#thisss might have to be put into another post
ak8shi · 4 years
Atsumu + Sakusa + Akaashi reacting to you tying up your hair Tiktok prank (pt. 2)
Part 1
warnings: slightly suggestive/nsfw?? I guess, mentions of dick, some spoilers !
a/n: tysm for giving the first part so much love, it makes me so happy to think so many people enjoyed it <3
 Miya Atsumu
Can I get an F in the chat for this man
He isn’t ready to be played like this aha
So you are sitting in his living room, watching a movie
You’re both sitting on the couch, you sitting between his legs with a big bowl of buttery popcorn he probably doesn’t even eat it because of his stupid healthy diet
All you can focus on is the prank you saw on Tiktok, I mean it’s the perfect opportunity
You’re already kind of between his legs where you belong
You pretend to spill a bit of the popcorn on the carpet and if we’re being honest he would be an ass about it
Him: you’re so cute when you’re clumsy 🧚🏼‍♀️💗✨now go trip over the ledge of my apartment balcony 🥰💫💞
LMAO so you get down from your previous position, and you manage to set up your phone on the corner of the little side table near the couch
Atsumu is so absorbed in the movie his aggy ass doesn’t even notice
You place your hand on his outer thigh, slightly stroking it
You start to put your hair up in a ponytail, and I think he would be genuinely surprised at your boldness for a second but then he’s like,, IT’S HORNY O’CLOCK
Him: Aha ahaha I know baby,,…. I’m just irresistible like that 🤪🥴
AAKSKKSS his vibes are something else he belongs to the streets
You, looking him dead in the face: oh ? I’m just on the ground picking up the popcorn I spilled like the lowly peasant I am :)) Don’t mind me !
Cue pouting Atsumu he honestly needs someone to put him in his place
Now he’s doting on you and being super cute, trying to get you to get back into his lap
“Babyyyy, I didn’t mean to mouth off at ya, c’mere and I’ll show you what else this mouth can do”
CRINGE LMAO,,,, he’s trying though and somehow the prank went an entirely different direction
You’ve been holding out on smiling or showing any type of emotion on your face, but then you crack and start smiling
You finally tell him it was a prank
You: I remember the words “I’m just irresistible like that” specifically coming out of your mouth
Him: well did I lie
You decide against posting it for his wellbeing, the tiktok community would’ve chewed him up and spit him out💀
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Oh god,,,, do not put him on the spot like thisss
Atsumu and Bokuto somehow convinced you to pull one on your boyfriend
You in the groupchat called MonSter BootY 🅱️itches: u guys he will simply step on me
Bokuto and Atsumu: Sis, that’s why it’s going to be so funny, you’ll thank us when you go viral
Anyways, the two boys offer to hide and record the whole thing in the locker room after practice
Sakusa comes out of his fifth shower of the day and is like,,, why are you in here
You: oh you know,,, just hanging out 🥰
He’s probably shirtless too,,, sheesh
Atsumu and Bo are hiding out in one the showers Atsumu has to cover Bokuto’s mouth the entire time
Sakusa is rolling his eyes at you, he’s just like whatever I’m almost done and then we can go
He’s standing near you while you sit on a bench he definitely tells you to get off it because of how many germs are on it and for the simple fact that Atsumu’s ass touches it
I’m screaming you’re already stifling your laugh knowing Atsumu is HEATED behind the shower curtain hearing that
Okay so you give the boys the cue to start recording, asking Omi to give you a kiss on the cheek
Usually this man would NOT do this in front of his teammates,,, but since he thinks he’s alone he makes an exception
He leans down to carefully press a kiss to your turned cheek, and then you make your move
You gently knock your phone down smooth
You get down on the ground, brushing your hand along his leg and calf
At this point you’re sure Atsumu and Bo are LOSING IT
And so you pull the hair tie from your wrist, putting your hair up in a messy bun
He’s looking down at you kind of intensely, and you think for a second that he might go along with the prank you: I like the view
You: oops I dropped something 😉
Him, stepping away from you: oh my god,, get up right this instant or I will not be able to legally touch you for the next week
THE EMBARRASSMENT,,,, you can’t recover from this he is so grossed out LMAO
You reluctantly pick up your phone and get up, hearing the boys’ thundering footsteps as they sprint out of the locker room,, laughing their asses off
He doesn’t even care about them at this point, he’s just like we need to get you home and into the shower IMMEDIATELY,,,
Sakusa looking at the Tiktok later: what do you mean it only went viral because I’m shirtless
You, looking at his Amazon purchases: why did you order so many gardening knee pads
Him: I know how to treat a girl right sweetie
Akaashi Keiji
Listen, this man is so freaky on the DL,, you’re like there’s no way you can’t get a reaction out of him
So you decide to surprise your boyfriend during lunch at his internship for a top publishing company
You are so proud of him and you make him so happy:((( please
Because of this, you decide to not post the Tiktok in case it jeopardizes his career!!
He’s so excited to see you, he’s grinning and softly holding your hand to lead you back to his secret lunch spot
You: Keiji why are we in a bathroom stall
Him: bold of you to assume I have friends here
You’re like, okay not what I was expecting but I can still make this work
It’s like one of those super fancy bathrooms with a lounge area and table, so you both sit down there
Keiji goes to lock the door so it isn’t awkward if someone comes in to take a piss and you’re just stuffing your face with dick food
You made/bought his favorites and he’s so thankful to not be alone for once during his lunch break I am crying
He’s sitting next to you, eating his favorite licorice candy with his arm slung around your waist
You think it’s the perfect time to do the prank, so you start putting your plan into action
You drop your napkin onto the floor as he’s telling you about how whack his supervisor is, and you bend down to pick it up
He doesn’t really think anything of it, letting go of your waist so you can grab it, expecting you to come back to your previous position
You don’t LOL
On the ground you hold onto Keiji’s knee he do be manspreading in front of you
You hear him gulp, and then you go to tie your hair, up, looking up at him through your lashes
You: sorry I dropped my napkin 😊 let me grab that really quick
You’re not really sure how things progressed so fast, but the next thing you know he’s leaning forward, his hand is gripping your cheeks and he’s sternly staring at you,,, oh so he’s HOT hot
“Don’t tease me like that right now sweetheart”
Let me move my bangs because,,,
He brings your mouth to his, you can taste the licorice that he had been previously eating
The kiss is kind of ROUGH,, like a warning , and then he pulls away going back to his normal self, popping another licorice into his mouth
.. speechless..
You: why do you ruin my fun
Him: I will not hesitate to dick you down right here
You: you have such a way with words ❤️
Him: anyways,,, let me explain to you why I suspect my supervisor is a cancer
The video ends up being too sexual to post but are you complaining ??
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Lisstennnn I love the boys but tbh if u notice the western artists they collab with or “look up to” are very mainstream, the type to make songs you hear whilst shopping at the mall u know what I mean? Like no doubt they have a couple bangers but cmon anyone that has worked in any clothes store is TIRED of artists like Ed Sheeran, Halsey, Shawn Mendes, Justin Beiber etc. And I hate to see the boys having them as inspirations bc they end up w songs like PTD which are not very good compared to their songs in Korean and I feel like Army is just giving them the views, trying to reach the “goals” and shit withou really liking the songs which isn’t good cause they are just gonna keep making songs like thisss😭 I love my boys but PTD was kinda eeh for me. Lmk what u think 🥺
Hi! Thank for the ask, first of all. People rarely read or respond to my posts, but tbh I can't blame them. I don't even think my posts always show up in the BTS tag lol, and I talk too much. Anyway...
I find it super ironic that BTS seem to love artists that make the kind of music a lot of Armys don't want. The thought of a BTSxJB collab makes me shudder. I love the music BTS make but often not the music BTS listen to. Still, Agust D, RM's music and collabs, Hope World, some of the vocal line's solo songs (especially V's) are not at all the kind of music they've recently said they listen to. Is the music they make and the music they listen to inherently different, or are they just making music that fits their "concept" and the musical identity they've carved for themselves and not necessarily the kind of music they want to do?
