#this started off as an excuse to draw bush then i messed up her arms + gave her wings instead+ idk
lucky-draws · 7 months
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thessalian · 4 months
Thess vs the Kulrut
I got woken up way before I wanted to by a large transit van (badly parked right outside my bedroom window) kept fucking beeping as it was driven by apparently a really shitty driver. Or something; there was beeping and now the badly-parked van is not there anymore. So I decided to just stay woken up and did the whole deal with the Kulrut. With ... the occasional detour.
I think I'm going to get those last couple of campfires before I do much else. Off I go.
Ooh, Scorcher site. Lemme just hide in this bush here aaaaaaaaand ... POONK.
Okay, something's alerted but I don't actually see any machines. What the fuck?
Maybe they were up on that cliff over there and got alerted by the boom, because there is nothing on the ground. I'll stealth over and scavenge. Quietly. Just in case.
Well. Whatever machine I spooked clearly does not give a shit about me. Okay.
And it's ... starting to get dark. Wonder if I could get me an Apex Tremortusk if I go back to that campfire I just found and fast travel back to that Tremortusk site.
You. Are. Definitely a little harder to kill, Mr Apex Tremortusk.
But ... not that much harder to kill. GIVE ME YOUR MECHANICAL INNARDS.
Okay. Enough messing around. Back to the Memorial Grove.
Yes, I will go and help your defenses. Lemme just pick up some data points first.
Right. Off to the north with me--
Oh, hi, Tekotteh. Showed your smug little face, huh? Yeah, yeah, are you really threatening the one who pulled a fucking mountain down around your ears? Just because she won't listen to your bullshit? Ha. No. Didn't think so. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go actually work while you lounge like an asshole.
This game reeeeeeally wants me to use a cannon, doesn't it. Alright, fine. JUST THIS ONCE.
Okay, field clear, but that is not going to be it.
Yeeeeeeeep. Hello, Slitherfang.
See? I've killed nastier. I'm good.
And ... you really don't want to give me earthgrinders, do you, Slitherfang asshole. Well, fine, I'll go hunt some more of you later. FINE.
Okay, over to help Hekarro and Kotallo--
Welp. It's a really impressive set piece of a cutscene, but damnit, why can I not just shoot Regalla in the face? She is right there.
...Oh, come on. Really? I have to let her get away? My draw arm isn't even tired! Also, throwing "everything you have" at us is not that much a threat when I have systematically taken down every. Single. Rebel camp in most if not all territories. And the Sons of Prometheus are basically scrapped, so ... good luck, Regalla.
So now's when Hekarro declares everyone who helped defend him to be Marshals-- yep.
HUZZAH. But you can say you'll let me go about my task all you want, Hekarro, but Regalla's going to make damn sure that it's my job to kick her ass. I know the type.
Hi, AETHER. Hop aboard! Destination: GAIA.
Oh. When I saw a holovid data point called "Unity", I didn't think it'd be ... this. There are some moments in this game, lemme tell you.
Awwwwwww Kotallo OMG. "Unity" takes on a whole new meaning at this point, doesn't it. Outcast - so of all clans and none at the same time - with Nora, Oseram, Carja if you count Talanah (need to look for her in Barren Light, I think), Utaru, and Tenakth. And even Zenith, more or less, given Beta. It's a nice message. We need more of it. Just ... y'know. In general.
Hi, Dekka. What's the what?
...How did I know that we were going to have to try to talk a rebel Tenakth around eventually? Yeah, I'll see what I can do but I want to check a few things first.
So you want some bits to help you rebuild your balista. Okay, I have the tusks you need, at least, but ... y'know, if you'd all given me five seconds to loot the machines that attacked the Kulrut, you'd have your sinew--
No? Okay, fine, I will hunt a fucking Rollerback. But I hate Rollerbacks. And the idea of hunting them in your training / entertainment arena doesn't really appeal but maybe you'll have something spiffy for me later.
...Oooooooh, so that's what the tags are for. Yeah, I have plenty, and I could just give them to you-- Oh. You insist on rewarding me for them so in order to be able to get rid of the jingly tags, I need to fix your balista. Okay. Fine.
Okay, so before I solve everybody's problems, I need a break.
No, seriously. I'm trying to be better about the whole "food" thing. Just my appetite's been shit lately, so my food intake has been minimal. Even with relatively minimal activity, that shit's not good for me. So I'm going to try to eat something resembling lunch. Then I will go help Dekka's grandson and hunt a fucking Rollerback because I guess that's what we're doing now. And then it probably gets ... spicy.
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starcrossedkaiju · 3 years
Kingslayer AU: Chapter Five
If you remember that post I made about the Red Resistance you’re a real one.
Notes: this one is very short. It’s just to move the plot along and blah blah blah. Next chapter is a good one I think.
The next time Scott showed up to the Red Desert it was for a petty fight that Scar had instigated by trying to steal directly from the Renchanting base. The situation made Scott face palm, and he contemplated not even showing up. However, when Jimmy offered to go in place of him, he told him not to bother. That he would be back in less than a day and night cycle.
Scott walked into the meeting just as the Red Army crested a hill. Which they stayed on. Scar yawned exaggeratedly and trekked up to his opponent, who was wearing a bandage on his left arm.
Cleo was also there. She seemed to be focused on drawing shapes in the cracked sand with the tip of her sword. Most likely feeling bitter about her former ally, Tango, joining Dogwarts. Everyone was paying as little attention as possible while Scar fired off false promises and white lies. Grian busied himself with apologizing to the nearest members of the Red Army for Scar’s embarrassment.
Scott was nearly falling asleep on his feet when someone tapped him on the shoulder.
“Hey Major, you got a minute?” he whispered.
“So many,” Scott responded, gesturing to the desolate state of their meeting.
The two of them quietly excused themselves from the group to speak in private. Scott didn’t know why he didn’t tell Tango to just leave him alone. Maybe it was because Tango had a certain air of reluctance about him, Scott was certain he pulled his punches. Maybe it was shear boredom.
“So, nice weather,” Tango observed the arid desert sky.
“Uh huh..” Scott provided, unimpressed.
Tango stared at him blankly. Awkwardly.
He cleared his throat, “so I heard about your battle with Skiz and Ren. Impressive,” Tango said.
“What is with you people and beating around the bush? We’re not friends,” Scott pushed Tango away by the middle of his chest, “Tango,” he reminded.
Tango looked hurt for a second, “ouch Major. Fine, I wanted to ask you to join me,” he said.
Scott burst out laughing, to which Tango scolded him and shook him by the shoulders. That shut him up, it also earned Tango a slap.
“Don’t touch me,” Scott ordered.
Tango put his hands up, “no touching here! But be quiet. I brought you over here alone for a reason,” he pointed out.
Scott glanced at his allies. Blissfully unaware of the possible treason he may have been about to commit.
“Nobody knows this yet,” Tango whispered, “but I’m spying on the Red Army,” he said.
“What?” Scott asked rhetorically.
“Yeah, I have a plan. It involves you,” Tango responded.
Scott paused to consider if he was really about to entertain whatever was about to come out of Tango’s mouth.
“How do I know you’re not just trying to get close to me and then kill me on behalf of him,” Scott pointed at Ren, who was rolling his eyes at Scar and animatedly conversing with him about something Scott forgot about a long time ago.
“You remember the cow farm right?” he said.
“Yes,” Scott nodded suspiciously.
“I let you take my cow, on the promise that you and Jimmy wouldn’t tell anyone,” Tango recited.
“And we didn’t,” Scott said.
“Exactly. I know I can trust you, and I can’t trust them, Etho tried to kill me remember?” Tango pointed at Etho and Ren.
“So I want you to join me. Not the Red Army, me. Impulse is doing the same thing,” he concluded.
“Didn’t Impulse actually kill you?” Scott pointed out.
Tango waved his hand, water under the bridge.
Scott drifted off into contemplation. Everything about joining a coup against the Red Army screamed danger. More than usual. Dogwarts was a force to be reckoned with. They had superior gear, defenses, players, and alliances. Maybe Scott could cheap shot Martyn and Skizzle, but he could not promise that same luck against Etho or anyone else for that matter. The thought of even trying made his stomach turn.
And then there was Jimmy. If their plan didn’t work, what would happen to Jimmy? The Crastle? Or the Red Desert for that matter? The target on their backs was large enough. Scott had to take a step back. Since when did he get himself involved in a war?
Since he started defending himself, his mind provided.
Since he started standing up for his own freedom. For their freedom.
“Okay,” Scott said.
“Really? You’re in?” Tango’s eyes lit up, his joy was a bit loud for Scott’s new predilection for secrecy.
“Shh!” Scott put a finger in front of his face, “that’s not what I said…” he averted his eyes.
“I want to, believe me, I do,” he said, “but I can’t.”
Tango’s smile faded instantly, his red eyes grew disappointed, “Why not?” he seemed hurt.
“I have too much to lose. I can’t risk this,” Scott held the charm of his necklace up, it’s gemstone still shimmered bright green.
“Scott, I admire your devotion, I really do; but this is a bit bigger than that,” Tango said.
Scott’s expression fell into shock and reproach.
That seemed like enough of an answer for Tango, who backtracked as he realized he’d struck a nerve.
“I mean!” he corrected, “I mean nothing will happen to Jimmy. Cross my heart, he will be under the Red Resistance’s finest protection,” Tango stood up straight and crossed his heart.
Scott decided that was satisfactory. He made a face that said the opposite though, just to make sure Tango’s pride wasn’t too uplifted.
“Fine. I’ll join you Tango, but if I get even the slightest inclination of funny business, I’m out,” Scott cautioned, but he agreed.
“Terms and Conditions, I get it. The Red Resistance will not indenture any of its members,” Tango responded with a gleeful grin.
“You guys and your red themed names,” Scott teased, but held his hand out. They ought to make it official before everyone stopped snoring.
Tango shook it enthusiastically. The two called it done and Scott returned to his side, and Tango returned to the Red Army.
Scott traveled back home that day. No fighting had taken place, although Scar had decidedly talked himself into a hole and ended up giving Ren access to any sand Dogwarts and their affiliates needed for the next week. It was no skin off Scott’s back, he didn’t care. Not his sand.
Wearing so much armor and standing in place for two hours gets on ones nerves. Taking off his heavy diamond chestplate felt like enough liberation for the day. He expected to hear from Tango or Impulse at some point, preferably soon.
Jimmy asked him how the meeting went when he returned, holding out a cup of coffee.
Unsure of whether or not to tell the truth, Scott lied, he said nothing happened and made fun of Scar for running his mouth so much. He said he was tired.
“Scott? That you?” Tango’s voice came through a small door in his abandoned cow farm. It wasn’t needed anymore.
Scott pointed his torch towards the voice, illuminating a door, which Tango had crafted into the side of the underground farm.
“Yes it’s me. Why’s it so dark in here?” he asked.
“I don’t want people to know I’m still using this place, that’s why,” Tango motioned for Scott to come to him.
Tango silently listened for any sign that Scott had been followed, then pushed a stone slab in front of the hidden door with a silent thud.
On the other side of the door was a short hallway, then a very small room with some pillows on the floor and a table. A map of the server that included all the structures and members was pinned up on the wall. There was also a well loved notebook on the table.
“Where’s Impulse?” Scott asked, sitting down on one of the pillows.
“Ren needed him for something, he’ll probably be here next time,” Tango explained. He sat down and lit a candle to make more light.
“I thought we would start by going over the basics today,” Tango picked up the notebook and flipped through some of the pages absently.
Scott looked away and then back, “okay, shoot,” he said.
The “plan” centered around infiltrating the Red Army, convincing them (mainly Ren) that Scott had decided to switch sides. Then, him, Tango, and Impulse would eventually build their trust. Somewhere in there they would convince the Red Army to stop messing with people and come to an agreement with the rest of the server. Something about working together instead of against each other.
“We still have to work some stuff out,” Tango concluded with confidence.
“That’s the plan? You really think this’ll work?” Scott crossed his arms.
“If you can insult Scar convincingly enough, yes,” Tango said.
“Oh this’ll be easy!” Scott laughed, mostly to cover up his nerves.
Tango chuckled with him, then became serious once more, “I’m glad you have a sense of humor going into this. Even after what they did to you,” Tango said.
“I’m sorry about that, by the way,” he apologized.
Scott’s hands stung a bit in response, but he nodded a silent “thanks”.
They were quiet. Scott nervously fiddled with the hem of his coat, lost in thought, mostly regret.
Impulse did show up the next time. He arrived just after Scott did. Everyone sat awkwardly in the little room for a while and Scott was wrapped in nostalgia for a similar time. A time where the only threat was an obscene number of phantoms.
Over the course of their meetings, Scott observed his teammates and their actions. A far cry from who they used to be, including him. Scott’s hair had grown past his ears and turned purple at the tips, and he’d become rather paranoid about always wearing armor.
Tango spent much of their interactions lost in thought. The ghost of whatever was eating at him weighed visibly on his shoulders in the way his head was always bowed in a perpetual staring contest with the ground. He was irritable.
Impulse was a wild card to Scott, they’d never really met before; but it was clear he’d been changed as well. Illustrated by his long “mining” trips, which he only returned from to attend their weekly meetups with no resources to show for it, and a general aura of depression.
His mind was drawn back to the picture Cleo had taken of almost all his server-mates, together in front of the Vibe Machine. He’d studied everyone’s faces countless times. Mostly wondering where everything had gone wrong.
Had they ever truly been friends in the first place? Or was camaraderie a comfort when everyone else was just as weak as one another.
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meenah-chan · 4 years
A Lucifer x MC’s Over-protective! Sister fanfic
4.45k words
Genre: Angst
Trigger Warnings: mentions violence, self-inflictions; Read at your own discretion.
Chapter 1: click here
Chapter 3: click here
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"Is this a some sort of punishment?"
"You're really lucky... I am quite jealous, if I may say."
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
With the noisy, yellow demon unconscious, the only sound on their way to House of Lamentation is MC's periodic yawns from the lack of night's sleep and the rumbling wheels of their suitcase on an empty road.
"We're here! Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone. They should be in the dining room right now." Starting to feel the exhaustion she's been holding back since meeting the other-worldly creatures, Alexandria let her sister half-drag her off to somewhere.
"I'm home!" Pulling her to a room, the first thing she saw is a large dining table filled with food and... Five more demons. Five male demons.
"MC, we're leaving." She tugged on the female's hand, still attached on her own, but in turn resisted her slight force.
"What? No, we won't." The teen raised an eyebrow from her sudden demeanor.
"MC!! I MISS YOU!!" A brown-haired guy came rushing towards their direction with open arms. Yet, before he could even latch his arms around the girl, Alexandria pulled her away, causing the male to hug nothing but air.
"MC! Why did you avoid— Huh?"
"MC, w–who is she?" A purple-haired tensely asked, anxious of the stranger in their home.
"She's my sister—"
"Ahhh!!" Alexandria and MC flinched from the sudden outburst of the man who came running at them moments ago, which caught her off-guard.
Suddenly, her hand was yanked away from her little sister's grasp and was held a few centimeters to the demon's eyes.
"Wha... such a..." He then stretched the said arm out and tenderly stroke it up her shoulder, "What a flawless, plump, porcelain skin..." then let go and cupped her cheeks with both hands.
"Such a refined beauty. But wait..." The male narrowed his eyes for a second, "Are you not sleeping well? Your face is a tee~ny bit dry and a bit of bag under your eyes." The demon gave her a sad pout.
"I usually appreciate such flattery. However, right now, I can only sense it as an assault from a stranger I just met. So will you please refrain from your harassment?" Regaining her composure, she snapped at him.
"Asmodeus, stop harassing our guest unless you wanted punishment." Asmodeus instantly raised both his hands up from the domineering voice on the doorway. Lucifer appeared with a beat Mammon.
"Whoopsy! My bad. What a rude way to greet a wonderful guest such as yourself." Asmodeus sends her a wink before returning to his seat.
"MC, will you introduce her to everyone."
"Hmm! Everyone, meet my sister, Alexa! Due to certain circumstances, she'll be staying here with us all throughout my stay here."
"Pleased to meet all of you. I'm Alexandria Evergreen, MC's older sister. I'm here to watch over her. I hope to have a conflict-free relationship with everyone."
"No, the pleasure is ours." A blonde-haired man replied, "I'm Satan, the fourth eldest. I maybe the Avatar of Wrath but I assure you, I'm the nicest and most logical person here." But her instinct says otherwise as she felt an odd atmosphere around the green-eyed man.
"Bush e'shi, shoo shais shoo hamp 'o shibi." Her eyes travelled to the oranged-haired man who seemed to be emptying the table stuffing himself.
"Beel, you shouldn't talk while chewing." A drowsy, navy blue-haired guy yawns beside him. "MC, he means you said you have no siblings." He rubbed his eyes before turning his attention to the older sister. "Hello, I'm Belphegor, Beelzebub's twin and the youngest. I'm also the Avatar of Sloth. This guy beside me is Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony and the sixth oldest." The scarfing guy nods and she returned the gesture.
"Oh that? Yes, I don't have one back then, but our parents got married a few weeks ago. We're originally childhood friends."
"WoOAAAHH~!! That's just like the anime 'My Dearest Childhood Friend became my Sister after our Parents got Married but now the Aliens Invaded the Earth so We Became Heroes and Stop the End of the World!!' and that is really LIT!!" The demon, whom she thought was timid a while ago, squealed in one breathe, and it certainly caught her by surprise.
"That noisy one is Levi." MC sweatdropped.
"I'm Leviathan, the third oldest and the Avatar of Envy."
"And don't forget about the sweet and charming Asmodeus here~~ I'm the fifth eldest and the Avatar of Lust. You can call me Asmo-chan~~" he winked for the second time.
Yet contrary to his positive attitude, Alexandria cocked an eyebrow. "So you mean..." Her gaze followed Mammon wobbling to the table. "That crook right there is the second oldest?"
His head snapped at her. "Oi! Gotta problem if I'm the second oldest?"
"Yeah, in more ways than one." She curtly replied. "So, if you're the Avatar of Greed, you being a crook does make sense."
"Oi! You don't have to say it twice!"
Ignoring Mammon, she faced the oldest. "And you're the Avatar of Pride, I suppose?"
"Yes, and let me properly introduce myself to you." He placed a palm above his chest. "I'm Lucifer, the oldest of the seven brothers and the Avatar of Pride. I'm the one who leads this household and tend to all of these problem children." Satan, Mammon and Belphegor glared daggers towards him.
"Ha! More importantly, I have a juicy piece of news to you guys." Mammon grinned which alerted Lucifer.
"Not a word Mammon."
"'Ya see, that's no normal human right there. A few hours ago, she just made THE Lucifer on his knees and tied him in a pact with her."
The five brothers' eyes popped out of their skulls and jaws dropped. Even Beel almost choked.
"Pact... you say?" 5 pairs of eyes darted between a grinning Mammon, a displeased Lucifer and the new female.
"You're right. She's not an ordinary human but let me clear two things." The menacing red-eyed demon crossed his arms and raised his chin. "The only one on his knees, or rather, on his back is none other than you Mammon. You're the one knocked out after just three blows from her. You're also the one who caused this series of unfortunate events... Don't ever think I'm done with your punishment yet."
"Eek!" Making shrieked and cowered in fear.
"Wait– She what? I know Mammon is weak but, she really knock him out with three blows??" Asmodeus exclaimed.
"Are you really sure she's a human?" Satan added.
Although Beelzebub is also shocked, his brows twitched in realization, glancing at the two female. "MC, Miss Alexandria, you probably haven't eaten anything yet. You should eat."
"I think I'll pass. I'll get some shut-eye first." MC awkwardly laughed. Beel is pretty amazing in his own way...
"I thank you for the offer, but I also needed some rest." She slightly smiled.
Lucifer stepped closer beside her. "If that's the case, then you should stay in MC's room for now. Mammon will clean the room beside MC's for your use later."
Glancing at the oldest, she shook her head. "Providing a room for me is more than enough. I can tend to it just fine. And I can't impose to you anymore than I already did."
"But you're a guest. It's only natural for us to ensure you'll have a great time staying here."
"But I insist. And I'm not a guest. I'm the one who made my way here so it's only natural for me to help here in exchange for my stay." She paused as she crossed her arms. "Unless, freeloading is a thing here. That'll be bad, for encouraging irresponsibility and decadence."
"..." Lucifer speechlessly furrowed his brows.
Seven pairs of eyes were both shocked and amazed to see someone actually have the guts to run their mouth against one of the strongest demon in their realm without breaking a sweat.
"She really is not a human. There's no way a human can stand her ground against Lucifer." Asmodeus gaped.
"Or maybe she's just clueless of Lucifer's true power... Though I could use her help to mess with him." Belphegor and Satan snickers at the same time as if having the very same thought.
"To not even have the natural instinct to flee from danger is just dumb." Alexandria ominously glance towards Belphegor, Satan and Leviathan, causing a chill run down their spine.
"Then please excuse us. MC shall be my guide." Drawing back, she bowed towards Lucifer and the others before pulling MC and their luggage out of the dining room.
"MC... I must say, our time here will be anything but harmonious..." The older sister sighed.
"But I'm sure you'll have fun. There's no boring times here" MC just laughed awkwardly.
"Oh well, all I want is a peaceful time you. Even an hour or two a day would be nice."
Forget their peaceful time, getting along with most of the brothers is hard, except Beel who is too nice to her to be considered a bother. All the other brothers do was try to steal MC away.
Well, Asmodeus is an exception. He's not trying to take MC away. He's trying take both of them away for his beauty and night out shenanigans.
A few days have passed, and she was also made into a student to be with MC as much as possible.
"Hey Alexa-chan, I'm just wondering... Is there anything you can't do? At this rate you'll end up stealing MC's heart faster than any of us. You're too dreamy, you might as well take her as your bride." Asmodeus pouts as he lazily pokes through his steak Alexandria prepared for dinner.
"O–Oi! The hell are you saying, Asmo?" A flustered Mammon yelled, sitting beside MC.
The older female sighed and glance at Asmodeus, sitting beside her. "Just eat Asmodeus, you're just hungry. And I told you to not call me Alexa."
"But aren't I right? You're so in love with her enough to follow her here. And you're not really her sister by blood, so it's possible."
"If I told you, you and Mammon look good together, you should marry each other, what would you feel?"
"Eww! That's the grossest thing I ever heard." He stuck his tongue out in disgust.
"She really hates you, lololol." Levi snickers at Mammon, sitting across him.
Mammon narrowed his eyes at him, tapping his knife on his plate.
"I never saw this child that way. I'm more like a mother to her more than anything." She points to the 'child' next to her, too busy stuffing her face with the food to notice she is the topic on the table. "Saying that, I didn't protect that child just to fall for any demon."
"Aww... And I thought it'll also be interesting if there's that kind of plot twist." Asmodeus look down, only to find his plate empty. "Hey! Beel, give me back my steak!" His eyes darts across him, towards the orange demon chewing happily.
"I thought you don't want it anymore so I ate it." He smiled innocently as Belphegor and Satan laughed in amusement, witnessing the whole theft.
Alexandria glance around the room, searching for a certain person she haven't seen since yesterday night. "By the way, where's Lucifer?"
"He's probably still in his study, it's the time of the month he have tons of work to do." Satan replied.
"He'll probably coop himself until tomorrow or the day after." Belphegor added, finishing his meal.
She gave a second glance in the table, void of any trace of any food left, sweeping to the also empty plate of her sister.
"Hmm... MC did you eat well?"
"Yes! I really missed your steak!" The teen beamed at her, having a drop of sauce on her lips.
"What am I gonna do with you." She giggled as she wipe the stain off. "Come on, you should rest for the night."
After sending her to her room, Alexandria strolls towards the kitchen and left with a tray on hand, walking towards the library.
She passed by the tall shelfs with several missing books of all sorts of fields. Going further in, she knocked on the door inside the library.
"It's Alexandria, I brought you something." Hearing no response, she let herself in.
The first thing that attract her eyes is the tall pile of paper wall on the table and the male who is almost hidden by it, black circles around his eyes.
"Are you still alive?" Lucifer's flipped towards her, finally noticing her presence.
"Ohh, it's you. What do you want?"
