#tho i know what happens bc i had my friend spoil me
thatdeadaquarius · 2 months
Hello there, friend I'm here for fluff
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OK, this has been on my mind for a while
But like
The reader is just becoming the biggest parent to the Benny's adventure team kids
And the wolfs
We are like a parent of like 27
Knitting and making food brushing razors hair(let's be for real, you would hear a crunch when you brush it)
I'm not gonna lie
Do these kids know what spices are?
Cuz when I think about it
Razor hasn't had shit so he's has the least tolerance for spice
He would probably cry if you feed him a pepper
Bennett has tried spicy food but does go well with it
And not completely sure if fischl has had a spicy food before
But what flavor does mondstadt add to their food??
These kids need the damn flavors
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You cooking in genshin all anime studio ghibli style looking like food from god (literally): ⬆️
Sun: Reader (you/they/them)
Orbit: Headcanons-ish
Stars: Benny’s Adventure Team! (Bennett, Fischl, Razor), Diluc, mentions of other Mond characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: mild cussing, & Trigger Warnings: none known.
Please comment if I missed any. /gen
^^ The posts being referenced in ask, (OG Razor ask) (Benny + Razor) and a more direct sequel, a part 2? a part 4 atp?? of this post (Imposter/Not Dark AU + Razor + Diluc) ^^
(So, like Zhongli's special Bamboo Shoot Soup is like getting made... once a year if you read the little desc. for that dish 💀)
Bc that's mostly where this inspo gonna come from to both be realistic cooking + best parts of video game cooking
A guy gets isekai’d and instead of hero powers he just gets the skill of "online grocery shopping" LMAO
and ofc he gets insta gifted whatever he orders and starts making dishes and adding spices and regular stuff you know. like soy sauce.
but the best part is the food in that world is like British medieval soup shit
like barely salted, no spices definitely, no sauces, its barren
so he ends up attracting all kinds of interest that want to eat his cooking ofc
And it gives buffs too!
dw i didnt spoil anything u don't learn in the first episode, but that's just to say that's exactly whats happening here
u DO have to manually collect more ingredients but its so worth it, also u can just buy in bulk or put a commission thru the adventurer guild
tbhhh now that i say that, that could be how u end up drawing in Benny’s Adventure Team even more, bc they just take all ur quests for collecting ingredients around Mond!!
(u have to actively sneak behind their back and whisper to Katheryne that you want to put in other food quests in other guilds tho, silly kids will absolutely go running around Liyue and crazy shit just to have an adventure and do smth for you + eat ur banger food lol)
omfg the first time u barbecue smth???
the wolves, Razor, and Andrius??? Go feral.
Fischl and Benny who were already on their way to u guys to hang out again start booking it thru the woods, dodging hilichurl camps (thatve since settled down and been v peaceful to the wolves + anyone in the woods of Wolvendom after u started living there)
they knowww ur cookin smth fucking amazing
(and u even have some hilichurls and mitachurl that wander close to Andrius’ edge of the woods to shyly beg for scraps,, u give them a portion)
Razor was actually lookin at u like u hung the stars just for him when u gave him a homemade barbecue sauce to put on his food
(u acc may have done that to Teyvatians according to Andrius + the stories u overheard from Springvale…)
ok but the amount of begging u get for desserts like-
No, Razor u cannot have chocolate cake/cupcakes after every meal, u need to take care of ur teeth
(u use ur collection of mora-monster-donations for comms for more ingredients and living supplies like fabric + furniture, u cant afford dental on top of that for ur boy)
Fischl dutifully declares you the “best chef in the kingdom” and writes down all ur recipes (u have them auto-stored in ur settings obv but it cant hurt to have a physical copy, and they look so happy doing it, u don't have the heart to tell them its not necessary-)
Benny insists on both giving u extra ingredients when he takes ur commissions, and giving u handmade trinkets or weapons for the meals!!
No!! He will not take “im good” for an answer!! ur sharing ur home-cave with him, taking care of his best friend Razor, and now feeding him food better than Liuli Pavilion!!! There’s no way he can just take all that and give nothing back!!!!
and theyre not the only ones getting some food tbh
when the knights begin patroling near Wolvendom and slowly all of Mondstadt to search for their “All God”, u break up the beginnings of a fight between 2 confused knights and the now peaceful hilichurl camp at the edge of Wolvendom
U offer some snacks u were going to give Benny’s Adventure Team when they got back (u made little triangle sandwiches, rice balls, etc. finger foods, and u made plenty extra bc u kno their teenage appetites lol)
the knights and hilichurls nearly cried with appreciation, which made for a hilarious sight when the teens actually showed up lmao
ur wearing ur cloak, bc u dont wanna take on that whole “creator of worlds” title just yet, and the kids helped verify u werent anyone suspicious (Benny + Fischl keep ur godly secret, theyre the best like that 🥰)
the knights just swing by for snacks occasionally (they also either pay u in trade or with mora, theyre not bullies)
another person who gets flavored food privileges is the lazy librarian witch herself
u also sometimes pick Razor up from Lisa’s tutoring and bring “the best tea and tea snacks in the world” along with to share with Lisa and him
(she is also fully aware after awhile of meeting u of what u are, and fully believes this is why the food must be enchanted to be so good, but u dont want to be treated super reverently she can tell, so she keeps ur secret too and is just extra flirty when u come by lol)
(Razor refuses to let his pare- Lupical move out of ur cozy cave to the library, so he sometimes hauls u away when Lisa flirts too much LMAO)
…and the moment you've been waiting for.
Yes, Diluc got to try ur food that night he was searching Wolvendom for signs of the god of Teyvat
tbh Diluc was half-convinced that shit was a fever dream.
a bunch of sleepy wolves, a coffee table in the stone colosseum, a giant spirit wolf licking a big plate clean, the wolf-kid glaring at him, and you.
you with gold eyes, staring right thru his soul, like you already know everything there is to know about him, (like the way Kaeya looked at him that night),
like he doesnt even have to introduce himself
and he doesnt, u just lightly smack Razor’s hands until he gets rid of his claymore w/a pout, since Diluc had long since dropped his,
and grab a plate, piling on what leftovers u could, and turn back around from the coffee table to smile at him, patting the cushion-seat beside u for him to join
The giant glowing wolf licks his lips and watches him, the wolf-kid’s creepily watches him, and you, with eyes gold in teh light of a simmering bonfire just past the table, watch him
he just sits down and begins to eat.
its the best food he’s ever had, its his dad’s favorite dish, but not realistically, but the way memory embellishes a dish so much it can never be tasted again, except its right here. in front of him. u pour some wolfhook juice for him, and offer him a napkin to wipe his mouth and eyes
Diluc visits often after that, obviously.
u give him snacks too, and when he lets the staff try some, Adeline will not stop harassing him abt gettin ur recipes/ingredeints so u get him to pay Fischl to get a copy of their recipe book :)
including blank pages for future entries, and Fischl is literally glowing with happiness, would not stop monologuing abt ur food for weeks (send help Oz wants some peace and quiet sometimes)
Oh Diluc absolutely told the Favonius knights he found you. But he’s not saying where LMAO
Jean is actually begging him, Diluc ik u hate the knights but this is an international investigation-
this is the closest Diluc has ever gotten to getting under Venti’s skin.
when he told him this at Angel’s while bartending, he just casually ofc said this, just his smug little smirk, and the anemo god cracked a glass and everything- esp when he said he tried ur cooking??
