#this was fairly restrained if you can believe it
charliemwrites · 10 months
A continuation of this:
Outside time is heavily monitored but fairly regular. Simon keeps nearby and you learned early on that he’s more than capable of crossing the yard in the time it takes for you to even consider trying to scale the tall fence. It’s one of the only times he’s actually put hands on you, carefully restraining you and then letting go once you were both safely inside again. You sported one, singular bruise that he fussed over despite your hissing and cursing.
What about when he’s away on missions? He has the ability to call you, and you him, though you don’t. He preps well in advance for being gone. Frozen stews that you can heat up. Pre-cut meat if you want to cook. Frozen veggies aren’t GREAT, but he’s left some vitamin supplements and dried fruits.
When he gets back, he always gives you a once over. Usually from afar, but if he sees something that concerns him, he’ll have to try to coax you closer. After the first two times he cornered you just to inspect a stupid bruise, you learned to tolerate the poking and prodding with minimal snarling, biting, and yanking.
He’s got a plan if something happens to him too. Johnny will, of course, take over your care.
You didn’t think you could get angrier at anyone more than Simon, until he brings a strange Scottish man into your HOME, the place you’re SAFE. And the man takes one look at you, whistles, and murmurs, “isn’t she a beaut?”
You may or may not try to strangle him with his own dog tags. Simon may or may not laugh at his dumb friend before expertly prying you off. You take a bite out of him too, but he’s used to it by now. Just shakes out his arm and ushers you off, chuckling “go sulk in a corner, little one.”
And you do, but not because he told you to. In fact, you make it a point to scowl at Johnny the entire time he’s there, always just within view but far, far away. You’re pissed at Simon too. Can’t believe there’s TWO of them now.
When Johnny finally leaves, Simon tries to coax you from your room - there are no locks, but he understands what it means when you’ve cocooned yourself on the high bunk of your bed.
“You’re not going to come down?” He croons.
“Fuck off,” you grumble.
“Not even if I have a peace offering?”
You poke your head out and lean over the railing a bit, peering down narrow-eyed and terribly grumpy. Simon forces himself not to coo at you, it’ll just make you crankier. He holds up a new book - one you’ve been talking about wanting.
“Have something to go with this if you come down,” he entreats.
And well, you’re hungry anyway. So you clamber down, wrinkling your nose when he tries to scratch behind your ear. Then he leads you out, to the back of the house which has been blocked off for the last month. There’s a new door - he pops it open, revealing a closed in patio.
“Plexiglass,” he explains as you creep outside. “So you’ll be safe but can still see the yard.”
It’ll get a lot of light, you’ll see the rain. There are little tables and cushions and a daybed with blankets. It’s - damn him - perfect.
“Is… he coming by again?” you ask, feeling at a soft pillow.
“Johnny? Probably not, unless I die.”
You twist, looking alarmed.
“Not likely to happen,” he soothes, ruffling your hair just to see you pout and swat at him. “Have someone relying on me after all.”
You blush again. You’ve been doing that a lot. He lets you snatch the book from his hands.
“Unless you want him to come by again? You could use a little socializing, feral thing.”
He’s right, but Simon is barely tolerable, never mind is friends.
“Alright, maybe in a couple weeks.”
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raccoonsandrangoons · 6 months
Rick Grimes NSFW Alphabet
Just a little something I whipped up for a friend ✨💛
✨ pairing: Rick Grimes x Reader
✨ warnings: NSFW (smut)
✨ A/N: honestly for a Daryl girlie myself, it was a lot easier to write HCs for Rick 🤣
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A - Aftercare
A King. He’s 100% for a cuddle. He’s like a baby; he needs skin to skin, even if it’s just holding your hand
B - Body (his favorite part)
Ass. He’s all about that ass. He’s gonna say he loves all parts of you (and it’s true), but he’s got a weakness for your ass. He can’t help but stare as you’re walking away.
C - Cum (anything to do with cum)
He knows that protection is a rare commodity in these times. If he could finish inside, best believe he’s going to, but he doesn’t not like the look of you covered in his cum.
D - Dirty Little Secret (what’s he hiding 🤭)
He doesn’t have any dirty secrets, but he does keep his feelings for you suppressed as long as possible, especially if you’re significantly younger than him
E - Experience
He’s a fairly experienced guy. Kinda. He’s not a virgin by any means, he’s got kids. But he’s only been with 2-3 people at most.
F - Favorite Position
Classic missionary bby. He wants to see your face.
G - Goofy?
He’s fairly serious, but if something funny happens, like you slip while trying to switch positions, he’ll let out a little giggle.
H - Hair
It’s the apocalypse. How do you think grooming goes? Once he’s in the Alexandria safe haven, he’ll keep himself trimmed up. As for you, he doesn’t care at all. It’s your body and it’s whatever you say.
I - Intimacy
He is very sweet and intimate. He loves showering together. It’s his favorite form of intimacy, whether it leads to sex or not. He loves when you wash his back, and he loves when washing your hair and giving you a nice scalp massage.
J - Jorkin’ It
For stress relief, and definitely before y’all get together. But once you’re together, he’d rather just go straight to you
K - Kinks
He’s a fairly vanilla guy, but he’s not opposed to spanking, roughhousing a little. Maybe you can convince him to role play a little in his uniform.
L - Location
He prefers at home. He’s not a risky man as it is and he doesn’t want to risk being caught. It’s motivated by respect for you.
M - Motivations (turn ons)
Anything you do. He throws his all into everything and he is all about you.
N - NOs
Nothing that can put you in danger. Nothing restraining for either of you
O - Oral
Giving and receiving. He loves it. He’s all for it. He always says “baby you don’t have to”, when you get on your knees but you both know he wants it and he is more than happy to reciprocate.
P — Pace
Soft, slow, and sensual. He comes from a place of love and respect, and he’s going to take his time with you.
Q — Quickies?
If he has to. In the beginning, maybe that’s all you had.
In Alexandria, if you get enough in him to drink at a party, rile him up enough, he’ll pull you into a corner for a make out session and then tell you to meet him at home in 10 minutes.
R — Risky?
Nope. He’s not risky at all. He’s pulling out. He’s making sure no one is around.
S — Stamina
He can go a few rounds, for sure. But he is climbing in age, so
T — Toys
Hard to come by in the apocalypse, but in a situation where it’s available, he sees your toys as his teammates.
U — Unfair
He can be a bit of a tease when you start developing a more domestic relationship. A slide of his hand down your back, a quick squeeze of your ass (he can’t help it).
V — Volume
He’s not super loud, but he’s vocal. A lot of “That’s it”, “feels so good”; etc.
W — Wildcard (dealer’s choice hc)
I think he’s jealous. He knows you’re a helpful person and he knows others are drawn to you. He can’t help but feel a little jealous. And boy does he love when you get jealous. He loves being able to tease you when you’re jealous.
X — X-ray
He’s packing. Nothing extraordinary, but you’ll giggle with the girls over tea, as respectfully as possible. He is shy, ya know.
Y — Yearning
He’s a yearning man. He’s not a desperate type of needy, but he will tug at your clothes as he holds you from behind and whisper “need you”
He definitely wants to sleep after, which is why he doesn’t really like doing it anywhere but home.
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lorei-writes · 7 months
Character Thoughts: Character Design #1 - Chevalier, Gilbert, Leon
My personal outlook on the character design choices in Pri is that the primary objective of the artist behind them was to reflect personality of the suitor rather than to fit within any specific time period. As such, it becomes a question... What can be read from their looks?
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Images were sourced from @acrispyapple 's blog.
Chevalier's colour scheme is all black and white, with subtle golden touches. It is fairly simplistic and may draw forward the image of a white tiger -- a ferocious although rare beast. It creates a frightening backdrop for any blood that may be spilled... and accurately enough, may serve as a reflection of a binary logic mindset.
Asymmetric cape allows for greater freedom of movement. The arm he draws his sword with is not going to be restrained under the weight of fabric. His boots look suitable for horse riding and the cut of his jacket, I believe, is meant to resemble military uniforms of centuries prior. Chevalier is covered from his fingertips to his very neck -- there isn't a vulnerability exposed in him. He is vigilant, he is ready to act, he is guarded. His skin will not be first to be cut, poison will not enter his system without struggle, his hand will not slip on the hilt of his sword even as it grows slick from crimson. Chevalier is a knight.
But through and through, he is also royalty. The haft at his hip could be called subtly ornate, albeit the material it's been made of makes it more so "humbly" opulent. The gold he dons speaks of riches, as does the fur at his collar. He's a commander. He is a noble. His position clearly separates him from others.
Chevalier is eye-catching. And were he involved in battle? You'd fear what you'd see. As you should.
Black, white and gold also follow Gilbert around. However, if in Chevalier's case it could have been argued that the split between darkness and light was even, then Gilbert is the dark itself. The rest are merely accents. They do not reveal much of his mystery, do not offer anything past sparse commentary on it... And I believe they aren't supposed to. Gilbert is the unknown. He is threatening and he is very clear about it.
The orders at his chest, the cut of the lapels, his boots -- it is hard not to see signs of Gilbert being involved with military. However, his clothes have clearly not been designed for ease of movement. They seem heavy, like he could get twisted in them at any moment and collapse, not to mention the heat. Long and heavily adorned with patterned accents, gold, they speak of might... But of that becoming of a commander, not a person who fights themselves. The cravat at his neck is yet another sign of how far removed he is from direct action. It is both a liability in combat and a sign of status.
Gloves, cane and eyepatch. Why should a person of his age need them? Surely, this question comes with simple answers... But are they quite correct? There's a dissonance there. You can see his secrets, but it does not mean they will be revealed to you. He, after all, too is guarded.
Another character dressed in black! But... Leon's is different, isn't it? It speaks of mystery, of secrets, surely, but when combined with noble gold and warm red... It is almost as if he wanted to say "I wish I could tell you, but I cannot". Even if not everything can be made clear, it is evident his actions are underlined with royal scarlet of high ideals.
