#this song always makes me cry. its so emotionally moving and i can't stand it but at the same time i need it. i need it to live it gives me
jumbaliathan · 2 years
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fibey234 · 6 months
🎀 High sensitivity 🎀
I've never written about it, but now I think it's time to talk about it.
I researched a lot about it, and I still continue to learn about this phenomenon from the field and it helps me get to know myself more closely.
Until about a year ago, I just didn't stop beating myself up.. hurting myself, being angry with myself, why am I so sensitive?! Why am I different from everyone, why am I the only one among all the other members of the house who takes things to heart, why is everything with me of such high importance?! What is different about me from everyone else, and why do I react to seemingly light situations - in such an extreme and emotional way?!
Sounds and smells have significant power over my emotional system, and have a far-reaching influence.
I researched more and more, and in two words I understood: high sensitivity. that's it.
Actually, it has a more accurate name… but I want to say briefly that it is a gift.
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What is this expressed in?
It is to see the world differently, in detail. I have a sharp eye for the smallest details, and a focus on the atmosphere that everything in the field makes me feel…
I have a very strong intuition, gut feelings that cannot be explained. Most of the time they are right.. even without my wanting to..
Every little thing can make me cry, I'm sensitive to sounds, tastes and smells at a high level. If it's about songs and music - it's another world… it might overwhelm me. And I can even see colors through songs and music. I can see landscapes, visual images and moving films with characters right through my imagination.
Every little thing almost overwhelms me. Especially compliments that don't come out of a desire to actually compliment… If it's something exciting that happens to me, I get overly excited. If there is something that causes a pinch, the tears burst out of me.
Even when I see people making dreams come true, it touches me. I take it hard… I ask myself when it will be my turn to fulfill mine…
The nature outside is spectacular in its beauty, and I see every flower and plant that stands in my way and smile to myself… Loves to smell flowers of almost any kind, touch, feel… Look at small insects in nature and study them… I even have research charts that I made myself and I am learning about all kinds of flowers and different types of insects in nature.
I'm hyperstimulated to be in an environment full of people, I'm too sensitive to it. It's better for me to be with myself alone and breathe nature than to be with people for a long time.. I realized that this is NOT a negative thing.
After certain events, or unforgettable trips and experiences, or after exhausting projects at work, studies, etc. - I have to take time to absorb and absorb what I went through.. Days, nights, months… I need to digest, write, document, do anything that will help me digest the experience I went through. Give it time to heal, and then go back to normal. (I can't do without it, otherwise I have an emotional outburst while I return to my routine with no break time between experiences. An experience is even a normal work day with friends for example…)
My inner world is very magical and sensitive, every little word from someone can drop me into the abyss, or lift me up.
It's hard for me to meet new people, because I always think about the moment when we break up and how hard it will be to say goodbye to this person… and if it happens that I still get attached to a certain person, I get really emotionally attached to him/her/they and discover how much magic this person has. (My biggest fear is that this relationship will end someday)
I'm also a type of overthinking. Tends to think about every smallest thing and grind it thousands of times and from all directions, sometimes it even prevents me from falling asleep at night and also enters my dream because it keeps me busy.
I have a wide and great empathy towards people. I contain them more than a normal person, and they are a significant part of me. I can identify with them completely as much as I can understand them.
My heart wants to contain so much good, but because it tries to contain so much love - it fills up quickly and therefore I must rest and ventilate often, be with myself and breathe the peace.
And in short - being sensitive - is a blessing. This is a wonderful and magical supreme gift!
Never be angry with yourself for being too sensitive.
No one in the universe can love you more than yourself. you guys are great.
And you are not to blame for the fact that people do not understand your inner world, you are the ones who have been blessed with a higher sensitivity than usual, the ability to give pure love to everyone and to accommodate.
Be proud of yourself for being sensitive and loyal.✨💖👑
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imaginetho · 7 years
So excited fam!! I hope this blog flourishes 🌈! Can I get a scenario with kiyoshi, kagami, and midorima, where they're watching their female so run a marathon and right before the finish line her legs buckle and she can't really stand up by herself to finish the race. How would they react/ comfort her after the race was over? Thanks!
thank you! i hope so too ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
This was it, the moment you’ve been waiting for, the moment you worked so hard for, the moment you imagined all those amazing emotions coming all at once and making you feel like you’re on top of the world.
Or so you thought.
The finish line was right there, right in front of you, you could almost feel the victory, but that all crashed downhill when the pain shot in your leg making the only thing in front of you the floor. 
The race was over, and you weren’t the winner. 
You were devastated, and what made it worse was that your boyfriend Kiyoshi, the one who supported you through it all, and cheered you on, was right there all along. Watching your every move with a smile upon his face, until he watched you fall. 
His smiled had disappeared then, and was replaced by worry.
