#thoth the genie
xatsperesso · 1 year
I headcanon that every once in a while iruma goes to visit thoth to have a reading session with him
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mimigoey · 1 year
Why Thoth asked Iruma to tell a story!
Update on Thoth. It seems that Thoth is a genie after all. As Nishi sensei posted on Twitter
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He's the kindest genie so malicious ones do exist. It all makes sense. If the Ifrit Clan Exists in the Netherworld then so can the genies. They're all related. Genies are the least dangerous. In the Arabian Nights it's spelt as jinni for male and jinniah for female genie. Similarly Ifrit for male and Ifritah for female. Ibilis is the devil itself. In mairuma, demons from all cultures and beliefs are ruled by one devil. I love that unity in diversity!
As I read the Arabian Nights, I noticed one thing. People encounter malicious genies and Ifrits, they threaten humans who are their food. They love listening to wonderful stories and if the human says a story that pleases the genie, they let the human live!
I don't know what Nishi sensei will say but this is something I thought of since the beginning
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mask131 · 11 months
Egyptian gods: Hathor
Bastet might be a very famous Egyptian goddess today, but in Ancient Egypt she was definitively not as popular as the great goddess Hathor. This goddess was so famous, so popular and so beloved that, with time, she fused with many other goddesses – for example, she shares numerous attributes and domains with her “sister” Bastet, and she also ended up absorbing inside her the figure of Wadjet. I explained before how Isis took several attributes of Hathor, but in return Hathor also took the place of Isis in many ways. In fact, during the New Kingdom, the two “universal goddesses” were depicted in identical ways, and they could only be differentiated if their name was written alongside their portrait! Finally, Hathor was considered by many to be the “appeased” side of Sekhmet, instead of Bastet. In this alternate version of the Sekhmet myth, Hathor-Sekhmet originally came from Nubia, and after the almost-genocide of humanity and the “let’s get her drunk” episode, Ra decided that Hathor would live in Egypt rather than Nubia, ordering Shu and Thoth to bring Hathor to the country and help her settle down in her sanctuary of Dendera.
Hathor is the goddess of love, dance, music, sexuality and beauty. She was the cow-goddess who appeared sometimes as a woman with cow horns (and between said horns, a solar disk), other times as a cow covered in stars, and other times as a cow-headed woman. Her celebrations were all done in frenetic dancing, incessant music and joyful laughter: her iconic musical instrument was the sistrum, that often had in its handle the carving of a woman’s face with cow ears in her honor – it was believed that through its sounds, she could keep away wicked genies. Hathor was for a good portion of Ancient Egypt’s history the wife of Horus, and thus queen of the heavens and the gods alongside him – who had one son, to complete their triad, Ihy the god of music. Every year, Egyptians celebrated a religious holiday to commemorate the “beautiful meeting” or “beautiful encounter” – the wedding of Hathor and Horus, which ensured the fertility of the land. During this celebration people sang and danced to celebrate the beauty and joyfulness of Hathor, and she was offered a LOT of alcohol – as with Bastet, that I described before, a prominent element of the cult of Hathor was to keep her drunk so that Sekhmet would not wake up. However, what is truly interesting with Hathor’s relationship to Horus is that in the beginning of the Egyptian religion, in the oldest Egyptian myths, she wasn’t at all his wife… she was his mother. This is why her name actually means “House of Horus” – it was only later that Isis took her place as Horus’ mother, and she went down one level in the family tree, becoming his wife.
Nicknamed “The Golden One”, Hathor was a goddess of fertility, of life and of motherhood. She protected women and weddings, and she was the one girls prayed to in order to find a husband. She helped women by easing the pains of the labor, and she protected the newborns by banishing away the evil spirts that could threaten them. A very common motif in Hathor’s depictions is the “seven Hathors” – Hathor was said to have seven daughters, who all looked like her and shared her name, and their role was to be present at every human’s birth, and around the baby’s cradle tell those present what they knew about the fate and destiny of the newborn. Yep, exactly like fairy godmothers in fairytales! Hathor was also a nursing figure – as a motherhood deity and a cow-goddess, Hathor was considered to be the nurse of the pharaohs themselves, not only being depicted shielding them from above with her cow body, but also letting them drink her milk to feed them her divine power.
Hathor had a secondary role to play during the endless fights between Horus and Seth. At first, during the endless trials and debates concerning Horus’s right to the throne: when some of the gods became tired of Ra’s constant siding with Seth and his dragging of the trial, a deity named Baba insulted the sun-god by claiming his sanctuaries were empty, nobody worshiped him anymore and mankind had forgotten about him. Ra left the court and the company of gods, and isolated himself to sulk. Since without Ra nothing could be going on anymore, Hathor decided to give him back his good disposition and make him return among his peers – she went to him, and suddenly lifted up her dress, showing him her genital organs. This sudden display of exhibitionism made Ra laugh out loud, and this brought back joy in his heart, convincing him to forget the insult and return to the divine court. Later, when Seth removed the eyes of Horus as a punishment for him beheading his own mother Isis, it was Hathor that healed his wound and eased his suffering, by using either gazelle’s milk, or her own cow-milk.
The reason why Hathor is sometimes depicted as a cow covered in stars is because she became a sky goddess, and thus fused with Nut, the feminine embodiment of the sky who was also said to transform into a cow from time to time. Her star-covered belly became the sky through which Ra, the Sun itself, travelled during the day, making her somehow the “creator goddess” of the world, since she literally “gave birth” to the Sun every day. Her role as a sky deity also played in her function as the “House of Horus”, since Horus was a heavenly and solar deity – so his house/wife/mother would of course be the sky in which the sun resided. Hathor was thought to be the guardian of the four cardinal directions (East, West, North, South), and when depicted as the “celestial cow”, her four hooves were placed in these four directions. This role as a “cardinal goddess” resulted in her being depicted many times as a four-part goddess, with each cardinal direction having a different “animal” or “avatar” of the goddess: the lioness-Hathor that embodied the Eye of Ra destroying the enemies of the sun (a la Sekhmet), the cow-Hathor that embodied love and rebirth, the cat-Hathor that protected homes and was the royal nurse breast-feeding baby pharaohs (a la Bastet), and the cobra-Hathor who personified beauty and youth. Later in her cult, she received a role that was until now given to the goddess Tefnut – the role of the mistress of far-away country, of the goddess of foreign lands. She was thought to be the patron of the Land of Put, of Byblos, of the Sinai… This notably tied in her title of “Lady of the Turquoises”, since she was thought to protect the miners that dug the turquoise stone out of the Sinai.