he's gotta start looking over his shoulder in the city bc not only is Venti stalking him, the entirety of Mondstadt’s citizens are glaring at him in envy everywhere he goes LMAOO
(Venti now has a bar glass or too on his tab to pay off as well)
mans is literally paying u in weapon/artifact materials/mora to make him lunch one day and Venti nearly lunges over the counter
(Diluc purposefully ate it in front of him 💀)
ur food is the ultimate, “u could make a religion out of this!” /ref
like Diluc fully gives u offerings of ingredients he can pay for shipping from other countries + along with regular materials after grinding in domains
does the rest of Mondstadt + the world find out where u are?
only if Diluc lets them tbh. LMFAO
bk trashfire my beloved <3 love ur ideas and stuff, goes without even saying im so sorry i took actually forever to respond :’(
hope u have a great weekend and i did this little side story justice for you
Safe Travels BK Trashfire,
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sitp-recs · 7 months
liv, out of curiosity, have you ever read fics where draco has to get married ( bc of bloodline etc ) so he has to break up with harry, or something like that? 🤔 i saw people talking about this idea online and i realised that i never come across anything like that before? but considering how many fics there are in the fandom i wonder if i just don’t know what tags to use! i suppose you’ve read more than me ( since i haven’t been reading their fics for too long ) you don’t have to rec them for me tho! just a silly question, thank you!!
Hi anon, thank you for the ask! Now I think about it I realize that I rarely come across this trope, but maybe that’s just because it’s not a storyline I’m very interested in? I assume most fics are not usually on my radar. Despite that I got a few recs that might fit, hope you enjoy and maybe my followers can add more?
Phoenix in the Fire by @lqtraintracks (E, 28k)
Harry never expected to have a hot summer fling with Draco Malfoy when he agreed to mind the castle with him. He also never expected that it would all have to end on August thirty-first. What happens when casual sex with Harry’s ex-enemy turns not casual after all? And how the hell is he going to stop Draco from making one of the biggest mistakes of his life?
On One's Knees by pir8fancier (E, 34k)
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
Red Thread (that will lead me home to you) by xErised (E, 35k)
It takes four years of travelling and mutual pining for Harry to realise that Malfoy is the only one for him. Of course, he has to express his feelings in the most scandalous way possible—by stopping Malfoy's very proper, very pureblood wedding.
Paper Rings by lettersbyelise (E, 50k)
When Harry’s in need of a divorce lawyer, he has no choice but to turn to the best in the trade. Draco Malfoy’s reputation for discretion is flawless, and his track record for winning cases is close to perfect. But he’s also ruthless, passionate, and as infuriating as ever, and the brief relationship he and Harry had in Eighth Year still feels painfully fresh despite two decades spent apart.
We Are Young (I'll Carry You Home Tonight) by Femme (E, 69k)
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister's office, they can't work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn't it?
Running Mate by Kbrick (E, 171k)
Nearly a decade after his relationship with Draco Malfoy imploded, Harry has a good life. He’s riding a wave of entrepreneurial success in muggle Chicago, and, for the first time ever, he's beholden to no one. Meanwhile, Draco is in London, making a name for himself in politics, and appears to be happily married. And so what if neither one of them has ever stopped thinking about the way things used to be?
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airenyah · 6 months
15 people, 15 questions
I was tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas <333
Are you named after anyone?
no. there's a video game character with my name and occasionally people will bring this character up and ask if i was named after her but no, i wasn't. my parents don't play videogames
2. When was the last time you cried?
i honestly don't remember, i don't actually cry all that much. (so if you see me say things like "i'm crying" in the tags then i'm actually only crying in my heart, i'm not shedding any actually tears dfkfkjdf)
last time i cried was either bc i was really angry or really extremely overwhelmed with life during a period where i hadn't slept much or was on my period or so. orrr what is actually even more likely is that the last time i cried was when i cried from laughter while being with friends. i cry from laughter a lot, actually
3. Do you have kids?
nope. i think i could be a good mother if i had to, but ngl, motherhood and parenting doesn't sound very appealing to me. i am planning on becoming an aunt tho. i'll let my brother provide the grandkids and i'll just borrow them occasionally, spoil them, and then i can always give them back when they get too exhausting or annoying 😂
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i play baseball for fun once a year with old summer camp friends. other than that i'm not very athletic. in elementary school i used to go to schwimmkurse (swimming courses) which was super fun and it's one of the few sports that i'd consider taking up again if i were to do any. i've always liked swimming (but only in places where i can see the ground and where the water isn't too cold. i feel really uneasy when i can't see the ground and i also freeze easily so i'm not a fan of cold water)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
sarcasm? me? neeeeever, not at all 🤭
(^^^this answer is sarcastic, the genuine answer is yes. yes, i do. <- for those struggling to understand sarcasm, esp in written form <3)
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
uhhhhh good question, i don't actually know???? maybe their face, idk
7. What's your eye colour?
blue-gray ish. and i have a yellow/green circle around each pupil. i actually really like my eyes, they're my fave part of my appearance 🥰
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
happy endings for sure!! i could never get into scary movies, idk
9. Any talents?
languages, i guess. at least i'm known as the language genius in my family and my friend groups. but to be honest, there's still a lot about language that i don't know and i don't feel like i'm all that great (esp when my language learning progress feels slower than the one of others. which is totally fine by me bc everyone should go at their own pace, but i just don't like it when people call me a language genius bc i feel like in reality i'm not really living up to that. i just happen to know a little bit more about language than those around me, but compared with actual experts? yeah no, i in no way compare...)
but yeah out of all the skills that i have, languages is one my best ones. and i'm also really good at organizing (aka keeping a million lists and making sure all the props are at the right spots and with the right actors and there's enough spares of everything etc lol)
10. Where were you born?
austria 🇦🇹🇦🇹🇦🇹
(NOT the place with kangaroos just so we're clear dkjgkdjf)
11. What are your hobbies?
(internally) crying over fictional characters, then blorbo-posting about it. sometimes i'll also subject irl-people to my blorbo rants (mainly my mother and some of my friends)
i also take violin lessons and thai classes for fun
12. Do you have any pets?
technically no, but really yes. my mom and my brother share a dog and my parents also have two kitties. i go home a lot bc i don't really like staying in my own flat in the city where i study so they do feel like my own pets as well, esp the kitties <333
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^this is nika (the dog) and coco (boy cat). they're besties <3
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^this is minou (girl cat). she's the youngest and the smallest of them all, so we nicknamed her "die kleine" (the small one (f))
