#thomas blancheford
martianbugsbunny · 5 months
love the last episode of Renegade Nell bc Thomas suffers. Nell suffers. Charles is cunty. Sofia suffers. really feeds the soul.
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jbk405 · 21 days
I watched Renegade Nell today, plowing through all eight episodes in a single stretch.
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For some reason I thought Nell Jackson was based on a real-life figure, so I expected something similar to Gentleman Jack, albeit more comical. I didn't realize it was wholly-fictional until after the first episode. I also didn't know it was historical fantasy, so when Billy Blind popped up I was thrown for a bit of a loop.
It was overall entertaining, and I liked seeing Louisa Harland in prime focus after seeing her in the ensemble in Derry Girls. I also liked finally seeing a show not try to pretend that she's a teenager.
It was a good mix of villains for the season. Thomas as the sadistic, self-centered member of the gentry who nonetheless quails under the weight of his own actions. Having the Earl of Poynton as the "Dark Wizard Behind a Jacobite Coup" was certainly a unique twist. Sofia definitely had the most meat on her role, with just enough sympathy to make the audience engage with her without ever trying to frame her actions as just (or justified).
I'd guess that -- assuming they hadn't cancelled the show after one season -- the plan was for either Thomas or Sofia to have redeemed themselves later in the series. Probably not both. I would have preferred to see Sofia's redemption play out, but Thomas's also could have been good if handled correctly.
I'd say the biggest stumbling block for the show as a whole was the utilization of Billy Blind. They never seemed to know what they wanted to do with him. There was one scene of he and Nell having a conversation while somebody else is confused at who she's talking to, and a few other scenes of side-eyes as she apparently makes remarks to thin air, but then that's it. It wasn't a running theme throughout the season. She also never had the debate over who to tell about him, and the questions of trust and belief that come with it. He was just sort-of there. So when Nell sacrifices him at the end in order to save Thomas, I honestly didn't feel any of the anguish from her as she cries over losing her Most Important Person.
Sad to think that we won't be getting a second season. I would have liked to see what the showrunners could have put together with their feet underneath them. Plus, the development of Thomas and Sofia that I predicted.
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dontcallmenelly · 2 months
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new bts content 🥹🥹 louisa is such a cutie pie i’m obsessed with her
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writing-and-sillies · 3 months
hey guys, new game; you ask me a number between one and thirty. I go to my fanfiction google document, choose one of the fics/oneshots there and I have to either A] Finish it if I haven't already B] Publish it if I haven't already or C] Link the fic if I've already published it.
I need to get the creative shit flowing, and I have nothing better to do than this.
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arya-skywalker · 1 month
Escape (Renegade Nell fic)
Summary: Thomas can’t take it anymore. He runs away to London, hoping to escape his ghosts, only to end up right back where he started.
[Aka filling in some scenes between episodes 4-6.]
Notes: I’ve had this in my drafts for a while, but I realized we were sitting at 99 total fics on ao3 which motivated me to finally finish it and post. This is now the 100th fic yay! Also it almost feels like some scenes were cut in regard to Thomas, so I wanted to explore a little of what he was up to between scenes.
TW: ghosts (or hallucinations, who knows), drinking, self deprecation, canonical death/patricide, unhappy ending, kidnapping
AO3 link
Everywhere Thomas looked, his father’s dead face glared back at him. His father’s voice constantly mocked and berated him. It made him want to scream— sometimes he couldn’t stop himself.
And Poynton. Poynton was coming. Poynton who got them all into this mess. Poynton with his words like honeyed poison.
Thomas couldn’t take it. He had to escape. He snapped at the nearest servant to prepare the carriage, then stalked to his room to pack his things.
”Weak, pathetic, coward,” his father’s voice sneered.
Thomas flinched, but didn’t bother responding. He knew he was and he hated it. He couldn’t hold up the facade of being otherwise, not without help.
Not long after, he heard his sister’s footsteps approach. “What exactly are you doing?” Sofia asked.
“Leaving. Going to London. You can’t stop me.” Thomas stuffed some random clothes into a bag.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? With your—“
Thomas whirled on her. “Stop! Just stop. I’ve made up my mind. I’m going. If I stay here one day longer I’ll go mad. I can’t…” He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “You won’t listen to me about Poynton, fine. Dig your own grave, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I will not be under the same roof as him ever again.”