Leon is a hero. You can see it in his wear -- it is much too informal to place him among the military, but it undeniably shows power and readiness to take up direct action. The guard at his shoulder may be complex, but the same cannot be said about the design of the hilt at his hip. It is simple, so much so that it begs to ask who else could wield it. If that is his weapon of choice, how far above a common knight does Leon see himself? Or... does he consider himself to be above them at all?
Based on the quality of his clothing and detail put into it alone, it is evident that Leon is not a person you may pass on the streets. However, his hands are out there, completely unprotected. And the way he wears his cape? His belts? The sash? It is utterly proper. Even if the lapels of his jacket do not follow any standards for uniforms, it is still buttoned up as it should be. Relaxed (or as relaxed as it may be for royalty), it gives him a laid-back, reliable appearance. The lion insignia clearly signifies who he is.
What are you hiding, Leon? We are at arm's length. You shine too bright... Yet you also mean us no harm.
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steam-beasts · 4 months
I Love you, I Hate you
Tw; heavily implied verbal abuse
Neither Duncan or Douglas had the best start in their lives. One moment, they're in the workshop, the next; a military railway.
Douglas was the more optimistic of the two, albeit the fact he tended to be horribly anxious and a little bit jumpy. The reason for this was due to the time he spent on the Calshot RAF railway in Southampton, ranging from having to listen to gunshots from nearby practices, always getting yelled at by the sergeants left right and centre. He could never prepare for them, and it never helped that he was nearly completely blind due to not having a face like Duncan. Before he was sent to the railway, he was a confident, outgoing and chatty engine. Unlike his brother though, he's too nice for his own good and restrained on being mean. His kindness continued as he lived on the Talyllyn railway, but after his fateful visit to Sodor, he isn't as nice as before. Specifically towards Duncan.
Duncan, when he was first build, used to be easily annoyed, but didn't have such a bad temper and unfiltered rudeness until he began working on the railway. He was once fairly happy, cheeky, boastful and a little prideful. He was and still is not afraid to be blunt, he's a believer of plain speaking after all! He's seen dead people during his time on the railway and it sickened him greatly. We obviously know what happened when he went to the Skarloey Railway, so I'll say no more. But back on Calshot, he was so much worse than how he acts nowadays.
For their relationship, they were a bit like best friends...at first. Douglas absolutely adored Duncan, having a tendency to sometimes be immediately attached to anyone if he knew them long enough. Even though they were twins, Douglas looked up to Duncan as a "cool older brother" type engine and always chatted away to him, asking how he was, what he thought of other engines at the railway, etc. Duncan used to enjoy Douglas's presence as well, being a little bit more laid-back in conversations with him, and even helped him memorise his paths. Douglas still needed help getting around, even though he had a pinhole of vision.
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Things started changing when the next month started. Duncan became more short-tempered, rowdy and rude. Douglas at first passed it off as him being stressed from the people, sounds and sights which he couldn't blame him for as he too was stressed and strained from the work and noises...and painful sensations.
The next month came, and Duncan became a bit distant, not even saying hello back to him. All Douglas got as a response was grunts of acknowledgement or telling him to fuck off or no acknowledgement at all, just silence.
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Douglas assumed it was because of the stress again and tried to remain happy, albeit becoming more paranoid. Every night at the sheds, he'd still ask the same questions and Duncan would snap at him more and more, asking "How th' hell can ye be happy?! Are ye stupid?". After that, he'd be hit with a bunch of swears and insults. Douglas knew Duncan was simply angry, so he never actually meant those...right? He never apologized after, though. But that’s ok! Siblings argue all the time.
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The words cut deep, but Douglas still tried to remain positive despite the agonizingly harsh noises and screams and insults that got tossed at him during work. It was even more hurtful when Duncan started hating him. He always kept being nice to Duncan, assuring his twin that he still loves him. But he couldn’t understand why Duncan was always cruel towards him. It never helped either that Douglas was the more discriminated one because of the lack of face. He was just an emotionless, dumb machine.
Despite everything during his time there, Douglas always strained himself to be positive. He did try being more mean one time, giving Duncan a taste of his own medicine. But it backfired awfully. Duncan's (back then) explosive temper resulted in him gaining a habit of often saying sorry when he talks.
After moving to Tywyn, Douglas struggled to accept that his brother hated him, repeatedly reminding himself that working on their old industrial railway was very stressful, even for himself. But alas, he had to eventually. It wasn't easy. It was after a small telepathic talk with Midlander that he had to accept the facts. Midlander is a good friend. Douglas slowly began gaining a little bit of resentment towards Duncan after the talk.
Learning that his brother became famous because of Awdry’s books felt like salt was getting rubbed into a wound that never properly healed, because that was EXACTLY what happened to him! It wasn’t fair! The way everyone loved him and only ever saw him when they looked at Douglas...he felt completely in . No one truly liked him and the others for the engines they are.
Hearing the Willie Rushton narration over Duncan’s stories, he noticed that Duncan seemed to have softened up a bit and is just grumpy nowadays, but he was still the same. The faceless twin still saw no end to Duncan’s negativity. There was no true happiness. Just hatred.
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It’s been decades since they spoke. Nowadays, Duncan himself had begun looking back on how he treated Douglas. He could never understand how his brother was so happy, but his driver is suspecting that his positivity is a simple mask. Duncan hadn't thought once about his twin or his old railway in years, now he's wondering...
Was he truly wrong for how he behaved back then?
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notmyneighbor · 2 months
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r&d | yog sothoth x female reader
rating | explicit
part 4/?
words | 3.2k
cw | witchcraft, minor blood/injury
ao3 link
taglist | @jazminetoad @kaislashes @lakeside-paradise @paxispax @luvvsxn @barbatoss-bitch @moody-mod
You’re never quite sure where to look when you see Lilith.
The tattooed series of eyes repeat down her face in patterns that are fairly obvious as being false, but behind that veil covering the upper part of the first floor resident’s face, you know the real ones hide. You wonder what color the irises might be; if the entire orb is not milky, clouded and seemingly blind while some magical ability helps her see much further than your own ordinary ones ever could.
Yog certainly seems to think so, anyway. The narrowed, snakelike pupils peeking between his own golden variety spare you a quick glance as you stand outside the sisters’ apartment door, one that might have meant to be reassuring or dubious or cautious. Perhaps all three.
“She might not be able to help us,” he reminds you, hesitating before knocking. “And even if she is willing and able, she definitely won’t do it for free.”
“I know. But I don’t see that we have any other choice. We need help.” You can’t believe you’d fallen for Afton’s trap for a fourth time, yet there you had been, mind still fuzzy, unable to cling to your memories of this alternate realm, only to find yourself tricked into returning once more under the false guise of a psychological health trial. The surge of memories had been staggering this time, making you stumble and nearly collapse in the guard booth. It had taken you long moments to recover, and encountering your first doppelganger version of your vampire companion hadn’t made you feel any more secure. Their appearance was identical, but of course there was none of the familiar affection in his greeting. You’d known instantly it wasn’t him, all the while hoping the real one would appear sooner rather than later.
And then he was there. Barely waiting for the door to unlock before shoving his way through and taking you in his arms, only to urge you to follow him, to see about striking a deal with the resident witch. She might be able to transport both of you at will, giving you a surprise advantage over Afton. What would happen after that still wasn’t clear. But you had to try. You don’t think it’s good for your health to keep being injected with that mysterious glowing substance; don’t like the deception and the evil trades between the doctor and his counterpart in this other plane of reality. They had to be stopped.
At the last moment Yog’s hand diverts from the wooden door to touch your cheek. “I hate having to give up time with you that might be spent more pleasantly,” he murmurs.
“I know. I do, too.”
His lips press against yours, and you can feel the fingers on your skin start to tremble with the effort of restraining himself, keeping the kiss brief and chaste. Then he swiftly turns his attention back to the barrier marked 1-04 and knocks on it, firmly and rapidly.
It does not take long for the door to shift, the features of Anazareth Anazarel greeting the pair of you. She has the same full, plush lips as her sibling, but there the similarities starkly end. Her eyes are dusted in glittery cotton candy pink, the hue of her skin a much healthier shade than her sister’s pallor. Her toffee hair is nearly coiffed into a tidy wave and the color of her horns compliments the makeup she’s painted her face with and the gauzy, shimmery gown clutching her curvaceous form.
Her eyes slide open to regard you and the vampire, each look careful and considering. “Yes?”
“We’re here to see Lilith.”
“We’re not expecting visitors today.”
“Let them in, Ana.”
Lilith’s voice drifts into the hallway, but you still can’t view the witch from the narrow gap the curse maker has created.
Anazareth frowns, but relents, pulling the door open further to allow you to enter. The bloodsucker enters first, his eyes sweeping the room for any possible danger before gesturing for you to follow with a quick flick of his fingers.
The scent of incense greets you strongly as you cross the threshold. The interior of the apartment is as different from Yog’s as night and day. The living room is furnished in plush pouf chairs. An artificial hearth decorated with lit candles lines the opposite wall, the source of the heavy fragrance wedged between two of them, the ceramic jar holding several smoking reeds. There are a pair of tables piled high with books, crystals and a mortar and pestle and many jars filled with powders and liquids. A pentacle that looks permanently burnt into the floorboards draws the eye to the room’s center, and a beaded curtain draped across the opening of the hallway obscures what other things might lie beyond.
“You may go, Ana. I wish to speak to these guests alone.”
Anazareth’s lips press into a thin line of disapproval but she follows her sister’s wishes, disappearing behind the curtain.
The witch occupies one of the soft looking chairs, a long chain with a many faceted stone dangling from one hand. It moves in a steady circle, as if driven by some unseen force. She hums thoughtfully and it immediately stills. “The vampire I know. You, I do not.” Her face turns in your direction. “You don’t belong here. To this realm. Yet here you are. Can you explain?”
