#this was too long lol 📥
thatgirlwbraids · 1 year
HI I LOVE YOU BTW. okay so i wish i came across your care for your 3d whilst manifesting posts earlier but at this stage i don’t want to do anything from the old story. i just don’t. like i don’t even know how i’ll react if i were to be assuming my life will change completely to my ideal life and yet go back to the course i hate (thank you anon i am in an identical situation so your ask helped) . i just assumed that since manifestation is INSTANT and the 3d is fake and not real, imagination is the only reality. then it doesn’t matter what i do in the 3d or if i neglect it.
but i understand your pov and how it could affect my mental health if i continue to live in my head and watch the 3d around me fail, denying all of it by claiming 4d is the only reality.
i’m in a similar situation as the hate the course anon and um i guess i should go back to the course because i can’t face my parents after wasting more than a year and now that there are only a few months left i should try my best. but if i step into the 3d now, all of it will crush me. i don’t know what to do. if i step into the 3d i don’t think i’ll be able to step back out. i hope im making a little sense at least. sorry and thank you sm for listening <3
hi angel <3 ~ 😽 i’m glad I could help you with that ask manifestation is instant ( when you change SELF it expresses instantly ) it does matter what you do in the 3D because it is your expression it’s like neglecting your creation . realistically speaking, you can’t become a “ master manifestor “ overnight after finding the law , the law requires understanding once you understand the law aka the power of your imagination & that imagination is the only reality the law becomes gery easy to practice . it’s more about fulfilling your imagination than getting it in the 3D . ofc you got into the law for changing your life in the 3D but it’s important to understand that it’s just an expression of your inner world ( imagination ) . being a student is something that requires alot of your time & energy & ofc satisfying your parents. “ but if I step into the 3D now , all of it will crush me “ you’re always gonna have to face your harvest , and ofc you’re always living in this world of senses so you already have your step in it … try your best angel. I want to quote a few things .
“ The Outer-Man sees the limitations and restrictions in the World of the Senses. The Outer-Man feels he is limited and confined to the ‘facts’ of life. The Outer-Man goes through life fully convinced that this World of the Senses is happening to him not from him. He uses only his five senses to move in this World. So naturally he feels like a victim and desires to control this world through the means of force, manipulation etc. The Outer-Man feels fear that life can throw at him things that he is not prepared for. Situations he does not want to encounter but since he feels powerless, he fears the future. Since he cannot change the past, he guilt himself over it. This is how he is limited. Then there is the Inner-Man who lives in the World of Imagination. In this World, he is unlimited and can create what he wishes. He is free beyond measure and everything that he can be conceive of is his. Everything. Not one thing is not his because he is the Creator of it! If the Inner Man wants to walk into a store and take what he wishes without paying, he can also make the cashier wave and smile at him. EVERYTHING is permissible in the World of Imagination (1 Corin 10:23). Permissible meaning, if you want to change something within it, you can and you do not have to ask anyone's permission. If the Inner Man becomes frightened inside this World, or starts to feel guilty and fears a punishment, he can be rest assured that he is one the Creating ALL of that. There is NO OTHER GOD, CREATOR in the World of Imagination. However, here is where things must be understood. Without understanding this, everything I write or what Neville wrote becomes confusing and meaningless. THERE IS NO OBJECTIVE OUTER-MAN. The Outer-Man is simply an expression of the Inner Man. The only Man that exists is the Inner Man. There is NO OBJECTIVE WORLD OF THE SENSES. The World of the Senses, is but the expression of the World of Imagination. When the Outer-Man starts to fear his world, or he dislikes his world, it is not the Outer-Man who dislikes it. Nor is there something wrong with his Outer-World. There is only One who dislikes it and that is the Inner Man. This is important, please listen carefully: When the Outer-Man dislikes or fears his World of the Senses, it is actually the Inner Man fooling himself into believing he is the Outer-Man who is fearful of the World of the Senses. Meaning you are never NOT the Inner Man. In other words you are ALWAYS the Inner Man. Always. There is no other Man. The Inner Man can convince himself that he is this Outer-Body living in this dangerous world but he is still the Inner Man fooling himself into that! “ ~ edward art series , Part 14: The God Of The World Of Imagination!
