#this thread is really just them being dumb af
punk-in-docs · 2 years
Ok ok ok I cannot stop thinking about the dynamic of Eddie x Pencils when they’re in their new fluffy lovey relationship. Possibly even Eddie being jealous AF cause all his friends just love hanging out with her (maybe a little too much) I just love them together. I can see Eddie being all screechy/shrieky cause he’s not getting one on one time and it’s starting to piss him off! Love those two sm!
🕷 Green is the Colour 🕷
Eddie Munson x Reader
6.6k words
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Summary: EDDIE X PENCILS RIDE AGAIN - listen I’ve been thinking about this ask for two days and I thought what if- what if everyone else loves pencils so much and rudely robs Eddie of her time and the fallout of the kids being all steal ya girl- poor Eddie-
“I swear man, I’m about to start plastering her poster on telephone poles and milk cartons. It’s getting pretty freakin’ dire over here.” Eddie speaks as he presides over the squares of the board splayed before him.
Friday night. Doused under the blooming tulip bulbs of the Hellfire club room. Shadows spot the room where the dramatic lights can’t scrape. Swimming sea blue and fiery Sahara amber.
The candles are lit. Jerky flames flicker their licks of light. Stage set. Atmosphere geared up for the adventure and the conflict that may come. The dice are gathered. Board awaits. Poised for another one of Eddie’s imaginative campaigns.
Some would say sadistic- he would say mildly warped at best.
Folks were still strolling in from end of class. Numbers not assembled to full platoon yet.
Gareth, Jeff, Sinclair, and Matt are the first ones to rock up. Still waiting on his other tardy freshmen. They sit at the table. Drink sodas. Scarf down the snacks Gareth bought cause it was his turn. Cheetos, red vines, pretzels, and Reece’s pieces.
Eddie chucks himself back in his throne. Sits with his heels popped on the table edge. They sit and slowly kill time. He listens to them munch chips loudly, bicker over dumb shit, and somehow, the conversation had turned its attentions onto you-
His pencils. His maiden. The Art to his Garfunkel. Only much, much, hotter.
Gareth chucks Eddie a Reece’s cup. He catches it one handed - but there’s no celebratory fist pump. No jerking smile. He doesn’t scoff it down in three seconds like his usual bottomless-pit style when it came to candy.
He’s subdued. Something irks at him. Like a thread he can’t find the end of. He taps the edge of the table.
“So you haven’t seen your girl in a while then huh?” Jeff asks in reply to Eddie’s statement about milk cartons. A sloped smile on, as he snaps open a Pepsi can.
“Nada.” Eddie answered. “It’s really starting to grind my gears.”
You ate lunch at their table some days. Were welcome to, in fact. Sought after. Your absence is noted on the days you don’t, with curiosity and longing.
You caught a ride with Eddie to school. Mixing with them with no hint of awkwardness, and arguing about which was better, Sabbath or Motörhead.
I’m sorry but Motörhead rules in my book. Have you heard Lemmy play? Like c’mon open those ears kiddos. You know Ozzy wanted originally wanted to call ‘Iron Man?’ Metal bloke. C’mon.
As Eddie walked into school with his arm slung around your shoulders. You were still arguing with Jeff about it. He couldn’t get a word in. Once you start arguing about music you cannot be placated.
Alright, alright then can we at least agree that Twisted Sister is better than Bowie, Jeff tried in vain to argue.
You turn to your boyfriend. Clutching your pearls. Choking on the crazy statement.
Edward the children are delusional. What have you been feeding them? LSD?
He cackled all the way to class.
You got in on their jokes. Poked fun with them at the jocks. Correct their English homework when they get spelling mistakes, cause you happened to walk that class last year and got an A+.
Dustin honey, you spelt transcendence wrong. As you rubbed out his mistake with him with the end of your pencil eraser and filled it in. Told him to put his argument in the first paragraph to give it more punch up top. Science he got, lit essays were hard.
Your girlfriend is a freakin genius, man.
You think I don’t know that? C’mon you think I couldn’t pull the brainiest, hottest chick around? Please? I’m beating off chicks with a stick over here. Comes that devil Munson grin.
You patted his chest. Do I need to put a tongue depressor in your mouth? Are you getting hallucinations again?
C’mon pencils that was one time after a bad trip.
You’re slowly growing into familiarity in the social circles Eddie turns in.
Not like you could be apart for long. You two were inseparable and grossly in love. The making out was frankly, sickening, in its duration, frequency, and volume. Like something strummed right out a carpenter song. Heart throbbing teen love. And oh, it’s clutches were fierce.
That was, when he could lay eyes and hands on you. Which hadn’t happened now for four hellish, crawling days. Time is being waded through treacle for him.
It’s making Eddie fucking itch.
“Maybe I should file a police report.” He jokes. But in all seriousness, it’s actually crossed his funky little mind.
“I think I saw her earlier. She was out in the lot helping that Mayfield kid. Putting stickers on her skateboard or something.” Gareth told him.
“Not you too, red.” Eddie sighs muzzily as he crashes his head back to his seat in despair. Arms flailing out. Pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Does everyone in this school get a bigger slice of her than I do? Oh you know. I’m only her boyfriend for fucks sake.” He whines.
“She is pretty cool though.” Matt piped up. “Even by our admittedly limited standards.”
Eddie side shoots him a acid glare that says ‘yeah, no shit.’
“She busy with schoolwork or what?” Sinclair asks.
Eddie flails his hands. A mock attempt at trying to assuage his lovesick heart.
“I guess. I mean she does looovvve to stick her head in the books that one. Or she’s always sketching away. I know she had a history paper at the start of the week she had to stay home and work on but seriously, I’m dying of vicious neglect over here.” He makes a clawed hand over his heart like it’s gonna slowly squeeze to a stop.
“Yeah, it’s like we’ve gone what? Three lunch times now without seeing you guys noisily attached to each other’s faces.” Sinclair the elder, chuckles.
Eddie lobs a Reece’s piece at his head. “Ow. Hey?”
“That was called for. You know it. Pain is a part of life.” Eddie frowns at him.
“You’re just snippy cause you haven’t sucked face in so long.” Sinclair pointed out.
“I wonder if she remembers what I look like.” Eddie dreamt dazed. Staring at the ceiling so wistfully. Always so dramatic.
“It’s Friday night. I’m sure she’ll be free.” Jeff tries to play the kind and hopeful card.
“She better. Or else I’m not joking about that milk carton idea.” He wags an over accessorised finger in warning.
“Yeah, yeah.” Gareth placates as he chews on a red vine.
The bang of the doors has Eddie’s eyes slamming across. Ready to beat seven shades of shit out the tardy pair. Hellfires club rules were absolute: Eddie was known to take his rules seriously. To the death.
Henderson and Wheeler come careening through the doors. Wary of the lateness of the hour. Incurring the Munson wrath.
“Hey, don’t mind us.” Dustin says as they throw themselves into their usual seats and grab their things.
“Sorry we’re late. Got- held up.” Wheeler explained as he rooted elbow deep in his bag.
“Oo red vines. Gimme.” Dustin screeches. Mike snatches for the Cheetos packet.
“It’s ok man. We were just talking about Eddie and how he hasn’t seen pencils in like, forever. It’s driving him nuts.”
Silence. Thick as soup. You could sip it.
Eddie drags his eyes up and catches the way Wheeler flicks his eyes across to Henderson. Who has suddenly clammed right the hell up. Sat there holding a red vine.
Henderson usually trilled on and on like tweetie pie. Something was definitely up. All was not right in whosville. Boy better not bother with poker. Not with a giveaway face like that.
Those whiskey dark Munson eyes never missed a thing. Dagger tips that scratch into his two young opponents.
Henderson knows they’re being scrutinised. The way that crazy mane of Eddie’s flicks where he tilts his head at the two of them.
He braces his arms suddenly on the throne and sits up to crouch on his heels. Dustin and Mike actually flinch.
Their terrifying rabid DM coming level like a metal perching gargoyle. Really, Hellfire wasn’t Hellfire without Eddie scrambling around or climbing on shit.
“Something to say there, gentlemen?” He pressed. Sawtoothed edge to his voice that grates. Cuts skin. He claps his hands together.
“No. No. Nothing man.” Henderson spits out. His knuckles are white on the edge of the table.
At the same time of Wheeler’s “Nothing. Nothing at all.”
They’re prickling with sweat along the hairline. Hands fidgeting with their back pack straps. Plus, the inevitable fact that Eddie’s dark-cold stares are among the most intense things ever known to man. Arctic frostbite skimmed off a razor cold ocean could cut less.
Through narrowed whiskey eyes. “Have a seat.” He bit out each word.
Dustin tried to make small talk as he unzipped his bag. Got his character sheets. Very loudly excited over the prospect of snacks. Loved everything. Everyone looks good tonight. Everyone’s good. Good, man. Cool.
Wheeler just kept his mouth shut. Eddies eyes burned holes in the both of them like bleach.
“Why so late.” Eddie asks punchily. Creeping accusation hangs heavy on his tone.
“Uhhhhh. We-“
“We, why are we uh, late? Mike do you- recall.”
Eddies white knuckles crack together. His teeth will soon be dust.
“We… ran into Mr Clark. He started chatting about- science and, shit. You know, other stuff.” Mike got out.
Eddies bullshit-o-meter was creeping into the red. Hazards flashing. Alarm bells wailing. The rest of the guys at the table are side eyeing each other with drawn back smiles. Biting lips to stem laughter.
“Name the stuff.” He grins. So wide. Too wide. Scary wide. Calling the bluff.
Mike gulps. Dustin’s mouth gaped and no words came out.
“Man-I-think--I-think-we-should-just-tell-him.” Dustin whispers out the side of his mouth. Turning to Wheeler who was crumbling under the famous Munson poison stroked gaze.
“I feel like a rat.” Wheeler explains.
“Funny. Cause In about five seconds I’m gonna feed you to an entire army of rabid rats unless you spill, and tell me what the shit is going on.”
“We, have an advanced calculus test on Monday.” Dustin piped up.
“And?” Eddie urged snappy.
“And, uh, we needed some help and luckily, you know this really awesome someone, very selflessly offered us some assistance in furthering our education. Which is really nice of them, when-when you think about it” Dustin yammered.
Eddie nodded. Sucking in a deep breath. Eyes darting back and forth on them.
“This someone-“ He started.
“Man I told you he’d be wicked pissed.” Wheeler snuck out the side of his mouth at Henderson.
“Shut-the-hell-up. It was your idea.” Dustin hissed between clenched teeth.
“Describe them to me.” Eddie waved his hand in a curling motion.
“This selfless being who helped you. Describe them.” Eddie’s eyes threaded with steel.
“You heard me.”
They blink owlishly at him. Mouths slack like guppy fish.
“Medium height. Hair. Uh, Eyes.”
“Do they also have feet and teeth, cause that’s not narrowing down any of the general populous for me.” He bitches at them.
“Studies art. Likes all kinds of cool music. Works in the record store. Loves Billy Idol. Bout yay big-“ Wheeler explains. Holding his hand up to roughly your height.
“You probably… know who we’re talking about… now.” Dustin summed up with a closed fist nervously waving in the air. Smoothing his clammy hands down to the table top.
Eddie slumps back to his chair. Rubs his fingers into his temples. A storm of pins starting to thunder at the roof of his skull. Like top pitch Slayer shredding screams in his ears. It’s deafening. Pins and needles plucking in his brain.
“Let me get this straight-“ He announced with the usual Dungeon Master fanfare from his ornate throne. Voice booming in the quiet of the echoing room.
He crosses his arms. Rattle of his chain bracelet. Clack of those rings as he swirls a finger in the air trying to pluck at the right words.
“I couldn’t lay eyes on my own girlfriend for the entirety of my week. I don’t see her at lunch. Or after school. Not a peep. I look everywhere for her today. And I mean everywhere man, and now you’re sitting there, telling me, she was helping you pipsqueaks, finish your calculus paper?”
He leans forwards and stabs his finger into the tabletop. The whole thing quakes. Storm Munson hitting hard. Expect casualties.
Wheeler looks at his shoes. Dustin nods nervously.
“That’s hmm, about uh right. Yeah-“
“You are skating thin thin ice my friends.” Eddie warns.
“Whilst we’re on the subject, I suppose I should mention, I uh, did invite her over to watch band practice tomorrow night. She said she’d bring cookies.” Gareth revealed.
“Awhh neat score man. What kind?” Matt asks.
“White chocolate and raspberry.” He grinned.
“Oh my god.” Jeff giggles in glee. Fist pumping.
Eddies fit to tear his hair out.
Wondering how long he would have to spend in prison for the completely spontaneous and cold-blooded murder of his entire DnD club.
He wonders if he could make it worth it. Or to the border-
“I can’t believe I have to share my girlfriend with all of Hawkins and now I have to try and compete with you morons? Unbelievable.” He mumbled to himself.
“Are we gonna start this campaign or what?” Gareth asks. “As you say, we don’t come here to chit-chat. We’re here to play.” He pushes his hand on the table before him in emphasis.
“You’re lucky I don’t banish you.” Eddie snaps. Eyes crazed.
“Banish me? Wait. Like in real life. Or the game?”
