#this was more of a rough idea and i think he needs more pizzazz
rare-prism-s · 1 year
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hiiiiiiii idea for summonable chaldean/goetia 
(skills and np under cut)
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61 notes · View notes
hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Author's Notes ♡:Sooooo I wrote this once with no mythological background and it was so blank because one I half read and two it had no pizzazz. So here I am...enjoying this collab wholeheartedly. For some context the readers dad is Dionysus, yknow the festive, wine maker? So I tried to incorporate that with being a potions maker! Rappa is based on a mix between Behemoths and the Kusarikku, so i wanted him just a big and a bull man hybrid but not fully a Minotaur! I hope whoever reads this enjoy it as much as I did writing it! (Also I’m slowly realizing how much I hope this man)~ bunny ❥
Here’s the lovely masterlist of the others beautiful arts!
Warnings : NSFW again! (◎_◎;)
A use of pet names l, uh some heavy size kink (if you know who I based him on, also is one of my kinks showing yet) , Needy Rappa, breeding, Light cursing, a bit of a pussy job, female oral and a bit of overstimulation.
Word count : About 6.5k (ooof) !
Paring(s) : Bullman! Kendo Rappa x F!Reader
Summary : Being a demigod had perks, you could travel, you had god and goddesses as siblings and family members and of course the power! But what happens when you have to help a stubborn farm...pet?
Enjoy ♡
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Growing up as a demigods daughter who owned a garden on earth was one experience. All types of people, gods, goddesses and hybrids needed her experience with all sorts of plants and other things from nature ; rather it be for healing medicines , a bouquet for an upset lover or for help with livestock growth, [ ] and her parents helped with every little working class they could. As [ ] went from child to young adult she was used to her fair share of men from every place asking for her attention. A human asking for her hand and giving her the bare minimum, a god, wanting to make her a goddess, or just simply flirting to warrant her attention. But alas to them all she gave them no leadway, keeping her same polite smile and overall sweetness to each and every person she dealt with. On a warm day in the heavens as she walked the sky castles grounds she ran into a farmhand, one she remembered worked for Demeter approached her hesitantly, his eyes wandering to the young maidens “U-uh M-miss [ ] right?” The male asked her , her eyebrow raising as a silent answer “Lady Demeter would like to speak with you, she need some help but she did not tell me exactly what” he said with a bow and soon turned to leave. Wondering what the goddess could want she headed to her ranch, watching the cattle and other animals graze. Suddenly the door swung wide, revealing the deity to her “[ ] my favorite niece how are you love!” The tall woman sing songingly yelled, hugging the wide eyed girl “Hello Auntie Dem, im quite alright! Uhm, what seems to be the problem? One of your hands came to get me” [ ] said as she took in the ranch home her harvesting aunt had, all sorts of gains, wheats, fruits and more spewed about in her living room “Ah yes! Your father told me how great youve become with your potions and mixes of herbs, being the daughter of Dionysus im not surprised! I told him to let you grow and do more now look at you, serving us gods and mortals alike!” Demeter went on, handing her confused niece a large apple as she took one for herself. Becoming her to a table by the window they both sat, eating on their fruit as she explained her issue.
“You see, i have a lot of cattle, different kinds, different kins and legacies, but im a bit stuck. My favorite mare, had a child a little while ago and he seemed to just be your average bull at first….but..as time went on he out grew his father, my prized minotaur bull and even his normal cow and bull family.” Taking a glance to the field they watched as the minotaur children and some sheep danced and played, other average cow cults running to join. Sighing Demeter continued “Hes a hybrid, my prized minotaur as his father and well, my biggest and prized heifer as his mother. He wont come out of the shed, doesnt deal with his other kind, minotaur or not. Hes around your age now, getting to be his prime but..he wont converse in the fields. Both his father and mother voiced concerns to me about his health but when i checked on him, hes fine! Fields away under a sun and away from my younger and ready cows! I dont get it! Maybe because hes more human than he is bull, he does have a human face and even body, just taht everything below is...well bull. Tail, those wonderful breeding-” “Auntie!” Before she could finish [ ] was hushing the woman, waving her arms “I get it i get it Bull bottom human top i dont need to hear about his loins!” She pleaded.
Laughing, the goddess reached to a pile of hay, whistling to feed some of the nearby cows “Ah you silly girl, I was only gloating about my finest bull yet! I even tried bringing him mortals but...he crushed them, saying they were too small. Every single one! Younger older it didnt matter, he wanted nothing to do with them and just squashed them like a bug under his hoofs! I'm at my wits end, Im not sure what he needs, and hes so large i cant just let him walk around the palace place, he intimidates the clerks and huffs when talked to!” Dramatically laying against the table she looked to the thinking girl, her eyes shining with an idea “Hey auntie, how about you take me to him, i can see if hes loss any weight or seems sickly anywhere. Where do you think hed be at this time?” [ ] asked “Ah you brave girl, what time is it, almost high noon? He might be in the field but its the one with my giant tree that he likes” Demeter responded, pointing to a large tree up a few fields with nothing much around it but luhs grass. “Doesnt even matter if i put up a fence, he walks on two legs so he just hops over it” She sighed again as the duo headed outside.
Seeing a tall minotaur coming towards them [ ] stopped along Demeter, her goddess aunt speaking “Ah Milvor, how are you and Altine?” “Lady Demeter and I'm guessing this is [ ], we are fine. The misses is in the field now, seeing if she can see our boy” He said. Realizing that this was the after for her case [ ] spoke up “Uhm sir have you noticed anything amiss with er-” “Kendo, his name is Kendo” The Minatour said “Ah yes with Kendo, anything seem to be hurt or missing from his way of life” She asked. “Well..not particularly. Hes always fought some of the other males here so bruises and marks are a common thing we see from him. Besides a broken horn he doesn't have anything major going on. Just that he refuses to be around anyone here. Even us at times when were out with the others” He said solemnly , looking at the girl. Grabbing her hands he pleaded “Please, help our son? I know he can be rude and dismissive but down there our sweet boy is in there, were worried sick about him” Milvor said, a sad moo coming from his approaching wife “Miss i do appreciate you checking on him, I just hope he'd be home soon” A half cow women spoke , coming beside this Kendo’s father “Well i'll do my best, it doesnt sound like hes too hurt or anything serious so i'll make sure to try and get him to be with you both” Giving a reassuring smile [ ] started off, heading to the tree at the top of them hill. Just before she got far Demeter called to her, handing her sweet wheat “Heres some of his snack, he sometimes will come back if we offer him more” She said. Taking the wheat and putting it in the side of her flowing peplos. Soon with enough treading uphill , she got close to the tree , soon seeing a tail swish from in front of the tree. Hesitantly she walked forward before seeing hooved legs, also covered in black fur, pop out from the tree. Placing a hand at the side that had no person on it she peeked over to in fact , find a rather giant back in the sun, small flecks of freckles on the toned skin. Holding her gift closer she walked to the male before hearing a snort “ ‘M tellin’ ya Elinor I dont want nothin’ to do with ya, go on, go back to the heard” A rough and deep voice said, a larger hand coming up to wave off whoever was behind him. Feeling a bit bad for this mysterious Elinor and offended, she was brushed off [ ] walked closer , standing at the ends of his legs until the male growled. “I told ya to-'' Stopping himself from yelling once he turned around he was surprised to find not hybrid named Elinor but in fact the small [ ] her eyes widening as amber ones looked down “Yer not Elinor” He said as [ ] giggled “And im guessing youre Kendo” She said as the bull sat up, cruising his legs and the curious woman in front of her. “Whos askin?”
