#this was stupidly self indulgent. obsessed
luckiestplant · 6 months
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based on this tweet
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shima-draws · 5 months
I’m not even at WCI yet so I don’t even have context but my brain won’t shut up about Sanlu Forbidden Romance where Luffy sneaks in to the Vinsmoke mansion (or wherever the hell they’re keeping Sanji) so he can tenderly kiss him under the moonlight. I am unwell
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saetoru · 1 year
asking al-haitham if you can get a cat but he’s very firm with saying no so then you eventually just treat mehrak like ur cat but kaveh is complaining 24/7 bc he needs mehrak so in order to get some peace in his own home and not deal with you and kaveh fighting over a tool box 24/7 al-haitham caves and let’s you get a damn cat
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variousqueerthings · 3 months
Im very curious what movie you disliked so much but you seem unwilling to say it on your frankenhooker post (and ignore this if you're uninterested in saying at all)
nah, i was just trying to not be a mood killer in the liveblog. but it was poor things. everything about that movie felt like the film equivalent of nails on a chalk-board, at once noisy and incoherent and stupidly on the nose but without anything deeper to say and expensive when your average b-movie managed the same thing using tape and a budget of rolled up fivers and favours from your mum's boyfriend who's alright at a bit of computer effects
and i get pretentious and a tad obsessive when i see claims of "you just don't get it, it's about this you see? she's taking control of her own story!" and im like. no no i get it. i just think it was shallow at best, offensive on multiple points, and also a wannabe camp attempt at shock value (do people watch genuinely shocking camp films anymore?) many things. so many things, several of which ive not seen anyone mention, but then i was trying not to over-obsess about a film that i disliked so intensely, so i didnt go too deep in my search (the lack of intersectionality in feminist masterpiece "if you're rich, you can follow your dreams and self-actualise and even slum it with the personality-less whores for a bit, and also take a brief moment to feel bad about poor people even if they may "rape and rob and kill you" (seriously what was that bit about?)" the ableism in emma stone's performance, the male gaze inherent in so many of the sex scenes, and perhaps subjectively but the dullness of the sex scenes, the het-focus with a single rushed "women stick together" bit of queer sex, although the other woman had no plotline of her own in this film and just randomly reappeared at the end for some cheap unearned catharsis, the way the storyline is structured like three different movies squashed together, and also the flatness of every dude in the story that still seemed to try to say that some of them were actually quite nice, because idk. they weren't foaming at the mouth villains or whatever, this one's a Nice Guy. and this one's a Eunuch. moving on. if emma stone isn't a born sexy yesterday, then she's doing an ableist caricature of a performance of "weird quirky girl who functions Differently." the joke is, it's both)
like. ive seen better explorations of frankenstein. ive seen better explorations of sex workers. ive seen better explorations of women gaining agency. ive seen better explorations of disabled women. ive seen better explorations of patriarchy, intersectional feminism, socialism (seriously, the way this movie approached politics seemed to be "if we insert a witty line here about being the means of our own production, that's the same as political analysis, right?")
many of those things ive seen specifically done better in 1990 b-movie horror frankenhooker, and as for the rest, i don't have to search all that hard either. put on a john waters film and you've got more going forya for a start.
just. was it good or did Whimsically Naive (but very sexy) emma stone with slightly thicker eyebrows just say blunt things and walk funny?
you didn't ask for any of this rant. you have no idea how many times ive written drafts for this movie and then discarded them. fuckit, i will be self-indulgent once (1 time)
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
I have a request for Yan! Suzui, Rei, Mary, Sayaka, Nishinotouin and Ririka, (if you want add someone else i won't mind uwu) with a darling who is sweet, caring and super smart that almost never gamble, but when they do it it's with bad people (like bullies or those who treats really poorly the housepets) in some kind of revenge, humiliating that person (and this situation go worst when they person messes with someone special for the darling). Please!! I'm obsessed with your writing 💕
I added Yumeko and Kirari.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, clinginess
Reap what you sow
Jabami Yumeko
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♠️​We all know that Yumeko is a compulsive gambler so a darling who isn't using every little chance to gamble is always a tricky situation because this girl just can't understand why you'd skip on the pleasure and thrill of an excited gamble. Especially since you're so smart and perceptive. So whilst you two are often acting like two cuddly cats in public due to your sweetness and her clinginess, this aspect of your personality is something Yumeko thinks she has to change a bit, of course with the intention to help you to realize just what you're missing out on. So when she notices that you seem to take it upon yourself to gamble against bad people, mostly bullies who disrespect housepets, she's instantly eploring that part of you. Your weakness is your sense of justice and just like that Yumeko starts sniffing out every bad person in school and luckily there are plenty. She reports them to you, even encourages housepets to seek your help just so that she can watch you destroying and humiliating every single person you gamble against with a visible blush on her face. Oh~she's so proud of you. Luckily you belong to her and to no one else.
Saotome Mary
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​♦️​Mary doesn't mind it as much that you're not as addicted to gambling as others, especially since she's friends with Yumeko. It lowers the risk of you being a housepet and since she's made her own experiences with being one, she's very keen on keeping you away from such a cruel and dehumanizing life. She wouldn't be too happy though if you'd just skip all offers to gamble since it can influence your reputation and she wouldn't want you to be seen as a coward or loser which would make you an easy target for arrogant students looking for easy prey. So your solution of only gambling with people who deserve a taste of hell is admirable and the best answer you could have come up with in her mind. Honestly, she can't spare too much sympathy for those you gamble against for the reason that she agrees with your policy here, such students do deserve a taste of hell. Mary doesn't see any need to be overly worried for you either because she knows that you're very good in what you're doing, the perfect mix of logical and composed yet also willing to take a little risk. Overall she's very proud of her s/o, although you won't hear her admitting that out loud all too often, she's a bit of a Tsundere.
Ryota Suzui
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🎴​Suzui is just happy that he's somehow managed to become your boyfriend in the first place considering his low self-esteem, even Mary sometimes wonders how he did it. He's probably the sanest among his circle of friends and stupidly he thinks that you're also someone who isn't into gambling due to the risks being involved. You're kind and smart with perfect grades and also unbelievably sweet around him. You adore Suzui's shyness a lot, enjoy teasing him to see him blushing. He isn't necessarily surprised to see that you're very talented during an actual gamble and he isn't even surprised to hear your reasoning for doing it but he's nevertheless anxious for you. Does he love you any less when finding out that you indulge in gambles to bring justice to the students treated wrong? Absolutely not, he only adores you more. He knows that the antics and methods of Hyakkaou Private Academy are more than questionable and that a lot of students suffer under the school's system so in his eyes you're by all means some sort of savior, a hero. It does nag at his self-esteem though, standing next to you because by comparison he isn't even half as heroic as you are.
Momobami Kirari
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♣️​Kirari finds her darling rather fascinating when Sayaka starts informing her about a new student who viciously takes down a lot of students through gambles, all of them by all accounts bullies and scumbags. Obviously it could just be a hypocritical sense of justice but meeting you in real life does spark her interest because you're acting like a completely different person. Caring, focused on your studies and rejecting all offers to join clubs or offers to gamble, seemingly no interest. The almost jarring shift in your personality is captivating and Kirari finds herself tempted to push you around a bit to elicit the fierce and cold side out of you again and there is a high risk that she'll throw your friends into the mix when she notices that you're very protective over them. She'd be curious to see if you'd crack if it involves your friends and make stupid mistakes but you don't disappoint, although a part of her would have liked to see how defeat would look on your face. She offers you a place in the council but wouldn't be surprised if you'd reject, considering that she's the one who inveted the housepet system. Who knows, maybe one day you'll even come for her. She'd very much like that.