it’s not “ living in your head “ and you don’t have to “ live in your head “ imagination is a tool to mold this 3D into absolutely whatever you desire , what you have in imagination expresses in this outer world you don’t have to imagine 24/7 it’s just the knowing and fulfillment that you have it in your imagination & that feeling expresses , feeling is how you change SELF which is what expresses . this expression and this body is something you as GOD chose to be in but we are conditioned to believe that this reality just happens to us & not from us & your really can change that once you put the law to test with you imagination … you want unconditional love from your parents , give it to yourself in imagination FEEL THAT LOVE . you want princess treatment ? imagine that everyone gives you that imagine people treating you like a queen , LEAVE THE WORLD ALONE it’s just an expression . slowly you will notice how people are randomly giving you the best treatment everywhere . just imagine and leave the world alone . when you imagine remove this outer world , the past , the future .. what you should do or have to do .. DO WHAT YOU WANT . it’s your imagination, create your own personal reality .
“ What the Inner Man FEELS himself to BE and FEELS himself to HAVE in the World of Imagination is what will be EXPRESSED in this World of the Senses. You right now are living this outer-world. You are walking around, laying down, doing your daily activities. So you are an individual living in a world where you limited. But you can only experience your own life, self. Likewise, you are an individual, an INNER individual living in the World Of Imagination. In this World, you are God. You can imagine anything. All things are possible here in this world, INCLUDING the FULFILLMENT of your desire. However, you can ONLY experience SELF in this World. But you can change SELF to what you want. And SELF is what you THINK you HAVE and what you THINK you ARE in this World of Imagination. Read that sentence again. And SELF, THAT SELF, is what is EXPRESSED. Pay attention to what I am saying. As you read this, you are living in this 3D world. You own things within it, you HAVE things. Based on what you HAVE in this 3D world, you create identities for yourself. So if you have no money, you claim to be poor. If you have no love, freedom, or punishments, we claim we are unloved, trapped and guilty. Remember, we CLAIM we ARE things BASED on what we THINK WE "HAVE." So please see what I am saying here. If you stop identifying yourself with this 3D world, which is simply an expression of INNER SELF, if you stop identifying yourself with what this 3D person "HAS," and start identifying yourself with the INNER MAN, you will see the freedom I am speaking of. Let's say you in are desire of money or love or peace. It does not matter what it is. You do not HAVE it in this 3D space, and since you do not have it, you claim that you are "broke, unwanted etc." BUT let's instead you identified yourself with the INNER MAN who lives in the World of Imagination. So you close your eyes and enter into the World Within. Bring the desire to your Mind. Understand that you must fulfill it IN THIS WORLD. Let the 3D World remain the same, just leave it entirely alone.” ~ edward art series , part 15: awakening. added this cuz it would look a lil boring w/o LOL studyspoo 📓 ~
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I hope this helped you angel < 3 ~ 💌
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dujour13 · 5 months
😇🔮📥 for Sia?
Thanks Ash!! 💕💕
😇 — following rules
He is bad at this lol
Obviously there has to be some nuance here because he’s not the heeheehaha rules-are-made-to-be-broken kind of chaotic.
He has no problem following rules... when it’s convenient and the rule is sensible.
If a rule is inconvenient to the pursuit of his goals he’ll happily ignore it, and if a rule doesn’t seem sensible he’ll actively challenge it. In diplomacy he uses dishonesty, back-channels, exchanges of favors and outright bribery if that’s the best route available, and he brings that willingness to wheel and deal to his command of the Crusade too. As Knight-Commander he has no problem at all with there being an illicit trade network in Drezen, as long as that’s part of the healthy economy and helps level the playing field between rich and poor.
🔮 — magic
Like dancing, magic is something else that comes naturally to him. He thinks of it as an extension of his music. As his vocal cords or the strings of his guitar vibrate so does reality, and in small ways he can make reality harmonize into slightly new configurations. It’s innate – just something he noticed he could do starting as a young teen, and toyed around with until he got good at a few minor spells. Some other spells he learned from people here and there, never formally. He was never interested in training at bard school.
When the mythic power surges started, the effect was to magnify that natural ability, and it would come out in unpredictable ways. I picture him picking up new spells almost by accident. Just thinking, oh, it would be cool if I could put my enemies to sleep. Huh I guess that worked.
📥 — organization
Bane of my boy’s existence. Like time management, he needs to delegate this one. Obviously for the Crusade to run smoothly, but also in his personal life. He knows the Andoren delegation is arriving any minute and he doesn’t even look for his badge of office until the last second, and of course his chamber is such a mess there’s no hope of finding it even if it hadn’t been stolen.
