#this was so sweet thank you anon for sending this in 🫶🏻
m1ckeyb3rry · 1 day
hii!! First of all ur theme is so aesthetically pleasing and I love all the nagi. I like binge read all of your event works and *chefs kiss*. Could I request a piece for karasu with the theme of like academic rivals/classmates? No worries if not, hoping ur doing well and taking care of urself!
On an unrelated note I saw that post about rude comments and im so sorry that’s happening to you! I honestly don’t know what drives ppl to bother leaving nasty comments esp when it’s not like they’re being forced to read anything T-T Hoping to send you a bit of love to counter those trolls!
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Synopsis: Crows are clingy birds, and Tabito Karasu’s feelings are hurt easier than you realize.
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Event Masterlist
Pairing: Karasu x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 9.1k
Content Warnings: academic rivals to lovers, karasu is an asshole, reader is also an asshole, jealous karasu 😍, hiori randomly pulls up at one point for some reason??, yukimiya requests to follow one (1) person and accidentally causes the most dramatic pseudo breakup ever
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A/N: anon i used to pray for times like these 😭😩 LMAOAO karasu is my fav (behind nagi ofc) but i’ve never gotten around to writing him so getting this request made me SO excited HAHA. i haven’t done anything rivals/enemies to lovers before so fingers crossed this doesn’t feel too awkward or unrealistic or rushed anything!! and yayyy i love my little nagi theme (and also nagi in general) i’m glad you like it too!! and my writing too, you’re so sweet 🥹 there will always be jerks unfortunately but lovely people like you make it all worth it 💖 thank you again and i hope this is kind of what you were looking for 🫶🏻
Additional: part of my 500 follower event! see the event description and rules to make a request of your own.
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You could hardly contain your smile as you sauntered up to Tabito Karasu’s desk, your exam held behind your back. He was sitting by himself — his seat partner was sick this week, from what you had heard, so he had taken the chance to spread out his things and stretch his legs. When he noticed you, he raised his eyebrows, mouth tugging into a frown at your amusement.
“What?” he said. You brandished the paper in front of you, irises sparkling as you leaned over to rest your forearms on the desk.
“I got full marks on the last Chemistry exam,” you said. Karasu made a face at you, snatching the test from your hands and scrunching his face up as he inspected it.
“Seriously?” he said.
“Seriously,” you said. “What did you get?”
He crossed his arms and looked away. “Not telling.”
“You definitely failed!” you said in delight, taking back the exam and laughing at him. “How embarrassing. You failed the easiest test of the year, and yet you consider Chemistry to be one of your best subjects? I can’t wait to see how badly you do during finals week.”
“I did not fail,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I got a ninety-eight.”
“Ninety-eight! That’s even worse than outright failure,” you said. “You were so close to perfection, and yet in the end, you fell short. It must sting for things to work out like that.”
“Yes, I’m positively wounded,” he said dryly before batting his eyelashes at you. From anyone else, the rapid switch in demeanor would’ve left you reeling, but the shifting mood was to be expected from him. “Will you give me a kiss and make it better?”
You rolled up your test and smacked him on the head with it. “No.”
“Anyways, my overall grade in the class is still higher than yours, because rankings were updated today and I’m still number one, so I’m not sure what cause you have to be boasting,” he said.
“Hm, but did you notice who’s number one in Modern Literature?” you said, pulling out your phone and opening the school’s app, which listed each class’s rankings in every subject. “Yup, that’s right, me.”
“Good job, Y/N!” he said, clapping mockingly. “Shall we have a party? It’s a big occasion — the mediocre number two has finally done something of such note that she’s number one for the first time in her life.”
“I’ve been number one plenty of other times!” you snapped. “For your information, I’ve been first in the class in mathematics and history every year since middle school, so who are you to be acting like this is a first? If anyone’s mediocre, it’s you!”
He raised his hands in the air innocently, his trademark smirk gracing his features once more now that he had succeeded in irritating you, as was his typical goal.
“Alright, alright, no need to be upset,” he said. “It’s not good for you. Clouds your judgment.”
“In what way?” you said.
“I mean, somehow, you got the two of us confused,” he said. “And we’re nothing alike.”
“I did no such thing,” you said.
“Well, I seem to recall you calling me mediocre, but between the two of us, the subpar one is obviously you,” he said, flicking your forehead. You slapped his hand away.
“You — the bell is going to ring, so I’m going to go back to my seat, but just so you know, you’re way more mediocre than me, Mr. Two-Percent-Short!” you said.
“Stellar comeback!” he called out. “My ego is bruised beyond healing!”
“Good!” you called back, ignoring the sarcasm. “Maybe it’ll return to a more normal size. Your head has grown too big, it’s almost as ridiculous as that hair of yours!”
“Leave the hair alone!”
During your free period, you decided to go to the library for some peace and quiet to work on your homework and find some of the sources you needed for your next research project. For belonging to a high school, the library was surprisingly extensive, and you had managed to find relevant information for every other project you had ever done in it, so you had high hopes. Unfortunately, it seemed this latest assignment was more obscure than anything you had completed before, so on your second lap of the shelves where the books, if they existed, would be located, you resigned yourself to giving up.
Just then, a volume caught your eye. The cover was shiny and pristine, the spine still unbent with newness. Crouching, you pulled it out, and when you saw the title emblazoned across the cover in bright yellow lettering, you began to laugh, making a beeline to the checkout counter with it tucked under your arm.
“Hey, Y/N! How was your morning?” your best friend said as you set your things down next to her in the cafeteria. You hummed in agreement, searching the room for a familiar head of dark hair. “You good? Looking for someone? Let me guess: your secret boyfriend that you’re keeping from the rest of us.”
“Yeah, I’m looking for Karasu,” you said before the rest of her words registered. “No!”
“You’re finally coming out and saying it?” she said, holding her hands to her heart and pretending to swoon. “I’ve been waiting for you to confess.”
“He’s not my secret boyfriend that I’m keeping from everyone, I’m just looking for him!” you said.
“Could’ve fooled me,” she said. “What do you need him for, anyways?”
“I got a book for him in the library,” you said.
“Right, and this is the guy you hate? Your ‘mortal enemy’ or whatever?” she checked.
“Yes,” you said.
“But you…got a book for him from the library, and now you’re looking for him so that you can give it to him?” she said. You scoffed.
“When you put it like that, it sounds different than it really is,” you said. “Trust me, this isn’t a nice gesture or anything. You can consider it revenge.”
“When are you going to get over this stupid rivalry?” she said. “He’s not even that bad, you know.”
“Not even that bad? Not even that bad? Are we talking about the same Karasu here? I’m referring to Tabito, not his older sister,” you said.
“Ah, I think so? He’s a nice guy,” she said.
“He is the spawn of the devil! And he’s the one who started it, so I’ll stop hating him once he apologizes and means it,” you said.
“Do you think he even remembers that?” she said. “It was in middle school.”
You glared at her. “I remember it. If he doesn’t, well, that’s just more of a reason for me to dislike him on principle.”
“Okay, okay, whatever you say,” she said. “Sorry for complimenting him. He’s awful and rude and mean. I think he’s sitting outside with some of his soccer friends, if you still want to find him.”
“Thank you!” you said, instantly forgetting that you were upset with her for taking Karasu’s side instead of yours. “Watch my stuff, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“See you soon,” she said. “Have fun. Actually, maybe it’s more realistic for me to just tell you not do anything that’ll get you expelled.”
You waved her off as you marched out to the courtyard where Karasu and his friends were lounging, their chairs positioned in the shade so that they did not overheat while they ate. None of them noticed you approaching until you were tapping Karasu on the shoulder and smiling at him sweetly.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” he said, sounding oddly flustered. One of his friends snorted, and more than a few chuckled, but you ignored all of them in favor of setting your bag on the armrest of Karasu’s chair.
“Hi, Karasu. I was in the library earlier and I saw this book that reminded me of you, so I took the liberty of checking it out,” you said.
“Oh,” he said. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“You’re so considerate, Y/N!” one of his friends said.
“We’re all so jealous of Karasu here,” another friend, the one who you believed had snorted, said. “You’re way too pretty for him.”
“Shut up,” Karasu said, sticking up his middle finger at his friend, though none of the group paid him much mind. In fact, it seemed to egg them on more, as they continued to hurl jabs at Karasu while simultaneously incessantly complimenting you.
You didn’t respond to any of them, instead pulling out the book and handing it to Karasu, interlacing your fingers and waiting for his reaction. At first he seemed confused, and then dismay dawned upon his features as he realized what he was holding in his hands: a copy of Chemistry for Dummies.
“What the fuck?” he said. You patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s only suitable,” you said. Suddenly, his expression cleared, and he beamed at you, which caused unease to brew in your stomach. You knew for a fact that he was about to say something infuriating, and you mentally prepared yourself to respond.
“What a roundabout way of telling me you need tutoring! Of course, I’m happy to help you anytime you want,” he said, tilting back in his chair so that he could cross his arms over his chest arrogantly.
“Why would I want tutoring from someone who does worse than me in the class?” you shot back, crossing your own arms in retaliation.
One of his friends whistled. “She got you there, Tabito.”
“Enough out of you,” Karasu said through gritted teeth. His friend winked at you and mouthed ‘nice one.’
“Look, man, all I’m saying is that if you want to ask out such a beautiful girl, you’ve gotta have a little more finesse than that!” he said.
“He can have all the finesse in the world, but I’d still say no,” you said. His friends hollered with raucous laughter, which caused Karasu’s face to turn red, but you only pressed the book into his hands. “It’s due in two weeks. That should be long enough, right? Make sure you return it on time, please, I don’t want late fines.“
“I hope you go into debt because of this stupid book,” he said.
“Aww,” you cooed. “You’ll be the one paying it off, so it doesn’t matter to me. See you around, Karasu — or, hopefully not.”
You and Karasu had met in middle school. The two of you had been assigned to work on a presentation together, and he had told you during your first meeting that because you were a dunce, you should just listen to him and do whatever he said. Ever since that day, you had done everything you could to show him how much better than him you were; for his part, he found great joy in getting on your nerves and so took part in every argument with pleasure.
You had long ago proved his middle school self wrong, by anyone’s standards, but at this point it was a habit for you to hate Tabito Karasu as well as a habit for him to hate you back. And of course, habits were hard to form but harder to break, so you would probably continue in that manner until the day you graduated and left him behind for good.
It was just the two of you who did not get along. Your friends were cordial with him and his ilk, and you did not really mind his little group all that much, crude though they sometimes were. After all, it was just in the manner of teenage boys, and when they were not taking advantage of your presence to make fun of Karasu, they were actually a pretty agreeable sort.
In fact, your friend groups tended to coexist most of the time, even having lunch together every now and again — though they were always careful to ensure that you and Karasu were kept entirely separate, or else you both were guaranteed to ruin the cheerful camaraderie with your sharp tongues and quick tempers. The measures they took were admirable, but unfortunately, they were not always enough. After all, what were precautions when compared with inevitabilities?
“Oh my god!” you squealed. “Guys! Oh my god, oh my god, I can’t believe this is happening?”
“Can’t believe what’s happening?” your best friend said, speaking for everyone at the table. They were all tuned in to you now, wondering what the big news might be that would bring about such a reaction from you, given how put-together you tended to be.
“Do you remember that one model I happened to meet while I was out last weekend? Kenyu Yukimiya? He just requested to follow me on social media!” you said.
“No way!” your best friend said.
“Way!” you said. The only warning you got was an arm pressing against your back, and then your phone was abruptly snatched from your hands. You gasped, spinning in your seat and scowling when you realized that the culprit was none other than that scavenging crow, Tabito Karasu.
