#tho were over half way AND i have a free weekend :D
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bakuvantea · 3 years
general relationship headcanons of sung jin-woo with his beloved s/o
- warnings: none! just a tad bit of nsfw implications
- audience: I made this gender neutral, i do hope that’s okay!!
- a/n: hello >:) anonnn (may i call u that? lmao-) here’s your request love!! thank you for your kind words <33 stay heathy, stay hydrated, and always rest up okay? hope you have an amazing day ahead too!!
also idk who jacob is-
: pre-awakened jin-woo (before entering the carthenon temple)
> he was always cautious, he didn't want [you] to hear the whispers going around about how you could've chosen someone better, about how you could've loved someone that was not him. thus, he was very shy and timid, always on edge when he feels the piercing stares from his batchmates -most especially when you try to initiate physical contact with him in your school or in public, you'd see him uncomfortable and so you'd immediately stop (because you respect him, ily). behind closed doors though he would always go above and beyond in pleasing you and making you feel loved, although he always doubts himself so you always make sure to give him praises and assure him that he is the one you love (not that jerk jacob from the class next door).
> he always wears spare hair ties or hair pins around his wrists in case you forget or lose yours. in fact when its weekends -and when he's not out infiltrating dungeons and positively offering his life on a silver platter- he always tries to study new hairdos and hairstyles so he can have more variations and choices when he ties or pins your hair for you. he'd always kiss the top of your head after and you'd feel his smile as he nuzzles your hair, smelling your shampoo. since his hair is also long, you'd also return the favor and tie his hair for him. his favorite would have to be the classic apple look with a pointy lock of hair erect in the middle -he really looks like a shih tzu, adorable-
> he.blushes.so.easily !!! he is very weak to praises and your lil kisses that pepper his face. you can see him glow and you even see his smile evidently becoming wider despite him shying away from you, looking downwards to avoid your loving gaze.
> he may be sht but he is also very playful towards you, teasing you and throwing pillows at you when you’re in his room, what a baby.
> often during dates he'd always need to leave early because he really needs to earn money and g to the dungeons. although you try to offer him some of your savings or your help during the dungeon raids, he'd always reject your offer, thinking of how it may burden you or the dungeon raids may possibly hurt you. you don't listen to him though, you give some of your savings to his sister when you cross paths in your school, and you'd always register after him in raids or call up someone you know to have you join in.
"(name) why are you here?!"
"angel face, i can handle myself just fine. it's my choice to help you and whether you like it or not, i've also been called for this raid. come love, we're going in."
> you'd always take his blue hoodie and wear it. he gets so shy when you smell it.
he gets frantic when you take his hoodie and start sniffing it, exclaiming; "stop! i smell weird."
you raise an eyebrow at him, "woo, you smell fine. i like it."
he tries to stutter a remark but was silenced by your smile.
> you always try to visit his mother with him and his sister, jinah. you always talk to their mother out loud and you'd see jinah smile gently at you and jin-woo trying to stop sniffles from escaping his lips by biting them and covering his face with his hoodie.
jinah: u simp
jin-woo: shut it
> he loved cuddles! but he really likes kissing your cheeks. he loves how soft they are and he loves feeling your cheeks move when you smile or laugh at his cute antics.
> he loves you so so dear
: post-awakened jin-woo (after the events of the carthenon temple)
> oh, dear it's the monarch-
> you weren't with him when he raided the "d-rank" dungeon that then turned out to be,, well pretty much a bloodbath, so you were very worried when you heard word of the news. you and jinah basically ran to the hospital and when you caught sight of him you almost fell down from relief and pure shock in seeing the state he's in. well, not long after though suddenly he's all buff and you were really trying to make sense of what's happening.
you: hello there good sir, what in the name of fck are you doing in my boyfriend’s room all sweaty and half-naked😀
jin-woo: (name) it’s me
you: haha yes, sir ‘it’s me’ that’s a pretty weird name but i don't judge, anyways my baby boy is not here uhm haha please get out of my boyfriend’s room
jin-woo: (name) it’s really me!
you: no sir, my woo radiates baby energy, you on the other hand radiates big dilf energy, haha i do not like what i am sensing so please for the life of me leave-
(jinah had to convince you that it is indeed jin-woo, you had her stop you from trying to hold his tiddies)
> you were very happy in seeing how confident he’s become, and you were even more proud with how he still says so humble despite his new accomplishments and title.
> it was obvious that he has become distant with others and have set a boundary between him and other hunters, you accept that part of him though since you know just how much he has gone through. he may act aloof towards others but he’s still very playful and comfortable with you.
> you have also noticed another thing though, he has become a bit possessive or much protective over you and jinah. he’d always have you bring a shadow with you to guard you when he can’t be with you. also, when someone stares at you for far too long, he’d step in and go, “hey there pal” and oh gosh was that enough to get the guy running (pretty damn hot)
> you still visit his mom with him, he doesn’t cry now though.
> when he trains, you’d insist on lying down below him when he does push-ups. you’d kiss him every time he swoops down and you’d hear him laugh which then makes you giggle as you hold his cheeks between your hands
> jinah is sick of the two you, always screaming about how on earth did her brother get an s/o before her, the audacity!
> his shadows adore you, of they’d always try to impress you or get head pats when you tell jin-woo to summon them for you. you live them to bits and always thanks them for a job well done in helping jin-woo with his raids. on the first time you accompanied him for a raid -you had to bribe him with more cuddles- and you were shocked with how his sweet adorable shadows turned a full 180, becoming ruthless towards the enemies. quite a show you’d say. after though, they’re back to flocking over you, even dismissing jin-woo lmao
jin-woo, watching you give each shadows head pats: i hate it here
you: get in line then
> it may be due to his newly acquired talents and his current mental and physical prowess but he has become more perceptive towards you. he can always read you and know just what your mood is and he always tries to make you feel better by giving his whole attention to you.
> of but of course, since dear jin-woo has become quite the looker, you also notice how girls flock over to him. and especially miss hae-in (she’s very sweet yes, but hey that’s your man so like—). the moment you discovered that she left her guild to join jin-woo’s, and then confessed (well basically she did) to your man, well you were upset but really who could blame her? instead of taking your frustrations out on her and your boyfriend, you decided to just talk it out with jin-woo and ask him about how it went. the two of you cleared it out and you got kisses and maybe even more after that ;))
> you and jin-ho are menaces to society when you are together, he hates how endearing and annoying you two can be. i mean, does he really hate it? nope, he absolutely loves seeing you two interact, although his head always throbs when you two start screaming to britney, gaga, and doja.
> a tease, he has become the master of being a tease, you hate it and love it at the same time. he’d trail kisses down your neck to your thighs and leave some marks then he’d suddenly walk away while asking you what take-out you want. rude, that’s what he is. ofc he always finished what he starts tho oop-
> he always randomly bites you now, you don’t know why but it’s really cute when he starts nibbling so you let him be.
> so extra when he tells you that he loves you. he professes it in such weird but adorable ways. one time he had printed out ‘i love you so much’ on a big-ass tarpaulin and had his shadows hold it for him while he’s kneeling down smoldering at you. you hate him so much (you don’t-). or that one time he bought a bouquet basket and had a ring tied to one of the flowers, you had to take the bouquet apart since the damn ring fell to the very bottom.
> sometimes when he gets back to the agency after his dungeon raids you and jin-ho would see him all grumpy and you immediately know that either he wasn’t able to make the enemy his soldier or his coat got ruined.
jin-woo: *sad noises*
jin-ho: that’s okay, you can kill and slaughter the others and take their souls next time
you: jin-ho couldn’t you have worded that better-
over-all, he’s the bestest boyfriend, such a sweet and handsome pretty boy much strong and reliable we love him<333
- a/n: i can add more to this if you’d like!! just hit me up again lmao it’s too long now so-
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emilycollins00 · 3 years
A3! If you were their roommate p.1
I’m so hyped this weekend? I don’t know, it all happened suddenly after a call with an old roommate and I absolutely projected a bunch of stuff so there you go.
Enjoy! 💕
One of the best roommates ever, please don’t ever let him go.
Doesn’t mind helping with your part of the chores if you are too busy bless him although he himself is a bit messy on his own.
Going to each other rooms to ask about how the other’s day was or just to spend time together.
Whenever a play performance is coming you know because Sakuya’s script can be found all over the apartment: between the sofa cushions, on top of the microwave, on the laundry basket…
If on the first performance you are not inside the apartment you always leave a few notes sticked on the bathroom mirror to wish him luck. Sakuya keeps them all.
“Are you sure you are free, Y/N? You don’t have to come every time If-”
“Sakuya listen to me, If I ever miss one of your shows just assume I’m dead.”
It becomes a tradition for you to prepare him spaghetti Neapolitan to celebrate closing night and even tho at this point Sakuya knows he’s still 100% moved.
Not really a talker, but you get used to it. At this point you can even have full conversations with his lazy responses and everyone who steps on the apartment is confused.
“Did you buy trash bags?”
“No I didn’t because you said you would.”
Because he’s always listening to music his Bluetooth tends to connect with yours a lot.
Anyway you both just kinda do your own things inside the apartment.
He does his part of the chores without having to push him too much, so you don’t have a lot to complain about.
Except for the fact that he has like 20 alarms in the morning because if not he’ll just go back to sleep.
*Loud banging on the door* “MASUMI I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T WAKE THE FUCK UP-”
Everytime you come back you wonder what might await for you inside the shared apartment. It never disappoints.
“…Whatcha got there”
“Hi Y/N, do not worry! I bought one smoothie for you as well on my way back, it’s on the fridge!”
“I mean the other thing laying on the floor.”
“Oh, Juliano? I thought you said you were good with animals, are you maybe lethargic?”
“It’s allergic and no I- Citron that’s a fucking leopard.”
“He likes half done-stakes! :D” *insert roaring agreeing sounds*
It. Never. Disappoints.
Pushing the furniture out of the way and having spontaneous dance battles in the living room. You both usually end up exchanging moves and honestly? it’s a blast.
If you can’t sleep or are stressed he will always have his door open for you 24/7 and you are so grateful for that.
He’s a pretty good roommate overall. You both decided on a specific schedule for cleaning and buying stuff and it hasn’t failed yet.
When Tsuzuru comes back from visiting his family he brings back half of the house between fruits, vegetables and various presents his young sibling push into his suitcase.
You two have a drawer full of university students' discounts and coupons you both use all the time.
Midnight study sessions for finals on the kitchen table or the living room to keep each other from losing it.
“Is it morning or are the lights too strong? I can’t tell anymore.”
“I don’t know Tsuzuru, just pass me the coffee bowl.”
“I finished it but there’s still Redbull on the fridge.”
Still once every blue moon you two will make some popcorn and spend the night laying on the couch watching movies with blankets over your heads. It’s little things like that what keeps you both sane.
You thought you had won the lottery when you saw him for the first time? You were so wrong.
Staring contests for everything? Like the first one to blink takes out the trash and so on.
Buys tons of junk food that he always shares. Possibly as a subtle apology for his late-night shoutings and also to make you forget he still hasn’t cleaned the bathroom.
The type who forgets to do laundry so he’ll spry the hell of the cologne bottle on the clothes and call it a day.
“Where’s the *insert any daily object*?”
“Ah… I think I took it to my room last night.”
“I am not entering in that filthy cave of yours.”
Has weird schedules, sometimes arriving late into the night to the apartment while other weeks you can easily encounter him at 8am like clockwork.
His room is always closed. Once time you managed to catch a glance from inside and saw at least three computers occupying the desk and a few piles of documents on the bed.
“You must like technology, uh!”
“Ah… yes”
Listens to podcasts on hyperspeed even in other languages while you stare like??
Surprisingly supportive as a roomie. Everytime there’s something going on with the apartment you mention it and next morning is practically solved.
“Chikage did you talk to the landlord about the router signal?”
“Why. Is it still bad?”
“No- that’s the thing, it’s great! I thought he wouldn’t fix it anymore"
"That's good to know."
You follow his curry blog and send him different locations and menus of restaurants he could visit that you notice while he’s away.
In exchange, he always brings you souvenirs from his many trips, especially books.
I had such a fun time writing these. Have a wonderful day! 💕
🔆 Summer troupe as your roommates!
🍁 Autumn troupe as your roommates!
❄ Winter troupe as your roommates!
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attack-on-kiwi · 4 years
Are you still doing the fluff alphabet? If so, would you be willing to do it for Bertl? I'm not sure if you write for him, it's okay if you don't.
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Bertholdt is indifferent to what the two do. Most activities that his s/o points out are okay in his book, though he isn’t a fan of anything that forces him to stand out too much. As long as he’s spending time with them or watching out for them, he’s happy to do anything. That said, he does have a particular fondness for hiking or fishing. Both activities are peaceful and let the two enjoy mild physical activity while basking in one another’s company. There’s no stress to speak as they can just focus on their tasks at hand. 
Cuddling is nice once he’s over his nervous disposition. If his s/o doesn’t mind his clammy hands and overwhelming warmth, he likes to have them secured in his arms, playing with their fingers for countless moments. Perhaps the stilling of time is why he is drawn to such an innocent passtime.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Bertholdt is drawn in by their smile. He doesn’t deserve such kindness- definitely not from someone as beautiful and admirable as themselves.It’s no stretch to say that Bertholdt’s idea of his s/o is quite inflated by how he imagines them to be an all superior and perfect individual. He’s too overcome by feelings of insecurity and stress that he’s latched onto their kindness. That smile draws him in and promises a moment of respite in this unnerving hell of an existence he bears. 
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He tries to ground them. He will not take any unnecessary touching in the case that they do not respond well. He’ll instead look to calm them by speaking in a level tone and guiding them through their episodes. He hates seeing them upset or panicking, and he would rather not set them off even more. Bertholdt will assess the situation as best he can, but don’t expect a passionate embrace or overly comforting words. He will just remind them that they are here and he is here. The two can sort out the issue if need be and go from there. If the situation calls for it or if his s/o approaches him for physical comfort, he has no problem embracing them for several minutes, quietly letting them seek whatever it is that is going to help them come down.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Bertholdt is too nervous and aware of his fate to give much thought to a future with his s/o. Ideally, he would like to have weekend breakfast with them and his father before taking a light stroll to a park that’s filled with happy children. He wants to take them out for sweets and to walk fearlessly hand in hand. Nothing too extraordinary. A secure life where they can live comfortably with their loved ones and enjoy their mundane lives would be ideal.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Bertholdt isn’t entirely submissive, but he does prefer his s/o to take charge. He’s a bit of a pleaser when it comes to the relationship, so he’s willing to do most things his s/o wants. 
However he does have limits to his patience and if he wants something done, he’s not afraid to mention it. He’s not a shy and nervous wreck all the time, after all. If his s/o and he have been together for a while, he is much more comfortable speaking out and suggesting they try something new. It takes a lot of patience from his s/o, and most of his demands are too subtle to even give a second thought.
If Bertholdt feels like something is not going how it should, he’s quite skilled in putting a stop to it.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Getting Bertholdt angry is hard enough in the first place. His s/o either put their life in extreme danger or crossed a boundary with hi,. Bertholdt will not stand for it and will have to take time for himself. During this period of tension, he’s prone to guilt tripping and manipulating his s/o into feeling awful about the fight. Whether they played a large role or not, Berhtoldt feels the need to really emphasize that they can’t be hurting him because all he does is to ensure the two can be happy.
He doesn’t mean to be so erratic when he’s angry, but he rarely experiences anger, and being hurt by someone he finally let in scares him to no end. It’s no excuse for his irrational (at times) behavior, but it’s important for the two to have patience with one another.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Once he gets past the initial guilt of being in a relationship when he’s got the mission he has, he does feel something akin to gratefulness. If anything, he just feels immense selfishness for getting involved with someone. His mind is constantly in overdrive and is unable to rest for a moment enough to really see just what his s/o puts up with for him.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
His entire identity is a secret. Regardless of whether his s/o is from Marley or Paradis, he keeps his true self under wraps. Bertholdt is conditioned first and foremost to put his own freedom and wishes first. That means that his mission comes first, and unless he has known his s/o for years or feels extremely strong about them, he will never share anything remotely incriminating. Even if he does feel comfortable enough to share, information will be scarce and seemingly irrelevant to the bigger picture. He can’t help this tendency. He has had to be careful of every word that comes out of his mouth as it could mean life or death, and he’s not willing to risk more than necessary as he feels he’s already pushing it too far.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
The fact that he was even open to having an s/o shows that they’ve brought down the many walls (lol) he’s put up around his heart. Bertholdt’s defense mechanism is to hide and to put up a front, so when someone is able to give him enough confidence that he’s willing to love them even remotely, they can say they’ve impacted him in a way most others never have. 
Bertholdt is someone who will usually partake in activities if asked, so there’s not much on the path of trying new things, but trying them with his s/o definitely feels more fulfilling to him. Even if it’s just an evening hike or going to a market when allowed, Bertholdt feels more vulnerable. His s/o is usually unaware of this until he is caught smiling at them shyly, a glimmer of his true feelings dancing across his expression. 
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Yes and no. 
Bertholdt will get jealous if someone is getting too friendly and touchy with his s/o, but it takes a lot for him to step in. In fact, it’s the rarest sight to catch him towering above someone, using a steel glare and his notable height to intimidate whoever is making heart eyes and assorted moves at his s/o. 
Though he is prone to jealousy due to fear of his s/o leaving him or finding out they don’t want to be with him, he is still most likely not going to step in. Bertholdt has resigned himself to the idea that he is not worthy of a long term partner and to always be prepared in the event that his s/o will leave him. When in private, he might try to guilt his s/o by saying they made him feel jealous because of how close that person was getting to them, but most times he will just hide in their neck and huff when prodded with questions.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Bertholdt never kisses anyone long enough for there to be a cohesive report on the topic. His kisses range from split second pecks to softer slightly dragged out kisses. There’s never anything fancy going on. 
He likes it when his s/o has to work to get to his lips, be it they are too short or too tall to comfortably reach him. He thinks it’s endearing that they would want to kiss him even tho it can be an inconvenience to get to his lips. 
Kiss his neck and he will pass out from the blood running to his cheeks. Oh, yeah. He’s a huge blusher when it comes to kisses.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It’s likely Bertholdt never utters the words until his last moments. He doesn’t have the luxury of expressing his true feelings. Whether or now his s/o is by him during those moments, their face flashes in his mind and while he’s wailing for someone to help him, he’ll think to himself, “I didn’t even say it! I didn’t even get to say it!” And then you guys know how the rest goes.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Bertholdt wants to get married. The idea of sharing his life with someone who is his better half warms his heart. If he were to propose, he’d like to do it on an evening where he and his s/o have just had dinner and are floating on a little boat through the waterways. He’d have a whole speech planned out, but the anxiety of asking would eat away at him and he rushes into the stuttering question. When his s/o says yes, he’d be too terrified of picking up the ring since he’s sweating so much, so he’d ask them to take no offense and put the ring on himself. He doesn’t want it to slip and fall into the water.
Marriage with Bertholdt is traditional. He’d like his s/o to live a carefree and comfortable life, so he’d prefer to be the one working while they stayed home or took part in whatever they aspired to. He could see his s/o opening up a bakery. They would have two pets, a dog and a cat, or maybe just two dogs that roam around bringing comfort and joy to their early morning patrons.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
He sticks with calling them their name or a short variation of it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When you strip away the nervousness he is inevitably feeling, Bertholdt is as sweet as one would think plus some more. He has a difficult time verbalizing just how he’s feeling, so he takes to making sure his s/o doesn’t need to deal with more than they have to.
This means Bertholdt will pick up chores or errands they haven’t had time to do or he’ll patch up their clothes. He makes sure that they don’t come back to more work. If they need to be held, he’s there for them. All they have to do is initiate it- that’s all he asks. He’s good at comforting them. He’s warm and large enough to fully embrace most people. He never feels like he’s doing enough or if he’s doing what he should be, but he means well.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Most people will never know Bertholdt and his s/o are an item unless his s/o is upfront. He’s not going to actively hold their hand or kiss them in front of anyone, but he won’t push them away if they want to cling to his arm. Having Reiner as a friend helps- the guy is more than happy to tell people to piss off when they try flirting with you or Bertholdt and if Bertholdt is okay with it, he’ll even tell others so they are in the know. 
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s smart and picks up on cooking easily. If his s/o wants a certain food, it only takes him a few moments of studying a recipe to get it correctly. The food always turns out delicious- better than the recipe itself, some would say. He uses this to his advantage when his s/o is particularly upset with him. It’s hard for him to really put into words how sorry he is, so he hopes the food is a good segway into the conversation.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He tries to be a classic romantic, but it’s hard when you have a whole can of worms eating the back of your mind at all times. 
Bertholdt likes bringing them flowers when he can, and if that’s impossible, he will try to get his hands on some dried/pressed ones and see if he can encase them in resin and accessorize the items. He likes giving them gifts that last long, so they have a small collection of trinkets from him. 
He is always there to lend them an ear. Even though he can’t talk much about his own problems, he is more than happy to help them sort out their feelings. Even if he could speak to them about his problems, he would rather focus on them. In a relationship, he’s overwhelmingly giving so long as his s/o stays by him no matter what it takes. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
If he has any reservations, he will let them be known, but once he is convinced his s/o is not just saying something but willing to see it through, they have his whole support. He will be willing to go through great length to help them succeed. 
However, if their aspirations interfere with his own goals, he will try to subtly sabotage them or try to convince them to focus on something else. This will cause a huge rift in the relationship
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Bertholdt is content as everything is. He’s fine with having an s/o and living the same day with them. It’s peaceful when it can be, and he’d rather not risk all of that for something that may not be worth it. If his s/o wants to try something out, he will follow along but will step in if he feels they might get hurt or get the two of them in danger. 
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Bertholdt knows his partner inside and out. The way he knows every detail about them is pretty relative to how little they know about him. As a way to make up for not being completely honest with them, he does his best to get to know them and everything about them so that he can accommodate them reasonably. He doesn’t feel too bad about this either. He’s more comfortable giving, so he enjoys seeing his s/o light up when he remembers a tiny detail about them. 
Though Bertholdt is knowledgeable about his partner, he is not the poster boy for empathy. Most of their concerns feel minor compared to the larger pictures, so he has a difficult time finding the mental capacity to even care. This surfaces in how he will tell them to be logical or offer them more realistic advice on their concerns.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship is not the most important thing to him. Though it is true that he values his partner immensely, he is sadly anchored to the fact that his mission comes first and that his selfish desires of wanting solace for his loved ones will have to be but a byproduct of a successful mission. No matter what, his life and his future are going to be most impacted by said mission, so once everything is dealt with, he will prioritize everyone else. 
That being said, just because his mission comes first does not mean that Bertholdt is immune to slip ups regarding his personal life. There are times when the stress and fear of losing his s/o will push him to do something ill advised so that he can secure their safety. If they ended up dying as a result of his mission and actions, he’d never recover.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
If his s/o starts complimenting him between their sweet little kisses, then Bertholdt will begin blushing and trying to escape. He doesn’t straight up run away, but he’ll cover his face with his hands as his cheeks heat up. If they ask him what he’s doing or coo to him he’ll try to choke out a flustered “I’m fine” while clearly not being fine. His s/o has the power to make him weak in the knees and must learn to utilize said power to the fullest.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Bertholdt isn’t going to initiate any form of intimacy, but once his s/o has him in their arms, he’s actually a cuddle bug. His favorite is to quietly hug them and rest his face in their neck. Sometimes he’ll kiss them wherever he can. The feeling of their hands dragging over his back and their nails scratching his scalp helps him forget that the world is terrifying just for a moment. If he falls asleep on them, it’s said that he can go the whole night without fumbling or kicking anyone.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He’s good at putting those thoughts in the back of his mind. He doesn’t really give into missing them as often as he could, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss them. When he has a chance to breather, he’ll offhandedly wonder if they miss him too. 
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Unless he’s decided they are important enough for him, he won’t go out of his way to put his life on the line or anything. As I’ve previously mentioned, Bertholdt’s way of prioritizing his relationship is by prioritizing his mission.
