#this was actually pretty fun to fill out even if it's a tad long xD
starthieve · 4 years
Tagged by : @regalentempire thank you nelly !  Tagging : i’m actually gonna tag some people this time , @shurima-demigod , @fxlgurkinesis , @pantheon-god-of-war , @targonian , @yuhl ,  @januite​  , @moonaspect​  , @sunszenith​ to name a few ovo . 
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ? 
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. 
How strictly do you follow canon?  — what’s a canon
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  A celestial who has traveled far & wide throughout Runeterra healing those who have sought her help & leading the fallen or those lost in their destiny . She can also see the fates of others too so there’s that. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  She a sad goat ngl , lots of angst & can be a bit melodramatic at times.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Soraka’s always held a special place in my heart for the longest time. I’ve written her before but it didn’t go the way I wanted it to . Though now I got a better idea of what I want out of her as a muse so here I am lmao . On top of that , I wanted to just write a muse that wouldn’t claw out someone’s sense of living in 2 seconds yk ? 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  The idea of having a character be immortal & a celestial is honestly the smallest bit of fuel that I’ve found very fun to play around with . Of course that’s not the only thing that keeps me going with Soraka , since I really just love how deep of a character she can be , & I’m notorious for seeing how far I can take my characterizations :v
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES . . .?  / NO. ( I . . . think ? ngl idk how people think I rp Soraka , so I’m a little unsure on that end ) 
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO. ( Honestly my blog is like 90% headcanons at this point . All of them straying from fanon Soraka I feel lmao ) 
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( I very much do , just haven’t gotten around to it on Soraka yet ) 
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO.
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( Personally , yes. but ahaha )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( I like to think it’s one of my better points , of course there’s always gonna be room to improve , but I think I got Soraka’s voice / tone down ) 
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( Yes & no ? I’m 50/50 , but I’ll put no because I tend to be on the more neutral end of things & I like hearing different stuff from different perspectives ) 
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — Always , always , always . No matter what blog / fanfics I’ve written , I will always be open to constructive criticism to what I write . I know I like to twist a lot of canon & make stuff my own , & I’m also notorious for posting long worldbuilding posts. I know not everyone agrees with that so ye. Gimme that sweet , sweet constructive criticism . 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Oh I love them , it helps me flesh out the character 10x more & helps me develop them so much more. 
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Eh if they disagree with my headcanon then they disagree with it , I’ve no qualms with that. To each their own , yeah ? Not everyone is going to like my headcanons about a character & that’s fine ; I don’t hate the portrayal others have either because everyone really has different visions of a muse & that’s fine lmao 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  I’d honestly just tell them to unfollow if they really dislike it , as said before to each their own & that’s ok yk ? But I’d rather not have someone feel angry / upset everytime I literally post anything about the character , so honestly my only answer there is unfollowing .
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — Then . . . don’t follow a roleplaying blog for that character ? I dunno I’d prolly just go on with my day & ignore it lol. I don’t understand why people actively go following a roleplay blog for a character they dislike , only to hate on it. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Oh please do. I’m horrible at catching my grammatical mistakes when I’m writing at 2-3 am as if my usual writing hours , please never feel bad about calling me out on it .
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   — Yeah I think I’m honestly p chill . My rules are fairly lax & my general goal is for people to just feel comfortable around / on this blog , I just take 10 years to replly & I sob over my ships alot ahaha
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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pokedash55 · 4 years
Acronix X Coffee Robot Crack AU
Click for Echo Meets Acronix Fic
To summarize//TL;DR: Acronix falls out of the time vortex at the light house a befriends Echo Zane, learns empathy and put Echo on Social media so everyone knows he exists now. 
-After he leaves echo zane with a borg watch he finds himself back in Ninjago
-Stalks borg and his fam like a creep
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-Jay introduces Echo to the dyer family
-Echo and unagami are siblings now
-Acronix is kinda like Echos big brother
-But no one else accepts this
-Zane and Pix give skeptical and menacing, “if you touch him” glares
-Unagami is confused babi and likes their new brother echo
-So Like One day it’s Borg, Pix, Zane, Jay, Unagami, Echo, and Milton dyer, and Acronix in a room together  (Fic on that later :3 )
-The whole fam
-Nixie just lingers around borg tower saying random junk sometimes
-Acronix : “You either die a villian or live long enough to see yourself become…”
-Pix: “A very annoying customer who is about to be escorted out of the building?”
-“UH NO. Wrong answer Pix (“dont call me pix”). REDEEMED. Cause I’m like… totally redeemed now”
-Just holds up a high five for the room and left hanging by everyone
-Jay’s like :Yeeeoree not part of our group”
-So like Acronix and Echo Zane are bro’s now cause I said so??
-Everyone: Nix is part of the Borg Family
-Me: Well YES, but actually no
-This isn't really a Future thing
-In this they're mostly frenemies kinda??
-But Acronix does really like him and borg tower and Borg is too nice to throw him out XD
-Acronix has zip money and doesn’t FEEL like looking for Krux rn
-Gets his morning coffee everyday bro
-Starts crushin on the Coffee manager (naming her shannon after the voice actor)
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-His routine is basically wake up, coffee, Shannon, stalk borg, watch memes, think about looking for kux than fall asleep on phone
-Posts bout his lil bro alot (echo)
-Posts about Shannon ALOT
-Many many selfies of him an his coffee
-Realizes he may need to get someplace to live since he had yet to venture for krux
-Shoot money is a thing he doesn’t have
-Borg be super kind like, “You can stay at my Newly renovated highly advanced Borg Hotel but you must get a job.”
-Acronix gestures at being one of those technology intern clerks at borg industries. “Is for me?”
-”Must get a job AND leave my family alone…. For now… please?”
-Borg is too nice to the guy who kidnapped him and is infatuated with living at borg tower
-Does borg live in borg tower?
-Gunna say he does
-Cause Acronix just LOITERS in borg tower 24/7
-Like its like hours after closing of the downstairs shop and Pix is like getting her suit on and forcefully escorting Nixie out of the premises
-So anyway Nix has to get a job
-Ugh entry level Jobs are SO beneath him.
-Pouts uwu
-Gets a job as a barista to at least have fun with someone cool
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-Ronin notices that sales have gone up in the coffee shop since Acronix has started hanging around there, because the girls think he’s pretty and he posts a lot on social media.
-Ronin wants this, but doesn’t want to have to actually pay Acronix for being a faceman.
-Hires him “as a barista”. Basically he hires Acronix to sit at the counter and look pretty, while giving the joint free advertising.
-Acronix totally doesn’t notice this and is fine with being completely exploited and underpaid.)
-Acronix X Coffee Bot! (In this she’s named Shannon)
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-Shannon is like… chill and rude, but never offensive
-Cheats in chess
-Smug about it too like deamn she mean
-Epic moves (Both spinny sign and juggling. And makes epic coffee)
-Unflinching at a fire
-Complete apathy
-Throws "Floyds"  teapot plan away immediately cause she doesn’t get paid enough for this sh*t
-Says she doesn’t drink coffee but than is seen drinking coffee that lier
-Bad habit of Ignoring stufft. Ignores the upgrade, ignores her lie detector, ignores the fact the -machine is literally ice frozen
-She wears a miniskirt and a crop top/bra thingy to WORK. On the clock! savage
-Nixie is confirmed to get crushes easily and like powerful/ mean woman (Machia)
-Also he has no shame in liking nonhumans
-Love technology so would totally vibe with her
-Robotsexual for sure
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-Since she is still A.I, so Nix’s outgoing and I don’t care i'm great loud personality would really surprise her and she’d be inspired/impressed by his lack of chill and lack of care
-She has a bit of sass and goth hot topic to her but also still has that robot innocence that would blend nicely with Acronix since he is also Abrasive and rude on the outside, but is a tad of a softy coward (He hugs his bro and cowers behind him and gets adorably defensive when he snarks at him)
-He’d teach her so much about being more alive… maybe a bad influence but she’d dig it
-He calls her Shay almost constantly
-He hates being called Nix
-Like he is a prideful warrior who expects people to use his full name in respect
-But Shannon is too cool for that
-Calls him Nix sometimes anyway
-Respects her boldness
-The audacity to do so without permission!
-Shannon owns a motorcycle because come on
-Ridin home on a sick bike together
-Stealin stuff when people aren’t looking
-Banned from Ronin thrift shop for sure (they're lucky they weren't fired after that night. But he literally can't fire shannon)
-Chill on friday nights at Laughys karaoke.
-Not singing, just laughing at how stupid other people look singing drunk kareoke
-So a jock dork egotist and a apathetic punk bot walk into a bar
-Dareth honestly doesn’t know this guy was the one sending snakes after his trophies so he just treats him like a normal costumer
-Neither of them care about Dareth’s attempts at small talk.
-Too busy loving themselves like idiots
-She kicks his ass in strategy video games and he destroys her in battle royal stuff
-Both are equally bored by like Animal crossing and other fake life games YAWN so much work
-Shannon enjoys the thrill of racing games
-Nixie plays em but it’s not his best game
-Both GEAMMERS (but in a frighteningly cool way. They somehow both avoid nerd status… nixie still a dork tho. Jock dork)
-She makes coffee art of her hubbies face.
-He gives her so much social media attention
-Acronix gives her coffee shop media rep and he loves the petty feeling of beating Wu at something
-She doesn’t quite get his excitement in it (cause she’s on neutral terms with Wu) but loves the media attention
-She doesn’t get his phrases and he finds that both aggravating and endearing
-“Um I’m Aconic”
-Shannon: “So you’ve been lying about your name this whole time?
-Acronix: “...?”
-“That's honestly sick”
-Acronix “… “
-One day they joy ride on a motorcycle
-End up loitering around borg tower
-Borg officially meets Shannon and is interested in her origin
-Her design is not like he has seen but it also seems familiar
-She says she doesn't remember much other than working for ronin
-"Ronin" borg mutters spitefully
-He has a history of y'know.. Messing with his tech (dismantling pixal and selling zane hmmm)
-Does a diagnostic code scan
-Acronix worried bout his bae and hyped he was actually invited in for once.
-Progress on that "friendship"
-He discovers her model and general code is similar if not almost exactly the same as pixal’s code
-Ronin scrapped together with some mechanical help from his friends the walkers to make a functioning robot manager with borg tech he scrounged up and a stolen copy of pixal’s blueprints ( maybe he took pictures of them when he sold her to chen) and specs so he wouldn't have to pay for multiple employees. Just having the one really efficient one would save him thousands
-So shannon is pixals sister
-And her parents are The walkers, Ronin, and borg
-The family tree only grows people
-So Acronix is apart of the ninja family now if he marries Shannon
-Here's a chart if you're as confused as I am here:
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-Anyway Shay doesn't really care much
- Her expression doesn't change
-She had never really gone out of her way to worry where she was from so it wasn't a huge revelation
-It was to nixie tho
-As the extravert he was (and has extensive experience of being a sibling) he had to make sure she got to know her new family NOW
-Like in the middle of the night now
-He never waits for things to happen
-Pix is first and she is about to power down for the night when...