He huffed as [ ] looked at him as she did the same , sitting across from the hybrid “A…. doctor of sorts. Your parents, along with Goddess Demeter asked me to come check on you, see how youre doing” she said as he huffed again “ ‘M fine, now why did they send you” He said as he watched her pull things out, paper , a quill, ink and is that..? Pointing to the bustle of wheat he called out “Is that… for me?” Blinking [ ] looked at the almost childish Kendo, smiling as she untied the snack “It is for you, I heard you liked it. Brought it in the hopes youd talk to me?” She questioned, holding a piece out for him to take. Hesitantly he did, gnawing at it as he hummed in delight, his tail swishing. “ So uhm… Doc what do want to know” He asked, watching as the smaller girl touched his chest and arms, squeezing lightly as she wrote down different things “If ya wanted to touch me ya shouldve asked” He teased, taking his own hand to her face. Felling he face warm up she moved back, poking him with a finger “Now now be good im just seing if youre injured. Besides that horn, do you have anything broken or doenst feel well?” She asked as she waved a pisces of wheat, making him focus. “Nah, im as fit as a fiddle” Side eyeing his response she still gave him a piece , hearing him hum in delight as she wrote more notes.
“So no injuries, no pain , nothing?” shaking his head he continued to eat , taking some pieces from her bundle as she reached for the uneatten pieces “Hey! No you get these as a reward for answering me not to eat at your leisure!” She scolded. Reaching as far as she could she grabbed at his hand before he lifted them higher, smirking “Well miss doc i want what i want, and I want my snack” He said before she grabbed his arm, poking a manicured nail at it hand “Well Kendo ill let you have it if you tell me whats wrong, without covering it up deal?” Feeling him flinch at her poking she did it again until he moved away , glaring at her through his bangs that hung low “Fine! Stop poking me though, ya nails hurt! And theres nothing wrong, i just dont like ‘em cows! They stink!” He said as he knelt closer, moving her from his arm. “They stink? How old are you 5? Why do they stink!” [ ] huffed back as he chewed more of his treat, looking to the flustered girl “Im 22 in human years little girl , and like i said they stink! Reeks like open sores and meat” He said as he kept eating , laying in the sun. Thinking over his words it dawned in her what he could be talking about “And what do i smell like Kendo?” [ ] asked, catching the half bull off guard “I dunno, you dont stink, Neither does lady Dem” He said as he turned to her. Leaning over she gave him a piece of wheat again but this time, pushing herself a bit forward, watching as his body shook before he took the piece , eating it. “Well Kendo, my name is [ ] and ill be checking on you moreoften okay? I need to run down to the house but ill be back if that's okay with you?” Silently he shook his head, watching her run off as he opened his still crossed legs, feeling himself unsleeth as he groaned ‘Shit...now why am I gettin turned on’ he thought to himself, rubbing away what he could before the girl came back
As soon as she got to the farm she was met with the eyes of the worrying three, the first to speak being his mother Altine “Oh! [ ] youre back!” She said, the bell on her neck dangling as she ran to the fence “How is my boy? Kendo is he alright?” she asked as Demeter and Milvor came soon after for the report “Well maam i can confirm he is healthy, not is wrong with him the only thing is..” [ ] hesitated as she looked at them “He might have a heat approaching, is this his first one by any chance?” SHe asked as they all looked at eachother, Demeter speaking up “Well not exactly, this is why I kept bringing mortals up here, he wouldnt mate with the cows, and even other hybrids! Nothing! Hed turn his nose up at them all and go back to that field. He actually broke that horn of his fighting a bull from a neighboring farm who wanted to cow that was trying to get his attention” Demeter said, sigh as she saw her nieces blank face , afraid she overwhelmed her “Its alright if you dont think hes fixable [ ] i can-” “No hes fine. I can help him, and i think it wont be that hard either” [ ] said, giving the group a smile. “Watch him for a few days for me , im gonna go back up there with him, see how he is then come back in a few days with some of my things, ill stay here as long as need be to help your son” She said as she gave them all a smile, going inside to get her something to eat. Soon she hear her aunt appear, shuffling about to give her a basket to put her things in “Here, Im so gald helping him is a easy fix” She said sighing happily as she continued “I know he should mate on his own time, but im more concerned for his heath of it all, he doesnt even release into anyone or even by himself” Glancing towards her auntie she took in a breath before saying something “Well, i know it has to be bad now, he even said the er, cow women here stink, so their hormone have to be covered with other bulls or maybe he genuinely doesnt see appeal with them” [ ] said. Thinking it over Demeter gave her an almost alarming look “Well if thats the case just as you arrived he asked me what i was cooking, that something smelt good. I told him I didnt have anything and he just retreated back to his part of the barn before leaving for the field again.” Slowly [ ] realized she might be in for more than she imagines but brushed it off. “Interesting..” She said as she took her full basket “I have an idea, im gonna see if his heat hits its peaking times in a few days, I do plan on staying here if youd have me here?” She asked as a delighted look spread across Demeter’s face “Of course dear child! I missed having you around! Your Father was bad at bringing you over, him and his festivals” Demeter huffed before she poked her nieces cheek “Besides! We can have a girls night, or well er, weeks depending!” She said as the laughed together “Well it's a deal!”
Heading back up the hill she saw that Kendo had moved, facing a running river as he sast in the sun once more, looking content. [ ] smirked to herself before grabbing some of the things she had ; a brush, a lavish soap and a towel. Heading to where the behemoth of a hybrid laid she noticed his ear twitched, before he opened an eye to look back at her. “Hey Doc, ya back.” He said as she gave him a smile, sitting beside his head “Why yes I am. You seem to be enjoying yourself” She teased as he smirked, turning to face her. “Well i do enjoy the sun, keeps me warm nd my hair soft.” Looking him over again she noticed that his hair was always up in a bun but his bangs covering his eyes, a different hue of color, more of a rustic red than his black furred legs. “Well about that...Im gonna give you a bath!” the giant bull flinched at her words, seeing the happy look gracing her face “Oi now look, ‘m fine i dont need no bath” He argued as she pouted “Why sure you do! I know you dont go when the others get theirs, and if that bun of yours is any indication, you need to wash all of that dirt and grime off. Now let me help you” She barked back, pointing the soft looking brush towards his face. He stood up, now overthrowing the girls height as he pointed a finger at her “Now look, I like being this way, it keeps those girls offa me if you clean me now they wont leave me alone!” [ ] sighe before stepping closer, pointing her own small hand at his face, moving closer “Now you listen to me Kendo, I have things to help keep them off of you, this is for your own health! I can leave you here, dirty but your hair and fur is gonna get so matted theyll have to shave you!”
At hearing a potential that hed be shave Kendo flinched, moving his bangs so his soft eyes could meet her determined ones “Theyll shave me? Ion wanna be like the sheep” he said she she gave him a satisfied look. “Well go into the water then and ill make sure you wont!” Reluctantly he sighed, walking into the river as she followed behind, pinning her longer robe so it wouldnt get too wet as she sat at the side of the river. Holding a hand out she waved him closer, the male coming to her as she undid his hair. To her utter surprise it fell down his shoulders, stopping just short of his waist. Gently she pushed his bangs back to see his pretty amberish eyes looking up to her [ ]’ed ones. He had a typical Bull hook through his nose , the gold shining in the warm sun. He was quite handsome, sun kissed skin and a clear face, broad shoulders and a nice body. Even with his mostly human body his horns, tail and ears were bull, on top of his legs and...neithers , that were covered in fur. Softly she traced a scar under his eye, the wound slightly tender as he jumped from the touch. Going to her wrist she tied a string to hold his long bangs up, a giggle falling from her lips as he almost looked like a younger child getting a bath “What're you lookin at me like that for” He huffed as she laughed more, pushing his face together “You look like an upset child is all. Now go ahead and dip in the water for me , ill scrub you after.” Listening to her, Kendo dropped watching as some of the debris and dirt washed off around him as he stood up, shaking his hair “Good enough?” He asked as she shook her head, pouring some of the sopa on the brush as she started to was his chest,making sure to scrub him as clean as she could from land. Sensing her struggle he reached to her, lifting her over his body as she squealed “Sorry, you were just strugglin so i thought i'd help you” Kendo said as [ ] hesitantly started to wash as much as she could, tapping his arm anytime she needed to move. Being up there did help, she was able to was his horns and his hair, revealing the rust orange and copper hair underneath. Surprised she ran her finger though it, giving him a shy smile. “See dont you feel a bit better?” She asked as he shyly nodded, noticing how her clothes clinged to her chest. He reached to put her back on land, coming out of the water himself as he allowed her to scrb his legs and hoofs, the dull black fur coming to life as he watched in awe. She didnt mind helping him, still came to bother him when he said he didnt want help and now she was bathing him. Kendo mulled over how helpful she was, and realized she was more comforting than most. After scrubbing his hoofs shiny she tapped his legs, signaling she was done.
