theosputnam · 3 years
Friendly reminder Theo Putnam cussed out Blackwood to defend Robin knowing he would get executed for it, fought sexist homophobic jocks twice his size, literally ran to close the gates of hell when Harvey and Roz were both too scared to and was the only person who stood by Sabrina when her own family,Nick Harvey and Roz all turned against her.
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thiswasstarkslydia · 4 years
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Theo Putnam from Chilling Adventures of Sabrina is trans and gay (mlm/nblm only)! (Canon)
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honeybee-babe · 4 years
Fic Concept: Sick Robin Goodfellow (is anyone surprised lol)
Picture this: A sickfic where Robin has a cold and Theo takes care of him :) Aww :)
Now picture THIS: mortal medicines/treatments won’t work on hobgoblins >:D So:
Theo he has to go to the fae realm to get Robin medicine (some weird magical flower probaby lol)
OR he can consult someone from the fae realm to bring him the stuff
But he also doesn’t know how to get to the fae realm himself, and doesn’t want to make Robin go because his bby is tired and needs his rest!!!
Cue Theo reluctantly reaching out to Moth for help
Moth begrudgingly helping (okay she wants to help Robin but also it’s Theo the human, ew)
But seeing Theo take care of Robin she realizes how much he cares about her friend, and starts toaccept their relationship <3
And maybe they even end up kinda-sorta friends?
Someone pls come through with this fic or I might die. Please and thanks <3
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losercowboy · 4 years
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
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How much we’re going to enjoy each couple’s scenes versus the angst and drama for each this season...
Honestly, from what I’ve gathered, MS scores low on both solely because they don’t have a ton of scenes together.
But Zarie’s score on the angst and drama is interesting. I’d like to believe it’s all going to be interpersonal—considering how rushed this relationship was, it would make sense and not necessarily be a bad thing to see them struggle with different expectations or Zelda’s issues and trauma or realizing that they’re not well-suited despite the attraction. That’s the far better option, in my opinion, because even if it doesn’t turn out well for them as a couple, it’s realistic and understandable and can still end with both characters individually happy. But I think it’s also, at this point, less likely than something bad happening to Marie. I’ve got another post brewing on what I think that will be and why.
Theo and Robin also sound like they’re in for a lot, though like with Zarie and really every couple, whether this is actual relationship drama or outside circumstances threatening them remains to be seen.
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nabrinaendgame · 5 years
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Gavin Leatherwood, Kiernan Shipka, Miranda Otto, John Whitesell and Lachlan Watson together on set
They’re really in Halloween again huh 🥺❤️
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notyetbutoneday · 5 years
What counts? (1/?)
Rating: Mature? It talks about sex there you go
Description: Theo thinks he might be ready and decides to ask Robin some questions about the green mans sacrifice
Theo and Robin were walking to Baxter High to see if Caliban’s spell would work, see if they could be of any help.
“What counts?” Theo asked Robin some what apprehensively. He’d really loved the moments he and Robin had shared together so far. The stolen kisses, the open truths, and god the making out was something else. He’d never really understood the appeal properly till now, never understood how much it made you want desperate for more. And it was time for more.
“The green man. Virgins are the only ones who can be sacrificed to him right? What counts as..?
“As a virgin? Someone who’s not had sex?” Robin looked at him very confused.
“No what counts as sex.” There were things Theo wanted to do, there were other things that just made him too dysphoric to think about, for now anyway.
“Well what do you think does? It’s not a trick question!” Robin added seeing Theo panic. “Just a personal thing.”
Theo shrugged embarrassed. He knew what he wanted, he thought that was big but what if Robin didn’t.
“I guess just -“ making your partner feel good? A special cuddle? Come on! He thought to himself spit it out! He cleared his through. “Being to some degree of nakedness and touching each other..” He was turning scarlet, he looked at Robin then looked down meaningfully raising an eyebrow.
Robin stopped, and leaned against the wall outside of Baxter High. Harvey’s car wasn’t here yet and this was an important conversation for Theo, he’d also like to know how to take care of Theo however, make sure he felt safe, and avoid triggering any dysphoria.
“Touching each other how?”
“Well, hands, and ...” Theo cleared his throat again nervously looking up, no big deal just tell him what you want Theo, he thought, just tell him what you’ve been imagining since that day you spent in bed making out. “And mouths, and other stuff.” He grimaced at the last.
“Not so comfortable with the other stuff?”
“That’s okay, why do you ask?”
“I think I would like to, with hands and mouths if that counts.”
“That counts if you want it to. For me it counts.” Robin nodded.
“Would you be okay with that?”
Fuck yes he would be. “Yup that, that would be quite alright with me.” Robin cursed his vivid imagination, he really didn’t need to be thinking about how amazing he could make Theo feel. Do not get a boner when you have to go see if your boyfriends best friend is gonna survive a curse. Do not get a boner when you have to go see if your boyfriends best friend is gonna survive a curse. Do not get a boner when you have to go see if your boyfriends best friend is gonna survive a curse.
“Only virgins can be sacrificed right?” Robin teased elbowing Theo lightly in the side.
Theo hit him away gently. “Well I mean yeah.”
“That’s not why you’re doing it though right? I swear to Gods if you didn’t want to I would do anything in my power to make sure they didn’t get their hands on you Theo Putnam.”
“Yeah ... but I want to.” Theo looked up at his boyfriend taking his hand. “The green man might be enough to say well hey dude if you’re gonna do it anyway might as well be now. But it’s more about how every time you make out with me my mind runs away to other things we could be doing.” Theo blushed. “And won’t stop running until...”
“Oh look Harvey and Sabrina are here.” Theo welcomed the distraction with open arms.
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hi! also i’m working on writing two of the requests for ao3 for theo and robin but i am also just in need of writing music, preferably like really sweet lovey music (the music i listen to usually sets the mods for the stories) but i genuinely don’t listen to any music that is really ‘lovey’
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mowgliscode · 4 years
Tip Jar
This is my first time writing fanfic (or really any complete creative work) so constructive criticism is welcome. The main pairing in Robin/Tammy because I think it’d be nice if the lesbian gets the girl for once. There is side Harringrove but it’s sort of blink and you’ll miss it, though if this goes well, I may write the Harringrove sequel to this.
Robin heard Steve grumbling as he headed towards the back, dragging the ratted up cardboard box of returned VHSs. Huffing out a sigh of annoyance, Robin turned back towards the front counter to hopefully engross herself in the stylings of Emily Dickinson once more. Unfortunately, her plans were once again interrupted by the sound of the bell ringing at the door as a new customer walked in. She proceeded to press her nose further into the seam of the book.
“Welcome to Hawkins Video! Let me know if you need anything,” She said. Luckily, the video store had a more lax policy for employees that Scoops did. Keith didn’t really care if she was polite to the customers as long as people were still spending money.
“Hi, Robin!” A familiar voice rang out. Uh oh… It was a very familiar voice. Robin pulled the book from her face.
“Tammy!” Robin’s voice sounded kind but her face did not echo the same message.
“How are you? I haven’t seen you since graduation!” Tammy approached the counter with that classic toothy smile of hers, plump lips stretched thin across her face.
“I’m good…uh, you?” Robin responds tentatively
“Great, actually! I opened up a business over in that strip next to Melvald’s?” Tammy gripped the strap of her bag and kind of shrugged her shoulders.
“The fabric store? Mrs. Byers was telling me someone finally bought up that space, I didn’t realize that was you,” She also remembered Mrs. Byers talking about how pretty the girl who owned the store was.
“Yup! It took a while but I finally got it opened! I was a bit nervous about opening it first but after the mall… you know… I figured now would be a good time since there weren’t too many other clothing options,” Tammy runs her fingers through her blonde perm, twirling a curl or two around her finger. 
Robin shrugs, “It is what it is. Might as well make the best from a shitty situation,” Tammy huffs out a laugh. Oh good, she didn’t scoff.
