#this was soooooo sweet wah wah wah!!!!!
yutadori · 7 days
read all the available chapters of love bullet last night and it's so good ('': i didnt expect it to be so heartwrenching though oh mein gott.....
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hyunsvngs · 6 months
i neef felix to go bat shit insane inside of me bro i need him all inches deep ffucking me STUPUD against any surface he wants. bed????? Im all yours baby. couch???? bend me backwards. floor???? fuck me sidewaysZ . Kitchen counter? yes PLEASE sir get that ZSPATULA TOO!!!!!!!! the fridge? Lets become one witb the VEGETABLES! Im tlierslly gknna go insane juno udont GET IT u dint U DONT NO ONE GETS HOW BAD I NEED THIS MAN I NEED HIM CARNALLY I DESIRE him do Bad He s in my mind TWENTY FOUR SECEN!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FLIP! SCreeaming into the void. i need to suck him off soooooo bad juno i need his big fat fucking tip smacking my tongue and my cheek and i need him LOOKING downa tvme With that Stare. U know the stare. Yeah. The stare. I need hims o bad i might FJKDKEKEKEKKWOWOoowoenthwhhUgggghhhn!!!!(??! FEEEELEIIX!!! LEE FUCKIGN FELIX!!!!!! SObbingn i to ym HANDS! need his sexy little hands gripping onto my waist and POUNDINGGGGINTO MEEEE RLEENETLYLELLSYLLYKUYKTKRL i Need zhiks nnmLle I NEED him to FUCK me dumb I need to WAH wNk9 * would Let him do the most DISGUSTING SHIT to me . Whatever he wnats he GETS i will SERVICE him for life (ignore that he would probably actually service his partner instead. you know how sweet baby angelic he is. THAT IS NOT THE FAWKING POIMT HERE) THE POINT IS THAT I NEEE HIM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I SEE A NEW FUCKINGPIC OF HOM EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT MAKES MY PANTIES STICK TO M PUSSY. ITS NOT FAIRwhy is he the FINEST fucking man ive ever seen its an issue. its so bad. its sooo bad. i want his cock so bad. i wanna suck on his balls lick up the sweat on his body and i want him to PEE inside of me Ok thanks bue.
-levitating anon 😁😁
for the record i also follow levitating anon on twitter and this is the tweets i see everyday
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gojipink · 6 months
goji tell me more abt gojax ‼️ how was your first date like with him ? what made you finally fall for him ?
WAH RISU!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) i apologize in advance for my rambling!!
i think i've always loved him from the start too but since i was convinced childe only wanted me due to my position in the qixing, i didnt allow myself to admit those feelings! in the end (after much angst n yearning on both of our parts), i finally broke in front of him- spilling out my true feelings for him as well as my worries. he was so understanding and so patient with me and it made me realize that when he's with me, he wasnt tartaglia or childe or whatever/whoever else he was associated with. with me, he's just ajax. and with him, im just goji. together, we were just two regular people with warm cheeks and butterfly filled tummies every time our hands so much as bumped against each other's on accident. upon that realization, i knew my heart would forever be his.
he planned the entirety of our first date and it was so sweet! he knows that im not super into extravagant/flashy things and events so he set up the cutest little picnic on a small hill overlooking the ocean just outside the city! (i jokingly asked him if he took me out here so he could kill me n he got soooooo pouty, which looking back that was lowkey mean hahaha, but dw! i made it up to him by giving him several little cheek kisses n he was immediately smiling again which then led to our first kiss LOL) but we had a great time! we sat there for hours talking about everything and anything and after we finished our picnic we went for a walk along the shore, hand in hand ‎♡‧₊˚
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witchboyjimin · 1 year
Hi! i just finished a THOROUGH binge of all your works on AO3 (I have a lot of time on my hands, clearly). They're just soooooo good. Just wanted to pop in and tell you how much I appreciate your writing. Your fics are my go to when I want to re-read something. Fanfiction is always crazy to me in that it is voluntary and free so the fact that you're writing such amazing (and at novel length at times) things is sooooo cool. Just feels like someone had to appreciate you today! Hope you are doing well and writing as much as you want :))) Sincerely, a diehard fan