“All right! Now that youre all clean and such Ill make sure you stay this way okay Kendo?” [ ] said as she went back to the basket, pulling out two apples. The bull in question watched as she came back to him, handing him the other one “Here ya go! Thought you could use something sweet” kendo took the apple from the girl, before biting into it, thanking hier softly as they sat in silence. Soon [ ] spoke up, breaking their silet aurora “So...ill be around here the next few days or so, ill probably stay longer, giving how nice it is” She laughed, looking at the curious male beside her “Dont be afraid to ask me for anything okay? Im here to help you” With that Kendo nodded, going back to the apple. Quietly Kendo touched her arm, making [ ] look to him as an unfamiliar look went over his face. Gently herself, [ ] put her hand on his, shaking her head as a signal for him to talk. “Would you mind...pettin me?” he asked before [ ]’s eyes went wide. Now feeling a bit more embarrassed he spoke up again “I have problems going to sleep, ‘ts why i like it out here in the sun, its warm , nd comforting…” Pausing he continued after he got his words together. “You do the same thing like the sun. Youre warm...comforting.. And make me feel sleepy...so if you pet me...ill be comforted to sleep..its what my mama did, but im too big to be in her lap” With that kendo finished, glancing to the girl who gave him a soft look “Of course i can! I have to get pick some more clothes up but once i get back, I can stay with you out here.” Shaking his head Kendo looked back to the river “Ya dont have to sleep outside with me just...put me to sleep” Unable to stop herself [ ] hugged his arm, looking at him through her lashes “Oh cmon you big baby, I dont mind it! Havent slept under the stars since i was a kid!” Brushing off her dress she ran a hand though his thick locs of hair, giving him another warm hug “Ill be back before sundown, now you be good” And with that he watched as his new found friend walked down the hill.
As promised she brought a blanket and joined him, laying under the tree as the large male went to sleep on her lap, contently humming as [ ] ran her fingers through his hair, making Kendo groan as he fell asleep like mentioned, hugging her thighs as he slept the most comfortable he had in weeks. Watching the hybrid sleep she saw all types of scars, some down his back , others on his chest. A few on his arms and only one on his face, plus the broken horn. He obviously got himself into different groups of problems, but he was sweet, not as curt as he expected. Running her fingers down his back she watched him shiver, going to wrap his arms higher around her torso. Giggling as softly as she could [ ] started to braid his hair back in his sleep, the moving under her ceasing as he was well resting once more. Thinking to herself ‘ If he’ll be like this it should be a breeze to help him.’ Oh how wrong she was.
A few days passed with little to no incident , [ ] going around helping with the daily chore and hanging out with her deity auntie. As the two of them sat in the living quarters, drinking a mixed juice that her father set them they heard a bell appear towards the window, it being Kendo’s mother “I'm so sorry to bother you , but i think something is gravely wrong. Kendo is whining in the shed, earlier he even started to-” Before she could finish a thumb came from his shed, followed by a groan “and that, he's been head butting his room” sitting up [ ] looked to his shed, seeing the door shut but large banging still coming from inside “Hey Auntie, is it alright if we could move him to the other field? I dont want his lashing to accidentally hurt anyone here” Coming besides [ ] Demeter chewed at her lip, thinking “Well, if we can stop him then yes, I'd get the boys to move it quickly”. With that answer [ ] got up, heading to the rocking shed. Taking in a breath she knocked, hearing that the groans subsided. The door slowly creaked open, showing a heaving Kendo “[ ].....?” He whispered, looking over her body as she reached to his forehead, pressing her hand against it. Hot, way too hot. “Kendo, sweetie come with me okay? We’re gonna go to the fields and we're gonna move your shed there okay?” Silently he nodded, coming out of his place. He was gasping, chest heaving as his eyes swirled a darker color than normal. Taking the outstretched hand of [ ] his larger fingers curled against it, following the light pull of the girl. Softly, He nudged her back “ ‘M hot..” he said as she looked back at him, making sure the fever wasn't wearing him down. He gave her a weak smile, rubbing the back of her hand “ ‘M alright princess, just hot” Kendo said as she noted how his voice dropped octaves. “Well theyre gonna bring a bigger shed for you out here and ill check on you every hour. Does anything hurt?” [ ] asked as they walked up the hill “Nah, but my horns are ackey.” “Is that why you were bashing them on the shed?” “Yeah...its like trying to scratch an itch you can reach” Kendo sighed, seeing his usual tree coming into view. As the duo got there he dramatically fell under it, pulling [ ] with him. “K-kendo! Careful!” she fussed as he let go of her apologizing as he drifted to sleep. Soon some of the workers had started working on the new roomed shed for him , finishing just before sundown as they would inform Demeter of where she was.
Gently pushing the deep sleeping boy from her lap she went to his new place, checking everything out. It was more of a small home than a shed, filled with a huge bed and a nice aesthetic to them, the touch of the goddess laced through the look of the place. Going around to sort some of the things they brought for Kendo, [ ] felt a presence behind her “whats all this..” the groggy bull said, ducking down to walk into his lavish bedroom “Your new home! I had them build something spacious but also not overwhelming, and these white are just so lovely.” [ ] kept talking as she soon felt two large arms wrap around her torso “ Ya did this for little ol me..?” He whispered as she ran a hand over his forearm. “I did...you need somewhere to relax in this state” She responded, trying to get from his grasp as he tighten it “Uh uh dont leave...tell me whats wrong with me doc..why cant I stop feeling hot...and anytime you come around I...cant help myself” He ended with a groan , burying his face in the shorter girls neck “Well once im sure of you being in a state of need ill be back okay? Just...relax for me and i promise ill be back.” finally convincing him to let go of her waist, not without a pained groan as he went to the bed, hazy eyes glancing over the short dress wearing girl “Get some more rest okay? Im gonna get something to eat and ill be back in the morning. Call me if you need me okay?” [ ] said as he just groaned a meek response, turning to his side.
Earlier the next morning [ ] woke up to an empty house. Stretching she found a neatly written note with some food on the table
Dearest Niece, Im currently headed to your Uncle Poseidon's place, I should be back some time later ; an update on Kendo, hes been begging for you all day, wont let anyone touch him or check on him. He should be awake now but do be warned ; He’s a lot more scatterbrained than usual
Auntie Demeter
Reading over the note again [ ] sighed, putting on her more comfortable and workable dress as she headed up to his new little house on his hill, the sound of groaning and whines coming to her ears as she got to his door. Seeing it ajar she pushed it open slightly, the place dark except from a crack of light coming from the window. Going to the shades she opened them, hearing a hiss from the bed. “Kendo its me..[ ]?” She called out as the wild set of hair came into view. He was even more disheveled, eyes filled over as he looke to the girl before growling, crawling out of the bed to her. With a gasp she was in his arms, body shaking as she was met with unnaturally feral eyes from the boy. “You left me yesterday..” he rapeseed out, burying his face in her neck again as she grabbed at his thick neck “Kendo honey, i told you id be back this morning didnt i?” She calmly said as he held her tighter, pushing her chest to his “Dont care, ‘ts too long” Realizing why he was so needy [ ] tried to reason with him “Well im sorry love, here lets sit down on the bed” Trying to get him to move she walked forward only to feel something large and hot push into her bare thigh. Nervously she looked down only to be faced to what she feared it was ; His hanging member. A wicked laugh came from above her as she was met with his ever lust driven eyes, a hand of his going to cup her ass and pull her closer “See what you left me with? No matter how hard i fuck my fist i cant cum, it wont come out” He whined and burried his face again, rocking himself on her thigh “Please ill do anythin..youre the only one who sgotten me like this...the only one i want..[ ] please princess help me” Overwhelmed but the situation she tried to pull back, eyes searching his “K-kendo youre getting yourself worked up relax-” Without warning he picked her up, making her screech as he brought her crouch to his face, inhaling as he whimpered, reaching down to his growing dick “Fuck you smell good, like flowers...and sweets..” Letting his tongue roll out he sucked over her panties, making her squeal as she gripped his messy hair “N-no kendo put me down i need to help y-you!” She moaned as his tongue flicked over her clit, a mutual groan coming from both of them. Soon a hard tug to his hair resonated, cause him to put her down as she barely touched the floor, hand grabbing his biceps “Kendo please, please sit down youre overworking yourself.” Trying to calm her racing heart she saw how hazed he was, his hand coming to wrap around his visually throbbing head, stroking himself as tight and fast as he could, looking at the awe struck girl infront of him. His hips lifted up as he was chasing a high but he soon groaned, thrusting meekly in his fist “I-I cant, fuck I cant do it doll, ‘t hurts...p-please” Finally snapping from her haze she got closer to Kendo, hand still trying to milk himself as she put her hand over his, stoping the motion.
