#this took way longer than it should’ve 😭
girl crush: asmp sunshipduo animatic, alternatively titled “that face when you and your weird neighbor are highkey gay for each other but you’re too stubborn to admit that”
(if you like without reblogging i’ll get very sad i spent a long time on this 🫶)
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jjkamochoso · 4 months
so like yesterday I went to a strawberry farm were you like pick strawberries and I was thinking how would the jjk men act or like what would they do. sorry if it's a dumb question😭
There is absolutely nothing dumb about this, it’s freaking adorable😭😭 thank you for entrusting me with this!! I hope you had lots of fun picking strawberries 🍓 and I hope you enjoy reading about picking strawberries with these silly lil men☺️🫶
Picking Strawberries with the JJK Men
JJK men x gn!reader
Warnings: small mentions of bugs/insects
You and Yuji walked along the path, admiring the glow of the red berries surrounding you.
“This one looks really good,” Yuji said, bending over to pick a particularly plump strawberry. He grasped the stem and held it to your lips.
“Try it!” he encouraged, and you happily obliged, taking a big bite.
“That’s seriously delicious,” you complimented after eating the fruit. "Now let me find one for you."
You walked hand in hand with Yuji, scouring the ground until the perfect berry caught your attention. You held the stem while offering the rest to him, just like he had done for you. Yuji, being the menace he is, ate the whole thing in one swift bite.
“Is it yummy?" you asked, anxiously awaiting his reaction.
"It's delicious!" Yuji exclaimed, mouth full of half chewed strawberry. You wanted to be grossed out but the delight in his eyes was too adorable for you to think about how nasty it was that he was talking with his mouth full. He swallowed the fruit with a gulp, then wrapped you in a big bear hug.
"The strawberry was sweet, but you're sweeter."
“I really should’ve thought this through.”
You realized you ran out of hands when you went to pick a strawberry but couldn’t due to your grasp being occupied by both a basket and an umbrella to keep the sun from burning you. You switched gears, putting the basket on the ground and pulling strawberries from your now free hand, but the umbrella kept falling every which way. Megumi, meanwhile, was watching all of this unfold and trying his hardest not to laugh at your predicament.
“Here, let me help you,” he eventually said after watching you struggle for a bit. He was waiting to see if you were going to come up with a solution yourself but it certainly wasn’t happening any time soon and he didn’t want you to get too frustrated (no matter how cute he thinks you look when you’re grumpy). Megumi took the umbrella from your flailing hands and immediately you no longer felt like throwing it in a fit of rage.
“You’re a real lifesaver,” you said, getting an eye roll as a reply.
“That was too painful to keep watching without doing something.”
You narrowed your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him, going back to your berry picking. It was much easier now that Megumi strolled alongside you, one hand in his pocket and the other tightly wrapped around your umbrella, basking you in cool shade. He wouldn’t say it out loud but he was beyond relieved he could assist you, no matter how insignificant of a task.
You and Yuta happily strode along the strawberry bushes, hand in hand, and picking the ripest fruit to bring back home. Being ever the gentleman, Yuta held the heavy basket in his free hand while you were in charge of selecting the berries.
“This is, by far, the cutest date I’ve ever been on,” you confessed, a strawberry dangling by its stem in your grasp.
“O-oh, really? I’m really glad you’re having fun,” Yuta replied, a blush blooming on his face.
“Whats wrong, Yuta? You’re almost as red as this berry,” you teased with a giggle, taking a big bite of the fruit you picked a few seconds ago. That made the poor boy blush even more as he imagined what those plump lips of yours would feel like on his own rather than the strawberry.
“Yuta? Are you in there?” you asked. You had been waving your hand in front of his face but he was too busy staring at you to respond until now as he stuttered out an apology.
“It’s all good,” you told him, “you’re cute when you’re spaced out. My offer still stands if you want a bite of this strawberry though since you were practically gawking at it.”
“Yes! Right. The strawberry,” he stammered, “that’s exactly what I was looking at. You’re so right, it looks really good. Thank you.”
You held out the strawberry in question to feed it to him and Yuta felt his heart leap out of his chest—how did he get so lucky to date someone as sweet as you?
Your jaw dropped at the surprise introduction of a new word into your boyfriend’s vocabulary. You two decided to go on a date at a strawberry farm but the last thing you expected from today was to see Toge enthusiastically pointing his finger back and forth from you to the berries while repeating the word like some sort of incantation.
“I have a feeling you’re making a really good connection between these things but I don’t understand it,” you said tentatively, taking note of the giddiness that shone in Toge’s purple eyes. He quickly pulled out his phone, furiously typing out something in his notes app. When he showed you his screen, you felt like drowning the earth beneath your feet in tears:
Strawberry!! I can say it without hurting you!! That’s gonna be reserved for you only :)
“Toge,” you half whispered, your voice failing you from the love that was overwhelming you, “that means the world to me. Thank you.”
“Salmon,” he said, meaning “you’re welcome.” He then pulled you into a tight hug to show you how much he cared when words failed him. When you pulled apart, he showed you his phone screen one more time:
Also you’re both very sweet <3
It was nice to get away from all the hustle and bustle of your daily duties with your boyfriend Noritoshi. You knew he put a lot of pressure on himself 24/7 to be perfect in all facets of his life so you figured getting away to somewhere quiet and calm would do wonders for his mental health. Thankfully, you were correct. You’d never seen Noritoshi as relaxed as he was amongst the strawberries, softly smiling as he watched a bug climb along a vine. He leaned in closer to get a better view of nature at its core, deeply appreciating the simplicity of the outdoors.
“Y/n, look. It’s a ladybug,” he whispered, not wanting to disturb it. You scooted in closer as well to catch a glimpse but were quickly taken aback when the insect flew off the vine and landed on Noritoshi’s nose. He was extremely calm about the whole ordeal and you were delighted to see such an adorable scene unfold in front of you. His gray eyes were slightly crossed as he watched the ladybug in amusement, its speckled body tickling his smooth skin. As it started heading up his nose and toward his eyes, he put his finger out to block it, guiding the plump bug onto his outstretched digit.
“You know that means you’re going to be blessed with an abundance of luck, right?” you asked, heart instantly melting at the gentle gaze he held you under.
“With you in my life, I already knew I was the luckiest man alive.”
You never knew what to expect from your boyfriend on a day to day basis so when he started spouting strawberry facts at you while you explored the grounds of the farm, you couldn’t say you were surprised.
“…strawberries today are a result of the cross between F. chiloensis and F. virginiana. Did you know strawberries are a type of rose? And they have more vitamin C than oranges.”
You listened intently to Aoi’s rambling, his arm slung easily over your shoulder in a display of his affection toward you. You were looking at him like he was speaking about the most important topic in the world and you were so proud of the fact that he was subverting expectations, being extremely strong and smart.
“Wow, Aoi, you’re so knowledgeable!” you exclaimed, “how did you learn all this?”
He just shrugged, shooting you a wink. “I’ll tell you if you let me walk you back home after this.”
You playfully nudged him on the shoulder. “We’re going back to the same place, dummy.”
A look of realization dawned on his face, replacing a concerning amount of shock. “You’re right, we are! I forgot!”
You grimaced, trying not to outwardly groan for the sake of being a patient partner.
“Don’t worry about it, handsome. Let’s just enjoy some strawberries, yeah?”
Aoi let out a triumphant laugh after kissing your cheek. “Sounds good to me!”
Going to the strawberry farm with Ino was nothing short of a good time. You spent hours collecting only the finest berries, carting around heavy baskets and dreaming up all types of desserts you’d be making with your haul. You also spent a good chunk of that time eating the berries right off the vine and making each other share in the disgust of any surprisingly unripe berries you pulled.
“Babe! Here, this one’s straight up disgusting,” Ino said, thrusting a strawberry with a big bite chunk out of it your way. You took a bite and immediately made a face.
“Ew! That one was nasty! And to think it looked so good, too,” you whined, glaring at the rest of the deceptive glowing red skin.
“You wanna wash it down with a milkshake? They’re selling them at the front.”
“Please,” you said, nodding eagerly. Ino lazily threw his arm over your shoulder and you scooted in closer to your boyfriend as he guided you to a much needed sweet drink.
Satoru was watching you sit next to a strawberry plant with inquisitive eyes, his signature blindfold gone and in its place were sunglasses that reminded you of his yesteryears.
“I still don’t get why we have to pick the strawberries ourselves when we could’ve just gone to the store,” he questioned, bottom lip jutted in a pout.
“Because Satoru,” you said, giving him a kind smile, “it’s good to support local farms. And don’t you feel a sense of accomplishment picking them yourself rather than grabbing the first plastic container you see at a store?”
“I guess,” he said, reaching down to pick a strawberry off its plant before quickly retracting his hand. “The farmers should’ve cleaned up a bit before I came, though. The bugs and dirt are seriously grossing me out.”
The urge to roll your eyes was strong, but the love you had for Satoru was stronger so you refrained.
“Come over here and try this one. I made sure there weren’t any creepy crawlies on it that were out to get you.”
The white haired man didn’t pick up on your teasing, instead sending a solemn “thanks” your way. His long fingers hesitantly plucked a big, red strawberry from the vine.
“Go ahead, taste it,” you encouraged.
He did so, a look of pride overtaking his features.
“This is literally the best strawberry ever.”
“Wait, don’t eat the whole thing! I wanna try some,” you said. Your boyfriend extended a hand, helping you up from your place in the plants.
“I feel like a strawberry being pulled off the vine,” you joked, wiping the dirt off your pants.
“I really do know how to pick ‘em,” Satoru said, smirking.
Suguru was the perfect man to take strawberry picking. He was in awe of the tranquility he felt somewhere like that, the peaceful atmosphere doing more to ground him than most anything he’d tried before. He eagerly picked two strawberries, feeding you one then taking a bite from the other for himself.
“I’m glad you’re here with me,” he said, brown eyes gazing lovingly into your own as the sun shone brightly over the two of you.
“There’s nowhere else I’d rather be, my love,” you replied, your hand gently placed on his cheek. He nuzzled into your touch the slightest bit, not caring if any passerbys took notice of you. He could smell the sweet scent of strawberry on your breath as you closed in toward him, placing a delicate kiss upon his lips. You didn’t want to be indecent in public so you kept it chaste and though Suguru desperately wanted to kiss you passionately enough to make parents cover their children’s eyes (and maybe even their own), he showed restraint. When he eventually pulled away from your kiss, he took hold of your hand that laid on his cheek and placed little kisses on the pads of each finger—also smelling of the red berries you had spent hours hanging around.
When you told Kento you were in the mood to make a strawberry pie, but had no berries, he was quick to come up with the idea to pick fresh ones from the local farm. Now, here you were, baskets in hand, weaving through patches of ripe fruit.
"How's it going, Kento?"
"Well. I have about half a basket full. How about you, my love?"
He never failed to make your heart flutter with his sweet pet names and the syrupy way they fall off his tongue.
"About the same. I'm going to get a few more and then we should be done."
You bent down to gather more strawberries when a gust of wind suddenly picked up, taking your sunhat right from your head. You barely had time to react before it was placed gently back in its rightful place by none other than your boyfriend.
"Oh, Kento, thank you! That's my favorite hat, I would've been so sad if I lost it."
"Then it's a good thing I'd do anything to keep you happy, darling," Kento replied, a soft smile on his lips as he gazed at you like you were the sun and he was a berry plant, relishing in your warmth.
Choso couldn’t contain the huge smile that appeared on his face when he saw the strawberry fields for the first time. It reminded him of the bygone era where many were farmers, a time that he and his brothers were born in but never got to experience outside of their glass cases.
“People still farm?” he asked, his voice laced with amazement and his brown eyes glossing over the never ending rows of ripe fruit in front of you.
“Yep! Isn’t so neat how much society has changed over a hundred and fifty years, yet stayed the same?” you questioned, Choso nodding in a quiet bout of deep thought. You grabbed a few baskets and began filling them with berries, working diligently in comfortable silence.
“We should grow a garden,” Choso eventually piped up, taking a bite from a strawberry he couldn’t resist the temptation of.