"You probably haven't eaten anything since this morning. I brought you some sandwiches and fruit shake." She set the tray down the small table in the middle of the room and took the plate of sandwiches and the large cup of fruit shake, moving towards Lucifer's study table.
"Here, taking a breather won't hurt." Red orbs darted between the plate, the cup and her face before reluctantly taking it after a sigh and setting it down the free space is the table.
"This is a nice study. It's cozier than mine back in human world."
"What's your deal?"
"Well, I like the fireplace. I can't have one in my apartment."
"If you need nothing, then leave. I don't have time to waste."
"Yeah, I need to do something." She took a few leaves of paper from the desk and scan through it. "Hmm... I see... As expected..."
"What is it you need to do?" Lucifer raised his eyebrow.
"I'll help you with this papers. With us two, we can finish it by morning."
"Hmmp! There's no way I'll let a human mess with the financial statements of the Devildom."
"If it's about the difference of terms and flow of currency, then I have already studied about it."
"...Huh? How..." The demon suddenly remembered the several books missing from the library's shelf. "Ahh... But then, how did you learn how to read our language?" His brows furrowed.
"There's no way I could have extensive knowledge about pacts and such if I can't read the original texts about it."
The lady in front of him never failed to impress him. And yet, "The answer is still a no." Stoic expression returned his face.
"Then let me rephrase it. My master is having a hard time," Lucifer almost slip out of his chair from her words. "...and I can do something about it, so I want help however I can."
"Did you just say 'Master'?"
"Yeah, based on our contract, you're technically my master. Though you can't take advantage of me, which is a good thing..."
Lucifer wouldn't admit it. He can't admit it. But being called master by this capable human who always amaze him has stroked his ego more than he could ever felt from anyone, he can't even stop himself from grinning.
"You really know your way with words. But don't get me wrong. I only allowed you because you've went so far just to do what you want." A smile was also plastered on her face.
"Yes Master Lucifer, if you say so." She chuckled a bit before taking the papers Lucifer choose for her to do.
Sharing a few conversation while working, they really did finish by morning as she predicted.
"Alexa, why aren't you in your room? Did you woke up early?"
"Yeah, something like that." With a bit of sleepiness clouding her head, Alexandria chose to eat light breakfast before taking a rest. Good thing it's weekend.
MC moved her attention at the demon on the end of the table. "Lucifer, it's really unusual. You've finished quite early."
"I just discovered a breather had been rather helpful." He stealthly stole a quick glance towards the lady busy eating her food.
The only sound on the table after that is a few yawns— from the usual sleepy Belphegor; and Leviathan and Mammon, probably from overnight gaming marathon they could never finish tonight as Lucifer is out of his confinement.
Everyone has their own world when Alexandria breaks the silence.
"MC, you told me you're hanging out with Mammon and Asmodeus today, right?" She place down her utensils as the girl glance at her.
"Yeah, we're going to shop some clothes on Majolish. Why? You're coming anyways, aren't you?"
"No. I have some business today, but I'll leave you to Beel. Is it alright with you Beel?" She scan the face of the food-loving demon whom just finished his food.
"I don't mind." He smiled softly.
"Thank you. Please do bring her safe and I'll treat you to Madam Scream's of anything you want."
"Madam Scream's...? Really? With anything I want?" Beel's eyes sparkles as drool pools down his empty plate.
She gave him a broad smile. "Yes, anything."
"Alexa, you probably don't know what you're saying. Beel will definitely bust your pocket in no time." Belphegor yawns as he took a bite on his toast.
"But I'm aware of Beel's appetite. Let's just say I'm loaded enough to feed 10 Beels for at least 1 month." She swiped a black card in air with her middle and index finger.
"Hey... Is that..." Satan raised an eyebrow.
"WOAHH!! The legendary black card! Imagine how many Ruri-chan collectibles and games I could buy with that." Sleepiness flushes out of Leviathan's system as he stared at the black card.
"Can feed... 10 Beels..." The sixth-born's drool intensifies.
"Hmm? When did you get one? You should've just asked me to process it for you." A surprised but rather unfazed Lucifer asked.
"I told you I don't want to be a bother. Though I admit getting one is not an easy task."
"Hey Alexa-chan. Are you sure you don't wanna join us shopping?" The fourth-born playfully twist her bangs around his fingers. "And while we're at it, let's have a full body Super Beauty Mud Course~"
She touched her chin in thought. "I'll think about the mud course, but not today."
But then, a demon, who should be hyper at the sight of a premium item, was rather silent.
"Hey Alexa-sama... Can I touch it?" The second-born teleports beside her, orbs sparkles gold and fingers twitching on air in a perverse way. "Please. It'll be a dream come true to hold it in my arms for even just a second."
"I refuse." She slid it back her wallet as fast as she swiped it out. "Show me first that I could trust you." She pinched the tan nose facing her, grinning.
Cherry red orbs observes the sight of the lively table, a curve tenderly forms across his face.
"O-Oi! Let go–" *Ring ring*
The sound of a phone rung through the spirited atmosphere, which wiped the smile off Alexandria's face.
Picking up the cup of tea with her free hand, she gulp it down before letting go of Mammon.
"Take care while shopping later, MC." She ruffled her sister's hair, "Thank you for the meal. Now, if you'll excuse me." ...before leaving the room.
"Then, I'll also retire for today and take a rest. Don't make a mess while I do so." Feeling tired of his restless shift, Lucifer decided to leave and retire to his room.
On his way, he heard the familiar voice of the lady behind her door, seemingly distressed.
As unethical as it seems, the oldest's curiosity of the enigmatic female wins him over and decided to stood his ground.
"I told you Father, I can't right now, that's why I'm telling you to just let me quit...... If I tell you, you'll definitely try to take me back there....... No...... Not telling......."
He could hear the series of loud sighs and frustration beyond the door.
"No, I don't want it. Brother deserves the company more than I do. So please think it over again.... Yes....... Yes, I will. Then, bye." He then heard a beep ending the call.
On the verge of stepping away as to not get caught, the next thing he heard render him motionless in place.
"I'm not even a your real child to begin with. If I continue there, I'll actually end up killing myself..." Unconsciously, he turned the knob and pushed the door open.
Alexandria jolts in surprise as her door opened out of nowhere.
"Wha..." Surprise was imminent on her face yet, realizing it is the first-born, her brows scrunches. "Don't you know knocking is a common courtesy?"
"What do you mean by you not being your father's real child? And what do you mean about killing yourself?" He ignores the annoyed expression of the woman. There's no way he could let this information pass under his nose. Not with this girl who made him concede more than he expected, and certainly not because of that grim words.
"What do you want?" She narrowed her eyes in annoyance.
"Killing yourself is something I could not ignore. And, I want to know more about the human who have the audacity to force a pact with me." He returned the same gaze with crossed arms above his chest. They stared at each other for a few seconds before the lady yield for the first time.
"Alright. I guess as a demon who have a pact with me, you have the right to know. We are, after all, connected by soul in spite of everything... Let's go to your office or something. I don't want anyone to hear this like you did."
"Right now, Satan is probably cooped in the library. He'll certainly asked why we're together. Let's go to my room instead. It's quite spacious for someone to eavesdrop."
She followed behind the oldest brother, careful not to be seen by anyone. Entering the room without meeting anyone down the hallway gave her a sense of relief.
"Even your room is nice." She casually strolls in the room, brushing her fingertips on the bones in the pillar, the candelabra, the gramophone, and scanning a few picture frames above the fireplace.
"You may want to start your story this instant or I'll pull the words out of you by force." Growing impatient, Lucifer took a sit at an angle on the corner of his bed, arms drapes his chest again.
With another sigh, she sat on the length of the bed partially behind the man, placing both her palms on the bed as she face the furnace.
"Too eager, aren't we?"
"Unlike you, I want to take a rest." Alexandria chuckled of his remark.
"It's true I'm not a real child of the current family I'm in. I am adopted after all." Her Aquamarine eyes glows a hue of orange as she stare at the dancing fire in the furnace. "It's no secret to MC. I did met her in an orphanage after all.."
"She's a volunteer that time when we're still young. Is that good enough? Am I off the hook already?"
"No. That doesn't answer my second question. You're still hiding... something." The strained smile he witnessed on her face almost made him regret continuing his statement.
"Is this a some sort of punishment?" A self-reproachful laughter rings the room, "You're good with picking your card if it is."
"You can say that. But I'm also curious of you."
"Yeah, yeah... But it'll be a long story. Is it alright with you?"
"I have the whole day available. And you?"
"I also have nothing to do. I just gave MC a sister-free day or she'll get tired of me."
"Then, continue your story." He moves facing the same fireplace.
"Ahh, right... If I remember correctly, the Great Celestial War... It's a conflict within your family, right?"
Lucir flinched from the sudden question. "...Why did you ask?"
"I just thought we may have the same sentiment... or maybe not."
"Anyways, MC knew nothing about what I'm going to tell you, so it's our secret, okay?" She waited for his reply before continuing.
"You see, I also have a big family. I'm the oldest with my six, adorable siblings. They're 3 set of twins. Amazing, right?" She smiled at him, softly.
"We're living a normal, happy life. I'm really satisfied with our big family I feel it to last forever... Or so I thought." The softness in her face disappeared into a grimace. Colors in her eyes disappeared as she travel back to time.
"I was 9 at that time when that night happened. It was freezing I couldn't feel my fingertips. Snow was falling hard when I witness everything."
"Unlike that fire, the place was rather cold and dark. My struggling brother's neck in his bare hands, my limp and beaten mother trying to pry him away from my brother, the bloody corpses of my 3 sisters, my 2 other brothers writhing in pain... and that sickening smile on my father's face." She spat, grabbing Lucifer's comforter with her fist. Lucifer watched the scorching flame reflected in her eyes as if it's her own.
"There's no way I could ever forgive him for what he have done..." She rid of her shoes and hugged her legs, facing Lucifer as she lay her cheeks on her knees. "Like how I could never forgive myself for what happened."
"Forgive yourself? That's a foolish way to put it. You didn't do anything wrong."
Bluish orbs draw itself towards his own as she gave him a bitter smile. "You can say that because you don't know everything."
"Then tell me what I don't know."
"Let's just say that a drive to protect MC and a drive to live are two different things. And I've been searching for the latter to no avail."
"You're really lucky to still have your brothers. I am quite jealous if I may say." She wore her shoes again and amble her way to the entryway. "It seems like this is as far as I could tell you right now. Maybe I'll continue it next time. If you'll excuse me." She bowed before closing the door.
In contrast, Lucifer couldn't utter another word. Perhaps it's because of the pact above his chest which connects them, but he felt his heart ache slowly since she started telling her story.
And right now, he feels an unbearable pain. An unbearable pain as if he's reliving his own scars.
He stared at the same scorching fire, and as though imitating her, he tried imagining the grief he have felt of losing someone dear.
"...lucky, huh... I guess I really am..." Clutching the fabric above his chest, he felt a pang of guilt from his curiosity.
If anyone asks if I hate Mammon for bullying him here too much— the answer's no. In fact, he's my # 2 (sometimes # 1 coz Luci). I really love him and his dorkiness! But he's just so adorable when he's flustered that I end up picking on him a bit too much (maybe that's also the reason why I love Luci and he's my first if not because of my occasional Mammon hype).
Anyways, it's a good thing I posted it now. I've been proofreading it for the umpteenth time cause I don't have any friends to ask nor share sentiments with the Obey Me Fandom (sad life of an otaku). I have many revisions but I'm quite satisfied with how it turns out again. UwU
And I didn't even noticed it's already 3 a.m. so I'm gonna peace out now~~
Chapter 3
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gale-dragon-writer · 4 years
Dupain-Cheng Twins: Mari & Max A/U Moments. The Comment that Lila Shouldn't have Heard.
(Note, Lila doen’t know and hasn’t been told that Marinette and Max are bio-twins)
Alix, Kim, Nino, and the Dupain-Cheng Twins decided to spend have a little picnic together at the Paris Botanical Gardens this Saturday like they use to when they were little. They planned this a week in advance and made sure that each of their families knew about this outing. Nino had a little problem with letting Alya know that he couldn’t go on any dates this Saturday but promised to make it up to her the next day.
“Sometimes, I think Alya has selective hearing,” Alix commented when Nino told them that what he had to go through to make sure he had today free.
That was when Kim added, “Yeah, you sure can pick 'em, right Nino,” as he nudged the red capped teen next to him. Causing Marinette to giggle and Max to roll his eyes in amusement.
The older Dupain-Cheng Twin happily carried a decent sized picnic basket as the younger carried the oversized blanket. Nino brought the music with his mp3 and wireless speakers. Alix brought all the drinks in a decent sized cooler. Kim brought the butterfly lures for them to use to attract the butterflies that called the botanical gardens their home. When they arrived they paid the entrance fee for their group, after the staff made sure that the lures were safe, and they got their stamps to prove that they paid the fee, entered without a problem. They were just happy to be away from the drama of school and enjoy the peaceful scenery.
They found their usual spot away that they’ve always used for their little gatherings. It was a little off from the main path but it had a few security cameras to ensure that the plant and critter lives remain undisturbed. Once they arrived, they started setting up their picnic. “Hey sis, can you help with the blanket?” Max asked his older twin sister as he and Kim tried to open the oversized blanket while trying to prevent it from overlapping. Marinette happily nodded as she help the two out as Nino and Alix set the wireless speaker up and making sure the connection between it and the mp3 was in place.
Long story short, Alya called Lila to talk to someone about why Nino wanted this Saturday off from basically everyone. The liar could practically smell the opportunity to use this to paint Marinette in a bad light, but for that, she needed to make sure that either Nino and Marinette had no one to back their stories. So she followed (stalked) Nino as he met up with Kim, then Alix with a cooler, and then Marinette and Max with a basket and blanket. That did kill any idea of telling Alya that Marinette was flirtig with Nino since there were three witnesses that could immediately disprove her story. But...
‘What the? Why the hell are those losers up to?’ Lila thought as she now stalked the group of childhood friends and followed them to the Paris Botanical Gardens. The liar watched them enter the gardens and waited a minute before she tried to enter the arboretum.
“Excuse me miss, but there’s a small fee to pay before you can enter,” one of  the employee manning the entryway. The employee then tapped on the sign that showed the entry fees for each person. They were pretty decent prices, but there was a rather large compensation fee for littering and destroying the plant life inside.
But Lila thought it was stupid to pay to get into something as worthless as a garden, so she started crying about how she lost her grandmother’s ring inside when she came earlier in the day and wanted to find it as soon as possible. She was hoping that if she stir up a big fuss, they’ll let her in for free. But that didn’t happen, the staff pointed out the biggest flaw in her lie and proving that she wasn’t in the arboretum earlier. Lila didn’t have the stamp on her hand for today. When the liar tried to tell the employee that she washed it off by accident, the employee counter with the fact that there still would’ve been ink from the stamp staining her skin.
Noticing that the people around were starting to whisper and glare at her, Lila frowned and practically threw the money at the employee and stormed into the  arboretum. “Hey! You forgot your stamp!” the employee shouted at the brunette, but sighed and made a call on the employee walky-talkies giving Lila’s description and telling them that she paid the fee but didn’t stay for the stamp. That was moreso to avoid more drama from the teen than anything else. The employee then made a note to talk to the manager about the girl so they can post her picture at the entrance booths so they can be given the heads up about her if she tries that stunt again.
Lila just wanted to know what the group was doing and could hopefully use something to turn the tides of the class in her favor.
Kim carefully set the lures up, making sure that they wouldn’t spill and were a bit away from the picnic so that they weren’t knocked over by accident.
Once Kim re-joined the group on the blanket to start their picnic. They each took a bottle of their favorite drinks out of the cooler and then took some food from the basket. Alix took a sip from her drink when she said with a massive grin on her face, “You guys remember when we had Twin Day with a sub and he didn’t know that Mari and Max were twins?”
Nino laughed when he said, “Sure do dudette.”
Kim followed up with a, “Heck yeah! Dude paired them up and told them that they needed to try to be like twins! Aw man! I wish I could’ve taken a picture of his face when he found out the truth!” Then burst in laughter. Causing Alix to laugh. Marinette and Max glanced at each other before they joined in on the laughter. 
It took 15 minutes for Lila to find the group, their laughter gave them away. ‘A picnic?’ Lila thought in confusion as she hid behind some bushes at watch the group. She couldn’t hear what the group was saying from where she was, so she crept closer, trying to keep out of sight.
“I was so proud of the outfits I made for the day too,” Lila heard Marinette say happily. The liar rolled her eyes at the comment, not caring about that.
“As was I, it made the whole thing even better,” Max added as Lila saw him adjust his glasses. The group agreed and then laughed again. Lila rolled her eyes in annocance.
That was when Kim asked, “Speaking of outfits, hows that new one coming along, Mari?”
‘Oh?’ Lila thought, wondering if this could be something that she can sabotage or steal to claim as her own. If Lila could steal the sketchbook with the design in them and present them to Gabriel, telling them that she made them, she’ll practically marry Adrien. ‘At least if those designs are that good,’ Lila thought as she continued to watch the group.
Marinette smiled when she said, “It’s coming along nicely, but...” She then pulled out her sketchbook and added as she looked over the sketch, “I’m a little worried about how low the v-neck is... If it’s too high, then it ruins the appel I’m going for. But if it’s too low then... Well, you know.”
Kim playfully poked Marinette in the arm when he asked in a humorous tone, “You sure you can handle a low v-neck without becoming a blushing mess?” Marinette proceeded to whacking the taller teen over the head with the butt of her sketchbook. “Owch!” I was joking!” Kim exclaimed as he rubbed the new bump on his head.
Nino chuckled when he said, “Dude, you should know by now that you shouldn’t mess with Mari and her designs.” Kim grumbled something under his breath as he continued to rub the bump.
Max looked over Mari’s sketch before he commented, “If you’re using your own measurments, then *takes the pencel from Mari’s hand and starts drawing on the sketchbook*, you should start the v-neck here and end it here. That way you’re not showing too much while complementing your figure. There we go.” The group then looked over the modified sketch.
“Oh wow! It looks a lot better now,” Marinette said with a smile, before turning to her brother and adding, “Thanks Max.”
That was when Alix looked at Max when she asked, “How do you know Mari’s measuments off the top of your head?”
“He sometimes helps me with some of my designs,” Marinette started, then Max finished with, “Usually to make sure she finishes within a reasonable timeframe. I mostly help when it’s clothing that she’s making for herself, so that’s how I know.”
‘Huh? What’s geek-boy talking about?’ Lila thought with a raised brow. She then thought, ‘It sounds like he’s over at Maribrat’s house a lot if he helps her with making her designs... Interesting.”
Nino then said, “Oh yeah, that’s right. I keep forgeting that.”
“No big,” Kim said with a wave before he added, “Besides, Max is the best when it comes to numbers.”
Max pushed his glasses up when he said, “True, but there’s nothing about Marinette I haven’t already seen,” as he cased a sideways glance at Mari with a sheepish look.
‘Hello!’ Lila thought as her eyes lit up with joy. ‘Maribrat’s been... With Geek-boy! No way! But Oh~, this is gold!’ the liar thought with glee as she quickly and quietly crept away so she can weave some very nasty lies that will certainly cast the budding designer in a bad light, especially with Adrien and the rest of the school. ‘Maybe it was worth paying that stupid entrance fee after all,’ Lila thought as she practically skipped out of the gardens.
Too bad she left before she could hear,
“Max, we use to take baths together when we were little, so of course, you’d know. Besides, that means there’s nothing I haven’t seen about you too, my dorky little twin brother.” Marinette said as he playfully elbowed Max in the arm.
The bi-special boy smiled when he replied, “And you’re my over-achiving older twin sister.”
Alix pretened to gag when she said, “You two are just sickening cute with that banter.” Which caused Nino and Kim to laugh.
“Maybe we should bring Markov with us next picnic outing, I’m sure he’ll learn a lot,” Marinette told Max, who nodded with a big smile.
}i{ Until Next Time }i{
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ampleappleamble · 4 years
Pillars of Eternity: Anthem Infinitum
Chapter 6: Bonds
"She's the real thing, isn't she?"
Aloth looked up from his grimoire at the blond man, startled. Until now, Edér had seemed content to ignore him for the most part, more interested in discussing recent Dyrwoodan history and Eothasian theology with their orlan directress. Not that Aloth minded. After all, the less attention drawn to himself, the better. And it was always a boon to be up to date on current events. And to practice his eavesdropping.
But now that Axa had excused herself from their campsite temporarily (facetiously citing "urgent business" to attend to in the bushes), the folk man turned his attention to Aloth. He thrust his bristly, blond chin toward the scrub brush nearby, gesturing into the darkness beyond the campfire, where Axa had walked off a few minutes prior.
"That girl's really a Watcher." He shook his head, his expression filled with wonder. "I was maybe expectin' a cipher with an inflated ego at best. But far as I can tell, she's bonafide."
"It would appear so," Aloth replied after a beat, remaining as carefully neutral as he could. "I must admit, I had my doubts at first. Even suspicions-- albeit slight-- that she may simply be losing her mind, hallucinating and so forth. But the more we see her use her... unique abilities, the more her assertions are corroborated by the real world, the more undeniable the truth becomes: she is a Watcher."
Edér smiled crookedly at the elf, eyeing him curiously. "...Right. That's, uh, what I meant, more or less."
Ye sound a right fuckin' twat, lad.
Aloth bit the inside of his mouth until he tasted blood.
An awkward silence descended over the two men, Edér propping his chin on his fist and gazing into the fire, lost in thought. Aloth stared into his open grimoire, but found he could not focus to read.
"I knew somethin' was up with Perly and Ingroed. And Nonton," Edér murmured, shaking his head and furrowing his brow. "Just couldn't quite figure out what. But the temple..." He sighed, heavy with melancholy. "Black bones, what a mess. Wish someone like her'd have showed up a few weeks back. ...Few years back."
And although Aloth knew he should at least try to be amicable, he found himself too consumed by his own thoughts to engage the farmer further. Instead, he politely pretended to listen while he ruminated over the day's events.
It had started with a few simple tasks. Edér had led the three of them around town, asking if any favors needed doing in exchange for coin and supplies to get to Caed Nua. The villagers seemed surprised and delighted to actually have help with their problems for once, and the three of them had taken to their work with vigor, reuniting a stolen shipment with the town blacksmith and the inn's cook with his stove and cauldron in a single afternoon. They had been on their way back to town yet again, spirits high, when Axa had remembered the hunter she'd met the other day, the bear who'd killed his companion.
"What do you think, lads?" she'd asked, hands on her hips as she stared into the mouth of the cave. "Shall we nip this one in the bud?" She had turned to Edér, her expression cautious and grave. "It killed your neighbor, Edér. How long before it happens again?"
The three kith had come to a consensus quickly, and advanced upon the bear's den, weapons drawn. The beast was slain easily enough, and Edér identified the kith body in the cave as that of his neighbor, Perly. But of course it wasn't as simple as all that.
Aloth had seen her first, had had to elbow Edér in the side to get him to take notice. Just like before, at the tree, Axa had stood above the dead man in the cave, transfixed by something invisible to her two companions. They had traded concerned looks briefly before turning their attention back to her, waiting for the little woman's episode to end.
Thankfully, it didn't last nearly as long as the one before had, but when she snapped back to awareness and turned to face them, Aloth had felt his heart dip into his stomach. She looked like a woman just told about her husband's infidelity. So much for high spirits.
"We're heading back into town, now," she'd said quietly. "Edér. Tell me everything you know about Nonton, Ingroed, and Perly."
He did.
And then... she had let them go.
Honestly, that was what had surprised Edér the most: despite her quick-tempered, no-nonsense attitude, she was remarkably softhearted when the situation allowed. She had showed little hesitation dispatching other kith, as he had observed during their skirmishes with bandits. But when she'd pressed the couple of conspirators, they'd confessed, and when they'd explained, she'd listened. When they'd asked her to accept their meager savings in exchange for her silence, she'd pushed the coinpurse away.
"No. No one should have to live in fear like that," she'd declared, her gaze fixed on the fading bruise on the woman's face. "...And everyone deserves a second chance. You take that coin and start your lives anew."
A memory of Elafa brushed against his thoughts, but only for a second.
