#thomas romain
nowhere-space · 1 year
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Production Artwork from Ōban Star-Racers
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luchicm04 · 3 months
To be continued... 🔚
I was rewatching the show for nostalgic reasons and when I gazed upon this scene, the inspiration just... came to me!!
Posted date: 04/13/21
(Full Gallery Here)
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ssj2hindudude · 1 year
If Jeremy Belpois was petty to the writers.
Thomas Romain: Aw yeah. Things are looking up. We've got Code Lyoko: Evolution in the works, a more orchestrated version of "A World Without Danger" for the theme, live action, and cleaner 3d models, it's gonna be lit!
Tania Palumbo: Heck yeah! And the first episode is gonna be called "X.A.N.A. 2.0" so people know what's up! And we're bringing William back and making him a full member of the team! So looking forward to this!
Jeremy: Uh, guys?
Thomas: Oh, hey Jeremy! What are you doing here?
Jeremy: Well, I just heard the news about what's gonna go down in the new sequel series and I just wanted to ask you something.
Tania: Oh, well, go ahead! We're all ears!
Jeremy: Yeah, um, why don't I have a Lyoko avatar?
Thomas: Uhhh
Jeremy: It's just something that's been bugging me. I mean, you pretty much kept brushing me off with this throughout the original and when I heard we were getting a sequel, I thought, "Oh, maybe now's my chance" but now I'm hearing I'm still not getting a 3d model?!?
Tania: Look, Jeremy, we can explain-
Jeremy: What's there to explain?!? You had me be the face of the show constantly in the original, having me look ridiculously goofy in the cover art as a 2d character next to everyone's 3d Lyoko models, and now that you have a bigger budget for cleaner animation, you're just gonna brush me off again?!?
Thomas: Jeremy, you're the computer guy! We needed someone to-
Jeremy: To look after the supercomputer every episode. I get it. In the first few seasons, I was the only one who could work the supercomputer, but you lost that excuse when Aelita was finally de-virtualized and was just as proficient with the supercomputer as I was. Plus, how many times did the others have to step up and take over when I was out? Heck, Sissy took over once and we got through!
Tania: Ok, that's fair. But it's not like we left fans without a reason! You were scared of the scanners!
Jeremy: You lost that excuse the day you had Aelita scan me into that little bubble of 2d animation where I still didn't get a Lyoko model, btw! That could've been my debut! I finally wasn't afraid of the scanners anymore and could've walked out of there looking GOATed!
Thomas: We just didn't think people would be that interested since you're-
Jeremy: A nerd, right? So, you're telling me the fans wouldn't have cared and I didn't get enough clout to have my own Avatar despite being the face of the show???
Writers: ...
Jeremy: And it's not like you didn't have concept art from the beginning, I mean look at this!
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Thomas: Oh, come on! You gotta admit, the elf look is cute but not as awesome as the others. Plus, the Legend of Zelda fandom would've been after us faster than an actual XANA attack!
Jeremy: So, you don't think after all this time, you could've edited it to look better? Alright bet, let me show you something. Do the words "Code Lyoko: Overpowered" ring a bell to you?
Thomas: OH-
Jeremy: Yeah, I want you to take one look at this and tell me there's no drip here:
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Tania: You gotta admit, this has more drip than a waterfall.
Thomas: *sigh* Tania, you're not helping.
Jeremy: I could've been something huge, man! My glasses could've been upgraded to goggles, I could've had tech gear, I could've had drip! You totally f***ed me up! I could've led the team in both the real world and cyberspace.
Thomas: Even if we gave you an avatar, what powers would we even give you?!? You're literally just skilled with the computer and the program upgrades your physical skills.
Jeremy: Oh wow, that's a tough one. Just as a thought, maybe you could've, I don't know, BASED IT OFF OF AELITA'S POWERS! Dude, before the energy spheres, she barely had anything either and she was still a major asset. I could've been another character that could deactivate the towers! Do you know how many of our problems would've been solved if the team had a backup key!
Tania: I mean, then the stakes wouldn't have been as high.
Jeremy: We are dealing with a sentient program bent on world domination and you're saying the stakes aren't high enough? If literally any of the towers or replicas weren't stopped in time, WHAT WERE WE GONNA DO??? We would've been TOAST!
Thomas: Ok, maybe you have a point.
Jeremy: Even then, I still could've had other powers. Do you realize how OP I would've been with my computer knowledge put to work inside the actual computer? I could've had a holographic keyboard giving us all kinds of access while still virtualized! I could've been out here flying, shutting monsters down left and right, I could've been a GOD in Lyoko! You robbed me of that!
Thomas: And what if XANA 2.0 got you? What if we had another William situation on our hands, what would you have done?
Jeremy: Well, one of two things would've happened. Either (1), the whole thing would've lasted an episode with Aelita using the program we used to bring back William or (2) We would've had a whole arc of trying to get me back while also showing my thoughts merged with XANA 2.0's and given us more insight into the character, which would've gotten the fans even more invested! We could've found out whether XANA 2.0 had its father's memories of being left behind by Franz Hopper, why it wanted to take over the world in the first place, whether William ever had some kind of impact on it. WE COULD'VE HAD A DEEPER STORYLINE GOING HERE!
Tania: Not gonna lie, that is pretty good. It would've had me invested.
Jeremy: But no, you still think people are just gonna brush me off as a nerd despite my live-action counterpart looking like Cody Martin with glasses right before he evolved into Jughead Jones. I could've been something, man! You f***ed me up you godd*** f***ing imbecile!
Thomas: How are you even censoring your curses right now?!?
Jeremy: I hacked this conversation and now can curse like a motherf***ing sailor! That's how f***ing GOATed I am!
Tania: We really should've given him an Avatar.
Thomas: Dammit...
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bizarrobrain · 2 years
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as-warm-as-choco · 1 year
i've been trying to find that one post of yours about how someone did interior design it had a lot of pictures sorry i've been searching for hours i briefly reblogged it but deleted accidentally please
I'm so sorry I hadn't seen this 😭 Life been wild and homelessness or queerphobic conditions keep chasing me.
It was Thomas Romain tutorials? I was posting them separately every morning so idk if you want a specific one. I'm sure you have found it after such a long time though but just in case here's my collected masterpost!
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auxpetitsoignons · 4 months
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LE REGNE ANIMAL (2023) réalisé par Thomas Cailley "Je sais pas si j'ai peur de la perdre ou de la retrouver."
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etapereine · 1 month
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📸 cyclingimages
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pierppasolini · 2 years
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Oratorio (2008) // dir. Stéphane Marti
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marcelskittels · 9 months
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Juan Ayuso, Romain Bardet, Hugh Carthy, Remco Evenepoel, Einer Rubio & Geraint Thomas ‹ La Vuelta 2023 - Stage 17 › 📸 by Tim de Waele/Getty Images
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moviemosaics · 3 months
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The Animal Kingdom
directed by Thomas Cailley, 2023
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mauxpourdesmots · 8 months
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the-ocean-is-scary · 1 year
Warcross characters as images from my camera roll
Some of these probably don't make any sense, bear with me. They were selected very late at night and I was very tired. Click for better quality because Tumblr sucks
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(credits to my friend in bio for drawing that image)
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(Bonus shipping ones)
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sportsallover · 9 months
What really breaks my heart, is that we can never have Romain Ntamack, Thomas Ramos and Melvyn Jaminet playing or even selected at the same time. This is so unfair
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thebusylilbee · 4 months
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Le règne animal / The animal kingdom (2023), dir. Thomas Cailley
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spurstwt · 4 months
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cultfaction · 4 months
The Animal Kingdom trailer released
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