#thor 2011 rewrite
jackiequick · 10 months
— A trip to New Mexico, how fun right? Well, sorta! | Marvel Phase 1 FanFic
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Timeline: Set during Iron Man 2 and in between Thor
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Summary: Coulson was assigned to go see what the hell was happening in New Mexico and decided he might need, more like want, some assistance and who better to keep watch of the town than a blast from the past SHIELD agent?
Pairing: Coulson & Underwood, Darcy Lewis & Jason Underwood and etc.
Established uncle & nephew relationship: Tony Stark & Jason Underwood
Characters/mentioned: Clint Barton, Rei Stark, Jane Foster, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff and etc.
Click here if you like to read the previous fic
The day was young and the sun was still shining among the city across Miami into the Stark Mansion. Pepper was off at Stark Industries with Natalie Rushman, who’s real name is Natasha Romanoff, meanwhile Jason took care of the business around the household. It’s been rather hectic lately so someone at least needed to make sure no one starved and everything was well taken care of.
He thanked god his grandnephew, Rei Stark, beautiful mother was taking care of the boy this week. Because then, they would have another mystery on their hands with how curious that child can secretly be.
He was answering a few questions about a financial calls in the living room and flipping across channels on the TV that involves news about the latest Stark Expo, stuff involving Dr. Bruce Banner, The Feltons daily news and information about The Strange Family son, Leonard Strange.
As well as a small crisis forming in New Mexico appeared on various news channels. He rolled his eyes knowing S.H.I.E.L.D. was probably getting word of it already and coming to—
Suddenly the floor started rumbling loudly underneath his feet and the other things started shaking. He quickly turned over to catch a lamp that almost tipped over and crashed.
His eyes widen and shouted into the phone, “I’ll have to call you back, Laura!”
He swiftly made his way down the stairs to see the basement turned open floor lab was being destroyed. And in the middle of it stood his only nephew holding back a jackhammer as AC/DC blasted into the headphones he was wearing. So he wasn’t actually listening or notice him standing there.
“HEY! BOB THE BUILDER CUT IT OUT!” Jason shouted stumbling through the rubble, deeply crackled opened walls and dirty floors that surrounded them.
If his eyes couldn’t widen even more, his eyes darted down to the 1970 model of Stark Expo he helped design decades ago laying on the ground. The model that both Stark siblings, were discussing on becoming something evolutionary different for the world. He wasn’t as smart as them to understand everything they studied and created but he understood it was far too important to not model the idea.
He reached forward lace his fingers crossed the model and questioned, “Jarvis?”
“Yes, sir?” Repiled the A.I.
“What is this? I mean, what is he building?”
“It’s to be believed Mr. Stark has discovered a New Element and is determined to use it to power his suit for a greater timeframe.”
“A new element? Damn. Alright, turn the music off.”
JARVIS did what was told as he unwired Tony’s music as the brunette genius shouted confused and insulted by the actions. Until his eyes fell on his uncle with a nod, “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replied removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves.
“You’re creating a new element, i see.”
“Yup! After 20 years, dad is still taking me to school and I’m surprised I’ve haven’t seen it sooner.”
“Because it wasn’t time for you figure it out eariler. Need help?”
“You ruined my floor.”
“That’s means your helping!”
“But your cleaning up afterwards.”
“Damn it.”
The two got to work, opening walls, expanding wires, lengthened the tunnels across the room. Tony coined it ‘hardware mood’, using his hands to create the lengthy contraction instead of his machinery. ‘Going old school’ as Jason liked to call it, pulling apart drilling into the tunnels and adding placements to the sections.
It placed looked insanely messy but you knew where everything is.
By the time, Tony was drilling in something the door to the basement opened as Agent Phil Coulson walked in saying, “I heard you broke the perimeter.”
“Uh, yeah that was 3 years ago, where you’ve been?” Tony replied, walking over to the tunnels and vents they built. 
“Doing some stuff.”
“Yeah well, me too and it worked.”
Both men chatted, as Tony wondered around the room grabbing items as Coulson picked up a half built Shield that could’ve belong to Captain America. That was when Jason stepped into the picture returning with another box of tools, cables and basic hardware.
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The blonde smirked snatching up the item, showing it to Tony who’s face light up, having Coulson help them put the Shield underneath the tunnels to level it. Perfectly leveled.
“I’m busy, what you want?” Tony said, receiving a light slap on the arm from Jason due to the attitude he gave Coulson, “Ow!”
Coulson held back a small chuckled, “Goodbye. I’ve been reassigned, director Fury wants me in New Mexico.”
“Fantastic. Land of enchantment.”
“Or so I’m told.”
Jason spoke up, “The small crisis in New Mexico, involving the decency sized craters with a hammer smacked in the middle of it?”
“Good, your informed.” Coulson added with a half smile.
“I saw the news.”
“I would like you to come, Stark seems to be handling things here perfectly well.”
“Yeahhh. Nope! I’m retired.”
“Never too late to jump back in the game.”
“And I’m busy.”
Tony gave his uncle a look to go do it and get out of the house, that he can handle everything from here. He weighted his options, not wanting to leave his house unsupervised and tired of going deep into SHIELD missions, he rather likes retirement.
“I don’t know, man. Again, I’ve been retired for more than 15 freaking years.” Jason exclaimed.
Coulson thought for a moment, he really wanted to have company for a couple of days and said, “You only need to scout the town and see what’s happening.”
“Undercover work?”
“Yes. Only for 4 days, i promise than you can come back.”
“2 days. I’m only doing simple work, let me remind you that i rather not mess with the others there.”
“Fine by me. Waiting for you in the car.”
Tony giggled at the speechless face his uncle made. It was priceless! He told him to go ahead with Coulson for a few short days, he promised he won’t reck the house, hopefully. Plus he knew the man had a suitcase still packed from their trip to France upstairs.
He sent a playful glare to his nephew, grabbing his things and met Phil outside.
The man drove them to New Mexico, taking stops to stretch their legs and eat on the way there. Both men chatted to keep the time at ease, having respect for one another and actually enjoying the company. Phil Coulson wasn’t a half bad, but that doesn’t mean he won’t heist to tease him.
“So, how’s the thing with May going?” Jason let out ever so causal, sipping a bottle of water.
Phil blinked hearing him and awkwardly blushed, “I—i-how did you know that?”
“I heard of the story that you were on a undercover mission with her and a few interactions were made.”
“It was completely professional.”
“Oh, so taking 2 minutes to unhook her bra was professional?”
“There were cameras! I was trying to sell that we were together.”
Jason snickered, “Oh yeah according to her, you sold it.”
“That was an act for the camera!” Coulson added trying to defend himself, “So you and May talk, huh?”
“Quite a bit. Her emails about you are hilarious.”
“Remind me to call her later. And i will have you know, I was being a gentleman.”
“Oh yeah, of course Phil. You were committed.”
“I think i did alright. You think i was committed?”
“Your one of a kind, Coulson. Don’t ever change.”
The rest of the ride meant a few jokes here and there, stopping for snack break and bringing up movies along with latest shows on TV. There were a few mishaps and things that needed to be taken care of during their stops.
They arrived soon enough to New Mexico, as an SHIELD base was already being formed around the outsets of the town nearby the crater that held the hammer. The moment they exist the car, Jason slid down darting to examine the hammer in awe. Plenty of people tried surrounding and lifting the metallic gray block from the ground but it didn’t seem to budge at all. 
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“Wow..” muttered Jason, giving a once over to Phil who snapped pictures.
The carvings were immaculate, the lining was framed perfectly, the engraved symbols were placed in a fitting manner. The hammer looked one of a kind. Magical. Ungodly amount of time and effort was made into making it. Jason must admit he gave credit to the people who shaped such a glorified item.
Hell, the man stepped over looping the brown handled into his grip trying to lift it himself. He grunted and huffed, taking a couple of breaths trying his mightiest to lift the god damn hammer. But nothing! It didn’t even bother to slightly budge for him. He sighed, releasing the grip of the handle and stomped up to the previous stop he want in.
“Anything?” Coulson asked, humoring his attempt to lift the hammer.
“Nope.” He replied, huffing and massaging his grip, “That thing is stuck!”
“Yikes. Here’s the deal, your gonna get a change on clothes then scout the town.”
“How about you? Gonna try and lift it yourself?”
“Haha! No, I’m handling a few pressing matters and help set up the base of operations.” 
Jason nodded walking back to the car, he seemed out of breath from trying to lift the god damn hammer. It was super glued to the ground, not even trucks and machines with horsepower could even remove it from the ground.
He found himself a nicely fresh change of causal clothes. Being a brown jacket with a olive green t-shirt, dark jeans, and a pair of his favorite classic sneaker. Along with a pair of simple sunglasses that were gifted by Pepper last Christmas. He carried his old school SHIELD ID, walkie-talkie and a handheld gun in his pocket. Just in case.
The man wondered around town, taking notice of the simplicity of it all. The houses, buildings, stores that held the items needed to built a good foundation, a general grocery store, a diner that held the delicious smell of pies, a bar and plenty of other places to visit. It made him smile. He liked it a lot, especially since the afternoon sun shinned just right above the cloud, giving the waves a cozy breath of fresh air.
He enjoyed it.
He walked around, entertaining himself at a coffee shop nearby the gas station. He was waiting in line, reading the signs on the wall and giving small nods to older folk or pregnant women who walked past him, letting them go in front of him. He wasn’t in a hurry to get out or anything, his job was the scout the town and see what type of people they’re dealing with.
And so far? Everyone seemed to be general folk living their day to day lives, working 9-5 meanwhile the teenagers and children were out at school or something.
Everything was going good until he was accidentally bumped into by someone.
He didn’t see the person, only what dropped on the floor next to his feet. A older brunette doll, that was wearing a purple dress, a white lab coat, strapless heels and a ponytail. Alongside a pair of sunglasses on the doll. Looked more like an cool action figure than a doll, designed by wonderfully crafty people.
Little did he know that the young girl who this doll belonged to would be important to him later on. As well as the mother.
He chuckled as his eyes darted up to the person, “Hey sweetheart, I believe this is yours?”
The young girl turned around, her red skirt bouncing in the wind from the movement she was making and fixing her crafty jacket a bit, pushing up her bangs to face the man. Her big brown eyes were covered by square frames. Along with adorable dimples.
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“Ohh? Oh! I’m sorry mister..” She repiled shyly with a smile, and gently taking the doll from him.
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t want to lose her, she’s smart.” He replied with a smile.
“Yeah my doll is a scientist! She’s love coffee, dresses in purple and uh, stuff.
“Hahaha. That’s amazing, um sweetie?
“Sorry to ask, but um where’s your mama?”
“Uh, she’s getting extra coffee from her and a few friends.”
“And she left you alone?”
“I’m not that’s little, you know. I’m 15–16!…ish, very soon.”
“Child. You’re still a child.”
“I’m almost 16, sir.! Sorry for shouting.”
“Don’t be, it’s alright.”
He was just about to ask her name when..
“Mew Mew!”
Came a voice, sounding it belonged a women. She ran up to them, holding a box of donuts and a two cups of coffee. The women seemed to a short brunette with long curls, a beanie that bounced with her every step and glasses. She was pretty! Her features matched the young girl perfectly, it made him smile knowing that her mother returned quickly.
