crystalmagpie447 · 1 year
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Thisisgonnasuck I’m gonna cry drawing this I already know (If I don’t give up ☠️)
I wish you guys could like
peek into my brain and see what I have planned for it to look like
it looks sooo cool in my brain
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what-the-whump · 3 years
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Whumptober 2021 - No.13 - "This is gonna suck"
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-2021) - 3x10:
Jake is knocked out during a robbery, the little pause between the initial hit and the knock-out is an iconic little ', oh no this is gonna suck' moment.
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Night of the Red Moon Ch.2
Genre:Angst, Fluff, Smut(Later On), Supernatural!au, Royalty!au
Description: Ever wondered why the moon turns red and what happens during this time? Curiosity got the best of you princess, now you wonder through the kingdom's forest late during a red moon night. You meet 7 men in black cloaks in the forest, one wore a mask that shone in the night luring you in. What will happen to you and these men... will you regret your actions ? Only the night itself will tell what will happen...
Chapters: 1,2
"Y/N... please don't ever leave me "  A man whispered.
"I'd never leave you. I promise that I'll be with you forever."
“Then promise me that one day you'll marry me."
“I promise, I'll marry you one day." He placed a ring onto my finger as a promise.
"Please don't forget about this promise because I'll be back one day and make sure that this promise is fulfilled." He gave me a kiss.
"I love you ..."
*KNOCK KNOCK*(On my door)(Sorry, please continue)
   I woke up to the sound of one of my maids knocking on my door. I looked out my balcony to see that the sun was just barely rising in the horizon. "Your Highness, I'm sorry to wake you but your parents would like to see you down in the dinning room once you get dressed. Your bath has already been made." "Alright thank you." Then, I remembered the dream that I had and somthing about it gave me a weird feeling like it  actually happened. That voice that I heard sounded so familiar but I can't remember who it was. "I need to get up!" As I sat up from my bed I noticed something on my nightstand. I picked it up and examined it and that’s when I realized where I recognized this from. "This is from that masked man from last night." This was from the piece on the cheek of the mask. That means that he must of been here last night in my room... I ran to my bathroom and looked in the mirror for any marks that could have been made. I sighed in relief when I realized that there was no marks or any sign of him touching me. "What was he doing here last night then?" I thought.
"Stop thinking about this and get ready, mother and father are waiting for you." I quickly undressed and got into the bath waiting for me. I shivered when I entered due to the water being cold probably because I waited too long to get in.  After cleaning up, I got out of the bath and dried off while getting dressed into a dark blue ball gown with beautiful off-shoulder lace sleeves.
After I finished getting dress, I headed down stairs towards the dinning room where my parents were waiting. When I walked into the dinning room I seen that my parents were talking to one of the neighboring kings. "Good morning Y/N"
"Good Morning your highness. I'm sorry if I interrupted something”
"No, it's quite alright but it's a good thing that you're here now because there are some matters that we must take care. So please take a seat." I took a seat and that's when I noticed the thick tension in the air. "You may not know this Y/N but there has been some tension with other kingdoms as of right now and it's possible a war may break out. I need you to stay safe because you are the first in line for the throne and you are my only daughter." My father spoke and took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry to be having to be doing this but I have no choice but to keep you in the palace for your safety and if you are to leave this palace you must have guards present with you at all times." My eyes widened. "Father, please don't do this. There's no visible danger other than some disagreements between our kingdoms." I didn't want to be held up in this castle and even if I did get to leave the castle I didn't want to be constantly monitored. "I'm sorry but this is my only option, I can't loose you..." I then remembered what Jin told me last night when I questioned him and realized why my father was being like this so I kept my mouth and nodded in agreement.
"Thank you for understanding Y/N. That is all that we wanted to say thank you for listening." I got up from my seat and bowed while exiting the dinning room.  I headed towards my room knowing that there was very little that I could do.
When I arrived in my room I sat on my bed and picked up the piece of the mask that was laying on my nightstand. My mind keeps traveling back to the thought of this man. I don't know what it is about him but he's just so alluring. I don't even know what his face looks like. I hope that I see him again but this time with the mask off. I wanted to understand what he is and what he's like and what he's capable of. "Could the archives have any books about vampires? I'll look later tonight when there's less people around."
With that I the piece into my nightstand drawer and headed to my lessons with my teachers. My first lesson was history, next was writing, then politics and economics, and many more. When my lessons are over I head to my sword and combat training. My mother was against the idea of me training because she thought that it was very unladylike like but eventually she grew to the idea although part of her still did not enjoy the idea. I didn't want be helpless in combat but even now I still have many ways to grow especially in courage and strength. I showed my weakness last night because I was fearful their abilities. Even though I did not believe in vampires, I've always heard of stories about their incredible strength and power although I do not know if it is true. I will find out the truth even if it kills me.