Hathor’s final role in Egyptian mythology is, without a doubt, a funeral one. This aspect of her appeared on the left rive of the Nile, between Thebes and Memphis: she became the patron of the Mountain of the Dead. Hathor was thought to stand on top of this mountain, at the frontier between the world of the living and the world of the dead, to welcome with care and compassion all the newly deceased before they entered the Underworld. It was only upon her orders that the stone of the mountain would open up, so that the deceased could begin their travels – all the while being escorted by Hathor, that fed and encouraged them all the way to the court of the dead. A dead that knew the proper prayers and incantations to convince Hathor to carry them on her cow-back would be protected from all the dangers of the Underworld. This is why she, as the “Queen of the West”, often had statues of her in the various necropolises, so as to bring safety and peace to the dead. Hathor was also thought to give back to the deceased the ability to feel a sexual desire – and the texts describe how, for the deceased to reach eternal life and thus be “reborn”, he (because of course this applies to only men here) will need to impregnate the goddess using his returned sexual power…
This all is however more tied to the Theban cult of the dead, since it was the Theban necropolis that focused a lot on the Mountain of the Dead. In other parts of Egypt, her funeral role was rather the one of the “Lady of the Sycamore Tree” – this tree that often grew at the border of the desert was thought to be where the dead rested before entering the Underworld, and the plant from which Hathor emerged to welcome the dead. Again, if the proper prayers and religious formulas are pronounced, Hathor will offer the dead bread and water, which will allow them to receive a place alongside the gods in the afterlife – because accepting the food of Hathor means being a friend of the gods, and accepting to follow them everywhere, without ever returning to the human world. Though, very interestingly, the same way Hathor has a whole fusion and confusion with other goddesses in her role of “music, dance and joy” goddess or as the “divine mother/nurse”, her funeral role as the Queen of the West is also shared (or taken over) by various other female goddesses: Nut the sky-goddess, as I mentioned, but also Maat, Neith, or Imentet. But of all these goddesses, Hathor represented the best the idea of the renewal of life, of finding back hope and joy after death, of pleasure and beauty being given back to the one that lost their body and was about to travel a world filled with demons and monsters.
Some final notes. When the Ancient Greeks decided to make correspondences between Egyptian and Greek gods, they decided that Hathor was the Egyptian Aphrodite. The current temple of Hathor in Dendera we see today was actually built by the last Ptolemaic pharaohs, and seems to date from the Roman era of Egypt – but, according to the text, the place the temple was built on has been a sanctuary of Hathor for a much older time than that. Indeed, the temple we see today was apparently built according to plans and architectural indications that date back to the Old Kingdom, under the rules of Cheops and Pepi the First. And a last trivia: Hathor is considered to be one of the oldest Egyptian goddesses we know of, since her name appears in the oldest text in the history of Egypt (at least at the time of my sources) – the Narmer Tablet, a document that describes how the two kingdoms of Egypt (Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt) were united by Narmer, first pharaoh of the first dynasty. Hathor appears on this text as the patron-goddess, protectress and mother-figure above the pharaoh – which makes sense since, if you recall, in these early times Hathor was seen as the mother of Horus (more specifically of Horus the Young, Horus the Child), and thus, since the pharaoh was Horus embodied as a human, Hathor was the pharaoh’s mother.
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chococococya · 1 year
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Thoth the Genie out here treating librarians as their emotional support hamster.
Iruma your days are numbered
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authoratmidnight · 1 year
Gonna another language ramble ft: Iruma and Japanese.
So, I don’t think ppl quite understand that the ‘deities’ (formerly referred in the translation as ‘genies’) aren’t like. “Gods” in the traditional sense like Apollo and Artemis, or Thor, or Ra or the Christian God or Amaterasu. They’re more like, like Kami, from Shintoism, like nature spirits. At least that’s the impression I get. The narration even said they were ‘one with the natural forces of the Netherworld’ and the ‘guardians of [it’s] balance and existence’.
The problem is this is *really* hard to explain. The way the word is written in in the raws is as 魔神. Which can be broken down into 魔 (read as ‘ma’, meaning demon/devil/evil) and 神. Normally, on it’s own, this reads ‘kami’, but the hiragana reading when coupled with 魔 is ‘jin’ (じん). So they’re ‘majin’. Which is a word that doesn’t *have* a direct 1 to 1 translation or meaning in english, which is where all the issues arise.
From my research, ‘majin’ seems to mean like, ‘demonic person’ or ‘magical person’ or ‘a person with magical abilities’. Except, usually, it seems to be written as 魔人, with 人 being the kanji for ‘person’, not with 神. With THIS spelling I’m getting ‘evil spirit’ and ‘genie’ (and ‘majin’ does seem to be ‘genie’ in japanese) as translations. Which makes sense since a what is a genie but a powerful being/person with supernatural abilities?
It’s. confusing (also the only other place im finding 神 reading ‘jin’ is in 神社, which means Shinto Shrine. Which honestly just, makes me more certain that they’re meant to be more like a kami than a God (if that makes sense).
So like, they’re powerful magical demonic beings, viewed as ‘deities’ (as we see w/ the family backstories for Gaap and Eito, they can bestow power and such onto demons, seemingly easily). But they’re not like, gods with a capital G. They seem to preside over like, one set of aspects- Thoth seems to be a being of knowledge, Harpus seems to be wind aligned, Ifrit is a fire being-as opposed to like, everything.
They’re powerful but not all powerful and it doesn’t seem like they rely on the prayer and worship of the demons, esp since they’re stated to predate them.
