#those are always fun
iridescentis · 2 months
ive been trying to have coherent thoughts but i haven't even had a chance to process the dnpcrafts video because my brain has just been consumed by shourtney ive been giggling and kicking my feet for the past 24hrs im officially losing it
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that pang of sadness when you see something that reminds you of someone you used to know
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littlemisstired · 2 months
Can we hear more about your OCs?
oh god anon that is a dangerous game, I can and will rant for days on end about them, particularly Finnley. Is there anything in particular you’re curious about?
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elialys · 2 months
Seriously? People block you? I’ve always loved having you on my flist (livejournal jargon, I know, but cannot find a better way to described it). It’s always amazed me how you are so laser focus, like you obsses with one fandom at a time but Fringe/Anna is always there so I always have my source. (I’m a mess of fandons) I love how enthusiastic about the show you are after all these years. But also, HOW do you know you are blocked? is the a way to know how has blocked you here? It would be amazing to know I’m annoying enough to have been blocked, lo..
Oh yeah I've had people block me over the years as well as recently. There's no sure way of knowing unless you know their url and you check their blog (or try to 😂), but when you're part of an active fandom you see names, and when suddenly you don't see those names anymore and you go check, sometimes you find out you've been blocked.
Most recently I've been blocked on twitter, which is easier to check, and some of them are on here as well and they've blocked me too. I think my big flaw this time was being too...uhm, honest and in their face I think, about what I considered being poor fandom behaviors on some stuff. People don't like being called out, apparently. They might also just find me annoying, which has happened before and will happen again.
I'm very quiet in real life, I barely make a ripple, so I do tend to be louder online, where I feel safer and more comfortable speaking up. Back in my early fringie days (early S3), I was blocked left and right because I was loudly defending Altlivia and being quite obnoxious about it, when she was just loathed by 70% of the fandom 😂 Then during season 4 I annoyed a lot of people by spending the first six months of the season going "PETER IS HOME AND SHE'S HIS OLIVIA!!!" very loudly, when the show was trying hard to make us believe he wasn't and a lot of people believed it. The fringe fandom was not particularly chill in those days 🤣
Thank you so much for your kind words though ❤️ I do know I'm loud, and at times annoying, because I get very passionate and a tad enthusiastic. One might even say I get obsessed, but I'm gonna blame my neurodivergent brain, it has indeed gifted me with the ability to never actually move on from anything I truly obsess about, and Fringe/Anna Torv have truly taken the cake on that one 😂
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soliusss · 10 months
I could work on my fic that's been rotting in my brain for weeks. I could work on my two drawing wips. OR. I could go sleepy :)
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vorkosigankinkmeme · 10 months
Aral/Gregor (in a bad way)
thanks! I will add it to ao3 as well.
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As logical as it is to give Starscream valid reasons to keep trying to assassinate Megatron, it's also fun to just up and say that Starscream is just a murder gremlin. He's just a little goofy guy with a knife sometimes.
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sapphire374 · 2 years
Okay, just a random ask since I saw you talking about GAstina earlier. What do you think would have happened if in ep. 11 after the Open Gastón would have been just like; "Yeah, Oxford is not for me. I am coming back?" How would everyone react (Eric included)? I have been experimenting with writing couple of versions of that scene but I really would wanna see yours.
Thank you for the ask! I’m always open to talking about ships and shows, especially Gastina 💗
Honestly knowing these characters they would all be astonished and insist that Gaston stay at Oxford, including Nina. If it’s something that he seriously feels deep in his heart to stay and that being in Buenos Aires would be best for him, in the end after a lot of convincing his friends would understand. I think the person that would understand him first is Matteo since he’s usually supportive of any decision Gaston makes. Nina would be happy but also sad, basically feeling a combination of emotions. She would be excited knowing that she can now spend more time with him but also doesn’t want him to give up on his dream. Eric would be angered and do his usual pout that he makes when he’s upset or sees someone flirting with Nina. Knowing the creators of this show, they would turn this fiasco into a whole love triangle debacle. It wouldn’t matter much since she’s in love with Gaston and during this time in the series she never had feelings for Eric. Also I will forever be angry at Disney for not giving us a Nadie Como Tú performance with Gaston when his voice is in THE RECORDING. Pft unbelievable. He sounded incredible in the song too.
I’ll forever not understand Disney for just maintaining a long distance relationship with Nina and Gaston. Bringing Eric to create some drama was unnecessary. I’m fine with the character just not his relationship with Nina especially since it was so rushed and you can tell she was not ready to be in a relationship after her breakup with Gaston, who she really did love. And don’t get me started on him creepily stalking her at times. No one should be rushed to do something they’re uncomfortable with. Some people need time to heal and that’s okay. I’m fine with the inclusion of his character since Mi Corazon Hace Wowow was a catchy song that I really enjoy but him with Nina, no absolutely no. For many reasons.
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vacueye · 2 months
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looking through old tf2 stuff again + felt like reuploading some of my favorite (mostly spy) art throughout the years
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humming-fly · 4 months
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I only just now realized what a shame it is we never got to see Al and Greedling really interacting
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I have to draw him again, when he’s less in destress
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Reasons to play In Stars and Time: Canon Pronoun Warfare.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hey, do you have any tutorials for how to make banners? Especially like hit; record? I really like your banners 🥺🥺🥺
Hi! Thank you so much🥹💛 I don’t have any personal tutorials yet, but I think I have a screen recording of me making some? I’m not sure but I can check! if I recorded one, I can do an explanation with it.
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clamorybus · 2 years
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ink-the-artist · 2 years
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Girls Night
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pierog · 2 years
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tiny comic about eating toast with friends
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