This also makes me think of something else, which is that Army literally goes on and on about Black Swan, but BTS have never once said they love the song. I honestly think it's another one of their songs they enjoy but don't think about much. I bet most of them prefer Butter over Black Swan. Some of their favorite songs from MOTS:7 were Zero O'Clock and Louder Than Bombs (both mellow tracks). That's kind of why it's not surprising that they're going in this direction - not only because of the popularity thing, but because they do like more generic pop music, and don't mind doing it (especially if it's only three songs so far).
I think BTS will be surprised by the reaction to this song. When Butter came out I (and some people) didn't like it, but the comment section here and on reddit was mostly positive. The song is cool and trendy. But that's not the case this time around. PTD sounds like a HSM song, and that's not exactly what's fashionable right now. On here and on reddit people have been dissing the track a lot. I don't know what's going to happen in terms of streams and stuff, because Army is powerful and the song might be well received by the GP, but I think they will reach the lowest point in their careers since Dynamite. I don't think the song will bring in a huge number of fans. It won't be a "flop" or whatever, and it's not a title track so it's fine that it doesn't perform super well, but it might hurt them more than benefit them in the long run. They're a lot of disgruntled fans right now and I think their image will take a slight hit. This is the culmination of fans' worries and complaints about their English releases. This time they don't have the excuse of the song being good or a bop. It's truly not a bop, so even Army is outright complaining.
I know people want the song to not do well so BTS can learn a lesson, but even if the song doesn't do well they won't change their current direction. Once the pandemic is over they might drop another Korean album like MOTS:7 and BE, but these albums still have songs that are more poppy and generic than desired. Their next album will have people complaining and their next songs will be blander than the norm too. This is just BTS now imo. Fans talk about ON and Black Swan - and, yes, those songs are amazing and creative - but MOTS:7 also had tracks like Louder Than Bombs and WABP: The Eternal, which, to me are American-y enough. However, fans like those tracks. Current fans don't mind the more American pop sound as long as there are meaningful lyrics and BTS put their own spin to it. BTS will never go back to their Wings era. I don't mind that because I love LY: Answer and MOTS:7 is my favorite album (even though I don't like all the songs). The point I'm trying to make is that, no, BTS won't stop releasing Butter-style music. We can hope that with PTD not doing amazing (it will probably do much better than expected), BTS might try to release a darker song or something.
Sorry for the rant. What do you think?
PS: Am I the only one that felt genuinely embarrassed for BTS watching the MV and listening to the song? I know it's stupid but this was the first time I felt kind of embarrassed being Army. There's nothing wrong with liking 1D or HSM, but, yeah...
Thanks for the ask :)
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gottanerdout · 5 years
Based on this post.
GA, 1790 words
Summary:  An attempt to make Crowley comfortable while in his snake form goes embarrassingly awry.
(AO3 link)
After the dust settled and their relationship inevitably shifted into more, the idea of moving in together had been a bit of a given for Aziraphale and Crowley. Months and months after settling down, Aziraphale had long since gotten used to the quirks of sharing a home with the demon, chief of which was what he termed his snake periods. Crowley had desperately attempted to hide the fact he needed some time to recharge himself in a form closer to his demonic nature at first, making excuses as to why he would suddenly disappear a few days every so often. It took finding the then-serpent hidden away in their backyard sleeping instead of ‘out on a trip’ for the angel to finally understand what was happening and realize, distressingly, that Crowley had been keeping it quiet out of fear of how he’d react to it. The shame he seemed to associate with it broke his heart to see and Aziraphale wouldn't stand for it.
From that moment on, he never passed up the opportunity to normalize it. The first month after finding out, Aziraphale spent a good amount of time dotting their cottage with spots intended to be comfortable areas for him to hide or sun himself, depending on his moods. When Crowley finally started to opt to being around him more openly while he was a serpent, he never rebuffed him being nearby, no matter what he was doing at the time. He would even occasionally find the demon had turned sometime in his sleep and their usual tangle of arms and legs were replaced by his lithe, long body wrapped protectively around him and even that he barely batted an eye at. After all, the choice to stay in bed and run his fingers gently along his scales was always an easy one, especially with how contented Crowley seemed to be when he did it. Hiding it away became a distant memory soon enough, which was exactly what Aziraphale wanted to happen.
The idea of getting silk sheets had been born of knowing what Crowley’s preference in sleeping attire was. Surely, he surmised, if he enjoyed the feel of silk against his skin, the same could be said against his scales. It would be a nice surprise, he decided, and knew he'd have to wait for the right moment to spring it. Biding his time, the angel’s chance finally came a month or so after the idea had crossed his mind. He’d been sitting in the reading room engrossed in one of his books when he suddenly felt the familiar sensation of the demon slithering up his pant leg. It didn’t take him long before he had coiled himself up in his lap, a sensation that wasn’t much different than having a weighted blanket placed on him. It was pleasant, just like all the quiet moments he had with him were.
“Taking a nap, dear?” he guessed, not looking up from the page. He did lift the book a bit so the sunshine that was coming out of the window near them bathed him in warmth a bit more, though.
“Yesss,” Crowley hissed out, the sound coming out like a contented sigh.
“Alright. Sleep well,” he replied, reaching down to gently scratch under his chin. He smiled when he felt his forked tongue tickle his wrist as he did.
Moving him wasn’t an immediate thing. Instead, Aziraphale waited until the sun had long moved on from the window he was sitting in front of, only then putting the book aside. He looked down at the serpent fondly before snapping his fingers - a miracle to change the sheets was more than a little frivolous, but he barely gave it a second thought as he gathered Crowley into his arms.
The one thing he’d certainly learned about Crowley – as a snake and in his more human form as well – was when he slept deeply, nothing short of another apocalypse could wake him (if that). There was no reaction at all to being jostled about, even when he went so far as to loop him a bit around his shoulders for easier transportation. Walking through the cottage with his carefully carried bundle, he eventually made it into the bedroom a few minutes later. Unsurprisingly, their bed now sported inviting silk sheets, black as the ones Crowley considered his favorite pair. It took another few minutes to properly unwind him from his body - he’d started to unconsciously cling to him in the new position he’d had him in already – but he finally was able to set him down on a sunny spot in the middle of the bed.
It didn’t take long for Crowley to curl up again in his sleep, and after being sure he was alright, the angel left him to rest. The afternoon passed by lazily afterward, the day eventually easing into a pleasant dusk. Aziraphale was sitting at their kitchen table, sipping the tea he’d just made for himself and deciding what he’d like to eat for dinner.
He was snapped out of his thoughts abruptly by an unexpected source.
“Azzziraphale!” came a strained cry from their bedroom, the sound edged with something too close to panic. Clattering the teacup he’d been holding to its plate, he didn’t even think before he was rushing toward the noise, heart leaping into his throat. He burst into the room, half expecting him to be under attack, and instead found something altogether different.
In all the planning he’d made to surprise him, he hadn’t considered the fact they, by design, were slick to the point of slippery. Had he thought about it, he may have realized the surface likely wasn’t one a snake could easily move on. Instead, it took him seeing Crowley desperately attempting to get off the bed and not finding any way to propel himself forward for it to dawn on him that a mistake had been made.
“What isss thisss?” the demon demanded, looking as irritated and frazzled as he’d ever seen a snake before.
The angel would insist later that he tried valiantly not to react to the sight. There was no stopping it when it happened, however, the laughter that immediately bubbled out of him so forceful he ended up bent over with them. By the time he pulled himself together long enough to take the situation seriously, he was breathless with tears in the corner of his eyes. Crowley had given up by then and was curled on the sheets, looking absolutely miserable.
“Oh dear, darling, I’m so sorry -“ he attempted out, words undermined by the fact he still hadn’t gotten himself quite under control as he approached the bed. The serpent glared daggers at him when he tried to reach out, and while he knew he wouldn’t snap at him, Aziraphale did treat it as him not consenting to being touched and withdrew his hand. “Please, let me help you.”
