#threads 🌸
unfortunaterebels · 9 months
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wingedblooms · 3 months
Language of creation
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This post synthesizes the potential forms Elain’s magic might take in her story because of her connection to Wyrd’s original power, creation.
Farseeing and Benevolent Wyrd
Farseeing and benevolent Wyrd is the higher force in the Maasverse. She is described as a mother to all and a cauldron of life, brimming with the language of creation. Over time, she became known as a goddess but is actually a force that governs worlds. Very few depictions of her exist because she, like fate, often shifts form. The one consistent depiction we see of her is a bowl held by female hands. Sometimes the full female figure is shown. This depiction appears in the Spring Court (acotar), Night Court (acosf), and the Bone Quarter (hofas). She is referenced across worlds in different terms (Wyrd; Urd; Mother, Cauldron, Fate/Forces That Be; and I suspect we’ll discover Chaos is yet another one of her names. I use them interchangeably for this reason).
There is still debate in the fandom on whether Wyrd (the Cauldron) is separate from the Mother. The Cauldron (Wyrd) is described as a mother to all and a dark womb, and we know life blossoms from her in female hands, so I lean more toward these terms describing different parts of one consciousness. And the female form in her depictions represent female vessels, or bearers, of her creative powers (and I know others, including @offtorivendell, suspect the same) rather than a goddess.
In acowar, we learn that three stones represent the three faces of the Mother (Wyrd) in scrying. It would make sense for these three faces to describe the three parts of her identity: Cauldron and Mother and Fate/Forces. She is a literal Stone Mother (Cauldron) that breaks into three pieces like a blossom unfurling. Her power birthed the world (Mother), and she moves like a force through the universe to maintain order (Fate) in a grand tapestry.
Mountains, objects, and females can bear her power. There are three sacred sister peaks and the one in the heart of the Night Court (Ramiel) was depicted as bearing Wyrd. The priestesses’ invoking stones are said to bear her healing power. And the three Archeron sisters, two of which were reforged in her dark womb, represent her three faces in the flesh. Like the peaks and stones, the Archeron sisters function as vessels and can channel Wyrd’s power. Feyre puts her hands directly on the Cauldron and calls to mind the image of life flowing from Wyrd in Spring. Nesta calls upon the Mother, the Cauldron to help her master death and save her family. To follow the pattern, we’ll probably see Elain use Wyrd’s power for rebirth. Life and death and rebirth.
Among her sisters, Elain is especially connected to Wyrd. It gave her such powers and her Wyrdcrown (my word, not Sarah’s) reflects Wyrd’s blossoming imagery and power: sleeping buds among leaves and thorns. I’ve wondered before if she has direct access to Wyrd’s secret language (creation), which could manifest in different ways.
Elain senses the threads of creation around her
When she was first Made, it seemed as though Elain experienced sensory overload and didn’t know how to control it. She struggled to distinguish dream from reality and sensed life (earthworms, heartbeats, etc.) around her. Like @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell, it made me wonder if she could sense creation differently. Does creation sound like a song, every creature possessing their own unique melody that she can hear and respond to, as @silverlinedeyes and @offtorivendell suggested long ago? What might she see when her doe eyes land on them - vibrant threads of life that flow across time and space? Can she influence those threads and weave new possibilities in Wyrd’s grand tapestry? Is that why she needed to be present to learn about the living thread of Hope within the Void?
Elain as a weaver of the threads of creation
Blossoming with life—@willowmeres, @offtorivendell, and I have wondered if Elain has a deep connection to the land like those with earth magic, allowing her to sense channels of energy (threads of life) and feel discomfort when those channels are warped, like they might be in thin places (e.g., Hewn City). As a gardener, it would make sense for her to play a key role in freeing the magic of the land in those places and weaving new life—blossoms, vines, trees—into the earth’s tapestry.