wah!! thank you so much!!! i hope you enjoyed everything and thank you so much for swinging by my tumblr to give me some extra love n__n
i'm always so flattered when anyone says they re-read my fic 😭😭😭 it's so incredibly sweet! thank you so much again and very much agreed, we are so lucky to have fic writers!! is there rly a comfort quite like reading about your favourite blorbos falling in love :c
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jerrydevine · 1 year
happy birthday 📢📢❤️❤️😭📢📢😭❤️😭 you have correct takes on every single character on earth even tho I do not know 99% of them I see u have a take and I say “ok soooooo true”
KATIE WAH ❤️❤️🫶🫶🫶 thank youuuu u are so sweet i love youuuu 🫂🫂
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holywaterzzz · 1 year
*James Joint by Rihanna*
I'm very very anxious by nature, I'm a very anxious person. I'm trying to fix that, I'm trying to alleviate that- I started smoking weed, recently, any- any weedheads in the house? Sort of a, it was a bit of a doomed excursion, since I thought that uh, cool people who smoked weed called themselves weedheads. So uh... off to a pretty rocky start, uh... yeah, yeah! I'm a weed girl, yeah, awesome, okay! So if you're not familiar to taking an edible, it's pretty simple, uh, you ingest the edible, and then you wait anywhere from like an hour and a half to um... THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, for your most toxic memories to just like DROP KICK you in the back of your throat, and send you on like a sweet little roller coaster ride of like your most present anxieties and all the worst things you've ever done to the people who've loved you the most, y'know. I'm like, yeah, yeah! I'm a weed girl, yeah, awesome, okay! So we head to this diner, and I'm like okay yeah, chill, chill, I can do this, I'm a weed girl, and you know what? He's right, he's right! We start to eat, we're joking, it's great, I'm forgetting all about the edible, and then BOOM. It hits me. I am weed girl.
*Smoke Weed Everyday by Snoop Dogg ft. Dr. Dre*
I am so high, as high as maybe the highest I have ever been in my entire life, I am so high, so high, so high, soooooo high.
*bong noises* *coughing*
*Smoke Weed Everyday by Snoop Dogg ft. Dr. Dre part 2 electric boogaloo* *musical interlude*
And it's incredible. I love every single thing that I am currently experiencing. I'm eating a plate of french fries right now, they, they taste like rock and roll. They taste like music. And all I want to do is experience more. We get another round of food. We get a third round of food. We're at the jukebox, picking tunes. We get a FOURTH round of food and I have like two milkshakes, one in each hand. We're making jokes with the waitress, she HATES us, y'know it's perfect, it's absolutely perfect. And then, all of a sudden, it hits me, I am in the most excruciating physical pain in my life. And not just like, ohh you smoked a little weed and you got a little sick- NO, like, so deeply ill, and I realize in this moment that I am experiencing cardiac arrest. And- and I asked, is cannabis cardiac arrest?
*Mary Jane Holland by Lady Gaga*
I am so high...
*More Mary Jane Holland by Lady Gaga*
I- I'm also so sad, because I don't wanna die! You know, and I don't wanna die of weed! I don't- you know- I don't want that for my family, that can't be my legacy!
*Even more Mary Jane Holland by Lady Gaga*
I am so high...
*And yet more Mary Jane Holland by Lady Gaga*
Suddenly I'm on the ground. I'm just splayed out on the ground, just lying down on the ground, and he's pacing because the optics aren't very good for him, right? Like if the first girl ever to die from weed is just like a black girl at the hands of like, an unemployed white podcaster- it's pretty brutal. That's a really brutal headline.
*What's this? More Mary Jane Holland by Lady Gaga*
I let out the biggest burp, I ever burped in my life... um. I had gas. Um... I had gas because I ate like a high person, and uh... he burped me like a baby in the street.
*Mary Jane Holland by Lady Gaga mixed with burp sound effects*
It hits me. I AM WEED GIRL!