“Mew Mew, i told you to stay put, sweetie.” Said the mother with a smile pushing up her glasses, sounding sweetly protective of the girl.
“I’m sorry, i had to throw out my trash mom.” Apologized the young girl.
“At least tell me where you’re going next time. This place is sorta crowded. You almost gave me a huge fright!”
“I’m sorry. I will tell you next time. But I’m okay! I promise!”
The brunette noticed the man and said, “I’m so sorry about her! She just ran off and i had no idea what happened..i hope she wasn’t too much trouble or anything.”
That was when Jason spoke up with a politic tone replying, “Oh no! It’s completely alright, you know how kid—I mean, teens are. Just be lucky, it was me who found her and not some other guy.”
“You have kids? I mean no offense, your like a young and tall bachelor.”
He chuckled, “That i know of, I have one. He’s at home with family.”
“You’re new around here, huh?” She questioned with a smile.
“It’s obvious isn’t it?”
“YUP! I mean the jacket means your suitable and out of town, no offense.”
“None taken. I’m just here for two days, I needed some rest from a long trip.”
She smiled, “Well you pick a odd place to stop. Oh well, welcome to New Mexico. I’m Darcy and you already met Mew Mew.”
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“Melissa!” Cut in the young girl, with a grin.
Jason nodded with a small laugh and decided to use a nickname of his, “Nice to meet both of you. I’m JJ.”
“JJ, huh?” Darcy challenge with a smile, raising an eyebrow.
“You’ll find out my real name later, if your lucky.”
“Well i like it! It’s cute. Oh I’m sorry again for taking up your time.”
“It’s okay, doll. No one was breaking any bylaws or anything. You seem like your in a hurry as well?”
“Oh yes! Meeting up a fews friends of mine for breakfast and stuff. Oh shit, we’re running late. Thanks again, JJ!”
“No problem! Be careful and stay safe out there.”
The women walked away with a smile, glancing back at him thinking about something as her daughter waved at the man. He chuckled, waving goodbye to the pair noticing he was finally next in line and made a quiet order. He thanked the sweet barista with a charming smile, who giggled softly at his politeness, as he made his way around town. 
His thought went back to the women he met earlier, Darcy, and her grinning daughter. They seemed like kind folk, but a part of him felt like he seen something in Darcy’s face before. Like he met a version of her in the past. Maybe her mother or an older sister? He didn’t know what it was, but he felt calm and a bit like himself around her aura.
He smiled.
Moments like that made him feel good. He has seen and met plenty of faces beforehand in his life. People on missions, dates he was dragged into going on, parties he danced at, walks in the park and just faces that made him feel a sense of déjà vu. A charming old feeling, per say.
As he scout the town, he scanned the area and the people, when suddenly he heard it. A loud banging tune. A righteous voice that could sent a smile to any man or women who met them. His face whipped around to hiding across the corner of a store, noticing the group.
A short light haired brunette with a beauty mark, an older man dressed in a patterned shirt and a tall blonde wearing a brownish jacket. And next to them stood Darcy, along with her daughter. But his eyes bounced back to the voice.
The mannerisms of the blonde haired man held such strong attitude towards the others around him. Tall and muscular like he was meant to do business with someone. The voice was righteously kind and oddly enough to seem like he lost his footing. His young facial features made him look like he was sculpture by…
A god.
Jason smirked. Pulling out his phone, he called Coulson, simply saying, “I think I found your sources, Phil…”
He returned back to the base of operations.
It was jarring scurrying up the step, having not been in a SHIELD makeshift office for more or less 15 years. Practically 20 years! A heat wave hit him. The man would’ve shivered at the thoughts and memories that had the option to wash over him.
He snapped back towards Coulson watching the man work, watching scanners and scouts shouting loudly across the room. He even noticed a blonde man dressed in black in the corner, tightening his arrowheads giving him a small nod, acknowledging him.
“Phil. We have your guy.” Jason spoke with a clear voice, catching the people in the room’s attention.
He explains to Coulson to try getting into contact with a Dr. Jane Foster and her little group of misfits, collecting as much information they can. Coulson was impressed by hearing this, already on the same page before he showed up finding information about Dr. Foster, calling orders to everyone who was in the area.
Jason nodded, about to walk out when somebody tossed a gun at him. He caught it and examined the weapon. A position for a sharp shooter.
“Hey—wait, no! Coulson, we had a deal. I ain’t doing this. I did the light work you asked for.” Yelled out the blonde following the agent across the halls.
“Yeah well, I had other plans. I figured you’ll like to get a front row seat on the action, high up.” Coulson said, with a small smile, “If he shows up.”
“Whatever you plan on doing, you better keep an eye on them and make sure no harm comes to them. Their group had a child with them.”
“Relax Wood—”
“Sorry, Underwood. I won’t harm anyone, we just need to speak to that one guy. I promise we’ll try to play it safe, but we don’t know who we’re dealing with.”
“You’re window with me will be closing very soon, Coulson. So make it quick, then I’m out.”
“Crystal clear, Underwood. But I do have a question, why did you come?”
He blinked and just shrugged, he really didn’t know the true answer to that question. He thought about it, trying to word it in his mind the best he can, leaving out a few details for himself.
“Because my nephew wanted me out of the house..and I-I had no other choice but to make sure SHIELD that knows what they’re doing…I’ve seen the records and it’s utter chaos.” He answered softly.
Coulson nodded and pressed, “We’re trying to fix it as we go along, I promise. Why did you retire? You know either way, it won’t last. You will always have a part of you that wants to come back to this..I mean look at your life now.”
Jason didn’t answer him this time, just walked away with a grip on the rifle. He knew the plenty of reasons why he retired and honestly he enjoyed retirement, hoping to get this job done. But it won’t say most of it out loud himself.
This time, we was perched on a high level outside with the archer he saw earlier. Clint Barton.
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The man wasn’t half bad. Snarky, has a murder stare he can appreciate, very knowledgeable about stuff and honestly a pretty chill guy. Along with a bit grumpy due to the rain.
In the New Mexico, it was raining again. The last two days have on and off again rain with sun and wind. Mother Nature didn’t seem too happy. Some agents didn’t mind it meanwhile the others were annoyed by it.
He doesn’t mind the rain too much.
“So, you’re the guy Nat was telling me about?” Clint said after a few minutes of silence between them.
Jason was hunched over readjusting his gun, and looked over his shoulder heading him, “What?”
“Natasha. She told me about you.”
“Uh, Clint, I don’t know a Natasha, buddy.”
He chuckled, “Ohhhh! You don’t know? Your women from legal, Natalie Rushman, is actually an agent of ours..”
“The fuck?” Jason let out, taking a moment to connect the dots and groaned, “God damn it! Pepper hired her, and didn’t even notice the clues.”
“Ah, well, she’s good at her job! Could fool anyone. She’s a widow for gods sakes!”
‘So was my big sister..’ He thought to himself, before adding, “Yeah, she fooled me. Uh, what did she say about me?”
“That you’re agile, smart, kind.” Clint snorted, “And bit of a grump. No offense! She likes to tell me about her missions and the people she meets, but she doesn’t know much about you..”
“And I like to keep it that way. For your knowledge and hers, I’m uh, just a family friend of Stark’s.”
“A very close one it seems. You didn’t seem like you wanted to leave the house.”
“Yeah well, someone needs to keep an eye on them. Enough about me, Clint, what about you?”
“Simple man like you, i guess. I remember wanting to work with SHIELD for a long time and I’ve been working 9-5 for some time now, trying to perfect my craft.  Oh, I have a beautiful fiancé not a lot of people know that.”
Anyone can see the soft grin on Clint’s face mentioning the last part. He seemed very proud of it, as if he was planning on starting a family with whoever this fiancé was. In result, it had Jason smiling.
“Treat her right, Barton.” Jason told him with a smile.
“I try.” Clint replied, “You got anyone?”
“Uh..um, it’s complicated.”
“How complicated?”
“I take girls out on dates but it never last.”
“Hmm! You need to try finding a girl outside of your usual spots.”
They waited. Wait long hours of the day, Clint on his leveled perched up with his bow and arrow. Jason on the other side, underneath an umbrella, his gun in hand, eyes narrow. It was dark, rainy, quiet, you couldn’t hear much. Only the ruffle of trees, wet sand being slouch around and machines working.
Until they heard it. The grunts, groans, yells and pure shouting that started picking up pace. The running from starts perked Jason and Clint up in positions.
Then the pair saw it, the situation of a tall, blonde man with full on muscles over his body. His wet hair and pissed off look that made him look like Zeus. Clint got a clean shot at him and Jason narrowed, his gun able to get a closer look.
“Damn he’s uh, good looking..” Jason muttered, couldn’t lie and thanked god his old friends weren’t here to make heart eye at him.
“Yeah he is..” Clint muttered back then started asking Coulson to fire, who ordered him to wait.
The tall blonde man raised growled and roared like a large monster of rage, his hands gripping onto the handle of the hammer. He smirked as he pulled and grunted waiting for a result, but nothing came. Just like when Jason pulled it earlier. No result.
However, this man looked upset, screaming and his knees fell to the ground. He looked defeated. Like dialing back on doing a simple task, like he meant to lift it. Jason blinked, trying to think onto what this god was trying to achieve!
‘God of what?’ He asked himself, watching the man to see if he would do anything else. A part of him might’ve been empathetic toward him, if he wasn’t standing the freaking rain roaring in defeat and annoyance.
He snapped out of this thoughts when Coulson called it. Jason ran down with other agents cuffing Thor wrists together. Clint lowers his bow and arrow. They brought him into a room to be interrogated by Phil Coulson, the blonde man stayed quiet the whole time…
Coulson paced back and forth, he just wanted a name. He bite his nails. Proof that this man has something to hide for he can report back to Fury. Phil kept glancing at the monitors, watching this man’s movements. It wasn’t moving, just looking defeated.
Clint was doing research measures for this case, Jason watched the scanners. His eyes stayed on the blonde, wishing he heard his name earlier when he was scouting the town, but he didn’t. Darcy nor Jane Foster said his name. Jason narrowed in on the tall blonde recognizing something, trying to connect the dots.
He seems to be a strong man. Maybe we he brought to Earth due to a punishment? Did he screw up with somebody? Who made him this way? So many questions were running across his head, watching the clock.
Again, he recognized the look, the same one his nephew shared two years ago before announcing himself as Iron Man.
He’s in need of finding himself, grounding himself in humanity.
Coulson locked eyes with Jason, knowing his time was almost up. Less than 12 hours and he’ll be gone back to Miami. 
“You talk to him.” Phil remarked.
“What? No.” Jason rejected the request.
“We just need his name. He said he’s a god compared to the men here.”
“Every man thinks he’s a god. I’ve been near it, he’s just bluffing.”
“Exactly why you should go! Please, i just need it and we can focus our research with the equipment we stole from Foster.”
“You stole from Dr. Foster. Not me.”
Jason grumbled underneath his breath, reminding himself he’ll be gone soon. He walked away, removing his jacket and took a long sigh, sucking his teeth before entering the room.
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He entered the clear room, holding a glass of water for the man and a snack. A bag of chips he stole from the vending machines.
He sat down in the chair across from him, handing him the items.
“What’s this?” Asked the blonde, holding the glass of water and small bag.
“Water. I can promise you it’s not drugged or anything. You need it after taking out those men.” Jason explained, with a kindness in his tone.