13. How tall are you?
155 cm
14. What was your favourite subject in school?
german, it was the easiest for me
fun fact: the only subject in school that i ever got a frühwarnung in was english lmao. ("frühwarnung" = early warning and it's what you get when you're about to get an f in your report card for a subject. i got an f in english in my report card for semester break, so i had the whole summer semester to get my grade up to a d)
15. What is your dream job?
director!!!! in theater or film, idk, but i just really wanna be a director. and maybe take some minor acting roles on the side, idk. for now i still feel too shy to do any professional acting, despite having gotten acting training for 3 years djkkdjfg
i'm really looking forward to next summer, bc i get to be assistant director at this one theater that i've worked at as an intern for the past two summers. the assistant directors that i've worked with so far at this theater have both sucked and both times i ended up more or less taking on the job myself anyway (to the point where they even paid me for my work despite my position usually being an unpaid one) and so this summer i was like "uhhh guys so what if for next summer's production i just work as an assitant director right away instead of an intern?" and they were like "omg you're hired" 😂
tagging following 15 people:
feel free to ignore if you don't want to do it or tag me in/send me yours if you've already done it, i'd like to read it <3
@newyearknwwme @moonkhao @visualtaehyun @lurkingteapot @callipigio @waitmyturtles @sunnenfinster @cornflowershade @celestial-sapphicss @killiru @gaym3bo1 @nongnaos @dimplesandfierceeyes @gillianthecat @ranchthoughts
bonus: @telomeke i know you've already been tagged, so this is just to ask you to tag me when you've thought of all your answers, i wanna read yours too 👀
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bookbitchx · 2 days
Hello again 😊 I knew i was gonna love chatting with u hehe
These are things that makes me wish anyone else would've written ACOTAR tbh. Her lack of planning and her retconning of characters so that she remains politically correct in current political climates is gross. It's been a pattern I've noticed, but it makes sense considering shes a zionist, but anyway 🥱
I do enjoy the world that she made and I think its an interesting concept to view a centuries old clusterfuck like the IC through a 20 yearold lense. But I wish it had a morsel of taste. Each of the books in this series left me wanting more, especially rereading as an adult.
So to compensate for the parts of the books I hate I just pretend its not upsetting me by psychoanalyzing the characters 😂 Rhys is one that I have a love/hate relationship with for that reason. He is genuinely one of the worst love interests ive seen be this popular in a long time and he has made the worst choices i have ever seen written and then defended by the author.
Feyre however, I would argue is his perfect partner for how awful he is after SF and CC3. But I wish a better author had written this book so we could've seen a decent redemption or a proper Rhysand villain arc. I think this series would've been so much more interesting crossover wise if it had been with tog and had been a mock feysand villain arc. Maeve has daemati powers, so making her an ancestor of Rhysand's through the HL bloodline would've made sense. Hybern could've been a mock villain to lure the reader into a false sense of security and think maybe the NC ARE good guys?
Nesta and Elain join Aelin's circle to take them down after they attempted to seize the dread trove for themselves under Amren's advice, (they dont like her having it clearly). And the emotional climax of the series is Feyre leaving him and joining her sisters, which leads Rhys to pull a tamlin by in turn going to koshei. Could even get Bryce quinlan in to fullfill a life debt to Nesta by using the horn and Feyre's fire powers to give Aelin her magic back somehow, and nesta never has her magic taken back by the cauldron?????? The cauldron had Amren in it and it should've been written that she had to sacrifice her true Daglan immortality to be with Varian. Boom full fucking circle.
But nope, we have Miss Maas.
thanks janet for ruining what couldve been my favorite thing >:^(
but a part of me hopes the Elucien book will include Tamlin's side of the story and Elain confronts Feysand for their *waves arms* everything. And taking Nesta and the Valkyries with them, they deserve better. it wont happen tho, so I'll read fanfic instead.
Heyy again!
I get where you're coming from. I liked book 1, the way Feyre (and us, in a way) was discovering the SC and a little bit of Prythian as a whole, and I liked Feyre, who was this badass huntress, who had her own opinions, doing what needs to be done, etc... I mean, she went UTM knowing full well she wasn't coming out alive, but she still did it bc it was right, and she wanted to save her man.
Where THAT Feyre went, I'll never know.
As you said, It's an interesting concept seeing everything through a 20 year old's eyes, or it would've been for me if she hadn't started taking everything they said as truth.
Even though I haven't read any CC books yet, my friend spoiled CC3 that Nesta didn't actually lose her powers? That it was more of a bargain with the Couldron, but yeah, it would've been interesting to see crossovers between the series. I think Aelin, Manon, and maybe Lysandra would absolutely despise Rhysand. I would a 100% read a fic with what you described.
As for the Elucien book, like I hope she does good by Lucien because he, out of all the characters, deserves it.
I'm not holding my breath on Elain ever confronting Feysand bc as Rhysand once said, 'Elain is Elain', but a girl can hope.
Also, if Nesta and the valkyries ever become one of Rhysand's legions, I'm pulling a one woman riot before burning the book.
On another note, feel free to DM if you want to continue the conversation or if you're more comfortable this way, I don't mind that either.
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omgcatboi · 28 days
I love being in a feedist relationship, but it is always a thing where the partner feels like they are almost humoring me? Albeit, they have always been enthusiastic to "let themselves go" and be spoiled with food, but it would be nice to find someone who gets sexually excited over the overindulgence and gaining (especially when I love to cook and haven't had a relationship yet where my partner hasn't gained over 100 pounds in a matter of months).
I am once again giving my feedee insight that no one asked for away for free.
I've been seeking a feedism relationship for quite some time now. But it's hard to find someone who has a hot dynamic with me who doesn't live ten billion light-years away. I gotta have somethin irl lol. And admittedly, it takes a good chunk of getting to know one another before I even consider someone a relationship option.
Or worse, someone on meet up apps that just want to ' feed and fuck ' me. As if I'd ever meet up with anyone for the first time with sexual intentions when I'm demi / ace and only have sex with people I know and connect with on a personal level.
I currently live with someone who totally understands feedism, but we aren't in a relationship. It's more developed into a friendship. I met them mere months ago, and I'm glad things are workin out so well.
So I get you. I'm kind of? In a simulator situation?
In the since of " these are both feedism related things that are good but on a more platonic level "
So I currently relate in my own way lol.
I guess it really comes down to what you want. Do you want a relationship where there isn't sexual excitement coming from the other person in relation to your ( assumably ) main kink / life style ?
Because look, I'm gonna level with ya, only one of my relationships had feedism elements. And tho I was super asexual / sex repulsed at the time, it was still the most memorable relationship I've had to this day. Infact, it was so fun because of that aspect, that I downright refuse to date someone who isn't a feeder, or at the very least, a fat admirer. It was just too fun goin' on fast food runs at 2 AM and piggin' out together while they rubbed my belly.
Once I get a lil taste of heaven, I refuse anything else. Once I know I can have something I want, I make it for myself. So to me, the patience is worth it. I've been single for what feels like forever, but that's what happens when you're picky lol.
By all means, if you love this person, and you think they are worth keeping, then do that if ya want. If you're monogamous, then it's your decision to make.
If your relationship is non monogamous, however, I don't see any problem at all except that yer missin' a feedee in the equasian.
Remember to not settle while also keeping a realistic mindset on what you want. It's possible to do both. I hope your situation gets more favorable in terms of figuring out a romantic/ sexual outlet for feedism.
Bc you're right to imply the difference between a chubby person eating Because they're in a relationship where it's ok to " let urself go " and a feedee who genuinely loves every aspect of gaining, not just the free pass to eat whatever we want. Because we do that regardless, we don't feel the need to have permission to indulge and allow our frames to wear the result as a trophy.
Two totally different vibes. Two completely different dynamics.
This is a common thing I've seen with feedism friends, and I don't really understand how it's so common. But feeders / feedees be gettin in relationships with normies. Which is fine, but at the same time... Ya know what ya want.
It's exactly why I refuse to date someone who isn't also passionate about this life style. Especially since I'm going to end up being immobile and will need a caretaker at some point.
