#this took me two hours at like. midnight and i was gonna break it up an finish it ij the . mornin
spliffymae · 5 months
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forgotten connie drabble (18+ mdni)
★ *  °    🛰  °. 🌓 •  .°•   🚀
you moved to the side once you were inside, coming in behind the man of the hour himself. sasha had been running rampant to throw him an amazing surprise party. and you were in on it, tasked with bringing connie home from work and acting as if you know nothing about what the current day was.
which proved to be hard the second connie got into your car after putting his bag in the back seat. “ahh shit! they got mi cielita to take me out. where we going, mami?” connie was grinning ear to ear as he looked at you, dimples popping below red freckled cheeks.
he was so cute, and you were gonna hate to do this but, “what’re you on about, springer?” you scrunched your face up in confusion at him. you then quickly looked ahead to pull out the parking lot. if you looked at him for too long you were sure you’d crack.
connie rolled his eyes, not buying your ignorance. “oh stop that, y’know what i’m talking bout.” he said as he buckled himself in and then reclined the passenger seat.
with the strongest will you could muster, you kept up the confusion, looking back at him and with a quirked brow, “you got a game or sum?” you asked, knowing damn well he had nothing going on today. his birthday happened to land on the off day for ball practice AND track practice, not to mention he didn’t have class either.
now, when sasha told you to act like you forgot that his birthday was today, she failed to mention to you that it was something connie’s mother had done plenty of times in his life…not as a joke, though.
connie really cared about four women in his life: you, sasha, his little sister, and his mom. so you forgetting his day took a pin to his bubble and popped the fuck out of it. he didn’t dwell on the subject anymore, changing to now talk about your days. however, connie was feeling down on the inside. all his friends had wished him a happy birthday either via call, text, or social media post. have you not been on your phone today?
when you pulled up to his and sasha’s shared apartment, you flashed him a smile but it was not reciprocated. connie was staring ahead, zoned out in thought. so much so he doesn’t feel you turn the car off or hear you call his name.
“con” you pushed his shoulder slightly, getting him to snap out of his own head.
“we’re at your place. is it cool if i come up to use the bathroom?” you usually wouldn’t say anything and invite yourself into his apartment. days when you’d get him we’re days you set aside to hang with him. but today seems to be different. connie wondered if you had made plans that made you forget about his birthday.
“uh yeah, sure.” he said lowly. he reached back to grab his backpack and with that, got out the car. you could see the defeat in his walk towards the doors. he was mumbling to himself, more times trying to dissect what the hell was going on with you. because you wouldn’t just forget, right?
you got out the car and sped walk to catch up, sending sasha a quick text to let her know yall were back. you also cussed her for telling you to do this to connie, knowing how pouty he gets.
the walk to the elevator was quite, along with you two getting off at his floor and going to his apartment. however, before connie turned the key he put into the lock, he turned to you. his eyes were glossed over and cheeks dusted with a crimson red. he was chewing on his bottom lip, hazel eyes filled with worry. “did i do something, mami? you mad at me?”
and oh my god you wanted to break the act right there…but you were RIGHT THERE.
you blinked, “what do you mean, con? why would i be?” you wanted him to just open the door. once he opened the door you could drop the act, you could give him all the birthday love you were holding in since midnight.
connie let out a sigh and turned back around, giving up on the matter and turning the lock to go in. the day was no longer felt good. what good was a birthday if the one person he wanted to spend it with forgot about it?
when the door opened, connie walked inside and turned on the light and was immediately met with screams, cheers, and camera lights in his face.
which brings us here, to where he freezes and looks around at his friends from his basketball team, work, childhood, and sasha standing in the middle with a cake.
connie spent a good couple seconds taking everything in, he was slightly embarrassed to say once he believed you had forgotten he immediately forgot the day, choosing to just wallow in his room as he smoked a spliff.
you took a step forward, hands behind your back and coming up on his right. “happy birthday, connie.” you bumped him with your hip, once again snapping him out of his own head and bringing him back to the present.
the big, toothy smile he had in your car came back, now decorated with deep dimples and eyes watery with tears of appreciation.
just as he was about to say something to you, jean pulled him away, leaving you two with an unfinished conversation.
•  .°•
you were talking to sasha in the kitchen as connie was socializing with all his guests. he hadn’t had the chance to come back to you just yet, but you weren’t worried. you didn’t plan on going anywhere.
“i told you! he’s so brain dead when it comes to you that he’ll completely forget everything. did you see how lost he looked when he saw us?” sasha was so happy that her plan had turned out well. she knew her best friend well enough to know it wasn’t going to take a lot to get his mind off his literal day of birth. not when you were the one thing that stayed on his mind and could pull his attention from anything.
you playfully rolled your eyes, “i still hated seeing how sad he looked. why didn’t you tell me i was damn near triggering him?!” you were nursing your second cup of a mimosa, slightly tipsy.
sasha giggled. she, on the other hand, had been four shots in from when you guys came in. “i forgot. but it’s all good now. oop—here he comes.” before you knew it, sasha had stepped away and now connie was in your space.
his eyes were low and bloodshot, having just come back from a hotbox with his guys in the car. “mami, you really are sum special.” he grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together and pulling you to be flush against him.
you smiled, “sasha made me, pa. you know i would never forget your day.” you traced his lips with your finger, your acrylic nail going along his prominent cupids bow. connie held your hand still and kissed your finger, then moved your hand so it was at the back of his head. it brought you closer into his space, his cologne taking over your senses. he loweeeed his head to touch yours, looking in your eyes.
“¿dónde está mi regalo, princesa? his hands trailed up from your waist to your back, to your elbow and then shoulder. he tucked one of your locs behind your ear, staring at you as if you held both the moon and the stars. “i been dying to unwrap it” his eyes were scanning all over your face, taunting you with his hidden meaning.
“quiero mi pastel, ma. soy hambriento.” he undid the button with ease, bringing you to gasp and instinctively grip the small curls on the back of his neck.
“later.” you said softly, giving him a sweet smile to match. but connie smirked with wickedness, red eyes gleaming of mischief. his hand trailed back down to the waistband of your baggy pants.
“c-con.” you could feel his long and slender fingers pad over your core. he pressed his index and his middle against your clit, sending a jolt up your spine. “this party’s for you.” you bit your lip when you felt him move them in a circular motion, the wetness of your pussy dampening your panties.
“it’s my birthday, right? i can do whatever i want, right?” you were gonna answer, but then he pushed your panties to the side. he had rubbed your lips to collect your slick on his fingers, and slowly began to push them inside of you. your mouth opened, but no words came out.
“oh princesa, did you forget how to talk? just like how you forgot papi’s birthday?” he tsked, shaking his head, “made me so sad. y’know” the force of his thrusts picked up, knocking you back to grip the edge of the counter behind up. “a mean joke you guys pulled on me.”
“pa…i-i can’t be quiet” you panicked, looking at connie with worrisome eyes. he knew you were a screamer, fuck it was what he loved about you. pleasure would overwhelm you quick and all your composure would go flying out the window. you got animalistic when you’d approach your peak, and connie never missed the chance to see it. but today, you were doing your best to show restraint the clench of your jaw let him know you really wanted to get it out but were resisting.
connie took his other hand to rub a thumb on your clit, turning his ears off to anything that wasn’t your faulty breaths or straggled moans. “hm…guess i forgot.”
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faefictions · 1 year
Hospital Meet Cute
Eddie Munson x Reader
3.3k words
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“What are you in for?”
They were the first words that had been spoken directly to you for what felt like hours. The bright white of the room and the smell of cleaner was overwhelming enough, but you were nursing a headache that was beginning to really worry you. In all honesty, you probably should have been rushed back to be examined the second you arrived to the hospital, but it had been well over an hour wait now with no end in sight. 
You looked to your right, where the boy who had spoken was sitting and looking at you. He looked almost as bad as you, a bloody nose that you assumed was broken, a split lip, and a black eye just beginning to darken. You were almost too exhausted to answer him at all, but what you could muster came out much more rude than you had intended. 
“Can’t be sure until they actually get me checked out,” you sighed, checking the time on the wall yet again. Only 15 seconds had passed since the last time you glanced, it was still nearing midnight, your bad day hadn’t yet ended. 
“How long have you been here?” 
You really looked at him this time. He was young, maybe around your age, give or take a couple years. His eyes were brown and his hair was long and curly, much longer than the men in your hometown. He was calm, calmer than you would have been if you looked like him. Hell, for all you knew, you did look like him, and you had been fighting off tears the entire drive here. But this guy was sitting there like he was a regular in the waiting room, and you sat there clueless to what town you were even in. 
“I’m not sure when I got here, but its been more than an hour at least. Maybe two now.” 
“They’re really off their game tonight,” he said, almost under his breath as he sat up to look behind the desk. You were staring to think maybe you were right about him being a regular here. 
“I think you misunderstood my question though,” he smiled at you as he sat back down, “I’m looking for the dirt, the juicy stuff. The how more than the why.”
His smile was charming, but his happy go lucky demeanor was going to get old fast. You had a feeling that ignoring him wouldn’t do much though, and you could use a break from staring at the clock. 
“Well it’s nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. Hurts like a bitch though. Your nose doing ok?”
“Yeah, probably not broken. It doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as last time I broke it, so we’re probably in the clear.” 
“Glad to hear it,” you chuckled. You had never seen someone in such a good mood with blood actively dripping down their face. 
“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened?”
“No, I usually respect the privacy of strangers that I met less than a minute ago.”
“I’m Eddie, now I’m not a stranger.”
“That’s not how that works,” you smiled incredulously. 
“Sure it is! And if you tell me your name, you won’t be a stranger to me. And it’s been more than a minute now, so I think that means we’re in the clear.” 
“You are ridiculous.” 
“I get that a lot, but I didn’t hear an introduction anywhere in that insult.” 
“I’m y/n.” 
He extended a hand, and you hesitated for a second before offering your opposite hand as a compromise. It took him a second to decipher why you raised the wrong hand, but when he look down to your left wrist, he could see the bruising. 
“So, you gonna ask now?”
“No,” you chuckled at his persistence. 
“Damn. Well I was just going to tell you not to worry your pretty little head about it anyway so I guess it all worked out.” 
“Wow. Are you always this charming?”
“You think I’m charming?” he smiled at you, and you half expected to find a missing tooth among his pearly whites, but his teeth seemed to remain one of the only parts of his body unscathed. 
“You’re a bit of an ass. That’s about it.”
“And you’re just a ray of sunshine.” 
“Well sorry for not being so chipper after…” you paused as you were about to reveal what your night had entailed, but shot a look at him before you could, “Damn, you almost got me.” 
“That was a close one,” he smiled mischievously. You couldn’t help but admit that you really liked this guy. He was nicer than the people in your hometown, and the way he dressed was a beacon for someone like you. 
You figured if you told him what had happened, it wouldn’t be as surprising to him as it would be to someone else. The kids in your town had been terrorizing you since kindergarten. The town freak since the ripe age of 5. Things had been getting progressively worse since your father died back in ’79. Now with no mother or father, you no longer had anything in common with the kids in your school. You thought the bullying would stop after high school, but you were wrong. You learned that leaving town altogether was your only hope. 
That is what you had been doing. Your car was packed to the brim with your belongings, and you were set on your way for a small town about an hour away. Far enough for a new beginning, but close enough to not terrify you. Halfway through the drive, you noticed the car behind you getting a little too close for comfort. The sun had just set, but you still recognized the car. It belonged to the boyfriend of a girl that had led the crusade against you in high school, the one person you were most thankful to get away from. You knew if he was driving behind you, she was in the passenger seat, and their friends were probably packed into the back. Whatever they had planned wasn’t going to be good and you were starting to get nervous. 
They started to tailgate you, and you did your best to keep your speed steady. If they rear ended you, that was their problem not yours. But your sentiment quickly changed when you realized that there was no one else on the road. If they forced you to stop, it would just be them against you, and you were worried that that was the plan all along. So you sped up. 
You rode for a couple miles with them on your ass, speeding almost 20 over the limit, hoping to come across some traffic and a well lit stop to get them to pass. But before you could reach your safe haven, they had pulled up beside you. The last thing you remembered was her smiling at you before running into the side of your car. 
They must have sped off, not even stopping to see if you were alive, because when you woke up you were alone on the road again. You could see the lights of a town maybe a mile up the road, and with your car now totaled, your only hope was to walk the rest of the way. 
You hadn’t told the ladies behind the desk about the severity of your situation. You just told them you got into a little accident. You were regretting that now, knowing that if you told them you were ran off the road and had to walk to the hospital after coming to in a totaled car, you probably would have been seen by now. 
“Do you want me to get you something cold for your arm? It looks like it’s staring to swell.”
You glanced down to your left arm again, and he was right. You still weren’t sure what was broken and what just ached. Your adrenaline was pumping during the walk here, but you didn’t feel an ounce of it anymore. 
“That would be lovely, but where are you going to get something cold in the waiting room.” 
“I know my way around,” he winked before getting up and leaving you for a moment. He returned a minute later with an ice cold can of soda.
“Come here often?” you chuckled as you took the can and rested against the tight skin on your wrist. 
“Yeah, actually. I’m on a first name basis with a majority of the staff at this point. Especially the ones who work the weekends.”
“What, are you more accident prone on a Saturday?”
“Oh, darlin, you really think I bruised myself up this good? Nah, not even I’m that talented.”
“You really want to tell me what happened, don’t you?” 
“Only so you’re trapped into telling me what happened to you. No offense, but you look like you’ve gone to Hell and back, and I would love for you to feed into my morbid curiosity.” 
“Then you can keep your secrets,” you smirked at him, and glanced back to the clock. Somehow, 10 minutes had passed. You had begun to convince yourself that you had entered purgatory before you starting speaking to Eddie. It felt like time was never going to progress, and you were going to be stuck waiting for medical attention for the rest of eternity. 
Eddie was about to speak up, but before he could open his smart ass mouth, the doors of the entrance slid open and he glanced behind him to see whose shoes were squeaking as they made their way to you. 
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. The smirk was wiped off your face when you turned to see a tall man in a police uniform approaching the two of you. 
“Hopper, to what do I owe the pleasure,” Eddie tried to joke. To you, he was clearly nervous, but you thought he hid it well. 
“I’m not here for you this time Munson. But better safe than sorry, you should stick around for a quick word after this,” The officer spoke gruffly, coming off like a disappointed father, “Are you y/n l/n?” 
Your heart dropped. You had never been good with authority figures. Whether it be teacher, principles, security guards, or cops. You were always on the butt end of a bad situation, and you learned from a young age that not even finding an adult could save you. No one was ever on your side. 
“Uhm, yeah,” you replied, barely above a whisper and unable to look back up at him. 
“Thank god,” you heard him grumble under his breath, “Are you aware that your car is on fire a mile up the road?”
“Oh, it just wouldn’t start when I left it.” 
Eddie was soaking up the conversation, looking between you and Hopper like it was a tennis match. It was the entertainment he had been hoping for to distract him from the third time he had been in a fight this month. This time he truly did have himself to blame, after saying something he really shouldn’t have to a man much bigger than him after a show at the Hideout. But as he began to piece the puzzle together, he was growing more concerned for you. 
“You mind telling me what happened to your car? Or how you got here?,” Hopper’s head quickly swiveled to Eddie, “Did you drive her?” 
Eddie just shook his head and glanced at you. He could see your eyes staring to water now, and something in him hated the sight. He reached out and grabbed your good hand, hoping to offer some kind of support or comfort, whichever you needed more. 
“I walked.” 
“And you were in the car when it flipped?”
Your head shot up, unable to believe what you were hearing.
“It flipped?” 
To the best of your recollection, you just swerved off the side of the road. Honestly, you weren’t thinking straight, because there was no reason for you passing out and totaling your car if you had simply swerved. 
“It did. There wasn’t anyone else in the car right?”
“No… Just everything I own.” you scoffed as the weight of the situation really sunk in. This brought a whole new meaning to your “new beginning” idea. There was no fresher start than one with nothing from your past. 
“How long have you been here?” 
You were too stuck in your own thoughts to process that another question had been asked, so Hopper looked to Eddie in hopes of an answer. 
“She was here when I got here an hour and a half ago, but she said she doesn’t know how long she’s been here.” 
“I’m going to go see if I can get someone to give her a once over. Keep her company.” 
Eddie nodded and turned his attention back to you. You were obviously zoned out, and Eddie didn’t blame you, but he needed to reel you back in. 
“So much for keeping your secrets,” he whispered, feigning maliciousness, as if he had personally asked Hopper to come down and tell him. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at him, even as your tears began to tip over your lower lids. 
“I think you have to tell me what happened to you now, if I recall the rules correctly.” 
“Oh, I just got beat up at a bar. Nothing near as exciting as what’s going on over here,” he chuckled as he gestured vaguely towards you. 
It wasn’t until now that you realized that his hand was holding yours, but you were glad to receive the kind attention. It wasn’t something you were used to. 
“So what were you running from?” he asked, the warmth and humor suddenly absent from his voice. 
“What do you mean?”
“You had all your belongings packed into the back of your car, and I am 90% sure you aren’t from around here. So I can naturally assume you were running from something. Honestly I have a feeling I know the answer, but you know, never judge a book by its cover.” 
“Maybe I want to hear your guess.”
“Town freak?”
“Excuse me?”
“Outcast? Pariah, reject, untouchable? I can go on for hours. I’m afraid I have an unfair advantage with all the synonyms.” 
“And why’s that?”
“I’ve been called them all, sweetheart. You are speaking with the resident Freak of Hawkins, Indiana,” he pretended to bow from his seat. 
“Guess it really does take one to know one, huh,” you offered a half hearted smile. 
“So what was it? Weird music? Everyone hate your dad? One person just decide to make it their lives mission to make everyone hate you?”
“If I knew what it was, I would have changed it years ago. I think it’s just genetic though. But your guesses aren’t bad.” 
You adored that Eddie could make you laugh even after something as terrible as this night. You almost didn’t want to get called back anymore, knowing that your time with him would likely come to an end, and you may never see him again. 
When Hopper returned to let you know that your wait was almost over, you were almost disappointed. 
“Y/n, I need to talk to you really quick though. Is that alright?” he asked, and he seemed much more gentle than he had when he arrived. You hated the pity, but it was much better than how you were used to being treated by the police. So you gave him a nod. 
“Eddie, can you give us a minute?”
“It’s ok if he stays,” you cut in quickly, subconsciously squeezing Eddie’s hand harder. 
“Ok, that’s fine with me,” Hopper gave you a smile before he pulled a chair closer to sit directly across from you. He pulled out a small notepad and a pen and leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. 
“Y/n, I need to know what you remember from before your car flipped. If you remember anything at all.” 
“There are… There are some marks on the drivers side of the car that suggest you were hit. I just want to put the pieces together before we start a man hunt, just in case I’m wrong in thinking someone ran you off the road.” 
“It’s ok, there’s no need to look for them. I don’t want to press charges or anything.” 
Your heart began to pick up thinking about the retaliation you might receive from bringing legal charges agains them. You were trying to get away, the last thing you needed was a case to tie you to them. 
Hopper’s head quirked in curiosity, and he squinted his eyes at you before asking, “Y/n, do you know who did this?” 
“Well, yeah, but like I said, it’s…It’s fine.” 
“Can we have a second Hop?” Eddie asked gently, and Hopper nodded before crossing the room to allow you two to speak. 
“The people you were running from, are they the ones that did this?” 
“Eddie, you don’t get it.” 
“No, I do, remember? I need you to take a deep breath, ok?” 
It took you a second to realize how hard you were squeezing his hand and how quickly your heart was beating. So you took his advice and took a few deep breaths before you looked for him to continue.
“I can tell you’re scared. But, y/n, this isn’t school yard bullying. They could have killed you. And it doesn’t sound like they stopped to see if you were alive. They deserve to be locked up for that, you know that right?” 
“But they won’t.”
“Cops don’t like you back home?”
You just shook your head.
“Well look, you met Hopper over there,” he gestured over his shoulder and waiting for you to nod before continuing, “Well he’s different. I promise. He will make sure those bastards burn for what they did. He doesn’t care if their daddy is mayor, he will make sure they do the time the deserve ok?” 
“How do you know it was more than one person?” 
“Those kind of people always travel in packs.” 
“If I tell him who it was…” you paused to organize your thoughts into a coherent sentence as your mind raced, “How do you know they won’t just find me and try again?” 
Eddie gently reached up grab your cheeks and got closer to your face, “I swear they won’t lay another finger on you. And if you decide to stick around Hawkins, I can assure you no one else will either.” 
“You offering to be my body guard?” 
“Maybe,” he chuckled. He could tell you were calming down already. 
“By the looks of you, I don’t think you’re cut out for that line of work.”
“Shush,” he laughed, “So what do you say, can I call Hop back over?” 
You nodded, and a minute later, Hopper was out the door and ready to bring justice to the people who had been making your existence unbearable for your whole life. It wasn’t much longer before a nurse rushed out and apologized for the long wait to both of you and called you both back. Your heart dropped when you realized you may not see Eddie again, and he could sense your reluctance to let his hand go. 
“Don’t worry, I already memorized your full name like the good freak I am, and I will be back to visit you later.” 
“Of course. The best thing about the hospital here in the lovely town of Hawkins, Indiana, is that our visiting hours are 24/7. I can come annoy you for as long as I want,” he smirked at you, “I just need to run home and grab my copy of Lord of the Rings after they check out my nose. I think you’ll really like it.” 
“With this headache, I don’t think I’m going to like reading anything.” 
“Oh don’t worry, I wasn’t going to let you lay a finger on it. I like doing the voices.” 
You both laughed, and continued to hold hands until it was absolutely necessary for you to part ways. 
“See you soon,” Eddie smiled down at you before following a different nurse to a room down the hall. 
“See you soon.”
@embrace-themagic​ @fanficparker​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @saturn-aka-six​ @calum-hoodwinked-me​ @peterplanet​ @mischiefmanaged49​ @nicotine-sunshine820​ @itsjusttor​ @emistrash​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @sovereignparker​ @raajali3​@eddielives1986​ @eddieswifu​ @chickpeadumpsterfire​ @fluffybunnyu​
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mrsnancywheeler · 5 months
the lakes (4) // finnick odair x f. reader
summary: it's supposed to be over, you and Finnick are supposed to spend the rest of your lives helping each other heal. living as peacefully as possible, but the the third quarter quell throws a wrench in your domestic bliss.
previous chapter / next chapter
midnight rain
2.6k words
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warnings: angst, fluff, mentions and allusions of trafficking and sexualization of reader/finnick by capitol, manipulation of someone's feelings, allusions of past break up, allusions to death/violence, playful banter, no use of y/n, UNEDITED, me trying to write peeta, trauma, allusions to mental illness, survivors guilt
The couch in all its neon greeness had been the same over the last 6 years. With the same garishly neon blue pillows in obnoxious shapes and as you stared at it it brought back when you and Conway had anxiously sat on it. When you began nervously sucking up to him, playing his sensitive side.
“I'm worried about you." Finnick popped a grape into his mouth as he sat on one of the velvety seats at the table. Honesty was his new approach, to tell you exactly what he was thinking especially if it was about you to force you to do the same. You were only a couple hours into the morning and this was evident.
“Why, Finnick?" You sighed, not in annoyance, well maybe a little bit in annoyance, but mostly the sigh had been one of love.
“I know we've both been back before, but not as tributes. You're going to start thinking about your games again as we go through the same steps. I'm worried you won't stay grounded."
“Yeah, well, I have you and as long as I can be in your arms I'll be okay."
He nodded observing you carefully, to make sure you weren't repressing anything deep within you, but he seemed satisfied for now. “It's not just you, I'm sure we're all going to be thinking a lot about the first time we were in this position." Finnick shrugged, grabbing another handful of grapes.
“Are you gonna be able to stay grounded?" You asked, putting down the knife you were using to butter your toast.
"I've managed this long.” He smirked, leaning forward, "Plus I've got you, angel.” 
You rolled your eyes,"You're so cheesy.”
"What? So it's cheesy when I do it, but not when you do it?”
"Exactly.” You laughed. "Second day of married life and you're already catching on!”