 Now that the night has fallen, it's safer to go into the archives and get the answers that I desire. I quietly walk over to my door and lean up against it to listen for the guards trying to determine how many out in the hall. "I hear at least 6..." I whisper to myself.
I then walk over to my closet with a small candle holder in hand closing the door behind me. I carefully place the candle down away from my gowns on a small table and walk towards one of the shelves and carefully pulled on one of the handles on the side to open a secret passage that leads me away from all the guards down towards the library on the first floor of the palace.
I carefully climb down the five flights of steps that lead to every floor of the castle. The journey down the stairs was very long but not very difficult. Once I reached the first floor I carefully opened the other side and peaked out to see if anyone was around. Luckily no one was around meaning that it was safe for me to come out. I had to be quick in case someone were to come this way and see me.  Once I reached the archives, I carefully opened the door and entered while closing and locking the door behind me.
"I forgot how big this place was..." I sighed in annoyance. I started my search for the books I needed. I skimmed the titles of the books and noticed that they were alphabetized and organized in their genres. "This will be easier but still... this is going to take so long." I went towards the back of the archive where it was more eerie than the rest of the archives but I had to do this. Once I reached the section I was looking for, I started searching every row from the bottom to the very top, using a ladder. I kept looking but I saw no signs of the books that I desired. Then I noticed that there was a large gap in the shelves where  books were supposed to be.
"Something seems off..." It was almost as if someone didn't want anyone to read these books.I just kept searching and searching but there were no signs of these books. "... Where could they be?!" I groaned in annoyance.
I was ready to give up completely and try again some other time so I got up and started heading towards the entrance of the archives. "This was a waste of time. I didn't even find the books that I was looking for."
As I was leaving, I seen something shiny in the corner of my eye so I glanced over and seen something sticking out from between a book but it didn't look like a bookmark. So I walked over to the book that was on the shelf in the far corner of the room and took the book out of its place and opened it. When I opened the book I realized that it wasn't a bookmark but more like a weird key. It wasn't like any key I've ever seen because it was flat and rectangle but with pieces of it cut out with some edges meant to fit in somehow. The more I studied the object the more I noticed that I've seen a marking like this earlier.
I walked back to where I was originally looking for the books and looked where the missing books were once at and looked in the back. That's when I noticed that this key did fit in with the markings. I tried putting the key into the pattern and it fit which led to empty sections opening up and creating a doorway. "Wow..." I was amazed I've never noticed this before. "How many other secret passages are in this palace..."
When I walked through the door, lanterns in the room lit up. The room was filled with so many books in all shapes and sizes. I ventured further into the rooms to examine the books closer. I opened up the books and read a little bit of each book and knew that these were the books that I was looking for. "My parents were hiding these... maybe Jin was right and they are hiding things from me and I don't even know it." The more I though the more curious I got so I started going through the books and started to find the ones that would tell me the information that I wanted.
*Several Moments Later*
 I looked through multiple books and found the ones that I needed. Each books that I took all talked about some sort of history about vampires and their abilities. I knew I was going to come back again but for now I can't take too many in case someone does come in here and sees them missing. I exited the room and took the key and placed it back where I had originally had found it. I left the archives and quietly headed back to my room with the books. It was already late at night so I would have to save the books for the next day. I placed the books underneath my bed away from others so that they wouldn't be able to see them.
 I got ready for bed but something about this night had a weird feeling. I walked back into my room which was only lit by a small candle. I froze in my tracks when I noticed someone sitting on the side of my bed. "Don't be scared Y/N it's just me."
I recognized the voice and I calmed down a little bit but I didn't let my guard down even if I knew it was him. "What are you doing here Jin?" I walk closer towards him but still kept my distance. "I'm sorry that I barged into your room like this but I needed to talk to you."
"About what?"
"The question you asked me yesterday when I seen you. I'm really sorry for just leaving you like that back years ago and I didn't come back like I did today. I really am sorry about that." He stayed silent for a few minutes and then started speaking again "Y/N, Hoseok and I were telling the truth yesterday. You don't remember no human here does. I know this is asking for a lot but can you trust me? I understand if you don't."
I thought about what he said. Why would he come back here after all this time and lie to me? Wouldn't just have left completely and never returned? Wouldn't he have killed me when he seen me in the forest yesterday rather than standing up for me.  He didn't deny the fact that he wasn't human when I asked him. I need to trust him. After a few moments of silence I spoke up. "I'll trust you only if you can build up my trust in you. You'll need to prove that I can trust you." Jin smiled widely and said "I have never said this before but you know that man I called Namjoon yesterday?"