Kiyoshi wanted nothing more than to make you feel happy, he knew how much this meant to you, and seeing you, the one he loved the most this upset broke his heart. 
The two of you were on your way back home, walking silently. He couldn’t bare seeing you like this anymore so he had an idea.
He walked in front of you, his back facing you and knelt down. “Come on, hop on! Nothing a piggyback can’t fix!” he exclaimed.
You were too sad to protest, and honestly, you needed to rest. You put your arms around his neck, buried your face into his neck, and cried.
He decided to tell you how much he loves you, how much you make him proud, and how lucky he is to have you.
“I love you so much. I know this is hard, and I know how important this was to you, but I promise you’ll be alright soon. I know you did your best, you were amazing.” he whispered.
“Sometimes things go wrong, but that doesn’t mean its the end. Next time you will get them, you will win, and I will be there for you just like I always have been and always will be, no matter what.” he continued.
Hearing him say all those sweet words, the right words, and everything you needed to hear right now only made you cry more. You were happy to have him beside you.
Kiyoshi smiled upon feeling your scent, and breath close to him. He started walking again with you on his back. He knew you were crying and as much as it upset him seeing you like this, he knew that for now you just need a shoulder to cry on.
Although, that did not stop him from singing your favorite song on the top of his lungs 10 minutes later. 
By then you were a laughing mess from his horrifying singing voice. 
You were laughing as you ran your way towards victory, you couldn’t help but laugh. Hearing Kagami’s screams from the crowd all the way here made you so happy, you just started giggling. 
“That’s my baby right there! You got this! I love you so much! You’re almost there!” Kagami screamed. He did not waste any chance to show you off to anyone who would hear him, and let them know you were his.
Kagami saw how close you were to the finish line, “GO GO GO GO GO” his cheers grew even louder, and not once did he lay his eyes off of you. 
Not even when you fell. 
The entire crowd went quiet when you suddenly weren’t standing anymore. You were on the floor, unable to move, and your tears were threatening to come out any second. 
Your leg hurt so much, and you couldn’t stand up. You lifted your face to see your boyfriend’s eyes still on you, but he was smiling. 
“Why is he smiling?” you thought.
You were losing. What’s there to smile about you wondered, that was until his screams came back. 
Now you really couldn’t help it, you were crying. You couldn’t believe you almost forgot your boyfriend was not the type to give up so easily. 
Kagami watched you.
The finish line wasn’t that far, you could make it if you skipped on one leg. You got up, and the pain rushing over your other leg made you regret this, but you were determined to try, and so, you started skipping.
Finally, you made it.
Kagami came running down, and made his way to you. He hugged you, carrying you while you cried into his chest. 
“I lost.” you mumbled between cries.
“But you didn’t give up. Even with the pain, and even with only one leg, you managed to get up and continue your way, so just imagine how it will be next time when you’re using both your legs.” he held you tighter.
“I love you.” you whispered.
You couldn’t believe it, you lost. 
You were lying in your bed, replaying yesterday’s incident in your mind. The more you remembered the more it hurt. It shouldn’t have been that way. You should have won.
If it weren’t for your stupid leg buckle, you could have been number 1. You could have won. You were so sad that you didn’t even see your boyfriend after it. You just left.
You were too embarrassed to face him. He’s been helping you train for so long only for you to lose at the end. You really couldn’t bare to face him.
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard someone knocking on your bedroom door. You didn’t answer, you just turned the other way. 
Midorima wasn’t always the best at expressing his feelings, especially when he loves someone so much. He couldn’t do anything for you yesterday, you just left, and he didn’t try to stop you. 
When he knocked on your bedroom door, and didn’t hear an answer, it broke his heart, but not as much as it did when he saw you curled up in bed, not looking at him, and crying.
“I’m sorry.” he spoke.
You were confused. “Why is he apologizing?” you thought.
You sat up quickly, the confusion surpassed your embarassment and sadness. “Huh?” you asked.
“I’m sorry I failed you as a boyfriend. I was supposed to be there for you, I should have stopped you before you left yesterday, but I didn’t. I knew you were upset, I just didn’t know what to do. You were so upset, and there was nothing I could do for you, but tell you I love you, and that’s not really much of a help.” he said.
Your lips formed into a smile before you even knew it. “You….. love me?” you faltered.
“Of course I do, nanodayo.” he said. His face was now beat red.
You were now officially a sobbing mess. 
“E…E-EH WHY ARE YOU C..C-CRYING? IM SO SORRY PLEASE DON’T CRY!” he was freaking out, and soon became a stuttering mess.
You ran towards him, and hugged him the hardest you’ve ever have. “I love you too.”
Midorima decided to stay the night at your place and hold you in his arms for as long as he can. Even if he’s not the best at expressing his feelings emotionally, he’s not the worst at expressing them physically.
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