You felt a smile settle on your own face. “Really? You’d want to do that with me?”
“Of course. I’d much rather go out to my yard than a store for fruits,” he replied, taking a break from berry gathering to look you deeply in your eyes, “and there’s symbolism in the whole thing, too. What’s mine is yours, cultivating life together… it’s all strangely…” He faltered.
“Domestic. Exactly.” He reached for your hand and you gladly let him take it, fresh strawberry juice from his fingers leaving a bright red stain on your skin.
The sun was beating down on you and you were exhausted after a long day of strawberry picking. Taking a seat on the ground, you felt relief flow through your legs as you gave them a rest.
“You’re getting absolutely filthy,” said Toji, scrunching his face as he looked at you with something akin to disgust. “Get up. You’re not a baby.”
“I’m your baby,” you teased, earning an eye roll from your boyfriend. “Besides, I’m tired and it’s a long walk back to the car. It’s either this or you carry me back.”
With one fell swoop, you were off the ground and in the strong arms of the muscled man.
"You're insufferable, you know that?" Toji grumbled, but he wasn't the least bit upset at having you so close to him.
“I do,” you said, cheekily planting a kiss on his exposed bicep.
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norrizzandpia · 11 months
Lacy (Part 2) (Lando’s Ending)
Summary: In which the two soulmates finally get together.
Warnings: language, sexual innuendos at the end, everything’s depressing for a bit
Note: SURPRISE YALL!!!!! I ended up staying home from classes today because I got my period and it hurts so fucking bad 😀 so anyways I took this time to write Lando’s ending and let me tell you THIS EATS so grab the popcorn and the tissues and strap in because this concludes the lacy trilogy 😭
There’s a specific quiet in the wake of the moment when you realize you had been in love with your best friend for as long as you knew her. It’s a quiet that is not peaceful whatsoever. Rather, it’s a chaotic, loud, and painful quiet which twists your insides and makes you want to smack your head against the nearest wall.
That’s the quiet I experience when Luisinha walks into the room and I find myself wishing it was Y/n.
“We need to break up.” I stutter out, my brain not thinking as it dawns on me the confusion toward the feelings I had for Y/n was anything but that. I never should’ve felt confused because it was right in front of me. My love for her had always been there, lingering in the background as I admired her smile. To think I waited this long and pushed her this far away only to realize I needed her is something indescribable.
Luisinha’s face falls as she sits down beside me on the couch, “What?”
Shaking my head, I look in her eyes, “I’m so sorry, Luisinha, but I think I’m just not ready to be with you right now.”
“Because of her.” Her arms cross over her chest as she tilts her head, “So, when I asked you to choose between me and her, and you chose me, that was… what? Confusion?”
“No, I- It was…” I’m rendered speechless as I try to explain myself, “It was a dick move. I’m sorry. I never should’ve shut her out and I never should’ve treated you the way I did. When you asked me to choose, I hadn’t thought about the fact that she’s always been my best friend and she’s been there for me for longer than you have. This isn’t to say I didn’t love you or adore the time I had with you. It’s just me realizing that I’ve gone so long needing her and that will never change.”
Her somber nodding adds another knife to my heart, the amount tripling by the minute as she takes in another one of my mistakes, “You love her? Be honest this time, Lando. I know I asked you this same question after that night when Max and I found you two close on the Monaco street, but I need to know the truth. No matter how much it hurts. So, tell me. Do you love her?”
Sighing, I come to terms with it all, “Yes, I do. I’m not sure when it happened, but I think it’s always been there.”
“You loved her while you were with me?” Her teary eyes meet mine.
Water wells in my eyes, matching her brokenness, “I’m sorry, Luisinha. Truly, I never knew it for sure until I stopped talking to her after choosing you. If I would’ve known before having met you, I wouldn’t have dragged you into this. I’m regretful of how I handled everything, but I’m not regretful of you. I never will be. I hope you won’t be too.”
She shakes her head, “No, I’m not. It just hurts to know your boyfriend loves someone else and be told it’s not true, that you’re crazy, only to be proven right when he can’t go a second without her.”
I expel a breath, “I’m so shit for this. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to make it up to you.”
She gets up from the couch, grabbing her bag off the counter and making her way to the door, “I’m not the person you need to make it up to, Lando. You apologized to me, that’s enough. But, Y/n? There’s a lot of groveling needed to fix that fuckup you made.”
Walking into the McLaren Garage, I feel hopeful. Hopeful that when I explain the past few months to Y/n, that she’ll understand; hopeful that she’ll let me love her openly; hopeful that she’ll love me again.
The infamous papaya colors comfort me once more as I round the corner, going to the one place I know she’ll be.
Hospitality. Probably making friends with everyone she sees, knowing every soul that catches a glimpse of her is immediately enthralled and obsessed.
Just like I was.
My eyes land on her, in a white sundress that makes my world stop, and a smile graces my face at her laughter. My eyes wander to the person beside her, the one that had conjured the sweet noise out of her, and find Oscar.
My heart drops for a moment, but then plummets to my feet when I see his hand over hers on the table in front of them and her other hand wrapped around his arm as she tips back in her chair, still lost in the laughter. I stop in my tracks, observing their behavior like my life depends on it, trying desperately to figure out the depth of their partnership.
I must be standing for an awkwardly long time because Mark, Oscar’s manager, comes up next to me, a small, pitiful smile on his face as he states, “Weird, yeah? Everyone’s trying to figure out if they’re together or not. Apparently he was the only person she would see after you broke things off with her.”
The air in my lungs renders empty, completely leaving me and the rest of the life left in my body. My eyes dart over them, that comforting hopefulness draining from my being as they continue their conversation like it’s second nature.
I seem to drown in my emotions, not responding to Mark as he nudges me to a secluded corner of a random hallway. His hands on my arms, he dips down to meet me at eye level, “Lando, you need to pull it together. She’s finally getting better, do not ruin that for her. If she sees you fawning over her, that’ll confuse her and all the progress she’s made will go to shit. I’m begging you, do not screw this up.”
My mouth opens and closes as I try to form some sort of sentence, something to describe the crushing pain that has numbed me and taken things from me I never knew could be taken.
“I was going to try and win her back.” I mumble.
He immediately shakes his head, “Absolutely not. If it’s the last thing I say, do not get near her. You cause her unnecessary pain. At least do it for her, Lando. Leave her alone.”
“But, Mark-” I begin, but he’s quick to cut me off.
“No, Lando. Just, no.” At that, he lets go of me and walks off, as if he hadn’t just crushed specific dreams of mine and left them to die a slow death.
Cruelly, in the distance, I hear her laughing again and my heart shatters at my feet.
Knowing she laughs with him now, instead of me?
I will never come back from that.
“I tried calling her the other day. She declined it.” Max states, hands running through his hair as he looks at the screen and makes sure we’re muted.
My fingers hover over her contact under the table, but they don’t move to press it, too scared to really know the outcome.
“I do this everyday. It’s torture.”
The chat blows up on the screen as people ask what we’re doin that warrants muting, but both Max and I ignore it.
“Why don’t you just talk to her? I’m sure she wants closure too.” Max tries.
I shake my head, “She wants closure. I just want her.”
Max rolls his eyes, “So, tell her that.”
“She’s with Oscar!” I exclaim, throwing my hands out and confusing the viewers of our stream even more.
“You don’t know that!” He mirrors my position, both of us staring each other down.
Huffing, I shift back in my chair, turning the microphone back on and effectively ending the conversation.
Max eyes me as he vaguely states, “Lando, you don’t know. We both know you don’t know if that is correct or not. All we know is that they’re friends which they always have been.”
Messages from fans asking who we’re talking about, some getting it perfectly right as they suggest we’re talking about the dating rumors between Oscar and Y/n.
“I don’t want to talk about this with you anymore.” I dish out, tension arising in the room at my aggressive tone.
“Yeah, because we both know I’m right.” He smirks as if my feelings and this situation are entertaining.
“Fuck off, Max. I’m serious.”
Patting my back, he gentles his choice of words, “I know, mate. I know.”
Knocking on her door, I clutch the chocolates in my hand in a death grip. I’m so nervous to see her, nervous that she’ll shut me out and never forgive me.
My mind’s loud and messy as the lock clicks and the wooden slab opens slightly, Y/n’s face peeking through.
When she catches sight of me, her fingers begin to push the door shut again, but my foot is quicker as it wedges in between it.
“Max,” She starts exasperatingly, “I’m not interested in talking to you.”
I nod my head, “I know, I know, but just hear me out, Y/n. You’re my best friend. Please.”
My pleading seems to work as she sighs and then opens her door, gesturing for me to come in. The foyer looks different and I’m not sure why until I realize it's because, whenever I would come over, I would see something of Lando’s strewn on the floor or bench. However, the only papaya I see now is a jacket which has Oscar’s name on it.
She seems to catch what my eyes have landed on, “He’s not here. He forgot that last night.”
My eyebrows rise, looking at her questionably, “Oh?”
She rolls her eyes, “Don’t push it, Max.”
Nodding, I follow her further into the house, still feeling weird that Lando’s presence isn’t blaring like it had been months ago. When we reach the kitchen, she sits down on one of the stools, moving the one beside her further out for me to take place in.
“Let’s settle this like adults then, yeah?” She gives a light smile, restoring hope inside me that she’ll give thought to my redemption.
Once I’m settled, I look her in the eyes and recite what I had practiced in the car, “I am so incredibly sorry for not being the true friend I should’ve been during the Lando situation. I should’ve been there for you, should’ve stood up for you and I never should’ve gone along with him and Luisinha pushing you out of the group. There’s only a few things I regret in life and this is absolutely one of them, the worst one by far. You have been nothing, but the greatest person to me ever since Lando introduced us. I should’ve met you with the same behavior, same loyalty, and I always said I would when it was needed, but when the situation arose, I fucking failed you miserably. You never deserved anything that was shoved in your face and I am so sorry I sat on the sidelines, letting it happen. Y/n, I miss you. I miss my best friend and I’m asking you to forgive me because I won’t fucking screw this up again.”
Her tears strike something in me, something protective as I pull her into a hug.
Her tears wet my shirt as she says, “Yeah, I didn’t fucking deserve any of that. You both were so shitty to me. I never did anything to you.”
I nod, running a hand over her back, “I know, I know. And I’m so fucking sorry.”
She pulls away, rubbing away her tears, “It’s not even you that hurt me the most. It’s Lando. I gave him everything and he still threw me to the fucking curb when it was most convienant for him. I hate him so fucking much, Max.”
I know what she says is false because I can see it in her eyes how much she yearns for him to tell her everything they’ve been tiptoeing around their whole lives. I see it in the way she doesn’t seek comfort in me, but in him, and I see it in the way she forgives me so quickly because the love she holds for me will never be as great as the love she will always hold for him.
“You don’t mean that.”
She stands up, frustrated, “Yes, I do!”
Walking over to her and grabbing her wrists, forcing her eyes to meet mine, I said pointedly, “No, you don’t.”
her resolve breaks completely and the tears wrack her body. Falling into me, she cries, “No, I don’t.”
Seeing her standing below the podiums, in the crowd, cheering in her papaya colors is a type of pain I will always remember because I know she isn’t cheering for me.
She’s cheering for the man standing beside me, the man standing on the third place podium with a trophy in his hands as the Australian flag waves on the screen behind him.
P1 should feel better than this, but it proves to feel like absolute shit as the one thing I truly want isn’t even here to support me. The celebration is frantic and quick as I will myself to hold back the tears trying so hard to break free especially when Oscar leans over the railing to smile down at her, waving, as she screams louder, giving him the same smile she had given me multiple times when I was in the same position.
I watch her watch him, her eyes gleaming with pride. It’s hard to see her forget about me, shut out memories of her cheering for me when she probably gets Deja vu as she does the same thing for someone else.
For months, I’ve tried to mold myself into something she would miss, show only parts of myself on social media that would specifically call out to her, but, still, I’ve come up empty.