“Go away,” came a grumpy, sharp reply, Crowley's head now partially hidden by a coil of his own body. He knew the serpent well enough that he would stubbornly wait until he was human-shaped again before asking for help after the fit Aziraphale just had, and the guilt that came after that realization dried up his laughter far faster than anything else could.
“You must understand, I was simply trying to surprise you with something nice. I hadn’t even considered it might be difficult for you to move on,” he explained himself, hoping context would soothe his frayed pride. It did not. Shoulders slumping a little, he added, a little more quietly, “I shouldn’t have laughed. That was cruel of me.”
Aziraphale climbed onto the bed then, offering his arms out in a motion to show he was willing and able to help him. Crowley didn’t look interested in taking it at all.
“It’sss not funny,” he muttered, crossly.
“You’re right. Won’t happen again, I promise,” he agreed, contrite. He watched the serpent size him up and though still looking rightfully unamused, he seemed to relax his stance a bit. Aziraphale didn’t quite make a move to lift him yet. “May I?”
The demon considered the offer, eyes narrowed into slits. After a long moment, he finally let out a glum, “Yesss.”
It wasn’t much work gathering him up again. He put him on the ground carefully right after, having a feeling he didn’t much want to be held longer than he had to be. Sure enough, without a word, the snake slithered out of the room, disappearing into the house and Aziraphale let him leave, deciding to give him the space he clearly wanted. He did, however, take the offending sheet off the bed and replaced it with one of their usual ones, not wanting it to be an issue for him any longer. Discarding it to the side, he continued to leave Crowley be, knowing he was hiding somewhere and would come out when he wanted to. Despite not being tired in the least, he opted to go to bed alone for once a few hours later, hoping it’d tempt him to come out.
It took a little while, but the temptation proved successful. Not long after he started dozing, he woke up to the sensation of something flicking against his cheek. Opening his eyes, he found two yellow eyes staring back, glinting a little in the moonlight that was illuminating their room.
“There you are,” the angel realized, looking at him with a hopeful expression. “Am I to assume I’m forgiven?”
Crowley said nothing, though he did butt his large head against his forehead affectionately, then lowered it to rest on his chest. It was as close to a yes as he was going to get.
Aziraphale was nothing if not persistent. The next morning, instead of throwing the offending sheets out and never speaking of what happened again, he instead realized he had perhaps gone about it all in the wrong way. There was, after all, more than enough of the sheet to create bedding for one of his baskets. It didn't take long for him to complete the project once he set out to do it, replacing a far inferior sheet he had had in it beforehand. Not making a big deal of it, he left it out for Crowley to try – or not – at his leisure, then went about his business for the day. It was only a few hours later that he happened past it and found the serpent curled up in it and soundly passed out, soaking in the noonday sun.
He watched him sleep for a moment, a smile growing on his face at the sight of it, then quietly continued onward into the next room.
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marvelgbt-posts · 5 years
It’s Not A UK Thing|| Part II of ‘You Can Stay Under My Umbrella’
Part 1 
Part 3 
Part 4 (not yet posted)
{Tom Holland x Stylist! Male Reader}
Warnings: none- except for bad writing
Summary: Helping Tom with his lines, his costume, and other small side stuff...
A/N: “Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please.” isn’t thAT hard to say… also forgot ‘mate’ is an everyday word in the UK, oops
Tumblr media
*not edited*
“Peter Parker pere top a pasp ahh- god dAMMIT!” Tom sighed, running a hand though his already disheveled locks. You were sitting by your desk, sewing a tear in one of your sweaters while Tom was on your bed, rehearsing some lines for Far From Home.
“Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please,” you reminded him. Tom threw his head back in frustration, “I knowww. How do you say it so easily?”
“Maybe it’s because I don’t have an accent like you? I dunno, but it really isn’t that hard. Just focus on the words. Trust the process. Be patient. Take it slow, say it slowly for me.”
Tom sighed, taking a deep breath, “Okay, ‘Peter Parker here to pick up a passport, please’.”
“Good, now faster. And keep going until you get it right. I’m going out for a bit for some food, want anything specific? Or I’ll just get some Cup-Noodles if that’s fine.”
“Yeah, noodles are fine.”
“Cool,” you picked up your keys, leaving your room and out the door, into the cold air.
Tom took this moment, turning it into an opportunity. He got up from your bed, fixing the shirt that had somehow managed to slip up. He moved to your desk, looking at the freshly resewn sweater you had finished just moments before. He took a moment to appreciate the soft and even patterns of how you stitched it together. “Hm,” he looked around, his hand lingering on the fabric a bit before moving with his body. He went to a bookshelf of yours, scanning his eyes through the multiple framed photos. One of you as a kid- maybe 6 or 7- another of your little sister when she was 2, sucking her thumb with wide and curious eyes. There was a family photo, you, your parents, your sister, and your family pet that you had kept with you once you left the house.
Tom picked up a photo of you with another girl. He hadn’t recognized her before, so he assumed she was an ex. Or maybe a current girlfriend? He hoped not. Why?
He placed the photo back, his thumb brushing over your happily still face, eyes shielded by the sunlight in a pair of dark sunglasses. Recently, you were more sleepy and groggy. It was hard for you to fall asleep due to stress, and would resort to finishing up projects due next month as a way to get your body tense enough to relax. Tom felt bad, he knew his job wasn’t as hard as those who worked behind the scenes- yet didn’t get enough recognition. You being included. Yet, you were so much more than just a stylist. You fixed his suits. You fixed his regular, everyday clothes. You helped with his lines. You offered to feed him and made sure he was well rested. You were basically his mom in the States. At this point, people would have assumed you two were already living together. Zendaya was no exception.
“Hey, Tom. This Thanksgiving, wanna go to your place, since you and (M/n) live together now?”
“What? We don’t live together!”
“But- wait, what? No- you’re always over there, though. I’m so sorry, I just assumed-”
Tom never mentioned it to you, though. He thought you might think it was weird, and would want him to start coming over less.
He flopped back onto bed, reaching over to take the forgotten script into his hand, flipping through the pages and going through the movie. He sighed, missing you already. He let his mind wander to the past few days, then the past few months. Then to the day he kissed your cheek. He wanted to tell you so badly that, that kiss was more than a ‘UK thing’ and he wanted to be more than coworkers.
But how would the public react? He knew he had made it clear he looked for more personality in a person, but he never officially came out to the public as- for the use of the umbrella term- gay.
“Uhnn, I hate thisss,” Tom hissed into his papers, which had now rested softly against his face as his hands were above his head, resting by the opposite side of the bed. Whether he was talking about the script, younger twister line, the kiss, or all- Tom didn’t even know anymore.
“Holland, I’m home,” you called out to the boy in your room. You locked the door as both Tessa and your pet shih tzu, Harper, greeted you at your feet. You placed the groceries in the kitchen before acknowledging both of them with a pat on their heads. You went to undo the cheap wrapping of the noodles, putting them in hot water to loosen it up. “Holland?” You called out to the actor, worry bubbling in the pit of your stomach. “Tom? Thomas?” You continued to call out carefully, expecting the worse. You slowly began to walk towards your room, hoping Tom was in there
There was a small hum coming from inside your room, making you look inside. “Oh my god, Tom...” you sighed, seeing Tom curled on his side into your pillow, head buried into it. His script had folded and crinkled, laid discarded on the floor due to Tom’s inability to keep it in his hand in his sleep.
You decided to wake him up, “Tom, Tom, Thomas… THOMAS STANLEY HOLLAND!!”
Tom jerked upward, looking around, “Mom! I’m sorry, I didn’t he-ah… wait… this isnt my room. (M/n)!” Tom whined, falling back onto the bed, rubbing his eyes. “Sorry dude, but you need to get up now. Noodles are waiting for us down stairs, I’m so freaking ready to stab my chopsticks into them and totally not show off my amazing skills,” you joked, winking. It wasn’t meant to be flirtatious- just a quick wink, the kind you’d send on your way out of a room or after saying something funny. But Tom was a blushing mess. You hadn’t taken notice, he hoped.