“What the hell? He’s average at best, why are you so excited?” he said, scrolling through Yukimiya’s profile, his eyes narrowed critically. “Y/N, don’t you have any standards?”
“You’re probably the only person in the entire country who doesn’t find him gorgeous,” you said, exhaling dreamily as you took your phone back from him and stared at the artful manner Yukimiya was posing in for his profile photo. “He was even better looking in person. And sonice, too! They don’t make men like that often.”
Karasu frowned and swiped at your phone again. You held it out of his reach, reaching across the bench to press your foot against his chest, effectively holding him back from further attempts at thievery.
“Let me look at him again!” he said.
“Um, no,” you said. “I don’t need you making more fun of him. I know you’re jealous, but expressing it like this only makes you uglier, just so you know.”
“Looks like they’re back at it again,” one of your friends said, massaging her temples.
“Yup,” one of Karasu’s teammates said.
“Ugly? Ugly? You’re calling me ugly? Have you looked in a mirror recently? Also, get your gross shoe off of my shirt!” Karasu said.
“I have looked in a mirror recently, actually, and incidentally I’ve also been keeping an eye on my follow requests. Guess what? I’m obviously good looking, since a legitimate model wants to follow me! How many celebrities request to follow you, huh? I bet the answer is zero!” you said, though you did do him the favor of swinging your leg back, allowing him to brush himself off in disdain.
“Lots of soccer players want to follow me,” he said. “I’m quite good, you know.”
“That doesn’t count,” you said. “It has nothing to do with how you look. They’d request to follow you no matter how hideous and poorly styled you and your hair are.”
“Are they seriously arguing about which of them is worse looking?” Karasu’s teammate said.
“I suppose so,” your friend said. “They’re both really hot, though, so I don’t know what the big deal is…”
“Geez, they’ll take any excuse to go at it, huh?” Karasu’s teammate said.
“Pretty much,” your friend said.
“Guess all of that tension has to go somewhere,” his teammate said.
“Exactly,” your friend said, shaking her head as she finished up her lunch.
“That model probably only works for horror magazines!” Karasu said. “It barely even counts!”
“He was in Vogue Japan,” you said smugly. “Look it up, stupid.”
“So what?” he said.
“So he’s handsome,” you said. “Like I said, it’s okay if you’re envious of him, as long as you accept it instead of doing this whole weird denial thing. I don’t blame you for it — in fact, I thought you would be. You don’t have much going for you overall, do you? In all honesty, it’s only natural for you to feel like this when faced with what you lack.”
Karasu’s eyes widened, and then he stood abruptly, picking up his bag with one arm and haphazardly pulling it onto his back. “Goodbye.”
“Bye,” you said, not really caring one way or another what he did with himself. Actually, you would prefer it if he wasn’t there, interrupting your meal and your daydreaming about your impending romance with Kenyu Yukimiya.
“Wow, Y/N,” your best friend said once Karasu was gone. “You’re kind of dumb, you know that?”
“What are you talking about?” you said.
“It’s not her fault,” another one of Karasu’s teammates said. “He’s not much better.”
“Huh?” you said.
“Never mind,” your best friend said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I have a migraine now.”
“Want some ibuprofen?” Karasu’s teammate said. She accepted it gratefully, and nothing more was said on the subject. The rest of lunch passed in a peaceful manner, though strangely, Karasu did not return.
It should’ve made you happy. You wondered, then, why it felt so odd without him there, like there was a gaping maw sitting in the place that should’ve been occupied by him.
Ever since the day that Yukimiya had requested to follow you, you and Karasu hadn’t spoken. He refused to make eye contact with you in the few classes the two of you had together, keeping his gaze lowered to his work and his shoulders hunched away from you. You didn’t even try to talk to him; something told you that it would not be well-received, and you weren’t anywhere near confrontational enough to bring up his odd behavior, so the time without him dragged on and on, seemingly without end.
At first, you were happy, and you told your friends as much. It was a much-needed break from the constant aggravation he brought you, and you found your classes without your competition to be almost boring in their simplicity.
“The more you say you’re happy that you and Karasu aren’t talking, the less it sounds believable,” your best friend said, taking a sip from her juice box.
“Believe it! This is what I’ve been wanting since middle school,” you said.
“Is it?” she said. “It sounds like you’re kind of upset.”
“Am not!” you said. She shrugged.
“Sure,” she said, drawing out the word. “Definitely not.”
“Why would I be upset?” you said.
“You tell me,” she said.
“I’m telling you that I’m not upset. You’re the one with the theory, so give me some evidence to substantiate it,” you said.
“Fine,” she said. “You talk about him all of the time, even when you guys are getting along — or, at least, your twisted little version of being friendly, which isn’t friendly by anyone else’s standards but it seems to work for you two, so I won’t comment further. You keep telling us that you’re so delighted he’s leaving you alone, but you do this thing with your face when you say it that makes it super obvious you’re not. It’s not the kind of behavior you’d display when discussing someone you hate as much as you claim to hate him. Finally, there’s a reason half the school thinks you guys are dating, and it’s not just the obvious aesthetic appeal of that match.”
“What? I thought you were just trying to bother me when you brought that up!” you said. She shook her head.
“No, it’s a common misconception. It’s why no one’s ever asked you out. They all think you’re already taken. Actually, the other day, a guy asked me if I thought he might have a chance with you now that you and Karasu had broken up,” she said.
“What’d you say?” you said, half in horror, half in fascination.
“I told him probably not, and that you and Karasu hadn’t broken up, because you were never together in the first place,” she said.
“Oh, okay,” you said.
“Should I have said something else?” she said. You shook your head.
“No,” you said. “What else would you have said?”
“Dunno,” she said. “Look, you need to cheer up. I’m sure that if you just try to talk to him, things will go back to normal in an instant. Then you can return to complaining about him like usual.”
“Talk to him? About what?” you said. She gave you an incredulous look.
“You were pretty mean to him the other day, Y/N,” she said.
“It wasn’t any meaner than what he says to me on the regular,” you said. “And what I say to him in return. I don’t see why he’d be more or less offended.”
“I think it was a little worse than what you typically say,” she said. “Plus, the context was different.”
“How so?” you said. She shook her head.
“That’s for him to explain, not me,” she said. “Come on, don’t be stubborn. Work things out with him. I miss hanging out with the guys.”
“Ah, so that’s why it matters to you,” you said. “Sorry to say it, but I don’t have any plans at attempting conversation with him anytime soon. Like I said, things are finally calm and stress-free for me. He’s the one being immature, as always, so why’s it up to me to make things better?”
“Immature?” your best friend said. “You’ve held a grudge against him since middle school.”
“And?” you said. She squinted at you before pursing her lips.
“Well, I guess the two of you really are made for one another,” she said.
The next week would mark the beginning of the swimming unit in PE class, which you were actually looking forward to. You loved to swim, you had ever since you were a child and your parents had brought you into the water for the first time, and the thought of getting to earn a good grade for something you liked doing in the first place was an agreeable on.
In preparation, you decided to stop by the pool after classes were over so that you could acclimate yourself to the motions of the strokes once again. The swim team’s practice had been canceled, and no one else ever used the pool, so you would have the place to yourself, which was just about the closest thing to heaven you could imagine while still living on Earth.
Changing into your school-issued bathing suit and putting your things into a locker, you tied your hair back so that it was out of the way and stepped into the steaming indoor pool deck. The water was a bright cerulean shade, the lanes split by lane-lines which alternated colors to match your school’s emblem. When you dipped your toe into the deep end, you found it was warm, not cold like you had feared. The school didn’t splurge on heating the water of the rarely-used pool, so usually, it was all but freezing. You supposed that they must’ve had complaints from last year’s PE classes, so they had restarted the heaters in order to ensure that no one had any cause to whine about the temperature this year.
For a moment, you just sat on the tiled edge, your legs swishing about in the water, the heels of your palms pressing against the lip of the pool as you closed your eyes and luxuriated in the tangy scent of chlorine. So lost were you that you almost didn’t notice the door swinging open, but the clang of it shutting was unmistakable. Thinking it must’ve been a confused swim team member showing up to a practice that wasn’t happening, you opened your eyes, your lips parting to issue a reprimand that died before it could take shape.
It wasn’t a swim team member. It was Tabito Karasu, wearing a pair of swim trunks and nothing else, his jaw taut and his fists clenched as he inched towards the water. He hadn’t even noticed you, and you didn’t feel inclined to announce yourself, so you let your elbows dig into your thighs, your chin resting in your hands as you observed him.
You had known that he played soccer almost as long as you had known his name. It was the entire reason he was so popular and well-regarded in the school, and an inextricable part of his identity, but until now, you hadn’t quite considered what that actually meant. After all, you only ever saw him in the loose, modest clothing of the school’s uniform, so why would you jump to the conclusion that he was so — so — well, you were loath to admit it, but he had a striking body, and, now that he wasn’t being all cocky and maddening, you could appreciate that even his face was of a similar quality.
Blinking, you cocked your head as he extended a graceful foot towards the first stair leading into the shallow end. Water splashed against it, and he yanked it back like he had been scalded. You could not help yourself from giggling as he did this once and then twice again. On the third attempt, you forgot that the two of you weren’t acknowledging one another and cupped your hands around your mouth to amplify your voice.
“What are you doing?” you said.
“Who — Y/N? I didn’t realize anyone else was in here!” he said, stepping back from the pool and straightening his shorts, though there was nothing wrong with them that required straightening. You sprang to your feet and walked over to him, leaving wet footprints in your wake as you peered at him curiously.
“I was just going to do some laps to ensure that I’m at my best for the swimming unit next week. Did you have the same idea?” you said.
“Something like that,” he said.
“What’s with that whole ritual, though?” you said. “It’s not that cold. You should just get in.”
“Definitely not,” he said. You furrowed your brow.
“Okay,” you said. “Why are you at the pool, then, if you don’t want to go in the water?”
“It’s nothing you need to be concerned with!” he said. “Why are you so nosy? Just go away.”
“I was here first,” you said.
“Fine,” he said, spinning on his heel. “I’ll go, then.”
“Wait! Karasu, wait,” you said, grabbing onto his wrist as he made to leave. “Look, we don’t have to talk to one another or anything. We’re experienced enough at ignoring each other, so there’s not an issue in both of us being here.”
“Is that what you want?” he said.
“Yeah, sure,” you said. He swallowed hard, his throat bobbing, and you thought he would say something, but he only nodded curtly.
“Fine,” he said. You gave him an expectant look, but he did not move from the spot he was rooted in, so you thought that you might as well take the initiative. Looping around to the deep end, you inhaled and then dove into the water headfirst, staying under for as long as you could before finally surfacing and allowing yourself to settle into the familiar undulations that came with swimming.
After a few laps, you took a break, peeking up over the concrete to look at Karasu, who was still standing stubbornly in place, his nose wrinkling whenever he glanced at the pool.
“Hey,” you said. “Are you scared of the water or something?”
He froze. “Who told you that?”
“No one?” you said. “It’s pretty easy to tell as an onlooker. Were you planning on trying to get over your fear by coming to swim when no one was here? That’s dangerous if you don’t know how. You could drown.”
“I’m not scared of the water,” he said.
“Really? Then why’re you just standing there?” you said. His mouth opened and closed a few times, and then finally he hung his head in reluctant defeat.
“Whatever,” he said. Judging by the way he tensed immediately after the confession, he was expecting you to say something cruel, but you only boosted yourself out of the water and tapped him on the shoulder.
“I can help you, if you’d like,” you said. “I’m good at swimming.”
“Why would I want your help? And why would you even offer it in the first place? This is just one more subject you can beat me in, and that’s all you care about, so save it,” he said. “Congratulations, Y/N. You get to be number one this time.”
