sashasparrow · 8 months
if i quit my job yall will support me in a new career of being a girlblogger right
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midnight-els · 3 months
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Why did you go to Notre Dame?
The West Wing (1999-2006) | 2x07 "The Portland Trip"
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Eric Kripke himself has resurrected us for one last fundraiser for RIP Medical Debt by donating SEVEN signed Supernatural scripts 🧡💚💙
Kick off is on 4/25: We got work to do.
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xoxoemynn · 3 months
Having spent the past two days with my entire family, I'm coming to understand why Stede got himself a fancy boat and became a pirate to escape his.
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thorias · 5 months
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So exactly what the fuck did either of these things have to do with this episode?
You Only Live Twice - no idea. Certainly nothing to do with what he must have known we'd think it meant.
"I can feel you" - NOT an actual line of dialogue despite what the tweet implied.
He absolutely knew how people would interpret these things and nothing came of it at all. It was just a bunch of bullshit. So I guess he was just trolling us for kicks because fuck the fans, amirite?
I don't know why I keep falling for this shit...
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insanityclause · 4 months
did you know that Tom has cancer? That’s sad!
OMG - you sound so excited about this!!
Yes, I totally believe news that is:
Posted on a pretty unused Tapatalk gossip board by someone with a screen name of Ladia (with no other posts or interactions).
And that post is basically screen shots of other gossip sites (you know, where all the reliable news comes from).
There's also 'medical records' that come from an... essay writing site??? So basically, someone fed in the information they wanted to create, and someone wrote it up for them (AI? They claim not, but it's so poorly written and the spelling, grammatical and formatting errors are numerous that's hard to believe). This is a work of fiction.
Also, one of those screenshots? This tweet?? Which links to the clickiest of clickbait sites??
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If you bothered to actually click... here's what it actually says. So gtfoh with your lies.
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Also, there's only one person going around trying to spread this info right now. You've been blocked and called out by half the fandom. I've blocked at least two of your accounts here, even though you begged me to follow you.
Stop spreading your hate and fake news in the guise of 'caring'. Maybe seek therapy.
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doublel27 · 5 months
Payos is in so deep. Turning around in the dressing room and taking deep breaths and dissociating out of the space to calm down and then Tae just grabs him and spins him around all “why would you turn away from me!?”
Sir, Payos is too gay to resist your bare chest and the fantasies he’s been having. Leave my boy alone.
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thegoldenavenger · 11 months
if you please, steve rogers+😚 for your art game!! thank you for sharing your lovely art with us<3
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i did not know how to illustrate a kiss without a partner but. here?
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columboscreens · 1 year
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lifemod17 · 3 months
Joy Morales appreciation moment!!!
The talent, the beauty, the vibe, the everything!!!
Source: Joy's Instagram
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satanicsoda · 4 months
What kind of an idiot watches Repo! The Genetic Opera for its themes of troubled parent/child relationships?
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maculategiraffe · 1 year
sister: so yeah, do you have any recommendations for a dishwasher repairman?
baby, eagerly, with his mouth full: [unintelligible]
me: what was that, buddy?
baby, after swallowing hastily: ba be dizz wah zer re bare mah!
me: you know, buddy, I bet when you're just a little bit older you're going to be a fantastic repairman. you're already so good about figuring out how things work.
baby, agreeing: wader. gozze wader. ba be re bare ma.
sister: that's right you were the clothes washer repairman! just last week!
baby, smugly: don egg hozze.
sister, to me: it's true. he showed me where to reconnect the hose.
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thorias · 5 months
LENORE ZANN: Justice for Remy!
ME: She literally just joined forces with a genocidal psychopath who's trying to kill every living thing on Earth and is incidentally the same guy that she used to stick a knife in Remy's heart right before he died. If Rogue wants "justice" for Remy, she's got a funny way of showing it.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 months
anyway I just ordered old copies of Thief of Shadows, Sweetest Scoundrel, and Dearest Rogue in my effort to collect all the Maiden Lane books with stepbacks, soooooo please pray for me because if these don't have them I'm gonna lose my shit
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gendzl · 1 year
I've spent a not-insubstantial portion of my weekend alternately fending off and attempting to brutally murder a GIANT FLY in my house and THE FUCKING THING JUST KEEPS ON LIVING
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daforged · 10 days
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i love my dog i love my dog i love my dog !!!!!!!
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