“But it’s so late! And I’m so tired!” Tom whined, eyes fluttering back to sleep. You sighed. Irritated, but feeling playful, you made your way to the bed and grabbed Tom by his waist, lifting his arms to move around your shoulders as you hoisted him up by his butt.
Man, only god could own an ass like his.
Tom’s face flushed, “(M-M/n)! Put me down!”
“Nope, you wouldn’t get up. So now face your punishment like a good boy.” Wait, no thats kinky-
Tom hid his face in your neck, sighing due to tiredness. You could’ve sworn he was breathing in your cologne, “To be honest, I’m too tired to fight back, mate.”
“Hm,” you cooed, rubbing his back a bit before making your way to the kitchen. By now, your noodles had loosened up enough to eat. You placed Tom on the couch, letting him sink into the cushions. You picked up your chopsticks, beginning to eat as some random kids cartoon played. You glanced at Tom, he hadn’t touched his food, but his attention was focused on the show. “Tom, do you not want the noodles? Do you want something else?”
Tom looked at you, eyes widening, “Oh! I forgot about those!”
“Here-” you placed your now empty cup of noodles down onto the coffee table in front of you. It had been over 24 hours since you last ate a ‘full meal’. “Say ahh...” you took Tom’s noodles in your hand, proceeding to feed him. Tom blushed, opening his mouth a little. “Tom, im’ma ‘bout’a drop this everywhere. Open your mouth- there we go,” you say. You were a little tired, making your words sound jumbled and merged together. “God, your mouth seems so small. You suck dick like that, Holland?” You smile playfully, yet tiredly.
Tom’s eyes widen, “What the fuck?!”
You burst into a fit of laughter, “HAHA- sorry, just. I don’t know. Thomas-”
Ohh, this is where shit gets real. When you call him by his full first name.
“- the day you kissed my cheek. Was it really just a UK thing?”
Tom tensed, this could be the day you would find out. The day you could be something more. But what if it went all wrong?
“Tom?” You say, brushing some of the strands of hair that got into his eyes.
That was it, that was the reassurance he needed. “No, mate. It’s Not A UK Thing.”
“Sooo, what? You like me?”
“Well, actually- its more like love,” Tom awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, refusing to make eye contact with you. You chucked, putting down the styrofoam cup, now only containing liquid and some bits of vegetables, and moved your now free arm to wrap itself behind Tom’s neck. He was already pretty small by himself, but with you next to him- your large body now practically hovering over his- he felt like an ant.
Your lips had connected to his, causing a small spark of what felt like electricity to run down Tom’s spine (and yours).
“Glad to know that, Holland. Glad to know.”
so, i might make a part 3, focusing more on the girl in the photo with you that Tom picked up, would yall be interested? it might contain angst, cuz i kinda wanna write angst--
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mrsimoshen · 5 years
Fic: Spring Flights
Title: Spring Flights
Link: Spring Flights on AO3
Square filled: Castiel/Michael/Lucifer
Ship: Castiel/Michael/Lucifer
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Lucifer, Alpha Michael, Omega Castiel, Mating Flights, anal sex,oral sex, Finger Sucking, anal fingering, spitroasting, also fluff, mentioned mpreg
Summary: It's the first day of spring, which means it's the day for the Mating Flights. This year, Castiel finds himself pursued by mated pair, Michael and Lucifer...
Word count: 3043
created for @spnkinkbingo
tagging: @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell, @silvaxus, @blakechaos08, @princerusso, @masterpieceofturkeycleverness   @ajcza, @buggre-alle-thisss-ineffability, @brieflymaximumprincess, @captain-winchester-27, @s-c-o-o-b
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Fic below the cut:
It’s the first day of spring, which means many things.
One of them is that the air is noticeably warmer, has been for the last few days as the sun is in the sky a few minutes more every day. Birds have come out of their nests and started to greet the sunrise with their song again, and fresh, new green is slowly burgeoning on trees and shrubbery.
Another thing the first day of spring means is that, as they do every year, the fertile Angels gather for the Courtship Flight.
 “There’s a lot of submissive Angels this year,” Michael murmurs, his green eyes intent on the Angels gathered across the wide expanse of grass between them. “Think he’ll fly with them?”
“I’m sure,” Lucifer murmurs back, wings and arms wrapped around his fellow dominant mate. “His last fledgling left the nest the past summer, and she’s already rising in the ranks of her chosen profession. He’s unmated, he’ll fly.”
Michael smiles and turns his head to kiss Lucifer’s cheek. “Trust you to be well informed,” he teases gently. Lucifer laughs.
“It’s part of my job,” he reminds his mate, stretching his impressive wings. “Time to get ready, Starlight.”
Michael sighs as he is released from the gentle embrace of his mate. He stretches out his own wings, just as impressive as his mate’s, and uses a few hard beats to execute a flawless vertical takeoff. Best to remind all the other dominant Angels around them that he and Lucifer are Archangels, and thus a force to be reckoned with.
  “Got your eye on anyone specific?” Samandriel grins at Castiel, already visibly excited to start the Flight. Castiel hums and smirks.
“Maybe,” he replies, slowly stretching his wings. “I heard there’ll be interesting dominants flying today.”
“Yeah,” Samandriel sighs dreamily, “I heard Gadreel’s gonna fly today…”
“More like, Gadreel told you he’d fly today, and you know damn well he’s going to go for you,” Castiel teases with a grin. “You’ve been dancing around each other all year, you’ll be mated before the day is out, Samandriel.”
Samandriel grins, unrepentant. “I sure as fuck hope so,” he agrees. “A Mating Flight is part of a proper Mating Dance. Now, spill, Cas. Anyone you’re going to fly for today?”
Cas just smiles and says nothing. He’s heard interesting rumors, too, but he’s not sure yet if he believes them – and even if they are true, he’s not sure if he wants more than a single season with the pair who caught his eye last time he watched the Flight, just a spectator with Kaliel wrapped securely in his wings.
Michael and Lucifer are fascinating, and certainly strong and fast and smart enough to catch him. They’re also certainly good candidates to consider as fathers for a fledgling, but Castiel has seen them together, and he’s seen them with submissives before. They’ve never been with someone for longer than a season, utterly devoted to each other – and Cas isn’t sure yet if he wants to remain unmated for another fledgling.
He figures he’s going to take flight with everyone else, and then he’ll see what happens.
 The signal for the beginning of the actual Flight is always the sun rising over the horizon, that first ray of warm light the cue for everyone to stop the slow circling and start flying. The borders of the large island they’re flying over are the limit, anyone who flies beyond and over the open sea not to be touched. The spectators hover or circle there, watching and ready to step in should anyone need help.
Michael flies high above everyone else, his greater wingspan a disadvantage as long as he’s surrounded by many Angels. He watches Lucifer circle a little lower, then turns his attention to the submissive Angels, who are all in the air and flying inland by now. The first dominant Angels have already found their mark and are giving chase, and Michael snorts in amusement when he notices some submissives hardly putting up a challenge before letting themselves be caught.
He spots the beautiful black wings with their distinctive white patterns at the same time as Lucifer does, his mate’s joyous excitement clear over the mating bond. Lucifer picks up speed to follow their chosen mate, and Michael laughs as he follows, passing Gadreel (and noticing that his friend’s chosen mate is leading him on a merry chase, good) and making sure no one else is following their black-winged “prey”.
  Castiel grins as he flies, his wings beating hard and fast to gain altitude. He laughs as he sees Samandriel do a little loop before flying off, Gadreel in hot pursuit. “Give him a good chase,” he murmurs and throws a glance over his shoulder to check if anyone is on his trail.
His heart gives a little jump as he sees not one, but two Angels swooping in to chase him. The six wings are distinctive, as are the colors – dusk and dawn, the wingspan impressive. Michael and Lucifer.
