#this will sustain me for weeks
zippiedippievippie · 4 months
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Ah yes, District Seven (x)
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percervall · 9 months
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anachronic-cobra · 6 months
Quite literally do go to the club, especially if it's a gay bar and you're starved for queer community
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randomlyfallen · 2 months
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Style test part 2
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astraskylark · 3 months
I did not expect them to save Falin so quickly? Where does the plot go now? Obviously the painting elf saw the dark magic circle and looks very not cash money about it sooooo is there gonna be some civil war in the dungeon ? Will they still cook and eat with Falin added to the squad now? What was the purpose of Kabru tho and will we ever see Shuro?
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morganali-art · 11 months
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Wolchefant Week - Day 2 AU
We all know that one AU - the one where the Exarch accidentally plucks Haurchefant's spirit out of the rift and lands him in the First. It's hardly original, but it definitely makes me feel Some Kind of Way™ :')
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snackugaki · 1 year
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... the tactical!venus & jennika brainworm is beginning to reach my frontal lobe 
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aprilblossomgirl · 1 month
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You’re smiling now. Your expression makes me laugh.
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paradoxbeta · 23 days
i want to draw disgusting hybrids, so if anyone would like to send me random rain world mob combos...
(preferably with a slugcat in the mix, but anything works just fine if its wacky enough)
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penumbralwoods · 26 days
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now with added boyfriends
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lunar-years · 1 year
It’s been three days and I’m still thinking about “I forget how skittish elderly people could be ‘cause of the war”
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c-is-for-circinate · 8 months
Man, I miss CR.
I'm very aware that Critrole is still there! But I'm so, so tired these days, with a full-time job where, even if I had the time to stay up until 1AM or later on a weekly basis, I sure the fuck don't have the energy, and let's not even talk about trying to catch up on Saturdays. And I'm so behind. And maybe it was those things or maybe it was just a story mismatch, because I love CR3's characters, but the central philosophical conflict of "are the gods even worth saving?" is just. So supremely uninteresting to me.
Like, that is not a question of morality. Are the gods terrible? Maybe! Probably! So? It's a question of sheer practicality!!! Revolutions are hellish, bloody things that, even when they're successful, more often than not turn into destabilized government, power vacuums, and decades of continued warfare. That doesn't mean they aren't worth having, sometimes, but trying to take down a ruling body without understanding exactly how the system works and how you intend to replace it is a recipe for catastrophe and/or the Reign of Terror. And that's when the government is in charge of the railways and the flow of commerce. You want to continue the moral implications of maybe not taking down a poorly-run revolution against the people who control the tides and make the sun come up? I really hope you have a plan for making sure the sun still comes up!!!
I know that's hardly the only theme of the season, but like. I did my Catholic grappling with the non-existent moral authority of god twenty years ago. I don't have four hours of energy a week left in me to watch it play out these days.
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prototypelq · 4 months
Demonic Therapy Pets AU where twins have their own Shadow/Cerberus/Geryons/non-talking Griffon(?) at home
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guardian-angle22 · 4 months
911 LONE STAR REWATCH 2024 ↳ favorite things I noticed or appreciated more upon rewatch
1.07 Bum Steer
this bull in a car sequence is low on my list of calls that I remember tbh... but what I do remember was a clip of Owen in a clown outfit in early promo stuff. I would love to see the alternate version of this scene where they apparently cast Owen in the role of Rodeo Clown to get the bull out of the car??? Does anyone else remember this? Leak the footage, Fox! c'mon!
Axes up! this is what the 126 would look like fighting a zombie apocalypse. just fyi for some au visuals.
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TK being the supportive cheerleader for Owen, but also being a nervous little bunny in the background the entire time too.
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I appreciate the very brief conversation between Paul, Marjan, and Judd where they lightly call Judd out on how blinded he is to the way Billy would treat them as members of marginalized groups. I would've loved to see them get deeper into that but I also understand this is an hour long procedural lol. These little looks in this scene are iconic though.
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The way Judd points at things.... that's it. send tweet.
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violentviolette · 5 months
i struggle to talk about this sometimes cause i feel like i sound like an entitled and spoiled piece of shit, but i think these are real problems that happen when ur life stops being a dumpster fire and its important to talk about how to navigate them
because my life right now is extreamly stable. i have a home i dont have to worry about ever being evicted from, i dont have to work in order to affort to live, i have the time, space, freedom, and support to do absolutely anything i want right now
and yet i find myself doing absolutely nothing. im so used to using stress and external threats, the threat of starvation, homelessness, abuse, being kicked out or fired or flunking, to motivate me that now that those things are gone and im in a safe environment that asks nothing of me, im just at a loss. i struggle to even wake up everyday without some kind of big consiquence as a motivater
and even when i do have ideas or inspiration as to what i want to do with my now endless hours of the day, i just. dont really know how to execute them. i dont know how to do things if its not in a crunch time manic haze.
i think my big goal this year is going to be to try and figure out how to navigate that and retrain my brain to be able to set more long term objectives and then follow through on accomplishing them. because i can feel myself becoming a more flakey and unreliable person who gets nothing done and just kind of Exists with no real reason or purpose and i reallyreally hate that
i finally have a life i dont want to kill myself to escape from and i just feel like im wasting it by not actually being present in it, u know?
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wastelandhell · 1 year
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went to the doctor for sleep issues but he strongly suggested i go back on my antidepressants when i casually mentioned being trapped in a seven month depression spiral that had almost cost me my job. i probably should have started with the half dose like the pharmacist suggested because i dont know what im feeling but im sure feeling it!
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