“So, I actually came in to look for a movie, it’s called St. Elmo’s Fire, do you guys have it?” Tammy asks, cocking her head to the side.
“Uh yeah, I’ll get it just uh… just give me a sec,” Robin replies, quickly running to the back.
Following the scent of cheap hairspray and flowery shampoo, Robin quickly finds Steve bent over as he restocks the horror section. His face twists up in confusion as Robin pushes him away from the box of returns.
“Hey! What’s the bi-”
“Shh! Sh! Shut up! Stay here and don’t go anywhere until I say so,” Robin whisper-screams as she digs through the pile, dropping VHSs on the floor as she goes. She pulls up the movie she’s looking for and runs back to the front.
“Robin, what the fuck?” Steve calls out after her as she makes her way back to the register.
“Right here! It just got returned,” Robin smiles as she hands the case to Tammy.
“Oh good! I was expecting it to be out. My cousin’s in the hospital right now so I really wasn’t looking to let him down,” Tammy’s grin stretches from ear to ear as her glossed up lips shine under the fluorescents.
“Who’s your cousin?” Steve calls out from the end of the aisle as he makes his way towards the counter. Robin lets her head hang as he walks up.
“Oh, I don’t know if you’d know him, he showed up in the middle of the year last year,” Tammy says as she digs in her bag, her thick eyebrows scrunching up in concentration.
“Wait, Billy Hargrove is your cousin?” Steve says.
“Yeah, do you two know each other?” She pulls out her wallet and hands Robin a crisp five-dollar bill.
“Something like that,” Steve sighs out, leaning against one of the displays, only to knock over one of the cardboard cutouts. Robin hands a receipt and some change to Tammy as he struggles to set Freddy Krueger back where he was.
“Well, it was nice seeing you,” Tammy says, scribbling something on her customer copy of the receipt. She looks up to Robin and drops the handful of change into the tips jar.
“It was nice seeing you too. I’m honestly surprised you remember me,” Robin says reluctantly. Tammy smiles smugly and rolls her eyes, eyelashes touching her brow bone.
“Of course I remember you, we did literally every partner assignment together. Hard to forget someone like you,” Tammy tucks the VHS into her bag with a wink, “See you next week, Robin,”
“Yeah, see you next week,” Robin practically whispers as she watches Tammy leave the way she came, the sound of the bell ringing out behind her.
“Well, that went well!” Steve congratulates, holding up Freddy’s arm.
“I’ll go get the packaging tape,” Robin begins to stalk towards the staff room.
“Wait up, what she put in the tip jar?” 
Robin hears the rustling of paper and change and she continues forward.
“Uh, Rob?”
“What, dweebus?” Robin snaps from the frame of the staff door.
“Dweebus? Really? You’re gonna wanna look at this, you won’t believe what she left,”
Robin sighs and grabs the packaging tape from off of Keith’s desk.
“What is it?” She says as she approaches Freddy. Steve hands her the crumpled receipt and in loopy sickly sweet letters, she reads what Tammy left.
Call me ♡
Robin looks up at Steve with a crease on her forehead.
“You’re not gonna call her right?” Robin asks desperation in her voice subtle, but there.
“What? No, she left her number for you,” He responds as Robin crumples up the receipt in her hand. She huffs and tosses it out, shaking her head.
“No, if Tammy were gay, I would know,”
“She seemed pretty gay to me. I mean, I don’t know,” Steve pulls the roll of packaging tape off Robin’s wrist and starts to unravel it. 
“I’m not gay, but I think if she were into me, she would’ve looked at me like that,” Steve places Freddy’s arm to the back of the cutout slightly behind where it was originally.
“You’re not gay? After the way you were asking about Billy, I’m inclined to disagree,” Robin says poking Steve in the side and heading back to her station behind the register. Steve blushes before she leans down to grab her book.
“It’s not like that! I just… feel bad for him you know?” Steve puts the tape between his teeth and pulls, “And besides! You’re evading the topic!” He sets the tape down on the counter and brushes his bangs out of his eyes. “You should call her, I could see it in her eyes, the number is for you!”
“You could see it in her eyes? Need I remind you of our scientific discoveries? You suck at getting girls,” Robin assures.
“Whatever, but I cannot wait until I get to say I told you so,”
Robin rolls her eyes and turns her head back into her book.
A week had passed since Tammy came in and things at the family video were just as boring as always. Robin was filling out a crossword puzzle “like an old lady” as Steve had put it. Whatever, it passes the time.
The doorbell rings again. Steve’s in the back helping another customer so Robin lifts her head, bringing the customer into view.
Fuck. It’s Tammy.
“Hi,” Robin smiles timidly.
“How’s work been?” Tammy says as she begins to dig through her purse.
“Uh, good, nothing interesting happened. How are things at your store?”
Tammy makes a face as she rustles around in her bag. She makes a noise of dissatisfaction.
“Pretty good, I’ve been a bit busy with sewing classes starting up but it’s been going really well. Here!” Her face lights up with pride as she presents the rented copy of St. Elmo’s Fire. She could light up the room with that million-dollar smile. Robin takes the VHS gently from her hands, blushing when their fingers touch.
“You looking to rent any other movies?” Robin says as she flips through the clipboard to mark down item returns.
“I think Billy enjoyed the last movie, so sure! I’m not really sure what he’d like, do you have any recommendations?” Tammy leaned onto her elbows, over the counter. Robin’s eyes turned up a bit and could see right down Tammy’s shirt.
“Uh… has he seen The Breakfast Club?” Robin could feel her face heat up. Tammy’s bra was light pink.
“I love that movie! Molly Ringwald is so hot. I don’t know if Billy’s seen it but he’d probably be up to watch it again,” Tammy leaned back from the counter obstructing Robin’s view to her bra. “Are you okay? You look flushed, you’re not getting sick are you?”
“No! Just a little hot. Let me go get the tape for you!” Robin rushed off towards the teen movie section and passed right by Steve and his customer. She pulled the tape off the shelf from where she had placed it a million times to rush right back up to the front.
“I’m not in a hurry, hon.” Tammy laughs out. Robin’s face just heats up even more. Tammy’s already got her wallet out and she places the money on the counter. “You know, I always thought you had a really bitchin’ style,” 
“Thanks, me too. I mean- you have a cool style too not like-”
“I know what you meant,” Tammy grins. “Don’t be afraid to stop by the store, I’d love to see you outside of this place. You can just hang out if you want,” Tammy’s eyes shift away and she scratches behind her ear.
“Yeah, you too,” Robin says before quickly adding, “Like, for real,” She rings up Tammy and hands her the receipt. Tammy’s already got a pen out and is scribbling on the back.
“As much as I’d love to hang, I’ve really gotta run. I’ll catch up with you later!” Tammy snatched up the copy of The Breakfast Club and tossed the receipt in the tip jar again, quickly rushing out the door with the twinkling of the bells punctuating her exit. Robin is left with a furrowed brow and a confused look on her face. Did she fuck up? Does Tammy… did Tammy figure it out? Robin grabs the receipt from the jar once more and reads the note Tammy left.
Gimme a call?
Robin crumples up the note and tucks it into her pocket.
“You good Rob?” She hears Steve call from the back.
“Never been better.”
Once again Wednesday rolled around and once again Ms. Tammy Thompson made her appearance at Hawkin’s Video. This time Robin and Steve were playing go fish at the counter, one of the many ways they’ve found to waste time.
“Hi guys,” Tammy announced herself as she walked through the door.
“Hey, Tammy!” Steve waved. Robin smacked him in the stomach. She stared at him like it would make him melt. Steve pushed Robin on the shoulder and continued on.
“How’re things with Billy?” Steve asks and Robin rolls her eyes.
“He’s good, I think they’re gonna discharge him soon now that he’s walking,” Tammy says as she approaches the counter.
“Really? That’s great! You should bring hi- Fuck!” Robin managed to get her foot between Steve’s chair and the counter and pulled it out from under him, sending him to the floor.