I’m bitter as we step back into McLaren’s headquarters on the paddock, and when Oscar tries to congratulate me, I dismiss him harshly. Shoving his hand off my shoulder and storming off to my room, wanting quiet, but not the quiet that only holds memories of her and all we could’ve been.
I’m with my thoughts for a few moments until there’s a small knock on my door. Standing up and going to open it, I’m about to tell off whoever has come to disturb my own personal hell, but when I catch a glimpse of her y/h/c hair, I’m quick to shut my mouth.
“I came to congratulate you.” She says, her voice quiet and unassuming.
There are tears in her eyes as she says, “I know we haven’t spoken, but I also know how much your first win means to you. I know how great you're probably feeling and I don’t want to disrupt that, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t tell you how proud of you I am.”
My voice quivers as my eyes go blurry, tears building up in them, “You think I feel good? You think I’m happy?”
Her nodding has me shaking my head, “No, Y/n, I’m not. I haven’t been since we stopped talking. This isn’t fun. Seeing you cheer for him, seeing you laugh at his jokes and stay by his side. None of this makes this win what we both thought it would be. This win will only be everything we chalked it up to be if you would listen to what I have to tell you.”
Her eyebrows furrow, “Lando, you stopped talking to me. You almost told me you loved me and then, the next day, just went fucking silent.”
I nod, “I know and I’m sorry, but she made me choose.”
Her eyes widened, “Luisinha made you choose between us and you chose her? Well, that’s fucking perfect, Lando!”
I shake my head vigorously, “No! Fuck. No, Y/n. That’s not how I meant it to sound.”
She puts her hands on her hips, jutting it out, and, usually, I’d laugh at the sassy pose, but, now, it just makes me want to hold her and kiss her, tell her how much I’ve loved her all this time.
“How’d you mean it to sound then, Lando?”
Groaning, I threw my hands out beside me, “I meant that, yes, I chose her, but after a few days, I realized that was a stupid decision because…” My eyes meet hers as I yell, “Because I fucking love you! I’m in love with you! I always have been. There has never been a time where I didn’t have the overwhelming need to have you be mine and I was just so confused by that feeling that I only realized it when you were gone. I broke up with Luisinha the second I figured my shit out and ever since then I’ve had to endure your happiness with Oscar! I’m so sorry for everything I put you through and the hurt I enabled that you never deserved, but it’s bull-fucking-shit, Y/n. I was going to do everything in my power to win you back and, not just as a friend this time, win you back, so we could finally be what we’ve always wanted to be. But, no! Just when I allowed myself to lean into the feelings I have for you, you got with Oscar and I’ve had to deal with the fact that I lost you to him this whole time. It’s worse than hell, Y/n. It’s worse than anything I’ve ever felt in my entire life.”
Her body visibly tenses, “Are you fucking kidding me, Lando?! Oscar and I aren’t together!”
My mind goes quiet, “What?”
She scoffs, “We were never together! He was helping me get over you! Which proved to be hard because I haven’t yet.”
I shake my head, utter annoyance at my own stupidity, “So, that was never a thing?”
She throws her head back, “Oh my fucking god, Lando, if I didn’t love you, I’d kill you. No, we were never a thing. Oscar was just the one friend I had during the dark part of my life where I tried to move on from you.”
My jaw dropped as I looked at her, my brain trying to form some kind of response, “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
She nods, “Yeah, you fucking should be. You took so long to realize your feelings for me and then took longer because you read into something that always has been and always will be platonic.”
I drop my head down, but it’s moved up when her hands cup my chin and force my eyes to meet hers, “Lan, why’d you make it so complicated?”
Shaking my head, I exhale, “Because my feelings for you are complicated.”
She smiles lightly, “No, they aren’t.”
I mirror her smile, “No, they aren’t. They’re as clear as day. I love you.”
Her giggling restores the life into my body I lost all that time ago, “Say it again,”
Her wish is my command, always, “I love you.”
I continue to say it softly as I lean down, my hands winding around her hips and pulling her into me as I kiss her. Our first kiss seems to be the best one I’ve ever experienced as her touch glides across my neck and my hands grip the skin of her back after having pushed their way under her shirt. It’s soft and slow, representing the love we found between us. When she pulls away, her face millimeters away from mine, she asks, “Does this make your first race win everything you thought it would be?”
I chuckle, kissing her once more before pulling her into my room and shutting the door, “Yes, but I have an idea of how you could make it even better.”
Her eyebrows rise as my hands begin to move her shirt up and off her body, “Yeah?”
Taking in the start of her bare, gorgeous body, I nod slowly, smirking mischievously, “Oh, yeah.”
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pleasehelpmeimfying · 5 months
Could I ask for sub Aventurine? Maybe he is really in his head with work and wants to not think anymore so reader pampers them and gets them in subspace? Idk up to you 💙🩵
(No fonts due to my lack of storage. Mb goober :( )
{Amab!sub!Aventurine, possible Aventurine OOC. Angst if you squint hard enough. Amab!top!reader, blowjob, Aventurine receiving, Shitty rushed fic. Definitely gonna edit the story line later 💀…}
Read at your own risk.
Working day in and day out. Barely any time for breaks or self pleasure. It’s either something going terribly wrong or more idiots with little common sense fucking something up.
His work was never done. Aventurine just wanted a break, something to look forward to. The lack of sleep caused bags to slowly form under his eyes. The more he became more irritable, the more he was losing his mind in this work space.
Aventurine was reading over some delays that was recently reported, to focused in his paperwork to notice you entering his office with his favorite meal. Slowly you walked towards your lover with a small smile gracing your lips. You took advantage on how.. distracted he was.
You placed the food on a nearby shelf, slowly making your way behind him. Did he suspect a thing? Absolutely not, and it was amazing. Once you made it behind him you wasted no time to cup his face from the back and give him gentle kisses all over the left side of his face.
Did it startle him? Oh absolutely. Aventurine momentarily frozen in place, quickly recovering to a sly smile and weak chuckling. He should’ve known your ass would pull some shit like this. Yet he couldn’t resist melting into your warmth! You treated him all to well, and deep down he was still confused why anyone would choose to love someone like him.
“Aventurine, how long have you been working? You haven’t been home in a while.. I was getting worried something.. might’ve happened.”
Your worry and concern for his well being made his heart grow and grow. Filling up with unthinkable amount of love just for you. How long has it been since you held him? How long was it since he felt your love? To long perhaps. Still his eyes lingered at the work in front of him. Staring up at him with blank areas still to fill out.
Aventurine let out a stifled breath. His annoyance slowly creeping back at him. He just needed a little more time to finish before he was sure he wasn’t sure this man was dying rn that he was done for the night. Regretfully he would say the same thing as he did all those others times before.
“Hm, I need to get back to this. I swear I’m almost done my love. Just need more time..”
Genuinely you weren’t really paying much attention to what he was saying. Blocking him out with a playful smile. Then before he knew it, your guided his face to look at yours and placed more deeper kisses on his gorgeous face. Luring him to you. Did he care? Nahh..
You moved a bit away, taking your hands off his face. He felt his heart drop. Just a little bit! Before he saw you push his chair further from his desk so you could get better access to him. That damn back side of the chair was killing you slowly 💀.
“Your eyes.. you look so tried baby. I can’t allow you to keep working like this. How about we go home and get some rest, yea?”
Aventurine did NOT feel like moving. He just wanted to just slump against his chair. Though he would rather die than tell you that. So let’s put on that infamous poker face shall we?
He looked at you and gave you a smile. Weakly nodding in an attempt to play through his false facade. Did your bitch ass notice it? Yes and it was both concerning and hilarious. So you decided to cup his face one more time and bless his ears with your words. And in between words you kept squishing his face:3
“Second thought.. how bout we stay here just a little while longer. Relax a bit before you rush back home.”
Aventurine didn’t know what to do. First you wanted to go and now you wanna stay? Eh, he’ll just go with the flow. Though your hands felt so warm and soft. Once again he melted into your touch.. Then his mind wondered to places it shouldn’t have. First ranging to sweet thoughts, then to some more.. let’s say delusional thinking. Next thing you know as he has a ranging boner.
He knew that you knew about his problem. Probably why he turned into a whining mess in the next 42 minutes..
Hands tangled in your locks as he kept buckling into your mouth. Aventurine bit biting his bottom lips as muffled whines were forced out of his throat. Tears ready to spill at any moment as you kept going. Slurping his length without much care as your hands forced his thighs apart.
“<Y/N>.. please! I c-can’t hold- Nmmph! Hold I-It!♡︎”
Your mouth was warm and wet it almost made him go crazy. Aventurine didn’t know how your jaw wasn’t in agony by now. Forgot that thought, his lower half was absolutely being destroyed by you. Legs shaking as he tugged your hair one last time before combusting in your sweet mouth.
A gurgled moan slipped through Aventurine throat as the tears finally spilt. Back arching as his legs kept opening and closing. He just didn’t know what to do, what a poor baby.
“Shitshitshitshitshit… OohhHH! MmpPHH♡︎!”
His mind went completely blank. Not a single thought resided in that beautiful brain of his. Only tears and pleasure clouded his mind. He didn’t even notice you take his cock out of your mouth. He was just to fucked out honestly.
Aventurine body was twitching as he took deep breaths, trying to hold to some kind of saintly.
Maybe he would’ve finish his work later if he even remembered.
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Gojo x reader x geto MAJOR spoilers for jjk chap 236 I’m rlly not ok with Gege rn 😭
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He hears a voice. A voice so distinct, yet a voice he seemed to have forgotten. Yet he remembers it so clearly.
“Late as usual, eh? Satoru.”
It’s your voice.
But then another. Another that feels more familiar, but still one he never thought he’d hear again.
A voice he’d hear be the real him, again, anyway.
“Cut him some slack y/n-chan.” geto sighs, with a smile and hands in his huge pockets with those dumb oversized yoga pants.
Satoru opens his eyes, seeing the two people he adored with his whole sense of self. Everything he’s ever done, even after you two left, had been for the both of you.
But it takes him aback, seeing you.
Don’t get him wrong, he loves suguru. It was a blessing to see him, even when things got complicated. But he hasn’t seen you in… what? Ten years?
Satoru feels the need to push back his tears and smile it all down, just like he always has.
You’re eighteen. So is suguru. So is he. Back when it was simple. Back when even though things had changed, you three promised one another that you’d be there through thick and thin. Whether satoru was stronger than the both of you or not, you all loved eachother the same.
In a way, you had been the glue that stuck the three of you together. Even when suguru was losing faith, you always got him out of his funk.
The world took you from them too soon. Due to the negligence of the higher ups, both you and haibara were taken from them. From nanami. From shoko.
Once Suguru had lost the only positive things in his life, he had completely lost himself. You were no longer there to lift him up, you were no longer there to get him out of that damn shower, no longer there to help him get some sleep, no longer there to help him eat.
It was hard on satoru too, but even he can’t imagine what it was like for suguru.
Suguru loved you so much, when he lost you, he couldn’t handle it. He has decided the world was better without non shaman. It’s because of them, you were taken from him.
Satoru will never forget the day of your funeral.
“Y/n is dead, and everything is worse now.” Suguru told him, that very morning.
They were both broken, but in different ways.
Satoru on the other hand, wanted to make the world a better place for jujutsu sorcerers like you. He wants people to get stronger, to surpass even him, so that the world could be better for them. He hates the higher ups, and seeks to protect children like yuuji from them, because he failed to protect you from them in that way.
Satoru lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, standing up. For the first time in his life, if he can even call it that, he gives you a wobbly grin, diving in to hug you. He needs to feel you again. Smell you again.
He needs to know you’re really here with him.
“Dawww…” you say, your voice almost teasing. Now that he thinks about it, it definitely was.
Even under these circumstances, you never change.
“You miss me?” you say, wrapping your arms around him too, not admitting how much you missed him as well. He nods with a sniffle, “more than anything.” he whispers, before pulling away.
Suguru smiles at the moment between you and satoru.
“It’s too bad you lost, you know.” you say, “I was watching and everything!” you whine, and satoru gives you a light smile. “Maybe I should’ve shown off a little before going down like that, then.” he says with a grin.
