#this snow is bullshit
Im fucking COLD
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literally in another universe snowbairdplinth could've been THE revolution. they wouldn't even really need any allies, lbr.
like, between coryo's cunning, sej's conscience, and lucy gray's charisma? the snow name, the plinth fortune, the baird d12 but neither district nor capitol pedigree?
coryo could've actually been like, panem's first 20-year-old president, who outlaws the hunger games and who the districts still listen to because he has sej and lucy gray on side. and yeah maybe coryo still kills a bunch of people but like whatever, no one really bats an eye -- who's gonna mourn gaul, anyways? no one in the districts, that's for sure. even if gaul didn't suck ass they'd be busy with cool covey music and awesome new legislation.
in a better universe i am 100% certain snowbairdplinth could've managed a fairly bloodless revolution, six decades early.
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mitsuki91 · 10 months
Unpopular opinion about tbosas: I think that Coriolanus Snow loves Lucy Gray Baird.
A more unpopular opinion: I think that Lucy Gray Baird loves Coriolanus Snow.
That's the real tragedy. Their feelings were true. Always.
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alaynestcnes · 5 months
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Jon Snow and Sansa Stark in Art
Prince Ivan on the Grey Wolf / Viktor Vasnetsov A Foster Mother / Charles Sillem Lidderdale Portrait of a Young Woman (detail) / Pierre-Auguste Cot King Arthur (detail) / Charles Ernest Butler Portrait of a Young Girl / Konstantin Yegorovich Makovsky Dante and Beatrice in the Garden / Cesare Saccaggi
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I see some fans saying that Targaryens represent the "old way" of doing things so in order for a new era to rise, they all have to die or at least none of them to end up on the Iron Throne.
The thing is, that even if Dany or Jon or - insert your favourite secret Targaryen theory here- any other Targaryen won't end up on the throne, things will remain exactly the same. Things remained the same when House Baratheon controlled the Iron Throne, and continues to be the same now that House Lannister controls it. After all, Westerosi Noble Houses are part of the so called "old way" of ruling which is based on feudalism. So no, if your favourite noble ends up as King or Queen nothing will magically change just because Targaryens won't be the ones with power.
In order for Westeros to abandon their so called "old ways " they should overthrown monarchy all together and embrace democracy But that would mean that none of your favourites will end up Lord or Lady of any region of the Seven Kingdoms. Personally, I would be fine with such ending but I really doubt that's what Martin has on his mind, judging by the foreshadowing on his books and his opinions on his interviews.
The only other way for things to change isn't simply to remove a specific House - aka Targaryen - from this feudalistic system but rather to put a charismatic ruler in charge who will care for the well being of all their people instead of only caring about themselves/ their House's glory/ nobles. Ironically for those fans, the two people who have shown to have this qualities among those who have been in a position of power actually belong in House Targaryen. And yes I'm talking about Dany and Jon.
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ratective · 2 years
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80s gems winter in eastern europe edition
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I’m just so obsessed with Baz Pitch
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deuteragonist1 · 4 months
Sejanus: We should have dinner together. But not as friends.
Coriolanus, narrowing his eyes: As enemies?
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elaena · 1 year
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i shall take no wife hold no lands father no children.
a piece i did for a little exchange with @kuorena, she drew one of my ocs and i drew a piece inspired in the qhorin kills jon AU :o)
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frazzledsoul · 1 month
Guys, the ideal Jon Snow ending is not King Consort in the North or King Beyond the Wall, it's King Consort Beyond the Wall, where his job is to look pretty, help Tormund rebuild their community, and be fucked half to death by his wildling husband on a regular basis. The best of both worlds, really.
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The creek drank the cradle you sang to
It took a long ride for Jon to clear his head after leaving Miss Stone. A few things were impressed upon him: Miss Stone’s courage was remarkable. And somewhere in the world there was a man Jon would like very much to kill.
Or: Sansa becomes a teacher in the Appalachian mountains, and develops something like a friendship–maybe more– with Doctor Jon Snow.
Read it here
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almondscroissant · 1 month
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tes-trash-blog · 7 months
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Full Falmer translation of @king-minyard's Ode to Snow Elves (thank you thank you THANK YOUUUU for giving me your blessing!)
For a less-blurry version, open in a new tab; Common transcription and translator notes below the cut!
This one was a challenge! Two complete overhauls of syntax, thirty new words by my count (I definitely lost count), and a new method of expressing determiners went into making this adaptation. I wanted to treat this as a translation in either way, so keeping the original syllabic count was important, especially as it was in eights. I dunno, that number seems important to the Falmer, who likely engaged in numerology like their Altmeric cousins.