“You looking for another movie?” Robin said, leaning towards Tammy. Steve groaned from the floor.
“Uh… yeah, is he gonna be okay?”
“I’m all good!” Steve stood up and brushed himself off like he hadn’t just eaten shit. “I’m gonna check on… a thing! In the back!” He announces as he marches off towards the staff room. Tammy still looks a little suspicious.
“So, what are you looking to watch?” Robin asks.
“Do you have Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?” Tammy says as she reaches into her bag.
“Did he really like The Breakfast Club that much?” Robin said as she accepted the VHS from Tammy. They brushed fingers again. Tammy laughed out loud.
“Oh no, he hated it. He said my taste in movies was shit,” Tammy is smiling now with those same glossy pink lips.
“Sounds about right,” Robin starts to fill out the clipboard before Tammy reaches out and places a hand on Robin’s.
“Can I ask you a question?” She asks as Robin’s cheeks start to burn.
“Yeah what's up?” She responds as Tammy leans in close.
“Are you and Steve together?” Tammy asks accusingly.
“What? No! Never in a million years!” Robin pulls back from Tammy and finishes the form before setting it back on the counter. “Nothing like that. We’re just friends,” She finishes before backing off to pull Tammy’s movie from off the shelf a few steps away. She places it on the counter and starts ringing Tammy up. Robin can feel her blood start to boil. She should’ve known better. “Why, are you trying to ask him out?” Robin says, snatching the money from where Tammy placed it.
“No, gross, I was just curious,” Tammy refutes quickly.
“Really? Then why have you been leaving your number for him in the tip jar?” Robin accuses. Tammy’s face turns bright red.
“Fucking forget it,” She says and presses her lips together tight. She takes the VHS and backs away from the counter. Robin can see her eyes get glossy before she turns to the door and leaves.
“Everything okay over there?” Robin hears Steve ask.
“I think I fucked up,” Robin said, placing her head in her hands.
Robin really hadn’t expected Tammy to show up again. After all, she had said that Billy was gonna be out of the hospital soon, She’d probably send him to bring back the movie if he wanted a new one. Surprisingly, Robin was wrong.
Robin hadn’t heard the door open when Tammy came in because she’d been on break but her voice was the most distinguishable Robin had ever heard.
“Hey Tammy, need help finding a movie?” 
Robin heard the telltale smack of a VHS on the linoleum counter.
“No thank you, Steve,” Tammy responded snipply. Robin could hear the sound of footsteps on the carpet turn into the clipping sound of heels as Tammy stalked into the staff room. Robin looked up from her turkey sandwich guiltily. 
“You’re avoiding me,” She accuses. Robin swallows her bite.
“You’re avoiding me,”
“No, I’m not,”
“Yes, you are,”
“How so?”
Tammy lets out a heavy sigh and leans on the door frame.
“It’s 12:30, I’m on my lunch break,”
“12:30 is the same time I’ve come in for the past two weeks,”
“My shift got switched with Steve’s, this is my lunchtime now. That doesn’t mean I’m avoiding you,” 
“Then why haven’t you called me?” Tammy says disappointedly. 
Robin coughs on her lunch. “What?”
“I left my number for you, twice, why didn’t you call me?” Tammy shifts onto her other foot.
“I thought you left it for Steve,” Robin responds honestly.
“Ah,” Tammy replies, blushing.
“You wanted me to call you?”
“Yeah,” Tammy’s blush started spreading down her neck.
“Oh,” Robin can’t think of a smart response. Robin hears Tammy start to sniffle.
“Um… Billy’s getting out of the hospital on Friday. So, he’ll come in for movies from now on. So… you know,” Tammy’s eyes get that glossy look like they did before.
“Are you okay?”
“C’mon Robin, don’t act dumb,” Tammy rubs at her eyes, getting mascara smudged beneath her lashes.
“Act dumb?” Robin says dumbly.
“I get it, you’re not interested, I’m sorry for making it weird,” Tammy’s wiping beneath her eyes but it only succeeds in making her makeup worse.
“Not interested?” Robin stands up from her seat. 
Tammy laughs bitterly.
“Please just don’t tell anyone I’m gay, Billy’s been through enough, He doesn’t need people bringing up his fag cousin too,” Tammy’s words start to get jumbled together as she avoids eye contact.
“Are you serious?” Robin groans, “Wait no! I mean- for real? You’re gay?”
Tammy doesn’t respond, she just stares from her spot next to the door, makeup smudged across her face. Robin moves away from the seat.
“I had the biggest crush on you! I still do! I thought that you were into Steve,” Robin announces. “I thought you were still into him, that’s why I was acting like an asshole… I’m sorry about that,”
“You’re not making fun of me are you?” Tammy responds sharply, “I’ll kick your ass if you are, I’m not joking,”
Robin just smiles.
“You really are Billy’s cousin, aren’t you?” Robin approaches Tammy and pulls her away from the door, closing it behind her. “For real, you can ask Steve, I hated him when I first met him because you’d always stare at him in history class,” Robin proceeds to the window and closes the blinds behind the desk. 
“What? I wasn’t staring at Steve, I was staring at you! He was just the closest thing to look at whenever you’d catch me,” Tammy corrects her. “And don’t compare me to Billy, that’s just weird.”
Robin can’t help but smile. Tammy smiles back, shy, but still smiling nonetheless.
“You were jealous over me?” Tammy asks.
“Yeah, but it’s okay now,” Robin pushes Tammy up against the desk. Even with heels on and hair teased to hell, Tammy was still a few inches shorter than Robin. 
It was Tammy who leaned into the kiss first. Robin, of course, followed suit. It was inexperienced, and messy, and their teeth clicked together but it was still perfect. Tammy pulled back, placing her hand over her mouth, face still tinged pink. 
“Could you write your number down for me again?” Robin asked.
Tammy let her hand drop and nodded, leaning in for a quick peck.
“You didn’t give my number to Steve, right?”
“Of course not. He’s not allowed to call you anyways, bro-code and all that,” Robin responds, grabbing a notepad and a pen from the desk and handing it to Tammy.
“I have to go soon, my lunch break is almost over,” Tammy says, scribbling down on the notepad. Tammy leans up for one more kiss, tucking the folded up paper into Robin’s pocket before pulling away and heading out the door. Robin follows behind her, abandoning her turkey sandwich and her break. She pulls a random movie off the shelf and hands it to Tammy.
“Oh yeah, that’s kinda what I came in to get, wasn’t it? Cinderella?” Tammy giggles, examining the VHS case. She shrugs, taking it to the counter, pulling out the change from her pocket and handing it to Steve. She pulls a box of Twizzlers from the snack shelf parallel to the cash register and immediately opens it.
“See you later, Tammy,” Steve says, handing Tammy the receipt. She looks around for a pen before pressing a kiss to the paper and tossing it into the tip jar.
“Later Steve. I’ll bring Billy by next time,” She says through a mouth full of candy, turning on her heel and leaving as confidently as she came in. Steve turns to Robin grinning from ear to ear.
“You got something right there,” He says pointing to his mouth. Robin rubs her lips to discover Tammy’s lipgloss smeared across her face.
“Shit, I’m gonna go wash this off,” She replies.
“Oh, and Robin?” Steve calls out as she heads off.
“What’s up?”
“I told you so.”
Robin scoffs, tucking her hand in her pocket, pulling out the note Tammy left for her.