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quinloki · 4 months
Ya know the biting thing SEEMED familiar but I couldn't remember from where. Makes sense that I saw it from your page xD
Damn that'd be good. I just wanna catch that bird off guard SOMEHOW. Also for him to yelp. Would be amazing and worth the payback
“Don’t worry, I have a PhD in Law, you’ll enjoy what I do to you.
I… Quin
I think that killed me I just laughed so hard but also like… oh my god. I feel like Sabo's little bit of silly would wash out Law's zero silly and it kills me
Gods I just have to sit here and think about this bc omg. Your brain.
Even if reader isn't a dom I think the dynamic would definitely have Sabo in control. Like Law thinks he's in control until he realizes that he's not, he's just going along with Sabo subtly.
I saw fanart of the two of them at one point (can't find it again tho sadly T_T) which is what initially put it in my brain honestly. Ace/Law is also another one that I >> at bc they're just so pretty in all the art I see of them
I guess the same dynamic I've seen in AU of ace/law would work, of law begrudgingly being luffy's friend and getting introduced to his brother and just having close proximity that way (or even having classes together after that)
You've given me some good things to think about, thank you Quin <333
Sabo likes to watch also killed me bc why does he give off those vibes I just can't get over that….
(Btw sorry if this sent twice tumblr is being weird..)
Ahhhhh - I had to take a break myself after that reaction from you.
I’m glad I could make you laugh.
And yeah, reader doesn’t have to be dom, I think with Sabo around they’d fill more of a switchy role, I don’t see him relinquishing control easily, except under certain circumstances.
Being outnumbered seems like it could happen for the reader (maybe that’s just gonna be a reused AU book title at this point xD) maybe they are a professional dom, but not really one behind closed doors.
But I like the idea/dynamic of Sabo and the Reader both just spoiling Law. He can’t hardly handle it either. Between the attention and care and pleasure and such he’s just drown in affection he’s been starved for for years.
Law starts smiling at work, Penguin and Shachi are having a minor crisis about it cause the doc NEVER smiles, but also it’s great to see him smiling.
I can dig it.
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tinyshinysylveon · 6 months
I just saw on Google that Ochako confirmed that she is in love with Deku in the manga, is this true?
I'm really behind on the episodes, believe it or not I didn't even have the courage to leave the first episode. Yes, I ship BkDk, I'm following it through the community, you make me have hope, even though half the famdom hates this beautiful ship, I know there's a possibility that it's fake, I don't know, but I was sad about it.
I'm sending this ask to all BkDk analysis professionals, as you can see I'm a bit desperate, don't be surprised if you see this ask on other profiles!
(I researched more, it seems like everyone is against BkDk, even though the manga gives so many signs), can you explain it to me? what are the possibilities that BkDk will be canonized?
wooo i finally got time and caffeine to answer (sorry anon for the late reply!) -- i just realized you sent this ask to me bc you consider me a "BkDk analysis professional" and i am very flattered except i feel like i'm not one you say i am lol but thanks for the thought tho anon, so for you, i'll try my very best! ;;;;;
disclaimer: sorry for any spoilers if you decide to read on!
Anyway, when I saw that first question, I was so confused in the beginning because I didn't remember Ochako confessing to Deku that she's in love with him. However, I did go back to search it up and she did confess to Toga that she did fall in love with Deku (chapter 394) esp when Toga and Ochako had a heart-to-heart convo.
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(i had to go for the raw ver. so that i can see what she says in japanese but it is basically the same as what it says on the translated ver. "...then, I fell in love with Midoriya Izuku and now, that's why I'm here to stop you!")
This chapter tho literally has togachako moments all over it! She was trying to reach out to Toga by revealing what her motives were and how they had changed from being a hero, not just bc her fam has poor income and she needed the financial stability, but for others (mostly influenced by deku) as well and that's why she's willing to even "reach" out a hand to Toga and listen to her feelings. (anon you made me read that chapter again and i'm in literal tears because i remembered she told toga she has the "cutest smile in the world" in the end aaa my heart asdfghjkl) Now, I'm not going to ignore that she revealed to Toga that she has feelings for Deku (even in the manga/anime, she's so obvious with her feelings by blushing, ashido teasing her, etc.) so we technically already knew from the start. It's just that she admitted it now, not really surprising tbh.
BUT, we have yet to know what Deku's feelings are in the matter or if he even reciprocates them. As far as I know (or I have seen so far), Deku literally gets blushy or embarassed around girls whenever he gets near them (like the time with hatsume accidentally landed on top of him) because he is still just a teenage boy with hormones who probably rarely have close girls as friends until he attended UA.
Please keep watching anon! Ngl, I actually had the same thought as you back then, but then I kept watching and watching until I finally caught up with the anime and manga. Hori does not disappoint when it comes to the BkDk dynamics, especially in the most recent chapters in the manga which I won't spoil for you, but it is definitely worth catching up to! I highly suggest you keep watching because season 6 by far has one of the best top moments I've ever seen that happened between bkdk. Also, a lot and I really mean a lot (bc I have posted a couple of bkdk posts back then when s6 was still airing so i read reblogged tags and chats lol) have even acknowledged that bkdk could actually turn into something special esp from the ones that were against it from the beginning. This means not everyone is against their relationship as you say they are. If anything, the people against it have actually lessened and the ones that are still hell-bent on being an anti are probably the ones that never read the manga, watched past season 1, knows that this is the top-ranked ship in mha and feel threatened it'll get in the way of their respective ship for bk/dk or just plain homophobes. I've never seen or recalled someone putting together a whole essay of why bkdk can't be together, other than, "he bullied him" or "guys can't get together in shonen anime!" or some other dumb reasons.
As for the other question, "what are the possibilities that BkDk will be canonized?" All I can say is anon, we just need to have hope for Hori to provide us that in the end honestly ;; Don't get me wrong, I love BkDk as much as the next person since I shipped them right from the start of episode 1 but I would still love it if Hori gives us a little panel at the end where they're working together in the same agency or damn, staying together as roommates under the same roof. He didn't even have to make it obvious, just make it indirect while us bkdk audience can fantasize about what's really happening behind closed doors while the others can think of it as them being platonic roomies asdfghjkl In any case, through my 'bkdk rose-colored glasses' tho, my answer would be a huge chance of them being canonized because of how much their relationship and character has grown so so much from the impact towards each other since s1, especially from Katsuki's end (i would love to show you the moments, but idk if i should spoil ;;;), but with the glasses off, I'm just really hoping it goes to that direction where Hori is one of the few authors that does it because I'm sure there are other shounen mangas out there that have their protags get together with the same gender, although subtle, but are not as popular as Hori's work.
Now, I would like to end this with a comment, please don't give up on shipping BkDk. You may feel like you're a minority who ships them, but we're actually a big growing community (esp in ao3 and djs) with just a lot of haters (mostly from the western side) because Hori gives us more of the spotlight and a whole lot of character development since the start of chapter one. I would say it doesn't really hit you for being proud to be a bkdk shipper until season 6. If you see it, you'll know what I mean because it still makes me tear up to this day ;;;
so here's to hori and to many bkdk moments we'll get in the future (hopefully in the upcoming movie!) and thank you anon, fellow bkdks, or prob other random but curious passerbys for coming to my boring Ted-talk haha
also here's dk looking at kacchan and kacchan looking away (๑ᵕ◡ᵕ)
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andoqin · 11 months
The Ingenious One
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What a ride this drama was! From the stunning shots, to the smart writing, to the plethora of well acted side characters it just had so much to give me. 
Let’s start with the characters:
Snipping this for length.