“But honestly, it was fun.” Satoru admits.
“Well, I’m a little jealous..” suguru says, “but if you’re satisfied with that, then I guess I’m happy for you” suguru gives him a close eyed smile. Satoru had forgotten how much he missed seeing it.
Satisfied, huh?
“Honestly, if you were still there on my side, cheering me on, maybe then, I would’ve been satisfied.” Satoru says with a more genuine smile.
Suguru laughs, and satoru fails to notice the tears well up in his eyes upon hearing those words.
All this time, suguru thought satoru hated him. Hated him for everything he’s done. He wouldn’t blame him for it either. When suguru saw you for the first time, he thought you’d hate him too. But looking back on it, he should know you better than that. He should know satoru better than that, too.
“Is that so?” he asks, his shaky voice seems to give him away.
He nods.
“There’s been many times, I’d wish you were still there with me. Watching me raise my students, with a proud smile.” Satoru feels his own voice get shaky, looking at the man he loved.
“Man,” you let out a lighthearted sigh, “you’re both idiots, you know?” you say with a carefree grin.
Satoru turns to pout at you, “yeah, well! Whatever…” he rolls his eyes. “I’m sure it’s easy for you to not have any regrets when it comes to us, huh? You’re always so perfect at relationships and communicating and all that garbage.” he says, sticking out his tongue. Suguru can only laugh at him, as if he missed seeing satoru like this.
“You’ve got it all wrong, satoru.” your grin becoming soft. Something he hasn’t seen in god knows how long.
“I do have my regrets with you both. Well, only one.” you say, looking off to the side. Both boys look at you in anticipation. ‘So even suguru doesn’t know?’ Satoru wonders to himself.
“Honestly, I never had the balls to say it to either of you at the time, or even suguru this past year. However,”
you look at the both of them, a fondness in your eyes that both boys had missed seeing. You never did get this emotional and vulnerable, not often anyway.
“my only regret, was not being able to marry the both of you.”
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hongcherry · 2 years
Lunch Visit || csc (m)
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"Seungcheol's a busy man, so you decide to bring him lunch. However, you end up staying longer than you planned."
👔 Pairing: ceo!Seungcheol x Reader (afab)
👔 Ratings/Genre/AUs: M(18+); Smut, fluff, office au, established relationship
👔 Warnings: Lots of kithes, fingering, oral (f. rec.), dom!cheol, light breast play, unprotected safe (be safe!), rough sex, also soft sex for 0.5 seconds, dirty talk, creampie, cum play, a sexy pic is sent, desk sex
👔 Word Count: 5.3k
👔 Beta: @playmetheclassics Indigo, you beautiful hooman. Thank you so much for thoroughly looking over this for me! Your comments made me laugh. Please accept my hug *opens arms* 🥰
👔 Author's Note: My first ever svt fic is here!!! I have a handful of svt wips, but I FINALLY got one finished (thank goodness) 😭 I'm really excited to show you all what I've been working on, but for now, here is ceo!cheol hehe. I hope you enjoy.
seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
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The way to Seungcheol’s office was a winding path.
You would think the CEO’s office would be more accessible, but you supposed he was too busy to deal with minuscule issues his subordinates may have. Thus, he needed to be in a secluded area away from everyone. If everyone were to go to him with their problems, he would be working 24/7, if possible. However, it felt like he was working that long now anyway. This was why you found yourself outside the meeting room he was supposedly in—thanks to the receptionist.
Having been told his meeting ended three minutes ago, you pushed open the door without knocking. You figured he was lingering inside because he was gathering his materials before he left. You didn’t expect to be greeted by Seungcheol’s booming voice, sharp and annoyed.
“…have to push back our deadline because they want to change the conditions? Again?! Tell them no. They should’ve gotten their shit toget—Yn?”
Seungcheol stopped in his rant when he finally turned to see you at the door. His eyes immediately took in your not-so-professional attire. You had planned to hang out with a friend soon, but you wanted to drop off food for Seungcheol first.
“Hi, Cheol,” you greeted with a smile, eyes glancing at the room full of employees. You shifted uncomfortably under the stares. Most of them were looking at you with wide eyes. It made sense. You didn’t recognize them and weren’t dressed appropriately to be in the building.
You averted your gaze to Seungcheol and said, “I thought you were done with your meeting.”
Although his eyes softened at seeing you, they were still fierce—body hot from dealing with stupid people all morning.
“I’ll be done soon. Go wait for me in my office,” he instructed and started to walk to you. He dug a hand in his slacks, pulling out his keys and placing them in your palm. He glanced at the bag you were holding but didn’t say anything.
“I have to go soon; I just wanted—” 
“Ten minutes, alright?” he said.
“I don’t know if I can wait until then,” you replied.
Seungcheol took a deep breath. He didn’t want to snap at you, but his patience was already too low as it was.
“Five then. Go to my office, alright?” He sighed, gesturing out the door.
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. You could tell he was trying hard not to be too demanding.
“Fine,” you grumbled and turned around.
Walking to his office, you passed by Wonwoo’s room. You didn’t know him outside of work, but he was always friendly whenever you visited Seungcheol.
This time you knocked, waiting for a response before pushing his ajar door open more.
“Hi, Wonwoo,” you smiled.
He sat behind his desk, glasses resting on the bridge of his nose as his eyes glided across the screens in front of him. He peered up when he heard your voice. He looked surprised to see you.
“Hey Yn, it’s nice to see you,” he replied, pushing away from his desk to give you his full attention. “I think Seungcheol is still in a meeting.”
You pointed in the direction of the meeting room, a small laugh escaping as you replied, “Yeah, I just came from there.”
“Oh,” he said sheepishly.
“I just came to stop by as I wait for him to finish,” you explained.
“You’re welcome to sit,” he said and gestured to the guest chair.
You obliged, setting down the bag and your purse. Like all your conversations, the context was light. Between asking about work updates and his recent lover, you passed the time quickly.
“I thought I told you to wait in my office.”
You snapped your gaze up; the words on your lips died upon hearing Seungcheol’s rigid tone. It was obvious he wasn’t pleased with you being here.
Your mouth dipped down. “It’s boring in there alone.”
“Hm,” he paused to look at Wonwoo, “I expect those files to be sent to me within an hour.”
“Hey, don’t be harsh on him, babe. I’m the one that disturbed him,” you said as you stood up with your belongings.
“Which is why I told you to go to—”
“Your office. Yeah, I got it,” you grumbled. You glanced at Wonwoo, giving him an apologetic smile. “I’m glad you’re happier, Wonwoo. Thanks for the chat.”
Wonwoo grinned as he rolled himself closer to his desk. “Thanks, Yn.”
“The files,” Seungcheol reminded Wonwoo. Wonwoo nodded, waving you goodbye when Seungcheol guided you out of the room.
You followed next to him as he walked to his office. The silence was unsettling. Glancing at him briefly, you noticed his jaw was clenched and lips angled downward more than usual.
“Ba—” you started to say.
“Wait until we get inside,” he simply ordered.
You’re not sure what you did wrong besides interrupting his meeting. You understood he was probably stressed, but you didn’t see the mistake as a big deal. If he had taken the lunch prior, he could’ve gotten back to work instead of talking to you.
Once Seungcheol shut and locked his office door, he moved you to his chair while leaning against his desk. You placed your belongings on the floor as he loosened his tie. He then placed his hands behind him on the wooden surface.
“Why are you mad at me?” you pouted, sinking into his comfortable seat.
Seungcheol sighed. “I’m not.”
“You’re acting like you are,” you huffed and furrowed your brows in puzzlement.
“You just came on a bad day,” he explained, hand coming up to rub his temples. “Why did you come anyway? Dressed like that too.”
“Don’t sound so thrilled,” you said sarcastically. “Also, what’s wrong with my outfit?”
“It’s not appropriate here,” he answered, hand falling from his face.
“I didn’t think I had to be dressed in slacks to come to see you,” you argued. He’s never had an issue with your “inappropriate” attire before, so you wondered what changed. 
“People were staring,” he muttered, lips returning to a frown.
You chuckled silently in realization. “My little jealous baby,” you cooed.
“I’m not,” he fussed.
“Oh, that’s good then. I’m going to meet Jun once I leave by the way,” you said.
Seungcheol narrowed his eyes. “Why?”
“Because he’s my friend,” you giggled, seeing his change in demeanor. “I’m actually probably late, so I should get going.”
Seungcheol reached down to pull you up and into a hug before you could leave. You smiled, knowing he was definitely hiding his jealousy. Your arms slid under his suit jacket, and you began to rub his back.
“Don’t go,” Seungcheol mumbled into your neck. “I’m sorry I was rude to you.”
“I’m not going to spite you, Cheol. I had already planned to see him. I just wanted to drop by to give you lunch before I went,” you explained. “I know you’ve been busy.”
You enjoyed teasing him, but you didn’t want him to think you were doing something to upset him purposely.
“Thank you,” he murmured.
You stayed silent for a moment as you felt his body gradually relax in your hold. When you felt he had calmed down, you slowly pulled away enough to see his face. You offered a small smile, tucking the hair that was in his face behind his ear. You let your hand rest on his cheek after.
“Do you forgive me?” he questioned.
“You can make up for being mean to me,” you suggested softly.
“How?” he asked, hands gripping your waist firmly so you couldn’t move too far.
You pretended to think, eyes raising to the ceiling momentarily as you thought. 
“Five kisses,” you finally said.
“Only five?” Seungcheol asked playfully. You smiled at hearing his light tone. You were glad he was happier, even if it was just for now.
“Depends how good they are,” you said and leaned forward. His lips were a few inches from yours.
“They’re always good,” he scoffed lightly.
“Let me be the judge of that.”
You pressed your lips against his gently. However, Seungcheol was too anxious to go slow. He pressed you flush against him as he slipped his tongue between your lips.
He switched your positions, so you were against his desk. Your hands went down his back before landing on his ass. You gave him a mischievous squeeze that had him biting your lip in return. You giggled as you pulled away.
“We’re going to be here a long time if you kiss me like that, Cheollie,” you said. “You have four more to go.”
Seungcheol lifted you onto his desk, hands resting on the surface so he could lean closer. “That was my last meeting of the day. I’m all yours, baby.”
He kissed you again, but you pulled away before he could deepen it.
“I don’t believe you,” you replied. Hearing how annoyed he sounded earlier, you felt he had things to tend to today.
Seungcheol smirked, a small sigh leaving his mouth. “Always so smart.”
He gave you a quick peck before moving away to type something on his computer that resided on the adjacent part of his desk. While he did this, you pulled your phone out to text Jun that you’d be running late.
“There,” he announced and put his computer to sleep. “Now, I’m free.”
You set your phone down, arms coming up to hook around his neck when he returned. “Two more.”
“Two?” he asked, confused, while putting his hands on your hips.
“You just gave me another one, so yes, two.”
“That wasn’t even a kiss,” Seungcheol said, words dragging out.
“I still counted it. Two more kisses, then I’ll let you get back to work.“
“We’ll see about that,” he muttered before crashing his mouth on yours.
Smiling into the kiss, you wrapped your legs around his hips. Seungcheol’s hands rubbed your sides. His thumbs brushed against the underside of your breasts each time, making you yearn for his touch more.
You tore away from him, breathing a little heavier. He stared at you with hooded eyes.
“You’re slowly being forgiven,” you teased.
He raised a brow at you. “So, you admit my kisses are good?”
You laughed at his tone, finding him cute despite his slight smugness.
“I think I need one more to know,” you replied.
Seungcheol gave you another kiss, tongue pushing past your lips quickly as he made out with you fervently.
“Okay,” you giggled when he pulled away. “They’re good.”
“You were just being complicated,” he huffed. Your gaze glanced down at his swollen lips and then to his eyes. He was watching you closely, chest rising and falling quicker than usual. You really were lucky to have him.
“Maybe,” you smiled. “That was five, lover boy. Now, get back to work.”
You placed a hand on his chest to move him away, but he stayed still. You tilted your head at him.