You’d better give me a call this time! XOXO
-Tammy ♡
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theosputnam · 3 years
So a lot of people are mentioning the fact that moth said robin can live for thousands of years and assuming that means robin is already old and since people have 0 comprehension skills let me break it down:
The actress who played moth clarified that he COULD live thousands of years not that he did. He was literally adopted by the pagans and basically the teen pagan he wouldn’t have acted and treated pan as an adopted father if he really was thousands of years old. There’s two options either Robin is 17-18 and could live thousands of years or,like the witches, he is a couple hundred but is still in the maturity range of a teenage hobgoblin. Friendly reminder, Nick himself is 60-80(this is canon) so are the weird sisters(this is either talked about in one of the first seasons or the books) it’s mentioned that Ambrose is 130 years old(in season 4) and Hilda and Zelda and Edward were all around 600(an estimate from season one where it’s mentioned the time Zelda has lived through) ages for magical beings work differently and the relationship isn’t inappropriate. It’s likely that like I said If robin is a few hundred that’s only the maturity of a teenager. In fact Jon once described Robin as Ariel wanting to be where the humans were wanting to rebel and find love and we all know Ariel was 16.
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radarbanten · 3 years
Statemen Pendeta Saifudin Ibrahim Bertentangan dengan Menag Yaqut
Statemen Pendeta Saifudin Ibrahim Bertentangan dengan Menag Yaqut
SERANG, RADARBANTEN.CO.ID, Statemen Pendeta Saifudin Ibrahim soal Alquran dan pesantren bertolak belakang dengan program Menteri Agama Yaqut Cholil Qoumas yang berupaya meningkatkan kualitas kerukunan antarumat beragama dan penguatan moderasi beragama di Indonesia. “Saya melihat apa yang dilakukan Pendeta Saifudin justru dapat mengganggu kerukunan antarumat dan upaya menguatkan moderasi…
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thecandywrites · 2 years
The Switch Chapter 10
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And now we have reached the apex, next- the fall. 
The Switch 
Chapter 10
Kragan’s family was of course so excited at the prospect of being invited to not only be Yekmenian’s but be in nobility as the whole family was eager to move here. You watched on as Kragan’s family eagerly signed the written offers from Audrey and Lukher. Thaddius and Astrin as well as Kragan and yourself and his siblings who were of marriagable age and ready to strike out on their own- looked for a good place to build your estates on among the lands. 
You looked at what parcels of land had the best access to roads- so that it was easily accessible. Also that it always had a good fresh water supply for plumbing. Where it wouldn’t be prone to any storms or damage from the elements but also where the land was fertile to plant gardens and even a vineyard and an orchard and grazing lands for any flocks so that the estate would have a good food supply along with electricity. But the thing was- every piece of land had those things and you were spoiled for choice before you chose based on what the views would be like. 
The Yekmenian National Bank- which was the official title of the bank that Queen Audravienne had opened for her citizens. That had been a portion of the Yekmenian Royal Treasury- would give Kragan amazing rates of interest for any money he would deposit. You immediately deposited the rest of your funds that you had on hand. Audrey was more than happy to take actual gold bricks and bars- melt them down - add adani to them to make them adani gold drakars. And then deposited them into the accounts. Which each drakar was a third of the size of a gold bouillon brick from Solowards. So she- in one fell swoop immediately tripled your money for the price of a single gold bouillon in exchange for all the adani mineral to do it. 
You talked with Audrey very extensively about your own ideas and visions for what The Contessina Ships, and their ports would all eventually look like and feel like when the guest was on board. And how you could make a universally pleasing layout where the details and the finishes could be customized to suit the buyer. Tests were run to see how thin the materials could be made so that things like marble tiles for floors and walls wouldn’t necessarily be all that heavy. But be durable to withstand the forces that would be put onto them when in use. And wouldn’t crack depending on how heavy the person walking on them would be. You and Audrey used Thobin as your test subject to make sure that especially ships made for Dorierra- orcs of his size could easily walk through the entire ship. And especially learn the layout quickly and for there to be a safe room to easily get a bride and her party into it, defend the vessel, safely manuver the vessel out of danger and then get back on course. Audrey insisted that they build a mock up of the basic inner layout of the ship in a courtyard to make sure everything would be at the right height and width- just for the Dorierran ships. While the other ships didn’t necessarily have to be so accommodating of the larger builds of Dorierran orcs. Before you reached a decision of a set of parameters for each size of ship depending on how big and massive and sprawling the ship could be and how big the guests on board would be. 
All of Yekmeni and the surrounding colonies were overjoyed to be working on not just Salgria Shipping Ships but especially The Contessina Ships since mouras naturally had a flare and love for the luxurious when possible and would be doing a fair bit of the finishing work. The rest of your personal wealth was poured into an account that would pay the laborers to build the ships, and would pay the artisans for their beautiful crafts and workmanship and craftmanship to finish the ship. Since the ships would be built in three stages. The first stage- building the “skeleton” of the ship. Then the “fleshing out” stage and finally “finishing” stage. 
Audrey insisted that stone timber pines from the West Coast of Nuvaric from where Stormbreaker was- where her friend Benyana was the Clan Chieftess would be the best wood in all of the supersphere to use to flesh out the ships. Because while it took a bit to get used to working with it, it lasted usually at least ten times as long as any other wood.  And surely between adani steel in the frame of The Contessina Ships themselves, and the stone timber pine in the hauls and inner frames and walls. The Contessina Ships could always get upgrades and face lifts in finishing materials while also lasting at least a few lifetimes or at least a few generations of owners. And then all the various colors of marble to finish out the interiors of the ships would appeal to a variety of tastes and beautiful and wonderfully intricate but durable carpets to go on the floors whether they be stone or wood- for easy cleaning would be ideal. So that each one both looked and felt like a proper palace when you were on board the ships themselves. 
But after your initial healing from the stones- the more medicine that you took from Dr. Hayati- the worse you began to feel. The feeling of impending death slowly crept back into your heart and mind. And feeling that the number of your days start to tick down slowly became more poignant. You felt like you were cramming as much as possible into each and every single minute so that Audrey would have the same vision you did of the ships as both of you made dozens of finishing sets. With samples of marble, paints for the walls. Woods for the trim and finishes and sketches both vague yet detailed for every kind of ship as you both broke it down to a bare bones model that would be a base model and then built up from there before Lukher, Audrey, Kragan and yourself came up with the largest and most luxurious one as each variant had it’s own added title. And the most grand designed Kragan named The Contessina Magnifica. And it would be very much- a floating palace. And while the smaller skyships would look like little toy boats in the clouds. The Contessina Magnifica would look large enough even from the ground that one would feel like they could reach up and pluck it from the sky with their hand and it would come with a crew of smaller defensive ships to fly around it in formation to protect it and the occupants from any would be attackers. 
The plan was that once the ships had their adani steel frames, like a steel skeleton- and adani anti-gravity disks and adani propulsion engines and the beginning of the plumbing and electrical wiring installed- the ships would then be flown to Drauch to be “fleshed out” by the stone timber pines and then sailed back to Yekmeni to be finished. 
Kragan poured most of his money into the sails for the Contessina Ships. They would be a brand new wonder of engineering. The sails themselves would not only harness the wind- but the sunshine too. And even moonlight - as an energy source. Skyships had something of windmills at the bottom that helped turn a turbine engine which in turn would help turn the paddles of the windmills like propellers of a seaship. 
But because of the very advanced technology in Yekmeni and thanks to the ingenuity of not just the native Yekmenians but the mouras in the surrounding colonies- Kragan invented a new propulsion engine that was a turbine of but blades that would cut through the air faster than a propeller. And the engine turbines could be put on the bottom of the ship and with just a move of a lever and a joystick- could me moved and maneuvered in any direction so that the ship could move in any direction for ease of movement and quickness of movement so that you didn’t have to go at whatever the wind speeds were.  
And the engineers and artisans at Yekmeni made a special cloth that was both machine and cloth that had special cells that would capture sunlight and turn it into electrical energy to help power the ship, charge the batteries and the generator and engines and anti-gravity disks and the turbines.  And where the SSCS woven into the sails themselves- that thread would actually glitter during the daylight and glow at night. Especially under moonlight since the sails were dyed in special dye that would make the sails glow as if under blacklight at night and if a light were shone on them- from a lighthouse or in a storm- the sails themselves would reflect back as if painted with light reflecting paint. The sails themselves were an utter marvel too and would soon be put to use in the regular Salgria Shipping boats. And with the different classes- the sails themselves could have their designation. So that the sails of The Contesssina Magnifica Ships would have SSCS-M on the ships so that even at a distance you could tell what class Contessina Ship it was. 