-"Hi SIS!!" Acronix just screams
-"hey. I'm like your sister now." Obvi shannon is more lowkey about it
-Shannon and pixal mildly get along
-Questions her taste in men alot
-Acronix chills in the back already bored and ready to move on.
-Although he's annoyed by them, the ninja were next up
-Zane and Jay are both family now
-Shannon starting to think he's using all this to fill the void of his brother being gone.
-Cause she has no interest for or against meeting these people but Nix sees it as urgent
-But he seems happier than usual so she'll let him throw her name around for a while. She did mooch off his social media so it was only fair
-Anyway eventually Acronix does find his brother, and tries to explain this whole mess to his less-than-thrilled twin
-God once Krux gets back tho
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-“Hey bro! I married a robot she’s amazing!”
-He’s just taking selfies with her in hot topic outfits both of them
-“God no my brothers Robotsexual. My worst nightmares have been realized”
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-Krux can only stare in horror at the people his brother now considers “family”
-Wu’s students?!, Robots!?, what EVEN IS AI?!?!?
-He eventually gets over it
-eventually maybe
-At least he can admire her attitude
-Will still mess with his bro tho.
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-This is the worst timeline imaginable.
-But I can't apologize for art
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
It’s so late and I know this couldn’t be canon, but hear me out So what if there’s a town that Oscar frequently visited all throughout his life for farm supplies, and all the people there love him? While passing through said town, the team gets roped into having fun. Some of the village children ask an embarrassed Ruby is she’s Oscars girlfriend, and our two rosebuds have fun by being silly kids and dancing with the townsfolk. I have so much more to add but I have no character allowance left-
M’dude, great minds really do think alikesince I had the same thought. This is why I kept hoping for Oscar to show thegroup his home with his Auntie Pine. Would have been the perfect opportunityfor us to learn more about Oscar’s home life and the kind of neighbourhood helived in with the kind of colourful people he and his family lived next doortoo.
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This actually reminds me of a Pinehead headcanon I had about Oscar comingfrom a pretty big family (surprisingly bigger thanJaune’s) where him and his parents shared the farm with his aunts and unclesfrom both sides of the family and they also had their children and theirchildren’s children. So basically Oscar was raised always surrounded byfamily---aunties, uncles, grandparents, cousins, young and old---the whole lot.
My main disappointment for this season wasthe lack of fleshing out Oscar’s backstory more. As much as I’ve liked theCRWBY including him in more scenes for this volume, they really missed the baron giving us Pineheads more information into Oscar as a character in terms ofhis upbringing. At least for those of us who wanted that for our boy. Like yours truly.
Perhaps…there will be other opportunities for the Writers to drop little breadcrumbsabout Oscar’s past here and there in succeeding seasons. Either that or RWBY Chibi to the rescue!
I wouldn’t be surprised if Oscar is finally added to the Chibi cast for S4. I know Chibi fans are excited for Coco but this squiggle meister is waiting for Oscar. I have been waiting for 2 seasons. Theyhave to add him at this point. I forgavethem for not adding him right after V4 and 5 dropped. I’m still a tad salty about Klein and the freaking Geist Grimmmaking it into Chibi before Oscar. That’s insulting. But fear not, I’m sureafter V6, RWBY Chibi will finally be eligible for an Oscar. After this proclaimed Oscar-worthyseason, I won’t be surprised if they add ourprecious farm boy.
Just as how I won’t be surprised if ChibiOscar ends up being more fleshed out than actual canon series Oscar. No shadeto the CRWBY but I feel like that’s a possibility too XD
Anyways in my old Pineheadheadcanon, the JNR_QROWMBY end up passing throughOscar’s home; meeting his family including his full string band of youngcousins, nieces and nephews who are all mostly girls and they all kind of swarmaround Ruby, pressing her with prying questions about her relationship statuswith Oscar.
A part of me now kind of wants to dig upanother old Pineheadheadcanon of mine about Oscaroriginally being from Mantle and was onlyliving with his Auntie Pine because she was the only relative he had thatactually had room to accommodate him. I like the idea of most of Oscar’sfamily, at least on his father’s side, hailing from Mantle and that Oscaractually grew up with his dad’s side of the family for most of his childhoodbut ended up moving all the way to Mistral to live with his Auntie Pine; hismother’s sister, after his folks passed.
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Since we know absolutely jack about Oscar’spast, that means we’re free to assume a lot of things about him. For the most part, FNDM theorists includingmyself have always assumed that Oscar’s unnamed aunt is the only relative hehad. But since we technically never got to see Oscar’s aunt or know anything else about him, we canliterally assume that he does has more family so there is still hope for us tolearn more about Oscar’s background, meeting the place where he grew up and thepeople he grew up with. So don’t give up on your theory Cloud. There’s stilla chance for you to get your wish in a later season.
Oscar’s auntbeing his only living relative. Nothing to support that from the canon. Oscar’sparents confirmed to be dead. There’s nothingin the canon to confirm that either. Anima and Mistral being where Oscar wasborn and raised. Believe it or not, there isn’t anything concrete in the canonto says that Oscar has lived in Mistral all his life either.
All we know about Oscar is that when we firstmet him back in V4, he was living with his aunt on her farm conveniently near the Kingdomof Mistral where he worked as a farm hand. As a matter of fact, there is actuallyevidence left in V4 to highlight that Oscar hasn’t been living with his auntfor very long and that he might even be from Anima either. All we know is thatAuntie Pine’s farm was what Oscar considered home at the time.
Surprisingly enough, Oscar’s story was left pretty vague whichmeans there’s a chance to learn more about him going forward.
I can literally say:
‘…Though the heroes were introduced to Oscaras a farm boy from Mistral, truth be told, Oscar was originally born in the Kingdom of Mantle wherehe grew up close to his father’s side of the family---a close community of relativesthat didn’t have a lot but they always had love and sticking together to bravethe tough Mantle conditions was the Pine family motto.
However after his parents passed away, Oscarwas forced to leave Mantle and the family he grew up with in Mantle for much greenerpastures in Mistral because his aunt that lived there was the only other knownrelative that Oscar had who was able to accommodate for him.
Oscar’s aunt and his mother are twins---identical inalmost every way except their personality. Auntie Pine was always the stricterof the two. While her older sister stayed in Anima, Mama Pine moved all the wayMantle after she fell in love with Oscar’s father---a dust miner from Mantle.The two got married and the rest is history.  
A running gag in Oscar’s family is that ifyou saw picture of Oscar’s mother then you also met his Auntie Pine fromMistral since they were so identical…’
Boom! Bing,bang, bong!
I can literally toss this out to the wildsand there is nothing in the canon that says this can’t be true for Oscar’s pastbecause we really don’t have much confirmed for Oscar’s past at all. I guessthis is ironically one of the advantages of the CRWBY Writers making Oscar’s past such a blank canvas. I canfill it with anything I desire and make up as many Pinehead headcanons as Iwant until the Writers actually give us content to ground what Oscar’sbackground is. Oscar’s fullfamily tree and full look of his life with his family when?
Maybe next season or in a future Oscar Pine Character Short or something.
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This is why I’d like for the whole OzpinIsolation Arc to be prolonged a little long along with the Merge. Part of Oscar’sfears is that he believes he’ll disappear completely because of the Merge whichcreates prospects for the story to share and build upon his story more going forward beforethat eventually happens.
I know some of us (again myself included inthis mix) were complaining about a lack of progress with the audience learningmore about Oscar this volume but who knows? Perhaps V6 was only the first realchapter in the start of Oscar’sArc going forth towards the inevitable Merge.
It could be. Then again, this is just mebeing hopeful.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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violetosprey · 6 years
BTD: Rire/Cain Compare and Contrast
One thing I like about the BTD and TDDUP games is that pretty much every single character in the series is unique.  Hardly any of them line up in the same format as any other the others (due to occupation, objectives, level of sadism, personality, etc.).  Actually out of the entire series, there’s only really two characters that come close to being “carbon copies” : Cain and Rire.
This used to bother me a bit, but it doesn’t anymore because when you put a little more thought into it, the two couldn’t be anymore different.  It’s about time I put my thoughts onto paper though so I stop trying to lump these two together all the time :P
Game spoilers below.
First off, laying out the most important fact here:  It doesn’t matter how “similar” these characters are in the context of the games because they are created/owned by two different people.
Rire is owned by Darqx.  Cain is owned by ElectricPuke.  
Sooo I could technically end this post right here just for that sake.  These were two friends with two separate characters for their own universes.  They have full knowledge of the other’s character.  I don’t know who had their character first, but really this isn’t the case of either of them copying the other.  It’d be worse in my opinion if a creator kept dishing out the same exact type of character each and every game with just a different coat of paint on them so to speak.  Both creators are pretty good though with their character diversity :)
1) Why Rire and Cain feel like the same “model”
Well they both happen to be supernatural beings of the “dark” variety (one’s a demon, and one’s a fallen angel) who are very charming when you first meet them, but reveal themselves to be complete sadists later on.  They’re pretty overpowered, so you’re completely at their mercy.  They both do physical torture, as well as mess with your mind.  They are torturing the MC simply because they’re bored and they found the MC “interesting.”  It is highly likely you will end up dying when you meet them (though same with most any of the other BTD boys).  And they’re also incredibly difficult to please.  They want a victim who will fight back a bit, but they also don’t like a victim who is totally “uncooperative.”  Sometimes they don’t even mind a little submission from their victim or the victim even showing willingness to engage in certain activities.  Really, they just want someone to “play” with who keeps them on their toes.  Also, I’d have to double-check, but I think they’re even the same height XD
So yeah...pretty similar on the surface.  I have to admit though that these two are my 2nd and 3rd favorites out of all the BTD characters, so clearly I didn’t really mind how the setup went :P  
2) Why the two characters function completely differently underneath the hood
First off, appearances.  While snappy dressers I have to say, they’re EXTREMELY different in the looks department.  Rire’s got this luscious hair in a short ponytail while we have Cain sporting this more, almost delinquent look, with his hair dyed red in the middle (it looks fantastic slicked back though!).  Rire’s also got a little more chest hair and same facial hair, and Cain seems slightly...leaner I guess?  Overall, I find Rire’s appearance to look a bit older to me.  Certainly more of a mature gentleman.  Cain doesn’t look so young that he’d pass for a teenager, but he’s definitely got a “younger adult” look in comparison to Rire.  Which is hilarious considering that Rire is actually at least a couple thousand years younger than Cain I believe :P  
Second, the setup/predicament that MC walks into.  Both you meet in a nicer establishment.  With Rire, it ends up becoming a one-night stand the MC gets into that goes horribly wrong, resulting in them becoming a prisoner in their own house at Rire’s mercy.  Cain you meet by chance, have a nice little chat with, then you actually leave but he kidnaps you shortly afterward.  Instead of your home, MC is actually taken to where Cain stays.  So with one, your natural safe zone has now become a prison, while with the other you get taken far away to a place that’s unfamiliar to you that you have no power to leave yourself.  They’re both scary in different ways.  This kind of leads into the next bit.