Edér couldn't remember the last time he'd seen anyone in Gilded Vale shed tears of joy, and the memory of Ingroed wiping her tears away as she followed Nonton brought a slight smile to his lips even now as he stared into the fire.
"Well... I have always heard that orlans are intense and emotional. And that's exactly how I'd describe her. Just... not in the way I expected, I guess." The folk man could tell Aloth had only been half listening, but he'd pressed on anyway, talking as much to himself as to the elf. "She even stayed her hand against Wirtan, after what he did. Don't know if I could, if it'd just been me there with him alone. She ain't from Gilded Vale, though, of course. So... maybe it's just me."
Now Edér fell silent all of a sudden, and Aloth glanced up at him. Wirtan. The priests in the cellar. He shuddered, and felt a pang of sympathy for the Eothasian across from him.
And she not only stayed her hand. She let him go, too.
"You lied to me, Wirtan."
The gaunt, wiry man had squirmed under Axa's scrutiny, trembled and stammered as he explained himself. She was at least two heads shorter than him, but her fervor, her quiet, indignant fury had had the same effect as though she had towered over him.
But then, the desiccated corpses strapped to her back-- that she'd insisted on carrying back herself-- lent her a certain authority, too.
But once again, she did not come out swinging, the way your typical Dyrwoodan might. She'd asked him why he did what he had done, and she had listened. And he'd told her everything: how he'd tried to warn them, how he'd tried to help them hide. How he'd abandoned them to their fate, terrified of his Lord's retribution.
"So you killed them," Edér had snarled. "Or you may as well have. You never thought to tell anyone? Try to get some folks together to save 'em?"
"Sure, and get the whole lot of us executed," Wirtan had snapped back, clutching at his bloody wound and glowering at the Eothasian. "I'm sure the Scattered God would love yet another martyr."
"At least then you could have died with some honor left to your name," Edér had retorted hotly, "instead of having to live as the murderin' coward you are--"
"Edér. Please."
She'd turned toward him, her hand raised in a bid for peace, and everyone had looked to her, awaiting her judgment.
"He's right, Wirtan. You are a coward. But... lesser circumstances have made cowards of stronger kith than you. And you cannot undo what you've done, now."
She'd forced the bundled remains of the priests into his arms, looking hard into his eyes.
"The question isn't whether you can make it up to them. You can't. The question is: can you do right by them the best you're able to now? Can you live a better life, be a better man than you've been?"
He could try.
Bold, blunt, irascible. Not fond of liars. But... conscionable. Kind at heart, quick to forgive. Aloth was starting to notice a pattern in the little woman's behavior, one that might prove very beneficial to him.
Sure, she were tailor-made fer ye, laddie! Now see if she fits in yer lap nice 'n snug--
He slapped himself in the face, drawing an odd look from Edér.
"Damned horseflies." Aloth smiled blithely back at him, and the farmer cocked an eyebrow, but said nothing, turning his attention back to the campfire.
Yes. After all he'd seen, after his careful deliberations, this arrangement, Aloth had decided, was his best prospect: following a stranger to a castle because she could talk to the dead. It felt like a bad joke, but then, so did most of his life when he really thought about it.
And if she can lead me to some sort of punchline without managing to get me killed, I'll be better off than I was when she found me. He could feel his conviction solidify in his chest, in his stomach. They would reach Caed Nua tomorrow afternoon, and then--
"Think Maerwald'll know what t' do for us?" Aloth jumped a bit at Edér's voice. "I haven't heard any news out of Caed Nua in, oh, years. Don't even really know if he's still there."
The elf gave the folk a polite smile. "I certainly hope so. Otherwise, we might be in for some difficult nights. I've been informed of-- and witnessed first-hand-- the difficulties Watchers sometimes have sleeping."
He looked at the wizard as if for the first time. "Y' know," Edér murmured, "I never even considered I'd still be followin' her after we met up with Maerwald. But now that I think of it..."
"You'll not be rid of me that easily, I'm afraid." Axa's reappearance was sudden, but not startling. Chanter training, Aloth imagined, easing the surprise with her soft, dulcet tones while still ensuring she was heard. "But I promise to try to keep my nightmares to a minimum."
The farmer grinned broadly at the little woman. "There y'are. Nightmares, huh? I been there."
Goan, lad, ask 'er dae she e'er dream o' bouncin' li'e a coney in a elf lad's arms--
"Shut up," he hissed, turning his quickly reddening face away from the orlan, realizing his error when he saw Edér's dumbstruck expression.
Axa's voice was soft and low and even. "...Sorry, come again?"
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jenomark · 5 years
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➔Pairing: Hendery x Reader (Female) ➔Other Members/ Characters: Kun + WinWin ➔Genre: Angst ➔Warnings: Sad, bad life choices ➔Word count: 4,429
➔Summary: Told as if you’re talking to your conscience, it’s a story of two people who, realistically, shouldn’t be together. You’re engaged to Kun, but you’ve always been in love with Hendery. Seeing him again, after two years, is making it difficult for you not to lose your mind.
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  Letting go is really hard. I don’t mean letting go of yourself, or maybe someone like you, but really letting go of the things you can’t change, like, fads or, maybe, perhaps time. You can’t take those little hands around the clock and turn it to a new number. Once your number is up, it’s up, and you can’t go back. You just can’t, and I’m sorry. It won’t be the same. I’ve warned you.
“Kun and I met through friends.” you had told Hendery when you and Kun started dating. What you meant to say was: I met this man, and he’s not you. I look at him hoping to see you staring back at me, but he is still not you, and he never will be you. I can’t go back. I can’t hold your massive- uh- hand and turn back the clock. It’s too late for me, for us.
  Marriage. It’s a funny word, isn’t it? What is so funny about it, you ask. Well, I will tell you. It’s funny when it comes from your lips, because you believe you aren’t the type of person who gets married. Proposals certainly don’t come by in the shape of romance, not for someone like you, or, that is the excuse you give yourself. You’re scared, just like anyone would be. All you ever do is look back, but you don’t need me to tell you that. 
“Baby?”  Kun called. He knocked on the bathroom door. “Is everything okay? It’s just that, well, you’ve been in there for twenty minutes and I need to…..pee.”
“I’ll be right out!” you said. “I just need to...”
 To what? What brilliant thing will you come up with?  I think we’re all dying to know. Shame on you for even thinking about him now. Shame on you for thinking about him ever. Hendery is the past, and Kun is the present. It’s time to stop now.
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  “You haven’t stopped twirling your engagement ring around your finger,” Kun said. “Is everything okay?”
“Yes!” you said. “Everything is great!”
  Dial back the excitement, dear, he’s going to catch on to you. You sit back in the car and give him the innocent idiot look that made him fall in love with you. This time, it doesn’t work too well. You are not innocent.
“You only do that when you’re worried.” Kun pointed out.
“Oh? I do?”
  You want to knock your conscience (a.k.a. me) back into your skull. You want to knock me to the ground and, with a kick to my windpipe, force me to stop telling the truth. I’m not the one romanticizing the way he fluffs up his hair, or the way he looks at you like you’re a….a...woman. Deep down, you knew he was in love with you just as much as you were in love with him, but we’re not going to think about him. Not on this day, even if it will be the first time you’ve seen him in two years.
“I’m not worried,” you said. “Everything is fine.”
  Kun is lovely. You repeat it in your head, like a mantra: Kun is lovely. Kun is everything you’ve ever wanted. He’s funny. He treats you better than anyone has in a long time. His family loves you to pieces. He’s good at sex, good at caring for you, at keeping you sane. If you’re the little hand, Kun is the big hand leading you forward. Don’t fuck this up.
“I hope you’ll be very happy.” Hendery had said. Flashbacks are never good. You remember the tone of his voice well, the way he smiled like it was a punctuation end to the conversation. His words, they echo in your head when you least expect them to. You replay them when you miss hearing the sound of his voice. You’re not proud of what you do, and at least that is something, but you’re not unhappy about it either. You say it’s comforting to you, but the nights you remember that tone and that smile are the nights when you can’t sleep. You’re a liar.
I try not to think about him too much.
He doesn’t think of you that way.
No, that isn’t true.
He doesn’t think about you that way, because he doesn’t think about you at all.
“Baby?” Kun called. You’re in another world where you are fighting yourself. Maybe you’re just crazy, plain and simple.
  You feel a tug on your arm and snap out of it. The car has come to a stop, and you’re in front of the church where your two best friends will be married shortly. I see the thoughts you push deep down, feel the strangeness in your chest. You’re next. You’ll put on the gown, walk down the aisle towards...Kun..and all of those unrequited feelings for someone else. You can’t keep going like this.
I can. Just watch me.
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“Have you seen Hendery?” WinWin asked.
  The sound of WinWin’s voice makes you jump in your own skin. Nice. No one will ever expect you to have anything to hide. “Me? Why would I know where Hendery is?”
 Is WinWin looking at me weird?
  Absolutely. WinWin is looking at you like you’ve lost your fucking marbles. He doesn’t know, but I expect he has his theories. Get it together. Tuck your bag underneath your arm, put a smile on your face and blame it on the alcohol. Oh, not that smile. That smile is reserved for your dentist when he’s fitting your retainer. Yes, that’s a little more subtle.
“I haven’t seen him.” you said. You make eye contact a little too long. I should have warned you about how big your eyes get when you’re hiding something. “Is something wrong? Is Hendery okay?”
“Are you okay?” WinWin asked.
Oh, shit. He knows.
  He doesn’t know. I promise you. WinWin is looking at you like that because you look terrified. He sees it as pre-wedding jitters. He always found you to be quite an interesting character. Now, if you run into Ten, run the other way. That man knows everything.
“I am decent.” you said. Good. Minimal excitement. 
“It’s her ring,” Kun said. He stops next to you and puts his arm around you. “It’s bothering her.”
“It’s not-” you start to say but decide against it. Maybe I am teaching you well. “Yes, it’s my ring.”
“What’s wrong with it? WinWin asked. You know he doesn’t care. WinWin is a polite man. We’ll have to make a mental note about what his friendship means to us.
“It’s a little itchy.” you said, giving in. 
Also, it’s from the wrong man.
Will you please shut up.
“Anyway,” you said. “Enough about Hendery.”
“No one said anything about Hendery.” WinWin said. Oh, he’s puzzled. Quick, take the ring off and chuck it into the bushes. I’m sure nothing could fuck up this situation any more. 
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Say it. You can act normal, for once. Stop being pathetic, go up to him after you eat, and talk to him how a normal human being talks to other normal human beings. Don’t look into those gorgeous brown eyes. Don’t, under any circumstances, smooth out the wrinkles in his jacket, or adjust his cuff links. Don’t tell him he looks handsome, because he already knows and you know what he’s like when you stroke his ego. Don’t tell him that dressed up in a suit is the way you see him in all of your fantasies.  You can talk about the weather, the bride, the groom, or your actual fiance Kun. You remember Kun, don’t you? 
Is it hot in here? I’m feeling very hot. 
Of course it’s hot. It’s nearly summer and you’re wearing ten pounds of make-up on your face to cover up the fact that you’re not sleeping well. How can you have him in your life again if you can’t even function around him? It was never this way before...not since..
Two years ago.
Two years can change a lot. You know that time can change a lot of things. I mean it when I say that you can never go back, but, what if you could? Would you go back to being that girl? You didn’t like yourself when you didn’t exist in his orbit. He played with you too much.
No, he wasn’t playing. He didn’t know how I truly felt.
He did. He was scared.
“Are you going to move forward?” a voice asks.
“I’m sorry?”
 You turn around and see the groom's great aunt trying to push you up the buffet line. You balance your plate with Kun’s, like a circus performer, and move along. I honestly don’t know what sane person would choose to have a buffet at their wedding reception. The line is so long and everyone keeps shoving each other. Also, they’re out of the food you like. Pity.
“I’m sorry,” you said again, but she’s gone. “I’m just really sorry.”
  You take a deep breath and look around for Hendery. I won’t tell you not to do it, because you’ve already made up your mind. The man that everyone seems to be looking for is nowhere to be found. He’s like that, sometimes. Like smoke, you can never quite get a good grasp on him. He stinks up your lungs and makes it harder for you to breathe. Please, if you take away anything from my wisdom, keep your eyes down and keep it moving. Hendery is not good for you. Let him go.
I should. I will. I know it’s wrong, but first love burns strong. Oh, that rhymes.
Get a grip.
  You close your eyes and think of nice, happy thoughts: Kun getting down on one knee and asking you to marry him. Romantic and true to how you wanted it, you were so happy that day. Someone loves you. Kun loves your good qualities, your bad ones, too. And your mother’s face, do you remember? She was so happy when she knew that someone could finally treat you the way you deserved. Those are some beautiful things to think about.
“Two plates?” he asked. “You must be very hungry.”
  Oh my, it is too late. His voice fills you up. I know it, because I can feel it in every part of me. He thrills you in the way that Kun could never. He lights you up, from wick to end. You shine like the sun when he looks at you.
  In utter shock, you turn around to face him. You can draw his face from memory: sweet smile, strong jaw, eyes that look up at you like they’re chaining you to him. You see him, and everything from your hands comes crashing down to the floor. People look at the mess, at your mortified face, and at Hendery kindly kneeling to pick up the pieces. You bastard. Why do you always pick up the pieces? She doesn’t need you to do that for her.
“Fuck.” you said. 
  You kneel down beside him. Frantically, you pick up the pieces of broken plate. Your hands are shaking, your hair falling out of its bun. You can’t bring yourself to look into his eyes, because you’re scared he’ll see the cracks in your life, his light seeping in through them. You watch your fingers until he says your name. That’s when I know that I’ve lost you. You’ve always loved the way he spoke your name, the first letter coming out soft as a whisper, the end getting caught in the back of his throat. You blush at the thought of his mouth. You don’t know what it’s like to kiss those lips, but you do have your fantasies.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Everyone keeps asking me that.” you said.
“But are you?” he chuckled.
   Ah, fuck. He has a soft expression. He’s showing you he cares. He’s not like Kun. Kun doesn’t see you as you are. Kun tries to color over your bad parts, sticking the pieces together like some art you pin on a fridge. Look at this life we have. Isn’t the picture perfect? Hendery sees you. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. I think we’re in love.
“No.” you said, your voice growing louder. You look at him and let out a breath you have been holding in. 
“It’s going to be okay, “ Hendery said. “It’s just plates. There are always more plates.”
“There are never more plates,” you said. “There is only one plate. There is one plate and it’s broken and there will never be more coming. You can’t fix….plates.”
  You get to your feet and start walking away. He doesn’t need to see your face to know that you aren't talking about plates. I’ve tried to protect you for as long as possible. I don’t think you’re going to listen to me anymore.
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    You don’t smoke, but I feel like this is one of those times where you’re going to wish you did just so your hands can stay busy. You sit in the car alone, the window cracked to give you some air, like you’re a dog. You watch people milling about for a little while, your eyes peeking into their lives. You make up stories as you sit, but I know you’re just trying to ignore me. I make too much sense, and you don’t like that. You know I only say these things because I love you. While you sit here and play this game, I want you to know that Hendery keeps moving forward. All you’re going to see is a lock of his perfect hair as he turns the corner.
He kissed me once. On the cheek. 
And? How long will you wait with the belief that maybe he’ll veer a little to the right and kiss you again. If he wanted it, he would have. He should have stopped you before you continued anything with Kun. Remind yourself that he didn’t.
He looks handsome. Did you see him?
“Hey.” Hendery said.
  He leans his arm on the hood of the car and bends down to talk to you through the crack in the window. Up close, he smells so good. You can see the hair on his face that the razor missed, and the acne scars he hates so much. Being around him makes you feel more like yourself, which is very dangerous. 
“For fucks sake,” you sighed. “ I can’t get away from you.”
 You move to the seat next to you and look out of the car window. Hendery opens the car door and slides in next to you. As you move for the car handle, he pushes the lock button down.
“I want to talk.” he said.
“I hate you.”
  In typical Hendery fashion, he laughs like everything is a big joke to him. You can’t see it because you’re so angry, but I can see the fear in his eyes. Hendery has been waiting for this explosion for a long time. So have you. Now is the time to say it.
“Why are you here?” you asked.
“They were my friends first.” he said. 
  You look at him with fire in your eyes. I’ll admit I feel a sense of pride for you. “I meant, why are you here now? Why are you talking to me? You disappeared from my life. I didn’t get any texts, no calls, nothing.”
“I didn’t think you wanted to see me anymore.” he said.  He shrugs.
  “Say something else, Hendery,” you said. “Say something that makes sense. This has to stop or...I will..never..see you again.”
“We both know that’s not true,” he said. “We’ll see each other. We share the same friends.”
“I will ice you out from my life.”
“No, you won’t,” Hendery said. “I know you too well.”
“Unbelievable!” you shout. “You can’t, for one second, stop knowing everything about me? I don’t want you here. You made your choice, let me make mine. ”
 You’re gripping the seat between you. He’s looking forward, his eyes on the car floor. Do you and Kun ever clean this car? Aren’t those popcorn crumbs from the movie theater date you went on months ago? I digress, you’re not sure where to look. Everything is out in the open, and it all hurts. You sure took your hammer to the face of that clock. On one hand, I’m proud of you. On the other hand, it’s 3:30 p.m., and Kun will be looking for you soon.
“What do you want?” Hendery asked. “Don’t lie to me. Tell me exactly what you want, and I will try my best to do it.”
  An honest question. He looks sad. I don’t feel bad for him. He shares part of the blame. I wonder how easily he would have swept everything underneath the rug if you hadn’t reacted to seeing him again.
“I want you to fuck off out of my life for good,” you said. “Out of my very happy life.”
  I can tell what he’s thinking when he cocks his head to the side and looks you in your eyes. Happy life? A happy life only applies to those that are happy and you, you are miserable. The dark circles underneath your eyes are showing, your nails are chipped, and look at the way you’re tearing up. Look. At. Yourself.
“Things were easier when you were gone,” you began. I’m worried by how numb you sound, but I won’t interrupt. “I could pretend you were collecting dust in whatever trap you wiggled your way out of. I didn’t have to see you walking past me, hear the sound of your laughter messing up my thoughts. I could imagine what life would be like if you didn’t exist. But now, Hendery, now all I will imagine is you. All I will see is you. All I will hear is you. All I feel right now is the way you kissed my cheek two years ago, even after I told you that I was dating someone. You kissed me, and then you left without saying goodbye. I will always remember the pain of that rejection. How did you not realize how much I wanted you, how much I adored you? All I want now is to hear your voice telling me that it’s not my imagination making it all up, that maybe you wanted the same thing with me, too. I hate it , Hendery. I’m tired of lying to myself. I’m tired of living this life, wondering if there was anything between us.  I don’t like feeling like I’m always waiting for you to come back. Kun doesn’t deserve it. I don’t deserve it.”
  You wait for what feels like an eternity. It feels like you’re alone with your thoughts. Though you’re angry and frustrated, sitting next to him feels comfortable. You pick at the seat. You lay your head back on the headrest. You listen to the sound of his breathing, as no words make it past his lips. It isn’t like him to keep quiet. He can’t spend his whole life being brutally honest and then not give you enough of the truth. 
“I don’t deserve it either.” Hendery said.
  He gets out of the car and stands there, his dress shoes scraping against cement. You get out, too,  and look over at him from across the hood. You open your mouth to speak, but, at the same time, he looks up at you with tears in his eyes. There are no jokes, no excuses, nothing that can get in the way. 
“It’s not your imagination.” he said, his voice quiet.
“What?” you asked. You can’t keep the smile out of your voice. This is not the way you want to handle this. Stay true to your words: Kun deserves better.
“I said,” Hendery begins. “It’s not your imagination.”
“What isn’t my imagination, Hendery? Say it.”
  Hendery straightens his tux and rolls his shoulders. We’re both mesmerized by the embarrassment spreading across his face. Knowing him for so long, we know which tricks to look for, and you can see all of them: the subtle way he sticks his tongue to the roof of his mouth, how he looks down at his fingers and rubs them together. In a few moments, he’ll clear his throat to break up the moment, but it won’t work.
“Kiss me.” you said.
No. That is cheating. I know I haven’t been the best voice of reason, but cheating is below you. 
“I can’t.” he said. 
“You can,” you said. “I want you to.”
“Break it off with him first.” he said. 
“Hendery, I-….”
“-No,” he said. “I’m not doing that to you, or to him. Break it off with Kun. When you do, come find me. I don’t care if it takes days, months, years...I will be waiting for you.”
“-If I kiss you now,” Hendery said. “There is no going back. I don’t trust myself around you, don’t you understand? I had to leave. ” 
Oh, Hendery, you fool.
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     Weeks that feel like months pass. You broke it off with Kun by telling him you’re not ready for marriage. He could see through your bullshit clearly. He wasn’t mad because he’s good inside, but looking at your face disgusts him. He packed up all of his things and he left, leaving you his messy car and a lifetime of guilt.  You were a little upset he didn’t fight for you. To reflect the blame, you told yourself that he must have never loved you. He did, even when you didn’t deserve it. You’re really proving to be the worst of the worst, aren’t you? Kun will know the truth soon, and it will sink into him like a poison that not even his friends can suck out of him. For now, on your side, it’s all finished. You don’t seem to care much about the people you leave behind. I can’t say I’m surprised.
  You sit in the bathroom a little too long, like always. Normally, you talk to me and try to reason with yourself, but you’ve shut me out entirely. You don’t know what you’re doing, or if it’s the right choice. Hendery is waiting. You got what you wanted, what I told you to avoid all along. Nothing stays the same. Like I knew it would, you feel it is not right. You look at yourself in the mirror and slump. There’s a soft rapt on the door that reminds you of Kun, but only just a little. It will be a long time before you forget about him.
“You’re scaring me.” Hendery calls softly.
“I’m sorry.”
  You look at your reflection again. You’ve wanted him for so long. Now that you have him, you’re not sure what else to want. Can a person really have happiness after all of that? You ask it out loud, but I won’t answer. That, dear, is up to you to figure out. All is not lost, even if all I do is gripe.
“Are you coming out?” he asked.
  Hendery had once insulted you, called you names you didn’t know the meaning of, and had ignored you to forget you. That should have made you feel like you didn’t exist, but it was never like that with him. You existed in all the ways he looked at you, in the what ifs and the would be’s. You came alive with a kiss and a feeling, your body thriving off of mentions of him, and a whiff of a cologne he once used. Forgetting him was more unhealthy. You tell that to yourself twice a week.
  You swing open the bathroom door and stand before him. You are stark naked and absolutely freaking out. He looks into your eyes first. 
“Look at me,” you urge him. “Look at my body.”
 Hendery’s eyes slowly blink down your face, at your mother's nose, and your father’s chin. His gaze moves from one end of your collarbone to the other. They advance down your chest , pausing here and there like it’s the first time he’s seen someone naked, though you both know that it is not.
“When I was nine I fell out of a tree in my grandmother's front yard,” you said. “There’s a scar just below my waist where a branch cut me. I had a few stitches. It hurt, but not as bad as being told I could never climb that tree again. I loved that tree. I would have done anything to go back on that tree.” 
  Hendery’s eyes curve around the little fleshy scar on your abdomen. He lingers on it for a moment before looking into your eyes again. You feel the chill of his attention, finally. It is not what you had anticipated.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I don’t want you to see me as Kun’s,” you said. “I want you to see me, to see all of these new things. I want you to know me, inside and out. I want you to see my scars and my beauty marks. I want you to know every inch of me, Hendery.”
  Hendery takes a step forward. You think about taking a step back, but you're defiant. You look him in the eyes. His pink lips are level with yours. He doesn’t seem real, like you could reach out and your hand would go right through him. You start to remember Kun and what that was like when you broke up with him. You wonder if you and Hendery will ever suffer the same fate, or if what you have is more. The answer to not going back is not trying to skip forward. Live in the now.  Look at the boy before you. You touch your hands to his chest.
“I’m real,” Hendery said. “And I’ve known every inch of you, just like you know me. You know me.”
  As he leans in to kiss you, you no longer know me. He cups your face and pushes you farther away from me. Your eyelashes flutter against his skin. You tug on his hair. You drag your fingers down his back. You let your tongue move across his throat, like a hot knife sliding into butter. All you want is to get rid of the bitterness left in your mouth, to wear his name out because you’re too scared to say anything else.