“Why? Are you with them? Theses men. Son of Col and his soldiers.”
“Not exactly, your highness. I was just sent to scout the town and keep an eye on the people, especially after the ruckus at the moment.”
“You mean to cause me and theses humans harm then…?”
“No. I didn’t, that was Coulson’s doing. I didn’t know his intentions until now. He know he’s on a time crunch with me and he just ask one thing of you.”
“And what is that?”
Thor stayed silent, looking down after asking that question. He leaned against his chair, inching forward to drink the water and bag of the chips he was given. He was hungry and very much appreciated the small offering. He watched the man, sitting in front of him. He held such kindness, honesty and plenty of gruff to himself. As if he had a lot of trouble in his mind.
“Who are you?” Thor asked him, sipping his glass.
“Why would you like to know? He asked, rather intrigued by his eyes.
“You offered to show me a far cry of kindness.”
“Because, if you live long enough, you see the same eyes in different people…”
Thor was honestly taking back by his words. Those were powerful enough just to be written in stone. He wondered if this man was playing a role or actually meant every word in that sentence. As if he lived plenty of lives, such as himself. A part of him choose to highly respect it.
“What’s your game, mortal?” He asked, leaning forward in his chair.
“No, no game your highness. You have your secrets and so do i. And i can tell you don’t want to be here.” Jason told him honestly, “I’ll just like to know your name. Please?”
“..I’m Thor. Son Of Odin.”
“Your a god..?”
“Yes. What do you mean by the question?”
“A man of your status must’ve been sent here for a reason, my lord.”
“I was casted out of my home for being a ruckus and disobeying my orders…but i can assure you, I didn’t mean to cause you harm..”
“I can tell. Thor, i don’t know how long you’ve been here on Earth but what I’m about to say might ease your thoughts.”
“You were sent here to learn a lesson. I can only imagine what it might be, however that’s for you figure out.”
“A lesson?”
“There’s always trials and errors to overcome. And I believe you might have to learn something from being among us humans..”
The god of thunder stayed silent simply nodded, listening to him as his mind ran with billions of thoughts. Jason stood up from his chair thanking him for that small information and he’ll request for Thor to be released soon enough.
He was about to leave the room when the god of thunder stop him.
“What’s your name?” He asked, his blue eyes pooling and twirling in curiosity.
He looked over his shoulder with a simple half smile, “Jason Underwood, your majesty.”
With that last comment he left, telling Clint what he found from his conversation with the blonde. It wasn’t much, he wasn’t going to tell Barton about what exactly happened in that room. Keeping that information private until further notice. He only said that his name was ‘Thor’ and that he’s a god.
Clint nodded taking note of what was said to tell Coulson later. Jason nodded, snatching up his keys. His work here was done. He hoped.
He took the first chance he got, returning back to his motel to pack his things and head back home.
The man was driving to Miami turning back the radio, when he received a call from James Rhodes. Rhodey was telling him what recently happened with Tony, the fight with Pepper, the issue with his suits and whatnot. Along with the fact that Tony decided to take off in his suit and sat on a giant freaking donut. It was a rather long list.
“He did what?!”
Was all Jason yelled out the phone, as he reached a red light.
As if he week couldn’t get any weirder…
Thanks for reading this story! Also is this my soft reboot of a cooler sweeter MCU? Yes. Yes it is.
Did you catch the two pop culture references? ;)
Pls reblog, like, share and comment for more
Tags: @mandylove1000 @gcthvile @msrochelleromanofffelton @gaminggirlsstuff @hanlueluver @triptuckers @rooster-84 @sherloquestea @meiramel @hangmanbrainrot @morgan108 @eliohasmyheart @blackheart-beauty @yetanotherwells @blueboirick and etc
16 notes · View notes
uniiiquehecrt · 4 months
This is going to be in my Gagnarok Workshop and Critique series (which, I am still working on. My first draft glitched and didn't save on my compute. What was saved is unrecoverable, so I have to rewrite it 👌🥲), but it's worth noting that in every well paced film, the central conflict (also known as the Protagonist's want vs. need) is generally introduced within the first ten minutes, and then around the 17-18 minute mark of a 90m film, expanded upon with the central theme. This will always correspond with the push in to Act 2. This something I loving call "the Page 17 rule", since every minute of film roughly translates to a single page of a screenplay.
"the first act of pretty much any movie ends around page 17 of the screenplay, or about 17 minutes into the movie (give or take a minute" - toddpack.com
This is important to always nail down, because in doing this, the characters and the audience will get a scope of what this film is about, what the character is trying to learn, and USUALLY might get the central theme of a story told to them. By the time page 17 rolls around, they'll be ready to face the central conflict with the protagonist, who is thrust into a new world that embodies this want vs. need dilemma.
In Gagnarok the central theme is SUPPOSED to be "Asgard is not a place, it's a people" — or at least that's what the screenwriters and Taika thought they were going for. ... but not only do they not capitalize on this idea, (not to mention that it never made sense as a lesson to learn in the first place), but it doesn't even show up until AFTER the 17 minute mark.
It shows up (vaguely) at the 21:47 minute mark. ("Remember that. Home.") With the 17m mark being in the middle of the interlude with Dr. Strange. This is a prime example of time wasting and goes to show how disjointed and poorly paced Thor: Gagnarok is from the ground up.
For reference:
THOR (2011):
07:00m - "A wise king never seeks out war but must always be ready for it." 17m - "I have no plans to die today" / "None do." 20:14m - (Laufey) "You're just a boy trying to prove himself a man."
09:13 Thor: the Dark World - "Be with your people, where your heart is." 17m - Jane discovers the Aether 23:24 - "Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle." / "Then you're doing one of them incorrectly."
7-9m in: Thor on Muspelheim fleeing the fire dragon, and returning to Asgard 17m - Dr. Strange talking about if the spell needs any Asgardian modifications to find Odin. 20-23m - "Your sister. The Goddess of Death ... Remember that. Home."
In both cases the leading action that pushes into Act 2, Sequence 1 (New World/Old Juxtaposition) is prevalent. In 2011 it's the mission into Jotunheim -> Thor's eventual banishment. In 2013 it's Thor being heartbroken, Jane vanishing -> Thor taking Jane (and the Aether) to Asgard.
This isn't to say that the page 17 rule is hard and fast, but it exists and it works for a reason.
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lucianalight · 6 months
Connections between Gods of Stories: Science-Fiction, and Magic being a Powerful Lie - Approaches to Storytelling
From "Loki God of Stories - A Comparison between MCU and Comics" series - Co-Written by @lucianalight (Luci) and @theitcharchives (Hollow)
“All science is fiction until it’s fact.” The line said by Timely implies that in Loki’s series, fiction is closer to science than one would think.
In S02E05, Ouroboros is a scientist and a writer. We are introduced to the concepts of What and How, aka science’s staples, then When and Why, aka science-fiction’s staples. 
And the Where, though unmentioned–the original people present had to be reunited together to recreate an aura and pinpoint a location in time and space: Where became a staple of science-fiction.
Now, the Who seems to be about “the people he cares about/wanted to see”. (It is said in The Making of Loki -Luci). Yeah it stands as the theory behind the practice, but I have a headcanon: it is my (=Hollow’s) personal understanding and belief that the Who is essential to magic–once Loki understood the Who, he understood his role. He could control the time slips because he wanted to protect those he cared about and their lives. He would have to sustain the timelines because he wanted to find a solution to the dilemma and thus he broke and substituted the equation. Magic needs a who, a will to direct it to not just be aimless energy, and Loki made his choice to use his own and his power to allow everyone else to make their own choices. “Who he wanted to protect” is not the relevant part, “who wants to do the protecting” is.
These six elements are not only the fundamentals of journalist articles, but also of stories. You kind of have to answer them to have a plot–or at least it’s a good start.
In S02E06 Loki spends centuries learning what OB knows, which leads Loki to learning how to stop time with his magic. Something HWR can do with technology, Loki substitutes with magic.
Then, in Thor 2011, Thor says in Asgard magic is considered to be a science. So for MCU Loki, magic is a science.
In MCU Loki’s universe, science, fiction and magic all cover roles that combine into answering all questions for one goal: tell a story. So Loki, who is a master of magic (Who), and thus also a scientist (What, How), can cover the remaining elements (Where, When and Why) because he wants to rewrite the story–he wants to exercise his will over his fate. 
In Loki’s series, if you are a magician you are a scientist, and science deals with facts. Magical facts then are still facts, and if you can write with magic, you can change reality. Even stop time and jump across it–because you want to, and you are a master scientist in the branches of mischief and chaos.
Comics Loki says “So let’s talk about magic. [*...] At the core [...] magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment… the world believes a man can fly.” (-Loki; Agent of Asgard #1) “What is a lie, Verity? A lie is a story told. That’s all. And we can rewrite our stories. All of us. Write our own happy endings. Our own redefinitions. We don’t have to be what we’re told to be. Even by ourselves.” (-Loki: Agent of Asgard #13)
Comics Loki is the God of Lies. MCU Loki, not so much–he’s never quite had the opportunity to be a god of lies. He’s called the God of Mischief, and he does Mischief aplenty. Comics Loki’s journey to becoming God of Stories went through understanding that his propensity for crafting lies was just exercise for learning to craft stories. With lies, comics Loki does magic. He is not quite a scientist–comics never really gave the vibe magic=science. Magic is magic and works more on possibilities and potentials than facts, has its own rules (* “We can dicker on the exact rules, if you like. There are all sorts of grimoires and cryptonomicons. I’ve got an AD&D manual somewhere” -Loki: Agent of Asgard #1 - Loki’s mention of Dungeons and Dragons manuals delightfully suggests that, one: it exists in E-616 and he plays it, two: that one could actually do magic while playing it, and three: something poetic about writing and creating magic and playing pretend and the power of imagination).
Well the point of all this is–both MCU Loki and Comics Loki deal with storytelling in their own way. Comics Loki has a true magician approach to it. He writes and rewrites stories because it is his potential blooming and flourishing. MCU Loki has a near-scientific approach, that still beautifully flows into magic, and is quite flattering to Loki–he rewrites the story and holds Yggdrasil because he is Loki and he wants to, and he can. Because “we are gods” babey.
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in-defense-of-loki · 2 years
No really MCU Loki entire character is so important and impressive. Just imagine if someone took Skeletor or Starscream, just the most one note bad guy villain you could and someone went, but if they sad. And then Marvel comics went, welp, guess we gotta rewrite Loki's entire character to match. You might see a costume get integrated but I've never seen a character straight up be rewritten to that extent.
MCU refuses to accept that Loki is favorite
Yeah, I don't mind villains getting back stories or their villainy is because of a tragedy, or what drives their villainy happens to be something they lack in character and they've made negative choices to get away from it or cover it up. But what's better is if you made the character very firmly grey. Which Loki is. Before the very prominent issue that caused me to engage far less with the thing, Snape was another I liked that was so firmly grey. I'm so into that character type, they're so infinitely more intriguing. I'm not satisfied with the "there's only prominent good vs prominent bad, and therefore we should only like good."
And you're probably right, Loki's downfall started when creators hated that Loki was more popular than their favorites. And instead of taking advantage of how hyped the fans were for his character (I mean SDCC did, his appearance is still talked about), they decided to punish him and the fans for not liking the "good guys." Which is funny when technically Loki has shown more heroism in his appearances in the Thor movies than Thor has his entire arc. I'd argue he's shown more heroism than Tony, tbh. My favorite character ftw, and I don't care how much Marvel tries, og Loki always will be. Loki 2011-2013 supremacy.