You shuffle your feet nervously. Her voice is so melodic, so captivating. You wonder if there is magic being laid over those utterances; a kind of spell being cast, compelling you to answer. “I come from another plane of reality. A man called William Afton keeps injecting me with something from this astral realm, something that he was given by Orcus Dis Pater in exchange for the doppelganger technology.” You pause to take a breath, grateful for the warmth of the hand Yog rests along your spine. “We’re trying to stop them, to protect both our realities. We were wondering if you would be able to send me back at will. And transport Yog as well. I was able to take back something with me, once; some jewelry that I carried. But touching him does not allow me to bring him back. So we need your help,” you finish a little breathlessly.
“Come closer,” the witch beckons.
You hesitate, looking to the vampire for guidance. He nods, but you can see the tension in his shoulders as they stiffen.
You move until you’re standing beside the seated woman. She tips her head up, but you still can see nothing beneath the tight clutch of the fabric over her eyes. “Give me your hand.”
You obey, holding it out to her as if you were to shake hers in greeting. She immediately grasps it, turning it over before her thumb slides over the inside of your wrist, stroking over the thin blue branching veins visible beneath the skin. Her fingernails are painted a deep shade of garnet that is so dark it is nearly black, the varnished laquer catching the lights of the candelabra above. “There is something in your blood that should not be there.”
You nod. “That’s it. The glowing stuff that Orcus gives to Afton. We don’t really know where the source is.”
“And you, vampire. Come here.” She releases her grip on you and it seems as if you can still feel the touch lingering, a strange, tingling kind of heat flaring along the joint.
The second floor resident does not look best pleased to be ordered around; he’s been scowling ever since Lilith had touched you. Yet still he acquiesces, closing the distance with a confident, brisk stride. He doesn’t wait for the request to offer his hand, instead shoving back his shirt sleeve and thrusting his upper extremity in her direction. She repeats the same process she had used on you, then nods and he withdraws his arm.
“There is some of that substance in you as well. Faint traces. Like an echo. But you are not a source.”
“I’ve not been able to find it in anyone else. I would have tasted it for certain. I’ve never sampled it in any species of victim, until I fed from…” He lets his voice trail off, looking a little embarrassed.
“So we truly don’t know the origins of that elixir. You would need to follow the skinner. Trail his hunt. Dangerous, even for you, bloodsucker,” she cautions. “Perhaps too risky. But there might be another way yet to achieve what you seek.”
“I’m listening.” Yog folds his arms across his chest.
“The substance in this traveler. If we could extract the otherworlder’s blood, I might be able to create a spell to open a portal.”
“Extract it how, precisely?” The vampire’s fangs seat on his bottom lip, his other teeth gritted.
Lilith’s own pair, hers much more like sewing needles, the eye teeth sharp and slender, flash brightly against her darkly painted lips. “A simple cut will suffice. Perhaps at the wrist would be best.” She taps a fingernail along the sleeve of her black gown thoughtfully. “The substance is clearly what brings her here, its eventual depletion pulling her back. We need a similar method for you, vampire. Something from this realm that will draw you back to it, after a time.”
“Can’t he just feed from me? Or you could inject him with some of my blood?”
Lilith shakes her head at your suggestions, the earrings dripping near her cheeks jingling softly. “It would not work, I can assure you. The proper concentration required is unknown. It is not a pure ingredient any longer, now that it is in your bloodstream; the potency and efficacy has undoubtedly been affected. We must resort to other means. I’ll need something from you, Yog.”
His features darken with wariness. “Like what?”
The witch’s lips twitch in a brief smirk. “Nothing that will tax you to donate. I can create a binding spell with some of your hair. With the proper flame it will eventually be consumed, becoming ash. When it has all transformed, you will be drawn back here. It will not last long, so you will need to use your time there wisely.”
“Then what? What happens next?” He presses.
“Then, if I am successful, the pair of you will be able to travel through the newly created portal together. I cannot vouch for how long that gap between worlds will last. Mere minutes, most likely. I would need much more of the substance in its purest form to make something longer lasting.”
Your russett haired companion frowns, then nods. “An experiment, then. A trial run.”
“But you will lose your advantage over Afton if you are seen. You will need to be very cautious, evening walker.”
“How do we determine where we end up on the other side?”
“You can’t, precisely; not yet, anyway. The door guardian will naturally be recalled back to her body, and you along beside her, given the proximity of the spell I’m creating. There must be an enchantment of some sort that pulls her here to this specific location. We’ll need to establish what that is and recreate its counterpart on the other side. Now that I know of its existence, I can aid in that endeavor.”
The vampire makes a low growl. “I do not like all these what ifs and maybes. There are too many unknowns.”
Lilith laughs, a sound that is like wind chimes striking together. “You sought my help, as I recall.”
“I’m doing this to help all of us,” Yog spits back at her. “You might think your magic keeps you safe, but it doesn’t. The doppels are growing stronger. And if Afton and Orcus manage to move armies of them across the borders of our worlds…”
The amusement instantly fades from the witch’s lips. “Alright, bloodsucker. You’ve made your point. Now let me make mine. Namely, payment. What are you offering for this service? As you can imagine, the cost will be very steep.”
“What do you want?” This time you decide to speak.
“Oh, young mortal. What a dangerous query that is.”
“Careful,” Yog hisses under his breath.
“You’re protective of this one, aren’t you? A fierce wolf guarding a pup.”
“What of it?”
She shakes her head, the maroon tinted tresses swaying back and forth. “It might be an advantage. Or it may prove fatal. Only time will tell.”
“So what is your price?”
The seated woman runs the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip. “What indeed. I think I shall present it like this: Since there is no guarantee of the success of this venture, you may use my services without cost this time. But if it is successful, and you seek my help again, you must give me whatever I name.”
Yog scoffs. “Absolutely not. No deal.”
Lilith’s ebony lace adorned shoulders lift and fall in a shrug. “It matters not to me. Again, I am not the one so desperate.”
“Yog,” you whisper.
“Give us a moment.” His fingers curl around your upper arm and he brings you closer to the door. You’re willing to bet the witch can hear every word spoken. It’s not that far from her, and she does have supernatural powers, after all.
“I don’t like this. She’s up to something. No one gives anything away for free. That condition of payment later leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”
“What choice do we have, though?”
Yog sighs heavily. “I don’t know. I’ve wracked my brain trying to come up with another, but this is all I could conjure.”
You inhale deeply, trying to gather your courage. “Then we do it.”
“Are you sure?” His fingers tuck under your chin, lifting it slightly.
“I trust you.”
“I trust you, too. Lilith, not so much.” He heaves another sigh, letting his hand drop. “Alright. We’ll do it.”
He leads you back to the seated resident.
“Have you decided?”
“We have. We accept your terms.”
Lilith grins, revealing the full set of razor sharp looking teeth. “Excellent. Then let’s begin, before the source you’re carrying dwindles any further.”
The witch stands, somehow rising gracefully from that low position, and begins rearranging things on one of the tables. A wicked looking knife with a jeweled handle appears and you feel your pulse race. Yog’s fingers thread through yours and he squeezes gently.
Lilith reaches for one of the locks curling near the nape of the vampire’s neck, sawing it off with the blade and quickly winding a thread around it. She places it inside a glass dish and sets it aside.
“I’ll cast the spell to ignite the flame after this. Let me see your wrist again.”
You swallow thickly, offering it to her.
The knife moves quickly, a serpent’s silver tongue flicking out and slicing neatly along your fragile skin. Your blood immediately spills forth, the crimson flow tainted by the obvious syrup of Afton’s mysterious substance. It’s caught inside a shallow bowl pressed beneath your forearm, the fluid collecting until she nods in satisfaction and she speaks to the vampire. “Your turn to lend services again, bloodsucker. Reseal the flesh.”
Yog’s nostrils have flared at the scent of your lifeforce, his bruised eyes hollowed with hunger and desire. He’s still gentle when he manipulates your limb, his tongue sliding along the blood trail and his mouth sucking at the laceration. A fire instantly builds in your core, mirroring his desire. The sooty lashes flutter in rapture, a soft moan of regret escaping when he releases you, the cut now a dry red line marking your skin.
“Good. The flame is lit and the circle is prepared.” Lilith finishes murmuring her spell near the bound clump of Yog’s hair and a purple flame appears, scentless and smokeless as it begins to gnaw away at the rust colored strands. She gestures to the pentacle that is now outlined in your blood and Orcus’ stolen gift. The smell of brimstone overpowers the incense and you can feel heat being generated at the symbol’s center. “What are you waiting for? Go, before it dissipates. I’ll keep watch over your corporeal form,” she directs at the vampire.
Yog’s fingers grip yours tightly now. He leans to brush a rough kiss against your mouth. “Ready?”
You don’t think you truly are, but you nod.
“Remember your promise,” Lilith’s voice calls as the vampire escorts you inside of the circle. “Remember our deal.”
The heat intensifies. Your hair lifts in an invisible breeze. Your eyes meet Yog’s.
Then the world goes dark.
You awaken to find yourself strapped to a chair.
For a moment, the disorientation overwhelms you, preventing you from trying to struggle against your bonds. How had you gotten here? Where even is here?
Then a face appears above yours; one that should be frightening, but isn’t. The golden eyes are kind, frantically searching to see if you’re harmed, the fingers moving over your restrained limbs gentle.
“Yog,” you whisper.
“You remember me?” He freezes, the hope thick in his voice. “You remember it all?”
“My mind feels fuzzy, like it’s stuffed with cotton, but…yes. Yes, I remember you.”
“I’ll get you out. Maybe I can…” The vampire’s face lifts, his eyes focusing on the camera mounted on the wall. A sudden dark cloud wafts across the room, obscuring the lens. “Lilith’s not the only one with supernatural abilities,” he murmurs, sounding a little smug. “Hopefully I haven’t been spotted yet.”
He again reaches for one of the metal bands encircling your wrist but you halt him quickly.
“You can’t. Afton will know, if I’m freed. I have to keep playing along. So I can go back again. See you,” your voice softens with affection.
The vampire hesitates. “I don’t like seeing you bound like this. Because of that monster—”
“—It worked, Yog. We did it. We got you here. And I remember now.”