“Move, Cheol,” you said in case he didn’t understand that you meant now.
Seungcheol shook his head, a hand sliding down your body until it was nestled between your legs.
“I’m not done with you, baby,” he growled lowly.
Your mouth fell open in a gasp when he started to circle your clit. Seungcheol leaned down to press open-mouthed kisses on your neck. Your hands moved to clutch his sides, pulling him closer as you spread your legs to accommodate him.
“I thought you s-said we couldn’t do this here anymore,” you stammered, a small smirk on your mouth when he tugged down your shorts.
He pulled away from your neck to mutter in your ear, “No, I said you couldn’t be so fucking loud.”
As soon as your shorts and underwear were on the floor, he kneeled. His hands gripped your thighs and shifted you closer to the edge of his desk. One of your hands immediately went to his hair, clutching it and pushing his face toward you. His tongue glided along your slit before his mouth connected with your clit.
Seungcheol gave you a pointed look and slowed his ministrations when you moaned a little too loud. You bit your lip in response since you didn’t want him to stop.
Once you quieted down, Seungcheol continued. His tongue lapped at your arousal, eyes closing briefly as he savored your taste.
You watched him in awe. You loved seeing how enthused he was whenever he was between your legs.
“This isn’t what I meant when I said I brought you lunch,” you quipped.
Seungcheol flattened his tongue, slowly gathering your slick before he stood up. He made a show of swallowing, and you shook your head playfully at his act.
“Maybe not, but I’m enjoying my meal very much,” he murmured. He slid his fingers between your folds, coating them in your wetness before pushing one inside. “You taste so good, baby.”
As a small moan slipped from your mouth, you shifted your hands down to his slacks. You unbuckled his belt quickly.
“Yeah?” you asked, feeling an odd sense of pride at the compliment.
He nodded as he chuckled and put another finger inside. He pumped them slowly. You whined at the slight stretch, needing to feel his cock instead. You pushed down his zipper and moved his pants and underwear out of the way. Your walls squeezed around his fingers at the sight of him. You reached out to spread his pre-cum before slowly rubbing his shaft.
“M-maybe you can bring me lunch again next week,” he mumbled, trying to keep his focus on your words rather than your hand.
“I can do that,” you smiled.
He grinned back and pressed his lips on yours again. His fingers started to move quicker, causing you to moan into the kiss. Seungcheol smirked, added another finger, and continued his fast movements. You were so focused on his hand that you had to pull away from the kiss to cry out, your hand pausing on him.
Seungcheol was quick to press his other hand on your mouth, muffling your moans as he gradually decreased his speed. He pulled his fingers from you but kept his hand against your face. His other hand gently took your hand off his cock.
“You’re gonna stay quiet for me, or else I’ll send you on your way out without cumming,” he threatened lowly.
You answered back, but it wasn’t very clear. He moved his hand and nodded for you to repeat.
“But you like it when I’m loud,” you whined.
“Today, I just want to have you all to myself. I want to be the only one who hears you,” he explained, hands trailing down to the top of your off-the-shoulder blouse. He tugged it down until just your bra was exposed. It had your arm movements restricted; raising them too much would push the material back up.
You started to pull your arms out, so you could move better, but Seungcheol stopped you.
“I like you like this,” he said. His hands tugged down the top of your bra, a small smirk forming on his lips when your breasts were freed from their confinements. “So beautiful.”
Seungcheol shifted a few objects on his desk before carefully laying you down on his desk. He didn’t bother undressing as he situated himself between your legs, length in hand. You attempted to prop your feet on the desk but had little trouble finding your footing.
“Here,” he said and guided your legs around him instead.
Your face heated at his readjustments. “T-thanks.”
Seungcheol smiled at you, kind and loving as if you had just said something precious to him. He aligned his tip at your entrance and leaned over you. It had his tip pushing into your entrance. You whined at the feeling, moving your hips in hopes of feeling more. However, he stayed put.
Seungcheol slid a hand behind your neck and gently lifted you slightly. He moved his face so it was mere inches from yours. Your elbows rested on the surface to be more balanced.
“I love you,” he murmured.
A grin broke out on your face. “I love you.”
He gave you a sweet kiss as he gradually sank into your heat. The feel of his cock filling you up had you tightening your legs around his waist. Seungcheol let you push him closer, deeper; his groan got lost in your mouth.
Slowly, he started to rock into you. The kiss grew sloppy with each snap of his hips. Eventually, he broke it off, mouth ajar as he basked in how you fit so well around him.
“C-Cheol,” you whimpered, hands finding a hold on his wrists that were within reach.
He stared down at you while he started to speed up. There was a thin coat of sweat beginning to form on his forehead. He adjusted himself, so he could move deeper. The position had him hitting a particular spot that made you moan loudly.
For the second time, Seungcheol covered your mouth to silence your sounds.
“You don’t listen, do you?” he asked. However, his hips suddenly slammed into yours. It had you crying out again. The smirk on his face told you it was purposeful; he wanted to hear you be noisy despite his words. His other hand moved to grip one of your breasts. Your hands moved to hold onto your shirt, needing to hold onto something.
“No one listens to me,” he huffed, suddenly recalling the events from earlier. He had been trying to close a deal for five months, but each time he tried to finalize everything, the other person would change the conditions. He was tired of going back and forth. Not to mention, some of his veteran employees have been making rookie mistakes lately. He was just fed up.
You moaned into Seungcheol’s hand when he squeezed your breast harshly. He bowed his head, hips snapping at a brutal pace. His mind was consumed with all the annoyance bottled up in him the past few weeks. He needed to let go of his frustrations. He was tired of everything going wrong around him.
Except for you. You always treated him right.
Seungcheol slowed down once he realized how rough he had been. He moved his hand from your face, eyes searching yours.
“S-sorry,” he breathed heavily. “Are you okay?”
Although you felt sore from where his skin was hitting yours, you were fine.
“Yes,” you replied. However, you grew worried for him. Seungcheol has been rough with you before, but this time felt different.
“Are you okay?” you questioned.
Seungcheol sighed, resting his head against your chest as he held you close. You moved your hands to caress his head; you didn’t care that your shirt had risen because of it.
“Is it about work?” you asked.
“I just need this deal to go through. It’s been going on for months,” he complained.
You petted his head soothingly. “Maybe you should find another place if they’re difficult.”
“I can’t. This place will benefit us greatly.”
“Hold in there then, babe. Hopefully, they’ll come around. If not, I know you’ll still be successful without them,” you tried to reassure. You didn’t completely understand all his business practices, but you knew you hated seeing him so upset.
Seungcheol lifted his head to look at you. “Because I have you.”
You giggled softly and cupped his cheeks. You gave them a subtle squish that had Seungcheol whine.
“No, because you’re really smart and hard-working.”
“But you motivate me to do better,” he replied.
Smiling, “You do too, Cheollie.”
“I like when you call me that,” he confessed quietly and leaned down.
“I know,” you murmured, raising your head to meet him for a kiss. You felt his lips spread into a grin.
He steadily began to roll his hips again. This time his pace was gentler. He pulled away and moved onto his hands again, eyes briefly glancing down where he slid into you and then to your face again. Seungcheol’s brows were drawn together in concentration.
Your hands moved to his forearms and said, “You can go faster. I’m okay.”
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he replied with a shake of his head.
“You won’t. I’ll tell you if you are, alright?” you reassured.
He stared at you for a moment, hips faltering. “You promise?”
“Yes,” you said.
Seungcheol nodded. You were anticipating him to pick up where he left off, but instead, he slipped out of you. Your legs unhooked from around him, and you sat up. You looked at him confused. You could already feel how sore you’d be after this was all done.
He peeled off his jacket and tossed it to the floor, spreading it out before turning to you. His arms wrapped around you and lifted you off his desk.
“Oh,” you said, surprised, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Seungcheol carefully laid you back on his jacket on the floor.
“Better?” he asked as he settled between your legs.
You had to admit your legs were aching at having been in the same position for a while. Although the carpet wasn’t as plush as you’d like, it felt better than the hard surface of his desk. You figured he could’ve put you in his chair, but it was nice to have more room.
“Yes, thank you,” you said.
“I think I should get a couch in here soon,” he replied after a glance around his office. 
There was a table and chairs in the corner for private meetings. He had bookcases and file cabinets along the wall that took up most of his space. However, there was an empty corner he could furnish.
You laughed lightly. “I think that’d be a good investment.”
“It’d make you want to visit more,” he commented.
“And what’s wrong with that?” you scoffed half-heartedly.
Seungcheol smirked. “If you haven’t noticed, you’re very distracting.”
“Not my fault you can’t keep it in your pants,” you joked.
“Oh?” he asked, suppressing a laugh.
You gave him a challenging look. It had Seungcheol laughing at your cute expression.
“I guess you’re right,” he said. “You’re just too beautiful and mine not to fuck dumb.”
“I-I don’t become dumb,” you argued weakly.
“Should we find that out now?” he asked, rubbing the tip of his cock along your dripping folds.
Your hips jerked slightly when he grazed your clit.
“Buy me a new pair of shoes if you lose,” you forced out. You tried not to focus on how he was pushing into you slightly before pulling away.
“Oh, we’re betting on this? Alright. You have to buy me a new watch,” he bargained.
You rolled your eyes. “You have like five different ones already.”
“And it’ll be six soon,” he smiled smugly.
“You don’t know that.”
“Baby, yes, I do,” he chuckled confidently.
You opened your mouth to retaliate, but what came out instead was a gasp.
Seungcheol had pushed into your core abruptly. He wasn’t as abrasive as before, but he was quicker than a few minutes ago. He stared down, his eyes watching as his cock disappeared into your body. He loved seeing how stuffed he made you.
Suddenly his finger was on your clit, rubbing harsh circles that had you moaning his name and gripping the carpet.
“Always so good for me,” he praised. “Isn’t that right, baby girl?”
You nodded, walls clenching at his words. He sucked in a breath at the feeling but didn’t let that distract him. He wanted to see you babbling; he wanted to see your eyes roll back. He moved his hand and grabbed the back of your thighs. He moved them to your chest. It wasn’t the most comfortable position due to the not-so-soft ground, but your only thought was chasing your high.
“Fuck, C-Cheol,” you rasped at the deeper feeling. Your head leaned back as he thrust swiftly.
Seungcheol quickly shoved down your top again, fixing it so he could see how your beasts bounced with each snap of his hips. You felt the coil in your stomach tightening the longer he fucked into you.
“Tell me how good I’m making you feel,” he grunted.
“Y-yes,” you stuttered. “Feels so—Hmph!—good. Love your c-cock.”
Seungcheol couldn’t stop the smirk on his face. He was pleased to see how easy it was to get you to fall apart.
“Wanna come for me, angel?” he panted, feeling his own climax approaching.
“Please!” you begged.
“Go ahead,” he said.
Seungcheol moved his hips a little harder, a litter faster, until your legs were trembling, and his hips were stuttering. He cursed out your name when he came. Your walls fluttered around his cock as he spilled himself in your cunt.
The sounds of panting filled the room while you both eased down from your orgasms.
“I think I won,” Seungcheol gloated between breaths.
“Whatever,” you huffed in jest, knowing he was right but not wanting to admit it.
He smiled, leaning down to peck your lips before carefully pulling out and standing up. You stayed on the floor, tired. You could feel his cum begin to leak out of you and onto his jacket.
Seungcheol came back within seconds and guided your legs into your panties and shorts again. He slid them up your legs; however, before he fully dressed you, he gathered his cum on his fingers and shoved it back in. You mewled at the sensation but didn’t push him away.
Once he was done, he slid your clothes on.
“Keep my cum in you when you visit that friend of yours, baby,” he instructed.
Your eyes widened at realizing the intentions of his previous actions.
“O-okay,” you agreed, face heating at the thought of leaving with his seed pooling in your panties. He smiled, happy to hear that, then helped you to your feet. Seungcheol spotted a faint stain on his jacket, but he didn’t care. He plucked the clothing item from the floor and put it in his chair.