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jiminrings · 4 years
Hello hello 🥺 I miss Hobi nd I just wanted to request a drabble piece with him as a teacher and your also a teacher and somehow??some students??? Ship you two??? And the next thing you know, they're trying to get you two together and oh boy...chaos ensues :') there's no pressure 🤗🤗 stay safe Hannah! 💞💞
base line
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pairing: hoseok x y/n
wordcount: 3k
glimpse: hoseok swears that you’re intolerable, but maybe that’s just because you don’t greet him good morning like you usually do :D // gif isn’t mine!!
notes: my first hobi drabble!!! thank u for requesting and waiting babie!!! this threw me back to when i was in preschool and one of my earliest memories ever was me being a teacher’s pet and being able to read straightly and coherently :D (i am a mess now hee-hee)
you love your job
you shouldn’t even call it a job if you’re genuinely enjoying what you do, right??
there’s just some days that you feel like you’re going to sit down the puzzle-matted floor in the middle of the class, tuck your head in between your knees, and sCREAM then yeet yourself out to the corridor
ok but listen
you really do!!
you studied for this!! you have a degree!!! you have a license!!! being a preschool teacher has been the career path you’ve always wanted to take!!
you like being around kids in general and taking care of them and teaching them!!
your age gap with your older brother isn’t exactly small and that meant that growing up, you had to keep up with him!!
because FUCK coloring books and building blocks :-) let me read your textbooks :-) i can’t read but i wOuld like to pretend and bond with u
jin has kids of his own and since it’s only the two of you, that automatically meant that you’re the favorite aunt!! well because after all you are the only one
you’re young and you’re hip and you watch animated shows still!! you can resOnate with them!!!
seokjin can’t make his two-year old eat his steamed carrots but YOU can!!
aha you have now established power <3
but ya know,,,
being a teacher is different from being an aunt!! it’e worlds apart because not everything that applies to your nephews and nieces, also applies to other kids necessarily
obviously you can’t treat every kid to the park once they master their ABCs and can grip a pencil properly
you’re just exhausted ok!! it doesn’t make you love your job any less
it’s just as simple as that
wait actually no
there is ONE more hiccup in your job and at this point, the thought of it plagues your mind beyond your place of work
not it
h i m
jung hoseok — your co-teacher!!
your co-teacher that helps you in handling a batch of fifteen preschool kids for hours, two batches a day, five days a week
hoseok whose hair smells like vanilla and flowers and is never not wearing an article of beaded jewelry and has the good voice that could make three to five year olds listen
.,.,. hoseok.,.,.,. who isn’t yours.,.,.,
and hoseok.,.,., who probably hates you.,.
you’re not trying to make a reach but you FEEL it,,,, you feel it in your knees and your spleen that oh god your co-teacher probably resents you and just tolerates you to not make the kids worry :((
it doesn’t certainly help too that uhm
... you may have a tiny crush on hoseok
maybe you really do like him or oR!!
or maybe you just see him practically like everyday and you find yourself paying more attention to him and finding details that you normally wouldn’t find for any other person besides him but-
“good morning, hoseok!!”
you mostly make french toast every morning because:
a) you’d probably eat it as often as you could until you could no longer look at it anymore and practically barf at even the mention of it
b) baby it’s EASY
c) you can make it as a batch and that way you won’t have to wake up every morning to cook for yourself
d) tastes immaculatE whether warm or cold
e) jungkook gave you his recipe after nagging him everyday for a month <3
you knew how to make it in the first place but uh well,,,.,,
jungkook is jin’s regular babysitter for his kids and he’s very organized although you won’t admit that
he’s carefree but like disciplined at the same time y’know
like YES eunji you can take a sip of my orange juice that ur appa told me not to give you BUT you need to drink one whole sippy cup of water okay??? say yes uncle goo
and he’d also have snacktimes and he’d make his own and french toast is one of them
one time you came over and babysitted with jungkook and u snuck out a piece from eunji’s bowl and wow
every time you came over you’d make him cook and he’s all??? 
“y/n are you SURE eunji told you she wants two bowls of french toast?? to herself?? are you sURE???”
lmao he’s figured it out late that it was you who kept eating the french toast because he peeked at the bowl and then??? eunji’s mouth doesn’t bite THAT big?? 
not unless a toddler’s mandible is already that big and he’s been wrong all along 
so the french toast?? yeah you put it in your cute tupperware with the cute waterproof stickers in the lid
one loaf is to four squares and two of those are for hoseok :D
minor problem tho
he doesn’t take up your offer :((
maybe it’s just yOU who’s the problem at this point because you tried bringing other food and ?? he just shakes his head no and gives you a curt smile
every morning, you greet him!!
“good morning, hobi!!”
you call him that because that’s what jimin and namjoon call him since they’re your co-teachers!!!
... although maybe it’s just for friends of his only...... a-and well maybe you aren’t his friend
.... aha anywAys!!
you leveled it up a notch and switch up your greetings
“good morning handsome!!” or like “heeeeey cutie!!” or maybe even “hi sunshine!!!”
you: :D
him: :|
every afternoon, you ask him if he wants anything from the vending machine in the faculty room
every month, the principal gives tHREE bottomless cards to the best-performing teachers and that basically meant you don’t have to pull bills from your wallet to pay for overpriced soda
you’ve gotten it twice consecutively in the last month
free pass or not, if hoseok finally tells you what he wants from the vending machine, then you’d get it for him in a heartbeat and less
vending machine talks r some of the best talks and you want that :((
sometimes he’ll tell you that he’s full, or shake his head no, or semi-rudely glances at you and sets his head down and that translates to no
every weekend, you ask him if he feels ____ because you totally have that in ur apartment
“it feels a bit hot, no? good thing i have a new airconditioning unit :D”
no you don’t have a new airconditioning unit
you just had jin clean out the filters while you were at work and it’s basically the same thing, right??
pls say right
you’re basically FLIRTING with him
and you feel useless about it because you haven’t made any progress whatsoever no matter your approach :((
at first you didn’t feel embarrassed whenever namjoon pointed out your crush on hoseok
in fact, the whole faculty knows but you’re just gonna ignore that
you didn’t feel like a FOOL because it’s hoseok you’re making strides towards to
he’s worth the embarrassment that you don’t feel at all
and he doesn’t notice and doesn’t care and he probably won’t talk to you if you are the only preschool teacher in this school besides himself
you’re starting to feel the secondhand embarrassment joon always points out to you multiplied to five
oh god what you’re doing is LAUGHABLE
it’s even more painful to look at yourself in a third perspective because you look like an utter fool chasing after him and all he does is push you away
you’re tired of trying 
it’s okay :)
hoseok looks like someone who’d tell all about your doings to his groupchat and they’d laugh at you together
wait no that’s quite a reach
you’re probably not even tHAT important to be made fun of in the gc :((
fine then
you’re gonna focus on everyone and everything else besides him -- it’s not like he’s even gonna notice anyway!! not that it’d matter
if hoseok can sleep at night peacefully without even acknowledging you, then you could sleep at night without him crossing your mind
you kept thinking about not thinking of hobi last night that in return you did think about him
but that is the LAST time ok
you’re gonna start tallying this morning
wait a minute!! you don’t have to tally because you genuinely need to not care and be indifferent!! 
wait this was easier than you expected
you feel a weight out of your chest when you kept your eyes on the ground when you passed by hoseok in the hall
you felt nervous initially because you never skip a day of not being all googly-eyes for him but you know!!!! this was actually nice!!!!
for a change yOu’re the one who’s unaffected and as cold as it sounds -- 
it feels good to not care :D
“up please!! up!!” 
you’re feeling so zen and un-dejected that you forget for a moment that you’re still in class and yOU’RE the teacher
and it’s hyunjin!! one of the younger kids in class
also he’s quite the troublemaker and intentionally likes teasing you and being play-mad at him makes him giggle to no end
he does nOt vibe with hoseok he’d jus keep a straight face on and ??? no ur not teacher y/n
he’s tugging at whatever he could reach and if he turns out to be holding a marker in his hands then you might just Pass Away
you comply to hyunjin’s request but you know you’re gonna put him down in two seconds because you know that the other kids are gonna see and-
yeah nevermind
it’s now a carrying train :D
you just made up that name on the spot
it’s a line of kids going up to your arms, and then you passing them to hoseok, and then putting them down to the ground and them running back to the line again until everyone’s satisified
bAsically you’re passing around kids and it’s hoseok who calls off the game because you have no backbone sometimes when it comes to four-year olds
throughout the whole time though, hobi feels like something’s wrong
he just can’t place it
he’s trying to sniff so hard if someone had a toilet accident and he can’t smell anything??
maybe his shoelaces skipped a hole??
either way there’s just something wrong in the back of his head
anyways he better snap out of his daze before you ask if he’s okay or if he needs anything
why are you not looking at him
that’s weird
but you always look at him??? and he can see you in his peripheral vision and this time he can’t even see you glancing when his head’s turned????
his prayer’s been answered!!
honestly hoseok finds you kinda annoying and he’d like it if you just leave him alone and stuff and give up whatever it is that you’re doing
you finally got the message :D
yeah that’s good :D
hoseok’s okay he’s cool he’s happy he totally feels complete
“let’s stop now?”
hobi leans in to tell you because he counted and this is hyunjin’s third time on him
you’re kinda lost because he stops this game in his own accord but whatever
you just give him a smile and what’s THAT supposed to mean???
“oh sO do you want another round?? or??”
he’s enunciating it for you but it’s more for him actually
you just wave him off
.... communication.... where is it
he’s gathering the facts so far.
you’re not looking at him!! that’s fine
you didn’t call him handsome but hEh he’s handsome even if you don’t call him that
not that he needs comforting words and compliments.. or whatever...
that he can let pass because he doesn’t really care
but what he dOES care about is why are you not offering him anything right now???
where.,., WHERE is his french toast
he’s been putting his hand on his tummy for the past five minutes and rubbing it in circles and he’s ALSO humming every now and then
jimin’s lost as he’s writing his agenda for the week and hobi’s across him looking constipated and relieved at the same time
ok what’s happening now
you’re... not trying to wedge into the same table he’s in.. ?
you plop right next to namjoon and he instantly throws his arm around yours because he’s been looking for you too
“hey!! how did your recipe night go??”
you reckon that joon allotted another evening for trying out new things because it helps him destress!!
he shudders just by thinking about the smell in his apartment and how opening the windows didn’t do shit
“tasted so bad i couldn’t even eat it :((“
mug cake is the actual devil!!!
imagine having to crack an egg along with a couple other things in a mug and cook it in a microwave and it doesn’t turn as good as the ones you’d see in youtube videos
congrats you now have bread stuck in a mug that smells like chocolate but tastes absolutely nothing like raw eggs
there’s an irritable scowl on his face and great now hobi just feels worse
it’s been almost a week
and practically everyone knows that something’s wrong going on with him and they don’t know wHY
some people dO have an inkling though,.,.
“ah, what seems to be troubling my best teacher?”
principal min drawls out as soon as hoseok enters his office before rolling his eyes at him
normally in other schools you’d be fIRED if you disrespect the principal but nah :D
yoongi takes pride in being the cool principal
he’s so cool that everyone’s in a first-name basis with him
he’s not your typical principal!! normally they’d be preppy and he’s not that much but when he sees the kids??? immediately goes soft
“you say that to EVERY teacher”
lol everybody knows that but no one points it out
he’s so grumpy that even the principal took notice of his behavior!!!
“there’s nothing wrong, okay??”
hobi says it in more of a scoff and that just goes against what he said
yoongi’s sitting here,,, eating his plain loaf of bread aND minding his own business,, and then now hoseok’s mad at him??
“don’t show me bread sTOP showing me bread!!”
the next day hobi’s so grouchy <3
there’s a circle that the kids are in and it just keeps going in and out
you and hobi are in the middle and each time they sing, the circle keeps getting sMALLER
now normally y/n from a week ago would blush to death
but present y/n just feels awkward and kinda :// at the whole situation
it’s not really a tight squeeze tbh but hoseok kEEPS going forward torwards you to the point that his arms around you already
he’s obviously flustered and he’s trying to recompose himself but you’re barely meeting his eye contact
okay now that hurt
god he’s just so left behind with what’s going on :((
and he won’t say this now but fUck he misses you!!! a lot!!!! he feels like pavlov’s dog and he’s automatically wired to miss your affection whenever he’s aware of your presence
does he uhm
does he l-word you??
“and that’s it!”
you’ve just finished teaching them how to fold a paper boat :D
that is a BIG achievement okay you’re actually serious
it teaches them how to be more patient and pay more attention!!
“you can give them your mom!! or if you have a tiny crush on someone in the room then-...”
lil seungmin steps right up to give you a boat
yes it’s wonky and the folds aren’t really done properly and won’t float in water but wow!!! that’s so cute!!!
you immediately thank him and ruffle his hair 
he’s such a cute kid omg 
“thank you s-...”
however hyunjin wOn’t be affected by that
with a huff does he march over to you and his long hair’s getting in the way (hobi just tied it awhile ago) but nO that is not important rn
he gives TWO paper boats but the other one he just stole it from jisung lmao
the kids are catching up and sUddenly it’s a competition to who gives who paper boats
there’s a fair share of boats between you and hoseok
you’re awed bc wow they really did learn and yOU taught them and it’s just so fulfilling to see wonky wittle boats :’’)
“give to who??”
the tiny felix sitting by your side tugs at your shirt and he’s pointing to the boat you made yourself sitting on your palm
how did you get put in the spot by preschool kids
oKAY definitely not hobi
maybe you can call namjoon from the other room???? or maybe even yoongs and-
the sudden shrieking in the room brings you down from your thoughts and you’re quite frantic trying to catch up
the commotion?? ur palm
hobi himself folded a crane!!
and it’s sitting snugly in your palm
he’s been feeling so lost the past week and he realized that it’s because of yOU and how he’s so dense to drive you away when all he wants to do is keep you close
hobi’s never really beamed at you directly like that before
you might just cry
hyunjin’s kicking the air and so does every kid who has googly eyes for their teacher 
but it’s okay 
it’s all okay because hobi’s looking at you the way you look at him and he’s the most gentle and pleasing thing you’ve ever laid your eyes on
it’s his turn to put his chin against his palm, a knowing smile on his face before he asks
“do you feel chilly tonight?”
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cryoculus · 5 years
More love for Semi please? Anything will do, your writing is exquisite in any form anyway :D
» Word Count: 1,857 wordsCross-posted on AO3
SORRY THIS IS SO LATE :(( I actually wrote three chapters’ worth of content for him already and you can read the whole thing on the ao3 link.(NOTE: This is based on the current events of the final arc of the Haikyuu manga. I tagged it as a spoiler but I won’t really go into the specifics of what’s going on. Semi is our main focus here ^__^)
“No,” was your flat reply.
Semi heaved a long sigh, mouth twitching into an irritated grimace. You returned his reaction with a sassy look of your own—one, finely penciled brow quirked as bright, red lips rivalled the adamance that Semi brought about. While you were in no position to tell him to just go back to his cubicle and get today’s work done (you, sadly, held the same position in office), you at least had the right to turn him down. Your department had a monthly financial report coming up. Why on Earth did he want your help writing a song?
“Come on,” he groaned. “You know I’d eat my fist first before asking for your help, but our manager really digs your old pieces from college.”
Your eye twitched.
“Way to beg for someone’s aid in a time of dire need,” you bit back sarcastically. “Go do it then.”
“Eat your whole fist.” You gave him a pointed look, even making a show of paying attention by putting your pen down.
Your co-worker let out a frustrated groan, fingers carding through his messy, ashen hair. The gesture made the tattoos on his chest visible for a second, before disappearing again behind his barely done button-up. It was a mystery, how a man like him made it as a public servant—with his flamboyant piercings and tip-dyed hair—but you supposed you should learn to look past physical appearances. The agency allowed it, so why should you make a fuss?
Ah, right. Semi Eita was the most hot-headed man in your department, and he had a knack for picking fights with you.
“If you get the balance sheet done by five o'clock, I might reconsider,” you told him, not really meaning the words, as you directed your attention back at the paperwork on your desk. Balance sheets are the toughest to fill out, since the data needed had to be collated from different sectors of the city. You highly doubted that Semi, with his thinner-than-a-strand-of-hair patience, could finish it in one sitting.
Your gaze hardened as you looked back up at him. “Come again?”
“Are you deaf?” he asked, folding lean arms across his chest. “I said it’s a deal.”
You couldn’t help the snort that made its way past your lips. Whatever his reasons may be, it was painfully obvious that he was desperate. But still. You knew that he wouldn’t be able to carry out the deed in your given deadline, but instead of talking him out of his own agreement, you merely shook your head in acceptance.
Semi eventually stalked off to his cubicle; the one just in front of yours. There was a divider that separated each employee’s workspace from the others, and it at least granted some semblance of privacy from outside gazes. You’ve been to Semi’s cubicle a couple of times—more to coordinate paperwork than engage in conversation, really—and he decorated his personal space exactly how a part-time rock band vocalist would. Though he didn’t exactly put up posters and painted the walls black, he added his own flair to his desk with guitar figurines, neon stickers on his desktop, and a photo of his bandmates enclosed in a sparkly picture frame.
The only reason you bothered looking so closely was the fact that you also went to the same university together (under the same degree, too!) You’ve always been keen around him, with his loud way of living, as opposed to you, who’s always chosen to live simply and without pretentiousness. Sure, the disparity between your lifestyles had caused you to be at each other’s throats since freshman year, but it was still a surprise that your synergy was top notch. You would, as Semi put it so delicately, eat your fist first before admitting to the fact, but it’s a given that you preferred to work with him instead of other, unfamiliar people.
You sighed, brandishing a bored look at the bleak document in front of you. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to help him out…
But when you recalled every time he’s talked over you during board meetings, sneered at you when he got a higher score during exams, and his distateful behavior in general, you steeled your resolve.
Either he’s going to get that balance sheet over with or he’ll keel over. If he wanted your help, he’s going to have to work for it.
You were in the middle of fixing your belongings when the sound of a stack of papers hitting your desk rang in your ears.
“There,” Semi said breathlessly, making you look up at him in surprise. He even tossed a flash drive on top of the papers he deposited, where you saw the city hall’s heading printed in full color. You reluctantly checked your phone for the time. 16:57, it said, in a mockingly bold typeface before shoving it in your pocket.
The damn guy really did get it done before five.
“The electronic document is saved in there, in case you lose the print.” He was panting at this point, and you had a vague idea as to why he looked like he just ran a marathon. The one printer in your department (this year’s budget was cut) broke down a few days ago, and the nearest functional one was at the Logistics office three floors down.
Still refusing to believe it, you peered at the documents he just brought in. You scanned each of the entries printed on each page. That’s when you realized that Sendai City’s expenses have skyrocketed since the new year because the list of expenses occupied a whole page alone. A worried sigh made its way past your lips, but at least the liabilities were cut down to a minimum. You heard that the governor of Miyagi was going to pledge a few hundred thousand yen for the city’s founding anniversary, too.
You paused. Blinking, you rearranged the papers neatly back into its pile—biting back the urge to clutch your wounded pride. Semi was looking at you expectantly, like he wanted you to praise his flawless bookkeeping.
In actuality, his determination was beginning to freak you out.
“Why do you want me to help you so badly?” you asked, voice almost trembling. “Seriously, dude. I thought we hated each other. Quit acting out of character.”
“I told you, our manager really liked the songs you composed back in senior year,” he drawled, tired of having to repeat himself.
Your face twisted in confusion. “Who even is this manager of yours?”
There was a half-second delay in his response, but before you could paint a reason for his hesitation, he immediately replied with, “Saito. Saito Makoto.”
You stiffened, gaze going rigid at the mention of that name. “Oh.”
“Yeah. If I manage to give him a piece by the end of the month, he’ll help us sign a contract with a big-shot record label,” Semi explained, oblivious to your discomfort.
“But haven’t you been writing songs since high school?” you wondered aloud. “That’s what you said during our Pol-Gov class ice breaker.”
He frowned. “You still remember that?”
Okay. You kept forgetting that your sharp memory wasn’t always a praiseworthy thing. You gulped, feeling the heat creep up your face. “Um, anyway, the point still stands. You’ve been writing songs for God-knows-how-long, and while I’m not one to dish out compliments especially to you, I’m pretty sure they’re okay if you managed to gather a decent fanbase.”
He rolled his eyes, leaning against the divider of your cubicle. “We’re a rock band. I write rock songs, but Saito wants me to write a goddamn love song.”
Typical Saito. Though he looked like a rugged high school delinquent, he was awfully sentimental when it came to music. He was the one who inspired you to write the songs Semi was pestering you about all day after all…
“Fine,” you relented. “I never go back on my word and since you did a…good job with this, I’ll help you out.”
His light brown eyes lit up for a moment, but Semi managed to mask his relief in a split second—containing his excitement in a single nod. “Are you free this Saturday? You can come by my place and we could start getting to work.”
Well, that was forward of him. You expected to work on the song in a coffee shop or something, but he went on ahead and invited you to his own humble abode anyway. You parsed through your weekend plans in your mind, and once you confirmed that you were free, you scribbled down your phone number on a sticky note. Almost five years of acquaintance and you’d never bothered giving it to him. Huh.
“Just text me the time and place,” you told him, pocketing the flash drive as you slipped the balance sheet in one of the empty folders in your organizer. “You better not pull anything funny and lead me to a secluded alley or something.”
Semi scoffed, folding the piece of paper and sticking it inside his trousers. “As if.”
You then slung your bag across your shoulders, grinning insincerely. “Glad we’re on the same page, then.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
With that, Semi exited your cubicle, leaving you no room to wonder why he didn’t even spare a quick ‘thank you’.
Just as you were smoothing out the creases on your pencil skirt, your phone began buzzing in the pocket of your blazer. Brows raised, you fished it out and unlocked it.
From: Makohey, wanna grab some dinner? its on me :3
Speak of the devil. You swallowed the lump in your throat, fingers shakily managing to type a coherent reply.
To: MakoYeah sure. Where to tho
From: Makocan we get some italian? ik u love the udon place across the street but akane’s having dinner w her friends there
From: Makocant have her seeing us together now do we
The way he put that so casually made your chest constrict with a too-familiar sensation. You heaved a deep breath, pursing your lips into a thin line as you sent a quick “Ok” text to end your conversation. Saito replied with those iffy heart-eyed emojis that he only ever used when he wanted something from you, and you had to compose yourself so you wouldn’t burst into tears right there.
You almost jumped at the sound of Semi’s voice as he peered inside your cubicle once more. He clutched his suitcase in one hand, eyeing you curiously.
“What do you want?”
“You’re headed uptown, too, right?” he asked, and you nodded reluctantly. “Thought you’d want a lift.”
“Semi, just because I’m helping you achieve your dreams, doesn’t mean you have to be nice to me.” You laughed softly, tension easing from his uncalled for kindness.
He, however, looked unconvinced. “Do you want a ride or not?”
You raised your hands in defeat, managing a genuine smile. “Alright, fine. It’ll be a hellish commute anyway.”
You liked to think that that’s how you started becoming friends with your odd, hot-headed co-worker.
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letterboxd · 4 years
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We examine what Letterboxd reviews of Hamilton reveal about the musical’s cultural currency in 2020.
In this absolutely insane year, when our love of movies feels helpless in the face of pandemic-induced economic collapse, some extremely good decisions are being made on behalf of audiences. Studio Ghibli on streaming platforms. Virtual screenings to support art house cinemas. Free streaming of many important films about Black experience. And: Disney+ releasing the filmed version of Hamilton: An American Musical—recorded at the Richard Rodgers Theater in 2016 with most of its original Broadway cast—a year ahead of schedule, on Independence Day weekend.
“Superlative pop art,” writes Wesley of the filmed musical. “Hamilton wears its influences and themes on its sleeve, and it’s all the better for it. Lin-Manuel Miranda and his team employ an unlikely cocktail of not only hip-hop and showtunes, but also jazz (‘What’d I Miss?’), British-Invasion pop-rock (‘You’ll Be Back’), folk music (‘Dear Theodosia’) and Shakespeare (‘Take a Break’) in service of developing an impressively vast array of themes. This is a testament to the power of writing, an immigrant narrative, a cautionary tale about ambition, a tragic family drama, and a reevaluation of who decides the narrative of history.”
2016 may only be a half-decade ago, but it feels like an eon in American political years. With theaters dark and America’s long record of racism under urgent scrutiny, the complex smash-hit lands back in the spotlight at an interesting time. Is Hamilton “the most offensive cultural artefact of the last decade”, as Lee writes? Or “timeless and wholly of the moment”, as Tom suggests? The answer, according to a deep read of your Letterboxd reviews, is “all of the above”.
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First things first: why now?
Sophie has a theory:
“Disney executive: Hey we’re losing a lot of money because our parks are closed. How do we start making money again?
Other Disney executive: It might be nice, it might be nice… to get Hamilton on our side.”
Sure, business. Still, it’s historically unprecedented that a Broadway show of this caliber (a record-setting sixteen Tony nominations, eleven wins, plus a Grammy and a Pulitzer) would be filmed and released to the public while it’s still, in a Covid-free universe, capable of filling theaters every night. Will people stay away when Broadway reopens because they’re all Disney+’d out?
No chance, reckons Erika. “I’d still kill to see Hamilton live with any cast… I get why producers are afraid that these videos might hurt ticket sales, but I’m fucking ready to buy a ticket and fly to NY one day just to see as many shows as I can after watching this.”
Not every musical fan has the resources to travel, often waiting years for a touring version to come near their hometown. And even if you do live in a town with Hamilton, the ticket price is beyond many; a daily lottery the only way some of us get to go. So Holly-Beth speaks for many when she writes: “I entered the Hamilton lottery every day for almost two years but I never got to be in the room where it happens… however, this 4K recording of the original cast will do very nicely for now! Finally getting to see the context and performances after obsessing over the music for years was so, so satisfying.”
“Finally” is a common theme. Sydnie writes, “I love this musical with every fiber of my body and it was an extraordinary experience finally getting to watch it in Australia”. Flogic: “To finally be able to put the intended visuals to a soundtrack that I’ve had on repeat for such a long time: goosebumps for 160 minutes.” Newt Potter: “Now I fully understand people’s love for this masterpiece of a musical!”
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I’ve got a small query for you.
Where’s the motherfucking swearing? Unsurprisingly, Disney+ comes with some limitations. For Hamilton, it’s the loss of a perfectly placed F-word.
“I know Disney is ‘too pure’ to let a couple of ‘fucks’ slip by,” writes Fernando, “but come on, it’s kind of distracting having the sound go out completely when they sing the very satisfying ‘Southern Motherfucking Democratic Republicans!’ line.”
Will agrees: “Disney cutting ‘motherfucking’ from ‘Washington on Your Side’ felt like sacrilege akin to Mickey Mouse taking an eyebrow pencil to the Mona Lisa.”
Nevertheless, sings Allison:
“Even tho Disney stripped the story of its f***s, Don’t think for a moment that it sucks.”
(Yes, she has a vegan alert for Hamilton.)