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moonlightreal · 4 years
Winx Club season 8/20
In which the girls twirl.
20 The Green Heart of Linphea
Alfea!  Grizelda is giving a lecture in some place with really big plants.  isn’t there a greenhouse that’s like, a portal to another realm with giant plants?  But the camera did home in on a round glass part of the building that could be a more ordinary sort of greenhouse.  They’re learning botany magics!  Grizelda conjures a book with old-style botanical drawings of plants inside and an oak leaf on the cover. The page it opens to has a blue flower and a pomegranate.  Grizelda starts saying how every plant holds a magical essence...”
We follow Flora to an area with normal-sized flowers.  The lesson today is on revealing a flower’s magical essence.
Aisha follows Flora.  Flora’s checking out a bush with buds on it.  Aisha magics the buds—but instead of revealing their essence, they stick out their tongues at her!  Hah!  Grizelda comes over and tells Aisha off for being hasty
Bloom is confidant they’ll figure it out.
Tecna touches a flower and it slaps her hand with a little vine.  Flora explains that Tecna tickled it by accident..
Stella tries hypnosis.  The flower spits water at her.
Grizelda tells them that to see the essence of nature they must use their heads, and take it slow.
Star case!  “In the forest of Linphea your next challenge is ahead, but use your head or the star will forevermore lie in a flowerbed.”  this poetry is teeeeeeerrible!  Also, maybe it’s the quarantine talking but when the case said flowerbed I immediately flashed to the goose hiding in a flowerbed in the goose game.
Flora’s happy she’ll get to hug her sister.  They’re pronouncing it Mi-ell-ay again, which I think is correct to the Italian pronunciation but sounds weird in English.  Flora says Mielle is in her second year at Linphea school for Fairies, so there’s an official proclamation that time did not go backwards and this is teen Mielle not lil Mielle!  Bloom says they’ll all be glad to see Mille again.  And so will I.  =)
They have to ask to be excused from class to go, and Grizelda reminds then, “saving the magic universe does not exempt you from studying!”  Which does not make aaaaaany sense!  if you’re counting on the winx to save the universe, you shouldn’t make their job harder by also giving them homework.
Valtor’s asteroid!  We’re going to Lynphea!  Stormy has a plan, and Icy calls her on acting all leader-y.  Darcy has to get between her and Icy.  Darcy reminds them that the star case said to use their heads, something I’d say Darcy is best at among the Trix.  Valtor opens a portal, but Darcy hangs back after her sisters go through, giving Valtor a significant look.  Hmm.
Winxboarding!  They land at Flora’s house and there’s Mielle!  She’s wearing the outfit from season 6 but looks like the age from season 3.  She seriously looks de-aged, her head barely comes up to Flora’s shoulder when last season they were the same height.  She’s also become a big-eyed moppet.  
She’s still as fiesty as ever, assumes she’s coming along and calls a giant ladybug.  Flora tells her to stay home where it’s safe, like Flora always does.  Bloom backs Flora up; the Trix are dangerous!  The star case appears and its compass points the way, so the Winx summon their boards and fly off.  Mielle says she’s not a little girl anymore and follows on her ladybug, because she’s Mielle.  This is exactly what happened in season 7, isn’t it?  Mielle follows and rescues them?  Flora should just let her come along!  And Flora’s very apologetic, she sounds super scared of disappointing her sister.  Is this just the voice actor trying to play a ‘kind’ character or something else?  Maybe Mielle threw gigantic tantrums when she was younger and now Flora’s scared to set her off.
Giant flowers! Winxboarding!  A walled garden!  That’s where we’re going!  The wall is made of pink bushes and the gate of green bushes.
Flora says they’re “guests” in the great forest and it would be rude of them to use magic like flying over the wall unless nature itself gives them permission.  Stella whines why can’t things be easy… and I can tell you, Stel, it’s because Rainbow needs to sell dolls to keep making your show, and you’re about to do a commercial for one.
The girls remember what they heard about using their heads and Flora instructs to observe the natural world.
Then there is some singing.  Even more random than the rest of the singing this season, because we can’t see who is doing it!  Helpfully, it’s singing about how to open the door of nature by ‘turning’.
It’s these weird flower people.  They are very weird.  They look like dolls with a bead for a head and you draw a face on it.  Flora calls them lylings, Mielle called them rillings and when I watched the Italian I thought it was lillins.  So that’s their name.
They do a dance and open the gate into the garden, but before the Winx can run through it grows back closed again.  Flora realizes it’s the dance the flower people did that made the gate open and the girls are cool with that. Stella magics the girls into these adorable flower ballerina dresses. Stella’s is the best I think, she’s got orange and yellow that go well together.  Musa has good colors too, the others are a bit too pastel for my taste.
Time to dance!  the girls leap around—en pointe, which normal people cannot just do, you have to train your muscles like a long time.  That’s about the limit of my knowledge of ballet: that it’s a serious physical discipline you have to practice every day.  As they leap about the girls’ skirts twirl independently, so this episode must be to sell a doll line with twirling skirts.  They dance around, leap in the air, dance on giant flowers.  I like the idea that the twirling skirts make them float, that could be a fragment of an idea about clothes that give you powers.  Like Mai’s bracelets in Mai-hime, they float out from her arms and she can fly with them.  The visual is neat.
We also get shots of the dance from above, which is a thing I like in old movies, even the Marx Brothers comedies sometimes it’ll just randomly have this mandala-from-above synchronized dance and it’s neat.
It works!  The gate opens!  The Trix arrive just a minute too late, the Winx have gone through.
Darcy summons an illusion of the dancing Winx to make the gate open.  Go Darcy, that is smart!  Also how did she do that?  I guess they were watching the Winx dance and recreated what she saw.
The inside of this place I’ve been calling a walled garden but is also the Lylings’ nity is really neat.  it’s big, it has many levels and a bridge… it reminds me of a Starcastle!  That’s what it looks like.  It also looks like a wedding cake with several tiers.  On top is “the green heart of Linphea” which is a greenhouse that stores seeds for every plant in the realm.  Cool.  that’s where the prime star will be! There are stairs and paths through the different gardens to get there.
The star case appears and disappears.  The Lylings come to guide the Winx to the top and show them how to care for nature.
Up one set of stairs!  The Lylings give the Winx seeds which sprout when they put them down.
Next garden! lyling raking very small gardens and… aloe leaves with giggling faces.  That was weird.
The girls reach the heart at the top!  They’re basically walking on tiptoe even while wearing ballet flats.  The heart has a door in it and Bloom is sure this is where we’ll find the prime star.
Back with Mielle, she’s caught up with the Trix!  She hides behind a bush and listens to them plot.  How’d Mielle get in here?  Did she dance too?
The Winx now walking flat-footed approach the heart when the ground rumbles and up sprouts a… radish pokemon.  If there were a pokemon based on a radish, this would be it.  This is not the radish spirit in Spirited Away.  It looks friendly at first, then roars at the Winx.  The lylings flee.  Flora doesn’t know what it is.
Aisha is keen to try violence but Flora says “nature on Linphea is not aggressive” and tries talking first.  She gets nowhere.  
Mielle comes running up to warn them of a trap and she says the radish isn’t part on Linphea’s nonagressive nature, that it’s something Darcy made with magic.  Hard to imagine Darcy making something so borderline cute.
Cosmix time!  We’ll try violence after all!  
Flora tells Mielle to run away and stay safe and Mielle yells, “I’m a fairy, I can transform too, and without me you never would’ve seen through Darcy’s trick!  What do I have to do to prove I’m not a little girl anymore?” and she runs off crying.
Flora calls, ‘it’s for your own good!” after her.  Ouch.  That sibling relationship is more messed up than I thought.  Also Mielle, just transform and help, you can do it!  Or you could’ve if the animators had had time to make you a transformation, but they didn’t.
But no time for pondering!  Winx vs. radish!
The trix, watching from below in the forest, tease Darcy that her radish isn’t tough enough and her plan isn’t working, but she says her plan is just getting started.  And here’s the plan; Mielle running past!  Darcy knows her name and that she’s Flora’s sister, which is super creepy to me.  I mean, I know this is a kid show so the villains will never just randomly go after family members unless it’s the plot of the episode… but the Winx wouldn’t know that!  Flora shouldn’t just be worried about Mielle now, she should be worried all the time that Icy’ll just turn up like, ‘here’s your sister in a block of ice, gimme your prime star or she can just stay that way for a hundred years.”
Winx vs radish! Bloom does her dragon, which goes right through the critter, which then falls to the ground as an actual radish.  That fight ended fast!
But here’s Icy and Stormy!  As they face the Winx, Flora hears Mielle’s voice calling for help.  She abandons the Winx to save her sister.  Flora searches and finds Mielle passed out under a tree.  She says she was attacked by Darcy.
I’m pretty sure this IS Darcy, but Flora heals her sister’s injured leg while the Winx fight the other two.  Flora picks up Mielle and they fly up to the heart.  The rest are still fighting and Mielle says Flora should get the prime star while they’re distracted.  This is solid logic and Flora goes into the heart.  
It’s a very leafy room with the prime star floating in its hamster ball in the center. Mielle hops out of Flora’s arms and runs to it—and grabs it and turns into Darcy.  
Flora: “Darcy, how could you?”  Um, she’s a villain.
Darcy: ‘You didn’t use your head Flora, so you fell right into my trap!”
So Darcy can change her weight when she uses an illusion; Flora was carrying her and the real Darcy would weigh the same as Flora.
The real Mielle wakes up in the forest.  She’s fine, and mad.
The Trix make a clean getaway with the prime star!  Flora apologizes for her failure, poor Flora.
Mielle runs up and hugs Flora.  She’s ok, she was just in enchanted sleep.
Next scene the girls are back in their space clothes sitting on the front steps of Flora’s house.  Flora tells them what happened and how it’s all her fault.  Mielle claims the blame, saying if she’d just listened and stayed away this wouldn’t have happened.  Flora says, “You’re brave, you’re all grown up.  I promise I won’t treat you like a little girl anymore, but you’ll always be my little sister.”
Mielle conjures a rose.  ‘Nature is like us.  Its essence is like our heart .  Listen closely, and you can hear its heart beating.”
Then we’re back at Alfea and the flowers have bloomed.  Flora casts a spell and sparkles come spiraling up from them.  Their magical essence! Grizelda says that was excellent and Flora says she did it with a little help from Mielle, ‘my grown up little sister.’
I dunno.  I mean, Mielle tagging along actually did result in trouble, unlike last season when she saved everyone.  Being brave isn’t the same as being grown up.  I don’t think this is a good setup for flora deciding Mielle is grown up.  And I’m bummed that Mielle didn’t get to go give Darcy what for!  So all told, this episode just wasn’t well plotted.  I do love the visuals of the lyling city and it was cool to see Mielle again but… eh.
Next time: Melody! Musa’s dad!  Riven!  Darcy getting up to more stuff!  Some very strange outfits!
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if-i-want-to-dance · 5 years
Dance with Devils headcanons for the boys falling in love at first sight
Rem slides a piece across the Shogi board and stares around at the students enjoying the tournament around him. He’s beaten all of them already and it’s starting to get dull.
“Mind if I sit here?”
He looks up to see you.
Your smile is like a ray of sunshine and, for a moment, he forgets to breathe. 
“I just came looking for a friend, but they’re busy.”
Rem nods, too dumbstruck to speak.
You pull out a chair and sit down. “I don’t know much about Shogi, to be honest, but it looks like fun. How does it work?”
Rem’s explaining the game before he’s even aware he’s speaking, dropping his current game to show you how everything works, setting up an impromptu game to demonstrate
You’re smiling and you seem interested and your smile is so beautiful.
“Hey, I’m all done.” Another girl comes to stand next to your table. “Ready to go?”
You stand up, gathering your stuff. “Sorry, I have to go. It was nice meeting you.”
Rem stares at your retreating back until you’re through the door. That was nice, it was nice to meet... wait, what was your name?
He’ll have to see if anyone knows who you are. Your company was so relaxing.
Urie hums as he walks through the school gardens towards the greenhouse. Another tea party, with his butterflies... how beautiful they all are. Still, nothing changes. No matter how much butterflies he accumulates, no matter how many parties he throws, it all becomes routine. Maybe he should try looking in some different places for his butterflies...
He strays from the path, across the grass and into the school rose bushes. They’re nothing compared to the flowers in his garden, but they’re lovely in their own way.
A rustling sound causes him to turn.
You stand up, holding an armful of white roses. The sunlight catches your hair as you turn around, meeting his eyes.
Urie takes a step back. His heart starts racing. You’re... beautiful. So, so beautiful.
Your eyes widen in surprise and you take a step back.
You’re so beautiful. Surrounded by flowers, with those beautiful, beautiful eyes.
His feet move before he’s aware he’s walking across the grass towards you. The flirting is automatic. “Butterfly, hello. What a lovely day.” The words are the same he uses for every butterfly, but feel so insignificant now, not good enough. He reaches across and takes your hand, raising it and kissing the back of your knuckles. His heart pounds against his ribs, his eyes taking in every detail of you. “May I ask your name?”
You introduce yourself. “And you?”
You... don’t know who he is? “Urie Sogami.”
You give your hand a gentle tug, dropping it to your side. “I’m sorry, I have to take these back to the school. Excuse me.” You give him a smile - a dazzling smile, one that lights up your whole face - and you turn away, walking quickly towards the school.
Urie stares at your retreating back.
A new Butterfly? No, you’re not like them. They don’t make his heart pound, make him feel flustered... he’s supposed to be the one doing that.
Mage leans against the wall of the school building, earbuds in, listening to music and watching the track and field club practice.
A rustle above him causes him to pull out and earbud and look up.
Feet collide with his face, knocking him to the grass as a weight lands on top of him.
“Oof! Sorry, didn’t realize you were there! Are you okay?” The weight moves off of him.
Mage stirs, looking up from his position on the grass.
Your hair is a mess, your jacket disheveled, your skirt flipped up dangerously high.
And you’re adorable. So, so adorable.
“You okay?”
“...Yeah.” Mage sits up slowly, unable to tear his eyes away. “Did you fall?”
You rub your neck sheepishly. “Um... my friend dared me to jump. And I think the teacher over there saw, so I should probably run. Bye!” You take off at a sprint across the grass.
Mage pushes himself to his feet slowly as you vanish around the corner.
You were... wow.
Shiki grabs hold of the thorny rosebush and pulls hard. The thorns tear into his hand, ripping the skin and drawing blood.
Let them shout. He tears the branch off the bush.
A pair of arms wrap around him, yanking him backward onto the ground and away from the rose bush.
“What are you doing?” 
Shiki turns around to glare at the person who interrupted him.
Strong eyes glare back at him as a hand grabs his wrist, pulling him to his feet. “What are you doing? You’re hurting yourself!”
Strong eyes. A fragile human, but one with such strong eyes.
You take hold of his hands and inspect the palms. “Come on, let’s get the thorns out.” You march him to the fountain and start plucking them out of his hand.
He can’t seem to speak.
You drop the thorns on the ground, one by one. Finally, you pull out the last one.
“...Are you okay?”
Shiki stares at you and says nothing.
“You were tearing up a thorn bush and hurting yourself. Are you okay?” Your voice is soft and... kind?
“Why do you care? I just tore up your flowers.”
“And that means I shouldn’t show you basic human compassion?” Your eyes aren’t angry anymore. They still have the same strength, but they’re kind. So kind.
Shiki stares at you for a moment, then turns his back and walks away.
Strong eyes, but so soft... perhaps he could find you again.
A pang hits Lindo’s heart as Ritsuka walks away with Rem, holding his hand.
He’d vowed to watch over her from a distance, to not interfere with her life anymore. Didn’t make it easier to watch though.
He sits down on the curb and watches them until they’re out of sight.
“Hey, is Ritsuka here?”
He turns to see you. The breeze blows a gust of flower petals past you, ruffling your hair.
“Ritsuka?” he echoes.
“Sorry, she’s a friend from school. Have I got the wrong house?”
“No, no, she just went out.” Your smile is... dazzling.
“Oh. Are you her brother, Lindo?”
“Nice to meet you! She talks about you a lot.” You introduce yourself.
Lindo realizes he’s staring and blinks, bringing himself back to reality. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“If Ritsuka’s not here, do you mind giving her this?” You hand him a container full of swan shaped cream puffs. “We made them yesterday and she forgot to take any home.”
“Yes, yes I can.” Lindo accepts the container.
“Thanks. Sorry, I have to run. I’m sure I’ll see you again soon though.”
He nods his head up and down. “Good to meet you.”
“You as well!” You smile and wave, walking away quickly.
Maybe he could suggest that Ritsuka invite over her new friend in the next week or so...
Roen scrambles under the rose bushes, ignoring the thorns tearing at his fur.
“Roen~” Shiki’s voice is dangerously close. “It’s time to play~”
Roen holds still, waiting for Shiki’s footsteps to pass.
Hands grab him, yanking him out from under the rose bush.
Shiki’s red eyes stare into Roen’s as the dog’s legs dangle in midair.
Shiki turns towards the voice.
Roen tries to twist around to see the speaker but it proves impossible to get a good look.
“What are you doing with that dog, Natsumezaka?”
“Why do you care?”
“Is he yours?”
“That’s none of your business. Go away.”
“So no, he’s not.”
Footsteps pound across the grass.
Hands catch Roen from Shiki’s hands, pulling him against something soft. His nose is buried in the fabric of a red jacket - a female student?
“Leave. Him. Alone.” The voice above him is angry, the arms around him pulling him closer.
Roen curls into your shirt as your hand strokes his head.
“Suit yourself. This is boring now.”
Shiki’s footsteps retreat.
You kneel on the grass, relaxing your hold on Roen.
He pulls his nose out of your jacket and looks up.
You’re... quite lovely.
Roen scrambles up, his paws ending up on your chest as he starts licking your face.
You laugh and gently try to stop him, setting him down on the ground. You begin to comb through his fur with your finger. “Did you get hurt on those thorns, little guy?”
Roen sits still and enjoys your fussing over him, and you pull your hands out of his fluff all too soon.
“Good boy. Should we go find your real owner now?”
And that is where this will have to come to an end.
He licks your hand and runs away between the rose bushes.
Once at a bit of a distance, Roen turns to take a last look at you - the breeze ruffling your hair, face flushed.
It won’t be long until he sees you again, he’ll make sure of that.
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For the Love of Cacti! - Lee Seunghoon
A/N: I tried to make this gender neutral, so if you notice anything that’s gender specific please let me know and I’ll try to change it!! 
Word Count: 1900 
The first time it happened you were confused more than anything. Walking into the dance studio, you saw a small cactus sitting next to the computer. Next to it was a note: “Y/N, thanks for helping me with the choreo yesterday!” You weren’t sure who left it at first as, being one of the two best students, your dance teacher always encouraged you to help others when they needed it. The following week, though, when you were sure you’d only helped one other person and you found another cactus, it wasn’t too difficult to put two and two together to figure out who had left them. Lee Seunghoon. He was the other best student in your class. Although, as far as you were concerned he was the best dancer in the whole studio- including yourself- so why he had asked for your help was beyond you.
Of course, you weren’t just going to ask Seunghoon about his odd little gifts - that would to easy. Instead, you thought you’d play him at his own game. Checking the studio’s timetable, you saw that Seunghoon had booked a room to himself that afternoon. Perfect. Ten minutes before he was due to be there, you took the cactus he left you that morning and placed it on the desk in the corner and scribbled a quick note: “You know, most people would say thank with flowers or something. Or at least in person ;)”
There wasn’t much point in going home or anything seeing as though you had practice soon so you found an empty room and decided to warm up and go over some stuff you had learnt the day before. Just as you had finished stretching, you got a shock when you heard the door closing behind you. However, you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight before you when you turned around. There, on the floor, in front of the door was the cactus. A small blush crept onto your face when you red the note attached: “Talking to pretty people makes me nervous.”
You’d spoken to Seunghoon a thousand times before but, now you thought about it, there was always at least one other person present for the conversation and it was always dance related.
A couple of weeks past and the two of you continued passing the cactus around the studio with little notes to each other; often you would offer small smiles to each other as you passed in the halls or from across the practice rooms. After a month, Seunghoon finally got the courage to approach you face to face and start a conversation. He was a shy mess and, honestly, it was the most adorable thing. He would stutter over his words, fiddle with his hands; you couldn’t help but smile sweetly at his shy behaviour. Since that day, the two of you began speaking more, texting each other and hanging out outside of dance practice. You developed a close friendship with Seunghoon- so close in fact, that all your friends were convinced you would end up dating (if you weren’t already).
Seunghoon would find any excuse he could to gift you a cactus, or something cactus related:
“You looked stressed today so I bought you this to cheer you up!” He had said one day, handing you a giant cactus pillow with a cute smiley face.
“Congrats on winning the dance competition!” He gave you a cactus with a small first place ribbon he had found and stuck on it.
“The plant pot is your favourite colour…” he quickly continued when you frowned at him slightly, confused, “And it was the last one in the store. It was gonna be lonely!”
However, your personal favourite was when he confessed to you. As the months went by and your friendship grew, your friends began to tease more - insisting there was something more than friends between the two of you. While you weren’t completely sure how you felt, you couldn’t deny that Seunghoon was incredibly good looking and so sweet and kind and… well the more you listed things in your head the more you realised that perhaps you had a small, insignificant, maybe, kind of crush on your friend. That is to say: you were absolutely head over heels for him and the realisation hit you in the face like a brick.
You had the day off from practice so you were just sitting at home waiting for Seunghoon to come over to hang out. When you heard the doorbell you guessed it would be him and it was- sort of. When you opened the door, you didn’t see anyone. Assuming it was just kids messing around you were about to close the door when it caught your eye. A cactus. You let out a small laugh as you picked it up, looking for the note that always accompanied the plant when you didn’t see Seunghoon around. Sure enough, there it was. Tucked into the side on the plant pot. You took the piece of paper and unfolded it.
“Lee Seunghoon you are so cheesy!” You called loud enough for him to hear, knowing now that he was there somewhere. You laughed at the note, re-reading it as you waited for him to come out from his hiding spot: “Help me put the ‘us’ in cactus?”
He appeared from behind a tree with a smug smile, stating as he walked towards you, “I was going to spell it out with a bunch of little cacti but I didn’t think they would all fit outside your door.” You just laughed at his antics, putting the cactus down on the table just inside the door before going to hug him.
“If that’s a yes then I think you should go and get changed because I’m have a whole day of dates planned out!”
“This is comfy, though?!” You whined, looking down at your lounge shorts and oversize jumper (which actually belonged to Seunghoon, but, hey, he wasn’t complaining).
“You look like you just got out of bed, I’m not being seen with you like that!” He joked, poking your cheek.  You gently hit his arm before agreeing to his terms and running off to change.  When you came back you saw Seunghoon moving your cactus plants around.
“What are you doing?” You frowned.
“Moving them,” He replied simply.
“I can see that, but why?”
“Bad Feng Shui,” he laughed when he saw that you had no idea what he was going on about. “Although they have a nice symbolism- warmth, protection, endurance- cacti can bring negative energies in the wrong place. I’m moving them to the window so they act as a protective energy instead- the spikes ricochet negativity.”
You just kind of stared at him as he spoke, taking in every word. The sentiment was so sweet and unlike anything you’d ever heard; and for the first time you had a real insight into the way Seunghoon sees the world instead of what he wants the world to see of him. In the same moment you realised just how many cacti he’d given you over the last six months: there was at least seven that he’d just moved, then the one he bought you that day, another three in the kitchen and two in your bedroom.
“You might have to change up your gift ideas some time or I’m gonna run out of room to keep all these cacti,” you laughed, heading out of your house after he finished moving the plants.
“We’ll see about that,” he smiled brightly, taking the last cactus plant and placing it next to your door while you locked up. “Come on, there’s something I want to show you.” Seunghoon took your hand and you both began to walk down the street. You had no idea where you were going causing you to get more and more curious the longer you walked. Anytime you would try to ask Seunghoon where he was taking you, he would just shrug it off with a sweet smile and say “you’ll see.”
You walked for about another hour, whining every now and then about not knowing where you were going which earned little laughs from Seunghoon.