Eddie stares at him for a second too long. Raps knuckles on the table.
“Haven’t decided yet.”
Gareth shrinks in his seat.
“C’mon man take it easy. Nothing wrong with everyone liking her. Surely that’s a compliment right?” Jeff tries to argue.
“Oh yeah. I’m feeling the benefits right here. Hey, if I need any help scheduling a date with my girlfriend anytime soon I’ll just ask one of you bozo’s. She free tonight, how about next Thursday?” He jokes around. All jocular and pissy.
“Nah man, she said she was going home tonight to-“ Dustin began but tapered off when Eddie shot his famous ‘really’ look. Deadly.
“…study for chem lab.” He finished slowly. “But she said to say she’d call you…. After… Hellfire.”
Eddies committing war crimes in his head. Truly.
“I detest you all so much. Let’s start please, before I-“ He clenches his hands and cracks his knuckles. Takes a deep breath.
“So, we start in the wild plains of-“ Eddie explains. Voice slipping into hushed storytelling mode.
“Hey, does she play DND?” Gareth interrupts, with something that definitely looks similar to flirtatious. Big big smirk.
Eddie glares. It’s steeped in all kinds of poison.
He reaches across and flicks over Gareth’s figurine. It clatters to the floor.
“Oops. Look at that. Bad storm.“
The sun dips low over the low slanted street of houses as you walk up the smooth tarmac of Gareth’s drive towards the Garage. The Fall night pricks unkind at your back and churns your breath silver.
Through the trees on the horizon the sky is stroked into layered slices of punchy lilac and petal pink. Black trees loom thick from the woods like prickly pine sentinels.
You’re lugging a tugging heavy bag crooked on one arm, and a whole plate of cookies in the other. Rocky road and raspberry and white chocolate. Teenage boys ate like a ravenous pack of wolves half starved.
You smile as you come to the muffled metal wall of sound thrashing it’s rhythm the other side of that garage. The crash of drums. The bass. The cry of that warlock you recognise so well.
Hands not free, you rap awkwardly on the clanging door with your elbow. You ick when your banging disturbs some rain drips that scatter off the overhang and drips chilly down your collar.
You gaze up as an eruption happens the other side of that door. You smile at hearing the music come crashing resoundingly to a clunky screech and stop. The pitchy whine of the amps and microphones.
Voices blare over the din. You hear the rush of footsteps. Sneakers scraping over the tarmac. You know exactly whose-
The garage door clunks up so fast with a fierce rattle. Rolling from the other side. Showing you in slow degrees, the red drum set. The mic stands. Rust square of carpet. The corroded coffin sign emblazoned proud on the wall.
Cords snaked everywhere. Boxy amps and all those metal posters Gareth tacked around the place. Half of them were from you. You bought him two more today from work that Sal let you snag.
You hear Eddie’s shrieky shouts rattle at the door. “Back off. Hey, hey hey hey, back off. My girlfriend, man. Mine.”
“Hey guys- uhfff“
A gut punch of a sudden attack crashes into you because your boyfriend ducks under the partially open door, and full body tackles you. Like the scurrying menace of a jangly golden retriever that he is. Beloved guitar slung right around his back. He toddles you backwards down the wet driveway.
You hold your arms out either side with the cookies in one, and your bag in the other as he limpets like lichen. He bends his knees and scoops you up off the floor. For a skinny guy he was freakishly strong when he had to be. Your sneaker toes scuff and drag the rain sheened tarmac.
Wiry leather arms enclosing you. But they’re strong too, clutching you to a firm warm chest draped in a black Zeppelin tee. His mouth at your neck. Apple smelling hair tangled in your mouth. Elbow hooked around your head.
You hum a smile. Cause it’s just entirely wrapping you up. Leather and bar soap. Red smoke smacking into you. Eddie. He’s burying you alive in one of his all encompassing hugs that you just burrow yourself into. Warm t shirt body surrounded by the outer colder layers of denim and leather.
You knock your head to rest into his. Whole body fluttering with the giddiness of being near again.
Eddies hooked his arm around your neck like he’s keeping you there, hostage.
Sweat damp bangs and burning off so much manic energy, and a smile splitting his lips. Waterfall spill of curls cupping that face. Making a frame out of those intense espresso dark eyes.
“Missed you.” He rumbles as he rubs his cheek on your hair. Delighting in the smell of you in his nose. Coconut and perfume. You, soft and real under his hands and you’re here- listening to the slow dub-dub of his heart as he holds you closer than was physically possible. If you were any closer you’d be on the other side of him.
“Never would have guessed-“ You smart at him. But you can’t crow too loud. Your stomach is cartwheeling. This boy has you so soft. It had been an interminably miserable week without him. Like being sat in the darkness for a week without your spots of golden sun.
“Missed you too, Munson.” You peck a kiss back on the side of his head. “You gonna put me down anytime soon?”
“Unlikely.” Is his answer. If anything he wraps around you tighter. Squeezes the stuffing out of you like a crushing boa. Like he could crush you up and snort you. Swallow you. Anything- still wouldn’t be close enough.
He does put you down. Mainly so he can cup your face and shove his lips onto yours. Warm hands on your cheeks tugging you to a messy kiss. He presses every ounce of yearning into it. Pours it into you via those pillowy lips.
“Gotta stop that annoying school habit. Y’know. It’s really getting in the way of my quality one-on-one pencils time.” He says with the tip of his nose brushing into yours. Stroking your hair back off your neck.
“Fine. It goes. Tomorrow.” You smirk back.
Tipping in so he can kiss you again. You smooch him all slow. He leans into it. Humming a moan that sends a reactive zing up your spine. You want to grab at his denim back and kiss him some more but your hands are annoyingly full. He sucks on your lower lip and scraped teeth, your breath skips.
“Please for the love of god, keep it PG.” Gareth calls out. Sat at his drums still. Twirling his sticks in hand as the band stands and watches Eddie kiss and kiss, and twirl you around in the cold stained twilight air. How it brushed you both in cloaking purple.
“We don’t need to see that.” Matt piped up. Looking down at his guitar.
“Man, you ruin all my fun.” Eddie grins back at his friends. Slinging his accessorised fingers into your belt loops. Reeling you inside.
“Can you take these before my arms freakin fall off?” You laugh to Eddie.
“For me? Shucks.” He takes the cookie plate off you. Of course he does.
“Don’t scarf them all down to yourself like last time.” Matt pleads.
“Or lick them all.” Jeff adds.
Eddie is already tearing the saran wrap off and shoving a rocky road cookie right into his mouth. The whole thing. Opens his mouth as he chews making his signature demon face. Charming.
Covering his shirt in a waterfall of dark chocolate crumbs. You kindly brush them off him as you step past.
“Sounded good guys. Another Judas Priest cover?” You ask as you come inside and dump your bag down by the ratty old couch off to the far side.
“We’ve almost got enough new covers for a set“
“Next gig at the hideout is in two weeks, right?” You asked. You recall Eddie telling you over the phone.
“Yup. And we wanna have a couple of new songs rehearsed by then.” Jeff says. Nervously trailing his hands over his guitar strap. Shuffling his feet on the squashy carpet.
“Nice one.” You comment. “Can’t go wrong with Judas Priest. Though you know in my opinion you should totally throw a little Blondie in there. Crowd pleaser.”
They all groan in unison.
“You always say that. Or Talking Heads. You’re unnaturally obsessed.”
“Debbie Harry is such a babe though, man.” Gareth sticks his tongue out.
“Really?” You ask as you stand and chew a cookie. “This coming from the boy who has the Kim Wilde poster up in his bedroom.”
“That’s not mine. It was my sisters.”
“Crawled it’s way into your room did it?” Eddie winked at you. Beaming. Leaning against the couch arm.
“I hate you guys.” Gareth decided.
You round back and confiscate the cookie plate off Eddie and hand them round. He snatches off what he can before they’re ripped away. Noisily sucking chocolate off his fingers.
The guys cluster around to get one. About time they stopped for a break and a snack anyhow. He’s all set to pout at you until:
“I also have a Six pack in my bag.”
Eddie’s smile whips back around tenfold. “God, you’re a babe.” He sticks his lips to your temple with a disgusting wet smooch. All lips and spit.
“Awh c’mon.” Gareth opened his arms wide. Disappointed at the lack of the beer being shared around.
“It’s band practice not a kegger.” You pointed out. “Besides I brought Pepsi and spent half an hour of my day making cookies for you guys. I’m not totally evil.”
That was met with a chorus of disgruntled mumbles and grunts.
“Evil pencils.” Eddie whirled in close and hissed naughtily in your ear. His breath on your neck made goosebumps break across your skin.
“I’m sorry. When did you all turn 21? I must have missed the party invites.” You smile at them with your arms crossed. Stroking your hand over Eddie’s arm, as you made sure they all got a cookie.
He made a ‘suck it’ face to his band mates as he cracked open a cold one.
“You’re 18 and Eddie’s 20.” Matt unhelpfully pointed out with a grin.
“Watch your mouth when you talk to your elders.” Eddie pasted his chest to your back as you handed the plate around. A ring clad hand flashes for another one. White chocolate and raspberry was his weakness after all.
“You can’t have all the cookies and a beer. Not fair man.”
“Pencils baked the cookies. Guys. Pencils is my girl. Which means that the cookies are mine too. SO, you only partake if I decide to let you, idiots.”
“So, if she’s hanging out here with us in band time, does that make her our groupie?” Gareth asks cleverly. Waving the cookie in his hand around, gesticulating.
Eddies hand reaches over and lightly flicks the curly hair near where the top of Gareth’s ear should be.
“Hey.” He winced and cupped the side of his head.
“Any more groupie talk and one of those drumsticks is going up your nose, man.” Eddie warns. Gareth did love sticking his neck out
“I’ve got two posters in my bag drummer boy, don’t make me take them back to Sal.” You threaten with a grin. Eddie is making devil eyes at him.
“What’s the score?” Eddie asked you. Hands linked around your waist. Just enjoying the way he could sway bodily into you. Chin nesting on your shoulder. Cold beer within reach. And his guitar. His perfect Saturday night was set. His two favourite chicks.
“Scorpions live tour 85’ and, a Sabbath poster from the 1980 tour Live at Last.”
“Comment rescinded, Mi’lady.” Gareth decides as you chucked him over the shiny rolls of paper.
“I’m keeping you geeks in posters and new tapes here. You should build a monument to me. Fifty feet tall.” You joke as you grab a beer.
You toss the nearly empty cookie plate down on the coffee table and fold your legs up to sit criss-cross on the old orange couch with its sagging cushions and patchwork blanket thrown over the zig-zag floral pattern.
Eddie tips his head back to look across at you. Slumps down the arm to crash next to you. “We will dance around it naked, light a fire, and beat our chests whilst howling at the moon.” He smirks with mischief skated eyes.
You crash your sloshing beer can to his. “There’s the devotion I so crave.” You admire him being close by - at last - brushing the salty sticky bangs off his head with your fingertips.
“The very least I could do. You keep these bozos happy. You keep me in beer and kisses and…” He lowers his voice and sneaks his head closer to your ear to whisper “other much dirtier things.”
You smile. Letting your head fall back to the couch cushions. Eddie’s full out and out beam catching yours. Laying his head down to this saggy couch. Slotted right next to yours.
Heaven really as a place on earth. He’s sat here gazing into your eyes like they’re a new fascinating form of glittery stars.
“It’s been a long week without you, Munson.” You tell him with a note of gladness taking up your whole throat. It was a relentless flurry heartache, of school, work, homework heaps and heaps. Too much. You feel stretched thin and brittle as burnt twine.
“Those little puffy baggies under your eyes are a dead giveaway, pencils.” He thumbs below your eyes, squishing down softly at the bags that seem darker and more black-purple than usual.
“Insane workload this week. Rudely kept me from seeing my favourite metal head.” You said with sulk.
“I can remedy that.” He twists to set his beer down on the floor. Returns with hands free to tuck you close. Hand slipping around the back of your waist. Splaying you to his chest. Plucking a deep inhaling kiss into the nest of your sweetly tropical scented hair.
“M’here now. You’re here. The world is set right again.” He comforts.
You smile and welcome the touch. Hand on his soft stomach. Grounding yourself in the barely soft pudge of his tummy through his shirt. Sat hip-to-hip at last with your menace of a metal head. Breathing in worn leather and smoky reds and it’s like he’s your jagged little rock n’ roll touchstone for normality. You can sink into relaxation now he’s here by your side.
“Apparantly you were really mean to whole of Hellfire yesterday.” You asked with humour traced on your mouth.
“That’s subjective. I can be a fair DM.”
“Mhmm? Apparently you banished Gareth.”
“He was being annoying.”
“You made him cry.”
“Who told you that?” He fidgeted. That meant it was true.
“My little birds and spies.” You mocked in a witches cackle.
“That’s concerning.” He commented.
“Lucas chatted to Red about it. She tells me all the goings on.” You inform him.
“Dammit, red.” He cursed with a silly grin.
“Why were you being mean?” You coaxed out like he was a toddler throwing a tantrum over someone touching his favourite hot red fire truck.
He slung his eyes up to yours. All dewy lashes and bambi. “Because-“ he starts with stroppy inflection. His arm unconsciously squeezed you in closer.