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
This Disaster Binds Us Absolute
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/n9zlTiq
by Knockoff_Indulgences
The Champion's Tourney: a grueling competition of Asgard's strongest warriors to win the place as personal guard to the Allfather's heirs. The tournament opens in the wake of the youngest prince, Loki, receiving his ascension to godhood. Asgard is abuzz with the excitement. Many have died in the previous tournaments for a shot at the glorious position.
For Álfarson, a bastard Elf freshly kicked out of the Valkyrion, it is his best shot at securing a position of any power. Being able to maintain his friendship with Loki without the scrutinizing eyes of the Allfather's Court is an added benefit. If he can manage to survive.
Words: 2581, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Heirs of Conquest
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Norse Religion & Lore
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Other
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Original Male Character(s), Thor (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Týr | Tyr (Norse Religion & Lore), Eir (Norse Religion & Lore), Sigyn (Norse Religion & Lore)
Relationships: Loki/Original Male Character(s), Loki (Marvel)/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Power Dynamics, Asgardian Culture (Marvel), Asgardian Politics (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Transphobia, Colonialism, Fantasy Racism, Slow Burn, Bodyguard Romance, Marvel Norse Lore, Canon Rewrite, Cultural Differences, Internalized racism, Pre-Thor (2011), Not Beta Read
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/n9zlTiq
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tygerbug · 2 years
THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER - A pleasant enough mid-level Marvel movie which is just good enough to serve as a trailer for the better movie it could have and should have been. Even so, it's worth the time.
2011's Thor, as directed by Kenneth Branagh, was a weaker early effort for Marvel, although it introduced Tom Hiddleston as the fan-favorite Loki, and an interesting cast that the series hasn't done enough with since (including Kat Dennings, Stellan Skarsgård, Idris Elba, and Jaimie Alexander, who make token appearances here). And at least it's not The Incredible Hulk (2008), which remains in a strange quasi-canon state in the MCU, referenced recently in What If?, Shang-Chi and the upcoming She-Hulk. There was also trouble in the air on 2013's Thor: The Dark World, when Patty Jenkins left the film, apparently unimpressed by what the movie was becoming, and was replaced as director by Alan Taylor. Jenkins went on to direct the well-regarded Wonder Woman (2017), and its less successful sequel. Loki's entire role was reportedly added in rewrites and beefed up during reshoots, and Christopher Eccleston seems wasted as the villain, leading to talk (at the time) that Marvel couldn't deliver an interesting villain (Loki aside). The result is acceptable but also inessential. Alan Taylor has said he was locked out of editing and had no control over how the movie turned out. This included a small Guardians of the Galaxy tie-in shot by James Gunn, and a prologue by Tim Miller. Jamie Alexander was injured for a month, and Christopher Eccleston was unhappy with the seven-hour makeup requirements for his role. Idris Elba referred to the constant reshoots as torture, and Natalie Portman tried to quit the film when Patty Jenkins left. Portman is noticeably absent when Thor kisses "Jane Foster" at the end of this film, and from all the Marvel movies that followed. Even in this film, Portman had insisted on slapping Thor for abandoning her. Old footage from this film was used in Avengers: Endgame, but Portman didn't return until the animated What If? in 2021, for an almost embarrassingly lightweight and silly comedic Thor episode. The movie she had actually returned for was this one, clearly having been promised a much juicier role for Dr. Jane Foster. Thor says in this film that he hasn't seen her for over eight years. Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, played by Chris Hemsworth, did not arrive on the screen fully formed. He is almost unrecognizable in that first film, with a short, bleached-looking beard and eyebrows and long blond wig. His look as a character was defined better gradually over the next few films, and the way he played the character also changed with time. 2017's Thor Ragnarok, directed by comedian Taiki Waititi, was a very purposeful departure from the more serious previous Thor films. Thor, in that film, seems a lot more like Chris Hemsworth, even resembling his comedic persona from 2016's Ghostbusters to an extent. There is more comedic improvisation and a more casual feel to the proceedings. You could explain it by saying that Thor's time on earth loosened him up a bit. It was a strange time for it- Thor has a pretty dark arc in this film and the Avengers films surrounding it, losing pretty much everything and everyone he cares about. This led to Thor's borderline-offensive weight gain in Endgame. While it's easy to mourn the more serious third Thor film that is hinted at here and elsewhere, that we never actually get to see, Hemsworth is very charming here and it feels like he's really found an onscreen persona that works for him. It was also, low-key, another Loki film, and even to an extent a Mark Ruffalo Hulk film, which Marvel isn't really allowed to make without working something out with Universal. Thor: Love and Thunder is the fourth Thor film and tenth appearance by Chris Hemsworth's Thor, or thereabouts. Thor is, at this point, the biggest name among the original Avengers to still be standing. Captain America, Iron Man, Black Widow and others have already departed, so the only other contenders would be the likes of Hawkeye, Nick Fury and Maria Hill. Loki, as this movie reminds us, has already died multiple times (with an alternate-universe version getting his own TV series, pulled from a timestream before his death in 2018's Avengers Infinity War). Hemsworth has grown into the role and remains one of Marvel's biggest stars, as the beefy, likeable, well-meaning but often childish and careless Asgardian God of Thunder. Director Taika Waititi mostly knows how to play to Hemsworth's strengths as an actor, and leans on the idea that this veteran Avenger ought to be every little kid's best friend, especially since he's childish himself. While the response to this installment was muted in a packed theater, a handful of people applauded during the credits at the card reading "Thor will return." As Jane Foster, this time round, Natalie Portman seems engaged and interested in what she's doing, although one can question the script's choice on what exactly to do with her. After over eight years, I wasn't sure what to expect from her, but for most of this film Jane Foster is basically telling a joke that doesn't land, and that's a pretty good summation of this entire movie. It spends a lot of time trying to be funny, but the funny parts aren't funny enough and the serious parts aren't nearly serious enough. Moments that should have some emotional weight look and feel like a sitcom. There's trouble in the air from the beginning, as we're introduced to Christian Bale's Gorr the God Butcher, a villain who steals the entire show by being the only one taking his role completely seriously. In his opening scenes, as he's introduced to the god he'd been praying to, he's the only part of the scene which isn't ridiculous, and despite some interesting visual ideas it's pretty clear that the scene called for a more serious treatment overall. The film basically works, but there are a lot of moments like that, which seem to expose the shortcomings of Waititi's style as a director. Too much of the film feels weightless because the drama and comedy are blending together into a mush. I am not giving all the blame to Waititi for this, as the film shows some signs of being messed around with in the editing room. One trailer has a joke with Thor gazing lovingly into the eyes of Chris Pratt's Star-Lord, from the Guardians of the Galaxy films. This moment is actually longer in the trailer than it is in the film, where the moment - or what's left of it - seems to come out of nowhere and vanish just as quickly. To name the elephant in the room, it feels like Waititi had intended a lot of gay content in the film, and had to negotiate at length with Disney about just how much of that would actually make it into the final product. There are more overt gay references here than in any previous Marvel film, and just as many moments where scenes seem to suddenly be missing something along those lines. Waititi's previous film, Thor Ragnarok, lost some scenes confirming the bisexuality of Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie character. She returns here as one of the leads, and there are several overt references to her sexuality (mostly restating stuff that was implied in the previous film). But there's also something missing whenever she interacts with Natalie Portman's Jane Foster, and I can't quite put my finger on what it might have been. I doubt that any romance was intended but their friendship also seems to be edited around, and at one point Valkyrie teases Thor that they're both on "Team Jane." Korg, the rock creature voiced by Waititi, also returns, slightly wearing out his welcome (after an accident involving Zeus) but also confirming his homosexuality. Chris Pratt is known to be very right-wing and religious, and when the trailer came out people were surprised he'd been involved in a joke like that at all. I don't know what kind of pressure was going on behind the scenes. Maybe he was a good sport about it. But the result in the final film is a real nothing of a scene, and the entire appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy feels underdeveloped. As Korg narrates, it plays out exactly like a trailer for a movie we didn't get to see, interspersed with moments from movies we did see. Pratt has aged noticeably and the Guardians have no real chemistry with Thor here, making this feel like just an extended cameo, of which the film already has many. Storywise this makes some sense. As in Ragnarok, Waititi wants to jettison the baggage of the previous films as quickly as possible to do what he's doing, even if it means skipping half a movie's worth of plot. And just like in any Iron Man movie, Thor's old character flaws have come back, carelessly causing destruction all around him, just so that he can look more heroic when he finally focuses at the end of the film. But it's yet another way that the movie suggests missed opportunities. Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy have had a movie's worth of adventures together, which we see in trailer-like form, but don't particularly like each other by the end of it, and the relationship seems to only bring out the most surface-level version of Thor, basically a parody of himself. And it's always a shame to not do much with Drax, Nebula, Mantis, et al. Meanwhile there's a very serious storyline with Jane Foster during which Jane Foster can't stop doing schtick, like trying out catchphrases. Eventually this is referenced in one of the film's most affecting serious scenes. It is nice that Jane Foster has a personality that's a bit different than you'd expect - this was also true in What If? - and it's intentional that her humor doesn't really land. Her character ends up being a mix of stuff which does and doesn't work, ending up somewhere in the middle. That's true of the movie itself. It's good to see Tessa Thompson's Valkyrie again, but the film doesn't exactly know what to do with her, beyond have her along for the ride. Thor: Ragnarok had strong themes about colonialism and it seemed that Valkyrie was a metaphor for indigenous people, something personal for Taiki Waititi whose father was Maori. This seems like a much less personal film, and perhaps Valkyrie's character reflects that once again. It's shown that she's sold out and become corporate, doing advertisements for Old Spice, and is generally bored with her duties as King of New Asgard. Perhaps Waititi feels that way too, although if you're looking for any more explanation for all of this than is present in the trailers, you won't get any. Visually, at least in theory, the film is going for an extremely colorful retro-80s vaporwave look. Which is not how the 80s actually were, but is something people like to evoke in design. The end credits are done in an exaggerated album-cover way, and the more fantasy-based scenes often look like something out of a Heavy Metal comic - although that does remind us of how sexless these movies are by comparison. It's not an especially stylish film, though, so the actual result of this is usually just mush. It's trying to be awesome in a way which doesn't always work, although it comes close enough often enough to get partial credit. There is a long, evocative sequence where the movie shuts the color off entirely, except for reflected light from weapons and eyes. It seems to come on very suddenly out of nowhere, but also works a lot better visually than the scenes immediately surrounding it. It's making a stronger visual choice, and one in keeping with the villain, the very colorless Gorr, whose scenes have a horror-movie aesthetic throughout, although one apparently intended to scare children. Christian Bale makes a big impact because there's nothing funny about his character. The moments where you see his playful side are his most horrific. It almost feels like Bale doesn't know what movie he's in, and the movie is better for it. Chris Hemsworth seems to know exactly what movie he's in, and mostly gets away with it because he's the star. There are, however, some scenes which come off as suspiciously bland. Russell Crowe tries out what is probably intended as a comedic Greek accent as Zeus. While Gladiator this ain't, he does actually flesh out a reasonably funny and complex character in a short amount of screen time, not unlike Jeff Goldblum in Ragnarok. It does all have a whiff of "jokes that aren't quite working" though. There is a moment where Crowe forcibly disrobes Thor, and the nudity is played for laughs. A lot of people questioned this as sexual assault, although the script later specifies that Thor enjoyed the moment. This is a good example of how the movie is tough to read and doesn't commit enough to anything, one way or the other. The last Marvel movie before this was "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness." About halfway through we're introduced to a sort of alternate Avengers, full of cameos from characters who hadn't been seen in the MCU in this form. These scenes also seemed to reveal exactly who would be playing one of Marvel's biggest-name heroes. I was underwhelmed by this reveal, feeling he wasn't quite the right type ... although he'd been rumored for the part for years. There's also a quick cameo at the end by - presumably - one of the leads of the next Doctor Strange movie. Anyway, we get one of those moments in the mid-credits scene. A Marvel hero we haven't seen before is revealed, played by a known actor, and yes, I'm a little disappointed in the casting. I'd need a whole movie to get used to casting like this, and to know what Marvel intends to do with the character. A few seconds isn't really enough. Then there's another cameo, in another movie which didn't do enough with the Thor franchise's supporting cast. I wonder if there was a version where they did a final joke about an arm. Judging from reviews, Thor: Love and Thunder has been a divisive movie for Marvel, and something of a letdown after the better-regarded Ragnarok. It's not a bad effort, and maybe a movie with this basic plot and setup would never have been top-tier Marvel, or very different from what we get here. But it's the kind of movie that makes you think about tone, and the different ways that this material could have been handled which might have worked better. Maybe that's illusory, but I found myself thinking about missed opportunities and roads not taken. Maybe it's just because the movie has a comedic tone for so much of its runtime when the jokes don't really land and it's cutting into the drama. The movie is fine, and better than other Thor efforts, but it's not hard to become a backseat driver and wonder what was left on the cutting room floor. It's hard to answer what this movie is about, exactly, and why it should be about that. For the most part it works, and sticks the landing, and that's impressive enough for a Thor movie which doesn't feature Loki, and which writes Valkyrie out of the last act. Hemsworth has to carry the movie himself, for the most part, and he's up to the task enough that the biggest reaction in the theater was to the card: "Thor will return." That's good.