He looped a dry towel around his neck and left you standing alone, shivering and dripping pool water, a puddle forming around your feet as you gazed at the door he had vanished through.
The class rankings updated again after the swimming unit was over. You were in first place. Karasu didn’t even make it to the top ten. You wanted to celebrate the victory — it was the first time you had beaten him so thoroughly, after all — but for some reason, it didn’t really feel like something worth celebrating.
School without Karasu was lonelier than you thought it would be. You hadn’t realized just how much you relied on him until he wasn’t there anymore. Without him, there wasn’t anyone you could exchange looks with across the room when somebody said something ridiculous in class. There wasn’t anyone who you could talk to in the minutes before the period began. There wasn’t anyone who made you push yourself to be better. What was the point of being first if Karasu wasn’t on your heels, ensuring that you stayed on the top for fear of losing to him? It was boring and lonely to try if he wasn’t doing the same.
You and he were still one and two, but it didn’t matter much anymore. The rankings were just numbers. They didn’t mean anything when Karasu still refused to even exchange pleasantries with you. Why would you want to compete when the other party didn’t share your interest? Now, if you managed to pull out ahead of him, it felt more like you had kicked a dog that was already down than if you had actually won anything. When he got first over you, it didn’t fuel your ambition any. You just wished he would come over and gloat instead of sitting there so solemnly, like none of it had ever mattered to him in the first place.
You couldn’t understand why he was so angry. What had you said that was so egregious? You hardly remembered the conversation you had had with him, it was that thoughtlessly done. You really hadn’t meant much if anything by it. One second, the two of you had been squabbling as you were prone to doing, and the next, he was so furious that he couldn’t bear to interact with you even still.
The day you were ambushed was nondescript. It was just like any other Wednesday, and you were walking back home from school when you were forced to stop in your tracks. A tall man — no, he was a boy, probably a year or two younger than you based on his soft and innocent expression — was barring your way, his arms outstretched and feet planted firmly in the ground to prove the depth of his conviction. He had pale hair and sky-colored eyes framed by the longest eyelashes you had ever seen on anyone, man or woman, with a small mouth pinched into an expression of discontent and lines like tire tracks between his eyebrows.
“Who are you?” you said warily, reaching for your phone, though you hardly knew who you would call. The setting was wrong for this to be a mugging, as it was sunny out and you were on a well-traveled street, but you didn’t really know what else to expect from the stranger, who could certainly outmuscle you if it came to it despite his lovely appearance.
“Yo Hiori,” he said. “I play on Bambi Osaka with Karasu. You’re Y/N L/N, correct?”
“Oh, one of the soccer guys?” you said. “Uh, hey. Yes, that’s me. Is something the matter? I’ve never seen you before. How do you even know who I am?”
“I’ve been watching Karasu for a while,” Hiori said with the utmost of seriousness, his hands dropping to his sides now that he was sure you weren’t going to run past him. “He’s a pretty fascinating person.”
“I’m sure,” you said, thinking to yourself that this Hiori kid was more than a little weird. Did Karasu know that he had acquired such a shadow? You supposed he must’ve. He had always been the observant type, so there was no way someone like Hiori would’ve escaped his keen notice.
“He’s been kind of down in the dumps recently, though. Even our coach noticed it. His playing hasn’t suffered too dramatically, but he’s the captain of the team, so he’s the guy everyone relies on for a funny pep talk or a word of advice when things are going south. Nowadays, however, when he’s off the field, he just sulks,” Hiori explained.
“I see,” you said. “That’s terrible.”
You meant it, too. Karasu without his asshole quips and ready jokes was a different person entirely. A person who you missed more than you could let on, even to yourself.
“It is,” Hiori said. “I took it upon myself to do some digging, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the reason is you.”
He was definitely a freak. You vowed to bring it up with Karasu, if he ever talked to you again. Even if he was already aware, it felt like a moral or civic duty of yours to ensure that he was fully informed about the extent that this child was inquiring into his life.
“What kind of, uh, digging do you mean?” you said, neatly avoiding the second thing he had said.
“It was pretty simple,” Hiori said. “One of the guys asked Karasu if he was acting off because he broke up with his girlfriend or something, and he got so mad that he left practice early. I opened up social media as soon as I got home and saw that you’re the only girl he follows, so by process of elimination, I figured the two of you were having some trouble in your relationship.”
“Relationship? I think you’re misunderstanding,” you said. “There’s no relationship. You could hardly even consider us friends.”
“Oh!” Hiori said. “I’m sorry. He’s mentioned you once or twice, so I just thought — and given what he said — and his reaction and all — no, I really am just sorry. It was wrong of me to make that assumption in the first place.”
“It’s alright,” you said. “I’m told it’s a relatively common misconception, so I can’t blame you. At least, it used to be. We haven’t really spoken in a while, so I guess everything thinks that it’s over, even though it never began in the first place.”
“You haven’t spoken in a while?” Hiori said. “Why not?”
“I think I said something that offended him, and we haven’t been on good terms since. Not that we ever really were in the first place,” you said.
“You did? He’s a pretty rational person, so it must’ve been something terrible for him to still be angry about it,” Hiori said.
“Maybe, but I don’t remember saying anything like that,” you said.
“What if you tell me how your last conversation went? Maybe I can help you,” he said.
“Sure, since you’re apparently the resident Karasu expert,” you said. “Wanna walk with me? I was heading home, but we can go to the convenience store and get some snacks or something instead. I don’t want to get in trouble for standing around in front of some random person’s house for too long.”
“Sounds good,” Hiori said. “There’s one a couple of minutes away, so we can head in that direction and keep talking as we go.”
“Great,” you said. “Okay, so the last time we talked…I think it was when Kenyu Yukimiya requested to follow me.”
“Who’s that?” Hiori said.
“He’s this model I met while I was shopping one day. Absolutely breathtaking,” you said. “Just really a stand-up guy. We’ve hung out a few times since then, he introduced me to the girlfriend I did not know he had, the works.“
“Yikes, unrequited love?” Hiori said with a wince.
“It was more of a celebrity crush. His girlfriend is super sweet, though, so I can’t complain. Anyways, I would consider them both casual acquaintances. The type you call to have a coffee with, but not the ones that help you move into a new apartment, you know?” you said.
“Uh, sure,” Hiori said in a tone which suggested he had no idea what you were talking about but was too scared to inquire further.
“Moving on, Yukimiya requested to follow me, and of course this was at the peak of my celebrity crush, so I started fawning over him, which prompted Karasu to take my phone and start insulting him,” you said.
“Interesting,” Hiori said.
“Then I called him ugly, and he called me ugly — that’s pretty standard for the two of us, so don’t look so shocked! After that, I said something about how I had expected him to be jealous of Yukimiya, since he didn’t have much going for him overall, so it made sense,” you said. “That’s when he left and things got weird.”
“Okay, I think I get it,” Hiori said. You waited for him to explain further. He smiled at you pleasantly.
“Right, so are you going to share with the class or am I meant to read your mind?” you said after a moment.
“I don’t want to give anything away that I shouldn’t,” he said. “But it’s a pretty simple issue to fix. Try thinking about what you said from his perspective.”
“He has a dumbass perspective. It’s impossible for me to think that way,” you said automatically.
“Do you think that he dislikes you?” Hiori said, taking two bottles of Yakult down from the shelf, handing one to you and keeping the other for himself.
“I’m not really sure how he feels about me, to tell you the truth,” you said.
“I don’t think he does,” Hiori said. “So, try thinking about someone you like and then imagine them saying to you what you said to them. Would you be inclined to be nice to them after that?”
“Well…” Your tongue was heavy and leaden in your mouth, and you ducked your head as you searched through your wallet for money. “No, not at all. I’d probably hate them for a really long time. Maybe forever.”
“That’s possible,” he said.
“Do you think he’ll hate me forever?” you said.
“Most likely not. Like I said earlier, he’s a rational person. I think that if you say sorry and sincerely mean it, he’ll forgive you. There’s a chance he won’t, though; you’ll have to listen to what he says and accept it,” Hiori said.
“But when? I hardly have the chance to see him in school. He just avoids me, and the building’s so big that it’s all but impossible to track him down!” you said.
“We have a soccer game in the evening today,” Hiori said. “I’m heading over there in a bit. Wanna come? You can talk to him once it’s over.”
“Am I allowed to?” you said.
“Why wouldn’t you be?” Hiori said. “If anyone says anything, just tell them I invited you. Here, I’ll give you the address and time now, and you can decide if you want to show up.”
“Okay,” you said, typing out his instructions in your notes app. “Thanks a lot for your help, Hiori.”
“Anytime!” he said. “Hope to see you at the game!”
“Even if I don’t go, I’d still like to meet you again. You’re a pretty cool kid,” you said, reaching up to ruffle his hair. “Kind of weird, if I’m being fully honest, but cool nonetheless. Karasu’s lucky to have a teammate like you.”
He grinned, and it was a tender, shy thing, as if he was earnestly seeking your praise or approval — like how a cat would bring a dead rat to its master or a child would show their parents a treasured drawing. “Thank you. Even if you don’t try to talk to Karasu…maybe you can still come anyways?”
“Alright, then,” you said. “Since you asked so nicely, I guess I have to. I’ll be there.”
The sun was nearing the horizon, but it still had not officially begun to set by the time you settled in the bleachers on Bambi Osaka’s side. Besides a couple of women your mother’s age and an elderly man who must’ve been someone’s grandfather, there weren’t any other spectators. Hiori had mentioned that this wasn’t a particularly serious game, as they didn’t even need to beat the team to make it to Nationals, so it was more like a friendly exhibition game than anything — hence the low turnout.
“Hello, dear,” a woman said when she noticed you sitting by yourself. “Are you friends with one of the players?”
“Yes. Um, Tabito Karasu? I’m his classmate,” you said. Technically, you were there on Hiori’s goodwill, not Karasu’s, but for you to not mention Karasu would be like a betrayal. You weren’t sure if it was him or yourself that you’d be betraying, but either way you did not want to chance it.
“You’re one of Karasu’s friends? Lucky you, then,” she said. “He’s a delightful boy, or so I’ve heard. This is my son’s first year on the team, and he was really nervous to join such a prestigious organization, but ever since his first day, all he can talk about is how amazing his captain is. Karasu’s tough on all of the players, but he really works hard to make all of them feel welcomed, too.”
Bambi Osaka’s team took the field, and you smiled when you saw Karasu in the front, his name across the back of his jersey, a pair of black gloves covering his large hands, an insolent leer on his face as he greeted the other team’s captain. He had not noticed you yet, and you were not sure if this was for the better or worse, because you wanted him to see you, but you didn’t want him to be distracted and play poorly as a result.
“He’s a wonderful person,” you agreed. “He’s the only one in the entire school who can keep up with me, academically or otherwise. I didn’t realize until recently how much I admire him for that.”
The woman’s eyes crinkled around the corners with the ease that came from a lifetime of happiness. For some reason, you thought that she knew something you did not, or could not, but it wasn’t uncomfortable that she did. It seemed to you that being left in the dark was just your lot this time around, and you found that oddly enough, it felt acceptable.
“Is this your first time coming to watch him?” she said.
“Yes, it is,” you said.
“You know, he has this habit before every match of scanning the stands, like he’s looking for someone. I thought it might be his parents, but at the last match, just about his entire family showed up, and he still seemed disappointed,” she said.
“That’s a shame,” you said noncommittally, not sure what else you should say. The woman shrugged.
“Well, I wonder what it’ll be like today,” she said. “There he goes.”
True to her words, Karasu was craning his neck towards the Bambi Osaka side, his eyes darting from person to person until they settled on you. You raised your hand hesitantly, waving at him, knowing that he probably wouldn’t reciprocate.