Highlights from this translation include Farligandra, "greet-grace" i.e. welcome and hospitality, Laivan, "to grant, to offer reprieve", Banhe, an outsider-friendly term for "home" (was this meant to be heard by others, perhaps?), and two of my personal favorites, Maethan, "to embrace" and naerth, "soul-rending grief", here translated as "gnashing grief" to provide a more visceral tone and to imply just what became of the Snow Elves.
The complete, side by side translation, is as follows!
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I think the oddity of Arya being “The Prince That Was Promised” and then Aegon’s Dream stating that it was a member of his bloodline, is well, a poorly written mistake by all counts.
The idea that Aegon did not simply look at Westeros and thought “If no one’s gonna conquer this land then it might as well be me!” but rather “I know of this coming darkness for which this land must be united, so I will unite to face that” is such a fascinating concept and a brilliant idea. But in order to make the prophecy neatly fit Aegon’s Dream, consider this: Arya Stark is a member of Aegon’s bloodline — Rhaenyra’s bloodline. It was not meant to be a son of Rhaegar, Rhaenyra’s descendent through her youngest son, Viserys, but rather a descendent through her heir and eldest, Jacaerys Velaryon.
Melisandre’s vision was shrouded by snow, which she concluded was Rh’llor telling her Jon Snow was Azor Ahai. But, what if, the “Snow” she thought Rh’llor was attempting to show her was not Jon Snow, but rather another, actual, Snow born more than a hundred years ago: Sara Snow.
Now, it’s not always a good idea to take anything Mushroom says at face value, and I make a habit of questioning anything the Maesters right, but Gladys makes a point that even if Sara Snow existed, then her marrying Jace while considering his betrothal to Baela seems preposterous. And, well, he’s not wrong.
However, Jace leaving Sara Snow with a bastard of her own? Possible.
It is, also, possible that this bastard’s bloodline could eventually join with that of the main branch of House Stark, all the way down to Ned Stark and Catelyn Tully’s children, including the Prince That Was Promised, Arya.
Now, I’m supposed to be studying for an eco test, therefore will find every reason to bullshit my time, but it could be possible. Or not. Either way, D&D sure as hell left a gigantic mess behind.
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
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Every year the Grimms spend a week vacationing by the seaside. One solstice morning, a 14-year-old Baz meets a strange but gorgeous boy called Simon. By the end of the day, he's hopelessly besotted.
But Simon doesn't come back the next day. Or the day after. Or the day after that. Baz is left pining and dealing with a local seal that suddenly won't leave him alone.
Now, exactly seven years later, Simon reappears and the two reconnect. And Baz learns that he's not the only one keeping secrets when Simon's sealskin goes missing.
Read chp 1 of The Selkie and his Boy on AO3 now! (T-rated, 2.5k, WIP)
(and thank you to @cutestkilla for sneaking an adorable seal into this banner!)
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mswyrr · 4 months
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First of all, brilliant writer and multi-millionaire Suzanne Collins has better things to do with her time than care about fandom or trying to obsessively control the many ways people respond to her art. She's classier by far than that.
Secondly, everyone at 18 (Snow's age in TBOSAS) could be many different people--better or worse-- by 58 (his age in Sunrise on the Reaping). No life is preordained, all are made by choices - shaped by circumstances and acculturation too, but also choices made every day for decades. In many cases, people tell themselves they have no choice, but that is itself a choice - to pretend away the alternatives that still exist, no matter how far you've fallen.
And people who feel very self-righteous like to imagine they can never fall, that there are no temptations or ways of being broken that might impact their absolute superiority over others. This, too, is bullshit. For all of us, there is an addiction that could grab us. An abusive relationship that might suck us into a deep, dark hole. A cult or scam that could hit our precise buttons when we're weakest. An illness that could challenge our experience of our own minds and bodies in ways that reshape identity. A dramatic change in our society that could reshape us. Etc etc.
There is a fundamental capacity for change within people. It is a matter of both terror and grace, since good people can fall and bad people can rise. And within that, for me, is the hope of being human. Though it is so easy to get lost in so many ways, at any point we can stop something and change if we don't want to be who we're becoming or who we've been. We can always stop.
Villains can be a poignant reminder of why doubling down is a bad, bad idea and leads to destruction. Even if someone is materially wealthy, they've lost their soul; TBOSAS is the story of someone losing his soul imo. And redemption arcs are about following people choosing to stop and all the ways that can go.
And here I bring out my favorite Fred Rogers song:
It’s great to be able to stop When you’ve planned a thing that’s wrong, And be able to do something else instead And think this song:
I can stop when I want to Can stop when I wish I can stop, stop, stop any time. And what a good feeling to feel like this And know that the feeling is really mine.
Like the best of his work, it was designed to be simple enough for a child to understand and yet insightful enough to stick with you through life. It certainly has for me.
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