Third, their restrictions.  Fun fact, Cain is likely the more powerful of the two.  But the funny thing is Cain doesn’t have as much freedom to move about as Rire does.  Rire is a demon royal and the king of his demon sector where he’s from.  Every now and then when he gets bored, he’ll pop into the earth realm to mess with some poor unfortunate soul.  It’s implied he’s done this on more than one occasion.  The only reason he doesn’t linger too long there is because a) he’s probably satisfied once he’s had his fill and b) if he’s the king, he’s probably got to make sure he’s not absent for TOO long from his sector, least some up and coming demon get the idea to usurp him.  Gotta let your people know you’re still the boss :P  Otherwise, no one’s probably looking for Rire to come back (he’s supposedly a bit of a tyrant).  
Cain on the other hang has actually broken out of prison recently (how recently is up for debate).  There are indeed other angels stronger than him looking to get him back in his cage, and of course he doesn’t want to go.  So he’s smart enough to keep out of sight long enough when he’s on earth.  When he goes to find a new toy though, he wants to savor the “playtime” more;  So he kidnaps them and brings them to his hiding place.  I guess you could say Rire has more freedom but less time when he’s enjoying himself, while Cain has more time to enjoy himself but less freedom to move about.
Fourth, powers.  Rire’s a little more physical, using mostly his tentacles (ichor) to torture someone.  Seeing as he can sprout as many as he’d like, keep people at a safe distance, and they can become both liquid or solid, he can get pretty creative.  He seems to have SOME control over a person’s psyche, but I think Darqx confirmed isn’t not really full on mind control.  He’s got more control of demons underneath him.  And it depends on how strong the person’s mind is (that’s why you can break free from it).  He’s likely got highly regenerative abilities.  He...MIGHT have teleportation, I can’t remember either in the game or Darqx’s notes (he might just be super good at sneaking up on you honestly).  And of course, he can take your soul if it’s part of a “deal.”
Cain’s got a larger repertoire of abilities.  He’s got a bit more mind control capability it would appear (according to Puke’s notes, more like getting people to admit truths and a minor telepathy bond).  So Cain’s a bit more capable of messing with your mind than Rire is.  Cain can disguise his physical form, as well as physically transform others into fallen angels or demons.  In one ending, it is implied he can either take control of someone’s soul...that or it’s more like “your soul belongs to me now” while you physically keep it.  Not sure.  He can heat things up (like boiling the bath) and manifests objects like roses and chains.  He seemed to be able to use “invisible forces” such as barriers and a weight on the MC as well.  He’s got quick regeneration, and he DEFINITELY can teleport.  So Cain’s more of a wild card than Rire because with the array of abilities he has, you won’t necessarily know where the danger is coming from before it’s too late.
Fifth, end game play.  Rire’s looking for a “quickie” in more ways than one.  The more entertaining the person, the longer he lets them live.  Ultimately though, you’re going to meet your doom at the end.  If he doesn’t like you enough, he’ll just kill you.  On the slim chance that he does end up liking the MC...then he gives them the choice of whether or not to live.  If they say they choose death, he gives it to them.  If they say otherwise...then he actually takes the victim’s soul for his collection.  I am aware now from reading Darqx’s blog that Rire can do a “mark” thing on someone he likes as a way of ownership...but a) that is probably INCREDIBLY rare for him to do, and b) I have no idea what happens after that (if he either takes his victim back home with him, or if he just lets them “free roam” and he comes back to “play” with them whenever he likes until he gets bored...and probably kills them).  My guess is he doesn’t really ever take any of his victims home.  If he ever feels “affection” for anyone...I have a funny feeling it wouldn’t be a good thing either.  He just plays with his victims wherever they’re at, kills them or takes their soul, and goes on his way.
Cain’s actually hoping for something a little more long-term.  He’s gone through the trouble of wandering around incognito when he’s a wanted criminal, so hopefully when he spots someone he fancies he doesn’t have to go replacing them too fast.  Like Rire though, he’s initially thinking of torturing and inevitably killing his victim.  UNLIKE Rire though, you do have a very slim chance of getting on Cain’s better side for a better ending than being trapped in a bottle for all eternity.  If you prove to remain entertaining to Cain, but he still will see you as a toy that’s beneath him, he’ll turn you into his demon minion.  If Cain feels more affection with you, he may start to view you as an equal.  Then you gives you the choice of either leaving of your own free will (sadly you can’t return to Earth though- gee thanks Cain :P), or staying with him and becoming a fallen angel.  Puke’s implied the MC has become more of Cain’s equal if he does this.  While again, still very difficult to gain Cain’s favor, my guess is the reason you’re more likely to meet a better end with Cain than you are Rire is because Cain was once a human.  Cain’s lived a long time, and while he is no where near good, he’d be more capable at sympathizing with others.  He also seems to have “quiet and thoughtful moments.”  Rire’s pretty much the very text book definition of a “demon.”  Cain’s a tad more complicated (but still very sadistic).
Yeah I just had to do this so I would stop lumping these guys together.  I love them both a whole lot and appreciate even the more minor differences between them.
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oumiyuki · 6 years
The Daily Life of Loving a Really Cute but Dense Vampire Ch23
Ch23 – Arisa’s Hero
Author Notes
I wanna share so much more! And I wanna see this story ti its completion! XD
I wrote all this on paper, literally word to word, as I thought about how I wanna share stories right away. Transferring to digital was quite the trouble, but fun nonetheless. XD
May you enjoy~
The sun wouldn't rise for another hour but a certain well-rested and excitable vampire was already out of bed, across the streets, and at the side of one of her childhood friend’s bed. Shaking and prodding and calling in a whispered voice for the sleeping redhead to wake.
“Maki-chan~ Maki-chan~ Come on, wake up, Maki-chan~” The teenage vampire had her knees sinking into the fluffy soft mattress and her hands on Maki’s arm, disturbing her friend to wake.
Let’s dress up together!
Maki groans and turns away from Honoka. “...If it isn’t even 5am...you’re gonna get it from me…”
5am? Mm…
“It will be 5am soon!” The gingerhead tend to forget humans need a healthy eight hour of sleep even though Maki tend to forsake sleep herself.
We can look for our accessories and watch the sunset together~
“...What do you want?” Maki flipped upside down to hide her face in her really soft pillow that Honoka was kind of jealous of - squashing your head in a super soft pillow every night seems fun.
Uwaa…That pillow…Ah! Not now, Honoka! The super soft pillow can wait!
“I want your help. Make me a hero!” Honoka explains in her usually incomprehensible when hearing for the first time, and much needed of a context manner. Maki was too tired and half-asleep for this.
I’m sure Maki-chan will be able to obtain cool clothing or probably already own some cool clothing heroes wear!
“Do whatever you want…”
Ehh~ Maki-chaaaan!
The gingerhead pouts at Maki’s lack of enthusiasm but switches back to excited in the next second. “Fine! I'll be in your walk-in closet if you need me!”
Honoka bounces off the bed and rushes for the “shopping mall"; Honoka loves exaggerating Maki’s possessions. It's cooler and pretty much the same, the vampire will say.
To the shopping mall to be a hero!
 Resting on her back, violet eyes open slowly to adjust to the morning sunlight and sounds of…laughter and a voice she’s very accustomed to… Maki sits up and frowns.
Maki took a moment to confirm her whereabouts.
Yeah, I’m home.
“Ooh~ Red capes are super hero-ish!” Honoka from somewhere inside the closet sounded, Maki didn’t had to see to know that the gingerhead was jumping around happily while doing who knows what inside.
Do I even want to know?
“Honoka… What are you doing?” Maki murmurs tiredly, she knows her vampire friend can hear her anyway.
“Dressing as a hero!” Honoka replies but doesn’t appear before Maki, so the redhead climbs out of bed, and trudges over to her walk-in wardrobe.
Maki didn’t know what she was expecting if she was expecting anything at all; but she certainly was not expecting to see the gingerhead twirling in front of one of the full body mirror inside the walk-in closet. And the gingerhead wasn’t simply twirling around because that would be cute. Maki would find that cute.
Honoka was twirling around and checking out the red sundress she had tied the straps around her neck so that it stays on and flutters about behind her when she turns left and right and rounds.
“What are you doing with my dress?!” Maki found herself very wide awake and shaking her head as she could not put the pieces together to solving the puzzle of Honoka and her sundress.
This is ridiculous. Honoka looks ridiculous.
“It’s a cape! See?” Honoka pushes the sundress so that it flies up and back onto her back multiple times – attempting to make a point.
Maki moves to step closer to her childhood friend and to take her back her dress and return it to where it belongs – the dress rack, not on Honoka’s back which…is starting to look alright if she stopped to appreciate it.
“Give me that-”
“Ehh~ No! I don’t wanna! I need a cape, Maki-channn~~” Honoka protested.
Maki actually paused in her advance when she saw how affronted and upset the childish vampire looked but Maki was brought back on track (the reasonable track) when she spotted something that really, seriously, definitely should never be found hanging around Honoka’s neck, or anyone’s neck.
“Why do you have my bra-my- ughhh!! Return that to me!!” Maki rushed at Honoka who was taken by surprise and stumbled back to defend her new accessories (they weren’t hers though). Maki had her priorities straight as she loosened the red sundress from Honoka’s neck and gripped her black, lacy bra from Honoka’s neck – it was clasped though, so she couldn’t take it off right away.
“Wahh! Maki-chan…I-I need that as a mask.” Honoka held onto the bra that didn’t belong to her adamantly.
“You won’t be able to see anything if you put that on!” Maki retorted.
The vampire’s widened blue eyes looked to the brasserie in both hers and the actual owner’s hands and the redhead found her face turning a shade redder from her already red from fury and embarrassment face.
“Don’t even think about it!”
“What was I thinking?” Honoka wasn’t clear herself.
“You were thinking of trying it on- Don’t make me say it!” Maki pulled harder while Honoka wailed in surprise as the strap pulled at the gingerhead’s hair.
“Wait, wait. Don’t pull it-”
“Use your own!” Maki finally successfully takes it off from around Honoka’s neck.
“I don’t have cute black ones!”
Maki shoves her bra into Honoka’s face to cover the gingerhead’s face so that Honoka can’t see her very, very, very red face.
Don’t compliment my undergarment! Don’t confess about the type of bra you have! Just—Don’t!!
“Maki-chan…I really can’t see when I-”
Maki throws her bra far, far into her closet and the red sundress somewhere, grabs Honoka’s hand and drags her outside into her room in one breath.
“M-Maki-chan..? Are you…angry?” Honoka tugged at her childhood friend’s hand in hers, her voice soft and apologetic.
Maki sighs which only makes Honoka feel even more guilty.
“I’m sorry… I guess I should have gotten your permission before opening your underwear drawer…”
It’s not that… It’s not just that.
Maki sighs again. “Don’t do such embarrassing things.” Maki crosses her arms sternly while the gingerhead nods earnestly, relieved that the redhead spoke to her. “Why do you want…a hero dress up?”