Sofia reached out to put a hand on his arm. “If you are truly set on this…” She sighed. “Perhaps a change of scene would be good for you. I’ll cover for you here. Just… be careful, please.”
Thomas shrugged her off. “Good. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” If ever.
“Will you at least write?”
“Maybe.” He doubted there would be much to write about, if he’d even be sober enough to string together anything coherent.
“Farewell, then.”
Thomas simply nodded to her and went back to preparing his things. He heard her footfalls retreat and the door close behind her.
London was as he remembered it. Bustling and loud and colorful. The perfect escape to lose himself in.
Time passed in a blur. He drank. He followed his old friends around to their usual hangouts. He fell back into old patterns of gambling and cards. He almost managed to forget. Sometimes he thought he saw a glimpse of his father’s ghost, but it would quickly be lost in the crowds. His friends helped distract him.
The hangovers were torturous, but he’d gladly take that over the horror that home had become. It was worth it. It had to be. What else could he do?
Then the worst happened. Poynton’s men found him in his room, while he was vulnerable and alone. Poynton strode over to him.
Thomas froze, staring at them. “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Was he hallucinating? Dreaming? How much had he drank again? This couldn’t be happening. His head hurt, his stomach twisted in knots.
“Neither are you,” Poynton said, calm and collected as always, his voice soft almost to the point of patronizing. “I’m here to take you home, Thomas.”
“No!” Thomas staggered back and tripped over a chair. The fall didn’t help, he didn’t wake up. “No, I won’t go back! You can’t make me!”
Poynton looked down at him and sighed. “Please don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be. Let me help you.”
Thomas shrank back. “Leave me alone!”
“I promised your sister I would return with you. You wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings, now would you?”
She betrayed him. How could she? He never should have told her where he was going. He should have disappeared off the face of the earth entirely. No one would miss him.
“Come now, Thomas.” Poynton took a step closer and offered his hand. The snakes on his ring twisted and danced. Thomas couldn’t look away as much as he wanted to.
”Sleep, Thomas. Sleep. All will be well. Sleep,” the voices whispered.
The world went black.
The next time Thomas woke he was in his father’s bedroom, with his father’s ghost glaring at him.
There was no escape. Nowhere he could run without being dragged back to hell.
He screamed.
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brooklyn868 · 1 month
Renegade Nell edit!!
Sorry for the low quality
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zephzephyrus · 3 months
another one for y’all (yes it’s arcadian wild)
this song is sofia and thomas
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the-record · 6 months
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SUMMARY: a ghost from your past finds herself back home
PAIRING: nell jackson x reader
WARNINGS: some show spoilers!!!
A/N: if you haven’t watched renegade nell, please go watch it now its literally fantastic and i havent stopped thinking about it since
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word tends to spread fast in tottenham.
“sam trotter’s girl? back from the dead?” the ladies gossip wasn’t exactly quiet, though they tried. “how’s that bloody possible?”
you couldn’t help but listen in, not your fault they couldn’t whisper. “sorry,” you interrupted, “did you say sam trotter’s girl?” 
they nodded. “back from the dead she is.” you tuned them out as their words clicked. 
half a gasp before you ran off, leaving the ladies in shock. you shoved past people, yelling out ‘sorry’s as you went. it had been quite some time since you went to the tavern, not since nelly left you all, but you knew the path like the back of your hand.
the door slammed as you looked around, finding only george amongst the customers. a silent question in your eyes as you stared. 
"she's in the back with pa."
you nodded and ran off, george smiling as you whipped past her. 
time stopped when you saw her, you thought your heart might just burst. 
"nell?" voice just above a whisper but she heard you. you threw yourself at her when she smiled. her breath caught as she caught you, winding her arms around your waist and pulling tight. you pulled back and slapped her arm. "you're s'posed to be dead."
she faked a hurt gasp but pulled you back in. “can’t believe youre still ‘ere. thought you might’ve married some rich fella and ran off.” she teased. your eyes found her lip, split and dry. you followed it down, taking in her clothes.
“and what are these?” you gestured to her pants. “not very ladylike.” 
nell huffed a laugh, “d’you think?” her hands ran up and down your arms. “i’ve missed ya.”
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she hissed as you dabbed at her lip with a damp towel, but you just smiled and hushed her. “you always were a baby.” nell rolled her eyes but sat still again. “so what have you been doin’ all these years, hm?” 
