#this was so bisexual of you agent jareau
natasha-romanew · 5 months
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sometimes i think about THIS jennifer jareau and i’m-
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bisexualanalysisunit · 4 months
Bisexual Analysis Unit
A/N: I have officially come out of fandom retirement thanks to Spencer Reid. Only a fictional white man could send me into orbit like this. You go, spencer, you funky little bicon.
Contrary to popular belief, not all of the agents in the BAU are bisexual.
The BAU does, however, hold the all time record for the highest number of openly bisexual agents.
Dr Spencer Reid, Dr Alex Blake, Dr Tara Lewis, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia, Luke Alvez, Elle Greenaway.
Not to mention, of course, that Emily Prentiss herself openly identified as bisexual prior to her reading the “am I a lesbian” masterdoc and having some realisations about compulsory heterosexuality.
The day that realisation reached the grapevine was a very sad day for men indeed.
So yeah, in all honesty, it was inevitable that the BAU would get its nickname.
Even if the whispered rumours about the tightly buttoned-up former Unit Chief, Aaron Hotchner were never confirmed.
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sierraraeck · 3 years
A Cruel Joke
Emily x Bi!Fem!Reader
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Summary: You find solace in the arms of a hurting FBI agent after she comes to investigate the death of your best friend.
Category: Angst, implied smut.
Warnings: 15 year age gap between adults (37/22)
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: If you don’t like the name Alexa, I’m sorry, just try to imagine that it’s a different name.
A lesbian and a bisexual walk up to a crime scene. It sounds like the beginning of a bad joke, but this situation was very real, and very unfunny.
You’d had a bad feeling. That should have been enough to get you to stay with her, you’re best friend, but you didn’t. You had been selfish.
And now she was dead.
Alexa was dead.
And it was your fault.
Had you just pulled yourself together and been there for her as a friend, stopped worrying about how you felt, she wouldn’t have walked back to your campus apartment from that party alone, and she wouldn’t have been vulnerable to the monster that took her and he wouldn’t have…
But he did, and now you were numbly walking down the sidewalk that led behind the sorority house you’d been partying at and to the local park, not even registering anything that was happening around you.
You’d heard the news before you could even press send on a text making sure she was okay. You’d heard the news, but you had to confirm for yourself. She couldn’t be dead, she just couldn’t be. You saw her only last night, not even six hours ago.
Despite officers and other important people yelling at you to get back, you just kept walking towards the crime scene, taped off with that awful yellow color.
Just as you were about to duck under the tape, approach the group of suits standing with their backs to you in a half circle, you felt a hand on your shoulder, a presence appearing in front of you.
“Miss, I’m sorry but you can’t be here.” It was a delicate voice, belonging to a woman.
“I have to know if it’s her. I just saw her, it can’t be her, I have to know if it’s her,” you mumbled in a panic, still trying to get a glimpse of what was sprawled on the ground in front of the officers. You realized they were staring at you now, but you couldn’t look away. You had to know.
“Miss, please, you shouldn’t be here,” the woman repeated. Her hand was still on your shoulder, and you finally looked her in the eyes, took in her face. Her features were gentle yet strong, and there was something striking about the contrast between her dark hair, fair skin, and pink lips.
You were trembling, something she could feel against her fingertips, and the water brimming in your eyes was enough to let her know how much you cared, probably more than anyone around.
She quickly glanced back at the other men behind her, and the tallest one nodded. With her hand still on your shoulder, she escorted you away from the scene, and away from prying eyes to a secluded park bench.
“Would you like to take a seat?” she asked.
All you could do was nod. Nothing felt real. Her voice sounded like it was reaching your ears by an old, fuzzy radio set up 10 feet away from you. This can’t be happening.
You plopped down on the bench with much less grace than the woman before you, who introduced herself as Agent Prentiss. “But you can call me Emily,” she’d said. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you whispered. Your arms were wrapped around yourself as you asked, “Is it her? Is it Alexa?”
Emily dodged your question with another question. “Who’s Alexa?” You later realized why she didn’t ask you how you knew her. She didn’t ask because she’d have to ask ‘how did you know her’ and not ‘how do you know her,’ something that surely would have set you off.
“She… she’s my b-best friend,” you mumbled around the lump in your throat.
“You mentioned that you just saw her. When was that?”
“Last night. We decided to crash the party with some of our friends who are actually in the sorority,” you explained meekly. “Please, Emily. Would you please tell me if it’s her? I have to know.”
Emily sighed and gave you a sad look, which was really all you needed, but hearing the words made it final. “Yes. We found identification on her with the name Alexa Stephens. I’m so sorry.”
Your whole heart shattered. You cared about her more than any of her other friends, and you sometimes wondered if you cared about her more than her family. She had a rough childhood and couldn’t stand to be in the same state as them anymore, which is why she transferred halfway through her freshman year. You immediately connected with her and you’d been friends ever since.
Your mind was racing, thinking of all the questions you needed answered, all the things you could have done differently to keep her alive. If you would have just been there…
“It’s not your fault,” the angelic voice broke through the static in your head, as if she could hear your thoughts.
“It is,” you whimpered, “If I had just pulled myself together, we would have walked home together, and she wouldn’t have been alone. Oh god, she died alone.”
“You did nothing wrong. You didn’t know, you couldn’t have. I’m sure you did what you thought was best in the moment.” It didn’t make you feel a whole lot better, but you grasped onto her words in an attempt to calm yourself down. You knew there was still more information she probably needed from you. You took some deep breaths, closing your eyes. A warmth spread its way through your palms, and you realized that the agent had put her hands in yours, giving them a reassuring squeeze. You held onto them like an anchor point. “Can I ask you a few more questions, or would you like to take a break?”
In through your nose, out through your mouth. You opened your eyes and nodded. “I want to help in whatever way I can.”
Emily continued to ask you questions about your night and if you remembered anyone suspicious. She asked if there was anyone who was staring at her, to which you told her that would be half the people at the party. Alexa usually had a steady stream of boys coming and going, some she dated and some she didn’t.
You never really understood that. You barely liked one person, let alone multiple back to back or at the same time. But Alexa just had this appeal to her, and while some would disagree with you, you thought she had a big heart. A big, blind heart.
“Thank you so much for your time. Give me a call if you remember anything else, anything at all,” Emily said, handing you her business card, “and I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“Thanks. I will,” you answered dryly.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
You woke up feeling out of sorts. You’d dreamt of her last night. Well, you’d dreamt of them. You saw Alexa laughing, and then you saw her sprawled on the ground, an image your mind had created all by itself, and then you saw Emily. Felt her soothing hand on your shoulder, her warm palms encasing yours.
Then you woke up. The whole thing made you feel weird and sad and tired.
You picked up the business card Emily had given you, twirling it in your hand. You hadn’t remembered anything new, but you felt safe around her. Noticed, important, like you mattered. You realized just how much you were lacking that from Alexa, from your other friends.
Simply calling her wouldn’t do, though. You wanted to see the woman that for once in your life made you feel like you didn’t have to pretend you were okay. She knew you had lost someone close to you, and didn’t expect you to keep it together.
What were you saying? You put the card down, remembering that you’d only spoken to her for all of 30 minutes and she was just doing her job. Nothing more, nothing less. You also had the wherewithal to know that you were probably only grasping at any minute display of affection since you’d just lost the one person you so desperately wanted it from but could never get it. It made you feel pathetic and angry.
God you were also just so tired.
Classes were not going to happen, so you just laid back down, hoping to be swept into another dream.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
A knock at the door woke you up. You weren’t sure what time it was, but you didn’t really care as you walked to the door.
Without looking through the peephole, you eked the door open. Emily was standing there along with another agent you’d seen at the crime scene.
“Hello. Y/N, right?” the blond asked. You nodded. “My name is Jennifer Jareau, and I believe you’ve met Emily.”
Emily smiled at you and you forced a small smile back. “What can I do for you?”