“K-ken..ill help you okay? Youre gonna rub yourself raw at this pace..” nervously [ ] pulled his hand away, precum coating it as she gulped. He was huge, red and swollen tip curved in the right places. Even with his bull heritage he was still humanly manageable, but with a lot of work to try and get it to fit. With her staring at the intimidating size it twitched , curving up to his belly button as he gave her a lop sided snarl “ Cmon darlin, he... er, we need you . ya keep staring make me feel a bit exposed” He laughed as [ ] gave her own light chuckle. Facing her fears she wrapped a hand around his tip, a hurting yelp falling from Kendo at the touch made her eyes flicker to him but what she saw was pure lust, eyes blown with his tongue licking over his lips “Y-yes finally...shit I-i can feel somethin” Kendo couldnt help himself. Reaching down he grabbed her other hand , wrapping them tightly around his tip as he thrusted between them. “Mhmm im cumin, im gonna cum o-oh shit” As soon as she twisted her wrist to help him he felt himself twitch , spurts of warm cum splattering on [ ]’s face and the floor a he gave her a nervous laugh “S-shit doll face yer good...im sorry i couldnt hold it in..” he said shyly as [ ] gave him a sympathetic look, stroking over his still throbbing head. “[ ] please...can I fuck you? I-I promise ill go slow its juts the smell of you is..mhmm intoxicating” Kendo pulled her up from her knees, pressing his mouth against her clinging panties ,pulling them with his teeth. [ ] squeaked, grabbing his hair as he pushed her hips closer, trying to lick her. “W-wait ill take em off” Pushing at his shoulders she pulled the piece he had in his mouth out, sliding the flimsy lace as she came a bit closer, a growl coming from his lips as he pushed her dress higher, finally able to taste her. Throwing one leg then the next on his shoulder kendo fell back, making her fall onto his lips.
[ ] let a pitched moan come out, startled by his rummaging in between her thighs , his diligent uskcing on her clit taking a toll as she came, bucking her hips onto his mouth. Swallowing her juices Kendo flipped her on her stomach, pushing the fabric of her dress up and over her shoulder to release her covered chest, now exposed “mhmm i want more of that sweet nectar baby why dont you give it to me?” whispering in her ear and now bucking his even harder dikc between her small lips [ ] started to panic “K-Ken wait I dont think youll fit!” ignoring her thrashing Kendo looked over her body, seeing how she shook at every stroke of his tip against her sopping core “I told ya ill be gentle, hold still [ ]...i wouldnt hurt my mate” The heaviness of those word took over [ ]’s body as she looked back to him, only to see the save behemoth size push against her ring of muscles. Agonizingly slow he pushed, letting his tip slide in as he pushed each small inch he could in, a whine falling from them both. Once he was halfway in he slowly thrust his hips, causing the girl to yelp “I-its alright i got ya okay? Youre fine...its okay im here” Constantly praising her , Kendo was able to slip more into her, each mini thrust pushing him a bit closer to her, the sounds of squishing and pleasure filled moans filling the room. Becoming overwhelmed at almost being full [ ] pushed her hips back to take the rest, making Kendo yelped and [ ] moaned, the sudden feeling of him bottoming out almost too much as he placed his hand on her stomach, feeling him brush her cervix. Swinging his hips more fluidly he started to pounder her even more, gripping her neck as he pushed her deeper in the bed “Fuck yeah i knew youd be my perfect little minx, taking me so well i cant wait to see you swollen with my babies” He huskily whispered , the stretched out girl too blissed at taking him whole to care about his words.
“I bet youd love being my mate, wouldnt have to lift a finger for anything , id take good care of ya..” Continuing his beating against her cervix he felt something strong hed never felt before, a blind need to cum hitting him like a train “mhm..please let me breed you, this pussys’ mine, all i ever wanted...ill make you a cute little house wife hm? Make you swell with cute little us running about.” Feeling her weakening clench over him he reached for that bundle of nerves, switching his hips to hit even deeper, his throbbing dick pushing against that sponge in her walls. Crying out [ ] fell lower, feeling him slip impossibly deeper as he sped up.” Cmon [ ] , babygirl cum for me..give me it..t-then i can give you what you want yeah? Fill ya to the brim so you can bear me a strong child….”Finally at that the little sense of control snapped coming from a particularly hard push and roll of her clit she was whining , grabbing the arm beside her head as angry red lines welted up. Feeling her hit her peak Kendo got to his knees , nursing her bud as she tried to tug him away, thighs shaking as teary eyes looked down to his fierce lust filled one. As soon as she started whimpering and pulling her hips away he stopped, scrubbing his tip along her folds as he entered without too much pull, [ ]’s mouth falling open “Mh..i'm so close baby...just wanted to look at you when I fill you full..” Kendo felt his tip twitch, making his hips stutter as he picked his pace up again, watching as her arms went are far as they could to his back, stretching his shoulders as he came with a growl, and almost audible sound of him pumping in her heard as she weakly pulled him closer, their lips meeting in a intimate kiss.
With care he pulled from her lips, seeing her eyes fill up again as he kissed tears away “Its alright...its okay ‘m here princess...its alright..I didnt hurt you did I?” Kendo asked as he looke at her slightly bulged stomach, a satisfied smirk on his lips “ Hey [ ]...” He started as she gave a weak hum he continued “Be my mate..I know i didnt ask before filling you bu...id be honored to make such a caring woman my mate and wife...treat you just like my father does my mom..…” He said, nuzzling her cheek before [ ] pulled his face up, kissing him lightly as she gave him a tired smile, rubbing his cheeks “I-id be honored to be your mate..take good care of me okay? Or Auntie Demeter has your head..” Laughing he kissed her lips again, sealing their new deal
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mommymooze · 3 years
During Timeskip Hugs from the Resident Hugmeister: Black Eagles Baby!
These are your friends, cohorts, partners in crime, besties, comrades in arms. It has been rough the last few months. With losing Byleth at the battle at Garreg Mach they seem to be lost, doubtful of their skills, angry or just plain sad.
You have your sad days, but they do not rule over you. You learn from mistakes, pick yourself up by the bootstraps and keep moving. How easy it would be to settle into the melancholy and sadness of it all. But that is not you. Polly Positive. Sally Smiley. Penelope Positivity. After the storm, the clouds part and the sunshine comes back, and that is you. If anyone can get these Cranky Crabbyfaces back to smiling again, it must be you.
After a nutritious breakfast of two eggs and bacon, placed specifically as a smiley face on your plate for encouragement, you head out on your mission.
Leaving the cool darkness of the palace corridor you spy Caspar heading to the training grounds. “Caspar!” you scream happily at the brawler who looks up from the pavement towards you. Throwing your arms high in the air, your hands waving like the branches of the trees in the delightful spring breeze, you continue to call his name and laugh as you run straight for him.
Caspar notices you are not slowing down. He bends his knees slightly and holds his hands out, still unsure as to what is happening.
You crash into him, throwing your arms around him and laughing all the while. The impact causes you both to spin around in a full circle.
