#inspirations 🌸
unfortunaterebels · 9 months
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robo-milky · 2 months
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It’s the ClochEpel horror AU! I realized that I have copious amounts of AUs for RookLoche but never any for ClochEpel, so here it is. I’ve had the sketch sitting for a month, and decided to finally finish it.
Premise: Set in a world “without” magic, Cloche had always been intrigued with the occult. From animal sacrifices to ghostly games, she was interested in them all. On the other hand, Epel wasn’t so keen on the subject. He found it weird and creepy, maybe even a little childish, but that didn’t scare him away from her. After learning that Cloche felt bored of the relationship because she’s always doing what Epel wanted, he wanted to prove his devotion to her by joining Cloche in one of her attempts at a ritual. Too bad this will be her last one.
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sslowdeathh · 8 months
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vampire nputs ; requested by anonymous
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Victoria. Ville. Mortis. Vamp. Lenore. Pandora. Blair. Rosalie. Velvet(te). Eleleth. Adelaide. Claude. Aero. Hemlock. Elspeth. Cecilia. Louis. Magnus. Vampyr. Dorian. Vincent. Viktor. Viktoria. Salem. Silvias. Alistair. Jericho. Blaine. Blaire. Altair. Morcant.
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va vamp. bite bites. blood bloods. dea death. gri grim. hau haunt. dark darks. dae daemon. tomb tombs. en tombed. un dead. curse curses. bleed bleeding. blood bloody. phan phantom. bat bats. horror horrors. grime grimey. ni night nightlife.
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vampgirl. vampire-flick. bloodygrl. vampirism. bloodyfrills. vamp(word). (word)vamp. kyllur ) killyr. murdyr. entrailed. innards. (names)blood. vampie. biting(name). vampire-empire. vampire-hearts. (names)-secret. smells-blood. hush-(name).
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The vampyr. Her crucifixion. The vixen. The bloodsucking girl. The bloodied girl. The thing that lurks in the dark. The shadow in the darkness. The shapeshifter. The immortal soul. The never-dying girl. The girl that's cursed with immortality. The sun-hating thing. The human-eating girl. The vampesse.
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beartitled · 3 months
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The bear creatüre has a bachelor degree now
Yea I graduated uni today 🐻‍❄️🎓🎉
Feels weird tbh 💥
My brain did not register this information yet
Diploma comic reveal when? 👀
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peony-always · 5 months
For the main man's birthday, (and after reading so many great stories from others celebrating him!!), I thought I would give it a little go in honor of my husband
a snippet in which Bkg is working on his birthday :P (1.4k)
25. Twenty-five years of life, twenty-five Happy Birthday bro!!!! texts from Eiji since 6 a.m., and about 25 seconds left until Bakugou lost his composure and damaged something that would be a pain in the ass to apologize for and replace.
It wasn't that he minded working on his birthday, he really didn't. He had worked on his birthday for the last three years, so it wasn't that.
It wasn't that he minded all of Eiji's obnoxious texts, forcing him to acknowledge the day his hag mother had brought him into the world.
It wasn't even that his dumbass friends had suckered him into going out for dinner and drinks after his shift, because, even after all his blustering about, deep down he was pleased that he still had friends who would do things for him, go out of their way.
No, it was none of those things that had the 2nd Street flower shop in danger of having its windows blasted out and flowers burnt to a crisp.
It was you.
For the past few months, you had been terrorizing the Musutafu police force and Pro Heroes alike. A vigilante quirk user who was somehow getting to crime scenes before the police or heroes were even notified of them, leaving criminals tied up and subdued before fleeing the scene.
You were quick, none of the heroes dispatched could catch you. Bakugou had tried multiple times, and each time made him more eager to fight you again than the last. Since he had encountered you the most, he had been the one tasked with providing your description to the other heroes and police who patrolled downtown Musutafu.
He had described your white and gold hooded catsuit, utility boots, smug smile, and gold mask as you glanced back to taunt him, only
He wanted desperately to be the one to unmask you, to beat you at your little game of trying to one-up his colleagues. So, he had been keeping track of sightings of you, playing cat-and-mouse, you tempting him to come out and play just as well as you eluded him.
He had felt his lip curl up into a feral grin half an hour earlier when he had hear that you had been sighted over the police scanner in his office. Someone had seen you on 4th Street, and as soon as he heard that, Katsuki was off. 4th Street was minutes from his agency, and he cut the time in half by propelling himself through the sky, keen eyes watching for any sign of the suit he had committed to memory.