“They’re stealing you off me. If I can’t find you, you’re in the library helping Henderson and Wheeler with their homework. I come to see you at work and you’ve got this gaggle of meddlesome kids I have to bat away to get a look in. I find you at lunch and you’re monopolised drawing npc’s for Hellfire club or band posters for our next gig.”
You can’t help smiling. Oh, Eddie.
“Here, I didn’t even ask you here tonight. Gareth did. You brought cookies for them all and posters for the little shithead. You ask Jeff about his mom and his brothers broken friggin leg, and Matt’s asthma.”
“Is his brothers leg any better?” You check.
Eddie grits his teeth.
“He broke it at the football try outs. He so wanted to make the team. It was very traumatic.” You added openly.
“I just wasn’t counting on having to share you around with the entirety of Hawkins High.” He shakes his head. His hair goes all flicky. Something sad skates across his eyes.
You parse his sullen words through a filter:
One day you might chose them over me. And I wouldn’t blame you if you did.
“Munson?” You say seriously. He sulks but catches your gaze. “What?”
You answer by cupping his chin and lean in to smooch him real slow. The way he likes. He can’t stand half ass cold little pecks on the cheek. What have we been married for forty years- fuckin C’mere I’ll show you a kiss, pencils. Propriety be damned.
Eddies way was always to devour whole. All or nothing.
You hold onto his face even when you pull back. Lips all kiss stung. His eyes are all yummy and dark chocolate heavy. He’s dazed already.
“I don’t mind the babysitting. They’re cool kids. They adore the absolute shit out of you, and I’m glad they don’t despise me. And this goes without saying but I only have one rockstar in my life. That’s always gonna be you, baby. Period.” You tell him. Rubbing your thumb across his jaw.
“Yeah?” He asks all dopey. Puppy grin on his big silly mouth.
“Fuck yeah.” You grin. Eddie kisses you so hard it tips you sideways.
You laugh and it’s mumbled and crushed onto his lips. His sneakered foot flails out and catches his beer. Whips it over. Hoppy bud lite spilling everywhere.
His band mates clamour over the new sight of you both slanted horizontal on the couch. Eddie piling on top of you and some definitely sloppy making out happening.
“Heyyy-“ they all shout. “No dear god, please stop.” Like you’re a couple of dogs they’re trying to stop from humping.
“No no. We don’t have time for you guys to be horizontal right now. We have band practice!”
Eddie ignores them. Selective Munson hearing.
“Come over after this?” He asks with a low tone that you definitely catch onto the very sultry meaning of.
“Unchaperoned? Brazen. I’ll be ruined.” You tease.
“I’ll make the ruination very worth your while.” He picks the back of your hand up and kisses it all soppy and daft.
“Don’t you always.” You smile. Biting your lip. He’s simping hard when he nuzzles into your neck and lays out his arguments. Giving you those huge sad baby cow eyes.
“I’ve got a list of reasons you should accompany me home.”
“What are they, pretty boy?” You ask. Tucking hair behind his ear before it sticks to his lips.
“Number one, You just called me pretty…” He held up as his hand as he ticked off his reasons.
“Number two, you’ve got a really nice butt. Really. It’s like, super cute.”
“Thank you. Number three?”
“Wayne’s missed you. Asking me every damn day when I’m bringing you over again and you know I don’t like to disappoint.”
“Of course.”
“Number four, there is a spider in my room that looks like it might eat me. And I need a witness in case it tries something.”
“I’ll have to consider that.” You negotiated. But truth be told you made your mind up hours ago.
“I might consider it. Even if only for the express reason of spider protection. Not for any other reason whatsoever.”
He nods solemnly. “Mhmm yeah. I’m just trying to be safety monitor you know? Safety in numbers.” He says as he slides his hand up your sweater. Brushing over your stomach. You hold his hand over you.
“I like your thinking.” You tell him. He seals a lush kiss at your lips. Playing around with you.
Eddie parts from you with a sticky smooch. Licking lips. Your fingers tunnelled into the back of his hair. Lost in the sea of wild curly black. “Later, rockstar.” You bite your lip.
He blushed so much at your praise. That’s one other gorgeous thing. The amount of compliments you can pour into this boys ear in whispered praise or dirty filth: he lights up with the giddiness of it every time. Bulb bright. Megawatt.
He scrambled up and off you. “Alright, alright you little shrimps-“ He hissed moans and groans where he hauled himself up, and away, after smacking a wet kiss to your cheek that lingered.
“Where were we huh?” He crowds in and peers at the scribble of their set list. Leaning over to take a look.
You mop up the spilt beer with the too big sleeves of your sweater. Dabbing the floor. Gareth’s mom wouldn’t care for the garage being left smelling like a frat house.
You put the can back into the table. Laughing to yourself as they start to bicker over what song should be next.
Jeff sidles over to you all nervous as you’re knelt on the cold floor. “Can I beg a favour?”
He gets a pretty mangled tape out of his pocket. “Player in the car chewed it up on the way over. I know you have the touch.”
“Indeed I do.” You wipe your beer hands over your jeans and shimmy your fingers and take it off him with a curling grin. Slipping a Bobby pin out your front jeans pocket. “Leave it with me kid.”
You look down at the Corey Hart tape. Hook a brow. “Sunglasses at night, Jeff?”
“It’s my moms.” He offers all jittery. Hands sliding into his pockets. You nod. Carefully handling the shiny tape that needed rewinding.
“That’s what I say to Eddie about the Bryan Ferry and ABC I have shoved under my car seat and if you dare tell him- I will kill you ten different ways.” You grin with narrowed eyes. “Everyone’s allowed a guilty pleasure.”
“Secrets safe with me. You’re awesome.” He lisped bashfully, before joining the rest of his band. Who were now breaking out into a full blown argument now. The air fragrant with it. Thick shouts and interjections layered over each other. Everyone rising over each other to be the loudest.
Eddie is, of course, winning. Shaking his mad head and snatching the red sharpie and scrubbing over Gareth’s writing and almost running the pen over his fingertip on the page.
Stuffing another cookie in his mouth. They’re clamouring louder and louder. He’s spitting crumbs everywhere and now it’s turning into “Ew, gross dude.”
You shake your head and settle on the couch cross legged, sipping back cold beer occasionally, and patiently put Jeff’s poor mangled tape back to rights.
“You’re coming right?” Floats over to you. You break your concentration and look up. Gareth is talking to you.
“To what? You ask. Feeling behind and dumb.
“Our gig at the Hideout. It’s totally your thing.” Gareth flirts.
“Mmm audience of six drunks. I promise to be there and to misbehave.” You say methodically as you focus back on the cassette.
Eddies giving his best Billy Idol attitude glare at Gareth’s head. “Did you just invite my girlfriend to our gig?”
“What? She’d totally be into it.” He defends.
“Nothing wrong with getting some babes in the audience, right?” You shrugged, looking over at Eddie with a snappy wink.
“Exactly.” Gareth answers. A touch too flirty.
Eddie inhaled deep in rage as he snatched his own drumstick off him. “This is going up your nose, now.” He snapped.
Gareth wound around the drum set and Eddie gave chase. You watched them loop the damn thing ten times whilst Eddie shrieked at him and aimed random things at his stupid curly head. Half a cookie. An Iron Maiden cassette tape. Empty Pepsi can.
Symbols clash where they sprint past. Dodging cords underfoot. “Interfering son of a- MY girlfriend. You hear me, MINE, you lil shit.”
You stayed in your corner. Saturday night now apparently in full swing. Shaking your head as you smiled. Boys.
The crickets are creaking and the stars were vivid, winking so bright, when you and Eddie step out the garage door, and into the relentless night air. Thick and cool. So smooth you could sip it like a dirty martini.
It pricks bumps up your arms as he slings his metal clad fingers through yours, and lopes along with you. Band stuff corralled messily into the back of his beaten old van.
He stops when he scans the street. Shoes scuffing the sheet of tarmac.
He flicks his eyes around. You lurch ahead of him. His hand still stuck wrapped in yours.
“Something up?” You ask.
There’s a glint of promiscuity in your eyes. It’s a menacing conspiratorial look. One that you’ve studied and poached off him, no doubt.
“Lack of a certain Capri sat on the curb out here, pencils.” He looks around. Making sure his eyes don’t deceive him.
You grin. “Yeah huh. How strange.”
He comes level to you. Twirls you into his chest. Arms linked around your middle. Those pillowy lips grazing the top of your jaw. Clever Pencils.
“Guess l’ll have to stay over now.” You accept. One hand over his. The other holding your overnight bag you’d assembled hours before.
“Seems that way.” He flirts all grinning, as he waddles you down the drive. Inside he’s fist pumping and yowling at the top of his lungs.
He pitched for you again. Leaning down and shouldering into you. Biting his lip all cheeky as he growls out a sound as he flips you over his shoulder. Carrying you with your legs dangling down at his back.
“I win. Pencils. I win. Suck it kiddos. How you like me now.” He says as he clumsily runs with you down the drive.
“Eddie!” You shrill. He slaps your ass. Makes an Mmmm sound as he does.
“I got your juicy ass now baby. I ain’t sharing anymore.”
Your laughs and shrieks and his cackles echoing in his ears all the way.
May I also just say the feedback from this series is a fever dream cause you’re all SUCH BABES and you’re so nice leaving such lovely comments and interacting. I’m truly so grateful-as ever my thanks must be given to @wayward-rose for listening to me chat all things about Eddie a lot. Luv ya babes.
My taglist for the JQ babes; @ceriseheaven @indouloureux @fujiihime @youaremyfamiliar @captain-tch @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @svenyves @sammararaven @feralgoblinbabe @groupie-love-71 @andromeda-andromeda @starbxcks @morganamoonstone @ramona-thorns @gvtosbith @munsonswhore86 @munsonlov3r @lunatictardis @shenevertricks1831 @hazzaismyreligion @harrys-tittie @anaisweird @cerinthussulpicia @cinnamoncunt @thincrusttheworks @manicpixiedreamcurl @therosietoesy @fanficappreciationblog @thicksexxualtension @tvserie-s-world @sharp-and-swift @dadsbongos @2clones-1kamino @edsforehead @chcolateeyelver @seven-glass-kids @forever-is-not-for-everyone @creme-bruhlee @bkish @wayward-rose @wyverntatty @latenighttalkingwithgrapejuice @churchmuffins @chickpeadumpsterfire @choke-me-levi @prozacandnicotine @xeddiesbattattsx @s-u-t @alyssaaaaa-r
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So, there is this person that tries to get away with this 'i am sorry my muse is rude af' as an excuse for replying to a long paragraph with 3 sentences + plus their characters swearing / insulting 'coolness'. like their character is in front of a stronger being and shit happening and they be like fuck you nee shrugs. I don't know which irks me most : the fact that they responded a long paragraph with barely 5 sentences ( I have seen them writing longer with others ) or that they are deliberately trying to look down on my muse. This just screams : I have no internet in writing with you to me. Then why are you following me honestly? I don't think it is just me but idk fam, when people don't pay attention to detail or their wording when it comes to their replies I feel so bad because to me it means they are not invested in what we have, whereas I am taking hours and writing excitedly for our threads. I kinda feel Really dumb for putting in so much effort and having fun all on my own only to get plain sentences with minimum effort. And then they ask me what's wrong ? Like.. are you serious? Am I wrong to think like this ?
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electricea · 1 year
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@tricksheart sent- ❥ Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you? ( Salty AF Munday Meme - Accepting! )
❥ - Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
I wouldn't say ruined, but Dylan Everett might be one - if you're unfamiliar he was a Canadian actor on a lot of teen shows like Degrassi, Wingin' It, How to Be Indie. Basically, a cute teen actor around the 2010's.
Anyway one character that he played was heavily speculated at the time to be gay or at least bi (In a Google video interview later, he even confirmed they had planned a plot of this nature for the character but scrapped it). The character was meant to showcase a storyline of anxiety, depression, self harm and eventual suicide.
So, I was in a group based on this show the character was in and this was all relatively early so his sexuality was still heavily speculated and it was at least canon that the character suffered from depression - it wasn't uncommon to see muns interpreting him as gay or bi.
So, this one mun decides to write him as gay - which is great, it's an interesting angle on the character. What was not so great was their tendency to have him immediately latch onto and become obsessively infatuated with any guy character who interacted with him or was nice to him - it didn't matter if you just replied to a dash thing or if you wrote the guy as having a boyfriend, he went through so many obsessive crushes.
This also spilled over onto their treatment of any girl characters - again, if he saw a girl character interacting with whoever his crush of the hour (because it really did change that much) was, they would start being really mean and aggressive to the girl. They'd start threads with the girl, initially beginning pleasant enough studying together, but culminating him with violently threatening her or holding a knife to the girl's throat for 'getting in the way'.
All of this culminated in the character becoming generally despised - I've never seen a more hostile dash atmosphere, everyone in the group had nothing but open hostility for them. When a character in the group went through a car accident plot, he said that he'd wished they had died in the accident.
This all wasn't just in character stuff, either. We had a group chat which some of us used. I didn't really utilize it much but they were every bit as combative as they were IC and again, the atmosphere was one of open hostility towards them, nobody liked them, the mods refused to remove them.