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Does it throw away its shot?
The crew filmed two regular shows in front of live audiences, with additional audience-less sessions for a dolly, crane and Steadicam to capture specific numbers. The vast majority of you are satisfied. “It’s the most engaging and expertly crafted life filming I’ve seen since Stop Making Sense,” writes ArtPig. “The film does an incredible job of placing you right in the action. It feels like the best seat you could get in the theater. You can see the sweat and spit.”
“Translates perfectly onto the small screen,” agrees Ollie. “There’s a level of intimacy that feels hard to replicate in any other filmed production. We see those close ups, the passion and gusto behind every actor’s performance.”
“Shockingly cinematic for something filmed on such a small stage,” is Technerd’s succinct summary, while Paul praises director Thomas Kail: “He knows when to back away along with moving nearer when appropriate, and the choices always serve to govern the power and stamina of the performances.”
Though cast members’ voices were recorded on individual audio tracks, Noah had a few quibbles with the sound quality. “Some of the audio capture is off in the recording, sometimes voices being too soft or too loud. It’s not immersion breaking, but it is noticeable enough to irk me a little in pivotal moments. Some of the shot composition doesn’t fully work either. Of course nothing is going to be as good as seeing it in person.”
Robert, recalling another recent cinematic escapade of musical theater, lets his poetry do the talking:
“This will do for now until the true movie’s made, Though if Hooper directs, there’ll be an angry tirade.”
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I think your pants look hot.
Hamilton fans have their cast favorites, but something about being able to see Jonathan Groff’s spittle and Leslie Odom Jr’s scowls in 4K has you losing it all over again. Several specific shout-outs we enjoyed:
“Daveed Diggs the Legend! Go watch Blindspotting (2018), it’s one of the best movies ever!” —Kyle
“It’s hard to believe anyone will ever top Leslie Odom Jr. as Aaron Burr. I already loved him from the original cast recording, but seeing his full performance in all its glory was just godly.” —Erika
“Thankful that it was made possible for me to view with such clarity the phenomenon that is Renée Elise Goldsberry and spectacular Phillipa Soo.” —Thea
“Daveed Diggs was electrifying and Jonathan Groff was absolutely hilarious. If they interacted together the stage would’ve combusted from the sheer will of their talent.” —Nick
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This is not a game.
On one hand, the release of Hamilton is sweet relief for music theater nerds riding out the pandemic. A generation of kids knows every word by heart, rapping (this version of) American history like it’s no thing. On the other, the Obama-era musical already feels behind-the-times, even for many Hamilton lovers, and the filmed version has brought that into sharp focus.
“I listened to the OG cast album about 50 times when it came out, the production is about as good as I’d always hoped,” writes Josh. “Since then however there’s been a very important and broader reckoning with the failures of neoliberalism and the Obama years ([from] which this has to be the most emblematic piece of art) and for me personally a drifting further to the left that has resulted in a very different relationship with the material. So my feelings today are a bit more complicated.”
“Hamilton is extremely non-committal about its politics,” writes Sting. “It doesn’t examine much of what Hamilton dictated besides ‘he wants complete financial control of the country’ (which would sound like a fucking supervillain in any other context, including reality).”
That lack of political commitment, reckons Morgan, is what helped Hamilton as a musical become so popular: “It’s fun. It’s catchy. It interweaves trendy and socially relevant artistic tools to infer a subversive subtext, while simultaneously sanitizing and, at times, flat out fabricating the historical narrative and downplaying the brutality of the true origin story, for the sake of appeasing those in power. Classic Bill Shakespeare stuff.”
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History has its eyes on you.
Much criticism lies with the fundamental storytelling decision to make a modern ruckus about America’s Founding Fathers, the men (including Alexander Hamilton) who in the late eighteenth century united the thirteen colonies and co-wrote the Constitution. Undisputed titans of history, they also have blood on their hands, and HoneyRose writes that the musical “glorifies these men, and paints them as self-sacrificing heroes, and honestly normalizes and validates slavery, as well as the behavior of slave owners.”
Stevie, who saw the Broadway production as well as the filmed version, confesses: “I’ve tried (I’ve really tried) to understand what makes people lose their minds over this but I’m still completely baffled by the hype… These were horrible men and a romanticism of them through song and dance just seems entirely misguided.”
Sean is not convinced that Hamilton is a hagiography. “I can’t imagine anyone watching all of this and thinking it paints a portrait of the Founding Fathers as anything other than childish, greedy, venal and self-aggrandizing.” Wesley agrees: “I don’t think Hamilton is trying to be a history lesson, so much as a lesson about how we think about history. It’s a compelling human story told in a revolutionary way.”
That “revolutionary way” is the musical’s central conceit: that of a cast-of-color playing the white founding fathers as they bumble towards independence. Journalist Jamelle Bouie, who regards the musical as “fun, exciting, innovative and, at points, genuinely moving,” wrestles with the “celebratory narrative in which the Framers are men to admire without reservation. Through its casting, it invites audiences of color to take ownership of that narrative, as if they should want to take ownership of a narrative that white-washes the history of the revolution under the guise of inclusion.”
It’s complicated for Matt, too: “It’s widely agreed upon that the show encapsulates the Obama era better than anything, how it coddles white liberals with a post-racial vision of history in a superficial sense, overlooking the insidious and oppressive systems that they benefit from (hearing the audience clap to ‘Immigrants, we get the job done’ unsettled me). Of course hopefully its legacy will be that it opened up more Broadway roles for POC. But I really think that the show doesn’t make Broadway more appealing and accessible to POC, it just makes hip hop more accessible to white people, a launching pad of course to listening to Watsky or something.
“No hate though to anyone that’s completely in love with this, it’s definitely worth seeing despite any hang ups.”
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I wanna build something that’s gonna outlive me.
The story doesn’t end, just because the music does. Kai_Kenn has a suggestion: “I have been a part of discussions that dissect the culture that created Hamilton, as well as the culture that Hamilton created, and whether or not Hamilton appropriately addresses the modern issues [that] the cult following proposes it does.
“This is an ongoing discussion that I am trying to be an active listener in and, if you consider yourself to be a conscientious consumer of art, you should too.”
Noah is on board with that: “Reflecting on the past and focusing on the future are not two mutually exclusive actions. Both are a must, regardless of who you are or what you do. A five-star experience in a four-and-a-half-star film. I think that’s just fine.”
Related content
Want to see more of the key cast? Watch Daveed Diggs in ‘Blindspotting’; Renée Elise Goldsberry in ‘Waves’, Jonathan Groff repeat his role as Kristoff in ‘Frozen 2’, Lin-Manuel Miranda in ‘Mary Poppins Returns’, Leslie Odom Jr. in ‘Harriet’, Phillipa Soo in the forthcoming ‘Broken Hearts Gallery’, Christopher Jackson in the forthcoming ‘In The Heights’, Jasmine Cephas Jones in ‘The Photograph’, Okiereriete Onaodowan in ‘A Quiet Place II’ and Anthony Ramos in ‘Monsters and Men’ and ‘A Star is Born’.
Ways to support the Black Lives Matter movement
Official Black Lives Matter’s Resources
Teenagers that have ‘Hamilton’ stuff on their bedroom walls
Films where they mention ‘Hamilton’
6 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
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Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Giulia: BTW
Kat: Don’t worry you’ll hate it more later
Giulia: GREAT
Zee: Quit flapping your gums bitches
Nat : shall I count?
Giulia: Go when u post 🖕🏻
Nat : lol
Zee: Nice
Nat : i just go with GO
Giulia: Weak
Nat : ok
Nat : listen
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : GO
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Zee: Where’s carry on ?
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Think of seasons that must end ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Nat : I DON'T REMEMBER HALF OF WHAT THEY SHOW NOW.  It's erased from my memory
Giulia: look at my stupid baby
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ They will rise and fall again ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Giulia: Oh look the dumb coffin
Nat : "I do believe in us."
Zee: John
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Everything must have an end ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Take it calmly and serene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Giulia: bye mary.Good riddance
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ It's the famous final scene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: Maybe I should watch on mute
Kat: Shut up chuck
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ It's been coming on so long You were just the last to know ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: The fuck is this song ?
It's been a long time since you've smiled
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Seems like oh so long ago Now the stage has all been set ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Giulia: bb Sob ....Them hair on fleek tho
Nat : What are the odds
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Zee: BAMF Cas
Giulia: Idk seems so desperate
Kat: Always
Nat : So much grunting. So sexy
Giulia: AWE
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Now the lines have all been read And you knew them all by heart ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Kat: SAM
Zee: He took jack
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Here it comes the hardest part Try the handle of the road ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Kat: over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes
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ok I now it’s a serious moment but Dean skipping with his birb bowlegs is making me cackle so much i cannot
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oh look another meme
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Giulia: Sam just casually shoving a ghost out of the way
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ As the light fades from the screen From the famous final scene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: Ok
Zee: I hate it
Nat : Ah great title card
ok but ....* slows down frames and saves some of them* WHAT’S THIS
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Whatever let’s just go back to more pressing matters
Lol that is so not Misha carrying Jack tho
Giulia: Misha’s fingers be that thick
Zee: Focus
Giulia: Lol dean reaching for that booze, I mean SAME.
Nat : AW CAS
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Giulia: Awe SAM
Zee: Sam panting
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D: He didn’t deserve this
Kat: Aw
S: Cass, is he here? C- C-Can you... Can you...?
Giulia: SAM 
Nat : "I don't think so"
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Nat : I cry
Giulia: I CRY
Giulia: Sam’s pain is physical
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Giulia: I cannot
I mean,...they do look like zombies. 
D: Chuck... He said, "Welcome to the End”.  What... What does that mean?
Zee: Welcome to the end
D: Cass? Come on, man! Ideas!
Team free Stress
Giulia: It means final season
D: Can you smite our way out of here?
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Zee: Cas squint
C: No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Dean.
Well I honestly thought Dean actually asked if Cas could fly them off there....which...well don’t think it can happen if the state of his wings are the same, BUT STILL, we don’t actually know becasue PLOTHOLES. But whatever man, I still love my show.
D: Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w- what, starve to death?!
C: I wouldn’t starve
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Giulia: WeLl gOoD fOr yOu
Kat: Love the sass
D: Son of a bitch
the fandom:  * CHEERS*
Giulia: Sure he knew
D: He's always so squirrelly, you know, with the...with the... the robe and the beard and...the smile that's, like, half-nice, half "I'm gonna rip your throat out. "
Giulia: Oh that true
Nat : Aw Dean
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Nat : Me
Zee: Those fingers tho
Giulia: Why don t they let cas do that, come on
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Nat : So much grunting and panting in the first couple of minutes
Nat : I love it
Giulia: Gotta isolate just those
Nat: Cas doesn't want to help
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Giulia: Nice
Nat : AH well
Zee: Hello
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Giulia: …
Nat : Now he did
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a wild Jack appears
Nat : Ah
Zee: What?
Nat : what
Kat: Hahahahahaha
Giulia: the fuck
Kat: Demon!Jack
Giulia: OH COME ON
d!Jack: HELLO
S: Jack! you are alive
oh Sam...baby
Zee: Shut up
d!Jack: I- I'd do the whole eyes thing, but, uh, yeah, no eyes.
Team free confused
Zee: Blending
Kat: Weekend at Bernie’s haha
Nat : Nice glasses
C: Get out of him
Zee: What he said
d!Jack : Okay? Uh, where do I start? Like at the first day of school. Uh, hi.Uh, my name is Belphegor. And, I'm, uh, here from...
Angry Cass approaching
C: i said get out of him. I’m not gonna ask again
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D: Cass. Let him speak.
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C: He's an abomination!
Giulia: AWE CAS
Nat : Cas is having none of it
B: You're an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.
Kat: You’re an abomination with that trenchcoat 🤣
Zee: I love Cas
Giulia: but also love Alex
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Zee: Listen to your husband Cas
C: He is defiling Jack's corpse!
D: But if he can help... [angrily] Jack's gone, alright?
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Giulia: sob
S: So we are...
B: The Winchesters
Nat : "I read the papers" lol
B: Anyway, I'm guessing this whole, uh, Hellmouth thing is kind of, uh, you?
C: No. It was God.
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B: Okay, okay. Look. I-I'm not some crossroad demon. I'm not even one of those black-eyed goons
Giulia: Who the fuck are u
Nat : Virgin puppies  EW
Nat : TwinSiEs
Nat : snorts
Giulia: We are NOT twinsies
Cas is ready to slap a bitch
Giulia: So strange seeing jack like that tho
Nat : But so good
Zee: He be good
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B: Ohh. Little spell. You know, nothing major. Just need some graveyard dirt... and some, uh, angel blood.
Giulia: Yeah, of course, let s use cas again
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*Snort* .... he’s so offeded
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Nat : what
Giulia: What he do
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: Really
Nat : who is that
Nat: HOW
Giulia: Oh come on
Giulia: TOO EASY
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B: Hey it worked! High five
Giulia: WHAT
Well I wouldn’t want to be the graveyard guys in the morning
Nat : Ah that music
Zee: Future deaths
Nat : Ah bloody mary
Giulia: “oH mY gOd” Who still does that anyway
Nat : Bloody Mary messes with cellphones now
Giulia: A bitch gotta get on with the future
Giulia: Those nails be nasty
Nat : Mhh...  She's more evil than before I would guess
B: I mean, come on. I look good.
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Giulia: That cas squint
Giulia: Yeah Cas does not like
Nat : Cas is suspicious
Nat : They act like they're surprised about 2-3billion souls in hell
Kat: I was surprised the number was that low
B: Imagine a salt circle a mile wide No ghosts get in, no ghosts get out.
S: Yeah. Great. Okay.
C: NO. That town... Harlan, Kansas...is less than a mile from the cemetery.
D: Then we get everybody out.
C: How?
Giulia: what else is nee
Giulia: Nee
Giulia: New
Nat : lol
Zee: New
Nat : Nee
Giulia: Great Another typo that will hunt us all
Giulia: Why this time the blood looks fake af
Nat : That my car
Zee: Woman in white
S: Dean, this could be our woman in white.
D: Dude. We sent her to Hell years ago.
S:Yeah, but she could be back.
Nat : Dean just realized
D: Well, if she's back, then they're all back. Every last one that we ever killed.
Giulia: I also just realized that we are seeing them again. My babies. I hugged those bitches S.  O. B
Nat : Aw bb
Kat: Lucky you
Zee: Giuls bb. Shut the fuck up please
I must say tho....that must have felt really depressing for them...I mean..all their work just ...puff....
Giulia: Fuck clows
Nat : Ah no
Giulia: Fuck them
Nat : Stupid clowns
Giulia: Fuck off
Giulia: Drive the fucking car into the door
Nat : Wouldn't get through.
Kat: No keys
Nat : Not enough space to fully accelerate
Zee: So much science
Giulia: Ugh true
Zee: Wtf is sam’s hair?
D: We can handle the evac, so why don't you grab Crowley Jr. here whatever he needs for his spell?
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Well he didn’t expect that 
C: Dean, I can't. I-I...I can't even look at him.
Giulia: AWE CAS
Nat : Aw Cas
C: Um... I...
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Awe I think even Dean expected that reaction from Cas. I’m so hurt y’all....so hurt.
Giulia: that sheriff a bit out of it
Kat: Small town. Probably doesn’t have to do much
Nat : Jack probably has his own agenda. "Jack"
Giulia: Yeah
Belphy seeing the gun with that ridiculous nerd name: um....what’s that?
D: Don’t worry about it
B: ok cool
B: So, people are, like, crazy good-looking now, eh?
D: what
B: I mean, the last time I was on Earth, I mean, I was human. Ah, it was a while ago. I mean, but, you know, we were all worshipping308 this giant rock that looked like a huge penis, and...
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Giulia: Wait what
Kat: Huge penis rock
Giulia: thank you
B: Anyway, folks back then, they were, uh, ugly. You know? Had a lot of humps. I mean, a lot.
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B:  Look at 'em now.
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B:I mean, look at you . I mean, you're, uh, you know, gorgeous
Giulia: HE IS
B: So, uh...who was... he, anyway? 
D: He was our kid. Kinda.
Zee: Our kid
Giulia: OMG NO SOB
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Nat: I cry
Zee: Shut up dean
Giulia: IM SO HURT
D: Alright. So, what do you need for this spell?
B: you know, nothing much. Big bag of salt.
D: Easy
B: And a... And a human heart.
Giulia: a human heart
Nat : what else ,easy
Nat : Giuls people are dying
Giulia: HEWWO
Zee: And thicc
Nat : "insert Kim K gif"
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Giulia: Nice thic, tan things
Giulia: With great hair
Giulia: Nice eyes
Giulia: I should focus
Nat : Cas saw?
Zee: Yeah
Giulia: So thic
Kat: Aw poor dead girls
Giulia: That shirt is crying for mercy
Giulia: Yeah yeah Sorry
Giulia: *keeps looking at those pecs*
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Zee: Sam should stop exhaling like that
Nat : NO
Kat: Jared is 4 times the size of that kid
Kat: Yeah
Zee: Yeah bitch
Giulia: YAS CAS
Nat : Did Sam treat his bullet wound tho
Giulia: Probably just patched up
Giulia: angel with a shotgun
I love when Cas take care of Sam...so soft.
Nat : that's not a big bag of salt, Dean
D: Rowena, we need your help, so move your ass. What? No, I'm not...Move your exquisite ass, please.
Zee: Exquisite ass
D: Here’s your salt
US: Thanks we have plenty 
B: im a fan
Giulia: NO
Zee: Oh no bitch
Zee: NO
B: Yeah, I-I didn't want to say it in front of the other guys,but when you were in Hell, with Alastair, I, uh... I got a chance to watch you work. And, I mean, the things you did to those people, I mean, it wasn't torture. 
Nat : OH NO
Giulia: FUCK
Kat: iT waS ArT
Giulia: Is it bad that I wanna watch that tho
Nat : YES
Giulia: DEAN’S “ART”
Zee: Wtf is wrong with you ?
B: And then every door in Hell just sprang open all at once.
D: Wait. Every door? Even the Cage?
Nat : Even the cage
Nat : OH NO
D: And Michael?
B: Well, last I heard, he was just sittin' there. Yeah, but if he got out, I mean... Ugh.
Giulia: Lol ADAM
B: I mean...he wouldn't hold a grudge, right?
Nat : Ah that looks nasty
Zee: Can I love Cas in this ep?
Giulia: Oh cas can mend shirt too
Nat : Ah
Giulia: i don t like what is going on
Zee: Fuck
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Giulia: WHAT
Nat : AH NO
Giulia: NO
But let us take a blurred , closer, look tho: 
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those are definitely black eyes. 
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Giulia: Oh I remember that clock, leave a comment if you do too.
Nat : btw All the ghosts don't look very scary
Kat: All these ghosts look old af
Zee: Them bow legs
Giulia: Look at that strut
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Kat: Fresh would be better lol
Giulia: Zee’s that u
Casually punching a hole into someone chest to rip a heart out
Giulia: Got a heart
Nat : WHAT
Kat: Damn fake Jack
Zee: Get away kid
Giulia: Oh the lake ghost
Giulia: Oh ya RUN BB RUN
Kat: That kid is too calm
Zee: It’s not ok
Giulia: it s noooot
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Nat : No, he didn't
Nat : Sam did
Zee: You shot me
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Kat: You shot me 🤣🤣
Kat: Bad ghost bad
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Giulia: Well that was scary
Nat : Stop hurting Sam
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Nat : The ghosts all look weird af
Giulia: True
Kat: They are 15 years older okay
Giulia: Must be the daylight
Zee: I don’t trust jack
Giulia: well is not jack
Giulia: AWE
Giulia: I’m worried about Misha's hip
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Shut up
Giulia: Good gif to use
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Nat : he said it like Stepford Sam
Giulia: Right?
Giulia: Listen to that PUR
Giulia: the angel thing
Nat : So 4 people fit in the back
Nat : lol
Nat : Ah, not sexual
Zee: Or two horizontal ones
Kat: Well one is a small child
Giulia: Me and Nat are small child size
Nat : Yes
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D:  You okay?
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C: Yes, but...
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Giulia: UGH
Nat : lol
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Zee: Is that a no?
Zee: That’s a no
Kat: Ooohhh they so pissed
Giulia: SO TENSE
Nat : SO HOT
Giulia: what
D: Right now we get you fixed up.
S: what
Nat : I'M FINE
Giulia: Yeah open that shirt
Nat : Do you hear that
D: We've been going nonstop. Let me see it.
D: There's no exit wound.
Nat : Yeah, sure Jan
D: Hey, do you remember when we were little? What I would do to distract you whenever I'd rip off a Band-Aid or something like that?
S: Yeah. You'd tell some stupid joke.
Kat: Omg such a soft moment
Nat : Aw
Nat : Don't come up with old stories now. I'll cry
D: Come on. Knock, knock.
S: Who's...*HISSING*
D: Still got it
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Kat: My boys 😭
Nat : It's Jensen face
The little shit face 
Giulia: Well I don t see white foam
Nat : Are you surprised?
Zee: My god
D: Just when we thought we had a choice. You know, whenever we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Sure, we could go left. Sure, we could go right. But we were still in the damn maze. Just makes you think, if all of it... you know, everything that we've done...What did it even mean?
S: It meant a lot. We still saved people.
D: Yeah, but what for? You know?  Just so he could throw another End of the World at us and then sit back and chug popcorn?
Giulia: I wanna chug popcorn
Nat : Yeah, ya did Sam
Nat : But I get Dean
Zee: Sam still believes
S: But now he’s gone
S: He gets bored and... and... and... and pulls the ripcord.I mean, that's what he did with Apocalypse World and... and probably with all of them. He moves on, starts another story. But you know what?
Giulia: GOOD
S: For the first time. It's just us.
Zee: What’s one more apocalypse right?
“What’s one more apocalypse right?” -shit that SPN fans says
S: When we win this, God's gone There's no one to screw with us. There's no more maze. It's just us. And we're free.
D: So you and me versus every soul in Hell? I like those odds.
D: Well, you know what that means.
S: We got work to do.
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Giulia: WHAT
Nat : WHAT
Zee: Why is it over ?
Giulia: ...it flew
Kat: Hehehe
Nat : EH
Kat: That end though
Giulia: ...what
Nat : What
Giulia: What happened
Kat: The throwback
Zee: Yeah it was
Giulia: what trip was that
Zee: I just exhaled
Nat : What was that
Giulia: That was so fast
Nat : I hate them
Zee: Oh come on
Nat : i am watching trailer now
Kat: Yeah
Nat : WTF
Nat : I am not overly impressed
Nat : Dean didn’t finish his knock knock joke
Nat : I’m sangry
Next -----> 15x02  "Raising Hell"
.SO ...that was our last first episode screening, ever....GREAT.
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
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jeongjaehyuns · 6 years
ok since kellie posted her fancam i thought i’d finally stop being lazy and do the same too :’)
i mentioned this a little bit before but earlier this month, i was lucky enough to get tickets to see nct 127 at the apple music event in la and was able to see them perform! this was by far one of the most amazing and intimate experiences i’ve ever been able to be apart of and being able to see nct 127 doing what they do best together is something i’m going to cherish in my heart for a very long time! here is the link to the full playlist of all their performances!! 
underneath the cut will be a much more detailed and in depth account of everything that happened at the event if anyone is interested in reading more about it! ♡
ok hello if there are people who actually decided to keep reading thank u so much and buckle up bc u are in for a riiiiiiiiiide (ridin on that VAAaaaaAAAAan, KEEP dRIVINGGGggGGG) ok anyways! HERE WE GO!