"I'm a fast learner.” He raised his eyebrows, grinning.
The door opened and in came your escort. “Good morning, you two! Glad to see you've broken no more glasses, Finnick." She tutted, her dress was an eyesore to look at. You loved color, but her clashing bright ones made your head hurt.
“Nope, I've remembered my manners, Koalema.” 
"Well that's good! Oh look, we're so close to arrival.” She kept babbling about something probably nonsensical. Koalema, why had you never been able to recall that name? You felt bad for not remembering, but it was so hard when she was flurry of chaos and overstimulation. 
Finnick stood up and held his hand out for you, “Well here we go, angel. Be ready to put on that beloved smile and have those tears ready to spill. They love that about you." You took his hand and pulled yourself out of your seat.
“You don't need any instruction from me, always the charmer."
“Yeah, well I've had longer." The two of you prepared to greet the vultures waiting to eat up upon arrival. Standing in front of the window, hands tightly clasped together ready to gracefully swoop up your audience in their desired fantasy for the final time. 
To smile at the people who had taken everything from you and completely controlled every aspect in your life. How people saw you, your relationship with Finnick, your relationship with yourself and your body, anything that you could think of they had somehow pulled strings in it. All of your life was under their thumb and you realized the lengths you would go to stop that, what would life be like when all you had left was memories that never needed to be reopened?
It was beautiful. There was more food than you'd ever be able to eat and not a single scent of the salty seafood you were used to. Bright colors etched into your brain and everything was so modern, so clean. You had no idea what you'd expected, but it blew you away.
“This is where you two will be staying on our way to the Capitol! Isn't it beautiful? No expense has been spared, District 4 has a pretty good reputation of course and we'd like to keep that! So be in awe, but not so much that you forget about that." The garish woman said so cheerfully you were convinced you misheard her.
“No we wouldn't want that." Conway muttered and the woman gave him a sharp smile.
“Make yourselves at home, I do believe the two of you are very lucky and get the one, the only Finnick Odair as one of your mentors this year. Let me check on that and possibly, Odine." Her heels clicked out the room which inexplicably opened just as she stood in front of it.
Home. You'd never see home again, never swim in the comfort of its waters, see your family, lay in the warm sand. Yes, you would if you could win this, but you couldn't. And Finnick, how were you supposed to think about strategy when he would be right there?
“Are you okay?" A soft hand landed on your shoulder and Conway's deep, brown eyes spoke as much comfort as they could for you. Of course you weren't okay, how could you be? But saying that wouldn't endear him into you, so you melted into his touch.
You shook your head, closing your eyes, and sniffling. “What about you? How was your family?" 
“Well at least I'm here with you and they'll be okay, at least they have each other too." Yes, at least you had someone you knew, yet also didn't that make it more difficult? He didn't ask about your family though, maybe if you kept a tally you'd feel less guilty by the end.
“Yeah, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have someone I trusted. I'm just so scared, Conway.” With that you'd erupted into tears and he pulled his arms around you. They weren't stiff, but weren't comforting, not that you really needed his comfort.
“It's okay, we've got each other."
You already hated yourself.
With that the automatic door slid open, but you didn't tear yourself away. You knew who it would be, but he wouldn't believe you if you jumped from him. So you slowly moved your hands to wipe your face and made your voice shake as you let out your sweetest, “Thank you."
He nodded eagerly, he didn't say of course but you could see it in his eyes. A warm, but brisk voice interrupted the moment. “Glad you've already decided to ally with each other, makes it much more difficult when the tributes won't talk to one another." Finnick’s honeycomb sweet voice finally drew your eyes to his.
“Yes, it's an easier angle to work with." A tall woman beside him agreed, you recognized her from the screens, Ondine Afron, she sounded more tired then you'd remembered.
“We’ll be your mentors, teaching you with our experience the best ways to survive, how to get sponsors, and whatever else could help." Finnick grabbed a sugar cube from the bowl by the teapot, examining it before tossing it into his mouth.
Yes and him being a mentor could throw a wrench in your plans. Conway had heard every bit of the emotional rollercoaster that had been Finnick Odair, how could you convince him you loved him instead when the man of all your affections was right there.
“Nice to meet you both." Conway said curtly, he let himself glare slightly at the other man. Usually you'd scold him for this, you weren't the type to want tension, but you needed him to trust you. So you leaned into his side, looking up at him as innocently as you could. Willingly him with every molecule to believe you and for Finnick to leave you alone enough to make your performance more outstanding.
Later that night when you'd wandered the train's halls in a nightgown with a softness like you'd never experienced before, you'd passed by Finnick who had nothing but praise for the plan we could tell you were hatching. Of course he could tell, he knew every morsel of your being. 
“You're so smart, angel, the way you came up with that in a matter of seconds. Being good on your feet like that could save you in the arena." He'd whispered, softly above the mechanical noises your brain had hyper fixated on since your arrival. 
“Don't call me that." You muttered.
He sighed, looking down, “I'm sorry. I'm just-"
“Yeah, I know."
“You know I'd do anything to keep you safe, even if I haven't always been able to tell you what and now I've failed, but here you are, I mean the way you manipulated your eyes like that was brilliant. The audience is going to be under your finger just keep doing what you're doing." Suddenly his hands were around yours, a movement so familiar it made you shudder.
“Finnick, please don't." You tugged your hands, half-heartedly, not really letting them escape his loose grip.
“I'm sorry, I know you don't understand why I hurt you, but it'll all make sense once you win this thing."
“Yeah, sure." You rolled your eyes, this was a tiring waltz between the two of you. Him claiming it was to protect you while you couldn't know from what, even now when you were on the brink of inevitable death.
“I promise." He stilled all his shifting and movements, sea green eyes boring so deeply into the depths of your heart there was no choice but to trust him. You couldn't help yourself and leaned in, delicately letting your lips graze his cheek.
“I have to go find his room. You know, do what I can." There was slight laughter behind your tone and Finnick nodded, softly smiling.
"My smart girl.” He muttered, glowing in the lamp light. I miss you, your brain screamed as you gazed at him, suddenly the tears you were trying to force up to sell your act were easier to conjure up. So you left him in the dim lights of the train car to convince Conway of how badly you needed his comfort now that you were away from home.
“Secret wedding is all anyone can talk about." Your designer, Cambrie, sounded like bright citrus, drinking orange juice for breakfast. “Especially those seaweed rings, so bolstering for my ideas to run their course!" She smiled, clearly full of anticipation for her idea to be revealed to you.
Truthfully you couldn't care less about it, you wanted to be back at Finnick's side. As the years passed being alone with people from the Capitol no matter who they were or what they intended nauseated you. “Oh come on, Cambrie, I'm going to die of anticipation!" You proclaimed with as much drama as you could, pouting.
"Oh you're adorable.” She clapped like you were some sort of performing dog and pinched your cheeks, actually pinched your cheeks. The infantilization made you want to retreat but that would never be an option. “Reignbaugh was going to go with a fishing net to look for Finnick to pay homage to the District of course, and similarly with you I was thinking to draw it together, but the seaweed combined to call back to the rings. Everyone will eat it up, and oh I have a lovely pearl headdress you are going to be stunning!” 
You gushed to her, but internally felt your stomach turn. This really meant she was going to try and show as much as you off as she could. Of course this turned out to be true. The outfit could have been beautiful if in reality it wasn't so dehumanizing. The seaweed running through the fishing net dress that adorned you barely covered your nipples and much of your body was clearly visible to those who stood close enough.
"And of course for the Capitol Princess.” Cambrie announced, placing her elegantly made crown, you had to admit it was beautiful. The way each pearl shined between the seaweed. Although you did think the seaweed usage was over the top, the choice of it for the rings hadn't really been significant, it was just there in a place you both loved. It was marketable though. Her and your other stylists had also gone to great effort to make your eyes look as watery as possible, even adding pearly effects to make it look like you were crying them. It was too all too much, but you oohh’d and awed which they adored you even more for. 
“Don't you look handsome." You remarked all too sarcastically as you approached Finnick and his bare chest. 
“Oh just smile and wave, angel, they're savoring the last time they'll see either of us like this.” It was lighthearted and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head, but it did comfort you. Eventually your body would simply be yours again." There she is.” He whispered, your eyes followed him to her, Katniss Everdeen.
“Well you better go make your introduction then."
“Well ladies first." He gestured, expectantly.
“No, I don't think my first introduction should be like this." You pointed up and down the outfit. "You go, it'll seem perfectly on brand for you.”
Finnick nodded, you could tell he had more he wanted to say, to lecture on but there wasn't much time. You looked around the room, toying with the fishnet nervously before you heard someone call your name and looked in the direction.
"Didn't expect you to be the type with nerves.” A voice quickly caught your attention. Peeta Mellark.
"Only at the worst times.” You grimaced, shaking your head. 
Peeta smiled, "Well I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who gets them.” 
"Oh far from it, I bet you 75% of the people in here are trying not to throw up right now.” 
“Which one's are fine then?" He stood by you observing the occupants.
“While obviously it's neither of us, I'm thinking District 11 too many years in for either of them to be worrying."
“1 & 2?"
“Bingo!" You announced, tilting your head.
“Surprised you didn't say Katniss." He remarked.
"Surprised you didn't say Finnick.” You countered.
"The thrills of pretending to not be shaking.” He shook his head with a smirk.
"Masters of that game. In fact she looks like she might just kill him now.” You tried not to laugh at how Katniss looked at Finnick who you knew was trying desperately to work his charms.
"Well, I'd best go save him then.”
"Oh, yes it would only be mildly entertaining.”
"It was nice meeting you, considering the circumstances.” Peeta exuded kindness in a way you could only aspire too, it genuinely hurt your soul.
“Yes, a mind numbing extravaganza thrown here would have been much more enjoyable, as horrendous as that is to say." 
"I only ever attended one and just from that, I ever so gravely attest to that. I better go break the two up before she attacks.”
"Oh please do, can't have him squabbling already.” Peeta smiled and soon enough Finnick was stalking back your way.
"She'll come around.” He assured before you could even open your mouth as the two of you stepped into the carriage.
"I'm sure she will. Peeta and I could feel the tension from a room away.”
"Everybody likes me.”
"I'm sure talking like that is exactly why she doesn't.” You nudged him playfully.
"Oh shut up.” He rolled his eyes.
"That's no way to talk to your wife, Mr. Odair.” 
“I apologize, Mrs. Odair." He pulled you in for a kiss just as the carriage came into the bright sunlight, the screaming proved its effectiveness to you. It was sure to leave an impact on them when they looked back on the tribute parade. 
thank you all again for your continued reading and support, especially since I feel like this is so slow paced but there's so much I want to get in there. if you enjoyed feedback, comments, likes, reblogs are all much appreciated, as always my inbox is wide open for any thoughts y'all have! so excited for getting into the training parts and some rebellion planning in the next part. love y'all so much, thank you again 💕💋
taglist: @imaegonstargaryenswife0 @avoxrising @artsyaquarium @jennaaaaaaaaaaaa @secretsicanthideanymore @darlingsoulbeautfulthoughts @thatonegayloser616 @kybermp3 @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @ravensinthedaylight
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Seven Minutes In Heaven | Stu Macher
Pairing: Stu Macher x female!reader 
Word count: 4.1K
Warnings/contents: Light smut, sexual innuendos, mild language, mentions of future sex, light clit stimulation, slight name calling. 
Notes: Well… I was gonna do Billy… But… here we are, and this is not Billy. Stu has been living in my brain rent free the past couple of days and I’m not sure how to get rid of him. Do I want to? I hope that you all enjoy this chapter, it was fun to write! 
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The party was crowded all around you. It was nearly midnight, but there was no sign of the lively crowd leaving or dropping any time soon. You leaned against the wall in the room beside the kitchen, watching everybody laughing, singing and dancing. You’d been going hard all night— drinking, dancing, singing, and bouncing around the rooms with Sidney and Tatum. So you were taking a break with a fresh drink. 
Your stomach had started to hurt less than an hour ago, but you ignored it and took another swig of your drink. Everything tonight was sort of a blur. You weren’t sure if it was because you’d drank too much, or because everything was going fast; people were everywhere, and yet, you hadn’t seen Stu, Billy or Randy in the past few hours. You had seen Tatum and Sidney constantly throughout the night before you departed to get a new drink and they went to the bathroom. 
An arm wrapped around your shoulder, nearly making you jump before you looked and saw Sidney. 
“You scared me,” you feigned annoyance at the woman who sent you a grin. “I thought that you were some creep.” She laughed and took a quick sip of her drink. 
“It’s only Tatum and I,” she said as Tatum rounded the corner and sent you a smile. 
“Guys— have you seen Randy tonight?” 
“Uh, I think he was in the kitchen last I saw,” you said innocently, earning a cackle from Sidney. 
“She means that she thinks he looks hot.” You gave a quick laugh and tossed your head back on her shoulder. 
“No! Not Randy Meeks!” 
“What— it isn’t my fault. He looks hot tonight.” You and Sidney shared a laugh that made Tatum roll her eyes. “Come on guys— let me get over Stu how I please.” Her words felt like something that should have made you stop laughing and teasing, but you knew for a fact that she was over the man she’d previously been with; shockingly, he had been the one that broke up with her, despite Sidney’s constant bothering Tatum to break up with him. 
“Any way you want— just not with Randy.” You heckled the woman who sighed dreamily and leaned against the wall on your other side with a cup in her hand. You took a quick glance inside of it and chuckled. “Maybe you’re losing your mind because you’ve been drinking too much.” 
“It has to take a lot of shots to get with Randy,” Sidney sent Tatum a grin that she ignored. 
“I haven’t drank that much.” She told you, but you were quick to raise an eyebrow. You’d been with the two a majority of the night, and you knew for a fact that Tatum had drank nearly as much as you— possibly more in the short time that you had been separated. 
“Sure, Tate,” you shrugged the conversation off, knowing not to argue with her about this right now. She was far too drunk to accurately retort right now and it felt crude of you to continue teasing her. “If Randy is what you want…” You gave a soft blow from your mouth. “Fuck it. Then go for it.” Tatum hesitated, a slow smile spreading across her face as she pushed herself off of the wall with her shoulder. “Whoah— I do not like the face you just made,” you watched the woman start to head off across the room and shared a worried look with Sidney. 
“Should we… follow her?” 
“Probably.” The two of you made your way through the crowd, trying to follow the back of her head as quickly as you could to not lose her, but you were worried you’d accidentally end up following the wrong person if you got bumped into or blinded for a moment. By time the two of you made it off of the crowded makeshift dance floor, you saw Tatum across the room whispering something to Stu. 
You shared a quick, shocked look with the woman beside you before you looked back and saw him laughing and nodding. Tatum met your gaze across the room and waved in the air, beckoning the two of you over. 
“What are you talking to Stu for?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow. “I thought that the two of you were… well, not on speaking terms.” 
“I have a plan,” Tatum said with a cheerful grin. “We’re going to play seven minutes in heaven! It’s the perfect excuse to get Randy into the closet with me.” After a moment of silence, you spoke. 
“Why don’t you just get him into a bedroom upstairs with you?” She seemed to think for a moment before she shrugged. 
“I didn’t think of it.” You went to speak again, but she cut you off. “Well, it’s too late now. We both have something to gain from this anyways.” She sent you a wink that made your stomach tighten. 
What the hell did she mean by that? 
A whistle came over the room as the music abruptly stopped. People groaned and looked around in confusion. Stu stood on a table, waving a hat around the room. 
“It’s time for seven minutes in heaven!” Drunk people in the room started to cheer at his excitement. “We’re splitting into 3 different groups since there’s so many of us. Those of you who don’t want to play can stay here. Everyone else, split into groups and follow me.” Tatum grabbed your hand, so you grabbed Sidney’s hand, and quickly ran towards the direction Stu was going. You nearly stumbled over your feet on the way to the living room. “Alright— so we have 3 hats, I’m gonna do a headcount and put a slip of paper into the hat for every person in the room.” 
“How do we know who’s who?” Someone called. 
“I know. Billy knows.” 
“What if we don’t trust you?” Sidney asked with a raised eyebrow at the man who chuckled. 
“Okay— I’ll let one more person know the numbers for each group. (y/n)— you can have the numbers for our group,” your attention drifted off as you watched the man continue to speak, anxious about the game. You didn’t want to play— you did not want to get trapped in a room with any of these drunk people. But at the moment, it didn’t seem like you had a choice as Tatum squeezed your hand. 
“Thank you,” Tatum whispered to you quickly. You sent her a small, tight smile and watched the room start to disperse. Stu walked towards you and gestured for you to follow him. You let go of the girls hands, your own feeling clammy and numb. You hadn’t realized that you were anxiously squeezing their hands so tightly. 
“Whatever number Randy or Tatum picks doesn’t matter. We’re gonna say it’s theirs so they get locked in a closet together.” He spoke simply. “As for everyone else, we’re gonna go clockwise so that it’s easy to remember. I’m not sober enough to remember everybody in this room.” Feeling queasy, you sent the man a quick nod. 
“Sounds good to me.” You were quick to walk away from the man when he turned to Billy and went to sit between Tatum and Sidney. Sidney sent you a pat on the back while Stu jutted out the hat at the first victim of the circle— someone that you didn’t know the name of. He pulled a slip of paper out of the hat and called out the number. 
“Six.” You quickly looked around the group, counting clockwise to the sixth person and seeing another girl. She had long red hair, but you weren’t sure what her name was. For the most part, you knew about a total of five people at Stu’s parties— him included. 
The two got up, following Stu to the coat closet across the room. There were several spread throughout the house, giving plenty of room for every group to have one party go at once. 
He blocked the door with a chair and walked back to the group with his phone in hand, starting a timer for seven minutes and sitting down with the group while it counted down. The thought of spending seven minutes locked in a tight space with anybody in this room made your stomach churn. 
“Randy, I dare you to take 3 shots of (y/n)’s drink.” You looked at Stu, shocked: nobody said anything about playing another game while people were in the closet. 
“What— you didn’t let me choose between truth or dare!” He complained. Stu shrugged, clearly not caring and not going to change his mind. Randy looked at you and sighed, scooting closer and reaching for your drink that you outstretched tentatively. 
“Don’t give that back.” Randy almost looked offended. 
“I’m not sick!” 
“I don’t want your germs in my mouth.” Randy rolled his eyes, moving back to sit where he was previously since you didn’t want the drink back, and took 3 large shots into his mouth and winced. 
“God, (y/n)— this is strong,” he complained. You laughed at the man and watched him set the drink down with a grimace. Randy took a moment to get the taste from his mouth with his own drink before he looked around the circle for his next victim. “Hmm… Sidney… truth or dare.” 
“Truth,” she said, not trusting the look on Randy’s face. 
“Did you or did you not fuck Billy last weekend?” Her face warmed and you snickered; she should have known a truth would be just as bad from Randy as a dare. 
“Uh… I did.” She avoided eye contact with Billy who stole a quick glance at her. “God, you’re a pervert,” she mumbled, glancing at Tatum and wondering why she wanted to be locked in a closet with him. Just before Sidney spoke to pick her next person, the timer on Stu’s phone went off. He held a finger up to pause the game and got up, walking towards the closet. He moved the chair and abruptly slammed open the door, clearly wanting to catch the two in the act of doing something, and yet he only found them kissing sloppily. 
“Time’s up, love birds.” He shoved the two out of the closet, snickering when the girl was flushing and went back to the circle with her head down. Stu shook the hat and walked towards you, stopping with the hat right in front of your face. You reached up and into the hat, digging around until you felt like you found the right piece of paper. 
You pulled it out and looked at it. A 4 was scribbled on the paper. You looked to your left and met Sidney’s eyes. 
“Thank god,” you mumbled quietly, watching her laugh. 
“Well, then.” Stu smirked. “Come on, ladies.” Sidney rolled her eyes at the man and stood up. 
“Don’t be a pervert.” She grumbled, walking towards the closet with you. A quick look was shared between you and Stu. He sent you a wink as you walked into the cramped closet with Sidney. Stu shut the door and almost immediately you heard the chair scrape across the floor. 
“Seven minutes!” He called before he walked away. You gave a sigh and leaned back against the wall, brushing your hair back from your face. 
“I’m so glad it’s you I’m in here with.” The room was so dark you could barely see her, but you could see the woman enough to watch her smile. 
“Yeah— I agree. I did not want to be in here with one of those drunk guys. They look like they could barely stand.” You laughed and shook your head. 
“I wish Tatum had wanted to play this game when everyone was more sober.” 
“Or not at all,” Sidney grimaced. 
“Well, maybe you’ll get locked in here with Billy.” You teased the woman who gave your shoulder a slap. “Alright— alright!” You shoved her hand away with a grin. “I’ll leave you alone.” 
“Speaking of being locked in here with people…” She hesitated, confusing you. 
“What do you want to do, make out?” You teased the woman. 
“Absolutely not. I was wondering— have you seen Stu tonight?” 
“Uh— yeah? I was talking to him not that long ago about the game.” 
“Yeah, but that isn’t what I meant.” 
“I’m confused.” 
“He’s eyeing you like he wants to fuck you right there.” You choked on your own spit and nearly had a coughing fit. “I’m serious! He’s so eye fucking you.” You couldn’t tell if she was annoyed or not by her tone. She sounded half-disgusted and half-teasing. “The wink?” She added. “Stu doesn’t just wink.” 
“Stu flirts with everyone,” you said when you finally caught your breath. “He’s not eye fucking me, he’s just being… ugh.” You didn’t know what to say. You weren’t oblivious. You had seen him out of the corner of your eye a few times, but that didn’t mean that you thought that he was staring at you specifically. Wasn’t he just kind of a whore? 
“All I’m saying is that you better wish upon a star you don’t get locked in here with him or you’re gonna be caught naked.” You gasped and made her laugh. 
“I don’t want to fuck him. Even if he wants to fuck me— nobody said that I wanted to fuck him.” 
“Tatum fell for him.” You gave a soft scoff and looked down. 
“Whatever.” She reached over and gave you a gentle pat on the shoulder; the two of you stood in silence for a few minutes before the door opened and Stu looked in. He raised an eyebrow and stepped aside. 
“Boring.” Was all he said. “Randy, Tate— you’re next.” You raised an eyebrow and looked towards Tatum who stood a little too quickly. 
“We let Tatum choose while the two of you were still in here.” Stu sent you a knowing look and let Randy and Tatum inside the closet. She sent you an excited look and you swore that you saw Randy blushing before Stu shut the door and put the chair in front of the door. He took his time starting the timer on the way back to the circle. You went to go sit beside Sidney, but a cold hand caught your wrist and pulled you down. You gave a soft sound in shock and looked at Stu as he turned on the timer and leaned towards you. 
“What’s up with Tatum wanting to fuck Randy?” He asked, his breath hitting your ear. You felt ashamed as your face heated up as he spoke. 
“Uh, I don’t know.” You chewed on the inside of your cheek and gazed across the circle at Sidney who looked like she was going to burst. You sent her a sharp look. “She just mentioned it tonight. Maybe she’s just drunk. Why? Jealous?” You finally looked at the man again. He had a single raised eyebrow. 
“Me? Jealous?” He laughed. “No way. I have options.” You quickly looked away as the man eyed you too intensely. “Sidney,” he spoke, eyes still trained on you for a moment before he looked at her. “Truth or dare?” She hesitated for a minute, thinking about her last choice and the truth she had to answer. 
“Dare.” He smirked at the girl and looked at Billy that sat a few feet away from him. 
“Sit on Billy’s lap until I pick out of the hat.” 
“What’s the matter? You were just on his dick last weekend.” He said, as innocently as he could. She shot him a look and almost pleaded with her eyes at you. 
“I can always, uh… take the dare instead.” You said in an attempt to save your friend from the embarrassment. 
“No,” Stu spoke quickly, shaking his head. “This is for Sidney. Sid, sit on Billy’s lap for the next few minutes.” You shrugged gently and sent her an apologetic look. 
‘I tried’ you mouthed at the woman as she stood and walked over to Billy. You didn’t bother looking over and watching her, knowing that she certainly didn’t want to be seen in a moment like this. With a content hum, Stu looked around the circle then at the timer on his lap. There were still four minutes left for the two in the room and nearly half of the people had left while you and Sidney were in the closet. 