Farseeing—We know that Elain is farseeing like Wyrd, but how far, exactly? If trained, can she pluck a thread and unravel a creature’s past, present, and future? Understand their secrets on sight like Baba Yellowlegs? Influence their fate, as she seems to do from the shadows? Feyre suggests Elain might hear the whisperings of Wyrd in her murky realm, which I’ve theorized is a direct pathway to Wyrd’s dark womb, the Cauldron. She seems to be able to use this connection to locate living creatures (like the Suriel) who travel as swiftly as the wind, without any formal training. As she wanders with Wyrd, will she need something, say a grounding ritual at dawn, to keep her tethered to the earth?
Traveling like a force—Elain repeatedly appears suddenly and surprises her family. Has she just learned how to use light and shadow to her advantage from her friends, or does she possess the power to winnow? Winnow derives from the Old English word for wind and can be used to describe the movement of the wind (or bird wings in flight 👀). It makes sense that the ability to winnow in acotar allows characters to travel like an unseen force, like the wind, like…Wyrd. It’s no coincidence Elain’s first question to Azriel yielded information on Illyrians hearing the song of the wind, and characters connected to Elain—Azriel, Nuala, Cerridwen, and Lucien—possess the ability to travel fluidly. Three of them also have fluid forms.
Shifting form—Wyrd is notoriously hard to depict because she continually shifts form. Even before we learn this in CC, it is demonstrated in the acotar series. Wyrd slithers like a snake when she steals Elain from camp and shifts into different creatures during the final battle when Feyre is connected to her through a direct, living bond. She soars through the battlefield like a bird, skims the ground like an insect above a pond, and creeps along like a hound at Nesta’s side. (As an aside, I think the bones in scrying might represent different animal forms of creation; another nod to Wyrd.) The most interesting part about this scene, though, is that when Feyre begs Wyrd for help, it is Elain—not Wyrd—who appears out of nowhere and answers her call, reinforcing the link between Wyrd and Elain. Elain is also associated with an animal form, one that is linked to rebirth: the lovely fawn. The Suriel saw her doe eyes peering at it from across the world. Like Wyrd, does she travel in animal form in her sight? Is it possible Elain can learn how to weave different forms in reality, like Dorian, with her powers? That might explain why she asked Amren so pointedly about changing forms over dinner in acofas.
Healing—Wyrd’s power is connected to healing (rebirth). In tod, we learned that raw healing magic is pure life and most associated with the dawn. The Dawn Court in acotar is also known for powerful healing. And while we witnessed a dusk service in Lady Death’s story, we have yet to see what the priestesses in the Night Court do at dawn (groundings 🤞). Elain is consistently compared to the loveliness of dawn and glows like it in the dead of night. Will this association remain figurative? Or will we see Elain, like her sisters, channel Wyrd’s healing magic? Perhaps we will see her use healing magic to unbind Wyrd and the land since those with raw healing magic can unbind the very fabric of life, of worlds.
Wyrd’s creative magic appears to be fluid and interconnected, so if our gardener is as connected to her mighty power as we’ve been led to believe, it would make sense for her to be able to use it fluidly in her story as well.
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sakurajjam · 1 year
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Clicando aqui ou no sourcelink, você vai encontrar uma planilha para organizar todas as suas pendências de rpg, de forma simples e compacta! Com duas opções, use a que achar mais confortável. Assim você nunca mais vai se perder em seus jogos, podendo se organizar ainda mais na hora de jogar. Para salvar, basta estar logado em sua conta, ir em arquivo (file) > fazer uma cópia (make a copy) > salvar onde desejar em seu drive. Por favor, não reposte essa planilha como se fosse de sua autoria. Para personalizar conforme sua preferência, por favor, acesse o manual de instruções.
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yeahgen · 14 days
The untimely sound he hears from a nearby fountain has Yagen pause in the middle of his walk. Violet pupils narrow from behind a bronze owl mask, and then the tantou's walking to the water's edge in the darkness, where he sees...
A lump in the water, and fading bubbles rising to the surface?
Instincts and training kick in at the same time before he's throwing his cane aside to lug one unconscious human out of the pool and onto the grass, where Yagen thumps on his back.
'Oi, wake up!'
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'You okay?'
A faint but persistent scent of alcohol fills the air.