But trying to explain this to ppl is, hard. “They’re Gods” “Well, yes but also no not really.” And I don’t think this really shakes things up story wise, we’ve known since the Harvest Festival that these genies existed and were powerful. We just didn’t know that much about them really aside from that.
Ppl just. Gotta stop thinking of them in terms of gods like the Greek Pantheon and more like, nature spirits?
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Unwilling to Research Who You Follow?
I so-called triggered the snowflakes, any time I write something about the Abrahamic religions the posts with it become so hard to save 🔥
.. afraid to learn who you are truly following? that fEAr - Rev 21:8
It is said that if you follow his dark side, he especially does not care about what happens to you - following this unloving light side is still bad though 🧬 Satan, of darkness yet disguised as a being of light!
It is supposedly said by an alien, that his fellow elites are his pawns and that a number of these elites help him control mankind. I heard they get possessed, their boss brags that they’re horrified of him 🐍
In the Nag Hammadi texts, OldTestamentGod said to steal light!
  tNHt says Yaldabaoth is a thief: steals light and given light 🔥
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In the Japanese version, Malik leads those called the Ghouls.
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said that Enlil and Enki lead Dracos - they get possessed by genies?
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It is said that when An, Ki split that the dragon of the earth was born!
In the bible, Satan is called the dragon while the Devil is as well 🔥
In tNT, Jesus says only God is good and Yah admits to doing evil 🤔
   supposedly his words Isa 45:7, call him a liar? vs Exo 32:11-14
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I read how Satan (*a dark side of Lucifer*) is a jinn, smokeless fire!
angels said to be made of light, angel of darkness vs angel of light
I see how fiery serpents aka the Seraphim push Rev 22:13 Jesus 🔥
I note how John 15 Jesus seems to imply Lucifer is Rev 22:3 Jesus!
the dragon is said to rule the first beast aka Yah!
It is said he can be in multiple places at once 🧬
said An(u) went to rule in heaven, Enlil and Enki rules on earth 🐍
   I see how Lucifer is said to describe An as light, Enki as light
In tNHammadi texts, Yaldabaoth (*aka Enlil*) called darkness itself!
   It is said that Yaldabaoth, with stolen light, is called Yaldabaoth
       * light side, dark side of all of us going by our same names
I see 1 John 5:7, when the Word in the flesh talks of “the father” 🤔
In John 1, it says that God became flesh so then Mark 10:17,18 🦅
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If so merciful, why make any unbelievers then punish them for that?
It is a trick via him - he lacks the power he claims, uses fear 🔥
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If any claims to have not created sin, cannot be the creator of all?
  nothing exists outside of that energy, good vs evil and fanfiction
In a post one below this post.. sections eight-nine then a, b, c, d 🚩
It is crazy how an alien arrived, and many still worship him now 😅
   bible shows how this flesh eater, magic user is Satan in disguise
so he performs lying signs, wonders - many’ll literally bow down 🐍
and he wants to be God - uses tech, fEAr as a way to fool many 🔥
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.. and yet, he “the LORD” does these six things in the bible 🤔
I feel a need to add it:
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.. just because the antichrist is bad, it does not mean Christ is good!
the being, Lucifer, warps definitions and if any read all of tGAtJohn?
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In certain cases, he will mix good with bad energy as “Enki” 🤔
so Thoth (*aka Ningishzida*) is the god of
the narrative - I mean, the god of writing 📜
so much positive about him, suspicious 🪄
I know Bob Sanders says they say they rule our incarnation system!
so-called ascended masters support ‘em! sounds as if shining ones?
It’s said there’s a reason this word HARM is in the word pHARMa 🧬
many love the world in such a way they’ll follow the tricky Lucifer 📜
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leanstooneside · 2 months
Speak clearly, if you speak at all (GENIE)
Lord of lords
son of King
portion of his
pyramids of Kings
Millions of years
thee O Great God Lord of Maati
Field of Offerings
moral Law of Osiris
mouths of children
infliction of punishment
course of centuries
ministers of Osiris
many generations of Egyptians
heights of heaven
guilt of Set
decree of swift annihilation
ears of wheat
member of mine
words of Chapter
series of charges
resurrected bodies of father
Judge of Truth
presence of Thoth
reign of Semti
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irumaupdates · 4 years
Chapter 121: Thoth the Genie
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Show him what you got! Genie Thoth is a real know-it-all, but Iruma can’t hope to beat a gigantic hunk of stone in a fight! With no choice but to try and think of the most interesting knowledge he possess, Iruma continues his hunt for the legendary leaf in Chapter 121: Thoth the Genie!
!!Link!!: https://mangadex.org/chapter/928647/1
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kemetic-dreams · 5 years
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                                           HEAVEN & HELL
By Nora Amrani September, 1998
Most religions preach about heaven and hell, and how those who either do or do not believe in one thing or another will inevitably end up in one of these two places. What are hell and heaven? Are they real? Where are they? And who gets to go where?
Christianized Hell is portrayed as such a real and frightening place filled with monsters and Satan, where one is punished for their sins and suffers eternally. There is no way out. Oh, you know the pictures that have been painted by Dali and other artists depicting the burning pit where those not worthy of being recognized or loved by God are tossed, abandoned and tortured. Damned for eternity.
Heaven, on the other hand, is supposed to be eternal bliss. And only the very worthy end up in Heaven. With the stringent demands made on humans to be everything but human, (never mind seeing human as divine) while being constantly reminded that they are sinful and unworthy of heaven, heaven must be very under-populated. In fact, with all those rules to be met, I can't imagine one person being successfully led through those pearly gates! Can you? (No, not even Mother Theresa - she believed that she was less than divine, herself.)
Hell and heaven are very dramatically presented, aren't they? But do we even know what these words mean? Could it be we have all been fed non-sequiturs for centuries to the point where we no longer remember what these words really mean, therefore we live in constant confusion (like the Tower of Babel) because we don't properly use our language? Wow - just imagine what that does to our communcations on all levels with one another!