All of it was so exciting yet it was a bitter sweet process for you. Because while Kragan and yourself threw yourselves into this project. You knew you would probably never see it completed. But what a wonder these ships would be when they were finished. And what fortunes they would make Kragan and his family- you could only fathom and fantasize about, as you would draw and paint picture after picture of possible looks based on Kragan’s initial design which ended up being the middle of the road model- called Originale. 
But as the feeling of impending doom grew stronger and things seemed to settle on specific plans and less about theory and more about making those theories into realities- you had been in Yekmeni a month. And while Audrey and Lukher always made Kragan and his family and yourself feel at ease and welcome here. This was not to place to reveal your truth. Because you knew the moment you did, especially if you did it here- it would kill all enthusiasm for the project and kill it in it’s tracks. And as much as you loved and enjoyed seeing Kragan soar so high in mind, heart and spirit. You didn’t have the heart to take the air from under his wings just as he finally achieved his new height. But you also didn’t want Kragan to wake up next to a dead corpse either. So you finally suggested that his family at least go home, and start to pack up their home and say their goodbyes and meet with their other family and friends in Forestrong.
Kragan’s older siblings basically told their mother to pack up their stuff and ship it here because they were excited to get their own building of their own houses and estates underway. Especially when so many of them already had a prospective mate already here in Yekmeni, or in Stormbreaker. Especially as Kragan’s brother Thaire was excited to get to Stormbreaker and see Brock’s younger sister Salri, as he volunteered to be in Drauch. And specifically Stormbreaker to oversee all the stone timber pine works. 
Audrey insisted that you spend your last night at Yekmeni under the stones “just in case the first time had missed anything”. But you knew she was really just trying to buy you more time again as both of you did your best to act like nothing was wrong. Which got harder and harder for Audrey to do when she noticed you try so hard and struggle with keeping up the appearance that you were fine.
When really, every day you woke up and pulled yourself out of bed was a feat. And Audrey could tell you were growing tired and weary. And when you told her that you could feel the end coming near again, she made sure to shut down any reasons for keeping you and Kragan here. She took on more and more of the directive control of The Contessina Project for you.  You trusted her judgment and her tastes implicitly because no greater friend or ally had you made than her. And she herself was angry and upset that Dorierra would dare charge you so much to heal you. But she didn’t seek any other advice or council of anyone else, out of respect for keeping the matter of your personal health a private matter only for you to decide. 
And while you got to go to the colonies, you were too scared to approach a healer and make any kind of inquiries because you were too afraid of the price they would ask. And too afraid of Kragan’s reaction and what he would risk or spend or leverage to try and help. Astrin had already had to tell him that he needed to wait for a few months to get more funds to pour into The Contessina Project because every bit of profit and income that wasn’t earmarked to care for the family and it’s needs or the company, it’s workers and it’s needs- was being dumped into The Contessina Project already. And you could already sense that things were beginning to be strapped tight. 
Even with Audrey’s generosity with turning any gold money or even paper money- using Dorierra’s exchange rates as her own- to gauge and calculate the wealth in your accounts - as even the interest accumulated was being spent as quickly as it could be accrued. And you just knew that if you said something now- everything would stop. People’s jobs and livelihoods were now on the line and hanging in the balance and you could not in good conscience deprive countless people- their means of income- just to prolong your own life. The needs of many outweighed your single life.  
But at the same time. You knew Kragan would be furious that you had kept this from him your whole marriage. He had given you countless opportunities to tell him and to come clean about it. And you were still too afraid to fully open up because you didn’t want things- that were finally going right- as all your plans were finally being put into actions- to end. You didn’t want to see how much he would be hurt and betrayed by this. And you loved him too much and cared for him too much to want him to suffer at all, or to be in any kind of pain or distress. And so- out of fear- you let him stay in blissful ignorance- trying to keep the blissful state intact for as long as possible. While also pushing off the inevitable for as long as possible. By Solowardian Law- a groom could sue his inlaws in the first two months of marriage for a “lame” bride. And you did everything in your power to make it to that second month. And you were only mere weeks away from it. But at the same time. You only hoped that you had that much time left at all. 
While you had stayed in Yekmeni, between Audrey ordering more clothes for you in the Yekmenian style so that you could always be comfortable, and even “sold” you jewelry at a very reduced rate so that you looked and felt more Yekmenian by the day. It still didn’t feel real to you. You still felt like a fish out of water and just a traveller- passing through, never staying for too long. 
Audrey even happily let you hold Ahi as much as you wanted. Since she knew you probably would never get a chance to hold a baby of your own. That and Ahi was just the sweetest baby. And had fat rolls for days and always hot so he barely wore a diaper most of the time. And between looking at him, and Ashurah’s son Harashu and Masairra’s twins Jahoel and Jahaline. All of them were this big and this chunky which thier fathers claimed almost all orc babies- at least very well fed ones looked like that and were the epitome of health. He was more olive green than brown as his coloring was almost exactly like the forest floor, save for his bright yellow eyes. But Kragan only seemed to be more turned on every time you held either Ahi or any of the other babies because he was bound and determined to give you a baby of your own.  
Once you finally left Yekmeni, you stopped off at Drauch and Stormbreaker and commissioned for not just stone timbers to be cut down, but for every one that was cut down- two more would be planted in its place on Stormbreaker lands since Stormbreaker had a magnificent stone timber pine forest in it’s territory and since Stormbreaker, Drauch and Suchi had become allies with Yekmeni. And Brock and Yana being close friends with Lukher and Audrey- it seemed only natural that you would take Lukher and Audrey’s advice and go to the best and most abundant source of stone timber pines- that would give you a very good price for such a precious material- if they got to work with it themselves and while they understood that sky ships and seaships were similar- they had key differences too but Stormbreaker seemed up to the task to learn and do all they could.  
Meeting Brock and Yana was like meeting old friends too- as Kragan and Brock were just as good of friends as Kragan was with Lukher. And Yana- while different from Audrey, was very fun to be with and be around. And getting introduced to more of the mountain moura colony culture was a wonderful experience. And their little Brive was just too precious. He was six months younger than Ahi but his pastel mint green skin and bright golden blonde hair in beautiful little curls was darling. And he was just as happy and gregarious as Ahi was. And he was about as round as he was long with lots of fat rolls himself. His little limbs seeming nothing but little fat rolls which was a very good sign of infant health. And to see so many other mouras married into the Stormbreaker Clan and so many hybrid children was amazing. While heartwarming, affirming and reassuring for Kragan. It was bittersweet for you to see it because you knew in your heart that there was no way for you to give Kragan such a priceless gift. 
The clan was all too happy to agree and happily took on the building contract. Part of Drauch was changed by the mouras in Stormbreaker to make adequate room for the ships and the lumber yards and the skyship yards. Work was immediately started- felling trees and preparing the wood for the curing process so that when Yekmeni would send out their “bare bones” ships. They would get “fleshed out” here- by adding the stone timber pine wood planks and fill out the haul and would be the beams for the walls and masts for the sails. As Kragan happily gave Brock and Thaire the construction plans for each and every single class of Contessina Ship that would be coming to be “fleshed out”. And then once the boat was fully-“fleshed out” - it would be towed back to Yekmeni to get the finishing touches put into it and the rest of the plumbing and electrical wiring installed along with the sails. 
Brock and Yana were especially happy for the opportunity because it meant that the forest wouldn’t get depleted. Because it would be in a constant state of being replanted as areas where the trees had already been felled to build the ever growing town of Stormbreaker. It also meant work and even more income- independent from their seafood sales at Suchi. Drauch and even Vraum could be stopping points for the Contessina Ships. Since Drauch and Vraum were unique in the world and soon gaining interest in as a world wonder to have floating cities made out of clouds that could move on the wind, even to other colonies around the world. 