Momobami Ririka
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​🎭​Ririka by all accounts is the safer option than her twin sister since she isn't as possessive nor curious to watch over you to see if you would ever let yourself be defeated. She actually supports her darling in their decision to not be actively involved in the gambling and uses her position as the vice-president to help you fulfill your goal as good as she can. There is nothing wrong with not participating actively in gambles and instead focus on studies and friends. Ririka is quite bashful and had rarely anyone in her entire life who was as caring and sweet to her as her darling so she's constantly glowing pink when you two spend time together. Similar to her though, you also have a hidden and dangerous side that comes under certain circumstances out and that no one should mess with and Ririka accepts that. You're quite the menace when you encounter jerks and assholes who think they're on top of the world only to push them down from their high throne and shatter their dreams and hopes. She has faith in your abilities, although a small part of her is still skittish when watching you gamble.
Igarashi Sayaka
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​💐​Sayaka finds herself slightly conflicted as she initially believes that you truly have no interest in gambling. She's Kirari's assistant and should know best how this school works and sadly it works via gambling and not your grades, as intelligent as you might be. Reputation depends on gambling and she hates it when she catches people dismissing you as an easy target and a whimp since no one has ever seen you gamble before. How dare they talk about her wonderful lover in such a disrespectful way?! So when she's informed that you're having your first gamble, she initially panics a bit. When she arrives though, the game is already over as you've won by a landslide, leaving your opponent drowned in debt and with no other choice but to become a housepet. She can't help but be disappointed in herself for never having seen that you had such extraordinary talent inside of you, considering how obsessive she is. Nevertheless, this new side which Sayaka now discovers for the first time makes her only fall deeper in love with you. You're strong and righteous, very protective over those you care for, including her which always makes her heart race.
Nishinotouin Yuriko
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​🌠​Yuriko uses her position as a member of the student council to protect her Traditional Culture Club and her darling with the influence and the money that she has. Despite that she wouldn't really try to stop her darling from gambling every once in a while to humiliate someone. Instead she'd be sort of proud that her s/o is as smart and talented as they are, she enjoys it when people tell her how awesome and witty you are. You by yourself might already be a force to be wary off but with Yuriko and her large amount of money having your back, you're only all the more fearful. Now, outside of her own club and her darling it has to be said that Yuriko doesn't necessarily care too much about other people but since it makes you happy and she sees no major harm, she lets you do as you wish. Most of the time you aren't gambling though and she enjoys tha side of you just as much, your caring and sweet persona who is very protective of those you care about. You're very attached to her club and all it's members which makes Yuriko on the other hand very happy, knowing that you cherish her club just as much as she does.
Batsubami Rei
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​❣️​Rei is quite supportive of the way you choose to use your skills since she's also a victim of oppression. She's glad that her darling is someone who uses their gambling skills to teach everyone who thinks they can look down on others an earth-shattering lesson from which they might never recover. Your heart goes out to all the housepets and weak people which you avenge and that only makes her admiration and obsession grow. Rei thinks very similar to you and shows little to no sympathy to everyone you have gambled against and also beaten since she knows clearly which people you target. She wants to show her admiration and support somehow, approaches you eventually and offers to assist you in any way she can. Collecting information about bullies you plan to challenge next, searching for a weak spot to put pressure on them if necessary, although she prides herself on your luck and your skills which are more than often enough to beat someone. Despite your skills though and your fame for taking bad people down, Rei admires how you never change and are so kind and caring around most students and especially your friends.
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fushiglow · 29 days
[*a figure hobbles from the shadows*] hi glow - I'm breaking my streak of anonymity (or "denying thy embarrassment and refusing thy anonymity" as you put it) to say an official hello I guess. 👋
I just read your star wars au and I can't get over how GOOD your prose is. (?!?) It flows so naturally, and it feels like I can instantly see the entire depth of the scenes you create... I'm actually obsessed
Anyways, hopefully that didn't come off as too much 🙃 - truthfully, I'm just now getting into tumblr in my twenties and had self-imposed a bit of a fringe mentality. But you've answered so many of my anonymous asks at this point that I feel like I should just admit I'm a part of the jjk community now lol.
Plus, I did say I'd read anything you ever write, so, we'll see if this wave of bravado lasts or if I slip back into anonymity. Either way, thanks for helping to make this community so thoughtfully beautiful <3 💌✨📝
Thank you so much for popping in to formally introduce yourself, even though you weren't sure about doing so. It really means a lot to "meet" the person who's said such lovely things about my writing, thank you for all of your previous kind comments and these ones too!
Really happy you enjoyed the Star Wars AU! It's stupidly special to me because it's two of my special interests, past and present, colliding to become something beautiful. I'm delighted that other people are finding joy in it, because it felt incredibly self-indulgent to me!
You couldn't possibly come off as too much, I've finally thrown out all concept of shame in this fandom so nothing can scare me at this point. Thank you also for what you said in that last part... I don't really know what to say to that, you're very kind indeed ♥️ So good to hear from you and I do hope it won't be the last time — take care until then!
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inmydeepestdreams · 10 months
Gianna was positively giddy as she scanned her items at the self checkout. Another successful shopping trip. As her hand touched the cold bottle of pineapple juice, she grinned. A month ago, she found this particular brand on accident and became totally and completely obsessed.
It was a large bottle, the kind meant to be shared by a family. But Gianna couldn’t wait, she needed it, she hadn’t had any in two days and she missed it. She cracked it open in the front seat of her SUV and held it without both hands while she drank deeply from the bottle, stopping only when she couldn’t breathe.
By the time she got home, only half of the massive jug was left.
It was late, after grocery shopping, she treated herself to a fast food dinner, which she ate in the parking lot, sipping between in her soda (which was included in the meal price, and she couldn’t waste money like that) and her pineapple juice, which was of course, what she really wanted.
She put away her groceries and sighed, rubbing the back of her neck as she stood at the kitchen counter. She was tired and grateful she was wearing (mostly) comfortable clothes. She breathed a sigh of relief as she unclipped her bra and dropped it on the floor. She loved living alone.
She poured pineapple juice in her massive reusable metal water bottle (cold all day!) and promptly laid on the couch, ready to continuing binging the lame comedy show she’s been obsessed with.
Her bladder filling, in all of this. But the bathroom was upstairs, and when she pressed her legs together, she hardly felt it.
She sipped from her bottle, laying sideways and not spilling a drop. It was a skill, truly.
One episode turned into another, the bottle was over half gone, and Gianna had a hand pressed against her pussy.
She bit her lip and clicked next episode, she sipped from her bottle and shoved her hand deeper against her sweatpants, pressing her legs together tighter. She ached after a long work day, she was not climbing those stairs until bed time. It was only just nearing nine, and it was Friday night. No bed time.
Another episode. Gianna wiggled back and forth, getting a little thrill out of moving her hand against her clothed pussy. The pressure was quiet nice, actually. She found she liked pressing closer, harder, she would have to touch herself before bed, no doubt. She did every night, after all.
She indulged in the rest of her bottle. She turned onto her back as the TV blared, closing her eyes, she held it up above her and sucked down the rest of the sugary goodness.
Her bladder throbbed, as did her pussy. Within ten minutes, the flavor of the juice was gone off her tongue. More. She needed more.
Mmm, but she was so comfy, and she snaked a hand into her pants, clutching herself over her underwear. Only then did she slide two fingers into her wet pussy and press with the heel of her hand. She moaned slightly, not moving, just holding.
She clutched her bladder, she was trembling, enjoying it a little, like it was the brink of an orgasm.