Hell: Prepare yourselves for a possible shock: The word 'hel' means 'light.' It also means 'earth.' Check your Germanic dictionaries if you don't believe me. In fact, check many languages and find the meaning of the word 'hell.' Some will say it means 'cover.' If hell is such a negative place, then why do we refer to the sun, who gives us life, warmth and nurtures us, as 'helios?" Perhaps the thought of diving into the sun would be hell, itself. Maybe that's how it all originated? But, realistically, you wouldn't even make it that close without first disintegrating. Ah, but then you'd become pure energy, pure light, just like the sun, itself! Your real essence, in other words. Why, we even used to worship* gods representing the sun's energy - Ra, ApolIo, for example. So, why would it be something to be feared and avoided, at all costs?
A 'demon in hell' can also be called a 'genius in the light.' Demon, or daemon, has conflicting meanings. It can mean our inner genius, divinity or genie. It is a word sharing the same root thing as 'diamond!' Some dictionaries say demons are inferior divinity or evil spirits. How can they be both? Both divine, genius and evil? Think about it. Do they not cancel one another out? Or, can we put all under one divine umbrella? What definitions have you been taught?
The horns on the devil are also used to depict great divine light emanating through the individual. Same thing was shown with Hathor, Moses, White Buffalo Woman. It is a positive symbol of higher consciousness and knowledge, not evil.
Devil comes from the Sanskrit world meaning 'deva,' which relates to the good angels of the Hindu pantheon. Were you taught that Satan means adversary or plotter? 'Adverse' meaning 'to turn towards?' After Zoroaster and the Persians conquered Hindu territory the conquerers miraculously transformed the Hindu gods into devils! So, the Hindu devas became the Persians devils.
If we look at the pattern of religious manipulation through language, the word "daemon" was changed into having a evil implication. "It was just more Christian propaganda used to brainwash the followers of the Greek and Roman religions into rejecting their old gods in favor of the newly created Christian character," as one scholar explains. This old ploy cunningly used good timing to coincide with the burning of millions of books; books which had they not been burned would have allowed people to see the truth of how they were being lied to. And the word 'evil' actually comes from the same root as the word 'apple,' which is 'upfel.' Who decided that apples were evil? The apple itself isn't evil.
Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky explains that Judaism talks of "Satan/devil," but it sees Satan as "...an agent of God, testing the sincerity of man's deeds, the strength of his convictions, and the stamina of his moral fiber. Although this so-called devil seems to entice man to do wrong, he is not inherently an evil being. Rather, he is conducting a "sting" operation; overtly enticing to bad, but in reality working for God. A cursory reading of the beginning of Job conveys that message: God sends out Satan to test Job's righteousness. Just as a dentist or doctor tests the firmness of a bone or flesh by probing it, just as the army tests the integrity and trustworthiness of its intelligence agents by tempting them, so too does God test man. A test reveals the inner worthiness of a person's deeds, demonstrating what they are really made of."
Heaven: Could this word come from 'heave' - meaning to toss, lift or raise? Those lofty ideas. No doubt it does. And what about 'heavy,' meaning 'weighty.' This can get to be lots of fun, eh? 'Ven' means 'air.' 'Ven' can also be 'van,' which means 'sail,' 'wing,' 'basket,' and it can be a shovel used in testing ore; and of course, it now means a type of large vehicle capable of transporting many people. The more accurate root of "heaven" comes from "haven." The word "heaven" also has its roots in Hebrew in "ha'shamayim," which means "the skies," " high places." Maybe you can come up with some other meanings for it. See the conflicts over and over in modern language?
Worship...another interesting word. "War" means literally "war," or "where," and "ship" meaning a "state" or "condition." The word religion is interesting, too. "Re" means "back," or "again," or even "in reference to." "Legion" is "a body of infantry in the ancient Roman army"; or "vast host." Re-legion. Armies of God in a war ship? Is religion about war? Or hosts of God?
Now that the brief etymology portion is over, let's get into the other areas of what these words have come to mean to a great many people in the religious and social sense. In fact, they have come to dictate and control much of our beliefs and lives.
The ideas of Satan and fallen angels are our own planetary collective consciousness' idea of viewing things negatively. One explanation is that it represents the fall of ourselves into this dimension of materiality and polarity, forgetting our divine selves and our spirituality. Satan is backwards for "natas" - which later became "nahash" the serpent. So, what everyone THOUGHT was evil, is actually the opposite. That term is related to the Sirian-Anunnaki being, Enki, in the following:
The archetypal, mythological concept of fallen angels originated approximately 450,000 years ago when the last of the extraterrestrial beings from a satellite planet named Nibiru, known on Earth as the Anunnaki, (a group of Lyran off-shoots who stemmed from one of their more infamous members, Anu, Enki, Enlil, Inanna, etc.), had their final expedition to Earth and, in a sense, left one group "stranded" here. Since the Anunnaki were known as "the gods," and these "gods" came from the heavens and were seen as being angels because of their amazing abilities and longevity. There were conficts between the Anunnaki themselves. Nefilim, or "those who came down," is another way of talking about this group of the Anunnaki. Some of the Anunnaki wanted humans to see them as God and did not honor free will. For this they were punished and expelled from certain galactic federations. This is where the idea of the fallen angels originally came from and various accounts of it are found in the Bahgavad Gita, the bibles and other cultural origin stories.
Enki was known as the serpent of wisdom, healing and life who had a great hand in creation, the waters of life (sperm, DNA, etc.) i.e., the Garden of Eden. Enki was frequently humanity's supporter. Biblical writers called the healing serpent Nehushtan. The Hebrew word for serpent is "nahash." The root of the word are the Hebrew letters Nun, Het and Shin, which means "to guess." This was translated into other languages as "satan," which some say mean "enemy," or "adversary."