You invited them in and they asked you a few more questions. However, you were only half paying attention to what they were saying, and more paying attention to the way the two women were interacting. You’d sensed a tension the minute they walked in, but it seemed to be one sided. You figured it out by about the eighth time Emily glanced over at Jennifer. You recognized the look in her eyes: a mixture of love and hurt. You’d seen it too many times in the mirror not to pick up on it. But what really caught your eye was how many times Emily’s gaze traveled down to Jennifer’s hands. Specifically her left one with a shiny diamond on it. One look at Emily’s hand, and well, it wasn’t too difficult to put the rest together.
“Thank you again for your time,” Jennifer said, shaking your hand. Emily was slower to move, making eye contact with the other agent, some message you were not privy to passing between them. Jennifer gave you a tight lipped smile and left, but Emily stayed.
“I wanted to give you this,” Emily explained, holding out her hand. There was a small necklace in it, one you recognized immediately. “She was still wearing it and I thought you might want it back.”
You took it out of her hand, admiring the small heart pendant that dangled at the end. You’d bought it for Alexa for her 21st birthday. Her last birthday. “Thank you so much,” you said as you started to tear up. Just when you thought you’d cried yourself dry.
“Of course.” You thought Emily was going to leave after that, but she lingered a moment longer. You looked up at her, and she bit her lip, probably trying to decide if she should ask her next question or not. “She wasn’t your best friend, was she?”
You gave a weak smile, dropping eye contact. “That depends. Are you asking her or me?”
“I’m asking you.”
“No, she wasn’t. She meant more to me than that. But I never meant more to her. I sometimes wondered if I even meant that much to her,” your voice wavered.
“I’m sure you did,” Emily tried to reassure, but you weren’t buying it.
“Hope so,” you muttered. Looking back up at Emily, you held her eyes this time. “What about you and Jennifer?”
Her response was immediate. “What?” She sounded shocked, but you could tell she was trying to play it off.
You offered a single laugh. “I may not be a genius FBI analyst or profiler or whatever, but I know a hurting gay when I see one.”
Her mouth was still open, like she was going to try to come up with an excuse, but instead she just sighed. “That obvious?”
“Clearly not to Jennifer.” You shrugged. “Looks like I’m not the only one to lose someone recently.”
“It’s not the same thing,” Emily shook her head.
“You don’t need to downplay your pain,” you told her. “I know how bad that hurts. Why do you think I left that party early?”
A look of understanding flashed through her eyes. “A constant stream of guys…” Emily quoted your from earlier.
“Yeah,” you shrugged again. “Sometimes it’s just too hard to watch. Sometimes it’s just too hard to listen. When she’d come back to me crying over a break up when I was sitting right there… it’s painful. And that night I just couldn’t do it anymore. Couldn’t watch her waste her time on another guy who was going to hurt her. So I left. Look where that got me,” you mumbled the last part.
Emily gave a sad, bitter laugh. “She asked me to be her maid of honor.”
You sighed with her. “I’m sorry.” You had barely noticed the tear that escaped her eye before she forcefully brushed it away.
Something changed in her demeanor when she realized a tear had escaped, speaking faster as she headed towards the door. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be telling you this. You already have a lot on your plate, and I don’t need to be unloading my personal issues on you. Again, I’m sorry, I will make sure-”
“Emily,” you cut her off, grabbing her arm and turning her towards you as she was about to reach for the doorknob. You weren’t sure what you’d been planning on doing once you stopped her, and the first thing you thought to do was hug her. You pulled her in close and wrapped your arms around her. She seemed shocked, but put her arms around you like it was the most natural thing in the world for the two of you to be doing.
You don’t know how long you stood there, but you would’ve stayed there forever if you could. The warmth and safety of her arms was something you’d never really experienced before.
When she pulled back from your embrace, you realized you’d both been silently crying. Her fingers traveled over your jaw, and her thumbs brushed away your tears. Your faces were only inches apart, but something in the back of your head told you that it wasn’t the right time.
Instead, you leaned forward and kissed away her tears, pressing your lips to her cheekbones. You felt her eyelashes on your face, a feeling you tried to commit to memory. A feeling you never got to experience with Alexa. One you never would.
“Y/N,” she whispered. You heard everything in the way she said your name, a warning that no matter how badly the two of you wanted this right now, it wasn’t a good decision.
“I know,” you whispered back, resting your forehead on hers, “Just please. Please let me live in my head for a little while longer.”
You stood there for a few more moments, her hands cupping your face and your hands on her back before she completely pulled away. “I will make sure we do everything we can to find the man who did this.”
“I know,” you repeated. “Thank you, Emily.”
She offered another small smile, but this time it felt a bit more sincere. With that, she left to continue fighting the monster that had ripped the earth out from under you.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
Three more days and another victim later, the case was closed. Emily and her team had caught the bastard, putting him away for good.
You felt like you owed it to her, to the whole team, to go down to the local station they were set up in and thank them.
The moment you walked in, Emily spotted you. She put down whatever pictures and maps were in her hand, and rushed over to you. Without exchanging a word you embraced, similarly to how you’d done a few days ago, although much shorter this time as you were in public.
“We got him.” Her voice was assured and her lips curved in just the smallest way as she studied your face.
“I don’t know if I could ever thank you enough,” you told her. You looked over her shoulder to the conference room she’d just abandoned, catching the majority of the other members looking your way. “Is that your team?”
Emily turned around to follow your gaze, most of the others looking away as she did so. “Um, yes. That is them.” You couldn’t exactly figure out what subtle meaning was in her tone of voice, but ultimately chose to ignore it.
“Can I… um, well, can I talk to them? I want to thank them,” you quickly explained. Emily turned around to give you a shy smile.
“Sure,” she agreed, heading towards the conference room. You figured that was your cue to follow her, so you did, trialing close behind her.
She pushed open the doors and introduced you. Of course, they all knew who you were as you’d been a mess when you showed up on their crime scene, and had apparently been a ‘big help’, which the tallest man with a stern face, told you.
“Oh, I didn’t really do anything,” you waved him off. “You did all the hard work, which I wanted to thank you all for. It means a lot that you were here and able to close this case. So thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” a tall, strong-built man replied. “Happy that we could help.”
“But a lot of the credit should go to Emily,” a thin man with curly hair stated, a small smirk on his face, “She really did most of the work.”
Emily opened her mouth to protest as she gave both men a dangerous side eye, to which all they did was fail to suppress a smile. You stopped her before she could refute, “Well, thank you.” The message was broad, directed towards everyone, but your eyes lingered on Emily.
She gave you a single nod, and you quickly glanced around the room at the agents that helped get justice for Alexa before heading out the door. You looked back at Emily before you left, her eyes following you out while the two tall men behind her were passing knowing looks. You caught a glimpse of the blonde agent staring at the whole interaction, then biting her lip and looking away. You looked back towards Emily and the two male agents, the bald one shaking his head in what you could only guess was amusement, something you felt a little flattered about. Again, you weren’t a profiler, but you could read the classic signs of friends teasing friends over something like a crush. You hoped your brain wasn’t too foggy from the whirlwind that your life had become to mistake those signs for something they weren’t.
You were just getting into your car and pulling the driver’s side door shut when the passenger side swung open. Emily plopped down in the passenger seat of your car, quickly shutting the door. Surprised to see her, you just sat there like a fool looking at her.
She glanced over at you, biting her lip, a little bit of mischief in her eyes. “Are you going to drive or should I?”
In response, you finished shutting your door and started the car. “What took you so long?” you teased. “Was it Jennifer?”
“Let’s not talk about Jennifer,” Emily responded, a level of conviction in her voice you hadn’t heard yet.
“No, let’s not,” you agreed. Let’s not talk at all. You leaned across the console, bringing her face to yours with a hand on her cheek. She kissed you back, deeply. Oh what it was like to kiss someone you had feelings for, and not only kiss them, but have them kiss you back. You hadn’t realized just how starved you’d been of this feeling.
You pulled back first, needing to get some air back in your lungs. You plopped back down in your chair a little dazed.