“beating up highwaymen.” she laughed but your face was serious. “busy playing wife and nurse for captain jackson,” she played with the ring on her left hand.
“can’t believe you married before me.” you forced a small smile. “sorry by the way, ‘bout him.” 
nell shook her head. “don’t be.” she took your wrist in her hand, stopping your gentle ministrations. “thought about you everyday.” you shook your head and sighed, looking away, but nell insisted. “i did, truly.”
her eyes searched your face and stopped on your lips. “nell…” when you turned back she was already staring. “we can’t.” you whispered. her sisters were right next door for god’s sake.
“oh c’mon, for old times sake. for me.” she stared deeply. “hm?” 
god, she could be so convincing.
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“just like that, huh?” you yelled as you stomped up to nell. roxy and sam backed up, giving the two of you space. “no goodbye again?” she stared at her boots and shook her head “and what’s this i hear about you roughing up thomas blancheford? you can’t afford to do that.”
you stood in-front of her with your arms crossed across your chest. “i’m just fine.” she continued fixing the saddle on her horse. “and i did say goodbye last time.”
“yes, a goodbye see you tomorrow if i remember right.” you huffed a laugh. “was gonna say i can’t believe this, but i guess i can huh?” you stepped close, toe to toe. “just like you to up and leave. never cared much for anyone else’s feelings, did ya?”
you knew it hurt her, but she hurt you first. when she laughed you wanted to slap her, teach her right then. “are you kidding me nell? you serious?”
“didn’t even give me the chance to ask you to come with.” 
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nellie-the-toad · 2 months
i'm losing my mind over the parallels between the trotters and the blanchfords (+amadin). all three children growing up together in the same place, with a father but without a mother. they all viciously care about one another (see nell with george when she's shot, sofia with her brother, amadin with sofia). but at the same time they are wildly different people. actually, the entire season can be read as a juxtaposition of the trotters and the blanchefords.
whereas nell voluntarily leaves her family in her late teens, amadin joins the family against his will as a child. the love-hate sofia feels for thomas is shown by her disapproval of his general behaviour (even disgust at times), but the fact that she later saves his life proves her love. nell loves george from the beginning on, despite not even knowing her. and while nell acquires power by chance without asking for it, sofia craves power at any cost and goes against her own morals to come by it.
the family dynamics of the blanchefords are characterised by power imbalances: amadin being a servant to his "siblings"/the people he grew up with. thomas being a bully to everyone in his life. the misogyny that sofia experiences. a cold, distant father with high (and specific) expectations of his children.
the trotters are shown as a warm family with loving dynamics. nell is not ostracised for wearing male clothing, and when she returns home her father almost immediately accepts her back. george is shown to be able to move around freely and play what she likes. both sam and roxy have to work hard, but that almost puts them in equal positions? neither of them own the tavern, it belongs to the blanchfords. and roxy being harassed by thomas is a different kind of misogyny than what sofia experiences.
and what is the underlying reason for their differences? what is established right on with the blanchfords living in a manor and the trotters running a tavern?
the reason lord blancheford assures a strict upbringing of his children is because his son has to one day continue the legacy. there is a lot at stake because the family already has a lot of socioeconomic power. thomas is the way he is because he is an extremely privileged boy, who was taught (directly or indirectly) that his life is worth more than others. and the reason why sofia has this thirst for power is not just because she is a woman living under patriarchy but also because she is a rich woman, which makes land ownership something that is in reach but kept from her solely because she is a woman. and amadin is literally bought into the family (there's another aspect there concerning colonialism, but i'm not the right person to dissect that).
the two families are like two sides of the same coin. in contrast to the trotters, the blancheford family is extremely privileged but ultimately cold and twisted in their dynamics. and it all comes down to class difference.
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martianbugsbunny · 5 months
Thomas Blancheford is the strangest man alive bc he shows no remorse or feeling about the shit he does until he kills his own father and then it eats him alive until he's just a shell of a man like sir what on Earth are you doing
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rayneeeeeeeeeee · 4 months
A fanfiction about Sofia Wilmot and Nell Jackson. I've been cooking up this baby instead of doing my revision, so pls like it <3
It's on wattpad ( pls don't judge. it's the only thing i can write on rn)
TW: Implied attempt at SA
Lady Sofia Wilmot had just come from putting away her brother to the prisons. With the bribe that he ought not to be hanged (although rightfully deserved) for his actions. Murdering Sam trotter, their father, and conspiring with a Jacobite.