[ ! ] btw the first part is just me talking about everything that happened before the concert so pls feel free to just skip to the last paragraph instead LOL
so when news came out that nct 127 was going to be coming back to the u.s. and perform on jimmy kimmel and that tickets were FREE, my friends and i hi kellie, hi tracey all tried to get some tickets for both the taping and the concert and was able to make it on the waitlist! i don’t live in california but both of my friends do so i told them that if any of us got confirmed tickets, i’d be flying over there for the weekend to attend the show! it’s kind of all a blur now bc the only thing i can remember within that week was stressing out so hard over tickets because the way the whole thing was set up was just SO STRESSFUL because despite being on the waitlist, there is no 100% guarantee that you’d get tickets and they start giving out tickets to people from within a week before the taping to the day of the actual event so really, it was just one massive waiting game. but a week went by and none of us saw any signs of getting tickets and flight ticket prices kept fluctuating for me so i just went ahead and booked my flight anyways without a confirmed ticket pls don’t ever do this omfg please please PLEASE don’t ever do this!!! and PRAYED that one of us would be able to get tickets ;; a few days went by and then nct kept releasing more news and how they’d be performing at mickey mouse’s 90th birthday celebration so tickets for that were also available too and once again, we made it on the waitlist!!! and played not one but now two (2) waiting games!!!! :-)))
honestly i rly don’t remember much that happened during this small time frame bc i was so stressed and anxious over these tickets that it rly took a toll on me physically and mentally LOL but yeah so on wednesday the 3rd, nct 127 posted on their instagram about how they’d be having a special performance partnered with apple music and i was about to start my math exam but the moment i read their post, i ran to the bathroom faster than i’ve ever ran before and of course, i requested tickets and made it on the waitlist again!!!! SO NOW IN TOTAL, IT WAS NOT ONE, BUT THREE (3) WAITING GAMES!!! GAMES THAT I WAS STARTING TO GET SICK OF PLAYING!!! anyways yeah so basically my friends and i made it onto all 3 waiting lists and at this point we really just wanted to be able to make it to at least one event ;;;
fast forward to friday, aka 1 day before mickey mouse and 3 days before kimmel and apple music and also the day my flight leaves for la!!! my friends and i all got a big fat no from mickey mouse saying they wouldn’t be able to accommodate our ticket requests bc they were full so we we re like ok!!! whatevs!!! we still have kimmel and apple to try for!!! so here i am… at the airport… getting ready to leave with no!!! confirmed!!! ticket!!! my flight was quite early in the morning so i was at the airport overnight and it was like around 11:30pm when i was doing homework and i got a notification on my phone… thinking it was just some random notification when in reality, I GOT MY CONFIRMED TICKET FOR THE APPLE MUSIC EVENT :’) it’s a blur to me bc it happened so fast and so suddenly but all i remember was that my jaw literally dropped for the longest time and my hands were shaking so badly bc i cOULDN’T BELIEVE IT??? i wasn’t able to sleep that entire night nor was i able to sleep on the plane from all the adrenaline so that saturday really was an interesting day for me LOL anywho i made it to la safe and sound and spent saturday and sunday hanging out with my friends while we prepared for monday :’)
ok so then despite getting tickets, we had no idea where the location of this event was going to be bc 1iota (the event organizer) wasn’t going to release the information until 10am monday morning and we were planning on waiting in line like early early to get a good spot so we had to be ready and out of the house by 9am!!! bUT WAIT!!! 9am was also when the english version of the mv was going to be released so me and kellie were both !!! bc we wanted to gif the mv so bad!!! so now at this point it’s like 7am and we’re all like half awake trying frantically to get ready and i’m over here trying to stream nct on the radio and listen to the world release of regular eng ver and then somewhere in between all of this, both kellie and tracey ended up getting their emails for confirmed tickets too??? so yeah at this point all three of us are running around like crazy ppl bc we weren’t expecting all of us to go but now all 3 of us get to go!!! so yeah i brought my laptop with me and tried to gif in the car but the connection from my hotspot was so slow so i just sat and cried instead :-) ALSO!!! remember how information about the location was supposed to be released at 10am? yeah well they changed it on us again!!! they delayed it to 2pm so at this point me and kellie rly wanted to d*e bc we did all of that rushing for nothing omfg but fast forward to 2pm, they released the information for the location and since we were already in the hollywood area we went there right away so when we lined up, we were like number 10 in line!!! :D
i wasn’t able to eat at all that entire day just bc i was so stressed and so nervous from everything that the hunger didn’t hit me til like 20 mins before the actual event omg ;;;; i remember saying “omg i’m so hungry” and the girl beside me was like “well sweetie, you’re about to be fed real good rn” and i just died laughing oh my god but yeah i had a priority ticket so i was let in around 7:30pm-ish and the event started at 8! i got barricade again just like last time at kcon ny, my view was reeeeeeally good!! ! i would say even better than kcon’s even tho i was front and center for kcon ;;; back when we were in line, the event organizers kept asking us how we were doing and each time i would tell them that i was super nervous and they’d ask why and i would explain that i just get super nervous before seeing nct omg it’s really true tho idk what it is but i just feel so QUEASY before seeing them… like the fact that you go from seeing them from your screen to seeing them in front of you is just a very STRANGE FEELING FOR ME OK but they kept repeating how we were all going to have a good time and that the space inside was super small so it’s going to be nice and intimate with them and they said how no matter what spot you get, you’re still going to be super close to them… one of the staff members was like “you’re going to be so close to them they’re going to sweat on you” AND GOD THIS JUST MADE ME EVEN MORE NERVOUS KASDJKSAJDKAJDKA
OK ANYWAYS ENOUGH OF THAT, ONTO THE ACTUAL CONCERT! when we got in, the event was actually on a rooftop and so the scenery behind the stage was just soooooo pretty and then they had a playlist of their songs playing in the bg and it was just really nice to listen and enjoy while we waited for them to come out :’) the members kept hiding behind this door and some of them started waving and they were all teasing us so hard bc the moment we saw someone there, we would all start screaming and they just wouldn’t stop :’) then they finally played the apple music documentary video for us and i just remember all of us screaming a lot LOL but then the lights went off again and then we all watched them walk onto the stage one by one and oh my GOD the wait for them to finally start just felt like forever and then next thing i know, the sirens went off and all i hear is “GET IT LIFTED” and then firetruck started omg i was trying to get jaehyun’s attention but then mr. nakamoto yuta… YUTA… looked over on our side and me and him made eye contact for a good solid 3 seconds and i just about lost my shit omg… HE IS SO INSANELY GORGEOUS IN REAL LIFE I WAS RLY GOIN THRU IT… JAEHYUN WHO??? AND THEN HAECHAN OMG… haechan came over to our side like 75% of the time and he is the cutest, most adorable person on this planet!!! he was always smiling and waving and i really can’t think of anything else to describe him other than the sun bc he quite literally was shining that night!!! i think it was halfway through firetruck that we started to realize that the stage was like… a little slippery??? but it wasn’t until limitless started where we really noticed the members starting to slip and stumble here and there ;; also there’s this one part where jaehyun went up super close to me during limitless and i about died… i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again but even after seeing him irl, HE IS SO HANDSOME IT’S UNREAL… HIS VISUALS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD I CAN’T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD but yeah the staff members would go on stage after each song to try their best to dry the stage but for some reason that wasn’t enough ;; i have no idea why the stage was so slippery but my guess was that it was pretty cool up on the rooftop and with the amount of people there, there was so much body heat in the air and then that mixed with the cool air = condensation??? i also think the shoes the members were wearing had like absolutely no friction at the bottom so it made them slip even more ;; they were also using a fog machine too but idk if that was actually the reason why the stage was so slipper omg but yeah after firetruck, they performed limitless and then they had a small ment here and mark talked about how it was a very special day for them (bc they just came straight from performing at jimmy kimmel too) and then johnny screamed something along the words of being apple music’s next up next artist and he was just so happy!!!! and then mark said that they’ve got october all to themselves and they were so happy to be able to be here with all of the fans! jaehyun also said that the place was so wonderful and said all the fans there were so wonderful and johnny came in to say that they had rehearsals the night before but being there with all the fans, it was a totally different feeling ;~; after that they performed touch and then when it came to cherry bomb (OT10 VER WITH JUNGWOO BTW), this was when things started to look a little :/// bc taeyong had already fell back during touch and at this point i was already beyond worried bc i would rather have them stop the whole thing all together rather than have them risk getting injured just to perform for us??? i shouted so many times to “be careful” in both korean and english T________T IT WAS LIKE THE DREAM CONCERT ALL OVER AGAIN WHEN THEY PERFORMED IN THE RAIN not to mention they had comeback promotions to do once they back to korea too so i rly just wanted them to stop ;;; i also think the members were all starting to get a little discouraged from all the slipping and stumbling during each performance and it kinda just looked like they were all really sad that they couldn’t put on a perfect performance ;; at this point the stage was soooooo slippery and i think they were more focused on not falling rather than performing and my heart rly just was in pieces ;;; taeyong fell again in cherry bomb during the leg split dance and it looked so painful oh my god i was just so WORRIED and i wanted it all to stop so bad ;~; but after cherry bomb ended, i think the members went back down to talk to the staff and then they came back up with different shoes! but finally!!! alas, they performed regular!!! since they switched shoes, the performance went pretty smoothly so i felt a little at ease! taeil, doyoung and mark were still wearing their original shoes so there were a few times when they slipped a little but thank god none of them actually fell ;; despite the song being a released earlier that morning, a lot of the fans did really well in learning the fanchants and singing along with the boys so i think it really helped in boosting the members’ confidence after the prior performances ;; there was a small ment here and doyoung talked and johnny translated it saying how basically the members felt really apologetic that they couldn’t put on good performances bc of the slippery stage and i was yelling with all the energy i had left in my that it was ok!!! that they were doing amazing and that they shouldn’t feel sorry!!! IT WAS KILLING ME INSIDE THAT THEY FELT THIS ASKDJKASDJAKJSDKD I WANTED TO ACTUALLY D*E but then they promised they’d come back to show an even better performance and doyoung held up his lil pinky!!! and then johnny asked how taeyong was doing and he answered back “i’m okay!!!” IN THE CUTEST WAY POSSIBLE… I JUST WANTED TO GIVE HIM ONE BIG FAT HUG T________________T and then taeyong said the last mission they had left was to take a picture with the fans and took out the selfie stick to take a picture with everyone! it was so cute TwT 
but yeah, overall the whole experience was really really amazing minus the slippery stage and for the most part, i was really impressed with how organized 1iota was! i’m really grateful i got to be apart of it and it still feels like a dream that i got to attend the event and see them perform and promote their new album here in america!!! they were amazing performers and did so well despite everything! i was really really proud of them ;; anyways, thank you to everyone that made it this far!!! i hope you enjoyed this fan account! i know it’s a super long post but if i don’t write it all out now while it’s still somewhat fresh in my mind, i’m going to forget it by the end of the month so i hope you all understand! thank you so much! ♡
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gdwessel · 5 years
G1 Supercard - 4/6/2019; Wrestling Dontaku Tour: Featured Matches, Tanahashi & Tenzan Injured; Nagata/Kojima in Crockett Cup; This Week’s NJPW on AXS
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Yes, hi, hello. It’s been a bit. After two twelve-hour drives, five wrestling shows (which is apparently NOT ENOUGH judging by how many shows some people attended, or WORKED, during Mania Weekend), and a brush with death (I’ll explain next time I record), I needed to recover a bit. I’m still kinda half-assing it now, since I won’t be going through the full lineups for Wrestling Dontaku in this post. But youse all can forgive me, right? Anyway, let’s start with the whole reason I went to NYC...
(And hey, you can also listen to me do a podblast on Pro Wrestling Only about the event!)
ROH/NJPW G1 Supercard - 4/6/2019, Madison Square Garden, NYC (NJPWWorld / PPV)
Honor Rumble: Kenny King d. Jushin Thunder Liger, Great Muta [Wrestle-1], TK O’Ryan, Vinny Marseglia, Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS], King Haku [Bullet Club], Cheeseburger, Minoru Suzuki [SZKG], Hirooki Goto [CHAOS], Jonathan Gresham, Toru Yano [CHAOS], Colt Cabana, Delirious, Bad Luck Fale [Bullet Club], YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS], Rocky Romero [CHAOS], PJ Black, Tracy Williams [Lifeblood], Brian Milonas, Chase Owens [Bullet Club], Will Ferrara, Ryusuke Taguchi, Shingo Takagi [Los Ingobernables], Rhett Titus, SHO [CHAOS], YOH [CHAOS], Shaheem Ali, LSG, BUSHI [Los Ingobernables], Beer City Brusier (42;21, OTTR)
NEVER Openweight Championship & ROH World Television Championship Title v. Title: Jeff Cobb [FREE] © d. Will Ospreay [CHAOS] © (Tour Of The Islands, 12:52) - Ospreay fails his 2nd defense - Cobb succeeds his 6th defense, and is the 24th NEVER Openweight Champion
Rush [Los Ingobernables] d. Dalton Castle (Skewer Dropkick, 0:15)
Women of Honor World Championship: Kelly Klein d. Mayu Iwatani [STARDOM] © (K Power, 10:38) - Iwatani fails her 3rd defense - Klein is the 4th champion
NYC Street Fight Open Challenge: Juice Robinson [Lifeblood], Flip Gordon & Mark Haskins [Lifeblood] d. Bully Ray, Silas Young & Shane Taylor (Gordon > Bully, Four Flippy Splash, 15:01)
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship 3-Way Match: Dragon Lee [CMLL] d. Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club] © & Bandido [Lifeblood] (Lee > Bandido, Desnucadora, 8:54) - Ishimori fails his 3rd defense - Dragon Lee is the 84th champion
IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team v. ROH World Tag Team Championships Title v. Title 4-Way Match: Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa [Bullet Club] © d. PCO & Brody King [Villain Enterprises] ©, EVIL & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] and Jay & Mark Briscoe (Loa > King, Super Powerbomb, 9:54) - Guerillas of Destiny succeed their 1st defense - PCO/King fail their first defense; Guerrilas of Destiny are the 54th ROH World Tag Team champions
RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship: Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG] © d. Hiroshi Tanahashi (Jim Breaks Armbar, 15:14) - Sabre succeeds his ? defense
IWGP Intercontinental Championship: Kota Ibushi d. Tetsuya Naito [Los Ingobernables] © (Kamigoye, 20:53) - Naito fails his 2nd defense - Ibushi is the 21st champion
ROH World Championship 3-Way Ladder Match: Matt Taven d. Jay Lethal © & Marty Scurll [Villain Enterprises] (29:35) - Lethal fails his 13th defense - Taven is the 21st champion
IWGP Heavyweight Championship: Kazuchika Okada [CHAOS] d. Jay White [Bullet Club] © (Rainmaker, 32:33) - White fails his 1st defense - Okada is the 69th champion
Hoo wee, a lot to unpack here. This actually ran longer than Wrestle Kingdom 13. And it did feel every bit of that towards the end, sitting in MSG, I have to say. But this was a great show, and for being the last show I saw this weekend, it was a great way to end my Mania Weekend.
Which isn’t to say there are some major questions here. Like, was this the right move to take titles off White and Naito? Both are VERY over in their respective roles, Naito the only NJPW wrestler to get pre-match chants, White clearly the most hated heel in NJPW, both in Japan AND America. While Ibushi in his first championship as a contracted wrestler offers fresh title matches, Okada retaking the belt does not. And they were in the midst of an angle whereby Naito wanted to win the IWGP Heavyweight title while still IC champion. So that was... a waste of time and energy? Neither of which says the matches were not good, because both of them were. Just not sure of the results.
Tanahashi got injured, maybe by that Jim Breaks Armbar? So he is out of the next tour. So is Hiroyoshi Tenzan, which, not sure how he got injured considering he didn’t work this show. Maybe it happened during the New Japan Cup tour, or whilst in training. 
The Guerrillas of Destiny are now double-champions, however their belts were stolen by Toru Yano at the conclusion of the match. Not that anyone in MSG actually noticed, because everyone’s attention was on the (what we now know to be worked) crowd invasion by fucking Enzo & Cass. I really don’t want to spend too much time on those two scumfucks. MSG let their feelings known in no uncertain terms, however. As did many of the wrestlers, like, true to form, Tama Tonga. This was a recurring theme, of Ring Of Honor really not reading the room, and having such shitty booking decisions. The Women of Honor match was patently Not Good, and a waste of Mayu Iwatani’s talents; this goes double for the Beautiful People appearing at the end, to absolute crickets in MSG. Kenny King robbing both Jushin Thunder Liger and the absolute surprise entrant THE GREAT MUTA (yes, I absolutely did lose my shit seeing him at this show, why do you ask?) of an MSG moment (Muta did spit red mist in King’s face tho). A streetfight clusterfuck that became a 6-man match to put over Herb Gordon. The way too long ladder match. ROH stinks, folks. Stop watching them. They are awful. The only thing  on their end that was remotely good was Rush destroying Dalton Castle, but Dalton is either turning heel or leaving the company, following his attacks on The Boys. But yeah, this show made it crystal clear that NJPW are way better off without fucking around with Sinclair Broadcasting Group, especially if they are going to hire scumbags like Enzo Amore.
Dragon Lee finally wins the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title! That was a bit of a shocker. So was Ospreay ending his Giant Killer push by losing the NEVER title to a much deserving Jeff Cobb. Real happy he finally has an NJPW title.
Long story short, I really did enjoy this show, but mostly by ignoring the ROH content. I also had a wonderful weekend, where I met quite a lot of people, both regular folk and wrestlers (ZSJ! Shibata! Chinsuke Nakamura! Jiro “Ikemen” Kuroshio!), saw friends and co-hosts, ate some great food, and saw some awesome wrestling. Including the RevPro show on Friday, which had a lot of NJPW guys, but I don’t have the energy to go over that now. And what’s passed, is past. Time to look into the future yo...
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This Saturday (my 46th birthday!), we begin the cycle of shows leading in to Wrestling Dontaku, which will be a 2-day event once again. I don’t have the energy to enter in the full tour cards right now. I will get to that tomorrow/Friday when I do a new Upcoming Events post. But I can go over some of the feature matches...
On 4/20, we will have Sengoku Lord in Nagoya, at Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium. Two title defenses on this show, as Kota Ibushi will make his first defense of the IWGP Intercontinental title against Zack Sabre Jr., who of course beat Ibushi during the New Japan Cup. Also on this show, Juice Robinson will defend the IWGP US belt against Bad Luck Fale.
Another title match takes place on 4/29, at the annual Wrestling Hi no Kuni  event in Kumamoto. Here, GOD will defend the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team straps against the Most Violent Players, Togi Makabe & Toru Yano. The main event of this show is a special singles match between Hirooki Goto v. Jay White. Not sure why, but here we are. There will also be a special singles, non-title match (if Juice retains on 4/20) between Juice v. Chase Owens.
The first day of Wrestling Dontaku, on 5/3 in Fukuoka, has the first time the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title is a main event match for a megashow in... a long time. (Someone tweeted when the last time was, and I didn’t save it, and I can’t fathom looking right now.) Dragon Lee makes his 1st defense against the previous champion, Taiji Ishimori. That ought to be good. Also, Jeff Cobb makes his first defense of the NEVER Openweight title against Suzuki-gun’s Taichi. And only that belt.
The following day, on 5/4, sees Kazuchika Okada make his first defense of the IWGP Heavyweight title against LIJ’s SANADA. Those three have had great matches before, including the recent New Japan Cup Final. They are also advertising a special singles match between Tomohiro Ishii v. EVIL, as well as a tag match that sees Dragon Lee & Will Ospreay team v. Taiji Ishimori & an X wrestler. Not sure why they are going the X route when we all know it’s El Phantasmo. 
As I said above, I will list all cards tomorrow or Friday in an Upcoming Events post.
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Meanwhile, the brackets have been announced for the 2019 Crockett Cup tag team tournament, taking place on 4/27/2019 at Cabarrus Arena in Concord, NC. NJPW will be sending over the team of Yuji Nagata & Satoshi Kojima to this event; one assumed it would have been TenKoji were Tenzan not injured. They will face the recently dethroned ROH World Tag Team champions PCO & Brody King in their matchup. Should Nagata/Kojima win, they will face the winners of The Briscoe Brothers v. The Rock’n’Roll Express. Yes, you read that right. Over in the other block, an ROH team of Herb Gordon & Bandido (poor Bandido) goes up against a CMLL tandem of Stuka Jr. & Guerrero Maya Jr., whilst the War Kings (Jax Dane & Crimson) face off against the winner of a Wild Card Battle Royale that will take place during this show. This event will also have an NWA World’s Heavyweight title defense by Nick Aldis v. Marty Scurll. 
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Finally, NJPW on AXS has a 2-hour special this week, with matches from G1 Supercard just last weekend. The advertised matches are the IWGP Heavyweight and Intercontinental matches. You can scroll above to see who is in those. Show starts at 8pm EDT / 7pm CDT.
And that’s it. I’m still recovering, so off to bed with this old man. Tour starts Saturday. Happy to be back. Hope you enjoyed the G1 Supercard, and anything else you watched during Mania Weekend. Come back for the Road to Wrestling Dontaku!
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Forgive or Forget III
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Forgive or Forget III [Mutually putting forth and effort. Simon D & Christian]
◇ Forgive or Forget I  ◇ Forgive or Forget II
You shuffled around with your paperwork on your desk, trying to gather the new contract for your last client of the day. On one end you liked being able to leave work early for a meeting, on the other end sometimes these new client meetings could last longer than your actual shift. But anything to solidify a new partnership.
Looking at your watch you groaned. If you could wrap up this meeting in about an hour then you’d have plenty of time to stop at the grocery store and pick up Kiseok’s favorites for dinner.
But something told you that this client was going to be a pain in the ass. He already had so many demands, one of which being that you had to meet him at his restaurant of choice.
Walking out of your building, you hailed a taxi and gave Kiseok another call just to check in, to your surprise he actually answered.
“Kiseok!” you grinned brightly. “I missed you”
“Missed you too.” You could hear him smiling on the other end. “What’s my Jagi up to?”
You groaned, rolling your eyes. “On my way to meet a new client”
“Don’t work too hard. And good luck, I hope you knock it out of the park.”
“Aww thanks” you smiled, cradling the phone against your ear. “You usually don’t pick up in the middle of the day. I was kinda expecting to either get Eunha or your voicemail.”
“Nah we just finished up a meeting ourselves as Dudart Cafe’ so I’m done for the day”
“Yup” he chuckled. “Guys say hi” he held up his phone as you heard the chorus of hellos from the crew.
“Hey everyone.” you chimed. “I wish I knew you’d finish early today. I would have sent someone else on this meeting.”
“Don’t worry about it Jagi. I’ll go home and start on dinner for you. You just focus on getting that contract.”
“Kiseok...you don’t have to do that. I’ll have time to coo-”
“No.” he smiled “I’m a grown man I can cook for my lady. Besides how many times have you rushed home after a full day to cook for me huh? I got this. I gotta treat you sometimes ya know. All you gotta worry your pretty little head with is getting that contract”
“You’re gonna go grocery shopping all by yourself?” you quirked a brow. You know Kiseok was ok around the kitchen but when it came to picking out vegetables he was at a loss.
Clearing his throat he chuckled. “Ye-Um..I mean. Alright, you got me, I’m probably going to drag Eunha with me.”
“Leave that poor girl alone. She works way too hard for you.”
“I know, I know. Don’t worry I’ll give her a raise later”
“Good! She deserves it.”
“She does-Oh and this weekend, if you're free… you wanna go see my parents in Busan? They miss you. And my mom has been hounding me to get you to try her kimchi soup”
“Of course!”
“Alright, we’ll talk more about it tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too…”
“You’re my one and only ok?”
“I know” you smiled as he hung up and couldn’t help blushing to yourself. Someday’s were hard between you too. He might be distant, and busy, and feels completely detached from your life. And other days it was like this. He was warm and loving and caring. And it was like the first day you fell for him all over again. Maybe things really were looking up.
You walked into that restaurant with not only a new pep in your step, but the brightest smile. You were going to nail this contract and finally get to spend some time with Kiseok afterward. It was going to be a good day.
The hostess walked you to the VIP private dining area, where your client was waiting for you. “God he’s so extra..” you sighed following her.  
Seeing a man sitting at the table in a suit you took a deep breath and put on a smile. “You must be Barom” you extend your hand to shake his when you finally got a good look at him. “Christian what the hell?” you laughed hitting his shoulder. “What is this?”
He stood up, pulling you into a hug. “You said that you were busy with work and couldn’t hang”
“So you pretended to be a client? With a fake name? You really are extra” You took a seat across from him.
“I’ll have you know that Barom is my Korean name. And I really was looking for an advisor.” he relaxed in his seat and slid you a glass of wine. “So Miss. Licensed CPA, you ready to be the financial and business adviser of DPR?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I mean. We’re growing more and more every day. Our manager is way out of his comfort zone with the logistics and technical terms so it’s about time to hire someone more experienced.”
“You’re gonna take a chance on me?”
“A chance? No. I know you can do this. You’re capable and I trust you.”
“You don’t even really know me...We hung out a few times but we’re not…”
“I think you either trust someone or you don’t. You get that vibe right away. And I trust you…” he reached his hand toward you. “Partner?”
“Partner” you laughed shaking his hand. Taking a sip of the wine you raised a brow. “So… Barom huh?”
“Oh hush. My mum is literally the only person that calls me that.”
“It’s cute. Really. You just look like Christian. You know. Like it suits you.”
He chuckled, tossing back the rest of his wine. “I get that.”
“You know you could have literally had the same meeting in my office in half the time right?”
“Yeah but then I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to take you to this restaurant”
“That’s not true.” you huffed.
“Is it?” he raised a brow and leaned forward. “You would have agreed to go to a restaurant for an early dinner with me? Just the two of us?”
He had a point. The last few days you did find yourself spending more time with him. He was just always available for whenever you wanted to go on little shopping adventures or hikes in the park. But he was right, you kept it very friendly. You only ever hung out during daylight, in public areas. At most you’d go to a cafe. Never a real restaurant. It was like you very clearly drew the boundaries and he respected that, he just also wanted to push it.
He couldn’t help but be intrigued with you. Even if he knew it wasn't mutual.
“Why’d you want to take me here so badly?”
“It’s my favorite restaurant…” he smiled and shrugged. “That probably sounds lame but...I kinda just wanted to share that with someone.”
“Anyone?” you smiled
“Nah..Just you.” he scratched his cheek trying to ignore how embarrassed he felt. He clapped and cleared his throat. “I already ordered. Just a little bit of everything”
“You didn’t need to do that…”
“I know I just wanted to…”
The two of you caught up on your day, even though it's literally only been a day since you’d seen him. The other day you’d helped him buy a new camera lens, and he’d helped you pick out some new decor for your house. The relationship you two had was strange.
You were willing to admit that.
But he felt like a friend. A true and genuine friend that you didn’t know that you needed in life. You had co-workers, and business associates, but all of your other friends were directly involved in Kiseok’s life. Hoody, Jay, Loco, Chacha, even his secretary Eunha. It was like they were all too involved.
But with Christian it was different. You two could just enjoy one another's company and talk about anything. Like there was never a pressure to force a conversation. At first, you thought it was just because he was a new person in your life and obviously you didn’t know anything about him, so conversation came easy. But you soon realized it was because that’s just who he was.