Maybe I’m being a little hard on him here because he did manage to hold down a career with the Andoren Diplomatic Corps and he manages with the Crusade. It just takes a lot of motivation.
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bunny-hoodlum · 6 months
👩‍🏭 🌈 ( what usually inspires you to write all your fics?) 🧠🖊 👀 📥
Fanfic Ask Game Answers!
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
Omigosh, huhhhhhh... My Genin!Hinata/Jonin-sensei!Naruto dubcon WIP, I guess? 😅 50-50 either stuff happens when she's 12yo or 14yo, but the part of me that's a coward and doesn't want to invite drama gonna shoot for when she's 14. 😅 12-13yos gonna be emotional manipulation stuff. 🤔
🌈 What inspired you to write all your fics?
The age regression sequence in The Last is solely at fault for my Age Difference obsession. Sometimes it's something I see, for example, "be the end of me" is only because I saw an Asian female customer with super long hair but most of it was bleached blonde. Or "Handsy" is because I saw yoga equipment. My brain just handles the rest. I get hit with a semitruck of narrative and it's a WIP! Soaking up online discussion or other people's fics help too. Sometimes I'll jinx myself in reverse and tell someone "I'm stuck, I don't know how to handle this part, it's sooo boring", and then something hits me after and it's kind of embarrassing because I have to tell them "Nevermind" and ugh. 😅 Songs, too ofc! So many songs! I have playlists and everything.
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
I answered this one with Wicker-Mayne's ask, but let me see if I don't have another. 🤔 Maybe my Shibari AU? I still have to read the rest of the book and taking notes will help me remember the material, so I really got to find the time and do that. But it shouldn't be a hard one to write. I have an old post with the 3 or 4 variations that I thought of before, but all-in-all, it's just hentai doujin material. Hinata and her Shibari Instructor or sShibari Partner, whichever one I choose to do.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
From Work Friends Chapter 3
She thought porn stars were supposed actors. Her previous co-star certainly was. The penetration was real. His hands on her body were real. But the angles weren’t for her benefit and his thrusts had been too shallow. Even with his decently sized cock, she felt like very little sex had ever occurred. She thought she wouldn’t mind if the next five years of this went on like that. Even though the world would doubt her purity and consider her used goods, someone out there would know better. Someone out there wouldn’t find her disgusting. Because it was all just acting. But this man. This man… She squeezed her thighs tighter together and nibbled on the hard lip of her water bottle. God, were they done yet? Menma was busy going over details with the director as they watched the playback together multiple times, sitting where she had been earlier, right behind the front passenger seat. He sat with one leg bent, his thick, muscled arm perched atop his knee, the other leg laying straight out. He took up twice the space she did, had to hunch beneath the ceiling when he stood up earlier, giving her a tantalizing show that made her mouth water. She tipped her bottle back, taking a furtive sip of chilled water to clear the unrestrained insanity plaguing her imagination. His commanding voice in her ear was going to haunt her dreams later, she was certain of it. That hungry aggression telling her to grab his cock. And he stained his sweats when she touched him. Was he really that aroused by her? Or was it something he was on? He’s old enough to need to pop blue little pills, but she doesn’t know much about them and how they work otherwise.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
Only the WIPs inside my mind, lol. 🤭 I honestly don't have anything I've written that I'm too scared to post. If I'm writing it, I'm usually planning on posting it. 🙈 Any WIPs that are ancient or incomplete count, I suppose. And so far, I still haven't properly shared the entirety of "Kotatsu" something-something. It was a flash in the pan kind of thing and I just lost all motivation to clean it up. 😅
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
All of them! 💖 But especially anything that's new, haha. I need that first chapter reception to feel like I'm good to move forward. 😁
Thank you so much for all the questions!