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megafaunatic · 4 years
Hey! I hope you don't mind but I devoured your Untamed works on AO3 (except for "If You Were Made For Me", I admit, because it has a Sad Ending and right now I can't bear with that. I just want them to be happy and fluffy domestic together. They have been through enough and so have I! But I inted on reading it when I'm on a better headspace). Your Wangxian writing is the BEST I've found and I absolutely ADORE how you write their dynamics. I would like to say especially your interactions (1/10)
between Lan WangJi and the Jiang siblings, but honestly, you write all their dynamics, espacially family ones (my faves!) so wonderfully and it's really such a treat! Also, I love SO much how you write Jiang Cheng! I think your portrayal of him is so spot on and perfect. I loved his interactions with WWX and LWJ on "Linger in the Sun", I really re-read many times because it was so beautiful, and don't get me started on the explanations both give to WWX! I also especially loved (2/10)
"You, Asleep and Dreaming" because of the sheer domesticity, how WWX helps around Cloud Recess and his efforts are welcome and appreciated, the non-sexual intimacy is absolutely beautiful, how much they appreciate and adore eachother and, let me tell you, the way WWX's complexes and traumas are portrayed? LWJ's support and care for him? It hit home, like, hard. I had to breathe for a sec there. It reminded me so much of my parter and I there. The relationship you portray is such a (3/10)
beautiful, realistic, healthy one. I love that for them. Is exactly how I imagine them and what they deserve. I love it. Also, they are so CUDDLY!! They love to cuddle so much and I love to cuddle that much too, so I just ENJOY it SO much! They take every small chance they can they can to cuddle and I'm LIVING for it!! I'm right there with you, guys!! My partner is always so surprised by how much I love cuddles and we have been together for years! But I think probably my favourite one is (4/10)
"Grand Pianos Crash Together". It focuses on their relationship, but it also shows how they have people around how loves them and who they love too (the conversations between LWJ and LQR and LXC?? Do you know what you have done to my heart??????LXC saying sometimes love isn't enough is something I've said for years and it really hit, man, it really hit, specially in his context. Damn), and that doesn't keep them from choosing a path they are happier in and also some (5/10)
PRIVACY, aside from JC crashing in, but it leads to 100/10 interaction so I'm quite cool with it. I abslutely loved WWX going "I should have married you at that stupid temple. Our families were already there", wich also makes me wonder how their wedding would be. In most of your writings, in the ones where they en up together, you always have them want to get married (obvs!!) but they never are shown doing it and I can't help but be all giddy imagining their families there, everyone there (6/10)
just being together, interacting, showing their different levels of support for their loved ones (LXC and JC being brothers with WWX and LWJ TT_TT and don't get me started on LQR, the juniors, Wen Ning...). In my head I've mixed all your writings (except the Sad Ending one). I really love Shi and Guang and all your OCs and would love to know more about them (and I'm usually weary of people's OCs in fanfics. A bad habit, I know) but I imagine that LXC is the one taking over the Chief (7/10)
Cultivator role due to me wanting him to open up to the world again and not to punish himself for what JGY did (I want him to he happy!!) and I think that experience also gave him a better understanding of the world and people without losing his heart that could really make him so good. Wen Ning is everyone's friends because he's a sweetheart and he deserves it. A mix of "It's Only Time", "GPCT", "Y,AaD" and "Linger in the Sun" happens and they are hella domestinc and fluffy traveling (8/10)
around and teaching the juniors when the oportunity comes here and there, while visiting their friends and just being happy together, in eachother's arms. OH! ALSO!! They marry, but because of you and your portrayal of JC and WWX working to rebuild their relationship I wonder: both dreamed since they were kids of their sister's wedding (CUTE), so does JC do the same for WWX? Does he try his best to make his wedding perfect? Does that help to ease his and LWJ relationship? Does LXC want (9/10)
to help to? (Also, conversation between LXC and JC about their brothers?????? YES PLEASE!!!!) Do the juniors or even LQR want to help? How do WWX and LWJ feel about all this people loving them so fiercely? This is probably the most important part of what I wanted to tell you, just how much I love and appreciate your work and how happy is making me. Right now my country is on quarantine, I can't with my partner, but you are making this so much better and easyer for me. Thank you. Really.(10/10)
OOOOMG... Good morning tumblr user faraige!!!! This was so amazingly sweet to receive, I don't know what to say 🥺🥺🥺 Thank you so much for reading my fics & for appreciating them so deeply! I'm so honored by your love for them, and I'm glad my writing spoke to you like this!! That's all I really want 🥺💛
also I definitely want to write LXC & JC talking abt their brothers at some point. I don't really care for x.icheng in particular, but I think they have... a lot to talk about... in the end of the story they're both left behind, full of grief and anger and betrayal that they're not necessarily "allowed" to feel, overshadowed by the accomplishments/successes/redemption/happy endings of their brothers, having been in the wrong all along. There's a lot there!! WOO!!!
OK I ALSO do want to encourage you to read "If you were made for me" because it does have a sad ending BUT, LIKE, it exists within the canon timeline so you know they get a happy ending EVENTUALLY...!!! And it has some scenes & exchanges that I'm really very proud of :')
WAH ANYWAY this was such an amazingly kind series of messages, thank you so much!!! 🥺 I hope you get to see your partner soon, and I hope we ALL get out of quarantine safely & quickly!!