Although Sofia knew she was held partially accountable, she could not stand to see her brother in the same light. She'd turned to darkness all because of his foolish actions. His actions had forced her to hurt the innocent. And lose her father in the process. Of course, the late Earl of Poynton had been killed because of his attempt at eternal darkness. Bringing forth the night but not succeeding with the help of a certain rogue.
Sofia twirled at the dark raven locks of her hair. She'd been dressed in her widowed clothing. All black and her face covered with a veil. She'd been married off to some rich magistrate who'd died soon after their wedding.
Sofia had been relieved of her matrimonial responsibilities as a wife and continued to live within the walls of her fathers estate.
Well, at least until Thomas stuffed it up in her polite words.
But now she was well and truly alone. No father. No mother. No brother. Not even friends. She had nobody to turn to in her moment of sorrow. And she knew it.
Surprisingly, no new magistrates came to take Lord Blanchefords place after his death and Thomas's arrest. Most likely, due to a hefty bribe from Sofia. She had become the new magistrate. probably the first woman to have ever taken over an estate in the 1700s. She'd become rich. And had lowered her tenants' rent, much to all of their surprises. Because what could Lady Wilmot do? She couldn't change her circumstances by being cruel to those below her. All she could do was sit in her late fathers office and do his work.
Sofia sat in the carriage. Daydreaming about what could've happened if she hadn't trusted Poynton. Or if she'd never framed Nell Jackson with the murder of her father. Of course, she was too prideful to admit her guilt for the Renegade. But her guilt still had remained true.
Her association with the dark arts had ruined her. Permanent scars of the blackness that had corrupted her lined her spine and chest. Although its growth had ceased, it was a constant reminder of her faults. And those marks would be hard to forget.
It was the reason she was constantly wrapped in the finest silks no matter the weather. But this night, it would be the cause of her greatest misfortunes.
A voice from outside the carriage bellowed. It had reminded her of the Rogue she'd formed an alliance with.  Except now, they had the full intent to rob her and strip her of her garments. Just as these horrible men would do. Sofia had not been fearing for her wealth and possessions. She was in fear of what they would do to her. Her ears seemed to ring, and all sound had blurred into an unintelligible fuzz in her ears. These masked bandits upon horses had pistols and knives. It was one to four, and Sofia couldn't do anything. She pleaded they did not do anything to her. She threatened with her position and wealth. She offered properties. But nothing seemed to convince them.
"Please, I'll offer anything! Just please don't do anything to me!"
She begged.
"Lookie here, John, the pretty little thing going to offer us goons a hefty cash prize!"
One of the ruffians taunted.
"I don't know, Mointon. i think I've got a better idea..."
The goon pointed the pistol at her throat and lifted her chin with it.
"Take off yer garments luv, I'd like to see the pretty little figure underneath."
His words struck deep within Sofia, and his actions had led her to fear once more. When she refused, he'd grabbed her and held the gun to her head. Sofia yelped and tried to wriggle free from his grasp.
"What in the bloody hell do you think you're doin lad?!"
A familiar voice cut through the ordeal. Sofia was distraught, although she'd never admit it. as the gun was still pointed towards her.
"Don't think this un'll save ya, ya prissy bitch"
The so called Mointon gritted through his teeth.
"Yeh, you think you can just force a woman to do ya biddin? , i don't think so. You prick, let the dame go."
Sofia recognised the voice as Nell Jackson. The woman who'd sacrificed her power for her brother just a few months ago.
"I'd like to see you try and take her off us. Nelly. Jackson."
The ringleader of the lot boasted.
All it took was a moment of preparation before she'd put them all on their arses. One ended up in a tree, and the others scattered in the bushes and shrubs.
"Thank you..."
Sofia whispered to Nell
"Was that a thank you from the Lady Wilmot?"
Nell teased sarcastically before she turned her heel and started walking away.
It was clear that Nell has still been bitter about the shared ordeal between them. And rightfully so.
Nell had started walking towards her horse. The Talbot was close by, and Nell had just happened to be going on a late night ride.