I ended up connecting later with someone who used to be in the group - apparently they got into a heated argument with this person over dumb shit, Demi Lovato, and this culminated in them posting their IP address and threatening to come over there and kill them. From what I told this was what finally kicked the mods into action on giving them the boot, but it was too little, too late. The group just wasn't the same anymore, nobody felt safe. I have no idea if people went to the moderators about them before but it never should have reached that point. As moderators or admins, you have a responsibility to create a safe atmosphere for everyone involved and they failed everyone in that group and they failed that girl who was threatened and had her IP address posted. They failed all of us.
To this day, one of my greatest fears is running into that person again - who could so easily change on a dime and become instantly obsessed with any attention at all from any character and could go from being friendly to you, to violently threatening you. I fucking hope that they got some help and even though it's been years, the thought of ever seeing them again honestly still fucking scares me.
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zmediaoutlet · 1 year
happy wincest wednesday, liz!! how does sam feel about their size difference? how does dean? any headcanons? i think we should talk about size difference this week❤️.
Happy wincest wednesday, Vicki!! <3
Well I Wonder If I Have Any Thoughts About Size Difference.
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This is the first post in my 19-page long tag for size differential!kink, lol. Begin as you mean to go on, I guess.
I'll shortly rb a one-two size diff ficlety/hc thing I did in the way back, too, but for now --
So it's so fun to have Dean feel All Kinds of Ways about the size diff, especially since it's fun to take canon as canon and say that he hit his max height of 6' at ~eighteen while Sam was struggling to keep up. But then when Sam finally does hit his real growth spurt(s) and rockets up, Dean's initial betrayal ("I'm older, how the hell are you taller?") turning into lust is of course delish.
I am sooooooo much more interested in Sam's own size diff kink, in particular if it's not just lust for being bigger (because of course he's bigger, than basically anyone he meets) but in specific a) being bigger than Dean specifically, bc of the hot-gut delight that might be possible re: the size reversal noted above; b) a lust born very precisely of Dean's alarmed kink. Which is a subtle distinction but one that I love -- in which Sam is just chill, like 'yeah, so what, I'm big af', but Dean's complicated tangle of emotions about it sets off a kink fire in Sam as a kind of call-response. (I like that all the time with them, tbh, but size is such a dumb gut-level neanderthal kink that it's particularly fun -- this waking realization of, oh, you like me to be able to overpower you? Oh, well then. I very much like making you come so hard your brain leaks out your ear. :)))
There's also a very delicate little turn to articulate in Sam that I really adore and don't feel like I see enough, which is this emotional/lust snarl around the tangled threads of: enjoying being bigger than Dean; enjoying that Dean likes it; but also feeling somewhat alarmed about his own enjoyment (re: previous fears of monsterhood or violence); but ALSO getting bizarrely off on that exact vague guiltiness or alarm. I have a major thing for sex volcano!Sam, so the moment where he'd be holding back and holding back and then erupting forward and using all that EVERYTHING to its fullest advantage is just. Lovely. And so I have written many words on the subject.
Hey -- friends, romans, wincestuous countrymen: what sort of size diff thoughts do you have?
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I was tasked with finding this particular thing... last week. But I did it, here it is, mission complete, filled out, and even added the activity bit in case anyone should find this helpful to use for themselves
Knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Orin is fine. I am like a cat, I can still ignore it.
PRONOUNS: They/them for the sake of ease, because “whatever’s funniest at the time“ makes people understandably nervous.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: The slowest. Not lots. Not for lack of interest, I just have the whole limited creative energy thing and being here is technically my downtime. ...Also trying to be careful about using my hands too much when I'm doing big projects. Guess what I always seem to be doing.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr messages for RP things... when they work. Let's see if Tumblr improved upon them randomly lacking alerts, shall we.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Sephiroth.  …No last name.  Usually. "Jones" is still funny to me, what can I say.  (There is also a Prompto and a Noctis from FFXV, and an additional dangerous urge, but I'm sure it'll pass.)
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: This blog?  Since 2015.  How long have I been writing Sephiroth?  Haaaaaaaa, oh, much… much longer than that. What's time, even.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Every partner’s magnificently unique.  I really enjoy that I can have ten threads of the same basic scenario and ten completely different paths.  There’s fun and heartrending and “what even was that” and many, many verses that just kind of flashed into being with one dumb “What if…” My favorite things are being legitimately surprised by Seph's responses, but there's no way to tell when that'll happen or why.
RP PET PEEVES: Used to be the folks who’d insist that RP "should" be a structured thing that you must make time for and must keep up with and must treat a certain way, but I noticed the RP community mostly decided to remind each other that this is a hobby.  A beloved one, and one I do enjoy making time for when I can, but just… I don’t even treat my work like "a job", I’m sure as hell not gonna treat my limited free time that way.  You guys do you, though.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: Yes.  Generally it’s angst and fluff that rapidly spiral around each other because I am me.  Smut tends to take a lot more effort and energy, and this muse… he gay an emotionally dumb and picky af. I was infamous for smut once, honest.
PLOTS OR MEMES: All of the above and then some.  Sometimes a reply is just a reply, sometimes it… continuously destroys all of us for many months. ...Sometimes it accidentally creates an AU that lasts years and is still going...
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Whatever works for what’s being written.  I’ll either write something I feel is too short or I’ll write several more paragraphs than I intended, there is no middle ground. Be free.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Usually night when it’s quiet… and I have energy… and the mental ability to do it… and feel physically okay enough to try… and–  Yeah, “when I can” is the best answer.  Not as often as I’d like, but it does happen. No, really.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: ...Can I go with the stock answer of we're all a little like the characters we write and leave it at that.
Tagged by: I done stole it. Tagging: Whoever wants to make use of this.
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catelyngrant · 3 months
inbox ask meme:
in you had to rank the seasons of 24 (including the spin-off) from favorite/most enjoyable to least favorite/enjoyable, how would you rank them and why?
Oh, this is fun (and a throwback to my very first TV fandom!). I will caveat this with the fact that the first five seasons are particularly nostalgic for me (we watched as a family each week in the '00s and it was my first real fandom experience as a participant vs. a lurker), and that my opinions of them are pretty dated and very easily could look different if I did a rewatch.
Season One: Nina Myers, baby! It was also (when I watched it for the first time MANY years ago) a really impressive feat of twists and cliffhangers that are now the norm. It's what brought me into this fandom, and while it had some dumb af subplots, they weren't as bad as some others.
Season Three: A mostly-interesting narrative, some absolutely next-level episodes (Chappelle!), and a cast of main characters + recurring that I really loved. Plus, Nina (again).
Seasons Two & Five: Hard to pick. Both had elements and characters that I love, but both also fucked up in big ways. season five in particular was when I really felt like that they were using shock value in thoughtless and unnecessary ways, often at the expense of the characters, but it had Martha Logan and Karen Hayes and god-tier ships. Season Two similarly had some really good threads but really missed the mark in important ways.
Season Seven: After the nonsense that was season six, I remember being pretty surprised at how solid season seven was (largely due to Renee Walker, an incredible addition to the cast). I remember very little else about it, though, except for being excited enough about Tony's resurrection to not care about how ridiculous it was only to then be really frustrated with how that character ended up.
Spinoffs: I've seen them but don't remember them at all, they just go here because they starred Michelle Fairley and Miranda Otto, respectively.
Seasons Six and Eight: lmao they're blocked out entirely, I have no memory except that they aired and really leaned into torturing and killing every female character in gross ways.
Ask Me Anything!
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fruitsofhell · 2 years
I have a Kirby Heardle Thread on Twitter so sometimes I go off about how much I love this series' music, here’s 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 so far (with a lot more added in lol):
     Holy Shit I Fucking Love This Song And Motif. I was gonna say that Inner Struggle is better than Sword of the Surviving Guardian, but that's dumb and inflammatory. I think the two motifs of Vs. Meta Knight and Friend and the Setting Sun represent different things and have their own purposes. The former is underrated AF, but it has a separate use.      The Vs. Meta Knight motif from Super Star is used to represent fights with Meta at his lowest or when blinded by his lust for battle. Like in Revenge of MK when he's challenged you to a lost cause battle on his destroyed, rapidly sinking ship (raw af), and Planet Robobot and Epic Yarn (I love discordant piano ^^) where he's struggling against mind control. All of these carry a weight and desperation for him that is so amazingly conveyed by that theme. It’s tense, its dark, and it’s deadly as Meta’s blade.      Friend and the Setting Sun is his more general theme now, it kinda represents that after Revenge was a sobering moment for him, as encounters with him after are less antagonistic. It has that perfect “dramatically (maybe even regretfully) riding off into the sunset” vibe, which made it perfect as a credits theme then, and great as a reoccurring motif for Meta Knight now. It represents how he’s likely reflected and grown more understanding ever since that fateful defeat.       AAAAND (teehee), it goes with King and the Setting Sun which represents a paralleled moment for Dedede, with more emphasis on the “regretfully” riding off into the sunset. Which is fitting because we’ve seen that while Meta can take defeat badly by going off on rampages, Dedede becomes rather depressed about these things. Friend and the Setting Sun is regretful but steadfast, and King and the Setting Sun is regretful and just downright defeated.
     All this to say, there are two battle themes for Meta Knight: Vs. Meta/Inner Struggle for when he's at his worst and deadliest, and Setting Sun for when he's being a friendly rival and continuing a character arc he shares in common with Dedede. Sword of the Surviving Guardian uses the right motif, and it owns, and I respect it. Plus I love the intro, its very jazzy and expressive! The whole song has a great feel of a friendly but still serious battle between two great warriors who have grown and changed for the better a lot since they first met.      Star Allies, unfortunately, uses the wrong motif in Friends and the Sound of Intersecting Swords, and it makes me sad. Being horribly possessed by his "wild streak" should land us some Vs. Meta Knight, but instead we have the Setting Sun motif, and I do legit feel it detracts from the potential drama of the fight. (But he is like the 3rd boss out of like,, 13?? so oh well).      KF2 got my back tho! The fucking Sworn Partners final battle music mixes like every Meta and Dedede motif! INCLUDING SO MANY TASTY ONES FROM REVENGE OF MK THAT DONT GET USED AND AUGDGSYG ITS SO GOOD!!! When they use the Revenge of MK trill right before you fight them??? I am in the stratosphere!      KF2 OST is legendary for all the love they gave Meta Knight and Dedede’s motifs. Using the Halberd and Vs. MK themes in the final battle with Dedede’s, and the Setting Sun motifs together for the credits is a really good example of the way they use them for different aspects of these characters!
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thesaltminesrph · 3 years
PSA: Be Upfront
Communication is important in RP.
Now, to preface, I am not going to use the really awful phrase "it's a hobby not a jobby" because this is a really sketch take on what is important to people. You can have a hobby mean a lot to you, be you a collector, a gardener, someone that builds model airplanes, a writer, an artist, etc. Those are all hobbies, and the fruits of your labor are NOT only valuable to you and others if you are paid for them. This saying implies that should you never be a published author, never have a painting sell, never do something that can be sold or have a time clock punched, it doesn’t at all matter. It’s a really discouraging thing to be telling people, quite honestly. I have multiple hobbies outside of RP. Kind of really sucks to see constantly they don’t matter because nobody pays me for what I do. I know I’m not the only one who has said this, but the majority aren’t willing to say it amongst the clamoring of ‘rp isn’t a job’ because then you get people jumping down your throat. Hear me out though! I’m not done.
Yes! So do we all! We all have problems, and things to take care of. The RPC is littered with people with mental illness, neurodivergence, chronic physical illness (I hit all three categories multiple times, LUCKY ME!). Do not, I repeat, do not ever feel like you need to put RP before: bills, marriage/children/other relationships, your health. Literally, do not have your takeaway from this post be these are secondary to your hobby. They are not. Do not get evicted because you were too busy doing RP at your desk at work, that’s just plain dumb af.
You owe people decency means:
-if you can only do aesthetic posts this week because you are low on writing spoons, that’s fine
-if you had work/health/mother-in-law take over you life this week and you literally didn’t have time to log-in even though you wanted to, that’s fine
-if you are sick in bed and can’t bother to write, that’s fine
What it also means:
-dropping what was supposedly a years long ooc friendship because the other mun isn’t dropping their current muse for you and following you into a different fandom ‘because they’re now boring’ and telling them as much in a message...is shitty behavior.
-daily reblogging multiple memes that people are sending in to you, your wire, your discord, ignoring both those and messages to plot, then whining on the dash that no one wants to write with you (also known as trying to guilt trip interaction, obviously you only wanted it from one specific person not the people actively engaging you)...is shitty behavior.
-claiming you’re open for plots and memes, then only replying to the one or two people consistently for 6 months...is shitty behavior.
Again, in case it wasn’t clear- it’s your blog, it’s your life, it’s your health. That’s not in question.
HOWEVER- be upfront and give people some honesty! What do I mean by that?
If it���s feasible, post that you need a writing break, even if it’s going to be indefinite. Take as many fucking breaks as you need to for your physical and mental health to be the best they can be (I’m not going to say great, as I know what it’s like to just have a ‘good’ health day mean ‘it’s less shit than it could be’).