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I know, but for the benefit of those who may not be into tokusatsu and follow your blog, tell us about some of your favorite toku cuties!
oh boy, i could go on about this all day. which i will. hope you don’t mind that they’ll mostly be guys, as tokusatsu in general tends to be a sausagefest. i’ll try to avoid spoilers for the aforementioned non-toku devotees.
let’s get the obvious one out of the way first!
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black woz from kamen rider zi-o
he came from 50 years in the future to give a high school boy a magic belt that would enable him to become an evil king with ultimate dominion over space-time
catchphrase: “REJOICE!” followed by super hammed up dramatic speeches whenever said high school boy gains a cool new power
user of the thoth stand
he basically worships this high school boy and tries to encourage him to become the despot who shaped the dystopian hellscape woz came from
he has a doppelganger we call white woz whose goals are completely counter to his, and you know what? the woz who stans the evil king is the good one
he likes natto and mustard on his rice
he can actually be surprisingly sassy if you push his buttons enough
woz’s actor, keisuke watanabe, is the prettiest human being in this universe
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shinji kido from kamen rider ryuki
REJOICE! he’s also in zi-o!
he transforms into kamen rider ryuki, with dragon powers and a mask like a sports car grille
catchphrase is “oi, ren!” which was changed for me forever after watching the end of the rider time ryuki special
he is my son! i want to adopt him!
dumb as fuck, heart of gold, will let you peg
he works as a reporter at a not very reputable newspaper which seems to mostly publish investigations of weird rumors and urban legends
he also works as a waiter at this cute teahouse
he still has no money because his friend yui broke a window
in the world of ryuki, kamen riders must duke it out in a battle royale by transforming into their super alter egos and entering the monster-infested world on the other side of reflective surfaces
shinji doesn’t want to fight anyone though, he just wants to keep the monsters from hurting people!
he’s such a sweet cute idiot. i’d protect him with my life.
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akira nijino from ressha sentai toQger
transforms into toQ 6gou, the the orange toQger
catchphrase: “this is the place where i will die…” (and variations on that)
reformed monster turned magical railroad worker turned hero
his introductory arc will tug at your heartstrings
his face turn happened after he saw a rainbow for the first time, and henceforth dedicated his life to protecting rainbows
his guilt complex hangs over him in the form of a literal rain cloud
he’s normally taciturn but gets super cheerful and giggly in the presence of cute baby animals, especially kittens
he loves public baths so much he uses the word “aishiteru”
he often makes his dramatic entrance while playing a mournful tune on his harmonica
he’s got a lot of internal conflict going on but he’s such a good guy
his monster form has the softest fluffiest ears and a bitchin cowboy outfit
seriously sets off my gaydar for some reason?
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noel takao from kaitou sentai lupinranger VS keisatsu sentai patranger
transforms into both the silver lupin X AND the golden patren X
catchphrase is “oh la la!” which he says when surprised/excited/intrigued
he’s both a phantom thief and an elite international police officer. it just works…somehow.
uses his mecha train to travel between japan and france in no time flat
older than he looks
does unnecessary acrobatic stunts for the hell of it (which his actor, seiya motoki, really does!)
wants the phantom thieves and police officers to be friends and work together instead of fighting
lowkey shipper on deck
(accidentally typed “lowkey shipper on dick”)
is he japanese? is he french? well that is just his own sweet and sexy secret
owns a shiny silver and gold kimono equally as awesome as akira’s in the gif above
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tsukasa kadoya from kamen rider decade
he’s kamen rider decade
catchphrase is “i’m just a kamen rider passing through…remember that!”
his show is so weird and confusing but that’s okay because he’s cute and has an adorably bad attitude
always trying to take photos with the camera he carries. they always turn out looking shitty. he says it’s because the world is rejecting him, and not because he’s shitty at taking photos.
so he’s supposed to hop universes destroying worlds but he seems to just keep saving them instead
said worlds are extremely strange AUs of the first nine heisei kamen rider shows
anyway, back to tsukasa. he has a weird and sexy way of sitting which he did in front of black woz once which made him start doing it
actually his interactions with black woz in zi-o are memorably hilarious for both characters
every time tsukasa enters a new world, he automatically has a job that helps him fit in. in the kiva world, he’s a concert violinist–and boy, can he play. in the blade world, he’s the head chef of a cafeteria, and comes up with some great (if a little underhanded) methods of making money.