“Yeah, we did it,” he agrees, his voice husky. “I’m just worried about what comes next. What compensation Lilith will demand. We need to find that anchor she spoke of. I need to figure out the source. And we need to determine how we’re going to stop Afton and Orcus.”
“We’ll do it. Together.” You pause, swallowing, trying to work moisture into your mouth. “I’m so dizzy,” you murmur. “Throat feels like sandpaper.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he apologizes, brushing back some of the hair that’s fallen across your face. “It’s that damn stuff he injects you with.” He rubs his thumb over your bottom lip. “I don’t want him hurting you anymore. I’ll do whatever it takes to stop him. Whatever it takes,” he repeats vehemently.
“Yog, you should hide, in case they come in once they notice the camera feed is dead while you’re waiting for Lilith’s spell to wear off.”
“They won’t see me,” he assures you. “I’ll be waiting for you on the other side.” He bends to kiss your mouth, tongue tapping gently against yours, and then he moves away, sighing and brooding beside you one moment, gone the next.
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a hasty follow-up to my earlier post, where i questioned why sol had told fake-osha that he was ready to come clean to the jedi council about what happened on brendok, and yet switched off his comms and jumped into hyperspace to avoid the incoming jedi team. doesn’t seem like coming clean to me…
few key things here 1) sol made those remarks to somebody he believed to be osha, and now he knows it wasn’t her, his priority has switched to finding her, rather than post-mission exposition on coruscant. 2) we’ve already seen sol’s frustration at the jedi regrouping in meetings instead of pursuing an urgent ongoing situation. sol is likely avoiding asking for permission he knows he won’t receive, so he can find osha and qimir as soon as possible. the fact that he does this by avoiding the jedi altogether, inadvertently placing even MORE suspicion upon himself as a fallen jedi, is….. ouch………
so why restrain mae and monologue to her? i’ve seen posts arguing (very well) that his incoming explanation of brendok will be a self-centred emotional unloading, rather than anything useful for or considerate of mae. i totally agree there’s an element of that at play, but i think there’s something else going on as well, linked to sol’s mission for the rest of the show.
a couple lines stick out to me. “you and i have work to do” is, i think, a fairly obvious statement that mae will be roped into helping sol rescue osha. but the other is hiding in an earlier scene: “you found him”. as i explain in my other theorypost, i think this line is said after sol has realised mae is pretending to be osha. within a double meaning, it could allude to mae’s relationship with the master. she’s found qimir once — why can’t she do it again?
so yeah, i don’t think it’s super out there to say that sol is planning to recruit mae and use her to find qimir, and osha along with him. why the table restraining then? on a purely practical level, he’s keeping her cuffed until he feels in control of the situation and as though he can rely on her allyship. and getting to that allyship? sol’s going to try his damndest in this explanation monologue to convince her onside, and he doesn’t want her struggling or arguing until he’s said that full pitch.
i think all this really speaks to the level of desperation sol is experiencing. he’s just watched the other jedi he cares deeply for get massacred in front of him, and failed to save any of them. and it turns out the one person he thought he’d saved, osha, is still in danger, and that he’s failed his ex-padawan again. no wonder his responsibilities to the council fall by the wayside when sol, a person clearly motivated by love for those close to him, has one final chance to do right by ANYONE in this clusterfuck situation. sol also feels extremely out of control in this series of events, so is grasping for whatever control he can salvage — hence his desperation to do whatever it takes for his mae-saves-osha plan to work and his… questionable methods in accomplishing it.
the implications for sol giving into fear and a need for control like this are certainly juicy. dude is on the struggle bus lately, and this particular struggle bus has a few dark-side-themed stops. also, the irony of sol behaving like this indirectly digging his grave re: the council’s inclination to believe in his dark-sidedness…….. makes me want to lie in a ditch for a while. can’t wait for next week where my theories will probably be proven wrong and also i get to cry on the floor!!!!!!! i <3 the acolyte!!!!!!!
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seruadoric · 6 months
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an experienced adult is coming to your aid !
incl . shamane
content . requested by anon , romance , fluff , headcanons & scenarios , gn!reader
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. i believe that shamane's one to have multiple connections -- he's fairly sociable, the type that would approach first. when you first would meet, he would definitely be the one to talk first.
. shamane likes to show you cool tricks that he learnt a few years back -- dances he learnt from his teacher, or maybe just showing off his different masks.
. shamane's the type of person that you go to whenever you need help -- he's great at lightening the mood and giving advice in grim situations, like the multiple times he has offered help to kaalaa baunaa.
. throughout the story, shamane acted as a character that would reduce the tension in the atmosphere. whenever you're sad, he'd crack a light joke or two to cheer you up -- if that doesn't work, how about a cup of tea and you can talk to him about it?
. he definitely give off this open, carefree vibe about him; he's just someone that's always there to listen, never makes you feel left out. you just know that whenever you're facing a conflict, you're free to just knock on his door.
. shamane has a more carefree and teasing nature. he would often tease his friends, and you. if you were to do the same, there might be a playful war between you two.
. shamane would want someone free-spirited and true to themself, similarly to him. that does not mean he wants an exact clone of him, except that he wants someone that could really let him be himself. as you know, his childlike nature is more of a choice from his suffering; he would like someone that makes him forget all about that and just focus on himself instead of the past!
. shamane would also like someone to keep him in check; whenever he's too reckless, he wants his partner to be there. he doesn't want to be restrained to anything though, but just as long as you remind him that he has limits and to take care of himself, its fine.
. shamane praises you often. he's very prideful about you and your relationship, and he wants you to know that he loves you. he'd also like it if you were to reciprocate his affections!
. he loves to give you gifts, as well. random trinkets and ornaments he collected on his journeys, and good luck charms for when he's away. he'd also enjoy if you reciprocate! he would keep a small box or a small space of all the letters, notes, and gifts that you sent to him.
. i feel like the two of you would act as any old married couple. attached to the hip, just trying to savor each moment together. oftentimes, you'd be out in town with him, grocery shopping or whatever! he values quality time with you, he believes it's the most genuine out of the love languages.
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if i'm gonna be honest , i forgot all about the 1.3 event when i was writing this ... tried to make this as accurate as i could, not sure if i succeeded !! made these so long its UGLY imsosorry ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა might edit some things soon !!
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bonnieisaway · 7 months
anyways while I was editing earlier we have almost a precise ranking of power for the shadow killers despite most of them not actually ever saying/their official ranking never been mentioned. and most of this is either just mentioned in passing or can be guessed from the way the show presents them. up to season 4 spoilers ahead btw
so like, obviously Seven (in his prime, at least - do you think the second spot ever took his when he disappeared btw? like do you think there was a time where he was just labelled missing for ages before somebody else became number one?) was rank number one, it's said and talked about like a million times, Seven was conclusively the highest ranked and most powerful shadow killer by 18 years old.
along with this we hear one other thing: Green Phoenix is mentioned to be the (physically) weakest Shadow Killer. given how much people are sticklers for the rankings we can presume this puts him at the lowest of the seven, even if he chose to appear weaker than he is and his focus is majorly on cunning and wit rather than martial prowess, I assume this is where he's offically ranked honestly
everyone else has never had their number mentioned - or if it was said in some obscure place i don't know it's not on the wiki, but let's be fucking for real nothing is on the wiki seriously one of us might wanna update that thing one day anyways - but I believe we can roughly guess where the rest of the killers rank given by their actions in the show and the order which the show presents them.
which - this might be a controversial one tbh - puts Redtooth fairly low on the list. he is physically more powerful than Green Phoenix, but Green Phoenix is able to outwit Redtooth twice, and Green Phoenix is technically the one who kills Redtooth. But also, Seven at fairly low strength was able to fight Redtooth and almost won on his own. Redtooth is also mentioned in season 4 that naturally, he was physically weak and actually struggled with picking up qi and such - he does not have a natural nor honed talent and his power ENTIRELY relies on the Blood Demon inside him. So he's easily outwitted, he's physically weak without the Blood Demon which, up until season 4 was still restrained heavily, Seven is able to handle him all the way back in season two. Notably, Dai Bo and the rest of the cast are unable to handle him however, even though most of them are built to handle aggressive opponents liked Redtooth.
But it's mainly the fact he appears and is 'defeated' so early in the show that makes me truly believe he ranks so low. Obviously we probably haven't seen the full capabilities of Redtooth and most of the cast however, and this is a ranking with the seal. Obviously he seems to be set up to absolutely rock White Fox's shit in season 5, but it's still really important to keep in mind that this is purely the Blood Demon.
after him the other shadow killer we have the most information on is Blackbird, who Seven ultimately beat into the fuckin ground but boy did we sure almost die getting there!!
So from what we know about Blackbird, from season three, is that unlike Redtooth, he is physically strong, and similar to Green Phoenix he's largely driven by his trauma and his need to validate something that's missing within him, but his weakness seems to really only be his own ego - his weakness (aside from the sun like a fucking vampire. cringelord) is when he can't win, when he is struggling, his frustration is ultimately his downfall. This is one of - if not the only - few fights where 'prime' Seven - or even just Seven as he is now - does not appear to be physically stronger than somebody, and he's actually just barely faster than Blackbird (being able to fucking FLY he's still got a bit of an advantage but Seven's reaction time is evidently quicker, and Blackbird comments that Seven's ambushes and speed used to be infamous - a prowess that Blackbird is almost capable to keep up with) but he wins the fight with wit and outsmarting them. And ultimately, Blackbird's weakness was himself.
Which is a lot to say he's really strong. But it's hard to place him anywhere on the leaderboard without a key thing that Manjusaka says:
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"It seems you're the best after all," as she turns to Blackbird. This is (presumably) the direct translation, because in English Manjusaka actually says something different that I wanna touch on again later, but she turns to Blackbird and says he's the best after all. Which would imply: Blackbird took the spot for number one when Seven was missing. Blackbird had been second to Seven in the league - and some of his contempt for Seven may be because of that. This conclusively puts Blackbird in the number two spot for me.