But if the situation is really you only want to write with these one or two people, just say so! It’s your blog, you’re allowed to decide you’re closed for plots, asks, etc. Just don’t lead people on. Don’t say something and mean something else. Don’t keep reblogging your promo and really you don’t want to write,  and you don’t plan on taking on new mutuals, and don’t plan on replying to dms or threads from anyone else.
I’ll repeat it a little differently to be sure it’s clear- you dictate your activity level and number of mutuals, when you answer asks, threads, etc. This should be at a level that is suited for you and your life, health, etc.
BUT when you engage in RP you are involving someone else’s free time with yours, and it is not fair to them to act like they do not matter. You have involved someone else. Until you disengage from them, be courteous.
I’ll give you an example. When you ask for that starter on both your dash, then DMs, and act super hyped, getting the other mun excited for it, and then they put the time and effort into writing it up and posting it for you, expecting a reply? Only for you to go and make new blogs and immediately ditch that muse without a heads-up? That’s not really fair to the other mun. You communicated you wanted to write this, you hyped them up, they spent their time and writing spoons on your starter...and then you told them other people were more exciting and a better use of your time.
Okay, so you didn’t message them ‘Hey loser, your starter sucked, your muse is boring, and honestly, a different fandom is better! Bye!’ But your actions sure give that impression, and unless you communicate otherwise, it’s a shitty move.
Now yes, sometimes you genuinely forget a starter was written because you thought it was drafted and it wasn’t, dumblr is an ass and loses your draft and then you forgot it, something came up that day and bumped it from your mind, etc. NONE OF THESE ARE WHAT I AM REFERRING TO. I have ADHD, object permanence is the thing my brain does where often unless it’s directly in front of my face, it doesn’t exist, until I find it again. I’m aware these things happen, as are most muns, and we don’t mind! Hell, we usually have in our rules “hey if it’s been a hot minute and we haven’t replied to this, feel free to give us a little nudge to see if it’s been lost” because we all know between brains and dumblr’s everlasting fuckery...shit gets lost.
I’m talking about those times where you just up and leave someone hanging without communication. I’m also not saying it might even be on purpose. What I’m saying is you should consider how other muns feel when you do this, and if you cannot avoid it, at least communicate with them.
“Hey, I’m just no longer going to be writing this muse. Sorry I had you write that starter. Do you want to try something with this new one? This is where my brain is at right now.” “Hey I really can’t be online this month thanks to fill-in-the-blank but I do still want to write when I am able.” “Hey, I see you sent in that ask. I’m only interested in this one ship, and I won’t be taking on new threads, but you’re welcome to follow and maybe I’ll take on new threads later. I’m just writing with these two people right now.”
Communication is something that is a requirement in a collaborative hobby.
I know it can be scary. I know the mentality ‘well they reblogged that meme but it’s not for me, I know they said they want to plot but they don’t mean me’, but you really have to get past that when you roleplay to be fair to other people.
Spoiler alert: the examples of shitty behavior further above are what help feed this ‘that post/meme isn’t for me’ mentality, when you do those things you’re fostering people’s anxiety and rejection sensitivity...just saying.
If someone gets mad at you for communicating with them, they’re a shitty person and block them. Literally if someone has a problem with you for trying to start something, especially as mutuals, you’re losing nothing by not writing with them. Find nicer people. So don’t  be afraid to communicate you can’t write currently, you need a break, you’re only writing with these certain people. And don’t be afraid to send in the meme. I promise you, the right people appreciate courteous communication. The ones that don’t...
Again, no one is saying put your life on hold for RP, you’re never allowed to narrow your scope, you’re supposed to always have writing spoons, you need to produce five replies a day or you’re wrong, you always need to log-in to communicate you had a family emergency/depressive episode/etc.
What I am saying, is if you are capable of communicating, respect the time and energy of your fellow muns who may also be very low on spoons and free time themselves, and be honest about where you are at when it comes to taking on new threads, new asks, new partners, etc. Treat others how you want to be treated, and consider you probably wouldn’t like being on the receiving end of the behaviors I’ve described. If you need to be on the clock being paid to be a nice person...please re-evaluate.
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can i say a sort of pointless rambly thing i was thinking about that i can't put under the cut bc i'm on mobile?
jk, i'm not actually asking. ramble below, not edited for clarity. the following is completely unclear and i will not fix it:
i've been thinking about how part of the reason i'm so chill about caryl is bc growing up as a queer woc 99% of my main ships were like, never gonna fucking happen bc they literally couldn't. it was like, "omg, they gazed at each other from across the room, let's analyze the homosexual subtext of this one scene for the next fifty years, that's not necessarily hyperbole." i've watched all my ships fuck other ppl/have other love interests, and i knew that my thing was never gonna be canon, so to see like, one thing being like, "one half of my ship fucked another person several years ago while pining for the other half of my ship," i'm like...#nice, bc that can and likely will be used as a plot point to get them together later on, whereas in other situations i've been in i just kinda had to deal with it. so my impulse when i see ppl losing their shit is to be like
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and to be slightly annoyed, tbh, bc the ship is still on track to be canon, and it's like, literally two white heterosexuals, they're prime candidates for juicy angsty pining that actually gets a resolution.
that being said, i recognize that that attitude isn't necessarily fair. for one thing, i'm not the only queer woc (or some variation thereof) in this fandom, and some ppl's impulse might be exasperation instead, bc like, "wtf, even my mayohet ship has dumb fucking drama," and that's valid as hell, and i get it.
and also, i get that, even if you didn't grow up shipping impossible ships (or mulder/scully, bc that's a brand of bullshit all its own), this has been a suuuuper drawn out process where sometimes it feels like they're legit sprinkling crumbs to keep you hooked, just to play you again, and when you are invested in something, like /rly/ invested, especially if it's a form of escapism or hyperfixation or whatever, that can be e x h a u s t i n g. and i get that. i truly do, and while i make a lot of snide comments about the fandom being bonkers, i do get where the bulk of you are coming from (unless you're one of those ppl who hate on actors and esp actresses for just doing their jobs, and attack them on social media, in which case i am very much judging you and you need to get your life together).
i also realize that in the scheme of things i'm still a newbie. i've been here, what, twoish/threeish years, whereas some of you have been here since the beginning, so i'm not as worn out as y'all. but i also think that gives me a bit of objectivity that some of y'all have (understandably) lost.
my positivity is not meant as a sleight against those of you who are feeling negative, but is more of a semi-objective viewpoint (i say semi, bc lbr, i'm invested af in this, so i definitely have bias), and to me the threads of the storyline they're crafting seem sort of obvious.
like, let's look at it, yeah? they have one season left of this show that has been on for over a decade. they need to cater to everyone to give them a satisfying ending, while still hanging on to carylers bc of the spin-off. darylrreah seems like a very calculated move, bc it gives them both something to make abcers happy, while also creating tension and suspense and pining for carylers (i think they might underestimate just how fed up some carylers are tbh, and are banking on us to hang on for one last ride, which, honestly? if they play it right will probably work.)
if they end up doing a dumb love triangle thing, which, without seeing the episode and gauging the subtext i can't confidently say if i think they will or won't, it will ultimately end in our favor. it has to, bc leah isn't going to third wheel them on the bike in the spin-off. we can say with good authority that whatever that relationship ends up being (again, idk if they'll drag it out or not) it will be temporary. which leaves caryl open to ride off into the sunset and then bone down in every state in the united states and in puerto rico for good measure.
it's a lot of cheap drama, but i really and truly do not think it's anything to worry about, and i still really and truly trust kang to not make it out of character. ik ppl still don't agree with me on that point, and i'm not gonna argue, but to me it really does make perfect sense.
and i also predict that they are gonna play it up hardcore in the promotional shit and talking dead, but when that happens, remember it's bc it gets attention. regardless of where the story is ultimately going, relationship drama gets attention, which gets viewers, which gets amc and twd producers nice and comfy with full pockets
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idk. to sum up ig i just wanted to clarify that i don't mean any harm with my relentless positivity. my history in fandom has just made this seem like nothing in comparison, bc while ppl are freaking out, i'm like, "oh damn, they're actually gonna get together by the end of this, aren't they? i didn't know that could happen!" and that makes me excited instead of upset
and you definitely don't have to listen to me. maybe i'm actually wrong. maybe i'm completely full of bullshit and am just good at making things sound confident. i got a lot of As on papers in college over books i never read, i know how to bs. but i also know how to analyze, and i while i will be the first to tell you i am not the best at a great many things, i do know that i am good at critically analyzing text while taking into account the context it was written in, and imho all signs point to canon caryl. when, i'm not entirely sure, but i see it happening. if it doesn't then they severely fucked up their storytelling, and that'd just be bad writing on their part.
(if you want proof that i'm good at reading writers'/producers' intentions, consider that i watched like, 8 seasons of supernatural before giving up, and said to myself, "i think they're gonna make destiel canon, but not until the very last second bc they are rly into catering to their fans but also have to consider their dumb fanboy audience so they can't do anything crazy overtly gay," and guess who hit the nail on the fucking head on that one)
none of this is important, but it was rattling around my mind grapes and i wanted to write it down into something vaguely coherent, and where else better to do it than here. i can word vomit and then send it into the ether and pretend i never said a thing. i love this horrible website, nothing can compare
i have no real conclusion to this, it was mostly stream of consciousness, but i hope it sort of helps y'all understand where i'm coming from, and why i am as chill as i am about things. not about y'all. y'all cause me so much anxiety i get physically sick and have to legit block tags, but with the actual show content i'm zen as hell
the end ig?
it feels weird even signing off on this, but w/e
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For All Mankind's season 2 finale was just incredible. In many ways, I have been really impressed by this show and how they have been able to incorporate space exploration into the intimate threads of human history. The Moon, space, leaving the confines of the Earth's atmosphere, exploring the great beyond - all become catalysts for each of the individual characters - representing each of their own struggles. Because, as I believe, reaching out towards the stars ultimately becomes about reaching within the human soul - looking outward, is looking inward, and vice versa. The two are inexplicably entwined, and this show does a pretty good job at showing this.
More fan girl thoughts below the cut. . .
- Gordo & Tracy Stevens
I feel like this is best exemplified in Gordo and Tracy's story. I don't have time to outline it all at the moment, but the Moon becomes the stage upon which their hearts are made bare. It is so rare to see a redemption story, and a redemption story of a marriage no less, showcased with such power. I will forever be blown away by this story. *lays down* - *cries* - *cries a lot*
- Margo & Sergei
A forbidden Soviet Era romance??? Yes yes yes yes yes. I need this! THANK YOU FOR ALL MANKIND. The both of them are my absolute favorite! Just. Everything about them. How they are the same and how they are able to communicate almost as if they are reading each other's minds, and the way Sergei looks at her, and the way Margo blushes and can't even look at him in the eyes, and just . . . *incoherent fangirl screeching*
I really feel like Margo knows the door that she opened. I hope the writers don't make her dumb in the next season - just some love struck nerd girl. Margo is naïve and lost in her own world sometimes, but she isn't stupid. I feel like after Sergei's call, she was realizing the full ramifications of what she had done and what this could mean for her and Sergei's complicated relationship. (Not to mention her standing with her own government and country!)
So, you know what I want to see?? I want to see Margo and Sergei play the most expertly played game of espionage ever orchestrated! I want to see them give false information to one another, and they'll personally always get offended by it even though they both know this isn't personal at all - they'll twist and turn words, double - triple! - meanings - are they enemies? Are they friends? Are they lovers? Do they even know? Maybe! Maybe not! How can they hope to be anything more when they are serving countries that are always on the brink of World War III? And yet!!!
And always Sergei will have stars in his eyes when he looks at her, whenever she does something impossibly clever, and Margo will always wear his favorite color and be speechless around him whenever he is trying to be charming.
And let me just say that once again Margot is basically just me. OF COURSE she would fall for the enemy! Totally on brand. I get you, girl! I get you so hard!
<holding up my fingers like the Ben Wyatt meme> It's about the "it's complicated..."
- Danielle Poole
QUEEN. MY QUEEN. I knew she would come through and pull off the Soyuz mission with flying colors! And Danielle & Stepan have my heart! I knew Stepan wouldn't be able to resist her in the end, and that he would have his little Soviet heart melted in no time! 🥰🥰🥰 That whole moment of them defying their governments and choosing peace and brotherhood was just so beautiful. (I was pretty much an emotional mess the entire finale...) Then the gut punching realization that many American's didn't even get to see the historical moment live on TV because they were in the Fall Out shelters. Uuuuuugh. This show is SO good at building the emotional drama of this unfolding history. It feels so real! But it also feels very much like it could part of the Star Trek universe. They are exploring similar utopian and humanistic themes, and so I think I am going to make it my headcanon that our alternate history is part of the Prime timeline. It's official. I have declared it.
Speaking of Star Trek, though, I was tearing up when Danielle was quoting Star Trek. OF COURSE she is a Trekkie - OF COURSE. She is perfect without flaw. The most precious angel! I just wish she had more screen time this season, but I loved her story this season regardless!