Then, he spotted you. Running down 2nd Street, keeping close to the alleyways and storefronts.
He sent himself downward in a flash, landing a couple feet behind you, the impact from his landing causing you to stumble and look back.
It was then that he caught a glimpse of your eyes, wide and sparkling in the afternoon light. They reminded him of a bunny. You looked a little afraid, and he felt his snarl grow into a grin, chasing after you. He had always taken pleasure in being a predator, hunting down his prey with ease.
The set of your shoulders changes as you regain your composure, calling over your shoulder to him," Working on your birthday, Dynamite? I'm flattered that I'm that important to you."
Bakugou nearly rolls his eyes at your taunting,"A big bad hero comes chasin' after ya and ya get scared, ya start runnin'? What happened to all that bravado you had for the police, ha?"
You said nothing, spinning on your heel to face him, nearly causing him to careen into you.
You lithely dodge out of his way, your knees bent, poised to run again as you speak, "I'm not afraid of you or any other pros. All you've done so far is let me down with your pathetic attempts to find me and have me brought in for doing a better job at protecting people than you."
Bakugou snarls at your words, lunging at you with his hand poised to strike, "You don't get to say shit about pros, we ain't the ones hidin' and creepin' around."
You laugh, dodging him again. You can tell he's starting to get frustrated that you're so hard to nab.
He's still enjoying himself though, examining your body as he sizes you up again, squaring off to face you once more. You're built very pretty. You look both strong and delicate, soft and hard. He can't help but let his gaze linger on your lips as his eyes make their way to your face. He notices that they look plush and supple as you speak again, "Why won't you people just leave me alone? I'm not doing anything wrong aside from not adhering to the policies of your Hero Commission. I don't hurt anyone, I capture villains, I cause thousands less than you do in property damage..."
The Bakugou remembers why he's there, to capture you and put an end to your vigilanteism. Feining anger beyond what he really feels, he goes for an obvious lunge before switching up at the last moment to sweep your legs.
It catches you off-guard, sending you onto your back on the cool concrete of the sidewalk. You quickly grab his ankle, pulling him down so he can't pin you, but he lands on top of you anyway.
You freeze, his face inches from yours, his breath warm on your cheek. His body is pressed right to yours and you can feel every hard plane of him. Your eyes lock for a moment, and in another life you think you could reach out and stroke his cheek, thread your hand through his hair, get lost in his garnet eyes.
Your breath hitches as you remember that you aren't in another life, you're in real life. You hitch your leg around his, flipping him onto his back. He still looks a bit dazed by your proximity, and you take your chance, hopping up as he moves to grab you again, but you're already out of his reach, turning away to take off, but not before you grin, saluting him and letting out a quick, "Happy birthday, Dynadick." and tossing down a smoke bomb, disappearing into the black cloud that emits from it.
He growls, moving in your direction, but he can't find you in the smoke, and once it clears, you're nowhere to be seen.
Frustrated and a little confused, he walks back to his agency, opting to take the extra few minutes to go over the fight in his head, trying to figure out what it was about you that had bewitched him so thoroughly when you took him down. Was it your quirk, unknown to the Hero Commission other than that you had one? Or was it your eyes, the life-filled sparkle of them as they searched his own?
It didn't matter, in the end. All that mattered was that he caught you, and brought you to justice soon.
He spends the rest of the day at the agency, turning off his police scanner and busying himself with paperwork until he gets the inevitable text from Eiji asking him to head over to the restaurant they were having dinner at.
He sighs, running a hand through his hair as he heads to the underground parking deck. He moves to open his car door, pausing and immediately going on alert when he sees the bright orange sticky note stuck to the handle of the driver's side door.
He pulls it off, spinning around to check the parking garage. When he sees no one, he turns back around and glances down at the note, which reads, 'Happy Birthday, Dynadick.'
He yanks open the door, expecting something dangerous to come flying out at him, but nothing does. Instead, as he peers into the car, he notices a smell that wouldn't emanate from his car normally, and as he glances down, he sees the source.
A single orange cupcake, complete with the stupid cartoonish cupcake toppers his publicist had bullied him into licensing to local bakeries.
You had even had the foresight to wrap it into a napkin, somehow knowing what a neat freak he was.
He gingerly set the cupcake into one of his cupholders and got in, a little more eager to encounter you again.
ahhhh I had no idea how to end this but I hope it was okay!!