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suuho · 2 years
✦ my first bias: hm. doojoon and yoseob. ✦ my current bias(es): i would say doojoon and yoseob but i have been called out as a doojoon and gikwang bias multiple times, so #what is the truth? i am ot4 for life, tho. ✦ my album and/or era ranking (or favorite of each): the blowing (i think not the end is the best title track in their 15y long history) -> fiction and fact -> time/daydream -> midnight sun -> after sunset -> calling you/highlight/beast is the b2st -> celebrate/shock of the new era -> outro etc. ✦ how i got into them: man, i literally was a kpop fan in 2010, do you think there was a way around beast? there simply was not, and then they released fiction and fact and it was everywhere. but it literally took me until last year to connect that beast is highlight now, lmao, can you believe that? (thx to my beloved anon, you know who you are). and now here we are! ✦ which member would be my best friend: oh my god, i have been thinking about this because i randomly think about them all day long, to be honest. clown behavior but whatever. and it would definitely be yoseob, and then gikwang. which is hilarious because i think my hobbies align way more with doojoon and dongwoon. but yoseob and i would be it. i always gravitate towards the singers because i think we naturally get along, but dookwang and i are both obsessed with sports. so, i just think they would have to expand the group and accept me as their fifth member. ✦ something i associate with them (or with a bias/any member): most of all that they just make me so happy, which is like. that sounds so sad and stupid, but they really just make me so happy. it makes me so proud to be their fan because they are so talented and strong and they have made the choice to stay with each other and keep this group alive and that, man. that just makes me cry. i want everyone to have people in their life that love you enough to weather whatever storm could come your way. with highlight, their enlistment never felt like a disbandment either, i think it was always so obvious they'd come back. anyways. i also associate periwinkle, forest green, pastel pink and sky blue with them. lol. also random. the sea, too. and spring! raw talent. terrible outfits and bad haircuts. backflips on stage. gikwang's broadcasting incident. the rain season meme. doojoon's fear of heights and anything considered an amusement ride, and how the group makes sure to be mindful of that and take care of him. how he, in return leads them with a steady heart and such fondness. gikwang and yoseob having known each other for 18 years. dongwoon's flawless vocal performance during beautiful show 2015 in seoul. how he thinks highlight were destined to be together.
📥 send me a kpop group & i'll answer!
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pinkfadespirit · 1 year
📥✨🍰 for the meme if you'd like
I was too tired to answer this the other day so just getting to it now. Thanks for the ask!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
I'm not actively updating anything at the moment and it feels like it's been a while since I posted to AO3 so literally anything. Back when I was working on Night Shift, that was fun to get comments for because it was such a long fic with so much going on in it. Also, writing purple Hawke and getting all caps HAWKE, NO!! reactions from readers is always fun XD
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
I think my best writing is often funny and/or exciting. And what's a more complimentary word for sappy? lol. That's the first thing that came to mind anyway. I'm fine with it. I just write what I enjoy.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics
If I'm supposed to say one of my own fics then I don't know! I guess I started my newest modern au as a sort of comfort project where I can write whatever I want without thinking about whether it will appeal to others. It's not exactly a happy story so far, though.
For a fic by someone else, it's Taking Back Kirkwall by dualwieldteacup. There's just something about that fic that makes me very happy every time I read it.
Questions from this ask game.
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dapper-nahrwhale · 12 hours
What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Whichever is the most recent one (x men 1st 3 movies hehe) I've published lol, or older stuff, I def enjoy receiving any comments at all on anything, as long as it's not 'meh' like why would someone say that😭 its not even constructive its just rude.
Do you read your own fic?
Yeah, quite a bit, especially if I'm working on smth in the same series I'll go back and reread it so I know what I was going for and make sure I don't have any loose threads hanging out. It's pretty helpful for motivation too.
What do you like most about your own writing?
Hmm I like tapping into a specific emotion or feeling a character has and really tugging at it as much as possible to see what I'll pull loose. I like tapping into something and finding out some overarching themes and incorporating them, I like how I write plotless introspection and dialogue. I'm really not one for writing big story plots, so I like that I can do more stream of consciousness type stuff and it's still mostly coherent lol
Thanks for the asks! :3 !!!
[send more from this!]
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Fanfic ask game :)
👀 📥 🖊 🏅📚 👩‍🏭 😈
thank you!!! You're amazing bestie!!
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I've got one at the moment I think, more of an idea than a WIP bc it's not technically on the page yet. I don't know if I'd post it even if I did write it because 1. the fandom is abysmally tiny (I don't think there's even a tag for the movie on AO3 yet), 2. it's very self-indulgent and probably on the verge of a lazy/unrealistic plot, and 3. I just feel like it would go dead even if I did post it, so obviously my other fics are going to take precedence
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
I mean, I love them all. I don't get very many comments on my fics in general, so I really treasure every one. That being said, I feel like people are really engaged with Who Waits Forever Anyway?, so I get some pretty dynamic comments there, and I really wish people would comment on Desert Song because so far nobody has and I feel like it's some of my best writing
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Alright, here's a bit from the next chapter of Bolts and Blasters, my Star Wars fic:
A bit of the truth leached into those final words, and maybe that was why he didn’t question it. Poe just nodded, though his lips pressed into a thin, uneasy line. 