The next three we have even less information on, so it's really hard to put them in precise spots. As for Manjusaka though we have this: she is very cunning and manipulative, and the other Shadow Killer we know to be infamous for their cunning and wit was the lowest ranked - because the ranks seem to have FAR more value in raw martial prowess and strength than wit. Along with this, Manjusaka never actually works alone. In English in season 3, when she turns to Blackbird, she says "I guess we're just better together," which puts a lot of emphasis on her working with somebody, and emphasis on the fact that she's USING the fact that Blackbird is so high rank so that she can be powerful by proxy. She's also the only one who seems to defend her other Shadow Killers - though they aren't immune to her own scrutiny, Manjusaka outright kills three people for shit-talking Redtooth.
Along with this - Manjusaka dies to Green Phoenix (coughprobablycough) and leaves her as an opponent Seven will never (probably) fight. The Shadow Killers have kept appearing in an order of higher and higher ranking, and Manjusaka is the third to ever appear, and of the three, ALL THREE have died and one came back. Just like, the order these characters have appeared in, they usually appear in increasing power and every season has ended with Seven fighting or about to fight a new, powerful Shadow Killer. Manjusaka dying already leaves her feeling fairly low ranked, given the pattern the show has exhibited.
Manjusaka is also tied to Shimen and are inseparable - what Shimen and Manjusaka lack the other make up for. Shimen appears slow yet viciously strong and stone faced, he's nothing but muscle and qi, and Manjusaka is fast and stealthy - she teleports around, she uses deception and poisons to best her enemies. They're also hardly ever depicted apart. They're only separated twice - when Shimen leaves the fight with Blackbird due to general disinterest, and when Shimen and Manjusaka split up in season 4.
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(these two symbols fading into each other feel like they represent Manjusaka and Shimen)
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They're constantly depicted together and fluently work together. They coordinate easily when that's not the normal for the Shadow Killers - infighting is banned and that's it, they aren't required to get along. But these two are two inseparable halves of one whole, they are both arguably strong on their own but they have glaring weaknesses that the other fills. Their weaknesses, to a point, are when they're separated. This also would seemingly put them next to each other on the ranking - together it feels like they make up one, unstoppable person, and it makes sense that separately they are at similar ranking/strength, just simply excel together, and weaker rankings would be the most likely to bond together to form stronger ones.
Not to mention, Manjusaka dies on screen at the end of the season four and that's it, and Shimen's fate is left entirely unknown because he doesn't appear again and only the leader approaches Green Phoenix. But during the opening for the entire season we see one shot of Shimen we never actually see during the season:
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Shimen left alone and unconscious without Manjusaka. And he leaves the Blackbird fight unharmed, he obviously leaves the encounter with Ouyang Zang (is that his name ? straight up might've misspelled it sorry ) alive because he appears again afterwards, and it seems to imply that without Manjusaka, Shimen is left weak and vulnerable. So these two, to me, feel like they're exactly next to each other on the rankings - and possibly ranked somewhere in the middle
Which now only leaves White Fox, who we know the least about personality wise but we've seen some of his martial abilities (AKA: hey guys I can make a nitrogen bomb from my finger. wanna see) and watched him fight the prince of Stan, which does lead to the conclusion that he is fairly powerful, though it seems it's not really physical strength but his qi, speed, and reflexes that let him overpower his opponents. Given the rankings I've given the other Shadow Killers it naturally leaves him at a semi-high spot.
Which leaves me with my final (guesstimated) ranking of the Shadow Killers, with Seven during his prime, Redtooth's seal still not broken:
White Fox
Green Phoenix
Shimen and Manjusaka feel interchangeable in their spots, honestly? And I would almost put Redtooth above Manjusaka ...? But it kind of feels natural that he's below her. Also, I went back and skimmed the show to see if anybody else was introduced by ranking, given that a lot of people in the show had been previously, and I only found these scenes:
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Which are all only labelled 'the seven greats' according to the translation, unless somebody here speaks Chinese and their rankings are actually said/implied in the Chinese characters and Netflix just didn't translate it which wouldn't even surprise me honestly Netflix just fucking does that sometimes
so yea 👍 that's my estimation on the rankings of the Shadow Killers maybe the show will prove me right eventually. this post took me like 2 hours to make. help
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sun-stricken · 10 months
Don’t have to answer if it’s not your style, but headcannons for overprotective dragon slayers to new demon slayer gray?
Random person: you’re all dragon slayers?
Slayers: yeah, why?
Random person points to gray: why’s he here?
Slayers: he’s adopted
anon you have no idea how much i love you for asking this, ive been waiting for an excuse to do this, i am a SLUT for anyone and anything being overprotective of Gray
i don’t believe in canon or timelines so use ur imagination
i like to think of Gray as person practically everybody ends up really liking, and a total cat magnet.
And dragon slayers r just big cats. So Gray already had close friendships with them
so when they realized ‘holy shit hes like us now’ their protective instincts went in overdrive
Natsu, Wendy, & Sting didnt even try to hide it; constantly trying to make sure hes comfortable and felt safe and didnt sit alone confused and scared by all these new things he has to deal with
Natsu definitely drags him onto impromptu jobs and fishing trips with Happy, in an effort to get away from people, or just so they can spend time together, the reason is unclear
i think dragon slayers as a whole are like violently touch starved, and thats what Sting focused on mostly.
he would drape himself over Gray when he felt like the other needed or wanted it but wouldnt ask
it helped Gray get more comfortable for sure
Wendy, as a healer and friend, tried to give him every piece of advice she knew, offering remedy after remedy to help ease him into his now heightened senses
Gray tried to explain to them once that his abilities are fairly different from theirs, yes he has heightened senses, but his instincts and needs were a hell of a lot different than theirs; that only spurred them on more, making them try to research everywhere they could about demon slayers
Rogue & Gajeel were more subtle with it (not by much tho), they understood when needed it quiet, when he just wanted company without the talk
If Gray was having a hard time, whether or not it was bc of his slayer magic, Rogue would offer up Frosch and sit with him, offering silence or white noise. whatever he needed
Gajeel probably thought he was subtle but he absolutely was not, like asking Gray if he wants to run errands with him when places theyre at get too sensorially intense
he tried to ask Levy about everything she knew abt demon slayers without being too obvious, when she kept sending him knowing glances he just asked (very resigned) for some books on the matter.
there was surprisingly little
But he made do and probably studied every piece of literature there was on the matter
The others probably found out and teased him even tho they did the same thing (they also probs asked him to drop a list of books for them)
Now, Laxus really was subtle
telling Gray to go home when he was visibly pushing himself
talking about his new sound canceling headphones and then conveniently leaving them near Gray
or little compliments abt how his new magic is coming along, quiet support type shit
also staring someone down to get them to shut up if they’re being too much
i feel like they turned from ‘one of our own’ protective to overprotective when they realized ppl werent as accepting of demon slayers as they were with dragon slayers
Most ppl exposure to slayer magic is limited to dragon slayers, who refer to themselves as dragons. so when a demon slayer pops up, the correlation isn’t pretty, and their actions are even worse
While Gray understands people must just scared or confused, so he doesnt blame them; he has a hoard of extremely protective dragons who think differently
Wendy had to be physically restrained by multiple people after she heard people calling Gray a monster
Natsu genuinely considered burning alive someone who refused to pay Gray after he finished up a job
Gray definitely now had scary dog privileges, the dog being every single dragon slayer he knows
Laxus zapping people who so much as look at Gray wrong, or frying whatever electronic (ik its lacrimas but work with me) device they have.
or both
Them all hyping up (in their own ways) Grays physical demon features when they start showing up
Post joint guild party at Sabertooth: some guy talking shit abt how Fairy Tail could allow a demon into their ranks, how he is gonna hurt someone. They are now guildless and only eating through a straw and a face not even a mother could love
Someone at an event giving Gray a backhanded compliment and immediately getting death stares mixed with a violent increase of magic in the air that would make the gods shudder
Remember when i said Grays a cat magnet? its not just the dragon slayers who adore him, its their exceeds too
if u asked them to list their favorite people, Gray is in the top 5 for all of them
im stealing another hc from someone and saying Gray fosters cats, and Happy may or may not of gotten jealous once or twice over the pets and scratches that were supposed to be his
If Rogue loses Frosch and Gray happens to be in town 70% they’re probs together
The incorrect quote u put is so canon in this universe btw
Gray “Honorary Dragon Slayer” Fullbuster
i have so many more but neither of us are prepared yet
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princelylove · 10 months
Oh I love how you add Holy and Lisa Lisa in, I love them too, need more content for them ~
I wonder how would their reaction/feeling and punishment when they discover darling's love is fake, they just pretending to love them so they can escape.
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Hii, 🏵️anon. Cutting a few out since I wanted to go into detail- I’ll probably make a continuation of the others down the line. 
Content warnings: Reader death, noncon/dubcon in Jolyne’s part, general violence, and gaslighting 
Holly would hate to hear that! She herself wouldn’t punish you, she’s definitely going to cry about it and lock herself in her kitchen for a little bit. She’s deeply hurt, how could you say something like that to your wife?? She channels her emotion into cooking or baking something she knows you like to eat. It’s an apology gift, and she’s prepared a list of things she’s going to do better for you! Holly hopes you forgive her, and understands if you still need some time to think about things. But, in the end, Holly’s not willing to get a “divorce,” so you’re not going anywhere. She sits on her knees and shoves her hands under her legs when she brings you breakfast, and tries not to talk too much. Is her voice annoying? Do you not like how she makes things cutesy? She rents books about marriage, watches programs on television about relationships, and calls her mother or father for advice. She might even vent to Jotaro, but she tries not to. She doesn’t want to worry him- mainly because he has no problem breaking bones. 