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hjbender · 4 years
Hi it's that Donald Blake au anon, and I agree I don't like Donald in general it's weird and sometimes in the comics he has a stick that he's always holding onto then he bangs it and somehow becomes Thor, idk. But the au is something that really interested me cuz it has so much potential, like is Thor an Avenger in this au, does he have to wait til Loki is not looking to go and save the world? Or is he not worthy yet and somehow choosing to reveal himself to Loki the real way to be worthy?
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Yeah, I’m kind of glad the writers and directors decided to leave out the whole “mild-mannered human alias” from the Thor franchise. Really, so many superheroes already have alter egos—Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Ryan Reynolds is Deadpool, literally every single one of the OG Avengers except Thor has another name—that for once it’s nice to just have Thor be Thor.
But as far as that brilliant idea you pitched, in the first couple drafts of my answer, I actually started to rewrite Thor (2011) to make your idea fit with canon. However, after getting stuck a couple times, I started thinking it might work better away from canon (specifically Earth 616), more like a true alternate universe, no Avengers or Thanos or anything. Or, to make things simpler, it could just be a Porn With Feelings deal where the story is driven by characters and drama (and, of course, porn).
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For the PWP approach, Thor masquerades as an MD on Earth because he genuinely likes to help people and having a human form helps him escape detection, or possibly keep his powerful electromagnetic radiation field from harming humans. In any case, Loki is unaware of his brothers super-secret human identity.
Somehow Loki bites off more than he can chew or pisses off the wrong supervillain—it’s practically his hobby, isn’t it?—and ends up getting his ass beaten and thrown to Earth. Miraculously, Thor (as Don Blake) is there to help him, and Thor can’t risk getting his cover blown, so he just plays along while Loki regains use of his limbs and/or powers (a perfect opportunity for some hurt/comfort whump sickfic type tags). Thor brings Loki to his apartment until he can fully recover, and in that time, Loki finds himself bonding with this disabled and good-natured human man who reminds him so much of his brother… and thus begins the forbidden romance and angst-ridden relationship drama.
...okay, so the PWP setup actually has a lot more plot than your average smutfic. (But just think of all the opportunities for medical kink in this one. Like Loki pretending he feels hot and achy and insisting that Blake give him a thorough, private exam… on the kitchen table… with stethoscopes and tongue depressors and lots of poking and prodding and pelvic exams. Anyone? No? Just me?)
The actual canon setup is the one I tried (unsuccessfully) to write out, but here’s a bullet list of the basic plot (get comfortable, this gets kind of long):
After defeating the frost giants in Norway in 900-something, Odin secretly makes a deal with Laufey to raise Loki as his own son, then marry him off to Thor so they can establish everlasting peace with Jötunheim (just like Odin and Frigga did to stop the Æsir-Vanir war). Thor and Loki’s children will be heirs to both royal houses. Upon Thor’s ascension to the throne, Odin will then return the Casket of Ancient Winters to its rightful place, and Jötunheim will flourish again with Asgard as its protector/ally
Loki is a lot more autonomous and independent than his original cinematic depiction, traveling the realms to learn seiðr and be an ambassador (and cause mischief, naturally, but nothing that can’t be fixed or used to his advantage). He’s always held a secret torch for his brother but knows there’s little/no hope of it ever being reciprocated, thus he stays away from Asgard as much as possible
Thor loves and misses his brother (perhaps too much). Their parents would surely disapprove of their relationship, gods or not, and besides, Loki is too much of a free spirit, a wanderer, content with his own company. Asking anything more of him (like a grounded, committed relationship) is something Thor could never do
Loki returns to Asgard on the eve of Thor’s coronation with gifts and smiles, and Thor embraces him with deep affection. They almost confess their feelings to one another, but shy away at the last moment (damn!)
Meanwhile, Malekith the Accursed (comics version Malekith, who is a lot sexier and generally more interesting/diabolical than his MCU counterpart) doesn’t like that Laufey is planning to make peace with Asgard and sever his alliance with Svartalfheim, and somehow breaks into the Vault on Thor’s coronation day just so he can frame Laufey and sour the arrangement with Odin
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Odin decides not to act, sure that something else must be going on. Loki decides to take the intellectual route and do some investigating while Thor and his warrior companions sneak into Jötunheim to kick some ass
Thor accuses Laufey of wrongdoing, just as Malekith wanted, and almost incites a war with the frost giants. Odin banishes him to earth to live as a disabled human man until he can learn some humility
After much screaming at the sky and manly weeping, Thor finally accepts his fate and his new human identity
Enough time passes (months? A year?) that Thor eventually learns to be humble and considerate, helping other humans physically and emotionally in the medical field (I imagine him becoming an orderly at a local hospital since being a doctor requires years of education and money. Also, being thrown to Earth without a penny to his name will help Thor work through some of his entitlement and privilege issues. I headcanon he was aided by some good-hearted humans who were able to find employment for him and a place to stay, help him get on his feet, basically)
With Thor out of the way and the royal family torn apart, Malekith begins preparing for his attack on Asgard
Loki doesn’t know that Thor is trapped in a human form, only that he was banished and all contact forbidden. Loki is suspicious of the frost giants and goes to Jötunheim alone, where Laufey reveals everything to him—including Loki’s betrothal to Thor
Loki is stunned at first, unable to believe that the thing he’s wanted most was always meant to be his, and he hurriedly leaves Jötunheim
He tries to sneak to Midgard without using the Bifrost, but Malekith catches him en route and they fight. He throws a binding spell on Loki to render him powerless and then beats the living daylights out of him
Loki crash lands on Earth not far from where his brother was banished (he had been following the last known path from Asgard to Midgard), and is rendered temporarily powerless and amnesiac, not remembering anything about his fight with Malekith, Thor’s banishment, or why he was on his way to Midgard
Loki wakes up in a hospital bed with a kind human man looking after him. After an unsuccessful escape attempt, he settles in and finds himself comforted by Donald Blake’s presence. It’s… soothing, somehow familiar…(maybe it’s the drugs talking)
Thor instantly recognizes his brother but he cannot reveal himself, either because he’ll look insane/lose his job or maybe Odin made it so he’s unable to even speak the name “Thor” until he’s worthy again. In any case, Thor decides it won’t hurt to beat Loki at his own game just this once (Loki has played this prank on him more times than Thor can count). He ends up taking Loki back home with him once he’s discharged from the hospital
As his memories and powers slowly return, Loki is surprised that Blake listens to and believes everything he claims to be, and soon grows to trust and even like the man. He’s never really had a true friend before… except for his brother, Thor, of course. Blake reminds him so much of Thor…
While things gradually heat up between Loki and Blake-Thor, Malekith disguises himself as Loki (just as he did in the War of the Realms comic arc) and returns to Asgard. Odin and Frigga learn that Loki had indeed traveled to Jötunheim and confront their “son” about what he might have learned there
Not knowing it’s actually Malekith they are speaking to, they reveal the truth about Loki’s parentage and upbringing, and the reasons for his betrothal. Malekith is shocked, then amused at his good fortune. He decides to use this information to his own advantage
Malekith plots to bring Thor back to Asgard and insist that they be married at once. Thor will be crowned king, and when Thor finishes swearing his oaths, Malekith will steal Gungnir and kill Thor with it (and the entire royal family of Asgard). He will then steal the Casket of Ancient Winters, return to Jötunheim, kill Laufey and all the rest of his clan, and then head to Midgard to finish off the last of that bloodline: Loki. Then, with the power of Gungnir, Mjölnir, and the Casket of Ancient Winters, nothing will be able to stop him from bringing war and chaos to the Nine Realms
My brain is smoking and on its last cylinder right now, and I know this post is already decades long, so I’m gonna cheat and skip the whole part where Thor and Loki somehow learn about Malekith’s plot (maybe the Warriors Four come to Earth to warn them), and Thor becomes worthy again, revealing himself to a stunned Loki, and they all go flying back to Asgard, beat Malekith in an epic battle, and save the day
Once the dust has cleared, Thor is crowned king to an audience of Æsir and Jötnar, followed immediately by his and Loki’s wedding. Everyone cheers, Volstagg weeps and uses Fandral as a handkerchief, and Malekith gets a tiny slice of the wedding cake down in the dungeons
The end 🍰
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
how come Sif and the Warriors Three accepted it when Odin exiled Thor and wouldn’t reverse the decision but when Loki legitimately became king and continued the same policy they immediately committed treason over it? Even though Loki’s stated reason was that he thought Thor was dangerously hotheaded? Which was the exact same reason Odin exiled him in the first place! 
Thor 2011 was just:
Loki: I feel like I’m not listened to a lot of the-
Everyone: Shut up Loki!
Loki: There seems to be a bit of a double standard in your treatment of-
Everyone: There he goes again being jealous for literally no reason. Let’s overthrow him and then not suffer any consequences. 