She folded in half, laughing deeply at a stupidly funny line delivery from the show. She held herself a bit tighter and felt herself almost pee. She didn’t, though. The joke faded as she watched, but yeah, more juice.
She took her hand out of herself and ignored her wet fingers as she pulled herself off the couch to the kitchen, not bothering to pause the show. She also ignored her bladder, which felt sort of weak like a pinched off hose, destined to break free. Well, it would come out eventually, when she went upstairs, to her bathroom.
She filled her bottle again until there was only a drop left in the bottle. Damn, she would have to go to the store again and get two bottles. She finished what was left in the bottle, eyes rolling back in her head at the sour, sugary drink. She left the bottle on the counter and went back to the couch.
Her legs were wrapped together tightly. Another episode. She sipped more from her bottle and found herself grinding forward slightly, on nothing, but her legs were slightly closer to her pussy, and it felt nice.
Wow, did it feel nice. Her bladder was rolling like the ocean. She chugged from her bottle.
She could not get enough of the juice. As she drank more, another hilarious moment happened in the show. She almost spit the juice but managed to swallow it as she was enveloped in scream laughter.
Her pants were warm.
She grabbed herself, cutting off her giggling but still smiling. Yeah, her pants were a little warm. Huh. What are the odds?
She groped at the couch under her, it was dry. It all caught on the front of her pants, then. She indulged in imagining the wet spot, no doubt it would be hilarious, but she didn’t get up to check.
Well, the couch was fine, and she felt slightly better. So.
Another episode, it was getting late, her eyelids were heavy, it was closer to bed time. Her bottle was nearly empty and her bladder felt worse than when she pissed her pants.
“Not gonna wet myself,” Gianna said, and then she finished her pineapple juice. She dropped the bottle on the floor and pressed both her hands against her crotch. Ten more minutes of the show, then she would go up.
She rocked back and forth, her breathing was coming heavy, she was sweating, and the wetness on her panties and sweatpants was making her feel strange. The taste of pineapple remained on her tongue and she mourned the loss of it. First thing, a trip to the supermarket. Three bottles this time, or four.
Just then, the main guy said something half funny, something that would normally only cause a little giggle from Gianna.
She snorted, then rolled onto her back and laughed, fully body laughs.
Once again, her pants were growing damp.
She stood, as it wasn’t stopping that time. She got off the couch and made it four steps, beside the sofa, still near the glowing TV.
She could hear the hissing during a quiet moment in the show. She took her hands away and bent over, watching as the pee she felt escaping her body glistened against her pants. They darkened, lines of pee ran down her legs in little rivers. She felt her bottom soak, it was warm and sweet, she pressed her hand to her ass.
She was properly humiliated, but as she pressed the warm wetness against her, as she continued to soak her clothes, knowing she could now stop and control herself, she knew she enjoyed it.
She bit back a smile as the puddle at the floor soaked into her socks. She refrained from splashing in it, knowing it was in poor taste, as she was wetting herself as a grown woman, mere steps from her fully functioning bathroom.
Gianna’s thighs were clinging to the dripping material by the time she was finished. Laughing, she smacked her ass, the sound of the wet material made her bite her lip and do it again.
She had serious clean up to do. Whatever. As she mopped at the floor, naked from the waist down, she made plans to drive to the supermarket near her house in the morning. Nothing was going to keep her from her beloved drink.
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writer-rubes · 3 months
Head in the Clouds
A Wholesome Fic
A/N: No need to worry, I’m still invested as heck in SAMS/LAES. I’m just gonna take a break from writing about it for a while. I can only take so much angst! Besides, I planned to do more with this blog anyway. It’s for all my obsessions, not just one!
But anyways, onto something incredibly self indulgent. I’ve been stupidly obsessed with @fluffyhare ‘s Avery! And their love, Casper, of course! They’re so sweet and cute. I adore them with all my being and all their tomfoolery. So that’s why I’m throwing in a third whe- I mean, doing some cute interactions with them with my own persona! Because honestly- I’m lonely
Casper and Avery belong to @fluffyhare ! No worries, I got their permission!
I hope you enjoy it! And I hope I did Avery’s character justice-
Head in the Clouds
Chapter 1/3: The Meeting
CW: Drowning, Depression, Injury, Romantic Fluff, Teasing
(No real tickles yet, but they’ll come up, no worries)
What was with that night?
Not words I’d typically use to describe supernatural experiences and almost drowning, but here we are. Those words were all I could think of to describe that night.
One week ago, I had nearly drowned. It was late at night, and I had gone out to the pier to think. I had been experiencing a lot of difficult feelings, so I figured staring out into the foggy, dark sea would allow for my mind to clear.
It did clear my mind for a while. The crashing of the waves, the smell of the salty sea, and the view of the moon just above the horizon… it was a perfect picture for a calm mind. Staring out allowed for the fog within me to part and give me the strength to go onward.
However, as I turned to walk back to my apartment, I was faced with a strange, shadow like figure. Since it was too dark, I couldn’t make out their face. I tried to walk away, but before I could even process what was happening, the figure grabbed me by the waist, and threw me over the edge of the pier, and I plummeted into the sea below.
I didn’t have time to process it, run, or even catch myself. It all happened so fast. As I fell into the cold sea, I struggled to swim up for air. However, every time I tried to reach the surface, another wave crashed on top of me, pushing me down further. Though I could swim, I wasn’t exactly a strong swimmer. Eventually, the lack of air started to get to me, and I felt my consciousness start to fade.
Suddenly, I felt air fill my lungs again. Something held onto my hood, and yanked my head above the water. I could barely see due to the salt in my eyes, but the figure who pulled me out wiped it away with a wet cloth. I got a good look at them.
Their head… it was the shape of a cumulus cloud. They had glasses, and a puffy sweater for the current colder months. Wearing a sweater in the ocean? Blasphemy!
This being… I wasn’t sure what they were. A deity? A guardian angel? Or something else? Did I die? So many questions were running through my head. The figure rested their soft hand on my cheek for a moment as I stared in awe. They looked like they were about to speak, but police sirens, ambulance horns, and worried chatter were heard on the beach. Before I could thank them, the figure dropped me off on the beach, and disappeared.
Doctors, bystanders, and police officers surrounded me, asking me hundreds of questions. I could hardly process them all. I kept assuring them I was alright. But I didn’t tell them how I fell in. Or what saved me. They’d think I was crazy! So I just told them I was walking at night and a stray dog chased me off the pier. I hoped they’d believe it.
Now, a week later, I had recovered just fine. But I stayed away from the pier. I didn’t want that figure to come back. But now it was early morning, and I was up and walking, long before businesses were open. Why? I couldn’t sleep. I was too focused on my own work to realize that it was already six in the morning. Now, I was walking through a mist so thick, I could barely see my own feet as I walked. Who would he crazy enough to be awake and out in this weather besides me?
A cry of shock answered my question.
Upon hearing this cry, it sounded like someone had gotten hurt. I hated seeing others harmed. I followed the noise, and saw someone I hadn’t seen, despite living in Port Oleander for a while. They had blue hair, a green hoodie, and a pair of jeans, plus a pair of blue sneakers on. They were on the ground, wincing in pain. I rushed over to them, and bent down next to them.
“Are you alright?” I asked them. They turned to face me.
“I-I’m fine. God, why did I decide to go skating when I can barely see the ground?” They asked themself. I noticed that beside them was a longboard. That must be why they fell. I frowned slightly. I saw that they had a pretty bad cut on their hand…
“Oh, my…” I whimpered, opening my purse. “I swear I have some bandages in here somewhere…” I dug around in my purse for a while, trying to figure out where they were. I found them, and pulled them out.