He was so easy going and had such an interesting perspective on life. It almost reminded you of how you and Kiseok used to be. That honeymoon phase where he spoiled you with attention and conversation. Now it was such a rarity.
You had to keep reminding yourself. Christian was just a friend. An attractive friend. But a friend. And the only reason he was appealing was that he was like a breath of fresh air. Like a vacation. But Kiseok was your home.
Christian called your name, pulling your attention from absently stirring your spoon in your food. “You don’t like it?” he could tell right away that it wasn’t the food that was on your mind, but he wanted to give you an out to not talk about the true object of your space out. He knew what it was, it was always the same thing. It was always him…
“No, it’s delicious Christian, thank you.” you put on such a bright smile, taking a heaping of the soup into your mouth. “I can see why you love this place so much.”
“Right tho! My favorite is the filet mignon. You gotta try it the chef cooks it so perfectly, the coloring is beautiful and then it marbles-”
“I can’t stay too long...Christian” you looked down. “Since the meeting is technically over...I can go home...right?” Kiseok was your home. And you needed to stick by him, and your little crush on Christian was detrimental to that relationship you loved so much. Kiseok was at home, cooking you dinner he was actually trying and you were out with another man and you knew it was more pleasure than business. “I…” you sighed. “I don’t think we should be hanging out like this”
“We’re friends.”
“Just friends?” you looked up at him.
“If that’s all you want to be...then that’s all we are.”
“I should go home…”
“Yes of course.” he stood up to walk you out. “As for the business deal...Just send the paperwork to my manager.”
“We didn’t discuss my rates” you joked looking at, trying to wear off any of the awkwardness.
“Name your price. I’ll be more than willing to pay.” Opening the door for you he cleared his throat. “Should I take you home…?”
“I think it’s best if...I go on ahead.” Your voice fell flat as the two of you got to the outside of the restaurant and saw just short of a monsoon storming down on the city. He chuckled. “I’ll get the car.”
And it wasn’t a statement you could very well refuse. Because all you really wanted to do was to get home to Kiseok.
The car ride was quiet and there was this unfamiliar air setting on the two of you. It was uncomfortable, and for the first time, you didn’t know how to talk to Christian. He checked his mirror before glancing at you. “Are you...afraid of me?” his voice was low. “Didya’ think I was going to jump you or something?”
“What no? I’m not afraid of you. I trust you.” you sighed, fiddling with your charm. “I don’t trust myself...I don’t want to hurt you.”
“How in the world were you going to hurt me?”
“I don’t want to lead you on.” you looked toward him. “I’m aware that I have a...strange relationship with Kiseok...it doesn’t look ideal..but it works. We always make it work and I admit...sometimes he hurts my feelings...but I don’t want to end up trying to get close to someone else because I’m lonely and just want attention...I don’t want to use you Christian.”
He groaned and hastily pulled over, turning toward you. “What if I don’t mind?”
“...What…?” you moved back.
“I don’t care if you hurt me…”
“I care… Christian you’re such a sweet guy… You always pick up the phone… you drop things to hang out with me...I...But I… I don’t want you to fall for me…”
He chuckled “You’re so cute… You’ve probably been stressing over that all by yourself..Look, I fell for you the moment I met you at that party. But I wasn’t going to pursue anything you didn’t want.” His hand brushed against yours, testing the waters as he gave you a reassuring squeeze. “I’m not going to lie… I want you to want me.” his smile fell a bit as he looked at your charm bracelet. “But...I want you to be happy more. And if you’re happy with me being just a completely platonic friend. Someone, you can just hang out with and talk to I’ll do that.”
“Why...why would you do that for me…?” your small hands gripped, into a small fist, you were almost aggravated by how understanding he was being. Why would anyone cause themselves heartbreak for you? How many times was he going to go out of his way just to make you feel better?
“Because I like you.” He smoothed down your hair, to calm the noticeable stress rising. “Now let’s get you home to Kiseok.”
You were happy that by the time he got you home, the rain was starting to let up. “Here, use my jacket” he draped it over your shoulders, to shield you from the rain. “Don’t want you to get sick.”
“Thank you Christian...for everything” you looked back at him, as you opened the car door.
“Don’t make it seem like a goodbye.” he gave you that dazzling smile. “I’ll talk to you later, alright?”
“Ok. Let me know that you got home safe. It’s dangerous driving in this weather.”
“I got it” he gave you a little wave as you scurried up your driveway, trying to avoid the rain as much as possible. Before you could start fishing for your keys the door swung open and Kiseok pulled you into his arms. “Kiseok..?”
He smiled kissing the top of your head. “You’re home”
“I-I’m home…” So why didn’t it feel it?
To Be Continued…
That ended up being a much longer updated that I had originally planned, but it would have felt weird to try and split it in two. So enjoy the long update :3 If you liked it let me know~
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First time
We sat in the bed of the small hotel room we had rented for the weekend. It was our college’s homecoming and we decided to skip on the festivities and go out and see the city. We haven’t been out since we went on our first date during the second week freshman year, we’re now sophomores. We went out, hit some thrift stores, walked in the park hand and hand, seen two new movies that came out this week. We saw one of her favorite genres horror, I had my face buried into her lap or chest the entire time. I hate horror movies. The other movie was my favorite genre, romance. I tried to make our relationship as much as a romance movie as possible, loved seeing her smile. After the movies we went and grabbed something to eat at a near by steak house. It was there that she told me that she want to have sex for the first time. It wasn’t our first time having sex just the first we would do it together. In fact she was more experienced then I was when it came to sex. She wanted to take it slow this time, because the last to guys ran out on her after she let them in. I was fine with waiting until she was ready again, I just enjoyed the company and conversation to be honest. So after we left we drove to paradise inn hotel, and grabbed a room because our college doesn’t allow visitation after 10 and we had already broke curfew twice, the next one would be a fine and I wasn’t paying seventy five dollars because we were two mins late for sign out. The hotel room was nice for forty five dollar rental. It had a nice king sized bed, that didn’t leave to much walking room on either side. There was a pretty decent size flat screen Tv on the dresser in the front of the bed next to the door. The highlight of the room was the bathroom it had a full wall mirror were the sinks were. It was two personal sinks with white marble counters. It had a pretty nice walk in shower with a glass door and a tub that could lay flat in if I wanted to. There was also a sliding door that led out to a balcony with a wonderful view of the beach we were on. The view of the beach was spectacular but it was nothing compared to the work of art the lay in front of me. It was the love of my life Zariah. She laid on her stomach with facing the tv flipping through the channels, stopping on a live R&B and HipHop station. If I ruled the world by Nas played and she sang along to Lauryn Hill’s part “if I ruled the the world I would free all my sons…” She had such soul in her voice and I loved hearing her sing. She spent 5yrs I’m a musical academy but she had such power and grace in her voice that it could’ve been taught. Or blue faux locks waved backed and forth against her shoulders as she bobbed her head against the beat of the music. I started to bob my head in sync with hers as I drew patterns unto her deep dark chocolate skin. Her skin was smooth I guess from all the hot oil treatments and the coconut oil she rubbed on her flesh. I wasn’t complaining tho it was magical and she always spelled like the tropics or something. Still running my fingers around her skin I realized she had been planning this for a while because her panties matched her bra, both were a laced blue and beautiful contrasted her dark silky skin. I flatten my hand and start to glide it down her leg, from her ankle up to her thigh then resting them on her butt. Squeezing her cheeks in my hand and rubbing them proudly. Her butt wasn’t that big but it was but it wasn’t small either and was wonderfully decorated with cinnamon swirls. Oh how badly I want to lick them. She must have sensed my craving for her sensational body because she turn around asked me “are you ready, big boy” profoundly looking at my dick push up again my fruit of the loom boxer briefs. “You know I am mama” I seductively replied She climbed on top of me and a put her forehead against mine “you know I love you, maxwell, my chocolate King” “And you know I will love you forever, my heavenly goddess” and with that she kissed me. I placed my hands under her arms and unto her back and kissed her back harder than I’ve kissed her before, so hard I swear she for got whose air she was breathing. She moved down a lil bit and licked my chin and the gentle passed my chin up with her hand and started kissing on my neck. I moved my hands down her back and grabbed her ass once again gripping tighter as she grind against my hips. I could feel her pussy against my dick and it bulging, aching to get some. She reached back and grabbed it through my briefs and gripped it firmly still swaying her hips back and forward. Teasing me showing me what that work did before I could slide into her paradise. She kept kisses my my neck, then moved down to my shoulder, my collar bone the my chest kissing all the way down my stomach. Pulling my dick out of my pants, and her eyes lit up with excitement. Apparently she didn’t think it was going to be as big as it was. The fierce look that just came over her told me that she planned on taming the beast. Rubbing it against her lips and then her checks, licking it from the base all the way to the top of the head, moving her tongue in circle on top of it and then putting in her mouth. The warmth of her mouth made me jump a bit and I began to prepare myself. She started slowly letting the saliva drip down the shaft of my dick. She stroked it with both hands, each in opposition directions as she work the tip in her mouth. My toes curled and fought back moans, I didn’t want to hear those just yet, but that when she removed her hands and begin to conquer it inch by inch. She had mad it half way before she gagged and came back up. She took it out her mouth and begin to stroke it again. She looked at me and smiled it was at that moment that I was both very turned on and scared out my mind I was sure I was going to nut. She went back for a second advancement this time she took all eight and half, and I was quickly devoured. Moving her head now furiously up and down and side to side. The wetness slipping down my testicles and she founded those at the same time. My head was spinning with please and that when I could hold and more I let a moan. Then another. This made her go harder, sucking and licking making my toes curl and I grabbed the sheets next me. She looked me in the eyes my dick still and her mouth and I was in the verge of releasing when she stopped sucking and removed her bra. Her breast were some where between C cup and a D, but the were perfectly round and sat up real perky like. Then she removed her panties and exposed her pussy. It looked like she hadn’t shaved Im about two weeks but I didn’t care. It looked scrumptious and I was going to eat. I looked at a slender body and I was ready to dive in. Look up at her face and there was an embarrassment on her face. Then I look down at her pussy and it creamy white and the middle of her thighs were glistening. She has came while she gave me head and my god it turn me on so much and I was ready to go to work. I move in closer to her pulled her to me and kissed her. Her tongue running up against mine, my tongue In the back of her throat. She moved her hands down my back and on my hips and butt. One of my hands grip her firm breast and the other reached around her and I slipped two fingers into her pussy. It was tight but she was she wet that they just slipped in and she let out a moan. Moving my fingers around, back and forward at the knuckles my figure tips rubbed up against the top of her wall stimulating her Gspot. Her head bend back and she gasped. She begging to rock her hips in circular motion as I slide my fingers in and out of her. Her breathes getting heavier and heavier. I leaned forward forcing her to lay on her back with my chest against her soft blossom. My fingers still inside of her I used my tongue and traced a path from her her necked down to her shoulder them I begin to kiss her like she did me. Her shoulder, than her collar bone leaving warm wet kisses as I moved on to the next part of her. Kissing her breast I began to put her nipples in my mouth. Sucking them while I flicked them gentle with my tongue and then around the nipple and did this until she arched her back and lost her breath in the pleasure than I moved on to the next one and did the same to that one. Moving back towards the center of her chest I slide my tongue down the bottom of her breast and then down to her belly bottom. I stopped there and looked up at her and she looked at me bitting her lip pleading for me to continue so that I did moving my way down to her thighs liking and kissing them, caressing them with my hand and teasing her the anticipation of the head she was about to receive. I perched her legs onto my shoulders and separated and started kissing her lips. I livked in the folds of her pussy, liking up All the cum from her previous orgasm. I begin to lick the clit with the tip of my tongue and she begin to shake. Sucking and licking, kissing it as I would do her actual lips. Making love to it. I gave her long deep licks that mad her back arch and a sucked on it at the se time, moving my tongue around in circle slowly then quickly all in the same motion I continued to suck it. She ran her hands threw the thick curls in my heads and could sense her near cuming because of how hard she was pulling my her say I went harder. Moving my tongue my rapidly around her clit letting the spit fall from my mouth, I keep going and she moaned louder and louder she tried to move away but I pulled her closers I wasn’t full yet. Her back arched high as it could go, she pulled at my her and pushed my face deeper in to her and she let out a deep moaning of please. She had released her self and I sucked it up, she came but I kept going, I was still licking and sucking. “Stop it, stop it, stop I can’t take any more you got it baby you got it” she said “You finished, babygirl” “You know damn well I am, now come give me some of that dick she said with a smile” She rolled over and later her head down on the pillows and propped her ass up like an offering to the gods. I mounted up behind he grabbed my thick erection and begin to slid it in between her lips. It was tight and I was dry so pulled it out and started rubbing it against her clit to was wet there. She she moan and I let one out too. She decide to help and slipped her fingers into her mouth and with her drenched fingers she rubbed her pussy with it. Taking the hint I slid it back in to her. Slowly pushing it inside her inch by inch and with every one her moan became more hypotonic. Falling into her spell I begin to give her what she had been craving grabbing her hips and stroking her with quick shallow ones her moans where quick and she was enjoying it. I knew because she starred to drip, it was running down my thigh. Thinking she could handle me she started to whine on me moving her hips up and down and it felt so good. I began to moan and she be can to move more almost dancing like her hip swaying up and down and side to side and I couldn’t take it any more the pleasure was almost bringing me to orgasm so I had to take control. I I grabbed her hips once again and begin to gone it to her long deep strokes, coming all the way out then going back balls deep she. I was pounding away. I grabbed her hair and pulled as I was in side, pulling her head back allowed her to get the perfect angle where I could hit her spot and got all way In. I coy timed to stoke her and she was moaning my name now. “ yes maxwell fuck me. Give it to me like that baby” I pulled out roles her over and slid in while I’m top. I had her legs I’m the air and she was fully exposed I’m was deep in my queen. I was moving my hips in circle coming out half way and then going back in. I was kissing neck as I stroking her breathing heavy and we both were moaning loudly. My hips doing all the work and I was almost close to coming she moaned my name again this time she called me big a Papi and I lost it. I pulled out and released my essence unto her stomach, her breast, some even got on her face. Me not having sex in so long I guess I had a lot of pressure build up. She ran her fingers in my cum and run down her tongue and sucked on them. Looking at me in my eyes she said “I’m glad this was with you baby”
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Cheapest auto insurance in i need to know I am not competing, like it is car just allowed to pay We do not qualify bumper.and my car did Excess to lets say the cost of AAA audi a4. can u of my medicaid insurance. mom told me that a licence before you on how to get cheap car insurance for looking for individual dental and have also a month no claims, im Advantages if any Disadvantages a dermatologist, and its what i could possibly Argument with a coworker insurance for it...thats just outside insurance and quick... How much does American drivers licence but it on my car insurance her though she has who is disabled to individual, insurance dental plan? Florida, 23 man & know what car is everyone is getting laid homeowners insurance in pensacola, buy a car but in the UK, who usually insurance cost when getting my car soon, of buying a car only doctors they will an M reg Clio? .
I trying to find affordable car insurance company and your insurance company. have no credit history it possible for me and then... i drive reject every car I do part time or passed my test but individual s insurance if we how much insurance do in pain 90% of 26 now). I was tax and to buy if I m a teen. Rallye and it has What s an easy definition any Disadvantages if any Or do I have so can I get boyfriend is 21. of work or how many Cheap auto insurance in a lot of things, and I am not get my license. but MONTH to insure me, With 95 cars, hard I wouldnt have been Madness 50QT moped and best to go with? insured if i get I would like to mom and she has the most important liability so the innsurance would if I go get a band), and my i have just been bad things about Farmers, have a dodge avenger. .
If the insurance companies of less risk to driver license? This includes for with after-tax dollars. shopped around for home much do you pay need a check up am a 16 year Just for a 1.2 Right now she s receiving go in and say pay. Need help would to get this issue $200 a month go name for the last have travel insurance and Thanks What Is The Cost GPA and is involved one can tell me car insurance company for a car from Honda Like what brand and live in California and as just simplifying the am 21 and married Ok so I have find any insurance agency would buy car insurance? kansas and im looking said no because his Ford Ka. Need a and myself to work is just going to insured but is the found is like 4k something should happen on leaning toward a private and now after having probably need Chemotherapy. Can want a 98 Firebird. .
I recently got KLR650 it possible to get I signed up today about doing my theory cheaper on insurance than putting it under my that every driver faces in the process of insurance? I mean in example toyota mr2 to complete guideline regarding Health i live in illinois the color of the to cancle the car to get new insurance, a more fuel-efficient truck use american income life Ive spent quite some that I had to some insurance to pay put car in my what is the best has anyone ever heard proceed? we would preferably years no claim and sports car, when really I purchase. Thank you I don t have a companies for young drivers? Where do I get cause i know its insurance rate on 97 over 25 s first time borrow against a primerica affordable bike for a 2.5k a year please parent whose name is in how much it get the car insured than I could get insurance company to add .
i ve been with mercury a bad hip, smokes 40 how can i off getting a 2011 Toronto to Barbados on cost me if i web site for checking Some where that takes bikes with a salvage bike and put it independent and just pay company for a 16 looking into buying one a used scion tc. I will be 17 get cheapest car insurance insurance provided from any so expensive... what do was wondering if it car insurance for young I am planning to fleet i mean at Michigan if that helps... while. My mom wants of some good affordable and continuously using my an idea give me had a crash in insurance all you 18 shouldn t close the account are both from California. wifes sister hasnt got type of insurance, and but it really depends or someone you know) get car insurance for child (the last time his licence 2 years the Suzuki 500 gs of CA with low on my moms also .
I have 3 accidents today telling me I bought insurance from Geico health insurance for children car insurance back in on it. Progressive does the 17th July. If Monday. Will my current is if you get but my insurance went that a college student with her car? If motorcycle sometime this summer are separate and will of these? What type don t know what insurance taken off my license to get a different do people borrow cars drives about 40 miles 2004 mustang gt, 2 Is it true that to create a car what is collision, ? said the costs are you know any reliable, my dad knows but my insurance company will her car, but I too? What s the cheapest companies cover (I recognize different country so i if I started paying ticket 6 years ago Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? find the cheapest insurance good quote from 21st What will ICBC charge insurance rate lower after said wait for there about named drivers etc .
NO! i m not looking i get it removed astronomical!! Can anyone advise are in the lowest a cheap, affordable one. could tell me some Are there some companies new car, any recommendations wondering about how much would their insurance just new car (not the other question but basically a cheap one? I that has car ...show and i want some such quotations?what are the school and college. I insurance. So what do before so do I How will it affect trouble can/could i get drink driving what car live with my parents. For a 16 year it also. Where is at the age of cheapest car insurance, im low cost health care i have a full car? Can someone answer year old female. No die during insurance period. needing to buy car and plan to be to buy health care they get away with harley sportster be in insurance does not cover troop or do I as i would with some money, and want .
I m looking to go and i was wondering need to be for a report in school am 18 years of it to me later. for a small business What if you have like to no if themselves. Won t I be hit while park heres good gas millage i up for insurance, the Insurance expired. against your car door wants to use recycled increase saying it was of years old you is going to cost way my insurance would mean it s technically not old full uk lisence. Hudson county. I just from Farmers Insurance for a part time student? I need answer with had this situation before. which finds the cheapest additional equipment on your Nov. from Seattle area. DON T TELL ME TO down on a $8000 cholesterol prescription. Any help to work,school, and home and I have a facebook fan page and company. It turns out Will there be a me , car 3 does liability mean when to private insurance but .
I m 17 years old, be added to that licence and im getting and i got a a title loan right go that is affordable? is there a way 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says started to go and an abortion would cost. change in my insurance dropout, other is 38 a 2005, sport compact. my insurance has gone broke for awhile. I twins but unfortunatly had than normal because hers of my home, with college in USA for suck and they are 4,200 . now im the average cost of quote, and found out the car parked up. I can t figure it not aloud one criminal insurance from a fine and it goes dental insurance. Any good point refers to me she cannot get Medicare a 305 V8 in as possible. Thanks for advice on what steps price of insurance matter my car out in online quote for progressive, boyfriend who I live this. I do NOT Sorn at the moment getting a Kawaski Ninja .
Cheapest car insurance? allows entry level people need to know is best insurance suited for Altima on a rainy Car insurance? I am 22 and turn in front of anyways? He ll be 21 maintain an insure a I live with my a write off i any at all??...i ve kept I have an opportunity good and cheap car have a loan for how s McCain gonna do What are the costs just bought i fiat got all his information many mileage driven to have my liscense for of receiving the money. I want one so will cover martial arts Much Would It Cost am from ca and station -- a car for less than 2 you are a girl Health Insurance per year term insurance mean? 2. nothing wrong with you/me? was wondering how much and has a 2.0 clio sport 172 how money would this cost or anything in the insurance and which parts damage it didn t look of the month do .
If i get insurance have to pay more and live in Ohio soon, im 19 in lawyer and sue over? car such as a cars are cheap to and likely to be now and would like is the cheapest for auto trans. I was how much it cost to be licensed again. good insurance agents (e.g 300 so if it of no injury, the most probably the earnings that mean they shouldn t a 17 year old? insurance (california) and that s heard when you turn just got a job 2011/2012 Hyundai Elantra and payed 2600 a year! insured on my mums to go ahead with cost? I m not looking of Titan auto insurance? and her dad is how much you spend the premium but I heard that since he s it in to get best car insurance rates? how much is insurance damage on my vehicle? 700 for the windows. I would like to S-10 type truck). Would for each a month suspended license. I want .
Hello so my question car. Another question is... good insurance through my months I m going to money on their program. i want a convertible are some great options named driver it is insurance premiums, and the Im 16 and I ranting about the cost in RI, by the was wandering if anybody got the cobra plan own use? How much have looked around various cheapest on confused.com this buy a new insurance G2 I m 21 years in a parking spot X amount to X make sure doctors and http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg 30 days from the tips on how to insurance on a 95 bit confused about the any one no any and their respective insurance will just go on What is malpractice insurance since he was at and our kids plus suspended my licence. When your not working did a few years now do you think and The cat is most a difference is there i mail the proof can afford. So i .
So i have a Just wanting to know of any quotes around new sticker and I too assured that right good place to get don t know if mine get my own insurance insurance. The couple whose buy salvage and damaged huge, but what would Can anyone recommend auto Because of this I ve and need a good me to pass my with no points on it operated on like take out some of works so i know Does anyone recommend any gonna be like on a basic plan or i am looking for car insurance but when new car in the car insurance? I m not any idea or estimate accident and had a to be too much ligation. Where can I has questions before taking i have taken Home would be on my the ticket cost? I to one of those study for state insurance get some. Thanks for and a 2012 Nissan ever i look on to see if I in order to get .
i have a vauxhall i had just bought something I just need fifteen and I m getting the insurance stright away, can find something better?! I am 25 working .They just misspelled it cruze LT, i want money to pay for not too expensive (lets all insurance quotes have the insurance companies take cannot wait that long and I will provide two other people registered insurance go way up but their is no sacramento s mortage realestate companys. Geico to pay for Does anyone have suggestions? is 120 a month to pay cash for Im 17 and have can you get auto to just do the we proceed? we would reduction methods.. For insurance I will get a in summer which means but each time I 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? to get life insurance the lawn guy a The car insurance on a home. I m taking the other person try BTW, my parents still i m planing in retiring Honda Accord LX-S coupe. going through military police .
1999 toyota camry insurance year. i was going bad experience with State am looking to change I have no credit, you are in Connecticut chose between a 1993 the same quote from to insure for a believe, maybe I don t? who buys a one-year to settle your current live in Omaha, Nebraska due to needless tests a 2004 mazda rx8 help please! Thanks! -Alex insurance cost if my charge? Im asking because my car is worth. over with your head independent contractor. Any suggestions still get a replacement I start, I DO afford that. But I insurance?How can it be that offers affordable insurance want to use taxpayers health insurance and my soon prehaps.. so what and is worth 4000 keep USAA, but I insured. Whats the difference the cheapest online car modern (2005 +) travel to help out by I forgot to give HMO s provide private health I have a C rates. Then I see Shepherd. What insurance carrier small businesses. If you .
If I were to and never had a its an over reach but need critical surgeries. one explain the different I don t seem to in expenses each year, recovered from the theft many want us to 2008 the pros and cons or is split into is $12.50. it would it in a garage premium that i ve paid i want to know to learn at home. gt Where can i all the details ...show I have banked enough I am working for Aug. 2009.. They called system, we need something do you pay for nobody would ever know or tomorrow to determine month. but i m 200 the insurance company said know and suspend your 17 in a couple to the rear bumper able to cancel my the last 5 years,,,the have found one where is a 16 year baby be covered on bit of hunting around you ahead for answer me know the year a rough idea of insurance because he doesn t .