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hyaciiintho · 3 days
🌸。*゚+. Fall theme is up~ Would have changed it over sooner, but ah well! Tomorrow is officially the first day of fall, so I'm not too late :D
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ   C L O S E D      S T A R T E R .  { for  @snapsandsprigs​ }
Nana felt terribly bored that day. It had been days since her father and other men from their village had gone on an expedition and there was little they could occupy their time with while waiting and worrying for their safe return. She’d already mended all the clothes that needed repairing and even made new dresses for her sister and herself, while their mother tended to their crops. Thinking some reading would be an effective, fun way to pass the time, the young woman made her way to the bookshelf, only to realize there was nothing there she hadn’t already read. Sighing, she sat by the window, eyes on the sea. “Why are they taking so long...” She wondered, defeated by boredom. 
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Just then, something between the waves captured her attention. Two beautiful animals, swimming happily very close to the shore. Squinting her dark eyes, she identified them as being seals. “So cute! I’ve never seen them this close!” Nana thought to herself, immediately getting up and rushing out of the house. Almost running towards the beach, the young woman felt excited for the first time in a long while, happy for some novelty. However, as she reached the shoreline, the majestic sea creatures were nowhere to be found. “Now... where did they go?” Nana frowned, venturing between some rocks, just in case they’d decided to come ashore. However, miscalculating her steps, the oftentimes clumsy girl ended up slipping and falling, scraping her skin. “Ouch...”
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ancientgreekyuri · 6 months
AZ and Nerine's relationship is sort of Messed Up(!!) in the beginning 💔 Nerine likes that he's in a position where he has to rely on her + she gets to have him all to herself after so many years of Longing (Bizarre Obsession)
AZ on the other hand sees her Less as a person and More as an opportunity to redeem himself, and so he sorta passively allows himself to fill that role for her. He's self sacrificing in a really bad way and doesn't often vocalize his actual needs
When they start to actually communicate with one another and begin to see one another as People rather than Symbols. Then you will realize.
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adversitybloomed · 2 months
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🌸  ┊ continued thread for,   Linda Martin    @devilstherapist
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          Mulan was trying to get a read on Dr. Martin, for though she was polite, there was something about her that made her wonder why she felt comfortable enough to talk. most of these things, including about the lack of sleep, she avoided talking about, even among her family members. yet without meaning to, she had opened up to Linda within a session.
          part of her worried that it would not end well ━━ for most cases, when she thought she could open up to someone, they usually ended up afraid of her, due to her abilities to interact with the dead.      ❝  you say that a lot... noted... do you really note what i say down or do you draw within the notepad ?  ❞    she asked curiously, though she knew it was to distract her from the growing doubt within her mind.
        ❝  it is a Chinese restaurant that serves pretty good food considering that most places i find cater to more of what an American would see as a Chinese venue.  ❞    she shrugged a little, a kind but small smile lifting the corner of her lips as her nails brushed against the fabric of her dress.     ❝  my boss is understanding of my situation. she gives me shifts that can help me send money home and help me afford to keep a small apartment here while i go to school. for this i am grateful.  ❞
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          she paused for a moment, unsure of how to best answer the question without sounding ungrateful,      ❝  it is a customer service job, one of which i do not mind, but there are times where i wish people kept their hands to themselves. i am also not very used to the difference in customs, nor being in such a large city, when i am from a small village. the bus systems are strange too, very hot and smelly. but, i do enjoy getting to meet people, and listening to their stories and why they are here in Los Angeles. it helps too that in my new school, i have made some new friends. i tend to bring them some left over baked goods.  ❞    taking another pause, she thought about the Doctors question.
        ❝  i enjoy learning. back home, i had an hour walk the nearest village that had a café for technology. back when i lived in Japan for school, things were much closer and i could work at the student apartments on my programing. but, when i am home, it is like going back a step in time before electricity, so it is fun to learn how to use different recourses.  ❞    she smiled a little more brightly,      ❝  right now, i am in the works of trying to code some of my drawings, which is what i want to do for the future. kind of create an animation style video game that showcases the history of my Culture that includes Cultivation.  ❞
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nxturefairy · 2 months
closed starter : @wildcstwinter (barrett) 📍 moonlight casino
Flora didn't realize that she was holding her breath when she stepped inside of the Moonlight Casino for the first time. Her wide eyes blinked like a deer in the headlights as her senses were immediately rattled by the sights and sounds. Everything in here was loud or flashy. The ringing of the slots, the cheers and wails of patrons reaping their gambles, the scattered fake plants disguised amongst the occasional real ones... oh gosh.