Enki's identity, as Lord of Earth or In Earth (EN.KI), and EA (whose house is water) is reflected in other names, as well: Adonai, Aton, Aten, Adom, Adam, Amen. (Linguistic paleontology is a marvelous and vast area for proving these connections.) The name EARTH also comes from EA/Enki. Actually, the name "human" can be traced to Enki (a.k.a. EA) and his half-sister and wife, the chief geneticist Ninti (the mother goddess of all life). HU is a transliteration of the ancient Sumerian EA (Grimms' law of interchangeable letters and sounds). HU was also Horus, by the way. So a human is an EAman.
In India, the "nagas" were the serpent gods/goddesses. In the Americas there was Quetzlcoatl (Enki/Thoth). The entire world has worshipped the serpent for its wisdom, but ironically, it was not really about snakes at all - unless you feel you have to "guess" what a snake is up to! Why was the snake chosen? For its cleverness, ability to survive in the harshest of environments, and again, its shape resembling the flow of energy up the spine - to the crown chakra, and the third eye. And perhaps because it naturally instilled a bit of caution or awe in people. Was Enki really a snake? No, not literally.
Both heaven and hell are places created with those of like mind and emotions - thoughts and feelings so intense that it creates a vortex of bioelectomagnetic energy so concentrated that it densifies and materializes. This material form can be ectoplasmic or physical. It takes on the form of the creator's beliefs. This form resonates with like energies, drawing them to one another. (Like attracts like.) This, then, creates a larger vortex of the same energy. And it keeps growing and building and desiring it's life to be continually fed. This, then, becomes a real gathering place.
Yes, heaven does exist. But it is a very complex dimension with many options. Many people experience it with the smell of flowers, with music, and always with lots of love. There is a gathering place for souls getting ready to make their transition from their physical form into spirit, and for those who have just crossed over. There are healing rooms. There are educational rooms. It offers freedom of choice to wherever your soul wants to learn and you plan your next move there.
Hell actually is a dimension of energy that is created by self-judgement and condemnation, ergo punishment. Its essence is fear and forgetfulness of love and light. It's energy contains fear, anger, powerlessness, (including guilt, martyrdom, pain, sadness), and it is a very difficult place from which to escape because it builds on itself. It is a very sad and dark place and even though there are many souls there, it feels so lonely. Ironically, the fear of being in what people believe to be hell may actually create that kind of hell, itself.
In the case of "hell," the only way these energies can be nourished is by having more of the same energy filling it up, adding more fuel to the fire. In order to stay alive it seeks out its food in many ways. Finding a weakness, such as addiction, within a person to attach itself to is one way. Attaching to the little bit of belief in that individual it can use for its own survival. And it can also be utilized by people performing certain rituals to get a life force that can be manipulated and directed. You see, the life force, the energy, never dies. It changes form, and its form can be intentionally changed. These energies will seek out others and build on itself unless we become conscious of them and choose to release them through other avenues. There are ways out of hell, but it often requires help from the other dimensions helping a soul remember love and personal empowerment, choice, freedom.
Be it heaven or hell, we create our reality through our experiences, our thoughts, beliefs, imagination, words, and our desire, and will. One way we can become conscious of how and what we create is through meditation, or going within and contacting the God within ourselves. We always have the choice whether to create our own heaven or hell wherever we are. And that creation begins nowhere else except from within ourselves.
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stawscweam · 5 years
The Ultimate Persona Bang List-REDONE
Don’t act like you’re surprised I made a Persona bang list. It was only a matter of time before I became a Personasexual. I’m using the wiki as well, so they will be split up by their Arcana type. I’m including both 3 & 4 Personas since those are the two I’m familiar with. Let’s get to it~
EDIT: Same reason as my Stand Bang List, I deleted my Standalous blog, so this dumb shit was gone, so I’m reposting it. I’ll need to update it for Persona 5 tho!!!
Pros: He’s the cutest little thing oh my god I love Orphy so much
Bang?: Hell. Fucking. Yeah. Would bang
Cons: what even the fuck, i dont want no goop in my cooch fuck that
Bang?: Hell no, would not bang
Cons: *pukes*
Bang?: Would not bang
Black Frost
Pros: 500x cuter than Jack Frost, once you go black, you never go back
Bang?: Ye, would bang
Bang?: Yiff yiff motherfucker
Bang?: Banging a star ye, would bang
Pros: Mmmmmmmmmmm so fucking hot
Bang?: PLEASE. YES. Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Orpheus Telos
Pros: The babe tho
Bang?: YES. Would bang
Pros: Everyone can go home the main bae is here, I am in LOVE with Iza DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED
Bang?: Is that even a question, YES, OBVIOUSLY WOULD BANG
Bang?: Would not bang
Pros: Whoa. Baller design
Bang?: Ye, would bang
Pros: One of my favourite designs you don’t even know
Bang?: All night long, would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: She cute
Bang?: Yiff yiff motherfucker
Jack Frost
Pros: I mean, he’s cute but like Black Frost is where it’s at???
Bang?: Would bang
Pyro Jack
Bang?: Would bang
Hua Po
Pros: She is so tiny and beautiful oh my god
Bang?: Yeeeeeesssssss, would bang
Bang?: Yeah, I mean, I’ll probably get burned but worth it, would bang
Bang?: NO. Would not bang
Bang?: Uh. No. Would not bang
Pros: *fans self* well fuck me
Bang?: He can do whatever he wants to me, would bang
Pros: Nice design
Bang?: Would bang
Takehaya Susano-o
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Sure, would bang
Pros: A genie named Jinn
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: ????
Pros: She’s so cute!
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would not bang
High Pixie
Bang?: Eh, why not, would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: NO, would not bang
Pros: Be still my heart
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: Persona chicks need to calm down and stop being beautiful
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Konohana Sakuya
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: I am scared
Pros: She is honestly so beautiful and she reminds me so much of Aqua, I’m weird I’m sorry
Bang?: Mmmmm oh yeah, would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Leanan Sidhe
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Sure, would bang
Mother Harlot
Bang?: No thank you.
Pros: Bruh. Her design is amazing
Bang?: Yeah, would bang
Bang?: ?????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: One of those rare cases where I would rather bang the user than the Persona/Stand, but can you blame me????, Aki-senpai yes, Polydeuces nah, would not bang
Pros: Huge improvement
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: …
Pros: He’s so pretty!!!