- Thomas Paine
I never got to properly mourn the passing of Paine! I was pretty upset that he died, and just when he was becoming such an awesome character! (HE LOVED SPACE THE ENTIRE TIME OMG MY HEART.) However, I realized he was like the Agent Coulson of this show. That awesome side character with an unusual and unexpected quirky personality whose death becomes a catalyst for the bigger picture! Ellen is doing an incredible job within his place, though, and I love what it is building for her character (even if her story is SO SAD). At any rate, Thomas Paine shall be missed!
- Molly Cobb
Molly Cobb is BOSS. Her heroic moment on the Moon was such an amazing highlight for this season for me. But I am loving how they have taken her character in an unexpected direction, down a harder and more humbling road. It is heartbreaking, but such a deeply human story. Her taking her plane and trying to escape from the Earth's atmosphere was like the most DRAMATIC AF moment (omg this show), but also, I felt that too. I also loved her and Wayne's struggle through what Molly is having to face. They're marriage is so strong - perfectly challenging one another and carrying one another through life. I love them! This is going to be painful watching what Molly will have to go through, though.
- Karen
I do want to say a few more words about this whole debacle. The fact that the writers completely obliterated the Baldwin family is something I will not forgive them for, and it was very poor choice on their part, most especially how it came about. To me, the Baldwins have always been the anchor point of the show, but now they are all just kind of pathetic, as the trust in their marriage is broken (for no reason) and all so that Karen can go "find herself".
Now, it has always been a part of Karen's character arc that she needs to find her own identity. She gave herself to her family, putting herself last, and that isn't a good thing. Although we should be reminded that a woman serving her family as a wife and mother is NOT shameful, and so there was literally no reason for the writers to deconstruct this when it was actually a beautiful thing. Things aren't black and white. Karen can be both proud as a dutiful wife and mother AND have existential dread over her own identity as person. BOTH realities can be true and exist together! You don't need to destroy the one to have the other! It's called N U A N C E. Something American tv writers utterly lack in their writing now a days.
Regardless of all this, though, and the disturbing, messed up nature of Karen's affair with Danny - I am sick and tired of how often shows and movies depict a woman's exploration of identity through her sexuality. I find it to be really offensive. As if liberating a woman's spirit means turning her into a horny sex fiend. Sexuality is but one dimension of a woman's identity, one dimension amongst a thousand. To reduce her down to this basic and crude physical dimension, as if somehow sleeping around, having affairs, masturbating, etc, unlocks her deeper self, is really insulting to women as human beings. Being an independent, confident woman comes from a deeper place of the mind, heart, and spirit that embodies her entire person as a holistic being. We are more than the sum of our parts! Please, writers, for the love of God, stop making us into rutting animals!
Suggestion: American writers, creators, directors, just go read Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. She'll wipe the floor with your pitiful displays of female independence. I have never seen any modern writer even come close to what Bronte was able to to achieve with her masterpiece. She was able to truly showcase the power, dignity, and grace of a woman's spirit flawlessly - showing how freedom and independence does not mean free to do whatever you want with whomever you want defying all traditions, religion, expectations, and principles - but is a state and quality of mind, that even in the most dire and unbearable of circumstances, your spirit remains immutable. A woman's strength is compassion in the face of adversity, serenity in the face of devastation, and strength in the face of oppression. THAT is true womanhood.
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softer-ua · 4 years
I know we've been waiting for The Talk between bakugo and midoriya but I fear that horikoshi is gonna do it but it'll just make things worse because he's really going above and beyond with angst
Ya it is not gonna go well 😐
Like it needs to happen now or things are to be very awkward and ridged between them, and they can’t afford that during the collapse of civilization
But also neither are in a good place to be unpacking a decades worth of crap, because let’s be honest Deku vs Kacchan 1 and 2 didn’t actually address anything, it was just Deku and Kaccham taking turns admitting the have problems that go way deeper than just school boy squabbling
I mean each fight just results in revealing how god awful Bakugo’s mental health truly is, and then between that revelation and beating each other into the pavement there’s no time for anything else
Deku: Ya know what I just realized? I realized I am sick of your crap. Being in a semi healthy environment for the first time in my life has made me realize you’re an ass
Kacchan: My reality is crumbling around me and my sanity is hanging on by threads, and I could live with that but the idea you’ve been lying to me has me fully convinced that getting you to fess up is worth the risk dropping this building on all of
Deku: Bruh I am so worried about you, I’m gonna risk breaking my idols trust just because I’m not sure you’ll last other wise. Jfc how is mental health screening not a requirement for this career.
Kacchan: You know what I realized? I realized I’m tired of you looking down on me, and I can’t handle it on top of ending All Might. It makes me feel like all my life choices have been wrong
Deku: oh so you’re not only insane but you’re also Dumb, Dumb as hell. I have admired you our entire lives, you total buffoon, do I need to fucking sell my AM merch and pay to have it written in the goddamn sky?? You absolute dumb fuck. Ya know what? I am looking down on you now, you moron. Gonna leave your dumb ass in the dust.
AM: oh yeah I definitely admire Midoriya more, saving people is definitely more important than “winning”, and you know that, that’s why Midoriya scares the shit out of you. He’s a natural hero. But like you’ll save more people by winning so I guess it’s hand in hand deal. Also I’m like 50, missing half my insides, and already passed my power on to this dope af sprout. I was gonna be like this by the end of year anyway. This literally couldn’t be your fault, like you weren’t even involved with the fight, what kinda weird shit is your mom filling your Swiss cheese brain with???
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So DvsK3 is just going to be Kacchan updating Deku on the new developments in his ever deteriorating mental health and Deku responding with “there’s a lot to unpack there, but seeing as I have a broken rib and your probably concussed again we don’t have the time.” And then some grown ups will tell them to pack up their baggage because they’ve got a test to study for ✨
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imagine-loki · 4 years
AUTHOR: fanfictrashdump
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine that halfway through a makeout session, Loki stops abruptly. He stares for a long moment before he says anything. “I can’t ruin you like this.” He anxiously stands to put space between you. “I have to leave.”
NOTES/WARNINGS: My to-do list is a mile long , but I saw this and my mind wrote it on its own. Did I never intend them to be romantically involved? Yes. Did I really think of Lily as an oblivious ace for a long time? Also yes. Do I enjoy the current chaotic bi vibes she’s putting out? H e l l  y e s. Language. Kissing. Idiots. Speed run, so errors may be plentiful.
SUMMARY: Loki has been feeling feels that he can no longer shove into box and ignore. Lily didn’t know she could possibly have access to that box and would very much like the opportunity to do so. Loki is dramatic AF and is pleasantly surprised he’s been lied to. 
His lips trailed an invisible line over her neck, gliding over the expanse of skin until it reached a point where her pulse thrummed steadily. A second later his tongue darted over the heated flesh, tasting the electricity of her skin and what tasted like fresh morning dew. His teeth followed, pinching skin together so he could suck a half-dollar size bruise into it before returning to the honeyed lips he had already kissed swollen. The half-gasped whimper that followed as response would have usually spurred Loki on in his actions. This time, it was the noise that broke him from his reverie.
He pulled back, blinking drunkenly at the flushed face staring back in wide-eyed, pouting surprise. For a second the perfectly sky blue marbles beckoned him back like a siren call, but the Prince caught himself before he managed to drag her back onto his mouth. Fine, silver strands slipped through his fingers, the ends curling delicately around his digits and tickled his palms. He tried not to focus on the fact that the fact that they felt like each follicle was woven of spider’s silk.
A kiss brushed onto the inside of his wrist, startling him out of the silent exploration of her hair. There was a silent question in Lily’s stare, a curiosity as to why he had pulled away when they both had been perfectly content to try to devour each other a moment prior.
All Loki saw was an innocent curiosity reflected back at him and a genuine desire to share affection. It was all very overwhelming. Loki’s hands retreated abruptly, just as the dark cloud settled over his features. “I can’t ruin you like this,” he murmured, his face screwed into a frown that looked more distraught than Lily had ever seen it. He was on his feet a second later, almost as if shocked by lightning. “I have to go.”
“Wha–Loki!” Lily called at the already slamming door, leaving Lily behind, in his quarters, she might add, earnestly confused as to what had just happened. How all of it had happened.
Lily couldn’t remember who had started their short-lived tryst. It just sort of… happened.
The pair had been play-fighting, an increasingly common occurrence that would come about from Lily feeling a little too sure of herself and would decide to test her reflexes and element of surprise. Loki could always see her attacks coming a mile away, if he were honest. The little plant witch had only managed to startle him once, and it was very quickly rectified. He had not let his guard down ever again.
The familiar sensation of being watched crept up his spine and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. There was no ominous feeling, but rather a knowledge that he was not alone. The smirk that crept up on his face was unintentional, but it also unsuppressed. Loki continued sorting through materials as if there were nothing amiss. The slightest breeze fluttered his hair and the smell of ozone and magic filled his nose as he easily grabbed the arm that had intended to wind around his neck and he flipped the person over his shoulder.
Lily landed, flat on her back in bed with a choked gasp, scrambling quickly out of the vulnerable position, but Loki was far faster than she ever hoped to be. Not to mention that he was so much stronger, his hands bigger, able to pin her down neatly with little effort. Her veins glowed green in tandem with the vines that intended to squeeze Loki still.
He gave a surprised chuckle in response–they never had resorted to magic when they grappled like this. His response to shapeshift was second nature. The giant serpent that slithered eerily in her screeching direction dealt with the vines with little issue. She swallowed her protests to pin him down before the shape of a porcupine had her shuffling off again. More vines, more pliant and dense than the first, bound the creature down before a fox took its place. The ebony of its fur contrasted with the bright green of the vines was surprisingly endearing. Loki noisily gnawed at the vines as he rolled onto his back, hind legs kicking up a storm.
“Aww, I didn’t think you could shift into cute things!” She cooed, scratching him under his chin, prompting him to let out a startled yelp.
While Loki was no stranger to Lily suddenly thrusting affection in his direction in the form of hugs and genuine compliments, they were usually after he was in dire need of it, or vice versa. They never seemed to share this affection when they were both perfectly fine, but rather as comfort. And while the gentle stroking of her fingers up the bridge of his snout was soothing in a quasi hypnotic manner, there was still a bubble of emotion that he was sort of uncomfortable with gurgling at the pit of his stomach.
In the tumult of his emotions, he had shifted back, vines disappearing into the ether, and yet her fingers still trailed that lazy route from his forehead, down the bridge of his nose and back. He couldn’t exactly pinpoint when his head had shifted into her lap or when he decided it was a good idea for his teeth to playfully nip at her fingers. All he knew was that after a moment he her face was down by his and their mouths pressed together. Everything after that had been a blur.
And now she was sitting alone in his room, trying to piece together the last hour and why in every god’s name he had decided to bail on her.
Lily marched out of the dark bedroom and out into the hallways. She was sure Loki would be hiding quite proficiently–there wasn’t a creature alive that could find Loki if he did not want to be found, but she could certainly try. Lily peeked into the lab where Tony and Bruce tinkered away at their science projects.
“Tony, have you seen Loki?” She knew Bruce would rather stay far away from the demigod, so it wasn’t worth asking.
“Have I seen Scary Spice? No, I have not and I count myself lucky.”
“That’s not nice.”
Tony didn’t miss a beat. “Neither is he. What do you need him for?”
“He wasn’t feeling well,” she fibbed, easily. “I wanted to check in on him.”
“Oh, that’s too bad,” Bruce quipped, flashing an awkward smile and going back to adjust an array of tiny screws. Lily raised an eyebrow and Bruce did a double-take in her direction. “What?”
Lily ignored the question, dropping unceremoniously into one of the stools by Tony’s bench. “Honestly, I think we should kick Loki out,” she said after a long moment.
Tony’s face crumpled into an odd frown. “Not that I don’t fantasize about that every single day, but, why?”
“He’s a bad influence I think.”
“On who? The assassins, the 1940’s super soldiers, the recovering alcoholic with anxiety or the rage monster over there? Or do you mean you? Because I think we both know you’re your own bad influence. We’re all our own worst enemies, here, kiddo.”
“He’s going to ruin me.”
The loud bark of laughter spewing from Tony’s mouth startled Lily. “You lied to me for five years about who you really were and then you failed to mention that you would go all Poison Ivy if you were out on missions for too long. The only being brave enough to go into that room and keep your borderline non-murderous was that dumb, goth, wannabe-boyfriend of yours.” Tony peered down his nose at her. “Loki is a lot of things, mutant ruiner is not one of them.”
“He made out with me.”
“Good. If he’s busy sucking your face off, he can’t keep messing up the paint job on my suit.” He smirked when Lily pouted. “It’s not my fault if you make terrible choices. You have to deal with them yourself. Welcome to adulthood” He sobered slightly, cracking his neck in a nervous fidget. “So, you, er, like him or something?”
Lily turned a brilliant shade of red, suddenly becoming interested in a loose thread on her jumper. “I don’t know. I’m usually kind of oblivious and assume everyone just wants to be my friend, so I never… I didn’t think…”
“Oh, god, you do. Disgusting,” Tony quipped, making retching noises to tease her.
“Shut up, Tony.”
“But, you do! You’re totally–”
“Shut up, Tony!”