“Come here, this won’t hurt.” I assured them. They held out their hand, and I took it. I wrapped up their hand in bandages, preventing any bleeding or infection.
“Thank you… that’s better.” They muttered. I stood up, and I helped them stand up. I led them over to a nearby bench, and I got their longboard for them before sitting down next to them.
“So… what happened?” I asked quietly.
“Oh…” I could tell they felt slightly embarrassed. “Well, I woke up early, so I decided to go and skate for a while. I figured it would give me some energy. But I wasn’t watching where I was going, and I didn’t realize I was so close to the curb. My board fell off the sidewalk and I tumbled with it.”
I nodded as I listened. I could understand going out and doing something nice. Something to clear the mind a little. I certainly did a week ago. But then they broke the silence again.
“And what about you? Why are you out here?”
My cheeks turned slightly pink. “I… have been struggling as of late. I also woke up early, and I thought a stroll would make me feel better.” I shrugged. I was also thinking of that odd being who saved me… but I decided not to mention it.
“What’s your name?” I asked the one beside me. They smiled a bit.
“Oh, I’m Casper.” They said. I got a full grip on him when he told me his name, and I softly giggled.
“Really? You don’t look like a ghost to me.” I joked. Casper chuckled softly.
“I’ve heard that one before.” He said. “And you are?”
“I’m Rubes.” We shook hands. At least, I shook his hand that wasn’t hurt. “Nice to meet you, Casper.”
“Nice to meet you too, Rubes.” He responded.
We spent a little while talking. Getting to know each other a little. I told him about my library job, why I moved here, and what I liked doing. While he told me about his drawing abilities, his love of skateboarding, and his own hobbies. There was something about him I really enjoyed. He was just so sweet.
“It’s wonderful that you have such a muse, Casper.” I said during our conversation.
“He’s a perfect muse! I expected him to come running after I fell, but he is a scientist. So may-“ He was cut off when a voice rang out through the mist.
In a blur, Casper was picked up and carried off the bench, held in the arms of a mysterious figure that I couldn’t make out in the mist.
“Avery?” Casper said nervously.
“Oh, Dewdrop, I’m so sorry! I woke up sensing you fell, but I couldn’t get ready to come out in time! I tried to hurry, I promise!” Casper assured the figure.
“It’s okay, but…” He pointed to me, and I was just sitting there, staring at them.
“What?” The figure asked, before he turned to look at me. He was a bit surprised to see me. Maybe he thought only Casper was nuts enough to come out in this weather.
But he looked so familiar.
The figure approached me, and I shifted slightly on the bench. A soft smile appeared on their cloud-like face.
“I’m glad you’re alright.” He muttered. Then it clicked.
“You…” I whispered, shock lining my voice. “You’re the one who saved me.”
A slow nod followed from the cloud. He was so gentle. He bowed his head in respect.
“I am. I’m Doctor Avery Nimbus. It is an honor to finally meet you.” He said, taking my hand. “And I must thank you for helping Casper. He means the world to me, and I wish I could have been here sooner to help…”
“Oh, it’s okay.” I assured the doctor. “I’m Rubes… And really, thank you. Thank you for saving me.” I whispered as he helped me up from the bench.
“Wait… he saved you?” Casper added. I nodded, started to quickly explained what happened.
“I… went to think on the pier, and I fell into the sea.” I left out the scary figure part. “But he… pulled me above the water just in time. And got me to the beach where a search party was.” I explained. “If I’m being honest… I thought he was a dream.”
Avery let out a soft chuckle. He lifted his hand and stroked it across my cheek.
“Does that feel like a dream, Rubes?” He asked. I smiled and shook my head.
“No… But you do have soft hands.” I whispered. Avery chuckled again.
“All the better to tease my Dewdrop with~” He went over to Casper, and hugged him from behind. Casper let out a gasp, and a surprised, yet happy squeak.
“H-hey! Avery!” He cried.
“What? Is my touch just too much?” He started putting light kisses on Casper’s cheeks. “Does it make your cheeks red? Does it make you happy?” Casper whined and giggled as his cheeks burned a deep shade of red.
I was happy for them. It was clear they loved each other. And I wasn’t the type to interrupt sweet moments. So I picked up my purse, and slowly started to walk off. Before I could get even three steps away however, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.
“Rubes, wait… where are you going?” Avery asked me.
“Oh, um… I was hoping to return to my apartment so I could get ready for work.” I answered. Avery shook his head.
“Oh, that won’t do! Not at all!” He cried. “I still need to thank you kindly for helping Casper when he fell!”
“Avery, I’m alright-“ Casper tried to tell his cloud love, but Avery ignored it. Not to be rude to him, but to be nice to me.
“How about you spend a little time on the beach with us? It’s so foggy that no one will find us. I could get you some tea, and we could become more acquainted.” I smiled a bit at the offer. He was so sweet… Besides, Avery didn’t seem like the type who was going to take no for an answer…
“Oh, alright.” I answered. “But just for a little bit… I have work in a few hours. The library opens at around ten.” I muttered.
Avery clapped his hands together in delight. “Wonderful!” He pulled both myself and Casper down the boardwalk to the beach. A thick layer of fog covered the sea and sand around us. I turned to face Casper.
“Are you sure being on the beach like this is… safe?” I asked quietly.
“With Avery around, we’re in the safest hands possible.” He assured me. I wasn’t sure if that was true, but I decided I had nothing to lose. Well, besides my cat.
Avery pulled out a towel for us to rest on. It was big enough for all three of us to sit down on. Despite the clouds above and the fog surrounding us, the beach felt oddly tranquil. Like I was floating in an abyss, with no thoughts plaguing me. Just the mist around the picnic blanket, Casper’s calm expression, and Avery’s kindness. Avery looked me over for a moment, and smiled a bit.
“Please don’t tell me what your favorite tea flavor is. I want to see if I can read you.” I thought about that. If he picked a flavor that I had never tried, that would be okay. I loved tea.
“Okay…” I just went along with him. His body blended in with the mist around us, and he vanished. I was surprised for a moment. That was a fun party trick. I turned again to Casper, who was sitting next to me with a relaxed expression.
“You two are… dating, correct?” I asked. Casper nodded.
“I guess it’s obvious.” He laughed slightly. “But he means the world to me. He’s beautiful, caring, soft…” His cheeks turned red as he fawned over his cloud love. I smiled as I listened.
“He sounds lovely.” I whispered. “And you two make an adorable couple.”
“Oh, thank you…” Casper smiled slightly at my words. “He saved you from drowning?” He asked me, and I slowly nodded.
“It was horrifying.” My breath shook slightly. “I really thought I was gonna die… But he pulled me above water, and I could breathe the moment my nose and mouth resurfaced…” Casper nodded as he listened.
“Avery… he’s a very powerful being.” He explained. “He can shut power off with his electricity, he can control water, he’s an amazing swimmer…” He started to blush. “He can even make… ghost hands…” He trailed off at that, his face turning a deeper shade of red.
“So… what is he, exactly?” I asked. “Where did he come from?”
Casper thought for a moment before answering.
“From what he told me, he’s from a place called Cirropa. A world full of cloud people. He’s told me he’s an elemental. Which makes sense… He also has wind powers and ice crystals in him.” I nodded as he spoke.
“And… how did you meet him?” I asked quietly. He laughed a little.
“Similar way you did. I fell into the sea, and he saved me and took care of me. From there, we bonded, and we eventually fell for each other.” He sighed in contentment, tracing shapes in the nearby sand with his finger. “He’s always so gentle. And so kind with his words.”