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: *shrug* Would bang
King Frost
Bang?: Uh yah, would bang
Raja Naga
Pros: He’s actually pretty hot tbh
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: what the fuck is that
Bang?: Mmm let’s not
Pros: I don’t know why but he reminds me of Meruem???
Bang?: Ye, would bang
Dairoku Tenmaou
Pros: That design is killer
Bang?: I have no idea how, but yes, would bang, our love will find a way
Takeji Zaiten
Pros: This is too much for me
Bang?: Yes, would bang
Bang?: Begone foul demon
Bang?: Another one of those rare cases and I ask you again, DO YOU BLAME ME?, Shinji is my main man, Castor nah would not bang
Bang?: Esidisi making a cameo in P3 holy shit, would not bang
Bang?: I guess, would bang
Bang?: no
Bang?: *steps 500 feet away* Nope.
Bang?: No.
Hokuto Seikun
Pros: He reminds me of Netero-san. I’m sorry, I don’t know why my brain is like this pls forgive me
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Nah.
Bang?: Would not bang tho
Bang?: what
Bang?: Would not bang
Pros: Cutie pie
Bang?: Mm sure, would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Tam Lin
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: Beautiful men are my weakness
Bang?: Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase, would bang
Queen Mab
Bang?: *shakes head* No.
Saki Mitama
Bang?: *sigh*
Pros: No seriously, why are Persona chicks so beautiful?
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: Well hello there
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: whoa. A+ Persona tiddies
Bang?: Hell yeah, would bang
Bang?: Uhhhh. No…
Bang?: Uh still gonna go with no
Bang?: Yeah. Still no
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Nah
Pallas Athena
Bang?: Yah
Ara Mitama
Bang?: Enough.
Bang?: Would not bang
Pros: I love his design so much
Bang?: Dominate me. Would bang
Bang?: Sure, I mean why not?, would bang
Nata Taishi
Bang?: No
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Loki is hotter, would not bang
Tomoe Gozen
Pros: Sick design
Bang?: Would bang
Suzuka Gongen
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: I’ll pass
Bang?: Mmmmm no.
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: ????
Bang?: !??!?!?!??!!?!?!!?!?
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: It looks like something from Power Rangers, would not bang
Bang?: Nah
Yomotsu Shikome
Pros: Hair game hella strong
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Uhm. No?
Bang?: No.
Bang?: Would not bang
Kurama Tengu
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: What. is that
Bang?: *laughs*
Bang?: He scares me, no, would not bang
Bang?: Pig looking motherfucker hell no, would not bang
Pros: He looks really cool
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: Beautiful
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Nooooooooooooooooooo.
Kusi Mitama
Bang?: No.
Bang?: YAAAAAAAAAAS, would bang
Pros: Beautiful Persona women will be the death of me
Bang?: PLEASE, would bang
Pros: I can’t take this
Bang?: Ugh you don’t even know, would bang
Bang?: ?????????
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Pros: Yoooooo
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: Design is hella bitchin’
Bang?: But nah son, would not bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Mmmmm sure, would bang
Pros: Pretty attractive actually
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Yas, would bang
Bang?: *laughs*
Pros: Awww cutie
Bang?: Would bang
Zaou Gongen
Bang?: Would not bang
Hanged Man
Bang?: Fuck no.
Pros: He’s pretty hot to be honest
Bang?: Ye, would bang
Bang?: no.
Pros: I bet his abs are ROCK SOLID, I’ll be taking my leave now
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Non.
Hell Biker
Pros: I didn’t know Ghost Rider was a Persona
Bang?: I want to bang Ghost Rider, yes, would bang
Pros: Bruuuuuuuh, he’s like a mummy holy fuck
Bang?: Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, would bang
Bang?: NO.
Bang?: NO.
Bang?: NO.
Bang?: NO.
Bang?: No thank you.
Pale Rider
Bang?: There’s a “I want to bone him” pun that I’m not clever enough to make better so yeah, would bone
Bang?: Who wouldn’t want to bang a skull head amirite?, would bang
Bang?: No
Bang?: ?????????
Pros: She’s adorable
Bang?: Uhhhhh, she’s a like a little girl so would not bang
White Rider
Bang?: What makes you so better than Pale Rider
Pros: Best design.
Bang?: Yes. Would bang
Nigi Mitama
Bang?: Uh no
Bang?: HELL NO
Bang?: no
Pros: Sick ass dragon
Bang?: But would not bang
Bang?: Would bang
Pros: It’s like a fucking phoenix holy shit
Bang?: But would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: ???????????? no
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: It’s a sheep thing, would not bang
Pros: What a cutie
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: What even the fuck is it, would not bang
Bang?: NOPE.
Bang?: Nah, would not bang
Bang?: Meh, would not bang
Bang?: No
Pros: *sweats*, oh wow
Bang?: Uh, duh, would bang
Bang?: What kinda bug looking thing, jesus, fuck no, would not bang
Bang?: what
Bang?: what
Bang?: uh
Bang?: Mmmmmmmm sure, would bang
Cu Chulainn
Bang?: Ye, would bang
Bang?: Nah, would not bang
Seiten Taisei
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: By far the most terrifying Persona in existence, if anyone fucking asks me if I want to bang Mara I’m kicking your ass, HELL NO. WOULD NOT BANG. DON’T EVEN PLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT
Bang?: Yes pls, would bang
Chi You
Bang?: Would not bang
Tao Tie
Bang?: No
Bang?: Would bang
Neko Shogun
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: NO
Bang?: Jesus, what the hell is that, no, would not bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: No.
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Hot Personas are great, would bang
Bang?: *laughs*
Bang?: really.
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: No
Bang?: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: No
Bang?: Uhm. Uhm. *sweats*
Bang?: *shrug*, would bang
Bang?: no.
Bang?: no.