Yun Xiang:  Driven by a need to avenge the death of his 300 people family village, eradicated for seemingly no reason, he goes on a quest to find out who did it and why. For a Wuxia drama it’s very interesting to have our hero be a person wholly lacking in fighting skills, in fact the only thing he can do is run, and even that doesn’t last for very long. He is not someone who has a heart of gold in fact his plans will sometimes even endanger his friends, though the more he gets to know them the less that part becomes and he uses his brain to help them where he can.
Shu Yanan: Orphan, adopted by someone of Yun Xiang’s sect, she vows to avenge her adoptive father’s killer and thus her paths cross with Yun Xiang. In contrast to him, she is one of the strongest fighters of the show and physically is much stronger than him, which often makes hilarious things happen. The two of them are immediately drawn to each other and their bond is a big part of what carries the show for me. Shu Yanan is a cypher for the first half of the show, not letting the viewer know most of her thoughts and putting on a mask, even in front of Yun Xiang (but then again, he too changes masks so often it’ sometimes hard to keep up) and only in the latter half of the story does her true motivation/storyline come out but I didn’t mind that. The first half was used to build up their connection and the second half was used to delve deeper into her origin (story) which provided a very nice balance.
Su Mingyu: Initially a spoiled princeling of a rich merchant family with no business aspirations but Big Dreams about being a HERO of the Jianghu but no actual knowledge of what that means. Well he learns, pretty quickly, that despite appearing awesome and brave, actual fighting involves blood and death and the show makes it a point to drive that home. He is a skilled fighter and later on learns to become a man that can support his loved one and family but it does take him some time to get there. He is an AMAZING boyfriend tho, 10/10 in that regard, as far as spoiled rich princelings go you can def do worse.
Ke Menglan: Daughter of a disgraced official, cast down into the lowest societal tier in the very stratisfied Ming Dynasty (or at least it’s based on that) where upward social mobility was all but impossible, she tries her best to get back to the “normal” citizen-tier because she does genuinely love Su Mingyu and their marriage is literally not allowed. She is the very capable manager of what later becomes Yun Xiangs gambling house and their little club-hub and I love that she got her own story about dealing with who and what she was and loved the resolution for that arc since it was her choice and she has faith in SMY.
Jin Biao: Last but certainly not least in the main character gallery is my sneaky bigass sword dealing 10 gold jin per head demanding softie. His plot such as it is, is the simplest, but how can you not love a dude who uses his murder-gotten gains to support jianghu orphans??? Also I loved his little romance plotline, happiness for them always.
And this is just the main characters, there are SO many side characters that play an important role, some that come in later in the story, some that are dispatched earlier (usually bc they’re villains, or bc they get to go on a long deserved trip with their butler/assassin bf) and to put them all in here would cause my fingers to fall off, so i’ll just put a few favourites here:
Mo Bufan (and Kang Qiao): MBF is technically a senior of Yun Xiang, but he’s kinda let go of their sects teachings for the most part and embraced that capitalist lifestyle with his ... protegé? (I always read them as a couple tbh). Like YX MBF is not really a fighter, and they have a very interesting connection because of that, because it takes them a long time to be more than reluctant allies but they do become such great bros it is a delight to see.
Liu Gongquan and Princess Mingzhu: They come in towards the latter half of the story, one as the daughter of a Prince and the other as a former protege who is now an imperial investigator. He is at least as smart as Yun Xiang and it’s great to see them sort of work at cross purposes, feeling each other out and then coming to a tentative alliance. The princess is the usual sheltered naive girl type, but she shows these occasional flashes of smartness that are delightful to me (and LGQ hehe) and it’s great to see that clearly it is mostly a case of her lacking experience and not brain.
This is not nearly all of them, once again but man I gotta swivel to the villains now, because nothing in a show like this works without villains and oh do we have some interesting ones here:
Tang Xiao is our first initial big hurdle, and by god is he a slimeball par excellence. As the owner and proprietor of most of the cities gambling establishments he wields a lot of money and influence and uses it to menace women, be a creep and probably smell really bad. We get to see how he comes to hold on to his position though, because he is clearly adept at wheeling and dealing with people by any means necessary, though in the end that bites him in the butt. What makes him more interesting to me though is the fact that he has two very devoted underlings, one of whom is a female fighter who doesn’t talk much, wears an iconic hat and generally has a terrifying aura but who is very gentle to one of the female sidecharacters who gets caught by Tang Xiao, drugged (and probably abused). I had IMMEDIATE Black Sails Anne flashbacks in my head and though i am loathe to even put Tang Xiao and Jack into similar categories I do wish we could have explored the relationship between TX and his female underling (sorry I forgot her name) and just *why* she did the things she did for him.  At least Tang Xiao did have a very deserving end and I cheered hahaha.
Kou Yuanjie: He was the second Big Hurdle, but he was more of a “stock standard” bad guy: Spoiled Bratty princeling who was power hungry and Big Mad that his older sister is better than him in pretty much every regard: fighting, brain wise, not a psychopath, etc. He can’t stand any minor inconvenience and will use people as he sees fit, even going so far as to let his one devoted underling, who adores him for reasons unbeknownst to me, get killed. She even suspects he’s being shady, but then he kisses her and makes her forget her doubts, basically walking to her death, it’s not great. 
The Big Bad: I have to say as far as villains go, he left me a bit cold because he was using circular rhetoric to justify his end goals/plans, but the impact he had on the story and our characters is significant so I was fine with it.
So yeah, the fact that even my goldfish brain can retain so much for these characters should tell you that they left a lasting impression on me, which is truly not easy.
Let’s talk about the plot now, because on its face it is a fairly standard story, but the characterwriting especially lifts it above and the way the show manages to not spin its wheels but keep the tension going by introducing new revelations slowly but also giving other storylines the ability to breathe while not losing focus was very good for me. I think the ending is not the blockbuster type that I personally would  have preferred, but after everything it felt earned for our characters and I am happy with where they ended up. 
NOW LET’S TALK VISUALS, because this show knows how to set up a scene, how to block a shot to tell a story. So often visual storytelling in cdramas is an afterthought at best it is especially noticeable to me when a visual language is established in a drama and made clear to the viewer. This is not to say this is some Every Frame A Painting sort of show, but whenever the drama wanted to put emphasis on something, it did. 
One of the main ones was the focus on characters’ eyes and faces, there were a lot of closeups of the actors’ eyes and or faces and that’s where having expressive actors helps because I didn’t need dialogue to tell me what a character was feeling. Sometimes it was more obvious, sometimes less so, but it displayed an interiority to these characters’ lives that I feel is missing from many many many other shows. 
The gorgeous cinematography can just speak for itself tbh.