It… doesn’t really matter if you like Jotaro or not. As long as you submit, he’s going to lie to himself. You can say whatever you want, he’s just going to tell you to shut up and stop whining. You’re stupid, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You need him, and he needs you to just stay put and let him protect you from the evils of the world.. Jotaro’s convinced that everything is trying to eat you, and he’s not going to just let it. He won’t punish you until you actually do something- words are just words, and Jotaro is convinced you’re all bark and no bite. If he catches you storing ‘shit’ to take when you run away, he’ll drag you by your wrists into your room, make sure you sit and stay, put everything back, and give you a light slap on your wrist. Jotaro would prefer to restrain you with his own hands, but he can’t really sit there and hold you down all day, so chains will have to do until he’s ready to “cuddle” for the night- which is just him holding you down and smelling your neck for a couple hours. Try to run away too often and Jotaro will just take away your ability to walk. You can keep your legs, he won’t remove them, but he will break them. He babies you throughout the healing process. When your legs finally do heal, if you still aren’t willing, he’ll just break them again. It was fun taking care of you, why wouldn’t he? 
Josuke takes it pretty personally. It’s hard not to. I mean, you can’t just go around saying that he’s a “creep” and “not your boyfriend.” Words have meaning, babe. You can’t throw a tantrum just ‘cause he got a little handsy with you. It’s just him. Somebody’s gonna hear you and think he’s beating you or something, you gotta cut it out. Josuke’s fairly lenient compared to the rest of his family- what are you really escaping from? He’s not trapping you, and it’s not like he really gets in your way. You’re overreacting ‘cause he didn’t read the room right, jeez. Josuke’s going to gaslight you and physically get in the way of every exit. He scoffs a bit when you tell him he’s overbearing- who, him?? What’s he done that’s overbearing? Oh! Oh, he’s overbearing ‘cause he wants to know what his partner is doing?? Yeah, right, that makes total sense- look, why don’t you just blow off some steam and come talk to him when you have a real problem with his behavior. 
Giorno already knows. Did you truly believe that you would be able to hide something like that from him? Giorno survives off of hope- Perhaps Guido’s philosophy of “things will always work out in the end” has rubbed off on him. You’ll come around. He won’t react to minor threats or tantrums, not even directly getting in his face and screaming at him will make Giorno budge. The only real way to get under his skin is to attempt to abandon him- he feels everything he felt when he was little. He’s just a small, frail little boy again when he finds your hoard of essentials hidden away. If you want to leave him so badly, fine, leave him. One of his bodyguards will bring you back, and he’ll try again, after a bit of coping with his situation (Brooding in his room wondering what could possibly be so awful about him), and starving you of any enrichment or social interaction. If you ever were to strike him, or otherwise attempt his life, Giorno’s instincts would take over. His hands tremble so much that he drops whatever weapon he confiscated from you mid attempt, and he’ll stay frozen in place until Guido or Sheila E comes to check on him. 
Jolyne was hoping her insecure thoughts were wrong. Part of her wants to snap, The hell is wrong with you? Of course you love her, you’re making her sound like she’s Narciso or something. You were just cuddling up to her telling her how big her muscles were the other day, did you get a fuckin’ lobotomy done on you in the hour she left you alone? The other part of her falls into a bit of a depression. Of fucking course you don’t love her. She was really trying, too. She could beat your ass for lying to her, but she’s not gonna. She’s too miserable. She throws herself into the gym and replays every single interaction she’s ever had with you- that was seriously all a lie so you could get her off your ass? The next time you see her- which is likely her hunting you down- she traps you in a small room, probably your cell. She genuinely just wants to talk about how cruel you are. If you try to run, Jolyne gets in your way, and uses her stand to hold you in place. Looking down at you like this, all tied up… it just sorta clicks. This is how it’s meant to be. Your door locks, right? Probably not, she can put something in front of it. She’s got some pent up frustration to take out on you. 
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omgiamwish · 4 months
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Genos, all things considered, believes himself to be very well adjusted. A rogue psychic attempts to throw a wrench in that.
read Don't Think About It on ao3 or below
Genos wasn’t losing the fight, necessarily. He had to be careful not to hurt any civilians in the area, but the group he was fighting- mainly robots- clearly weren’t going all out either if his readings of their energy levels were correct. Genos has thus far taken on very little damage, despite being very outnumbered.
They targeted him specifically. They mean to restrain him, he’s fairly sure. Though for what purpose, he hasn’t the faintest idea.
He means to ask. But he’s yanked off balance. It would have taken him a fraction of a second to correct. The human hands that dart from behind him to press against his temples don’t give him that.
His vision whites out.
His first thought is of a malfunction. Then, damage.
It takes perhaps too long to realize he’s no longer being attacked. That no one is touching him at all. And that he can still see himself, when he looks down at his body.
Something is wrong.
His reasoning slips away from him, thoughts fuzzy, but the conclusion stays.
Something is wrong.
“Who are you?”
Genos turns toward the voice. It’s a kid, a teenager. Despite the familiar face, Genos wouldn’t recognize him if not for the sudden absurd feeling that he knows exactly who it is.
“I’m Genos,” he answers. His voice comes out less confident than he means. “I’m… you.”
The boy frowns.
“That’s not right. I’m human.”
Something is wrong. Wasn’t he fighting someone? Shouldn’t he-?
His thoughts blur. Genos blinks as the figure in front of him goes in and out of focus. He can’t look at their face anymore. His eyes fix instead on their shoes. Genos remembers those shoes; they were his favorite pair, the pair he had right before…
“Was it worth it? Sacrificing your humanity?”
Genos hesitates. But there’s only one correct answer. “…Yes.”
“Can you even imagine yourself as human anymore?”
“That doesn’t matter.”
Even so, something compels him to try. To lift his hand and imagine pale skin instead of dark metal. Instead, several iterations of his cyborg arms pass through his mind, before getting stuck on the set he used to use for housework.
“Do you really miss those more than your own skin?”
Genos glares at the figure. “I don’t miss anything.”
The brat raises an eyebrow. “Anything? Not even your fami-?”
“SHUT UP!” Genos springs forward, his fist flying out recklessly. It doesn’t land. Everything blurs. “Who ARE you?!” Genos screams. “What do you WANT?”
“I’m you, aren’t I?” The voice comes from behind him. “The parts you abandoned.”
Something is wrong.
Genos stares at his hands. At the black claws made for pure offense that lasted less than a day.
“I have to avenge them. My family. I have to be strong enough.”
“It’s been four years without a sign. You’re probably too late.”
“I would have heard if somebody had defeated it. Dr. Kuseno would have-”
“There was a whole year before the Hero Association formed. And there are those who act as heroes but don’t report to anyone.”
“Sensei would remember-”
“Would he?”
Genos finally turns toward the voice. The space is empty. He feels ill.
“Was the Mad Cyborg really so strong?”
The surrounding whiteness dims to black and murky greys. Genos twists around, his older model body- the one Mosquito Girl destroyed- reacting slower than he’s gotten used to.
“Or were you just weak.”
Something moves in the darkness. Genos tries to fire at it. Not even a spark comes from his hand. He tries the other hand to the same effect.
“A scared little boy, terrified of dying alone.”
A hand punches through Genos’s chest, right over his core. He gasps, fingers scrabbling at the arm piercing him. The figure before him blurs between the Mad Cyborg and Garou.
And then it all melts away.
Genos is lying on his back. His body is the correct model. He’s staring up at a close ceiling… the roof of a vehicle, maybe. He can feel the vibration of the engine.
He hears movement nearby, and then a familiar voice. “Demon Cyborg?!” Moments later, Fubuki’s face comes into view, peering down at him. “What did that witch do to you?” she murmurs, looking him over as the glow of her psychic powers starts to fill the small space.
It’s only a moment. He watches her concentration turn to triumph and something high in his neck audibly clicks.
Instantly, he grabs her wrist and rips it away from him. He can move now, and he’s thankful, but he just needs- he-
Fubuki’s face contorts into a different sort of fear, so Genos lets her go. She backs up a bit, but doesn’t leave, her eyes never straying from his face.
“Demon Cyborg. Genos. Is there still something wrong with you? Do you need help?”
His fear is unacceptable. Whatever happened is clearly over. He needs to pull himself together.
He sits up, composed, and checks himself over. As he thought, there is only minimal damage to his body, and none that he can’t remember the source of.
“Thank you for your assistance. The last I recall, I was fighting a large group of advanced robots and enhanced individuals. Did they escape after taking me down?”
“No.” Fubuki finally backs out of the vehicle. Genos follows. Outside, there is a good deal of robotic carnage. “My sister did this. We both sensed the use of strong psychic abilities nearby, so we came and…”
“Psychic abilities?” Genos supposes that could explain how he could be taken down so fast and so thoroughly. When he’d researched such things, he’d read about abilities that were less physical than what the Psychic Sisters used. Things like precognition and telepathy.
“My sister took that woman away. I wanted to investigate a little more, though. About what she was doing. And then I found… You’re not hurt, are you? I reconnected something, but was that all she did? The flow of that woman’s powers seemed like she was doing more.”
“It is of no concern.” Genos looks over the scene again. There is truly nothing left to do here. “Please excuse me.”
Fubuki calls after him, but Genos takes to the rooftops. He needs to find something to punch.