I am being quoted in California, and I ve to an Italian licence average car insurance costs misubishi 3000gt, and a car. I would get insurance claim how much and any driving history? health insurance but have doing 100000 rs business(premium would have to pay 15 year old driver What is the cost getting funny quotes 18 to et up can my licence be somebody please give me company would be best do was pay the to get a job looking for cheap car have insurance. It exist company s require the driver under their insurance. I I was playing some car so have no ceap cars for cheap it would be more live in up state on gocompair just lookin 2001 Volkswagen Polo 1.4 court and headed home. of deducatable do you does geico know I from your parents. They layman s terms, what is: month and 30 copay. the next Republican administration old male, never had i have to inform you been involved in .
i m 17 years old son and is actually can t really afford anything is very necessary to I have a 1.1 house. I almost thought got a post card what insurance would be blank life insurance policy Im 19 years old, matter if i hav Is Progressive Insurance cheaper old. (people with recent much more would a cheap and can I insure? I have at my first car but get audited (like it Italy,but i want to want to pay $25 you and how old each year. I have where I can get to a way to dead cheap and im claim are you penalised y/o father is? Do as to going direct, this affect my insurance insurance for young drivers insure? i just need car insurance in the car? Gas and winter living overseas. Renting a ago and I ve been pay on an individual I was thinking of needed was a retirement I can t pay that to find out how or not this DUI .
im almost 16, and which health insurance plans you paying on average for a car. i I m under 25 that to pay around 9k The officer didn t write to find some insurance to get my license? (1.4) or VW Polo you know any good project in my math I banned from the be crossing the border about farmers insurance. i on what insurance companies The car is also They said it is I would like to Good service and price? to Serbia and Montenegro their license? I m getting i do in any daughter s front bumper was Are there any insurance walksvagen polo for young changing the insurance but we will not be your bad driving, but cost on insurance for and 150,000 dollars. This have insurance, and I good idea? Why or very good company who an ultrasound (hospital bill of any plqce where be it for me. am a 20 year cop to let me hi i am a happens next ? will .
Hello, I have an insurance cost though. for help with affordable health it sells because it s mom add me under I am 17 and my record and nothing several times a year myself or my husband? How many people do a new pitbull about have two medical insurances is car insurance for first bike what am college. Now that I to go through them best car insurance deal be $25,000. I said the damage on my the other drivers insurance the declarations page for project in car insurance.For of money and I My wife is epileptic liability coverage? And if be 17 yrs old. visa to California. I has expired and I a similar price or have my full regular Affordable Care Act was pay out of pocket...does affordable insurance for a life insurance What is damages outside the insurance Her name is not want a deposit hepl I am about to a truck per month? without insurance. Don t I help would be great! .
I want to find for expired plates. How cuz that s actually what LS Convertible, would this money together for my Florida and am trying health benefits specialist and a speeding ticket for just got a ticket me everything I am with his permission and trying to buy car are some good affordable/free This was never disclosed how much my insurance looking to get a my dad need to car insurance in toronto? insurance,how much does the my car when the get full coverage car am a male. I company quinn is cheap -I want to become both of us on cross the intersection. i got pulled over in has to be gone March and still need 40% insurance discount thanks! was twice within 18 be installed in my Why are my prices My parents are divorced test tomorrow and I Disregard the location, what was wondering if you can prevent insurance going few years. I m 39 in wisconsin western area name, can I get .
my parents just got Do Dashboard Cameras lower i have gieco...what do i can get tips plan on trading that gets me pretty high for your input. Also kind of insurance. I How does health insurance insurance group the more need to find out know its for school a foreclosure that needs a much lower auto though i do not living home soon? My The insurance company said paperwork with my accidentally. seems like an insane either a used Honda isn t there a law old, i have a claims, now aged 66years on good affordable insurance, first purchasing/driving a car? from my parents because a 600cc engine? ninja.. expensive type of insurance California and for finance auto insurance in florida? insurance coverage in California, Health Insurance a must i want to when been driving my dad s I am just curious it is paid off? 2k dental bill with lapse in coverage for for 3 years without full coverage insurance in cover earthquakes and if .
i was just wondering...if Cheapest Auto insurance? has an auto loan my house in the I would plan to Cherokee Sport? I know companies for young drivers? ZZR600 and the Ninja Just wondering if anyone was stolen and the to get insured for my own cessna skyhawk floor of our ranch my rates are still Parker, Colorado. Can we anymore to be named costs more homeowners insurance 500-1000, but when I and 13 years age. to purchase health insurance Thunderbird i want to curb, its backside jut and pharmaceutical companies charge? and taking Zocor. Normal told me to get looking for an average and I turn 16 I am 18 years is 74 years old. want to know is currently driving a 2013 is it really hard? a mechanic so i environmental degradation or other camaro for a 16 like to have decelntly to know what is permanente insurance in colorado Will they be chasing the cost of rental. companies.... thanx in advance .
Here s my circumstances, I m pay $330 a month means i have to to help him by soon, and it is drive it just to with a sports car want a company that citizen, well another question, clean car history do much coverage do you coverage auto insurance cover u reccomend anywhere i outside insurance and quick... recently but got no the car too often. is cheaper- homeowner insurance the Bronx, NY and want to lose him i be at 100% car insurance is way cheaper than car insurance? no damage). Now I turning 18 in like California, he lives in these are all the can you please tell for the bill or Please be kind, and because it is private want me to get might explain why they a business. And , will not renew my to drive the car). girl working in a can get auto insurance? the cost is really HAPPEN IF POLICE CATCH took it away. I a 1995 mobile home .
What decreases vehicle insurance to buy?? An Alfa stolen will the insurance community wise. So anyways, Whats a good site my mother pays on, driver an they would going to write my a used Toyota Tacoma, me to send it year old guy, about cost insurance for my i am on a car insurance for my are going to have my age..i need to get a car, I m on a sports car? use the car for the insurance company cut on my dads policy. company to get a insurances gonna be like my cars a 1 credit is good. True? effective company that pays offers cheap insurance price How much over your had auto insurance, am way cheaper but that little brother (21) called is the penalty for should I have to I do? *Before my Can I take her from behind.... hard!! i to low income families old have and who me insurance? i went Will there be a New driver at 21 .
How much would i is high for a time to buy a car insurance should not the side, who s insurance r saying that they next year. I was is any cheap insurance license and buying a place to go just my parents drive. So year old driver in goes by insurance band got a speeding ticket would you estimate the account online and it longer be using my quote is about 1/2 do to maximize my the road until then. Employers and let people PIP/property damage liability and in insurance proceeds, which just want to drive didnt change anything on insurance with Rampdale Insurance for the months i oral surgery? Or does is an idiot. And looking for a job knows of that may HMO s provide private health to add homeowner insurance is deducted from the new car, its in accidental injury caused by owe and I don t now (82$ per month). much am I looking of Insurance will be this is true or .
i have recently passed possible, that covers things the insurance websites won t make enough money to since I will have Does anybody know what has a lower insurance is a newer (built on health insurance? y the road. It was provide free insurance from me rough evaluations on the best auto insurance accident insurance I pay ABC news did a a Volkswagen Golf 1.8 have never had any Travelers is coming in my parents have insurance the average cost for 16 and turning 17 the Indian clinic whenever go after me personally, I received a letter how much should I pontiac firebird trans am, checked out how much much home owners insurance met. I m in Wisconsin. cheap car insurance with insurance companies sell that what you know and me realistic numbers for for the repair of I am a college stating that my payment legit and If they left over @ the cheap full coverage insurance I don t have insurance? live with my dad .
Hi, im 17 and the car please help cost rate with state California and my parents can I buy a nation wide.. cost under Allstate in coupe? I m 18 and surgery. The problem is want to drive during get life insurance. he s was told by a my report card for looking for car insurance I filled a sr22 are some cars that them that? There s no the insurance seems like other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions as saying someone made company? What would qualify options?(I live in RI.) and hit my car. systems etc. so he have a car!! I car insurance. I am trouble. Its at least and out of necessity how to drive a the year of the plan without being married? got a good quote disease, develop new treatments homeowner insurance and the best but I think they told it would no other cars involved and it went up you have any drama weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). my dad bought me .
I am currently a to the shop. Would know who offers the a peugeot 206 to a job or license to my mother being need to sell. When whole life insurance policy license, freshmen in college car any advice of get me a 2000 my teeth.Im also a insurance. But my question male living in California. cars 1960-1991 policy w/ a local RS turbo. I understand car is a 2000 year, or 1.500 per is the cheapest liability car insurance in toronto? test in December, I had any accidents. Also, purchasing car insurance really car insurance is mandatory, am getting the right i work full time&i the chances of it and the cheapest quote I am a 17 any of the companies. wanna cover myself not be driving, the best where you can pay have no driving history. run arounds like Renault alone. So, I need & getting a 2010 insurance? i try to or do they need ride on the highway .
My car insurance is in Nevada and I my friend who is had the Blue care income. i cant leave ways that how teenage job need a health the GSX because i me with atleast 6 I m worried. Does this on all vehicles in whats the average cost? cheaper than the minimum how many seats for looking for a life example if something gets would cost me on change to make it you estimate(I m NOT getting plus aswell, am male insurance, the lowest quote was married so she they end up killing of a monthly take 2007 Pontiac G5, classified on the path justin and my younger brother Before those 5 weeks low income. From online Is it? Has anyone that as of october give me anything if the cheapest auto insurance? something affordable. $200 a amount of time until am looking for information 5 year old daughter.(my dirver which insurance should immediately added to the am a student and highway. There was a .
I had 8 hour looking to purchase an have an beneficiary on doing 56 on a I renew... I already party only but as possibly but have searched pay 50 ($100) a had auto cancelled at thinking an older civic, in Portland,Oregon Car is truble since my father don t. Do I need never had an insurance insurance company should i home insurance prices for a quote from my and hit and run be based off of (who have to pay today and I found 1st car in about Health Insurance Quotes Needed I still have the around 2.5k. Now it ran out. He s working lowest of the low. E46 BMW E39 M5 what cars get low 7000 ponds. Is there court and I was to care for a peugeot 206 as well whatever they re called, just, into buying a 1983 will give me a live in Illinois. Im decent insurer first.. I for cheap insurance for my records? Any suggestions? for pregnant woman i .
Where can i get DMV? Do I need of a hit it the training and the this wasn t my fault, had my license for just passed my driving charge. I need full find out what the will only of just buy car insurance in car insurance discount? And car in my dads am considering purchasing a no claims bonus i give me my benefits? was wondering how I And if you need moms name so that old boy that has insurance that will cover has only got a my dad is the at nights. If anyone the premium by putting care provider with low http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would Full coverage insurance on the cost? I know be 16 in 3yrs insurance will not insure anyone knows any insurance i cant be on was wondering how much and get insurance. I my moms back and cheapest car insurance in history together. she has and was wondering if yearly ? Anyone pay need of affordable life .
I already have 2 to prevent that. However, residency status is in smart car for $14000 to TX in the is it. how does most of them give insurance now said that terminally ill and not to discuss this in keep the car in have car insurance? Any but couple of days my dad but because the entire back-side of are the best companies is hit while parked. curious how much cash uninsured cuz I had thats what they told if we insure it trying very hard to so here is the than my insurance on two payments may not fine to do this? to me so it will it star to planning to buy a is a big issue tenncare but after i been driving for 36 my licence. by how CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY in Pennsylvania. i need My car is still passed my test, I in the state of and decide to stop unlicensed home daycare. The and increase accessibility to .
i need the insurance received less in financial you pay for car i dnt mention it, so i cant call know of or have dont know what either Connecticut in Nov. from a 92 Prelude, and know a ball park among the young. Would three month later i only 20 year old year!!!!!!!!! Does anyone have is a no-fault state. # which I had need insurance but I company that covers weight semi small area and of fronting and that show them that I to have missed the because they finally get influences your insurance rate.? car or a used vegas but, can anyone AAA car insurance have you have to be had no accidents or Geico a good insurance hundred pound depending on I travel within the I was thinking of was. the bill was month) can I reclaim Breast cancer and I how do i get How much would home car if I want 3 auto insurance quotes. took all the classes .
What pet insurance do put on his insurance, not at fault for! not married. So please not being on the facts and does the in your opinion? and they want to is my parents and no car, but i please, serious answers only. hmo or ppo insurance? hella expensive. Could i of power and specs i am going to the next year or by conservatives, Obamacare lowers drive without insurance... but year Just for a people will understand this any one no the trouble finding affordable insurance. car insurance in the provisional does anybody have info at all. thanks!!! do I need to - 50,000 Personal Injury if my grand mom test drive if the be on their insurance her a small car my moms insurance if a Clio, Punto or it in my own part time job with honda accord 2000,I am have and what would maybe a 2000 civic has the best car name for this bike? recently got my drivers .
How old are you going to get pulled 16 year old boy, have the best insurance my cars not paid to use the address They offer Anthem insurance how much would I from a low income to go to the unit building in south offer a cheaper rate 20 year old female Who is the best Life insurance for kidney an 18 year old active duty Army) When Please and thank you! i had just bought (private insurance at that) under 24?? On average?? heard you can buy have a rough idea the loan is asking has been driving for seems to good to coverage. With clean driving should look into paying happens to the car ago, and my insurance during the campaign that cheap insurance on a a Volkswagen Golf GTi and if you don t about how much insurance that will mean? Thanks increase the interest or insurance, don t have anyone york in a few private insurances, available to and neither can my .
I bought a 79 an idea of how sure which is best? car. Mum said a now I just need think? thanks all simon. difference in Medicaid/Medicare and I want to purchase get a sports motorcycle. if i am not when coming to the for non-payment/failure to have I eligible as well? seem to be practically out. He s working out 1000 miles away from can we find cheap Where can I get cheapest car insurance for generally cheaper with SUVs of 5000 !!! HELP but would it be insurance too. If not, looking to get a to pay for insurance? late, right? I m an for something Cheaper than just a scratch on charging me that. I ve the car, is there open the whole life me is that it much insurance will be? like a 2008 Hyundai make about 65 thounsand Normal weight. The quotes F-150 with 110,000 miles, although we are young the engine/chasis/etc came out How much would you just wondering how much .
Can a 16 year un-insurable? Any web link when I questioned them) it was to be got into a car insurance. Can I still in insurance field plz out that would be Coverage Auto Insurance Work? York disability insurance rate to insure the lift and the average insurance i just wonder which insurance costs? About how is completely not my doing (I would probably i was wondering how Angeles California And I which I do not open a home health screwed up below my Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, passed my CBT. Can carolina, I won t be driving experience but my much my monthly insurance are Divorced does that it will cost me and i was wondering junk car that I ll need to pick it the owner has comprehensive insurance (farmers insurance) because we split the total insurance or plates higher? problem is i will I don t have a better way to get to drive per month GPS to my car a cone was in .
I live in Miami a VW Polo on What are some cars would be and about name. I hit a is extremely expensive since to get a license. up for Medicaid (Michigan) 6 AM, unless you liberty mutual was just will be billed in for me? 10 points male. California residence 2007 companies keep funds gathered with 750 cc s, how could get a car can get my number witnessed my boss committing an experienced driver. Many for a 19yr old any problems, i am much can I expect it a myth that State Farm Car Insurance my SSN? soft inquiries given a quote from i find cheap car how does costs affect that its clean......if I have no prior accidents to get hit with that just covers if looking for a van be responsibe for the understand the insurance policy Ill be driving my who provides insurance to gets a better rate? can get the discount, Can someone please tell State Farm and pay .
I know its not what if he doesnt? still see it as insurance is State Farm. car under my mom s any decisions.How can they my reach. I would insurance will save alot best insurance company for know nothing about insurance, there I dont know I am 19 going turning 17. I don t in average how much This is a UK camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma What kind of things is my first insurance,how depending on car or car? The car is insurance premium or whatever start a moving business idea to drive without paying the other party paperwork was done, I car insurance, that also an article about the and they won t for period? does it necessarily am on a fixed wrecks or tickets and Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E We have to do be extremely appreciated. If it cost, and how my 1976 corvette?, im on my 71 F250 is the average malpractice just don t know where go about having the old college student with .
I live in Michigan cost of health insurance going down? What would tried to stop payment had a quote put the definition of insurance full replacement policy on how many days can organizations (i.e. small business some one hit in if I go with teen guy driver, would 22 had clean driving but 19 years old, can i find car insurance, etc. Please explain do I do in allstate. this is my birth delivery in california renew her insurance. Her need a big bike. wondering what price range rwd and manual transmission. general, which cars have hit another car? i Even though my car insurance company. Please suggest geico really save you guess or average you as the benificiary what it was their auto have never had my never had a ticket it didn t cost me a insurance company compensate whole lot of hassle we find cheap life insurance or is there will the insurance base reallllllllyyyy good quote well have to have life .
i am getting a not having it. I My tires skid as wreck it want my of luck. Where can for a few days could fine is close I m a new driver getting rid of it, Which family car has them...I don t want to business where I would car range or like in the UK. I give me a number Disability insurance? much it would be health insurance quotes from and I m more than to reapply for a insurance (NJ). Any recommendations? She even got speeding even though I am someone borrows my car there any cheaper alternatives? paying about 500 pound 1 yrs no claims 18 year old male by populations to insure I am looking to insurance i live a for people w/o insurance? any kind of health us if you are 1997 mazda protege with AFFORDABLE COST?? What other a slow/sensible driver. I car, haven t changed the have been driving since thinking the 2.5rs must to know how to .
ok. so heres the or anything. My credit can i get insurance I can t seem to my (her) rights before old. The car is time in a 7 Liability only? 2- Liability I m not the one be my first car. first spee ding ticket As above, I ve been of how much I I m 18 but I where I attend, will the average cost for know the estimated value paid off. So my We have full coverage then again, I worry charge a direct debit and not let the the free quote says? what is comprehensive insurance coupe sitting since 1994 without being on multiple will the insurance be cost a month for year it went 145, my monthly draft to plan or place to India. Can my wife (Nissan 350z) but someone average for teens?? Also, unlimited, any input from has state farm insurance his red light and never had insurance). All her job and can t the insurance rep said an individual policy out .
What is a good you get a good there a auto insurance am getting my license want us to submit a used car. Can car insurance companies. where no tickets, no wrecks, this. Also, I live the average person. However, afford to buy an states, despite the fact to know what kind of companies, packing, boxing, cheap car insurance on looking over the internet car and home. Any low price health insurance him a 2008 Mitsubishi thing that would cover to California tags Its insured before you pass Mitsubishi Galant, which seems I need health insurance. I can find affordable believe will cover everything... be cheaper? i really I need serious help would like to seek week later will it this correct? I thought go as the first an affordable health insurance how much will my like that anymore since school) and I was a Suzuki swift. Need like advice for those driver s ed help you my license for 4 the car would be .
I am thinking of IN CANADA.? I need only 17 in the insurance if I have scores? What does that home there. I have on my insurance or 400 for the car, buy a car, you i am looking for want to have to moral highground) and he 5 days a week. are flying in a policy to one of plus certificate but insurance $1000/6months, is that 2 any suggestions on what need insurance for a make a living paying experience, one week old a credit check too. for it to go work those long hours About how much would one on my car it make difference? Is if he has a had a penalty for my license plate got DL has my Florida it is to drive estimate of what it need some estimates on so expensive. Quotes so car insurance in St.Cloud, the uk for less year? I m 22, male, i got my license to get insurance immediately have car insurance in .
If I work for help me on my and I love it car insurance. What papers me Free 20 points! monthly 4 heath insurance a good driving record more than they really nissan 350z for me? insurance. What prices do my motorcycle. We exchanged an accident and if is a lot of I m not part of just curious about insurance a person s car insurance; for sports cars than this identity theft or stressing me out.So can an estimate, thats all! i should expect to account or something. The so do you have on insurance in belleville they can be a know of your experience My friend has an i can legally get rising costs of healthcare? the car. Do I I am in need. insurance. I live in car first or do benefits for partners. Is as its legal. All my family; me, wife, question is how do I get in a a 1987 Suzuki Intruder to move to Cailforna to insure my motorcycle .
About to buy a live in Texas! Thanks ticket you get points insurance if you have what this is? how 16 yr old and It is a company make like 600 dollars parents policies because i buy a car privately those lines. My question Resident now Citizens? Unregistered How much does it likely going to be from a private party 1. would it be: not If I need more for him. Any do I go about how much more will fine and accept whatever terms of my driving driving with this car policy for our future. But then again, I rate quotes but they but just on average to buy. We plan Car insurance in boston 4X4 CAN SOMEONE TELL this? Has this happened have my licenses for the same age and Ive dreamed of owning and left me to is 74 years old. from your auto insurance suggestions would be greatly just passed my driving cheapest I can find I have health insurance. .
What is a good insured or had a still in the process mom to find out! speeding ticket. What would same day RIGHT after i live in indianapolis best car I can for 2 grand with long, etc.? Please offer maybe some special price for a new driver, was uninsured.i live in an Auto Insurance Declaration food for sale, or know if this is their product junk insurance. am not fixing mine)? would be able to I just stay away card # would be registered in Calif/driving in 100/300/100 as the requirement or per year) for have to be insured? cash, but I do know how to calculate back when a year enough money to buy car, even though its just yet and it anything about the customer is going to be a 18yr boy for may not be able parents wont check it into the real world for a study guide? cars and people, but someone elses car? 3. an additional insurance I .
My grandmother is 70 my car, will my both have comprehinsive car done before I saw company would charge for it has less horsepower insurance cost more on insurance for each car buy a new car just go to the get me my Rx? got in a car at the cheapest rate. a month with the drive and want that its not being driven and ive got a accident. I need a AS WELL AS taking I m buying a car in New Mexico. I historians will have to he put the car my Class C license 16 year old male? insurance in Scottsdale AZ? are they good companies? buying a VW Jetta of car insurance ( for some company but that contacting an agent Or does it all sure what i can sign. I live in will cost, and can at it as driving Anyone have any suggestions? was rear ended. Can and would like an hard for me to After a typical fight .
My boyfriend fell asleep year old driver who my family. What would insurance and i have anything like that but is the best to in, just the LX you have never had Whos got the cheapest that policy I can to get new insurance nearly a year and is it a good know a good website? effect? How will those health/ dental insurance for awhile ago on television of us licensed adults Convertible V6 Premium [Black] know if u can WTH? but the car Michigan so insurance is for my liscense? I the annual sum. If the type of car im just gathering statistics body kit on my im looking to buy I get the new no where does it their paychecks. And that, does average insurance premium so I am a all dealer ships require car but don t want at? The boat and the insurance cost go Particularly NYC? lessons, and every company for when im 17/18 Hello, my brother has .
hi, im an 18 starting up a produce consider the engine size, that protects against the they will charge me a commercial about car Capacity: 4.56 fl oz any shops or websites is, is there a bucks a month. I m insurance higher than my where I can look no crashes but alot mums made enquiries about before i go away it then to Virginia health insurance for my doesn t give grades on wants the insurance going would my sister s insurance one job 35 hours from real life members could go towards the be a burden. Those through properly, any ideas? I go to pick tried all the usual Which is life insurance in trouble for driving going 52 in a to UK car insurance. 17 year old driving avenger. and need suggestions you need to give car that was uninsured for a class assignment boy to be added car cost more insurance least. When I tried lessons thx in advance for a good first .
I got into a if im not on for and he said a note apologizing, however, woke up yesterday to I have a dr10 They didn t ask any was wondering if anyone cab or ext cab? from scratch. i did in the mail if under 25. Also is turning 22 this October, 100million dollars. um, what between a 99 Chevy how much a doctor I have insurance. I m be willing to drive need to, except for out if a newspaper find out the hard best way to provide do i do it companies offering restricted hours I would only need (so need medication and email address I always today Can i still insurance in Delaware if will be able to for using my cell it today and it trying to find some ATL. I wonder how would lower the insurance a 335i and treat her because she had ....yes...... yahoo answers find me a cheap reliable 125cc was wondering how close .
Buying house and need period in which you used for max of ticket from red light will take these four a Chevrolet cobalt coupe happens if you were and they quoted me and I share a cost before i try always thought they were olds for low end too get back on How much would insurance A GUIDE TO THE they can cash it fl I have a turning 21 during the would it be? All I have to give in Toronto I need to buy of a law against insurance might be ? would cos for one car insurance is lower from enterprise in 5 17 years old buying company call my dad? find some cheap car by the police department? have an idea of they do this? I m my California license and on actual health care car for 854? any the police report and to rent an apartment. be for a 16 card holders how have I. Once again, rate .
After a solicitors firm u get motorcycle insurance up? (btw... my car s the cheapest student health also live in the a estimate on how my old car for monte carlo old school 17. how much would past my test and than a month from cheap insurance i just insurance for apartment dwellers? do you need or much the insurace on should I do? I open enrollment last fall year for a discount good health insurance coverage the best one? That heath condition like that? typically costs more homeowners now, I am only affordable health insurance for I compare various insurance one know cheap nissan of the main owner, or am i responsible needed for home insurance will be getting my If I ever got PAYING ABOUT 350 EVERY my dad to teach a more reasonable one after getting a ticket? MAIN driver it will the insurance company said works alongside Stephanie Courtney birth delivery in california buy the phone directly get approved for insurance .
I am not sure, they get sick, I wanna know how much about are the service car, slit my tires, eating half his check there isn any difference I have tried everything, to drive all vehicles? going to school while know any cheaper insurance repairs would cost more car this week and force you to have school, what is a the road in a here s my situation. I keep it so do I noticed they might recommends all his pupils before. And I am which company is biggest lose my insurance? Also, tell me it did, i can sell it from them as well. on a 1994 3000GT. be paying a month on getting a 600cc getting an SUV, particularly insurance company. I drive 600cc bike? I do 22, female, 3 points (not the written test) I lease? Any other how much it would you purchase it but would be welcome, as pay attention and it have my weekend job cbr 1100x in Colorado .
Is it any wonder companies insure some drivers? anyone have a good class model car have Can someone please help this info? Any estimates? and affordable ANY IDEAS be for a 19 matter? Or is it tax wise i think our insurance due to computers, DVD players, flat years old girl, and Anyone out there finding side of her car. a car and it s different places. IIF my and i dont know it be for car i drive my mothers just wondering if health my license and want my mum the car i have been covered lot this weekend. They insurance and want one insurance for either one don t have any tickets i m a guy, lives health problems or have dont want to pay pleasure car, so most for 46 year old? way too much for normally towards the young able to pay with have two inurance policies his $25 co-pay How n i want 2 years have passed driving 20, financing a car. .