“Well… unless you wanna kiss me, there’s not much else we can do.” Stu spoke. It took a moment for you to realize that he was talking to you. 
“I’m not going to kiss you. I wasn’t going to choose dare anyways! It’s not even your turn again!” You blurted out shakily. He snickered and rested back on his hands. 
“Alright. Guess we get to wait.” The room was awkwardly silent. The music was quieter than it had been all night, but it still made your teeth feel like they were buzzing even after all of this time away from the loud room. 
Being able to hear your breath made you feel self-conscious, so you glanced at Sidney and saw her stiff against Billy who had a hand on her leg. She caught your gaze and gently shook her head as you bit back a smile. 
The timer going off nearly made you jump. Stu got up slowly, stopping the timer and grabbed the hat instead of heading for the closet. You looked up at the man as he shoved his hand into the hat. All of the papers were still in there, even for the people that had left, but he smiled when he picked up his piece. He handed it down to Billy as Sidney scrambled off of his lap and stood up. 
“Gotta run to the bathroom,” she mumbled to you as she passed by you. You were too distracted watching the two share a quick, quiet conversation. Billy sent Stu and quick smirk as Stu laughed and stood up straight again. He headed over to the closet as Billy pocketed the paper and looked at you. 
“Let me guess, you?” You asked hopefully. Billy stood and stretched his legs with a shake of his head. 
“I hope your breath smells good.” He teased, moving to sit on the sofa as your face fell. You watched as Tatum straightened her shirt and sent you a grin. Randy’s face was bright red as he aimlessly followed Tatum towards the other room. Nobody was left but you, Billy and Stu. Fingers grabbed your own, the same cold, slender fingers that grabbed you before. You dug your nail into the side of your free thumb and looked at the man. 
“Just you and me now,” he winked at you and tugged you towards the closet. Billy followed the two of you to the closet, giving Stu a slap on the back as he got into the small, cramped space with you, and shut the door. The chair scraped across the floor and hooked underneath the handle. 
“Seven minutes.” Billy spoke through the door and walked away. You were dead silent, fearing to even breathe. Stu shockingly didn’t smell purely like alcohol. Instead, he smelled minty, like he’d recently had gum. The lingering scent of his cologne was in your nose as he stood so close that you swore you felt his body heat. 
“I’m guessing you and Sidney didn’t do what we’re about to,” he spoke in a tone you had never heard from him before; enticing, flirty— dare you say it— sexy. You clenched your jaw and tried becoming one with the wall. Stu got closer, his breath along your warm cheekbones. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” You spoke quickly. 
“This is seven minutes in heaven. That’s the golden rule of this game.” He grasped your waist and pulled you flush against his chest. You gave a soft gasp and pressed your palm flat to his chest. “You’re gonna tell me that you don’t want to kiss me like I wanna kiss you?” He teased. “You’re not struggling. You’re not yelling or hitting me.” Stu nudged your chin up and leaned in, his lips brushing gently across yours with the slightest kiss that you didn’t return. 
Your breath hitched and earned another laugh from the man in front of you. 
“Yeah. You don’t want to kiss me.” He mumbled beneath his breath, ignoring your silent protests as he pressed his lips to yours. Your fingers grasped at his chest, legs shaky as the man held you close. You struggled for a moment in his arms, but Stu was persistent. His tongue brushed along your bottom lip and made you flush. Involuntarily, your mouth opened for the man that pushed his tongue into your mouth and grasped tighter at your hips. 
The fight in you seemed to have abandoned you as you finally leaned into the man. Stu reached his hand down, groping at your ass and earning a soft gasp from you as he pressed your hips to his. His fingers grasped your thigh, edging it up to wrap around his waist in an attempt to feel your body completely pressed against his own. Your face was hot as you felt the obvious hardness in his pants. 
“You feel how hard I am for you?” He teased between feverish kisses that you leaned in to even when he pulled back. “It’s sure as hell not for Tatum fucking Randy in the bathroom upstairs.” He snickered, sliding his hand up your side and groping at your breast over the bra that you wore. 
Stu left your lips with a soft ‘smack,’ but before you could even react, he leaned down to press a few scattered kisses to your neck. Stu’s fingers were long and strong, groping at your breast and making you give a soft moan in return to his lips sucking on your skin. Stu gave a devious chuckle and pulled away from your neck, shoving his lips back to your mouth as his opposite hand slid along your thigh. You shifted against the man, leaning closer to him and making it easier for his fingers to press to your clit over your clothing. 
“Better stay quiet. You wouldn’t want anyone thinking that you cave so easily, would you?” He laughed at you as you gave another small moan at his fingers rubbing small circles on your clit. Your body tingled at his touch, at the kisses that he pressed to your lips. Stu knew he had you when his fingers pushed into your pants and you didn’t even falter. His fingers pressed to your entrance over your underwear and he gave a chuckle. “You’re wet,” he mumbled against your lips. “Are you a little slut? Getting horny for me in the closet? Are you into the thought of Billy hearing you moan for me in here?” 
“Mmm, Stu—“ you grumbled in complaint as he chuckled. He pressed another kiss to your lips and shoved his fingers into your panties. You squirmed against the mans hands as his fingers rubbed bare at your clit. You were getting desperate, the alcohol in your system wasn’t making it easy on you to make the right choices. 
And as Stu pushed one of his long fingers inside of you, it was too hard for you to stop. 
Stu easily sensed how desperate you were as you clenched slightly around his fingers. He chuckled, pulling his hand back and sucking off his fingers before he reached over and pounded on the door. 
“As sexy as this is, I’d rather go to my room and keep your moans and screams to myself,” he pressed a kiss to your neck as footsteps started heading to the closet. His warm breath hit your ear as he whispered to you. “I’m gonna strip all of this off of you and fuck you until you’re soaking the bed.” You gave a soft sound beneath your breath in embarrassment to his vulgar words, something that earned a devious chuckle from the man that stood over you. 
The light coming from outside nearly blinded you as you squinted and tried to adjust to the drastic light change. 
“That wasn’t seven minutes.” Billy’s familiar voice spoke as slender fingers grabbed your own quickly and started to lead you from the closet. You glanced over, seeing Sidney sitting on the ground with flushed cheeks. She sent you a confused look, something you shrugged at. 
“I decided I need more than seven minutes.” Stu sent his best friend and wink before he tugged you after him. “Come on. Let’s go to my room. You won’t regret it.” 
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intoxicated-chan · 2 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ༻ 𝐀 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐃𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬
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(A/n) ➳ Going over this, I just now realize how similar it is to the first episode of House of the Dragon and I apologize for that! Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Take care of yourselves and take a break, eat a snack, drink some water!!
Word Count ➳ 2.7k
Content Warnings ➳ 3rd, P.O.V, violence, blood, injury, mentions the Doom of Valyria, mentions of death…
AWOIAF Masterlist
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The sun set hours ago… Lake-town was cold enough during the day and when the sun came down, it felt like a winter storm.
Bard was preparing to set off to collect fish again. He hated leaving for so long and coming home for a day or two, it broke his heart whenever he had to tell his children he was leaving again.
Bard climbed the wooden planks and up to the rooftop where his young son, Bain, sat. He leaned back, his head up towards the sky with widened eyes.
“Come Bain, it’s cold.” Bard said, his arms resting on the rooftop. “It’s time for bed.”
Bain turned to his father. “Da, is the dragon gonna come for us? Like the one in the stories you told us?”
Bard hopped onto the rooftop, kneeling to his son. “No, son. The dragon sleeps within Erebor. It has for a hundred years.”
But Bain pointed to the sky. “But there’s one.”
Bard followed his finger and squinted. He felt his heart drop when he saw the shadowy figure soaring through the sky. He could barely make out the size or his wingspan.
A gasp left his lips as he grabbed his son’s shoulders. “Go, go inside.” He demanded, pushing him. But his eyes remained on the dragon. “Quickly now.”
Watching him take a couple of laps around the Lonely Mountains. His heart raced, was the dragon trying to tempt Smaug? He followed his son inside, trying to remain calm for his children.
He didn’t see the dragon descend towards Mirkwood.
The dragon flapped his wings as he touched the ground, sending out a cloud of dust, twigs, and leaves out of his way.
The dragon grumbled as the guards surrounded him. “Rȳbās.” His rider told him, taking off the leather belts that held her to the saddle. “Lykirī.”
The dragon bent his neck, allowing the rider to dismount. She smiled rather widely, running her hands along his scaly neck and to his head.
She placed her hand under his eye, seeing her reflection in his eye. She laughed as her dragon rumbled under her touch, she placed her forehead onto his skin, closing her eyes, humming a soft tune.
Tauriel approached her with a stern expression. Usually, she would happily greet her but considering that nobody was supposed to be leaving Mirkwood, let alone at midnight, she was frustrated.
“The King does not like repeating himself.” Tauriel warned her, coming close even if the dragon seemed to be displeased. “No one is allowed to leave unless granted.”
She pulled back from her dragon and turned to face her, the smile still on her face. “Aegar is more than big enough to saddle two. I know how much you love the sky.”
Taruiel shook her head in disappointment. “Come, the King wishes to speak to you.” She walked with some of the guards, two waiting for her.
She sighed and followed her, leaving Aegar to lay and rest.
She may have been here her entire life, but the Kingdom of Mirkwood never ceased to amaze her. They have been friends for her entire life as Tauriel was the one who taught her how to use a bow from a young age.
They walked arm in arm through the halls of Mirkwood. Tauriel found herself unable to contain her laughter and smile.
“It is difficult to understand you.” Tauriel giggled. “Do you take pleasure in seeing all of us scramble to locate you?”
(Y/n) grinned sheepishly. “Admit it. You wish to ride a dragon.”
“I believe I’m content with seeing you fly.”
“Your loss.” She pushed her lightly. “So tell me, how angry is he?”
(Y/n) then pulled her arm back as they approached the throne room, Thranduil sat there, observing a jewel in his hands.
Tauriel took her leave but not before looking back at her, her smile had faded but she remained calm. Tauriel left before Thranduil could say anything else to her.
“(Y/n).” Thranduil’s voice was calm yet assertive. But there was an edge of frustration. “You know how I feel about these reckless flights of yours. And to venture out without my permission, disappointing.”
(Y/n) bowed her head, her gaze focused on the floor. “Forgive me, My Lord.” She replied. “Yet you don’t allow me to go flying with your permission.”
Thranduil sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You must remember there are dangers out there, worse than what Aegar poses. You dare fly close to Erebor? Are you asking to battle with Smaug? A dragon three or more times larger than Aegar. He may be a dragon but you are not.”
(Y/n) straightened, lifting her head to meet his eyes. “Aegar is strong, he is loyal. I wouldn’t dare use him as a weapon.”
“The time is coming, (Y/n). You are a formidable soldier, you two make quite a team.” Thranduil admitted. But with a wave of his hand, he dismissed her. “Take a bath, you stink of dragon.”
It has been several days since Thranduil warned (Y/n). His words lingered in her head.
She shouldn’t have to feel frustrated with him, afterall, he was the one to find the items left behind by your family.
There were many things gifted to her when she was old enough to read. Books of her great- great- something grandfather’s handwriting, it was worn, some words difficult to read.
Before she even learned of High Valyrian, she thought the words were a remembrance of her home or maybe her family. But no.
It was far from it. A warning.
Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor.
A dragon is not a slave.
She managed to grasp her forebear’s language with some help but she wouldn’t say she mastered the tongue of High Valyrian. Rather, she knew the basics.
It was noon, the sun casting a warm glow over the wooden yard. (Y/n) focused on fastening the leather straps to the saddle, she had a feeling that it was becoming loose.
Aegar laid comfortably on the ground, snoring.
Legolas leaned against a nearby tree, watching her and noticing the furrowed brow that she had for nearly an hour.
“Something is on your mind.” Legolas commented. “Speak, looking bothered does not suit you.”
(Y/n) paused, her fingers picking at the old and peeling leather. “It is nothing.” Offering a smile.
But Legolas saw through her smile, he could see it in her eyes. “You forget I know you, I knew you from the start… You’re worried that once Aegar is old enough, you’ll be forgotten.”
She sighed, tying the leather back into the saddle. “I only worry for Tauriel. The King does not respect her enough.”
“You worry too much, you need to place some of it on yourself and Aegar.” Legolas stepped forward. “You have earned your place here.”
“I have no place here. My home is gone and I’m an outsider, I’m no elf. If I had not appeared with my dragon, Thranduil would’ve sent me away.” She explained, standing to her feet as she observed the saddle.
Legolas was ready to push that idea out of her head. He had no idea she thought of herself so lowly. He grabbed her arm.
Tauriel suddenly appeared. “There’s trouble.” She announced tension in her voice. “The King has ordered another nest to get rid of.”
(Y/n) pulled her arm back. “Aegar!” She shouted, waking him up from his slumber. “Iōrās.”
Aegar stood on his feet, stretching his wings. She grabbed the ropes to mount him.
“(Y/n), wait,” Tauriel grabbed her hand. “The King has requested you stay behind.”
(Y/n) frowned and scoffed. “It would be easier if Aegar-”
But she could see it in Tauriel’s eyes, Thranduil was going to keep her and her dragon here. “A dense forest with a large dragon?” Tauriel laid it out for her. “He fears the damage it could cause. Aegar could not maneuver properly in those woods.”
“Alright.” She muttered, stepping away from Aegar. “Alright.”
“I’m sorry.”
(Y/n) watched them go, annoyed and saddened. She longed to be by their side, joining them in a fight.
Thranduil was going to make her wait and watch. He was going to make her feel like a burden. His way was punishment.
(Y/n) watched from the corner, watching as each dwarf was pushed into a cell. Their complaints were falling on death’s ears.
She stepped out from the shadows and towards Legolas’s direction, wanting to know where the dwarves came from.
“What do you know of dragons, girl?” The dwarf’s voice was gruff, laced with bitterness as he eyed the dragon sigils embroidered into her clothing. “You wear it like a badge of honor.”
(Y/n) eyed him as well, realizing who the dwarf in the cell was. “You’re Thorin Oakenshield? Heir to the throne of Erebor.”
Thorin’s fists clenched around the iron bars. “You have yet to answer my question.”
(Y/n)’s eyes widened in amazement. “I cannot believe it. I’ve-”
“(Y/n)! Dina!” Legolas commanded her to come. “Get away from the dwarf.”
With that, she walked away, leaving no room for Thorin or (Y/n) to say anything.
“Must you speak to them?” Legolas sneered, following you down the steps. “What reason do you have?”
“I’ve always wanted to see the infamous Thorin Oakenshield. It was not disappointing.”
“...Is it?”
(Y/n) nodded, a smile on her lips. “Yes. If what they say is true… If they reclaim the mountain, I would love to see the glory of Erebor.”
Legolas froze in his steps. “I am beginning to wonder where your allegiance lies.”
“What makes you wonder that?”
“...Go, I need to report to the King.”
She rolled her eyes, asking herself if her curiosity made Legolas or anyone else question her loyalty.
Of course, her loyalty lies with Thranduil, he saved her and took a human and a dragon in. A human not from this world.
The sun had begun to set when (Y/n) stood at Thorin’s cell. “Might I ask you something?” She began, breaking the silence.
He looked up at her, eyes wary. “What is it? Dragon rider?”
“If you had no memories of the kingdom or its riches, would you still fight to reclaim it?”
“Yes.” He answered without hesitation. “For it is not the gold or treasures that drive me, but the honor and memory of my kin who were lost. To reclaim Erebor is to honor their memory, to give those who wish for their home.”
He stepped closer to the bars as he spoke his words, loudly enough for the rest of the Company to hear. He spoke with bravery and pride, not a single ounce of shame in them.
(Y/n) listened to his words closely. It made her think of her own home, the writing of the book could not describe the doom correctly.
Only a dream, unsure if it came true…
(Y/n) became lost in her thoughts, she began to speak aloud. “I wonder…” She uttered. “What it would be to see Valyria, to walk the streets, see the dragons fly into the sky with my people on its back. I wonder if any Targaryens remain.”
She sighed, sitting down on the steps. “I wonder if the dream was true and the doom of my home was correct.”
Thorin, still irate from the encounter from earlier but genuinely curious about her side of dragons, sat as well. “Was it taken?”
“It was destroyed. A Targaryen had a dream, D… Daenys had a dream. She had foresaw the destruction. But I have no way to know if it was true, I do not know if Valyria still stands or if any Targaryens remain to rule the skies.”
(Y/n) looked up to the ceiling, closing her eyes to remember how Valyria was described. “To be home. I would give my life just to see it.”
“…May you find your way home, dragon rider… And safely.”
It was a chaotic scene. The dwarves and Bilbo found themselves stuck in wine barrels but their path down the rough rivers were blocked by the portcullis.
Kili’s cry was loudly heard as he fell back, clutching his leg that the Morgul arrow stuck out of.
Thorin felt his heart sink, hearing his nephew’s cries as he was unable to do anything.
Legolas, Tauriel, and the other Elves fought against Blog and his party.
The Orcs were relentless, fighting to the point until their bodies gave out and welcomed death.
Arrows flew into their bodies, daggers stabbed into their hearts or heads.
Kili’s eyes shut tightly, hissing loudly as he attempted to get back up.
His eyes opened and widened, his eyelids fluttering as the pain was flowing throughout his body… He could see a dragon flying… A dragon?
He could make out the dragon’s silhouette against the sunlight, circling the river before he saw him make a dive. He could hear him roar, loudly.
Tauriel’s eyes immediately shot to the sky, Aegar’s body casting a shadow over the river.
Aegar descended from the sky and landed into the river, his landing sending waves that splashed anyone close.
Thorin couldn’t see Aegar but the sound of his roar was enough to send chills down his back. He looked back and saw the rest of his Company staring up at the dragon.
(Y/n) swiftly unchained herself from the saddle, her feet hitting the ground. She drew her sword, cutting down the Orc coming towards Kili.
She took a quick glance around and estimated the amount of Orcs, she could hear another group coming.
Aegar let out another roar, lunging forward and his massive jaws snapped shut on the nearest orc, easily crushing him into two pieces.
He exhaled a quick stream of flame at the incoming group, the Orcs screaming as they threw themselves into the river.
The Orc swung his ax at her, she ducked and cut his leg, making him kneel with a shriek. She pierced his head with force, making sure he was dead.
She continued to cut through the Orcs with Aegar protecting her, coming down on an Orc that nearly came down on her.
“Tauriel!” She shouted as she tossed one of her daggers past Tauriel’s head.
She grabbed the dagger lodged into the Orc’s chest to stab it once more before using it on another, she tossed it back and (Y/n) caught it.
She heard Kili loudly groan once again, Thorin’s Company were sitting ducks in those barrels and they could only do so much with little to no weapons.
That’s when she noticed why the Company was just floating. The portcullis was shut. It must’ve been why Kili wasn’t in his barrel and why he was on the ground, holding his knee.
(Y/n) dodged another Orc’s attack, managing to move behind him. She grabbed his head and slid her blade across his neck, she then let him fall to the ground.
She came to Kili’s side. “Now’s your chance!” She stated, crossing blades with another. “Go! Before they outnumber us all!”
Kili managed to conjure whatever strength he had left and grabbed the lever, opening the portcullis, and allowing the Company to escape.
“Kili!” His brother cried out, watching Kili slump to the ground once again but push himself into the barrel.
Kili felt and heard the arrow snap, sending another wave of agony throughout his weakening body.
(Y/n) watched as one-by-one, the Company fell into the water and their barrels carried them through the rough stream.
She turned back the Orcs, immediately impaling one Orc coming down on an Elf, and used her dagger to finish the job.
She looked up at Legolas drawing another arrow. “Secure Mirkwood.” He ordered. “Worry about damages later.”
Legolas ran off, following the Orcs that were focused on the Company, Tauriel was behind him.
She rushed to Aegar, she climbed onto Aegar who lowered his neck, allowing her to quickly settle herself.
“Sōvēs!” Aegar began to run, flapping his wings a couple of times before taking off.
(Y/n) directed him towards the gates, wanting to spread the word first. Thorin looks back into the sky, watching Aegar and noticing (Y/n) upon his back.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @mrsdurin , @marsmallow433 , @oneiratxxia10 ,
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163 notes · View notes
riboism · 1 year
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ungodly hour
pairing: j.yh x (f) reader content: pool sex, established relationship, valentine’s day, public sex, manhandling, dirty talk wc: 900
a/n: I think about that yunho dubai poolside pic maybe 2-3 times a day
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He only hummed into your lips, having no intention of breaking away from the kiss just yet, no matter how much you whined. It was Valentine’s Day weekend, and Yunho surprised you with a trip to a couple’s retreat in the city. The hotel you were staying at has a pool, and your boyfriend begged you at the odd hour of midnight to come down and join him for a swim.
It was innocent at first, until a game of tag led you to be pushed up against the edge of the pool while Yunho locked his lips with you from above and teased you with his bulge below the water. He had been rubbing fronts with you for a while now, and you could feel him growing as he did. You finally managed to break away from the kiss, gasping for air as you tried to warn your very excited boyfriend.
“Someone can walk in and see us!”
He clicked his tongue and pulled you closer to him by your waist. “Trust me, no one’s going to come in this late. Come on, it’ll be fun. Didn’t you say you wanted to spice things up a bit?” He winked.
Being busy and working adults, sex with Yunho had become pretty mundane and predictable, even with all the manhandling. You suggested spicing things up and trying new things this weekend, but public sex wasn’t necessarily on your list. “I don’t know…”
Yunho’s lips trailed down to your chin before he made it to the sweet spot between your neck and shoulder. His fingers toyed with your swim top’s strap, slowly pulling it down from your shoulder. “Please baby. Need you right now.” He mumbled into your skin. He was rock hard now, mindlessly rutting his thick bulge over your clothed clit. He was so far gone that it would require a lot of work to get him off you, but if you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t want to stop just yet. Feeling his cock tease you like this only made you want him more, and you weren’t sure if you’d be able to wait until you made it back to your rooms to continue.
Reaching down into the water, you undid the knot on his swimming trunks while Yunho looked down at you with a boyish grin. He loved the pained look on your face and was completely smitten over the fact that you wanted him as badly as he wanted you right now. Trying to pull his trunks down was more difficult under water, and you looked at him with desperate and pleading eyes when he didn’t bother helping you out. “Yunho,” you cried in frustration “hurry.”
With haste, Yunho pulled his trunks down just enough to release himself. He lifted you up from the back of your thighs and you immediately locked your legs around his waist. He pulled your panties to the side and began lining his leaky tip up with your entrance, forcing a small gasp out of your lips when you felt him rubbing against your achy core. “Fuck, gonna take me right here right now, baby?” He teased.
The stretch is usually a little painful because of Yunho’s size, but the pool water helped ease you onto him better. It was too slippery for you to move, so you wrapped your arms over his neck and held on the best you could while he grabbed onto your waist and moved you up and down his length to his own pace. Sometimes, you let him choose the pace, allowing him to use your body at his will. Afterwards, he’d kiss the bruises he left from his tight grasp on your waist.
It was hard to keep quiet with the way Yunho dragged you over his cock, his hard tip reaching so deep inside you. If anyone was around, they’d definitely know what you two were up to. Yunho adored how vocal you can get, but he also didn’t want to get kicked out of the hotel in the middle of the night.
“Gotta do something about those pretty little moans baby.” He said, before dismantling you from him. His hands took authority over you, guiding you to turn around so you were sandwiched between him and the edge of the pool, your back pressed against his chest. You knew what he wanted to do next, but you let him pull your hips closer to him before he rammed into you from behind. Yunho caught your moans with his palm, his long fingers squeezing your cheeks as he did so. “Have to stay quiet, baby. Fuck, you feel so good.” He whispered into your ear. “Tiny little pussy taking my cock like this…gonna take all my cum too?”
You let out a muffled yes into his hand, earning you a chuckle from Yunho. “That’s my girl.”
The sound of your skin slapping together got more and more delayed, a sign that he was close. You dipped your hand under the water to work your way up to your own high, but Yunho already beat you to it. His fingers glided over your clit perfectly, giving you the perfect amount of pressure before you two finally reached your peaks.