“I would make you stay longer, but you got a watch to buy me,” he said, a cocky grin on his face.
You glared at him as you fixed your top. Seungcheol just raised an eyebrow challengingly while he tucked himself back in his pants. He fixed his tie and smoothed down his shirt.
“Do you have a particular one in mind?” you asked, reaching toward him to fix his messy hair.
“Surprise me,” he shrugged. His smirk had turned into a kind smile at your gesture, his dimples showing.
When you pulled away, you poked them mirthfully. It wasn’t your first time doing so, so Seungcheol just smiled more.
“Come on, I’ll walk you out,” he said and grabbed your purse. You thanked him, taking it and following him out of his office. Some people stared at you both as you passed but quickly averted their eyes when you caught their gaze.
“I think you might get some questions,” you told Seungcheol in the elevator.
Seungcheol glanced at you, hand in yours. “Next time, I’ll have to gag you.”
“Don’t tempt me with a good time, Cheollie,” you purred and angled your body, so it was against his more. He chuckled and gave your forehead a kiss.
“I’ll get that couch ordered today,” he informed.
“Today? You’re eager for more lunch visits?” you asked.
“Perhaps,” he grinned. “But I want you to have a more comfortable place to rest when you come over anyway. You don’t look comfy when you’re napping at the table.”
You shrugged. He was right, but you weren’t going to complain when all you wanted to do was spend time with him—even when you were catching some z’s.
“I don’t mind,” you replied.
“I do, though,” he said, a little sternly to let you know he wasn’t going to change his mind.
When the elevator dinged your arrival, you moved away from him. He kept his hands in yours, not bothering to show a little PDA in his own building.
“Will you call me when you get home?” he asked once he stood near the door.
“Of course. Don’t stay here too long, okay? You’ve been here too much lately,” you frowned, staring at him with pleading eyes.
He sighed and gave you a sympathetic look. “I know. I’m sorry. I’ll be there early tonight, baby.”
“You better,” you grumbled. “Or else the watch will be mine.”
Seungcheol chuckled and nodded. “Noted. Drive safely.”
“I will. Can I give you a quick kiss?” you asked. You knew he wanted to keep the PDA at a minimum, and you wanted to respect his wishes.
Seungcheol glanced around quickly, seeing only a few people wandering the lobby.
“Okay,” he said.
You smiled and pressed your mouth against his. You let it linger for a few seconds before pulling away.
“See you at home, Cheollie,” you said.
“See you then,” he replied. You turned, but before you could take a step, you felt his hand lightly hit your ass.
You turned, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Remember what I said?” he asked.
You ducked your head down at his question. You could already feel his cum starting to slowly seep out of your pussy. “Yes.”
“Good,” he smirked and started to walk backward. “Bye, beautiful.”
You huffed at his audacity, waving at him with a playful glare before exiting the building.
Needless to say, you were extremely late meeting Jun. You simply said you got caught up in traffic going to and from Seungcheol’s office. Jun was hesitant about if he believed you, but he let it go. At some point, you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom when you felt Seungcheol’s cum leak from your panties. Your walls clenched around nothing, unintentionally pushing more of his seed out as your saw how ruined your underwear was. You weren’t going to send Seungcheol a picture at first, but you wanted to show him the mess he made.
Cheollie 🥵 [3:31] my messy baby
Cheollie 🥵 [3:31] i’ll make a mess out of u again tonight if u let me
You [3:32] you def better be home early tonight then.
Cheollie 🥵 [3:34] 😉
You hastily cleaned yourself up, heart beating quickly with anticipation for tonight.
You hung out with Jun for another half an hour before you left. On your way home, you stopped by a candy store. Seungcheol wanted a watch, but he never specified what kind of watch. You had planned to buy him an actual one, but then recalled the edible watches you had seen as a kid. You’d buy him a real watch later. You just wanted to play with him first.
Seungcheol came home early as promised. It was peaceful for two minutes before he was pushing you against the wall, telling you how you had gotten him hard again. Thankfully, he was in an online meeting, so no one could see his growing bulge. However, the rest of the day was filled with mental images of you both in compromising positions.
You weren’t able to give him his watch until the next day, but when you presented it to him, he doubled over laughing. It was a sound you adored hearing, and you were so grateful you were the cause of it. You thought he’d eat it, however, he wore it to work that day. Something about how he wanted to have something to remember you by. It was just a plus he could have a few nibbles as a snack throughout the day. He got funny looks and a few questions about it, but he didn’t mind. He loved having anything you bought him. Even if it was just a silly candy watch.
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masonmiamor · 1 year
tell me you love me - - mason mount x reader.
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stfu bc why is this gif so cute 😭🙏🏻 💕
Part two to my last fic! You can find that here!
feedback is appreciated! request are currently open so feel free to send ideas and or concepts 🫶🏻
Three weeks passed and still no sign, you felt like the damage was already done and there was no hope left. You could feel yourself lingering and wanting to reach out but you couldn’t find yourself with enough courage to pick up the phone and communicate with him.
Three weeks later and you had enough, you were angry with yourself and him. Mostly yourself because you knew better and had better value to yourself. You weren’t just going to be used over and over again to not get the same energy back?
The temptation to call, to hear his voice was so bad, and it hurt you more than it should’ve. But you weren’t going to make the first move, it was always you. You initiated the conversations and you were tired of having to be the bigger pants.
The only things that helped you forget were reading or watching movies. You went out with your girlfriends but ended up having the worst time. How were you letting this all consume you in the worst possible way?
Work helped you distract yourself, not having to worry about what went inside your head rather being focused, and tasked to finish your job. Today was one of your days off after having worked for three weeks straight, so you decided with a little self care day.
Taking a longer walk in the morning, passing by to buy some new clothes and makeup, shoes, and even a new small purse. Before you went home to your flat, you had two more locations to attend, the bookstore and grocery store.
You loved walking around taking glances a new and latest books or those that came up on your recommendations on social media. You had a few you wanted to buy, so after ordering an ice coffee of your preference, you grabbed a small basket and strolled over the store. Grabbing books, reading the titles and small summaries, flicking through pages to see if it grabbed your attention.
“Buy it.”
You glanced up to see the one and only Mason, leaning against a shelf, you looked over at him, seeing his disheveled hair, his now longer beard, him wearing an all black outfit. You looked around and saw no one, it was almost empty, you took one last glance at the book in your hand before putting it back.
“I-I-I, How did you know I was here?” he looked at you for a minute before shaking his head. “I was here already… This is where you spent most of your time, and I wanted to get something from here as well…” he said shyly, his cheeks burning red. You furrow your brows together, “You? Buying something from a bookstore?”
“Yes, it was for you,” he took his hand from the back showing you the romance book you had talked to him about a couple of weeks ago. Your favorite trope, with a happy ending. You look up and attempt to read his face, but he just stares so attentively to you. “I remembered you talking about it before we went to bed, and-”
“You were actually listening to me?” you say surprised. Mason looks taken back, almost shocked, “Don’t get me wrong, I just didn’t think you were listening to me that day, especially about a book,” you say, attempting to explain. Mason looks down and fidgets with his hoodie strings feeling guilty.
Mason steps closer, you can immediately smell the cologne and aftershave on him, reminding you he was actually there and not just your imagination playing with you. “I always listen to you… About anything and everything,” he confesses. Your mouth slowly gapes open and you try to mutter a response out.
“I read the back, and a couple pages… The characters remind me of us, and what we have, that something special can’t be easily forgotten,” Mason hints. “That when love hurts you but overall makes you happy, it’s real,” he continues.
“I want to talk,” he deadpans. You continue searching and analyzing the book, so confused about what was going on, not trying to confront him just yet. Were you ready to suddenly open up again and talk with him? No and yes. “We’re talking…” you whisper. He cocks his head to the side giving you a “are you serious look”.
“Y/n,” he says seriously.
“Mason,” you challenge, crossing your arms over your chest. You sigh and return the book back to him, “You can’t just buy me a book and expect everything to be okay you know? It won’t work like that,” you say, trying to keep your voice smooth and not reveal the nervousness. “I know it won’t work, I wish it could because I know how happy books make you feel, anything to see you smile again… I would do it. That’s why I'm asking to talk.”
“What if it doesn’t fix things and makes things between us worse?” you find yourself asking, rubbing the side of your arm. Mason was still yours, and you were still his, but thinking about the fact it could no longer be that way scared you. It hurts already but that would be more than painful. “We will never know unless we talk,” he says honestly, taking closer steps.
“I’m just as scared as you are. The same thoughts,” he admits. You jump at the opportunity to escape when you hear a person coming by, reminding yourself you still had errands to run. You quickly blink and clear your throat, “I need to go buy groceries still. How about I meet you in mine in about an hour and thirty?” you say shyly.
Mason nods, “Thank you Y/n.”
When you get into your car, you blink fast, still trying to process seeing him again, and what he said to you. After you calmed down you made your way to the store, played some music, and just looked ahead to the destination. Your mind went back to him, almost bumping into someone as it distracted you.
You bought many snacks and drinks to have more in stock. But you also did buy the missing vegetables, meats and fruits that were missing from your fridge. You planned to make something on the easier side today so you quickly grabbed bread and some cheese from the bakery and deli.
Truth to be said your hands were full when you walked into your flat, you never did have patience to make a double trip, so with much strength in you, you only made one trip when bringing in groceries.
Mason wasn’t here still, so after putting everything away, you arranged the new bouquet of flowers, the living room and your office, well more of a room where you could escape and just read away. Your doorbell ringing startles you, but the sight of Mason has your pulse raising quicker than before.
“Come in,” you say, hearing him thank you. Mason carried a small white bag on his right hand and a smaller bouquet of your favorite flowers on his left. “It’s a small something but I had to buy them when I saw them. They’re your favorite,” he says chuckling. You look up and smile, seeing his smile grow wider at your sight.
Mason attentively watches as you grab a separate vase for his flowers, but makes notice of the freshly new ones on the dining tables. Did you or someone else get those for you? If someone did, then who? He thought.
He follows you into the office room or more of your safe space in your home. You set the glas vase on your desk, opening the white bag to find the two books you talked about that night, along with some chocolate and cookies from your favorite bakery. He clears his throat, walking over to you when you put the new books on the shelf.
it was now or never, the two of you thinked, without knowing it. Your body shifted straight towards him, bringing him into the long and anticipated hug. He felt warm and so perfect between your arms, you didn’t want to let go, it was capturing and a feeling of safety overwhelmed you. When you pull away your foreheads rest against each other, your arms dropping to your sides.
Mason rubbed his nose over your cheek, his hands softly gripping just above your elbows. Your hands remained by your sides, not knowing what to do, he whispered again, “Forgive me.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in, your face slightly leaning into his, “I can’t, I-I-I don’t know,” you let out, but you know deep inside the man here pleading for you is the one. He always has been since day one.
“Forgive me… please,” Mason says again, the sincerity in his voice is laced with a tint of begging you. You slowly bring your hands to grip his sides, and he lets out a small groan, “Jesus… Your hands are like silk Y/n…”
“Tell me what’s running through your mind baby, it’s the only way we can help each other out here,” Mason says along the crook of your neck. “Be brutally honest with me, even if you think it may hurt us, or me. Say what you have to say.”
“I have so much to say, because at the end of the day, I’m still hurt by your doings. I won’t blame it all on you, because there are always two sides of a relationship, but you hurt me and I'm scared to let you back in after three weeks.,” you sob out, suddenly back away creating space between you. You can see Mason close his eyes sadly.
“I was there for you mentally and physically but when I asked that from you, I never received it back. It wasn’t fair Mason, it was always me. ME! Who had to fix us always when something went down. Me who had to put the pieces back together even though they weren’t properly prepared.”
“I know you from the back of my hand Mason. We got so close to a point where it was lust and love combined. I was so consumed and convinced you would maybe one day realize what you were doing affected me, and us. But it never came, and I don’t know when it will,” you let out wiping the tears away from your cheeks.
