and for happiness.” –  Louise Hart
  22.) “Your illness is not your identity. Your chemistry is not your character.” — Pastor Rick Warren
  23.) “To think too much is a disease.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky
  24.) “If we start being honest about our pain, our anger, and our shortcomings instead of pretending they don’t exist, then maybe we’ll leave the world a better place than we found it.” – Russell Wilson
  25.) “Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.” –Lemony Snicket
    26.) “One small crack does not mean that you are broken, it means that you were put to the test and you didn’t fall apart.” –Linda Poindexter
  27.) “Mental health…is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going.” – Noam Shpancer
  28.) “I didn’t talk to anyone about [postpartum depression]. I was very reluctant.. Four of my friends felt the same way I did, and everyone was too embarrassed to talk about it.” — Adele
  29.) “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.” – Abraham Lincoln
  30.) “It was too heavy a burden to carry and I simply couldn’t do that anymore. I sought and received treatment, I put positive people around me and I got back to doing what I love – writing songs and making music.” – Mariah Carey
  Mental health quotes to remind you to take care of your mind
  31.) “Mental health is often missing from public health debates even though it’s critical to wellbeing.” – Diane Abbott
  32.) “Unfortunately, we force people to break the law in order to get any kind of mental health treatment.” – Pete Earley
  33.) “PTSD is a whole-body tragedy, an integral human event of enormous proportions with massive repercussions.” ― Susan Pease Banitt
  34.) “Don’t let your struggle become your identity.” – Unknown
    35.) “Self-esteem is not a luxury; it is a profound spiritual need.”― Nathaniel Branden
  36.) “..balancing time you spend with or without people is crucial for mental health.” ― Amy E. Spiegel
  37.) “Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” – Carl Jung
  38.) “I’m actually taking medication that seems to be pretty good. It’s not making me feel too tired or sluggish or anything like that. Finding the proper balance is what is most important,” – Mariah Carey
  39.) “I’m struggling just to get through the days. I think a lot of people are.” — Justin Bieber
  40.) “About a third of my cases are suffering from no clinically definable neurosis, but from the senselessness and emptiness of their lives. This can be defined as the general neurosis of our times.” – C.G. Jung
  Other inspirational mental health quotes
  41.) “A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support.” –  Kate Middleton
  42.) “The bravest thing I ever did was continuing my life when I wanted to die.”― Juliette Lewis
  43.) “I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.” — Amy March
  44.) “There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”― John Green
    45.) “Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage does.” –Unknown
  46.) “I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life.” ― Jonathan Harnisch
  47.) “Hope, hope, hope. It has to be there. Rob the person of hope, and there won’t be any recovery.” – Dan Fisher
  48.) “There’s not shame in dealing with these things. There’s no shame in having to fight everyday.” — Jared Padalecki
  49.) “If you are physically sick, you can elicit the interest of a battery of physicians; but if you are mentally sick, you are lucky if the janitor comes around.” – Martin H. Fischer
  50.) “I let it get to me that day. I wasn’t in a good place. And unfortunately I was going through a rough time and I let it get to me a little bit too much. That was it,”- Liam Payne
  How did you find these mental health quotes?
  Mental health is vital in all stages of life. For you to realize your full potential, achieve success and live a more fulfilling life, you need to have a healthy mental state.
While taking care of your mental health might mean getting professional support, you should also consider making the right changes for you. Hopefully, these quotes have inspired you to always maintain positive mental health for success and happiness.
Did you enjoy these mental health quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? We would love to hear all about it in the comment section below.
The post 50 Inspirational Mental Health Quotes for Happiness and Success appeared first on Everyday Power Blog.
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