Your walls clenched around him, squeezing out every last drop of his essence. His head fell into the crook of your neck, and you kissed his head softly as he calmed down.
“We have to do this again.” He panted.
You giggled at his enthusiasm. “Absolutely not.”
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🎧 ungodly hour- chloë x halle
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cicimunson · 1 year
Author's Note: My comeback is fierce, this fic is long af compared to what I usually write. I couldn't come up with a name. don't judge. Also this is the first time I've kind of drifted back and forth between POVS but I'll try to make it obvious. Steve's POV is in italics.
Story Summary: You and Steve have disliked each other since high school, but after your car breaks down in front of his house on Christmas Eve, the two of you...well, read the story.
Characters: Steve Harrington x Female Reader, OC Vinny the mechanic, nameless family members of the reader.
Warnings: Steve is drinking a bit but NOT drunk, Steve and reader are mean af to each other, angst, bit of fluff, sexual situations included: rough sex, bareback, biting, mentions of blood, spanking, face slapping, choking, degradation, praise, fingering, orgasm denial, too many orgasms, I think that's all but please let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count 7.5k+
Conclusion is up
Steve should be used to being alone for the holidays.
Birthdays, Halloween, even Christmas Eve now. It's not like his parents didn't call and apologize for not being there. It's not like they didn't put overpriced gifts under the tree to make up for it before they left. It's not like Steve was hurt or even surprised when they took off for a tropical vacation five days before Christmas without him.
He tried to convince himself he didn't care as he sat on the couch across from the fireplace, sipping a beer. He told himself he chose to be alone tonight. Nancy had invited him over for Christmas dinner but the thought of seeing the Wheeler family in matching sweaters and all happy like a real family had no appeal to him. The thought of Nancy and Jonathan exchanging gifts and kisses really had no appeal to him.
He's nursing his second beer when there's a knock at the door. He almost thinks he imagined it, it's nearly ten p.m. Surely no carolers are out this late. The knocking comes again, louder this time, and he peels himself off the couch to answer.
He opens the door and frowns.
"Shit, shit, piece of shit!" You bang on your steering wheel in frustration. Your clunker of a car always gives out at the worst times. You're not dressed for the cold weather, having chosen to wear a tight, short red dress to your office Christmas party and your jacket wasn't big enough to keep you warm for the mile walk to your place. 
You get out of your car and kick the door shut, trudging through the snow to the first house you see. You go up to the door and knock, shivering as you rub your arms trying to keep warm. No one answers but you see lights inside and a car in the drive, so you knock again.
The door opens and you frown.
"Wrong house, Y/N?" Steve asks, crossing his arms across his chest. No way you showed up on his doorstep on Christmas Eve intentionally, especially not with the way you're dressed. He glances down at your exposed legs, your dress barely covering half your thighs. Surely you weren't this dumb, coming out in the cold in a dress so short and tight he could see your nipples poking through.
You explain through chattering teeth. "M-m-my car broke down in front of y-your house."
Steve sighs. "You need to call someone?"
You nod, shivering as the wind picks up.
He steps aside and motions for you to come in.
"T-thank you."
He nods curtly. "Phone's in the kitchen. To your left."
You go into the kitchen, a little surprised that all that's sitting out is a half-eaten box of pizza. You would have expected the Harringtons to have a whole feast for Christmas.
You call for a tow truck, but of course Vinny says he's gonna be a few hours. The holidays, you can't be mad.
You go back into the living room.
"Get squared away?" Steve asks, tossing another log on the fire.
"I got Vinny coming to tow my car and drop me off at home, said he'd try to be here by midnight."
"Long wait."
"It's Christmas, I expected it. Thanks for letting me use your phone." You head for the door.
"You're gonna wait two hours in the cold?" Steve asks in disbelief.
"I didn’t think-"
"Sit down, dummy, and warm up by the fire."
"I'm fine. I don't want to bother -"
"I said sit." He snaps. "I'm not gonna let you freeze to death, no matter how much we might dislike each other."
You sigh. He's right. As much as you want to get away from him, you'd turn into an ice block sitting outside in your car. Instead you sit in front of the fire, holding out your hands to the flames to warm yourself.
"Thank you." You say softly.
He flops back down on the couch and continues nursing his beer.
You both sit in awkward silence for a bit. Finally you ask: "Your parents already in bed?"
He snorts. "Not here. Went to Florida to beat the cold."
"So you're alone on Christmas Eve?"
He gives you a withering look.
"Sorry. Just making conversation."
"Yeah, we don't have to exchange pleasantries and shit." He shakes his head and sips his beer.
You frown at him and turn back to the fireplace.
"Sit back a little dummy, you'll catch that dress on fire."
I fucking hate him.
"Don't call me that."
"Then don't do dumb shit." He retorts. "I'm not tripping over myself to put you out when you start smoking."
"I wouldn't expect you to do shit for me, Harrington." You snap. "I'm surprised you even let me use your phone."
"You and me both."
"Sorry I'm not throwing myself at your feet with gratitude!"
"Can you shut up? You're killing what little buzz I had going." He snaps.
You both fall silent. You sigh. Your feud with Steve had been going on since freshman year when the two of you were assigned to work together for a science project that was twenty percent of your grade.
Steve hadn't met up with you a single time to work on it. You'd busted your ass on the project and refused to put his name on it with yours. Steve failed the class and had loathed you ever since.
Steve stares at the fire, pretending you aren't sitting in front of it. You two had been in an intense feud since freshman year when he'd overhead you complaining about being partnered with him. He knew he wasn't smart like you, but hearing you and your friends mock him for his low grades had actually hurt his feelings. He had avoided you, taking a failing grade on the assignment so that he didn't have to deal with you judging him and putting him down.
You sigh again, frustrated beyond belief as to how your night is turning out. The office party had been lame, your coworkers sloppy drunk and loud. You didn't want to spend Christmas Eve alone but halfway through the party you'd made up an excuse and left.
"Why are you dressed like that anyways? It's freezing outside. You didn't think to at least wear tights?" He suddenly scolds you.
He's more annoyed with himself than with you if he's being honest. Your body looked amazing in your dress and the twitch he'd felt in his pants when he had opened the front door and saw you standing there had him feeling frustrated.
"I forgot to wear tights. We can't all be as smart as you, Steve." Your voice is dripping with sarcasm and Steve scowls. There you go, making quips about his intelligence.
"For someone that graduated high school with honors, you really are a dumbass." He retorts. "You'd risk freezing to death just to look hot?"
You blink up at him, surprised. "I look hot?"
Steve blushes slightly, realizing what he let slip. "As hot as someone like you could look, which isn't much."
Your face falls and Steve immediately feels guilty. You rise to your feet.
"I think I'll take my chances waiting in my car."
"Don't be stupid." He starts to protest, but you're heading for the door. "Y/N, come on, I didn't mean it."
You ignore him and slam the door behind you.
Steve contemplates going after you, dragging you back inside. Your scrap of a dress wasn't going to help you against the cold at all. 
Not my problem. He tells himself.
He sips his beer and sighs, the loneliness creeping back up to taunt him. He finds his thoughts turning back to you, you and that tight fucking dress. He palms himself without even realizing it. What the hell were you doing showing up at his house in the middle of the night dressed like that? And then you chose to be rude after he was gracious enough to let you come inside?
He stands up and grabs his coat, hellbent on giving you a piece of his mind.
You make your way back to your car, yanking on the door handle. It doesn't open. You fight the urge to scream when you realize you locked your keys inside.
Fantastic. Fucking fantastic.
You wrap your arms around yourself and try to stop shivering, cursing yourself for dressing so skimpy tonight.
I hope I freeze and they charge that asshole for contributing to my death. Smug pretty bastard.
You kick your wheel in frustration.
Who the hell does he think he is, talking to me like that? And he chose to be rude when I was trying to be gracious?
Your temper flares. You start to march back to his front door, hellbent on giving him a piece of your mind.
To your surprise, the door flings open and Steve comes charging out of his house. You both start speaking at the same time.
"Listen here you prick-"
"Alright dummy, listen up-"
You both stop and glare at each other, tension rising.
I want to hit him. I should smack him in the damn mouth. That fucking mouth of his.
You stare each other down, chests heaving, angry expressions, both waiting for the other to do something. To yell, to swing, anything. You tense up, expecting him to lash out at any second. Whatever he can dish out, you're ready for it.
What you aren't ready for, however, is Steve Harrington jerking you to him by your thin jacket and crashing his lips into yours.
You're stunned. He's kissing you roughly, teeth biting your bottom lip, tongue sweeping inside before you can react. You bring up your hands to his chest and push him away, hard.
Steve stumbles back a step, eyes widening. 
"Y/N, I-"
"What the fuck, Harrington?"
Has he lost his mind? Have I lost mine?
He looks just as shocked as you do, mouth hanging open, hand on his chest.
You realize you can't stop staring at his lips.
I want more. I want to taste him again.
You close off the space between you and fist his jacket, jerking him downward. 
"What the fuck, Harrington." You repeat, but there's no malice behind your words.
He stares down at you, his expression darkening. You reach a hand up and tangle it in the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging slightly.
He groans and reclaims your mouth. The kiss isn't as rough this time, but still hard and frantic, almost needy. He starts tugging you towards the house, almost slipping on a patch of ice, his lips never leaving yours.
He pulls you inside and slams the door, yanking your coat off your shoulders. He walks you backwards toward the fireplace as his tongue slips into your mouth and he snags a blanket off the back of the couch.
Steve breaks the kiss long enough to spread the blanket out in front of the fire, then yanks you flush against him.
You gasp as his hands reach under your dress. He grazes his fingers lightly over your clothed pussy, then slips his thumbs in your waistband and snatches your panties down, dropping to his knees.
His arm locks around your waist and he pulls you to the floor, laying you down on the blanket before pushing your dress up.
He unzips his pants and shoves them down to his knees with his underwear, then wraps his hands around your thighs and yanks you to him.
"Clean?" He asks, looking feral.
You nod, your words stuck in your throat.
You nod again.
He holds out his hand in front of you.
You spit in his open palm.
Steve spits too, then coats his cock with your mixed saliva.
He lines up with you and pushes inside.
You cry out. You were a little wet from kissing and the spit helps, but it's not nearly enough to prepare you to accommodate his length.
He chuckles as you groan. "Too much for you, dummy? You can always tap out."
"Are you even in yet?" You retort and Steve lands a light slap on your cheek.
"You're moaning like a whore so you must be feeling something." He taunts, pushing in deeper.
"All I'm feeling is disgust that I'm letting you between my legs."
"Of course you are, you're such a pretty fucking whore, aren't you?" He reaches between the two of you and rubs your clit.
You moan again, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Steve leans down and kisses you roughly, then peppers bruising kisses down your jaw. He bites your neck and you yelp, shoving his face away.
"Don't leave marks on me."
"I'm do what the fuck I want." He growls, yanking your dress over your head. "No bra?"
You blush, crossing your arms over your chest, which makes no sense because he's already inside you but you do it anyway.
Steve laughs mockingly, tugging your arms away. He bites down on you tit so hard you yelp, grabbing his hair and yanking.
"Fucking prick!" You hiss.
He bites down again, his hand returning to your clit. 
"Steve, fuck!" You arch your hips as he bottoms out in you and starts fucking you hard.
"Take it. Take this dick." He groans.
"Not much to take-"
He shoves his fingers in his mouth and makes you gag.
"Shut the fuck up." He snarls. "Or I'll choke you with my cock next."
You bite his hand and it only seems to excite him, he moans and sticks his fingers further down your throat. You gag again and he chuckles.
"Dummy can't even suck fingers properly."
 You bite again, harder this time and he snatches his hand from your mouth to smack you.
"Bite me again and I swear I'll bite back till you bleed." He warns.
You squirm, his words having the opposite effect he intended. He notices and cocks an eyebrow.
"Thought you didn't like being bitten."
"I said no marks. Visible ones."
"Then fucking come here." He slips out and rocks backwards on his ass, then yanks you so that you're sitting in his lap straddling him, before shoving himself back inside you and biting your shoulder.
"Bleed for me." He groans into your skin. 
"Fuck, Steve." You whisper, squeezing him tighter with your thighs as you start to ride.
He bites and laps with his tongue at your shoulders, your tits, anywhere he knows you can cover up. You're gonna be a walking bruise tomorrow but the pain is so delicious you wouldn't dream of telling him to stop.
"I'm so close." You whisper.
"Already?" He teases. "Come on dummy, show me how you cum."
"Stop calling me names, you fucking prick!" You choke out, your body starting to tighten with anticipation of what's building up inside you.
"Whore. Slut. Bitch." He cups your chin and forces you to look at him. "Fucking dummy."
You cum hard, soaking his cock. You wail and bite down on his neck, your whole body spasming as you ride out your orgasm. It's so intense you almost fall off his lap, and Steve digs his fingers into your waist to hold you steady.
Steve makes a disapproving sound. "Didn't last long, did you? And look at the mess you made." He gestures to his cock. "So naughty."
You whine, overstimulated now that you've cum. He chuckles and rolls his hips, hitting that sweet spot inside you again.
"Steve, oh God."
"Knew you'd break first. Going soft on me now that I made you cum, slut?"
You slap him and he grins. "I wouldn't go soft for you if you begged me." You hiss.
"We'll see about that."
He picks up the pace, determined to make you cum again, to see you fall apart on his cock one more time. He'd never tell you, but you look so beautiful right now, skin flushed and glistening with sweat, lips swollen from his kisses, your eyes dark and pupils blown with lust. You were stunning, he realized. How he hadn't noticed it before tonight, he had no idea.
You moan as Steve locks his arms around your waist, lifting his hips and fucking himself up into you. He sucks his bottom lip between his teeth, the expression on his face practically feral as he looks up at you. He was gorgeous like this, you couldn't deny it. 
Your eyes stayed glued to his mouth, wanting to bite his bottom lip yourself. Wanting to kiss him until you were both breathless and whimpering.
Steve locks eyes with you. He smirks, but there's no malice behind it. He shifts and rolls you onto your back, driving his cock deep.
Your breath hitches. His hand loops under your armpits and grip your shoulders, his chest pressed against your tits as he thrusts harder, faster, groaning and grunting. At one point you think he moans your name but surely you misheard him.
Steve's trying to hold off, trying not to cum just yet even though you already got off, but the way you're looking at him, the way you clench around him, he's not going to be able to hold out much longer. You're perfect, so goddamn perfect, your tits, your lips, the way you're spreading your legs so eagerly for him.
"Baby…" He moans and your eyes widen. "Y/N, baby."
"So good." You whisper. "You feel so good, Steve."
He kisses you, still rough and demanding, but there's an urgency underneath. He needs to kiss you, needs to suck your tongue and catch your breathy sighs in his mouth.
"I'm close again." You groan, your body tightening once more, almost to the point of pain.
"Cum for me." He mumbles, his tone almost pleading. "Soak me again, Y/N, come on, come on, baby."
You cry out his name, that coil that was winding up so tightly inside you finally snapping and releasing. Steve groans as your nails sink into his back, hoping it leaves marks that sting for days, so when he jerks off thinking about this night he'll still be able to feel some of the pain.
"Steve! Fuck! Fuck!" You gasp, rocking your hips against him frantically.
"That's it baby, let me hear you."
You let out a garbled sound that's something between a scream and sob, your body slumping back on the blanket.
Steve stops pumping. "You okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, keep going. I'm good." You reach up and push his hair off his forehead.
"You sure?"
"Who's going soft now, Stevie?" You tease.
"You're the one laying there all fucked out on my dick." He retorts, suppressing a smile.
You clench around him and his breath catches.
"Don't think just because I need a minute to recuperate that I can't keep rocking your world, Harrington."
"Yeah?" He thrusts hard, making you whimper. Your pussy is so overstimulated that even pleasure hurts, but you aren't gonna give him the satisfaction of knowing he's made you so fucking achy and sore.
You clench again and he grunts, slapping your tit.
"Oh, you ass." You groan, your nipple stinging from the blow.
His hand snakes around your throat. "Didn't we agree, no more name-calling?"
"I didn't agree to anything. You're still a prick."
"And you're still a dumb slut."
"You talk too much."
His hand around your throat tightens. "So do you. But I know how to shut you up."
He keeps his grip around your neck as he resumes fucking you, long, deep, strokes that have you wet and throbbing all over again.
He pulls out and flips you on your stomach, barely giving you time to scramble to your hands and knees before he's slamming back inside you, his hand coming down hard on your ass.
"Take this dick." He groans. "Fuck, Y/N, take it."
You fuck yourself back on his cock, crying out as his slaps your ass again, the sting almost making you tear up.
"Damn it, that hurts." You groan.
"Shut up and take it." He hits you again and again, his strokes becoming more frantic and sloppy.
You grit your teeth and take his blows as long as you can, but one particular slap catches you so roughly your knees buckle.
"Steve, no more!" You whimper.
He stops, his hands coming up to grab your waist and pull you back further on him.
"I'm gonna cum." He grunts. "Gonna fill you up, slut."
"Oh fuck."
"Beg for it."
You aren't sure you heard him right. 
"Beg for to cum in you."
"Oh, fuck off." You retort.
He jerks your hair so hard your hands come out from under you. You land face first on the blanket, turning your head to the side to breathe. You try to lift back up but Steve pushes on your back, keeping you pinned.
"Beg, dummy, if you even know how."
"Fuck you."
"I'll hold off, Y/N. I'll fuck you for hours until you're raw and begging me to stop, don't think I can't. Now, beg me."
You have no doubt he can do it. And as much as you love pissing him off and defying him, your sore pussy can't handle much more. You hold off a few more minutes, then finally give in.
"Cum in me." You whisper.
"Louder, don't think you're gonna get away with that. And I didn't hear please."
"Please cum in me."
"Again." He speeds up and you cry out, your body starting to tighten up once more.
"Steve! Please!"
He reaches under you and rubs your clit. 
"No, fuck, Steve, I can't!"
"You can and you will. Now, beg!"
"Cum in me, fuck, please, Steve, cum in me!"
"You first." He groans. "Again, Y/N."
"I can't, oh fuck, oh please." You babble, trying to push his hand away from your clit.
He keeps rubbing, ignoring your nails digging into his wrist.
"One more time, baby, you can do it. Cum pretty for me, yeah? Make me happy."
Oh fuck, not praise.
Of course he waited till the end to start praising you. Steve wasn't an idiot, he saw the way you lit up in school when you got an award, had a teacher call you out by name for doing a good job. Of course you had praise kink.
"Come on pretty girl, you've done so good for me. Cum for me, you've earned it. Let go."
You sob his name, your eyes rolling back in your head as your body convulses. You lose your balance on your knees but Steve holds you against him easily, grunting loudly as he pumps his load into you.
Rope after rope shoots off inside you and he wonders briefly if he'll ever stop cumming, because fuck, he hasn't exploded like this since he was a teenager.
After a minute or two he gently eases himself out of you and lays by your side. Normally when he's fucked a girl he'll hold her close and tell her how good she was, how sweet and perfect she is, but with you he isn't sure if he should. You probably wouldn't like it, right?
You can barely hold your eyes open. You'd been up all day as it was and now Steve has fucked you so good that all your muscles ached. You will yourself to get up and start hunting for your clothes, but you can't summon the strength to lift your head, much less anything else.
You hear Steve ask you something, hell, probably telling you to get out of his house, but you fall asleep before you can respond.
Steve asks again if you're okay, frowning when you don't answer. Are you seriously ignoring him right now, after what just happened? He sits up and looks at you.
Oh. You're asleep. He automatically grabs another blanket and covers your body, debating on what to do. Should he wake you so you can leave? Carry you his bedroom and let you sleep? Leave you here by the fire and go sleep in his room alone?
He's still weighing his options when there's a knock at the door. He glances at the clock. Little after midnight, must be the tow guy.
He tugs on his pants and answers the door.
"Y/N here?"
"She's asleep. I don't know if-"
"I told her I'd tow her car and give her a ride."
"Right, um, I don't know where her keys are or-"
"She locked them in her car. She does every time it breaks down."
Steve frowns. "Her car breaks down a lot?"
"At least once a month. I keep telling her she needs a new battery."
"Can't you replace it?"
He shrugs. "She says no. None of my business why, but I figure it's a little out of her price range."
Steve glances behind him to where you're sleeping. Even resting you look worried, the frown lines between your eyes furrowed and your jaw slightly clenched.
"Can you just fix it and bill me for it?"
"Sure, but tomorrow's Christmas and I-"
"I'll pay double. And throw in a big tip for your trouble."
Vinny hesitates, then nods. "Y'all swing by around noon tomorrow, I'll have it ready for her."
"Thank you."
"No problem, thank you. Have a good night."
Steve nods and shuts the door. He adds another log to the fire, tiptoeing so he doesn't wake you. After a minute of debate he slides under the blanket beside you.
He's asleep within minutes.
You open your eyes and stretch, sitting up to look around. You briefly panic when you don't recognize your surroundings, almost jumping out of your skin when you notice the sleeping form beside you.
Oh God. I fucked Steve Harrington last night.
You groan out loud and he stirs, propping up on his elbow.
"Uh, hi."
"How are you?"
"I'm fine, thanks. You?"
The awkwardness between you can't be looked over, and to your surprise, a giggle escapes your mouth. Steve gives you an amused expression, letting out a chuckle himself.
You realize the sun is up. "Oh fuck, my car!"
"It's fine. The tow guy was smart enough to come to the door, he said we can pick your car up at noon."
"He's gonna fix it on Christmas? Must be feeling the holiday spirit."
"Would you like coffee? Or a shower?" Steve quickly changes the subject.
"Oh, um, yeah, a shower would be great, thanks."
You stand up, wrapping the blanket around you and scooping up your panties and dress from their discarded spots on the floor. Steve leads you to the bathroom, explains which one is hot water, and leaves you to it.
You're both relieved and disappointed that he didn't ask to join you. You wash quickly, wincing when your hands run over your chest and between your legs.
You wipe the mirror off when you step out of the tub, grimacing when you see yourself. The bites and hickeys on your shoulders and tits are red and purple, one small bite on your neck. Your ass is bruised too, you observe as you do a complete turn, and your hips and waist have fingerprint marks.
What a fucking night.
You dress and follow the smell of coffee to the kitchen. Steve pours you a cup and pushes it across the table to you as you sit down. The wince as your ass touches the seat doesn't go unnoticed by Steve, and he makes no effort to hide the smugness on his face.
"Sorry there's no cream or sugar. Haven't shopped in a bit. If you're hungry I might could fry an egg but-"
"I don't usually eat in the mornings. But thanks." You reply, sipping your coffee. You try not to gag at the strong bitter flavor.
"You slept a long time. We gotta pick up your car in just a bit."
"You don't mind giving me a ride?"
"You didn't mind giving me one." He quips without thinking.
You frown slightly.
"Sorry. That was crass."
There's an awkward silence for a bit, you struggling to choke down Steve's coffee, him trying to come up with something to say. 
"Should, uh, should we talk about last night?" He finally asks.
"I don't think there's anything that needs to be said, do you?"
"I mean-"
"It was fun. We had fun."
"Yeah, sure." He agrees quickly.
More awkward silence. Steve leaves the room and comes back fully dressed, thank God. You'd been having a hard time not staring at his bare chest sprinkled with your bites marks and scratches.
"You ready to go?"
"Mhmm, sure."
You follow Steve to his car. He opens the passenger door and helps you inside, ever the gentleman.
He gets in the driver's seat.
"Vinny's shop is-"
"I know where it is."
He starts the car and you chuckle lightly as Christmas music starts playing softly through the speakers. Of course Steve Harrington likes Christmas music.
You sit in silence until you pull up in front of the shop. Steve puts the car in park.
"Um, so, thanks for the ride."
"You too." He replies with a cheeky grin.
You blush slightly. "Steve."
"Merry Christmas." He says simply, reaching across and opening your door.
"You too."
You get out of the car and hurry inside the shop. Vinny greets you warmly and hands you your keys.