“I’m losing hope here Mason… I’m doubting your love for me and it’s making me feel useless and unwanted. I understand you history and respect what you went through but I don’t know if you’re waiting for the first opportunity where I fuck up to leave or if you’re stuck believing i’m like the others… I can barely read you-”
“You consume every single thought that runs through my mind. Every single one. I get it, I know i fucked up. I know I should’ve committed and communicated with you better but you have to believe me when I say I'm madly in love with you Y/n. How could I not love the woman who hasn’t left my side even after I hurt her?” Mason cuts you off. His words sound as if he were confessing his love to you all over again.
“How could I not love the woman who no matter what stayed by my side during my difficult moments? The one who brought me breakfast in bed excitedly, the one who would kiss my head gently before I left, the one woman who no matter what will prioritize you over herself. I’m so inlove with you Y/n, I can’t make that up…”
“You're the women of my dreams. Always have been, and always will. I know I have given you the opposite of what you expected but that was due to the constant overthinking I did and insecurities taking a toll… My biggest fear was becoming a reality that night I left. I can’t bear the fact of one day losing you and not having you in my arms again Y/n.”
All the talking drags you to sit on your couch. Covering your face when you hear footsteps approaching you and kneeling down facing you. “Let me prove it to you how much you mean to me, let me prove to you I can be the man you need. Let me prove to you just how much I love you, even if it means buying you all the books in the world you dearly love,” Mason says, dragging his hands from the soft carpet to the sides of your legs.
“One more chance please? There’s so much in store for us still, and I only see myself doing them with you,” he says, his brown bright eyes pleading you. The glossy look on his face tells you he’s being for real, not like those past times where he would promise and not live up to his word. Your hand softly meets his cheek, his eyes gazing from your bracelet to your teary face. Mason leans his head on you hand, relishing the feeling and closing your eyes.
“You have to talk to me, Mason. I can’t know what’s going through your head when you shut me out. You can’t plan and do something just to not stick with it and finish in the end,” you say, Mason nods, a small smile spreading on his face. His tears now dried on his freckled skin, “I love you. Forever. I don’t know how you’re so strong to do this, but I will make things right from now, I promise.”
For the first time in forever your heart races and butterflies spread across your chest when you hear him say I love you. The tingly sensation that spreads to your spine declares the effect he has on you. Mason was the one for you, and it will take time to slowly gain back to a stronger relationship. You weren’t so quick to give up but he wasn’t either. Only fate knows how things will end, but in your mind the brown eyed and haired boy was for you.
“I love you Mason,” you lean down grabbing his chin and kiss his lips softly. He sucks in a breath and brings his hand to the back of your head deepening the kiss. He would never get tired of how your lips molded into his, the way you tasted across his lips had him in a daze, it was never enough. When you pull back your thumb pulls his bottom lip down. “This is just the start,” you recall.
“It is a start. But it’s the start to a happy ending for us.”
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hotchocolatefanfics · 3 months
Pretty pretty PLEASE give me a au where Koba , getting lost in his PTSD yelling “HUMAN WORK”
And when Ceasar stances up this time? (If he does?) perhaps Koba gets a bit emotional- and gets consoled like he needed in the moment instead-
(If Ceasar and Koba were that close it’s what should’ve been done 😭)
Sorry for the late reply, I really wanted to write this out! :D
"Human Work"
The banging of rock against metal did nothing to comfort him. Even as he watched Rocket and Ash destroy the guns, all Koba could think about what was those weapons meant. What they could do to the apes. 
Being shot by those things would be a quick and merciful death…But humans could do far worse than killing an ape…
…Cages…Bright rooms…Needles…Blood…
Grey, who was sitting next to him, was trying to get his attention but Koba didn’t notice. Despite being close to a fire, the bonobo felt cold all over. Just like he did all those years ago. 
The longer he sat, the more he thought and the longer he thought, the sicker he felt… 
…Something in his mouth…Vomit…He couldn’t breathe!
He couldn’t take it anymore! Koba got up and made his way over to Caesar. That sick feeling in his stomach giving way to frustration at the ape king. He knows what the humans could do to the apes, HE SAW them kill apes! Hurt apes! But he gives them a chance anyway?!
“If they get power, they’ll be more dangerous!” Koba blinked and he was now standing in front of Caesar. Signing angrily at him but somehow still coherently.“Why help them?!”
“They seem desperate.” Caesar replied simply. Koba had to stop himself from scoffing at him. “If we make them go, they’ll attack.”
They’ll attack anyway, you fool!
“Let. Them.” Koba said out loud before quickly signing. “We’ll destroy them while they’re weak.”
They could do it. The humans were stronger when they escaped and they still defeated them. Sure, the goal was to escape rather than kill but they still fought the humans. 
The image of Jacobs falling into the ocean came to his mind. One of them many humans that made his life miserable. Koba had killed him. He was gone now. He could no longer hurt him, or any other ape, ever again.
That memory usually gave the bonobo a sense of peace and relief, but it did nothing for what he currently felt. 
And it was only made worse by the frown on Caesar’s face. “And how many apes will die?”
His words stuck with Koba. Apes would die anyway, regardless of how and when humans attacked, but that did not mean the bonobo didn’t care. 
He just did not want anyone to suffer. Not like he had suffered.
Caesar might not have meant it that way, but the implication that he didn’t care if the apes died made a lump form in Koba’s throat. 
“We have one chance for peace…” Caesar went on. “Let them do their human work. Then they’ll go.”
Human work.
That cold, horrible feeling came rushing back. All his life Koba struggled to understand what was happening to him but Caesar, unknowingly, just summed it up in two words.
“Human. Work?” He asked.
Caesar didn’t respond. Which Koba took to mean that he didn’t care. The thought that he didn’t would have cut deep into his soul but Koba couldn’t focus on that. One moment he was here at the Ape Village, the next in a cage. 
“Human work.” He pointed at the scar behind his ear. Both of his ears felt hot right now. Why was it getting hard to breathe again? He felt as if something was covering his whole nose and mouth, preventing him from getting any air. 
“Human work!” His voice was a little louder when he pointed at the scar on his arm. The sharp pain he felt came rushing back to him. How they strapped him down on the table. Their shiny objects cutting into his skin! 
Blood. HIS blood, just spilling everywhere! 
The scar on his face and his blind eye, the ones Tommy caused. Humans in the labs messed with his eyes too. Blurred vision. It stinging to blink…
His whole body was covered in scars. His back, his legs, his stomach! All the ways they mutilated him, destroyed him. He wasn’t in the village anymore. He wasn’t in the forest at all. He was back on that table. Ripped and torn open and bleeding and humans standing over him. 
Back to his cage. Back to being his cage! Maybe he never left it. Maybe this whole time he was dreaming. 
Pain. There is just no escaping it. 
They restrained him. Holding him tighter and tighter. His arms, his legs, his whole body. Keeping him still, preventing him from thrashing around. Any moment now, one of them will stick him with a needle or cut him open again and-and-!
“Koba! Koba! Koba!” 
Caesar’s voice cut into it. Slowly, what he thought were straps that held him down became arms. Fury, strong arms. Despite the warmth around him, Koba was shaking and his teeth chattering. His throat hurt from yelling so much. 
Blinking, the world began to stop spinning. He was back at the village, as if he always had been. He had never left. 
And Caesar was holding him. Not just hugging him, but had his arms wrapped tightly around the bonobo. When Koba looked at him, his frown was gone. The expression on the chimpanzee’s face was softer, gentler. Worried. 
“I’m sorry, Koba.” Caesar signed with one hand. He knew Koba was the least likely ape to trust the humans but he had failed to think beyond that fact. It made sense that Koba’s trauma would show itself, with everything going on. Not helped at all that the humans were within their territory.
But he saw it now. Koba wasn’t just angry at the humans. He was scared of them.
Caesar put his hand on the scarred bonobo’s cheek. He was still shaking but he seemed calmer now. 
“I promise.” He looked Koba in the eyes. “I will not. Let them. Hurt you again.” 
He wouldn’t let the humans harm any of the apes but Caesar knew Koba especially needed to hear this. To know that he was safe.
Koba blinked and felt something roll down his cheeks. It came in waves and only slightly blurred his vision. He wrapped his own arms around Caesar and laid his head on his chest. His soft sobs muffled by the chimp’s fur. 
All he was feeling before. All the anger, the hate, the frustration, and panic. And all the pain. It all came out in the form of tears. Koba would normally find openly crying like this embarrassing, an awkward and clear sign of weakness but he couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. 
He couldn’t even tell if he was crying for himself, for all the pain he felt in his life, or for the intense and freeing relief he felt in his chest. Relief that Caesar did care. That he will protect him despite him never asking him to. 
The apes had been watching this whole time but, out of respect for the scarred bonobo, went back to whatever they had been doing before. Staring with Rocket continuing to slam a rock into a gun and Maurice assuring anyone who asked that Koba was ok. 
Only Blue Eyes kept watching Koba. Though the young prince had never seen his honorary uncle in such a state before, he didn’t think less of him for it. Rather, seeing him like this made Blue Eyes realize how much his past affect him. 
Koba always seemed so strong to him. Untouchable, like his father. He took pride in his scars but the circumstances of how he got them still caused him pain and Blue Eyes never knew that until now.
Caesar once told him that Koba only learned hate from humans but Blue Eyes disagreed with that. Hate wasn’t the only thing. Humans also taught Koba that he was nothing. That he had no control, not even of his own body. The he was just an object for them to destroy, manipulate, and break apart.
…That he was broken.
He felt so sad for his honorary uncle. Sad and horrified that he went through all that.
Sniffling, Blue Eyes crept over to them and wrapped his arms around the two. He still loved and respected Koba and he would make that clear to the bonobo everyday from now on. 
Koba hardly noticed Blue Eyes joining them. The feeling that overwhelmed him now only growing as he got lost in the comforting embrace of his friend. 
That he was safe. Finally, at long last, Koba felt truly safe. Maybe even loved if he dared to believe it.
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comepollinatemehey · 11 months
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This took me way longer than it should’ve and it looks like dog shit but I figured I’d share it anyways - Eddie dressed as Dr. Frank N. Furter 🖤 I’ve read so many great fics where that’s who he is for Halloween and I just had to draw it.
Looks a little funky but I’m running on no sleep and I’ve been like physically assaulted at work all week so my brain is fried lmao. Hopefully this reaches the right crowd and I’ll try and compile a list of all the amazing fanfics with Eddie dressed like this: might even write one of my own!
Also somebody rp with me, I hate this dry spell rn 😭
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My first edit that took way longer than it should’ve but it’s so cute I’m gonna die😭😭😭 my pride and joy:
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keydekyie · 1 month
I started TMATB 3 at 10 PM thinking it would be good to read a chapter or two before bed.
It is now 9:13 AM and I did not get an ounce of sleep.
*dies of overexhaustion
*dies bc of that ending
*just dies
Okay but no seriously, that was an absolute masterpiece. You can really see how the writing and plot has improved since the first book. Even your chapter structures are different.
And the way you ended practically every chapter with the cutest little hint of fluff? 😩 How is one supposed to stop reading after that!!!!!!!!
I have no words
I am exhausted
I’ll be rereading this again extremely soon and placing bookmarks in the fluffiest scenes so I can reread them all the time until book four comes out. As a coping mechanism.
My goodness my emotions are everywhere right now
Ruyak and Kaelin have my SOUL, I tell you- my SOUL
bro that was literally like, over eleven hours of my life. Took way longer than it should’ve because I kept having to stop, put down my phone, squeal violently into a pillow, reorientate myself, then get back to reading. Constantly. Over and over again. So much squealing.
brb gonna go reread the first kiss scene again
hee hehe hehehee now I am become writer, depriver of sleep!
I'm glad you liked it, I do feel kinda bad people are staying up all night reading it! (kinda bad, but not toooooo bad, hehe) To hear the story is that engaging really makes me happy beyond words.
I do wish I could go back and rewrite book I to be structured a little better now that I think my skills have improved, but alas, I'd never finish the series if I did that 😭
I'd love to hear what your favorite scenes were! Maybe after some sleep, tho XD
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mrsnancywheeler · 6 months
Okay but Billy Dunne and his muse…idk if you like Olivia Rodrigo but one of her songs being “vampire” ESPECIALLY IF SHES YOUNGER THAN HIM????