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: I’m not fucking a bird what the hell, would not bang
Bang?: Oh another bird thing, would not bang
Bang?: Another…bird, what the fuck, would not bang
Bang?: Oh. A pleasant surprise, would bang
Bang?: You know what, I’m desperate, would bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Jester (Hunger)
Bang?: Would not bang
Pros: *wheezes*
Bang?: Ohhhhhhhh yeah, would bang
Bang?: Would not bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: JFC NO
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: NO
Bang?: NO
Bang?: Yeah sure, would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
Bang?: Would bang
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mybookplacenet · 4 years
Featured Post: Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1) by Joy Elaine
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About Featured Book: Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1) by Joy Elaine Free on Kindle June 5, 2020 Grab this shooting star and ride it into the greatest adventure of your life! Enjoy your front row seat as you take in information about the future of Earth shared by an Ashtar Commander, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Gaia and many others who are overseeing Earth’s evolution. Meet a fairy and a blue genie from Andromeda. Energetically hop aboard an Ashtar Command spaceship and add your hopes and dreams to the elevating transmissions sent to Earth. Path of Sweetness hands you your own crystal ball to see the future of Earth’s evolution, and the paths leading to the destiny of your dreams. This Non-Fiction book is available in these Formats: eBook, Print Buy Book Here. Read the full article
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deedee-sims · 7 years
A bunch of (kinda late) replies :)
quill-of-thoth replied to your post “ello Dee! Can I pls make a suggestion regarding your Downloads...”
It was probably xkit.
Thank you for confirming it! I hope I’ll have time to actually do some retagging soon! :)
Griffinmere and stuff:
digitalespuppenhaus replied to your photoset “I take too much sky pictures these days”
one can never have to much sky :D
Well said! :D
mikexx2 replied to your photoset “Cats and kittens (and toddlers) appreciation post! (=^・ω・^=)”
Gosh, I love the cats in this game! <3
Meeee tooooo <3
alexsh-19 replied to your photoset “Cats and kittens (and toddlers) appreciation post! (=^・ω・^=)”
It's sooo cute :3
Pixel pets are the cutest! And toddlers. And babies. :D
eulaliasims replied to your photoset “Levi also grew up! ^^”
Aww! That hair looks so cute on him. :D
I agree! I rolled the dice to see if he’ll inherit his mother’s wavy hair, or his father’s straight. And this was one of the only wavy male hairs which looked cute on toddlers, so :D
alawren4ever replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 10: Masterson on my DW! Real babies, cat babies,...”
Always such cute kids, even if they play together back to back. Love the kittens!
Ah, thank you! :D I hope they’ll play together properly in the future :P
On the finding active simblrs topic:
holleyberry replied to your post “I'm looking for some active TS2 blogs to follow. I know the community...”
Anon could also check the sim 2 tags on Tumblr.
Ah, that’s true! I always forget the search function XD
kofayeen replied to your post “I'm looking for some active TS2 blogs to follow. I know the community...”
Check Sims Cave; they collate all TS2 uploads from around the web each week, particularly from Tumblr. It's a good way to (a) download all the things and (b) find active Sims 2 creators. ^^
Yes, cc finds is a great way to finding awesome creators! ^^
On anon’s problem about walkbys let themselves in:
alawren4ever replied to your post “Hi I'm kinda having a problem with my sims and I don't know if you can...”
Did anyone wish for beauty from the genie lamp?
Hmm, that can be it, I remember it’s bugged somehow...
nekosayuri replied to your post “Hi I'm kinda having a problem with my sims and I don't know if you can...”
Clear them off using Sim blender or some other mod. As to why this is happening... no idea eh
Oh yes, anon, you can delete them with a mod (or with the moveobjects cheat), it wouldn't hurt them
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mimigoey · 2 years
I have always been a fan of the Arabian nights and its narrator Scheherazade (here we pronounce this as Shehzathi) ❣️ So when Thoth the genie showed up during the harvest festival, I got hyped and later Ifrit sensei also came ❣️ So like many others I too thought, "mairuma was made for people like me". I feel ecstatic. Mairuma has already given enough material to last a lifetime
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myloveeflows · 5 years
Angels/demons/magick ?
‪I started watching The Magick of Solomon last night and the Christian in me’s 1st thought was “aw hell nah you ain’t bout to conjure no demons in this house‼️” homie don’t play that🚯💯Had to pause it and reestablish the spiritual boundaries of my home, letting all beings know..‬ ‪“As per my original message! NOTHING is allowed in my home unless personally invited BY ME”
(Magic is mostly about purely directed intention, not always what you say or do but actually think, feel, and mean subconsciously as well, also I regularly practice keeping my vibration high through meditation and active awareness therefore I’m pretty familiar with my own power to comand and protect my life)
and then continued.
From what I saw so far before falling asleep on it lol the focus was on calling on Angels for help/protection/guidance as well as briefly explaining what Solomon was doing (requesting angels and “commanding demons...)
Seeing as I have been studying/researching around this‬ for quite sometime now, I was already familiar with angelic Sigils and sigils/staves in general so I wasn’t too confused or taken aback by the content and how a lot of darkness has been covered in light while true light has been shrouded in darkness.
As I watched the magical practitioners perform invocations to these angels I could definitely feel the energy change powerfully and positively honestly, and when I finally turned it off the energy lingered physically it was witnessed outside in roaring winds (when you know you know)
I have always known due to my very close relationship with the creator from a very young age that I was always divinely protected I didn’t really understand how but that didn’t matter still the idea of calling on anything outside of myself weirds me out & i’m not in the business of doing it🤚🏾.
The reason I’m so conflicted is because I’ve been on the receiving end of metaphysical/spiritual attacks. I have woken up under sleep paralysis with two dark figures one reptilian and one shrouded in a hood at my bedside. I can only assume attempting to drain me of my essence 🤷🏾‍♀️ (sounds crazy try living it) . This has happened to me 3 times in my life
(story time!)
The first time was when I was about 16. Someone in my home had been actively cruising the dark web,(who knew that was real? I didn’t at the time) dibbling & dabbling in things they weren’t fully educated on. As a result I was no stranger to weird feelings and attacks through other people. I prayed a lot so I know prayer works lol. (The Creator God has been the only father figure I’ve really been able to depend on) Anywho!