He turned away almost immediately, but not before you saw him fight back a smile — not the smug type he generally donned, but one you had only ever seen on him once or twice. It was one that made him seem charming and boyish and sweet, that made you want to take back every negative word you had ever said about him. Only now could you understand that it showed who he really was, that at his heart Karasu was that kind of person, not anything like the facade you were so accustomed to, which he showed you for the sole reason that it was what you unconsciously demanded of him.
You had judged him to be horrible, and so he became the bane of your existence. You had told him he was good for nothing, so he disappeared like he really was just that. Everything you said, Karasu went along with gamely, and you wished you could’ve known that earlier, so you would’ve spent less time hating him and more time comprehending these intricacies, which entranced you in the way a spider’s web entranced a butterfly.
“Looks like I don’t need to worry about that child any more,” the woman said as the referee blew the whistle to signal the start of the game.
“Pardon?” you said. “Were you talking to me?”
“No, no,” she said, shaking her head. “I was just musing to myself. Ignore me. Let’s watch the game; I have a feeling that some of our players are going to go all out today.”
Bambi Osaka completely annihilated the other team. Maybe the match didn’t matter, but none of them played that way; instead, they were aggressive and focused, with Karasu at the forefront of every goal they made, commending his teammates and deriding his opposition in the same breath.
That was something you had not expected — he had a massively foul mouth when he played soccer. You had thought that he was rude when he spoke to you, but the things you overheard from him whenever he ran by within earshot made your conversations seem tame. You couldn’t help but pity the poor defenders that he shoved past and spat barbed-wire abuse at.
He was merciless and beautiful and you could probably spend a dozen more hours watching him play without even a trace of boredom, but by the time the sky had turned gold and the sun had dipped towards the ground, the game was over and the members of Bambi Osaka were packing up their things to leave for the night after yet another landslide win.
You snuck onto the field once you were extremely assured that nobody would be upset with you for it, making your way over to where Karasu was chugging a bottle of water.
“Hi,” you said when he was finished, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand and tossing the now-empty bottle into his bag. “You played really well.”
“Thanks,” he said. There was impatience but also longing in his voice, like he wanted you to say something so badly but he knew you would not, would never, and so he would rather get the conversation over with and move on with the business of his life than stick around and waste time with you.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“What?” he said.
“I’m sorry,” you said. “Karasu, I’m really sorry. I don’t think that you have nothing going for you. I don’t know why I said that. Well, I do, it’s because I wanted to have the last word like I always do, but I don’t mind if I don’t have it this time. Or any other time. Or ever again.”
“What?” he repeated, as though he had been rendered dumb by your confession.
“I miss you,” you admitted. “I didn’t believe I could, but apparently, I can, and I do. A lot. I know that I’m unpleasant and disparaging and haughty when it comes to you, but I won’t be that way anymore if you forgive me for my vices one last time. If it means you’ll talk to me, I’ll be a fool. I’ll be in second place. I’ll be an idiot. But please, please forgive me.”
He took a deep breath. You handed him the bottle of kombucha that you had bought on your way to the game because you saw him drink it so frequently that you figured he must like it. He accepted it gingerly, holding it with the delicacy of a newborn, unscrewing the lid and sipping on it pensively.
“Alright,” he said.
“Alright?” you said.
“I’ll forgive you,” he said. “But on one condition.”
“Anything,” you said.
“You better not do anything as dumb as trying to be mediocre on purpose because you think it’ll make me feel better. What the hell is that proposition, huh? It’ll make me feel worse if anything! I like you because you’re unpleasant and disparaging and haughty and whatever else you said, not in spite of those qualities. I’m sure you heard me while I was playing…anyone who isn’t you would probably be terrified of me when I’m like that,” he said. “Just, y’know, I’m a person with feelings, too, so keep that in mind if you can. Oh, and don’t wait so long to say sorry next time, because it’s seriously annoying for me to feel all out-of-sorts for ages!” he said.
“That’s it?” you said.
“That’s it,” he said. “Hug?”
Ordinarily, you would’ve said no, but you were so weepy at the reconciliation that you nodded and let him embrace you, his arms caging you against his chest, holding you to him so that you could not escape.
“Ew!” you shouted when you registered what he was trying to do, shoving him off of you as he cackled and released you without much of a fight. “Gross, Karasu, you’re disgusting! Get away from me! I can’t believe you did that!”
“I can’t believe you fell for it!” he said as you frantically tried to wipe yourself off, though it was largely in vain. In your emotional state, you had forgotten that he was still drenched with sweat from the game, and you were now reaping the consequences of your poor decision making.
“You’re a bad person,” you said.
“Yeah, yeah,” he said. “Whatever you say.”
“I probably deserved that one, though, so I won’t hold it against you,” you said.
“Smart decision,” he said. “Wait. Unrelated, but whatever ended up happening between you and that model dude? What was his name again?”
“Yukimiya? He has a girlfriend,” you said. “Oh, well. What can you do, right? I’m not upset about it. Besides, everyone and their mother thinks I have a boyfriend already, so it’s probably for the best that it worked out like this. I wouldn’t want his modeling career to be ruined by home-wrecking allegations or anything.”
“It must be a pretty serious not-relationship you’ve got there, if it’s the career-ending type,” he said.
“I’d say it’s pretty serious, yes,” you said. “He’s an awesome guy. You’d like him.”
“I’ll respect it, then,” he said. “But…if you ever find yourself not-breaking up with him, then, uh, let me know. I’ll take you on a date somewhere. We can argue and reminisce about the day we met over dinner or something. It’ll be super romantic.”
He said it casually, but you were more familiar with him than either of you ever could’ve predicted you’d be. He was secretly nervous about how big of a risk he had taken, fiddling with the zipper of his soccer bag, avoiding your eyes while he waited for your response. You let the silence stretch on for a minute, just to make him squirm, and then you poked him in the ribs.
“Karasu,” you said.
“What’s up?” he said, and he must’ve been trying very hard to keep his cool, but his anxiety transmitted through the endearing crack of his voice.
“I have to tell you something,” you said.
“Go ahead,” he said.
“I’m not-single now,” you said. “So. Will you take me on a date this weekend?”
He lit up, so bright that you were all but blinded by the brilliance of his joy. Then he cleared his throat and pretended to check the non-existent watch on his wrist.
“You’re in luck,” he said. “That works for me. I’ll pick you up on Saturday for dinner.”
“Great,” you said. “I look forward to it.”
“Hold on, don’t go just yet,” he said. You paused, about to ask him what else he needed when he stooped over and pressed his lips to your cheek. “Thanks for coming to my game. I’m not really sure how you knew I was playing, but I’m glad you could make it either way.”
“Um — uh — Hiori told me, he told me you were playing, and, er, where to go and what time and all,” you stammered, trying to wrap your head around what had just happened, replaying it in your mind over and over.
“Hiori? I should’ve known he’d be the type to meddle like that,” he said. “I’m not even going to ask how you know each other. The answer will probably make me feel vaguely discomfited, so I’ll abide by an ‘ignorance is bliss’ policy.”
“That’s probably for the best,” you said, composing yourself, though internally, you were imagining what it would be like if you had turned your head, if instead of your cheek his lips had landed somewhere else. “Okay, I should go now. See you on Saturday?”
“One last thing. You’re pretty transparent, you know,” he said, grasping your chin in his left hand and leaning in. Your eyelashes fluttered shut as he grew closer and closer, but right when his mouth was a hair’s breadth from yourself, he chuckled. “Also, pretty gullible.”
Instead of kissing you like you had anticipated he would, he tackled you in another hug. You squealed in protest, but he held fast, his body rumbling with laughter as you simultaneously struggled to escape and clung onto him as tightly as you could.
“I hate you,” you said when your half-hearted efforts proved to be entirely futile.
“Sure you do,” he said.
“You’re the worst,” you said.
“Absolutely,” he said.
“I’m being serious here. You smell!” you said.
“Well, that’s plain rude of you to say,” he said, messing up your hair in what you were sure he deemed to be a punishment, as if being crushed against his sweaty form wasn’t punishment enough.
“Let go of me, you idiot crow!” you said.
“No can do,” he said. “Crows are clingy birds, you know. Even the idiotic ones. Ask me again in twenty years and maybe we can revisit the issue.”
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winterchimez · 3 months
messaing everyone that i has seen have a 'soulmate'
what makes someone your soulmate? how do you know?
struggling because i feel like i'm so tossed between people and i see some writiers have 'soulmates'
hi anon-ie!! thank you so much for sending this in 💓 personally, i see soulmate as someone who just gets you and resonates with you all the time, literally about anything, and that's exactly what @from-izzy is to me. the very first time i started talking to her i knew that we would eventually get close (bcs of the similarities and hobbies we share ✨) izzy just gets me so well, she knows exactly how i would feel/react in certain situations (which sometimes makes her pull some of her hair out bcs i can be terrified of taking a step forward in certain cases 🥹), but she's always there to hear me out, support me, and just seemingly knows exactly what i needed to hear (and her words just gets me all the time)
ngl i never thought that i'll actually find myself a soulmate (sometimes i do envy some of my moots who have one) but now i finally have my own!! she's such an amazing and inspiring person, and i say this wholeheartedly. i miss and love you so bad forever, my soulmate 💗
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ddejavvu · 4 months
I love your best friend with no boundaries James, and I was wondering if you could do one where James and reader are having their regularly scheduled mid-day naps, and Sirius and Remus walk into the dorm to find James just humping reader while they’re asleep? Maybe James and reader wake up to the GASP of horror from Sirius after his not so innocent eyes witness “straight up porn in their shared dorm where Peter of all people could witness”
I love all your works and was wondering if I could be marked as 😻anon? I’m the person who requested the bsf Steve imagine and I’m 100% gonna request something again because you’re perfect and I just wanna kiss you on the mouth🫶🏻🫶🏻
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Sirius considers himself James's best friend- no, brother, but he's not afraid to whack the man upside the head when he finds James grinding on you in his sleep.
"You-! Nasty-! Fucker-!" He bullies James awake, appreciating the much calmer, kinder way that Remus rouses you, tugging you away from James on the bed and murmuring that your nap is over. You blink your eyes open serenely, and James's shoot wide in pain as Sirius assaults him.
"What the fuck? Agh- Sirius! I know you're mad that I've got the better potions grade, but killing me won't help!"
"This isn't about potions, Potter," Sirius scoffs, "But I am thinking about tossing you in a hot cauldron. You were- eeugh, you were humping her, you animal!"
Your brows are furrowed and your blinks are bleary, but your brain catches up with the help of Remus's hands where they trace soothing circles on your back.
"Oh," You mumble groggily, as James groans with quickly reddening cheeks, "Uh- s'alright, Jamie."
Remus's hand stills on your back, but James and Sirius join in a fused indignant-confused "What?"
"S'just natural I guess," You shrug, "I dunno, I haven't- er, got one. But it was an accident, Jamie, you were asleep. It's alright."
James’s cheeks are still plenty rouged, but he nods sleepily at your forgiveness, relieved that he's not being hit by two people instead of only one.
"Yeah, thanks bird," He flops back down onto the mattress, letting out a sigh heavily infused with relief, "Wouldn't do it on purpose, y'know. Not while you're sleeping, that's- that's pervy."
"Some people like pervy," You hum, settling back into your own position in James's bed, though he's no longer curled around you. Sirius watches as you knock your hand against his own, "Sirius thinks I'm a perv."
"You're both pervs," Sirius grimaces, his lip curled in distaste as Remus stands from James's bedside, "Seriously, he eats off of your spoons, you've seen his dick, he's been grinding all over your ass - if you don't get a marriage license soon you're going to be very unpopular with the traditional crowd."
James turns towards you with a gasp, his eyes shining just the same as his grin does, "We could get married!"