“What the…OOoof!” Caspar gasps as he is crashed into. “Hey, if you’re going to attack me, let’s go into the training grounds!”
“Hug attacks can happen anywhere, you know that!” You smile seeing his eyes brighten a bit.
“If I’m gonna get attacked, a hug attack is the best kind.” Caspar smiles back at you.
“I wonder what would happen if I did that to Hubert?” You think out loud.
“He would let you get really close then warp away.” Caspar snickers
You laugh back, “Yeah, then I’d crash face first into a bush.”
Waving goodbye to Caspar, you head back inside through a different door. Turning down a hallway you arrive at the recluse of the group. Gently knocking at the door you wait for acknowledgement.
“Bernie’s not here.” Says a voice from inside the room.
“Aww. I have something I want to talk about with her and I have something to give her.” You speak softly so she has to come closer to the door to hear you.
“Um…you can just leave it at the door and a note.” The timid voice calls back.
“I can’t do that. What if someone takes it? It is best if I deliver it personally.”
“Well, if it is just you, I guess it is okay.” You hear the door unlock and a scrambling on the other side.
Waiting a few seconds, you slowly open the door, peeking your face in. “Hi.” You call as you meet her glance. Bernie is curled up on her bed in her blanket on the far side of the room.
You walk into the room and sit cross legged on the floor, hands on your knees. “So I’ve noticed you have the most beautiful handkerchiefs. Do you embroider them yourself?”
“They’re nothing special.” Bernie frowns.
You reach into your pocket, slowly pulling out your handkerchief. “This is nothing special. Very plain, no embellishment, no pizzazz. I have seen yours. They are beautiful and I really like them.
“Y-you do?” Bernie pulls out one of her creations. It has purple thread around the outside making a scalloped pattern, green vines weaving back and forth, with delicate purple hyacinths gathered in a yellow bow at each corner.
“Look at that! So much intricate artwork. I’ve seen your dresses, your socks, gloves. You put your special touch and love into everything. I have a request, I’d like to learn from you. Would you teach me to do some needlework?”
“Bernie doesn’t do anything special.” She looks down, hiding her face.
“Bernie does awesome, amazing, beautiful things. Definitely special.” You nod.
She plays with her fingers. “Do you really think so?”
“I really know so!” You happily reply.
“MMmmm. Okay. I will show you some embroidery techniques.” Bernie even gives a half smile.
“I think it’s time for part two of what I came here for. Can I give you a hug?” You smile.
“You don’t have to.” She looks a bit undecided.
You smile wider, “Would you like me to?”
Bernadetta thinks out loud. “Your hugs are nice.”
You slowly get up and sit on the bed next to her and hold your arms open. You slowly put your arms around her, sitting there cheek to cheek as you slowly rub up and down the center of her back. After a few minutes she gives a heavy relaxed sigh. You hug her for a few more minutes until she finally sits back.
“Thank you Bernie.” You say your goodbyes as you are ready for your next conquest.
Linhardt is next on your list. You head to the infirmary to find him writing some notes at a desk to the side of the room. He looks up just as you enter.
“Ah. I have been expecting you.” The tall healer stands, stretching his arms above his head.
You have a puzzled look on your face.
“Caspar told me you hugged him earlier. I believe I would be entitled to one as well.” He says, you’re not sure if that was a question or statement of fact. It is hart to tell with Linhardt.
“If it would please you and provide a bit of comfort, then yes, you are absolutely entitled.”
“Excellent. I have determined the absolute perfect position and posture for my hug.” Linhardt says, taking your hand. He walks you to the closest patient bed, telling you to sit down. He then proceeds to the opposite side of the bed, sits and turns to face you, requesting you face him. You then hug each other, your nose buried in his collar. His robes are so soft against your cheek. Slowly he leans back, pulling you down with him. You have fallen into the Lin nap trap while hugging him. It takes you several minutes moving slowly so you don’t wake him, yet getting him to disengage from continuing to hug you closer to him.
Shaking your head to wake yourself up, honestly Lin’s sleepiness is contagious, it is so hard to not take a nap, but you are a hugger on a mission! You head out to the gardens for fresh invigorating air. You spy two beautiful flowers amongst the roses, Petra and Dorothea.
“Are you two out here making the flowers jealous?” You laugh.
Petra greets you with a hug. The princess is such an amazing and strong woman you think as you happily sigh while wrapping your arms around her for a firm and warm hug.
Dorothea explains that it is simply too nice of a day to be cooped up inside. You certainly agree with her as you hug her warmly as well.
You wander the gardens for a few minutes until you reach the exterior of the palace’s atrium. Entering in the side door you spy Emperor Edelgard sitting at a table enjoying her afternoon tea.
“Beautiful afternoon, El. You should have your tea outside.” You encourage her.
She shakes her head with a soft smile. “No, if I go outside I will be too tempted to not come back in. Please, join me for tea.” She waves a hand at the empty seat next to her.
You approach, bow, then take a seat. She pours you some of her heavenly smelling Bergamot tea. The two of you sit and chat. Not about work or war, but about normal and mundane things. It gives you both a chance to pretend that things are normal, that for a few moments there is no war, no battle in a few days. It is a lovely break from reality. Finally, she stands, apologizing, however work waits for no one, not even the Emperor.
You stand as well, giving her a warm hug, thanking her for a few moments of respite.
The door to the Prime Minister’s office is almost always open. Ferdinand von Aegir would not want anyone to feel as if they could not approach him. You stand in the door way, watching him for a moment. His brow furrowed in concentration as he writes some important document that he intends to improve the world with.
You knock on his already open door to alert him to your presence.
“Come in, come in! Just let me finish this, take a seat!” He offers a hand to a chair across from his desk that is covered with papers in different stacks and arrangements. Finally, he replaces his quill in its holder and closes the top to his ink pot.
“Splendid to see you today. You are looking very well. To what do I owe this pleasure?” He smiles widely as he places a stray strand of hair behind his ear.
“Actually, I do require your assistance, as I have a task that cannot be completed all by myself.” You begin.
Ferdinand immediately stands and begins checking the stacks on his desk. “Anything you need, I’m certain we can provide. Troops, materials, horses…”
“Oh, no, you do not have to go to such trouble. This is a simple request.” You smile.
Ferdie looks a bit puzzled. It seems that everyone is asking for more soldiers or food or something to be distributed. “A simple request?” he repeats.
“Yes, if you would come to this side of the desk please.” You nod.
Confusion is written across his face as he carefully steps around the furniture, watching you stand as he comes closer.
Holding your arms open you grin. “Ferdie, I can’t hug you without you being here. C’mere!” you laugh as you throw your arms around his waist, burying your face in his chest as he hugs you back. You feel the vibrations of his chest as he heartily laughs.
“This is an amazing request! No requisition forms, or begging Hubert to reassign troops to a different area.” He grins, hugging you a bit closer.
“Thank you. Is there anything I can help you with? You haven’t been to dinner with all of us in quite some time.”
“I believe that is an excellent idea. I am at an acceptable place to pause, so let us enjoy everyone’s company over a fine dinner.” He smiles as he offers his arm to lead you to the dining hall.
Dinner is delightful, a few more smiles are at the table than there were yesterday. A certain dark mage is not present, again.
“El, is Hubert here today or out on business?” You ask.
She frowns as she thinks. “He is here, probably in some dark corner working himself to death instead of eating like he should.”
“I think I will look for him and try to get him to eat a bit.” You reply.
Edelgard smiles at that and nods in agreement. Excusing yourself from the table you begin the hunt. Finding a needle in a haystack is much easier than finding the Imperial Spy Master in the Imperial palace. You have been to every place you can imagine him to be, twice! During your fourteenth or was it sixteenth trip between his quarters and his office, you hear a noise making you suddenly spin around. He had been hiding from you, of course.w
“Hubert! Hold still this instant!” You furiously frown, stamp your foot, and ball your hands into fists as you order him to cease.
“Normally I’m the one with the unsettling glare.” He chuckles.