"Glad you finally got this clunker fixed, Y/N. I mean don't get me wrong, good for business having repeat customers, but I worried about you being stuck out in the cold in the middle of nowhere. Not safe for a young girl."
"Did you say you fixed my car? As in-"
"Replaced that damn battery."
You fight the urge to panic. "Um, Vinny, I didn't tell you to do that. I can’t afford that!" You were barely scraping by to pay student loans and rent right now. You couldn't afford a new bill.
"Your boyfriend said he was taking care of it. Didn't he tell you?"
"My boyfriend? What are you…Steve??"
"Whoever's house you were at last night. I assumed boyfriend."
"He said he's gonna pay for my car repairs?"
"Sure did, offered double. Now normally I get payment up front, but that family is well off and his mother is well-respected so I know I'll get paid."
"I, uh-"
"Good on you girl, bagging a Harrington. They'll have you driving one of their fancy cars in no time, I'm sure."
You don't respond and Vinny pats your shoulder. "Merry Christmas, Y/N. Now, get outta my shop. I wanna go eat some turkey."
You leave, still absorbing what Vinny had said.
Steve offered to pay for my car repairs? Sure, he can afford it, but why would he do that?
You're lost in thought as you drive home, suddenly realizing you're passing by the Harrington house. You pull to the curb and park, marching up to the door and knocking.
Steve answers, shirtless again, hair still damp from a shower. He frowns when he sees you.
"Don't tell me that your car broke down again?"
"Why would it? It's got a brand-new battery, thanks to you."
"You don't sound happy about it."
"Why would you pay for my car repairs?"
"Well it's a shit car and the tow guy said it keeps dying on you. Why not?"
"You aren't serious."
"It's no big deal. I can afford it and now you won't be stranded anymore. You could have froze to death last night."
"Not the point!"
"Why are you being ungrateful? I did you a favor!"
You sigh. He's right. I sound like such a bitch.
"I'm sorry. It was very sweet. Just very unexpected. I'll pay you back. It may have to be on payments but-"
"Consider it a Christmas present or something. You don't have to pay me back."
"It's a lot of money, Steve."
"Honestly at this point hearing you actually say thank you would be more than enough to repay me."
You force a smile begrudgingly. "Thank you, Steve, truly."
"You're welcome."
You both stand there staring at each other awkwardly.
"Did you, uh, wanna come in?" Steve asks, hating the way his voice sounds almost hopeful.
"Hmm? Oh, no, thanks. I've gotta get home and start cooking. My family has a big dinner on Christmas."
"Oh, well, have a good time with your family." Steve replies.
You realize that he probably has no Christmas plans and mentally kick yourself for bringing up yours.
"See ya." Steve says with a little wave.
You turn to leave. Invite him to dinner, it's the least you can do.
"Do you wanna come?" You blurt.
Steve pauses, hand on the door. "Um, I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean last night was great and all but I think a repeat would be-"
"Wait, what?" You cut him off, bewildered. "What are you talking about?"
"You asked if I want to cum and I just-"
"Come to Christmas dinner, Steve! I mean do you want to come to dinner!" You blush scarlet and so does he.
"Shit, I'm sorry. I completely misread that." He apologizes, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Yeah, I'd say so."
"Sorry, sorry." He repeats. "Uh, what were you saying about Christmas dinner?"
"I was asking if you wanna come- would you like to have Christmas dinner with me and my family?"
"Oh, uh, that's sweet of you, but-"
"Think of it as a thank you for my car. You should join us, really."
"You sure?"
"Yes. You know where my parents live, right?"
"Doesn't everybody know where everybody lives in this town?"
"Good point. We usually eat around five, if you decide to join us."
"Okay. Thanks." He starts to shut the door.
You close off the space between you and peck his cheek. "I really hope you'll show."
Steve watches you hurry back to your car, his hand drifting up to touch his face. Your lips had been cold, so why was warmth spreading from his cheek through his body?
That evening you're surrounded by family and friends, helping serve food and chase the kids away from the desserts.
You're so busy you don't even hear the doorbell ring. Your uncle calls out in a booming voice from the living room.
"Y/N, a boy's here for you!"
You swat away a little hand trying to stick dirty fingers in a pie and hurry out of the kitchen.
Steve is standing by the door, holding a poinsettia plant and a bottle of wine. His red and green sweater is hideous and bright, making you giggle softly.
"Hi, Steve."
"Hi. You said five, right?"
"I did. Come on in."
You introduce him quickly to your hoard of a family who swarm and ask all kinds of questions. Steve is polite and charming, instantly dazzling your aunts with his smile and impressing your uncles with his knowledge of sports. You catch his gaze every so often and offer an apologetic smile, to which he shrugs his shoulders and smiles back.
Dinner is finally ready and everyone gathers around the table. Plates are passed, cups are filled and everyone chatters excitedly. 
Steve bumps your arm with his slightly and leans into your ear. "Your family seems really nice."
"Only in small doses. We're all ready to kill each other by New Year's."
Everyone eats and talks, dessert gets passed, and you manage to wrangle Steve from your family so you two can go for a walk.
As soon as you're outside, you apologize. "I should have warned you that they're so…much. Honestly, I didn't think you'd come."
"You saw my kitchen, you really think I was gonna pass up a free meal in favor of leftover pizza and cheap beer?"
"Good point."
To your surprise, and maybe his too judging from his expression, Steve slips an arm over your shoulders. "Cold." He explains, but honestly he's never felt warmer.
You nod. "Can't wait for the snow to melt away."
"Really? I love it."
"I had you pegged for a summer lover."
Oh for sure, can't beat the heat. But the snow is just something else. Beautiful."
You find yourself smiling up at him. "Yeah. It is."
"Wow, something we agree on." He quips. "I never would have thought."
"I'm sure we agree on a lot of things. Just neither of us would ever want to admit it."
"I know one thing we seemed to agree on."
You blush slightly. "Steve."
"I'm just saying, we were definitely in agreement last night."
"Were we? I seem to recall a lot of bickering and name calling." You tease.
"Foreplay, baby." He wiggles his eyebrows and you laugh.
"You're an idiot, Steve Harrington."
He grins. He’d heard those words several times from several people, but for some reason hearing them from you didn’t sting. He could hear the warmth behind them and it made him feel lighter than air.
You two make your way back to your house, the sun starting to go down and the wind picking up.
"You coming back inside?"
"Actually I'm gonna head home before it gets too dark. Tell your family I appreciated their hospitality, truly."
"They certainly liked you."
"Maybe too much. Pretty sure one of your aunts slipped me her number."
"Oh, I'm sure she did."
Steve hesitates, then closes off the space between the two of you and wraps his arms around you.
Maybe he meant it to be a quick friendly hug. Maybe it was a way of thanking you for inviting him to dinner so he wouldn't be alone.
But somewhere in between hugging and pulling apart, his mouth finds yours.
You gasp softly and he cups your cheek, stroking it with his thumb as he gently deepens the kiss, his other hand resting on your lower back.
You moan softly, parting your lips for him, and his tongue sweeps inside, brushing yours.
There's a whoop from the front door and the two of you jump apart, you turning to glare at your nosy cousins who'd stuck their heads outside.
Steve chuckles. "Guess that's my cue. Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Steve."
He jogs to his car, hesitating before getting inside. "Hey, Y/N, you got plans after this?"
You shake your head. "No, why?"
"Just thinking, if you get cold tonight, you know where I'll be." He winks and gets in his car.
You watch him drive off before going back inside to your family.
They gush over Steve, how handsome he is, how charming he was. You nod and smile, your mind replaying his words over and over.
If you get cold tonight, you'll know where I'll be.
You make up an excuse and skip out of the family festivities early, driving straight to Steve's.
He's got the door open before you're even all the way up the walk.
"Get in here and lose the clothes." He orders.
"Don't tell me what to do." You retort.
He groans and reaches out, snagging you by the back of the neck. "Shut the fuck up."
"Make me."
"You goddamn brat." He growls, and his lips are on yours and he's slamming the door shut behind you.
Clothes are shed in mere seconds, and then he's got you bent over the couch, slamming into you.
"Couldn't stay away, huh? Such a greedy whore." He taunts.
"I could always leave." You retort, moaning as he drives deeper into you.
"I'll never let you go." He groans, landing a loud slap on your ass, and you know that he's just rambling, saying whatever he can to make himself feel in control, but your heart does a little flip-flop in your chest.
He reaches around and rubs your clit. "Come on whore, cum on my cock."
"Make me." You grunt, rolling your hips frantically. "Come on Steve, make me."
He slaps your ass again, his fingers working your clit furiously. "Cum for me baby, soak me cock, come on, wanna see it, Y/N, fuck, cum." He mumbles, biting down on your shoulder.
"I'm so close." You groan, your body tightening. You grip the arm of the couch, hoping you don't hit the floor when you cum.
"That's it baby, so fucking pretty when you cum, God, so sexy, cum for me." He rambles, lost in how good you feel clenching around him.
Your orgasm hits you so intensely that you choke back sobs. It's like white lightning and pure pleasure and also pain because God, pleasure like this has to be just a little bit painful, doesn’t it? Steve cries out your name, shooting rope after rope inside you, holding you tight against him.
You start to slump but he catches you easily, dropping to the couch and pulling you into his lap.
"I got you pretty girl." He murmurs, his lips touching your temple. "Wore you out, didn't I?"
"Don't sound so smug." You push at his chest playfully. Steve catches your hand and kisses your knuckles, then tucks it back against his chest.
"Ugh, don't be sweet."
He bites your ear. "Shut the fuck up, I'll be sweet if I want to."
"Ew. No." You tease, giggling.
He fists your hair and jerks your hair back, planting a noisy kiss on your lips.
"I'll throw up right here." You roll your eyes and make a gagging noise.
Steve slips a hand between your legs, fingers brushing your over sensitized clit, making you hiss and whimper.
"I could be mean. I could play with your pretty pussy until it's so sore you can't walk tomorrow."
"Please?" You whisper, parting your thighs further for him. You can feel his cock already stirring beneath you.
"Tell me you're my good girl."
"Oh, fuck you."
He pushes a finger inside you. "Tell me. Tell me and I'll pleasure you all night long."
"That's blackmail." You retort, trying not to moan and arch your hips.
"Mhmm. Be my good girl."
He sucks a nipple between his teeth, biting hard.
"We can. As soon as you say it." He adds another finger, his thumb pressing on your clit.
You feel yourself getting close again. "Steve, oh fuck yes."
He smirks and starts to pull his hand away.
"Prick." You grab his hand, trying to keep it between your legs.
"Come on, Y/N, admit it. You wanna be my good girl so bad."
"I'll choke first."
"On my cock, maybe." He starts fingering you again. "Say it."
You groan and rub against him, your hips jerking. Steve continues till you're right at the edge of your orgasm, then pulls away once more.
He kisses you roughly, his fingers moving once more, curling against your g-spot.
Your body aches, the need to cum again so severe it's borderline painful.
"Please!" You whine.
"Tell me."
You bury your head in your shoulder. "I'm your good girl, please, please, I'm your good girl!"
He pulls you so you're straddling him and slips back into you.
"Steve!" You wail, your nails digging into his back.
"That's my good girl, say my name." He growls, his hips snapping upward, teeth against your throat. "Who's fucking you?"
"Steve, oh god."
"Whose good girl are you?"
"Yours, fuck, I'm gonna cum again, Steve, gonna cum!"
He grinds his palm against your clit, making you cry out. You wrap your hand around his wrist, bouncing faster on his cock.
"Cum baby, soak me, soaking my fucking lap." He urges. "Make a mess baby, God, making me such a fucking mess."
You scream. You try to stop but you literally fucking scream as you cum again. You feel a gush of wetness between your legs and can't even stop yelling to see what happened.
You realize Steve is yelling too, his hips flexed off the couch, driving deep inside you as he cums again.
You slump against his chest, whimpering softly. Steve strokes your hair, panting heavily.
A few minutes of silence pass. Your heart rate slows and you catch your breath. Steve is staring at the fireplace, looking lost in thought as he absent-mindedly runs his fingers up and down your back.
"Do you mind if I shower before I leave?"
He shakes his head. "Spend the night."
"I can't. I always meet my cousins for brunch the day after Christmas, family tradition."
He looks disappointed but masks it quickly.  "Oh, nice."
"I mean, I could stay, I'd just have to get up super early so I could run home and change-"
He cuts you off. "Nah, we've had enough fun for one night. Don't worry about it."
His words sting. Enough fun? Wow.
You get off his lap and collect your discarded clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. Once again, Steve doesn't join you. You shower quickly and redress, coming into the living room.
Steve's snoring on the couch, still naked. You toss a blanket over his lap and leave, ignoring the voice in your head that says to wake him up and kiss him goodbye.
Tag list: @neewtmas @harrystylesandthegoobs @cancankiki @cal-is-not-on-branding
449 notes · View notes
rhey-007 · 8 months
Helios - Chapter 3
Billy Butcher x reader
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Summary: A fatherless girl finally meets with him after her mother's death. Little does she know that from this point on, her life will fall apart. She'd meet a lot of new, interesting and disgusting people and experience a lot of traumatizing events. Will she be able to choose the right side and take control of her own fate?
Tags/Warnings: 18+, Fem!reader, violence, a tad bit of fluff, sex, oral sex, fingering, big age gap, explicit language, quickie, hickeys, pervert Homelander, semi public sex
A/N: I had a huge writers block and couldn't finish this chapter for 3 weeks but it's finally here!
Previous Chapter
Wordcount: 3990 (around)
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
In last chapter:
‘’About that...’’
Hughie’s words made you comprehend why he even came to you. Up to that moment you didn’t even realize you never told him where you lived, you haven’t even talk to each other! Butcher must have sent him to persuade you. That sick motherfucker knew too well how to handle you.
‘’What is it?...’’
You asked giving in. You decided that if you had to help them, you’d do it just for that poor dumplin Hughie, who’s girlfirend got run into and killed by fucking A-Train. And that’s how it started, another adventure with Butcher. God... Why did you always had to get yourself in some shit...
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Chapter 3 - Sunset
And that's how you found yourself there, in an abandoned restaurant, with Hughie, Butcher and some two other guys you've never met. You and Hughie stood in the doorframe watching Billy trying to calm down – what you've managed to catch - Mother's Milk and Frenchie. By their shouts you figured they know eachother for some time already, and you wondered why Butcher didn’t tell you about his other pals. Did they knew about you? Or were they just as clueless as you? Hughie's cough somehow brought their attention to you but just for a brief moment.
They shouted in your direction and went back to fighting, until Butcher realized why Hughie left earlier. He turned around rapidly after pushing boys away, making Frenchie fall down.
„What the FUCK is SHE doing here?! „
The man walked up to you angrily, his fists clenched ready to punch the shit out of Hughie, but you knew he wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t even try or it would be him who'd get hurt. You looked up confused at the boy. Wasn't it Butcher who sent him to you?
„We need her help okay? He won't talk with us, but she's one of them. Maybe he’ll listen to her! "
Billy huffed and shot you a glare which you returned with just as much anger as him.
„I could've gotten this out of him without her! Good ol' beating and torture. I don't need some fucking ally, or shit! Get her outta' here! "
His words made your heart hurt a tad, but you pushed that feeling aside, clenched your asscheeks and stood up to him as you always would. Ain't no man gonna break your heart nor speak to you like that.
„Oh really? Then I guess you didn't need my help the last time. And the previous one. And the previous one... Want me to keep counting? Tell me, how long are you sitting here and how many times did you try to... Whatever you try to do? "
You turned to Hughie with a murderous look, ready to kill Butcher.
„A few days... "
The boy said quietly, shrinking under your glare and tone of voice.
„And how long did it took you with my help, hm?"
Turning to Butcher with the same face you gave Hughie, made the older man seem like a hurt puppy too. Only you were able to make the allmight William Butcher feel small and scared. He looked down embarrassed and mumbled under his nose.
„Less than few hours... "
„Excuse me? I couldn’t hear you”
„Less than few hours! "
He shouted, stomping his foot like a baby and earning a devilish smirk from you.
„Exactly! So let's do it quickly so I can go home before midnight”
The boys were impressed by your ability to shush Billy, you sure were going to be admired by them. Frenchie motioned for you to follow him, and so you did, walking down the stairs to the basement where the horror happened.
„The fuck... There's nothin in there! "
You hissed annoyed while looking through a window of the ‘cell'. The aluminum foil on the ceiling, metal cage connected to electricity... All that didn't make sense to you. Turning around, you saw the boys' faces were pale, almost white, fear in their eyes as they looked at you. Soon it hit you. Which superhero, close to Homelander, was invisible? Which one, because of their powers, could easily be electrocuted? Translucent. Your face went white, shoulders slumping down, head spinning and on verge of tears. Even though you hated the seven, you hated what they actually did, you hated the company their worked for, they still were the people you kind of grew up with. The people who raised you, shaped you. Besides he had a wife – ex wife, but still – and a son! And you knew them yourself. You leaned against the wall to not loose your balance and fall down. A lump formed in your throat and you were unable to form words for a short while.
„Please... Please don't tell me it's Translucent... "
You choked out. Their faces said everything and they didn’t have to answer. You turned to the wall and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down, then wiped your eyes and straightened yourself before turning back.
„Gimme the key”
Frenchie threw you the key and you quickly unlocked the cell, then shut the door behind yourself. You kneeled down in front of the cage and shot Translucent a soft smile.
„Helios?... What are you doing here? A-are those motherfuckers keeping you hostage too?... "
The man said while appearing to you and you could hear the hurt in his voice.
„Y-yes... Yes they do... "
You lied with a sigh and flopped down.
„Haven’t seen you for a long time... Stillwell said you died of a heart attack, but I knew that was bullshit. Maverick misses you, you know... We all do... "
His words brought warmth to your heart and made tears spill from your eyes. You chuckled softly while wiping them away. You knew it wasn’t a 100% true, but it still was nice to hear it. Aside the fact that he paraded around Vought tower naked most of the time, Translucent was really a nice and smart guy. He was the one to help you with your homework, whenever you needed it, and the one to tell the actually funny dad jokes. You had to admit you missed those nice moments from the tower.
„I promise I'll visit him one day. But now you need to understand... If you won't tell them whatever they need, sooner or later they'll find a way to kill you... "
„They already did... "
Translucent’s statement made your heart skip a beat and body freeze. You could never think they could be that smart to actually find a way to kill him. What could it even be? Wasn't he indestructible after all?
„They put a bomb up my ass... "
„They... They did what?! Oh my god... I think I'm really gonna have a heart attack... Just- Just tell them what they want okay? "
You shot up and rushed out of the cell furiously. After shutting the door you stomped up to Butcher, grabbed the collar of his shirt and shook him.
„Excuse me?! What the actual fuck?! Why did you put a bomb in him??! "
„Big brain, ain't we? "
He smirked down at you earning a juicy slap across his face, with all the strength you had, almost knocking him down.
„I like you... Rough, but... That was too much Sugar... "
Billy mumbled while scrambling off the floor. The boys chuckled at the miserable state of Butcher in your presence but you quickly shut them up with just one look. It would be an understatement if they said they were scared of you. As much as you wanted to shout your guts out at the men, tell them they are crazy psyhopaths, that their out of their minds and that there are other options to deal with that, you knew you couldn’t. You couldn’t because you'd burst out and reveal the truth about your life. And then, knowing Butcher, they would really keep you hostage and use as a bargaining card.
„Listen Buttercup... You know well how we deal with that. Ya helped me do that after all. So don't say you're surprised. He saw our faces, which means he'd spill out, which means – he has to die. Want me to spell it out for ya, Miss smarty pants? "
You huffed, steam blowing out your ears. But then you remembered something.
„And how are you gonna deal with Homelander? He'll hear the explosion, come here and kill ya”
„We'll sic ya on him "
That grin... That sick grin you both hated and loved appeared on his face. After a few more minutes of the quarrel -when in meanwhile Frenchie and M.M. stated that you act like an old married couple - you heard cars pull up.
„Vought "
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
After dealing with Vought and Homelander you heard a loud boom in the basement. Hughie. You literally flew down stairs and the sight made you sick. The cell was opened, Hughie stood in the middle of the blood and guts stained room, his heart thumping like crazy, the detonator in his hand.
„What... What have you done... "
A whisper escaped your lips before you almost puked. You tried to run back upstairs but your had spun so bad you were hitting the walls. Finally out of the building with M.M's help, you gripped onto a trash can and vomited your insides out. The man held your hair up and rubbed your back until Billy came to change him. He felt bad you had to see that, as that was the most gruesome thing you saw while working with him.
“And you're... You're surprised I hate working with you... "
Sighing you looked up at him. Makeup smeared all across your face, cheeks wet from tears that were still slowly falling down. You looked terrible, but for him... For him you looked beautiful. You always did.
„M’sorry... I shouldn’t have... I shouldn’t have ever asked you for any help... “
You shot him a confused look. He never truly apologized to you, never. Shaking your head you fought the urge to embrace him and ignored his sad puppy look.
„Call me when you done cleaning. I'll get rid of the remainings”
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You never thought you’ll find yourself at the Believe Expo ever again. A much as you loved going there when you were young, learning about God and the believes and meeting new people, now you hated the only thought. Walking around dressed all black, sunglasses resting on your nose and a hood on your head, wasn’t easy. It was so hot you were practically melting, but you couldn’t take your disguise off or someone would recognise you. A lot of people actually knew you there, starting from the bodyguards, through priests ending at sellers. Going there was a huge risk nonetheless, but you couldn’t let the boys go alone. They had no idea how to behave at such place – especially Billy... With hands in the pocket of your hoodie, Milk and Billy on your either side with Hughie in front, you strode through the square full of stalls, surrounded by various young and older people. Everytime you passed a stall full of stuff with your father’s face on, an uncomfortable shiver run trough your body and you felt as if someone was watching you.
Soon a young, blonde girl came to your sight. Starlight was her name, if you remembered right. She was so much like younger you and despite being the newest member of the seven you bet she was Homelander’s favourite. Hughie left your group and quickly joined her, then the two walked away.
‘’They look cute together’’
You admitted with a soft smile which dropped the moment you heard Butcher argue with one of the sellers. Rolling your eyes annoyed you motioned to M.M. to pull him away, while you apologize.
‘’It’s okay dear. It’s good thing that you took your dad here. May God have mercy on him’’
The older man said with a warm smile while you just nodded and run away. We’re you really looking like Butcher’s kid in that attire? You hoped not. Just as much as you hoped he didn’t hear the man’s words.
‘’I may not be your dad, but I sure can be your daddy’’
Billy smirked down at you, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling close. He heard everything perfectly and you couldn’t fool him.
„You wish”
You hissed but didn’t pull away to Butcher’s surprise.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
When the time came your father flew to the stage and started his stupid speech. His words made you shiver the whole time, making Billy question your behavior. When the speech came to an end you took of your sunglasses, Homelander's sight immediately falling to you, as if he knew you we're there, your eyes piercing through each other with hatred and sadness. John noticed the dark haired man glued to your side and frowned. Was hooking up with his victim’s husband a way to angry him? A way to remind him of what he did? He had no idea, but was more than keen to find out. And you were more than keen to angry him even more. You already had a plan. While Hughie managed to snuck into a meeting with Ezekiel, thanks to Annie, you sent Milk off to look for something. In meantime you dragged Billy into a staff tent behing Ezekiel’s. The man looked at you confused before you pressed yourself against him, your lips attacking his.
‘’Woah ,woah, woah... What’s gotten into ya Moonie?’’
He asked after pulling away, which doesn’t mean he didn’t kiss back - quite the contrary – he kissed back even more passionately than you did. That’s when you started to have a weird feeling it was a bad idea to begin with, but decided to continue nonetheless.
‘’Well... Thought you could show me what a great daddy you can be’’
Biting your lip your hands traced down his torso slowly unbuttoning his - what everyone except of you would call - ugly hawaiian shirt.
‘’Here? Didn’t thought America’s sweetheart could be a little perv-’’
You cut him off by harshly pulling his chest hair. He winced a little but soon a smirk came back to his face.