what the fuck is he even doing?
will i have the answer to that by the time i finish watching decade or nah?
regardless, he’s incredibly charming, and pleasant to watch
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umika hayami from kaitou sentai lupinranger VS keisatsu sentai patranger
umika is secretly the super cute phantom thief lupin yellow!
she’s super cute and acts cheery but she’s got some intense sadness going on deep down which remains a secret to most people
waits tables at bistro jurer (the front for the lupinrangers)
i started watching lupat because she’s cute, even though i did not think i’d really get into super sentai
(i did)
fellow lupinranger and bistro staff kairi pinches her nose just like how his older brother used to pinch his nose
…when umika turns it around and pinches kairi’s nose…when that happens you will want to cry, just sayin
one of the patrangers gets a big dumb crush on her, unaware that she’s actually a lupinranger (can you blame him?)
she loves fashion and has a delightful sense of style
her favorite pair of earrings look like cherries and they’re soooooo cute, eat your heart out noriaki kakyoin
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sougo tokiwa from kamen rider zi-o
he’s the high school boy black woz is obsessed with
he’s kamen rider zi-o, kamen rider zi-o ii, kamen rider oma zi-o, part of the fusion kamen rider zi-o trinity, and has a fuckton of various forms
in the tradition of shinji kido he is cute, dumb, sweet, and bleaches his hair
can you believe this widdle bitty cutie pie grows up to become a megalomaniacal overlord subjecting humanity to a dark timeline of misery and woe??
at least, he might. he’d rather not. the time travelers from 2068 inform him that it’s a definite possibility.
good at history, bad at math
has been convinced since childhood that he will become a king after graduating high school, and because of that, he has no other career aspirations and no friends…wah wah waaaaaaaah
a plucky orphan much like myself
possesses latent psychic time manipulation powers that are a little scary if you think about them too hard
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haru “tokatti” tokashiki from ressha sentai toQger
blue hero toQ 2gou
during roll call he always bows and says something
adorkableness incarnate
this boy is a nervous wreck
he adjusts the train track visor on his sentai mask like it’s his glasses
massive crush on his childhood friend mio, aka toQ 3gou and the mom friend of the group (she is also a toku cutie i love to bits) (i ship it hard)
becomes particularly close friends with akira, which is interesting to see since their personalities (and suit colors) contrast so much
even when anxious and easily discouraged, tokatti is always brave and strong for his friends when in a pinch
thinks of his big brother ryo as a cool superhero
the glasses nerf just how handsome he is
i have a lot of other tokusatsu cuties i adore but these are some of the ones who’ve been on my mind the most lately! hopefully you readers enjoy this small sampling of tokusatsu dorks 💖
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unreachablevoice · 4 years
Moving In Is What Started It All
With Marinette’s parents being away with work, she is left in the care of one of their supposedly family friend; who just so happened to be someone who she has always been idolizing. And throw in the fact that she is having a hard time with friendships experiencing hardships, bridges being burned, and secrets unraveling and her parents unintentionally (plus being clueless with their daughter’s suffering) throwing their daughter in a pit of misery.
This fanfic will not contain Miraculous. Though, This does still contain the concept and some of the episodes of the show just cut out the parts of Ladybug and Chat Noir.
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Chapter 7 |Making Breakfast (or maybe we could talk?)|
Adrien's POV
As I slowly open my eyes, I'm immediately met with a blinding ray of sunlight.
Ughhhhh, fucking sun. There's only one sunshine and that's MARINETTE!
Glaring at the innocent blinds, I roll at my side to hug Marinette only to find it empty. Cold and empty. Where could she be?
Frowning, I quickly stand up and head towards the door; not even bothering to fix the bed that I've just slept on, the maids that Father hired can just do them. Although not yet heading out, I briefly look over my shoulder to peek at the alarm clock at the nightstand. It was still 5 in the morning.
So earlyyyy...
As I head downstairs, I look around the living room and see no one, not even the blue-eyed girl I'm looking for.
"Marinette?" I shout, looking for her as I reach the dining room. Did... Did she leave?
As the thought of Marinette leaving and hating me, I frantically search for her. Getting desperate, I even search through under the pillows. As if she'd be there, cue the eye roll. But she could be. I mean, Marinette is a smol wittle bean and I wouldn't be surprised if I see her cooped up under the pillows from time to time.