"We should," You laugh, "And we could get a flat, and we could have your mother over for dinner every Tuesday."
"That would work." He nods, fully settled back into the pillows from Sirius's disturbance, "She loves you. And she's free Tuesday nights - her knitting circle ends at three."
"I know that," You scoff, barely biting back an overexaggerated eye roll, "James, I write your mother once a week. I know when her knitting circle is."
"You write my mum?" He rears back, momentarily confused, "She's never told me that!"
"Of course she hasn't," You snicker, "Because if you'd known, you would have stopped me from telling her how many times you get detention every week, and you'd want to share the sweets she sends me in exchange for the intel."
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dumbseee · 11 months
Hey girl I literally love reading your work! I have an idea for you to write it’s okay if you don’t tho (no worries🫶🏻) can you do an ig au? wherein charles left y/n for alex which is her best friend (no hate girl i frickin love alex it’s for the story😭) and then she became friends with charlotte the both of them hanging around together similar to selena gomez😉 you do the rest hehe
your loss.
charles leclerc x reader.
note: hiiii anon!!! first of all thanks for being my first request and of course i’m happy to do it! you’re so sweet i hope you’ll like it! <3333
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charlottesiine just posed a story!
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caption: no tears left to cry.
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liked by landonorris, valentinesine, charlottesiine and 463 729 others.
y/n: when your ex told you that his ex was crazy but apparently he’s saying the same thing about you now. @.charlottesiine <3
charlottesiine: un de perdu, dix de retrouvés ma belle <3 (french saying)
valentinesine: the prettiest!
fan2: queen with a queen
fan3: i literally fell on my knees
fan4: not the ex uniting to end charles
fan5: ATE
fan6: omfg
fan7: i know charles is shaking in his boots rn
fan8: a picture that will send charles into cardiac arrest
fan10: i’m so in love with both of them
fan11: i manifested that shit
view all comments.
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taglist: @ferrariloverr
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ssahotchnerr · 16 days
You’re freaking talented I love all your work! Congrats on getting the job!!!
how do we feel about lil Ellie sneaking notes and cute things for Aaron when he goes away for cases since she’s gonna miss him sooooo much? Maybe something like, “I miss you daddy, come home safe!”
just imagine Hotch is looking through his go bag and sees a note from Ellie and a drawing and he’s like 🥹 he’d be so touched
And reader realizes that’s why Ellie’s spending so much time with Aaron’s bag
also can I be 🍳 anon??
thank you so much my love!!!!! of course you can! and omg you got me sobbing 😭
little notes and little surprises 🥺😭😭😭💞💓 it starts out with scribbly nonsense when ellie doesn't know how to write. it's like that beginning stage before school for her has started. you and aaron have introduced the concept to her: how to hold a pencil, she knows the alphabet by now, you're slowing teaching her how to write the letters, starting with her name. so for a while, the notes are drawings/coloring pages with her name scrawled across the top 😭 since that's all she knows how to do 😭 (ps ellie IS a leftie like aaron)
when she actually learns to write more thoroughly, is when he gets the "i miss you!!" and "come back safe!!" and "i love you!!" 😭😭😭😭 every so often too - ellie tucks one of her stuffed animals in his bag 😭 to keep him company 🥺 hehe aaron zips open up his bag to find her favorite stuffed bunny (the one grandpa dave gave her when she was born) he's a bit shocked because that's one of her main comfort items. she doesn't go anywhere without it, won't sleep without it, and yet she packed it away for him 🥺 and it 100% stays on his bed, he'll sleep with it 😭 (omg and on the jet ride home - he takes a pic of the bunny sitting on the jet to send to you, so you can show her 😭💓🥰🫶🏻)
but the first time aaron found one of ellie's surprises 😭 he nearly cried (let's be real he cried. a few tears slipped down his cheeks🥲) hehe his heart just felt like it could burst and he got sooo emotional over it 😭 it was during a difficult case too, one where he just wishes at home with the three of you. but now!! he has a piece of home with him 🥹 it reenergizes him and it helps him power through the rest of the case <333
but, at first he thinks this was something you came up with. hehe he comments on it when he gets home, thanking you and saying how it was really sweet🥹, and you're just ? 'what are you talking about? i didn't tell her to do anything.' so the realization hits, that ellie did this. ALL by herself 😭😭😭😭😭😭 aaron's melting all over again, and he's finding her immediately again to give her the biggest tightest hug ever 😭💞💞💕💓
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eepwriting · 1 month
hiii can i request submissive vessel worshipping the reader pls 🫶🏻
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Subby Vessel Headcanons GN! Reader
Warnings: nsfw sandwiched between sweetness
Hiii! Thank you for the request 🤍 I love subby sweet vessel!! Decided to do a list format to switch things up a little.
!! mdi !!
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✶ This man just loves you.
✶ Will call and text you when he’s away, rambling about how much his heart aches with how much he misses you.
✶ Constantly talks about you to whoever will listen. A bright smile on his face as he gushes about you.
✶ When you’re together though…oh boy.
✶ Man cannot keep his hands off you. Always has to be touching you in some way.
✶ His favorite handholds are your thighs. When you’re sitting together his hand is either trapped between your closed legs or he’s massaging and groping at your skin.
✶ Will spend hours between your legs and is quick to get on his knees if you ask him.
✶ Once his mouth is on you it’s incredibly difficult to push him away. If you try, he’s whining into your skin, pulling you to him.
✶ He’ll apologize if he’s overdone it with the stimulation but always claims he “just can’t get enough of you.”
✶ Let’s out the prettiest sounds when he goes down on you. Sometimes just at the sight of you.
✶ Whispers praises and compliments on your skin when he kisses over your neck and shoulders.
✶ The first time he saw you naked he just sat there for a solid 15 seconds just looking at you. Eventually reached out to touch you, dropping to his knees in front of you, eyes wide as he looked you up and down.
✶ You can safely say you’d never felt more wanted than you did that night.
✶ He gets offended if you talk bad about yourself.
✶ If you’re feeling self conscious about your appearance he finds the nearest mirror and sets you in front of it. Runs his hands over you and makes you repeat affirmations and compliments about yourself.
✶ Will definitely fuck you slowly in front of said mirror. Tells you to watch yourself so you can see what he sees.
✶ If you send him photos of yourself, innocent or not, he’s immediately saving the picture and spewing out multiple texts and paragraphs about how perfect you are.
✶ Tells you often how he believes you “were made just for me.”
✶ Stops mid thrust sometimes to just admire you, mumbling something along the lines of “I can’t believe all this is just for me.”
✶ Goes out of his way to shower you with gifts and gestures to show you how much he appreciates you.
✶ He always remembers the little things you say in passing. You spot something in a store you’d like to have? He’s surprising you with it later in the week. You want to travel to your dream destination? He’s booking the flights and hotel and making an itinerary.
✶ Never complains about money he spends on you because “If it’s to make you happy, I’ll be a broke man.”
✶ Just genuinely and wholeheartedly wants and loves you in every way possible and makes sure that you know.
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Try not to yearn for vessel challenge: IMPOSSIBLE
I just know he’d be the sweetest partner y’all.
Thank you again anon for requesting this!! 🤍
Let me know if y’all like this list format too 👀 it’s definitely easier to write this way lol
K. Bye bye.
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abigails-gf · 2 months
hiii would u write something sweet about reader having self harm scars on her arms and thighs and being ashamed of them, but abby comforts her by showing that she has scars too? though abby’s scars are not from sh, they’re from fighting but abby tells reader that she’s a fighter too and made it out in the end <3
abby anderson x f!reader.
warnings: reader has self-h*rm scars.
a/n: hii anon! thank you so much for this request. i don't know if you've seen, but i have some more stories of abby and her partner with sh scars, you can find it on my masterlist! i hope you're okay. and what abby says here is what i wished all of us, who (used to) cope with self-harm could hear. sending you all so much love. 🫶🏻🫂
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you and abby are in your shared room. she just got out of the shower, wearing a pair of boxers and a tank top, her blonde hair falling on her shoulders. she sits on the edge of the old mattress. "what?" she asks, noticing the way you stare at her. "nothing. hey, are those new?" you point to some scratches on her arms and one under her chin. "mhm. ran into some seraphites today. but it's alright."
you reach for the healing cream in your backpack and open the lid, putting some in your hands. "mel gave this to me." you say, holding abby's arm. abby hisses as the cold cream touches her skin. you rub it over her freckled forearm, being gentle when touching her scars. she kisses your head. "thank you, baby." you look at her and hold her chin, kissing her pouty lips before rubbing the cream over her chin scar. "does it hurt?" she shakes her head. she takes your hands in hers and looks into your eyes. she kisses you softly. "give me the cream, baby. s'my turn to care for you."
you give her the cream. "what for?" abby nods towards your arms as she puts a little cream into her big palm. "roll up your sleeves for me." you do as she asks, putting your hand over your other arm to hide the scars. abby tries to take your hand off your arm. "baby, need to take care of your scars." you shake your head. "no, i don't want you to see."
"i've seen them before, sweet girl. no need to hide." she speaks softly. you let your hand fall on your lap as abby takes your hand in hers, applying the cream on your scars. you look away. "what is it, mmh? talk to me."
"it's just – it's stupid. my scars are stupid." abby tuts. "don't say that, baby." she caresses your skin, tracing over your scars with her fingertips. "but they are. yours are because of combat, you didn't choose to get them." abby sighs and looks at you. "baby." she says sternly. "you didn't choose to get your scars either. you didn't choose for your mind to be so – so mean to you." you're on the verge of tears. she continues to rub your arm. "lay down for me, sweetheart."
you lay down on the bed, looking at abby as she takes off your pyjama pants. she looks at your thighs and back up at you. she presses on the tube of gel, the lotion falling on your skin. her big hands start to knead your thigh. "in a way, you're a fighter too, baby." she says softly. "it's not easy, surviving in this world. now add all the horrible things your mind inflicts on you, the pressure you put on yourself..." she kisses one of your scars and looks up at you. "you're a fighter, baby. the strongest woman i know." she kisses your scars, without breaking eye contact. "i love you. love you so much. how you got your scars doesn't invalid your suffering, baby. okay?" she caresses your thigh. you smile at her, tears now rolling down your cheeks. abby gets up from between your legs and hugs you. "my baby." her scent comforts you, you hold her tightly against you. "you're strong, sweetheart. okay? you're a fighter. and i'm so proud of you for fighting against all the bad thoughts you get, all the urges you have." she cups your face, wiping your tears with her thumb. "i'm so proud of you, my sweet girl. you're here, with me. you make this world more bearable, make living easier for me. you're here. despite all the horrible things you've been through, you're still here with me, baby." you sob, putting your hands above hers.
she kisses you softly, tasting your salty tears against her lips. you sniffle and look at her. "thank you for being here, abby. i wouldn't be here today without you." you kiss her once more, feeling her smile against your lips. "it's all you, baby. you're here, alive, because of you, because of how strong and resilient you are. i'm just here to support you, just a shoulder you can cry on. it's all you." she kisses your forehead.
"i love you, sweet girl, my little soldier." she kisses your cheeks. "i love you more, abs."
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taglist: @abbysprettygiiirl @bambishaven @bunniehrtz @cowboylikeabi @dykeanderson
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ahsxual · 3 months
stu macher x fem reader where stu is her best friend and hes a tattoo artist, so he gives her a tattoo and goes down on her mid tattooing ?? just bunch of smut hehe 🫶🏻
Tattoo Your Pleasure On Me
Warnings: minors dni +18, oral sex (f!receaving), fingering, lots of teasing, overstimulation, reader's first tattoo, reader loves horror and the tattoo is related to that, squirting
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1,9k
A/N: I swear you guys have the best ideas... I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! Thanks for sending me your request, dear anon ✨🫶🏼
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Today you were feeling more nervous than usual, yet the excitement was definitely palpable too. However, you couldn't be judged, since your best friend was going to do your first tattoo ever. You've always wanted to tattoo something meaningful, yet pretty on yourself. You thought that tattoos and body art were pretty cool, that it would convey a powerful message that would stay with you for the rest of your life. It was certainly a big commitment and you were so ready for it.