Emily wetted her lips. “I know you wanted to do that before. Why’d you wait?”
“I waited to help you. To help get justice for Alexa,” you briefly explained, pulling out of the parking lot. “I know how important it is to have a clear head.”
“And now?”
“The investigation is over, isn’t it?”
“It is,” Emily confirmed.
“Then I am done waiting. That was the biggest mistake I ever made with her. I waited to tell her until she… until it was too late. I’m never going to do that again. Never.” It was a promise you intended on keeping.
“I did the same thing,” Emily shared, her voice getting quieter.
“I know. So let’s both just agree to be honest and forward with what we want,” you suggested.
“And what is it that you want?”
“You,” you confessed.
The drive from the precinct to your apartment was short, and you were there within the next couple minutes or so.
Taking Emily’s hand, you led her up the stairs and through the door of your apartment. The moment you shut and locked it, Emily was there, pulling you close and kissing you with much more passion than she had before. You pushed off her blazer and started frantically working on the buttons of her dress shirt. You had to part for a moment, just long enough for her to pull your shirt over your head. You were going in to kiss her again, when she stopped you.
“Woah, woah,” she whispered. “Slow down. I want to savor every last moment of this.”
Her eyes tore down your figure, fingers brushing over your collar bones, down around the swell of your breasts and over your stomach. When they reached the top of your jeans, she looked up at you. “Are you sure this is what you want?”
“I don’t… I don’t want to be pushing you to do something you’re not ready for yet. I don’t want you waking up regretting this because you still haven’t taken the time you need to grieve Alexa.”
“Let’s not talk about Alexa,” you copied what Emily had said about Jennifer earlier. “I want to be here with you. Will you let me be here with you?”
She slowly nodded, and the moment she did, you put your lips back on hers. They were soft, just a bit swollen, and she swiped her tongue across your bottom lip, asking for entry. You gave it to her without question, and did you best to resume the work on her dress shirt buttons. Your tongues tangoed as you finally got her shirt off her.
As you led her to your room, you were thankful you didn’t have to pass Alexa’s, and even though no one else lived in your apartment anymore, you shut the door out of habit.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
You woke up just before the early morning sun, drinking in the sight of the sleeping woman next to you. Your legs were tangled in the sheets, arms wrapped around each other.
Even though you’d had the entire night to admire her body, you couldn’t keep yourself from looking over her in awe. The way her face looked so at peace when she was sleeping and the way her dark hair messily fanned around her head made her look too perfect to be real. Everything that happened must’ve been a figment of your imagination, and the little solace you found in her felt like it was going to evaporate with your dreams.
And in a way, it was.
Once she woke up, she’d fly back across the country and go back to working her job like she’d never even met you. Maybe she hooked up with girls all over the country. She didn’t really strike you as that type, but you didn’t really know her.
The universe was playing a cruel joke on you. When you had the chance to spend years with the girl you were in love with, you didn’t have the guts to tell her how you felt, and now that you did, you only had a day or so with her. But in the end, both would leave. Both would be out of your life forever.
You’d been so caught up in these thoughts that you hadn’t noticed Emily peek her eyes open. The sun had just started shining through the blinds, and she squinted against the light. She was also able to see the wet streaks glinting against your skin.
That jolted her awake, sitting up on her elbow. “Hey,” she soothed, cupping your face, “What’s going on?”
You placed your hand on top of hers and wiped at your tears with the other. “You’re perfect,” you told her, voice barely above a whisper, “And you’re leaving. Everyone leaves.”
Instead of responding, Emily tucked you under her arm and held you while your wept. She whispered sweet nothings into your hair and cradled the back of your head. You held onto her like she was the only thing keeping you together, keeping the withering pieces you called yourself from crumbling completely.
But, as you’d said, at some point she’d have to go. She’d have to pick up her things and head back to her life. You were going to have to figure out how to manage on your own.
Once you’d calmed down enough, you apologized to her. She told you that she was there for you, and that you’d always have her number, which helped you feel a little better. Just as she was finishing putting on her clothes and heading toward the door, you said, “You know it’s not too late to tell Jennifer your feelings, right?” Emily gave you a sad look, one that told you it was too late, but you persisted. “She’s only engaged, and engagements can be broken. I saw the way she looked at you yesterday.”
“What do you mean? I thought you said she was oblivious?” Emily countered.
“True, but I was paying a lot more attention to you that day,” you informed her, which made her lips turn up. “But I’m talking about back at the precinct. As I was leaving and you were looking at me, and those two male agents were making eyes about the whole thing, I saw how she looked at you. She was jealous, and I think a little sad too. I’m just telling you that the worst thing that could happen if you tell her is she says no. The worst that could happen if you don’t tell her is you miss out on a life with her. Or before you know it, she’s getting hurt in the field and you end up right back here, just like me. Please, Emily. You have a chance to go for it, to tell her how you feel, something I was too stupid not to take advantage of when I could. Do it before it eats away at you any longer.” It was a plea by the time you finished.
Emily had never looked at you with pity before that moment, but there was a hint of the feeling in her eyes when you finished, like she thought you were desperate or naive. And, maybe you were, but you also thought that some of the pity might have been for herself.
You stood up out of bed, and approached her. She was standing frozen in the doorway, and the look of pity disappeared when you whispered, “It’s not too late.”
Emily pressed her lips to yours, in a slow, delicate way, one that felt like a goodbye. When she pulled back, her eyes were still closed and she barely spoke against your lips. “I hope you’re right.”
You looked deep into her eyes once she finally opened them, trying to remember the shape and the color, and how it felt to get lost in them. But then they were gone again, replaced by the hair on the back of her head as she walked away. She gave you one last small, sad smile before walking out the door of your apartment. That, you knew, would be it.
# # # # # # # # # # # # #
~11 months later~
Voicemail from: Emily Prentiss
“Hey Y/N. It’s me, Emily. I know we haven’t talked since the last time I saw you, and I know this phone call is kind of out of the blue… but, uh, I just felt like I should call you and tell you this myself. You were right. It wasn’t too late, and I told her. I told Jennifer how I really felt, and she broke off the engagement to be with me. We’ve been together now for about ten months, and um… well, this time around we both have rings on our fingers. So I guess what I’m really trying to say is thank you. Had it not been for you, or what you said to me that last night, I would have had to be the maid of honor at her wedding and watched while she married someone else, and the guilt would have eaten me alive. So thank you. You’ve changed my life. I hope that things are going well for you because you deserve everything that’s right in the world. Really, you do. And you always have my number if you ever need anything. Okay, um, I guess that’s all. Goodbye Y/N.”
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queenmaddsauthor · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Criminal Minds (US TV), 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Spencer Reid, Maddie Buckley/Howie “Chimney” Han Characters: Spencer Reid, Evan “Buck” Buckley, Bobby Nash, Henrietta “Hen” Wilson, Athena Grant, Karen Wilson, Howie “Chimney” Han, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Jennifer “JJ” Jareau, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Maddie Buckley (mentioned) Additional Tags: Married Spencer Reid, Married Evan “Buck” Buckley, to each other, Wedding Rings, Investigations, Minor Original Character(s), The BAU Team as Family (Criminal Minds), firefam - Freeform, Firehouse 118 as Family (9-1-1 TV), Supportive Firehouse 118 Crew (9-1-1 TV), 118 Crew - Freeform, bau, Mentions of Arson, Not Canon Compliant, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Mentions of car accident, Mentions of Injuries, mentions of burn victims, House Fires, Firefighters, Mentions of burning alive, Like it come up in the BAU briefing and thats about it, no graphic descriptions of violence, no graphic descriptions of injuries, Tags May Change, Love, Reunited and It Feels So Good, Reunions, Meet the Family, Pranks and Practical Jokes, Intimidating Aaron Hotchner, Intimidating BAU team, Long-Distance Relationship, mentions of serial murder, Secret Relationship, Secret Marriage, Accidental Secret Marriage, Accidental secret relationship, Oblivious Evan “Buck” Buckley, Coming Out, Bisexual Evan “Buck” Buckley, Accidental Coming Out, mentioned coming out, Murder (mentioned), Serial Killers, FBI BAU Summary:
Evan “Buck” Buckley and Spencer Reid have very little in common on the surface, one a brash, jock-type firefighter, and the other a reserved nerd-type genius FBI agent. But looking deeper they have far more in common than one might think. Both young, determined young men with a thirst to prove themselves and most importantly be of service and help others. Of the many things they have in common, the most notable in this case is the love they have for the other and the matching rings they hold close to their hearts.