Heart beating faster, Castiel turns his eyes front again and picks up speed, choosing a path that will lead him to the freestanding stone pillars. He’s a fast flier, and he’s managed to shake more than one unwanted suitor there before – and lost one or two he’d considered, but the fathers of his fledglings need to be as good as he is, he’ll accept nothing less – and this is a good test for it.
He dares glances over his shoulder every now and then, and always, wings of dusk and wings of dawn are behind him, gaining on him constantly. Castiel weaves around the stone pillars, doing his best to shake his pursuers – but when he clears the field of the pillars, they are still on his tail. Castiel grins wildly, his blood hot now. He can feel his body prepare for a potential mating, or just a potential claiming, arousal beginning to twine through his limbs. He needs to make a decision – left, and out over the open sea to make it clear he isn’t interested, or right, and further inland to where the earth is covered in soft moss and grasses.
Castiel makes a tight turn and beats his wings.
 Lucifer grins widely as their black-winged Angel turns to the right, heading inland. He glances upwards to where Michael took point, then around them. They’re as alone as can be, on this island – there are other Angels within sight of his sharp eyes, but no one is close enough to be considered competition. No Angel is fool enough to attempt to horn in on two Archangels’ chase of their chosen Angel. He can feel Michael’s arousal through their mating bond, knows his mate can feel his own arousal in return. Their intended started giving off a seductive scent around the time they cleared the stone pillars (and that was a bit of exhilarating flying, he needs to repeat that when he’s not intent on not losing sight of his prey) and even if Castiel hadn’t made such a clear decision in choosing his flight path, the Archangels would have known their pursuit had been deemed welcome.
Michael angles his wings a little and swoops lower, their prey now almost within reach. Lucifer beats his wings a little harder and positions himself slightly to the left, matching his mate’s speed, and then they’re above Castiel, who looks over his shoulder with blown-wide eyes.
 They move as one, wings snapping shut to drop just enough to grab Castiel, then flaring out again to keep them all from slamming down hard into the earth. Castiel gasps, secure in their hold, and his wings snap shut along his back as Michael and Lucifer descend. They land, Castiel beneath them, pressed securely to the cushion of grass and moss. The black-winged angel moans and reaches for them, telegraphing his willingness in every way he can – spread legs, arched neck, seductive, luscious scent, it’s obvious he wants them both. Still, they make sure.
“Are you willing to accept us, Castiel?” Michael purrs, letting one hand grasp at one of his wings. Castiel whines and buries his hand in feathers.
“Yes,” he breathes, blue eyes wild as he glances over his shoulder. “Yes, claim me, mate me, whatever!”
“Oh, we will, little Midnight,” Lucifer purrs and runs a hand down Castiel’s back. “We’ll claim you right here, right now – and we’ll talk about mating when we’ve all calmed a little.”
Michael laughs when Cas whines and tries to push his hips up beneath their combined weight. “That might take a little time, Lucifer.”
They strip their eager submissive Angel, taking care not to rip his clothes, and when Cas is naked on the grass, it’s obvious he’s ready for them. His scent has become even more intense, and Lucifer gives a soft moan when his fingers encounter slick wetness on Castiel’s inner thighs. “He’s already leaking, Micha.”
“Good,” Michael purrs. He gets up while Lucifer strokes and pets their new third, stripping. Cas glances up at him and moans, raising his ass higher in clear invitation. “Make sure he’s nice and open for me, hm?”
Lucifer nods with a smile and keeps stroking Castiel’s back as his other hand slides up and between his cheeks, rubbing gentle fingers over the slick-drenched entrance. “Already so wet for us,” he murmurs, “you’re an eager one, hm? Can’t wait to fill you up when Michael’s done.”
Castiel blushes and moans when Lucifer’s fingers slip into his hole, rocking back against the touch. Lucifer purrs.
“Oh, he’s ready for you, Starlight,” he informs his mate as he works fingers into the slick channel and Castiel moans out a litany of “yes, please, please” and rocks back against him. “All wet and relaxed.”
Michael sinks back down to them, naked now, and leans over Castiel to kiss Lucifer before he spreads Castiel’s cheeks open with both hands and groans at the sight of three of Lucifer’s fingers in the drenched hole. “Pull them out, Sunlight,” he breathes.
Castiel makes a protesting noise when Lucifer pulls his fingers free, then moans as Michael slowly pushes his cock into him. His wings twitch and flutter, and Michael groans and reaches out to use a grip on one to pull Castiel against him. “Fuck, he feels perfect.”
Lucifer watches them hungrily and lifts his slick-drenched fingers to his mouth for a taste. He gives a low moan at the first lick. “Tastes good, too,” he murmurs, licking his fingers clean. Michael grins and starts moving in long, hard thrusts that have Castiel moan and arch beneath him, fingers digging into the grass and moss beneath them. The submissive Angel is clearly lost in pleasure and the bliss of a claiming, shivering and pliant beneath Michael, and Lucifer purrs and caresses him as Michael slowly moves faster and harder into the stretched hole around him.
“Come on, Starlight,” Lucifer coaxes, petting Castiel’s hair and letting him suck on his fingers, “fill him up, he’s desperate for a knot.”
“I can feel that,” Michael gasps out as he changes his pace to shorter, harder thrusts. He groans as Castiel clenches down on the growing knot at the base of his cock. He rocks his hips, pulling it in and out of the clenching hole, stretching Castiel further. “Fuck, you’re a greedy one, Midnight.”
Castiel moans agreement around the fingers in his mouth, arching his back and blinking blown-wide eyes up at Lucifer, who breathes another curse. Then their new submissive screams as Michael pushes in hard and growls, fingers going white where he grips Castiel’s hip and wing. Lucifer purrs, watching Castiel spill his release on the grass beneath him, untouched, as Michael comes deep inside him.
“Going to fuck you nice and full until you’re dripping,” he promises the raven-winged Angel who whines around his fingers and keeps sucking on them.
 Michael finally relaxes, stroking Castiel’s feathers back into place where his grip ruffled them, and Lucifer smiles and leans in for a slow kiss.
“You two look gorgeous,” he murmurs against his mate’s mouth. Michael chuckles and kisses back softly, still petting the shivering submissive beneath him.
Lucifer pulls back and leans down to check on Castiel, slowly pulling his fingers out of the Angel’s mouth. Castiel gives a low whine, and Lucifer chuckles and strokes his hair with his dry hand.
“You with us, Midnight?”
“Yeah,” Castiel murmurs, turning his head into the caresses. Lucifer purrs and keeps stroking. “Beautiful little submissive,” he tells Castiel. “I’ll claim you next, and then we’ll take you home and see how much fun we can all have.”
Castiel turns his head a little more, revealing eyes still a little hazy with lust, and gives a little moan as he sees Lucifer’s cock outlined clearly in his pants. “Oh yes,” he breathes, and Michael laughs.
“He clenched down on me again,” the Archangel murmurs, massaging Castiel’s ass with strong hands. “Already hungry for more, Midnight?”
Castiel smiles a little and shifts his hips. “I’m a handful,” he murmurs, “or so others told me.”
“Good thing there’s two of us then,” Lucifer chuckles. “We’ll keep you satisfied, pretty submissive.”
 They keep petting and caressing Castiel until Michael’s knot goes down enough for the Archangel to pull free of Castiel’s hole, and by the time he does, Castiel’s already shifting in renewed arousal, the scent of another dominant still aroused and the beginning mating season working in tandem to keep him on the edge.
“Want to stay like this, Midnight?” Lucifer murmurs as he and Michael switch places. Castiel nods, pushing his ass up further.
“Yes, please,” he breathes, “please, Lucifer, need it, please…”
“Hush, Midnight,” Michael soothes the Angel as Lucifer strips. “He’ll fill you up nice and wide in a moment.”