“I love you truly / Gotta laugh at the stupidity” stupid because loving Billy Dunne is toxic man “‘Cause I’ve made some real big mistakes / but you make the worst one look fine” “I should’ve known it was strange / you only come out at night” he only approaches her when HE needs “bleedin’ me dry, like a goddamn vampire” “ooh, what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked-up little thrill” “went for me, and not her / cause girls your age know better”
ALSO THE “you said it was true love, but wouldn’t that be hard? / you can’t love anyone, ‘cause that mean you had a heart / I tried to help you out, now I know that I can’t” LIKE WHEN SHE LISTENES TO HIS SONGS???
Anyway he’s hot as hell. Like hell yeah boy manipulate me, please
I literally love Olivia Rodrigo so so much and literally wish I could've afforded tickets for the guts tour so badly 😭
but yes 10000% I'm pretty sure he's nearing 30 by the time the band breaks up on 1977, but meeting him when you're 19, in like 1974, and all the girls your age, in your social class, are trying out the groupie lifestyle. and one day you see the six performing at whisky a go go and he sees you watching. he's instantly attracted to you and talks to you after, offering you a cigarette, he's expecting you to go back with him like most groupies do but you don't.
"I got places to be." you laughed, taking a puff from the cigarette. "but maybe I'll see you around billy dunne. nice meeting you." and he likes you, adores that you're playing like that when realistically by the second time you're around you do go with him. suddenly he can't get enough of you and the rest is history.
okay okay sorry for the sidebar pookie, let's unpack vampire
she realized pretty early on what she'd gotten herself into, she knew he wasn't the kind of guy she could tie down, but god she'd fallen for him faster than rain. and he's the kind of guy who can go from a drizzle to a hurricane unbelievably fast. and part of her doesn't care because when he's at his best he's so adoring, loving, the times are so good and make the stumbling seemingly worth it. and she's heard the stories about how all rockstars are the same but she ignores them, ignores how he approached his first ever groupie so eagerly, always waits around for him to want her and then is thrown off when it's no longer her being the only groupie waiting for attention and she's got to wait for it, hope that he still picks her. other groupies probably know better then do get as tied up as she has, they want some of billy, but they'll take the others, but you took the first lead singer who flashed you a smile and so naively let yourself be his little girlfriend, well his girlfriend when he felt like you were.
yes, he's got so many songs about how turbulent their relationship is, how it's so close to falling apart, despite how much he loves her, how they burn for each other, with each other. and she wonders if he feels that way why he lets so much anger infest rather than the love he supposedly has. sometimes she wonders if he keeps the relationship that way to have good rock n roll content, to make it fun. so being his muse most of the time you can romanticize but when you think too hard about what that means to him it can lead to some pretty nasty thoughts and eventual blow up arguments.
literally, billy dunne please let me be your young, on and off girlfriend who can't tell if you really love her or you like that you can write good songs about her.
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paebosims · 17 days
@nyrarachelle-plays | If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! (no pressure! ❤️)
hiii it took me way longer than it should’ve to think abt this, but here are 3 random facts abt me i guess 🤩:
1. I just started taking classes again after a much needed break, so ur girl is a an Educated Woman™️ and currently majoring in Data Science 😫
2. I love to cook and bake new recipes, so i try to make something new every week, but tn i might cook some chicken curry and buss up shut 🤤
3. I’m shy 😩 not rlly lol, but i do have social anxiety so as much as I would love to interact with the community more, i rlly hate being perceived so 😭😭
anyways, tysm for the ask ! i hope you have a great day 😚🫶🏾
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lellokitty · 3 months
omg katie. i just finished awakening. oghren. i have so many thoughts on him and also i don't ??? he wasn't my go-to party member in origins and i did the deep roads quest last LOL so i didn't really have a lot of time with him !! he DID rub me the wrong way IMMEDIATELY tho bc as soon as i met him, he was all "you're an elf AND a woman ??? 😒" EXCUSR ME ????????? but i did honestly feel bad for him with the branka quest 🥺 and i had a bunch of gifts for him by the time he was in my party so our friendship level was pretty good ! and i left him at the gates when i fought the archdemon and it was kind of sweet to hear him be like "i gotchu warden 😤✌🏼" 🥹🥹🥹
i was excited to see him in awakening !!! bc i started it and DID NOT have my lover alistair, didn't have anyone i knew, didn't even have my DOG, was all alone 😩 and so i was hyped to see him right away and was all for making him a grey warden !!! but then i kept having negative interactions with him ??? bc he kept COMPLAINING !!!! he would get all "omg i can't believe we're in the fade wtf 😡😡😡" brother this is just another tuesday for me !!!!! get over it !!! and then when his baby mama showed up and he just dismissed them i was so WHAT ?????? that was crazy and made my opinion of go all the way down qifbdiqkqkq
anyway sorry for going off in your inbox akfndjaka what's so funny is the minute i mentioned to my friend that i was playing awakening, the first thing she asked me was what i thought of oghren LMAOOO idk katie what was your experience !!!! 🩷✨️
i don’t much care for oghren actually!! i dislike a lot abt his character (his misogyny and prejudice like hello??) plus his main trait seems to be he’s a drunk?? which nothing against that, but just interesting to hinge everything on! i literally never took him with me after completing the deep roads quest (which i also do last). our friendship is also fairly high because i have a lot of gifts built up when i get him. so i didn’t have to interact with him much, but when i did i always felt like ‘why did he say that..?’
when i first played awakening i felt the same way! like you don’t get your LI, you don’t get your DOG!!! (i was so upset about losing out on my dog. like hello i saved you from the blight!!) and all of my original companions are gone, so at least one familiar face was nice. however i got irritated with his whole deadbeat dad thing. like he got sober (iirc) and then abandons them?? and he gets all snippy with the warden like wtf!!! and choosing to become a warden when he knows he has a kid on the way…? truly a deadbeat.
i wish they would’ve just given us a new character companion but shown oghren becoming a warden. like every other awakenings companion was so much cooler than him. he wasn’t even the coolest dwarf companion, sigrun takes that. i also feel like his awakenings plot is ‘lamer’ than his origins plot, while the other characters have more interesting backstories and reasons that drive them.
i hope you’re enjoying da2 so far!! i think da2 is my favorite out of all 3. i have no clue what it is about da2, but i just love it so much! i love the characters, i love the story, and i love the relationships. my next da2 playthrough i’m going to try to do a mage hawke fenris romance. last time i played i somehow had a good relationship with fenris (and i did mage hawke) so im hoping ill be able to do the same.
i started playing dao again! i’m doing a rogue female cousland run so my character can marry alistair and become queen! i was going to play mage again, but didn’t want another mistress ending. so far i’m enjoying playing as a rogue (although i can be COMICALLY bad 😭). i just finished the fade quest to get the mages and that quest is so much worse than i remember. maybe it seems worse because im not a mage character this time, but omg!! it felt longer + the kitchen nightmares sound effect kept breaking me out of concentration. i also ran around as a mouse MUCH more than i should’ve like it was actually a lot of fun to be a mouse.
i hope everything is going well for you otherwise!! i’ve missed sunday streams, but ive also been busy the past couple sundays so i am glad i haven’t missed anything!
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nijigasakilove · 3 months
😭 we only got one episode of this left man I can’t say goodbye to these girls. This needs to become a multimedia project. People saying the show nosedived are tripping, show got way better with the angsty drama. That’s exactly what I wanna see in my lesbian romances. Perfect contrast to Sasakoi where main ship instantly gets together.
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Sorry GBC, but this has regained the number 1 spot after this Kiui masterclass. This episode was directed by Fujita Shounei who’s worked with SHAFT for over 15 years and it definitely had a distinctive SHAFT vibe, especially during Kiui’s “coming out” scene. A ton of good stuff in this episode before that as well.
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For starters, love that Mei continues being there for Kano not just as a stan, but a genuine friend. Helping her focus on who and what she wants to write music for. There’s a nice dichotomy in this episode with Mei and Kano and Yoru and Kiui, both pairs have known each other longer than Kano and Yoru, so it allows them to connect in a different way.
Now in my opinion, Yoru did redeem herself today by the end of the episode in terms of the Kano situation by helping Kiui and also putting in a word for JELEE to perform with the sundolls next week. But at the start of the episode when Yukine was cooking her art and just being an asshole I didn’t feel bad. Never should’ve been working with her in the first place.
The last 10 minutes or so are just some of the best seasonal anime stuff you’ll see and Fujita’s handprints are all over it. Kiui going back to Omiya to confront her past and finally move forward took a lot of courage.
This is a girl who’s had to change her whole identity, stop going to school, move away from home.. then she makes a new identity and it’s doxxed, mocked and almost taken from her.. that pain would’ve been too much for a lot of people
And here go these lame ass losers who’ve never accomplished anything in life, making fun of someone pursuing their dream. So glad Mahiru was there to take a stand for her best friend and I love the scene going back and forth between the video game screen with the character fighting off a bunch of enemies.
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Kiui’s impassioned “Normal people like you have no idea what it’s like to get mocked for the things you love” is something that everyone should be able to empathise with and feel. It’s also exactly what Mahiru needed to hear and gave her to courage to be herself and finally attach her real name to a piece of artwork. So happy for both of them. One episode seems like such a short period to wrap this all up.. I really hope DG can give us a great ending ❤️
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antlerx-art · 1 year
is that the bentley thing he’s using????
“there you go, lovely”😭😭😭
“i’m Aziraphale” / “nice meeting you” AND YOU WON’T TELL US YOUR NAME? MH??
“LOOK AT YOU YOU’RE GORGEOUS.” and aziraphale looking at him oh lord
nah crowley has a point shut up aziraphale
london present day hiiiii HI AZIRAPHALE
this is so cute i’m going to combust
OHH CROWLEY AND SHAX SCENE i know this by heart
so i guess the something going down in the up is gabriel
“you’ll tell me what i need”???? which is?
frozen peas💀
HERE WE GO another scene i know by heart
“i have no idea what that feels like”sure👍🏻 stay in denial
“I think it’s my brain but i’m not sure” oh i know he’s gonna be the funniest
“his royal smugness is in trouble that’s so sad” why is this so???? i love crowley
the box is empty well I should’ve expected it
“you’re funny, i love you” okay so gabriel confessed before crowley 😍
“jaaaames long for jim short for gabriel”
aziraphale has A LOT of patience i could never
hi muriel!
TONE OF VOICE? i love them
“ASK HIM PROPERLY.” bye i thought it was gonna be some sort of miracle but it’s actually just crowley shouting at jim
“YOURE ON YOUR OWN WITH THIS ONE”? like crowley is right i also wouldn’t trust him BUT COME ONNNNN
OHH THATS WHEN HE SMOKES AND EXPLODES but the scream is different from the trailer
and nina and maggie are locked in 🫢
michael acts like my maths teacher
THEYRE IN HELL what the. hell?
I KNEW IT i knew they were gonna offer him to become duke of hell
“EXTREME SANCTIONS” again the marketing for this show is great
okay so anyone involved with gabriel’s disappearance will be deleted from existence and crowley is worried about aziraphale
nina and maggie are literally crowley and aziraphale i love them
so what they’re saying is that *aziraphale* is the one who knew maggie’s great grandmother lol
WAIT all those theories about crowley ringing the bell and then saying “i’m back” being two different scenes because of his position in the room when he was actually just being dramatic and took 20 steps away
apology in 1941? HMM????
aziraphale and crowley will dance in season two! the actual dance: 🧚🏻‍♂️💃🏻
I want to see every single wrong take of this scene every single blooper
oohhh so that’s why muriel won’t recognize him that’s smart i should’ve considered it
no rapunzel you have to stay here fathers know best ‼️
I was about to say that even though episodes are shorter than season one you don’t actually notice the difference but maybe I just paused it too many times and it became half an hour longer
tagging @neil-gaiman since he said he was interested in reading live reactions
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