Tony frowned, the expression turning to curiosity when Lily’s eyes trailed to stare out of her peripherals towards Bruce’s benchtop. Realization lit up his face as his mouth formed a wide ‘O’ before he chuckled. “You better put everything back the way you found it or Bruce is going to Hulk-smash you into porridge.” Something clattered noisily onto the ground before the sound of footsteps shuffling overcame them. “He’s heading for the balcony,” he whispered just as the steps retreated. “Don’t make sudden moves, he looks terrified.”
“Thanks. Pleasure wreaking havoc with you, Tony,” she announced, hopping to her feet.
Cool air rushed her face as the automatic doors hissed open. The weather was already biting in the late autumn, and Lily was in no way prepared to be outside for any length of time in just her jumper and jeans.
Loki stood at the railing, staring off into the city when she pressed her forehead to his back. His body stiffened, taking several heartbeats before his muscles stopped seizing up. By that time, however, the bone-wracking shivers had prompted some protective instinct within him to turn, shedding the charcoal zip jumper off his shoulders and over hers.
“You’ll catch your death.”
“Do you mean you or the weather? Because you’re rather elusive today”
Loki scoffed. “Lilian–”
“Not my name.”
He drew in a deep breath whose chill rattled noisily in his chest. “How’d you even know?”
Lily rolled her eyes. “Bruce pretends you don’t exist. He wouldn’t express his sympathy for your illness. Rookie mistake. I know how to read people rather well.”
There was a long stretch of silence between them, eyes jousting before he couldn’t bear to hold her gaze any longer. “I’m not what you want.”
Lily chuckled to herself, burying herself deeper into Loki’s coat. “Forgive me, but you have no clue what I want. Mostly because I don’t know what I want. Frankly, I didn’t think making out with a Norse god was one of the options.” She shrugged, leaning into his side and smiling to herself when he instinctually pressed in closer. “I mean, if you don’t want it, that’s a different matter, altogether.”
Loki cut his eyes to the side to stare at her. “You’re ridiculous. You can’t tell me you don’t see–don’t you?”
“See what?”
“Fucking oblivious.”
“It’s not like I actively seek anyone. I can’t exactly be myself with anyone else.” She smirked, nudging him with her hip. “I don’t want to be–” A yelp cut her short, swallowed into Loki’s throat before it ever got the chance to break through the air. His long digits bunched up either side of his coat to pull her closer. She sighed, molding herself into the curve of his body. Just as she was tilted her head to deepen their kiss, he pulled back.
“No. I–I have to go.”
Once more alone, wrapped in Loki’s coat, she remained confused. Lily let out a groan, letting the cold autumn air cool her down before marching back inside. She hoped he shifted into someone easily recognizable. And that this sudden attack of guilty conscience was short-lived.
It wasn’t.
A month-long game of cat and mouse, of watching him disguise himself as every single occupant of that godforsaken tower to escape temptation and they still had not managed to sit down for a conversation. Lily decided that if that was the game he wanted to play, that she was entirely fine with it. She prepared breakfast for the team, as usual, setting a bouquet of fresh flowers in the center with a smile. Eventually, everyone began to stream in for the morning meal and Lily sat at her usual spot at the far end of the table to watch everyone come in, half-asleep and ravenous.
Blue eyes trailed Loki shuffling in behind Natasha, who sat to her right while he sat to Lily’s left. Not missing a beat, Lily smiled at the assassin before tugging at Natasha by the strings of her hoodie. Their mouths met easily, the Widow’s lips quirking at the corners and prompting the sound of clattering utensils across the table.
Nat pecked Lily gently before allowing her to move back and grinned. She licked her lips almost lewdly and followed it with a sip of coffee. “Good morning to you, too, hon.” Impish energy glittered in her eyes. “You know what? I don’t think I got enough of you. Come here–”
A thud echoed in the room and the table clattered. Loki was half out of his seat and had buried his dagger into the mahogany surface of the dining table. Tony protested quietly, almost half-heartedly.
“If you so much as breathe on her, again, I will skin you alive, Agent Romanoff. I swear it,” Loki hissed. “When I said I didn’t want to ruin you, I wasn’t suggesting you go off and find someone who would!” Loki snapped back at Lily, his expression halfway between annoyed and hurt.
“What else am I supposed to do?” She declared loudly, grumbling unintelligibly for a long moment. “I have been driving myself dizzy chasing these stupid circles you’ve led me on. Do you want me or not?”
“In what Universe do I not want you? It cannot be more obvious that I love you and you make me feel special, you impossible woman! Even fucking Stark noticed! But I don’t deal well with emotions if you haven’t caught on, yet, and I don’t want to lead you on when I’m not sure how to feel anything!”
“I don’t know how to feel, either, you ass. Which is why I’d rather we figure it out together than have to play Guess Who?: Shapeshifter Edition with everyone in the Tower!”
Loki growled, scrubbing a hand down his face in frustration. “I’ve just told you I love you and you said you didn’t know how you felt!”
Lily stabbed a sausage rather aggressively onto her fork, bending two of the tines in the process. “Of course I love you, you moron. Who in their goddamn right mind would voluntarily put up with your moody bullshit, otherwise?”
He scoffed. “Fine, I guess we’re in love, then!”
Loki opened his mouth to snap another witty retort back, when the conversation caught up to him. His eyebrows rose to meet his hairline as wide, green eyes cut instantly at Lily. “We’re in love,” he mumbled. “We’re in love?” Surprise melted into hopeful softness.
“Wait, were you two not together?” A chorus of Clint and Barton followed the interruption, but it was enough to cut through the magic of the moment.
Loki fidgeted on his feet as he paced in front of the bed. Lily looked bemused as her eyes moved like the swing of a pendulum to follow him back and forth.
“I’m not good enough for you.”
“Not for you to decide,” she countered, easily.
“I’ve killed.”
“So have I. You’ve been there.”
He stopped to face her. “I tried to take over the planet.”
“Mind control.”
“I’m a monster.”
“I’m legitimately an eldritch horror hybrid.”
Loki kneeled, resting his forehead on her lap with a sigh. “But we–you–I don’t think I could bare losing you after a paltry few decades,” he reluctantly mumbled.
Lily giggled, which Loki thought odd, but weirder things had happened between them. “I mean, fair. I’m not sure how long I’ll live, but I am also a hundred and six.”
His head snapped up so quickly he felt the muscles contract painfully. “What?”
“The hair is not a fashion statement,” she whispered, feeling the weight of his stare and the million questions it contained with it. “There’s a reason I haven’t really dated. I’ve never met anyone I can ostensibly spend my whole life with.” She laughed nervously, rustling her hair. “Say something.”
“You lied to me?” He seemed impressed rather than angry.
“No. You’ve always just assumed. And, I let you,” she admitted, her cheeks coloring faintly. His hands had curled around hers, dwarfing them in his comfortable warmth. “If you had let me explain a month ago, I would have told you that I’m really not some innocent maiden you can ruin.”
The little anxious notch that she was so familiar with formed between his brows. “By the Norns, we have a lot to talk about then, flower.” Lily sighed good-naturedly at the statement. Before she had managed to protest, Loki craned his neck enough to slot lips to hers. “Later, of course.”
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Makoto plot line by Lêx?
thank you for this totally 100% spontaneous ask that you sent of your own free will, anon!
okay, so here's the thing. i dont like makoto. not really. he's annoying af and basically useless. bitch does nothing but hide behind haru cuz he's scared of everything and be blushy and soft in that spineless way, you know? like he just lets everyone push him around and treats everyone in such an unfuriatingly uniform, fake-cheery, ultra helpful way that it's his whole personality
but here's the thing! it gets sad. you know? especially considering how he, like, seems to basically live to enable haru? in all the worst ways. like it's nice of course that he helps haru with his depression but there's a point when it becomes enabling and that point is when makoto is running after haru all the time trying to solve his messes, remind him of his own damn responsibilities, and basically take care of haru's whole life so he doesn't have to. again, helping is good, but by worrying about the things haru doesn't worry about and preventing him from facing the consequences of not doing anything basically lmao he enables haru to never fucking get out of his constant stupor. also, as previously said, he's spineless, which means that he never truly goes against haru's wishes. so like. enabler. bad
which is my main beef with makoharu, which is actually the most popular ship in the fandom because ppl have no taste and also dont know how to interpret shit. tho tbh even makoharu shippers are like "i ship makoharu because makoto deserves to be happy and he wants haru!" so even they acknowledge that.... haru isn't into him lmao. but anyway
point is: they pull each other back. im not gonna say it's abusive or something cuz i don't think it is, i wouldn't even call it toxic, but it's stale in the worst kind of way. makoto enables not only haruka's depression, but also his self destructive and to some extent relationships destructive behavior, setting his growth back. and makoto lives and exists to take care of haru. he has no dreams, no goals, hell, not even INTERESTS. his whole thing is just. haru. where haru goes, he follows. and. that's it basically
which is why the fact that so many makoto stans ship makoharu is also baffling to me, because if i were a makoto fan, i'd probably hate haru, lmao. i mean, makoto is going around doing all this work for him, plus emotional labor, and haru never gives him much back really. and it's obvious that haru doesn't like makoto the same way makoto likes him, but makoto is just out there taking whatever scraps he can get, and haru just sort of. probably doesn't even notice cuz that's been their dynamic since they were kids. and makoto knows that, too. so like. if i stanned makoto. id fucking hate haru for that tbh
and honestly it's bad writing because i think the writers couldn't care less about makoto lmao and also didn't know what to do with him, which i think becomes increasingly obvious as seasons go by and he's just sort of. there. they tried to give him his own plotlines and even dreams but it never stuck. he feels like a doll most of the time. even in s1, which was widely rinharu-focused and barely had any other characters have real plotlines unless you count the one (1) episode where they try to teach rei how to swim, makoto was particularly uninteresting and underexplored and developed. like, the other characters might not have had huge importance but at least they had personalities. makoto didn't, really, unless you count "mama henning haru" and "being uwu" as a personality
but my point is: what if makoto got some real writing? what if we explored his character, and his relationship with haru, in a more critical, dimensional way?
makoto is in love with haru, i think that's indisputable. haru isn't in love with makoto, which i also think is indisputable. makoto himself knows that what haru has with rin is special and beyond what makoto and haru have, he says that, he even says that he was jealous of rin. yet he stays. even when rin comes back, and haru and rin become friends again, and it's obvious they're going to be together, makoto stays. he takes care of haru, which is some pretty damn stressful work, and does all this emotional labor for him, and haru barely gives him, like, a smile every once in a while, lmao, and again it's sad. but makoto stays. and - that's an important part to me - it doesn't seem to be because he has any hopes that haru will come around. so why
i think they're stuck in a loop, and that makoto has been in love with haru, and being not only his emotional support, but basically the one thread connecting him with the outside world (while simultaneously enabling him to continue as detached from it as he can, because he's not bringing haru out to the world, he's bringing the world to accommodate haru) for so long, he doesn't really know what else to do. also, he feels guilty about leaving haru to his own devices, even if obviously there's nothing he can do if haru won't help himself. also, he's scared of losing him, because he's been defining himself for his relationship with haru for so long, he doesn't know where else to go
i think that's supported by his relationship with other characters. like i said, makoto is annoyingly kind to everyone (if im not mistaken, the name makoto actually does mean kind) and a MASSIVE pushover. he never goes against anyone's wishes. he never really throws in what he wants. he doesn't really interfere with anyone's plans and ideas, he just sorta makes it happen. he is never annoyed, never has any quirks, is never even like, tired, you know? he lives to please other people, to the point where he has no personality, interests, or wishes beyond that
so, yeah: i think makoto is scared that, if he doesn't please other people, there's nothing else left for him. and in a way, he is right, because i don't think he would know what to do with himself if he had to look into himself and figure out what he wants out of life. so it's easier to follow others and dedicate himself to them. also, fear of loneliness is very valid, even if i dont think any of his friends would actually leave him if he weren't being their damn mom all the time. but they also let it happen, especially haru, because it's convenient, and again, homeboy barely has the energy to go to school, much less help makoto unpack all of that
but if i were writing free!, id want to explore that, because it has so much potential to be a pretty damn rich story, actually. especially as the story progresses, because one effect of rin being back and haru running the whole swimming club and trying to prepare for their race is that haru needs makoto less and less as time goes by. because he has a motivation. he cares about his grades because if he doesn't keep them up he won't be allowed to keep working in the swimming club, he cares about teaching the newbie (the rei i mentioned before) how to swim because otherwise they won't be able to run against rin in the medley race, hell, he reforms the whole entire pool that was abandoned so they have a place to train (with help, but like, he couldnt be bothered with getting up to school before). he even goes back to drawing so he can make pamphlets to attract more people to the club
and then he finds his love for swimming again, especially as a team, competitively. he finds his love for people again, for human interaction, for competition and the thrill of the sport he loves. haru finds his motivation, and he starts putting his life back on track and working towards his goals, and haru is damn capable. and that means that makoto has a lot of free time in his hands now, and haru is slipping through them, and he knows he can't really keep their relationship as he was. and he shouldn't, honestly, and i think that he's, at least, smart enough to know this
and he has a crisis, because again, he's been defining himself through haru for the longest goddamn time, im talking all the way from middle to high school here. and he doesn't know who he is. he doesn't know what he wants. he barely knows what he likes
but he's not alone either, because again, makoto is haru's best friend, and haru does like him and it's not like he's all "i found my purpose with rin now. peace out". his journey was also about finding his whole support system with his friends. through relearning how to swim in a team, he also relearned human connection and friendship. that's one of the many beauties of rinharu. they inspired each other to make their lives better, including in ways that have nothing to do with each other, and they weren't even trying to
so he has haru, but in a now radically different dynamic, and also rei and nagisa (his teammates) and gou (rin's sister and also their trainer) (rin and gou don't go to the same school for some reason). and everyone is going through a similar crisis, because it's the last year of high school. rin obviously has known that he wants to be an athlete since he was a kid, but everyone else's plans are kinda sketchy. makoto just happens to have some extra flavor in that mission - he's not just trying to figure out what he wants to do, but who he is
and fuck if i know how that would develop from there, but id really love to see makoto finding himself, honestly. i want to see his issues being addressed. the only backstory we have for him is that he's afraid of the ocean because he almost drowned at some point? i dont remember. i want to know why the fuck he's been repressing his own needs and personality so hard. i want to know what had him so scared of the world that it was easier to forget about himself and basically live through haru. i want to know what he's going to do to find himself, and the very, very painful journey of looking at himself and his own needs, and, in many ways, his own emptiness, because makoto essentially carved himself hollow. i want makoto to have dimension and depth, and be relatable and not just a dumb shell of uwuness for ppl to swoon over and want to protecc, not even because i like him, but because it could be so interesting. and relatable in so many ways. like, god damn it. if you wanna make him one of the main characters, give him a real plotline!