Castiel keeps shifting his hips in invitation, and Lucifer groans as he sinks to his knees behind him. “Oh, you left a pretty mess behind, Michael.” He reaches out to rub a finger over the puffy hole slowly leaking come and slick. “I wonder how he’ll look when we’ve filled him up a couple times.”
“Delicious,” Michael replies with a grin, and Castiel moans at the promise in the word. “Fuck him, Lucifer, he needs it.”
Lucifer does, pushing into Castiel in a long, slow movement, and the Angel whines and shivers and clenches down around him. The Archangel moans. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” Michael purrs, still petting Castiel’s hair. “Wait until he feels your knot, he squeezes down so perfectly once he gets that.”
Castiel blushes again and whines, and Michael chuckles and looks down to where Castiel has lust-hazy eyes fixed on the slowly hardening cock between Michael’s legs. “Oh, does our little Midnight Angel want to get filled on both ends?”
Castiel moans and licks his lips, and Lucifer chuckles breathlessly from where he’s slowly fucking him. “That’s going to be beautiful.”
“Open up,” Michael tells the submissive with a smile, and when Castiel’s mouth falls open immediately, he shuffles closer and guides his cock into the wet heat with a low moan. Castiel echoes the sound, sucking him in hungrily, and Michael cups Castiel’s head firmly and sets a slow rhythm in and out of his mouth, matching Lucifer.
Castiel moans and whines between them, lost in pleasure, being rocked back and forth between the Archangels claiming him so thoroughly.
Lucifer’s knot swells up until he can’t pull out anymore, instead pulling at Castiel’s rim with every rock of his hips, and Castiel groans as Michael pushes his cock deep into his mouth, the knot pressing against his lips.
“Oh, he’s clenching down on me perfectly,” Lucifer gasps, running greedy hands over Castiel’s back and wings. Michael laughs as Castiel shivers.
“Wait until he comes.”
“Oh, he’s close, aren’t you, Midnight?” Lucifer pets Castiel’s wings and moans as Cas clenches down harder in agreement. He rocks his hips harder, needing just a little more. Michael growls and leans over the submissive caught between them, pulling Lucifer into a hungry kiss.
Lucifer groans and comes, his hands digging deep into black feathers as Castiel shouts around Michael’s cock and clenches down hard, milking the cock in his hole  as he comes again, triggered by feeling the dominant Angel’s release inside him. Michael moans as their new submissive sucks on him hard, and then he’s coming, too, flooding Castiel’s mouth with his release. Castiel swallows everything he can with a hungry noise.
Lucifer and Castiel are tied together, so Michael helps them sink onto their sides and then fits himself against Castiel’s front, the submissive Angel pliant and exhausted between them. Castiel sighs contentedly when the Archangels use their wings to cocoon them in warm feathers, hiding them from the world.
“You talked about mating,” he finally murmurs a long while later, when Lucifer’s knot has gone down, and he’s slipped out of Castiel’s used hole. Michael nods and runs gentle fingers over Castiel’s neck.
“We’ve been thinking about offering a mating to you for a while,” he murmurs. “We’ve had our fair share of one-season-claims… we’d like something a little more permanent.”
“You’re smart, you’re one hell of a flier,” Lucifer adds, stroking a hand over the arch of Castiel’s wing, “and you’re not shying away from us. Never have.”
Castiel blushes a little at the praise, subtly moving his wing into the caress. “I’m willing to think about it,” he murmurs, stretching lazily between the two Archangels. “I’d want to find out how we might work day-to-day first.”
“Of course,” both Archangels agree.
“But first,” Michael murmurs as he runs teasing fingers down Castiel’s chest and watches the Angel’s eyes darken with fresh lust, “first, we’ll enjoy the claiming.”
“Yes,” Castiel breathes, tilting his head back.
 It’s the first day of spring, which means many things.
One of them is that one black-winged Angel follows two Archangels with wings the color of dusk and dawn home.
By the time the first day of spring arrives a year later, Castiel wakes slowly, curled up between his mates. He smiles as he watches the first ray of sunshine peek over the horizon.
It’s spring, and Castiel carries a spark of Grace beneath his heart.
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Ep. 8: “This isn't really my drama” - Anastasia
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Me getting votes in the first post-merge tribal? We absolutely hate to see it folks!! I feel like I'm being so pessimistic about my chances in this game but also like... shouldn't I be 😂😂 God I hope those two votes were Julia and Pietro (but still like, r00d. lol) I have a 10% DA in this next challenge... I'll be Frank [-but then who will be Elle?] Things aren't looking amazing for me but I don't think I'll go home next round (unless Julia has another idol 😭😭😭). I don't even know what to say I'm just bad at thisss 😅 I mean the game not confessionals I've been leaving my heart and soul in these lol. Anyway I'm gone for now I'll just leave with this: Liability is the best song off of Melodrama not Ribs mmk bye ✌🏽✨
Oh my gosh, that tribal!!! When Raffy pulled the idol I was like.... what the heck is happening?!?! I can understand Raffy playing it because he wasn't solid with the other warriors and newbies voting with him, but it was a waste of an idol. TBH I am glad he played it though since I didn't know he had it. I felt bad that Pietro went home just because he was aligned with Julia, but it happens. I had to try and do some damage control with Moth and Elle, as well as Rachel after tribal. They were shook when Julia pulled an idol and Pietro got votes. Anastasia just out right told me the magic beans she got at the auction allowed her to see if people have idols and said she would use it for me (I think she said this to everyone). I don't think Elle, Moth or Rachel suspect me playing both sides hard, but who knows. I really don't know who I should work with. I was thinking about making a big move and flipping to my new "Lucky Charms" alliance with Moth, Elle, Ginnifer, Rachel and potentially Julia, but it could be too early for that. The sad thing is I want to work with Rachel and Elle for sure but they aren't in my core alliance. I am suspicious of Gian because he seems to be playing pretty hard and he isn't aligned to me much. Madi and I don't talk much so that gets me worried as well. Raffy is super fun, but he is a big threat in this game. I honestly think it is just Steven keeping me with that group because he is my #1 in this game. I honestly am finding it hard to figure out who I want to work with because I like everyone in this game!!!!! I just can't get caught in the middle or I am hecked.
The plan went off without a hitch. I did waste an idol, but now no one can say that I have one. I am considering telling my alliance that I have the "Safety Without Power" so that they don't have any reason to distrust me. It might have hit a sour note with them to find out I had an idol that I didn't tell them about. Gian didn't seem to mind, but most people put on an act in this game. It would be a hard decision, however, since they can easily use that against me at the next tribal. I hope that neither Julia nor Ginnifer win immunity. Julia speaks for itself. I am targeting her, and I want her gone. However, Ginnifer has now alarm bells ringing in my ear. DeNara told Steven and I that Ginnifer wants us GONE. Like, Ginnifer is on some sort of vendetta mission to take us out. While we don't have the exact reasoning, we can assume that she is targeting us for simply being winners. She seems to think that we think we're master manipulators and puppet masters who need to be brought down a peg. Here's the thing with that kind of logic though. It isn't going to work with people who don't care about us being winners. My allies don't care, and they are even ratting on you to me. I love DeNara. She's a great ally. I told Steven that maybe we should reconsider our target and make it Ginnifer. He seems down, but he doubts there would be numbers (as do I). Speaking of numbers, I need to be way more social than I already am. I don't have as much social capital as Steven or Madi or DeNara. So, I am going to start with the people who are probably near the bottom of people's ally list or are considered non-factors: Elle, Moth, and Anastasia. If I get in good with them, I can gain some solid numbers. Moth and Elle had no idea about the split, so I had to do some damage control. Whether that worked... I have no idea. However, I need to be more transparent with them so that I can gain their trust for future tribals. Plus, I am pretty sure that Elle has an idol.