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FINAL VERDICT: 9.5/10 maybe a 9 depending on my daily mood but mmmm so good.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Well i was thinking maybe his ex wasn’t his wife they were just young people who messed around while dating she got pregnant and they ended up splitting but they still co parent pretty well ! i do like the divorce idea tho.
eddie with a toddler is just way too cute especially since he will spoil that baby rotten.
i had some thoughts but u don’t have to use them;
eddie lives in the trailer by himself bc wayne ended up finding love and moving out (eddie graduated by now he works at whatever job fits him) he didn’t want to work but after being a dad and livin on his own he had to step up,
bc he still lives in the trailer his foddler doesn’t has their own room (i’m not picking genders but i am rooting for a girl hehe) so they sleep with eddie in the bed (which i want some drama between the reader and eddie on how they never get alone time in bed bc of toddler always sleeping with them) eddie doesn’t MIND that his kid sleeps with him he likes that his child depended on him.
i think a toddler is good for the reader in this sense bc then the reader has to tru and impress the toddler while also trying to impress Eddie, bc this child eddie whole world you can’t be an evil step mom and you want the kid to like you and maybe love u in the future. And maybe eddie like “you don’t wanna be with me i have a 4 year old.” or maybe the readers friends are against the idea of the reader being with someone with a child 👀
Oh and the prestages of dating eddie you try and over do it by helping with his kid like small things and it makes eddie upset bc those are things he’s suppose to do and he says “You aren’t her mom okay?” (good for drama )
(not reader and eddie related by wayne being a good grandpa)
Hiii babes!! Oh these are good ideas!! I like the co parenting idea but also like the divorce idea so I’ll have to see what my mind ends up on😂
I like the one where they don’t get alone time, but I’m not a massive fan of co sleeping with toddlers so I’d tweak that to maybe she had a bad dream while the Reader is sleeping over and kinda interrupts their “alone” time because she asks to sleep with them and duh Eddie says okay and it’s just something the Reader has to be learn to be okay with.
I also like the thought of Eddie kinda of snapping at the Reader for maybe fixing the little girl’s boo boo and making her feel better, maybe it happened while he was out mowing the lawn or at work and when the Reader tells Eddie what happened he kinda just snaps and goes “you’re not her mom you shouldn’t be the ones fixing her scrapes and cuts. I am, I’m her dad. Im supposed to be there and make everything better for her. Not you.” And it just turns into a moment where Eddie is super vulnerable because he hates that sometimes he’s just not there, and he feels like he’s in over his head and doesn’t know what he’s doing. 😩💖
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5s-missing-eye · 1 year
Small rant about Lorien Legacies and stuff bc I wanna get it off my chest
I first heard about this series in like 2015 when I watched the movie with my dad and brother. I really liked the plot but I didn't know the books existed so I just kinda forgot about it.
Fast forward to 2017/2018 when I watched the movie again and I loved it sm but I didn't look it up any further bc I was stupid.
Then a few months later I was at my local library searching the science fiction section for something to read. And what do I see there? The mf ian4 book. I immediately remembered the movie and thought "well if I liked the movie I will love the book." I was right bc my 12 year old self was so happy with it. That book was my escape from all of the other bullshit that was happening in my life. My childhood best friend had just moved away to Germany and my friend group fell apart, leaving me lonelier than ever. Adding to that, my parents never took me seriously so I couldn't talk to them about any of that.
After reading ian4 in less than a week I borrowed po6 and fell in love with the series even more. The books made me feel special. And they made me feel like I'm not alone. Like there are people in the world just waiting to meet me and be my friends. I always felt like an outsider at my school and this series made it feel like a blessing rather than a curse. Marina and Six meeting up felt like a sign that someone is eventually going to save me from everything like Six "saved" Marina.
When I went back to the library to borrow ro9 I found out that it wasn't translated to my language. That made me a little sad but I knew I would find a way to read it. I didn't really know about pirating back then so when I found pirating sites it was like I was discovering a whole new part of the Internet. I would've ordered the books online but most of the time they're sent from the USA and the shipping is wayyyyyy too expensive. My english wasn't the best back then but I was fluent enough to read the books.
I remember thinking we would meet all of the Garde while reading ro9. I was so excited for Five bc that was my favourite number at the time. So ofc I was a little disappointed when I finished the book and Five was nowhere to be found. But that's what made him even better for me.
It felt like he was left out of everything interesting and he was missing out on bonding with the rest of the Garde. Then I looked him up and got Eight's death spoiled. I didn't really know how to feel about that so I just went to read the next book to finally meet Five.
Tfo5 made me hate Sam bc his pov is so annoying. He always has something to say even if it was uncalled for. He was so rude to Five for no reason (just like everyone else). Five is so awkward in this book and that made me fall in love with him. I love awkward characters bc they remind me of me. Five stood out to me even more than anyone else tho. It is so obvious that the authors wanted us to hate Five but he was so relatable to me that I couldn't hate him. I sometimes feel like we're the same person. I felt awful when Eight died obviously but I felt even worse for Five. He was manipulated and he was brainwashed. It wasn't his fault. He never wanted anyone to get hurt he literally wanted to protect them. But in the end it seems like anything he does just hurts others more.
I don't really have anything interesting to say about the other books. I hated how everyone treated Five with 0 sympathy. He deserved better. It was kinda obvious in Fugitive Six that it was him working with Einar. I was glad to see him actually having friends and hanging out with people the way he was supposed to with the Garde.
It's sad that he always knew he wouldn't get along with the Garde. It must've been horrible to see his worst fear coming to life. I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything is gonna be okay :((
I don't know what to say about rtz. The authors didn't even bother to write about the Garde getting a new scar after his death. Nor did they give us any hints that he might be alive. It's like they just wanted to get rid of him so they don't have to write about him anymore.
I think I read the novellas after the main series. I read Five's Legacy first (obviously). It just made me love him even more. He's literally perfect in every way. I just wish he was a little more appreciated in the series.
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gyubby99 · 10 months
Staticfly headcanons (because i can)
Love at first fight
They HATED each other!
Vox wanted to get on Mal's good side so he can get to know aponi as well and ultimately leading himself to Alastor and knowing his weaknesses. But Mal knew something was iffy about Vox so she kept him away from her friends (this was when they were still frenemies of some sort)
Why wouldn't Mal be suspicious? VOX out of all demons was nice to her! Taking her out on hangouts as a form of "gratitude" for helping him fix his broken screen.
They had an AWFUL long way to go.
Like long. Very long.
They did not get along when they first hung out. They were bickering more than they were having fun
The only time Vox was genuine was when Val broke it off with him.
That shit HURT.
He loved Val.
But ofcourse he shows no sign of emotions.
Mal had to ask Velvette what happened
When she knew, she tried reaching out to him
Ofcourse it didn't work.
But she tried again
And again
And again
Until Vox got fed up of her shit he was forced to spill out his guts. Vox was busying himself with work, as a way of coping.
Mal wanted him to express emotions. Atleast to her.
"What's the fucking point? It's not like my problems are going to be solved by this."
"Actually.. it is true. It's just not that big of a step. But hey, that's how people learn."
"I have no time for your sentimental bullshit."
"Yet you're listening to me, TV boy."
He just scoffs and grabs a drink.
Mal also asks for one.
The room was soundproof, for the purpose that no one hears Val abusing Vox, I guess.
So when the two got extremely wasted they cussed out Val
Mal threw up on the floor and he drunk scolded her for the next 15mins
When Vox was catcbing feelings and he knows it, he would pay attention at anything but her.
One time Mal had no place to crash in she plopped herself onto his couch and called it a night.
Vox allowed it only because she was tired.
AND Mal is his only key to Alastor's downfall
He wouldn't waste the key.
He kept repeating that in his head like a mentra the whole time Mal was sleeping and he was just.. watching from the cameras.
It took them six years to get together. Two was when they were frenemies, and four when they were genuinely friends
Poor vox had a panic attack when he caught feelings for her :(
He would never admit it to anyone but he loves her with every ounce of his being
Vox heaven AU! When he arrived in heaven he instantly spotted her in the crowd.