Currently, this is my longest fic that will ever see the light of day. I hope someone enjoys it because it is from what I can tell an ultra rare pair.
9-1-1/Criminal Minds crossover, with Buck/Spencer as the pairing, I’m a huge Buddie shipper but since I had a huge plot bunny and my muse was for once happy to let me do my thing, I decided to go for it.
I’ve never seen this pairing before, but if anyone else has let me know! Since this may possibly be the first fic of this pairing I’ve come up with a couple ship names, but please let me know if you have one better than “Speck”.
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emberfrostlovesloki · 4 years
#21 - Ghosted
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Gif credit: @toyboxboy​
Prompt: Ghosted - When Garcia and the reader go on a double date and the reader’s date doesn’t show up. The reader gets very drunk and Garcia calls Spencer to come pick her up.
Category: Fluff / comfort 
Content Warning: Unwanted physical contact, language 
A/N: Here we go again. I’m pretty happy with this oneshot. I have made the reader bisexual, however it doesn’t effect the story at all. I hope you enjoy! Please like/reblog
List with all stories
Word Count: 5k
_y/n_ = your name
_y/l/n_ = your last name
_f/c_ = your favorite color
_b/t_ = body type
_y/f/a/d_ = your favorite alcoholic drink 
J.J. and _y/n_ were at the outdoor mall in downtown Washington D.C. As they moved down the walkway that was flanked by store faces on both sides. The blond agent stopped outside of one of the buildings looking at one of the displays in the window. She turned to _y/n_ and asked, “How do you think I look in white?” _Y/n_ didn’t respond, instead she turned to look at Jessica with a blank face. Jareau didn’t see this, because she was looking at the white dress that had made her ask the question in the first place. After a few seconds J.J. realized that she had never received a response and turned to look at _y/n_. When she saw _y/n’s deadpan face she giggled. “What?” J.J. asked, now demanding a response. _Y/l/n_ laughed and finally said, “Jessica you look good in any color. White, black, aquamarine you say it and it will look good on you.” J.J. smiled and smiled and said, “You’re too nice to me. You haven’t seen my high school graduation pictures yet. One look at those, and you’ll change your mind.” _y/n_ sighed and started pulling out her phone, saying “Listen, I have Garcia on speed dial. I’m going to give her a call and have her send those photos, then I’ll get back to you.” “_Y/n_ you’re flattery will get you places,”  Both women laughed and they both decided to go into the ready to wear couture shop. The media liaison found the white dress that she had been looking at outside. Meanwhile _Y/n_ was walking around the edges of the store looking at the items that were marked down. After a half hour J.J. walked up to _y/n_ holding four dresses. “Are you going to try that on?” J.J. asked her question with a tone of disbelief, mainly because _y/n_ had not worn a dress to work, ever. She often wore a suit and slacks. The team even had an inside joke about the time that _y/n_ switched one of her ties with Spencer’s, and he didn’t even notice. _Y/n_ took J.J.’s tone as a challenge and grabbed the _f/c_ dress off the rack and said, “Yes I am.” 
In the dressing rooms _y/n_ asked, is this a dress for work, or something else?” She asked this question because a little bird, Emily, had told her that J.J. was going on a date that Friday. J.J. sighed and replied through the wood that divided the two women, saying, “I have got to stop telling Emily my plans for the weekend. But, to answer your question, yes I’m going on a date on Saturday.” _Y/n_ smiled and casually said, “Hey that’s cool. I haven’t been on a date in ages. So, I’m going to live vicariously through you.” She could hear J.J.’s laugh and the sound of a zipper being pulled up. _Y/n_ stepped out of the door of her dressing room as Jessica stepped out her hers. The dress was stunning on the blond woman. It fit her curved body in just the right places. _Y/n_ looked at the media liaison and said, “Believe me or not, you look amazing.” J.J. smiled at the positive attention and looked at herself in the mirror positioned at the end of the high end dressing room. “Will you tell me about who this mystery man is?” J.J. gave out yet another characteristic sigh and began pulling at the zipper on the dress and going back into her dressing room to try on the next option she had picked out. _Y/n_ also went back into her private room and began to strip to try on the single dress she had picked. “His name is Will and he’s a detective.” _Y/n_ whistled and replied, “That’s impressive. Do you know any more about him?” J.J. had now slipped into her next dress and was looking in the mirror as she replied, “Only that he’s attractive and can actually text a girl without sounding like a creep.” Y/n_ stepped out to look at the mirror too and said, “Well, those are all good qualities in a man.” J.J. was going to respond that Will looked very promising, but was stopped when she saw _y/n_ in the dress she was trying on. The long sleeved top was juxtaposed by a short hemline that accentuated her long legs. The _f/c_ fabric shown in the light, while highlighting your _b/t_body. As the agents left the store each with a dress _y/n_ wished J.J. good luck on the date and walked toward the train station while Jareau walked in the direction she had parked her car. 
It had been three weeks since J.J, date and things had gone really well and the blond agent often spoke of the plans she had for her and her potential baue. While all of this romantic excitement had been in the air Garcia took the chance to try and find a nice man for herself. After a week of searching she had actually found two. With this knowledge the analyst had invited _y/n_ to get a few drinks at her favorite bar. _Y/n_ arrived two minutes late, quickly striding into the artificially neon lit room. As she approached Penelope's table the computer geek stood up and hugged the agent. “Sorry I’m late. I had to take a shower after work.” Garcia smiled and replied, “I’m always at least fifteen minutes late for anything apart from work.” _Y/n_ smirked and said, “Then why did you show up on time for me. Am I a job to you?” Garcia blushed. She knew that _y/n_ had dated both men and women before, and if she was so inclined would have asked _y/n_ out ages ago. Alas women were not her preference. Before Garcia could respond, a nicely dressed waiter approached the pair and asked, “What may I get you to drink tonight ladies?” _Y/n_ answered first with, _y/f/a/d_ and a chai latte with almond milk pleases?” The waiter nodded as he jotted down the order. Then Garcia said, “I’d love a rum and coke with a double shot.” The waiter smiled and said, “I’ll get that right in ladies.” 
As the man walked toward the bar _y/n_ repeated her question saying, “So, am I job to you?” Garcia’s flushed cheeks made the agent laugh. The analyst replied, “You aren’t a job to me. After all who could deny all of this?” Garcia gestured over her face and torso with her hands. _y/n_ smiled and giggled before Garcia continued, “You might however, be a job for a man I met on Hinge.” _Y/n_ looked confused and raised an eyebrow indicating she needed more information. “First of all I can explain everything. Last week while J. J. was gushing over Will I wondered why the hell I wasn’t putting myself out there more. So I downloaded Hinge and set up a profile.” _y/n_ nodded along with the information that Penelope was giving. “After two days I had a ton of requests, and by a ton I mean six.” As she was about to continue the story the waiter returned with their drink. _Y/n_ and Garcia clinked glasses and took a long drink. After this Garcia continued her story by saying, “One of the guys I matched with has been really nice so far. His name is Dillon and I’m going on a date with him in two weeks.” _y/l/n_ thought, ‘That's quite a long time to plan a date in advance.’ Although she didn’t say this thought aloud, she did inquire, “That’s great, but I still don’t see how this is relevant to me?” Garcia quickly replied in a way that indicated that she was already feeling the effects of the alcohol, “I’m getting there. So, one of my other matches was an old friend from CalTach, before I left. His name’s James. He’s new to the area and he’s really looking for new people to meet. He’s really sweet and I was wondering if you would text him?” _Y/n_ almost choked on her latte as Garcia made the proposal. The woman wiped her napkin over her face to clean off any droplet’s that might have escaped her mouth. She looked directly at Garcia and said, “Penelope, you’re seriously asking me to text your old college hookup? I don’t know him.” Garcia held up her hands defensively and said, “I know, I know. But you’re so nice, and you get along with everyone. It doesn’t have to be serious or anything. Just say hello.” Garcia’s voice was so pleasing that _y/n_ couldn’t just straight out refuse. The agent sighed and pulled out a Post-It saying, “What’s his number?” 