I nodded as I listened. Now I felt bad. I was probably being a third wheel to them, when they clearly adored each other. I was probably in their way. I turned away, staring out at the mist, watching it fold over itself. Before I could get too deep in thought, Avery returned with two cups of tea in his hand, and one on his cloudy head.
“Here’s yours, Casper.” He handed the boy a cup. “It’s your favorite.”
Casper chuckled softly, taking a sip. I smiled a little. Avery was truly a gentle one. The cloud took the other cup off of his head, and handed it to me.
“This one’s yours, Rubes. I hope you like vanilla chai.” I smiled as I took it.
“That’s actually my favorite.” I admitted to Avery. “Thank you…” I took a sip from mu own cup. It was a gentle and sweet flavor as I expected, but it was just strong enough to get the full flavor, and light enough to not feel like getting smacked in the face with it.
“It’s perfect.” I whispered softly. Avery chuckled.
“Only the best for my guests.” He gently poked my nose, making me giggle slightly. “So you say you work at the library?” He asked me. I nodded.
“It’s a paid internship, but yes. And I don’t do anything special. I just clean and help others who need my help. I’m basically just a supporter.” I shrugged. “But it’s nice. My boss is really sweet, and she supports my dreams of being an author.”
“You want to be an author?” Casper asked. I nodded slowly.
“Yes. It’s been my life’s dream since I was young. I love to write… it’s an escape for me. It allows me to throw myself into other worlds, be in other people’s shoes… Creating new concepts just from the mind alone…” I smiled slightly. “It’s a magical thing. And I want to share it.”
“That sounds lovely.” Avery said, warming my heart. “What do you intend to write?” He asked. I smiled slightly.
“Well, I have multiple stories in my head at once, but I’m going to flesh them out, one by one…”
I didn’t even realize I was rambling. When someone asks about my work, I get spun into a tizzy. I loved writing fantasy stories, and as such, a bunch of words spilled out before I could process it. At that point, I was just talking because it interested me. I didn’t even notice they were listening. Interested, even! I was just talking about the work I spent years perfecting. Normally, I’d only reveal them to those I trusted. But right now… I just wanted someone to hear it.
After I finished rambling with my tea, we started talking as a group. Avery told me of his own work, and both of them told me of their relationship. They were so sweet together. I never had a relationship like theirs. I hardly even know what romantic love felt like. No one was ever interested in me.
“I’m sure that someone out there admires you for who you are.” Avery told me. “You are a kind person. And I hope to spend more time with you in the future.”
“And you’ll probably see me often.” Casper added. “I’m always going to the library to pick up books for Avery.”
A sharp gasp escaped me. How long had I been here? I checked my phone.
Shoot! I had work in thirty minutes!
“As fun as this was, I… really have to go! Thank you for the tea, Avery!” I stood up. “Hope to see you both around!” I ran off to my apartment, ready to get changed for work. However, as I rushed, a special notebook fell out of my bag. I called it my purse, but it was more of a messenger bag than anything else.
Casper tried to call to me about it, but I was too far out of earshot to hear him. When the notebook fell, it was forced open to a page held with a feather bookmark. Casper, curiosity getting the better of him, picked it up.
His face turned immediately red when he read what was within. Pages and pages of characters of my own design, getting tickled. And it was descriptive, too. Not just a one off. There were even little doodles on the sides here and there. He practically choked on air for a moment.
“Dewdrop? Are you alright?” Avery asked as he noticed Casper’s burning face.
“Avery… look.” He handed Avery the notebook, taking deep breaths to try and recover from reading it. Avery’s face lit up in amusement. I certainly spared no details when it came to this stuff. Normally, I never took that notebook out in public. But I didn’t think anyone would be around.
“Do you know what this means, Casper?” Avery asked. Casper nodded.
“We have a community member we gotta welcome in.” Casper finished. “Should we return the notebook, though?” He asked quickly. Avery nodded.
“I will return it in due time. It is hers, after all. But I want to hold onto it for a bit…”
“For research purposes.”
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Dorian is verry easy to love, legit one of the cutest and most unique durge designs I’ve seen and all his lord is hella interesting! Anymore Dorian factoids about him and AA? I’m kinda interested in how he was with Astarion before he ascended (sorry if you’ve said before and I’ve just missed it)
sobing crying throwing up thank youuu i love my austic creature so much 😭 i wanted my self insert to be a furry and dnd has some very Furry races. im honestly a little suprised more people havent made their bg3 ocs a race other than whats in the game
i drew this a while ago but i didnt really like how it was turning out so i never posted it, but this is essentially what happened when they first met
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so they kinda got off on the wrong foot and would kinda bully eachother but dorian is a freak and got a kick out of his snark and would play along, which astarion warmed up to. honestly they both enable eachother, just because theyre both self indulgent sorts of people. theyre a brat and hes a bitch so imagine how everyone else at camp feels. also dorian got that autistic rizz, theyre so blunt and genuine that they, kind of stupidly, just transparently say what theure thinking all the time, which ends up not just being endearing but also in astarions mind it makes them easy to manipulate bc he already knows exactly what they're thinking. dorian is such an easy target honestly, so when astarion started picking up that dorian was becoming warm to him astarions old training kicks in and propositions dorian in aims of exploiting that fondness. they lost their memory of their first time thanks to their worm lobotomy so they kinda freak like "oh man i dont wanna die a virgin and this hot guy wants to fuck i cant not do it" and thats pretty much as far as i thought about it, i wanna get into the later act 1 and act 2 stuff at some point but i havent actually thought about it all that much xD
but theres sooo much that goes into how the two approach astarion's ascention, their entire relationship has been building up to this pretty intense sort of codependence, wrapped up in eachother's circumstances that they really only see themselves. ig dorian's canon is pretty bleak, companions dropping like flies. the survivors would end up being dorian, astarion, shadowheart, and minthara. so by act 3 theyre really hurting for allies and for firepower. dorian is finding it harder and harder to handle the urge, and is determined to rip their father's influemce from their mind and body. so when they go to bhaal's temple and fucking dies when they reject him, astarion's mind just warps with the fear of actually losing dorian, and while they were codependent before, this event would really plant that seed of what his obsession and possesiveness as the ascendant would become. it wasnt just about freedom anymore it was about keeping what was his. dorian was cautious about him ascending, really just worried for astarion's well being and if something were to go ary, astarion convincing them of course with saying it would be best for him, that it would free him, that he would have the power to protect them both. and dorian is ride or die so they're all in for bogarding cazador's ritual.
and like. they do.
dorian never seen astarion so happy, so relieved. power radiated from him. dorian, being a cleric, is intimately familiar with the divine, that reverence reserved for prayer, that sacred respect for their holy symbols, the awe upon beholding divinity, now was recognized in the vampire ascendant. and he knew it too, "you hold your breath when i speak" astarion indulged this when he proposed turning dorian into his spawn/bride (i subscribe to the bride theory but i like the idea of dorian being reffered to either astarion's spawn or his consort) he turns the whole affair into body worship it was pretty epic. throw in come communion symbolism too why not
i have written way to much i must rest my brain now thank you for asking anon ^w^
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marbleboa · 1 year
what are your thoughts on flage's hero shrines? I think he got cheated out of a story :\
Oh boy I indeed Possess Thoughts, ill try to be coherent here haha.
First off, absolutely. Out of all of DD2 Flag's features in the sequel his shrines were the most disappointing to me. Once we got his dd2 reveal I kept thinking about what new things we might learn--even getting stupidly anxious that it'd be so far off from what I established in my own writing that I would become Cringe and Fail. I remember after DD2 dropped, I was literally SO fidgety lmao. Once i saw all the shrines, it was a weird mixture of relief and shock at how lackluster the whole thing was.