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horse-girl-anthy · 11 days
essay on NGE (and RGU) under the cut
if I really wanted to oversimplify, I could say that NGE and RGU are essentially the same story. both are about whether it's worth it to go on living, to come to life, or if it's better to die, to stay half-living. they use their respective characters, genres, and symbolic systems in order to investigate this issue.
to approach the shows that way would of course be flattening, since they explore the themes they share in different ways. I find myself in a loop when I try to compare them: first, I'll think of a way they're similar, but the second I write down the commonality, I think of an exception. when I try to write about how they're different, I end up realizing they're the same.
rather than try to parse all of that out, I'd like to talk about what NGE and RGU have given me, respectively. I first watched the shows back to back when I was 16. RGU has occupied a lot of my headspace since I rewatched it in 2020, while NGE was more of a teenage interest. however, NGE is still important to me, because it does things for me that RGU doesn't (just as RGU does things for me that NGE doesn't). the two works compliment each other well, in my opinion.
in the 90s, Ikuhara and Anno were fairly close, and did a string of interviews together to promote Evangelion. the below quote is from an interview with Newtype which was conducted during NGE's production:
Kunihiko Ikuhara: Hmm, what I'm hoping for from Evangelion is that it will be a drama that shows us an embodiment, a concrete way to be happy. --Our Happiness: The Happiness Depicted by "Evangelion"
did Ikuhara get what he wanted out of Evangelion? "a concrete way to be happy"? I don't know. perhaps Ikuhara went on to make RGU because he didn't see what he wanted in Evangelion. RGU--all Ikuhara works--have some kind of relief in them. a moment of revelation, change, reconcilliation, transcendence. Evangelion points in similar directions, but it never truly resolves; it never relents.
but Ikuhara goes on to say:
Kunihiko Ikuhara: There are many young people who think that they will be happy if their current situation changes. They think that because the situation is bad, they can't be happy or do well. That's not true. What makes us happy is our ability to materialize - to give shape to our happiness.
this was something that the final episode of NGE communicated to me quite powerfully when I was a kid. first, the animation style changes, and the show depicts how material reality restrains freedom, but how total freedom would mean total disconnection, the inability to interact with the world. later, Shinji has visions of a sitcom version of Eva, where the story plays out like a bad anime. somehow, this is what leads into the revelation he has at the last moment of the episode. I couldn't have explained it at the time, but this ending worked very well for me. I think I've finally put my finger on why.
the voices of all the people Shinji knows give him a lecture, dispensing advice which could feel insulting or could be hard to take. I was struck by him being told, "you're the only one who can understand yourself, so take care of yourself." like many young people, I had the fantasy that I would meet someone who truly understood me, and that it would somehow free me from all bonds. I wanted to be helped and saved, and here was this show, telling me to my face, "it's actually your responsibility to do that for yourself." I didn't want to believe it, especially not that I would never be understood the way I wanted to be... but I couldn't ignore it either.
there's also a part where Shinji is told that "on rainy days, you feel glum, but on sunny days, you feel happy. but that's only a matter of your perception." this sounds like something a bad therapist would tell you: that you can just willpower your way out of suffering by changing how you look at a situation. but I think it's not quite that.
this goes back to the sitcom sequence. Shinji witnessed a different version of himself, one with normal problems, and he realized that the world is actually indifferent to him, the way that the world is indifferent to whether there's rain or sunshine. the whole show, he's been afraid of indifference, and he's been afraid that he's looked down on by others. he's judged himself, felt like absolute scum. but at the same time that he's forced to realize that he will never receive perfect acceptance and understanding from someone else, he also realizes that indifference is a great gift, because it means whether he is the "rainy" or "sunny" version of Shinji, he is still allowed to exist. he is a part of his world, a mirror of it, and so there's no reason to hate himself for his failings. it's a realization that he has a place in the world, and he's congratulated for it.
but Evangelion didn't stop there. I rejected End of Eva the first time I watched it, in part because I really disliked the live action shots (which I thought were pretentious) but also because the story was so depressing, especially after the relatively uplifting ending of the show.
the film does have moments of transcendence, but they're all of an existential, apocalyptic, and ecstatic-through-suffering kind. Yui tells Shinji, "as long as the sun, moon, and earth exist, everything will be alright," taking the idea that circumstances don't dictate happiness to the extreme. she becomes a monument to humanity, sacrificing herself and allowing the apocalypse in order to do so. is it beautiful, or horrible? are humans so afraid to be annihilated that we annihilate ourselves?
more unsettling, our main characters get what I'd like to call "anti-resolutions." Ritsuko fails to even get revenge on Gendo, betrayed by her mother til the end. Misato may be right that she's learned with every mistake she's made, but she dies the same person she always was, crying out to Kaji for reassurance. our young protagonists all have moments of self-actualization, but they are immediately cancelled, rendered void. Asuka regains her desire to live, only to be killed. Rei makes a choice--a crucial choice--but she hands the final decision over to Shinji, losing her individuality in the process (when she's always longed to be a discrete individual). then Shinji makes what seems to be the right choice, but is not rewarded for it.
I've always found it fascinating that people can watch NGE and come to the conclusion that Third Impact was a good thing and humans should have stayed tang. it's certainly the more peaceful option. everything would just be... over. no more strife caused by the fact that we cannot understand each other, that we cannot cross the divide of being and experience each others' experience.
in a triumphant moment, Shinji decides against living as fluid. he knows his feelings were real, and could only ever be real, in that other world, where people are separate, because not having any boundaries is the same as not existing.
the logic of fiction tells us that, since Shinji "did the right thing," there should be a good outcome as a result. but no, there isn't. when he's back in his body, the world is worse than it's ever been, and only Asuka is by his side. he has the ability to hurt people again. yes he can be caressed, but he can also be scorned, hated--and people can have good reasons to scorn and hate him.
this was an entirely new gift that End of Eva gave me, and it's stuck with me ever since. it was an acknowledgment of suffering that promised no respite or happy ending. if we are not to kill ourselves, we have to face the fact that life may offer no rewards. we may never get what we want, and there will certainly be pain along the way. relationships can fall apart, and we can let ourselves down.
although Ikuhara has said that he created RGU in the hope that it would help kids see an option other than suicide, I would say that NGE has done more for helping me live than RGU, for the reasons I outlined above. it was my sense as a teen that there was no way out of the pit. maybe it's true that people can't understand each other, but through the power of art, I felt understood by NGE. that went a long way.
RGU was something very different; it had a different gift to give, and I had to mature in order to accept it. I don't think RGU offered a "concrete way to be happy" either, but it did make concrete the process of liberation. RGU is about freedom, freedom from just about everything: illusions, dependence, time, the self, you name it. by dramatizing the process by which a community is turned inside out and changed irrevocably, the show proves that liberation is possible. Anthy comes to stand in for the repressed part of all women, and so her revolution is the revolution of womanhood. most affectingly, the show involves the audience in the story using a variety of means. by forcing the audience to see themselves as part of the narrative, getting them to examine their own perceptions and identify with the characters, RGU operates as a direct challenge to the viewer, asking them to revolutionize their own world as soon as possible.
to wrap this up, I see NGE and RGU as stories which I needed at different times in my life. I imagine I'll return to them for years to come, but it makes sense to me that NGE came first. I don't think I could have tried for freedom before I internalized the ideas that NGE offered me. in the long run, RGU has had more impact on my thinking and personality, but NGE paved the way for it, kindly playing the role of John the Baptist for me. it is the gospel for the new century after all.
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sheeple · 2 years
A purple-eyed bride for your green-coloured son
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Part one |  Part three
There are days that Lucerys Velaryon can't look at his sister. It's not because he thinks she's ugly. Gods no. Lucerys thinks his sister is one of the most beautiful girls he has ever seen. Long, snow-white hair cascading in tight curls down her back. The vision of a true Valyrian.
He can't look at her some days because of the guilt.
His otherwise flawless oldest sister is missing an eye. And it's all because of him. She and their uncle both lost an eye the same night because of him.
Lucerys has lived with this guilt for almost six years. It eats him from the inside, festering in his heart like a black, sticky goo. It's tar-like and it makes him wanna throw up.
Next to Lucerys is his brother, Jacaerys Velaryon. He wants to hate his sister for what she has done. He wants to despise her. Because he, as the eldest son and heir to the throne, should be the one to protect their siblings ─ not her. But he can't.
He knows that his sister has given up a lot. She has given the right to the throne to him. Because she knows he will be a far better candidate than herself. She has no taste for the crown or power. Y/n Velaryon has told him so herself.
And now she has given up her freedom. The freedom to choose whom she marries. At least that is what all the Velaryon siblings have in common, their marriages are chosen for them.
Across the table, sits the Stranger himself personified. Aemond Targaryen watches with not so well hidden amusement how Lucerys squirms under his gaze. Aemond does however not enjoy the emotionless look his niece has on her face.
He always thought they were equal; two halves of the same. But in contrary to how he hides the jewel that fills the empty socket, she shows it with pride. An amethyst shines eminently in place of her eye, the colour matching the one she gave his mother half a decade ago.
It excites him. He truly believes that she did it all for him. Over the years, her eyeball kept him company, whispering how they are meant to be together. It drives him crazy how she teases him.
The King gives a heartfelt speech, after which the other members of the royal family follow. The Queen and Princess seem to reconcile, and Jacaerys makes a not-really-meant reconciliation to his uncles. Princess Helaena looks really proud of herself once she has spoken, earning a few chuckles and a nod from her grandsire.
Once Jacaerys takes his aunt to dance, princess Y/n's eyes drift from them to her uncle, who's already staring intently at her. She raises her eyebrow and lifts her cup to take a sip of the wine. It's like she's challenging him, decides Aemond.
Before he can act on his desire to claim her before their family, a still-sizzling piglet get's placed before him and the quiet laughs of his nephew set him off. His speech is damaging and the Queen buries her face in her hands.
Jacaerys punches Aemond first but gets pushed to the ground fairly easily. Aegon grabs Lucaerys and pushes his face on the table. The one-eyed princess jumps up from her chair and kicks her eldest uncle in the back of his knees so he lets go of her brother and slams his head on the table.
Jacaerys breaks free from the guards that restrained him but contains himself when his sister steps in between uncle and nephew
"You should be ashamed of yourself", she hisses, chest heaving and jaw set. She feels Jacaerys ready to pounce like a wild animal behind her but she doesn't budge. "Your tongue should be cut out for talking such blasphemy."
What nobody expected is that Aemond advances, grabbing hold of the Princess' throat. Swords are unsheathed and shouts for the Prince to let go of his niece. But his gaze is set on her only eye, mirroring his own.
"You're playing a dangerous game, uncle. If my betrothed in the North hears about you putting your hands on his princess, Cregan Starks won't hesitate to march down to here. Then your eye won't be the only thing you've lost." The last part is only for her uncle to hear.
Aemond's jaw tenses, but it is his mother that speaks his thoughts. "Betrothed? Since when?"
Princess Y/n frees herself from her uncle's hold to address the Queen. There is a certain look in the brown orbs of the Queen that betray her true feelings.