Snapping my head (too hard if I might add so I might've gained a whiplash but nevermind, I'll worry about that later) towards the direction where the voice came from, I saw Marinette wearing an apron while holding a spatula. Her pink lips parted a bit and the space between her eyebrows puckered in confusion.
A feeling of relief surges in me. Thank god she didn't leave yet!
I immediately rush towards her and wrap her in an embrace, snuggling in the crook of her neck.
"I thought you left!" I say to her as I continuously snuggle even harder.
As I feel her chest vibrate and she chuckles, a warm feeling of comfort settles in my heart. I could get used to this. Every morning, seeing Marinette and hugging her can just be my breakfast and make me full in seconds.
"Why would I leave? My parents told me that I'd be in your care for as long as they're away and I intend to follow their bid." Marinette says as she looks down at me and smiles, returning my desperate hug.
She really would sometimes use formal and refined words. I wonder why? It's not like we're strangers, nor are we that far apart in status.
Pressing my face more into her shirt, I apologized in an embarrassed voice, "Sorry, I just couldn't find you when I opened my eyes. Why didn't you wake me up?"
Her small chuckles before turned into full-blown laughs (not the kind where you'd topple over though, that'd just be weird considering I'm practically latching onto her). She giggled at me as though I just said something funny. Did I?
Confused as fuck, I look up at her.
Her eyes crinkled and vibrant, as though the uncanny mood she was in last night didn't even surface onto her pretty face (don't think I'd forget about that!). The smile that reached up to her ears, showing off her pearly whites to the world, made my insides churn. Her voice, so melodic and perfect that if you play it on record and listen to it over and over again, you wouldn't grow tired of it.
I smile as I look at her, laughing without complete care of the world makes me want to just keep her here at the house and lock her away from all sorts of things that may wipe that smile off her face. But in doing so, I'm just being like my father so I shake my head and refrain myself from having such thoughts.
"You're so cute, Adrien!" Marinette exclaims as she proceeds to laugh even more. Her throaty laugh makes my insides churn, pulling my breath away as her pearly whites come into view.
"Sorry I didn't wake you up, I wanted to give you breakfast in bed as a thank you for letting me stay here," she says as her hands begin to pat my head and flatten my crazy and full-of-bedhead hair.
"Oh," was the only thing that I manage to utter. Marinette wanted to make me breakfast? In BED? Fuck, that feels like a married couple thing! Plus, I've always wanted to try Marinette's cooking. I've heard a lot of praise from our classmates and each time they mention it, I can't help but drool at the thought.
"T-Then, I'll go back to bed!" I pout as I make no sign of movement. Well, what do you expect? For me to go back to bed and risk losing the warmth that I'm sharing with Marinette right now? Pfft—! No chance!
Marinette's chest vibrates in laughter. Her sweet and cheery voice resounds once more around the room and fills my former sleepy self with glee and giddiness.
"You sure you want to go back to bed? Why don't you just help me in the kitchen? That'd be more fun!" Marinette asks me with a smile and pats my head again.
Helping out in the kitchen? Damn, that's an even more of a married life kind of thing! If so then why argue further? Sign me up in Cooking with Marinette Expressway!
"Sure! But I must warn you, I'm not that much of a cook so I may make a mess of everything." I smile at her sheepishly and hunch my back, scratching the back of my head in embarrassment.
Marinette chuckles at my antics and leads me to the kitchen. Despite the kitchen tools already used, the kitchen looks more or less clean, almost as if it wasn't being used at all. Did Marinette actually start with our breakfast already? Because it sure doesn't look like it with the spotless look our kitchen was sporting. And where was our hired chef?
"Marinette?" I call out to her and she hums as she takes out some of the equipment and tools we are to use. I'm surprised she already knew where and which cupboards they were in, even I still get confused sometimes in which board the bowls were placed in.
"Uh--I'm pretty sure we have a chef and he's mostly the one in charge of cooking around here, and is pretty strict about it, so... How did you get to use the kitchen? Not that I'm complaining though!" I ask as I watch her swiftly fumble around the kitchen as if she's already used it a couple of times and has been living here for as long as she can remember.
"Oh, I told him that uh--I wanted to prepare your breakfast instead so umm..." she says as her face goes bright red and plays with her fingers, I guess it's a habit that she usually does when she's embarrassed.
Marinette asked our chef if she could cook my breakfast? And our chef even agreed? Our strict and full of selfishness of a chef agreed?! And she's embarrassed about it??!! That's... That's soooooo cuteeeee! God, I knew Marinette is always willing to go an extra mile for her friends but I didn't expect to have the same treatment!