‘’Okay, okay... Whateva you wish for princess’’
Leaning down he captured your lips. This time the kiss was more hungry, as if he was starved of you. And he was. After the second kiss his lips met your neck and left a trail of hickeys down to your collar bone. Huge palms gently gripped your asscheeks picking you up and placing down on a table nearby. He got rid of your hoodie with one swift motion and stared at your full breasts afterwards. You bit your lip softly, his only gaze making you wet, and unclasped your bra letting it fall down to the ground.
‘’God dammit Doll...’’
He groaned before attacking your chest with his plump lips. His beard tickled your skin and left red, itchy marks, but you couldn’t care less as you indulged in pleasure.
When Homelander was about to baptised people he could hear rustling and moans coming out of the tent behind the one he was in. He stared into the wall while Ezekiel talked, his brows furrowing deeply when he noticed your immoral actions through the thin material, thanks to his super vision. His heart started to beat faster with every second of watching Butcher staining you with sins, the vain on his forehead about to pop. You knew well he was watching you, that was the whole plan, otherwise you wouldn’t let Billy touch you like that. Not yet at least. When Butcher slipped his hand inside your sweatpants and panties, pressing his thumb to your aching clit you moaned out quietly.
‘’Mmm... Daddy... ‘’
Your words made Homelander’s jaw clench, especially that now your head was turned towards him, innocent blue eyes watching him with your super vision while Billy destroyed you, and even though he wanted to stop it, save his fallen angel from the brute he couldn’t because of the situation he was in. Soon Ezekiel’s words got him out of trance. Your moans made it hard for him to focus though, and he almost drowned Hughie – partly because of that and partly because he wanted to threaten you and the boy.
Billy was really skillful for a person who allegedly didn’t have sex in a long time. His digits slowly dragged through your folds a few times, getting coated in your slick before he pushed one of them inside you easily. He groaned into your ear feeling how wet you were. Gasping into his shoulder, your nails dug into his back.
„B-Billy... W-we don’t have much time... "
You barely mumbled out after the man pushed another finger inside of you and moved them slowly. He whimpered when your hand slid down his torso to grip his growing erection through the fabric of his jeans. You felt empty when his fingers left your hole, a soft wince escaping your lips. Butcher quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants with boxers slightly down, enough to pull out his member and pull them back up in case, while you shimmied out of your own. Grabbing your hand the man brushed it against your folds, gathering your wetness, then put it around his throbbing cock giving it a few pumps.
„You're so big... "
You whispered almost drooling. It felt embarrassing to think of his girth in the past, but it looked just as you imagined it to. Butcher lined himself against you then slowly pushed inside, earning a little bit too loud moan from you.
„Hey, hey. I know it feels good but we can't get caught can we? "
Billy grinned and you rolled your eyes, before locking them with his when he started to move. At first it was slow and deep, hitting all the juicy spots, but after a few seconds it got fast, hectic, starved, and you didn’t mind. It felt so good that for a moment you forgot about the real purpose of your actions. You burried his face between your breasts. He kissed and sucked them leaving your nipples sore while you once again looked in the direction where your father earlier was. He was gone now though and you let a dissatisfied groaned leave your lips. Billy stopped hearing your groan and looked up at you from between your boobs.
„Everythin okay? Did I do something wrong? "
The look on his face wasn’t confused, rather worried that he might have hurt you, which he wouldn’t like to do at all cost. It was the first time you saw him so worried about you and it felt funny considering what the two of you were doing. Your heart felt warm in that moment and you laughed softly, a reassuring smile on your face as you stroked his hair.
„No, no. Everything’s alright, don't worry”
„You sure? "
Nodding you gave him permission to continue and so he did. You had to admit the sex felt really good and you kind of wished to repeat it one day but in more comfortable surroundings. It took you only a few minutes to cum thanks to Billy's ministrations on your sensitive bud, but you felt it would take the man longer to get off. For a man his age he could last quite long. You pulled away from him, his member still standing firmly after leaving your pussy, then dropped down to your knees. The moment you licked it you felt Butcher's hand in your hair, fingers intertwining with the strands and the palm softly pushing you further after you took him in your mouth. But it wasn’t the only thing you felt. The other one was your father, once again observing the two of you and your actions. The corners of your mouth lifted when you noticed him now watching you from behind the scene, that familiar look of rage once again painted on his face brought happiness to you. Billy's quiet groans and whimpers filled the tent signaling both his pleasure and the fact that he was close. You didn’t want to waste any more time and started to bob your head rapidly every time trying to take more and more of him, which was hard because of your gag reflex. Soon his cock twitched and palm pressed your head all the way down, keeping it there for a few seconds while he spilled his hot seed inside, before pulling away to let you breathe. Smiling down at you the man breathed heavily, then picked you up and placed once again on the table. He gathered himself, then after wiping your face and womanhood with a tissue he found in your pants, he pulled them back on. Excpet, he forgot your panties.
You frowned and crosses your arms over your already fully clothed chest.
„What? Can't I have a little souvenir? "
Butcher grinned at you, his hands stuffing your black panties in the back pocket of his jeans. You just rolled your eyes with a small smile you couldn’t help.
„Go find Milk, I still need to do something "
You ordered which he quickly obeyed and left after one last remark of how hot the whole situation was. Shortly after he left, someone walked in. Walking around you they stopped in front, a deep frown on their face while a bright, foolish grin graced yours.
‘’Well, well, well... Who do we have here’’
‧͙⁺˚*・༓🔅 🔅༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Tag list: @demodemo909 @aleemendoza2425-blog @ostricx
if anyone would like to be added just comment!
128 notes · View notes
dirtysvthoughts · 1 year
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pairing: prospective club owner! joshua x stripper! reader
word count: 2.2k
general tags/warnings: smut, pwp, worldbuilding before the dirty stuff (be patient 😉), female! reader, mildly cocky! shua, dom! shua, power play/brat! reader, full nudity for reader, use of pet names (love, baby, sweetheart), shua tries to get reader to fall for him but to no avail (or yes avail?)
playlist songs: special affair - the internet, give me head - sweet the kid, na na - trey songz
notes: chapter 3 baybeeeee! sorry this took so long, but it’s finally here! i’m gonna start working on chapter 4 and that should be done vv soon! hope you enjoy besties!
taglist: @im-gemmy @enhacolor @hooniewnderland @svtup @kawaiikels @weeevrse @diorsfxck @kyexvly @woozarts @ifuckcheol @marsstarxhwa @haoxiaoba
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“and i’m telling you, i don’t need any help, take your service elsewhere,” your boss, mia, says over the phone, curtly hanging it up afterwards. “fucking nuisance,” she mumbles under her breath as you enter her office.
“somethin’ happen?” you say as you shut the door behind you, away from prying eyes and listening ears.
“shouldn’t you be getting ready, sage?” mia says not even looking in your direction, fiddling with whatever paperwork is in front of her.
you roll your eyes, “it’s 5 PM, i only came here early to practice my new routine. plus, i needed to ask you something, but then i overheard you. you know i’m one of the few people you actually trust here. so seriously, what was that all about?”
she stops messing with the papers and finally directs her eyes towards you, breathing a heavy sigh. “okay, so you know the club has a few more debt payments before i can solely own this place right? well, this man i was on the phone with can more than likely wipe away the rest of the debt with a snap of a finger.”
“so if he can do that, why would you tell him to fuck off? i don’t get it.”
“because he wants to own majority of the business! all of the creative decisions, finances, even down to the dancers’ employment would be his decision. i’m not doing that! i’ve worked way too hard to get to where illusion is today. and do you know how many strip club owners are women? not a whole lot. this is my pride.”
you both sit in a minute of silence, her words repeating in your mind. she was right, so much went into this club and those who weren’t on the pole proved that a club could run without a man’s help or approval. and you knew your boss wasn’t desperate enough to give in just yet.
“well no one but you is gonna run club illusion. fuck another owner or a co-owner,” you firmly say as mia shakes her head and smiles, now directing her attention at her desktop, moving her mouse around.
“why do i like you so much, sage?”
“i dunno, i guess i have that effect on people,” you smile as you push your hair back, opening the door so you could start getting ready.
“by the way,” you say with one foot out the door, “what was the guy’s name?”
“somethin’ hong, i kept forgetting the name, why? does it ring a bell?”
“nah, just wanna have a name in mind just in case he shows up, you know they like doing that.”
“well let’s hope not,” she groans as she stretches her arms out. “i really don’t need the extra stress - i can already tell tonight’s gonna be extra for no reason.”
and crazy enough, your boss was right. security had to break up two fights, one of the dancers ended up getting sent home (she was overly drunk), and a bartender ended up quitting - all in the span of four hours.
you look at the clock on the wall, readjusting your bodysuit straps and making sure your makeup was still intact. it was finally midnight, which hopefully meant the rest of the night would be better until it was time for the club to close.
“crazy ass night huh?” your closest friend and fellow dancer, hana (also known as chardonnay) approaches you. she finds her makeup kit and grabs a brush, dolling up her face.
“who are you tellin? and it’s only thursday! if heads into the weekend,” you say but hana finishes your thoughts.
“oh hello no, do not manifest that energy. this weekend can be busy, but not crazy,” she puts her kit back in her corner and checks herself out.
min then walks into the dressing room, hastily scanning the area for one person. “hana!” she calls out, slightly panicking. “you have a whole party waiting for you and you’re talking in the dressing room?”
“i know min, i just had to make sure i was ready, sheesh,” hana rolls her eyes. “gimme five and i’ll be out. they can wait.”
“you better hurry up,” min says walking away, “mia already has had to deal with a lot of shit and i’m pretty sure the last thing she wants to deal with is y’all acting out.” she closes the door behind her and the music becomes muffled again.
“lemme head out there before even more hell gets raised,” hana sighs as she switches her clear heels for her champagne-colored ones. “i guess i’ll see you out there in a bit.” she and a few others leave the room, leaving the space nearly empty.
after checking yourself out, you finally head back on to the scene, deciding to walk around and look for clientele since you already performed on the main stage for tonight.
as you get deeper into the center, you notice a figure at one of the small, standing tables. intrigued, you walked closer and your body can’t deny it’s reaction when you see how handsome he is. his dress white shirt had a few buttons opened, his black hair styled to where not all of it was in his face, and his eyes? oh you felt like you could melt in them.
when you finally get close enough, you place your hand on his shoulder and he looks up at you, putting his glass of whiskey down. “hey there,” you smile flirty at him, and he responds by smiling back at you.
“hey beautiful,” he says in the most soft, yet incredibly sexy tone. “i haven’t seen you around before, are you new here?”
“oh, so you’ve been here before,” you say going to the opposite side of the table, your eyes not leaving is. “that’s interesting, considering i’ve never seen you, i practically have a sixth sense when it comes to this place.”
“mmm, different days, different times, maybe,” he picks up his glass and takes a sip and when he puts it down, you reach for his hand and take hold of it.
“well that can’t stop us from getting to know each other better,” you rub his hands softly. “what’s your name?”
“hong. joshua hong, to be more specific,” he says. “and yours?”
you try to keep a poker face, but you fail drastically as your expression changes. “hong?” you think to yourself. “hong.. why does it sound so familiar?”
you mind then recalls the conversation with mia, and you slowly remove your hand from his. “w-wait a minute, hong? are you a club owner or something?”
“actually i am, how did-” you interrupt him by scoffing and shaking your head, not believing what could’ve happened.
“no fucking way.. you’re the man that called my boss earlier today weren’t you? about wanting to own this place?”
“yeah, that was me,” he says with all the pride he can muster and it made you a little annoyed. “this place has so much potential, and it’s becoming one of the most popular clubs in the area. with my help, it can reach that and more! everyone would benefit.”
“look, hong - whoever you are, this club is doing fine. mia didn’t need a savior before and she doesn’t need one now, especially from some cocky motherfucker who he thinks he can change everything just by walking into the room.” you walk away ready to find another customer, but he comes in front of and stops you.
“you’re bold as hell.. i love that in a partner,” joshus says grinning as he begins to kiss the side of your neck teasingly, his lips feeling like a soft pillow. your body and your mind are now drastically confused. yes, he was trying to take over the club and you didn’t want that, but you couldn’t deny your physical attraction to him either.
after a few more seconds, joshua pulls away and smirks at you, clearly enjoying the fact that you were starting to break down your walls. he takes something out of his pocket and slides it into your hand, and when you feel it - it’s a thick wad of cash.
“let’s go upstairs baby,” joshua says as he pulls you towards him, having you lead the way. watching your surroundings, you firmly grab his hand and you lead him to the vip rooms, walking up the steps and then finding the closest, empty room.
unable to hold back anymore (and away from any other eyes), you sharply pull him closer to you and smash your mouth against his, hands roaming his hair as he walks backwards. when he reaches the edge of the couch, joshua gently sits down and pulls you onto his lap, his hands now palming your ass. you lowly moan at the feeling as you begin to roll your hips into him, his touches becoming more firmer as he squeezes your cheeks.
“you couldn’t resist me, could you?” joshua laughs to himself. “just a second ago you were telling me off, and now you’re like putty in my hands.”
“fuck you,” you moan out when he starts playing with the crotch of your bodysuit, dragging two fingers over the cloth. he continues the motion until he can start to feel a familiar dampness.
“awww cute, you wanna fuck me,” he gloats, dragging his fingers into your bodysuit, playing with your inside lips. he continues the motion for a few moments and then you muster every good bone left in your body, to pry his fingers away from your now dripping core.
“fuck, i shouldn’t be doing this.. i really shouldn’t be doing this,” you say hesitantly.
“well why not? we’re already here aren’t we? no one has to know, baby. this’ll be our little secret, m’kay?”
and that was all you needed to hear. this was definitely something you’d be carrying with you to the grave.
“fine. one round and then that’s it-” you can’t even finish your sentence before joshua slams his lips once again on yours, this time with more vigor and fever.
for the millionth time tonight, your body and your mind are in two conflicting states. how could something this bad be so incredibly good?
“m-mmm, sh-shua,” you moan into his ear as he thrusts into you, your bodysuit completely off and his pants pooling down at his ankles. “you feel amazing,” you continue to feel him up, pressing down on his shoulders. joshua hisses at the feeling, guiding your hands down to his waist so you can see and feel what he was doing to you.
“that’s all you,” he smiles as you move a bit to match his pace, almost moaning with you at the new intensity you both set. “with me here, you could have this every night, hmmm, maybe even more than that to be real with you.”
he was really trying to get you over, but for your sake - it couldn’t happen.
“and with you here, you’d probably take out 20% of my pay,” you chuckle but it’s immediately cut off when joshua thrusts sharply into you, causing you to hunch over and moan, almost loud enough to where someone could hear you.
“i thought you needed to be quiet? you’re fucking the new potential owner, can’t have everyone finding out, right?”
“fuck, fuck, f-fuck,” you whisper, joshua not sure if that was from the sex or if you were still frustrated that your morals have gone out the window.
you feel a tightening in your core, and you knew any minute that you were about to come. as he continues to thrust into you, the coils in your become smaller and more detailed.
“joshua, shua, i- mmmm, i-!” you call out for him and moments later, you juices leak on him. you relax into his chest, regulating your breathing to a slower pace.
“this doesn’t mean anything you know,” your back facing him as he helps you fix the strings on your bodysuit. “i’ve already crossed some lines that i can’t return from.”
“i keep telling you sweetheart, no one has to know. you’re making it seem like you have to tell the whole world.”
several thoughts run through your mind, including ones of him railing you from behind in one of the secluded vip rooms. you try and push them out of your head when you finally speak.
“and if i did want to see you again, how would i go about that?” joshua then hands you a business card and pats your back, signifying that he was done.
“just gimme a call love.”
you both walk out the room, and he turns to face you again, leaving a kiss on your forehead. “see you soon, baby.” he walks away, leaving you dazed and in suspended motion. you almost don’t hear your name being called out.
“sage!” hana calls out to you and you walk over to her.
“who was that? he’s so fucking hot! how’d you bag him?”
you sigh as you lie through your teeth, “he’s no one special. just another customer.”
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vritest · 1 year
I love you. (Say it back)
leon kennedy x fem!reader
warnings: angst, angst, angst. kinda all over the place, kinda doesn’t follow the plot??? mentions of sex, younger???vandetta leon. NOT PROOFREAD
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Knock knock. Stop. Knock… knock. *Burp*
A sound you were getting used to at midnight.
At first you decided wether or not you should just open the door. Maybe you should leave him there. Make him feel like shit, make him realize what he’s doing isn’t normal.
But your heart was too big for that.
You sighed, looking straight at your TV. A random singing reality show playing in the background, their singing cancelling out the knocks coming from your shared apartment. Or at least what was once a shared apartment you and your boyfriend had.
Lately it seems like he lives in the bars instead of your own home.
You sigh again, hoping the knocks would stop and hoping Leon would leave to Chris’s place, or just somewhere where you wouldn’t see him drunk and wasted.
Getting up from the couch, the knocks only got louder and louder. You groaned quietly and rubbed your face with your hands.
“Coming, I’m coming!” You yelled.
As you opened the door, Leon slumped on you hugging your frame and snuggling on to you like the way you snuggled with your teddy bear he had given you on your guys’s first date.
You sniffed his leather jacket, a scent of too many liquors to count, taking over your nose. You frowned slightly.
“God Leon you irk of alcohol. Did you take a shower in that stuff at the bar?” You asked sarcastically.
He chuckled.
“You’re funny, they don’t have showers in bars, silly…” Leon slurred trailing off from his train of thought his grip only tightening. You let out a big sigh and slowly unwrapped from his grip. He groaned.
“Hey… I was comfortable like that…”
“I know… but doesn’t a shower sound nice?”
“Well too bad because I’m not letting you go to sleep stinking our whole bed of alcohol”
After an hour, you had prepared Leon a semi-warm shower.
After he took a shower it was normal for him to go straight to bed, after kissing you and saying a quick “Good night babe” but this time it was different.
As you sat on the couch, you heard some shuffling and saw Leon walking straight to your shared room. Not even looking your way, almost like he was being lured in there. You raised an eyebrow confused in his sudden break of the pattern you two have held for too long.
As you walked over to the room, you saw him on his side. Already asleep and snoring. The void in your heart only getting worser.
The morning wasn’t any better.
You had waken up with a huge headache, despite not drinking. Which was pretty odd, because you never got headaches out of the random. Not only that but when you turned around to reach for Leon, the only thing you touched were the cold sheets, meaning he had been awake for a while.
You got up, the off feeling you had only getting more prominent as you walk towards the kitchen, the sound of cereal being poured in to a bowl sounding close.
There you see Leon hunched over, his back towards you as he serves himself some Lucky Charms.
Which was kinda ironic thinking back now.
“Good morning.” You said softly. The rasp in your voice being the only thing Leon was looking forward to.
“ ‘Morning” he simply said pouring the milk into the bowl. He turned towards the island, sitting towards you know. Your eyes wondering Leon’s tired futures, trying so hard not to ask him about last night. You didn’t want him to leave you, and you didn’t want to leave him, but this whole thing was just getting to you. It’s like you had to battle a war in your mind 24/7.
You cleared your throat, despite not planning to say anything.
“Just say it. Say that I’m an asshole for not telling you good night. I don’t give a damn.”
“What? I wasn’t gonna-“
“You were! That’s the thing you don’t speak up about shit! You should hate me, I’m a bad boyfriend, a bad friend, an alcoholic but here you are taking care of me every day after I go to the bar. Why?” He said, the bowl of cereal being disregarded.
You laughed dryly.
“Are you kidding me right now?”
He looked side to side.
“I asked you a question.” He asked sternly.
“Have the 5 years we’ve been together proven you nothing? I love you Leon! And the fact that you asked that question makes me feel like shit. I do it out of love Leon everything.”
“How do you think I feel after you leave for work? How about when you leave to go to the bar? I worry that I’ll get a phone call and get told your dead, and I hate myself that I can’t stop you. Because it’s your life. Not mine.”
He sighed trying to calm down in order for his words to come out less aggressively.
“You don’t have to worry about the drinking it’s nothing-“
“Nothing?” You laughed dryly again. Something you’ve done a lot more often lately. “Everyday you come home wasted and tell me you love me. Something you’ve never told me sober, did you know that?”
“No! Fuck. Don’t babe me now. After all this time all I’ve ever wanted to do was to help you. And now you’re asking me why I’m doing all this? This must be some sick fucking prank.” You said. You were slowly loosing it. You never yelled at him. Sure maybe one time while playing Mario Kart when he beat you, but it was never this serious or intense. Leon’s mind went blank.
He was a horrible person.
“Fuck, im sorry about this I swear I can fix this aright? I fucking hate myself, I hate what I’m doing to myself and I can’t stop it”
There was silence allowing you to calm down before speaking up again.
“I know you can fix it.” You said more calmly this time.
“Just not with me.”
His eyes widened at the words that came out your mouth.
“I’m leaving.” You claimed.
“What? You haven’t even packed yet-“
“I did, while you were sleeping. Thought you had heard but I guess you were fast asleep.” You mumbled.
He scoffed and let a small breathy “huh”.
“So that’s it?” He said throwing his hands besides his torso in defeat. “You’re just gonna leave me after all these years?”
“Don’t try to gaslight me now Leon. I’m doing this because I love you. Fuck, everything I do, I do because I love you and I can’t stand seeing you fuck up your life because you refuse to get help.”
You just stood there. Looking at him like if this was some staring contest.
Your heart kept telling you to back out, this was a bad idea. But you brain could only thing how this would benefit him.
You sighed. Starting to walk towards your shared room where you had packed two duffle bags that would be enough clothes to stay with your parents for a while.
As you got up, Leon got up as well grabbing your wrist and before you could even pull away (he was too strong) he pulled you towards him, kissing you just one more time. The taste of alcohol filling your mouth and the taste of your cherry lipgloss leaving a delightful taste at the tip of his tongue. As much as you wanted to pull back and tell him that he was an asshole for doing this, the kids only got more passionate and hungry tounges entering each others mouths, suddenly everything was okay. Suddenly it was his first day as a police officer and you and him had just shared your first kiss with eachother.
Maybe everything wasn’t so bad after all…
That morning had been long. The smell of makeup sex lingering the room. Leon’s bare hands hugging your naked frame, the afternoon sun peaking out from the curtains.
You got up, looking for your clothes he had desperately stripped off you.
Surprisingly after you grabbed the two duffle bags, despite making a good amount of noise, he was still asleep. You looked at him one last time , beige you headed to the kitchen and grabbed a napkin and a red gel pen.
Leon had woken up not too long after you had left quietly crying out your shared apartment.
He knew you always kept your promises.
Immediately he looked over at the night stand, your perfume, his favorite, gone. That’s when he saw a small peace of paper, and he squinted reaching out to grab it as he brought it up to his face squinting.
“Good morning afternoon sunshine,
I really didn’t want you to try and make me stay so I decided to leave right away. It’s already noon and by the time you wake up it’ll probably be dinner time, I know you’ll be hungry. Last night I made lasagna, just that you went straight to bed before I could even offer you some. Lol. There’s some leftovers in the fridge, along with some lemonade or coke, pick what’d you like.
Like I said in the morning, I’m doing this because I love you nothing else. If I could stay with you forever I would.
Thank you for what you gave me this morning.. I enjoyed it… (that might be an understatement.)”
He chuckled at your dry humor.
“Anyway… please take care of yourself and become the best version of yourself you can possibly be.
I love you. More than you’ll ever know. Even if you’ve never said it to me sober.
Love, Y/N.”
A single tear escaping his eye.
Years have passed and you had already moved out of your parents home you were temporarily living in.
Once you got your new place you decided it was time to move on from Leon. As much as you didn’t want to and refused.
Each date was the same.
They introduced themselves. They cracked a joke. You laughed. Their mouth moved until they asked if you were okay, and you would just nod. Then they would leave and never spoke to you again.
It just wasn’t the same. They weren’t Leon. They’ll never be.
So that’s what brought you right now. At your old apartment complex. The lady at the counter being the same one from a couple of years ago.
“Hey you were that lady that was the girlfriend of the young blonde man right?” She asked as you walked up to her counter. You smiled lightly. “Girlfriend” you haven’t heard that word in a while.