“Because I’m Arisa-chan’s hero! Or well, I’m a hero to Arisa-chan! So I thought since we’re gonna play with her today~ It would be cool if I dressed the part!” Honoka beamed as she explained her thought process.
Hero… Honoka is a handful, but definitely have the characteristics of a hero…
“Maki-chan, you’re smiling.” Honoka smiles at the redhead who blushes and stammers.
“Wha- What are you talking about!?”
Honoka laughs. “Can you help me out? To get my hero cape and mask before we go to Arisa-chan’s house together!”
Together... That doesn’t sound too bad.
“Alright.” The redhead gave Honoka a lopsided smile but her expression turned back to neutral the moment the vampire turns for her closet. Maki takes Honoka’s hand and pulls her back to her bed.
“Maki-chan?” Honoka blinks in confusion.
“Wait here. I’ll change and we go to the mall. The real mall.” Maki adds when Honoka opens her mouth to surely say that her closet was a shopping mall itself.
The vampire falls onto her back to soak in the softness of Maki’s princess bed. “Kay~”
Carefree idiot… Cute carefree idiot.
 Umi was always one to be early, or it shall be on time, never late.
Being late would be being slothful like Honoka…
The bluenette shakes her head at the mental image of her childhood friend running towards her with that carefree, silly smile of hers and an apology she has heard a million times for being late to yet another meeting. That image was scarily realistic which made Umi’s cheeks heat up as she conjured up a respond.
Honoka! At least you’re here now… How long did you intend to make me wait?
And Umi stabbed the doorbell a tad too hard at the next thought.
I would wait for however long…
The disciplined vampire blinked and shook her head hard to return to reality – and reality made her sweatdrop at the sight of the doorbell that can’t stop ringing as she pushed the doorbell with too much strength earlier; the button was now stuck deep inside.
Umi prepares her apologies as she heard conversation from inside the Ayase household she has come to visit since Honoka invited.
“Coming, coming!” That was the Class President, Umi noted.
“I’ll get it, onee-chan!”
The sister Honoka spoke of?
“Does she have to ring the bell non-stop?” Eli’s voice held a hint of annoyance, Umi sent a mental apology to Honoka.
I’m sorry, it was me that is…pressing the bell without rest. Unintentionally, but it is me.
A giggle. “I’m sure Honoka-chan is just really excited to play!”
The sister is optimistic like Honoka.
And the door opens, revealing a shorter girl with lighter blonde hair than the Class President, and a wide smile. “Honoka-chan- Oh! Um…” The sister turned shy as she stood upright and bowed a greeting.
The Ayase younger sister seems quite different from the Class President.
Umi tries for a small smile. “I’m Sonoda Umi. Honoka invited me over to meet…to play with her and her new friend, presumably you. And I am sincerely sorry for breaking your doorbell. It was an accident.”
Arisa looks up to see the stern looking bluenette bowing an apology and had a hint of blush too, understanding that the older sister must be very embarrassed about breaking their doorbell. Arisa smiles. “It’s okay. Do come in.”
Forgiven… I hope.
Umi nods and enters with the usual greeting.
Arisa hurries deeper into the house, “Onee-chan, the doorbell is broken. I’ll try to fix it.”
“What!? How did it break?” Eli’s voice was filled with disbelief and her eyebrows rose even more when she poked out of the kitchen to see Umi. “Sonoda-san?”
Honoka apparently doesn’t tell anyone that she invited additional guests… Thank you, Honoka.
Umi puts an internal reminder to teach Honoka about informing the hosts when she wants to bring along more friends to hang out – basic courtesy. Umi then bows a greeting. “I’m sorry to intrude. Honoka invited Maki and I over to pl- …Hang out. I hope you don’t mind, Ayase-san.”
Eli was a good host, as she put on a smile immediately, the initial surprise gone, or well hidden. “It’s alright, of course. Honoka-san is definitely the kind to spring surprises on people like that. The doorbell though..?”
Ah, the doorbell… Surely I can give Honoka credit for that too?
Umi shakes her head to shake her thoughts away and to show that she was apologetic too. “I accidentally put in too much strength when I pushed the button, so it got lodged inside. I’m really sorry.”
I could rip out the doorbell now…But that won’t be right.
The Class President nods her understanding of the situation. “I’ll go take a look. For my sister is taking too long outside. Do make yourself at home.”
Umi nods but doesn’t take a seat immediately. Observing how Eli and Arisa converses – slow and simple, unlike Honoka and Yukiho. Umi can’t help but smile at that.
Different households have different sisters and varying sisterly interaction, huh? Though all has that feeling of familial love.
The sound soon stopped as the doorbell was fixed, in a sense, as Eli came back in to switch off the sound connected to the doorbell, and informing Umi that she’ll leave the door open for the incoming visitors, in which Umi nods in response.
I should fix that later… But how exactly..?
The younger sister returns and approaches Umi. “Um… I have yet to introduce myself earlier… I’m Ayase Arisa. You can just address me by ‘Arisa’, that way it won’t be confusing with Onee-chan.”
Umi stands even though Arisa flailed her hand to say she could remain seated. “And you can address me however you like. Sonoda or Umi, Arisa-san.”
Arisa nods and wrings her fingers together, thinking how she should address the older girl who is her hero’s friend.
As Eli busied with preparing tea and snacks for the additional guests in her house, Umi thought she might make small talk with the Ayase household’s younger sister. “Arisa-san?”
“Ah! Y-Yes..?” Arisa blinked out of her thoughts.
Perhaps I could ask how they met…
“How did you come to know Honoka?”
I can’t imagine it’s because Honoka hanged out with Ayase-san, the class president… Or was it?
“Oh! I met Honoka-chan in the most amazing way possible!” The shy and soft-spoken demure took an one-eighty at the mention of the middle schooler’s hero as she now had her hands raised in excitement to share the story of how she met Umi’s childhood friend.
I suddenly have a bad feeling about this…
“I met Honoka-chan when I first arrived in Japan. At the airport. And she was just marvellous and shining and amazing!” Arisa gushed with stars in her eyes.
Umi raised an eyebrow. “Honoka is a lot of things, yes…But those descriptions..?”
Is very spot-on, yet I’d like to differ at times…
“Yes!” Arisa assumed that Umi was agreeing. “Alongside Yukiho-chan, they both saved the day! Ahh~ Honoka-chan is really cool! She’s a hero!” Arisa squealed her admiration to Umi who just raised both eyebrows with her hands crossed.
Now that’s definitely over exaggeration.
“Honoka? A hero?” Umi couldn’t hide her snort. “She can barely safe herself-”
Arisa furrowed her eyebrows. “It’s true! You should have seen how she stopped the thief in one move, with Yukiho-chan following up with a kick!” Arisa clasped both hands together similar to a prayer as stars returned to her blue eyes. “And Honoka-chan’s ‘Your just desserts’ is just so cool~”
Stopped a thief? The safety in Japan has really been declining… And Honoka still shouted a finishing line before apprehending the criminal? That’s so like her, but-
Umi shook her head. “So if I defeated Honoka, I’ll be a hero?”
Arisa returned to Earth with a small frown. “No, that would just make you the bad guy for taking the hero down.”
Umi looked up for a moment in thought. “True.”
“We’re here~!” The unmistakable voice of Arisa’s hero boomed from the entrance to the living room as a gingerhead clad in a bright red cape and a black mask entered the space.
“What are you wearing?” Umi deadpanned, she could not see Arisa’s expression brightening at the sight of her hero despite the weird get-up.
You look ridiculous…
“What heroes wear, Umi-chan! Can’t you tell?” Honoka did a twirl.
Umi shook her head again, her logical side has to pick with Honoka’s ridiculousness, while her irrational side made her heart squeeze and sent messages to her mind saying ‘Honoka’s adorable when she thinks she’s right’. Umi’s mind tried to delete that message, but her heart managed to save it before that happened.
Maki followed behind Honoka as she too was invited over to play. She also crossed her arms and made sure to avoid eye contact with her blue haired childhood friend; she didn’t want Umi knowing that she was the one who sponsored Honoka with those costumes, neither did she want Umi to find out that she found Honoka cute when dressed up as a Hero.
 Honoka in her hero garb skips pass Umi to greet her play buddy of the day. “Arisa-chan! Sorry for making you wait, I had to get changed into my hero costume today!”
I got a little carried away in the shopping mall with Maki-chan earlier!
Arisa shook her smiling head rapidly. “I didn’t wait long at all! Your hero costume is so cool!”
Honoka laughed abashedly with a hand behind her head. “I’m happy that you think so!”
Umi standing at beside still can’t quite believe that there is someone who is gushing so openly about Honoka, her childhood friend who is a klutz, is airheaded, is silly and says the randomness of things most of the time. Honoka – cool?
“Be right back! I’ll go greet Eli-chan first!” Honoka jogs over to the kitchen and booms a “Hello, Eli-chan! Come on out and play!”
I can’t wait for us to sit around and chat or roleplay something!
Eli breathes a sigh of relief that she had not lifted the tray of tea and sweets, for she was certain that she might have dropped them when Honoka made her presence known to her. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Honoka nods and skips back out, seeing that everyone is still standing, she skipped over to take her childhood friends’ hands and pulled them over to where the sofas are located.
“We can walk on our own.”
“But you guys aren’t sitting. Come on! Arisa-chan too!” Honoka moved her hands in a beckoning manner and they all complied, Eli joining in right behind.
The sound of laughter erupted and resounded all about the Ayase household as Umi and Eli both pretend to have been defeated by the Hero Honoka and her sidekick Arisa, saving the damsel in distress Maki.
It only took a few roleplays and “lecture” on relaxing, letting loose and have fun by Honoka, backed by her avid supporter Arisa, for all five of them to be at ease and playing together like such. Though Maki still refused the Hero role, for she really could not bring herself to say those valiant lines and whatnot – too childish she said though she meant embarrassing for her.
Now seated back on the sofa or for Honoka’s case – draped over the couch while Umi reprimands her about manners.
“Boo… You can let the Hero rest.”
Umi smiles wryly. “I hope you’ve played hero enough.”
“Mm…” Honoka dismisses with a sound.
Eli takes a long sip of tea, allowing the warmth to flow within her and soothe her entire being – it’s been a long time she laughed so much or moved around that much too. “Honoka.”
“Yes~?” Honoka called, but still was not sitting upright yet, she faced the ceiling with closed eyes, clearly quite spent from all the playing.
“It only just resurfaced in my mind…about your hero doings. Do you mind if I ask you something?” Eli waits for Honoka to sit upright and tilt her head to the side.
“Hero doing? Um, go ahead and ask me anything.”
Is this like a Hero interview?
“I heard that you saved Kotori from some gangsters a month before school started… Is that true?” Eli trusted the ash-brunette’s words, but she wanted to hear from Honoka too, to determine how dangerous these alleys are.
Save Kotori-chan a month- Oh!
Honoka didn’t take long to remember as she nods excitedly. “I remember! Yup! Those gangsters cornered Kotori-chan, and she was so scared and helpless. But they were easy to take down, so don’t worry about a thing, Eli-chan! I swooped in there in the nick of time and rescued Kotori-chan!”