I rush up to her and snake my arms around her waist, her tiny waist if I may add. Gosh, it's so tiny! Almost as if I made one wrong move and she'd snap in two! Aaaand I'm distracted by her again. Man, Marinette just keeps on distracting me nowadays, huh?
"Thanks, Marinette! You even sacrificed yourself and pleaded with our mean chef," I say as I take in the slowly drifting away anxiety that boarded her face before.  I mean people rarely associate themselves with individuals that have curt and crass attitudes because of the fear of being lashed at so of course, even Marinette is no different than others. I know I am and I hate confrontations!
Marinette looks at me, stricken at the mere thought of me thinking bad of other people (I mean I did just call our chef mean which, I know for sure, Marinette thinks I rarely do) and throws a fit of giggles. Small and bubbly, like a cute little mouse squeaking. I mean like, just look at Marinette! She looks like a puppy, a cat, a mouse, and a hamster rolling around the carpet in front of a fireplace! And I'll fight anyone who thinks so otherwise!
"Your chef wasn't really that mean, Adrien. He immediately let me do whatever my "business" (his words not mine) will be when he knew that I know how to completely operate a kitchen because it seems to me that someone "accidentally" set the kitchen on fire once." Marinette adds with a smirk, which if I wasn't embarrassed enough, I'd think is kind of hot. But then I remember that the teasing was directed at me.
"Wah--! I, It wasn't! Uh," I stutter as I feel the blush slowly creeping up my face down to my neck. And I'm positive that the redness of my face can so much as rival Nathaniel's hair.
Marinette laughs at my humiliation, again, and beckons me to follow her in one of the spaces near the stove where she had already laid out the things needed to prepare our breakfast.
"So.... you ready?" she asks me to which I just gave a nod, praying she won't hate me with my pathetic excuse of a self if (well technically it's not an "if" anymore since I for sure will do something to mess this up since, let's face it, I'm not really the most wonderful chef out there, aren't I?) I make a mess of our food and end up giving us food poisoning.
◎◎◎ ◎◎◎ ◎◎◎
So it seems I'm not that much of a bad cook after all.
Correction, I'm not a bad cook. Completely and especially because Marinette was giving me step-by-step instructions and is guiding me throughout the whole cooking session to the point that it's almost her hands that are moving.
God, I'm so incompetent.
"No, You're not, Adrien!"
Shoot, I just said that out loud, didn't I?
"Yup! And you did it again,"
I look at Marinette and see that her hands are now at her hips, together with her knitted eyebrows and her lips that are sporting a cute little pout. Which you got to admit, is looking very kissable right now.
The dishes that formerly had the attention of Marinette are now left alone as she glares at me. I mean I tried to tell her no and that I'll do the dishes instead but she refused. I even used the "you are a guest" card on her but she was still stubborn and said no. She said that even if she was a guest, she didn't want to be deemed as someone useless. Plus she pointed out the fact that I do not know how to wash dishes and that I'll just only cause trouble for our housekeepers and make them more tired. Trust Mariette into unintentionally embarrassing you, as well as being kind to others.
"Adrien?" she calls. But I couldn't look at her. I mean who would when she just pointed out that I may or may not know how to wash dishes! Not that that's really the problem here.
"Are there people saying you're like that? Are people saying mean stuff to you?" she presses, her voice dripping with concern and worry.
"No!" I deny, which visibly gives her relief. "People are not. And even if they are, you know my Father won't let them get away with such things without at least involving a few flaunts of his power, right?" I ask her as though she was already supposed to know how protective my Father is.
"Yeah," she agrees. "But still! You're not supposed to put yourself down like that! You have many amazing qualities! And we both know that it wasn't only me doing all the work with cooking our breakfast!" she points out.
"Actually, I don't know."
"THE POINT IS!" Marinette snaps and rubs the bridge of her nose in an irritated fashion together with a sigh. "Don't put yourself down, you are way more amazing than you give yourself credit for." she finishes as she puts both of her hands in my shoulders and smiles at me reassuringly.
God, she's so pretty. I know I'm not really supposed to be thinking about her beauty right now but I. Just. Can't. Help. It. The way her voice sounds so mellow and comforting that it makes you feel safe and that everything will be alright just as long as she's there. The way her eyes shine in the most star-like way that it mesmerizes you and makes you feel as though there's always hope. But then last night. That feeling of anxiety that dwelled on the pit of my stomach as a hopeless look overcame her face. As she looked soulless and dark.