Stu used to tease you about wanting to tattoo your whole body with whatever came to his mind and, when you agreed to do it on your own terms, he was surprised and immediately thrilled. Now, here you were, at his small tattoo studio laying on the tattoo stretcher, as you trembled slightly and your eyes wouldn't move away from the ceiling.
"Hey sweet cheeks, just chill alright? I promise you're in good hands! Probably the best hands in town, actually." Stu chuckled loudly in an attempt to calm you down in his own way, which actually worked if you were honest. His goofiness and serenity always reassure you whenever you felt nervous, and that's why he was your best friend, after all.
"Yeah, I know. It's just... you know, first times are the scariest." you chuckled nervously, as he looked at you while raising his eyebrows in a perverted way.
"And the next times always feel better, don't they?" he stuck his tongue out playfully and laughed at his own not-so-innocent comment. You rolled your eyes at him, as you also laughed softly at his remark.
"You know, you really surprised me with this one, Y/N. I never thought you would want me to tattoo you, but oh man, I'm glad you did.! You'll be even sexier than you already are!" he gasped, before laughing when you punched his arm, as he sat on his chair next to you with the material he needed.
"Stop messing around and do it already, Stu!" you shouted at him playfully with a broad smile on your face, as you watched him get super excited for what was about to happen.
"Alright alright, you're the one in charge here, ma'am! So... just letting you know it's gonna hurt a bit, so tell me when it gets too much, ok?" he warned you more seriously this time and you nodded slowly, your anxiety starting to show again.
He noticed your behavior change, so he placed his gloved hand on your thigh to calm you down. You immediately felt a warm sensation run through your body... an unexpected, yet pleasant reaction to his comforting touch. You decided to ignore that strange feeling for your best friend for now, so that he could concentrate and finish his work.
"But don't worry, ok? It's gonna be all good and I'm here if you need anything. You will love it, trust me! Now, if you'll excuse me..." you smiled at him, before you let him pull down your shorts just a bit.
You wanted to tattoo a knife with a rose entwined just above your genitals and at the end of your torso. It was meaningful for you, since you've always loved horror movies and, most of the time, you had a crush on the killer or villain, so that's why the rose was also included. You thought it was something simple, subtle, sexy and somehow meaningful to you. As you can imagine, Stu was absolutely smitten with your idea and immediately wanted to be the one to tattoo it on you.
When he started to place the inked needle into your sensitive skin, you gasped in pain. Stu looked at you initially worried, until a smirk appeared on his face.
"You got this, doll. I know this is a delicate area, but I'll take good care of you. I'll make it quick." and he started tattooing you again.
You tried to hold in a few gasps of pain, when suddenly he touched an extremely sensitive spot of yours, which made you accidentally moan in pain. You bit your lips hard after muttering an embarrassed "sorry" as your cheeks turned red. When you looked at Stu expecting him to make fun of you, he was instead staring at you for a moment with a serious, unreadable expression and dilated pupils, before returning to his work without saying a word. You found his behavior strange, as you felt even more embarrassed now. You've just moaned in front of your best friend, so it's totally normal to feel like that!
As time passed, you were admiring his work with a slight grin on your face since he was almost done, before he changed his position, causing his finger and the palm of his large hand brush against your core. You tried your best to keep quiet so as not to reveal the wave of pleasure you suddenly felt, and now your clit was uncontrollably aching for more contact. And to make things worse, he simply left his hand right there to finish the last details of your tattoo. For a moment, you wondered if he'd done it on purpose or not.
"You're ok there?" his low tone made you jump, as you weren't expecting him to speak and because his voice sounded... deeper somehow.
"Yeah, I uh.... I'm good, don't worry." you gave him your fakest smile, so as not to show him how extremely turned on you were by that sight: his focused face and blue eyes fixed on your hips, as his large, gloved hands moved the needle with such precision; his forearms were visibly tense to hold your skin and the needle with his other hand.
He had already finished your tattoo, but pretended he was still working so he could discreetly touch your clothed pussy. If he wasn't Stu Macher and you didn't know him so well, you would have thought he hadn't done it intentionally. However, you knew him well and clearly were aware of his real intentions. You held back a moan as you tried to pull your hips away from him, but he seemed to follow your movements, pressing harder until it was quite obvious of what he was doing.
"Someone seems to be turned on by being tattooed by their dear "best friend"." he smirked widely as his tone changed at the word that described your relationship, but best friends aren't supposed to feel turned on by each other, right?
"I can feel your wetness through your shorts, doll. Are you sure you're alright?" he teased you while frowning innocently, trying miserably to act clueless. Your breathing began to get heavier, as you looked at Stu with a desperate look. He read your body language expertly, before he stood up to lean closer to you and whisper softly.
"What would you do if I ripped off your pretty shorts and panties and ate you out until you're begging me to stop, huh? Does that sound as good to you as it does for me, baby? You know, just your reward for behaving so well and being such a good girl for me..." he licked and bit your earlobe, before kissing your neck with his warm, wet tongue.
One of his hands stroked your clothed clit, while the other was gripping your hair. This time, you moaned loudly at his gestures, without trying to stop him and actually encouraging him to continue.
"You have to answer me with words, baby. Otherwise, I won't do anything to you. So, how is it gonna be? Are you gonna let me make you cum in my mouth? Because I swear... your tattoo his really doing something to me, love..." you suddenly grabbed Stu's short hair and pulled him into a hungry, sloppy kiss. He reciprocated immediately, his tongue fighting for dominance over yours as he took off his glove. His right hand slipped inside your shorts and rubbed your soaked pussy.
"Holy shit, Y/N... I've never felt a girl this wet before. Is this really all for me? Fuck, you're gonna be the death of me..." he said between long breaths, clearly losing control.
It was then that he broke the kiss and positioned himself between your legs, before he removed your shorts and drenched panties in one swift movement. He barely had time to admire your pussy, no longer in control of himself, as he opened and grabbed your legs firmly before diving into your dripping cunt. He started to give you long licks and fucking your wet hole with his long tongue, before sucking your clit and shaking his head like a starving man. You were moaning like crazy, the feeling of his mouth on your pussy being too much for you to be able to hold back your orgasm. He must have been incredibly experienced with other girls, because there was no way that was his first time eating pussy. He was devouring you as if you were his favorite and last meal, and that he also needed to eat you out to get oxigen to live. It wasn't long before your first orgasm came.
"Fuck Stu, I'm gonna fucking cum! Please don't stop, just like that!!" you shouted, before letting out a scream mixed with a powerful moan, as the intensity of your first orgasm was something you had never experienced before.
While you were recovering from your first orgasm, you noticed Stu approaching to see your reaction with his mouth and lips covered in your cum, while he held your trembling legs.
"This is what I mean when I say I want my girl to almost pass out from pleasure!" he laughed at his own joke, before kissing your inner thighs. "Come on baby, let's do it again! I'll be so disappointed and embarrassed if I only make you cum once."
As you tried to process what he had just said, you felt his lips and tongue once again on your pussy, making you wince and shudder from overstimulation. He didn't seem to care about your pleas to slow down, and to tease you further, he added two long fingers inside you, before curling them in the right spot.
"Fuck Stu no, that's too much!!" you screamed desperately as you tried to reach his head, but his hand was faster and stronger, so he grabbed your arm and put his over your belly. The moment he applied that pressure to your uterus while pinning you down, as he fastened his fingers deep inside you and sucked your clit harshly, you felt a strong pressure inside your lower parts that was almost painful. Seconds later, while you were still screaming and moaning Stu's name, you squirted all over his face and fingers. If you thought your previous orgasm was intense, nothing could describe what you felt at that moment. Stu let go of you slowly, before he looked at you dumbfounded and with a proud look plastered on his face. You stared at him back with concern and shame from what you just did.
"Omg, I'm so sorry Stu... I-I didn't mean-"
"Just shut up and do it again. Now that I know you're capable of doing that... you're not leaving until you do it again, you understand me?"
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HI THERE IM THE ANON WHO ASKED FOR JEALOUS/PROTECTIVE/POSSESSIVE GETO! I loved your response so much I completely agree with you too on everything! I’m so glad I sent the ask because I love the way you write geto i feel like it’s exactly how I imagine him to be! Dare I be greedy and ask for some angst/comfort hcs for geto on how he’d like to be comforted by his s/o because it’s basically canon that geto has suffered episodes of depression :((
Hi there ! ❤️
I’m so soooo glad to see you back here, and to hear that you loved my reply and agree with me makes me so incredibly happy ! 🫶🏻💗 Thank you so much for liking my writing view on our lovely Suguru, you’ve no idea how much joy this brings me, I love this man so much and to know that people like you appreciate my work about him and how I write him, is the greatest compliment ever so thanks a lot again for telling me this ! 🥰
And of course ! You would never be too greedy by asking me Geto’s things to write, you’re always welcome here 💕🌸 I’m sending you a hug and wishing you a great day/night ☺️
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And you’re so sooooo right about this ! Oh my, Suguru suffered from so much trauma in his life, I think that he’s a very sensitive person, and he doesn’t even realize this to be he honest, because of that it’s hard for him to well manage his depression.
That’s why he’s so thankful for your presence in his life.
Because you’re always here to alleviate the pain he sometimes feel inside of him.
Just with simple words or actions of yours, he feels immensely better by your side.
And in top of that, after years of knowing your Suguru very well, you would immediately know when he feels even just a bit down.
Suguru would try to hide it of course, because he would hate to worry you too much, but it won’t work with you.
You would gently take his face in your hands and tell him that it’s okay to feel sad sometimes and that you’re here for him.
After a few seconds, Suguru will let himself relax in your arms, with a few tears cascading on his reddening cheeks, while his strong arms tighten themself around your waist. His head resting on your belly or lap, but most of the time on your chest, your heartbeat easing Suguru into a peaceful state as it helps him remember that you’re with him, that you care for him and love him as much as he loves you.
You’ll have to remind him to stop hiding his emotions from you just for the sake of not worrying you, that his feelings are as important as yours, that he’s as important as you in the relationship.
In a murmur, Suguru would thank you for everything that you do for him, while hugging you close to his body, repeating your name in a soft tone from time to time as it is the only thing that can clear his mind from all his worries.
And the thing that will surely help Suguru fall asleep in your arms is to simply thread your fingers through his dark locks, caressing his hair oh so gently, your nails sliding softly along his head to appease him even more. While whispering with a calm and gentle tone to him that you love him with all your soul and that you will never stop taking care of him, because you’re no different than Suguru, you both are the happiest when the other one feels good as well.
But be prepare, because in moments like these, Suguru is even more clingy than usual, and let me tell you that he already is quite a lot. If you try to break the hug while he sleeps to go eat or drink for example, he’ll wake up right away and looks at you with sleepy eyes and a little pout on his face, silently telling you, « don’t leave, please sweetheart… »
And if you really have to get up, you will have to hold Suguru’s hand along the way. Afterwards, Suguru will put his head on top of your shoulder, close to your face as he hugs you from behind with his arms holding you tight around the waist, almost falling back to sleep on your body while he waits for you to get back to bed, so that you can continue caressing his hair and whispering sweet words to him.
Luckily, that won’t ever bother you because being close to Suguru makes you the luckiest person on earth, and you couldn’t be happier to see that Suguru feels reassured just by your comforting presence.