With a soft exhale, the nature fairy continued nervously with caution. The casino probably wasn't even at full effort or capacity with so many missing residents, but it was still overwhelming. Flora fidgeted with the rings on her fingers; twisting the jewelry back and forth as she tried to seek out her unlikely companion. After seeing the missing person list, she knew he would be needing some comfort— and care didn't seem to be so easily accessible to him.
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
saw a little girl in the grocery store today who was trying to keep up with her dad, carrying a single sub that was just too big for her tiny arms 😭 then she came around the corner minutes later struggling with a half - gallon of almond milk
Ari energy 😭
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floraltempcst · 2 years
@crackshotsnapshot x
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She is lithe; lighter than anyone has the right to be in a place like this. The eerie ambiance of the slums drowned out by the sound of humming, bright and happy with no real melody to it. Aeirth swings her basket back and forth, content in her daily pilgrimage to the church. The flowers won’t care for themselves, after all. 
 It’s a simple ritual, but it brings her joy. Rarely does she deviate from her path unless something particularly special happens to catch her eye. And today, it does. Aerith knows what a camera is, of course, but it’s hardly a common item in the slums. Even its own citizens can’t seem to find much beauty to immortalize here. She stops next to the crouching man as he stares at his camera, leaning down and placing her hands on her knees.
❝We don’t have many photographers out here. You must be either very good, or very brave.❞
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
@tabletbound // follow up thread time? follow up thread time.
"So, how has that Meadow Plate been functioning? Have you been able to use it as a source of energy?" Well, at least she wasn't pointing any weapons at him today! That was certainly a step in the right direction, right?
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"If it's working as intended, then we can proceed. Don't give me that look, I don't expect you to have found your emperor in the span of two days. There are other things I'd like to investigate first."
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kitty-lemon · 1 year
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I made a little thing 😏 Hope you like it 😜
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yeahgen · 22 days
A snack was all Yagen wanted before his next shift—hospital vending machines had less variety and felt overpriced besides, especially the machines in the staff room—so he'd taken a quick trip to the corner 11-Seven to snatch up a couple of chocolate bars.
His usual brand had more decorations than usual—some sort of tie-in with a popular mobile game, "scan this wrapper to get a free limited-time monster for SpiraleGO!" blahblah. Yagen's not playing any games at the moment, so he just unwraps the wrapper and takes a big bite.
There's something inside the wrapper, too. Curious, Yagen unwraps it and sees a QR code next to the art of some cute little creature.
Huh. Whatever that meant. Yagen looks at it a good while before his gaze drifts back to the chocolate shelves again, where another guy seems absorbed in browsing the special chocolate.
'Hey, you play this game?' His fingers hold up the wrapper and waves it enticingly.
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'Want my wrapper?'
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hyaciiintho · 12 days
🌸。*゚+. If we had a thread together! And you would like to continue it, please message me and let me know! If you have a link to the thread, I would appreciate it a whole ton c': I have a few threads in my drafts but I know I had others... I'll be reaching out to partners to see if they want to keep them or drop them ♡ I know it's been a long time, so just let me know!
I gave up on graphics and icons because photoshop requires you to do fifty billion steps and five hours of processing to batch icon, so we ball iconless and graphicless LOL I am tired and just wanna write ♡ if creativity strikes me in the future, cool, sure, I'll make stuff. But otherwise, I am too broke to commission people and too tired to fight with photoshop, so we're going to our ROOTS and going straight vanilla :D
Anyways, hope everyone has a lovely day-- and please, again, let me know if there's any threads you want to keep/drop so I can get to replies whenever I can, or if you'd prefer we start something new!
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koumeowkami · 1 year
sorry i find it funny that people are trying to lecture me on 2WINMEZ of all things
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