“You made me walk this far for a coffee shop?” you asked, staring blankly at the boy beside you.
“Not just any coffee shop. Look around!” Doing as he said, you realised why he had brought you here. There were small round tables dotted around and some booths lining the baby blue walls, a few paintings hung here and there of the seaside, the glass counter filled with an array of foods. The thing that caught your eye the most, however, were the small plants littered around the place. One on every table in different colour pots, some on the front windowsill, cartoon drawings of them around the menu. Cacti. You looked up at Seunghoon with a small frown, waiting for some kind of explanation. “My parents own the place. I helped them decorate it…” he shrugged simply as if that should’ve been easy to figure out. He took your hand and walked you through towards the back. He waved to the woman behind the counter as you walked past, mumbling something to her; you figured that must’ve been his mother.
“Now where are we-”
“Shh” you glared at him slightly while he held his finger to your lips but obliged to the request- wanted to appease your curiosity.
Needless to say, you were stunned at the sight before you. After walking up some stairs, Seunghoon opened the door to reveal a small rooftop garden. Either side of the gravel path in the middle, was a row of different plants. Cacti, bonsai trees, rose bushes, sunflowers; everywhere you looked there was some kind of plant, succulent or flower.
“Woah…” was the only thing you could manage to say.
“Welcome to my garden,” Seunghoon smiled proudly.
“You did all this?” You asked, a little shocked.
Still holding you hand, he walked you down the path to a small covered area at the other end. There was raised decking on the floor, a small step to help you up, fairy lights decorated the four corner posts that held up the make-do ‘roof’. On the decking was a swing bench- the frame made of dark wood with a black material covering the seat. As you both sat down, Seunghoon swinging the bench gently, you noticed the breathtaking view of the city that lay before you.
“It’s beautiful up here!”
“I always come up here when I need to think, or to get away… It’s just so quiet and peaceful.”
“Yeah, it’s really calming…” you said still taking in the view.
After a few moments of silence, passed before Seunghoon spoke again, “you know… you never actually answered my question…” When you frowned, he continued, “I can hardly take you on the rest of this date if we aren’t actually dating.”
His smug smile made you laugh, “I came here didn’t I?”
“Yeah but… you need to actually say it or else it’s not true.”
“Alright fine,” you smiled, “Yes, Lee Seunghoon I will date you.”
“Brilliant,” he grinned, standing up, “now lets go!” You had no idea where you were being pulled off to next but you knew that whatever happened, nothing would ever be boring so long as you were with Seunghoon.
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thealexchen · 6 years
Soo since you had the idea of an age swap au,how about headcanons in that au?
Glad you asked!
16-year-old Daniel: Here
16-year-old Chris:
- This sweet little kid managed to stay smiling two years after his mom died and his dad started abusing alcohol, so I bet even as a teenager he tries his best to stay positive and rational.
- His favorite music genres are a weird mix of indie folk and electronic (Bat for Lashes and Rone) but his favorite artist is Sufjan Stevens.
- He’s best friends with Daniel! And Chris doesn’t get bullied anymore for being bad at sports because Daniel taught him how to throw, catch, etc.
- Continues to draw to honor his mom. He wants to be a counselor for alcoholics and draw superhero comics on the side.
- He’s a really great cook! Daniel loves his omelettes and homemade mac n cheese.
- He’s in every art-related class in high school and draws comics for the school newspaper. 
- In Captain Spirit, Chris mentions that his teacher Mrs. Stroud likes his stories. By high school, he’s had his short stories and personal essays published in several local papers and even national writing magazines. He loves to write about his mom and art the most.
- He volunteers and always seems to work better with kids than teens and adults. It’s easier to talk to kids for him.
- Not exactly “innocent” anymore, but he approaches situations in a slightly idealized way: “Maybe he didn’t mean to do that! Let’s not jump to conclusions!”
- Ridiculously responsible and organized. He never forgets his homework, is an excellent driver, is courteous and polite, and never talks back. His teachers love him, Daniel loves to poke fun at him for it.
- Unfortunately by now he worries and overthinks everything. It usually is up to Daniel to calm his nerves, especially before a party with alcohol involved, but eventually Chris doesn’t even want to go parties anymore and he stays home and draws or listens to music.
- A total gentleman, always holds the door open, pulls out a chair, etc. 
- He’s a straight edge: no alcohol or drugs, ever.
- Absolutely hates swearing and calls Daniel out for even saying “hell.” Daniel never swears, raises his voice, or drinks when he’s around him.
- Christmas is still his favorite holiday, and he’s the best gift giver, always taking extra time to create beautiful hand-drawn gifts for all his friends.
9-year-old Sean:
- Still best friends with Lyla, but instead of them being foul-mouthed jokesters, they like to bike around the neighborhood and annoy their neighbors.
- Is definitely shorter than Lyla and (and always has been) waits impatiently for his epic growth spurt 
- Imagines himself as the leader of a wolf pack, fighting the bad animals of the forest. Daniel and Lyla are allies and Brett is his arch nemesis.
- He doodles in the margins of every single sheet of schoolwork, notebooks, receipts, post-it notes, all over his bedroom walls… with Sharpie…
- Is a major bookworm and probably a budding Potterhead (he’d be in Gryffindor, btw)
- As soon as there’s a the slightest bit of snow on the ground, he uses it as an excuse to convince Esteban to make Champurrado (Mexican hot chocolate) 
- Loves playing Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and Pokemon with Lyla
- In this AU, he’s Daniel’s little brother. As the younger one, he’s quiet, withdrawn, and hangs onto every word Daniel says. He only speaks up to deliver epic one-liners about something stupid Daniel did or said or show off his “beautiful” portraits of him.
- Diligently practices Spanish every day and Esteban jokes that he’s more fluent than Daniel
- Still has the same hair that he does at 16 and wears nothing but jeans and hoodies 
9-year-old Lyla:
- Likes hanging out with the boys because there’s less drama (haha)
- The least picky eater you’ve ever seen. Plus, she loves Mexican food and begs her parents every weekend to let her have dinner at Sean’s house.
- Still, she’s addicted to her mom’s galbi (Korean BBQ dish), mandu (dumplings) and drinks a ridiculous amount of boba/bubble tea. And she has an insane sweet tooth.
- She was the one who made up “the best freaking fighters!” (and they still use it all the way through high school, AU or not): “No Sean, we’re not best friends. We’re the best freaking fighters in the world!”
- Wears her hair in pigtails with bright colorful scrunchies! She’s most often seen in a t-shirt/jeans or overalls, plus Heelys.
- Gets bored ridiculously easily. Her parents tried to teach her to fold and stuff mandu and she lasted for about two minutes before saying, “This is too hard. Goodbye!”
- Her favorite show is Spongebob (and HAWT DAWG MAN)
- Obsessed with Halloween and candy like kid Daniel is in the game
- Likes to draw Pokemon, especially Vulpix and Pachurisu. Her favorite generation is Sinnoh because her first Pokemon game was Diamond
- Once broke her arm trying to skateboard off the roof and she landed in the bushes instead
- In the gifted and talented program in school but she hates it
- All her report card comments are things like “studious, focused, and talented, but she talks too much and likes to talk back to her teachers”
- Got in trouble because 9-year-old Brett made a comment about Sean and two seconds later she had broken his nose and was still kicking him when a teacher had to break it up.
Thank you for asking!!!
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zeldascaos-blog · 6 years
Snakes and Ladders ~ Chapter Two: First Loves
I want to learn how to love, not just feel the feeling. I want to mend this heart, before I quit believing.
The story of FP Jones and Alice Smith was much more than the mere fact that they dated and broke up in their youth. That was only the bottom line.
Did we go there just a little too soon, did we take our love for granted? If I had fought for us just a little bit harder, would anything be different?
Before the summer of 1991, Alice Smith and FP Jones had only known each other from afar. They grew up on the same side of town, they ran with the same crowd, but they weren’t close by now means. On the Southside, there’s a mutual understanding and an undeniable feeling of community. Which meant that kids from that part of town often had similar home-lives, and they all understood that and shared the unspeakable traumas silently.
Of course, they knew of each other. Especially since Fred Andrews and Alice had been friends since junior high and FP was Fred’s best friend. But, before everything and everyone came together, FP and Alice’s interactions consisted of brief, fleeting moments that they both reveled in fondly. They didn’t think that they would ever really be friends. Based on the shameless amount of flirting that they did whenever they found themselves in each other’s presence, they were either destined to be lovers or nothing at all.
Before their story really began, they shared small, seemingly insignificant moments, such as the time that Alice found herself at her locker after school the day before the first bush party of the year. It was being held at a clearing in the forest just out of town that everyone called “Sinners’ Pine,” where partying teenagers had been getting together long before they’d been born. “Alice,” she heard her name called and looked over her shoulder to see Freddie Andrews approaching his own locker, which was only two away from hers, “you’re heading up to Sinners’ tonight, yeah?”
Fred was born on the Northside, but that didn’t stop him from being friends with just about anybody. Alice wasn’t someone that you messed with at Riverdale High, and her blinding beauty would always make her someone that the boys would never say no to, but there were people who could be surprisingly snide about the fact that she was born on the wrong side of the tracks. Fred Andrews was not one of those people.
“Of course.” She said with a grin, shoving a textbook into her locker after deciding that she likely wouldn’t be doing any schoolwork over the weekend. Now, from afar, it may have looked as though Fred Andrews was going to be a possible love interest in Alice Smith’s life, but that was never the case for the two of them. They’d always been friends, they hopefully always would be. But, there had never been any kind of romantic prospects between the two of them.
The boy that suddenly came by and jokingly slammed Fred into his locked on the other hand... he was a different story. As soon as FP Jones appeared and the two best friends began laughing about whatever the hell was so funny to them, Alice was practically forgotten about. She didn’t quite know FP well enough to insert herself into their conversation, but that didn’t mean that she could ignore the fact that she would have loved to. He was probably the most popular guy on campus, football captain, basketball captain, soccer captain, you name it. How he managed to have a different girl on his arm every week was no mystery to her.
But, FP was much more than who he was at school. After classes finished for the day, he’d trade in his letterman jacket for a leather one that made him look all the more ruggedly handsome as he took care of business on the Southside. He came from a family that was worse than most, him and Alice both did, actually. Both of their mothers had walked out on them years ago, his long before hers. That left them, ironically, with respective abusive, alcoholic fathers.
Alice rolled her eyes with a scoff when FP crashed right into her while he was speaking with Fred at his locker in such an obnoxiously boyish way that she actually thought that it was pretty cute. “Excuse me,” she began sarcastically, she’d always been rather outspoken. Her cheekiness had caused endless problems for her time and time again. FP turned around and raised an eyebrow when he saw her, she could practically feel the tension between them the minute he laid eyes on her. That was typical, “you’re not the only person in the world, FP Jones. Watch it.”
Instead of cowering in fear upon hearing her venomous words as most did, he only began to grin at her. He would admit, he’d always been rather impressed by her ability to punch back whenever she felt the need to do so. Or if she was just bored. “Of course not, Alice.” He rested a casual hand above her head as she leaned against her locker and watched his face take on a flirtatious air as he over-dramatically looked her up and down. “How could I possibly have not seen you there?” She couldn’t help but grin as she rolled her eyes and jokingly slapped his shoulder before walking away, provoking a chuckle from FP as she knew damn well that he was watching her walk away. Before she could help herself, Alice glanced back over her shoulder and winked at him. She so enjoyed playing with fire.
Little did she know, that was the start of something bigger than she could have even imagined.
I can’t keep holding on when you’re already gone. Just stay in my arms for a little bit longer.
Later that evening, Alice found herself cruising far too fast down the dirt road with her friends int he seats beside her as they all sipped on their drinks, preparing for the night ahead. They were playing the CD that she’d burned that went all wonky whenever she hit a pothole and loving every minute of it as they cranked the volume up to the maximum level. If there was one thing that Alice Smith absolutely loved, it was making an entrance. Which is precisely why she showed up to the bush party after she knew for damn certain that everyone else was already there.
The beginning of the party was slow, she didn’t remember much of it. She remembered Fred jumping over the fire to impress whichever girl had caught his eye that week, she remembered lighting up a cheap cigarette after Hal Cooper of all people had showed up and tried his hardest to strike up a conversation with her, but that was all that stuck in her mind for the time being.
It was no secret that Hal was interested in her, he was fairly open about it. He just wasn’t her type, not even slightly. But, that only seemed to fuel his fire. Alice had no time for him nor the silver spoon that he was born with in his mouth, and she certainly had no time for the fact that he expected everyone to fall at his feet and listen to every controlling word he said.
Somewhere along the course of the night, perhaps after a few too many cans of liquid courage, Hal had mistakenly picked a fight with FP Jones, who had shut him down so quickly and easily that Hal grabbed his douche-bag friends and left immediately, clearly embarrassed by one of the only people who could make Hal Cooper feel small. That was when Alice and FP’s next brief interlude unfolded before their eyes. FP had noticed her laughing as Hal hung his head and slipped away from the party, attempting to draw as little attention to himself as possible.
Upon hearing her giggles, FP turned her way with a similar grin on his face. “You get a kick out of this, doll?” He teased, and she grimaced at the mocking nickname he’d cast upon her.
Alice shook her head, still grinning. She would never understand how the rich kids like Hal could constantly manage to be so pretentious. “Says who?” She raised a seemingly innocent eyebrow as she teasingly turned her head the other way. She’d been sitting on a slab of wood balancing on two stumps that they’d always used as a makeshift bench, but only just then did she realize that she was suddenly the only one left on the bench as her friends were off God knows where. It wasn’t that big of a space, but the size of the fire made the shadows dance in such a way that it was easy to lose each other to the crowd.
FP raised his own eyebrows and stood taller, coming closer. He was, again, impressed by her quick wit, and she could tell. “Says the look on your face.” Before Alice could even process what was happening, he had sat down beside her, facing towards the fire but turning his head to the left to look in her direction. She had been sitting cross legged, facing where he now sat, but felt uncomfortable turning away or shifting her position now that he suddenly found himself beside her.
“So,” FP began, glancing between her eyes in a way that made her slightly nervous. She didn’t usually get nervous around boys, she’d always been a flirt by nature. Even with him, she was, but something about him made things feel strangely different. Like, for some reason, she didn’t want to screw anything up this time around. Which was ridiculous, because they’d only talked a handful of times before and they were barely friends, let along anything more. She was surprised that he was striking up a conversation at all, surely he had better things to do. “Alice Smith.”
She arched a teasing eyebrow as he overdid the use of her full name. He might have been dangerously handsome, but he was nothing more than a devilish flirt, and Alice really should have known better. “What’s your story?” He leaned back a bit as the wind blew a gust of smoke in their direction. His voice was different than usual, and it caught her off guard. He was not teasing her, he was hardly even flirting, he was just asking a genuine question, as if he really cared about her answer.
Alice cocked her head to the side and searched her eyes for the truth, did he really want to know? “My story?” She questioned.
“Yeah,” he looked away from her for a moment to catch a lighter as it flew at him, tossed by whoever had borrowed it in the first place. But, his eyes found hers again in no time, “you know, your deep dark secrets, your biggest fears, all your hopes and dreams, and all that shit.” Now, he was joking, so she giggled a bit and sat up straighter.
“I don’t think you couldn’t handle it, Forsythe.” She may not have known much about it, but she did know just how much he hated being called by his full name, and he seemed to enjoy her teasing. She would admit, she was shamelessly flirting with him.
“Well, in that case, sweetheart,” he fired back with a nickname, already assuming that Alice would hate it just as much as he hated the one she’d used on him, “you’ve got a lot to learn.”
“Is that a challenge, FP?” She bit her bottom lip as she spoke to him, and immediately hoped that he hadn’t noticed.
“It’s whatever you want it to be, babe.” He looked away from her, staring wistfully at the fire as he stretched out his legs and Alice scoffed, hitting him lightly on the arm to pull them both back to reality. After their briefly flirtatious conversation, she’d fully been expecting him to rise from the bench and go back to his real friends. She was quite certain that she was borderline boring him, and that he surely had plenty of other way that he could get his amusement for the night. But, to his everlasting credit, he didn’t move a muscle.
When I close my eyes, you’re here with me. I’m dancing with your memory.
Then came the summer that changed it all. The summer that Hermione Gomez came into the picture and everything seemingly fell into place. Though it had taken Hermione and Fred mere days to admit their interest in one another, FP and Alice let themselves wallow in their secretly romantic feelings for one another for an entire month. And the irony of it all was, while Hermione and Fred were dating to fall in love - which they inevitably did - Alice and FP were falling in love, all the while never disclosing a single word to each other.
A part of us will always be together, because first loves last forever.
It was important to know that none of the Southside kids came from friendly homes. So, how did they channel all of the pent-up emotions from their tragic home lives? By getting themselves into trouble. The Southside was full of kids, and when they banded together, they could stir up just about anything they wanted to. On the evening of the first of August, a group of them, including Alice Smith who had dragged Fred Andrews and Hermione Gomez with them, found themselves walking the familiar mountain path behind the old mill.
It was near her house, so Alice had spent a lot of time in those woods and on that small mountain, even though it was supposedly fenced off to the public. When whoever owns the property realized that the kids had been jumping the locked fence, they put barbed wire on the top. But, luckily for everyone’s entertainment, Alice could pick just about any lock you could throw at her. There was an old abandoned school in that forest, one that was shut down almost ten years ago already.
When the kids had gotten sick of simply spray-painting the exterior walls, they decided to take it to the next level. All this to say that, on that hot summer evening, Alice Smith and a group of her troublemaker friends broke into the abandoned school. What they weren’t expecting, however, was for the security system to be up and running. Thanks to the size of their small town, the cops showed up within minutes. Alice knew that they wouldn’t let them get away with this, especially since there were security cameras all over the property. But, she also knew that as long as one of them took the heat, the others had a better chance of getting off scathe-free.
So, she told everyone else to run for it. They were used to taking one for the team on the Southside, and tonight, it was her turn. Surprisingly, that was the very first time she’d ridden in the back of a cop car, and thank God she hadn’t been drinking that night or else they may have locked her up for longer than just an evening. She had no idea what her father would do when he found out about it, he was always pretty unpredictable.
My desire for you was without a ceiling and the warmth of your soul was ever so healing.
Alice was offered one phone call. There was someone that she wanted to call, but she wasn’t sure that it was her place to do so. FP and her would always raise questions on everybody’s end. They’d clearly grown extremely important to each other over the summer as they’d become closer friends, and the had always been more than just friends what with how they managed to take flirting to the next level. But, they had never had the talk. Maybe there was nothing to talk about, she really had no idea. They hadn’t even kissed. Not that they hadn’t come close and not that they didn’t want to more than they both cared to admit.
Nonetheless, FP had been working a shift at Pop’s that night, which was why he hadn’t accompanied them into the school in the first place. Alice didn’t want to drag Hermione back into this mess, she probably wouldn’t even know what to do anyways, and she certainly would rather die than call her father, so she dialed Fred’s number. She didn’t plan on anyone paying her bail that night, no one she knew had the money for that, but she did want to update her friends on the situation and make sure that everyone else had gotten away clean.
“Fred,” Alice said, upon hearing him pick up the phone. “I hate to bother you with his, but I’m in a bit of trouble here.”
Fred sighed, “Alice? What happened after we ran, where are you?”
“I kind of got arrested.” She spoke in a smaller voice than she usually projected.
Shaking his head on the other line, Fred should have known that Alice had wound up behind bars. “I’m coming down to the station. I’ll pay your bail, don’t worry, kiddo.”
“No, Fred, don’t.” Alice put a stop to that ludicrous notion before Fred could grab his keys and follow through. “That’s not why I called.”
“You... you don’t want me to bail you out...?” Fred blinked in confusion, but was going to hear her out.
“No, I’m only in for the rest of the night, I’ll be fine. I just wanted to let you know where I was and what happened because the others are probably going to be wondering.” She was glad that Hermione had heeded her warning and ran for the hills when the sirens approached. If that girl acquired even the slightest tarnish to her impeccable record, she likely never would have spoken to Alice again.
“Okay, I’ll let them know.” Fred hesitated, clearly there was something else that he wanted to say. “Alice, why didn’t you call FP? Why me?”
Alice closed her eyes, FP was the last person she wanted to be talking about at the moment. “Because, I can’t bother him with stuff like this, he has his own problems. Besides, I’ve always been closer with you than him.” She threw that in there, just to make it convincing.
“That’s bullshit, Alice, and I can smell it from here.” Fred Andrews was no idiot.
Finally, Alice gave in to his inquiries. “Shut up, it’s embarrassing, okay? I don’t want to be just some careless teenage girl who always needs him to come rescue me. He doesn’t need to know.”
“You know he’ll find out sooner or later.” Fred was right, Riverdale was an insanely small town.
“Well, let’s just hope it’s later, for the sake of my pride.”
Now, Fred’s attention was drawn elsewhere. Somewhere far more serious. “Does your dad know?”
Alice was quiet for a moment, before taking in a shaky breath. “I hope to hell he doesn’t.”
“What are you going to do about him? He’ll find out eventually, Alice.” Fred was one of the few people who knew just how aggressive Alice’s drunken father could get.
“I’ll keep my distance until he calms down about it and it all blows over.” She shrugged her shoulders, there was nothing else she could do.
“How long will that be?”
“Not a clue.”
“Where will you go in the meantime?” Fred was nothing but concerned for his dear old friend, he hated seeing her in such terrible situations all the time.
“I’ll figure it out, Andrews, I always do. Don’t worry about me.” But, he would always worry about her. And the minute that Alice hung up the phone, Fred picked it right back up and dialed a different number. After a few rings, a familiar voice answered.
“FP, hey buddy, I’m not supposed to tell you this, but Alice has gone and gotten herself in a bit of trouble tonight.”
FP cradled the phone in on his shoulder as he untied the apron that he wore. He’d been using the phone at the diner after finishing up a shift at Pop’s. “Is she okay? I mean...” he raised a teasing eyebrow even though there was no one around to notice it, “... that doesn’t surprise me, but it’s not bad trouble, is it?”
Fred grimaced slightly, “Well, she’s fine. She’s in jail, but she’s fine.”
To his surprise, FP began to chuckle. He was rather shocked to hear about Alice’s condition, but he couldn’t say he didn’t find it amusing, nonetheless. “Are you serious?”
“Like a heart attack.” Fred confirmed.
FP continued to laugh, though he was attempting to compose himself. “That’s priceless, holy shit.”
“You think it’s... funny?” Strangely, this was not the reaction that Fred had been expecting from his best friend.
“You don’t?”
“Well, I guess, kind of.” Fred responded, knowing that he was stepping in dangerous territory.
“It’s hilarious.” FP reiterated, “She’s always running around thinking she’s untouchable. She’s finally paying the price.”
“Okay, you’re right, it’s pretty damn funny.” Fred finally understood what FP was saying, “Ironic, actually, considering how many times she’s given you a hard time for getting yourself locked up every now and then.”
“Exactly my point, buddy.” Time for laughter was finally over as FP now wondered just what they were going to do about it. “Has anyone paid her bail, yet?”
“She doesn’t want anyone to. Doesn’t want to trouble any of us, I guess.” Fred told him, and FP wasn’t surprised.
“That’s ridiculous, why is she always like that?”
“Don’t know. One hell of a fragile pride on that one.” Fred spoke the truth.
“I’ll go get her.” Was all that FP said before hanging up the phone and making his way out to his truck.
Not even an hour after Alice’s phone call with Fred Andrews, FP himself came swinging through the door with an amused smirk on his face. Alice stood from her seat and crossed her arms, meeting him at the bars that separated them. “Well, well, well...” FP began, positively loving it. “... Alice Smith. Just what kind of mess did you manage to get yourself into this time?” He grinned with a twinkle in his eyes that always made Alice’s breath hitch.
“Laugh it up, Jones.” She retorted, giving him a challenging look of her own.
“Oh, I plan to.” He was insufferable, and she loved it.
“Is that all you came for? To gloat?”
“Have you no faith in me, sweetheart?” He raised his eyebrows in mock innocence, but Alice truly had no idea what he meant. By the sounds of it, he was offering to break her out of jail, which would have made for a field day down at the Register. Before she could even ask, the sheriff came into the room and unlocked her cell door.