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chokememrstark · 6 years
Cold Heart // Thorki (Part 1)
Chapters: 1/8
Words: 1351
Summary: When they fight in Jotunheim and Loki gets a little too close to one of the frost giants, everything he once thought he knew about himself becomes meaningless, and when he finds out the truth his world is in ruins. Thor wants nothing more than to help his brother, but where there once had been love and kindness, he now finds nothing but cruelty and coldness, no matter how hard he tries to get through to him. Thor watches Loki slip away from him, without knowing what to do to stop it.
thor (2011) rewrite, jotun!loki, thor does not get banished, angst, isolation, unrequited love, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt, suicidaln thoughts, self-hatred, self-loathing, pining, possessive behavior, emotional sex, angst with a happy end
Notes: Some parts of this fic are identical to canon, but most aren’t. Rewrite for the sole purpose of Thor seeing Jotun!Loki, really. Enjoy!
Special thanks to @sassysupernaturalsweetheart for betaing this fic!
Tags: @shebahda​  @thevampireniko​ @feldkommandant​ @sassysupernaturalsweetheart​ @sunggyu-kiw​  @humongouscandycoffee​  
If you want on my Thorki Taglist, send me a message!
Read on AO3!
Loki stares down at his arm in complete shock and disbelief as his skin begins to turn back to normal. He’s scared, terrified even, and suddenly just wants out. He grabs Thor by the arm, stopping him from attacking another frost giant. When Thor spins around, ready to attack, he sees the wide and horrified eyes of his brother and the hand that becomes the pale white he is used to see on him in front of his eyes.
 “Loki, what-”
 A rumbling shakes the ground beneath them, causing Loki to stumble and hold onto his brother to not fall completely. Thor instinctively pulls him back on his feet, one last time looking back at the mass of frost giants coming from all directions, and makes a decision.
 “Friends, let’s go! We are leaving!”
 Everyone seems more than willing to follow Thor’s call and without hesitation they begin running. Angry shouts follow them, the ground shakes under the sheer force with which they are chased, but they don’t stop. Thor still holds Loki’s arm as they flee and his brother shows no sign of disapproval, even though under normal circumstances he would free himself to be faster. This time they run side by side and whenever Thor glances over at Loki he sees the same terrified expression, the same numbing shock that he had seen when he first turned around.
 When they finally arrive where they had come from, Sif calls out for Heimdall. They are coming faster now. Sif and The Warrior’s Three surround Thor and Loki, ready to fight any and all frost giants daring to come closer. Meanwhile Loki is clinging to his brother in complete shock, now that he doesn’t have to run anymore his legs give in and it’s only because of Thor that he doesn’t fall backwards into the abyss. Finally the Bifröst opens and they leave this forsaken wasteland, all alive but not all of them well. In fact, Loki is far from well and he doesn’t know if he will ever be anything else again.
 Heimdall greets them, but he’s not alone. Odin is there too and without hesitating, Thor shields Loki behind him to hide his broken armor and bare arm. He doesn’t know why he does it, if it makes any difference, but he doesn’t want his father to see him like this. The Warriors fall on their knees and the princes follow suit shortly after, knowing full well that they have been caught and that a punishment will take place.
 And punished they are. Odin points out that, if they would have taken any longer than they have, they would be banished from Asgard for their treason, but for some reason he decides against it. Instead, he sends the Warriors away, promising to deal with them later, and then he turns to Thor and Thor alone. He’s raging and shouting and soon Thor is shouting too and all Loki can do is stare at them in absolute shock. Then, Odin suddenly falls silent and Loki knows that whatever follows will be fatal and he finally speaks up.
 “Father, please,” his voice is quiet, cautious, and full of respect and fear.
 Odin spins around and shouts something unintelligible at him that makes his stomach tighten. Loki knows it’s dangerous, but he cannot stop himself from speaking.
 “It wasn’t Thor’s fault, father!” Loki knows in some way it was, but he won’t let all the blame fall on him. Desperately holding his bare arm against his chest, Loki looks up at their father. “He was reckless, he didn’t think of the consequences, but we are all at fault, not only him! Please, father, don’t punish Thor for something we are all guilty of!”
 “As the one who wants the throne your brother should know better than to invade Jotunheim!” Odin barks, causing Loki to flinch and turns his attention back to Thor. “You have proven yourself to be incapable of the throne, Thor. You have risked the peace treaty with Jotunheim and endangered Argard and its citizens with your childish act of revenge and will no longer become king after your actions.”
 “Father,” Thor stops, seemingly thinking. He turns to Loki for advice, who he has never seen so scared in his life, and for the first time stops himself from being reckless. “I apologize, father.” Thor kneels down again, bowing his head. “You are right, my actions were wrong and I brought danger to all of us. I do not deserve to be king of Asgard.”
 After a long pause, Odin finally nods and squints his eye.
 “Thor Odinson, you will no longer be an heir to the throne. Your thirst for war has endangered your people and as a punishment I will take away your hammer from you.” He holds out his hand and Mjolnir shoots into it immediately. Both Thor and Loki stare at him in anticipation and fear of what is now to come. “If you prove yourself worthy of the throne again, Mjolnir will return to you. Until this day, you are banished from Asgard’s army and will no longer be allowed to fight with the warriors or attend their training and exercises.”
 “Yes, father,” Thor sighs in defeat, lowering his head again.
 “Loki,” Odin growls and his second son stiffens for a moment before copying his brother’s posture and bows before the king.
 “Yes, father.”
 “You, as well as your brother, are forbidden to leave the palace under any circumstances,” Odin says and Loki’s eyes widen again as he stares at the ground. “You have disappointed me in dangerous ways and you will stay here until you have understood the true nature of leadership and the mistakes you made. You, Loki, are forbidden to leave your room until I have decided on a proper punishment for your inability to stop this madness and encouraging it instead.”
 Loki swallows heavily, but nods anyway.
 “Yes, father,” he repeats.
 “You may leave now,” Odin orders and slams his staff on the floor. The two brothers stand up, each of them immediately accompanied by a guard as they do. “You will be guided to your rooms. That is all.”
 Loki can feel Thor’s glares coming from his left side as the guards do their job, but he doesn’t look up. He knows Thor wants his attention, but he cannot give it to him. What happened in Jotunheim is still fresh and strong on his mind and he fears the unspoken questions he will see when he looks up into his brother’s eyes as much as he fears the answers he doesn’t have.
 No matter how much he tries, he can’t stop thinking about what happened when this frost giant touched him and how different it was to what happened to Volstagg. Why did he not get a frostbite from this touch? Why did his arm turn blue and had those strange patterns on it all of a sudden, instead of causing him pain? And why did this frost giant look at him like that, shocked and almost… satisfied? Loki knows he had panicked when he had killed the frost giant and in a way he is still panicking, even if it is easier to hide now.
 When the guard finally leads Loki into his room he nods weakly and watches the door being closed. For a split second he meets his brother eyes, as questioning as he expected and just as confused, but he can’t say anything, can’t even react. He just looks at him completely lost and unable to do respond.
 Minutes pass until Loki finally manages to move again, but he can only drop down on his bed and stare at the ceiling high above him. At one point he raises his arm and looks at it in the slowly disappearing sunlight. It looks just the way he knows it, without any signs of markings or blue on it. Did he just imagine this happening? No, that can’t be, the destroyed part of his armor is proof that something had happened. If only he knew what it was…
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I'm experiencing all the hype for this rewrite that I should've experienced for the show! Thank you so much for doing this guys! Also btw have any of you watched this movie called Thor 2011? I heard it's vaguely relevant to Loki's backstory and motivations or something. Probably not required viewing tho.
First of all, thank you for the gift of this ask, it has brought much needed amusement to the team. We are... honestly baffled that you would believe "relevant backstory and motivations" are something that would be required in writing this character going forward? We are not, whilst exploring the concept of time, exploring his past, but rather his future. [Cue applause].
Some of us have of course critically engaged in the character's previous appearances in the franchise, so here is a sampling of our experience with the MCU:
"I may know some of it through memes now that I think about it. Is that the one with American Man? Wait no. Superman? Was that right?" ~ @notachair
"I skimmed the Wikipedia synopsis. Honestly I think the play scene in T:R was enough of an overview on any history, though, i didn't really know there were movies since this is off a series??" ~ @worstl0ki
"I hear the warriors four are the best characters in it, and it's got an amazing romance!" ~ @latent-thoughts
"The only required viewing for this rewrite are deranged youtube 'essays' about how the MCU is being ruined by the pandering to essjaydoubleus in Captain Marvel and Black Panther" ~ @wnnbdarklord
"We're writing a fic?" ~ @worstloki
"So many unexplored themes like how Loki never apologized to his father and mother for what he did... we just can't wait to get into the meat of how guilty that makes him and how bad he should feel for his terrible actions." ~ @willow-of-stars
"I remember watching Thor (2011) for the first time and it was just an instant connection. I knew if the chance to ever work on anything similar came up I would take it without question, and here I am, looking forward to addressing how Loki's inherent nature as a monstrous giant clashes with his more civilized Asgardian teaching." ~ @sundial-at-night
"I read one of the Thor comic runs and Loki showed up, he was very enjoyable, will definitely be taking inspiration from there. Also Teletubbies because I have a soft spot for them." ~ @space-ravioli
Disclaimer: None of these are actual quotes from those working on the project, and this is entirely sarcasm.
Secondary Disclaimer: We have in truth watched the movie(s) more than can be said of certain producers that shall not be named.
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therese-lokidottir · 2 years
But how you write Sylvie differently or replace her with a different character
I said before I wouldn't rewrite Sylvie so much as reframe her. I mean I'd cut the weird romance obviously. Just acknowledge she's selfish and stop having everyone shrill her. Loki is the one I'd rewrite. Let him be the character was from Thor 2011 to Dark World.
But Sylvie if was a different character completely, here's a few options
Sylvie Lushton- Was once a normal mortal girl but shenanigans lead her to get Loki's powers and then was pruned as a result. I'd also make her younger and play her and Loki relationship as more parental and child like
Sigyn- this Sigyn came from a time where she became the goddess of mischief instead of Loki. More or less Sylvie, she probably got pruned latter in life. She is nicer and actually attached to Loki. But still has the end goal of taking down the TVA. You know how bout Loki's love interest is his mythological wife instead of himself?
Loki God of Evil- Straight up play them as the villain. Broken over years of trying to be good but being rejected they want to destroy the TVA not even out of revenge or free will but because they want madness throughout the multiverse
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pinktwingirl · 3 years
Loki Series Rewrite (AKA Loki Series But With Squirrel Girl) Ep 3
Loki is attacking Sylvie. Suddenly, Doreen enters and rushes up to them.
Loki, catch!
She tosses him a prune stick. Loki takes it and he starts fighting Sylvie with her. During the battle, Doreen manages to overpower Sylvie and tackle her to the ground. Doreen holds her knuckle spikes to Sylvie's throat, but Sylvie twists her arm and kicks Loki's prune stick away. Sylvie then kicks Doreen's face and grabs Loki. Doreen freezes when she sees Sylvie is holding a dagger to Loki's throat. Just then, Ravonna and several other agents enter.
Come any closer, and I'll kill him.
Go for it.
Doreen glares at her. Before she can attack, Loki whips out his tem-pad, causing himself and Sylvie to disappear.
We cut to later, when Mobius, Ravonna, and Doreen are standing where Loki and Sylvie vanished.
(to Ravonna)
Thanks for nothing.
I called her bluff. I knew she wasn't going to do it.
Yeah. Sure.
Where the hell did they go?
You don't know?
Loki took the tem-pad with him. We can't find his location if we don't have it.
(He groans in frustration.)