“Don’t know how much you’ll find,” he admitted, “Everywhere’s tapped dry. We had ships coming in from practically every habitable planet, and they all need to recover after that. You’ll be lucky to find bacta.”
“You’re so encouraging.” Indigo huffed, giving him a look, “But I have to try.”
Again, she found glimpses of truth amid the lie. She hated that she couldn’t tell him more. She hated that she had to dodge his questions like this. She hated to lie to a friend.
With luck, it wouldn’t matter. He’d learn that it was a ruse within a day, yes, but he’d forgive her if it all worked out. 
Indigo sighed, and stepped forward long enough to pull him into a hug. If he thought that was strange, a farewell hug for a supposedly-brief supply run, he didn’t breathe a word of it. She’d been a little shaky these past few weeks, after all. He wouldn’t begrudge her a bit of support after everything she’d lost. 
When she pulled back, Poe’s brows had drawn inwards with suspicion. She took a step back, swallowing hard. 
“Good luck on your mission.” he told her, and didn’t say anything more. His posture was stiff, mechanical. He’d probably already guessed it. He was rowdy, yes, but he’d never been a stupid man.
Indie grit her teeth, forcing herself to turn away. 
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
The last two chapters I posted, on two different fics, were both over 7k words long, and I thought they were both very good. And I'm devilishly proud of how much emotional damage I've put my readers through in Bolts and Blasters, particularly since I've already started writing the resolution to it.
📚 Do you read your own fic?
All the time lol. I write it for me, so of course I reread it.
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
Desert Song or Nom De Guerre. I'd like to think that my depictions of thievery, pickpocketing, coup d'etats, underground crime groups, and whatever else that writing 6 Underground fanfiction entails is decently accurate (or at least enough for suspension of disbelief)... but is it TOO accurate?
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I have a few fics where the main character's POV is in first-person perspective, and I know that's pretty polarizing. I still write most of my fics in third-person and even a few in second, but there's a certain level of perspective and closeness in first-person that you really can't quite get in the others. It feels more like they're telling their stories, rather than having this omniscient or godly Narrator walking them through it. I don't use it all the time (only 2 of my fics use first-person, and both also have POV shifts to other characters, which are written in third-person) but I think it can be very powerful when it's done right.
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beggingwolf · 2 years
🧠📥🖊 - guess who
lol hi fellow possessor of the group brain cell
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
um... probably my juniors fic I want to write? I know I talked about it recently, but I genuinely haven't taken down any notes about it yet. it's all still in my brain, in the "marinating" stage.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
The Killing Kind, partially because it's my oldest and doesn't get a lot of attention now (despite being my "most popular" by the numbers), but also partially because I'm not very confident in it (I see a lot of mistakes I made as a "this is my first creative writing in a while" author) and seeing people enjoy it helps reassure me that it's still a worthy piece of writing
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
Ovechkin looks different with his hair all slicked back. He almost passes for clean-cut, with his button-down shirt and his long blue tie swinging in front of his chest. Everything else about him gives him away: the way his shoulders are a bit too broad for the yoke of his shirt, how his crooked nose is raised and attentive, how his eyes glint.
He waves his hand wildly at the crowd, laughing at the cameras following his every step as he bounds toward the stage just a bit too fast to be human.
Sid jams his hand into his pocket and watches Ovechkin pass by. Sid’s guest badge hangs heavily around his neck, marking him out as other, and Ovechkin climbs the steps to join the NHL.
He beams as he wedges the Capitals hat over his hair and looks out over the crowd. A little shiver slips down Sid’s spine, because Ovechkin looks ready. He stands in the lights with a sharp smile that shows all his teeth.
They’d missed each other at world juniors in Helsinki. Russia had been bounced ingloriously by Finland in the quarterfinals, and even though Sid still burns over the final, at least he made it that far. It means he’s more prepared for next year, and he sees how Ovechkin’s bigger and stronger than he was in Halifax; Sid will need to be ready.
For the first time, two Russians go first and second in the draft.
For the first time, two wolves go first and second in the draft.