An hour later the two agents were probably drunker than they should be. Garcia had dared _y/n_ to text James and she had. Both women made it home safely. The next morning _y/n_ had a stunning headache and a text from a man named James. It took her about twenty minutes to figure out why the hell some random man was in her messages. After her faculties had returned to her _y/n_ cursed Gracia for her bad influence For a moment she considered deleting the text, but realized that would be unkind to James, an unfortunately victim to Penelope's meddling. After a deep breath she grabbed her phone and formulated a response. A week later at work Garcia approached _y/n’s_ desk holding a cup of coffee. The agent that was seated nearly jumped out of her skin when the computer genius tapped her shoulder. Spencer, who sat across from _y/n_ started wheezing with laughter at her response. _Y/n_ turned her glaring glance from Garcia to Reid. The slender agent stood up and approached Spencer. The lanky agent leaned back as she neared him. She gave one of her must stunning smiles and pushed his left shoulder slightly and said, “Spence, I’ve seen you actually jump up in the air when Morgan has surprised you. Therefore you have no right to mock me when I am surprised from behind.” She took away her hand and then approached Garcia with the same glare as before and said, “Walk with me won’t you?” As the duo walked out of the room Spencer lifted his right hand up to his shoulder where _y/n_’s had been a moment ago. 
As soon as the girl’s walked out of the bullpen and into the breakroom they both burst out laughing. _Y/n_ happily accepted Penelope’s peace offering as they sat down to talk. Garcia started the conversation by saying, “I got a text from James saying that he’s had a few nice conversations with you.” _Y/n_ smiled awkwardly, and replied, “Yes, I’ve texted him a few times. He does seem nice. I don’t really think that he’s the type of person I would go out with.” At hearing this Penelope’s face fell. _Y/n_ noticed and asked, “Is something the matter?” Garcia looked down at her hands and then back up at _y/n_ saying, “Well James asked me, if I would ask you to go on a double date with me and Collin next Friday.” Now it was _y/l/n’s_ turn to have her face fall. She bit her lip. Before she could make a comment Penelope said, “I know you may not like him, or even know him that well. But this would be an opportunity for you to just get a better chance for you to know him. It doesn’t have to be a date, date for you two.” _Y/n_ was feeling the same why she had on the night that Garcia gave her Jame’s number. _Y/n_ put her head in her hands and thought, ‘I can’t believe I’m about to do this.’ The woman cleared her throat and looked at her friend with a long-suffering expression and replied, “I’ll go. Just this once. After it’s over I’m going to tell James that he’s a lovely fellow, but not for me.” On hearing this Penelope breathed a sigh of relief and said, “You are the best friend ever _y.n_. How about I pick you up at 9:30?” _Y/n_ realized that at this point she had no say in the matter and agreed. 
Before anyone knew it a week had come and gone. Another gruesome case had been solved and the team was working on the paperwork associated with it. As the clock hands reached 5:00 P.M. Everyone got up quickly, excited for the weekend. Spencer, _y/n_ and Derek reached the elevator at the same time and entered together. _Y/n’s_ phone pinged in her pocket and she saw a text from Garcia that read, I’ll be outside your apartment at 9:30. Would you do me the favor of dressing up. I’m really trying to impress Collin and you're the prettiest person I know.  At reading this _y/n_ groaned. She had honestly forgotten about her commitment to Penelope during all the excitement of the new case. Spencer and Morgan turned to her at the pained sound and Morgan asked, “_Y/n_ are you all right?” While Morgan asked Spencer unconsciously put his hands on _y/n’s_ arms to comfort her. _Y/n_ sighed and quickly looked  from Spencer to Morgan and said, “I’m fine, really. Garcia set me up on a blind-ish date tonight and I’ve completely forgotten about it.” Spencer removed his hands and said, “If you don’t want to go just don’t.” _Y/l/n_ rubbed her eyes and looked up to Reid saying, “It’s more complicated than that. Garcia’s going on a date too. This guy and I are supposed to meet her and her date Collin. You know like a double date. I can’t let her down like that.” The elevator opened and they all stepped out. Spencer was biting his lip, while Morgan said, “You’re a good friend _y/n_. If something happens you can call me and I’ll pick you up.” _Y/n_ turned to Derek, she had almost forgotten that he was there, because she had been looking at Spencer the whole ride down. She gave Derek one of her soft smiles and said, “Thanks Derek. If it’s really unbearable I’ll let you know.” She moved toward the athletic agent and embraced him in a hug, something she didn’t do normally. She turned from Morgan to Spencer and she gave him a smile. She walked up to him giving him a pat on the shoulder and walking over to her car. As she was walking away she called over to shoulder, “Have a nice weekend guys! I’ll see you on Monday.” She got in her car and drove away. Once again Spencer had his hand on the shoulder that _y/n_ had touched him. Morgan noticed and said, “Are you jealous lover boy?” Hearing this Reid folded his arms over his chest and walked towards his car. He turned to Derek and said, “Please let me know if she calls you tonight.” When the genius had gotten in his car, and put his seat belt on he took a moment to sit. He would never tell Derek, but he really hoped, or imagined that one day he would have asked _y/n_ on a date. Unfortunately he had been beaten to it. The doctor told himself, “Go home, read a book, and I’ll feel better.” With this Reid took his own advice and drove out of the lot.
_Y/n_ was finishing with the last touches of her makeup when Penelope texted her that she was outside. _Y/n_ grabbed her favorite black bag and walked out the door of her third story apartment. She locked the door behind her. When she approached Garcia’s car the window rolled down and Garcia shouted, “You look so hot, oh my God.” _Y/n_ blushed and got in the car and replied, “I bought this dress a few weeks ago.” Penelope smiled and the pair drove to the bar that Garcia loved the most. It was called Whiplash. The drinks were cheap and the music was loud and happy, just like her personality. The establishment was more of a club than a bar, that was why Garcia liked it. She could people watch while getting drunk without it seriously hurting her bank account. As they got closer _y/n_ said, “Garcia, I don’t think this is gonna work. James hasn’t texted me since last Saturday. I don’t think he’s going to show. Has he texted you?” Penelope could see the doubt in _y/n’s_ face and replied, “Yes of course he texted me. He says he’s really excited to meet you in person. Garcia chose not to tell _y/n_ that James hadn’t responded to her texts since Monday. The technical analyst was just hoping that things worked out. She was always an optimist, in or out of the office. The pair pulled into a space across from the bar. It’s bright sign twinkled on the pavement. Both women got out of the car and straightened their dress down and walked across the street.  The bouncer outside asked for _y/n’s_ ID. _Y/l/n_ pulled out the card, and then the burly man allowed the two agents to enter the building. The music inside was almost deafening. Garcia quickly spotted her date, Collin, sitting at a table in the corner. The two women walked up to his table. Collin was squat in figure and _y/n_ assumed he was around 45 years old. The man stood up and kissed Penelope on the cheek. His gaze then moved up and down _y/n_. Thankfully Garcia didn’t notice, instead she shouted over the music, “Collin meet my friend _y/n_,” Collin extended his hand and said, “It’s nice to meet you _y/n_.” _Y/l/n_ smiled and said, “It’s nice to meet you too. Penelope’s been saying very good things about you, and I’m here to make sure she’s right.” Everyone laughed at _y/n’s_ reply and took a seat at the table. _Y/n_ had planned on not drinking too much that night, however, Collin had other ideas. When a hostess stopped by the table he bought them all a shot of tequila. _Y/n_ couldn’t really turn it down as they all took the shot and then gagged at the strength of the liquor. Their conversation was going well, however, Garcia could see _y/n_ looking up at the door every few minutes to see if James had shown up. After fifteen minutes _y/n_ pulled out her phone and sent a text to the absent man. Garcia started feeling bad about this idea as a whole and ordered everyone a beer. It took all of them about fifteen minutes to drown the beers. It was at this point that Collin ordered them another round of shots and Garcia could see that _y/n_ was starting to get very intoxicated. The slender agent leaned on Penelope and slurred, “You know I don’t care that I got stood up. It happens to me all the time. All the men I’ve dated have always told me that I’m great in bed but that I act like a bitch. So it’s nice to have another man say that to my face.” After finishing the statement _y/n_ started crying into Garcia’s shoulder. Penelope pet _y/n’s_ head trying to console her. After this method proved to not be effective Garcia stood up and said, “I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.” The blond agent moved toward Collin and whispered in his ear, “Please keep her talking, and for heaven’s sake don’t buy her more drinks.” Instead of going to the bathroom Penelope walked outside and dialed Spencer. 