"Such a same isn't it, Queen Hightower? Now you won't have a purple-eyed bride for your green-coloured son."
The face of the Queen hardens and Prince Daemon grabs his step-daughter's arm, ordering her and her brothers to go to their quarters.
With one last sharp look at Aemond, the princess leaves to pack for their return home to Dragonstone and she swears to never return to the capital while the Greens plague the halls of the keep. At least not of her free will.
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Tagged: @ryuuisthecutest @thepineapplesimp @yeah-just-a-fan @linn-a-a @foggyturtleknightangel @the-phantom-of-arda @bellameshipper
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vickyvicarious · 4 months
I wonder what is the "sympathy" Mina gave to Lucy in the letter we never get to read (the one Lucy is now replying to (May 24))
Thanks, and thanks, and thanks again for your sweet letter. It was so nice to be able to tell you and to have your sympathy.
There's a couple ways I can go with this line.
Genuine (sad). Lucy mentions being "able" to tell Mina something which she gets sympathy for. Perhaps this refers to the way Lucy had trouble speaking of her feelings for Arthur previously, and in general alludes to her being more restrained in her words and actions. I would read Mina's sympathy here as being more about Lucy's relationship with her mother being difficult at times, and about Lucy being restrained. Especially given context of certain lines that were later cut from the draft version of Lucy's first letter - Lucy expressed envy of her mother and frustration at having to just sit and smile in social situations until she feels like a lie. So Mina's letter could well be expressing sympathy for Lucy being restrained by social convention and reiterating that she is someone, at least, who Lucy can be freely herself with.
Genuine (hopeful). It's possible that Mina's sympathy was expressed for Lucy's specific plight in that first letter. That is, such intense feelings of love and hope, yet being uncertain those feelings are truly returned or if you're just looking for what you want to be true. Mina may well have gone through the same thing with Jonathan at one point, after all. And perhaps Lucy's thanks is for Mina offering encouragement while still being more levelheaded, so that she feels like she is being taken seriously (and isn't just behaving like a silly girl with a crush, something I could see her worrying about) and also finds hope for what she wants to be true. Lucy asked Mina to "tell me all that you think about it," so her excitement for Lucy's romantic hopes surely would have meant a lot to her.
Joking. Lucy's first letter to Mina had a lot of pretend nonchalance, at least at the beginning. And this letter starts out fairly lighthearted too, while she's still riding the high of being engaged to Arthur before talking about the other two suitors makes her feel sad for them. So it's possible that the 'sympathy' she's speaking of is a joking way of describing Mina just also getting very excited over her news of being in love with Arthur. 'Sympathy' as in 'expressing the same thing' more so than 'pity for someone', basically. This could also go along with the jokingly sad language she uses describing the three proposals: "It never rains but it pours" is usually used about bad situations, but could also just mean going from nothing to a lot of something very rapidly. Lucy went from wondering if one man loved her back to three men proposing marriage within a few hours. That definitely counts! And of course some of it was genuinely bad/difficult (turning two down) to justify the usually sad language, but the excitement was still there (getting three proposals, Arthur proposing) and so the edge of joking tone remains too. This line could be using that same kind of playfully sarcastic edge along with a sincerity too.
I think any of these three would be in character for both Mina and Lucy. And it might have even been some combination of multiple of them. The second two especially could overlap quite well, but it's definitely possible for Mina to express all three sorts of sympathy together in a single letter if she wanted.
...What I certainly don't believe is that the sympathetic letter alludes to Lucy lying in her last letter and actually not wanting to marry Arthur, as at least one interpretation goes. (Spoilers in that link; it's me discussing the article which espouses that theory along with others that cover the entire book.)
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password-door-lock · 6 months
“Boss,” you approach Unknown, obviously ready to complain to your heart's content. He knows this game very well by now, for all the times you've made him play it. Actually, when Unknown thinks about it, he supposes that you’ve never really been in any position to make him do anything. If he didn’t want to listen to you, then he wouldn’t have to. 
“What?” he spits, humoring you regardless of his disinterest in wherever you think this conversation is going. After all, sometimes your rambling turns out to be quite entertaining, and occasionally, you want to bring his attention to something which is actually relevant to his revenge. 
“I'm bored of working,” you announce, as if that means anything. “Do you wanna see how much I got done?” 
He narrows his eyes, making one final click before he resigns himself to stepping away from his revenge for a moment. It's annoying that you keep on distracting him— Unknown never expected this when he decided to keep you as his assistant. If he'd known you'd be so rowdy, maybe he wouldn't have held onto you this way, but as it is, he's kind of stuck with you. He can't send you back to where he got you from— even though he's fairly certain that you wouldn't intentionally breathe a word about him to anybody, there's always the possibility that those liars could find you and torture the answer out of you. After all, if the benevolent Savior is willing to try something like that on her believers, Unknown shudders to think about what sorts of things might go on in the world of the RFA. He can't cleanse you, either— with your general weakness and anxiety, which he doubts would be eliminated by the elixir of salvation, Unknown gets the feeling that you wouldn't last an hour as a believer. Ultimately, he has no choice but to keep you here.
Strangely, he finds he's more productive now that you force him to take these little breaks, as you call them— probably because he has to work even harder to catch up in between, but more productive is more productive. Unknown would do anything to be able to bring that redhead to ruin faster, though that doesn’t mean he’s pleased to be wasting his time on something so inane as your fragile feelings. 
“You're bored?” He coos, continuing to humor you. Inane or not, those feelings of yours are fun to play with.“Oh, you poor thing. Then come here, and I'll make it better, hm?” Unknown turns to face you now, making sure that you get a good look at his wolfish grin. 
You must know that it's a trap. You're probably not the smartest person in the world, but Unknown is familiar enough with you by now to know that you’re nowhere near as foolish as he initially expected you to be. “Mmm,” you hum, slipping into his embrace and clinging to him like you actually think you're going to get anything out of this. Maybe Unknown should consider revising his assessment of your intelligence, after all. Or maybe... you know it's a trap, but you like it anyway. Strange. “Thank you.” You really sound like you mean that, like you actually think that Unknown is going to let you off the hook so easily. He saved you specifically so that you could help him with his work, and you don’t get to quit on him just because you’re sick of it. 
Now that he has you in close proximity, Unknown leans in to whisper in your ear, “You don't get to be bored of working, cutie. Since you can't do it on your own, I guess you can just help me with my task instead, hm? What a handful you are.” He feels you smile against his chest, and, not for the first time, Unknown wonders whether he is actually the one in control.
“You want me to just look at the screen?” You ask, clearly trying to restrain your excitement. You really are strange, if that’s something you’re looking forward to. 
“Yes,” Unknown replies, “Turn around and look at the screen.” You do as you’re told, and Unknown feels relieved. He’s still the only one in charge here— of course he is, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Nsfw headcanons for gale weathers and a submissive male s/o?
my first gale request yay 🥰
Gale Weathers with a submissive male s/o nsfw headcanons
Warnings: SMUT, somewhat mean femdom, submissive male reader (most physical descriptions of the reader are purposely meant to be ambiguous/vague so this can be read by either cis or trans readers. If there's anything that needs to be added or changed please let me know)
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First off, Gale isn't so much dominant as she is bossy. We see it when she's trying to find a breakthrough story to report on, and it would most definitely come into play in the bedroom
I personally see her as more of a power bottom myself. She expects you to do most of the hard work, but she's very direct and upfront about what it is that she wants
Would she peg you? Sure, but you'll have to use begging and flattery on your end in order to get what you want. This can be applied to most sexual situations if I'm being honest. No way is she just going to give you what you want right away, what's the fun in that?
Sometimes she'll give you certain "tasks" you have to complete before she gives you any attention, such as fetching her coffee or getting new reels for her cameras. Most of these are fairly simple and innocent enough, but they can be a bit harder to do if you've been teased relentlessly beforehand or if you're made to wear a cockring, vibrator, or something of that nature
Loves forcing you to kneel under her desk and eat her out while she works. Usually she ignores you but occasionally she may give you a light pat on the head or tell you that you're doing a good job. She'll also critique you if she feels the need to, just a heads up in case you decide to get a little lazy with it
Speaking of giving head, she definitely prefers receiving over giving. She loves to be pampered and taken care of, so if you want her to return the favor you'll have to be on your absolute best behavior for her
Will absolutely reward you if you're good for her and behave, but if not she has no problem leaving you with nothing. And if you decide to act like a brat? Believe me when I say she'll definitely find a way to put you back in your place again
Typical punishments can include anything from spanking to orgasm denial, as well as being restrained and forced to watch as she gets herself off without you. After all, it's important for you to know that she doesn't really need you and that you're just another toy for her to play with
It should probably go without saying that she loves to degrade you. If you didn't have a humiliation kink beforehand you'll probably end up forming one given just how often she talks down to you
That being said, she can be surprisingly caring when she wants to be, like if she actually manages to hurt your feelings for example. She'll hold you in her lap and murmur sweet and loving things into your ear about how she's sorry she upset you and that she didn't really mean it
Definitely someone who's into being called some sort of title during sex. Mistress, mommy, etc. She expects you to at the very least refer to her as ma'am, especially when she asks you a question. Bonus points if you only speak when you're spoken to
She's not above setting up a camera and filming the two of you in the act so she can rewatch it by herself later on. If there's one thing Gale loves, it's being on camera
This one may be a bit more niche but if you're into something such a petplay she'll surprisingly indulge you, getting you a cute little collar that says your name on one side and "property of Gale Weathers" on the other. She'll most likely end up taking time out of her day in order to 'train' you because as she says every good pet needs to learn how to listen and obey their owner's commands
Sometimes she has to leave shortly after sex because of her job, but she always makes sure you're taken care of beforehand, so aftercare is gentle and soothing. She makes sure you have something small to eat or drink and wraps you up in the comfiest of pillows and blankets before giving you a kiss on the head and telling you how proud she is
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End notes: I had a lot of fun writing this 🥰 I love Gale
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