One could say that there's a pretty important revelation in his place within the Vestal's narrative, for sure. However, the way that no other heroes have interconnected backstories like this made it feel...odd, to me. It's an addition to his story, sure, but it isn't really his. Put together with the rest, it's a bunch of disjointed narrative beats that accumulate into a shallow progression of masochistic obsession that, while certainly fitting Damian's character, lacks a narrative punch.
I'd say the weakest shrine out of them all would be the third, leading up to his confrontation with death--it's lovely descriptive writing as always, but the gist of it is "he just kept getting injured until he almost died". I think it would've benefited substantially by use of a gameplay section to tell the story, a classic case of 'show, don't tell'.
Pulling this idea out of my ass as we speak but. Maybe instead of the church just casting him out on the street, liable to share secrets that might tarnish their holy facade to the common folk, they punish him for his indulgences. A spiteful attempt to break him, to put him through a level of brutalization that would shatter his resolve and "humble him before the Light"--and ends up bringing him face to face with Death. Emerging from that, he defies the word of the Light he once worshiped so ardently and finds his own ascension in his broken body(there's a notable lack of Light-talk in his DD2 barks, he's somehow even more self absorbed lmao)
I think too, it would've been cool to catch a glimpse of humanity in him before he went full zealot mode. Don't need a full sob story, just something to show that even though he's lost in the ecstasy-of-agony sauce, free of the consequences that others--even Death--could exact, something was lost. A tragedy that Damian himself can no longer comprehend
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arnaerr · 1 year
Came here for the Dragon Age, stayed for Tavi. 🖤 Sorry if I missed where you addressed this, but if she's alive and still apart of the DB during the events of Skyrim, how does she feel about Lucien being a spectral summon? 👀
Aww I'm glad!! 🥰💕💕 I'm so happy you like her <3 No problem, so far I mostly mentioned my Skyrim AU only on my Patreon, since I post related sketches there. The idea is, that I created this AU mostly because I wanted Tavi and Karonis to be friends, because I really like the differences in their personalities and their overall dynamic. They help each other grow: she helps Karonis to become more confident on his Dragonborn duty, and also teaches him using one-handed weapons (bc he's a mage and Tavi insists that he can't rely on the magic only) and later helps him with the DB business. And Karonis helps Tavi to figure out life again, since she feels very confused after escaping the Shivering Isles (I think she just handled the mantle of Sheogorath to someone else) + she never managed to process all this grief after DB collapse and Martin's death, so...she's a mess now. But Karonis is a sweet cinnamon bun, and he's happy to help.
SO, Lucien :^) I think she will be very broken-hearted seeing him like this, but also pissed off that he died so STUPIDLY yknow :D and Lucien will be pissed off that she abandoned the DB and flew to the Shivering Isles, tho it's not something she could control (I like to think that once she heard the Sheogorath's call to visit the Isles, she couldn't really resist and was hallucinating/being obsessed with the idea of the Isles until she found the gate). And it all made me so sad, that in this AU I made Lucien alive...somehow. I don't care if this cringe and self-indulgent, the lore is wild in TES anyway lol, and I'm too old to care, I just want Tavi to be happy :))) but first, they have to go through enemies to lovers phase bc it's fun haha.
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lollytea · 2 years
If Willow reads both Azura and Cosmic Frontier, which one do you think she will love more? Like in another Halloween scenario will she costume-up with Lumity or with the boys?
Willow is implied to be at least somewhat endeared with Azura, though it's likely most of that comes loving Luz so much and wanting to support her. It seems like the reason Azura doesn't sell on the Boiling Isles is cuz it's such a cheesy unrealistic portrayal of witches that no self respecting witch would actually enjoy it. (Except for Amity. But Amity is an autistic icon.) However, judging by Willow's Halloween costume, she has no problem indulging herself by dressing up as a silly parody of a witch every now and again. So she'd totally be down for humouring Luz and Amity by doing a trio costume. But ONLY if she can dress up as the villain.
I can't see her being able to read through all of the books (there's only so much shmultzy ridiculous writing she can take. Its only funny for the first few chapters.) but she's probably watched a few of the movies and allowed Luz and Amity to gush about it to her. She's a casual fan if anything who enjoys it ironically but still has a soft spot for it cuz her besties love it so much.
When it comes to Cosmic Frontier, I think she'd definitely enjoy it more than Azura but she wouldn't become obsessed with it like Hunter and Gus are. She reads the first book because she's stupidly in love and was like "That's was nice :)" but doesn't really have any strong opinions about it. It was a fun way to kill a few hours.
But Gus and Hunter fucking AMBUSH her cuz they want to know her THOUGHTS. But they end up getting carried away in their info dumping and spoil the next few books before she can even think about reading them. Willow doesn't really care. She enjoys her boys being excited way more than the books themselves.
Hunter could definitely talk her into joining them for a group cosplay. There's a number of things he could talk her into. So she's out here dressed as a character from the sequel she hasnt read and she has no idea who they're supposed to be but Gus and Hunter are just ecstatic that she's participating. She thinks her costume is really cool tho. For no particular reason.
ANYWAY people really want Willow and Hunter to bond over Cosmic Frontier but me personally, I prefer it being Hunter and Gus's special thing, while Willow is just a very confused but enthusiastic girlfriend.
You know what I really want? Really really want? Luz and Amity have a fantasy. Gus and Hunter have sci fi. I really want Willow and Vee to both get into the same nerdy genre at the same time and gush over it together. My personal headcanon is that it's superhero comics.
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fluxweeed · 1 year
10 first lines
share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics / wips
hi @teeteringpileofunusednotebooks and @nv-md! tysm for the tag + i’m sorry i’m so late!! mari – i’m ridic excited for your stupid number of WIPs – also i feel like you’ve started writing at least? two more? since you posted your version? i’m laughing, but with love. ali – your lines are all so perfect and make me miss ur writing so much! nv-md binge incoming!!! 
the last time i did this was exactly 10 published fics ago, so this is actually perfect timing! last time i also completely ignored the rules and talked in-depth about each line, and u kno what? tumblr is about the only place i feel comfortable being stupidly self-indulgent, so here we are again lmao 🙈
in reverse chronological order:
1. For Lack of Wanting (8.4k, E, unrequited drarry)
I was obsessed with him, you know.
(this line and also the entire first section is so tell-y but tbh i purposefully didn’t care. i just wanted to write some fucked-up unrequited roleplay sex, you know? sometimes you have to forget about writing good and just treat urself)
2. Still the pine-woods scent the moon (15.5k, E, remus/harry)
It seems like a reasonable idea, at first.
(so this fic actually started off as a sirius/harry after i went on a huge @lqtraintracks bender one weekend [and if u haven’t already, stop what ur doing and go inhale all 19 lqt sirius/harry fics immediately]. then i realised there was nothing i could really add to a sirius/harry fic that hadn’t been done already - but i came across this art and it lodged itself into my brain forever. it’s just the vibes, u know?? how soft remus looks but also the way he’s looking right at the camera?? that man is in CONTROL. so anyway then obv i needed to find a way to get him into grimmauld place so he could walk in on draco fucking harry in the arse. thus: first line.)
3. Ferrety Little Mouths and How to Snog with Them (5k, T/M, soft drarry kissing)
“And she lost her shit, can you believe it?”
(can’t rly take credit for this one; this whole section with draco talking about his ex is almost word-for-word a convo i had with a friend about their ex and their friend who was weird about it. not quite sure the phrase “she lost her shit” was used, but that was def the vibe.)