BITCHES THOUGHT I WAS DOWN AND OUT FOR THE COUNT. Found another idol baby. I’m basically Rick devens. Anastasia is going to use her stupid magic beans on me again though but I simple don’t care. Let them know I have an idol great. Then they’re going to have to figure out who they want to vote for instead, which will create massive cracks for me to work around. I love this
Since I went to exile I was safe from a tribal council on the first round of merge then when I got back I saw pietro was voted off in a chaotic tribal council but I’m in many different alliances but I’m choosing the original warriors alliance because warriors strong duh
I did not win this immunity challenge which sucks. I think I might want to use my SWP because if I don't then I'm just going to be a target everyone wants for now. And I want to at least make single digits. I told my alliance of Gian, Madi, DeNara, and Steven about my SWP to gain their trust after not telling them about my idol. And if I do plan to use it this round, it doesn't hurt to tell them about to plan around this. I've been focusing a lot more on socializing, so we'll see if it garners me any favor to not be voted out. Julia has tried reaching out. I think I want to get her to target Ginnifer since the latter is coming after me.
Heck ya, I may win individual immunity today! I find out soon if I will be competing in a tie breaker challenge to see if I win. I sure hope I do, I would feel great!
I am playing the middle so hard right now I may end up getting voted out because of it... oof
The vote should be unanimously Julia. I threw Ginnifer under the bus to Julia so that... she doesn't vote for me. Though, I doubt she has an idol. Plus, if she does, we are going to ask Anastasia to play a bean on her to see if she does. DeNara told me about an alliance with Ginnifer, Elle, Moth, Rachel, and herself. Apparently, Rachel is getting suspicious of Gian and Madi because they didn't tell her about the split vote. This works in my favor as it splits the newbie tribe a little bit because Gian and Madi seemed very pressed about it. This will sow the seeds of implosion for the newbies. The planned boot order would be Julia then Ginnifer. Apparently, Ginnifer, Elle, and Moth are a trio (but Ginnifer is the only person who cares about it). I'm not too concerned, but I am going to keep an eye on Rachel too now.
Since I went to exile I was safe from a tribal council on the first round of merge then when I got back I saw pietro was voted off in a chaotic tribal council but I’m in many different alliances but I’m choosing the original warriors alliance because warriors strong duh
I miss Pietro so much, it’s so fun deciding which person to send to jury with him tonight
GOD THIS IS FUN. Bitches being saying straight up in the tribe chat, oh I’m voting for Julia. Hwuxixkejwor this is actually so funny. I’m idoling elles ass out tonight and feeling absolutely no remorse
Not Julia coming for me within an inch of my life and then denying it 💀💀💀.
Holy fuck
I literally leave for 20 minutes and suddenly people are arguing and demanding tribal happens now Like noooooooo I hate this so much I need to do an exam in 20 minutes
What in the actual F is happening. All I was doing was trying to get ready for work and Julia just full on started calling everyone out. Apparently Rachel tried to make an alliance with Julia and included me in on it, then Julia sent that to Raffy. So I had to try and do damage control and try and get Rachel to stop talking to Julia. THEN apparently Julia tried to frame Elle as trying to plot against Ginny which isnt true and now EVERYBODY is fighting in the tribe chat. Like this is so crazy rn. I just hope me playing the middle doesn't heck me over. I may need to ditch one side to save my game.... rip me
This isn't really my drama. I am a spectator and my name is out of peoples mouths which is perfect. I really don't understand what just happened. Like I saw Julias and Ginnys texts but I don't understand what it means lol. I will probably quietly ask around what people thought of it and vote with them as to lay low and stuff. Don't worry, I am going to plan to get someone threatening out soon. I'm still new at this and I'm learning everyday what to say and what not to say. But hopefully I can try to convince people to get out my target (raffy) next round. He really needs to go because he dominated the last org. He is too good at this game and if people ignore that he literally won half of the challenges and the entire game last org they are dumb. Luckily we have Rachel that keeps winning immunity so none of the actual targets get it. But of course, this is a concern. Rachel might have to go at some point sadly.
Okay... so today I decided to pop off a bit (may be related to me being a little Done with irl stuff but that's not what this is about lol). Ginny came into our alliance with Moth DeNara and Rachel (we have another one without Rachel bc she's kinda on Julia's side/helped kick James off/p sure she knew what Anastasia's beans did and lied to us so she's very sus but we're keeping her close for now) and guns blazing was like "so I heard all of you were gonna vote me off" to which i was like ?? and then she said Julia told her I was a ringleader convincing everyone to vote Ginny out which. Incorrect. My now one and only goal in these games is to get Julia out and avenge James that's IT 😂 . And I have told so many people today but 👏🏽I👏🏽Am👏🏽Too👏🏽Dumb👏🏽To👏🏽Be👏🏽Conniving👏🏽. The idea that I could be a ringleader is hilarious honestly, and the idea that I would vote for anyone except Julia until she's out even more so. Anyway, I went into the tribe chat and said "So I've heard that there's a question as to who I'm voting, or who I'm endorsing, so I just want to clarify: *I'm voting for Julia* that is all ^_^" bc all I have is my word and the fact that I'm voting for Julia isn't a secret or anything lol. This got things very spicy at 11am and I'm sorry for everyone that had a class or job 😂 including me lol. me? missing an entire half of my class because survivor drama is way more interesting than typography? it's more likely than you think! We didn't end up having tribal right then and there even though I think about half of us were yelling for it 😂 (sorry again for the people at work or school idk why i woke up today and chose violence ajkjakhlalsjsj) We got on call with Julia to give us receipts but eh I don't trust it At all. Mostly because the receipts she gave weren't on the same stuff we were talking about??? Like she was calling out Raffy and Steven in them but that's not even where the convo started 😒. And nothing about how I'm this all-powerful ringleader trying to shoot someone down from my original tribe. I have to laugh. Anyway, I hope she goes tonight, if not it better be me bc this is getting 🎶frustrating🎶 and l am a complete angel until you talk shit about me or one of my closest allies and then you better be prepared for war it's that simple 😇
Julia claims that I refuse to talk to her when she legit hasn’t even reach out at all since the swap- like o k my dude- Jesus this is nuts
Why are people so obsessed with me 🤩
They really started a whole fight with me in the tribe chat today. It’s honestly super frustrating. But I think this could be good for me maybe? I think Elle is getting idoled out tonight, and then Ginny is still here. And Ginny has proved she’s a liar and a snake and is really chaotic so maybe she’ll be seen as a liability going forward
Rachel is trying to flip. Julia & Ginny are dangerous blabber mouths. The warriors won't take out one of their own and we still barely have majority. This is getting messssssssssy.
hey hey so heres the tea rachel is being a mf snake because she feels “betrayed” bc we “lied” to her for the pietro vote but like sis..... we didn’t LIE we just left out some details also have now tried to pin onto her that she has the other idol also so much tea went down while I was at work??????? it was pretty spicy but im just happy my name was nowhere near that I hope rachel does not start working with juli bc that would truly suck but having elle and moth and anastasia as numbers for us is very very good also anastasia has kinda gone AWOL and idk how much longer we are going to be able to keep her in too much longer but thats another story for another time I am scared people are starting to murmur my name, I might just be paranoid but Idk I hope this julia vote goes well
This morning, Elle took to the tribe chat to confirm that she is voting Julia. This is because, according to Ginnifer, Julia has been telling Ginnifer that Elle was trying to ring leader Ginnifer's vote out. Ginnifer also got in on the action by saying that Julia is a liar and trying to snake other people. As it turns out, Ginnifer might just be paranoid, but, at the end of the day, whatever makes the target on Julia bigger.
this game is so mentally draining. even if i've won immunity, i certainly don't feel safe. julia blew up the game by telling secrets, and it hurts cause i felt like i could trust her. i hate that i'm seeing viewing this game so personally, but i feel that i have lost such an epic battle and it is so frustrating.
Still the same tribal in a little less than an hour... I feel like I went a lot wild today, sure hope it isnt enough for everyone to switch and vote me out 🤷🏽‍♀️ I very well might be next after Julia though, or that's the paranoia. Idk, I miss pre-merge when I was just playing games with friends and not going to tribal 😂. Now it feels like a Lord of the Flies or Danganropa RPG and I feel like I let the craziness get to me a little. I don't know what's gonna happen, but I don't really ever know really. I'm tired 😅 and want to maybe read some fanfic before whatever happens next (maybe I'll have a lot more time to read fanfic after this lol).