Standing in front of Kotori-chan and making sure she’s safe… I like that feeling.
“Honoka-chan really is so cool! You even fought gangsters?” Arisa was in awe and clapped a little too.
Honoka grinned. “Mm-hm! Anyone who wants to hurt someone or are doing something mean…I’ll step in to help!”
I like knowing Kotori-chan is safe.
Honoka blinks at the thought.
Not just Kotori-chan! I like knowing everyone is safe. Mmph.
Honoka didn’t know why, but she felt the need to repeat to herself that it was for everyone and anyone that she will stand up for, though she could not help but think about her seatmate’s kind smile then…and how she would love to protect that smile.
“…Are you listening, Honoka?” Umi’s voice sounded faraway to Honoka.
“Eh?” Honoka blinks; thoughts of Kotori distracted her from the conversation. “What was that?”
Eli smiles patiently though Umi frowned at the fact that Honoka spaced out, Eli repeats, “It’s nice to want to stand up against injustice, but you should know your place and how to be careful too.”
I am careful. I think.
“I know I can win.” Honoka assures Eli.
“Arrogance can lead to one’s downfall too, Honoka.” The Class President advices.
Honoka pouts. “Okay…”
Umi and Maki shared a glance, surprised that Honoka listened instead of protested like she usually would. “You’re obedient today.”
“Eli-chan makes sense.” Honoka says matter-of-factly.
“Are you saying we don’t?” Umi arches an eyebrow.
“I didn’t say that.” Honoka puckers her lips like a duck at Umi; she knows she tend to protest when her childhood friends’ lecture her, but it definitely was not because they didn’t make sense.
Umi shakes her head with a smile and ruffles Honoka’s hair. “Hey!”
The bluenette chuckles along with the rest while Honoka swatted at Umi’s hand away like how a kitten would if they didn’t want the pat.
 Kotori was walking with almost a skip in her step as she was done with helping her mum shop for groceries and she also bought a new orange coloured marker as a treat for herself; it was a simple two-tip marker, but it made her smile as it reminded her of someone that makes her smile too.
Hehe~ I can highlight Honoka-chan’s hair in my recent sketches later~
The ash-grey haired girl raises her hands full of grocery as her grin pulls higher at her arty plans that have to do with her gingerhead crush.
Ah, I could try designing some Honoka-chan postcards with this orange marker~
Kotori’s eyes sparkled at the thought of hanging B5 size laminated postcards each holding a scene of the cheerful, charming gingerhead who is still so clueless to how loved she is by Kotori despite of all the love-filled gazes, the effort to spend as much time as she can with Honoka so that her presence isn’t forgotten and the various not so subtle confessions.
Honoka-chan… Maybe I can practice confessing to Honoka-chan with a serious looking Honoka-chan I could draw instead of my pillow…
“Ah-!” The fledgling artist brings her hands up to cover her fast reddening face, the embarrassing feelings so strong, the bags full of vegetables and meat knocking into her didn’t invoke a reaction.
I usually squeal kind of loudly after confessing though… So I guess I should stick with my pillow…
Kotori’s golden eyes looked to the front but glazed over as her mind wandered…
The warm, gentle breeze ran along the seaside shore and fluttered the ash-brunette and gingerhead’s skirt and silky hair perfectly – flowy, ash-brown tresses raises and falls, not one stray strain to cover Kotori’s emotion-filled and still pretty features. But to her, even though the wind was blowing in her direction, Honoka’s orange-brown hair stirred in a way that made her unable to look away as she wouldn’t want to miss a single moment of how her crush’s hair flow around the gingerhead’s smooth cheeks and brought out the blue in Honoka’s eyes.
‘Breathtaking’ was the exact description for Honoka standing patiently and charmingly in front of her classmate whose heart was running a mile a minute.
Kotori’s hands wrung together nervously, her lips twitched between pressed tight and opening only for the words to remain in her throat. She felt like she was drowning from the heat on her face and the drumming in her head. “Honoka-chan…”
Always, whenever the ash-brunette was to feel scared, worried or anxious, her knight always was there for her, always seemed to know what to do. Honoka takes her classmate’s messily connected hands onto her left palm and rests her right palm encouragingly on top of those nervous hands.
“You can tell me anything, Kotori-chan. You know that.” Honoka reassures with a warm smile, a warm twinkle in her caring blue eyes.
Kotori’s hands stopped shaking and although her heart was still beating away like a hummingbird, she felt confidence pour into her and that, ‘Ah… Honoka-chan… I love that you’re always here for me… I want to let you know… I need to let you know… I can let you know…’
“Honoka-chan.” Kotori begins and takes a deep breath to steady herself.
“Mm-hm?” The gingerhead gave her friend’s hand a soft squeeze, not knowing how much it helps the ash-brunette.
“I love you. A lot…” Kotori confesses; her senses seemed to tenfold as the sound of the waves, wind and rapid heartbeat echoed relentlessly in her ears, she hopes Honoka has yet to give her answer and that she didn’t missed it due to all the sounds.
Kotori closes her eyes from the trepidation, however, barely three seconds after, her hypersensitive hearing picks the unmistakable voice she’s fallen deeply in love with call her name.
Golden eyes blinked open in a hurry and locks eyes with crystal clear blue she swear she doesn’t mind being lost in for all eternity. Kotori feels anticipation rising within her.
Honoka moves her right hand slowly up and cups the ash-brunette’s overheating, very red, but very cute nonetheless – cheeks; grinning when she feels Kotori jump a little from surprise. “I love yo-”
“Ah-” Kotori breaks out of fantasy at the worst possible timing as she bumps into something or someone. “I-I’m sorry!”
“Ah, no. I wasn’t looking where I was going too. Sorry ‘bout that. Oh, Kotori-chan.” The person Kotori bumped into apologizes and greets.
“Eh?” Kotori lifts her bowed head up to see a familiar face to match the familiar, friendly voice. “N-Nozomi-chan?”
The purplenette holding her phone in one hand and a piece of paper in the other giggles gleefully at her classmate’s surprised reaction to see her. “In the flesh.”
“Ah..Um… S-Sorry for bumping into you..” The ash-brunette hasn’t had that many encounters with the vice class president; not much in school, and never before outside of school – alone. So Kotori was understandably nervous.
I’m not wearing t-too short a skirt and my hair is neat, right?
Nozomi smiles at her shy, soft-spoken and rather interesting classmate; interesting because Kotori is clearly human, but is around Honoka a lot whom Nozomi is already 100% sure is vampire, and it’s no surprise that Nozomi is interested in such a close-by vampire and human relationship.
“You don’t have to apologize, Kotori-chan. I’m partly to blame for looking at my ToAnywhere app instead of looking where I was going.” The purplenette chuckles, a hint of embarrassment for being kind of reliant of the handy dandy travel application.
“ToAnywhere App?” The ash-brunette blinks as she looks up to notice the vice class president isn’t dressed in a school uniform (which is normal) and has a colourful flyer in her hand. “You’re going somewhere?”
N-Nozomi-chan seems like a really free-spirited person…
“Yup. Was walking around when I found this flyer so I thought why not check it out.” Nozomi fans the flyer in her hand back and forth nonchalantly; showing how relaxed her attitude is towards this weekend trip.
“Where…are you heading to?” Kotori still couldn’t catch what was shown on the flyer as the paper waved back and forth in her classmate’s hand.
“Ah. This marble beef steak sale~ I love these~” Kotori looks between the flyer Nozomi held in front of her and the excitement shining in Nozomi’s turquoise eyes.
Kotori couldn’t stop a smile. “That’s like how Honoka-chan gets excited about strawberry jam bread. Hehe~”
It’s cute how their eyes… Honoka-chan’s eyes sparkle with excitement when she talks about her favourite food. Or when she eats them~
The steak loving vampire grins cheekily. “Honoka-chan gets excited and cute about bread, huh~?” Nozomi says teasingly even though she could already guess that fact of their energetic classmate.
“Mmph!” Kotori nods with a huge smile, not noticing the tease.
Honoka-chan is really cute when she’s so happy~
“Oh. Er…” The ash-brunette shrinks back a little which Nozomi raises an eyebrow to. “Did you want to go already? You d-don’t have to stop here and t-talk to me…”
It would be bad if Nozomi-chan misses the sale because she stopped to talk to  me…
The purplenette chuckles though she’s kind of touched by how considerate her  classmate is. “I’m still finding my way around and I’m in no hurry. So don’t worry, Kotori-chan~”
“Find your way around..?” Kotori wondered aloud as she wouldn’t think that the rather responsible and reliable vice class president would have troubles going  from place to place; there was a phone application mentioned earlier too…
Nozomi smiles unoffended as she embraces how she’s a tad lazy to remember road names and places, preferring to count on instinct, fate and her trusty ToAnywhere application. “Yup. I’m not good at getting to and fro places I haven’t been to.”
Kotori’s mouth opens in a small ‘o’, and unthinkingly speaks. “Honoka-chan isn’t good with directions too…But I think it’s a cute side of Honoka-chan.”
Who’s usually so cool and princely~
“And that allows me to spend more time with her too…” Kotori says softly, dreamily. Though that can’t escape the grinning vampire’s ears.
Nozomi wore a huge, very entertained grin as she observes the ash-brunette’s oh so maiden in love expression – gently smiling into the distant. “Kotori-chan knows Honoka-chan so well~”
“Eh?” Kotori blinks out of her thoughts filled with her gingerhead crush at the mention of said crush’s name.
Nozomi was on full teasing mode now. “You know Honoka-chan’s favourite food~ Her expression when she talks about her favourite food~”
“I…I…” Nozomi pauses to hold back a chuckle at how red her classmate’s face was growing – rose red?
It’s only n-normal that I know the favourite food that m-my c-crush likes, right?
“You also know that she gets lost easily~ And you help her whenever you can? Just. To. Be. With. Her. ~” Nozomi adds with a sing-song tone.
“Eh? Ah… I… D-Did I say that o-out loud?” Kotori stutters and stammers as she fidgets nervously where she stands; not sure how to respond to the tease about how she knows the classmate she’s in love with so well.
I do like the extra minutes I get to be with Honoka-chan when she walks the wrong way, but… Just to be with Honoka-chan…
“Honoka-chan…” Kotori calls the name of the girl she’s in love with in a soft voice; she knows the gingerhead almost never fails to hear her.
And true enough, Honoka turns to face her with a wide smile. “What’s up, Kotori-chan?”
“Do you want to go to this mall? I hear they have new clothing lines opened.” Kotori shows the curiously leaning over gingerhead the shopping mall’s flyer she received just the other day, while she tries her best to calm the acceleration of her heart due to the careless close proximity with one Kousaka Honoka.
“Mm~ If Kotori-chan wants to go to this new shopping mall – I’ll bring you there! If there’s anywhere Kotori-chan wants to go in this world, I’ll bring you there!” Honoka proclaims with a proud fist  to her chest and a huge smile on her face.
The lovestruck ash-brunette giggles giddily at the gingerhead’s sweet and genuine oath. “Let’s go?”