Sid’s heard of Malkin, had paged over his headshot in the blurry printouts he’d thumbed through at the selection camp. He doesn’t look as brutish as Ovechkin. Where Ovechkin’s face is broad planes and crooked lines, Malkin’s is softer, his jaw round, his hair a little matted on his forehead from where he’s been messing with it.
The Penguins take Malkin. Of course they do. He stands a few inches taller than Ovechkin, and when he’s announced, he’s led up to the stage. Before he gets there, Ovechkin breaks away from the tangle of humans who are talking to him and he wraps Malkin in a hug so intense Sid almost wants to look away.
They tuck their faces into each other’s necks, noses and teeth pressed against tender skin. Ovechkin’s big fingers dig into Malkin’s back, gripping onto the thin material of his dress shirt before they slide up to the back of Malkin’s neck, where he holds him for a moment. His meaty hand grips Malkin’s vulnerable neck tightly, and Sid’s eyes go wide.
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twinkboimler · 2 years
I’ve got a lot of stuff to ask with that fanfic ask game lol
📚 Do you read your own fic? If it's been months since posting I do occasionally, but not often! I think I write so many drafts and do so many edits on my writing that I don't have much interest in reading them once they're published because I know exactly what happens.
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic? STARTING. Like, in a perfect world, I'd be writing 1000 words a day. But it's so hard to get myself to focus enough to start writing, even though I love it.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done? GOD. The funniest part is this scene got cut so I spent hours researching shit I didn't even use, but initially in Postscript, Postspace there was gonna be a scene in the first few chapters with Mike using a microfilm reader at the library to look at newspaper articles as the way he found out that Joel was on Earth. I've never used one, so I did a lot of reading up on how they work, and then I sorta. realized how unnecessary that scene was. SO, a lot of research I've had to do is on how to use technology that's just a little too old for me to have used it- stuff from the 70s-90s.
I do too much research. But at the same time, the research part is fun! I love planning fics, and that plays into it.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work? Less of a headcanon and more a fact about my writing: these works (unless listed as a series) are all separate from each other. I emphasize this because, in the case of Mike's parents, I might have multiple fics that have them as characters, but they're not the same people to me (his mom in even a worm will turn is a completely different version of that person than the mom in Postscript, Postspace). Each work is a new, separate try at these characters as I work with new themes and play with new concepts.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave). I assume this means my own work lol. I think Overjoyed is one of the most self-indulgent, "I am projecting so hard" fics I've ever written, but it was something I needed to get out. I don't think it's especially good if you aren't me but I'm still happy with it.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP. From the college AU- a flashback to high school:
It is brutally hot and Mr. Stevenson refuses to let them take a break even though they’ve been learning drill for nearly an hour. Jonah’s throat is parched and his back is killing him, and he wonders which way he would fall if he were to pass out, wonders whether it would hurt less to fall on his back with the tenors still strapped to his chest or to fall onto them, his face planting into the dirt. Either option sounds endlessly appealing as the minutes tick by, the sun beating down on him and the rest of the poor bastards in the band.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on? even a worm will turn is one of my favorite things that I've ever written and I love hearing people's thoughts on it. like. I let my DAD read it. I'm so proud of that fic.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about? I mean, yeah- I've got some old fics that will never, ever get posted even though they may be nearly finished or long. I've got like 30k of a TERRIBLE ST:TNG Riker/Troi fic I wrote in 2016 that's going to the grave with me.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate? love angst, love hurting characters so much. having a lot of ideas for star trek fics right now that are just going to be the most painful, tragic stories- unfulfilled love stories, that type of shit. I LOVE a sad fic.
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fangirleaconmigo · 2 years
This is for the ask game! :D
📥 and 👻
Hi @lovelysailboat thank you so much for the ask my dear. I'm always happy to hear from you. <3
Ok, this is for this Ask game
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
This is a tough one. I am excited to get comments on any of them. Even when I take forever to answer them, it doesn't mean I'm not excited. I just get easily distracted by shiny objects. lol! And when people tell me anything about how the fic touched them or affected them, it just makes my whole week. I clutch my phone to my chest. I read them aloud to my family. Seriously. So the real answer is "all of them." I've even considered printing some out and making a little booklet to look at when I'm feeling discouraged about my writing or when I'm feeling like I can't do it.
So yes, all of them.
But, I feel like I need to pick one in order to properly answer this question, so I will say that I'm super pleased to get any comments on the last chapter of The Rockrose and the Thistle, just because it was my first long fic and almost no one finishes the whole thing. The kudos rate is just miniscule.