Seems like this morning's craziness is calmed down a lot to the point of making people nervous because it is so quiet. I am hoping the plan is still to vote out Julia, but I am sad she is going. I do like her a lot as a person. Hopefully she doesn't take any of this personally!
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morethanonepage · 6 years
2017 Fic Roundup Meme
Total Fics Posted: Nine. Ooof. 
Total Words Posted: 44041
Total Words (of Anything Excluding Blogs) Written: Man I don’t even know how I’d count this -- I’ve written at least ten briefs for work and those are usually between 2 - 5 pages, and I write a lot of WIPs that I don’t end up posting. So I mean it’s probably in the 100,000 range but the majority of that (obviously) is either not fandom related or not likely to see the light of day as publicly consumable or both.
My favorite fic story this year: greenwood -- written as part of an AU meme and so so random -- Maurice-AUs are hardly a fandom trope y’know -- but man that’s one I wish I could commit to writing more of. I love Maurice (both the film and the book) so much and I love John/Chas so much as a pairing that I just kind of forced it to work, and I think it mostly did. But it’s just too far from the Constantine premise to be worth expanding, beyond just for the gimmick. Like as a historical AU I feel like I’d have to incorporate some magic nonsense to it and it wouldn’t be impossible but ugh, plots. Better to leave them in that nice, tender moment with all the possibilities before them. My one regret for it was that I got a little fade-to-black about the sex (not true in the initial conception and I did a little draft of some more explicit from Chas’ POV) but in the end I felt like I’d written too much porn lately (and was trying to be in keeping with the aesthetic of the original story), so.
My best story this year: Adrift -- I’ve re-read it to myself a bunch of times, and I just genuinely enjoyed working through it and figuring out the relationship dynamics and possibilities and putting in references to so many well established headcanons of mine. And John’s SUCH an unreliable narrator/POV character that I always have a great time trying to write him as clearly feeling SOMETHING while he’s pretending he doesn’t. And idk it’s just one of my top pairings ever and I was glad to finally devote myself to writing a nice, slow developing relationship fic with just the two of them working their shit out. 
Story most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:  Honestly at this point, given that I’m writing almost entirely John/Chas fics, and otherwise for very niche pairings, I think any appreciation my fics get is a miracle. Though I do kind of wish I’d written Adrift in the Constantine fandom’s hey-day, because it’s a chaptered developing relationship fic and those are hard to come by and I feel weird saying it’s great but it’s solid and got really good reactions from people who did read it, and I’m proud of that. 
Also I’m not as proud of blended cotton with gannex twill, in terms of its actual quality (I’m not sure the POV shifts quite work as well as I wanted them to) but it took me SO LONG to finish it and it was such a goofy premise that I’m really glad I did, and again I’m a little sad some of the early-day Constantine people didn’t get a chance to read it when I first started goofing around about the possibility of a sentient trenchcoat.
I’m also kind of surprised a reasonable amount of trouble was the least popular of the historic AUs I wrote -- I joked that I didn’t really know what noir was but I think it was close enough and I tried to set a (vaguely angsty) mood of both yearning but inevitable dissatisfaction to it. Maybe I didn’t go gritty enough with it? That tends to be my flaw for any Hellblazer related stuff, admittedly -- I can’t quite commit to the bleakness I know it merits.
Sexiest Story:  Adrift has a lot of sex in it (IT’S NECESSARY TO THE PLOT, she said, not at all defensively), which was described with a fair amount of detail, and then I backed up to more subtle depictions b/c I thought all that sex stuff would get boring. There’s also a lot of John telling himself he’s pretty meh on the sex itself. So I feel like the sexiness of it was kind of neutered by it being so much about the plot (like, the shifts of what they actually get up to were to represent emotional shifts in how they were feeling about each other). Which at least made it less sexy for me to write, anyway.
I got good feedback about The (Shamelessly Indulgent) Sex Chapter in blended cotton with gannex twill [which was somewhat necessary b/c I wanted to get all manner of bodily fluids on the coat b/c in my vague headcanon/justification that’s what actively pushes it into true sentience but--], but honestly I think my truly sexiest fic of the year is mages against literacy -- to the point I was actively embarrassed writing it, and didn’t read it again for months after I posted it, and then went back and was like “w o w”.
Most fun story:  blended cotton with gannex twill. TRENCHIE NO! TRENCHIE YES.
Also a boy with a thorn in his side is....fun for me and a few very specific people, probably. I wrote another high school AU Star Wars fic in 2016 that was way more fun and goofy and idealistic -- it’s called the id fic for a reason -- but if the id fic was what I wish high school had been like for me, ABWATIHS is -- what high school was, tbh. I mean not precisely, but Cassian’s EMOTIONS and his inability to deal with them was #relatable. I wrote it so fast, mostly because I was so intrigued by the possibilities of it and the headcanons I came up with for it, which I’m still really fond of. Like if I were to ever write original fic, I’d file off the serial numbers and make a go of it there.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: In Good Faith wasn’t, in my opinion, a great fic -- I wrote it too quickly and without enough of a reason beyond ‘someone asked for it’, and some parts were very derivative -- but I did work through some things with it, about Kes and Shara’s potential relationship history, and about what Shara’s flaws might be and what her life was like and why she and Kes work so well together. Not a lot of which actually came out in the fic IMO, but at least I had that going on in my head. 
Hardest story to write: partly mors et fugacem persequitur virum, because I didn’t remember nearly as much about Roman history as I thought I did (and what was I going to do, research??? [I did do some but none of it is actually like -- visible in the fic], and I was overconfident about my ability to make it work and still be in IC. I’m.....still not sure if I didn’t fail on one or both of those accounts.
Also I wrote Anything Can Happen (On Halloween) for no fucking reason other than because I wanted to post the 100th fic in the John/Chas tag (I EARNED THISSS) and I think it shows. Again I wrote it too quickly (in about a week?? ridiculous), I was too nervous about someone else posting something else as the 100th fic instead of me and that my hardwork would’ve GONE TO WASTE wah wah wah anyway the ending was boring and I still feel guilty about it not being very good.  Biggest surprise: Anything Can Happen (On Halloween) was actually surprisingly (to me) well received -- like it got very quick positive reactions and idk why since I’m still genuinely embarrassed by it -- I mean I don’t think it’s a bad fic but it’s rushed and clunky and not terribly original.  A story I want remembered:  Someone on twitter said that Adrift made them ship John/Chas and honestly that’s all I want for it -- that and for the people who keep coming to the lil’ Constantine fandom that there is and go looking for fic find it and read it and at least kind of understand why some rando keeps flooding the tag with John/Chas nonsense. 
Resolutions for 2018: This has been a very John/Chas year for me and while I’m mostly okay with that, I do want to at least try to make my way back to finnpoe again -- I’m working on a bigbang fic so I desperately want to finish that (it’s outlined and everything and I think it may end up being one of my most personal fics) but we’ll see -- Star Wars fandom continues to push me away, and I won’t be able to post it until May, which is rough for someone like me, who depends so much on positive attention. There’s also a bunch of DamFam things I want to explore, especially now. 
I also want to keep writing the John/Chas but I want to stop feeling so embarrassed about it -- like so what that it was so long ago, people are still into it! Every few weeks or so I get someone on tumblr clearly going through my John/Chas tag, anyway. So at least I will have/still have some readers for that nonsense. 
I want to be better about prompts people give me -- I try to set expectations at the floor level for these things but I do genuinely like writing things for people, at least partly b/c I’m terrible at coming up with ideas on my own, so I want to try harder to fill memes and such. 
And idk maybe I’d like to find another ship that I like, that’s not from a dead show, where the fandom isn’t the worst. DARE TO DREAM (the impossible dream).
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