Reid was reading a volume of poems in Old English. When his phone went off on his desk he rose to see who was calling him at 10: 15. When he saw Garcia’s number he assumed it was regarding a case. He flipped his phone open and said, “What’s up Garcia?” Penelope breathed a sigh of relief when he picked up and said, “Spencer I think I really fucked up.” “Why, what’s happened, where are you?” Spencer was having a hard time hearing Penelope because there was some sort of interference on the line. He waited until the agent on the other end of the line replied, “I dragged _y/n_ on a double date and her date ghosted her.” Reid remembered the conversation he had earlier he had with _y/n_ today and responded, “Wait, I don’t think I understand. What does ghosted mean? What’s the problem?” Garcia couldn’t help herself but laugh once at the fact that the smartest person she knew, didn’t know what ‘ghosted’ meant. She pulled herself back together and said, “Her date, he didn’t show up. Reid, she’s really drunk and I can’t take her home. I promised my date that I would go home with him tonight. I think that _y/n’s_ going to leave.” At this point Spencer got the gist of the conversation and he was pulling on some sneakers. He grabbed the key to his car and his wallet and was headed out the door. As he turned off the lights in his apartment he asked, “Garcia where are you? I’m coming to pick _y/n_ up.” 
When Penelope had struggled through the hoard of people on the dance floor she found Collin and _y/n_ at the table. Both had drinks in front of them. Garcia saw this and quickly walked over to _y/n_ grabbing the martini out of her hand. The drink sloshed down the front of the intoxicated girl's dress. Although Penelope was sorry to see the _f/c_ fabric stained it gave her an excuse to say, “Shit, _y/n_, let’s take you to the bathroom to clean you up.” The data analyst helped her friend maneuver to the back to the building. Garcia pushed her friend into an open stall of the bathroom and waited for her to finish her business. When _y/n_ came out of the stall Garcia grabbed a few paper towels and started wiping down the front of her friends chest. It only took a few seconds before _y/n_ asked, “would you ghost me on a date Garcia?” Penelope immediately stopped what she was doing and gave her friend a long hug. _Y/n_ then mumbled into Penelope’s shoulder, “I need another shot. That will make me feel better, right?” Garcia knew it was a rhetorical question but still answered with, “NO! No more drinks for you tonight baby. I’m sorry this happened.” Garcia’s tone was so sincere that _y/n_ cradled Penelope’s face and said, “It’s not your fault, it’s me, I haven’t been able to keep a steady partner since high school.” This fact broke Garcia's heart, but she didn’t know how to console her friend, After about ten minutes in the restroom _y/n_ said, “I think I’m going to go home. The train station is only three blocks from here. You stay with Collin. He seems really nice and I don’t want to ruin your night.” After hearing this Garcia thought, ‘Shit.’ and said, “No, you should wait a minute, I can get someone to come and get you.” _Y/l/n_ smiled and said, “Don’t bother someone else, it’s almost 11:00. I’ll be fine I swear.” Before Penelope could stop her the lean agent was out the door and weaving her way through the crowd. By the time Penelope made it to the door of the bar _y/n_ was halfway down the street. Garcia picked up her phone and chanted, “shit, shit, shit, fucking shit, “ until Spencer picked up. Penelope shouted into the phone, “Reid she just left the bar.” Spencer held the phone away from his ear as the data analyst shouted at him. The man hung up  and put his foot farther down on the gas pedal. He only had a block to go before he would get to the bar. 
As _y/n_ was heading toward the subway station a car that looked familiar pulled up next to her. _Y/n_ took a few steps away from the car, and almost walked into a couple going the other direction. The window of the car rolled down and she realized it was Spencer. She still continued walking slowly and awkwardly but she moved next to Reid’s car and said,  “Spence, what are you doing here?” Spencer was struggling to keep his eyes on _y/n_ and the road and he called back, “I’m here to take you home.” _Y/n_ blushed slightly and said, “You don’t have to take me home Reid, I’m going to take the train, subway, moving thing, you know what I mean.” It was at this point that Spencer had to pull over to the curb  and park illegally, because if he hadn’t he would have crashed his car into another parked car in the way. The agile man opened his door and quickly walked up to _y/n_. When she saw him she stopped. The pair were now standing outside a dingy bar that a few people were hanging around outside of. Spencer said, “Please let me take you home now _y/n_.” One of the men loitering outside the dingy bar had heard Spencer’s comment and walked over to the pair. The man that was highly tattooed looked _y/n_ up and down and asked her, “Is this man bothering you?” _Y/n_ who was still under the influence said, “No, no, no. He’s my friend. The man took the opportunity to grab _y/n_’s arm and pulled her close to him. He roughly said, “Well if you don’t want him to take you home I’d be happy to.” Once the man had put his hands on _y/n_ her instincts kicked in and she kneed him in the gut and punched his face. The man reeled back, protecting his groin with his hands. While this happened Spencer quickly took _y/n’s_ hand with his right hand and put his left around her waist, quickly leading her away from the bar and toward his car. The man that had been hurt by a woman started walking toward them and shouted, “You little cunt. You’re a fucking little bitch, go home with your fag boytoy.” Just as the two agents made it to Reid’s car she shouted back, “That’s what they all say you bigot.” 
When both agents were in the car Reid rushed out of his spot and tore down the street. After being grabbed and verbally assaulted _y/n_ was feeling much more sober. She was also embarrassed that Spencer was seeing her like this. After three minutes of silence she looked over at him and said, “Thank you Spencer. I don’t know what I was doing back there.” The male agent bit his lip before responding, “It’s okay, I’m just happy you’re safe. Plus you look pretty drunk.” _y/n_ looked down at her dress and realized the stain must look like she had gone pretty hard at the bar. She felt embarrassed again, but stood up for herself more quickly this time by saying, “Well I’m feeling less and less drunk by the moment. And in my  defense I only bought myself one drink. The rest of the alcohol was pushed on me by Garcia and Collin. Also, I was having a really shitty night, maybe I wanted to be a little drunk.” Spencer looked over to her and could tell that tonight really had not been her night, and that made him sad. He asked her quietly, “Is there anything I can do to make it less shitty?” _Y/n_ looked over at him and her heart gave a little pull. She said, “I guess I’d like some coffee. If i’m going to be sober I want to actually be sober.” Reid smiled at the request and said, “Coffee, coming right up.” Reid had all of the coffee shop locations and hours in D.C.memorized. It only took him three minutes to get them to a 24 hour coffee shop called Insomniac. Spencer got out of the car and opened _y/n’s_ door. He took her hand for a few steps, just to make sure that she could walk safely. When he ascertained that she could he let her hand go. He wished he didn’t have to. They walked into the shop and _y/n_ walked up to the counter. The owner of the shop asked her, “What can I get you?” Her eye’s skimmed the menu and she said, “I’ll take a large coffee with cream and sugar please.” She turned to look at Spencer who was standing behind her with his hands buried in his pockets. _Y/n_ asked him, “Can I get you anything? It’s the least I can do after what’s happened tonight.” For a moment she thought she saw his cheeks redden, she just assumed that it was the alcohol still in her system. Reid stepped forward and said, “I’ll have a large coffee with sugar.” The owner rang up their order and _y/n_ gave him her card. When both agents had their drinks in hand they sat down at the only spot open in the small establishment. They were seated next to each other on a couch with a table in front of them. They both enjoyed their caffeinated beverages for a few minutes before they both set their disposable cups on the table in front of them. 