“Alright, Smith. You’re free to go.” He said, as Alice stood there in disbelief.
“What?” At first, she thought that he was making some kind of twisted joke.
The sheriff just held out his arm, gesturing for her to leave the holding cell. “Your boyfriend payed your pail, go home.” Alice raised her eyebrows in shock, FP didn’t have that kind of money, what the hell was he thinking? More importantly, he was not her boyfriend.
She looked to him with wide eyes, but he only winked at her and placed his hand on her back to usher her out of the station as she couldn’t seem to move from where she had been standing. When they got outside, she didn’t even know what to say. “Why would you do that?” She honestly couldn’t figure it out, she would have been fine by herself for the night. Besides, it would really have only been a few more hours.
“Come on,” FP said in teasing disbelief, “you really think I’d let you spend the night behind bars?”
She was still uncertain, it was a pretty significant thing to do for someone who was just a mere friend. Even a close friend at that. “Where did you even get that kind of money, FP?” He could see that she was genuinely concerned, so he turned to face her, no longer teasing.
“I’ve worked eight hours every day this week, Alice. It was nothing.” He tapped her under her chin to settle his point with a smile that made her want to say all the words that were on the tip of her tongue. But, she refrained.
“Where are you sleeping tonight?” She asked, knowing full well that FP was no longer living at home. She asked because she realized that she needed somewhere to go as well. There was no way in hell that she could go home, her father would have inevitably heard about her incident and there was no telling what he would do about it. She needed to give him some time to let it all blow over.
“Is that some kind of invitation, Smith?” Alice smirked at his lighthearted comment that was dripping with innuendo, but she brushed it off.
“Seriously, FP.”
He shrugged, as carefree as he always was. “Probably at the Wyrm.” He’d been spending more and more of his time with the Serpents lately, they’d really stepped up for him when his dad kicked him out.
Alice cleared her throat, unsure of how to ask her next question. “Do you think, I mean, could I like...” She was struggling to get the words out. She really just needed a place to crash, but she didn’t want it to come out in a suggestive manner and she also didn’t want to overstep. “... would it be okay if -
FP seemed to understand what she was getting at because he just chuckled and threw his arm around her shoulders, leading her over to where he’d parked his pickup trick. “Come on.”
If I can’t be the one, I hope you find somebody new that knows you, needs you, lives, and breathes you the way that I still do.
When they got to the bar, Alice had no idea just what she was in for. It was well part midnight, so she knew that only the stragglers would be left and that it would likely just be Hog Eye behind the bar. When her and FP came through the doors, she certainly wasn’t expecting to see her own father sitting at the bar.
He was a regular at the Whyte Wyrm, but he usually went home before midnight. That wasn’t a good sign, that meant that he was twice as drunk as he normally was. Besides, who knew what else he had in his system other than just alcohol. He clearly wasn’t expecting Alice to show up there, because the shock in his eyes was evident until it gave way to fury. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?” He growled, rising from his seat though he had difficulty doing so.
Alice said nothing, still in shock from seeing him there. FP stepped in front of her ever so slightly, her father hadn’t noticed, but she sure did. “First you get your ass thrown in jail, then you show up at the bar in the middle of the goddamn night thinking, what? That this is where you’ll be crashing from now on?” He was slurring his words all over the place, but Alice had gotten pretty good at understanding him over the years even in his most intoxicated of states.
As he staggered closer, he only then seemed to notice FP’s presence. “Oh, I see...” he said, talking down at her like she was nothing more than a piece of garbage. “... you’re here with this guy, with this Jones boy. Is that what you’re doing in your spare time, now?”
Alice understood what he was insinuating, and it infuriated her, but she stayed as calm as she could. Her father pushed FP away from her so that he could look her in the face. “I knew it was only a matter of time before you walked out on me just like your whore mother did.” For some reason, Alice hadn’t seen the slap coming. But, it knocked the wind out of her, and she could already feel a bruise forming. She was seeing stars when her father sneered at her and walked out of the bar.
FP was by her side in seconds, cupping her exhausted face in his hands, his eyes frantically assessing the damage. “You alright?” He asked hurriedly, and the look in his eyes told Alice everything. He’d always been worried that her father had been physically abusive at times, but now that it was confirmed right before his eyes, he was in a pain of his own.
Alice only nodded, she was used to it. That’s not to make it sound like her father hit her all the time, it didn’t actually happen that often. Not nearly as often as FP got hit by his own father’s hand. And, for Alice, it was usually reduced to quick slaps, shoves, and hair pulling. He’d never drawn blood and he’d never knocked her out, and for that reason, she was luckier than most kids living on the Southside. But, it happened often enough for it to stop shaking her to her very core. She didn’t even cry anymore, which was probably why she looked so unfazed to FP.
A part of us will always be together because you’re my first love. Always my first love. And first loves last forever.
When the two of them got down to the basement, where they planned to sleep that night, Alice had shaken it off and was back on her game. As FP shrugged off his leather jacket and threw it onto the back of a nearby chair, Alice went to the back of the room and grabbed two bottles of beer out of the cooler, tossing one in his direction. He caught it without missing a beat, opening it with his teeth - something that he’d always been good at while she had to use the metal of her lighter.
“You sure you’re alright there, Smith?” He asked once more, and Alice wasn’t lying when she responded positively.
“Yeah, now what do you say?” She held up two cue sticks, clearly suggesting that they take advantage of the pool table in the center of the room. “You ready to get your ass kicked, handsome?”
FP shook his head with a grin, always amused by her brashness. “In your dreams, sweetheart.” He swiftly took a stick from her hands and set up the game. They didn’t care that it was two in the morning, they didn’t care that it had been a busy night and that tomorrow would be an equally busy day, they didn’t care about any of it, they never did. The game was over within fifteen minutes, he never showed her any mercy as he won yet again.
They’d been having a good time up until then, that was when they started arguing. It was always about something stupid, something that really shouldn’t have evoked such a big fight. They’d always had trouble saying what they really meant, so they typically ended up dancing around what the real problem was whenever they fought. How the argument started didn’t matter, because it only took a few minutes for their conversation to shift as they started to argue about all the usual things. About how she needed to be more careful about getting into shit, about how she wished he would talk to her more when he was in trouble and just let her be there for him as a friend, about how she was always indulging Hal Cooper’s flirtatious wishes even though she wanted nothing to do with him. Basically, they argued like they were a couple, even though, as far as they both knew, they were nothing more than friends.
Neither could remember the last thing that they said to each other, because it suddenly transformed into something much more than an argument. They were serious, they needed to say the things that they were fighting about, but the tension was rising with every word as they locked eyes with each other and took challenging steps closer. Alice wasn’t expecting it in the slightest and it happened before she could even process the possibility. FP had inhaled sharply, as if he was going to spit out another argument, but instead of doing so, he rolled his eyes and then kissed her.
The way he did so and the milliseconds leading up to it certainly made it seem like he was frustrated with himself and the way that he’d been feeling and had decided to just man up and act on it already. Which was precisely what had happened.
They both felt all the things that they were supposed to feel for the very first time. It wasn’t either of their first kisses, but it was one of the rare sober ones, and it was the first one that didn’t feel forced. It didn’t just feel like two lips meeting, it felt like the moment that they’d been waiting for since God knows when. It was quite literally as if they hadn’t even realized that the world was sitting precariously off-balanced until it finally shifted back into place. It truly was magical, and all they could do was hope that the other felt the same way.
FP’s right hand was on her face while his left hand was around her waist, pulling her closer though he loosened his grip when their lips pulled apart. Alice was genuinely in utter shock, she knew that she had feelings for him, and she knew that he showed interest in her, but she had no idea how passionate it would be when they finally both took the first step towards admitting it. Alice began to smile before her eyes fluttered open and met his - wide and uncertain. She’d always been able to see so much more than he wanted her to see behind those brown eyes. And she was currently looking at someone who was realizing many things in one moment, a person who was asking thousands of questions and waiting for her answers.
They’d never been good at talking, so instead of doing so, Alice kissed him back. This time, it was hungry and quick, like the first kiss had opened a floodgate of possibilities.
If Hog Eye knew that Alice Smith had lost her virginity on the couch in the basement of his bar, he’d probably have her head, but he never found out to this day. She knew that it was supposed to be scary and her friends had told her to expect a wave of nausea, but she didn’t feel any of that. It didn’t feel great, obviously, it hurt like a bitch. But, she can quite honestly say that she’d never felt safer. And that had everything to do with the boy that became her partner in crime.
My love for you is forever.
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As I See It, Yes --Chapter Three
Tag List: @smilexcaptainx, @1-birdie-1, @bubblyanarocks3, @lilo-1398, @broken-pieces, @yessy2012 (sorry if I forgot any of my permanent tags)
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“What do you mean they fired you?” Although Dally’s mouth was filled with french fries and hamburger, he thought the instant I finished my anecdote was the best time to reply. “You’re the best dam employee that dump had.” We sat in the Dairy Queen parking lot, me in the driver’s seat with my knees pulled into my chest, and him stretched out across the passenger seat.
“Karen tried to play the sympathy card,” I said as I took a bite of my junior Hunger Buster. “I said I didn’t want anyone’s damn charity and walked out the door. What a dumbass mistake,” I sighed. “She was going to give me paid leave until I left for school.”
“And you walked out on that?” he asked before sucking down his Coke. I could see in his eyes he was silently chastising me for one of the only moments of brash decision making in my life.
“I’m sick of people looking at me as nothing but a charity case,” I snapped, “and I know I messed up and screwed my brothers over, but...” I couldn’t think of where my sentence was going, and luckily, Dallas filled my silence with shrouded support.
“They’re all a bunch of morons,” he said as I slumped down into the driver seat of my car and folded my arms over my chest. “The world’s full of morons and there’s very few people like you and me who recognize them as morons. All the other’s love them for their ignorant arrogance.” I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips tightly before bringing myself to look over at him in the passenger seat. “I bet you can’t wait to get out of here now, huh?” I shrugged again, still feeling numb and indifferent toward everything that was happening.
“I promised Ponyboy I’d take him to a movie,” I s aid while looking at the clock, desperate to change the subject. It was 12:45 no. I had been sitting with Dallas for over an hour, just talking. I took one last small bite of my burger before handing it to him, which he quickly finished off in less than a minute.
“Yeah, I know you did. Try going home and sleeping all this off,” I flinched as he put his hand on my shoulder while offering a short ‘goodbye.’ I wasn’t ready for Dallas to leave. His company was the only thing keeping me from thinking about everything I’d done and regretting the necessary actions I took to defend myself.
“Nah, let’s just see Sodapop, he’ll cheer my up,” I said earnestly. I drove to the DX and waited for my younger brother to come out and offer to pump gas into the car. Dally got out quickly and went inside to talk to Steve while I stayed outside with the golden headed boy before me. I could see a question itching at his throat, but he wouldn’t ask it. I loved Soda because of that. He’s the type of guy that knows something is going on but always takes into account your feelings. He won’t ever force you into saying how you feel; he lets you come to him.
“It’s nothing to worry about,” I said softly while slinging my arm around his shoulder blades. He nodded but I knew he was starting to get anxious. “Hey,” I cooed to try and cheer him up, “nothing’s wrong, okay? Just a little misunderstanding, that’s all.”
“Between who?” He raised his eyebrow skeptically and my arm slid off his back
“Me and some Socs,” I admitted.
“What’d they do?” he asked while finishing up at the pump and leaning against the car. I tried to think of how to word what happened--I hadn’t even really given Dallas the details about why I’d gotten fired. I was afraid of telling the guys of anything like that, of anything that had to do with someone hurting me in any way. I knew they’d beat the hell out of whoever did anything to me, but they’d also treat me like a fragile, easily damaged porcelain doll. “Austin?” Soda said while lowering his eyes at me.
“Nothing,” I chewed on the word, knowing deep down Soda had already figured out my lie.
“Darry isn’t going to be very happy about this,” he said slowly. I ighed and agreed.
“It’ll be fine. I’ll be fine,” I added. “Come on, let’s go inside. I’ve got a little bit of time to kill before I’m meeting Ponyboy at that movie.” We walked inside, feeling the rush of cols air envelope me the second I opened the door. It was a small, cramped little building that had a little bit of merchandise like candy, cokes, chips, a small variety of fishing bait and some car parts, but on days like these, where the sun bakes everything that lives, the little building was a huge escape.
Steve was sitting down in a folding chair and Dallas was leaning against the wall. He was always doing that. I think he likes to look mysterious and alluring so he always leans up against dingy walls in his dark leather in the heat of summer just to resemble this enigma that needs to be unraveled. Soda sat down next to Steve and I lifted myself onto a counter and let my legs dangle over the edge. For a while, it was silent, with Soda thinking through the worst possible situations i could have been in to cause me to lie to him--probably glossing over what happened and actively shoving it from his mind--with Steve picking at his cuticles and Dallas lighting up a cigarette. I noticed he was standing close to an open window and was blowing smoke streams outside. 
“How’s business?” Dally asked while trying to blow a smoke ring into the wind.
“Slow, but it’s just cause it’s too damn hot for people to come out here,” Steve shrugged. He could be a bit of a jerk to me at times--pretty much just acting like I don’t exist from time to time--but I ignore him. He was a bitter guy and I put that behind me although he gets on my nerves when he treats Ponyboy lousy.
“Shouldn’t you be headed to the movies?” Soda asked as his eyes fell on the clock hanging on the wall over Dallas’s head. I glanced in that direction, catching a quick glimpse of Dally’s dark eyes before turning my attention back to Soda and nodding.
“I’ll see you guys later?” I asked while I twirled my keys around my finger and surveyed their faces as each responded with a ‘yes.’ With that assurance, I rushed out of the DX, got back in my car, and made my way toward the movies where Ponyboy was no doubt walking to or waiting at.
As I anticipated, my youngest brother was early and impatiently tapping his foot, probably wondering if I bailed on him. I felt bad for Pony; ever since Mom and Dad died, he’s felt left out and unwanted. He’d always been especially close with Soda, and at least when Mom and Dad were around and Steve would claim a monopoly on the middle Curtis brother, Pony could turn toward our parents, but now I’m the only one who has enough patience to watch movies with him or just sit in silence as we each read our separate books.
“Did you get the tickets?” I asked while running up to meet him on the sidewalk outside of the theatre doors.
“Yeah, did you want any popcorn or a Coke or something?” he offered.
“I’m fine, bud. What about you? Do you want something?” I asked. “My treat!” He shook his head then looked me in the eyes and called me out, wasting no time in beating around the bush.
“I went to the library today. Where were you? That girl you work with told me you were fired. Is it true? What happened?” The kid spat about a million questions at me all at once and I couldn’t help being overwhelmed with his anxieties about my problems.
“Calm down,” I tried to say as we walked into the movie house and made our way down the hall to the theatre. “Some asshole of a Soc started getting wise with me, so I set him straight,” I said with a small, disappointing smirk on my face. I could tell Ponyboy, like Soda earlier, refused to believe the glimpsed truth I gave him. I was kind of thankful that Dallas was the first person I’d told about what happened. He didn’t pester me with questions regarding my vague explanation and didn’t bother to get details. I knew my brothers were dying to continue peppering me with questions until I cracked and gave them the whole truth, but Dallas was never the kind of person to give two shits about something that didn’t directly affect him...and even then he hardly cared.
“You’re hanging around Dal too much,” Ponyboy whispered as we took our seats and the previews began.
“What makes you say that?” I asked him softly.
“Because that’s a Dally excuse for getting in trouble, not an Austin excuse,” he explained before the theatre lights dimmed even more. As soon as the film began to roll, Ponyboy’s posture perked and his eyes were glued to the screen. I tried to ignore the immature kids tossing popcorn at other people’s heads and the couples that started making out, and turned my attention to the movie as well, carefully taking it in one scene at a time.
All in all, it was a good movie. Ponyboy and I always enjoy a good storyline and I’ve always had a secret affinity for billiards. I know it’s nothing to be proud about, but I’ve gotten into the nasty habit of hustling people out of a hundred bucks or so every other week down at Buck Merrill’s place--like I said, I did a little bit of here and there stuff for a but of extra cash to help my brothers.
Ponyboy and I were walking out of the movie house behind everyone else in the careful cluster of people exiting all at once, careful not to draw attention to ourselves. We made it to the ticket booth before I heard someone calling out my brother’s name. Each of us turned toward the kid inside of the glass, ticket box who offered my brother and me a soft smile. “Your brother told me to give yall this,” he said while slipping a piece of paper through the ticket slot. I caught the boy winking at me as I was turning to read the note over Ponyboy’s shoulder.
Had to pick up the car! I’ll keep her safe. --Sodapop Curtis
          P.S. Austin, I hope you don’t mind, but I told the guy at the booth you’re single.
I rolled my eyes at Soda’s postscript and tried to ignore the chuckle coming from Ponyboy’s lungs as we started on the walk home. My brothers have never been satisfied with my romantic life. If I’m not in a relationship, they question it, saying I’m too much of a catch to not have someone pining after me, but judging by the rare occasions where I’ve been in a relationship, they hate whoever I’m with and do everything in their power to understand “why him?” The gang was no better. About a year ago, a guy came up to me in the hall between classes, asking if I wanted to go to some school dance with him and, to my dismay, Two-Bit had been watching. Before I could open my mouth to respond, Two-Bit had his arm wrapped around my waist and his whole body leaned against me in a successful attempt to make the guy asking me out feel awkward and uncomfortable, inevitably scaring him off by unwarrantedly pretending to be my boyfriend. Who knows what would happen if anyone in the gang suddenly decided they thought of me as anything other than Darry, Soda, and Pony’s sister.
Ponyboy and I had been making our way back to the house, each of us lost in our own thoughts, for almost ten minutes. I was careful to keep my thoughts and emotions locked in my heart and head, for fear of what my youngest brother would say if I were to even question my internal conflicts out loud.
“I wish I looked like Paul Newman,” Ponyboy grumbled as he kicked a stone down the sidewalk, voicing the thoughts he’d been wrestling with since seeing the movie.
“I like how you look, Pony. You’re a real handsome gentleman,” I commented. He shrugged and stifled a smile but I knew he was blushing. Maybe he was Bashful and not Johnny. “You look loads better than Paul Newman,” I said proudly. “All of my brothers do.”
“You have a mighty high opinion of us then,” he stated. “Any girl would die if Paul Newman showed up asking to take her to a movie or something.” I sighed and shrugged.
“Any girl would be lucky if a Curtis showed up on her porch looking to take her to a movie,” I said with a smile. “Besides, I don’t understand the obsession with Paul Newman. Brando, James Dean! Damn I could see losing myself over them, but Paul Newman?” An honest laugh came from Ponyboy’s lips and I smiled, knowing I’d succeeded in cheering him up.
“Shoot, you’re better looking than all of us and you don’t have a fella,” Ponyboy said.
“James Dean was my one and only,” I joked, “until Brando comes for me.” Although I still got a laugh out of him, Ponyboy pestered for a real answer.
“I’m serious,” he sighed, “if you can’t get anyone, why should I think I can?”
“Because, Pony, you’re sweet and kind and a good looking kid. I’m leaving soon so starting something with someone doesn’t make any sense to me. Besides, it’s not like I don’t have any interests,” I said while playfully hitting his arm. He rolled his eyes at me.
“Brando doesn’t count,” he muttered as we kept walking, kicking the rock back and forth between each other for another mile before I bent over and picked it up. I held the rock firmly in my hand, overly aware of the car that was following us. We were almost home. Only a little further to go on Independence before we reached our house, but trouble was already looking for us and didn’t want to wait any longer.
“Are they still following us?” Pony asked quickly. I knew he could sense a change in the way I carried myself, but I didn’t think he had noticed the baby blue mustang that had suspiciously driven past us twice now. I nodded in response.
“Don’t turn around,” I stated. “Keep going this pace and don’t run until we’re where they can’t drive after us.”
“Cut through the alley,” he said while turning quick enough to startle me but not enough to look unnatural. To our dismay, the car was able to follow us down the alley. I heard them park and a hoard of guys rushed after us.
“Run,” I muttered under my breath to my brother. Each of us took off, our feet colliding painfully with the pavement as we tried to get closer to home. With the end of the alley’s cover came sunshine and exposure--publicity. Ponyboy had made it out and I was almost there before I felt someone’s hands fall heavily on my hips and shove me against the side of a building.
“Here she is, fellas!” the voice was too familiar and rage swelled in me again. “The broad from the library.” I looked over to see two Socs standing over my brother with one of their knees driven into his stomach.
“Back off, asshole,” I snapped at him and drove my fist into his jaw hard enough to free myself for a moment, not hardly long enough to reach Ponyboy, but for just enough time to run into the cover of sunlight only to be tackled to the ground by the guy I recognized as Lawrence. I was closer to Pony now. If he and I were to stretch out, our fingers could have touched, but there we were, suffering alone for the other to witness. I wished I had something better than a stupid piece of gravel to defend myself with, but I knew I could make do with what I had.
“Try and run now, bitch!” Lawrence snapped as his open hand came crashing down on the side of my face. I writhed against his hold and was able to shimmy part of myself free, but my nearly overpowering him only lead to another Soc aiding Lawrence in pinning me to the ground.
“Get off of me!” I shrieked.
“Shut her up,” Lawrence instructed the other guy who then pulled a bright red bandana from his back pocket. Shit, I thought to myself while trying to steal a glance at Ponyboy. He was struggling to breathe under the weight of the Soc’s knee and I could see a knife being placed against his neck. SHIT. Quickly, I pulled my knees up to rock Lawrence off my stomach, slammed his head against my shoulder, and kicked him off me for only a matter of seconds. It was in those few seconds that I was able to sit up and hurl the stone in my hand at the small gathering of Socs that loomed over my little brother. As soon as I heard a shout of pain, I gasped. Lawrence had thrown himself back on top of me, this time shoving me across the pavement, scraping my back, shoulders, and elbows, and laying into me in a way that meant only one thing.
“Soda! Darry! Someone help!” I could hear Ponyboy screaming. At that point I could only see one of the four hovered over him. I knew Lawrence was lying on top of me, but I didn’t know where the others were until I felt two hands on each of my ankles and shins, holding me against the ground. Lawrence had gotten a hold of my wrists in one of his hands and held them above my head, shoving my knuckles into the burning asphalt. He was sitting on my stomach, keeping me from breathing in as much as I could, and lowering his lips to my neck and face. I was writhing against his hold, trying anything I could think of to get loose. I kicked and punched until I became so enraged a scream I do not remember leaving my body pierced the neighborhood. I could hear a voice go on for miles...my voice. Nothing was working. I could only overpower so many for so long before exhaustion would set in. I wanted to be stronger, to be able to break his nose or do some sort of significant damage, but I couldn’t. All I could do was swing my elbows and hope for the best, but even then, Lawrence had such a tight grip on my hands and wrists that moving seemed relatively impossible. I was able to momentarily free my right arm and swung a hard fist into the bridge of his nose. Finally, I sighed to myself as I watched blood pool from his nostrils, but having a bloody, possibly broken nose did nothing to slow Lawrence’s pace. If anything, it made him more dedicated to hurting me in the way he had planned.
Lawrence grabbed me again but this time instructed one of the guys holding my legs to hold down my arms instead. His face lowered towards mine again, and I knew this time he wasn’t looking to breath hot threats against my skin. His free hand had traveled along my shirt and was desperately trying to untuck it from my jeans--struggling only because he was sitting on top of it, hindering its release. I turned my head and sealed my eyes shut, not wanting to see his face as I continued to shake and push and kick in every attempt to free myself. The second his lips touched my skin I recoiled into the earth. I could handle the pain from my burning skin and the flesh that was torn away from my body, but the hate filled kisses, the biting against my neck, smearing blood over my body, and the unsettling violation of his fingertips tracing my bare stomach up to my breasts broke me. 
“SODA! DARRY! DALLAS!” I felt another hand strike my face in the same spot someone’s had before.
“No one’s going to hear you, you little bitch!” As soon as he finished his words, a black boot slammed into Lawrence’s side and he rolled off of me, coughing while rushing to get up and retreat to his car.
“Call her a bitch again and see what happens,” someone growled while catching up to Lawrence, slamming his body against the wall, and punching him in the ribs about a million times before throwing him toward the car where the other Socs had scampered off to.