Kragan and yourself were given a move in ready estate in Drauch to stay in while you would be there in the future. All you needed to move in were your clothing, food and other household supplies. But otherwise the estate itself was fully furnished and Yana used her own palatial home to use as the basis for it as she and the other mouras used the home as thanks for bringing Salgria Shipping and The Contessina Shipping Project to them and give them that much more independance from Suchi financially. 
But after your dealings with Stormbreaker- the weariness of traveling was soon felt in your bones and you just wanted to rest. You still didn’t want to tell Kragan in Stormbreaker either. Your fears intensified while the feeling of impending doom was getting too great to ignore. Even with the second healing from the stones, which you felt gave you about another month of life. Now you only had a week before the two month mark and you wanted Kragan to be at home by then. And with just a little bit of pleading- Kragan finally caved and brought you to his home so that you could fully rest and recover from moving from room to room, bed to bed and rest and recover from your efforts being poured into The Contessina Project ever since you got married. 
And while Kragan was embarrassed by his home’s simpleness and plainness. You assured him and reassured him that you didn’t need anything that fancy. You just wanted to finally have a rest without having to work on the project or having to worry about when you would need to go somewhere else to take care of the next thing. You just wanted a break from all of that. 
So Kragan and his parents and his younger siblings brought you to their surprisingly humble home and with Kragan’s older siblings no longer with you- Mildred packed up their things into trunks for Thaddius to send them and took up the room right next to yours so that she was always as close as possible. 
You were just grateful it was a home. You slept on the couch while Kragan and Captain Tilge moved your mattress and other things from the Violet Skye into Kragan’s room. And while it wasn’t that much of a room as far as size or opulance. You were just grateful to get a room where your bed wasn’t moving with the winds and stayed still. Because while it had taken you a while to get “your sky legs” so to speak. You missed solid ground. And you missed laying still and laying in a bed that was yours through and through. Where it didn’t feel like you were a guest but that was yours. Even as welcoming Audrey had made Yekmeni and Yana had made Drauch and Tilge had made the Violet Skye- it all still felt like Souja Tavern to you. None of it didn’t quite feel like home to you. And your soul demanded that you needed to rest in your true- home. Not a house that you were calling home for the time being with Kragan on your travels.  
Mildred regretfully woke you up when the room was ready and dinner was ready as you sleepily went to the dining room and tiredly ate. Barely able to keep your eyes open as you tried to eat. Kragan noticed your extreme fatigue and insisted that he help you to bed because you still looked so tired you were about to fall over and fall face first into your soup as Astrin seemed a little giddy at the development of you becoming increasingly tired ever since Yekmeni. 
Kragan helped you into bed and you didn’t even get a chance to take your nightly medicine before you were fast asleep as soon as your body all but collapsed into bed. 
“I’m really worried about Tessa.” Kragan admitted when he rejoined his remaining family around their dining room table.  
“I’m not.” Astrin grinned wider as she continued to eat what was at the table and keeping a watchful eye on her kids to make sure they were eating off of their own plates and not taking food from their sibling’s plates. 
“Why?” Kragan asked his mom. 
“Kragan, it’s been a month and a half since she got off that gods awful medicine from Solowards in Yekmeni. And she hasn’t had her menstruation since the wedding. Some women, when they’re really early in the pregnancy- just tend to sleep a lot because their bodies are too busy making another person.” Astrin hinted as Kragan gasped softly. 
“Really?” Kragan asked excitedly. 
“Yes really. But it’s still too early for the pregnancy to show up on the traditional tests. It’ll be another two months at least. But I’ll bet you- your britches that she’s already with child. The two of you have done nothing else nearly day and night for the last two months but try. Some women just get super tired in the beginning of their pregnancies and I think she’s one of them.” Astrin ventured.
Mildred hung back from re-entering the dining room as tears flooded her eyes. If only they knew. She didn’t even re-enter the dining room. And instead retired to her own room for the night. Much to Tilge’s disappointment because he was hoping to finally get invited to stay in Mildred’s room with her. Because the two had grown their own relationship and had become quite close. Tilge always practically bending over backwards to help and support and befriend and charm Mildred and try to sweep her off her feet.
But Mildred still refused physical closeness or intimacy. And still kept him at arm’s reach emotionally and mentally. Which Tilge had thought she was just playing hard to get. But really it was Mildred knowing that soon, you would pass. And that soon, she’d be going back to Solowards to live and serve out the rest of her life at your family’s estate. Despite you saying that once you passed, she was free to do with her life as she pleased. And that if she didn’t want to go back to Solowards, she didn’t have to or was obligated to. And while she had always served with distinction, she was not a slave. And didn’t belong or was owned by you or anyone else in your family. You had paid her double for following you and helping you with the last moments of your life. And you just wanted her to be happy. 
Mildred came back into your room and simply sat on the bed and lovingly pet your head and running her fingertips through your hair. Remembering with bittersweetness- all the memories of watching you grow up. And now to be so young but already at the end of your life- Mildred felt it wasn’t fair at all. That the world’s sweetest and brightest shining star would only shine so bright for such a short time. It would just be another few days before it would be past the marriageable probationary time period. You were almost there. And she would personally see to it that if you made it there and a day longer- she would consider it a job well done. 
Mildred wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks and used her handkerchief to sniffle into because carrying this weight with you had been just as equally heavy for her to carry too. She felt like a coward for hiding behind the ‘It’s not my place’ rule of serving a master. She could now only hope and pray you could live out for the rest of the week. She had mentally dug her heels in and would be seeing to you as if you were an invalid if she needed to. And had actually had a vial of actual poison that she had hidden inside a small board game that the doctors had given her that if and when your suffering was stretching on and you were suffering senselessly. She could end it for you. Mildred did her best to regain her composure before she checked to make sure you were still breathing before she left the room when she heard someone climb the stairs and the stairs creek and groan with the movement. 
“She’s still sleeping Sir. Good night Sir.” Mildred offered when she saw it was Kragan before she slipped into her room when all Kragan did was nod in understanding. 
“Goodnight Mama Mildred.” He offered her retreating form as she did her little waive as she shut the door and no sooner had she hid herself in her room before she did her best to weep as silently as she could as she got the poison out and made sure it was now at the ready for when you would need it before she slid into bed and silently cried herself to sleep. 
You barely registered Kragan coming to bed, as the mattress shifted with his weight before he gathered you into his arms and his warmth seep into you as Kragan noticed that the heat pattern of your body had changed now that he took a moment to really become attuned to you. 
There was heat pooling in your abdomen. Usually you were always just a touch colder than him. But now, he could distinctly feel the warmth all collect and pool in your abdomen. Even to his well trained and sensitive touch- your abdomen, that now no longer had so much pain. He could feel that your lower belly was in fact just barely larger than normal. He couldn’t help but tear up and smile at the thought that you were pregnant. Then he shimmied down in the bed and noticed that your womanhood even smelled slightly different. A little stronger and more potent but while his mouth watered, he wouldn’t give into his craving for it and risk waking you up. 
“If you’re in there. I’m here. And it doesn’t matter if you’re a son or a daughter, I will love you with my whole heart and soul regardless.” Kragan whispered before he pressed a soft kiss into your belly. Before wriggling back up and gathering you in his arms. He didn’t know how else to sleep now. He didn’t care what bed he had to sleep on or how rich the room was furnished. If you were comfortable, that’s all that he cared about. And the last two months had been the best and most exciting months of his life. And he felt like you were the catalyst that would give him all the motivation he needed to build you an empire- worthy of your name. And give you something worthy for you to rule over, besides his heart, mind and soul. You could sleep for the next nine months straight if it meant that you would be ok and that if you were carrying a child, that that child would be happy and healthy. 
But Kragan woke up alone in the bed in the morning and only the sound of you vomiting in the grass outside of his bedroom as Mildred was already up and dressed and helping you as you laid in the yard since his house didn’t have indoor plumbing. 