“Yeah.. uh I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”
That being said, you had asked her if she knew any information about Leon and if he had moved out.
Turned out it had been only two months since he had moved out, she said he had told her he was moving to the suburbs. Which was weird considering you two would always talk about how you loved the chaos in the city and would never move back to the suburbs. Turns out great minds don’t think alike sometimes.
“Yeah, he seemed pretty glad to move into a house for the first time. Never said the reason though.” She said ducking her teeth. “He said he was staying by this really big park, with the lake and-“
“Oh my god.”
“What? What happened?” Thee asked.
“He moved back to his childhood home.”
It didn’t take you long to built up the courage after all these years to find him.
All the signs were pointing to this.
He definitely got better and had taken to advice to move in back to his old home. The reason was still unknown but you assumed that after all these years he was the person you had told him to become.
You missed him. You couldn’t wait to see him. Would his hair be brown like it was when you left? Or had he dyed it back to blonde, how he had it when you first met?
Either way, it didn’t matter if he was bald, you needed to see him. You needed him to be okay.
As you got closer to the house that was once his, you notice, two cars. Which you assumed were both his, unless Chris was over? No, it was probably just both his.
You parked, getting out of your car and fixing your hair as you prepared to knock on the wooden door. You didn’t know if this was one of your smartest moments. You didn’t want to look like a stalker, but you knew he probably wanted to see you too…right.
You knocked three times, a shuffle being heard in a background and a giggle.
The door opened. And the you heard it, his voice. Still sweet like sugar. Except he said some words that could’ve made you faint on the spot.
“I got it honey-“
You looked up noticing a small kid on his shoulders. Looking down at you. Their icy blue eyes they obviously inherited from Leon, staring at you with a small smile.
Y’all this honestly was abt to me cry lmfaoo 😭 but anyway hoped y’all cried lol.
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peanutbutterwrites · 2 months
My Good Looking Boy - Part Two
warnings for series: angst, struggles with self worth and self esteem, issues with appearance, childhood trauma, and mentions of death and murder.
summary: taking place after the southern raiders, zuko and katara finally learn to understand each other a bit more and long held on to feelings come to the surface. the gaang go and watch the ember island play and chaos ensues with katara's feelings.
part one - part two - part three
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authors note: in part two here we're gonna start to explore katara's insecurities and how they have an effect on her. i tried to bring some uncle iroh wisdom because i believe there are a lot of lessons that iroh taught zuko that he maybe just didn't recognize later and this chapter has one of them. as always, let me know what you think and if there are any errors feel free to bring them up. enjoy!
word count: 1.9k
Not too much later, Katara and Zuko brought the now clean clothing and blankets back to camp with limited finds for meals today. The group was finally all awake with Toph and Aang working on earthbending exercises and Suki and Sokka chatting as Sokka sharpened his boomerang. 
“You’re back! I missed you this morning.” Suki said fondly, wrapping Katara in a warm embrace. 
“Yeah, you have housework to do?” Sokka joked making Toph snort as she gave a brief wave and good morning to Katara and Zuko. With a roll of her eyes Katara snapped,
“You think that’s all I’m good for? Don’t take me for granted or precious prince Zuko is gonna have to start doing everything, and trust me, you don't want that.” Zuko frowned, slightly embarrassed, but said nothing as he passed out the clothing to their rightful owners. 
“Hey, maybe I didn’t know how to do laundry this morning, but I do now.” he mumbled, retreating into himself, but he didn’t snap back at her. Placing the basket down, Katara felt guilt pool in her gut and it made her feel sickly.
“I’m sorry, yes, thank you for your help Zuko.” He perked up, and a small smile made its way onto his face. Katara felt herself easing up and had a smile to match. 
“So, I wanted to bring up that there’s a play in town nearby!” Sokka announced, getting everyone’s attention. “Maybe we could take a break from saving the world one of these days and watch it. It's about us you know.” He announced, wiggling his eyebrows. The group looked mostly enthused at the idea, but Toph took her turn to speak.
“That's all fine and dandy snoozles, but those plays tend to be way too long and I don’t feel like trekking all the way back here at midnight or having to find a new campsite.” The group seemed to actually agree with Toph on this one, especially the early risers not wanting to be out late and sacrifice precious hours of sleep. 
“Oh come on guys, one night won’t kill ya.” 
“Actually,” Zuko interjected quietly, “I might have a solution”. 
His brilliant idea is how the group decided to pack everything they had on Appa and make their way to the royal family’s vacation home with Zuko’s guidance. Apparently, Zuko was aware of the small town they were near and it just so happened to be extra close to the abandoned royal family’s vacation home. It has been unused for quite some time now, so he was sure they wouldn’t be found or bothered. The breeze on Appa helped alleviate the summer heat and Katara actually found herself closing her eyes and relaxing again. That is, until a flying pair of pants found their way to her torso.
“What the-” “I need you to sew them.” Sokka said, point blank rubbing his boomerang between his fingers. Katara felt herself grind her teeth in frustration, but quickly reeled herself back in and breathed deep while she reached for her sewing kit. 
“Sure, Sokka. No worries.” Speaking the latter under her breath with a roll of her eyes. Shifting the fabric around in her hand, she found the guilty hole and got to work. And while the breeze was still refreshing and the thought of an actual bed enticed her, the frustration never completely left. From across the bison, Zuko eyed her with concern. He knew she was frustrated, it was simply palpable when she was. Fighting an internal war with himself to offer his help again, he found himself shutting his mouth seeing her furrowed brow and focused expression. He would only frustrate her more, he decided. The saddle was quiet until Toph began with her questioning. She had practically interrogated him before asking about the home itself. 
“So sparky, how come you didn’t tell us about this beautiful abandoned home earlier? You tryin to make us sleep on rocks for forever?” 
“Uh no,” he stuttered, “I just honestly didn’t think about it until Sokka mentioned that town. I watched many plays at the theater growing up. With my mom I mean.” At the mention of his mother, the saddle fell quiet again. “But you guys will love it I’m sure. There’s enough space for us all to have our own rooms and a courtyard for bending practice. I’m sure the kitchen still works great too.” Everyone lightened up a bit after that and the group fell into friendly chatter. 
“Hey Zuko!” Aang's voice rang from the front of Appa. “Is that it?” And everyone peeked over the saddle to make out a large, traditional fire national style home at the very top of a mountain on the island. 
“Yeah, it is.” A nostalgic smile found its way to his face, and Katara paused her sewing long enough to admire it. Landing was calm enough, and Katara threw Sokka’s finished pants right back at him causing him to sputter and fumble for the fabric. Working together, Appa was unloaded and the group rushed inside to pick rooms. The first thing Katara noticed was how big the home was, and then how red. The walls, ceilings and floors were all red with ornate gold accents, though she knew the palace must be ten times what this was. Rooms were plentiful and so were their size, so she was in no rush seizing one like the others. Venturing upstairs, she walked to the end of the hallway until a room caught her eye. Strolling in, it was nothing special. Like all the other rooms it was red and very large, but a balcony at the opposite end of the room stole her attention. Walking out, she gripped the railing as a breeze ran through her. From this balcony, almost the entirety of the island and most of the sea could be seen. The water stretched on and on until the horizon kissed its now calm edge and the island was lush and green. Turning her head to the right, she was surprised to see Zuko hanging out of the only other balcony. He looked peaceful, far more serene than his normal awkward, brooding self. And she found herself staring at him more than the scenery, that unfamiliar fluttering feeling returning to her gut. Then his head turned, and she found the fluttering doubling in intensity and the heat of the sun growing uncomfortably hot. But he simply smiled back at her and she got to see a hint of the golden twinkle in his eyes once again before he retreated back into his chosen room. 
The group watched in legitimate horror. This play was horrible. Filled with fallacies at best and harmful lies at worst, their story couldn’t have been depicted in a more inaccurate way. Everyone was either arguing in outrage or grumbling in a mopey silence the entire way back to the vacation house, with Toph’s boisterous laughter the only exception; and Katara couldn’t even blame them. Angered at the way she was portrayed was on the forefront of her mind for the past couple of hours. Is that really how people see me? Some hope obsessed fangirl?! She stomped her feet even harder, pushing herself to get to the vacation home quicker. Her thoughts and doubts were slowly getting to her, was she really that useless? All the housekeeping and motivational speeches, did that make her weak? She was spiraling and tears were forcing their way out of her eyes despite her desperation to hold them back. No, she would not be seen crying. 
“Good night!” She called out as soon as she reached the house, most of the others too busy still arguing to notice. She couldn’t hold the tears back as she raced up the stairs and slammed the door to her chosen bedroom, allowing herself to collapse onto the floor in a heap. Folding her legs under she ripped off the golden bangles and rings, a foolish attempt to at least look somewhat presentable, and ripped the half top knot from her head. Tears were pouring down her face and sobs and hiccups made her break down quite loud, once again she was grateful for the privacy this room offered her knowing a campsite would be far less forgiving. She was so busy breaking down that the creak of the old wooden door was the only thing alarming her to another's presence. “Just go away, I’m fine!” she roared. The intruder paused, hesitant, but after a beat the door simply shut quietly and soft footsteps made their way to her before strong arms wrapped themselves around her. She assumed Aang would be the one to follow her, but this person was larger and the hug warmer. She tensed up at the initial contact, but quickly melted into the embrace as the smell of cumin, sandalwood, and smoke engulfed her senses. 
“Shh, it's okay.” came Zuko’s raspy voice as he gently rocked her in his arms and she sobbed into his robes. The back and forth rocking calmed her, and the warmth finally made her feel at home, safe. When was the last time in all of this that she actually felt safe? She couldn’t remember. This went on until no tears came out and the hiccuping had come to a minimum. Resting his chin on her head, he spoke again very softly, “Do you want to talk about it?”. He felt the rustle of her shaking her head into his chest and he sighed. “You know, I always felt like I was kind of useless.” He began, and Katara stilled. She let out a forced sort of chuckle and croaked out, 
“You’re a prince, how could you feel useless?” 
“My life wasn’t always so royal Katara. I was the oldest, it was my responsibility to learn how to lead, to rule. But I was always left behind. I couldn’t firebend as well as my little sister, I could never make my own father happy, spirits, I couldn’t even make friends. I have felt like a total failure my whole life. And yet, when I took time to think about things, about what my purpose actually is and where I belong, I find that I succeed a lot more now. Maybe sometimes, we feel like we’re failing simply because we’re in the wrong place. Maybe, if we look at things from a different perspective and reconsider where we stand, we can find the spirits are letting us fail to learn. To learn where we truly belong and are needed.” The crying had stopped, only leaving the occasional sniffle. “I am not needed in the fire nation, not now. That’s why I always find disappointment and failure there. But here, here Aang needs me. It's my purpose to teach him firebending and now, maybe you need me so I can teach you. Just like my uncle taught me, that really, no one is useless, they’re just in the wrong place.” Zuko finally looked down and found himself staring into two round, gemlike eyes. 
“How did you know?” she mumbled, barely a whisper. 
“When we see others going through feelings we’ve already experienced, it’s very easy to spot.” She leaned into his arms a little more, and he tilted his head to rest his unscared cheek softly on her head. 
“Thank you.”
“Of course, Katara. You can always talk to me.”
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Aka : a self indulgent Matt Murdock fanfic that has been stuck in my head. You’re a jury counsellor and with a single night he changes your decision
Characters : Matt Murdock, jury Y/N
Warnings : oral (f receiving) unprotected sex,piv sex , Matt Murdock, slow burn
“The jury should not be biased by one or another attorney and their choice”
“Melanie, I told you. I left the earring on my bedside table, I don’t know where it went and that’s it! And i don’t know anyone else except you who lives in our apartment!” You sighed. Your roommate had taken your hoop earring but she didn’t wanna accept it.
It was a hot day for New York . The heavy air of July bothered the people as you went back to the courthouse after eating your lunch (a 15 dollars sandwich with extra iceberg salad ).
Your job wasn’t that hard, although it was picky. Almost everything depended on you and that weight on your shoulders was heavy. How the person’s life will go depends on you. That thought was eating you from the inside since you actually got the job for court jury. The case you were working on for now, was one of your biggest. A woman had killed her husband and lover, burying them in the back garden. Apparently her excuse was “that both of them had cheated” . Ugh, what a skunk.
Your former superior, Blake tower was fighting against some unknown firm, “Nelson & Murdock” . You thought that tower’s point of view was the right one and that the woman should go to jail, but she just continued saying that she didn’t kill them, but confronted them.
After a while you and your coworkers had decided on a break which led you here, sitting in the lounge room of NY’s courtroom, arguing on the phone with Mel and her friends.
Someone with a tall figure approached you, a cane in his hand. You realized it was that other attorney, mr. Murdock. “Uhh, I’ll call you back, Mel.” You put your phone to the side, helping the man sit on the chair in front of you. “I believe you’re Y/L/N, right? I wanted to talk to you about the DA, Tower.” He said, his voice confident and low. He was handsome, and somehow, he knew it. His chin was always high ahead, voice lingering over people’s minds. His hair a dark brown, eyes hidden by ruby red glasses. He was very attractive if we gotta be true, face like a painting. His tongue came out to lick his lips, waiting for you to answer. “Uh, yeah. What about him?” You snapped out of your trance . “I think he’s wrong in this situation. My client has the right to say that she didn’t murder them. But- ah. Sorry, you must’ve just gotten your lunch?” He asked. ‘How did he know?’ Eh, anyways. “Y-yeah. But it’s fine. Why do you think so, you sure?” You question. He told you that his business partner was going to give the best defence in court history, making you laugh. “Hey uhh, I know this makes no sense, but do you mind if you went on a dinner with me? J-just to change your mind of course.”he asked.
You questioned a bit but accepted, settling down to the same night.
It was 6pm, an hour away from your dinner with Matt Murdock, but you were nervous. Never choosing between a black dress that hugged your thighs and brang you luck or a dark red dress with a leg slip. You pondered for a while and put on the red dress, make up already done. ‘Why am I even doing this.He’s blind’ you asked yourself. But you felt good, confident, sexy , even. He made you feel that way.
You took your bag and shouted to Melanie in the bathroom “MELLS, You are gonna be gone till midnight, kay?” . You wanted the two of you to be alone if he actually came. Just in case. You heard her murmur something under the sound of loud music and took it as a “yess” or an “okayyugh “ .
Contently, you walked out with your small bag, wearing scandal black heels. ‘Tower wouldn’t be very happy to see me like this. Well, good that I’m going over to some unknown jazz house I guess.’ You thought as you got in the cab you called, almost singing the address he gave you.
As you walked up to the door he opened it for you. He looked magnificent, suit tidy and glasses that matched your dress. “Hi.” He said, grinning. “Hi hello” you said, voice drowning in the loud chello.
“Our table is somewhere over there. Apparently.” He stated , you giggling at his words.
The dinner went better than you thought, everything sweet and smooth . He gave you a couple reasons that his client didn’t commit the murder and you replied with a “I’ll think about changing my opinion, Murdock.” You guys talked about your work, craziest cases and where you went to university. And soon enough you guys were full of fries and enjoying the light music that twirled around the room, making the whole situation more romantic than it should’ve been. You agreed with him on some points and yes, there were some holes in Tower’s words but you still didn’t believe him.
“You know, it’s getting pretty late, we have a case to worry about tomorrow so uhh…” you hoped he would offer to escort you home. And maybe, just maybe he could read your mind in braille because that’s exactly what he asked to do.
You were chatting in the taxi, up until your apartment’s door and- god, his lips looked so kissable, soft and red. So beautiful, his whole figure was beautiful, broad shoulders and biceps that were hugged just right by his shirt.
Your heart skipped a beat as he leaned a little closer to you, magnified by each other. And in one moment of heavy breathing and a little luck, his hand caressed your face, pulled you in. The kiss was passionate, all teeth and tongue. You had thought about the attorney since you met him a few cases ago but never thought it would end like this. As he deepens the kiss, you let your hands wander through his hair , he pushed your apartment door open. His hands on your waist, neck, in your hair. He was everywhere, his cologne, the faint smell of Oakwood, warm coffee and light alcohol. As he walks you two through your apartment,you pull your legs against his waist and hold his neck for support, and as he gets your hint, his hands snake up to hold you at your thighs. Strangely enough, he found his way around your apartment better than you, especially for a blind. drunk. man that has never been at your place before. But you didn’t really care at that moment because his mouth on yours was the only thing you could think about and the way that his smell intoxicated you. 
As he put you down on your couch, he took off his suit jacket and rolled up his sleeves. And you? You were enjoying the sight of Matt Murdock and those rolled up sleeves. “I really would like to finish off this fine evening with maybe pleasing you?” his words sent a pleasing shiver down your spine “Of course, only if you’d like. I can leave anytime, just-” you stopped his babbling with another kiss, drawing him in by his tie. And that seemed to finish him off, because as he growled into the kiss, pushing your legs apart, the leg slip of your dress pulling up between your legs. “I’ll take that as a yes, then” he smiled through the kiss, pulling you to the edge of the couch. He pulled your dress up and took a breath, your natural smell invading him. And he fucking loved it. Pointing his attention to your now soaked panties, he licked his lips, his senses tasting you in the air. He moaned groaned at your smell, pushing your legs further apart and breathing you in.
Then he pushed your underwear out of the way and devoured the absolute shit out of you.
And as he did so, you let out the most obsene noises, little whimpers and whines, then desperate moans. He licked a long stripe up from your core to your now throbbing clit, relishing in the fact that you were oh so wet for him,tasting you and diving in you like a mad man. But you could tell he was also enjoying this, by the groans he let out, that made you thighs shake. You tried to suppress your noises, but he was having none of that. Painfully, he withdrew his head away from you cunt, looking in your general direction, grabbing your chin. “Try to be quiet again and see what happens.” Your bottom lip quivering, you made a mental note to be as vocal as possible. He lowered his face and delved into you again. Devouring you like a man starved, adding his god shaped- hands to the mix. One palm gripping your thigh, at the little crease right before your ass, other one snaking to you cunt. Relishing in the hot feel of his tongue on you, not expecting those two cold fingers prodding at your core. Silent laughs at the little gasps you dropped as his fingers entered you. You looked down at him, feeling him knuckle deep, snug in your tight pussy. His mouth closed around your clit and he started sucking. And there you were, sitting there, thinking ‘this is it. i died and i’m in heaven.’ until he started moving with his fingers. Stretching them, scissoring you made your brain clear out of everything, thick fingers curling to find your g-spot and abuse it. He was mumbling something unintelligible, the vibrations giving you that delicious friction .Feeling a tight knot grip your stomach, you tried to warn Matt , but all that you could mutter between moans was a weak “M-Mattyy… ‘mma..” before you were coming undone around his fingers. Letting you ride through your orgasm, he continued pumping his fingers in and out of you, slowing down the pace.
Murmuring praises, he kisses your clit, earning a jolt from your thighs and a mear whimper. Biting his way up your body, wasting time at your breasts, licking up the valley between them, until he was face to face with you, dark brown eyes unfocused and warm, the slight shimmer on his lips from your essence made you delve in. Kissing him, you tasted yourself on his tongue, salty and draft. Trying to get his belt off, you struggled, earning a chuckle from Matt. As he made quick work of sliding it through his hands and throwing it on the floor, pants following through. He towers over you, immediately making you feel small, causing blood to rush to your cheeks. He smirks, cradling your face in his hand. “Don’t get shy on me sweetheart, we’re jus’ getting started.” Pupils dilating, you look at his very obvious dick print, trying to figure out exactly how big he is. Almost answering your question, he takes the slacks off too, his impressive size slapping against his stomach. You feel your mouth salivating, but before you could get to your knees, he grabs your thighs, moving you to sit on top of his lap, crossing your hands to the couch behind his neck, trapping you in and suddenly all you can see, sense, feel was him, him, him.
He slowly slides your folds open with his tip, a wet squelch being heard. You whine, eliciting an amused sound and an “Eager, aren’t you, pretty thing?”, causing a moan to escape from within your throat. He slides in, the stretch burning slightly, making you let out a strangled sound. He stiffens, his hands gripping your thighs, holding you still. “Are you okay?” the words fade in front of your ears, the haze his dick put you in keeping you in your own Matt-Murdock-s-cock bubble. “Yeah… please. Please, Matt.” you let out a meak attempt to keep the moans in as he pushes in to the hilt, staying as still as he can. Once you feel stretched enough, you clench, once, hearing the groan (™️) that erupts from deeply in his chest. “Don’t tease me like that, fuuuuck…” Matthew grips at your ass, slowly moving you up and down, finding a rhythm the both of you could keep up. As soon as you feel confident enough, you push your sweaty face from his chest, where it had been lying till then. Gripping the headrest for dear life, you start slowly riding him, adjusting to his girth. Slowly letting your jaw fall, you can no longer contain the groans and whines of the lawyer’s name. A deep growl grows from his chest, the vibrations making you mewl on your own.
“Ma-atthew! I-” you attempt, but after hearing his searing “shh, I know sweetheart. J-just relax f’me.”, you let it come to you, drenching his cock in your juices, letting your head fall to his neck. You can feel him clenching his jaw, veins on his neck visible, as he painfully pulls out of you, releasing his load on his stomach. You stand there for a little while, letting each other catch their breath. You close your eyes for a little bit, letting yourself relax in his sticky, sweaty, but warming touch. Not later after that, you’re both cleaned up and in bed, cuddling. You don’t exactly know what that makes you two, but you don’t wish to worry about it right now. Not now. Not when his warm forearms are wrapped tightly around your stomach, leg draped over yours, securing you, in a way.
Some time in the night you’re woken up by a very low-toned Matt, saying something. "Your roomate just came home...drunk." Murmuring a curse, you cuddle deeper in his embrace, catching the warm chuckle that spreads through his chest and envades yours.
In the morning, you're waken up by an alarm, but it's not yours. Hearing a familiar groans, your eyes prickle with the sun beaming on you,and you crinkle a smile, seeing a very disheveled Matt Murdock trying to find his phone in the bundle of clothes you left from last night. Your door is bright open and Mellany springs through it, bringing both of you coffee, and with a bright smile on her face (and a wiggle of her eyebrows) gives you back the other golden hoop earring. You stand up, going to get your clothes, enjoying the silent morning, nothing too loud, which is weird, by the fact that the crappy apartment that you rented is in the heart of the real Hell's Kitchen.
"So... are we going to repeat this sometime?" you hear him, loud and clear. "We'll see how it goes, Murdock. But for now, we have a case to finish."
taglist : @moxkindagirl
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sp00kymulderr · 11 months
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Part 2 - Fire
series masterlist
Pairing: Joel Miller x afab reader (no pronouns)
Warnings: 18+, kissing, fingering, mentions of sex, details of grief, guilt, dealing with emotions in the wrong way, implied canon typical violence, reader is dealing with death of a loved one, general sadness. Please let me know if I missed any.
Word Count: 2.7k
Summary: You’ve found a way to deal with your grief through the man who took you in, but will Joel let you have that from him when he knows better?
A/N: If you like it please please comment and/or reblog. To follow for fic updates only go to @sp00kyupdates​ or see taglist details on my masterlist.
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When Joel kisses you, the whole world falls away. Not in the way of those romance movies of a time long gone, but in the way that you forget for that moment about every aching cruel emotion that’s been running through you for the last three weeks. Vaguely you feel the slide of a tear down your face – a memory of the moment of hopelessness which dissipated in the wake of his touch.
He’s soft with you, much more than you expected, the kiss is tender and slow and it feels like he is trying to tell you something – something he doesn’t have the words to express. You take those unspoken words from him, breathe them in from him and try to make sense of them. You whimper against his lips, and finally reach out to cover your hand with his where it rests at your waist.
Something in him shifts then. The air changes. The kiss ends.
Joel seems to come back to himself from some place of other and he pulls away leaving you cold. It happens in a moment; he’s kissing you and then he’s moving away, practically recoiling from you. He gets up from the bed without a sound other than the creak of the floorboards and his heavy breath.
“Joel?” You whisper, disappointment and a hint of hurt rife in your voice. You wish it wasn’t so dark, you need to see if there’s want in those expressive eyes.
“I’m sorry” is all you get back, a grunted apology that means nothing to you.