"Not a TV anymore. Remember?"
Back to hellaverse
Vox judges Mal's sense of style.
"Nuh-uh you are not wearing that garbage." *proceeds to give Mal a dress worth his house*
"Better. It brings out your eyes."
Vox pays for everything.
Mal feels bad because she has never once paid for a thing except the shark plush she gave him.
Vox looked at her deadpan. "If I didn't want to spoil you I would've stopped already. Now do you want these pair of sandals?"
Vox brings her random stuff. Like a snake plush or carmellias.
Semi-PDA couple
Their relationship was a bumpy road because of their past ones. There were times where it was sexually driven and they basically had to stop it from being too much.
One of the reasons why they were so horny on the memes/twitter au
He hated being soft but Mal's got insect rizz so..
Alaponi got together FIRST
The only form of "love" Vox knew was val's abuse so he had NO idea how to treat Mal at first
'Oh fuck oh fuck do we hold hands? Go out on dates? CUDDLE??'
He googled Mal's kinks
Vox is not opposed to cuddles but wouldn't cuddle her while working bc he can't have distractions.
He doesn't mind backhugs tho
or if hes in need of a stress relief
He communicates w Mal thru physical touch bc he's not good with words.
He shows Mal off to the other V's
Vox gave Mal a new phone and when she turned it on, Vox was immediately her screensaver.
He's not much for dancing but if Mal drags him to a dance floor hes dancing with her
Vox: You want me so bad, huh?
Mal: we've been dating for three years.
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dykenav · 1 year
tag 9 ppl u want to get to know better! tagged by @declanscunt
3 ships: um. this is hard for some reason lol suddenly I’m like what are ships. can I say ronanessy? I’m saying ronanessy (yes its platonic don’t come for me.) could say pynch but to keep it interesting I’m gonna say carmen/hennessy bc I think they deserve more attention. my brain is only trc lately but I’m gonna throw in Kit and Ty from the Shadowhunter Chronicles cuz why not
First ever ship: also probably Percabeth if we’re talking books BUT actually if we’re talking from any media it was probably Hercules/Megara from Disney’s Hercules lol I remember I used to imagine scenarios with them in my head before I went to sleep when I was like. 7. baby’s first fanfic daydreams <3
Last song: Goo Goo Muck by the Cramps cuz I was watching videos of the Wednesday dance but before that I technically was probably listening to my own song that a friend is helping me produce but before that I was having an emo day and listening to old Panic and Fall Out Boy. Also been obsessed with the song Tales of Dominica by Lil Nas X lately I legit had one day where I played it on repeat nonstop the whole day
Last movie: Weird the Al Yankovic Story! I watched it last night lol it was funny but I kinda of half-paid attention
Currently reading: All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater (taking me forever to finish for some reason I have this thing where whenever I get to like the last 4th of a book I want to stop reading it?? Idk I’ll finish it this week tho)
Currently watching: Seinfield lol. And Wednesday sorta but I got spoiled for everything that happens so I kinda lost interest in it
Currently consuming: just had fried eggs n toast
Currently craving: hmm a nice long walk in the park. I don’t think I have time to go on one before work unfortunately but. Or some watermelon
tagging @lifeofbrybooks @imnotrealimsleeping @jordanshenessy @seavoice @nightwashh @mulletadam @abandonedtennisball @scalyblooms @cloudslinger and anyone else who wants to! <3
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keyofradiance · 1 year
Tell me about your blorbos 🫡
well ok
blorbos you know:
k¡ana kas|ana - you know her, you love her, youve definitely heard me freak the hell out bc of her, i would talk more if not being scared about spoiling you
raid3n mei - see above
ruby r0se - SHAKING HER LIKE A DOG TOY SHAKING HER LIKE A DOG TOY SHAKI- god i love her earnest protagonist-ness im so worried for her please stay happy im so so scared for her. if not uhh give her a hug and good long fucking nap where nothing bad happens when she wakes up
raiden 3i - by gods (her) does this bitch have trauma glad she got her therapy arc. also the song "2 bed 2 bath (and a ghost)" by bug hunter is so her to me..
blorbos i dont think you know
satsuk¡ minazuki - i still cant get over predicting a major thing for her character before it got revealed in canon. thats how you do foreshadowing right!! worlds most autistic corpse seer ever. im actually gonna recommend her manga (liar satsuki can see death / usotsuki satsuki wa shi ga mieru) to you (and anyone else) if you think you can handle the gore
ya$mina fadoula - i cant form coherent thoughts on her right now outside of my analysis so: "and yaz is pretty implied to have had trouble in her friendships (eye of the storm and evasive action exemplify it pretty good imo), and these repeated failures in friendship that adhd can provide. this would also give reasons to why she seems to have given up on friendship by the time she starts the series (because, well, with untreated adhd nothing is going to change, especially when you dont know what is wrong) and why yaz is so stressed about abandonment. its because this would provide a traumatizing pattern (meet someone > something wrong with me > they leave > repeat). this would be worsened by rejection sensitive dysphoria, the really fun thing where you feel debilitating emotional pain over perceived rejection or criticism. with the combined power of RSD, worsening abandonment issues, and general adhd emotional dysregulation, it would make sense for yaz to give up on friends because of adhd."
kat3lyn the firefi$t - shes honestly like half the reason i keep rewatching m/cd. shes blue hair bi and has prns. also obsessed with her character. like yes girlll tell me why you stayed with the jury even tho you hate it. yes go to a new lord and follow her like you did before. obvs shes following the protag now so its not really something she has a reason to worry but its so interesting how she follows them both. also knight/lord romance makes my brain fry and go haywire
heath blind - monster girl...
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ghost-proofbaby · 8 months
hi ghost here with a book of updates 😊
so we hung out on Thursday (didn't go to barnes and noble tho i was very sad) and we built more Legos 😂 we ended up having to call it quits on the Legos bc it was like 10:30 and we both had work in the morning and we both were getting so tired and were confused by this one part. and i gave him this zippo lighter i bought at work of his favorite hockey team and he got so excited it was adorable and he gave me a hug. i wasn't going to buy it for him originally but then it was the only one we had and I didn't want someone else to have it so I got it for him. and his mom gave me candles and they're always so nice to me giving me stuff.
but then on Friday my mom started acting like my mom (guitar anon has mommy issues and a very very overprotective mom so like what base is it when i start telling him about her. cause all of my friends don't really like my mom once I start talking about the problems we have 😕) and sent me this huge text message while I was at work just a lot of guilt tripping and making me feel bad for not responding to her text while I was with the guy and that's a whole drama i really don't feel like getting into cause she's always had a problem dealing with me growing up. but anyway it just made me really sad and overwhelmed and so i texted the guy and said i needed a hug and why did he have to live so far away and he said he was sorry and I thought that was the end of it but 5 minutes later he texts me and says he sucks and I'm like why and he said cause he lives far away and I said yeah I can't get hugs on demand when I'm sad and he said he must give pretty good hugs and I told him I can't feed his ego and he's like well I am a Leo and I said so does that mean I have to feed your ego and he said maybe and i said well you do give good hugs and he said good and then i said this is the part where you compliment my hugs bc I'm also a Leo and need validation jk but not really and then he said maybe and then he sent me pictures of something but I forget lol and then a few minutes after that I'm like I'm still waiting on my compliment and he said I might have a lot and i said you can share with the class and he said maybe and i said you're making me work too hard for this and then he said I think you’re pretty cute and your shyness is cute too, I know you really mean it when you hug me. Plus no one has ever gotten me stuff before like you have so it means something to me. (Yes I copy and pasted it to my notes app do not come for me 😂) and I said expect more gifts bc I like giving them and he said what do I want and I said a hug and he said I wish I could give you one and I said that works for now and he said that's fair and then he asked if I wanted to go to this fair with him on Sunday but I had work until 5 so I couldn't and then he asked about Saturday and I said I worked and he said damn and I said I'll tell my boss she's ruining our lives and then he offered to throw chickens at her. and now I have like all my work besties ready and willing to pay him to throw said chickens at our boss.