“Tessa! Are you ok?” Kragan asked as he came downstairs and out of the house in a robe. 
“Yeah, I tried taking my morning medicine. I threw it right back up and even the smell of it is making me sick and I didn’t want to wake you or anyone else up.” You croaked as you looked miserable as Mildred was nearby with a bucket of water and a steaming teapot as she poured you a cup from her pocket and poured you a cup of peppermint tea for nausea. 
“Well if it’s making you sick, stop taking it altogether.” Kragan urged you. 
“You have felt worse the more you’ve taken Dr. Hayati’s medicine. It isn’t the same as your old medicine. Your old medicine never made you this sick.” Mildred commented. 
“But the old medicine was still harming me internally, period. And even by now, I would be weaning off the old altogether. Maybe the doctors didn’t put enough Green Tansey with the Violet Eye or something. I’ve just felt awful since I started taking the new medicine. Like I feel like I never should have taken anything after those stones did what they could. And Hayati didn’t say that I would feel worse before I would feel better or anything like that. Maybe I should just stop taking it all together and see how I fare for a few days.” You ventured. 
“Yeah, I think that’s wise Tessa.” Kragan readily agreed. 
“Tessa? Are you ok Hun?” Astrin asked as she came out of the house in her robe and came over. 
“Yeah, just feeling really nauseous this morning. Just the smell of Dr. Hayati’s medicine made me hurl.” You admitted as Astrin smiled brightly. 
“Well that’s normal. I would think it’s morning sickness. Besides, when a woman comes to be with child, her tastes change and her sense of smell becomes much more acute.” Astrin hinted as Mildred turned to look at to see how you would react. 
“It’s a possibility.” You tried to smile politely before another wave hit you and you hugged your other bucket and hurled into it. That little bit of peppermint tea coming back up and out in a hurry. 
“I know just the thing for you hun. Let me get it prepared for you.” Astrin urged as she went back into the house. 
“Do you think you might be with child?” Kragan asked as he sat down in the grass with you. 
“If the blood in my underwear this morning is an indication- no.” You muttered as you spit out the vomit tainted saliva in your mouth into the bucket. 
“Oh, so your moon blood did come, it just came late.” Kragan noted as his shoulders dropped a little in disappointment. 
“Well either way, we should stop the medicine regardless.” You insisted to Mildred. 
“Yes. I can have it disposed of by this afternoon.” Mildred offered. 
“No, just..hang onto it for a while. And we’ll see if this resolves with me no longer taking it.” You urged her. 
“Ok.” Mildred agreed before a messenger came to the house as Kragan stood and saw who it was. 
“Is everything ok?” Kragan asked as he came up to them and greeted them. 
“Yes, the first three Contessina Ship steel frames were finished yesterday. They are being towed to Drauch in Stormbreaker as we speak. But Stormbreaker didn’t think they would be done that fast and doesn’t have the plank steamers ready and the trees haven’t even been cut down into planks yet, let alone dried out or aged or anything.” He answered. 
“Kragan.” You called out as Mildred helped you hobble over as you had overheard what the messenger had to say. 
“Hmm?” Kragan asked. 
“If they don’t have the plank steamers, are there extra steamers that can be pulled from your other shipyards that can be brought to Drauch? And you can build new ones in Drauch while the others are still working in Drauch? Don’t hold up production just because Yekmeni worked faster than Drauch did. Even if you have to pull whole crews from here in Forestrong or Fitsdale or wherever just to train the new builders in Drauch? They know how to build fishing boats in Drauch but this is a new venture for everyone. They’ll need all the help they can get.” You put to him. 
“It’s either that or have the ships brought to the other shipyards but if I do that. Stormbreaker won’t be pleased because I gave the contract to them for their cheaper but better lumber.” Kragan answered. 
“Do you have workers that can go and stay anywhere? Drauch is still plenty big enough and has plenty of empty houses to host all kinds of families if they need to. You can either rent out the spaces for the workers to stay or you can outright buy the whole neighborhood in Drauch from Brock and Yana just for the shipbuilders to stay and give them a raise for moving just to accommodate the move. And Drauch has all kinds of amenities that make moving to it wonderful. Audrey literally tripled our money in Yekmeni. Take a third of it to buy the section in Drauch if you have to. And the food is awesome in both Stormbreaker and Drauch. Just go to Brock- get the ok. And then go to your shipyards and ask for volunteers. And the bonus of your workers moving to where you need them should be enough of an incentive.” You urged him. 
“But we just got home yesterday. You need me here to..” Kragan began to argue. 
“I’ll be fine. Just let me stay here and rest and recuperate. I’ll join up with you later or you can come back and get me once you get this sorted out. Duty and business calls, you need to answer it. Don’t let me hold you back. This needs immediate attention and immediate action. Give it the attention it needs and take the action it requires.” You urged him. 
“But I don’t want to leave you. What if you need me for…something?” Kragan frowned. 
“I have Mama Mildred. She’ll take care of me the same way she always has. I’m in good hands. And between her and whoever else wants to stay behind. I’ll be fine.” You reassured him even though right now, you could barely keep standing because of your depleting strength. 
“You sure?” Kragan put to you.
“I’m positive.” You nodded. 
“Go, get your father, discuss what you can do and how you can make this work and what you need to do next. It’ll be fine. You’re a very intelligent man, you’ll figure it out.” You reassured him before Kragan caved and brought the messenger inside. Just as Astrin was in the middle of making breakfast for the family herself as Mildred immediately tried to pitch in and at least help and over breakfast. 
Thaddius and Kragan agreed that your solution was best and would have to leave when they hadn’t even unpacked. Kragan laid with you one more time but he found that there seemed to be a wall to keep himself from seating fully into you this time but he was just happy he could give you your pleasure twice before getting his own before finally pulling himself from you and hoping that that seed would have a chance to take root if the others hadn’t. 
“The moment you need me or want me or get hungry for me, you call me ok?” He urged you. 
“Ok.” You agreed before you kissed him sweetly and saw him off. Wishing you had more time and wishing you could have had a chance to tell him the truth but you didn’t want the truth of the matter to derail him. Not when The Contessina Project was getting underway much faster than you had anticipated. 
By nightfall it was just Astrin, and her younger children, Mildred and yourself left in the house. You stayed out and watched Kragan and Thaddius and Tilge board the Violet Skye and shrink to barely a speck in the dusk as the sun set and the glorious colors of the sunset stretched out over the sky. And even as beautiful as it was, it felt like Kragan had taken your heart from your chest when he left. 
You just sat in the grass and cried. Because in the end- all those chances to tell Kragan the truth, had officially slipped through your fingers like sand or water. And you felt so unworthy of Kragan’s love and trust. Because you knew he kept no secrets from you. And you hated yourself for keeping this from him. You hated being a coward, and you hated the fact that you didn’t have the strength to go with him. And you hated the fact that even at his childhood home- you still didn’t feel at home. But you couldn’t go home to Solowards and your family’s estate now. This is where you asked Kragan to take you and to leave you. And this would be where you would die. Alone- except for Mildred. 
So here you sat, sobbing in the soft grass- knowing you were never going to see your husband face to face again.
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This is the last time I'm gonna talk about this For the person that got hella butt hurt from my.post from.last night this is for you if you don't like it then CRY ABOUT IT
This, this I love and will forever
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But this I'm not a fan of personally
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That's my opinion I know then"thobin" shippers are gonna attacking but here's what I have to say to that SORRY NOT SORRY
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notyetbutoneday · 5 years
What Counts (2/?)
Genre: Fluffly smut
Description: Theo knows what he wants, but that doesn’t stop him being nervous, fluffy smut first time goodness
TW: for some mentions of dysphoria but any language used is very write around instead of having dysphoria inducing language
It started with them making out. Which they did a lot. After a while like always Theo could feel Robin start to react to it against his hipbone. Had that been quicker than usual? Maybe it was because of what Theo had promised was to come, maybe it was because he was so nervous. What if he wasn’t good enough? What if this changed things, Robin wouldn’t see him differently after would he? Would he? No he knew Robin. How well did he know Robin.