"H-How about... you?" I ask her as her unusual behavior last night resurfaces my mind, swelling up the worry that's bubbling in my chest.
"What about me?" she asks back in a sassy way with a smirk as one of her eyebrows rise up in challenge and her hands back in her hips. Which I know was just a way to cover up the perturbation that's evident in her eyes because she knew I was already talking about something else.
"What's upsetting you?"
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papillonrecordhouse · 8 years
Papillion & Chino Support C-A
In collaboration with: @the-kat-of-fates
Papillion: *carrying a packet of paperwork* Finally got these papers done. Now just to get these to Corr- huh? *sees Chino* Chino: *yaaaaawn* Man... So sleepy. *bump* Woah!!! Papillion: Eh-? *her hands slip and the papers fly everywhere* Noooo... *looks at Chino* Do you hav-! *bites tongue and sighs, bending down to pick up the papers* Chino: I'm soooooo sorry!! *picking papers up* Papillion: It's alright... *gets a better look at him and smiles* But you know... I'm sure you can make it up to me~ *winks* Chino: *nervous* huh? I mean.. uh.. Sure…? Papillion: I'm sure a sweet boy like you- *notices his nerves* ... Papillion: *thinks* You seem tired, have you not been sleeping well? Chino: Not really... This war has me on edge. Papillion: Ah, you too? Hmmm, well I heard sleeping with others helps with restlessness. *rubs her neck* Papillion: How about I make you a deal? Why don't we nap together after battles? Chino: *perks up* Naps?! Naps! I'd love to nap! Papillion: *chuckles* Good to hear~ So is it a deal? Chino: Sounds fun! Papillion: Perfect! *finishes collecting her papers* We can discuss it more later, but until then have a good day nap buddy~ *winks and leaves* Chino: *happy tail wag* [End of support C]
Chino: *long yawn* Ughh... Another long day. Papillion: Hey Chino!~ Tired as usual I see? *chuckles and pets him* Would you like to nap under that tree today? Chino: *tail wag* I’d love to take a nap! Papillion: Alright, this time you can sleep on my lap. I’m fully rested today and need get some paperwork done. *sits down and pats her thigh* Chino: *lays down* Thank you, Papillion. Papillion: No problem~ Though Chino, can I ask you something? Chino: Go right ahead. Papillion: Well… Why did you join the army? I mean, you don’t like fighting, and you have no reason to fight for us. So why? Chino: Well… The army picked me up while I was wandering in the woods. Papillion: Wandering in the woods? You got lost? Your family must be worried then! Chino: ........my...... my parents were poached... 2 years ago. Papillion: Oh... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up painful memories. *feels guilty* Chino: It's okay. You didn't know. Papillion: *looks worried* But wait, then what will you do after the war? Chino: Well..... I never thought that far. Papillion: *pets him* *thinking* It's alright, nevermind it. For now, just rest okay? *smiles* Won't want to waste perfect napping weather~ Chino: You're right. Thanks for the nap spot. Papillion: Always Chino~ Always~ [End of Support B]
Papillion: Chino!~ Chino!~ *looking around the woods for him* Chino: Huh? Whatcha doing out here Papillon? Papillion: Looking for you silly! I wanted to talk to you about what you'll do after the war. Chino: Come see!!! I found the perfect spot! Papillion: Oh? *follows* Perfect spot for what? Chino: Nap spot!!! *shows off a giant shaded tree by a lake* Papillion: Wah! So pretty~ *takes a seat under it and pats her lap* Seems like a good talking spot too. Chino: *lays on lap happily* So you wanted to know my plans for after war? Papillion: Yes, so... I was thinking, and if you'd like I think you should come live with me after the war. Chino: *tail wag* Whaaaa?! You really mean it?! Papillion: Yep! I mean, me and my mom don't have much, but I'm sure we could work around it. *smiles* Papillion: You're a good friend, and I'd hate to know you would be all alone again. Especially after all of this. Chino: *sniffle* you really would do all that for a stray like me? Papillion: *hugs* Of course! Nap buddies need to stick together after all~! *chuckles* Chino: Waaaaaaah!! *hugs tightly* You're the best, Papillon Papillion: *laughs* You're too generous Chino~ So how about we take that nap now? I'll have to stay up late tonight and will need the rest. Chino: I'll gladly like to nap with my favorite nap buddy! [End of Support A]
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