“I have been on a mission all day and you have been quite elusive. Now, hold still.” You march straight up to the Dark Mage, threading your arms between his and his torso, reaching into the center of his back and pulling him close to you. He tries to step back to assess what is going on, however you hold him closer with your cheek held firmly against the lower portion of his chest (he is really that tall, wow).
“You are hugging me.” Hubert states.
“Oooh, king of observation. Yeah, hugging you. Last one to mark on my list. Everyone had to have a hug today, you included. Since you evaded me for quite some time, you will be charged with enduring a longer and warmer hug than the others since apparently you need it more than them.”
“First you chastise me, then you punish me with additional hugging? For anyone else I would consider it unusual behavior, however you are rather clingy and unusual.“ Hubert says as he pulls his arms around to lightly return the hug.
You continue to hug him, rubbing your cheek into his chest and sigh happily.
“I have matters to attend to, are we finished?” Hubert asks.
“No.” You squeeze him tighter. “Promise me you will eat something before bed tonight. The Emperor supports this request.”
Hubert looks flustered, not sure what to do with this person latched onto his chest. He pats your head as he looks around, hoping nobody is coming down the hall. “
Finally you release him. Hubert is nearly to the end of the hall before you can yell, ”Thank you!” to him.
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hermitknut · 7 years
Animorphs: The Musical
Okay first off, a disclaimer: I outlined this originally not as a musical that would exist as an adaptation of the books, but as something that is created, maybe ten-fifteen years post-war, within the universe of the books (or more precisely, within my own post-series AU that I roughed out here - TL;DR is that Rachel’s alive and the animorphs as a group aren’t big fans of the spotlight). This affected things in specific ways, but most importantly:
Ax doesn’t want to be focused on - he doesn’t like earth music, and he doesn’t understand this form of storytelling. As such, he plays a smaller role in the show than he might deserve to. 
I can’t imagine them ever telling people on earth certain things (David will be a secret taken to the grave, for example; Aftran/Karen’s involvement may have been kept quiet to protect the (still a tiny child) Karen; and while the role of the Ellimist has been shared with the Andalites it’s not exactly a well-known thing on earth because seriously can you imagine the amount of scepticism)
That said, there’s no reason this version wouldn’t work as an adaptation, it just leaves out certain things that I think we’d all miss if we were watching it IRL. I was thinking more about how the actual Animorphs would feel about their lives going on stage. 
1. I’ve used songs from actual musicals as stand-ins, and none of them are exact fits. Mostly they convey the right kind of feel and pace for the moment.
2. Each animorph has a ‘keynote’ through the show; something life-changing that they volunteered. Jake’s and Marco’s were easy; Cassie, Rachel and Tobias elected to keep their real life-changing moments to themselves (Aftran, David, and Elfangor respectively) and so theirs are a little different. Ax asked not to be given one.
3. The morphs are done with puppetry, with little emphasis placed on the transition. For small morphs (bugs and birds), the child actors can operate the puppets themselves; for battle morphs, adult puppeteers form the shape of the animal around them. This means you can see the child actor performing/emoting even within a fight scene. For the style of puppets I’m thinking of, check out the stage adaptation of His Dark Materials that was done a while back by the national theatre (some images here and here). 
4. I’m also working under the assumption that we’re using pretty minimal sets, so big set changes aren’t hugely necessary.
This got SUPER long, so I’ve put it under a cut.
Act 1
The house lights go down. Over the speakers we hear a confused buzz of communication: some thoughtspeech (Marco! On your left! Keep moving!) and some radio communication (military instructions and people panicking). This cuts when the lights slam up, and we’re on the bridge of the Yeerk mothership; everything is frozen; Tobias speaks up, asking how everything came to this? [feel of Mama Who Bore Me from Spring Awakening]
A quick shift takes as back three and a bit years, it’s a busy mall. We see the kids as they are that night: Jake and Tobias bickering over the arcade games; Tobias tagging along; Rachel having dragged Cassie out shopping. There’s a chorus number here to set the mood [feels a little like Hard-Knock Life from Annie, upbeat but work-a-day], interrupted once for each animorph as they explain who they are. Tobias tells us about Jake; Jake tells us about Marco; Marco tells us about Cassie; Cassie tells us about Rachel; Rachel tells us about Tobias. They’re just one-two line descriptions (‘that’s Cassie, who Jake fancies but won’t admit it. Animal nerd.’), just enough to get a feel for who these kids are. The kids meet; decide to walk home together through the construction site.
The whole scene at the construction site has the kids at the front of the stage, looking out into the audience. We never see Elfangor (Andalite diplomatics felt it would be disrespectful to hologram him, so the director worked around this). But Tobias speaks to the audience, narrating the events of the scene (it stays fairly brief, but meaningful) and speaking Elfangor’s words (after all, he’s the one who has the right to). As they flee the scene, Chapman (whose name is changed for the show) is identified as a controller, and Tom with him. 
The next day the kids end up at Cassie’s barn. They’ve all tried morphing, and now it’s time for the debate about what they’re going to do. The song of this argument is reminiscent of My Shot from Hamilton, but less solo and more alternating between the characters. Marco cutting in (like ‘Geniuses, lower your voices’ and later ‘I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory’ in the original) in counterpoint, arguing to protect themselves and their families, Tobias impassioned, Jake mediating, etc. They conclude, of course, that they’ll fight - and Marco will be with them, for now.
The first keynote is Tobias’s, opening when he comes to Jake after their first mission (not seen on stage) and can’t change back from hawk. He sings us through his journey from book #3, describing his first kill and the mall fly-through as the chorus shows us it in freeze-frame behind him [my closest match is with Deep Into The Ground from Billy Elliot, but it needs more fear/climax in it to work].
Montage time! The fighting and spying begins in earnest [Solidarity, from Billy Elliot]. As the music shifts between its two threads, we have quiet moments that continue the story - Ax is rescued in a brief scene, and Eva is revealed as the host of Visser One - but the fight returns and there is no time to stop and recover. Marco’s character shifts towards the end of the song and Cassie remarks on how much more dedicated he is now.
Rachel’s keynote now [imagine something similar to Your Obedient Servant from Hamilton, but sung all by one person swinging between aspects of their personality] consists of some emotional elements of #32 blended with #12; no plot as such, just Rachel trying to establish herself as rightfully furious with the world as it is as her father moves away and her life becomes more violent.
Go straight to Cassie’s keynote, which incorporates parts of #29; her friends are no longer there and she is going to the Yeerk pool alone, cooperating with the Yeerk Peace Movement (her interaction with Ilim standing in, in the show, for the big shift of perspective in #19) and struggling between not wanting to hurt anyone and not wanting to abandon her friends [feels like Burn from Hamilton].
The build of the end of Act 2 is largely instrumental [feels very like Angry Dance from Billy Elliot] - it’s another montage sequence, but this is darker and faster and much more violent. The kids are thrown about, they lose limbs in morph and get back up; the stage is relatively dark with flashes of dracon fire; hologram hork-bajir and taxxons storm across the stage; Jake comes within an inch of having to kill Tom only to be pulled away by Cassie. Human controllers are out in force, trying to hunt them down. Visser Three is heard over the speakers. The final moment of the sequence sees the kids crawl, exhausted, into bed (the beds are a level up, right at the back of the stage), only to jerk awake; their parents call out and ask if something’s wrong; the kids reply together ‘Nothing. I’m fine.’ Lights out. End of Act one.
[interval where the actual animorphs in the audience eat way too much ice cream and cling onto each other a lot]
Act Two
A startlingly bright open [think The Nicest Kids In Town from Hairspray [warning for racial slur in that song], and even some of the lyrics work] - it’s the Sharing, posters and flyers everywhere, full on Disneying it up with upsetting cheerfulness as the Animorphs slip between them at school, battling exhaustion and deadlines. We see Marco forcing himself to grin at the mirror; Cassie pick out a sliver of Hork-Bajir flesh from between her teeth; Jake trying to act normal around Tom; Rachel flipping off someone trying to flirt with her. 