He was nervous.
He wanted to, oh god when Robin did that while they kissed, he definitely wanted it. There were two incidences that made him convinced every boys junk was hooked up to their mouth, and that was eating some really good food from Dr. Cees, and when Robin slipped his tongue into his mouth. Every time, every goddamn time Theo would make the most embarrassing noise in Robins mouth. It felt so good.
Usually when they started getting heated like this, when Theo started making those noises, when Robin’s excitement became rather obvious, they’d take a break.
Not this time.
Theo felt his chest get kind of tight. He placed his hand on Robins chest gently.
“Stop for a second.”
“Are you okay?”
“I think so? Just nervous.”
“Talk to me.” Robin sat up, pulling his boyfriend up with him holding both of his hands, placing them between their laps as he sat to face him.
“What if this changes things?”
“How do you mean?” Robin asked, soothingly running his thumb along Theo’s hand.
“You’re gonna see ... you’re gonna see me naked, waist down at least how could that not change things.”
Robin sighed softly, clutching Theo’s hands in his and looking at him meaningfully. “Theo you are my boyfriend, nothing I could possibly see changes how I see you. Your body is yours, you’re a guy, it’s a guys body, even if you’ve got some work to do before everyone sees that, it’s the only way I’m gonna see it.”
He nodded, his eyes pricked a little, he looked down at where strong, safe hands held his.
“Theo are you sure you wanna do this tonight?”
“Yeah, it’s just I never thought I'd meet anyone who would accept me as I am. Not untill you.”
“I feel the same way.” Robin assured standing up, giving a small smile before he took off his shirt turning around.
Damn, Theo hadn’t realised how fucking strong his boyfriend was, his muscles were so perfectly crafted, like angels wings. Theo shifted a little in his seat feeling his own excitement growing, that was slightly more uncomfortable but damn was he distracted.
Robin turned back “I’m a Hobgoblin.”
Sounds like something from DND was Theo’s first thought, fortunately what came out his mouth was. “Cool, what does that mean?”
“I can run? Fast?”
“Cool” Theo repeated rather mesmerised by his boyfriends perfect body, there was a hint of jealousy, but also a large part of him just wanted to jump in Robins lap already. Robin sat down next to him and leaned in cautiously which was met with Theo’s hand on the back of his neck pulling him in desperately and down onto the bed with him.
Robin fell by his side, letting his hand land on the bottom of Theo’s stomach, and running his tongue over his lips.
Fuck. He was ready. “Move your hand please.” He gasped shakily.
“Oh sorry.” Robin lifted it immediately.
“No, that’s not what I meant” Theo smiled catching his boyfriends wrist, move it down.”
“Are you sure?”
“Definitely.” Theo whispered pulling Robin towards him to kiss him deeply, as the other boys hand undid his belt.
After awkwardly explaining what packing was and discarding the socks he had stuffed down his boxers, grimacing knowing that Robin could feel how turned on he was while he moved it, Theo finally got what he wanted. His breathing hitched as Robin touched him.
He grabbed his hand. “Here, just to the left a little, now move your hand like - Shit yes like that.” He let out a moan before biting his lip, he didn’t know if his dad was home or not and this would not be an ideal time to remind him of the other boy in his room. He could feel that hot feeling in his stomach that usually happened between his sheets late at night thinking of Robin, all his muscles tensed.
As much as Robin loved seeing Theo like this he had to remind himself this was Theo’s first time and there was something else he had wanted, something he wanted to give him to make it perfect. He licked his boyfriend lip again.
A groan escaped Theo. He really needed to keep quiet.
“Didn’t you want something else?”
He nodded looking into Robins eyes. Nervous. But it would be okay.
“Can you take these off?”
“Hang on.” Theo pulled his blanket over himself before shimming under the cover a little, getting stuck in his jeans, laughing. “There”
Robin grinned kissing his forehead softly. “You sure you want this?”
“Get under the cover.” Theo smirked.
Robin raised his hands to his chest. As if to say damn okay I’ll do as I’m told.
Theo chuckled. “Robin wait.” Robin sat up patiently. Theo cupped his face in his hand placing giving him a chaste kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too Theo.” Robin turned to kiss his hand.
Robin shimmed to the end of the bed lifting the cover to let himself in. Theo looked at his ceiling his heart hammering. He felt Robin at his knees: he let him in. He could feel him kissing his thigh, then a hand on his stomach reach for his hand, a hand to hold that said I’ve got you. He took it.
When Robin finally let his tongue wander from his thigh to where Theo had been imagining it for weeks. It was better than ever expected.
“Holy shit.” He gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head the second his boyfriend made contact.
It didn’t take long for him to get off from that, his legs shaking pulling his boyfriend closer.
He lay in his post orgasmic haze for a moment his heart racing.
“Good?” Robin asked, coming to lay by his side.
“Yeah that was, that was good.” Holy fuck was it good. He turned to his side to cuddle into Robin, reaching up to kiss him first. Fuck he could feel, a lot of what had just happened down by his junk, oh that was dysphoria enducing.
“Could you get me my boxers please? Dysphoria.”
Robin nodded. “You want the socks too?”
“Nah I’m too sensitive.” Theo laughed shimming his way into something, quite literally, more comfortable.
He lay on Robins chest lifting his leg to lay across his boyfriends. That’s when he noticed how painfully excited Robin still was.
“You need help?” Theo asked, walking his fingers down his boyfriends stomach.”
“Not if you need to lay like this for a bit, if you’re feeling shit it’s okay.”
“No it’s fine it was just a moment, I’d like to actually.” He kissed his boyfriends cheek.
“Well you don’t need to ask me twice.” Robin chuckled.
Theo kisses his boyfriends cheek again, then down his abs, those perfect abs, leaving little marks in his wake to show he was there that this man was his.
After some fumbling with clothes it was finally his turn. He took some time to somewhat jealously admire his boyfriends dick. It didn’t look like fanfic described, not really but it was sort of beautiful. It was weird, though the idea of doing anything else with it made Theo so dysphoric it turned him on just to look at.
“You’re staring.” Robing laughed.
“Sorry.” Theo chuckled reaching for his boyfriends hand before running his tongue up the underside of his length, and around the head before taking him in entirely ... though it took a few attempts, it was his first time after all. Eventually Theo won the battle with his gag reflex and hummed happily around his boyfriend before getting to work.
“Fuck Theo.” Robin groaned bucking his hips a little before apologising profusely. Only to be met with a gentle squeeze to the hand Theo held. It’s okay. “I’m gonna-“ Robin warned after a while pushing his boyfriends head gently. Theo squeezed his hand again.
He tried to keep all of it in his mouth when Robin did, he didn’t succeed. He sat up wiping his face clean. Before shimming up to lay on his boyfriends chest again.
“Where did you learn that!?” His boyfriend panted.
“Fanfic. You?”
“Also fanfic.”
“High-five for nerdy boyfriends?”
Robin chuckled meeting his hand above them.
“You do still see me as that right?”
“Of course i do Theo.” Robin smiled, reaching to kiss him somewhat tiredly. “I’m always gonna, you’re a dude, you count.”
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I finally finished my request from @littleforestwitchposts
just uploaded it to ao3, check it out maybe?
It was lunch break, and Theo was in the back of the library studying. He had his cue cards stacked in one pile to one side, his notes next to them and then his textbook open with pens surrounding. Despite how organised that sounded he felt like a mess, head scattered all over the place as he tries to remember what exactly he was supposed to be doing, was it studying the cue cards, the textbook or was he suppose to be just reading his notes right now. He didn’t know and despite not having started yet, he needed a break, a distraction. Which came quicker than he thought, in the form of his boyfriend, a cup of tea in one hand and a muffin in the other.
To read more click the link:
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