So little old 16-year-old me with no idea what they were doing decided I was going to attempt to exorcise one of my family members😂🤣🤣🙄. Needless to say it didn’t work but it did piss whatever entity was in my house TF off lol. I remember I was laying on my stomach and in the middle of a dream I felt my back gets scorching hot like something was trying to forcefully enter me. I screamed as loud as I could under temporary paralysis and immediately snapped out of it. That was the day I learned nothing can enter you without you giving it your permission/ God got my back LITERALLY (ba doom chik 🥁😂) when you’ve seen and experience some of the weird shit I have humor definitely becomes your best friend ha😅) with that being said there are many different ways to give permission so be careful because you may be giving permission just by the food, drugs and or drink you injest☝🏾.
The last two times happened this year and were my first experiences with commanding negative entities I suppose. I won’t go into the exact details but the basics are I woke from strange dreams under sleep paralysis with dark shadowy figures surrounding me.
I didn’t call on Jesus or anyone. Again I have been studying and learning to cultivate my own power so the thought of calling on something outside myself didn’t even come to my mind. I simply, knowing I was being attacked mustard’d all of my strength to get the words out of my mouth to say “you have no power over me leave! you have no power over me leave! you have no power over me LEAVE!” Each time I spoke that phrase the reptilian being changed forms. After the first time I spoke the phrase the second being that was shrouded in a hood disappeared and the reptilian being changed from what looked kind of like a dinosaur to then something shrouded in a hood to then a man and then it was gone and I broke free from my sleep paralysis.
Yes it was low-key terrifying but in the moment I didn’t have time to be afraid I knew I needed to act I know the reason I was able to free myself is because I believed in the words I was speaking I knew they were true as we are all connected to the one power how do I look being afraid of something that’s part of me. So this is where my confusion about calling on angels comes from...
I know very well that you don’t have to call or summon entities to have power or to be protected. Matter of fact, I have had a few different spiritual beings come to me during sun meditation namely Thoth or Hermes, and Horus. (sounds fucking crazy I know and it wasn’t anything crazy like I saw them in their bodies or in ghostly forms, it was just like stick figures of them portrayed to me in my mind after meditating deeply with the sun.) They didn’t appear to me together I saw a Thoth first, Hours weeks later. At the time I didn’t know anything about either of them to be honest with you, I just knew that Thoth had the head of a hearing so his figure was very easy to recognize but I knew nothing about him & same with Horus’s hawk head. (Forgive me if I’m not saying the right birds, lol y’all know what I mean)
They spoke no words to me. It was more that I was just being pointed in a direction to continue my research so I immediately looked up Thoth and came across his “Emerald Tablets” (which I will link at the end of this post) and man the knowledge, the things I had felt for so long but didn’t understand was then sitting right in front of me. WEEEEEIRDDDD but more than anything exciting. Apparently they knew what I was dealing with at the time and wanted to help me (Active demon worshipers doing any and everything they could to fuck me up lmao) Thank you all so much🙏🏾 As I type this my eyes water with so much appreciation because of just how protected and guided I’ve been through all of these really hard times that I haven’t been secure enough to talk about until this moment because how do you tell people these things everyone just will think you’re crazy anyways so most people who experience supernatural things are left to do it alone.
Thank God soon after I was sent friends who are also experienced metaphysical or supernatural things so that I would know that I wasn’t crazy.😭🙏🏾❤️
Anyway I say all this to say inherently even as a human being on this planet, we are created with the power of the ALL, with God’s true essence in us. Religion has done nothing but strip us of our knowing that we can command our own power without the use of other things. In the use of other things is where the half truths come because it’s hard to know when if when you’re putting your faith in something else outside of you if said thing can be trusted. Even and almost especially the things portrayed as good or the best. You really have to read between the lines use discernment and question everything.
I share all this to say meditation is amazing, (I’ve honestly been slacking lately with all this schooling😭) taking the time to research the past really can give you better insight on the present and the future. Do not blindly follow anything! and definitely don’t go calling on things that you don’t know about!
Now with that being said can you call on things to help you, sure I suppose but as research will show you.. Genie depicted as magical beings that grant your wishes are actually demonic entities and your request come at a price which is usually your soul’s natural power. With that being said I found that when you really need help from an entity you don’t have to call on them with blood or unwilling sacrifice. Ive found they just come to you in response to “ Groanings too deep for words” in my experience anyway.
The Bible definitely holds the truth, just gotta REALLLY use discernment because the Bible has been rewritten by men for years and years and the information in the Bible was taken from other civilizations years and years before. You would be silly to believe it has not been manipulated for selfish gain. If you examine any of the books that have been removed from the Bible you know this.
I’ll link a couple videos that helped me a lot down below. I love you guys, stay safe, know you are powerful beyond what anyone will ever tell you, and thank you God and all of the helpful entities that guide and protect and love🙏🏾✨🙌🏾
If sharing my story helps even one person going through anything similar then I’m grateful and I know I’m doing what I’m supposed to do.
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chococococya · 1 year
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Noble houses in Netherworld have a theme of their own. Asmodeus with snakes, Sullivan with birds, Leviathan with water+fish, and so forth. In the case of Paulina’s familyc they have ties with Thoth the Genie, who appeared to be modeled after sphinx. So I will base their style on ancient Egyptian clothing for now. This might change in the future if I find something more suitable.
Link to the story here
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mimigoey · 2 years
I'm wondering when the demons are going to war with heaven in mairuma. In Devils and Realist, the demons and angels live in the human world which is typical but this is mairuma and we only see the demon world and there is no mention of God or angels Anywhere. Even paimon is a demon though they rule fairies. I love it when others call Soi soi pixie but he's not a Pixie. Thoth is a genie. Hmm. Where is heaven????? I wish Derkila lost his way and went to heaven to discover a sound he hasn't heard before. Then we'll get to see what happens between him and God. 😁 I am not sure i want to see it but just curious 👀
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