#this’ll be. interesting
bookwyrminspiration · 5 months
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bro it is the SECOND semester
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rwyvernarts · 9 months
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‘tis the season
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marthammasters · 4 months
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me: Laura Palmer’s Phantasmagoric Fall from Grace, by Stephen Pizzello in American Cinematographer’s September 1992 issue
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sopuu · 5 months
are you gonna make a fic or a comic or smth for your champion jesse au? just curious!
yes!! there is a comic coming up!!! :D im gonna get a wips post up once ive got enough to show including stuff from another thing im working on (twitter folks you've probably already seen it tho)
and ngl i've been entertaining the idea of writing something for plot points i might not be able to handle if i did comics..? but i don’t know what my narrative skills are like lol and that part is far far away anyways, so we’ll see
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antvnger · 7 months
Zemo sits tied to one of Scott's dinning room chairs in his living room, with his mouth ductaped shut and a sticky note on his forehead that reads "Hey Scott, sorry I can't explain in person but I'm on a mission, it's not top secret or anything it's just less annoying than this smart ass. Zemo is in a redemption project since he refuses to stay in prison, I only helped him the one time but he got out of the raft this time. He needs a friend, and you make friends with everyone so it's perfect. Don't let him near weapons, he's not necessarily a danger to you but he is to himself. He's got candy in his left jacket pocket, fancy stuff.
Your pal, Bucky!"
Zemo looks unamused by his current predicament but the amount of times he's tried to either shoot himself or get a hero to do so he can understand why Bucky would want to keep him restrained when unsupervised
Scott walks in his house, closes the door be him, and slumps against it with a heavy sigh. “Whew! What a day,” he groans softly to himself.
He remains there for a moment before pushing himself off the door to go change clothes and finally get comfortable. But he almost trips over his own feet in surprise when he finds a man tied up in his living room. “Oh! Shiiii….”
He stares wide eyed for a moment at the man, who certainly looks less than thrilled, before he walks over and carefully plucks the post-it note off the man’s forehead.
He tiredly rubbed his face with his free hand for a moment after reading the note. Buckyyyyyy…today is not my best day for making friends…
He lowers the note and gives a small wave with his free hand. “Hello…Zemo. I’m uhhh…I’m gonna take that duct tape off you. No promises if it’ll be pain free or anything.” He grabs the corner and pulls it off as gently as he could.
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littlerainbowsheltie · 9 months
Hello 👀
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I know I’m late (ten minutes as of posting in the U.K. until the 4th May) but I jumped on the bandwagon of Dracula Daily for the first time.
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swedenis-h · 5 months
Hello! I"m not sure how relevant this would be to you, but your art about Luke especially gives me the feeling you'd like this author's star wars fan fiction. They're name is irnan on fanfiction.net (ik, but I can download them and send them if needed) but their work is very ot focused. There is a verse on a parent trap au with luke and leia in a universe where anakin leads the rebellion and padme is on naboo, which is my favorite. But there's plenty of canon stuff too, especially with luke character analysis.
Oh awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing!!
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
I just thought of something funny for Ruin.
You know all this speculation for Cassie being short for Cassidy?
What if this gets addressed in the game somehow and it’s not that? Like, William’s ghost hears the name “Cassie” and immediately goes into ‘oh no Cassidy’s here I’M GOING TO DIE HORRIBLY’ mode. Full-on fleeing the scene and hiding out in the Blob levels of panic here. Cassie doesn’t know why, of course, but she probably just assumes her toughness scared him off somehow.
Then, much later on, she meets someone who has that same thought of it being shirt for Cassidy. And she explains to that person “oh my name’s actually Cassandra but Greg and I just shorten it because Cassie sounds cooler lol”.
Cue William kicking himself nearby for not thinking earlier.
Probably not going to happen, but it’d be a funny thing to put on a prediction list and/or bingo card.
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spinobsessed · 9 months
I Made This
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otter-pup · 1 year
Hi Otto,
When you use your toy tonight, I want you to strip completely nude, except for a collar if you have one. I’ll be fully dressed of course while I jerk off to the thought of a dumb cumslut like you presenting himself to no one, so desperate to be used. Use your toy on yourself while you have your ass up and edge your tight boycunt while you train yourself for your future alpha until your puppycunt is dripping with slick. Repeat as needed, or until you’re so exhausted and soaked that just about anyone could come up behind you and plunge deep into your pussy in one thrust.
hhh /pos
i am abt to actually get my toy out, i just wanted to work myself up a little first, so I am just gonna. liveblog to this ask thru rbs
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Tagged by @daydreaming-optimist and @courageisneverforgotten aka Elle Woods and Robin Buckley respectively (per my last check of their polls). Thank you for the tag, friends! 💕
Rules: put 4 of your favorite characters from 4 pieces of media as options, then let your tumblr friends decide which one most suits your vibe! Then tag 4 people :)
No pressure tagging: @cris080799 @obesecamels @its-me-satine @willowstea @senatorhotcheeto @noa-the-physicist @theskittlemuffin @captaindelilahbard @batmanmaybe @nigellica @rotateafroginyourmind @oh-toasty @permanentreverie and anyone else who wants to!
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suave-hogan · 22 days
There’s something extremely funny and fitting about having the Octo Dad theme on loop while drawing a casual Sung
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teendadspurgeon · 1 year
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remember when no one was clinched? and now we all are AND have the same amount of points????
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So it seems I have polls now….
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