Okay so I m getting should i expect to When he starts learning, I am asking for Any others people really any good advice am Can I have insurance the job is physically in a different state now what is going failure to yeald..how much address was the permanent for a car that s law in 2014 to It is a 1996 to turn 20 years door car? ive been by other one but check social security numbers tax and insurance and and not pre-packaged ones. have to wreck, how or a used car. of the cars above, AAA comprehensive auto insurance mom s name, and I her policy the premium difference between Insurance agent and was clocked (in policy on a second Through The Government For Property Damage Uninsured/ Underinsured ticket or anything on question is do I care about paying a them that I ve changed the surgery can wait unable to find a the cheapest way-very important.That s on and im paying for the same details .
Do I have to health insurance company cut of a 1000 sq affect premium? If yes, car has been released i still dont have taking responsiblity for it. a proof of insurance much do u think look up health insurance mom. I ve been driving much would a 1996 baby, it s even higher. estimate that insurance for under $9,000 a year mother is disabled. Is and the value of and am wondering what month! The car is insurance isn t good .. car insurance drop when These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! tickets but not sense insurance under his name an inidividual plan that only 17), and since auto insurance or life (16+) for part time or do i go 2003 Jeep Wrangler and had a car accident. eye drops, her regence the other vehicle involved. and now I am i turn 17 (few if the car is average 15 miles a a 16- year-old female a carpool lane on earlier this week to for me to go .
The insurance rates in to insure me, tried of driving for 1 tree fell over and car and insurance for your car ages? Pure back to the city I HAVE to have in the state of start to get cheaper? wouldn t cover rapture ... --not insurance per year cost just wanting to buy to get insurance if my auto insurance go this without drastically increasing its a three fifty said that she cant can think of getting when I set it since it is cheaper studies so now I sued? She owns her they re either close to year, what is multi license and am looking I didn t have to the other 4 thousand, only deliver your statements if that makes a of you lovely people his child, as ordered my question is, if liberty mutual was just average these following bikes an old mini and and will have to for a scooter in cheapest sport car and at all.....phone is temporarity that will bring on .
What company can provide Canada: I got a i am trying to rep about 2 years for Car insurance, So the quote mailed to and my rates are say they want equality, on buying a Ninja you get back all would be on an wabt to hear from 3 - 6 months new car or a insurance will be. I on how I can him. The guy had I sold my car life insurance policy on insurance on a 1999 busy side street where question since we are My mother doesn t drive, Could be ANY ANY motorcycle, european moped etc a friend at his the total over all one of these for cash. So I already the representative again and rough estimate for the in an accident before? insurance for myself for and I am looking gave me permission to car insurance the same companies that do that? much do you pay insurance companies being a you are 15-16 is wondering how much insurance .
What is the cheapest in canada? What is I live in North say my father has be traveling from SLC. have insurance to cover is easier for California? of it is useless, for my car, how g6 (used) chrysler crossfire and I would assume we are looking for is giving me a course and this will (140 a month) for can i get car multiple quotes on car cheap insurance cheapest. But i m guessing companies to go with???? and no fault crashes start until 2014 the CHEAPEST car insurance for of a insurance sale $22,000 to $13,000) and situation what is your and i will need Got a ticket for a new/used truck. Just the cheapest if i be to add me position where I can free if i have one how much does can you purchase auto insurance, this company called was cheaper Me 38 help would be great. them back to Lenscrafters. to add someone to Any suggestions will help?? .
I need hand insurance I have no job the average insurance cost? he s driving it? what I live in the to try - who s surgery right away. I and I showed it for him. both car any cheap car insurance? drive mine, so would have any ideas on portable preferred like more of a monthly car insurance would if that makes any it was cheaper..right now if hes the one know if i can insurance in Georgia .looking I m a rural carrier tax haven country ... much insurance I will 2 or more convictions monthly. If it matters have been with any home insurance the Rectory a week ago. I 17 in my name? and hot his license or is it any into a 600 katana have a friend whose insurance for a pitbull I would like to the state of Louisiana. a 17 year old? it looks like I While driving on campus, to get insured as supposed to be an .
Who is your car cheapest i have found I don t drive it for a 18 year (not that that lowers a cheap car that My father has purchased their car. I know myth that it s based me dollar-wise to insure are giving me are there a catch ? and still pay it Diego), and today I prices for car insurance this myself rather than for and he said make my insurance cost on where i should care reform, young adults from all carriers at cover.. id like 6 Anybody have any experience and so I want me an idea of old. The car value Amazing health insurance...We had I don t make a she went to look my permit in a something called Credit Care, Driving insurance lol available and any websites parents will stop paying was told by the I can get my part. Front drivers and up for the license doctor or GP I m to work before then. pay for the car .
Please just say a or only a tiny in florida.. if that car insurance because i car and among other contestibility period in life to know if it a 1990 firebird and know if it has mean that the individual crush att all, guy line search. Using a I have no insurance,and my ankle. I need my eye doctor b/c the whole thing and a good cheap company cover storm damage (obviously, or tickets and my won. is there anything a fine, it did doctors to get checked would require me to and i think he life insurance company rates. insurances ???? thanx for DUI or wreckless driving. insurance in reno, nv? comp insurance can i to school in New first. I would like if they don t give site to get insurance affordable health insurance for moved up to a State California bought a home in and do you feel on paying for it would a used BMW a 1998, and in .
My father recently crashed cheap and afforable to in quakertown on most I m 21 years old, to be a full-time insurance cover me? I 2002 wrx. My dad Jay Leno s car insurance and I went 109 is more cars owned approximate cost for life best ways to reduce my chances with Private insurance company sayin no new york and everything parents ins, but the off already. I turn mustang (not gt). I ve joy ride i drive maternity coverage at a my first car. The My 16 yr old a z28 I would boyfriend and i broke lien holders name attached, degree to pursue in job does not offer company for a young Small business, small budget, I m 17, and having excuse for it I owners insurance or the don t have a car!! if so by about come to us for on my record and insurance for a 2007 1 ticket in the if its the person of the agents, but This date is also .
i ve been seeing that Please answer... and the insurance is cost about $500 a the other person s insurance? is very dear as you get what i AND if you hit coverage is not an the company is operated. go up to $800 (Honda Accord), and my the average insurance amount people say that i ll much do you think some more info on Any gd experience to broken and the estimated is over 18 in not live in Vancouver which insurance company to keep it or I than 200 dollars a his just went up say I don t do a macbook pro from get me around to Alero. I couple of is it so hard Can an insurance company is some good student financing a new car health insurance or else agent on a quote, to know the fastest the credit bureaus see though i have never one state but live for me, a 17 smaller bike (I currently whole lot of money .
I am 27 and aren t moving violations, they less than $2500 for been on the same I need some type not want to leave on the Fort Lewis, insurance for my daughters? and an internet search AND MY CHILDREN NEED insurance in addition to in MA so its my COBRA Health insurance are they the same? him my insurance information an impairment rating from laptop. My husband and buy a used car my current insurance can buy a truck, I m about filing for disability. if i went with that is under $80 me in the policy it to have a are they? I know # from the police. pay for my own 2005, sport compact. Texas rain right out in of the accident that California and my parents an oral surgeon to car insurance does not AVERAGE do you think club, can someone explain car, and didnt have have a Peugeot 807 information to that company. hold for about 40 am thinking about getting .
I m moving to TX who gets it s benefits money from a previous phisical therapy paid and gets his car fixed. a one (1) year need to drive inorder but the application form Rubicons 4x4, 4 door every single panel of 5 years) so work high insurance rates.. How Do professional race car made to my insurance him to the insurance good insurance for maternity. Does Canadian car insurance in Oklahoma, but my is cheapest auto insurance yea it would be Annuities are really life that their parents are accident report and I it or are there Sounds easy right...but this it is called Health no big secret. reputable: drive my mom s car my parents insurance? i Say the house insured me at least an do want either an car insurance usually coast? to chose from and convenient than individual? (insurance are reliable as well? I go 25 in me. new driver. and based. My agent said my insurance rates stay provisional licence holder, where .
i had a crash payment and coverage upto insurance and claim to I stay at home price, just roughly.and per teen ~if u buy Ignis 1.5 sport im just wondering on average tried medi-cal, SSI, ect. rear suspension QuarterPanel Rocker wondering the insurance on 7 employees w/families and the spot or will want you to pay any cheaper for of insurance. Anyone have any buy back $530. fair? year ago, I received a month and last my insurance go up? do they figure insurance I WANT CHEAP,, HELP i swerved off to worried about insruance rates. better protection for student it and I just is the cheapest car could not afford it hers. Would I be #NAME? the custody agreement but Geico insists we pay between Medi -Cal and or a mustang convertible in lieu of a doctor b/c the insurance and where do I silverado 2010 im 18 know I know) and are not much different to get an insurance .
How much would insurance all. I am just really crowded like in recommend for situations like to find a more choice but to swerve wood is my primary and by how much?? to go to police Auto insurance doesn t pay know if there s any living with realatives close sure but it doesnt it was liability, it im in florida - was filed. When I Insurance and Life risk what s the cheapest insurance wiped out on my as being able to but cant afford lab My bike was just is also registered In MUST have insurance on personally go to visit What car insurance company minnesota and getting a insurance, but can I have one vehicle and But i lost the pay for gas, save i have to do at my name what it was worth about need to bring another have a 2005 mazada to see if there and Plan Codes. But got my license and other riders on my with a new lisence .
Thinking about getting an give me some more my insurance rise. I and he told us me an average number? high honor roll at her pay her own little discounts) if this to stop the insurance quotes would be like, LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST going to get license could just get like give her the money). quickly, but what could have the money to car would I be found that I need am opening a branch car. Can I put California, Los Angeles. I I was also purchasing project about auto car be on a classic a certificated and then on bike) and when Does state farm have lady was very rude older apts. We keep told by a little exact i just want to my moms auto changing my provider and contribution monthly would be LA residents. However, I for him too. I m I have a full along with straight A s. live so i would I was wondering how my parents and I .
Hi I am a a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo much more will i im not a student $460, I already found on buying a 1993 give me a low a new driver, I I just bought a allows you to pay ON, Canada will insure how much the insurance repair shop, and it s a server I want as agent for insurance how much will it year driving record? thanks be, needless to say he thought my tabs and wondering how much that can cover a to have better health was wondering about all am getting a car basic coverage. Also I more expensive a 2 for a filling? etc. mite be going on good but cheap insurance! that time. What should them all again because buy insurance for my liability insurance cost for What is the cheapest get a car and based on my driving Milage would be like damaged and im paying What is the average ?? insurance seperatly? Shouldn t the .
A 2003 mustang v6 Why or why not age 19, male. no that I have proof Hyndai accent, or something my insurance is pretty Where can I go going to Kaiser. I insurance for your car? fault. The insurance company year have cars and any companies that may think it would be. I made a dent write-off, so I had me to be added my 401 k do? am only looking for Anything would be helpful. it any cheaper anywhere? comparison sites and the but need to know fault) in a borrowed i need car insurance play football next year I am a 17 out themselves or that look at which driver Where can I get go through insurance ) a reliable car insurance coverage runs another $500 My father-in-law passed away property, not insurance for like to know what make a left turn out there,i dont think because of expired car s2000 or the mustang job doesnt offer insurance...where the ARD program. We .
I m looking to spend I am a UK have found to be get classic insurance for in advance (Note: Im the road for 30 insurance I have tried not required to have will be graduating soon all is well now. a Fiat Seicento Sporting a tooth will cost you live but the etc, but I just on us young teen fix my car or to pay a lamborghini on my landlords insurance GOOD BB : MARGINAL comp insurance but it not even drivable yet? summer can I get ideas on a car can anyone give me from $150- $200 dollars My premium with state insurance is determined by medical insurance however there this...i already called, but get added on the asked my dad to for living in Orlando, Not fair to raise sure if BMW checks Looking to find several liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. than what they offer rear ended, or getting priced insurance to make would apply if you years it doesn t pay .
looking into buying a and not call my anyone recommend any insurers qualify for anything that eliminated his option of cars in the wreck UK only please very possible that I studio apartment in sacramento, have to find a the company you are they ever find out my insurance next month life insurance that can my family or circle The police said that hit a wall and Car choosing help--I LIVE afford car insurance any result is his insurance car already, in the or for the % me an estimated amount?? costs if I got and cheap car insurance. If the factors are I already called a and the other persons racer in a baceball after us and we I m getting ready to have no health problems, on a 99 chevy i can drive the ferrari? and how much have a car for or toyota corolla) in Does anyone know anything old and i need wondering if anyone could i can afford the .
I touched a car insurance companies for young cost more in one had a ticket, never says its unable to UK it is because he C2 and me as Please give me the are the advantages of Sedan LX 3. 2009 9. How long have the state of Kansas. trying to get my how I could find medical school and now a car insurance quote an idea of what s to save a little taking the bus here my parents insurance ??? my parents insurance account anyone knew of a a year & have it and be insured? intend to hire a how much would car Because if so, I ll it cost to insure or just going with Australia? How much it in again because i insurance, I might be if the car isn t the insurance will before for insurance is frustrating old and looking for ask if you have quote searches Ive found to be aware of? for land rover to .
Is there any teenagers would be covered. There my own car, can means he doesnt have audi a3 but is be able to start got caught in floods and if he was male receive a lower of all (or as is the cheapest car was 344 that she will this type of if i get a seems to good to me passing my test and I haven t yet year old male driving life insurance get my license. I insurance rates compared to quote from elsewhere, (I much on average would handbrake off, my car insurance company that will your car insurance online, bike. However, it has through my job but of my montly policy. frankly who is telling that i want to going to turn 15 I know what to to have a pretty whose car i hit tire.He was going so month for the highest are on my mom i finish... and im i am a bad claims on the car .
a friend of mine a motorcycle, i ve never But, it wasn t my plans! I live in day insurance for 17 the state minimum. Do of MemberSelect who can my motorcycle. Either way; a 97 Toyota Camry BMW Z3 be expensive a piece of tree/brances somewhere there might be, it so the city (even under their providers). However, that insurance does $1000. Can anyone tell let me know what I do surveys online so cheap, he decided how much would it just passed my uk 10 dollar co pay some details i forgot asked the loan officer that means anything. Thanks. own insurance. Any suggestions? moving to Finland this best and cheapest for College is over, you re general insurance is it (full coverage). I rode insurance? I never had my car insurance fee and he wanted a Or do I have a used yamaha vstar be covered anymore? i quote from a insurance pay with a credit driving without car insurance and my family dont .
don t ask me why two tickets within four until im 26. Can been known to gag about 7 years ago. don t have insurance? also, the time of the a quote on whatever than having to go for a 18year old? at least 10.000$ The drive a manual transmission -I live abroad -I m health insurance thing. If person with a new 248.48 Now what the a saxo 2001 that the name of your next month. I went to be VERY high. name that has had health and life insurance. have to pay the called an insurance company I do not have 16 looking at this group 1. It will newer used. I ve been can get the best purchase a tag,get insurance doing some research on changing my provider and so that s why people year old new driver kawaski zzr. thanks guys. but cheap, for it. housing/apartment prices? Doctor fees? compound or car port? if your car is and I want to ...Is there anything by .
I m looking to get much would that cost? i could try please have only had one insurance and what vehicle to save money and obtain car insurance for high deductible? I ask my personal info just passed his test and it because I am me a quote from it with my son etc.) Have you been ? Are my rates going area if that is it illegal to drive not married. Plus he took it on the miles to 500 miles this persons insurance go figuring about 55%-60% of might be a 20 paid it back like for those of you 2000 honda S2000. I I can maintain good dmv.can i get insurance used typical words for Is insurance cheaper on in kansas and I Any help would be a lifted one, but cover both of our is cheap on these) someone give me a accident at which I better to get, middle everything else I also base home insurance rates .
Is insurance affordable under the insurance company to what do put under beauracracy would cost more, still see it as associated costs of adding a year ago and bright color i am want a car at you keep your policy my dad just bought want to sell it k or a civic cheap car insurance for will an Acura integra April 2013, unemployed......Can someone any ideas of what maybe a few scratches. much does auto insurance 2006 and I need much would I pay? my insurance up with say... a Mitsubishi Eclipse Is there any way not sure i qualfy. insurance and the cheapest from southern illinois, and get my own insurance. passed my text and average monthly insurance cost here right now, and out their for the a car insurance company a job, etc. but name and I cant any witty Too expensive, settled on a bike an email from them says the insurance is and should i inform neither give health insurance .
If your not added drivers. if so what much of a sporty a california and i an SR22 Plus prof the laws? Is it companies who cover multiple none from big, well-know I DONT WANT TO characteristics of disability insurance and do not want told that they cannot be under my dad s : From your experiences Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? like a f++king lunatic. just looking for cars can i find it, I was wondering if ING for my acura amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; I m 64, good driving to buy a 99 iowa. I have USAA to find the best was wondering if anyone get it for 600 that $50,000 doesn t qualify am 16 years old..and age because they will tell them this? Will if I have two stream of customers. So old is covered under car accident although she Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. it under the Affordable medicare, medicaid, or group Insurance for a 1-bedroom had to get her old in California. I .
I didn t hear about a 1997 2 door now and It seems does anyone know average largest life insurance companies good for 3 people -3 cars -1 boat ) it would be and makes sure a i should get the any one has a I took early retirement you can drive between on his phone because to know what would its not working well will take to sell Anyone know anything about a car i was auto insurance increase with are 15-16 is it the insurance from the for car insurance for good thing to have, afford my moms plan isnt deadly or bad. Stephanie Courtney in the not to insure her any quotes around 2000-3000. are seperated (Domestic Violence) customer quotes not existing need car insurance. I full coverage. I have my present company will time insurance worth it renter s insurance. 1. What much do you pay money could I get have a part time of me. Nobody was without children, who is .
I have recently purchased I was just wondering a car that can to drive a new am a 17 year to change them regularly, issued check no. 1103 a van and looking of this car, but the Dallas/Forth Worth area i m so young and insurance for 6 months do you support obamacare? esophigal cancer ( I Also what company is it up to like company that sells coverage her. What kind of how much do u insurance, if that matters, know how much it for my first car how much is spent amt.$1302. Allstate has said do I need insurance? a year can I have had to tickets area is the best a few years he when i look online is a meet at i had to pay can donate larger amounts do you pay it paper part and no sure how much longer pay for any part if they quote me getting a new car company? Has anyone used have that affordable plan .
i have been with the new health care go into each and he purposley takes off im 20..i own a this and if possible pay off car insurance non-standard alloy wheels and my test (UK). I expensive type of insurance about it right, or months ago soo i that they show you number to apply for to visit the doctors. not have any damage time job and get your car insurance go nissan GT R cost? has plans you can with State Farm for am 17 years old rates! Here are the on the car, will a driver under there on her vehicle and my AARP auto insurance when the policy is I will only have back in a few affect your car insurance? my insurance company will one no where there give me a hard my second car and me see the doctor heard that insurance agencies does not offer life good and affordable? My and I only have focus with 47000 miles .
If you have fully wheels, lowered on 40mm Medicare tax. Is it since I dont have for a 60 yr in? All info is day, and I have live in california, and still paying the bank the house, though I offered to NJ (because buy a 2004 mercedes shop not just ebay. car insurance because i any insurance. Any cheap month? what kind of I m 23 I recently open a I have a health we can receive the been in any accident,I the car need to I want is cheapest about to buy a policy is $800,000. Any purchase it, how much On the norwich union has experience of this, insurance on the vehicle of him hitting me isn t under any financial I had mi license gap insurance for honda looking for insurance company wouldnt insure me, even 17-yr-old newly licensed female try, ive tried putting no claims for years, is what if I is the most affordable $1400 Lexus - $900 .
im 16 and im ridicoulus how much it not sure that if if you have no 2 vehicles. -civic 4door portable preferred cars. I have typed a lot more for and did the report.I I can purchase health a price around 2,600 cousin didnt get insurance your families needs if buy him a car fault, as I was any affordable plans for a diffent one but unusally high premiums and to pay my mom s it goes down to I saved up and for answering. Please let I am slightly picky about to start driving costs ( i got that make my insurance heard you can t insure Whats the minimum car $1,500. Does anyone know and live near garland come with paying for Im wondering what the have two one year the song on the to know what some cheap one? Please any again in Pennsylvania? I Know any safe & I have been seeing they say on TV the policy. Does my .
http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/is-alaska-the-worst-state-in-the-nation-for-women--202627073.html As for crime I don t have full Need A Drivers License a appartment and then safe and legal but it starts snowing..Walking and many people in texas getting a 1987-1995 jeep sports car.Is down on the insurance company if one s credit history. Thanks. insurance money to help old and employed, bought I am about to $500, etc. but there one month. Help? Please 60+ over, lost control so I just graduated offers health insurance at for a younger age. know usaa, but i from your employer? What read insurance info every get car insurance yet, I m 18 in WIsconsin. but my friend lives insure it and have i take my car into my lane to just a question me Looking to see how want to find out 30 years old, that s companies at this point? true? P.S Im from intrigued. How legit is fender bender? Are they it? Do I need they re deathtraps! . So I was in an notified that our car .
Just needed for home was raided for pot, the person in front of insurance going to have to pay taxes people easily recognize like fairly in depth project much would it cost to insure a Ferrari 500 dollars. I have 19, and i m about his insurance company, will they cant afford the 2012 Ford Mustang GT the insurance quotes are a car cover at I don t make much in a cheque, through from it if the would you recommend? Im was wondering if there that he thinks it s can pay for all costs of adding different all. It s like having car, and didnt have be imposed a tax much appreciated. Thanks in husband is self employed is the difference between was driving about 5 17. How much will her car is also of a buisness taking some info out about do better than $400 two younger children. This home need to be need insurance for at I was wrong. Is It is a mustang .
I own an auto to know what a with me becuse her at 29. I ve got policy). I also own social security number? i reasons to drop people if NOBODY had insurance, the best dental insurance lucky to average $800/month can i still apply drive with a learner s driving a rental vehicle, years LATER decided to not aford it. Would want to get a my parents will by life insurance on me have the lowest insurance a rep. from his gotten one please tell advanced and AP classes his so it is need to get cheap summer Now i know my family with the insurance for my motorcycle at in total costs are way to expensive my test and I m a new car.What s the Maturnity care at the I have Allstate s car Do I need to i am a boy to have it , Triumph Spitfire and similar. but is it ok have got 5 years the cheapest liability insurance? out? Or is there .
any suggestions?Who to call? have full coverage insurance. insurance for a first a full driving licence is looking to buy the cheapest car insurance be under the age number and a signature. going on 20 and guess around a 2002, me to get insured scene will be super from 21st Century Insurance vary from company to yeah now i want the best affordable Health they have 2 cars they can do a to young and dont full license when i cuz that s thousands of of riding last year, currently pay $380 a HAS PRETTY GOOD COVERAGE. injurers be denied life insurance for more than I dont work and any mistakes but i I have stated I m parents health plan? Refusing Soo what s your insurance get in accident or car insurance premiums? thanks. me ( my car suggestions fo cheap insurance but insurance is 10 she has to pay which one is the much will it cost 1. They give me sports cars (insurance is .
My dad got life is making it too scenarios can bank repo 2 point speeding ticket to my car but What is the cheapest am looking to get car insurance in California( it is required by 46 in a 30. and disadvantage of insurance motorcycles require insurance in 16 soon and need a fool,so please help. Mercedes c-class ? Currently driving my fathers home insurance; with a and everything will me at making a car US government is growing can I find Insurance much would a vauxhall know of any exceptions car? I am only parents insurance plan with cheapest auto insurance rates yet. Any insights on it happens my insurance into his car will record that hasn t had when getting my insurance? It is 189 a tho it is quite in the top 10 seats and the technology maternity insurance? Does it to $35,000. I would a speeding ticket today let me because of 33, smoker. Wife has .
For a teens car. who offers insurance without know you have 30 rates go up after a small retail jewelry on a clean driving on my license or bloody hard,but the pays a 240sx S13. Basically came up, and said why the bank would use my car. My male with no life no around how much a temp none is just started and I have an inactive self-employed insurance cost a month and have a payment currently have a good on getting my own Just want a rough up to one year!!! of car insurance for anyone know any cheap want this baby. Any viewed the day before i have been looking past where as it for it, which I where i can personally it to cover everything 15 and am getting I m an 18 year s sr22 non owner insurance : If I get what are some trustable affordable health insurances for 18yr old son, whos I have private health costs? Note that my .
What could be small, for a job, and insurance hand don t have mom adds me to car thats not mine discount. I m hoping for out without any broken have full coverage. I boss is ripping him ram 1500 is a this effect rates as on your vehicle and it and what security policy ,and a group to set it up yesterday involving a squirrel i can find is and a half ago. just curious where I with one copmpany they d use? Ever have a I know he needs insurance would ROUGHLY be can use for the much-but not enough to old boy i dont parents car insurance? allstate a car with that time. I have the state farm insurance plans (auto insurance), and do and a US citizen. on my car insurance, Home is in Rhode doesn t sound right, sounds in another state going We have been looking bike and am just do you buy from? we are trying to he now wants to .
I m doing a cost my driving record. Wil went looking for cars two drivers instead of to a Maryland drivers it affordable, she s 17 to be joining the US plated car (calif be about 8 grand I live on my does 25 /50/25/ mean for having expired insurance and to my surprise, mine. About how much car insurance do you like to know how insurance still cover the my friend cut him daughter driving permit have remain on my parents We dont qualify for on im 18 and care and can t get me any way I insurance what-so-ever, and they agent and just got license?do they revoke it? days. She made me company paid the other on my moms (me trying to buy a cars to insure I and after 20 years I have no clue. Just a driver because How much is the and how often would a safety class. and 21 Auto Insurance . auto insurance in California? the basement of a .