“Mmph!” Honoka nods excitedly and scoops the flyer out of her companion’s hand and offers a free hand for Kotori to take. “I’ll lead the way!”
Kotori  beams and places her hand in Honoka’s; loving  the  rush of warmth in her hand and in her entire body. “Mmph~”
Taking the long, roundabout route in quite the literal sense as the directionally-challenged gingerhead will make wrong turns every now and then and bring her companion to the same place they passed before at least twice. However, the two still wore smiles on their faces as Honoka doesn’t notice how severely lost she is and Kotori is more than happy to be lost in the warmth of Honoka’s hand in hers as they enjoy each other’s company on their walk.
“Kotori-chan, sorry I’m taking a while to find this new shopping mall.” The gingerhead apologizes with a growing pout.
The fashion enthusiast shakes her head, her grin not fading. “I don’t mind at all~ I love being with you~”
Honoka smiles broadly as she raises their joint hands with newfound vigour. “To the shopping mall together!”
Kotori giggles at the gingerhead’s adorable childishness before cheering along. “Ohh~!”
“Kotori-chan…Kotori-chan… Ko-to-ri-chan~” The teasing purplenette has been trying to get her flustered classmate’s attention back for some time n ow, though she was definitely intrigued by the ash-brunette’s reddening cheek and silly smile, plus she was curious as to what is running through the ash-brunette’s mind right now. It’s a shame Nozomi can’t read minds.
“E-Eh? Er…What…Yes?!” Kotori reconnects with her current situation in nervous stutters and worry.
H-How long have I been not responding to Nozomi-chan because I was daydreaming of a date with Honoka-chan?
Nozomi chuckles in amusement while Kotori blinks in wait for Nozomi to continue. “Oh, it’s nothing~”
I didn’t make Nozomi-chan wait long..?
“It’s nice to see two of my friends’ relationship to be growing so close~” Nozomi grins evilly as she observes Kotori turn red yet again.
Close w-with Honoka-chan? M-M-Me? Nozomi-chan t-thinks that?
“And~ That you love Honoka-chan so much too~ It’s a celebratory news~” The mischievous vampire smirks at her classmate to make sure Kotori fully understands that Nozomi knows and Nozomi supports it.
“L-L-Love H-H-Honoka-chan?” Kotori squeaks, her face beet-red as her imagination produced a beautiful scene of her crush in a dashing tuxedo and herself in a pure white wedding dress at the mention of ‘love and celebratory’.
That would be a d-dream come true…~
“Do you not love Honoka-chan?” Nozomi pretends to be unsure; her teasing 100% effective on the unsuspecting and definitely in love ash-brunette.
“I love Honoka-chan!” Kotori exclaims right away; expression serious as she doesn’t want Nozomi to think otherwise or anyone else.
There’s no way that I won’t love Honoka-chan!
Nozomi’s grin pulled very, very high as she didn’t expect such a confident love declaration from the soft-spoken and have been really reserved ash-brunette; this was a pleasant change though.
It took Kotori three minutes for the supercharged ‘I love Honoka-chan’ energy (that’s abundant in her) to relax and realization of what she just did registered in her head – extraordinarily red head.
“F-F-F-Forget what I said please..!!” Kotori flailed her hands frantically in front of her, her eyes shut as she was embarrassed to see the vice class president’s teasing smile and head shaking from left to right.
Ahh!! I just confessed my love for Honoka-chan out loud to Nozomi-chan! What should I do? What if she tells Honoka-chan?
Nozomi felt extra lucky and delighted today as she decides to tease the strawberry-red ash-brunette even more. “Ah, I should have recorded that bold and love-filled confession~”
“R-Record? N-Nozomi-chan! Please don’t tell Honoka-chan that I love her!” Kotori pleads; placing the groceries ungracefully to the floor before stepping up to the grinning vice class president to take the purplenette’s hand pleasingly.
If Honoka-chan k-knows…
Nozomi raises a questioning brow at both Kotori’s plea and actions. “Why not? Wouldn’t it be good if Honoka-chan knows?”
If Honoka-chan knows that I love her…
Kotori could not help but imagine a bad scenario if the bubbly gingerhead found out of her feelings from someone else.
The ash-brunette stays in the classroom after school has ended as requested from her seatmate and crush. Usually Kotori would be more than delighted and over the moon to have a chance to spend more time with her crush.
However… For some reason, Kotori felt a sense of foreboding that it wasn’t going to be a simple, happy extra time with the gingerhead who now wore a rather solemn expression instead of her usual cheer.
“Honoka-chan?” Kotori turns to face her crush with a nervous smile.
“Kotori-chan…” Honoka begins grimly, Kotori gulps. “I heard from someone that…you have special feelings for me…”
Kotori’s finger rubs against each other worriedly; the whole world feels sluggish and heavy all of a sudden.
“I’m sorry but... I only see you as a friend-”
Kotori who had taken a few steps away from Nozomi subconsciously as she desired to step away from the scary and absolutely undesired outcome playing in her mind was brought back to real time as Nozomi places a concerned hand on her classmates shoulder.
“Honoka-chan…” Kotori murmurs softly.
The vice class president smiles an understanding, gentle smile as she feels responsible for making her classmate who she has observed and determined to have an imaginative mind, have imagined something negative. “Think about when Honoka-chan loves you back, Kotori-chan. Right?” Nozomi prompts in a direct manner for damage control.
Honoka-chan loves me too..?
The ash-brunette blinks a few times as she considers the possibility of her adorable crush returning her feelings.
Kotori picks her school bag up and slowly makes her way down the corridors to  exit the school and go home. Before she could reach the shoe lockers, a bright and clear voice called for her attention. “Kotori-chan!”
The ash-brunette turns around, eyes widening in surprise that the gingerhead who makes her heart skip beats have not gone home yet and just ran after her – the signs of running clear from how Honoka was still jogging over, her face a tad flushed.
“H-Honoka-chan? I thought you’ve gone home already.” The lovestuck teenage girl comments her thoughts.
The gingerhead shakes her head as she stops in front of her seatmate. “No… Nozomi-chan said she wanted to chat…And then she started telling me riddles… And then… And then…”
Kotori stood wherever she was stopped by her crush and she certainly didn’t mind listening and watching the gingerhead shoot whatever was on her mind; the way Honoka’s face was dusted pink was a picturesque scene to Kotori after all.
“I realized that Kotori-chan…” The straightforward gingerhead pauses and looks at Kotori, her blue eyes seemed to be searching for something. Kotori gazes back into those beautiful blue orbs wondering what Honoka is going to say; the mention of their vice class president makes her wonder if…
“You realized..?” The ash-brunette prompts with a patient smile.
Honoka smiles shyly, the pink shade darkening, Kotori’s stomach churned nervously and heart picked up the pace as she found Honoka’s shy look super endearing to the point that she wanted to squeal aloud and hug the gingerhead.  
“Why didn’t you tell me…” Honoka takes a step closer to the sweet ash-brunette and takes the ash-brunette’s hands into her own.
Kotori swallows, eyes unable to peel away from her crush with the serious expression. “Tell you..?”
“That you love me. That you feel the same way as me.” Honoka holds Kotori’s hand firmly, her blue eyes filled with emotion conveyed so much to Kotori.
Kotori couldn’t quite believe her crush just confessed to her first so she could only stare and gape as her heart pounded loudly in her chest, seemingly urging her to respond.
Honoka patiently waits for Kotori to react.
“I…I love you, Honoka-chan… Do you…love me too?” Kotori holds Honoka’s hand tightly, in nervous anticipation.
Honoka’s pressed to a line lips curved sky high and morphed into a broad smile. “I love you, Kotori-chan!”
Happy tears shone at the corner of both the gingerhead and the ash-brunette’s glistening eyes that gazed at each other – both seeing someone in love and the one they love.
“That’s a good smile there, Kotori-chan.” Nozomi breathes out a sigh of relief that she didn’t make her classmate depressed this weekend, she would feel really bad and would have to apologize to Honoka too.
Kotori lowers her head, a shy smile playing on her lips. “Honoka-chan has the best smile…”
The purplenette chuckles heartily. “I can agree with that~ Your love for Honoka-chan is so cute, Kotori-chan~”
“Eh? I s-said that out loud again..?” The ash-brunette covers her mouth worriedly. her blush radiating through regardless.
The playful vampire grins self-satisfactorily and winks. “I’ve got a way with people like this~ See you around, Kotori-chan~”
“Bye-bye…” Kotori returns the good-bye wave after a second of lag.
Will Nozomi-chan tell Honoka-chan that I got a crush on Honoka-chan..?
In an uncanny timing, the vice class president turns around, her playful smile seemingly always on. “I won’t tell Honoka-chan. Good luck confessing, Kotori-chan~”
“Ah..!” Kotori couldn’t keep eye contact with her classmate that now knows how badly in love she is with one lovely gingerhead and just rooted for her; so she lowers her reddened and heated face, gaze trained to the ground.
Nozomi-chan is cheering for me to let Honoka-chan know about my feelings…
After some time of being embarrassed and recovering from the purplenette’s chain teasing. Kotori raises her head and picks up her groceries with both fists in front of her chest.
I’ll do my best!
Author Notes
I never thought transferring words I written on paper to soft copy would so tiring… -x- But I also didn’t think I write 7000words or so on paper! For this chapter! And I’m not even counting all the other stories I wrote on paper too… Woah! OwO
Anyways! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! The bulk of it was Kotori being teased by Nozomi and all those fantasies! Hahas! XD
And a bit of Honoka thinking of Kotori~? Hmm~ ;D
Mmmmm~ Leave me comments to let me know what you think of the chapter! XD As always, all the reviews you sent over before and now all motivated and cheered me on in my writing! And improved my writing too! *v* Thank you!
See you next chapter! :D
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sapphicscholar · 7 years
A/N: For @performativezippers - hope you're starting to feel better, friend!
HELLLOOO! I'm back from the world of PhD applications--a little sleep deprived and so much poorer than I was a week ago, but back! And overjoyed to be done with that process! I'll be taking some time to get out a nice long update for Undercover(s) and to work on my Secret Santa prompts, but then I'll be getting back to pull a few from the queue that have been waiting. But I've also got 2 AUs in the works, one of which has been plotted and planned obsessively for about 9 months now, so they'll be taking more of my time and attention for a while because damn I do love a good long-form AU...
Hilariously, this story is plucked from my real life. Except I didn't meet Alex Danvers; I met a very flustered, awkward, burly security guard. And Zipps mentioned my life might make for a pretty cute Sanvers story. So voila. Please enjoy.
Fun fact #2: Every title mentioned was plucked from the bibliography of my paper, so they all exist, and you too can find them in your local university library and have a go at finding love or just the awkwardness I did XD
Chapter Text:
“Excuse me!” Alex yelled at the student shuffling through the entrance without stopping by the guard desk.
They always looked so innocent, the impossibly frustrating “who me?” look, as she thought of it. As though finals week was the first time they’d ever been to the library. As though they didn’t know that ID was required to get inside. As though they didn’t notice the line of people waiting to flash their student cards to her before going in. “I need to see your ID.”