4. Two to Lie and One to Listen (85k, E, drarry fake relationship [sort of])
She’d got another letter from the Ministry that morning. It was from the Muggle Liaison Office this time. 
(god, this fic. in the very first draft, hermione was the legit villain: the sort of friend who is well-meaning and loudly supportive, but is lowkey bigoted and doesn’t think that queer relationships are as meaningful as straight ones. then before the first big rewrite i started thinking more about her motivations and had the idea of making her trans – both to give her a non-bigot reason for agreeing to help draco hide his sexuality and not tell harry about it [it’s all about the trauma, folks!!], but also as a nice little fuck-you to jkr. so then she needed more of her own storyline, bc it felt like a bit of a cop-out to be like “hey this character is trans i swear! anyway let’s mostly ignore her and have her get in the way of the main pairing” [which, honestly, is still sort of the vibe of the fic], so she got her big Let’s Change The World Campaign.
the first version of this prologue was from draco POV; the second version was hermione POV but she was sooo mean and angry; this one is the third attempt. i wanted to show her desperate attempts at making any kind of change, anywhere at all, so it’s a bit more plausible that when she runs into draco malfoy, she’s like “ok yeah sure let’s pretend to be boyfriendgirlfriend!” lol. also does it bother anyone else that there are three different tenses in this one line? everything about this fic makes me sick lmfao)
5. Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) (10k, T, epistolary author!harry/publishing-grunt!draco)
(can’t remember whose idea it was to start with a cv? it seems like the sort of lazy backstory shortcut i would do, lmao, unless it was actually @lastontheboat​’s idea, in which case it was a genius move to introduce draco’s work struggle and set the tone for his journey thru the rest of the fic)
6. An Auror Error (1k, T, stupid drarry auror fic written in tongue-twisters)
Harry shivered under Malfoy’s stern glare.
(1. wanted it to be left a bit ambiguous what harry’s actually feeling here [reality: he’s shivering bc he thinks draco is sexy when he glares, but also he could be scared bc he’s being interrogated?] 2. playing around a little bit with the s/sh sounds. easing into the nonsense to come.)
7. Eight o’clock, tomorrow evening (11.5k, E, drarry legilimency sex)
It was seven fifty-five, and Draco’s stomach churned.
(listen, i thought i was doing something with the title being a line from the end of The Four Doors, which this fic is a lil sequel to. this first line was (a) tying that together even more and also (b) establishing the POV switch from harry POV in 4D)
8. The Taste of Țuică (15k, E, ron/harry/draco)
Mum always says my problem is that I care too much. I think that’s nonsense, honestly—one of those meaningless things mums say to make you feel better about overreacting to stupid shit. But I can’t deny that I care about my friends. I mean, really care about them. You know?
(i’m including the whole first line here instead of just the sentence bc i was trying to do sooo much here, lmao. first, i wanted to really ground this fic in ron POV, and the weasleys are so very Family [u know??], so i wanted to get that in asap. i also wanted to get in ron’s maybe-demisexuality in there – i love love LOVE getting characters to explicitly state something about themselves while also simultaneously not realising it at all [seriously i do this all the time, promptly forget about this if ever u plan to read one of my fics bc it will be all u can see now haha] and this absolutely an example of that. poor old ron is going “hey i love my friends soooo much, i love hermione, and also i love harry, i just love them both SO MUCH. wait why tf did i kiss harry that one time???” what a chump.)
9. Belatedly Consummated (4k, E, drarry post-arranged marriage fuck)
The problem is: Harry can’t stop touching Draco.
(idk man i just really liked the thought of these two idiots having to cohabit and try to remain platonic while they get a magical boner every time they touch each other ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ this one also gave me a chance to do another thing i rly like to do, which is take the first line and make it the last line, except the last line is somehow Resolved. last lines are fuckin HARD, i use this trick all the time, pls also forget this one before reading any of my fics, ty)
10. Show them the night that they dreamed about before (6.5k, E, percy/harry/draco)
Draco’s first thought is, Huh, Potter’s here again.
His second thought is, What is he doing, bent over the desk like that?
His third thought is, Oh. Weasley is fucking him.
(i think this was the first thing i wrote for this fic and i lowkey still love it. i think it’s maybe a bit confusing? clunky? i feel like one of my beta’s didn’t like it? but it makes me laugh and also i enjoy the mental image of percy going to town on harry and draco standing there experiencing a whole-ass face journey while otherwise completely motionless, so.)
1. 10k/15kish written, E, silly drarry vagina fic
As soon as Harry wakes up, he knows that Something is Not Right.
(i feel like this might stay the same in the final version? this wip is about 5 years old lmao but i’ve been playing with this beginning section a bit recently. have made it 100% sillier and imo it’s improved it so much. still not sure i’ll ever finish it.)
2. 27k/50kish written, M, drarry polyjuice clubfic
In general, Harry is grateful for Hermione’s efforts to keep him alive.
(i strongly suspect i’m going to rewrite this entire first scene once i actually finish the fic and realise there are secret themes that currently elude me. atm it works as a way of getting them to where they need to be [on a brisk morning walk!] and also as a joke later on in the fic, but there’s nothing else really going on with it.)
god i’m so sorry for hijacking a simple tag game to talk about myself at such obnoxious length ;_; hope it encourages more writers to talk about their processes tho, i need more fic writing meta content now galla’s bonus podfic episodes are offline. tag me if u do this / come across this pls!!! love u ❤️
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maryse127 · 7 months
Spotify Wrapped
(plus my rambles as commentary)
Taylor Swift to absolutely nobody's surprise. Tho this year I am only top 1% last year I was 0.something%
Yoko Shimomura keeps her well deserved second place!
Nobuo Uematsu because wow you can really tell I went to a Final Fantasy concert early this year and loved it :)
Fall Out Boy thanks to their amazing album So Much (for) Stardust and their collab with Taylor Swift on Speak Now Taylor's Version
Måneskin also thanks to an album drop and concert early this year
Electric Touch (feat. Fall Out Boy) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) by Taylor Swift and Fall Out Boy - I love how stupidly long this title is XD But also just, Two of my favorites collaborating on a remake of one of my favorite albums of all time. I love this song.
Cruel Angel's Thesis because damn the Evangelion obsession was Very Strong back in October
I Can See You (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) by Taylor Swift - I Can See You and you guys can see that I love Speak Now. Also at one point I realised this song fits my self indulgent Final Fantasy XV au so yeah of course this has been played on repeat A Lot XD
Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence + The Machine - Did somebody mention Final Fantasy XV? This song is so beautiful and I recommend it to everyone even if you don't give a shit about the game.