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🤍 Suguru Geto Masterlist 🤍
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fuckmyskywalker · 11 months
🏹 " "You'd better be quiet or everyone's going to know what a naughty little slut you are."
For Anakin 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
— CW: 18+, smut! Anakin is mean. He is kind of toxic and he is such a bastard in this one sorry, I was in a mood for mean!Anakin. PiV, dirty talk, choking, (kind of?) exhibitionism. Minors DNI 🫶🏻🔪
– A/N: Hope you like it Anon ;).
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Crawling back to his touch is always a bad thing, but it feels so good it drowns all the guilt and remorse. Anakin knows your body like the back of his hand, biting, kissing and thrusting in all the right places.
His love is addictive, as much as it is toxic. His tongue knows the patterns below your ear all the way to your chest that make you moan and buckle your hips, asking him for more, begging him to stay one more night, which always ends up being ten more nights. Anakin is a drug, a drug with tanned skin and blue eyes, a drug no one warned you about.
The meditation room used to be your sanctuary. A place to hide from the exterior, from the cruel world that threatened your sanity— Until Anakin managed to corrupt the only good thing you had left. It was one of his favorite places to bend you over and take you, claim you as his property and use your weak mind as a form to boost his ego and narcissistic self esteem. Why? Because it had all the privacy he needed to break you down and see the pieces he loved to pick up, build, and break again.
His hand kept your face against the soft meditation mattresses, while the other guided his hard length between your wet folds, slowly sliding it inside you. Anakin groans quietly, panting and smirking wickedly, completely aware of the effect he has on you; Always giving you just enough to keep you coming for more.
"Good girl, I like you more when you don't put up a fight" Anakin whispers, caressing your lower back with his flesh hand, sending electric waves straight to your core. He is so sweet when he wants to. "So pretty... see? This is what you were made for, to please me, to be mine."
His hips pull back, keeping a steady pace. Normally he is rough and relentless, but apparently today he was feeling generous. "Say it."
Anakin, just like he was outside the bedroom, is extremely talkative, he never fucking keeps his mouth shut. He doesn't know the meaning of the word: Silence.
"Say what?" You ask breathlessly, closing your eyes and arching your back, your own hips pressing backwards to meet his thrusts.
"Say you are mine." Anakin says as if you were stupid, rolling his eyes. "Don't act fool, we are having a nice moment."
"Are we?" You snap back, acting like you weren't rutting for him.
Your lack of cooperation infuriates him, he's so generous to give you the fuck of your life and that's how you pay him? With a different mindset, he removes his hand from your head to wrap it around the nape of your neck. Without warning, without consideration, without any self restraint, Anakin chokes you as he relentlessly pounds you, forcing your ass in the air by sneaking his arm around your stomach. The duality of a man: Anakin can either praise you or break you. Either way, you end up with a world-shattering orgasm.
The position looks and feels uncomfortable. Your body, flexible enough thanks to years of training, is having a hard time keeping up with this type of treatment. There's no doubt your back will be sore the next day, and the next one, and on and on, until he manages to trap you again and have his way with you.
On the bright side, the position allows him to hit that perfect spot effortlessly, over and over until you no longer feel the pain, only the pleasure. His large cock has the illusion to be reaching your intestines, rearranging them and bullying your poor, swollen pussy to its shape, length and girth.
Your moans increase in volume, to the point that you are almost screaming, and sure, the meditation rooms are constructed especially to muffle noise from the outside, from the inside... it may not be as effective. Your sweet, loud voice bounces against the tall, cream walls just like the soft suple flesh of your ass bounces against Anakin's thighs, smearing all the mixed slick between your bodies. The wet slapping is music to Anakin's ears, but it's similar to a fork against a plate for you; it is a constant reminder that Anakin ruined you, he ruined sex for you because no one will ever make you feel like this, no one will ever be able to fill you up just like Anakin makerdamned Skywalker does.
He seems to notice how much you are enjoying it, but as much as he prefers to make you scream until your throat is raw and worn, he knows outsiders might not be as fond— Plus, despite not having a committed relationship with you, Anakin feels entitlement over you.
And, if we are being honest, you belong to him as much as he belongs to you.
Bending over you, with his animalistic grin and manly groans, he hotly says against your sweaty face, with his hand still squeezing your neck so tight but not too tight that your vision begins to blur. "You'd better be quiet or everyone's going to know what a naughty little slut you are."
Perhaps he is being too harsh on you, but that has always been your dynamic, right? A part of him feels guilty, a hint of remorse for treating you this way, you are such a beautiful, wonderful strong person, so why can't he give you that?
As quick as the thought comes, it goes. The clenching of your sopping cunt around him washes the guilt away. You love it, you could've said no, and yet you didn't. You try to shake your head as a reply, but it hurts to even move your shoulders so you just mewl pathetically as a response, drawing a smile on Anakin's lips.
His release comes without a warning, just like it always does. He fills you up just right and the overflowing feeling is hot, warm and it brings you that world-shattering orgasm I mentioned before. And maybe Anakin has grown a soft spot for you after long nights of fucking, but he continues pushing his body to a brink of overstimulation so he can make you come.
You do, you reach that desired point so quickly it completely crashes your brain and turns it into mush. Anakin shows some vulnerability and moans softly as he strokes your hip with his hand, the touch feels intimate, almost lovingly.
But of course it doesn't last long.
The second Anakin slides his softening dick out of you with a wet sound, you fall over the mattress with a quiet huff. Breathlessly, you manage to stare at him from below, panting and unable to mutter a single word. He stands up, picking up his cloak from the floor throwing it to you, before walking away of the meditation room.
"Clean yourself up, you can keep the cloak."
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mqsi · 1 year
Pedri x reader imagine bc I need someone to do a self care date with me as uni is stressful & I’ve cried too much this week (I hate showing vulnerability). So anyways just like a very loving & fluffy Pedri taking care of his girl like running a bath for them & making her comfort food & just staying in with her since that’s what she needed & her makes her feel safe.
hey anon, I hope you’re doing better by now! I just wanna remind you how strong you are and everything you’re working so hard for is gonna be worth it! Sending you some love🫶🏻
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School work and studying was taking away so much of your time and energy lately. You’re used to studying and being tired but the past few weeks really started taking a toll on you.
Today was the day you snapped, leaving Uni early because you were on the verge of tears. When you stepped into the comfort of your home, all you wanted was to feel Pedri’s strong arms wrap around you and suck the negative energy out.
“Hermosa?” Pedri yelled from the kitchen, checking if he heard right, you were not supposed to be home yet.
“Pedro” you whined, taking slow steps towards him. He peeked out of the kitchen and when he saw you crying,he rushed to you. Pedri pulled you in his chest immediately, hugging you tightly.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He whispered, almost as if you would break If he talked louder. You sniffed in his chest, smearing mascara all over the Barca shirt he was wearing.
“Okay, how about we start with a nice,warm bath to help you calm down. Then you can tell me what you want to eat?”
You nodded and he went upstairs, filling the tub and adding a bathbomb. Pedri also lit some candles and invited you in.
You stripped and stepped into the tub, feeling your muscels relax under the warm water.
“Did you decide what you want to eat?”
You told him he could just order your favourite food and something sweet on the side. He nodded and left the bathroom to give you some time to yourself. When you were done, you pulled on Pedri’s clothes. They smelled like him and you wanted to be as close to him as possible. You went downstairs to find Pedri with a bunch of food,blankets and pillows in the living room.
“The food arrived, I made a little nest here. We can watch something and cuddle” he said, smiling softly. You smiled back, getting in a comfortbale position next to him so you can eat. He waited for you to finish eating before asking you anything else.
“Are you okay?” he asked, letting you get comfortable on his chest and draping a blanket over you.
“I’m much better now, thank you cariño” you said, lifting you head up to give him a kiss. He stroked your hair with one hand, other was holding you tight against him.
“I hate to see you like this but I believe you’ll pull trough. If you want to talk about it, I’m still here”
“No, I just wanna lay in your arms” you replied, snuggling yourself even closer to him, If that was possible.
You were feeling safe like this, in his hold, away from the outside world. Soon, Pedri heard your soft breathing and looked down to see you fell a sleep. He kissed the top of your head gently.
“I love you”
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sebsxphia · 9 months
You just found you are pregnant a few days ago. You ordered a onesie with "Daddy's wingman" written on it, wanting to do the reveal to Jake with it. You also securely hid the pregnancy test. The only problem is that it takes a few days for the onesie to be delivered.
One evening you are sitting on the couch, Jake's head in your lap, watching a movie. In a commercial break, he turns to face you, and places a loving kiss to your lower belly. It wasn't uncommon for him to kiss you on your thigh or your stomach, but this time it makes you worried that he found out you are pregnant before the reveal. He can feel you tense up, and he looks up at you questioningly. You are nervous, because you don't know what his reaction would be - not just to the news, but to the fact that you didn't tell him yet.
"You- you know?" you ask him.
"Know what princess?" he asks back. Your overthinking makes you believe that there is a slight accusation in his tone, and you can't help the tears that gather in your eyes.
"I wanted to tell you sooner, I swear, but then the delivery was late, and I wanted to make it special-... baby, please don't be mad at me!" you rush out in hiccups, the early pregnancy hormones playing with your emotions even more than just overthinking.
He sits up lightning fast, and craddles your face in his hands, "Honey, shhh, what is this all about?" he inquires gently as he tries to soothe you.
That's when you realise he didn't know, but now you felt awful for ruining the surprise and sob even harder, burying your head into his chest. He is at a complete loss, feeling worry bubble in his heart, but he knows the best he could do is calm you down. So he pulls you close into his arms, one hand going into your hair, the other caressing the length of your back. He lays kisses on the crown of your head. He whispers gentle words of reassurance, like, "everything is fine, baby, everything is okay", "Shhh, Darling, you are alright", "That's it Sweet, let it all out", "I'm here Honey, I'm here" into your ear until you calm enough to only have a last few tears roll down your cheeks, and your breathing is starting to even out with a few deep gasps here and there.
"Y'know, Honey, I don't know anything yet. If you wanted it to be a surprise, it still can be one," he murmurs softly to you, and you swallow hard at the idea. He kisses your cheek, coaxing you to agree. He kisses your lips after you nod.
Two days later, the onsie arrives. Your surprise goes better than expected. After the initial celebration that consists of Jake kissing you dizzy, hugging you into him, spinning you around, another long kiss filled with devotion and pure love, some giggling and Jake asking again to make sure it is true, he lays his forehead on yours and asks you if this was the secret you feared he somehow knew. He kisses you once again after you nod timidly, picking you up and carrying you to your bedroom for the rest of the celebration.
So sorry for making this so long!
Congratulations on reaching 4k followers!!! You deserve every single one! Thank you for always being so open to ideas, for your fantastic writing and for all of your amazing contribution to the fandom! You are incredible! Lots of love 💗💕
OHHHH JAKE MY BELOVED FATHER TO BE! 🥹 no, because the way that jake would still absolutely go along with the surprise, even if he knew, or if he had an idea of what it was, he would still hold his breath in anticipation, and he would still be absolutely over the moon, regardless of how you told him. 
aaaah i love this sweet thought so much! thank you so much for this my beloved anon, and for your wonderful congratulations! 🥹 it means so much to me and thank YOU for always providing myself and this wonderful fandom with such incredible and heartwarming thoughts. i’m sending you so much love, mwah! 🥰💗🫶🏻
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thatsthewrongwallcraig · 10 months
hiii it's the domestic lover kappa hc and the "ive never felt that way about anyone" anon 😭😭 after reading the carousel fic you've made me develop a crush on gabe too LMAAOOO umm anyways 🤭 he's such a sweet boy like always trying to do right by you and i just wanna hold him and just reassure him that i'm not going anywhere EEEEEEEE HAHAHAH sorry especially whiny gabe???? id do anything for him idk idk maybe it's just me but i'd love to see your take on this
Dear nonnie, I'm so so so thankful for all your asks! I love and enjoy writing them so much!! ✊🏻😩🫶🏻
Summary: Whilst holding Gabriel in a close embrace, you force yourself to face some facts…
Pairing: virgin!Gabriel x nurse!fem!Reader
Word Count: -1.1k
Content Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, A Lot Of Emotional Constipation, Kinda Angsty, A Little Bit Of Making Out 18+!,
A/N: I successfully made myself cry over this…my heart is ACHING for Gabe!