That bastard! He directly disobeyed me! I knew I shouldn't have trusted him!
He probably just wanted to know what was going on! Look, I can find him with-
(She takes out her Loki locket, only to see that it is broken.)
This thing must've gotten damaged in the fight.
Can't you just fix it?
It's not that simple. Thor let me borrow parts of rare Asgardian technology to build this. They were some of the last parts they had, so I would have to go back in time to Asgard to get more. And... I have no idea where I would even begin to start looking there.
Mobius sighs.
Alright, look, I'll search through our files on Asgard to see what I can find. In the meantime, just try to salvage what you can, and don't dilly-dally. Every moment those variants are on the loose, we're all in danger.
Doreen is trying to work on the locket to no avail. She slams it down and sighs. Just then, her squirrel Monkey Joe hops up on the table, carrying spare parts. He sets them down and squeaks at her.
No... Those won't work, Monkey Joe. We need gear that can navigate through both space and time.
Looking dejected, Monkey Joe lets out a few sad squeaks. Doreen pets him and gives him an almond as consolation.
I know, buddy, you tried your best...
Doreen's other squirrels, Tippy-Toe and Mr. Lieberman join Monkey Joe to eat pieces of the almond. Just then, CASEY turns around and peers at the squirrels in horror.
What are those?
Um, almonds? Want some?
No, the... things eating them...
Doreen raises an eyebrow.
They're squirrels.
What, you've never seen a squirrel before?
No... I've spent my whole life here, so I've never seen any animals at all.
Doreen looks mortified.
That's the saddest thing I've ever heard in my life...
Mobius is looking through various old books on shelves. He pauses when he flips through a book that has Asgardian writing and a map of Asgard.
Doreen is showing Casey pictures of different types of squirrels on her phone as Casey looks on in wonder.
So, this here is a red squirrel. I just love their little pointy ears! Ooh, and these ones are extra rare: The Japanese flying squirrel! Look at their beady little eyes! And their fluffy tail! You can only find these in one island on all of Earth!
Wow... That's amazing!
Just then, Mobius walks in.
Doreen quickly slams her phone down.
Uhhh, yes, sir, we are hard at work!
She does an awkward salute. Mobius frowns at her.
I found this book in our library.
(He flips to a page that has a drawing of Odin's treasure room with a description written in Asgardian.)
This look familiar?
Doreen frowns as she peers at the book.
This is all in Asgardian. I can't read it.
Forget the text; look at the picture.
He points to a section of the drawing where several golden parts are stored in the treasure room. Doreen's eyes widen.
Oh my God... I think that's it!
Mobius grins.
Yeah? You think you could go get it if I sent you to Asgard, say, a couple decades in the past?
Sure, I mean... All I would have to do is find Odin's treasure room... wherever that is, somehow break in, get the parts, and then, by some miracle, get out undetected, and then we're home free!
(She pats him on the back.)
Good job, Moby! I might need a change of clothes, though.
What's wrong with your clothes?
I mean, I can't just walk into Asgard like this; I'd stick out like a sore thumb!
Mobius sighs.
Alright, I'll see if we have any old stuff from the Asgardian variants we've taken in. But study that book and maybe try to come up with a halfway coherent plan for sneaking in. I'll set the portal to send you back to the same moment in time once you're done, so you can take however long you need to look for the parts. But don't use that as an excuse to sight-see!
He chuckles under his breath as he walks away.
Loki and Sylvie are chatting on the train.
How about you? You're a prince! Must've been... would-be princesses. Or, perhaps, another prince?
A bit of both. I suspect, the same as you. But nothing ever...
What about your mortal girl? What was her name? Doreen?
Loki raises an eyebrow.
She seems nice.
Oh, I'm sure she'd appreciate that, coming from the person who practically kicked her face in.
Hey, when she's on the run, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.
And, no, she's... just an acquaintance. 
Sylvie raises an eyebrow and smirks.
Doreen enters the palace through a portal in a pretty, albeit slightly ill-fitting blue Asgardian dress, with her hair done up like all the other noble ladies. As she wanders around, she spots a crowd of noble ladies in ballgowns chatting and laughing while they walk. She tries to inconspicuously join the group, when a MAID calls out to her.
Um, pardon me, my lady?
Doreen freezes to see if the maid is talking to her.
Do you not have something to wear for tonight?
I... Um... Well, I was just going to wear this... very Asgardian dress...
Do you... have anything a little more formal? I trust you haven't forgotten that the ball is tonight?
Uh... Right... Yes... Of course... Um...
We have some spare dresses if you'd like to borrow one. I'm sure the queen wouldn't mind.
Doreen hesitates for a moment.
A-alright... Thank you.
She follows the maid into a corridor.
Doreen sits in front of a mirror while the maid styles her hair. She has a layer of light, pretty makeup on her face.
Have you decided which dress you'd like, my lady?
Oh... I liked the green one.
The maid raises an eyebrow.
Are we... hoping for something?
Wh-what do you mean?
Well, if you're wearing the colors of Prince Loki, some might think you were... trying to get his attention.
W-will he be there?
He should. I must warn you that he detests these types of social events, though. At last winter's ball, he projected an illusion of himself in the ballroom to make it seem like he was present when he was really in his room reading books the whole night.
Doreen grins.
Shall I help you put on your dress?
(Lost in thought)
(Her head shoots up as she comes back to her senses.)
U-uh, I mean, no! No, no, no! I... I can do it myself...
Loki is standing off to the side while Thor, Sif, and the Warriors Three talk and drink. They are all dressed in their outfits from 2011 Thor. Thor downs a mug of ale.
He smashes his drink on the ground and Loki rolls his eyes. Thor approaches him and claps him on the back - a little too hard. Loki grunts and gives him an irritated look.
Come on, brother... You could at least try to have a little fun!
Loki scoffs.
Watching every maiden in the palace fawn over you and Fandral is not my idea of fun.
Thor laughs.
Loki... Must you be so down? You can't spend all your time shut up in your room reading all those books and doing your little magic spells.
Why not? I'd infinitely prefer it to this.
Before Thor can say another word, Loki walks off. A SERVANT approaches him, carrying a tray with a goblet of wine on it.
Some wine, your highness?
Loki eagerly takes the goblet and drinks it, nearly downing the entire thing in one swig. He freezes when he sees something in the distance.
We pan up the staircase as we see Doreen descending down it, wearing an elegant green and gold dress. Her hair is done up in an intricate braid, with golden ornaments adorning it. She looks around the ballroom nervously, peering at different corridors in an attempt to find the treasure room. Never taking his eyes off her, Loki sets the goblet down on a table nearby and walks off-screen.
As Doreen makes her way across the ballroom, Tippy-Toe suddenly scurries off to a table where grapes and nuts are laid out.
(She rushes after her.)
We're supposed to be keeping a low profile!
Tippy-Toe gives her a pleading look and a few squeaks. Doreen sighs.
Alright, fine. But just one.
She hands Tippy-Toe a macadamia nut. As the squirrel eats her treat, we suddenly hear Loki's voice behind them. Startled, Doreen whirls around.
As much as I'm sure your friend is pleasant company, the kitchen staff might not take kindly to seeing a rodent on the refreshment table.
Tippy-Toe cocks her head and gives him an inquisitive squeak. Loki smiles at her.
No offense.
Ah... Y-You're right, um... Tippy, why don't you go eat that outside? I'll catch up with you later.
Tippy-Toe squeaks and runs off with her nut. Nervously wringing her hands, Doreen glances back at Loki, who smiles at her.
So, um... Are you... actually here this time, or is this just another one of your creepy illusions?
Loki smiles and extends his hand to her.
Perhaps you should find out for yourself.
After hesitating for a moment, Doreen gingerly places her hand in his. Loki kisses the back of her hand, causing her to blush.
I'm terribly sorry; I don't believe I caught your name?
U-um... Doreen.
Well, Lady Doreen... Would you care for a dance?
Huh? O-oh, I, um... I-I don't... really know how...
It's easy! I'll teach you! Here...
(He leads her into the center of the ballroom, where other couples are dancing.)
Just step forward like this... Then back... Right... Left...
Doreen glances nervously around the room as he leads her into a waltz.
You don't have to watch what everyone else is doing; just follow my lead...
You're, um... You're stepping on my foot.
Oh, sorry!
They continue to chat as they dance.
You know, I'm surprised a noble lady like yourself never learned to dance.
Oh, well, um... I don't... really like going to parties very much.
Ah. I don't either, to be honest.
Then how'd you get to be so good at dancing? Are all the girls lining up to dance with the youngest prince of Asgard?
Loki laughs, embarrassed.
Ah.... N-no, not exactly... That's... more Thor's forte. I... mostly learned from dancing with my mother.
Doreen grins.
Loki laughs.
You're stepping on my foot again.
She takes her foot off of his.
You know, I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose.
I'm not!
After a pause, she grins devilishly and stomps on his foot, causing him to yelp in surprise.
Okay, maybe that was on purpose.
They both laugh. Doreen glances at his helmet.
That helmet looks... comfortable.
Oh, it is.
Yeah, I don't believe you.
Well, it only weighs about 30 pounds, give or take. It's like wearing a feather.
They both snicker.
Doesn't it ever throw you off balance?
Not once you get used to it. You should try wearing it sometime. I'm sure you'd love it.
Doreen grins, laughing to herself.
Yeah, I'm sure...
I, um... I must ask... Did you... wear green tonight deliberately? It is my favorite color, after all.
Oh, really? I never would've been able to tell!
They both laugh.
No, it, um... It's actually my favorite color, too, so...
Is that, like, something people actually do? I mean... wearing certain colors to get people to notice them?
Well, sometimes, yes. I... admit, I... actually tried it once myself.
Oh yeah?
A few years ago, there was a prince visiting from Vanaheim that I was... rather taken with. It was known that he loved silver, so I thought if I wore silver armor, I might... endear myself to him.
Did it work?
Well... I think you look better in green, anyway.
We cut to Thor standing with ODIN and FRIGGA on the far side of the ballroom, watching Loki and Doreen.
Mother, who is that Loki is dancing with?
I'm not sure... I don't believe I've ever seen her around the palace before...
Neither have I. I would wager she's merely the daughter of a poor social climber trying to pass himself off as a noble. Nothing to concern yourself with.
Thor grins as Odin walks off-screen.
Well, Loki seems to be finally enjoying himself...
They watch Loki twirl Doreen around as she giggles, her face flushed red. Frigga laughs.
That's the first time I've seen him smile all day...
As they continue to dance, Doreen grows more nervous, suddenly unable to meet Loki's gaze, which never leaves her face. At one point, Loki places his hands around her waist and pulls her closer to him, causing her to tremble slightly. After hesitating, she gently places her hands on his shoulders. He smiles as the orchestra finishes playing.
How did I do?
You're a fast learner. I'm impressed.
They smile at each other.
Loki and Doreen chat as they walk through the garden in the palace courtyard, with Doreen drinking a cocktail in an elegant glass.
I apologize if I come off as um... well, stiff... I have to admit this sort of thing is... well, it's rather new for me. I was never really very social growing up... Everyone always admired Thor for his physical strength, and, well... My own talents of magic and intellect are far less revered. The only friends I ever had, I met through Thor.
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't have any friends as a kid.
Loki raises an eyebrow.
Not any?
Doreen shakes her head.