“Oh, I just need to return something,” the student replied, waving in the general direction of his bag like it held some magical proof that made him exempt from following the same rules as every other person in line.
“And I just need to see your ID,” Alex nearly growled, her tolerance for bullshit having all but disappeared over the past few days. She’d taken the guard job as a way to make a bit of extra cash, since her graduate stipend was livable, but didn’t quite cover some of the luxuries she’d come to enjoy: a nice bottle of whiskey, say, or a new leather jacket. And for the most part, it wasn’t a bad job. It forced her to go to the library most days, and early morning shifts left her with long stretches of quiet time to do her work. But when finals hit…suddenly the library was the hot place to be, and she was left feeling like Charon and Cerberus and Hades all at once as she ushered in awake, if anxious, students, only to watch them stumble out hours and sometimes days later looking like haggard shells of their former selves, their eyes dull and souls deadened.
With a show of huffing and grumbling and rummaging in his bag, which appeared to be full of crumpled papers and snacks that Alex just knew would end up leaving sticky residue all over whichever desk he used, the student finally produced his card, flashing it in Alex’s direction until she waved him away, satisfied that he was a student. The next students in line at least had the decency to have their cards out and ready, and a few even thought to say hello and thank her or wish her a good day.
Eventually the rush dwindled to a slow trickle of students, most of them having settled in for the evening. Alex listened as the antiquated intercom system crackled to life and one of the on-duty librarians announced: “This is a last call for check out. You have ten more minutes to bring any books to the check out desk. As a reminder, the front desk will be closing at 9pm sharp. Thank you!”
Over the next few minutes a few students came rushing out of the elevators and stairwell, piles of books clutched to their chests as they got in the line that had begun to curl around the front desk. She chuckled at the sight of one girl nearly too short to see over the stack of books in her arms staggering out of the elevator and toward the check-out desk. Alex most definitely did not find her gaze lingering on her ass—no, that would definitely be unprofessional, even if it was obviously an ass worth noticing.
As the librarians got everyone through the line, Alex wished the ones who decided to pull all-nighters back in the comfort of their dorm rooms and apartments a good night, pulling out her own work again when it seemed like she might get a few minutes of peace. Of course, moments later, the girl with the great ass appeared in front of her, the stack of books now crammed into an overstuffed backpack.
“Have a good night,” the girl called out, giving Alex a small two-finger salute that made her stomach flutter—not that she’d admit to a thing as childish and Kara-esque as butterflies.
“You too. Don’t study too hard.” Alex cringed internally; she never made small talks, and she certainly wasn’t the type to make dad jokes. Yet here she was. Doing both.
The shrill beep of the alarm going off when the girl walked past the sensors saved them both from having to either laugh off the lame attempt at a joke or come up with an adequate response.
“I swear, I went through, and they got all the books!”
“I believe you. Still need to go through them one-by-one, though,” Alex offered with a shrug. Some of the scanners were a bit old at this point, which meant she’d gotten used to the process of scanning the titles and the receipts, making sure they were all listed before she sent the students on their way.
“Oh, um, you know it’s cool, I can just work here.”
Alex cocked her head to the side; the woman looked oddly on edge, the easy way she had carried herself before replaced with a stiffness to her movements. “It’s fine, really. I’m not saying you stole anything! I just need to go through and check your receipt.”
“Yeah, but I’ve, uh, I’ve got so many books—wouldn’t want to bother you. You’ve clearly got homework too.” She gestured to Alex’s notebook, which was littered with complicated graphs and notes in a scrawl that Kara had deemed indecipherable.
“Seriously, it’s fine,” Alex insisted.
With a grimace of a smile, the student plopped her bag down on the edge of the desk and began unloading the large stack of books. Once they were in a neat pile, she handed over the receipt and turned her attention to the floor tiles in front of her. She wondered if they might do her the favor of opening up into a surprise sinkhole that would save her from this moment.
Alex spun the books so that the spines were facing her and began skimming the first title, pen in hand, ready to begin checking the books off the receipt. The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure. Oh. Hoping her cheeks weren’t already the same flaming red color as the book cover, Alex checked it off the receipt and moved it into a new pile, looking for the second title. Coming to Power: Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M. She heard the student clear her throat and caught sight of her fidgeting with the zipper of her leather jacket. Lesbian Erotics was up next, followed by Beyond Explicit: Pornography and the Displacement of Sex.
“It’s for a research paper,” the girl finally said.
“That’s what the kids are calling it these days?” Alex couldn’t help herself. It was joke about it or ignore the elephant in the room—or, even worse, accidentally risk letting slip some hint of the images that had filled her mind about all the ways they could perhaps practice lesbian eroticism and BDSM together some night, maybe in the stacks, not that it was a thought that had ever flitted through her mind during exceptionally long, lonely night shifts. No, never.
The student relaxed at that, arching an eyebrow playfully as one side of her mouth curled up into a wicked smile, bringing out dimples that had Alex biting at her lower lip. “Mm, I prefer to be direct. Otherwise you end up with girls who didn’t realize the flannel and the flirting and the winking meant that what I called a coffee date really was a genuine date.”
“Not just two gals being pals?”
“Exactly. I’m Maggie, by the way. Maggie Sawyer.”
Alex nodded, like she hadn’t already looked at her name on the receipt. “Alex Danvers. Resident library security guard.”
“That title come with cuffs and everything?”
“Tragically no. Just a panic button that I don’t think even works.”
“Very fancy. They really went all out, huh?”
“Only the best for us guards.”
Maggie smiled and let Alex get back to work, finishing up with her stack of books. After a few moments, though, the silence got to her. Gesturing at the large textbook, Maggie asked, “Bio major?”
“Uh, bio-engineering, actually. Grad student.”
“Impressive. Sorry, didn’t mean to mistake you for an undergrad there,” she laughed.
“Oh, you’re fine,” Alex brushed off the apology. “I mean, by my age, I guess I really should still be an undergrad.”
“One of those child prodigies, then?” Maggie teased, though, given the look of the notes in front of Alex, she wasn’t exactly joking either.
Alex shook her head. “More like summer classes and a desperate need to live up to my mother’s impossibly high expectations.”
“Sounds fun.”
“Very. What about you? Undergrad?”
“Senior,” Maggie answered. “Had space for a few electives, so…” she trailed off, gesturing at the stack of books in between them. “Thought it would be fun to take a sexuality studies course.”
“Is it?”
“It was.”
“Oh no, what happened?”
“Oh just a little thing…you know, having to hand over a whole stack of books on porn and lesbian sex to a pretty girl…just a tad bit embarrassing.”
“I’m sure she’d tell you it wasn’t embarrassing.” Maggie looked unconvinced. “Or that it was just as embarrassing for her as it was for you.”
“Could I maybe make it up to her?”
Feeling a rush of boldness that could have come from the days of built up sleep deprivation, or the rather X-rated image flashing up at her from the next cover in her stack, or the sight of a very gorgeous woman flirting with her, Alex smirked up at Maggie. “Gonna impart all the lessons you learned from this—what’d you call it again? Research?” Alex teased, finding herself beyond pleased at the throaty laugh that spilled from Maggie’s lips and drew the ire of a student just trudging in from the night, ID card clutched in fingers turned red from the cold.
“I was thinking coffee, but I’m not opposed to, as the kids call it, Netflix and chill-ing.”
“Why don’t we start with coffee and see if you can’t entice me with all the thrilling facts you learned…”
“Challenge accepted, Danvers.”
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monasatlantis · 5 years
Review of Dragon Quest Builders 2
I got Dragon-Quest-Builders-2 (DQB2 for short) on the first long Autum -Weekend here in Germany. It kind of became a tradition for me to buy a new game if we have two long weekends available in October and if there are games that I want of course. And I was totally in the mood to play DQB2 so the moment to buy it had finally come. So lets talk about what I think about the game.
1. What got you into the first Dragon Quest Game? I bought a PS4 two weeks or so before the first game that I actually wanted was released and I kind of wanted to test the Playstation out so I  downloaded the Demo of the first Dragon Quest game. I never expected to like it. I have never before played a Dragon Quest game and I also heard the basics of the game were like “Minecraf” wish never got me interested at all. I thought I just play for half an hour or so to test the PS4 and get accustomed to the new controller and that’s it. I finished the Demo (took me 1 1/2 hours or so) and realized… I kind of liked that game? It was somehow fun? I sorta want to know how the story continues? So I bought it. And although it was not like “The best game I ever played” it was a really nice game that I enjoyed.
 2. Lets talk about the Beginning of DQB2, the prolog and the intro! I was kind of confused at first. The first game started with you waking up god knows where in some kind of underground cell and then you straight ran into town and things unfolded from there. This time we started imprisoned on a ship of the monsters and… kind of befriended them at some point after the game took the small work they gave us to introduce us to the games mechanics. And then, despite our best efforts the ship sank. Oooookay? The intro started then. I kind of really like it. I usually skip intros after watching them for the first time. This one I watch almost every time I start the game. I don’t know why. It just really talks to me? Fun fact? The moment Melroth reaches for MCs Hand my Head automatically plays Kingdom Hearts “Simple and Clean” XD After the intro we are stranded on our first Island and met Melroth there who had not been on the ship and of course WE do know who he is. Surprisingly, neither he nor our MC does and somehow even the cult that worships him and that we are fighting with doesn’t recognize him? Okay… What totally surprised me was, that there were like dead people in that scene. When you tried to talk to those people that you previously saw imprisoned in the ship the game tells you that that are just corpses that the waves wash away. And I was like: “Okay… kind of dark?” I didn’t expect that to happen. Overall I like the theme of that game. “Before creation, there must be destruction.” And it really hits the spot of the game? To get the materials for the things you build, you must first destroy things. Also… if the places that we visited wouldn’t have been destroyed, then there would have been no need for our MC to go there and rebuild them? It also fits the fact that our MC, who is creating und building stuff, is close friend with the most destructive character of the game. Also… we have friends in this game that are monsters? Not every Monster is bad in this game. I like that. However, after some more basics and information’s we leave our special island behind to go on a quest to find new materials and new friends who could join the arrogant Lulu, the only survivor of that ship going down – besides MC of course. 3. Now… what did you think about the first world?