It has OC pov's and some triggering content, so it isn't 'for' everyone, which I totally understand. I have my own preferences as well as a reader, so I never begrudge anyone theirs. But it's like 60k worth of work, so I can't lie, it is nice when people do read it.
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I did start a sequel to The Rockrose and the Thistle that I will almost certainly not finish. I just have too many ideas now, and it has fallen to the back of the stack, especially given that there isn't an excess of people clamoring for a sequel. Also, I started it when I was on pandemic lockdown alone and literally could write for nine hours a day. Now time is much much shorter.
So there they are! My belated answers. Thanks again friend!
(You know what my toxic trait is? Asking people to send me asks, then taking forgoddamnever to answer them. Like...why do I do that?)
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leafykeen · 2 years
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I like writing dialogue. I like to think I write it realistically
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
If I did, they'd just stay in my head forever lol
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
Big Brother Jason. I get a lot of long, rambling comments on that one, and those are my favorite, because then I get to ramble too XD
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I don't think so??? Leastwise nobody has told me so
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Cassandra. I just don't know her well enough
Thank you!
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ocalaghan · 3 years
Hello, lurker who has always quite liked your writing. Sort of want you to do all the fanfic asks because I am nosy lol. But if you don't want to do that then 📊🖊️
this one made me all 🥺🥺 thanks yo i'll do all the ones i haven't done yet
😐 What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
ummm. i think... maybe how dramatic but also straight-up unrealistic some of my older work is? like rescue me is ridiculous.
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
ooooh. probably the half-finished baradine fics. partly bc i feel disillusioned by jack barakat as a whole rn and don't know if that will ever go away, and partly bc i don't feel the same way about the ship as i used to. it was a sweet fantasy for me for many years and i think aesthetically they would make a good couple but i've always been garbage at writing het fics and now i feel even less of a pull to finish them soooooo... they might never see the light of day.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
i have died every day waiting for you, got forever to spend with me on a fool's holiday, and you could say that your demons excite me
✏️ Do you write every day?
LMAO. i actually haven't written in forever. maybe since pre-pandemic? no that's probably not true but i did write very little since the start of covid. i wrote a bit of a fic for the first time in sooooo long the other night. normally i would go through periods of writing one week and then not the next but this is probably THE longest writing break i have ever taken.
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
😐😐 enjoy (this isn't really 'current' but whatever)
It’s hard to tell what John feels after we fuck though. Or even before. During, it’s different, but sex is sex and the high makes him clingy.
“We still on for Saturday?” John’s voice breaks me out of my thoughts of iniquity, and I look at him for a moment before it registers what he’s said.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah, man, Saturday’s still good,” I nod.
The edge of John’s mouth quirks into a smile, perfectly aligned teeth almost gleaming at me. “You ever gonna pass that back?”
I realise the joint is still burning away between my fingers, and I laugh, taking one more quick draw before I give it to him. Our fingers brush as I pass it, and I feel my skin tingling. Our eyes meet when he breathes in the smoke, and I know he’s picturing me naked.
Yeah. Saturday’s still good.
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
the fact that i actually wrote anything at all lol
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
using certain smut words that probably make some people cringe lol
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
i... do not know what those words mean
📊 Current number of WIPs
i'm literally not even going to count this bc i would need to go get my usb stick. i'm gonna say about 50.
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic?
yes! a lot of my friends know and some have read them. some of my friends wrote fic years ago too. and my boyfriend's read some of my work as well.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
the himym cast!
📝 What is one growth area you have for your writing?
good question. it's been so long that i'd probably say all of it. i feel a little rusty.
📚 Do you read your own fic?
yeah. i like to look back on it and i tend to re-read it several times after i've posted it at different points.
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
cannot really answer dis one, i need y'all to pick a title heh
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
honestly? the filler parts. i get bored and just want to do all the exciting bits but it all needs to connect and make sense lol.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
definitely. probably on something porn-esque for kink fic ngl.
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
effervescent. peculiar. warm.
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
uhhhhh. for a specific story? not really sure how to answer tbh. is it a headcanon if it's your own fic? lol.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
for ages it was stuttering. don't know if i have one these days?
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
neither at this current moment lol. but overall, writing.
💋 [Freeform - what is something you want to know about one of poster’s fics?]
also would need y'all to specify on this one. but overall, thanku for asking me! Xo
fanfic ask game (the movie, the sequel)
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