Well, I... certainly wish we'd met sooner, then.
Yeah, me too.
It's certainly never easy being an outcast... I've spent my whole life living in Thor's shadow... I know my father wishes I were more like him and his friends, but... All the brawn and muscle... It's just not who I am. I'm not like them.
Yeah, and, I mean, I'm sure being a frost giant and all must make you feel different, too...
Loki frowns.
I beg your pardon?
Doreen's eyes widen, and she almost chokes on her drink.
U-Uh... I-I mean, um... Hypothetically speaking, if someone were... secretly a frost giant living in Asgard, that would... make them feel different, but, you know, that... wouldn't happen... ever...
She lets out a nervous laugh and sets her drink down on a nearby table as Loki blinks in confusion.
Anyways... What are you plans for the future if you're not first in line for the throne?
I'm... not sure, to be honest. My parents thought I could gain some title of power by marrying me off to some other royal family, but I... don't think that's going to happen.
I guess it's too bad things didn't work out with that Vanaheim prince, then.
Well, actually, I'm... rather glad they didn't now.
Because now I've met you.
Doreen freezes and glances at him in surprise. He gives her a gentle smile in return. For a moment, she looks inexplicably happy, but once her senses return to her, her face falls and she backs away from him. Loki frowns.
Is... something wrong?
I... I have to go...
If... If I've said something wrong, I-
N-no! No, it's not... I... I'm sorry...
Before he can say another word, she runs away.
Doreen splashes her face with water from a fountain on the other side of the courtyard, trying to pull herself together. Suddenly, Tippy-Toe runs up to her and squeaks at her.
Right... Parts...
Sneaking around corridors, Doreen finally finds the entrance to Odin's treasure room, which is protected by two guards.
Okay, Tippy, you distract them while I sneak up on them from behind.
Tippy-Toe salutes, runs up to the guards, and starts playing with their armor while squeaking at them.
What the-?! What is that?!
It appears to be some type of squirrel...
Guard #1 tries flicking Tippy-Toe off his armor.
Shoo! Begone, creature!
(He turns to the other guard.)
Do you think it's Ratatoskr?
No, you fool! Ratatoskr has a horn!
Before they can say another word, Doreen strikes them both from behind. They try to attack her, but she expertly knocks them both out in one punch.
(to Tippy-Toe)
Let's go.
She and Tippy-Toe enter the treasure room, scanning the area for the parts. Doreen frowns in confusion when she sees Odin's fake infinity gauntlet, but is quickly distracted by the golden parts in a chest in the far end of the room.
Got it!
She tries picking up the parts, but as soon as she does, a shield of magic blocks the exit.
Oh, that's not good...
She hears footsteps and guards' voices rushing towards the treasure room. Moving quickly, she jumps up to the ceiling and kicks down the mechanism creating the shield.
Tippy, we gotta run!
Hiding in corridors, they slip past the guards and escape to the outside of the palace. Doreen grabs her tem-pad and opens a portal. Before she returns to the TVA, she catches a glimpse of Loki's silhouette in the distance walking around. For a moment, he seems to be looking for something, but he soon sits down on a bench, defeated, and looks at the other party guests in the distance. Squeezing her eyes shut, Doreen turns away and places a reset charge on the ground. As she and Tippy go through the portal, the reset charge disintegrates the area.
Doreen and Tippy-Toe rush through the portal, causing Doreen to nearly run into Mobius, who raises an eyebrow.
I got the parts.
I... can see that. Are you okay? What's with the getup?
I'm fine - There was a ball going on, so I just had to change to blend in...
I should... get started on fixing the locket.
Before Mobius can stop her, she rushes to another room.
Still in her ballgown, Doreen is busying inserting the parts into the locket. Mobius enters.
I, uh... saw the footage of Asgard...
Doreen grits her teeth and says nothing.
So... you... like Loki, huh? Gotta say, I wasn't expecting that...
I really don't want to talk about this.
Does he know?
Uh, no, he doesn't, and I'd like to keep it that way.
Well, I mean... I'd be lying if I said I thought you weren't an odd pair, but I guess I can see it...
Doreen clenches her jaw and ignores him.
I just don't see why you're all upset over it...
Doreen slams the locket down.
Because! I'm gonna live, what? 80, 90 years max? Maybe a hundred if I'm lucky? That's a fraction of Loki's life! Why would he ever pay any attention to me?! If that Loki from the past knew I was just a human, he wouldn't have taken a second glance at me!
Realizing she is losing her composure, she tries to focus back on fixing the locket. 
After a moment, Mobius sits down next to her.
You know, I've studied Loki's entire life. I thought I understood everything there was to know about him. But you... you stumped me. If Loki knew he was going to die at the hands of Thanos, why did he trust you to be the one to bring him back to life? And then, it hit me... It's because he knows you're different. He knows that you know what it's like to be an outcast. He could sense it, just from meeting you, that you would be the first stranger he ever met that wouldn't see him as an enemy.
After a pause, Doreen shakes her head.
Even if I could believe that... it wouldn't matter. I'm never going to live long enough to be a part of his life.
You know, when you've worked at the TVA for as long as I have, you tend to get a bit of a perspective on these types of things. Doreen... It's not about how much time we have... It's what we do with our time while we have it that matters. And you may not believe me, but I know you've made a difference in his life. You never doubted him, even when you had every right to. And that's always going to stick with him, even long after you're gone.
Doreen looks down and says nothing. After a moment, Mobius stands up.
Well... make of it what you will. I'm gonna go ask the other agents if they've found any leads-
Suddenly, the locket clicks open.
It's fixed!
(She hands it to Mobius.)
Here, let that charge at a good power source for a little bit. Once it's at 100%, you should be able to see where Loki is.
Okay, great. We'll get a task force ready to go get him.
Can I come?
Ravonna would rather you stay here. She doesn't want a non-variant being put at an unnecessary risk.
Doreen's face falls, but she nods. Mobius exits. Doreen sits back at a computer and starts to look through files. She comes across a tab that reads "AGENT PROFILES", but when she tries to access it, she gets a message that reads "ERROR: RESTRICTED". Glancing over her shoulder, she checks to make sure no one else is in the room and begins typing.
As Ravonna sits at her desk, she receives a holographic message that reads "WARNING: DATA BREACH DETECTED". She clenches her jaw.
Doreen is reading files on her computer. As she continues to read, her eyes widen, with her expression growing more and more horrified. Suddenly, she turns back to the door.
When there is no response, she tries to exit the room and follow after Mobius, but a gate of lasers suddenly blocks her path. As she glances at it, confused, Ravonna opens a portal into the room and strikes her from behind, knocking her out.
So yeah, I took a lot of inspiration for the ballroom scene from the Laendler scene from The Sound of Music. I imagined Loki and Doreen’s relationship being a lot like The Captain and Maria, ‘cause I’m a huge sucker for the hardened grouch going soft for the innocent, lighthearted dreamer trope lol :P
I also listened to the song “When the Night is Over” by Lord Huron a lot when writing that scene. It’s very sad and haunting if you think of it as Loki’s POV after Doreen runs away.
Finally, I am officially dubbing the Doreen x Loki pairing “Dorki”, and I shall henceforth be tagging these posts as such!
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cailjei · 2 years
Wip tag game
rules: list all your WIP titles, all meaning even the ones that are vague or nonsensical. tag as many people as there are WIPs
I wanted to do this for a while now, but did not have the time.
All The Warmth Held By An Icy Winter: A Jotun Loki AU. I am not certain where it is going, but once I have the time to work on it, I'll find out.
...And Of Those Amongst The Stars: The actual cosmic horror part of the Cosmic Horror AU.
The Fool Hath Said In His Heart: Pre-Thor (2011) an attempt at an exploration Loki's suicidal tendancies? I think I've done a pretty bad job at it, and when I get to it again, there should be a major rewrite.
All the king's horses and all the king's men: The one with Odin as the protagonist.
The Road Out Of Hel Is Paved With Good Intentions: I've started that ages ago. The concept was Thor travelling to Hel to save Loki. Now with the bingos it is an opportunity to finish that. (Also it probably needs parts of it rewritten.)
Lies Sweeter Than Any Wine: A Post-Avengers AU. I've no idea where this is going either.
Copper Waves As Sharp As Steel: A giftfic that I should have finished long ago. I'll try to do so within this year, I promise.
My Empire Of Dirt: Human AU. A leftover prompt from Whumptober 2020. Needs a more relevant title.
World So Cold: Post-Avengers AU. Prompt: Hypothermia. Repurposed as a fill for the Thor Bingo. For a difference, Thor will be the one to suffer.
Narcolepsy: Post-Ragnarok. The title is the prompt. Repurposed as a fill for the Loki Bingo.
That Which Lurks In The Dark: The prompt is Possession. Poor Loki is going to suffer as usual.
Upon My Liar's Chair: The prompt is Ritual Sacrifice.
Heavy Is The Arm That Bears The Sceptre: Post-Avenger's AU, in which Thor realises something is wrong with Loki.
Sometimes At Night I Haunt Your Dreams: Loki enters Thor's dream for information. And then does it again, and again, and again.
I'm going to tag @siv-siv-siv and @iamanartichoke. If you guys feel like it, of course! If anyone else wants to participate, feel free to do so!
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
ALLOT (of Kings and Queens)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KyCiHps
by foreverandaday_1
Thor rewrite
Nat and Loki are plotting while there son, Hadrian Potter, is at school. It goes as well as you would think.
rewrite is for descriptions of blood and the in-depth topic of death and possible sex-stuff but nothing explicit
Words: 2812, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of A Long List of Titles - ALLOT
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Black Widow (Movie 2021), Thor (Movies), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), More
Relationships: Loki/Natasha Romanov, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki & Odin & Thor (Marvel), More - Relationship
Additional Tags: Thor (2011) - Freeform, Family Bonding, Occasional, Murder, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Helheimr | Hel (Realm), Jötunheimr | Jotunheim, Asgard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/KyCiHps
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insanityclause · 3 years
That interview dating a megastar and her response I was 21 trying to break into business wtf tom is 4 years older than her so he was 25 and was barely any famous himself so why are they asking her and she answers as tom was some big A list star and was much older than her when it's not even close to how it is
Actually - the dates are all wrong.
They broke up in 2011. IF they dated, as the Telegraph said, for 2 years, that means they started dating in 2009. When Tom was 28 & Susannah 24. So the age is wrong right there.
And 2009-2011, as we’ve said, he wasn’t a megastar. He was a UK TV & theatre actor for the most part.
They broke up just after Thor came out, but before Avengers. So he still wasn’t super huge.
Sounds like she and the journalist are trying to rewrite history a bit.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Return to Loki: Prologue
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ltNUPq
by SOUPossibly
When Avengers: Endgame(Movie), Loki was always around Thor, as a ghost. The ghost Loki was sorrowful looking his brother in despair, so wanted return to past. He decided to take advantage of avengers time heist, and that succeed! Now Endgame's dead Loki return in Thor(2011), as alive. The story more mentally mature Loki begin to rewrite everything, to avoid tragedy.
Words: 486, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Return to Loki
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Other Avengers
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel), Fandral/Loki (Marvel), Loki/Tony Stark, Loki/Steve Rogers, Loki/Natasha Romanov
Additional Tags: Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Romance, Slow Burn, Pseudo-Incest, Bottom Loki (Marvel)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3ltNUPq
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