 Dejavu? I remembered that the second world in the first game was a world that also had poisonous rain or something? And that it was hard to make anything grow there too. And at some point we planted fruits and stuff there too. It was different, if course, but the first vibe was really familiar. All in all I really liked the world and I also really liked what they did with the storys and the characters there. The priest from the enemys who allowed the special magical tree to live at first and every now and then wanted to destroy it, just to become a protector of it and friend of our villagers? Something you can clearly see in this world is, that the children of Hawgok didn’t think things through. They forbid every form of creation, including to take care of fields to get food and now they struggle to find food themselves, but instead of making an exception (like our Priest Al did) for their own survival, they just mindlessly destroy the fields again, after we build them and filled them with food. I liked how most of the people who were part of the Village sooner or later were mostly converted to MCs new religion because of the fact that they actually wanted to work on the fields and build new stuff. They did that for themselves, even though there were hesitant at first. Overall the Island was really “easy”, but when I got the blueprint of that holy tree I first thought I would need to kill someone. Like: “WTF?! Why is that thing so huge? How am I supposed to do all this on my own? And why the hell is that only Part one of that Blueprint? Ahhhhhh!” And I was so pleasantly surprised that my Villigaers suddenly were all like: “We got this! We get the stuff you need and we even build it ourselves. No biggi. You just go and do theses and that small mission. We are fine on our own.” And they really build that whole thing without much of my help and it felt kind of… amazing when it was finished? That was one of these “This is a great game” – smile – Moments. 4. So what about the second world? Uffff! Even bigger Dejavu. A desert and a bunch of muscle-man falling for a woman and train-transport thingys? Sounds a freaking lot like the third world of the old game. And that world was hard. This world turned out to be even harder. Thanks to the mines, the freaking map of this world was huge. Despite the fact that there was some land under the sun that could and probably should have been explored I mostly did spend my time in the dark mines. Which was really not fun at all. I got why those mine works needed something to rewind after work. Going down there drove me nuts. I really hated it. And whenever I thought I was through all of the damn tunnels, there was a new one I had to find and then explore. Lets not even talk about that freaking temple or the stupid Lava-Cave. This map was exhausting and I needed much more breaks then I did when playing  the first map. And it just never seemed to end? I finally found gold! I am finally done! “Hey… uh… we need that rare blue metal, no idea were to find it. Have fun searching!” and “For some reason I need Diamonds. They are found at the darkest corners of a cave full of Lava and Monsters and heat and some enemy’s summoning a freaking dragon, but I got this.” Ahhhhhh! So much hate! And it was not just that. The second bar I had to build was a freaking pain in the ass? It was so damn huge and the materials were rare and expensive and it took me In-Game-Weeks to finish this thing. I can not tell you how glad I was when I wasn’t the one who had to do the blueprints for the last bar. And all those people! I didn’t know were I should put all the beds I needed for them and the food was never enough. Seriously, this world lacked a lot of materials like wood and stuff. But food… food was a real problem. I was drowning in cabbage in the first world and in this one I was happy with fried mushrooms that actually looked poisonous XD And here I was… having like 20 people (or more…) to feed and barely managed to feed myself. Thank god Malroth never asks for food. If I had to feed him too we would have starved. I was kind of glad to finally leave that world behind. Tho I have to say, when our Golem had to leave, I felt more sad then when Priester Al died in the previous world. 5. Lets play prison break! How was that little intermezzo?
 Boooring! In all honesty, if that wouldn’t have had any kind of meaning for the plot, then I would have wanted to kill someone for that little trip to Prison. I am a creator, for gods sake. What am I doing in a place were I can barely create a stupid pupped and cook some food so I won’t starve? What was this whole “Lets sit on this booring bench until the sun goes down!” – thing? It was really no fun at all and most of the stuff I did there or learned there or even the people I met there were meaningless afterwards? I mean… this is a freaking Square Enix game and we are the good people, how on gods mighty earth could we allow the prisoners to stay there? Why didn’t we go back there later to kill the guards and free the prisoners? It felt like they just needed to add something different to make the game even longer? I like this game, I really do, but it was a tad bit to long and adding a part like this, useful for the plot or not, was really absolutely and definitely unnecessary. I am sure the “How to make friend with monsters” – thing could have been shown us elsewhere too. 6. Now, lets talk about the third world!
Oh my god was this world a nightmare! But a totally different kind of nightmare then the second world or the prison-part. This whole thing was a living battle-field and my MC still is not a fighter. And with Malroths “betrayal” coming closer and closer I was pretty scared the whole time if I would be able to survive this world. I equipped the best fighting gear and weapons and shields as fast as possible but those monsters in this world were so damn overwhelming. And they got stronger and stronger while I still… well… didn’t. It was so damn frustrating. We had a huge bunch of fighters and immense walls and lots of other war-stuff that helped us and that was great. But it was still hard and very, very, very dangerous for a small little builder like my MC. Especially after Malroth was imprisoned. I get that the whole goal of this world was to collect people who can fight and knowledge about how to protect our home-island better from the enemy. Yes, I do get that. But fighting was already a nightmare in the previous game and just because Malroth is a berserker who protected us with all his might, doesn’t mean it was easy with all those monsters destroying the walls for which I had to collect so damn much material for for hours. Not to mention how much harder it was without Malroth later in this world.
I did like the plot tho. Plot was amazing. With all this foreshadowing things finally got interesting there. You know, with that traitor among us for a moment even I doubted Malroth. Not that I thought he would have killed someone, but I thought that someone might have taken control over him again and thus he killed those people unwillingly or even unknowingly. And then the moment were you realize that the woman (Anessa or so?) is either not the only traitor or Warwick is the actual traitor is pretty cool in a way. Because at this point you basically doubt everyone. The thing that tipped me of with him was how he framed Anessa for Malroth getting arrested but constantly postponed freeing him. So I was like: “Okay… he is definitely a traitor too. The question is, are they working together? Are there two traitors in the team that don’t work together and he just frames her to make sure we don’t suspect him? Or is she actually no traitor at all and this is all his fault?” That was made really amazingly. I liked how the plot tricked us for forever. The game was good with that the whole time. I mean we know from the beginning who Malroth was and he was basically a ticking timebomb and you were just wondering when he would explode and he just didn’t? Regardless, the heartbreak was real when he told my MC that he is done with her. I was kind of shipping them and so this really hurt? I really liked their relationship, but this is also why I was a bit pissed that while he was in prison I couldn’t just say: “You know what? If you want my help, free my friend! Either that, or this Monsters will kill us all.” Because at this point they totally needed AND wanted my help so I could and should have done that. Or at least MC could have tried it. She probably would have helped anyway, because that is how she is, but still… And all in all I think this whole Malroth mess took a little too long in the end. The mistrust and anger/disappointment started early in the third world but the conclusion to what was really going on only happened later in the world of Awakening. Were, once again, we were stopped from seeing him, because the game was hiding him. I disliked that. I think MC would have looked for him everywhere – which I did, but he was just gone when I searched for him. And now we are stuck in this nightmare-world and uh… it was kind of enough at this point? But lets talk about this next. 7. The third world… lets be honest! You didn’t see that coming, did you? Hell no!  I though that after the game told me time and time again that I was by all means not meant to fight, I actually still had to fight the final boss alone. First get Malroth back to his senses, then fight Hargon with him – I wasn’t so far off in the end tho. I thought that would happen immedeatly after I jumped through the portal. And then we actually had to build a freaking city full of monsters in a world almost without Materials? Fuck this! This world was the biggest nightmare ever. Because at this point I felt like the game did go on for far too long. Not to mention going around with this car that was so hard to handle. All this cliffs and I couldn’t jump down because my magical-cape didn’t work there. And the map was basically a maze. I was constantly lost and that while maneuvering in that stupid car. Plotwise, the idea with the monsters who turn against all their believes because they want to live was a great idea. But I really think that this world plus the world of Awakening was just a little bit too much. One less world would have done the trick as well. Or the Maps smaller and less missions in those 4 worlds. I wished for a little faster way out of this mess at that point. The game was getting boring in a way. The plot, although so much better and more interesting than in the first game, was not enough to motivate me anymore at this point. I wanted to save Malroth and was worried that saving him might mean killing him, especially with the fact that the game had a rather dark plot this time, but even wanting to know how my little lovestory ended was not enough for me to motivate me to like going through the last world. 8. So how was the end? I would not say it was worth it… but it still kind of was? It was really nice to reunite our Builder with Malroth and then fight the final boss together who wasn’t has hard as the one from the first game – which I skipped in the end because he was too hard for me, so technically speaking, this is the first time I actually finished a Dragon Quest Builders game. The story ends on a good note and I am really happy about it. It could have been a bit more emotional, since we had a lot of great scenes for an emotional breakdown of both MC and Malroth, but I guess some things were just left to our imagination do to the fact that our MC wasn’t expressing her thought and feelings so openly. I am glad that this time, the game did not end with this “This was all just a dream” – Bullshit from the last time. But all in all the plot was definitely much better than in the first game. Like the first game, I did mostly like to play it, but I doubt I do it again. Dragon Quest Builders is a game that you play once and then never again – at least not for the story.
9. Changes from the Previous games? One thing that was really hard on me in the first game and that I really disliked was that fighting was such a pain in the ass. Your character doesn’t get stronger. You can give him stronger weapons at some points but if you have trouble with some monsters or a boss you can not even spend a day or two to level yourself up to get stronger, because you won’t get stronger. Especially in the desert-World I have been struggling a lot in the first game because the every-day-monsters already were torturing me. But in this game, we have our partner and he is a fighter and he is damn strong and he is (almost) always with you. He is there in a boss-battles as well as on your day-to-day-tasks. That helps a damn lot. When he is not around, other characters fill his spot and help you fight.
That the Characters of the worlds actually do some things themselves so you don’t have to do them yourself/alone is also a big help. (Like taking care of the fields…)
The biggest thing besides the fighting-buddy for me was when, in the second world, the people asked for that hugdge-ass-silver-bar and I was like: “I barely found a place for Babs room, were do you think I should place that freaking bar?” And then the characters themselves realized this and opened a new space that I could use. It was amazing. I would have wished for that in the first map too, with all the fields I had to place there. In the first game that was awful. In the game with the sour rain I had to give the buildings a second floor because they asked for so much of them and I didn’t have enough space. So this was really a great thing in the second and third world of this game. I also kind of liked the benefits of those small Islands. I wished I would have realized much sooner how helpful it is, for the missions to actually have an infinite amount of certain materials.
 10. Points? I think Dragon Quest Builders 2 gets from me 7 out of 10 points. People who know me, that 7 means that it did not manage to be as god as I expected or wanted it to be. It was by no means bad, but it just wasn’t god enough.
The game got plenty of points for the story which was, although much darker then in the first game, really good and much deeper than I would have expected it. I loved the message behind the plot too. The Characters were mostly interesting and/or funny and/or lovely. The Missions were manageable, the fighting was much easier than in the first game thanks to Malroths and other peoples help and thanks to the traps and other possibilities to keep enemies at bay. Music was nice enough, the graphics fine for a game like this. The Game-Mechanics were better than in the first game, even tho still not good enough. What really made the game lose points were that some of the world were just too big. The maps were too huge, the missions never seemed to end and still in the end, I didn’t learn half of the rooms that were technically speaking possible. For a game like this, were the story, although much deeper then last time, is rather… easy and with the characters you spend your time with constantly switching it was simply too long. I kept on building and fighting and searching and at some point the story was not enough anymore to motivate me to drive that awful car through that awful world to get my hands on materials that I have to turn into materials before I can actually use them.
The story was rund tho in the end, the relationship between MC and Malroth a motivation and a joy to watch. The building tho was not always as much fun as it should have been. So I thin 7 points out of 10 are still really good for a game like this.
0 notes