"I have a thing for him and I've never admitted this to anyone else so there." I could see the red on his cheeks start to appear. I laughed at this. "What? Are you making fun of me for liking another man?" Jin pouted. "No, I find it funny how red your face gets when you all flustered like you are now."
"Please don't say anything about this to anyone else."
"Who would I tell this to? Would I randomly go up to someone and say there was this vampire who came into my room and came out to me."
I started laughing quietly just thinking about that scenario. I also seen Jin start to smile himself. "This is only a small part but this is a little piece of trust that you've built up Jinnie~"
"HEY! Don't bring that nickname up again!" Jin just kept becoming more and more flustered by the minute. I just kept laughing at how he was acting right now. After letting Jin get his emotions in check he spoke up. "Y/N. Those 6 other guys you seen with me yesterday are my closest friends and when I returned back to them yesterday they were intrigued by you and they were wanting to meet you."
"Really? Why would they be intrigued by me?" You raised an eyebrow at that question. "What normal person would randomly walk out in the middle of a Red Moon without someone nearby or without a weapon and be confronted by 7 vampires but not scream and shout? You were the first person that didn't scream or shout when you seen us." "I kept telling myself I was going to get killed." Jin laughed at my comment. "You didn't which is a good thing. So are you alright with them meeting you?" You thought about it. By meeting them you could gain some knowledge that those books didn't provide by  learning from them instead. "Alright. But where would I meet them?"
"You won't have to go anywhere they could always meet you here."
"... Just make sure that you tell them to wait on the balcony and not to kill me." Jin smiled "Will do. Now goodnight Princess and get some sleep. They come on Friday night." Jin waved goodbye and jumped off the balcony leading you to run over to the railing to see if he was hurt but he was already gone. "Woah... where did he go though." I didn't think about it too hard and headed to bed knowing that morning was well on it's way here. I'll try to get as much sleep as I can but I highly doubt it'll be much. I'm looking forward for their first visit.
I haven’t updated this story in almost a year but I really want to continue it so I’ll try to continue the story.
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adrock702-blog · 2 years
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It’s finally time to get this boat cut up and melted. This is going to take some time but I’ll be using my plasma cutter which should help speed things up. I need to get this in much smaller pieces though to fit in the crucible so hopefully I’ll have this video up in the coming weeks. Stay tuned! 👍🏻 #boatmelt #plasmacutting #thisisgonnasuck #art #artbyadrock https://www.instagram.com/p/CdZtCnmrBNc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tizzie-lizzie · 3 years
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cw// fake wound, fake blood, sewing, injury This is gonna leave a mark Noct. You need to be more careful… this truly is going to “suck” as you would say. . . Noct: @davejolinacoco #whumptober #whumptober2021 #no13 #thisisgonnasuck #thatsgonnaleaveamark #fandom #openwound #ffxv #ffxvcosplay https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-ITwUr6M0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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liveonearth-blog1 · 6 years
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Ugh, trying to get back into shape #thisisgonnasuck (at RiverWinds Community Center)
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biglockdaddy · 4 years
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Timing belt, water pump, new thermostat, new plugs & an oil change... Happy 158,000 mi Birthday you sweet #mopar prince! It’s gonna be a longgggg night... #moparornocar #moparnation #biglockdaddysgarage #diy #dodgecharger #v6 #moparv6 #floridacar #thatsmydodge #timingbelt #waterpump #thisisgonnasuck #runwhatyoubrung #orlando #florida (at Four Corners, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK5IwR2loEK/?igshid=10h6813qspgkb
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serenitymidwest · 4 years
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What do you do on a boring corporate conference call? #getyousome #thisisgonnasuck https://www.instagram.com/p/CB0-ZDhDg3-/?igshid=1a43lghm9bdii
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sally-rouge · 7 years
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Alright, sinus infection! You've meet your match!! #amoxicillin #infection #probiotics #saltines #fijiwater #spaghettios #sick #mugglesick #ThisIsGonnaSuck
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stupray · 5 years
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Blast off! #mypotatoes #potato1 #potato2 #thisisgonnasuck (at Denver International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLL-RAnjAg/?igshid=3z3jkcb8h8sv
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julietheruin-blog · 5 years
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Without the means to work on zines, I started writing my life things 😂😂😂😂😂 #poetry #storytime #writeon #transgenderwriters #writersofinstagram #writer #writeagram #book #shortstory #nonfiction #weshallsee #thisisgonnasuck #orbeawesome https://www.instagram.com/p/ByyZL2HHSSm/?igshid=17vqcwzny27ai
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haplesshuman · 8 years
Eclipse, Part 9
In which there is a fight.
Well, at long last. I’ve finally come to a point where I had to promise myself nachos for finishing. I also had to promise myself Death in Paradise after doing this review, and have prepared by watching a clip from series 2 of Raven. Specifically the one where Skiha beats everyone she fights in Long Staff.