We ease straight into Marco’s keynote as he skips school to get away from all of this stuff, ending up in town where he sees Visser One. Marco’s keynote is then #30, compressed into one song [feels like The Room Where It Happens from Hamilton, with the idea of the ‘bright clean line’ of ruthlessness repeating through the song]. When the song stops we get the ‘Mum’ ‘It’s the boy’ exchange; Eva falls and all the lights cut except a spot on Marco, who tells us that he doesn’t remember how he got down from the mountain. Cut to Marco and Jake in the forest when Marco comes back to himself. They part.
Some indication that time has passed, then we move on to Jake’s keynote - which is, of course, #31. Jake walks in on Tom and his father arguing (Tom: ‘FIVE DAYS?!?!’ Jake, aside: ‘...Five days?’), slips the other animorphs and we have the build to the scene on the docks - use a stage-revolve to show Jake frozen and Tom with the knife behind his back. It ends in chaos, and Jake pulling Tom out of the water; and meeting Marco’s eyes from across the stage, a nod of acknowledgement. [I have And All That Jazz from Chicago as a stand-in for this because of the way it builds, but really I need something with more spirals of desperation and less pizzazz].
We then move quickly through the big reveal - rescuing all the families except Jake’s - and go to living in the Hork-Bajir valley. The kids decide to recruit the auxillary animorphs, and go to the hospital [Right Hand Man from Hamilton]. For logistical reasons, James is the only one you actually see on stage.
We have a moment of peace/tension on the brink of the final mission [Who Wants To Live Forever from We Will Rock You, but probably shorter].
The final fight is shown in glimpses and flickers, until we’re on the bridge of the mothership again where we started. The Blade Ship goes down but Rachel and Tom survive (I’ll write why into an AU one day, but for now I ask you to just go with it). The six kids end up on stage, pulling close together, holding hands, frightened of the world to come [probably an unholy mix of Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story from Hamilton and Stay I Pray You from Anastasia. Everyone is sobbing]; the lights narrow until only they are lit, and they’re asking if they’ve done enough...
Lights down. End of Act Two.
So uh. Yeah. That was super long and now I’ve got to dash, but please do let me know what you think XD
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baby-batboys · 7 years
Kink A-Z: Tim Drake
A/N: Honestly, I had no idea there would be so many requests for this! But, I did have so much fun writing this, I really hope you all like it, because Tim is a little unique in his kinks compared to Jason and Dick, but I stand by it. Also, this was written at 2am. So forgive me if this is all over the place.
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
What Tim is like after sex is what you’re like after sex. Tim will lay with you, your head on his chest, looking up at the cieling catching his breath. That’ll last for about ten minutes. After that, keep talking or that boy is out like a light. It’s the sleep deprivation.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Overall, I think Tim has a pretty positive self-image most of the time, but I don’t think he has a favorite part of himself. Most likely if he did, it would be his chest. It’s strong and broad and gets the job done. Now on the other hand, he can go on and on about his favorite parts of his partner. Most importantly, he loves their legs. He loves running his hands along them and kissing them up and down.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
When it comes to cum, Tim likes to be teased. He likes when his partner rides him and pull off at the last second, leaving him to cum on his stomach. If he specifically had a say in it, he’d love to cum inside though. But what he loves most of all is having his partner pick where he cums, because he can never expect it. Keeps it interesting.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Let’s not beat around the bush. Tim’s a sub. He’s not exactly into BDSM, but when it comes down to it, he likes it when his partner is in control and showing it. It’s super hot to him and takes off the stress he has on him a lot. He likes to be treated and used. But he’d take that secret to the grave.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Let’s be honest. He’s not that experienced. It’s pretty hard to get to tinder hook-ups when you’re the Boy Wonder on his computer all the time. But Tim’s smart, he picks up cues and such very easily, so he’s not fumbling. Although he may occasionally ask ‘Do you like that?’ or ‘Does that feel good?’ if he’s not sure of something.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Cowgirl. Reverse cowgirl. Girl on Top. Whatever. If his partner is the one in control, and he’s on his back, Tim is in heaven. Cowgirl is his favorite because of the nice view, but he’ll take whatever. Once again, if his partner is picking he’s down, but sometimes he might breathlessly ask them to get on top, followed by a stuttered ‘please’.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
No time. When Tim’s having sex, his mind is hazy and misty and cloudy. All he can focus on in the feeling, his partner, and his nearing climax. Most of the time he can barely get out a sentence, and if he does it’s riddled with stutters and breaks. No time to be goofy when you’re panting and thrusting up into your partner.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Tim likes to keep it neatly trimmed. He thinks seeing himself clean-shaven looks weird, so he just cuts it low enough that it won’t be noticeable in the suit. He goes back in just when he thinks it’s getting a bit too long and he probably has a specific day he likes to do it.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Tim is a busy person and more than that, he a dedicated person. For him, I feel like he would never be someone to do one-night-stands, so when he does have sex it’s with someone he cares about and who he carves out time for on the regular. Plus, Tim can get stressed, so when he does get down to it, it’s an act of self-care and relaxation. It’s his form of giving his partner his full attention and love. It’s very very intimate for him. Sure, he’s not setting out flowers and candles, but whether it’s planned or just a spur of the moment quickie on the couch, it’s intimate to him.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Yes, Tim jacks off. He’s stationed at a computer researching for a good chunk of time, so sure, sometimes he can’t help but see something that makes it a necessity. Usually he’ll watch it first, then turn it off to let his imagination take over. He’ll put his head down, one hand going at it while the other muffles his pants. He’ll usually remember nights with his s/o, until he can’t stand it anymore, and he always forgets to cum into a tissue.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Femdom, SD (Subs and Dominants), Authority Roleplay (him calling his partner ma’am or sir)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His favorite place, hands down, is on a desk. It’s an oddly specific location, but he loves bending his partner over a desk (or him being bent over it) and it feels risky, more open than being under covers. He also likes kitchen sex, preferably while waiting for the coffee to brew, as well as outdoor sex. His fantasy is to do it on a roof.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
A wide array of things can get him going. Usually, it’s a combination of stress and temptation. Tim is hard to pull away from work, but if you run your hands across his lap and tell him to come play with you for a bit, he’ll melt so fast he’ll forget what the case was even about. Also, neck kisses and touches below the belt. If you reach around him and start rubbing him through his jeans, he’ll be instantly ready. And if you say ‘Clothes off. Now’, damn straight he’ll listen.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Sex while an important case, ageplay, petplay, hardcore bdsm, watersports, spanking, hot wax, full out sub degradation.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Tim’s not crazy about oral. He likes getting it and will give if you ask, but other than that, he’s more into full on sex. Oral feels too ‘favor-ish’ to him.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Honestly, Tim is everywhere. He’ll try to go slow but then his hips will buck and go fast. He’ll try to go fast but then he’ll slow down to savor. The boy is just all over the place pace wise. It’s not up to him, it’s up to his hips and how close he is.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Tim doesn’t have an opinion on this. He likes quickies and he likes proper sex, however he does prefer sex at night, so he’ll usually go with proper sex. He’ll do a quickie if his partner wants and would do them routinely, usually maybe two times a week.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Tim is a Robin, and being a Robin is a risk, but he’s not a full on thrill-seeker. He’s game to experiment and try new things, but nothing really stands out to him. He’s more open to his partner’s ideas than going out and finding new ones himself.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Long run. Sure, he can do quickies, but when it’s proper sex, be ready. He can go for an hour or two without cumming and can go for about two to three rounds if he’s not exhausted from work. Tim is use to staying up all night, so when it’s time to fuck, he’ll make sure you get use to it too.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s considered it, maybe took a peak in sex shops here and there, but it’s not really his fancy. He’s not into toys or expensive lingerie. He likes it all bare, normal mundane underwear and bras. He likes to feel domestic in that sense and his s.o doesn't need to be dressed up. He finds them sexy without all the pizzazz, although he does have a small collection of lube and ribbed condoms, just for comfort and sensation.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Tim is also very to the point. He’s not one to tease, once he knows it’s going down, he’s ready to go and get to it. He wouldn’t want to hold back or hold out on his partner, he wants them to have all the pleasure.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Tim’s a hushed boy. Even if they’re in complete privacy, he’ll still cover his mouth, letting out squeaks and grunts here and there. His breathing is heavy and he’s panting hard, letting out whispered curses, and asking if his partner is alright.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Pull his hair and he’ll cum right then and there. There a reason he grew it out. He loves it.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s one of the only Robin’s who doesn’t go commando in his suit. Instead, he prefers a jockstrap (The first time Jason learns of this, he thinks it’s the most bizarre thing ever. He is convinced Tim is a psychopath). When not in suit, he usually goes for boxer briefs, usually designed ones with superman, batman, or robin symbols.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Tim isn’t really a horn dog. He doesn’t really crave it unless something triggers it, whether it's a stressful day or a racy ad or his partner teasing him away from the computer. Unless something makes him think of sex, he won’t. He has a lot on his mind.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
The average human being takes 14 minutes to fall asleep. The average Tim takes 4 minutes. Tim after sex, it takes 30 secs. If you’re talking to him he won’t fall asleep - he can’t, he’s mastered the art of focusing while sleep deprived - but if you stop for more than a minute, he’ll be knocked out and sleeping like a baby. And yes, he does hog blankets.