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takitori67 · 1 year
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Python Junao
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everafter-life · 6 months
Can you make a 🗺️ themed masculine pony with more of a mullet styled hair? Thanks!
Our first ever Para design!!
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This design is for fun, the only facts that are 100% canon is the flag they are based on! You can draw them, ship them, name them, headcanon them, whatever! I just like to make character designs
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jttlpgroup · 18 days
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Levi 💚 6287   http://www.steveb29.com/2024/09/levi-6287.html
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moonsoakedcottage · 15 days
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
What if fairies are real? 
What if fairies live amongst you and me? 
Or, maybe we all have a fairy within us.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆°°✩ ᭝ଓ ՟ 𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒
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scrimblyscrorblo · 4 months
🌸Hikaru Lore! P.2! 🌸
- A lil’ more Yuzuka focused too
- TW: cannibalism
Yuzuka’s preferred method of killing allows her to keep up her disguise as a human. Using the flesh of her victims in her dishes as to appear as though she’s eating normally alongside coworkers and customers.
She’s not the only one who eats her dishes though, often times her victims are those with families waiting for them, people who’ll always be missed. And for their loss, she gifts them a meal.
I’m sure you can guess what the secret ingredient is.
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That feeling when you unknowingly cannibalised your own mother 👍🏻
This is obviously revealed after Hikaru becomes a demon slayer. It’s an elderly woman who tells him the tale of demon slayers, a 12 yr old boy who just wants to find his mother sets out on a journey to become a slayer himself.
He uses water breathing however he had attempted to learn flame breathing, being another one of Rengoku’s failed students.
His story comes to a climax as he and his friends are given a mission in Yuzuka’s town, he chooses to trust her blindly despite his friend’s suspicions.
She was there for him after all.
It isn’t until he finds her dragging a body back to the kitchen that he realises what exactly she’s doing.
And what shes done to him.
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nokaru · 3 months
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just girls being gal pals
ZenYuki Week 2024 Day 2: Lily @zenyuki-festival
Ehm did you know☝️🧐 Lily translates to ✨Yuri✨ in Japanese? 🫶🌸
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sslowdeathh · 8 months
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nputs based off of the word matcha! requested by anonymous! the word matcha gives me like . . . pastry vibes, so that's what i went with :p
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Cino. Cocoa. Micha. Chip. Micah. Peach. Maple. Tea. Beau. Sugar. Milk. Acacia. Cherry. Herb. Fern. Milk. Minnie. Mocha. Moka. Caramel. Latte. Chai. Java. Cafe. Muffin. Coco. Toffee. Tart. Mousse. Chamomile.
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tea teas. mocha mochas. sugar sugars. bake baker. bakery bakeries. past pastry. pastry pastries. fleu fleur. ae aer. coco cocoas. cacao cacao's. milk milks. latte latte's. des dessert. pud pudding. 🍮. 🥮. 🍵.
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Matcha-(food). Matcha-flavoured. matcha.txt (or any file extension). loaves. (names)bakery. bakery(name). (name)flavoured. (names)tea. lced-teas <- (lowercase L). sugary-drinks.
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i'm not exactly sure how to do titles here ,, i apologise ! :(
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blubble-lake · 7 months
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Where's my samurai? 🦋
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kyuponstories · 20 days
God is good, yall. 😭🙌🏾
EOTB isn't as much of a war-based story as Attack On Titan. It's more so the fact that there were two major wars of the past that affects many of the characters' present, and a kingdom that is split between a pro-peace movement that sides w/ the crown vs. an old anti-peace movement that still wants revenge.
This story is filled with secrets upon secrets, and a good amount of them make great plot twists for this story. The problem I was struggling with was not knowing what some of the secrets should be, or that what the ones I came up with just weren't crazy enough to justify the significant effort that many have put in to protect Kuba (the MC).
Long story short, I have'em now! I now have a better understanding for why the main antagonist is so passionate about his efforts, and why he leads the anti-peace movement. I understand why he's so complex and continues to stay married to a woman who is on the exact opposite side of him. I now have his big secret and the key reason why he is the perfect foe (power-wise) to Kuba.
And the biggest secret of the twins' origins is so crazy that I had to hold my hands up to my face to calm down. 😭Because it's so scary and awesome and dangerous and UNHEARD OF in the world they are living in. Once I settle on Kuba's friends, I think drafting S1 will be way easier (& fun!). 🔥
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fordeadleaves · 2 years
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you’re stuck here.
(reblogs > likes!)
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bakvrue · 11 months
We now live in a bee society. Imagine...
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