After a few minutes of silence Spencer said, “I’m sorry you go stood up. Whoever it was must have been a loser to not want to meet you.” _Y/n_ looked over at Spencer, he had the softest look on his face. His eyes were so deep. _Y/n_ thought for a moment and replied, “Spencer, I’m going to be very honest with you. Everyone I’ve dated has broken up with me. They all say I’m fun for a while but end up being a bitch in the end. I think my track record and the guy that stood me up might be evidence that I’m not desirable.” She looked at Spencer for a response, and he had his mouth open slightly, shaking his head. For a moment a pit settled in _y/n’s stomach, she didn’t have time to think about that, because before she knew what was happening Spencer leaned toward her and pressed his lips to hers. _Y/n’s_ eyes shot open before she took in the warmth on her mouth. She quickly closed her eyes and leaned into the kiss. When the two separated there was another silence as _y/n_ processed what had just happened. Before the silence became too uncomfortable the more negative side of Spencer’s brain made him say, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that without your permission. It doesn’t have to mean anything. I just wanted you to know that I find you desirable.” He stumbled over his words in the sentence. _Y/n_ looked over to him. She realized that maybe Spencer felt the same way that she thought about himself. She lifted her right hand and put it on his chin, turning his face toward her. She could see that he was questioning himself, his abilities. _Y/n_ gave him one of her reassuring smiles before gently grabbing his vest and pulling the man to her. This time Spencer took a microsecond to realize what was happening. Even as her lips met his he stayed still. It wasn’t until _y/n_ wove her hands behind his head and back that he really leaned into the kiss. His arms wrapped around _y/n’s_ body protectively. He held onto her for dear life. When they finally separated for air, both agents were beet red. _Y/n_ softly said “I love you Spencer,” into his shoulder. He replied, “I love you too.” As the night crept further and further into day the pair sat and enjoyed being so close to each other. It was the first of many nights like it to come.
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pjshirwit12 · 4 years
My Adventure with Criminal Minds: Season 3
Spoilers please please don’t read because I don’t want to be the reason you can’t enjoy
Unless your a dumb bitch like me who doesn’t really care
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Update to last season’s incorrect statement. This entire cast is the reason why I’m bisexual. I’m not sure about how I feel about Rossi yet. Most likely he’ll be added.
Ep. 1
Is that a lesbian couple I see?
I hate her and I forgot that bitch existed
Anyway, Gideon ain’t that bad anymore. I don’t hate him, I just don’t like him
JJ and Reid still own my heart
Emily also owns my heart
And Morgan
I haven’t seen Garcia yet which is not okay
She also owns my heart
I hope Emily doesn’t betray Hotch
I would’ve told him what was happening on the low
Gideon is really losing it, huh
My beautiful Garcia is here
This college campus case seems too easy
I knew it
I don’t remember if they gave Katie’s girlfriend a name
Alisa is her name
I’m sorry, but the day someone spits in my face is the day that I’m arrested for assault or worse and I won’t even plead not guilty
Gideon REALLY lost it
Ep. 2
Ok...I don’t really like how Haley phrased “normal life”
I don’t think Haley and Hotch will last if im being honest
So, only 3 people on the case
Oh wait, did Hotch disobey orders
He’s getting a transfer??
That doesn’t sound like Hotch to roll over and play dead
Emily is ditching too
Season 3 is off to a fucking horrible start and I blame 2 people
She’s disrespectful
“Hold the teams hand”
What the fuck
JJ can persuade anyone to do whatever she wants and can kick ass while doing it. Plus she is so sweet even while threatening reporters
Reid has an IQ higher than that bitch Strauss’ horse not to mention he’s a very strong individual who puts other before himself
Morgan is so strong in so many ways after overcoming all that he has and still has a big heart
Garcia can hack into anything she sets her mind too. She is a strong willed female and if she can make Morgan melt, she’s not to be messed with
Prentiss has only been on the team for a little while, but has proved herself a big asset in many ways and is totally badass
Hotch is a very genuine leader who treats the others like family and will do whatever he can as long as it’s the best for others
All of them are sweet even after going through the sour and they are all badass. Strauss can only hope that they will hold her hand as she gets lost on the field
The girls are badass, the boys are cuddle bears. The boys are strong asf, the girls are sweethearts. They are the best team and should be shown more respect even if what they do is “reckless” they save lives while she ruins them
Fuck her
Strauss is making a hostile relationship with the detectives who they need to COOPERATE
“Oh, and Agent Jareau, don’t question me again.”
Who tf-
JJ shoulda beat that bitch ass idc
Never mind. I don’t like Haley.
Garcia and Morgan😍🥺
Morgan and Reid😍🥺
The unsub in this episode is hot
Hotch knew about Reid’s drug problem...
But like...Hotch knew about everything
It’s weird that they showed the unsubs face so early on in this episode
“Talk dirty to me”
Morgan’s disappointed sigh
JJ’s obvious smirk
I can’t breathe
Unrelated but in the middle of this episode my gramma told me to take the trash out and accompanied me. She is a criminal minds fan also. As I’m coming back inside she tells me that someone is behind me and starts closing the door. I start running up the steps to get to the door before she closes it, but I’m in my boots. She starts laughing and tells me she’s joking and to go lock the gate. I could’ve died. This would’ve been the end.
Did Haley leave Hotch?
Reid went to check on Gideon and I’m worried about how this will end
He knew spencer would find the note????
Ep. 3
It’s weird that they’re showing the unsub’s face so early in the episodes now
Will I meet Rossi soon?
Imma just say that whoever has to do the criminal minds opening must be mad asf over character changes
And I’m making that it’s own post
A guy who kills someone based on phobia, that’s new
Why did Gideon leave Spencer the note?
Why not Hotch
Not complaining just wondering
This episode wasn’t that eventful
Ep. 4
Alright someone has to, so I’m gonna fucking say it:
I don’t give a fuck how cool of a transition it is, the picture will not have the exact same people in the exact same spot at the exact same time when you get to the actual scene
I’m gonna keep mentioning this, but the unsubs faces were shown once again
Wtf is that about?
Morgan: “Hey, girl you’re on speaker, behave.”
Garcia: “Or What, you’ll spank me?”
Cue horrified police chief and Garcia immediately realizing she was already on speaker
I’m guessing before I continue this episode: Tyler is gonna kill the abusive foster parents, isn’t he?
I hate that I’m so smart, yet love that I’m pessimistic
Makes for a pleasant surprise when I’m wrong
I love JJ
I love Emily
I love JJ and Emily
Ep. 5
Little girl is missing not a lot going on
I wonder if actual FBI (specificallyB.A.U. peeps) watch these
How accurate is this show
How accurate are Reid’s statistics
Statistics change so does he keep on top of that or does he just go with what’s at hands
Little Jeremy kid is having a panic attack and honestly, felt that
It’s really weird how he seized up so quick tho. I just have a hard time breathing, stomach is queasy. But you wouldn’t tell if you looked at me. Then again this kid is like 10 so... I digress
does putting your head between your knees actually help with panic attacks? If the answer is yes I want my head up from anyone who didn’t tell me that since freshman year
Wtf does Jeremy know?
I know why Jeremy ignored Katie, but I woulda brought my cousin to her mama because I’m not dealing with a child that ain’t mine
tf is this family hiding?