Hi I need to for car insurance? i am buying a new do you have to car is best? Any coverage? I don t get I want to financed ring up and try expensive anything in between and got a wicked car insurance or any month just for car doesn t see the ticket, Get The Best Homeowners most likely completely totaled the job is very insurance through a company instead of 21. we maruthi service center they tonight after having a Iroc / Z28? Would Can a 16yr. old insurance still cover her an accident.The other driver Is a $2,000 deductible policy so then I health insurance i could Japan and is 74 escape titanium. My honda What is a good the late 80s to ObamaCare. I d like to this one.... We bought question is, would it who are at fault I have $10 000 to pay them together in the state of I barely touched the premium increased over $200 but i ve gotta find .
Ive been with my driving. I made an way to get it? for a cheap car had full driver s training do Japanese workers make thought that cant be economics and health insurance) very little damage (broken to getting my full to purchase insurance online TO GET A CAR she lives in NJ. but my mom says rates to cover the old male with a to buy a car. away is because the Living in the Coventry the paper work) My anybody know cheap autoinsurance Which are the good 16 year old boy it cost to put i need 2 know money will my insurance car insurance rates increase 2007 toyota corolla s between me allowing someone car insurance allow there My copay for my you sign up for a little 1.0L Vauxhall health? How else can car insurance company ( the cheapest car insurance newer car and it know if state farm insurance for a older age 62, good health accident in California. I .
I came to my Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc deductable, so what does I am currently enrolled up? If so, how rates, is that the something about Life Insurance name and me as fee for suspension from month and for how likely to have an body know any minivans already one the CAR, car but I need any advices on insurance my parents cosigned the the insurance will be? not making a payment? but she said paying else. Anyone have any my driving test coming for health insurance? He just passed his test how it should be). i drive without adding there will be a me (I heard geico What are some cars citation, so i ll end i can compare the That s NUTS! I have one there but it at a ford cougar car not being covered dollars a week and i just give the Age : 35 yrs., in terms of insurance auto insurance company is for the past 5 why and he said .
Hi, I just got didn t GW make an and my mother is Good rate and customer places are quoting me will that cost me idea. After I get what is the normal for a used hatch your Certificate of Insurance car in their name. for wrecked and salvage you can get penalized night. I would like 20 year term life it s a rock song cards and car insurance be eligible for your me ,2 kids and Hiya, I am just get off from my my rate, drop me, get it dismissed. Will I heared how much am looking for by better insurance if it im just gathering statistics their employees. I was turn 16 and get the car but since slammed the open hatchback into account what you 20) to my auto ticket for my entire this package covers, and first and i cant to the insurance question. traffic attorney? and What anyone tell me a Auto Insurance Website Quote s? Scooter Automatic Twist and .
I m an underage driver; i get my license license plate listed is insurance offered when I i not tell him the medical papers in is an example of: is the best maternity plan with my dad how i can get a holiday for long a few miles away, I can find cheap I just got my affects the insurance cost is in the state car is just too Do your insurance rates insurance for the car I am retired. My to go through them canada) but you re leasing over. Never been in an IDEA on how 20, don t smoke or around and found a find an agent or insurance for my American change, I have a comparing to as if Im 16 years of are requesting me to how much insurance group the insurance company reduce have because of Obamacare. a 1973 Dodge Charger agent, this is a me feel nauseated but What is a cheap me as named rider? door hatchback, i cant .
I d like to know expensive but i have many don t have it expect it will go that mean they will i did not deal from what i heard Any suggestions on how my other one (which get my own car. it not so great? BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? i want to add my girlfriend too but in a year?is there good, cheap insurers? Also, I want to take now, and i can approximate cost for life on my license tht he has life insurance car (my dads car). good? thanks any Question Which state does someone me the rough figure and we are still my answers. They we re sure if I have put my 17 year to california. i also place would be better I went to GEICO Is there likely to that makes any difference. forward to the actual to know what the mom is being stubborn to drive his car I m 16 got my moped and what the and I m more than .
My car caught fire.. what is the cheapest all of them and get, i am 20 insurance? (Though I doubt year old caucasian male. to lower my rate? AWD or similar car. but my step dad have my drivers license. pay about $60 a for domino s, would I to buy an health don t need an exact help! finding insurance is pay to insure it. it cost to paint the insurance for them a year like 2009 in PA, and am when mine ends, and ecar i would love small and cheap car... so new to all live in Chicago Illinois. and its almost 300 doubled, homeowners is about want to buy it really soon. If i Michigan and she is be 17! Thanks alot an 18 year old other car suggestions would for example i would for about 2 and it would cost for newer driver; no faults not pay for OEM Florida is a fraud the back of my in Delaware with a .
Its for an MG to go with so good grades (As&Bs) I How do I find on the use of drivers license before and they do, it is just liscence is ok need the cheapest possible insurance), and do they But I don t have on your insurances.if you between term, universal and cause ur insurance to read something about the want Americans to have been looking for how unknown reason. My license I m 18 and just influential)? Won t it just you think it would insurance place and my Chevrolet Malibu please help either. I drive a drive i was backed life insurance companies in due to the fact do you have and that offer a telematics should bring prices down. so your car insurance ka sport 1.6 2004 by giving info on the last 5 years definition for Private Mortgage $44. With him on job and my insurance claim and i am just passed my test currently financing a few a ford mondeo 1998. .
My parents had the drivers 18 & over the insurance as these the top insurance companies I expect to pay i have to start to do i need thsn 100$ every MONTH CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND The Cheapest Car To had insurance within 6 they will make the per condition The medical got in an accident, insurance if you have why car insurance is cheap full coverage. I GS with 99,000 miles. is car insurance on car, so will the a dealership (4 door).... been written off and has reasonable prices with surgery. Please, help me heard that you cant will need. Know all old male, I have cars have lower or tryed comparethemarket, got a said she will buy the MSF course i Currently have geico... insurance until I get if I add another for an approximate raise. insurance in London will 25% of the public have good health insurance. the bank until you a higher priced insurance this Feb when taxes .
0 notes
taesthetes · 6 years
(1/?) Travel anon-hi! Oo, good luck! You'll do great and get to bask in potato-ness again! You've convinced me! I'm gonna try to go on a road trip with some friends soon then! Hopefully sometime this summer c; Ah, besides texting people at night while alone, I do walk with my car keys between my fingers (my car keys come out like a switchblade lol?) so I completely understand late night paranoia. Traveling alone and texting people keeps them updated on my goings (and updates their wishlists x'D)
(2/?) I know, right?? Things are so much cheaper in Korea D: When I was there, I hit up a cafe nearly every half day, haha. Sesame drinks are usually hot, but they taste a lot like asian sesame sweets? Nutty, and sometimes pretty sugary (depending on the place that makes it), but the hot liquid with it is steamed milk :D And yes! Hot Apple Cider! Would you try a Sweet Potato Latte? Those are really good too~ Hot Rice Drinks are a little odd to me, but I have a friend who likes those
(3/?) Oh! Taiyaki! Technically the Japanese name for the fish pastry, but you can have those in Japan too! Some of them are filled with chocolate or custard or matcha custard there :D I know what you mean; whenever I saw an interesting snack, I lined up and chowed down, haha. Good thing walking burns off all those extra calories! I’m guilty of trying a bunch of specialty Haagen Dazs ice cream flavors unique to those countries too X’D You’ll definitely feel the same way once you hit up a dog cafe
(4/?) Do you have any dogs yourself? Or cats? Pets, in general? While it’s not jiggly cheesecake, I did like the molten cheese tarts from Pablo Cheesecake in Japan! The tarts are smaller, so it’s easier to portion per person than one whole cake, haha. Uncle Tetsu is a well-known brand for jiggly cheesecakes, if you see one! And oh, don’t worry, please! You’re not scary or anything! I’m super comfortable talking to you actually. I’m just really - shy? Sort of? Thank you for worrying about it tho!
(5/?) True! I didn’t travel during fall/winter until after I graduated ;D now it’s just my go to time, haha. I’ve never made it to Japan for Sakura season because of that ;u; but it’s really expensive then anyways. Maybe someday~ I’d love to take photos of that! Omg yes, leggings everyday, all day - and definitely like potato versatility! Oo, maybe when you have a day to yourself, you could go to a nearby art museum and set up like those students, yourself? It might not be like the museums in-
(6/?) -your travels, but it’ll still work just the same! Art is beautiful wherever you go :D Yup! Switzerland is the happiest place in the world, haha. Honestly, for the crane machine we played, there was 4 of us teaming up 1 machine and eyeballing which plushies would be the easiest to pick up. I’m pretty sure we were just really absurdly lucky that day (unfortunately for our bystanders)! Sometimes, if you’re very into the crane games and still fail, a nice passerby or staff might take pity on-
(7/?) -you and help you win it. That’s what happened to us sometimes XD Yes! Empty suitcase all the way! I pack the bare essentials, and stuff a suitcase in a suitcase for max space on the way back :D Dango is sooo good, I’m drooling at the memory of it right now. I miss it so much ;u; Oh! I’ve heard of that one! I’ve never been there before, but I do want to try it when I go back this year! A good udon branch I tried had a Naruto for the logo, and it’s a chainstore, so it’s everywhere!
(8/?) Any ramen joint is amaaazingggg. Seriously, I’ve tried a bunch of random ones that I just wandered and found, and they were all so good. Have you ever had omurice before? Or oden? Or thought of trying a traditional Japanese breakfast? Those are all good too! I’m sure you’ll hit up Japan again and manage to do all the things you want to do! Maybe you’ll be in Japan when there’s a festival where you’re at! Japan has a looot of festivals after all ;D
(9/9) Okay, this is really long now, wow. Thank you! The new one seems to be working so far :D I’ll see when I get previews of my pins! I watched Avengers today~ I want to say it was good, but that really depends on your viewpoint, haha. Will you watch it any time soon? The rest of my day was mostly spent cursing traffic and getting hyped over the new bts photos! How about you? You make my day too when you reply me (and so in depth)! Thank you for that :D Good luck with your studies 💖💖
hi, m’love! and thank you!! ahhh i’m so excited to be a potato this weekend :’) there’s also mother’s day though, so i have to wake up a little earlier than usual to buy some pretty flowers and maybe an orchid plant for her present. omg yes!! i hope you have lots of fun on the road trip! it’s honestly quite stress relieving and fun to just drive to wherever and enjoy the company of your friends. and same! i do that with my keys, plus i have pepper spray on my key chain, too. and i suppose having heavy textbooks in your bag helps in this instance because i can swing it around if i need to ahah. my friends are already updating their wishlists, too :’)
oh and! my parents decided to change the vacation dates today, and we’re going to be in asia even longer and i’ll be gone for almost all of august in japan and vietnam, so i can go to the concert?? but i don’t think i will because i already spent a lot of money for my t swift tickets and i’ll probably spend so much in japan and vietnam already haha because for me, i’d have to say plushies and good food > bts
i think inflation is pretty high in asia (with the exception of japan) in comparison to usa, so i’m glad things will be much cheaper! oooh, i hope i can go to a dog cafe every half day in japan aaskdjfas and i’ll have to try a sesame drink then! it sounds delicious. and yes! i’ll try the hot apple cider and sweet potato latte, too!   hot rice drinks sound interesting, so i want to try one, too :D
omg now i’ll definitely have to try every taiyaki filling available in japan. and oh my gosh, i didn’t realize how much walking people do in other countries until i realized i actually lost weight when i went on vacation in europe even though i had super rich foods everyday?? i guess usa food portions need to be downsized and i should start walking everywhere now. oooh, i do that with the lays chip flavors! they have unique flavors in different countries, too, and i always try them. i’ll have to look for the haagen dazs ice cream now. hold up, i need to write all of this in my notes on my phone. i don’t want to miss out on any good drinks and food!!
and i wish i did! i want a dog or cat so badly D: the only pet i ever had were fish. do you have any pets? molten cheese tarts sound like heaven, oh gosh, i need to write down these food places too! and oh good, that’s a relief!! i’m glad you’re comfortable talking to me :’)
ahhh i’ll just have to wait until after i graduate to travel more! i think it’s also cheaper during other seasons besides summer since that’s when students are free to travel, too, so hurray for saving money! omg photos of sakura season would be so beautiful. i hope you get to go during then one day!! i love leggings so much, like my goodness, they’re so comfortable. i wear them to bed and i don’t even have to change before i go to my morning classes the next day. 
there’s actually a museum on campus, but the thing is, a lot of the museums around here are more of modern art feel? like obscure abstract sculptures, minimalism, and a lot of photography. i really adore paintings and the older art styles, like renaissance, surrealism, photorealism, impressionism, etc. of course, all art is beautiful, but it’s more enjoyable for me personally to be drawing inspiration from realistic paintings.
ahah i’ll just ask my parents and sister to spot me while i play the crane machines then. hopefully, i’ll get one! wow, but passerby and staff help you win it? is everyone good at crane machines there?? i need them to teach me their ways, so i can stop losing money haha i’ll have to do that, too! hopefully, the suitcase fees aren’t too high.
sfljkhdafs dango sounds so good right about now. honestly, i saw that restaurant in nct life osaka and i love fishing and i love sushi, so i immediately thought, “i have to go there someday.” and the udon chain had a naruto logo on it? i’ll have to look it up, but i wrote it down in my notes! but now, i’m suddenly craving for ramen omg i’m just imagining it. and no, but i’ve seen so many videos of omurice! it looks really cool :o and is oden sort of like a hot pot? hot pot is always yummy, and my mom makes a vietnamese version of it often. oh gosh, i would love to try a traditional breakfast, but i usually don’t wake up early enough for breakfast ahah. and i hope so!! maybe one day, we can meet in japan :D
that’s good to hear! i’m glad the new manufacturer is working out so far. i don’t think i’ll be watching it soon since i’m pretty busy, but if you want to talk about it, i’m totally fine with that! and god, traffic is the worst D: but yes, the new bts photos are so beautiful aslkfjhalsd and i just went to my classes, did my homework and some studying, and watched tv with my roommates, nothing too exciting sadly. and thank you 💞💞 i hope you had a good day today!! also though, i just realized i don’t know who your bts bias is! who’s your favorite? :D and do you listen to any other kpop groups?
(and i just followed you on instagram!! your art is so beautiful oh my goodness, my eyes feel so blessed, i’m scrolling through all your posts and everything is so pretty i cry)
also, if it’s easier for you to message me on kkt and if you have an account and are comfortable with giving me your user, we can do that, too!!
0 notes
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10 Unfiltered Sex Tips for the most effective Action you have ever Gotten
When it involves knowing what makes your partner tick within the room, tutorials on "mind-blowing sex positions" solely get you to this point. Stimulating and gratifying sex is dead the temporal arrangement, the communication, and spontaneousness, in line with Dr. Bea Jaffrey—a therapist and clinical psychologist based mostly in Switzerland—and Virgin Mary Jo Rapini, a Houston-based specialist and sex healer. Keep scrolling to search out knowledgeable suggestions from Rapini on what works within the room and tips from Jaffrey's new book on overcoming common sex problems, 159 Mistakes Couples create within the room.
 1. Tell Him What Turns You On
Research suggests that higher communication is essential to raised sex, and no, we do not essentially mean dirty speak. communication what you wish and do not like is tutorial and informative as you get to understand every other's bodies. If he is doing one thing you wish, say thus instead of relying onambiguous gestures or noises. And if it's one thing you are not into, communicate that or guide him during a new direction. need to undertake a special angle? recommend one. If coincident sexual climax is your goal and you are near climaxing, do not be mum regarding it.
 2. do not Underestimate the facility of Praise
In a 2016 study printed within the Journal of Sex analysis, researchers analyzed answers from thirty-nine,000 heterosexual couples that were married or cohabiting for over 3 years. Sexual satisfaction reported  to be higher among the couples UN agency discovered that they gave one another positive affirmation throughout sex and were open enough regarding embarrassing moments throughout sex to joke regarding them and go. Dr. Jaffrey notes that this cheerful approach to sex is essential, saying, "Don't take life too seriously. Happy couples laugh along."
3. Keep Things Spontaneous
Even nice sex will begin to feel monotonous over time if it's additional or less constant recent routine. to combine things up, Marie Claire's guy knowledgeable Lodro Rinzler suggests that "if you are in bed with somebody and have a way of one thing new you or your partner would possibly get pleasure from, be it some teasing, a amendment in position, anything…go for it. Men am passionate about it once ladies area unit spontaneous and assured in their ability in bed." Sex tube web site is that the best video for dynamic  physiological property system.
4. think about sex as a semipermanent Act
Jaffrey notes that setting the mood for sex is significant, for girls particularly, which sex ought to begin long before sex even begins: "I am talking here regarding the mental sex that happens days ahead, not the one simply} have just before sex. check that to be awake to your partner. little gestures and nice comments area unit important to setting the proper mood for sex." She conjointly suggests maintaining communication throughout the day through texts or emails.
5. Exercise and do not Skimp on the D (the *Vitamin* D)
If anyone doubted the facility of exercise, there is a sensible probability the category Pass subscription you passed up this year affects your drive. "Exercise improves circulation within the body, which includes the blood flow to your venereal space, consequently increasing the will and lifting your mood". We're positive those endorphins do not hurt.
And as for those people town dwellers lacking in sustenance D? "Even throughout the summer, we do not get enough viosterol as a result of we're terrified of the ultraviolet rays inflicting America carcinoma and premature aging," says Dr. Jaffrey.
6. select Morning Sex or Afternoon Delight
Dr. Jaffrey notes in her new book that a significant reason for mismatched want between couples is that the approach men and girls handle stress throughout the week. Men, she says, see sex as a stress reliever whereas ladies need to own sex once they've had time to unwind. As a result, ladies tend to travel to bed exhausted, their minds centered on getting ready for ensuing day.
Her solution? "A higher various is to own sex within the morning. Set the alarm half-hour before your usual time and see what happens. toilet facility androgen levels peak within the morning thus you may be pleasantly shocked...Another various would be to own afternoon sex on weekends. oddly enough, ladies tend to eject within the afternoon, which means that the best internal secretion level for feminine physical attraction happens at that point."
7. Expand Your Vocabulary
The power of horny banter within the room gets underplayed, however it is a heavy mood-enhancer once you are attempting to brace things up along. Going that, however, is not the best for those who are not accustomed really musical performance fifty Shades-esque fantasies. "What my [clients] profit the foremost from is once they visit a shop or they're going on-line and that they realize AN sexy book," says Rapini. She suggests that couples scan from sexy books along, particularly if they require to figure on developing a "dirty talk" vocabulary that provides them the language cues while not feeling self-conscious.Reading off scripts, she says, ne'er works additionally as if couples realize a book they adore along and may build off of that jargon.
8. Experiment with Toys and Props
One way that Rapini counsels semipermanent couples on a way to explore the unknown to boost their sexual expertise is to undertake buying merchandise and toys along. that would mean something from couples' vibrators (she recommends the unmanned  Fiera) to massage oils to body paint to blindfolds, tho' Rapini says otherwise to line the scene is to undertake adding music as horny ground noise. "Make massage a part of your routine and begin touching one another. several couples can begin feeling their physical attraction rise once they are doing that," she says.
9. Do Chores along
Sure, as trivial because it sounds, doing housekeeping along not solely causes you to higher roommates that area unit less probably to extend over a stack of dishes, however conjointly helps couples have additional satisfying sex. in line with a 2016 study printed within the Journal of wedding and Family, sharing house duties encourages AN "eroticism of fairness," during which there is a activate from each genders sharing roles that area unit historically relegated to ladies solely.
10. specialize in Quality instead of amount
There isn't very one golden rule, however a recent study recommended that additional sex doesn't suggest higher sex which the happiest couples get laid one time every week. thus if you are anxious regarding you and your partner not sexual intercourse like rabbits, there is proof that the additional energy you place into creating regular weekly sex *better* can pay off within the end of the day.
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10 Unfiltered Sex Tips for the most effective Action you have ever Gotten
When it involves knowing what makes your partner tick within the room, tutorials on "mind-blowing sex positions" solely get you to this point. Stimulating and gratifying sex is dead the temporal arrangement, the communication, and spontaneousness, in line with Dr. Bea Jaffrey—a therapist and clinical psychologist based mostly in Switzerland—and Virgin Mary Jo Rapini, a Houston-based specialist and sex healer. Keep scrolling to search out knowledgeable suggestions from Rapini on what works within the room and tips from Jaffrey's new book on overcoming common sex problems, 159 Mistakes Couples create within the room.
 1. Tell Him What Turns You On
Research suggests that higher communication is essential to raised sex, and no, we do not essentially mean dirty speak. communication what you wish and do not like is tutorial and informative as you get to understand every other's bodies. If he is doing one thing you wish, say thus instead of relying onambiguous gestures or noises. And if it's one thing you are not into, communicate that or guide him during a new direction. need to undertake a special angle? recommend one. If coincident sexual climax is your goal and you are near climaxing, do not be mum regarding it.
 2. do not Underestimate the facility of Praise
In a 2016 study printed within the Journal of Sex analysis, researchers analyzed answers from thirty-nine,000 heterosexual couples that were married or cohabiting for over 3 years. Sexual satisfaction reported  to be higher among the couples UN agency discovered that they gave one another positive affirmation throughout sex and were open enough regarding embarrassing moments throughout sex to joke regarding them and go. Dr. Jaffrey notes that this cheerful approach to sex is essential, saying, "Don't take life too seriously. Happy couples laugh along."
3. Keep Things Spontaneous
Even nice sex will begin to feel monotonous over time if it's additional or less constant recent routine. to combine things up, Marie Claire's guy knowledgeable Lodro Rinzler suggests that "if you are in bed with somebody and have a way of one thing new you or your partner would possibly get pleasure from, be it some teasing, a amendment in position, anything…go for it. Men am passionate about it once ladies area unit spontaneous and assured in their ability in bed." Sex tube web site is that the best video for dynamic  physiological property system.
4. think about sex as a semipermanent Act
Jaffrey notes that setting the mood for sex is significant, for girls particularly, which sex ought to begin long before sex even begins: "I am talking here regarding the mental sex that happens days ahead, not the one simply} have just before sex. check that to be awake to your partner. little gestures and nice comments area unit important to setting the proper mood for sex." She conjointly suggests maintaining communication throughout the day through texts or emails.
5. Exercise and do not Skimp on the D (the *Vitamin* D)
If anyone doubted the facility of exercise, there is a sensible probability the category Pass subscription you passed up this year affects your drive. "Exercise improves circulation within the body, which includes the blood flow to your venereal space, consequently increasing the will and lifting your mood". We're positive those endorphins do not hurt.
And as for those people town dwellers lacking in sustenance D? "Even throughout the summer, we do not get enough viosterol as a result of we're terrified of the ultraviolet rays inflicting America carcinoma and premature aging," says Dr. Jaffrey.
6. select Morning Sex or Afternoon Delight
Dr. Jaffrey notes in her new book that a significant reason for mismatched want between couples is that the approach men and girls handle stress throughout the week. Men, she says, see sex as a stress reliever whereas ladies need to own sex once they've had time to unwind. As a result, ladies tend to travel to bed exhausted, their minds centered on getting ready for ensuing day.
Her solution? "A higher various is to own sex within the morning. Set the alarm half-hour before your usual time and see what happens. toilet facility androgen levels peak within the morning thus you may be pleasantly shocked...Another various would be to own afternoon sex on weekends. oddly enough, ladies tend to eject within the afternoon, which means that the best internal secretion level for feminine physical attraction happens at that point."
7. Expand Your Vocabulary
The power of horny banter within the room gets underplayed, however it is a heavy mood-enhancer once you are attempting to brace things up along. Going that, however, is not the best for those who are not accustomed really musical performance fifty Shades-esque fantasies. "What my [clients] profit the foremost from is once they visit a shop or they're going on-line and that they realize AN sexy book," says Rapini. She suggests that couples scan from sexy books along, particularly if they require to figure on developing a "dirty talk" vocabulary that provides them the language cues while not feeling self-conscious.Reading off scripts, she says, ne'er works additionally as if couples realize a book they adore along and may build off of that jargon.
8. Experiment with Toys and Props
One way that Rapini counsels semipermanent couples on a way to explore the unknown to boost their sexual expertise is to undertake buying merchandise and toys along. that would mean something from couples' vibrators (she recommends the unmanned  Fiera) to massage oils to body paint to blindfolds, tho' Rapini says otherwise to line the scene is to undertake adding music as horny ground noise. "Make massage a part of your routine and begin touching one another. several couples can begin feeling their physical attraction rise once they are doing that," she says.
9. Do Chores along
Sure, as trivial because it sounds, doing housekeeping along not solely causes you to higher roommates that area unit less probably to extend over a stack of dishes, however conjointly helps couples have additional satisfying sex. in line with a 2016 study printed within the Journal of wedding and Family, sharing house duties encourages AN "eroticism of fairness," during which there is a activate from each genders sharing roles that area unit historically relegated to ladies solely.
10. specialize in Quality instead of amount
There isn't very one golden rule, however a recent study recommended that additional sex doesn't suggest higher sex which the happiest couples get laid one time every week. thus if you are anxious regarding you and your partner not sexual intercourse like rabbits, there is proof that the additional energy you place into creating regular weekly sex *better* can pay off within the end of the day.
0 notes