The horrible feeling comes back within moments as you come down from the press of his lips to yours. You ache to chase that high, pathetically ready to beg him to kiss you again. If he doesn’t you feel like you might break apart, like your body just can’t hold itself together any more. But he’s already heading for the bedroom door so you just curl in to a ball and let him leave.
“Uh I'm gonna take watch. You should try and sleep” He informs you and you try to pretend there’s some kind of feeling for you in his voice.
You don’t sleep. You cry, and you hate yourself for being such a mess. Why couldn’t you be more like him? Why did everything have hurt so much now? Why couldn’t you just have her back? She’d know what to do.
You think about her for hours. You want to erase the memories. Instead you just cry until the sun comes up, until there’s no more tears for you to let out.
Joel sits out on the porch of the house, a loaded rifle by his side, and tries to think about literally anything other than you. He hasn’t kissed anyone in years, there’s no time for something so simple when the world is ending. And perhaps he has thought about you like that before now – he’s only human after all - but thinking and doing are two very different things and he knows he crossed a line. You need comfort, not whatever it is he can offer you.
He hopes he can come back from this. He prays you can too.
Joel lets out a sigh and brings his head to his hands, rubbing his tired eyes. He’s so wrecked with guilt, he doesn’t know what to do with it. You aren’t meant to even still be here – you were supposed to have left by now, made your own path. He should tell you to leave.
He doesn’t want you to leave.
What is it? He wonders. He knows why you want it – you want to forget. You want to chase a high that will drown out the pain for a while. Is that what he wants too? He ponders as the chill midnight breeze flits across the porch. He pulls his jacket tighter across his chest. He sits still and sentry for hours, ignoring the thing that aches deep down in him. He won’t let it claw it’s way out.
He tries not to think about how soft your lips were.
It’s definitely early when the old mattress dips and you wake with a start. Instinct takes over and you scramble to the other side of the bed in a panic, before you look up.
“It’s okay, hey, just me” Joel says apologetically.
There’s a pale morning light drifting through the stained cream curtains, the gentle drift of the wind blowing them slightly open. He’d let you sleep through the whole night. You let out a breath and give him the tiniest smile, not really looking in his eyes. When you do look up you see his hair is damp, springing in to little curls as it dries.
You wish he wasn’t so beautiful.
“Shower still works, just about. Have to be real quick” he answers the unspoken question when he sees you looking up, nodding towards the en-suite. You blink the sleep from your eyes as you register his words.
“Oh my god” you mutter. You literally can’t remember the last time you used a shower. You’ve gotten so used to being covered in a constant layer of grime.
He chuckles quietly and holds his hand out, pulling you up from the bed when you accept it. Your breath hitches as he pulls you up and you brace against his chest. There’s that same feeling from before, burning embers deep in your body. He looks away quickly and clears his throat, letting go of your hand.
“I’ll give you some privacy” he tells you as he heads for the door.
“Joel” you whisper, and he turns around. You don’t know what you were going to say. He looks like something hurts him, as he stares at you for a minute before he’s turning away and closing the door behind him as he heads back out in to the house.
You sit back down on the bed with a huff of breath. There’s an aching thing in you, you can feel it in your chest, making it’s way up your throat. It scares you, all that pain and fear and grief so close to erupting from you again. Joel could fix it for you, you know he could.
He’s the only one who can save you from it.
You take a deep breath and make a decision, and maybe it’s the wrong one but you want to stop feeling like all you are is some vessel of grief and other horrible things. You leave the room and make your way through the house – he’s in the kitchen, looking at the collection of cans to see what should be left behind. You can tell he hears you approaching, his fingers flexing by his side as he cautiously turns, a look of relief turning to a look of concern when he sees it’s you.
“Joel…” you say again, approaching him slowly – like he’s a wild animal and you’re there to tame him.
It’s the other way around though, isn’t it? He could tame you, tame your pain.
He murmurs your name softly. You look at each other for a while, something in his deep brown eyes emboldening you to come closer, reaching out for him. He swallows, his adams apple bobbing in his throat as you finally wrap your arms around him. He doesn’t stop you. He gives you a look you’ve never seen before; somewhere between fear and pleading.
The moment your lips touch his again, the spark erupts in to flame. Long lingering languid embers now suddenly burning everything in their wake. He opens his mouth to you too quickly, lets you in as if he is a starved man. Perhaps he is. He demands you, but not enough. It aches and you want to tell him to rip you open and devour it all, the sick need for him to consume you and every horror that lives in you. Desperation leaks from every pore as his strong arms wrap around your waist and he’s backing you up against the now redundant fridge. A flurry of dust sprinkles down from the jostled appliance as you hit it, and something falls from the front of it to the floor – a photograph of a long gone happy family – but neither of you notice.
All you know is Joel. All Joel knows is you.
The kiss sucks all the breath from you, but you won’t let go. He tastes like something from the earth. When his scent floods your body you forget yourself, forget it all and it’s everything you’ve wanted. And yet your body says more, more, more.
Joel is the one to break the kiss. You whimper at the loss of his lips on yours and it seems like that nearly breaks him. He shakes his head and stares at you for a moment, those beautiful eyes darkening with a long ignored desire; Another forgotten thing clawing it’s way to the surface. He holds your face in his hands and studies your eyes for a moment, searching for something you don’t want to share with him.
“Tell me to stop” he says, gruff and low.
You look back at him, stare straight at him with resolve. Both of you know you’ll never do that. You pull him back insistently, chasing his lips with your own. He’s weak to you, he lets you in again.
“Don’t stop” you moan against his lips, never fully breaking away.
Your monster is starting to fade away now, the horror becoming a dull ache rather than a gaping wound. Joel growls against your lips, and you know he feels the same lack of feeling the more you give each other.
When you pull away for a moment his eyes are dark. He looks at you with a hunger like you are the only thing that can sate his appetite, and this time he doesn’t run from it. He runs his thumb across your bottom lip, a distracting moment of tenderness as his other hand slides down the front of your body and skilled fingers unbutton your jeans. His eyes flit down from your eyes, to your lips then to the place where his hand is sliding beneath the waistband of your open jeans and your greyed underwear.
He’s going to give you what you need.
He looks back up at you as you gasp. Those dark eyes are the same ones you’ve seen when he dispatches those unfortunate enough to cross him, when his hands are bloodied and his anger boils over. Now they are for you, now those hands that always carry the phantom blood of everything he’s done are for you. He has found that base urge within him and let it flood him, all for you. It excites you, it’ll haunt you, it’s all you care about in this moment.
He nudges your legs a little apart with his own, as he presses a finger down and finds your pooling arousal. There’s a noise he makes, a groan that's close to a growl, that makes your knees weak and you have to hold on tighter to him, your hand gripping hard on his shoulder.
“Joel -” you start but he interrupts you with his mouth on yours again, like he doesn’t want to hear your words. Instead he kisses you hard, as his finger brushes the part that makes you keen and arch in to his touch. He moves almost expertly, his hand sliding down until he’s pressing a finger at your entrance, while the heel of his hand pushes down.
This is the cure. You gasp and keen and all of a sudden your mind is completely blank. This is how you live through it. You take it from him, and he helps you forget. Where your pain before was a faded piece of hurt in the back of your mind, when he touches you like this it almost disappears entirely. He pushes a thick finger in to you, gathering your warmth and your need. You cry out and give yourself completely to that fire burning through you.
Joel breathes your name like it’s a sin. You moan and push your head back against the solid door of the fridge, exposing your throat to him as he bares his teeth and pushes in another finger, the heel of his palm grinding down in a way that makes you feel dizzy. He moves forward, caging you in and pressing his lips to your throat, the scrape of teeth making your breath hitch. It’s not enough. It’s too much.
You whimper out something incoherent and pull his head up, fingers carding through his greying curls. For a minute, his black eyes are on yours again and there is nothing but your breathlessness and the movement of his hand between your legs. You kiss him, desperate – all teeth and spit and unbearable want. He pulls away too quickly. You whine and see another hint of that black-heartedness when he smiles a little.
“Please” you whisper. What are you asking for? You barely know. You just know you need him to keep quieting the noise, to keep making your forget it all.
“Again” he demands, his fingers still working to unravel you. You have seen so much of him but this is new.
“Please, Joel” your voice shakes as you edge closer to your peak “Ple-”
Something crashes in the other room, the sound of shattering glass and you both still. You try to quiet your heavy breath, groaning quietly when he pulls his hand out of your jeans.
Joel is all business again, his demeanour changing in an instant as he glances to you and puts a finger to his lips, telling you to keep quiet. Your brain hasn’t caught up yet; you just nod dumbly and watch him grab his gun from the table and stalk off to the next room as you try hard to catch your breath as you button your jeans back up and curse whatever interrupted you.
When you don’t hear any more noise, you slowly move to the living room, trying to keep the pads of your feet light on the floor. From the doorway you see him breathing deeply, rubbing his eyes for a moment but he’s put his gun away. You clear your throat and he turns to you.
There’s regret there in his eyes, clear as day. Your head fills with shame.
“Fuckin’ racoon or something” he murmurs, pointing to the smashed vase on the floor.
“Right” you answer, still struggling to be completely human again.
You look at each other before you take a step closer to him. This time he steps back.
“Take that shower while you have the chance. We’re leaving in fifteen” Joel orders, voice stern. He’s not letting you get close again.
“But-” you begin, not sure where you’ll go with this
“Just do it” he sighs, sounding almost pained and turning his back to you.
It all comes flooding back in one tidal wave after his rejection. You had gotten so close to feeling normal again. Feeling an emotion that wasn’t painful. And he’d taken it away from you the moment he stepped away.
“Damn racoon” you mutter to yourself in the bathroom, stripping off your dirty clothes and getting quickly under the shower. It’s cold to begin with, a sprinkling of lukewarm water as you soak your body and hair, and then back to freezing again. You’re in there for no more than five minutes. It isn’t as refreshing as it should be, but it’s better than nothing.
You shouldn’t blame Joel for how you feel right now, but part of you does even so. If he’d just give in completely, it would all be fine. He can’t pretend he doesn’t want it, after what just happened. Or did he only do that because he felt sorry for you? Was he just needing something you could give him? God, you wished he was easier to read. It could mean anything, the way he was with you.
You can’t wash away the feeling of his hands, his mouth. You’ll never be able to. He’s gonna haunt you forever, just another ghost travelling with you wherever you go. Just like all the other people you lost. Just like her. You press your head against the cold tiles of the shower and let the water drip down your face, taking a gasping breath.
You can’t let him become just another memory.
You won’t let that happen.
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skyechild · 4 months
Sweet Dream pt.1
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𖤐 pairing: Jeonghan x GN!reader
𖤐 genre: fluff
𖤐 warnings:
𖤐 wc: 600+
𖤐trope/au/kinks: road trip, non idol au
𖤐 summary:  Jeonghan was usually full of surprises, this time you were the one to surprise him. An idea for you both to go on an abrupt road trip to celebrate your 3rd valentines day together. After all, Jeonghan would be your one and only valentine for the rest of your life, the best dream you could ever imagine.
𖤐 notes: hey, surprise im your valentine for svthub, hopefully you enjoy this as it took me so long and with everything going on for me personally. im so sorry its short usually i write it longer. but this is only part one
𖤐special tag: @synthetickitsune
𖤐 tag list: @svthub ,
𖤐 Playlist: Crazy Form by Ateez, Getting Closer by Seventeen, Aya by Mamamoo, Limbo by Jun
𖤐Prompt: “You will always be my forever valentine.”
Jeonghan grinned as he spun you around into his chest. "Hi." You smile at his word and motion, looking up at him. "Hi..." A glance at the clock told you it was midnight on Valentines day. You grinned widely and looked up at him. "Road trip?" Jeonghan nodded, his own attention being drawn to the clock.
"Happy valintines day baby." He hummed before he nodded. "Where do you want to go?" He swayed with you in his hold gently, resting his chin ontop of your head.
You pursed your lips in thought as you rested your cheek against his chest, his heart beat strong in your ear. "Hmmm.....how about we just drive? Choose a direction and we just drive. Pack some clothes and when we get tired? We stop somewhere and stay there. We can shower there, sleep, eat then keep driving. We dont need a destination."
Jeonghan smiled widely. "Sounds like a dream." He pressed a kiss against the top of your head and nodding before releasing you. "Go get packed. Ill let our friends know, and our mums." You nodded and quickly disappeared into the bedroom you both shared, a grin on your lips as you shoved clothes and things into two bags. Most of it being Jeonghans clothes as youd rather be in his than your own.
You threw your bag onto your back and grabbed Jeonghans as you came back into the room just as Jeonghan appeared from the bathroom. "All done?" You nodded and grinned, repeating it back to him and biting your lip. Giddiness filling your system. The idea of a random road trip had butterflies swirling through stomach.
Your gaze locks with his as you grin at him. "Ready to go." You murmured to him as you got closer. "You let everyone know right?" He nodded, a smile on his own face. You beamed brightly as you hopped your way to the car. “C’mon Hannie.” You looked over your shoulder at him as he grabbed the keys, quickly following behind you, a smile on his face as he unlocked the car, letting you toss in the bags. 
It was well past midnight by now, about two am. You were excited. Not a place in mind, no ideas, just a road trip to anything and anywhere. Just like what you both did when you met in highschool.
The random road trips during winter and summer breaks with your friends that slowly turned into just the two of you as time went on. Sometimes you ended up skiing down the mountain snow, sometimes walking in the forest. Other times you just drove til you both decided to go home.
You slipped into the passenger seat with a small grin, watching as your boyfriend hopped into the drivers, angling yourself better so you could lean against the door and still face Jeonghan safely.
The corner of his lips quirked up into a smirk once he caught your position and gaze. "What? You gonna watch me the whole time i drive?" He teased and you rose a brow back, biting your bottom lip. "Perhaps." You laughed at the surprise on his face. Usually you werent so bold, but maybe the early hours of the morning and excitement changed it.
"Alright, ready to go?" You nodded and grabbed a blanket you had thrown in the back seat and placed it on your lap as he pulled out and started driving. Once Jeonghan's hand found its place on your lap as usual you held it tightly, smiling as you traced a line around his ring finger and the back of his hand. "Hey Hannie?" At the call of his name he glanced over with a hum. "Do you think we will be together forever?"
He grinned softly. "You will always be my forever valentine, So of course we will be." You tried to fight the blush on your cheeks, only causing his grin to turn into a smirk. "Something that small gets you all red?" He snickered quietly as he laced your fingers together.
"Forever Valentine. Forever my valentine."
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ch1l1cheesefr1es · 3 months
Jealousy, plain ol' Jealousy
Merle Dixon x Trans masculine reader
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Context: you and Merle reunite, the governor assigns the two of you on a mission to find Michonne. First try you couldn't find her, so Merle told the governor, he came back seeming a bit off and you both go looking for her again, he tells you whats wrong and you put matters in your hands ;)
Warnings: +18, nudity, hard sex,age gap, flirting, violence, slurs (f!ggot, Tranny, etc. This is my first time making a book like this so I hope I don't offend anyone, i might make a part 2 of this)
Merle and you have been frenemies since the two of you were kids, but had been sepearated later after Merle's mother had died. Later on, Merle found you, andrea and Michonne. He took the three of you to a place called Woodbury, a large and well-protected community. You didn't trust it, but it was nice to see a familiar face even though you both HATED eachother back then, nowadays he calls you "Fruitcake" and it pisses you off "you're not funny, you know that big boy?" you said in a firm tone, Merle backed away with his signature smirk "OooOoo did I hit a nerve Fruitcake?" he said in playful tone, and his accent, oh how you hated it, everytime you heard it you just wanted to punch him in the face you were about to but the governor had called the two of you "Boys! Come 'ere!" he yelled, you and Merle looked at eachother and walked to his place, he told you that Michonne had left the camp, he assigned the two you to go look for her with the others, the entire time you and Merle picked on eachother. Even after being attacked by Michonne you couldn't help but laugh after Merle got punched in the nuts, even though you had been punched aswell. She escaped and Merle killed some kid...whatever his name was.
. . .
After Merle had killed the kid, I looked at him. He hasn't changed, we both walked beside eachother and I barely said anything on the way back, Merle's the first to break the silence "I'm gonna go tell the governor 'bout this, and if you tell 'em that I killed that kid, I'll slit your throat." he told me in a firm tone as his finger pressed against my chest, I didn't flinch. Almost everyone was afraid "Big bad ol' Merle" but not me. I just saw him as an old friend, not a monster. He walked away and i sat down in a bench, a minute turned into 10 minutes, and 10 minutes turned into hours, it had been midnight already and no one was outside. Until finally, Merle came back, I looked up at him waited for him to tell me about the mission, but he seemed...off. He looked like he was spacing out and had no emotion in his face "Uh....Merle?" I asked, he had snapped back into reality "W-what Fruitcake?" he asked, he was back to his old self again "what'd the boss say?" I look up at him, he looked at me with his blue eyes and said "The Governor wants us to look for her again." he then walked to the entrance of Woodbury "R....right now?" I asked as he walked away "YES!" he yelled, I got up and followed him "he wants us to go far out" He had told me "to go look for her? didn't you say the walkers'll get to her before we do?" I asked with a smirk, Merle then slapped me hard in the face "Shut the fuck up you fucking f!ggot." he said, I wanted to punch him so badly but I couldnt...I stayed quiet as me and him got in a car, he seemed stressed while he was driving, so I gathered up some courage and asked "what's up with you?" he looked at me and sighed "you really think im gonna tell you about my life problems Girlie?" he told me, that moment, I had snapped.
"You know what? Fuck you Merle. It's not my fault you had a sad childhood, and that your dad was a dickhead, I never did shit to you and you always treat me like this! I am not a girl! I'm a boy. And if you can't get that through that thick skull of yours i'll shoot a bullet into it." you told him, Merle looked at you with shock, he had never seen you this mad, or even snap at him. He sighed "Alright, fine. I ain't feelin' myself today... My joints are hurting like a bitch from yesterday's brawl and I haven't had no sleep worth speakin' of, and the governor had sex with that blondie. But we gotta find that son-of-a-bitch before it hits mornin', so suck it up and help me out." he told you, you were shocked at how easy it was to get him to talk "is that it? That you were just jealous because someone else had sex with Andrea?" you asked with a little laugh, he scoffed "It ain't got nuthin' to do with her... I just can't stand the way he goes around, thinkin' he can take whatever he wants." he mumbled, you knew what Merle had gone through, Especially Daryl. And all you wanted to do, was to make all the stress go away. You then had an idea, it was risky but you couldn't help it, you slowly slid your hand to Merle's thigh, he was in deep thought and didn't think anything of it at first, so you took things a bit more further. You then slid your hand under his pants, he had snapped back into reality and looked at you "what the fuck do ya think you're doing D/N!?" he had called you by your deadname, which made you grip his member on accident, he groaned and almost crashed, he let out a groan as he tried to keep himself focused on the road. You couldn't help but grin at this, you started to stroke him at a slow pace, his grip on the steering wheel tightened and his breathing got heavy "I swear to god D/N don't do something you'll later regret..." you frowned and corrected him "My name isn't D/N, It's Y/N." you stroked him faster he bit his bottom lip, you Remembered him doing that when you had seen him talking with Andrea, you felt him thrust his hips up, begging for more. You couldn't help but rub your thumb against the slit of his dick, Merle bit his lip so hard that blood started dripping from his lip. He then snapped "ALRIGHT MOTHERFUCKER YOU ASKED FOR IT." he parked the car somewhere safe and pushed you to the back seat "what about the mission Merle?" you asked him "Fuck the mission, we'll just tell the governor we couldn't find her, won't we boy?" he said, your eyes widened when he called you boy, even Merle noticed and smirked, you nodded as he climbed to the backseat with you, you couldn't help but blush as he was above you. He laughed and held your cheek, slowly leaning in and finally pressing his lips against yours, he started gentle but deepened the kiss as you wrapped his arms around him, feeling his tongue trying to slide its way between your teeth, asking for more. You couldn't help but give in to his desires, his tongue dancing with yours, he tasted so weird but you weren't complaining. He pulled away, a string of saliva coming from your mouths, he then grabbed your shirt and pulled it off, seeing the scars under your pecs "well ain't that a sight." he traced the scars with his fingers, you felt happy for some reason, it wasn't because you were feeling horny, but because Merle finally accepted you being Trans. He kissed the scars under your pecs, going all the way down to your waist, he pulled down your pants and saw how wet you were for him "still got a pussy Fruitcake?" he said in a playful tone, you frowned and told him "Fuck you Merle..." you mumbled, you then gasped when you felt him trace your folds, he held your hips and laughed "you're a virgin aren't ya? Go on Fruitcake...dont be shy, are ya?" he asked, you couldn't help but nod "well don't worry boy, just leave it to good ol' Merle and I'll just fix that." he flipped and placed you on all fours and held your inner thighs. You looked back hesitantly "Merle?...what are you doi-" just then, you had felt his tongue licking in between your folds, tasting you.
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softie-rain · 2 years
Hehe if you are taking requests could you do one w peter maximoff where he finds his s/o stressed out and anxious due to examinations? I'm burnt out and really need some peter to help lol ty love your work so much!!! <3
Stress Relief
pairings: peter maximoff x gen!reader
warnings: non fluff uwu
summary: finals can be extremely hard, and Peter just wants you to forget all about it
a/n: hey! thanks for the request, and sorry if this came out so late 😭 also you didn't specify the gender so i went with neutral :) Also i know i said i was taking a break from x reader stories, but this was an old request and i wanted to finish it.
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"Peter?" You called in the dark, after hearing wind moving your hair. "Damn, how did you know it was me?" He asked faking shock, hugging you from behind.
You chuckled, closing your arms around his. "Instinct."
"What are you doing?" He observed the papers on your desk, where you were currently sitting at. Last weeks of school, that meant final exams. Completely useless, if you were asked, who's only purpose was to give you stress, all the time.
"It's almost midnight, you can't seriously still be up studying." He commented. You rolled your eyes at him. "Yeah well, I have to make a plastic of the cell and for now I have only studied the components, and still have to do the whole thing. Plus Mrs. Kelly wants this ready for tomorrow, so either I do this now or I fail."
Peter looked at you with sympathy. You were so stressed over school work lately, withou taking any break. And yes, maybe you had the time to do one. But you knew that if you stopped, then starting again would be way harder. Especially at midnight.
"I can do it for you, if you want." You started laughing, even if you knew he was dead serious. "I appreciate it love, but I'm fine."
"You're clearly not. And if you don't want me to do your work, then let me help you forget your stress for an hour.
Or two."
You rolled your eyes. "Peter, no. I can't have any breaks now- Peter!" He completely ignored your protests and grabbed you bridal style. "Ready?"
You knew anything you would have said could never brought Peter to stop his actions, so you just shook your head and said "I never am." And then clinged into him as he sped out of your room.
He brought you in the forest, laying you on the fresh grass. "And now?" You asked. He smiled and layed down next to you. "Now you look up and admire the stars."
You did as he told you, and smiled widely. The sky was simply beautiful, and living outside the city without light pollution made it even better.
"That is the Big Dipper, there, you see it?" He said, pointing his finger up. After a few seconds you spotted it, and nodded at Peter. "And more on the left the Little Dipper. It's a bit harder to spot, but without all the lights you should be able to see it."
It took you a full minute to find it, but finally yoi saw it too. And so you spent the time like this, between Peter pointing out stars and planets as you tried to find them, and awful pick up lines.
"Y/n, you know what's more beautiful than the sky?"
"If you finish that sentence I'm breaking up with you."
"I was gonna say me but ok."
Almost one hour and half later, you were fast asleep. Tired from the exhausting day and with Peter's voice as a sweet lullaby, sleep came over you pretty easily.
When you woke up next morning, panic washed all over you.
The project. You haven't finished it yet.
You rushed over your desk, maybe you could still finish it, somehow.
But at your desk, you saw the project done, perfectly closed in a box, ready to be brought at school. Next to it, a note.
I know what you said, but you were exhausted and I didn't had the heart of waking you up. I love you, good luck with the project <3
You smiled and brought the note to your heart. "Love you too, Peter."
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