You’ll see why soon enough.
So, let’s go through this...
1. The fight. Might as well get it over with. Yeah, basically it’s Edward and Leah’s brother Seth vs Victoria and some random vampire called Riley. Lots of metallic crunches (are vampires in this universe made of steel?) and amputations later, Riley and Victoria are in bits and on fire. Bella, on the other hand, has spent the whole time contemplating injuring herself with a nearby rock to distract Victoria and Riley (because Edward got over the ‘Bella’s blood is my drug’ thing, apparently) AND DOING NOTHING. 
Oh, apparently it’s a bad idea to mention the words ‘severed head’. I think Bells may have failed Biology. She called it an oval.
2. Bells wants to forget everything. She thinks that by getting Edward to fight, this’ll happen! Well, I can think of another way.
Wait a second whilst I get Mr Cricket Bat.
3. The Volturi randomly turn up, and kill a random vampire called Bree. There’s not much more I can say about this. Bree’s probably an innocent. Let the lass be, that’s what I say. Apparently she’s the titular character of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner, but I’m not reviewing that one. (And I will explain why next week)
4. The words ‘asking for it’ come up. God damn it, Edward Mr Starey Cullen, there is a reason why I won’t review Asking For It. Those three words make me gag.  
Though, in this case, Bella was actually asking Jacob to kiss her...
5. Jacob is an idiot. So Leah is winning a fight against a newborn vampire. Jacob decides no! Girls can’t fight! and knocks Leah out of the way, breaking every bone in his right arm.
Warning: Hapless Human is about to reference something obscure. 
You probably haven’t heard of Jo of the Chalet School. At one point, Jo decides to go to an ice fair, despite the headmistress saying NO IT IS NOT ALLOWED. So... she goes anyway, crashes into another skater and hurts herself in a way that she’s badly bruised and is on bed rest for a while. She’s told by the doctor who came to her rescue that she made her own punishment. And she did. She ended up very bored after a while, having run out of books to read, is lent some more... and writes a whole pile of fanfic. 
Just go with it. (Joey, incidentally, whilst being a bit of a sickly girl, is no damsel in distress. She rescues damsels in distress)
Anyway, what I’m saying here is that for being stupid, Jacob has a lot of broken bones. Should’ve just let Leah finish the fight off.
6. Alice goes one step too far... no, make that three. Never having been engaged myself, I don’t know what wedding dress shopping is like. Nor will Bella. Alice sorted out the dress for her, and looked snottily down on wedding dress shops everywhere.
Alice, it’s not your wedding. Also, you’re being a bigger bridezilla than some ACTUAL BRIDES. You count your lucky stars Bella actually liked the dress.
Oh, and Bella’s got the engagement ring back on. 
7. Jacob’s stupid knows no bounds. OK, you’re probably wondering why I put Jacob being stupid in twice, but there’s a reason. Firstly, because this is a different kind of stupid. Secondly, because this acts as a Take That Me as well as a Take That Jacob.
Yeah, having a crush on someone and ended up losing out? Been there. Not even bothered to try and get over it? Been there. Got called out on it? Been there.
(As a result, I now have a very deep dislike for the song Someone Like You, and still want to yell at my 17-year-old self.)
Jacob, in the epilogue, is getting called out by Leah for not getting over Bells, and at one point complaining they’re affecting her dreams. Jacob... well, basically doesn’t have one good word to say about her, has a vindictive swipe about her ex-fiance, and then basically stops listening and goes home.
Where he gets the wedding invitation, whines and runs away. Geez Louise, what kind of hint will this guy take?
Hapless Human’s answer: None.
OK, and with that I finish Eclipse, and not a sorry moment too soon. Next week will be a Why I won’t review as a bit of a breather episode and maybe another review, then we’re onto Breaking Dawn.
(As opposed to Breaking Bad, a show I didn’t hear of until its very last episode. Whoops.)
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dancingdiamondrose · 3 years
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So i checked out the weather for this week and we're gonna melt.... #herecomestheheat #notevensummeryet #menifeecalifornia #thisisgonnasuck (at Menifee, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQDXlM5rJfU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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intermountainexile · 7 years
#IQuit! Day 1. Video journal about quitting the smoking life. Ciao, smoky treats. #cigarette #cigarettes #quittingsmoking #thisisgonnasuck #vlogger #vlog #smoker #exsmoker #confessions (at Bernal Heights, San Francisco)
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First, we have coffee. Easing into day one of my training commitment with coffee, some news and kitty cuddles. Kids don't go back to school until tomorrow, so I figured I'd sleep late for the last time. I'm gonna need it. #dayone #trainingday #omgwhatamidoing #thisisgonnasuck
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It's gonna be a fun day... #hurricaneirma #rainrain #thisisgonnasuck
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