Okay so Katie is a future serial killer in the making
Cool. She should be one of their cases in the next 12 years. She’ll be 18.
Jeremy is 13
He look like 10-11 wtf
Reid is giving the “becoming a man talk” to a 13 and it’s so weird
Where tf did all the people in the mall go? There were mad heads and now it’s a ghost town
Sweet Spencer Reid interrogating people is weird
He scares them without being mean like Morgan or pushy like Gideon
That was a shit show
Thank heavens that Katie is okay tho
Ep. 6
Rossi is here!!!
I better like him
So far, he not taking Strauss’ shit
Brownie points
Rossi didn’t even question Morgan calling Garcia Babygirl LMFAOOOO
Brownie points
I love how JJ’s eyes sometimes look purple when the light hits them right
Garcia has been tame this episode 🤔
I’m taking like half of a brownie back bc Rossi is a bit extreme
He almost shot Morgan 😮🤭
Rossi being this risky does not help the image that Hotch can’t control his team
Ep. 7
Reid gives into peer pressure way too easy
He didn’t even put up a fight about going into Rossi’s office
He caught them, I knew he would
Rossi was wrong for picking Morgan to go to a TEXAN BAR FULL OF MILITIA LEADERS
Lmfaooo Morgan said “what?”
This episode is based in Texas I knew somehow, SOMEHOW, Morgan’s race would be brought up and I was right
This Townsend mf really isn’t subtle and even as a black girl I’m a bit entertained with some things he brings up
Torturing women... fucking disgusting
Morgan definitely is relentless
Ep. 8
That guy is deranged and they’re just gonna let him go?
I don’t like those satanic books
I don’t trust this Colby guy
Protective Morgan. I love it
JJ: “We got a bad one.”
Morgan: “How bad?”
JJ: “Florida.”
I’m sorry to all my Floridians, but that was funny asf
Rossi is a smug sonuvabitch
I love him
Morgan called Garcia “Penelope”
Garcia called Morgan “Derek”
I’m calling my lawyer to sue for emotional damage
They just argued wtf
Morgan is lowkey a dick this episode
Like a priest dude? Really?
Morgan goes to the church and there’s an unmoving unspeaking figure and the candles ACROSS THE DAMN ROOM are blown out by wind INSIDE the cathedral
Is this Criminal Minds or Supernatural
Why that is inaccurate: Derek Morgan is black. He would’ve walked tf out of there and waited until morning to see the priests
A cannibal
I have chili for dinner and I’m not sure I want something so chunky anymore
He made Father Marks swear
Is that allowed
I’m sorry but i really don’t trust this Colby guy
Ep. 9
Protective Hotch is everything
These fuck wads are investigating Garcia instead of her potential murderer
I love Garcia and Morgan
Even when she’s not feeling well Garcia jokes/flirts with Morgan
The son of a bitch shot a police officer and almost shot Morgan
I’ve decided that I like Rossi
I don’t want this killer to make it out alive idc
I like the hacker guy
Okay okay I’m not hating Kevin Lynch guy. I trust him. He’ll be good for Garcia.
Ep. 10
García and Morgan bickering is hilarious
“Stop with the “UHN.” Stop”
This Johnny character is really sad
His girlfriend or wife was really cute when she was with him and they seemed happy
What happened to her?
Reid and Morgan lmaoooo
“Don’t make me smack you in front of all these people.”
This one made me sad
Ep. 11
This one was a bad telenovela on the low
Ah shit
Hotch was served divorce papers
Not surprised but like at his job?
Ep. 12
This one was new
Witness protection
Sadistic daddy’s girl
Poor Reid
Lindsey took Katie’s name
Ep. 13
I don’t like this Agent Jill Morris lady
She seems to want a serial killer so bad
She tried to come up with a name for him
She seems too invested in that case
I feel like she made it up
I don’t trust her
Update about my grandmother from the last seasons, but she says that she watches the show for her husband, Shemar Moore
Guess that’s my Granpa now
Morris is really ticking me off
I feel like she faked the case
Did I say this already?
Agent Jill Morris looks like a cross between Aunt Becky (Full House, Fuller House) and Rebekah Mikaelson (Vampire Diaries, Originals.)
She ain’t learn her lesson
Ep. 14
Garcia and Kevin are nice together
Connecticut is my home
They didn’t have to drag Bridgeport like that 💀
Hotch was about to fuck that guy up
Reid saved the day and I learned something
Lmfaooooo did Reid bullshit that entire thing
Rossi has officially adopted the team
Garcia threatening her bf is life
Hotch found the killer
Hopefully he can rest easy now
Lmfaoooo i reached the limit for this post oh shit oh no
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heykageyama-archive · 7 years
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Request: No 
Word Count: 616
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do! I’ve had problems with school that has affected with my writing and I apologize! This fic is also for @crimmindsdaily “Special Agent Gift Exchange!” Anyways, I hope you enjoy my first JJ fic and feedback is always appreciated!
Warning(s): Just fluff I think
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For @bitchinprentiss
Your walk had a little extra bounce in it because you were more than excited to come to work today. You had liked a certain person on the team at the office and you had finally built up your confidence to ask them out. You weren’t exactly openly bisexual, you had only told some of your family and your very trusted friend and unit chief, Emily. You didn’t want the team to know just yet. You noticed that her door was open and decided to softly knock on the door, letting her know you were there. Emily greeted you with a genuine smile. “Hey do we have a case?” You asked.
“Uh no, not that I’m aware of. I was just looking through this pile and see which one would the team think of is the best one to do.” You nodded as you sat down across from her and grabbed a random case file to see if it was worth talking about. Somehow you couldn’t manage to tear the radiant smile that kept growing on your face. Emily noticed your contagious action and sat back in her chair while looking at you. “What’s got you so happy?” You both didn’t notice JJ walking up to Emily’s office but she stopped when you started to talk again. “Just a certain person, here at the BAU.” Emily perked up and her mouth fell open as her demeanor changed to happy mixed with curiosity. Emily blurted out random names out of excitement while you laughed. You just shook your head while Emily pouted to herself. “I prefer blondes actually…” JJ raised her eyebrows and hoped that you were talking about her. Since her and Will split, JJ thought she’d never liked someone again. She was openly bisexual but hadn’t told the team yet either. JJ adored your personality and how cute it was when you got shy around her. She thought your smile could light up the darkest tunnel. Emily widened her eyes when she put the pieces of the puzzle together. “You like JJ?!” You nodded profusely while you both stood up and Emily hugged you tightly. From behind the wall, JJ smiled slightly to herself, knowing that you liked her back. She quietly walked away from Emily’s office and left the two of you alone. “I’m so happy for you! When do you plan on asking her out?” “Today I’m hoping for. I hope she feels the same way.” “Hey, of course she will. How could someone say no to you?”
You chuckled and mumbled a thanks before you both head to the conference room where everybody was waiting.
You hated Emily but loved her at the same time. The case required a stakeout and fortunately Emily had picked you and JJ to do it. Now that you were actually alone with her, you felt nervous even though you’ve been in this situation before. You took a few deep breaths to help control the knots forming in your stomach. You looked towards JJ which got her attention. “Okay I didn’t know how else to do this and I know doing it on a stakeout isn’t the best choice. But I should’ve done this another day and a different place but-“ JJ admired your cute and she just chuckled at you and shook her head. Seeing you ramble and being nervous even if you were just talking to her, made her smile. JJ cut you off by softly placing her smooth lips on yours. You were surprised at first but then melted into the kiss. JJ cupped your cheek as she pulled away. You tilted your head into her hand while she spoke. “I like you too.”
Taglist: @criminal-navy-writings @badasprentiss @teatimewithtiya @theofficeofsupremegenius @fl0werb0nes18 @jazz91121 @spencer-puppies-and-stuff @ireadtoavoidmyproblems @derekmorgansoffice @veroinnumera @ilikeitwhenyousleepforyouareso @semitallmuffin
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