"Wait!" Sofia panted. The last thing she wanted was to be alone in the woods. And this Rogue was the only one around. To help her.
"What do you want." Nell spat.
Nell had tried to forget about Sofia. How badly she'd wronged her. But despite her wrongdoings Nell couldn't help bu sympathise with the pale woman. The only reason that she'd been on the path she'd taken was because of that idiot brother of hers.
Nell was furious at Sofia.
"I was curious if you could lead me to the nearest tavern to spend the night..."
Sofia hesitated.
"Blimey you tossers really do think people owe you the bloody world! You expect me to give you a place to stay after that. That! Nutter Poynton proper fucked shit up?"
Nell chastened
"I'll pay double your price."
Sofia bribed
"You know what?" Nell mocked as she paused from getting on her horse to step towards a desperate Lady Wilmot.
"What." Sofia answered firmly.
"I am absolutely fucking knackered. And I do not want to deal with your shit. So I'll let you stay. But just know this is a one off. Alright."
Nell hissed at Sofia.
"Well? What're you waiting for my lady."
Nell droned sarcastically.
Sofia felt a lump in her throat. But not one of fear. One of potential arousal.
The mere thought of setting off on horseback with a handsome Nell was a memory that would replay in her head for ages. Though she'd never admit that to the woman herself. She always found herself staring for a bit too long at all the wrong places. Even if they were at eachothers throats.
She swallowed it down. And put all her feelings aside so they could have at least one pleasant experience with eachother.
Nell was waiting for the woman in silk robes growing impatient as she'd already gotten on the horse a few seconds ago. Then finally Sofia stepped up and onto the horse.
"You know you're gonna fall off if ya don't hold on right?"
Nell stated.
"Of course i know that im not daft. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable."
Sofia muttered.
"Well you clearly have history of being considerate..."
Nell whispered under her breath.
"What was that?"
Sofia questioned obliviously.
"Nothin just hold about my waist."
Nell said nonchalantly.
Whereas Sofia was burning up without any particular reason she was aware of. She caught a wiff of the perfume the rogue used. Surprising to the Lady. As she'd thought that Nell would smell like the lower class typically do.
With a click of her tongue the horse obeyed Nells every order. Every tug of reign. And Sofia found it mesmerising.
Sooner to Sofias dismay, they'd arrived at The Talbot. Where this moment would end.
Read more on Wattpad!
Title: Stand and deliver
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docholligay · 5 months
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It is an old trick, and I'm not going to pretend I'm above it myself, to immediately make the audience hate a character by having them abuse an animal. It works better than ANYTHING else. You can have characters murder a baby and it is more understandable to Western audiences than killing a dog or something.
ANYWAY THOMAS IS THE BAD NAUGHTY LANDOWNER AND NELL IS GOING TO ATTEMPT TO RISE UP AGAINST HIM oh my god is that how she gets framed for murder? His murder, maybe? I mean, possibly that would be solving too much too early in the show, but that would give the actual Lord Blancheford reason to come down hard on her family, so she would have to run away, and maybe them with her? I don't know
Please read me before commenting~!
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writing-and-sillies · 3 months
Renegade Nell, baybeeeee
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geekcavepodcast · 6 months
Renegade Nell Trailer
Nell Jackson is framed for murder and has to go on the run, becoming a notorious outlaw in 18th century England. She does have a little help, though, from a magical spirit called Billy Blind.
Renegade Nell is written and created by Sally Wainwright. The series stars Louisa Harland (Nell Jackson), Frank Dillane (Charles Devereux), Alice Kemelberg (Sofia Wilmot), Ényì Okoronkwo (Rasselas), Jake Dunn (Thomas Blancheford), Bo Bragason (Roxy Trotter), Florence Keen (George Trotter), Nick Mohammed (Billy Blind), Joely Richardson (Lady Eularia Moggerhangar), Adrian Lester (Robert Hennessey), Pip Torrens (Lord Blancheford), and Craig Parkinson (Sam Trotter).
Renegade Nell lands on Disney+ on March 29, 2024.
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martianbugsbunny · 3 months
btw I feel I must confess that the reason I decided to watch Renegade Nell was not the trailers nor the ads, and it was not even catching a couple posts on tumblr
it was seeing the cover picture of Thomas Blancheford that popped up during the credits of another show and being like 'alright they got an absolute fop of a man let's give it a shot'
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