Sequel to Carousel!
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine @amayalul @basementgrl222 @kristennero-wallacewellsver @iiheartsai @fan-goddess @shady-the-simp
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Your skin is warm like an oven
Your kiss is sugary sweet
Your fingers feel like cotton
When you put your arms around me
I feel like I'm just missing
Something whenever you leave
- Cake By Melanie Martinez
With your fingertips deeply hidden away in Gabriel’s hair, his cheek resting right against your collarbone from where his warm breath breezed over your bare skin, you let your eyes wander through his room. Of course, you’d entered and left it plenty of times in the last 2 years but it slowly dawned on you that you actually never really took close notice of all the little things and trinkets he surrounded himself with.
The wall right next to the door giving way to the corridor was practically plastered with posters of his favorite movies and pictures. Photographs from times long gone, the sun shining brightly into happy faces of an intact family captured on a piece of shiny photography paper. You looked at them, studied them closely one after the other, and with every passing second the reality of your situation settled into your chest. What in the everloving fuck where you doing here? Why was your “patient”, a resident of Ward 4, cozily nestled in between your legs whilst your fingers played with strands of his hair, twirling them around your digits again and again? You’d be royally screwed if someone were to find out about any of it, that much you knew.
“Gabe..?” Your voice was low as you addressed him.
“Hmm?” He hummed back, his fingers tracing the curve of your breast lazily, sending a comfortably warm wash over your skin.
“You gotta promise me that you won’t tell anybody about this…” You felt your voice breaking off as your brain jumped to the necessary cause of you feeling so strongly about it.
There was much more to it than just the fear of losing your job and probably ending up as a juicy headline in the local tabloids for a week or two and by now you had to force yourself to face it.
“Because…”, It left your mouth in a heavy sight, “Because I don’t think I could deal with not seeing you anymore.”
The last thing you’d expected was for Gabe to laugh out at your words. At first, you felt a mean sting of hurt jolting right through your chest but it eased up as soon as Gabriel raised his head from your chest to beam at you with the brightest smile you’d ever seen on his face.
“I promised you already, didn’t I?”, He chuckled softly, slowly pulling himself up to nudge the tip of your nose with his, “Promised you to be a good boy about it, no? Wouldn’t wanna be without you either.”
“Yeah, you did.”, His lips brushed over yours and you smiled against them, feeling how your body rendered hungry for his touch again, “It’s just…I couldn’t…I- I can’t fathom losing you, Gabriel.”
“You won’t, I’ll make sure of that, I promise.” Gabe quipped before pressing his lips to yours, teeth playfully nipping at your bottom lip until you darted your tongue out to push into his mouth.
You allowed his words to settle right in your heart that was thumbing against your ribcage a little faster with every next kiss Gabriel planted to your lips, his tongue now curiously exploring your mouth as well. For a moment, you just pushed everything else to the side and breathed him in, your body craving to soak up as much of him as you possibly could. With Gabriel right above you, it took every last bit of self-control from you to not simply wrap your legs around his hips and pull him into you. One thing after the other, you had to repeat it to yourself in your thoughts over and over again whilst your hands ruffled through his hair, tenderly shaking it out a little for it to fall into his face.
“Can I ask you something?” Gabe reluctantly broke from the kiss to look at you with a slightly watery sparkle in his eyes.
“Sure, of course, angel face.” Right after the words had left your mouth, you felt just how much truth and intention you’d been putting into that seemingly simple pet name of his.
Sweet, sweet Gabriel really had an angel’s face, especially when he smiled at you like this. It made your knees weak and your heart ache for him.
“Do you love me?” He asked carefully and the question itself made time stop for a split second.
You felt your mind short-circuiting for an instant, thoughts crumbling into oblivion as the way his eyes widened in anticipation violently pulled and tugged at your heartstrings. It made an awful lot of sense to you how he asked you first. It was a last-threshold safety measure. That way he could act all indifferent and unfazed in case you were to answer with something he didn’t want to hear. However, you knew that he wouldn’t have to.
“Yeah, I do.” It trickled from your lips in the very same second you could feel your heart breaking apart inside your chest.
You did, you were in love with Gabe but the last shreds of sanity and responsibility revolted as loud and painful as they possibly could.
“You…do?” A tell-tale accumulation of forming tears pooled at his lower lashline, Gabriel wasn’t expecting that for an answer it seemed.
“Uh-huh, I’m afraid I fell head over heels for you, angel face.” On the inside you felt like falling apart, your conscience screaming at you that this ship was bound to sink, that the entire endeavor was doomed from the start with Gabriel being locked up in here and you being his godforsaken nurse.
There wouldn’t be anything good coming out of this, yet you refused to believe that all of it was wrong.
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
Omg I remember finding your acc during sentence starters maybe last year maybe few years ago?? The sudden feels hit and just wanna quickly say how much I love your account❤️
Okay so for the puffs, I would love to see lee geto, ler gojo and “I’m too ticklish satoru don’t” if it inspires you🫶🏻
{Puffs are officially CLOSED}
Oh my- you're too sweet anon! <3 And holy- wow! I'm honored you found me through my sentence starters last year! :D That's freaking awesome to hear! Thank you so much for the kind words! This prompt is beyond cute- I've gotcha covered anon!
“Eeh-don’t!” Geto gritted his teeth as Gojo’s hands slid into his jacket pockets. “I’m too ticklish, Satoru!”
“But my hands are cold! And your pockets are warm~” The white haired teen whined, pressing his face into the crook of his boyfriend’s neck as he curled his fingers. “And you’ve got those laced pockets- is that a coin?”
“N-Nohoho! Thahat’s my cohohohoin!” Geto grabbed his wrists, doubling over with a laugh as he tried and failed to pull Gojo’s hands away. "Shahahahtoru, plehahahahhse!”
“Hmm..what else have you got in here?” Gojo shuffled his hands around, further sending waves of ticklishness across his nerves. “Got any candy?”
Geto didn’t bother responding. Not that he could, given Gojo was pressing right into that terrible spot along the sides of his stomach, choking his words and only letting laughter out. Instead, he focused his efforts on trying- and failing- to run away, shuffling this way and that with Gojo sticking to him like glue. “Ahehahahhahha! Sahhahahtohohohoruuuhuhuhu!”
“Stop moving- I haven’t found anything good yet!” Gojo snickered, pulling his hands out of his pockets. Just when Geto thought he was saved, Gojo shot out and grasped his hips, squeezing rapidly.
“SHIHIHIHIHI!” Geto howled, nearly losing his balance. His face started to hurt from how hard he was smiling, as did his belly from laughing. “NOHOHOHO DOHOHOHON’T!”
“Aww, does someone have ticklish hips? Hehehe~” Gojo laughed along with him, following him down as Geto collapsed across the grass. “Your hips don’t lie, Suguru!”
“SHHUUUHUHUSH! GEHAHHAHAHA, SHAHAHTORUHUUHU!” He wasn’t gonna make it- he could see the light with each squeal and cackle he released. In the distance, he could see Shoko standing there.
Shoko? When’d she die?
“Oi, don’t kill him.” A small kick to Gojo’s leg brought an end to his tickly reign. “We still need him for stuff.”
“Aww, okay.” Gojo mock pouted before getting up, offering Geto a hand. “You good, Sugu?”
“Ehehe..hhehe…j-juhuhust fine..” He wheezed, letting his friends pull him to his feet and off towards whatever “stuff” Shoko mentioned.
Oh, he was so gonna get Gojo back!
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bbyquokka · 1 year
bbyquokka, i am obsessed by the way you write! You are incredible! 🫶🏻 i actually have… a mommy kink (I’ve seen some of the requests and they got me sweating). I was thinking soft/hard thoughts - first time you and felix are having sex and you end up slowly riding him as you guys are both nervous, and he’s just looking up at you admiring how beautiful you look on top of him and he ends up slipping out ‘mommy’ which makes you ride him faster 🫦
I can just imagine his deep moans and whines 😮‍💨
dearest anon, call me nemu 🫰🏼 thank you for the sweet compliment 🥺
warnings: gn!reader, unprotected sex, mommy kink, semi proofread
“a-are you sure?” Felix stutters. you nod slowly, biting your lip as you guide his cock to your entrance. “i-i mean, is it too fast? like, I, we don't have to do this yknow!”
you laugh softly, stroking his cheek gently before kissing his lips sweetly.
“i-i want to Felix. I want to do this with you. I trust you enough and we have been together and taking it slow for a while, so it's not like we have rushed this either.”
“only if you're sure, darling! like, a million and ten percent sure.”
“im sure, lixie. I've never been so sure about something in my life.” Felix nods, satisfied with your response.
he holds your waist gently as you sink down on his cock. your warmth making it hard for him to not buck his hips and hurt you. you're thing, which adds to the intense pleasure he feels around his cock. his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your waist, his bottom lip caught between his teeth as he chews on it.
a low groan emits from the back of his throat as you sink down fully on his length. you shiver, panting heavily. youve never felt this full, nor stretched out before
“l-lix...” you breathe out, hands planted firmly on his firm abs.
“take your time. don't rush–ah!” his sentence cut short from you lifting your hips and sinking low on him again, repeating the motion a few times before slowly rocking your hips back and forth, grinding on his cock.
“shit, so beautiful.. fuck y/n.” Felix pants, watching you bounce on his cock effortlessly.
“mhm, so good. lixie, you feel so good and so deep.” you purr, tilting your head to the side as soft, gentle moans in the form of Felix's name escape your swollen lips.
you look so beautiful to him, so ethereal. the way you bounce effortlessly on him, your brows furrowing together, softly pants leaving your swollen and saliva coated lips. he cannot take his eyes off you, entranced in your beauty.
“you're so beautiful, mommy.” the words slip out. you swallow thickly, the words sending shivers down your spine, making you clench around a flustered and panicked Felix
“im sorry! I didn't mean t–”
“say it again!” you whimper, looking down at him.
“youre so beautiful...?” it's more of a question than a statement, Felix unsure of where this current situation was going.
“no..” you groan, “call it me again..”
“what? mommy?” you let out a strangled whimper, your bounces increasing in speed and power. skin slapping on skin, nails digging into his abs. Felix smirks, repeating the same word over and over again until you're a moaning and trembling mess.
his deep moans and whines mix together with your own. a thin layer of sweat coating both your bodies, your thighs burning from tensing up so much. Felix grabs your wrist, gently pulling you down so your chest is flush against his.
“l-lix?” you say before moaning loudly, buring your face into the crook of his neck as he bucks his hips upwards, fucking you from below.
“shh, let me take care of you mommy.”
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sophsun1 · 14 days
never apologise for making gifs - they’re not spam they’re GIFTS thank you for making them 🩵 and we love you for being a multifandom girlie because then there’s something for everyone 🫶🏻
Hey anon!
Aww, tysm 💛
I sometimes feel bad when i hyper fixate on one fandom or post a lot of gifs pertaining to it because i am very multi fandom. so i do try and post a selection and cater to all the people who follow me for different reasons.
This was very sweet of you to send, it made me smile <3
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