I remained on the pavement, wheezing as I tried to take in as much as possible and correct my appearance in hopes that none of my brothers or our friends could see me in such a vulnerable state.
“Austin!” Ponyboy yelled while running to me, pushing his way past Soda and Darry, who had flocked to him after seeing the Socs run off. I looked up and saw Two-Bit and Dallas walking toward us while Steve was further into the alley after having thrown bricks at the Socs as they drove away. I tried to stand but found myself getting dizzy the second I say up.
“You okay kid?” I asked him as soon as he stumbled up to me. 
“You’re the one covered in blood,” he said, obviously pretending like he hadn’t seen what was about to happen.
“Yeah, but it’s not mine,” I stated. “That’s yours,” I finished while trying to point at his neck while feeling my legs turn to noodles the second I tried to stand. I could feel a pair of arms wrap around my side and saw Two-Bit slinging my arm over his shoulder to help me stand.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly into my ear. “They didn’t... hurt you, did they?” I shook my head ‘no’ but I wasn’t sure which one of his questions I was answering. Either way it felt like a lie.
“You’re elbow is cut up bad,” Steve remarked. I tried to turn my arm to look at it but couldn’t hold it up long enough to see.
“Must have sliced it on that guy’s teeth,” I stated, trying my hardest to keep from stammering.
“Let’s get them in the house,” I heard Darry say, Looking up I only grew angrier, not only at the Socs, but at myself. We were practically in our front lawn when they jumped us. I had known for a while that this town wasn’t safe--hell, growing up with Dally I knew the stupid things teenage boys liked to do--but I wasn’t sure just how far the Socs were willing to go until now. After walking up the porch and falling into the couch beside Two-Bit, I leaned was overly aware of the eyes locked on me and the looks of pity that came with them. Darry was on a hunt for bandages and Soda was busy coaxing Ponyboy down from near tears while Johnny sat beside them, trying to hide his own fear from when he was jumped about a month ago; Steve sat across from Soda and Pony, keeping an eye on the door in case the car decided to come back for us, and Dallas stormed through the house trying to help Darry search for our first aid kit--a couple band-aids, a safety pin, needle, cigarette lighter, antiseptic, and a makeshift bite-guard incase the pain from stitching up your own wounds got to be too much--and a washcloth. I could hear Dally cursing up and down the halls, and working up a real fury about Socs in general and specifics.
“Ole Dal’s pissed for sure,” Johnny said. “I ain’t ever seen him so gosh darn mad.”
“Well, that’s cause ain’t no one ever messed with Austin before. It’s always one of us. He did put one of the Socs that got you in the hospital though,” Two-Bit commented.
 “He ‘bout near bashed that guy’s ribs in with a clean sweep of the boot,” Johnny exclaimed.
“He broke the kid’s ribs for sure,” Two-Bit commented. 
“I’m glad he doesn’t know the kids by name though. He’d do a whole lot more than break a few ribs given what they were trying to--”
“Steve,” Soda hissed. I averted my eyes from my brother chastising his friend for almost saying exactly what was about to happen.
“Is reality too real for you, Soda?” I asked in an all to harsh tone. As soon as the words left my mouth I bit my lip and apologized. His face had dropped and his eyes began to gleam with guilt and sorrow and I knew he was more sensitive than Ponyboy, they were both more sensitive than I was for that matter. After my apology, I turned away from the group and retreated in my room. Not wanting to deal with the humiliation and not wanting to be treated like a piece of porcelain.
I didn’t want to crawl into my bed with blood and dirt all over me, so I dropped to the floor and leaned against the wall. I supposed fighting for my life caused enough of an adrenaline spike to keep me from feeling the pain in my back caused by road-rash. I was quick to peel my back from the wall and chewed my lip once more, refusing to cry. I didn’t want to distract myself with a book. I wanted to disappear, and for once I didn’t want to temporarily disappear into another world. I wanted to fall off the edge of the earth and never be heard from again, but I had too many people counting on me, too many responsibilities and promises to do that, and so I sat and bit my lip, and held it all in until there was a knock at my door.
“You okay?” Darry asked as he leaned against the small desk in the front of my bedroom. Those two words contained so much care and concern and yet I was so mad at him for asking. Does it look like I’m okay? Do you think being jumped on, dehumanized, and blatantly used as nothing more than a piece of flesh--in front of my little brother--something I’d come away from as being just peachy? How thick do you have to be to see I’m living a personal hell? I wanted to say those things, but remembering how I hurt Soda made me realize that, like me, my brothers have no idea on how to handle a situation like this. They don’t know what to ask, they don’t know what to say. They’re doing the best they can.
“I’m fine,” I said apathetically. I knew holding onto everything would drive me to an early grave, but it would save them in the long run, right? “How was work?” I tried to shake off the awkwardness, tried to keep Darry from seeing my weaknesses.
“Austin,” he murmured, “Cut it out.” The color in his cheeks was flushed with guilt and fear of what would have happened if the gang had showed up too late. “How did this happen?”
“The same way it always happens with us, same as Johnny. We were minding our own business, walking home, and they saw a teenage kid and a defenseless looking girl and attacked. What else could it have been?” I asked while holding my arms close to my body. Darry shook his head disapprovingly.
“You and I both know Johnny is much quieter than you, Austin. What really happened?” he stated while narrowing his brow at me.
“A couple of Socs were giving her a hard time at work. She let ‘em have a piece of her mind and they found her later and jumped her.” I looked past Darry, who had spun to see who was talking although we both knew it was Dally. He dind’t have his same matter-of-fact tone that resonated with everything Dallas Winston said. Instead, he seemed to posses a distinctive hatred toward the Socs, one I had never been keenly aware of. I knew Dallas hated Socs, mostly ebcause of what they did to Johnny, partly because of their easy-going, care free lives, but this was a new rendition of hatred. “Don’t worry about it Darry, she’s got it all under control,” Dallas tried to say, but Darry’s heart rate was rising. I could see the veins in his temples pulsing quicker and quicker as the seconds passed.
“Under control? Does this look like she’s got it under control?!” I tried not to pay attention to my older brother drilling into Dallas but I couldn’t look away. Here were the two people who knew me in many different ways than the other did, going at one another over me. “I know you know what could have happened! What they would have done to her!”
“I do!” Dallas snapped, “but you know no one in the gang would let that happen!” I could feel my jaw clench as I sat on the floor, trying to ignore the beating around the bush that both Dallas and Darry were doing.
“What if we aren’t there to help her next time?” Darry asked, his hard eyes driving into Dallas’ icy brown ones.
“Stop,” I demanded. “Darry, you can’t handle any more stress so let’s just put this behind us.”
“Put it behind us?” he gasped while narrowing his eyes at me like Dad used to on the rare occasions he was mad--it seemed like Darry had more of those in the past year than Dad ever did. “Austin, you were--”
“Almost raped? Go on, say it! I’m not a kid, Darrel. I’m only a year and half younger than you! I know shit. I know what could have happened, and I know all of you guys are going to lose your damn minds if you don’t get over it. Just let it go and move on. I’ll be fine and if I’m not, then I’ll talk to someone, okay?” Darry’s soft blue eyes fell on me. I never really yelled at him before, sure when we were kids I’d yell at him for stealing my turn on a toy or pushing me down during flag football, but never in defiance of him. He knew I could be harsh and jaded and he knew I had my own way of dealing with things. I could see the gears click as he finally realized I didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t want to talk about feeling powerless or weak. I didn’t want to think about how far Lawrence would have gotten had Dallas not punted him off of me. I didn’t want to do much of anything, but I didn’t have a choice about that. Darry knew talking about what happened was my choice and so he dropped it. Before he could open his mouth, Two-Bit started howling wildly down the hall while Sodapop’s voice became gravel-like as he struggled for breath. He rolled his eyes at their immaturity and assumed Pony had been feeling better, then ran down the hall without a moment’s hesitation, yelling for Dal to take over with my first aid as he went to break up a wrestling match, no doubt a side effect of becoming a father figure over night.
It took all of five seconds after Darry went down the hall for Dallas to turn to me and lower his eyes. “Cut the bullshit, Austin. If you’re afraid or upset, say it,” Dally demanded while taking up the entire doorway with his tall frame.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Dal,” I stated.
“Would you?” he asked in response.
“Should I?” I pestered him.
“I just figured you didn’t want to say anything in front of Darry,” he said while slumping into my room. I narrowed my gaze at him as he stood closer to me.
“And you think I’d talk to you first?” I asked hesitantly.
“Well, you usually do.” Dallas had put himself on the ground beside me and started to dab the damp washcloth against my back where the ground tore through my already worn out shirt, and the back of my elbow where I was bleeding. The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right. I did go to Dally before telling my brothers about a lot of things. For years I’d found him to be a better confidant than anyone else. He’s cool and collected and can keep his damned mouth shut. Even this morning, I only wanted to get my worries off my chest to him before having to tell my brothers about getting fired.
After the stinging of him cleaning out my scrapes, cuts, and gashes with the antiseptic, he patched up as much as he could and never spoke another word about who the Socs were or what he’d do to them if he ever saw them again, nor did he pester me about whether or not I was okay. “Look, I talked to Johnny and Pony about going to the drive-in to see a movie. You coming?” The invitation came out of nowhere and I nodded, completely caught off guard.
“I guess for a bit,” I said in a soft voice. He nodded as he stood from the floor and offered me a hand. I took it and he hoisted me from the ground before leaning in the doorframe and looking back at me.
“Don’t worry about any more Socs tonight,” he said while looking directly into my eyes, something Dal didn’t do too often with anyone. “They’re dead if they think of touching you again.” Once he finished his words, Dallas jolted his body off the doorframe and wandered toward the living room. I inhaled deeply and then let it out slowly, trying to regain composure before rejoining the gang.
“Hey Dal,” I called out to him before he reached the end of the hall. “I’m okay, really,” I said to him and him alone. I knew what Dallas Winston was capable of and despite how much I hated Lawrence and his friends for the shit they put me through today, no one deserved what Dally could dish out. He nodded his head once and lowered his face closer to mine, closing the four or five inch height gap between us and whispered.
“Sure you are.” There wasn’t an arrogance or an I-told-you-so feeling, just a statement that made me feel...normal. 
I followed Dallas back into the living room and dropped down in front of Soda. I never asked him to rub my shoulders like Darry almost always did, but he always did it anyway. I let my head fall onto my knees and my eyes droop closed. It was nice to just focus on breathing and nothing else , at least for the long moments that my brother’s fingers pushed away the knots under my skin. I focused on the motions of his knuckles and fingers, hearing the dull roar of socializing in the background. Dallas, Johnny, and Ponyboy discussed movie options for tonight. Two-Bit said he would try and come it he wasn’t too drunk by then. Steve was having a conversation with Soda about taking Evie and Sandy out tonight, and Darry was on the phone in the kitchen with the neighbors. Apparently they had watched the attack and wanted to make sure Ponyboy and I were okay. They were much older folks--one used a walker to get around and the other was practically confined to a wheelchair, so I didn’t blame them for not helping. There wasn’t much they could do; in fact, there was nothing they could do that wouldn’t put them in danger.
“The Jefferson’s wanted to make sure you were okay,” Darry said over the noise of the six other voices. “They’re making a lasagna that they wanted me to pick up and bring over tonight,” he added while coming closer and lowering his voice so that the guys wouldn’t hear. I knew he would tell Johnny later. We always shared with Johnny. He had the hardest time finding shelter and food on nights when his parents were fighting. I understand  where Darry is coming from in feeling that he has to help everyone when he gets the chance. I feel that ways too, but sometimes we can hardly provide for ourselves let alone the other four.
It wasn’t too much later that Soda and Steve were off getting ready for their dates, Two-Bit was headed to a party down at Buck’s place, and Darry was lounging in his chair, waiting for me, Pony, Johnny, and Dallas to leave the house already. “You ready to go, Johnny?” Dallas asked the smaller body next to him. Johnny Cade nodded and stood, pulling his denim jacket on and shoving his hands in the pockets.
“Wait, isn’t Two-Bit meeting us?” I asked.
“When he’s good and buzzed,” Pony laughed. He had only drank a couple of times under my supervison. One time we were at a party and he asked if he could try some of his friend’s beer, he ended up hating it, but another time, we invited Two-Bit over to play King’s Cup while Darry was out of town, and we had hard cider instead--which in my experience tastes better. Apparently Curtis’s have a moderately high tolerance for alcohol, so when Two-Bit was rolling on the floor, laughing drunk, Pony and I were just a bit buzzed. Soda is a little more of a lightweight than us when it comes to beers...I guess we all have our weaknesses.
“Be careful,” Darry called after us. I nodded and filed out the door behind the others.
“Darry,” I chirped before closing the door behind me. “You don’t care if I go to Buck’s afterward, do you?” his eyes narrowed at me for what felt like the millionth time today.
“Austin,” he scolded, “you know what you’re doing is dangerous, right?” I nodded. “And that you could get badly hurt?”
“Two-Bit is there right now and I bet he’d want to go back, besides, Buck knows and understands. He’s okay with it and never lets things get out of hand.” Darry frowned a little and folded his muscular arms over his chiseled torso. “We need the money.” The simple statement of truth was all that I needed to say to change his mind.
“Fine,” he said, trying to seem reluctant. I knew he took some pride in teaching me how to hustle in billiards, but he wasn’t too happy with me turning it into a way to make ends meet. I hugged him quickly and then jogged down the street toward the others as they walked toward the drive-in theatre.
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promptlists · 7 years
Trust Issues PT.2 - Jay X Reader / Harry Hook X Reader
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Check out Part 1 here
Words: 3,891
A/N: Part 3 anybody? Just lemme know xx
Drew had prepared for every scenario. He had rehearsed your kidnapping thousands of times in his head, eager to avenge his father’s banishment and refused to let you get away. If tried to run his shadows would chase after you, you tried to scream he’d find away to shut you up for good. He smiled smugly to himself as he dragged you away, kicking and squirming as the “friends from the other side” tugged you across the forest floor.
I have the perfect plan He thought to himself, as you approached what you presumed was a voodoo shack, purple smoke pluming from a thick chimney breast in the centre of the makeshift roof. You squeezed your eyes shut, not even wanting to see the nightmarish reality that you were about to face. You heard him chuckle.
Drew had really prepared for every scenario. But he hadn’t counted on was a pair of sapphire eyes encased in a thick layer of black eyeliner, watching every single step.
 Harry stepped out of the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic tiling of the floor, a puddle of water dripping and collecting in a pool as he grabbed for a towel. He turned off the dial, silver and metallic, until only a few lukewarm drops fell from the shower head, the towel now safely tucked around his waist, his bare chiseled torso exposed. The pirate strutted into his dorm room, whistling a familiar melody as he ran his hand through his damped hair, his limp sodden fringe dripping in front of his eyes. Then, just as he reached for a shirt, he abruptly stopped.
“What the bloody hell?” He whispered under his breath to himself, cocking his head towards his window and charging over to it.
Clearing the condensation the pirate gazed out, stopping for a moment to process what he was seeing.
Y/N. Y/N on the ground. Y/N with Drew towering over her. Y/N being dragged away.
The son of Hook was only speechless for a few seconds, the bewilderment turning immediately to anger.
“Get ye fucking hands off of her ye bloody coward!” he screamed, despite knowing no one would hear him, pounding his fist on the window pane in frustration. He had always hated the Facilier boy, even on the Isle he would sneak around, always on his own scheming about revenge. Even for a VK he took it too far. The dread only really set in when you disappeared completely from view.
“No no no no no no…” Harry hissed in panic, grabbing a shirt and pants as quickly as he could, pulling them over his body as he sprinted out of his bedroom “There’s no way ye going to take her laddy!”
Harry never really bothered with Auradon Kids, he usually looked out for other villains and was never one to play the hero. Yet somehow, despite being Jay’s girlfriend Harry had always felt a connection to you, platonic yes, but a connection all the same. If there was one thing everybody knew about Harry; don’t mess with his friends.
“Shit, I’ve messed up, I’ve messed up big time, I’ve lost her!”
Jay was pacing around his room, Carlos, Mal and Evie sat sheepishly on his bed, looking at each other with desperate looks, neither one of them knowing exactly what to do in this situation. Evie spoke first.
‘Look Jay, I’m sure you’re over exaggerating things are going to be just fine”
Jay glared at Evie as she finished her sentence, running his hand nervously through his long ebony hair.
“No” he said through gritted teeth “Things won’t be just fine.  I’m telling you I fucked up”
“What exactly did you do?” asked Mal reluctantly; her words slow and quiet, trying not to push him over the edge. It was harder than it sounded
The three stared at Jay with curious expression, the son of Jafar shrinking in on himself as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, the wash of anger quickly replaced with guilt and shame.
“I- I don’t want to tell you guys. I’m telling you, it’s not good okay”
“It can’t be that bad” reasoned Carlos, trying to draw the truth out of him “Just tell us what you did”
Mal nodded in agreement and Evie just smiled reassuringly at Jay. He took a deep breath and stared down at the floor.
“I kissed Lonnie”
The room was deadly silent – the others trying to let their brains process what they had just heard.
“I take it all back,” whispered Carlos shaking his head “This is bad, worse than bad. It’s.. it’s…”
“Dick move, Jay, dick move” Mal sighed, shifting her position to sit up slightly.
“And to think I defended you” added Evie disappointedly, her voice saddened “I just – I don’t get wh- Why did you do it?”
Jay looked up at his friends as if he was about to cry.
“I honestly, honestly don’t know. I love her, I love Y/N so freaking much and I, I can’t even try to make excuses. I was all wrapped up and it happened in the heat of the moment and I wish, I wish more than anything I could take it back but I can’t. And the worst part is, she was one of the only people to see more as just Jay from the Isle, more than just the flirt, more than just the villain, more than just the-“
Jay was interrupted.
Swinging his head around the door way, Gil and Uma behind him, Harry Hook flew into the room.
“We need to go! Now!” He yelled, out of breath and clasping at his chest as he spoke. He’d run the entire way.
“What? Why are you in my ro-“
“Ye not listening to me” the pirate growled “We’re running out of time!”
He charged back towards the door, waving his hook in his hand as he panicked more and more.
“I don’t understand” Carlos began.
“You don’t need to” replied Uma, almost sounding bored, “Just follow us, unless you want precious little Y/N to disappear for good”
The core four stopped what they were doing as soon as Uma mentioned you. She didn’t sound exactly thrilled about coming to your aid; Harry clenched his fists and set his jaw, shaking his head at his captain and the others.
“Look do none of ye get it! That’s it I’m going on my own. If ye never see Y/N again don’t come crying to me”
Harry was halfway down the hallway when his words sunk in, the core four leaping from their seats when they heard the mention of their friends name, catching the pirate up and pulling him back.
“What do you mean Y/N? My Y/N? God you mean my Y/N don’t you? What’s going on?” demanded Jay, squaring up to Harry who was glaring at him as though he was the devil incarnate.
“Ye bloody girlfriend has been kidnapped and every second you hold me back is a second she gets further away”
Jay dropped Harry’s arm and took a step back, recoiling as though he had been punched in the stomach.
“He bloody took her into the woods” Harry continued, brushing his clothes down as the VK’s assembled.
Jay didn’t say anything but ran ahead of the pirates, already on the Tourney pitch, staring up at the forest with vengeance and longing. He needed to get to you. And fast.
“Who took her?” Evie asked gently, placing her arm on Harry’s shoulder, who was pacing back and forward, tapping his thigh in frustration with the tip of his hook.
“Facilier” was all he said, but it was enough.
Evie sighed sadly and nodded her head.
“That voodoo freak isn’t going to know what hit him” Mal hissed, storming after Jay with a sense of determination, the others following behind her
 Soon they were all there: Harry, Gil, Uma, Carlos, Evie and Mal, all carrying weapons, preparing to fight for their friend. Harry tossed a sword in Jay’s direction and bumped his shoulder.
“Let’s go get ye girl back”
They’d been in the woods for at least an hour before they saw it, alternating between sprinting and walking, scouring every tree, every inch of foliage for any hint as to wear you would be. Things weren’t looking great, and the group had been going in circles for so long they were starting to feel dizzy, night fall slowly creeping up on them.
“For the last time, we’ve been this way four times. Who put you in charge Shrimpy!” Mal whispered maliciously, glaring daggers at her sworn enemy.
Uma flinched at the nickname, but refused to break her nonchalant composure.
“Oh I’m sorry little miss ‘I’m going to marry a king, abandon my roots and live happily ever after’ I forgot that navigating your way around a dark forest was your specialty”
“Who the hell even invited you here Uma, you don’t even like Y/N” Mal continued.
The sea captain opened her mouth to say something but was cut off.
“I did!” Harry shouted “And I suggest ye try and focus on finding Y/N rather than acting like a spoilt little p-“
“Hey! Leave my friends alone! I’m still struggling to understand why you care so much” snapped Jay coldly, turning on the pirate “It’s not even like Y/N really liked you”
Harry turned to Jay in the moonlight, his eyes ablaze with an angry concoction of spite and hatred. His jaw clenched and his fists tightened around his sword.
“Ye know I’m finding it harder and harder not to find a reason to hook ye Jay” Harry whispered with a quiet madness that was hauntingly chilling “Do ye care to remind us as to why Y/N was out on the pitch in the first place eh? Or would it be easier to ask Lonnie”
“Harry!” Carlos yelled “Too far”
Jay looked as though he was about to lunge at Harry’s throat, tensions rising with every passing second you were away from them
“Can we all just stop screaming at each other for one minute? I don’t know about you guys but I want my best friend back” Evie said, talking to the confused bunch of teenagers surrounding her.
“And how do you propose we do that genius?” Uma spat.
“Um guys” the son of Gaston called out, lagging behind slightly as he caught up to the VK’s. “I think I found a clue”.
It was Gil of all people that noticed your clue. A flash of emerald material you had torn from your dress, snatched on the brambles of a bush, hoping somebody, anybody would recognize it as your own. Bless Gil’s heart, he may not have been the sharpest knife in the draw, but he sure was observant. The boy gave a goofy smile as he handed a muddied swatch of fabric to Jay, before stepping back to join the other two pirates.
Jay rubbed his finger over the material, before stuffing it in his pocket.
“It’s hers isn’t it?” Evie cooed.
Jay nodded.
“Well then” Harry said breaking the silence and regaining his composure “We must be on the right track”
They were.
You had left more fragments of your dress across the wood as you were dragged away, leaving a trail for your friends to find. Soon the unlikely rabble of rescuers approached the mud clad shack where you were being held. The walls of rough sodden planks were haphazardly wonky, allowing brilliant streams of technicolor voodoo potions, to crisscross from the hut like a crazy tic-tac-toe board. Dirt and moss clung to the alcoves of corrugated iron roof that jutted out, bellowing dense violet smoke from its makeshift chimney.
“What the hell?” Mal mouthed, dropping back. Nobody really moved, just stood gazing at the odd building in front of them as if they were in a trance.
“What are you guys waiting for?” Jay yelled “She’s obviously in there”.
The others immediately sprung into action, charging forward, weapons raised above their heads, desperate to get you back.
“Doors locked!” Carlos yelled to Jay.
Harry looked at the son of Jafar and the two nodded at each other. They both stood in front of the group and ran at the door, feet flexed and kicked it down. There was a deafening clatter of broken oak, an orchestra of loose screws as the door fell to the ground. Pale moonlight tricked through the opening of the door frame, lighting the crevices of the hideaway, the door a shattered heap of splinters lying on the damp, dismal floorboards.
The VK’s peered inside, reluctant to enter, confused by the lack of conflict. It was too quiet – an eerie kind of nothing, stretching out for too long, completely and utterly silent. Until suddenly, it wasn’t.
“Oh really guys, don’t you know how to knock”
The voice was snide, arrogant almost and laced with taunting. Drew appeared before the group, his eyes glowing purple, a new obnoxiously large pendant swinging around his neck.
Immediately, Harry ran at him, reaching to grab his throat, jabbing his hook against his chest.
“This is all just one big game to ye isn’t it ye freak. What have ye done to her”
Drew’s eyes widened with alarm momentarily but then settled back to their usual evil glare.
“I’d get your hands off me, if I were you Hook” The voodoo boy laughed, despite the pirate’s face pushed close to his.