Valse di Fantastica by God Yoko Shimomura - Final Fantasy XV My Beloved
Honorable mentions for songs lower on the list:
One Last Kiss by Hikaru Utada which is also an Evangelion song and ended up at place 6 despite me only watching the movie it belongs to 3 weeks ago
Actually all the Utada songs from the Evangelion movies made top 100 in these 3 weeks
The Call by Regina Spektor at 18 because damn I must have been feeling very nostalgic about Prince Caspian (I used to be obsessed with that movie)
The entirety of Songs from Final Fantasy XV by Florence and The Machine being in the top 12 as it should be (I am once again asking yall to listen to this album)
There is a grand total of 40(!) Final Fantasy songs in this list. Most of which (32) are from FFXV
Highest Ranking non Final Fantasy XV Final Fantasy song is Suteki Da Ne from FFX which has more to do with the Final Fantasy concert than me actually playing FFX this summer (this song is sooo beautiful)
FFXV main game: 18, FFXV dlc: 7, FFXV Florence and the Machine: 3, FFXV piano collections: 4
And 2 from the concert being the main Final Fantasy Theme and a medley of FF1-3
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
Jokes on you, I know for a fact there are at least half a dozen folks who would kill for you to drop an elaborate 150k document about Jesse, Demi, and Baby. 💕
If there are a million people who love your Epileptic Jesse in Alaska posting, I’m one of them. If there are 100, I’m one of them. If there is one fan of Epileptic Jesse in Alaska posting, it’s me. If there are none left then I am no longer on this earth!
see the thing is that I have like 150 pages of stuff written abt them on google docs but so much of it is like dumb and gooey to the point of being out of character and stupidly self indulgent that even my devoted fanbase of u and my other mutuals who have been assimilated into my pyramid scheme could not bear it.
but that being said, he is epileptic even in alaska. ESPECIALLY in alaska. i will never let go of ur hand, u will never no longer be of this earth!!!! we are in this together (this = jesse obsession)
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dropsofjupitcr · 22 days
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Punishment and Perfection
The harsh screech of metal blades carving into the ice reverberated through the empty arena like a battle cry. Hunter propelled himself across the gleaming surface with powerful strides, his jaw clenched in intense determination.
He was alone tonight - just the way he preferred it lately. No prying eyes, no distractions, nothing to disrupt Hunter from confronting his deepest demons through the only way he knew how: pouring every ounce of raw emotion into his skating.
This ritual had become his sole obsession over the past several months, an attempt to absolve himself through sheer physical punishment and perfection of his craft. If he skated hard enough, long enough, honing every jump and spin into absolute precision, maybe - just maybe - he could outrun the guilt steadily devouring him from the inside.
Hunter transitioned into his first jump sequence, launching himself into the air with a ferocious athleticism. His body arched and twisted in a dazzling spiral - quad lutz, triple axel, quad toe loop. Landed in textbook form, not even a wobble on the landings. A small, grim smile crept across his sweat-slicked face at sticking the immensely difficult combination.
But it wasn't enough. It would never be enough.
So he fed off that caged anguish bubbling within him, channeling those bruised emotions directly into his movements. The rage and self-loathing over what he had sacrificed with a single, careless mistake. The all-consuming shame of failing his closest friend when she needed him most. And the desperate, ravenous hunger to feel that all-consuming fire of competition again - to be the best no matter what it cost him.
Because at his pinnacle, before the accident, Hunter had been utterly sublime. An ethereal force of physicality and artistic prowess on the ice, destined for the sort of immortal greatness reserved only for the sport's legends. He and Ophelia had been unstoppable, their incandescent partnership unlike anything the figure skating world had ever seen.
Until Hunter's arrogance and obsession with perfection destroyed it all in one stupidly reckless instant.
He shuddered at the memory of Ophelia's fragile body crumpled on that unforgiving ice, the way her anguished screams mingled with the clatter of breaking bones still replaying in Hunter's skull on an endless, torturous loop. A white-hot flash of anger knifed through him at his role in ripping away her dreams - perhaps their last opportunity at achieving immortality together on the biggest stage.
The fury propelled him into a blistering step sequence, Hunter practically snarling through each intricate footwork pattern like a caged animal. Every slashing shoulder movement, dramatic twisting of his spine and carved edge radiated his inner turmoil for the world to witness, even if no other eyes were currently taking it in.
This rink had become his own personal hell to marathon through, night after night. Pushing past physical limitations until his body was drenched in sweat and threatening to give out. The more he depleted himself, the better. Hunter deserved that rawness consuming every muscle, that beautiful brutality of skating greatness that risked destruction with any mistimed lapse in focus.
In a sense, he was punishing himself the only way he could comprehend. Hunter refused to let any stint tonight feel unearned, because that's what had led him to those fateful moments where self-indulgent complacency made him cost that which mattered most. No, he would fight for every second of time on this ice, just as he should have been fighting alongside Ophelia with every fiber of their beings.
So he kept skating through the ambient silence, interrupted only by the shredding of his blades and his own ragged breathing echoing back at him. Hunched over at one point in exhaustion, sweat cascading down Hunter's body. He blinked moisture from his eyes - from exertion or silent tears, even he couldn't tell anymore. Whichever they were, Hunter refused to yield, refused to acknowledge any weakness.
When he finally straightened back upright, it was with the hollow, dead-eyed stare of somebody shutting down emotionally. Time for his final revolutions.
Hunter tore across the ice, building up his speed and rotation for an audacious quad axel. A jump only the sport's ultra-elite dared even attempt, with the insane amount of spins required courting near-guaranteed disaster. But Hunter refused to settle for any less than impossibility tonight.
As he coiled into the air, contorting his body with such serrated power and aggression, everything seemed to fall away in that fleeting eternity of flight. Just him, the cold stillness, and the void of solitude he had created around himself. A prison of his own making.
But like all things, gravity inevitably reclaimed Hunter's mortal form, dragging him back down hard onto that unforgiving sheet of ice.
Metal crunched against the surface with a violent shudder as Hunter tumbled and crashed through the final rotations - two, three, four...a wild lurch of his shoulder sending fresh shocks of pain radiating outward. Just as he somehow managed to deck the landing on one set of blades, an ankle twisted sickeningly beneath him on the other.
He skidded to a tangled, messy halt and simply laid there on the ice, sucking in ragged gulps of air to combat the lava coursing through his body. Hunter stared up into the dimly lit rafters unblinkingly, giving no hint of being fazed by his brutal wipeout whatsoever. Just remaining numb and motionless like a discarded ragdoll.
Only when his limbs started trembling uncontrollably from the sustained brutality did Hunter finally accept defeat for the evening. With a pained grunt, he dragged his battered body upright and limped off the ice, making sure to grab the small plastic baggie stashed in his gear bag on the way.
Once inside the locker room, Hunter peeled off his sweat-soaked clothes, shivering slightly as the cool air washed over his overheated frame. A grimace twisted his features as his fingers traced the fresh scrapes and bruises already mottling his skin - reminders of his relentless pursuit of perfection.
In the back of his foggy mind, Hunter knew he should probably seek medical attention for what was assuredly a sprained ankle or worse. But that was a voice drowned out by different needs, and a simpler kind of pain management.
With his body on that precarious edge between numbness and agony, Hunter twisted off the plastic baggie to reveal his chosen remedy: a stash of premium weed and a lighter. Flicking the flame to life, he ignited the joint and eagerly suckled in that first precious lungful of smoke like a man half-drowned finally reaching air.
The harsh vapors singed his throat in deliciously familiar fashion, already beginning to spread tendrils of psychoactive tranquility outward from Hunter's core. His eyes slid shut as he savored the initial lurching tide of delirious calm slowly unspooling his abused nerve endings.
Some distant part of Hunter knew he was far past self-medicating at this point, and well into straight self-destruction. To keep chasing the same vicious cycles of physically punishing himself on the ice, only to smoke, drink, and numb it all away after. It was an insulated bubble of isolated torment that afforded neither growth nor redemption.
But as Hunter took another greedy toke, his lungs savoring the sticky smoke unfurling within, he simply didn't give a fuck anymore. Not about his health, his dwindling self-worth, or even attempting to rebuild the shattered pieces of his former life.
All those concerns were just static in the void clouding Hunter's mind as he surrendered fully to the lurid pull of intoxicated oblivion. The harsh realities would keep until morning, until he was forced to drag his wrecked body back onto the ice to start the whole cycle anew.
For now, blissful nothing beckoned with sweet, seductive release to dull the gnawing ache inside. So Hunter inhaled deeply and fully embraced its stifling, suffocating caress.
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