and i want to see him finding out that his life is better when he's a little more detached from haru and not living in an endless pursuit of a relationship, but having a network of people he loves and that has mutual support. i want to see him getting over haru, not so he can have some other romance with someone else, but so he can grow. makoto basically doesn't grow at all the whole show, and it's sad to watch, especially as everyone else grows so much
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somniabundant · 4 years
For the character thing: Skov :)
Duuuuuuuuude. I’m about to go off
Sexuality headcanon: okay I think that Skov is pan. He just has chill, carefree vibes and I feel like while Proko doesn’t want to label his attraction in a way that he picks something ambiguous, Skov doesn’t want to label his attraction in a way that he’s like ‘everything! Everyone! I am open to possibilities and I do not care what you identify as as long as you are hot!’ And I love that for him.
Gender headcanon: listen. Listen. My guy is ftm trans and I will fight you in an alleyway if you tell me I am wrong. I will stand by this until the day I die I swtg he is trans and it’s beautiful and his boys support him and it’s wonderful and I’m so proud of him (the fact that typing that all out is making me emotional...) Anyway in another timeline I was Skov and therefore this is true, thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
Just kidding, I’m not done yet. Skov is a trans dude, but he’s also pretty chill and very secure in his identity. He knows who he is and really found himself after he joined the pack and their support means a lot to him. Because of this, he’s able to experiment with his style and wear eyeliner n shit and sometimes borrows Proko’s skirts and drives his expensive-af car in an electric blue miniskirt with fishnets like the king he is and I love that for him. He’s out here destroying gender norms, just a dude being hot and wearing a skirt and still being a dude and he’s an icon and I love him. I could keep going for a while, but let’s move on...
A ship I have with said character: ngl I stole this from a thread between @prokopenkokavinsky and @non-mortem-somni-fratrem they showed me the possibilities and I got hooked. Gansey/Skov. Idk why the idea of this is so appealing to me, like before I was just here for shipping him with Swan and K but now I’m like dang him and Gansey, that’s the kind of out of the box thinking I wanna see. Can you imagine?? Gansey just has no idea how to deal with him and he’s blushing all the time because his boyfriend is so hot and confident and he /wishes/ that was him, but at the same time Skov brings it out in him and Gansey is more adventurous when they’re together and it’s wonderful :))
A BROTP I have with said character: okay so like. Totally ship Swan/Skov in a non platonic way, but I totally see them having an epic bromance as well?? Like they just know each other so well and they do SPORTS together and they got that jock bonding going on for them and they’re so bro together the rest of the back just rolls their eyes at how dumb they are. But then at the same time they’re totally in love more than bros (romantic or somewhere that transcends labels) and they cuddle every night and are like absolute soulmates and it’s beautiful.
A NOTP I have with said character: hmmm. I actually had a lot of trouble coming up with one because I feel like he works with everyone, but I’m going to have to go with Blue/Skov. I feel like maybe they hooked up once and it was fine like they had fun, but then afterwards they mutually decides to never do that again because it was kinda weird and they’re still chill with each other, but they don’t mess around or anything, just platonic pals.
A random headcanon: there are so many... I legit don’t know where to start... okay okay a couple days ago @prokopenkokavinsky and @townpunk and I were just going off on a thread about him so I’m just going to list some from there and then a couple other random ones. First off, he has electric blue hair, I’ll fight you on that one too. Also, he def has a sugar addiction like blue sour patch and monster and just candy and energy drinks galore, he’s got that gamer aesthetic but he spends most of his time playing soccer instead of video games, though he and Swan do play Xbox together sometimes. Ngl I’m not sure where this one came from but I feel like he smokes weed?? Don’t ask me more about this I’ve said it before but I know nothing about drugs I literally don’t leave the house I’ve never been to an actual party all of the stuff I write is completely imagined so like I have nothing else to say about this, but he smokes weed and he also lets himself go wild in every way at K’s substance parties and the regular ones. Another one from the thread: he has ADHD and has a bunch of stim toys and the boys carry some around with them at all times to make sure he always has something to keep himself occupied with. One that I just randomly decided on is that he plays electric guitar and like he’s not that good at it, but he likes it cuz it’s loud and he just has fun messing around and half-assing songs and stuff. Also, this is just my thought, but his actual name is Jacek, but in America aka at Aglionby he goes by Blake. Okay I feel like I should cut myself off before I just keep talking forever but yeah those are a couple...
General opinion over said character: I mean I think you already get the gist... but yeah, he’s an icon and I love him and I want us to meld and become the same person, I very much look up to him XD
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Knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Orin, but I tend to have a lost of angst-oriented nicknames and sometimes just “YOU!” so...
PRONOUNS: They/them for the sake of ease.  Both because I have never had much of a preference and because not everyone in the world is comfortable with “I just use whatever’s funniest at the time.“
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr IMs when they work.  ...So guess what happens a lot.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Sephiroth.  ...No last name.  Usually.  (There is also a Prompto and a Noctis buuuuut activity’s sparse everywhere at the moment, so.)
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: This blog?  Since 2015.  How long have I been writing Sephiroth?  Haaaaaaaa, oh, much... much longer.  Please don’t make me try and do math.
BEST EXPERIENCE: I don’t know how I could possibly choose.  Every partner’s magnificently unique, you know?  I really enjoy that I can have ten threads of the same basic scenario and ten completely different paths.  There’s fun and heartrending and “what even was that” and many, many verses that just kind of flashed into being with one dumb “What if...”
RP PET PEEVES: Used to be the folks who’d insist that RP should be a structured thing that you must make time for and must keep up with and must treat a certain way, but I notice... the entire community has pretty much decided to remind them that this is a hobby.  A beloved one, but just... I don’t even treat my work like that, I’m sure as hell not gonna treat my limited free time that way.  Good job sticking to doing it your own way, folks.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: Yes.  Just, yes.  Generally it’s angst or fluff or fluff that becomes angst because I am me.  Smut tends to take a lot more effort and energy, and this muse... he picky af.  And a little dumb, attraction-wise, but nevermind.
PLOTS OR MEMES: All of the above and then some.  Sometimes a reply is just a reply, sometimes it... continuously destroys all of us for many months.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Whatever works for what’s being written.  I’ll either write something I feel is too short or I’ll write several more paragraphs than I intended, there is no middle ground.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Usually night when it’s quiet... and I have energy... and the mental ability to do it... and feel physically okay enough to try... and--  Yeah, “when I can” is the best answer.  Not as often as I’d like but I’m finally settling into things I’ve been wanting to get back to forever so I won’t complain.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: ...Oh hey look at the time, better get this queued.
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ukaiknowsbest · 3 years
Review: Two Car
After years of watching just sports anime with boys I've become increasingly bored with every new release. My main problem is that the tropes among animes are just recycled over and over again. Moreover I have developed an aversion to being able to identify male voice actors across different works. Watching animes have sometimes turned into a "guess the voice actor" game with myself and eventually I hated it.
Therefore, since 2021 I have started watching sports anime that feature girls.
Anyhow the first anime I'm reviewing is called Two Car [CONTAINS SPOILERS]
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Highschool girls. I forgot what year they're in. They live on this island where racing is a Thing. Their school is a powerhouse for sidecar racing. And sidecar racing enthusiasts all over japan go there and hang out. Basically their whole island is a sidecar racetrack. Their culture revolves around it. Yuri Miyata and Megumi Meguro are the best highschool racers in their island, and also in japan.
The team is composed of these 2 athletes, 2 technicians and their coach. Before the series started, their coach left them to pursue his dreams of being a pro racer in the Isle of Man in England. He could leave the girls behind coz they were already skilled af and they had a local lady coach who could handle things. Now Yuri and Megumi may be partners but they are also rivals. They want to beat each other guts. Think momoshiro and kaido from prince of tennis. They work quite well together coz they're so competitive with each other.
Now make no mistake, Sidecar Racing is an extreme and dangerous sport. People legit die from this irl. The trust between pairs (a driver and passenger) is important because they need to balance each other AND the vehicle or else they'll steer off-course and crash (and then die).
From what I remember, this 12-episode anime focuses on the national competition in sidecar racing. Therefore the best pairs all over japan have come to the island to be the national champion. 5 other female sidecar pairs are introduced. For some reason, the drivers and the passengers are housed separately, but the pairs train and plan together.
The anime follows the histories and conflicts of each pair as they all practice to get used to the race track. This culminates to the final battle at the end of the series.
My Rating: 3/5 -the plot is pretty meh. I was honestly curious about how it will unfold though. The characters are weird and meta af, combine that with girl power and "female flavor" (for lack of better word), it's a different POV on things honestly.
Art and Animation
It's pretty decent ngl. I enjoyed watching the racing sequences and how the sidecar pairs moved while operating the vehicles. It is smooth and the colors are pretty.
I'm not into vehicles but there were technical aspects discussed. Modifications and etc. are often shown and you can see how the characters manipulate the different parts of the vehicle (like clutch and accelerator handling, etc.) Techniques to improve speed and handle curves/bumps are also briefly explained among other stuff. I dont know how realistic or legal some of the stuff they're doing tho so..watch with a grain of salt. XD
I'd say the characters were interesting. The main characters aren't beginners and are smh treated as pros even in their own island. So you dont get that "dumb beginner idiot with freaky abilities vs loner genius" partnership that is so common and overused in shonen series.
It's refreshing to see adults enjoy the same sport too and they also help the characters.
next part is under cut because [spoilers]
The MC's rivalry is honestly so..uh...petty and icky if you think about it. Both of them got this crush on their coach (help me pls) and they want to defeat each other to become their coach's partner in the sport. It's honestly so childish? but also reminded me of CLAMP/CCS bullsht and if I survived CLAMP then this plot point is basically peanuts.
They have healthy competition tho. Both of them grew up together (childhood friends) and developed love for the sport together because their moms were the og teammates. (yeah their parents participation and love for the sport is a big thing in this series).
The other character pairs are interesting too:
lesbians (like legit sailor neptune and uranus type)
osaka girls
and etc.
Each had their own drama and they resolved it within the series.
Honestly this show is more meta than sport. Like... it's not for casual viewing. I remember there was some deep psychological issue which the twin pair portrayed. There's a lot of drama okay? HOWEVER!!! I've only been exposed to Shonen type of drama (like the USTs and hero complexes) so whatever Two Car had was unique to me!! Girls are really written differently. It easily reminded me of my interactions with fellow girls (albiet more extreme).
They are always shown to be in the onsen after every practice day but honestly it doesnt count as fanservice. Only their busts are shown.
You'll have to get used to shots of the butt especially in sequences of the passenger manuevering the vehicle tho. I guaranteet that there is no excessive boob action sequences and other sht.
Look I have seen stuff over the years and since this show didn't provide see-through-shirt stuff, Two Car is "fine" in my books.
HOWEVER There is a dream sequence (one of the characters dream stuff up) which is straight up bdsm (i think that's in ep 6). NGL I dropped this show for a while because of that but hah it's honestly just a few dreams for one episode.
Final Notes
Would I recommend this show? Honestly...no. But watching this was an Experience. Against the highly sanitized world of shonen anime, it's an interesting change of pace.
First of all, in girls sports, there is a lot of casual skinship because it's normal and comfortable. And there is more communication. Maybe it's a writing flaw that conflicts aren't as dragged out but idk, we dont have a lot of decent female sports anime to see what really works. Because I am often frustrated with how slow burn most shonen are, seeing characters resolve conflicts BY TALKING IT OUT is the most rewarding experience.
Honestly I really had fun watching the whole thing. The ending made me want to flip tables tho but the rest was quite enjoyable.
Personally I think ppl have more freedom in writing girls/women. There is just so much you can do with them.
you can see my live reactions in this twitter thread lmao
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