“And why would he do that?” asked Jay angrily, standing beside Harry with the others close behind him.
“Because,” Drew laughed coldly “I’m not alone”
 As soon as he said the words, every single light in the shack went out one by one, every brightly colored spark dulled into nothing. A cloud blocked the moonlight, plunging the forest into darkness, the last light source the glowing pendant around Drew’s neck, which promptly dissipated into nothingness
“What’s going on guys?” asked Carlos nervously, his voice wobbling as the group squashed into an anxious huddle.
“Weapons at the ready,” Uma whispered “He can’t hide in the dark forever”
“Turn around” Mal said.
“Everybody turn around, back to back. We don’t know where he is, it’s better to be covered from all angles”
So they did. The group of VK’s formed a tight circle, their backs pressed against each other, swords in their shaky hands. It was becoming un-nerving, standing in the darkness, waiting for something, anything, to happen.
“Stop hiding you coward! Come and get us!” yelled Jay eventually.
There was another eternal silence but it was eventually broken my manic laughter.
“That’s all you had to say Jay. Your wish is my command”
 All the lights turned on at once, the room flooding with a blinding light that caused the VK’s to squint their eyes, throwing their hands in front of their faces instinctively. Slowly they dimmed to a dull flicker, revealing Drew wrapped in an ominous shroud of shadowed figures.
“I think it’s time my little friends made an appearance,”
“EVERYBODY GO!” Harry shouted, just as Drew threw his hands forward in command, launching the shadows in the group’s direction. They had a split second before they reached them, a split second before they were launched into a full on battle, the shadows warping and shifting into vicious opponents, intent on destroying the VK’s.
Carlos was the first that they reached, knocking him to the ground immediately, grabbing his ankles and hurling him across the floor. Gil and Uma latched on to his shoulder, refusing to let go and hauling him back in their direction, slashing at the darkened silhouettes with their swords as Carlos tried to wriggle free from their grasps.
“A LITTLE HELP HERE!” screamed Uma, who signaled towards Mal. The daughter on Maleficent was beside them almost instantly, delivering the final blow with her sword, scattering the shadows and sending them slinking away. Nobody had chance to say a word before more of Drew’s ‘friends’ threw themselves at them, Carlos scooping himself off the floor and joining the other in battle.
Harry swung at two shadows hovering around him, his sword hurling backwards and forwards as he attempted to shake the figures from his ankles. He pierced one of the shadows with his hook, sending it away screaming an ungodly shriek, before slicing the other, the pirate running over to help Jay who was swarmed by a mass of the monsters.
Drew stood smirking in the midst of it, eyes and pendant alternating from chartreuse, to fuchsia, to cobalt then finally settling back upon purple. He sent a steely gaze back into the hut, staring at your limp body in the corner of the shack, tied up and gagged eyes wide with fear. Drew sniggered almost tauntingly at your apparent horror.
In that split moment, Harry met his eye, clocking his pointed stare. He knew for certain he was looking at you.
Evie grunted, glossy blue hair floating behind her as she took a swing at another shadow, ducking as another flew over her head. The group where becoming increasingly overwhelmed, heading back to Jay who beckoned them over.
“New plan,” he whispered to Harry, once the pair where back to back “I’m going for Drew, you cover me”
The pirate nodded. Jay hit a shadow with his fist, the figure latching on to it, only disappearing when Harry slashed at it furiously.
“I know where he’s keeping Y/N. We both head for Drew, I leave ye to finish him off while I’ll grab yer girlfriend. Plan?” Harry whispered back.
Jay’s eyes lit up at the mention of your name but darkened again instantaneously.
“It’s the best we’ve got Hook”
The two broke for the rest of the group, heading for Drew who stood away from the commotion, guarding the entrance to the shack, like a rabid dog. He stared at Jay with disgust, rolling his eyes as the son of Jafar approached him.
“You son of a b-“
“Jay! How lovely of you to introduce yourself, would you care to join precious little Y/N or are you going to shut your mouth”
“Who the hell do ye think ye are Facilier”
“If you’ve hurt my Y/N in any way I swear I will end you Drew.”
Drew laughed, playing with the voodoo necklace around his neck, glaring back at Jay with menace.
“I’d like to see you try”
Drew lunged for Jay, grabbing him by the shoulders and trying to push him to the ground. It was a bad move. Drew was by no means puny, but Jay easily outweighed him by about twenty pounds and soon Drew was on the floor, Jay pinning him down, his hand against his throat.
Harry rushed into the hut, whilst Drew was preoccupied, bounding towards you and cutting the rugged ropes around your hands and feet with his hook. You sighed as soon as the gag was discarded, coughing and spluttering before breaking down into Harry’s arms. He held you in a protective embrace, wrapping one arm around you defensively, the other grasping at his sword shielding you from whatever danger would be thrown at you.
“You guys found me, you actually found me. Oh god where is everybody? Are they okay?”
“Shh Shh Shh, it all going to be fine Y/N, Jay’s sorting it. Just try to calm yer self down”
He rubbed your back soothingly, like you were a small child awakening from a nightmare, only it was far far worse.
“Jay?” You questioned, confused.
“Yes, Jay”
Back outside of the hut, Jay was screaming in Drew’s face, using every ounce of willpower not to beat him into a bloodied pulp.
“GET OFF OF ME!” He yelled, trying to throw the son of Jafar from on top of his chest.
“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?” Jay screamed back.
Drew’s pendant began to glow again, the shadows shifting from their battle with the VK’s to head towards Jay, ready to throw him from their master. Jay clocked on immediately.
“Oh no you don’t!” he hissed, grabbing the voodoo necklace and crushing it between his fingers, tossing the splinters of broken wood back in his face. Drew’s eyes flickered with terror, knowing exactly what would happen next. As if a switch had been flicked all of his shadowed friends vanished, plucked from the scene and transported back to the other side. Evie, Mal, Uma and Gil dropped their weapons, running into the shack, to join you and Harry.
“Not so tough now are you Drew!” Jay bellowed “Without all of your little friends”. He hit him in the face once, cutting his lip and causing his nose to bleed. Drew spat in his face.
“You always have been stupid Jay,” Facilier laughed “Just wait until you’re reunited with your precious little Y/N, you’ll be in for a real treat”
“What?” snapped Jay, unable to understand what Drew was insinuating.
“My friends  can be very persuasive and let’s just say during her visit to the other side we made a few… changes”
A surge of panic shuddered through Jay’s whole body.
“Y/N!” he called out, hitting Drew one more time and knocking him out, jumping to his feet and joining the others.
“My god Y/N!”  He gasped, running towards you “What did he do to you?”
The other parted, leaving him room to wrap you into a tight embrace, nuzzling his head into your hair and sighing. He cried a little, a single tear of neither happiness nor sorrow, squeezing his arms around you without waiting for a response. For a moment, everything was perfect, you were his girl again and everything was back to how it was supposed to be, simple and comforting.
But then that moment ended.
With flat palms you pushed the son of Jafar away from you, slinking away from him as far as you could.
“Who-who are you?” You trembled, panic and alarm gripping your body and making you shake.
“What? Y/N? What do you mean? It’s Jay, it’s me Y/N, it’s okay it’s me Jay” He ran his hands through his long hair and followed you step by step, trying to meet your eye.
“I-I don’t know who you are. Get away from me!”
It was like a punch to the stomach. You hid yourself behind Harry as your boyfriend stood there stunned, the others gasping and trying to contain their concern. Jay went into panic mode.
“Y/N it’s me” he tried desperately “I love you! You love me! I’m your boyfriend Y/N! Come on, you know who I am, you’ve got to!” The last sentence came out more like a question than statement Jay got closer and closer to you, Harry trying to prize you from his own body.
‘That’s not true” you said bluntly, the edge of fear in your voice suddenly gone “This is my boyfriend; Harry. I don’t have a single fucking clue who you are”
The pirate looked at Jay. Jay looked at the pirate.
Things just reached a whole new level of fucked up.
Tags: @the-chick-with-the-best-fandom
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agents-of-virtue · 7 years
Not Herself
..... So... Dark timeline... Yeah. My contribution to it. Enjoy, I think.
Annabelle was a good person. She was. Something about her has... changed. She’s more hostile, she’s not afraid of things that she used to avoid like the plague. Just a few days ago when Jack and Houdini were in the kitchen together, Annabelle walked in and without a care in the world ‘accidentally tripped’ into Jack’s arms, separating him from Houdini. She didn’t even apologize or shrink away when Houdini glared daggers at her.
Zed, being one of the people she is closest to, decided to see if they could find out what was happening. They knocked on the door to her room and waited for her to open the door. However, they heard an unfamiliar voice call out for them to come in. Confused, they slowly opened the door. Annabelle was there on the bed, just sitting there, reading a book. “Hey Anna, are you alright?”
“Oh I’m fine.” She closed the book and quickly hid it away. “Just doing some research. Did you need something?”
“Yeah... We’ve just been worried lately.” Z knew. The second she spoke to them, they knew. Anna rarely ever talks to them and her freely using her voice like this? Something was wrong. “You don’t spend that much time outside in the gardens with Kieran anymore, Rae said that you haven’t been going to practice, and uh... We haven’t had an ASL lesson in a while...” They rubbed the back of their neck nervously. “Look, if you need to talk about anything, I’m a good listener and I always have time to listen to you.”
She looked down, seemingly in thought. As she looked back up she reached out a hand to Z, with no glove on. They hesitantly took her hand and as she closed around their hand, they wished they hadn’t taken it. “That’s great Z, but I don’t need a pathetic ungifted like you around.” Z’s hand went stiff as she squeezed to make sure they couldn’t move. “I’m only friendly with you because it makes me look nicer if I’m kind to the only person that has no real reason to be here.” As soon as she finished, she let go of their hand and made a shoo-ing motion with her hand.
The words hurt. They cut down right to the very core. It was made worse by the fact that not only did she say those words, Z could feel her intentions behind them. They felt the loathing and disdain that she put behind them and they could physically feel the pain the words brought them. Z didn’t even bother to talk to her again before rushing out of the room, tears starting to blur their vision.
They ran down to the medical department, racing down the halls and dodging other agents and officers. Finally burst through the doors they went straight to Aly. Tears were threatening to spill as they spoke. “Aly, something’s wrong with Anna. She-she’s physically fine b-b-but she’s-” Aly cut Z off, not wanting them to cry in front of the other medbay staff.
“I’ll go and check on her. You stay here and calm down.” She gave them a glass of water and let them go into her office to calm down. Once Aly got to Annabelle’s room, she gently knocked on the door. “Anna, sweetheart, are you alright? Can I come in?’ Anna’s head snapped up from the same book she was reading earlier. Aly got a look at it before she shut it and stashed it away. It looked pretty old... Aly wondered if books that old were allowed out of the archives...
Anna spoke up, breaking her from her thoughts. “I’m fine...” She was silent for a few moments, not looking at Aly. “Actually,” Anna stood up, opening her arms, “could I have a hug?” Her grey eyes were sad and how could Aly say no to them?
“Of course, sweetheart! Come here.” Aly took a few steps towards her, extending her arms. Even though Anna was taller than her by a few inches, she still managed to get her to rest her head in the space between her shoulder and neck. She could feel tears starting to hit her neck and immediately began to start to sooth her. “Aw honey, everything is going to be alright. You’re going to be okay.”
Anna sniffled as she nuzzled her cheek against Aly’s neck. “It's just... It's so sad that-that...” She dryly chuckled in her ear and pulled away to look at her, hands moving down to Aly’s arms. “That you couldn't even save that soldier's life! I mean, it's pathetic. You're supposed to be some great healer and you couldn't even do that.” She squeezed her arms in mock reassurance. “But it's alright, his mother would still resent you whether you saved him or not. You would have messed up and amputated a limb or something anyway.” Anna condescendingly patted her shoulder and grabbed the book off of her bed, quickly leaving the room.
Aly stood there in shock. She now understood what Zed was trying to say before she came here. This was not the Annabelle that she knew. Anna was sweet, kind, she would never hurt anybody. What was wrong with her?
Kieran and Seraphim were out in the greenhouse discussing whether or not to make a new plot for some rare herbs found on a mission they just got back from, when they saw Anna trying to sneak into the garden. She was carrying a book with her that looked like it definitely should not have left the archives. The two of them quietly go out to meet her, she looked frightened. As they approached, the two of them could hear voices. One of them sounded like Anna, but the other didn’t. Well, it did but didn’t. It sounded deeper, smoother, more sure.
“Please stop this! I’ll do what you want just stop, please.” Her voice was shaking. It was evident that she was terrified.
The two of them heard her voice shift and saw her body follow suit. She stood tall as this other voice spoke. “And you wonder why we used you the most. You always were a coward, always willing to do whatever will save yourself no matter what it would do to others.” Her head twitched. “You should have known that you couldn’t get away. As long as you’re branded with our mark,” she harshly gripped her left arm, just below the inside of the elbow, drawing blood, “we will always find you.”
Kieran decided to call out to her, concerned. “Anna, sweetheart, are you alright?” He saw the blood slowing streaming from her elbow. Seraphim looked over at him. They knew something was wrong.
Anna quickly turned around, the book clutched to her chest, hiding the title from them. “Oh, I’m-I’m fine. I think I just got scratched up when I got too close to the rose bushes.”  Seraphim’s eyes widened. Anna had never talked in front of her before. Kieran looked just as shocked. Annabelle was very selective with who she used her voice with.
“Come here love, let’s take a look at your arm.” Kieran cautiously held out an arm to her, not sure how she would respond. He saw her back up from him and hesitantly took one more step forward. That was his mistake. Anna took off like a bullet shot from a gun, book in hand. “Damn it!” Kieran and Seraphim took off after her. She raced through the gardens, taking sharp turns to try and throw them off of her, but to no avail. Kieran knew every inch of the gardens like the back of his hand. He broke off from Seraphim, snaking around a few corners until he was in front of Annabelle. She careened into him as he wrapped his arms around her, trying to hold her from running away again. “Anna. Anna, hold still!” As she struggled he could feel a few droplets of her blood land on his skin. He could feel it starting to burn, but he couldn’t let go of her.
Seraphim caught up to them and grabbed onto her arms, trying to gently pull the book out of her hands and put it in her bag. Anna was still struggling as she furrowed her brows and had the book in a steel grip. “Stop touching me, you worthless excuse for a witch! I've seen better work from children messing around in a graveyard!” Seraphim was ignoring her remarks. She kept going on and on about how Seraphim was one of the most pathetic witches she'd ever seen, but none of her words seemed to hit her. Anna shot a hand forward, tightly grabbing Sera’s wrist. “You know, I bet if Merlin actually knew about witchcraft, he would see how pathetic you are. He would see you for the worthless piece of work you truly are.” She can see her words starting to hurt. Anna narrowed her eyes, “Merlin could do so much better than you if he wasn’t so desperate. Jesus loves you, because Merlin doesn’t.”
She finally hit the nerve. Seraphim violently recoiled, ripping off some of Anna’s thin sleeve. Her eyes were drawn to a mark right where her forearm started. Shaking her head to rid herself of the thought, she focused on the black markings. “Kieran grab her arm, right there.” He did so and Anna screamed out in pain. “Squeeze harder Kieran!” She saw something in Anna’s eyes when she screamed... A power struggle?
He pressed his hand down harder, feeling her rough skin against his palm. It was hurting him on the inside, hurting Anna like this. He knew that something was wrong, but was this necessary? His pressure lightened up just a bit, and that was another mistake. Anna moved her arm so that his hand wasn’t over the markings and spat out, her words dripping with venom, “Is this what you did to your family? Did you hurt them like this?”
His grip on her tightened back up. “I never hurt them. Now you watch what you say or I’ll-” She cut him off.
“Or you’ll what? Leave me and Aly like you did them? You could do that. Except, our lives wouldn’t change. You left your wife and child, knowing that they would struggle. You wanted them to die so that maybe, just maybe, you could forget that they ever happened. You thought that without you, they would fall apart and crumble, but guess what? They moved on. She remarried.” Anna leaned her head back, attempting to whisper into his ear, “Just like Aly will when you run away again. You’re nothing but a coward, Kieran Bailey.”
A hand of his rose up and quickly came down, stopping mere inches away from her face. How could he even think of hurting her like that? Not wanting to take any more chances around her, Kieran vanished. Seraphim was alone with a girl, who was definitely not Annabelle. What could possibly go wrong?
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bananashemmo · 7 years
Black Butterflies
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Pairing: Y/N/Tattoo-Artist!Calum
Rating: All
Request: No
Words: 1.700+
Summary: Trying to entertain a four year old can be hard at times when nothing seems to be right. But when Calum comes home and saves the day by drawing butterflies on his daughter just like real tattoos it seems to save the whole day
“No, mom you’re doing it wrong!” 
Your eyes widened in surprise when the red crayon was ripped away from your hands. Stubbornness was close to a middle name when it came to your little four year old. 
“You’re supposed to make circles, not squares!” For her age, she did in fact have strong opinions already, something you assumed she had gotten from her father. 
“But I’m trying my best. It’s just hard to satisfy your wishes, sweety.” You tried to reason with her but it was no excuse. When she was in this mood it was hard to step through. 
The living room was crowded in different kinds of paintings and drawings. There were various kinds of crayons, paint pencils and also erasers. You were having a nice day as the weather outside was nice but still too cold to experience.
The doors to the terrace were open letting in the fresh air and you were enjoying that small bit of sunlight that was spreading out from the white clouds. 
“I want it to be big! Like the ones flying outside of the garden right now!” She expressed excitedly but still with a bit of frustration in her tone.
She hated when you didn’t understand what she was trying to explain. It came with the new vocabulary she was learning every single day. You had good days and sometimes you had bad days. 
“But I think it looks exactly alike.” You explained and looked down at the paper in front of you. 
The drawing was nice according to you. Trying to draw butterflies was something you had done since you were little but they were never really that artsy. You drew the typical ones that everyone seemed to have ease with drawing. 
“No mom yours looks like a poop!” She disagreed and ran towards the terrace door.
“Look,” She exclaimed and pointed outside, “Just like the ones down by the bushes. I want them to look just exactly like those!”
You sighed softly and looked down at the paper. The effort wasn’t enough and you had barely gotten the chance to finish the butterfly before she had grabbed the pen out of your hand and ruined it completely with weird doodles. 
She was running around and making flying motions with her arms. Butterflies were one of her favorite animals so she couldn’t avoid the frustration when you weren’t doing it right.
“Here, let me try again.” You suggested and leaned over to take a piece of paper.
You knew she was moody today it wasn’t a surprise. She hadn’t been sleeping well because of the sudden change of heat. It was messing with her sleeping schedule that’s for sure.
“And I promise it will look better than the last one.” You added and unlocked your phone.
It if looked that horrible you would just try out and find a picture. It could be easier to sketch out something but she clearly didn’t understand that you weren’t much of an artist. 
“Okay.” She replied and seemed to calm down. She took a seat next to you on the carpet and carefully watched you grab a lilac color, wanting to do something simple.
It was with a shaky hand you tried your best to draw one. You knew that it wouldn’t take much to get her frustrated again and you didn’t want to deal with that right now. 
“No mom you’re doing it wrong again! I don’t like that.” 
You had barely gotten the chance to finish the drawing before the paper was ripped out of your hands. She was just as frustrated as before and teared the drawing apart.
“Honey what is making you upset it’s just a drawing?” You sighed and tried to reason with her but it was no use. 
She was stamping her foot and ran around the living room again frustrated. You normally knew how to handle this well but since you also had lack of sleep your temper was starting to boil as well.
You leaned your back against the couch and closed your eyes just for a second. It was hard coming up with activities when she was being like this, maybe she just needed a nap. 
“Hey honey.” 
It was a huge sigh of relief that came from your mouth once the front door opened. The sound of Calum’s voice was sweet music to your eyes and one ticket out of this stubborn situation. 
“Hey you...” You mumbled and leaned your chin on top of the cushion.
The faint sound of keys landing on the top of the counter was one of your favorite things ever. It meant that no matter how horrible the day had been it could only get better from now. 
You looked over your shoulder to see your daughter race right through the living room, her feet padding against the beige carpet. 
A faint hello came from the kitchen, you assumed they had collided. She had this thing where she would be running almost at the speed of light and right into Calum’s knees.
You sat and considered whether to clean this or not. Just being Calum himself seemed to distract her enough to push away everything else and it did in fact look like a big mess in the living room.
Leaning over to grab the pencils and crayons wanting to collect them into a pile Calum stepped inside with her in his arms. 
“Do we have a drawing factory going on?” He asked with wide eyes, seeing how his living room had turned into something from a camp movie. 
Leaning down to place her down to the floor you watched her run around the couch to get to you and fell down onto her bum.
“We tried out a few drawings. Doesn’t seem to be enough activity for her.” You mumbled and caressed some hair from her face that had fallen out from her ponytails. 
“What did you draw?” Calum asked interested and shrugged off his sweatshirt. 
You looked up when he was hovering right above you on the couch, a quick kiss being placed on your lips as a little hello. 
“Nothing good.” She sighed and looked down at the scattered papers. She didn’t have anything good she thought she could show to him and a frown came to his face.
“What about this one?” Calum glanced down at the paper that had been torn in half and grabbed it from the floor.
“Not acceptable.” You shrugged your shoulder and looked up at him. He could tell by your face expression that it had been a rough day and no matter what you did everything seemed to be wrong.
“Honey, what’s wrong with this? Mommy made it beautiful?” He asked but earned just you had gotten, a small groan followed by a groan.
“I don’t like it.” She shook her head, the ponytails wiggling with her. 
You fell back to the couch again with a defeated face but here again Calum seemed to save the day. At first he was trying to understand what was going on and he was being optimistic.
“You want it to be like this one?” He asked and pointed down at his sleeve. It was hard to see because of the many other tattoos surrounding the small thing but if you looked closely the butterfly was there. 
She didn’t say anything but you could tell that was she was thinking. She wanted it to be just exactly like Calum’s if not even better and that was hard to satisfy on paper.
“Come here.” He encouraged softly and she hurried to stand in front of him on the couch. 
She was having a both curious but unconvinced look on her face. You could tell that she was interested, everything Calum did seemed to inspire her. Hell, they even looked more like each other than you did. 
“Sometimes drawings have to be done differently. Sometimes papers aren’t just good enough and you gotta take it to the next level.”
She took a seat next to him on the couch and watched him slowly. He took a pen out from his pants pocket and rolled up the sleeves of her shirt. 
“Calum I don’t think-,”
“Don’t worry.” He gently responded and smiled, “It’s the one I use at the shop, it’s not sensitive to the skin.”
You fell back to the couch again with a small smile. You just had to make sure it wouldn’t be something that would make her skin itchy but so far she seemed to interested she wouldn’t mind.
She watched Calum slowly use his pen on her skin. Sketching out not just one but three different kinds of butterflies. They were also mixed into a few flowers and leaves just to make it look more artistic. 
She had never been this quiet before for such a long time but she was afraid that she would ruin his art work.
It was something you could tell they were both enjoying. Calum did this for living, he loved using his talents on someone’s skin and normally it would be something to have for the rest of their lives. 
You could just imagine already how she most probably didn’t want to go to the showers because she would be afraid that it would wash away.
But that was the good thing. Calum could always redraw it. He could always do something new on her and something different every single day because his talent was endless and never seemed to stop.
He was inspired every single day and especially with the two most amazing girls in his life. 
“Is this somehow satisfying for the princess?” He asked when he was done, watching her brown eyes go wide when she saw the result.
She was completely speechless and it was worth everything. Her face showed all the emotions at once and you folded your hands together happily by the sight of her. 
“Mommy, look! Look!” She excitedly jumped down from the couch and basically attacked you to the floor.
“I’ve got tattoos like daddy!” 
You giggled softly by her reaction and took a look as she requested. She almost knocked her arm into your face but it was alright because the happy smile on her face was worth everything. 
“You sure do. Maybe someday they can turn into something real.” You explained and she looked over at Calum.
“Only if daddy will do it!” She exclaimed and pointed at him with wide eyes.
“I wouldn’t allow anyone else to do it.” Calum winked and leaned back in the couch.
This was his favorite sight coming home to every single day after a long shift at the tattoo salon. 
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