it was great on Friday and Saturday we talked basically non-stop like I was so spoiled by the amount of attention I got that yesterday I was like WHERE IS HE I NEED MY ATTENTION
on Saturday he texted me a song recommendation and literally like 20 minutes before I was thinking that I should ask him for more music recommendations and so I told him that and he's like I'm just that good and I said that he lives in my brain and can tell what I'm thinking and he's like yeah and I said is it at least nice in my brain and then he said I think so then I said yeah you're in there a lot so I made you a room and he said interesting and I said very interesting. and then he told me he bought our next Lego set (the house from up! it's so cute) and he got something for me 🥺
and I have been planning with my friend that set us up for us all 4 to go out to eat so hopefully that'll be happening sometime this week.
okay i think I've caught you up on everything. 🎸 anon ❤️
i’m so sorry to hear that about your mom since i’ve been there and it just causes such frustrating anxiety and dampens the mood, but that little banter is so fucking cute 🥺 also good on him for hyping you up!!! he better hype you even more though. man’s should be worshiping you at your feet truly.
and the legos being a euphemism i’m cackling 😭 why can’t people just accept lego dates are superior smh (i have never been on one but like!! i know i’d have a good time!! plus it’s a good way to get to know someone!!! if it gets awkward then y’all have something to focus on rather than the silence!!!!!)
i’m truly so happy for you nonnie and even more excited because i saw another update it’s like reading a fic and seeing you still have another chapter to go haha. now excuse me, ima go read the next update, and y’all BETTER have kissed (just kidding but… still. y’all better get there eventually. i can wait the 100k words but WE BETTER GET THERE EVENTUALLY)
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mozzaroni · 11 days
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hello again cheesers i'm back with another blog post talking about a new interest even though i'm not even done with the other ones #ilovemail!
so yea. my friend treb showed me the first episode of the og trigun dubbed and tbh it made me giggle. i chortled a little bit. i've been meaning to get into trigun since stampede came out but uhhhmmm i guess autism doesn't rly let you pick and choose your interests too much. i've mainly been floating around and checking out random stuff a liiiiittle bit later after it's been mainstream. i don't do that on purpose though i'm just typically late to stuff LOL other than mob for some reason. i got into it just in time for the finale somehow. that's like p much the only time i've ever been "on time" for something. cool though considering it was one of my biggest interests ever. like my sideblog for mob psycho has more posts in it than my misc media sideblog. which is saying a lot. erm
but anyways uhh i guess i'll also add a jjk update in here? i've been spoiled a bunch recently esp considering the newer chapters LOL but there's a few things i have yet to discover so i'm just gonna pretend like i don't know what's happening as i read. i'm on chapter 65 now! starting hidden inventory arc. i think this is the one that my friend told me to get thru before reading jjk0? i kinda already know what happens in jjk0 now tho but i'll stick to what they recommended anyways.
it's hard to pick a fav chara bc i like a lot of them for different reasons but if i absolutely had to pick it'd probably be yuuta? toge still holds a very special place in my heart but now that i know what's up with yuuta, toge's gonna have to make some room LOL. i'm sure that he'd be fine with that tho. they're friends or something i think?
also! new csm chapter! eeeyikes! i won't be going into depth about it but i will say that i've seen some downright horrendous takes on it across all kinds of different platforms. i have faith in fujimoto to handle this kinda thing respectfully bc he has before so why wouldn't he now? that's the part that confuses me most i think when it comes to some of the criticisms i've seen. but maybe i'm wrong, idk. we'll just have to see where it goes at this point. anyways please somebody help my boy denji he needs it desperately right now
okay finally talking about the thing i've been meaning to talk about since i pressed the post making button: TRIGUN!!! i mean i sorta briefly went over it in the beginning of this post actually. umm. i don't have much to say yet? i'm going in relatively unspoiled but i know a couple of things. i'm torn between reading it or watching it first. i think i'm going to read up to the point it stopped in the first episode and see what i want to do from there!
a part of me wants to change my pfp to a vash picture but i'm hesitant bc 1) i love toro inoue and his funny little star and 2) i want to figure out more about vash as a character and trigun as a whole before i commit to having him as the face of my blog. it's definitely probably not at all that deep but eh. my brain wants me to go about it this way so i'm gonna go about it this way i think
that's all i've got for now ehe ^_^ uhhh yeah. erm. bye o/ teehee
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withleeknow · 16 days
lmao I've been chronically online lately so let's just say that your manifesting 🍙🍙🍙 worked to put you on my feed but anyways- WAHHHHH I WAS JUST COMPILING MY SPAM REPLY BUT I NEED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST FIRST WHEN I SAY I DID A DOUBLE-TAKE SEEING THIS ON THE TL
the see you 0613 almost brought tears to my eyes GOD esp after seeing this on the tl today: https://x.com/murakamiko2/status/1796191153714327680?s=19 I CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR YOONJIN REUNION 💜💜
pls the way you had an onigiri shout-out for this moment god woman I adore you <3
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IT REALLY IS HAPPENING i cannot believe he'll be home so soon 😭 back just in time for their anniversary and we'll get to spend it with him, i love this so much. the song dropping on my birthday i'm pretty sure will be another jk army song (that he "spoiled" before he left) gahhh i'm buzzing (tho idk if anything will top still with you). catch me crying while listening to take two on repeat until jin is officially home; it remains one of my favorite bangtan songs and jin's "can't you see the take two, letters i didn't send to you" is one of my favorite lines that he's ever sung. i actually have a jin amnesia series that i started almost 2 years ago and haven't touched since november 2022 lol hopefully his return will inspire me to really start working on that again. YOONJIN 😭 let's keep our fingers crossed that jin will be able to coax yoongi out of hiding for a selca at least bc idk how much more i can take of not seeing him until 2025 😭 i know i have a whole bangtan blog but idk talking about bangtan with you here feels more special somehow, like we have our own secret language that no one understands 🥺
thank you so much i am so grateful for you 😭 i really enjoy writing seungmin! i've got a couple seungmin wips i'm working on so hopefully those will deliver as well hehehehe
this is kinda giving groveling husband who's racking his brain trying to figure out how to make it up to you after he started a stupid argument earlier. the drabble from the other day is coming soon 😈 and also the full length fic for pining best friend hyunjin that i'm hoping to finish in june !!
oh mimo :((( i was just on a mini aespa binge earlier today heheh. i'll take any enha x skz crumbs i can get, and a jayke x mimo at that too ?? 😭 i will eat it UP. the fact that both mimo and jay are cats is so cute to me. i really am just drawn to all the cat bois now 🥹 (idk if you go there aka any svt space but i've been kinda Looking™️ at wonwoo too and... it's not good for my mental health)
for the locals, i am still taking what is your favorite story of mine? asks !!!
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