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jemandthesingalongs · 7 years
hey remember back for femslash feb i was gonna do jemslash for the jemcord? haha me neither so here’s those prompts. they’re all 3(ish) sentences long and both the show/idw verse.
Jem and Pizzazz - sleepover (show-verse)
“Move your butt you pink-haired turkey!” Came not the first, but of the many grouchy commands by the other occupant in the currently shared bed: one Pizzazz, to which the “pink-hared turkey” known as Jem, stifled a tired sigh and inched ever so closely to her side, not there was much room left. Who knew a freak accident snowstorm could trap the bitter rivals in a small cabin with no power, or an even more freak accident caused their respective band-mates to be trapped in some other cabin down the mountain? Jem didn’t really care to understand, and just wanted this "sleepover” to end; however, her tune later changed when in the wee hours of the morning, she awoke to the green-haired singer’s arm lazily tossed over body, and snoring lightly in her ear.
Roxy and The Holograms behind the mask (show-verse/Roxy Rumbles-ish)
Roxy hated when she lost “herself”, that mask of her tough persona, her no-nonsense-I’ll-break-your-teeth-in facade, her “Roxy” mask she often called it. But those damned Holograms, for a brief moment, got to see under it: that not Roxy, but that “Roxanne” that’s a scared girl from Philly who can’t read. She wants to howl with fury, wants to smash things, break things, be angry but she wonders if that was as bad as she thought, as the “My First Book” in her hand is clutched to her swirling chest of emotions.
Jerrica and Stormer - no one else to turn to (idw-verse)
Stormer didn’t want to believe she couldn’t trust her band with anything, she knew she could, but sometimes they could get... rather “hard” to talk to, and this was an important issue, and she couldn’t turn towards her girlfriend Kimber since she was the “important issue”. The blue-haired singer bit her lip, and his dial on her cellphone and hesitantly held it up to her ear, hearing a familiar blonde voice on the other line answer. “Hey... Jerrica? I.. don’t have anyone else to talk to, so can... can we?”
Danse and Video - risqué photoshoot (show-verse)
Deep down, Danse knew why she agreed to this “ risqué photoshoot“, it was her immense crush on Video and wanting to please her in whatever she requested. But on the outside, she was a very un-dressed flustered mess despite trying to stay professional, as Video lifted one of the dancer’s well-toned legs into a better position. “This pose just screams take me, but you can’t have me don’t you think?” the blonde film student commented, stepping back to study her new suggestive pose (Danse didn’t miss the matching flush on Video’s cheeks too).
no one and The Misfits - the uncertainty of tomorrow (idw-verse)
Pizzazz knew deep deep down, the music world was fickle, ever-changing and cruel, that in a moment’s notice your shining star could be extinguished like it was nothing, and not a soul would care. Stormer would call it something silly and poetic like “the uncertainty of tomorrow” or something like that. Pizzazz shook her thoughts out of her head, and stepped out to the screaming crowd; tomorrow may be uncertain, but today isn’t, and today these people love The Misfits and no one else.
Pizzazz and Synergy - a gift you couldn’t give (show-verse)
So the secret was out, the Holograms are literally holograms or some stupid shit, Pizzazz didn’t care and hated every second of the fact she wasn’t allowed to tell ANYONE; but, at least she got a sweet deal from keeping the secret: any hologram she wanted, no questions asked. So, here she was standing before the giant (rather tacky she thought) supercomputer as the purple avatar conjured up her hologram.
With a flash, Harvey Gabor stood in front of a now very stiff Pizzazz, as he gently smiled and said. “I love you, Pizzazz.”
Pizzazz didn’t bother to hide her tears.
Minx and The Stingers - hurt and comfort (show-verse)
Minx failed to choke back a harsh sob as her fingers dug tightly into Rapture’s sleeping shirt and buried her face into her partner’s neck. She suffered another vivid nightmare of the the watery grave she almost died in. She knew the rough, but warm hand on her shoulder was her other partner, Riot, and the arms quickly wrapping around her were Rapture’s, in an attempt to comfort her through yet another sleepless night, as the ordeal was still fresh in their minds too.
Rapture and Minx - the sound of silence (show-verse)
What a relaxing day it’s been for me, Minx thought happily to herself as she sunbathed on the beach. No explosions or other mishaps, no shrill neon-hair harpies on her doorstep, no Riot’s always-intelligent-but-admittedly-wild schemes to win Jem’s heart, no... Rapture, huh? Minx shot up suddenly and jumped up, any sort of silence from her girlfriend was always, always, ALWAYS a bad sign, whether that was bad for her, or bad for their rivals remained to be seen.
Rapture and Astral - pushing you away (show-verse)
“You’re doing it again, Phoebe. You’re pushing me away.” Astral’s tone was not as hard as her stare as she watched  her bee-themed girlfriend, who gave her a forced smile. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Maeve, “ her tone suddenly dripped with sarcasm whenever the “real” names came out. “I am perfectly fine and so are you.” The two-toned hair magician didn’t bother to hide her sigh as she stepped closer to cup Rapture’s face gently. “I’m going to make this work between us, even if you make it difficult.”
Shana and Jerrica - friendship (idw-verse)
A promise made years and years ago between teen girls that lasted well into adulthood was the two most responsible sisters taking a relaxing weekend to themselves (with phones off) at least once every year. This weekend just happened to be one of those promised ones, as Jerrica and Shana made their way to the mall. Shana was going on and on about the latest fashion trends, Jerrica was unable to follow, but she was happy enough to be in her sister’s company.
Astral and Jem - I trust you (show-verse)
Astral didn’t think she ever recalled seeing her pink-haired pop princess girlfriend so nervous before, not even before a big concert in front of thousands. She sat as Jem stood in her room, looking like she wanted to pace a rut in the floor. The concerned magician was about to what was wrong, before the other woman cut her off with a quiet “I trust you”, before a flash of pink light appeared and someone decidedly not Jem stood in front of Astral with a forced smile.
Roxy and Aja friendship (show-verse)
With an angry huff, Roxy slammed the black hood to the Misfits van shut and waved her hand to dismiss the last of the engine smoke that still lingered around her head. The other Misfits had trusted her to bring them their equipment for the show tonight, but now it looked like she somehow fucked it up... how could you be so stupid stupid STUPID-- her berating thoughts were interrupted by a honk from a very gaudy-designed yellow and pink car drove up next to her. The blue-haired Hologram (Abba? Or something), and Roxy prepared for the insult fight she knew was bound to happen, but to her surprised instead heard: “Hey, need a bit of friendship? I know a thing or two about cars.”
Blaze and Rapture - lost and found (idw-verse)
Blaze could not believe it, and never truly wanted to remember it. Previously, she had spent the better part of two hours scouring the mall for her missing yellow-and-black color scheme girlfriend, Rapture, only to hear over the cackling intercom “Ms. Leah Dwyer, you have a Phoebe Ashe waiting for you. Please come to the Music Store. Immediately.” Apparently, Rapture got a good amount of now angry people caught up in one of her scams, and they wanted their money back.
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