#information 🌸
unfortunaterebels ¡ 9 months
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『 LILY COLLINS, FEMALE, SHE/HER 』wait a second! isn’t that ( MADISON AVERY ) who just walked into jack’s bar? rumor around town is that the local is approaching their (  FIRST ) year in virgin river. in the meantime, you can find the ( THIRTY-FOUR ) year old working as a ( BAKER ) at ( PAIGE’S BAKEAWAY ). rumor around town is that ( SHE ) has a reputation for being a little ( GULLIBLE ), but they make up for it by being ( GENEROUS ). 『 KUROKI, 26, SHE/HER 』
Hello, everyone, I am Kuroki! I'm 26 years old on AST, super excited to be a part of this community! I'm quite new to this type of RP as I usually throw myself into independent blogs, but the chance of belonging to a community that not only provides slice of life -- which I adore -- but also bases itself on Virgin River, which my sister is quite fond of, felt like a sign for me to try it out. Forgive me for any errors I may commit along the way, I am more than willing to learn and be taught about these things. I hope I can make amazing connections and also provide lots of fun to everyone else! Here's some info about Maddy:
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NAME : Madison Avery.  • •  PRONOUNS : she/her.  • •  GENDER : cis woman.  • •  AGE : thirty-four  • •  OCCUPATION : baker  • •  HOMETOWN : new york.  • •  NATIONALITY : american.  • •   • •  ZODIAC SIGN : aquarius.  • •   • •  SEXUALITY : discovering.  • •  STATUS : available for plotting.
BIOGRAPHY ; (tw death)
 • • •  BORN TO A well-off family in the big city of New York, Madison has always been a dreamer. Spoiled by his parents for being their only child, she grew with dreams as big as the city she lived in and a positive outlook on everyone and everything surrounding her. Spending so much time with her grandmother, she developed a love for CONFECTIONS AND BAKING AS A WHOLE.  One day, while discussing about her goals to reach with this craft, striving to bake alongside professional chefs, her grandmother mentioned something that would mark her for life; "DO YOU BAKE TO MAKE A NAME FOR YOURSELF, OR TO MAKE OTHERS HAPPY?" These words lingered in her mind, and the answer finally came to her the moment her grandmother ultimately passed away.
Carrying both grief and a brand-new hope for herself, she set off to VIRGIN RIVER, a small town her grandmother had mentioned visiting before. There, Maddy sought to find a new beginning, not to make a name for herself, but to make others happy with her baking, as she once did with her grandmother.
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fairecharm ¡ 1 year
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*record scratch*
i saw a post talking about how barbiecore apple was and had to draw something for it or else i'd explode! although i don't quite know how to draw apple's sleeves
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sincerelyaudri ¡ 2 months
11 and 20 for the sexy ask game!! -@chickenstriptease
mac :o now what do you wanna know outta me…
11: What does your favourite sexy underwear look like?
scandalous! …mmm okay i own a few lowkey but my favorite one is this pretty lavender baby doll :) it’s not see through or anything, it’s satin! n it’s got these little makeup icons on it and it’s got spaghetti straps that you have to tie up. it’s really pretty n soft and makes me feel cute :3
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
….mac i don’t like you anymore :( this is so mean i thought we were friends :( why would you do this to me :( i don’t even see anyone like that why would you—
okay like right now right now? @/kanonb @/kiryucutie @/seishuinc and/or @/kinghaitani and let me tell you why
kanon - he can probably match my freak like…it’ll take him a brick to unlock the freak but i think he could match it
kiryu - self explanatory but also i think? he’s like…more than meets the eye? i don’t know but sometimes when he looks at me something feels…off….and i wanna unlock it. idk :(
seishu - …😞 can u rlly blame me
ran - in reality like frfr if we’re being really real i really mean both…like…both…….but i’m to embarrassed and honestly like genuinely a little scared to admit that with my full chest so i’m only gonna say the older one because. yeah 😭
nobody perceive me if you perceive me i’m telling keisuke y’all are ovulating 😞
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unopenablebox ¡ 3 months
attempt to idly discuss concept of custom wedding vows with 🌸 ground to a halt after the realization that neither of us actually, like, wants to try to figure out what the fuck we'd be promising
can you do custom vows, but instead of vows to do stuff, it's just a list of the superbly good qualities of the other person in order to make it clear why any rational actor would agree that you should obviously plan to keep hanging out with them as long as possible
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yu-huuuu ¡ 2 months
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I'm sick guys, but soon I'll upload some of my writings and some questions that you sent me.
For now I just need to rest and recover my energy 😭 I've been like this for a month now and…
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snow-system-wol ¡ 3 months
S'ria meets someone unexpected in the Troian dungeons, just when he thought the matter would never trouble him again.
S'ria stared into the dark of the cell with almost no trepidation – why would he be afraid, after how many voidsent he'd already fought that day? Neither was he scared of the dark itself. 
Still, something about this one felt… different, something heavy in the air and bitter on his tongue that seemed not to bother the others in their approach.
The voidsent turned to face them, and S'ria felt fear and confusion strike simultaneously – until Fray nudged their memories in place enough to remember, and then there was only fear. 
He knew this one.
Yes, the shrouded figure, the disparate sets of hands, the tendrils, the scarred mouth – S'ria had seen it before, albeit only briefly in this appearance. As much as he preferred to put that night well out of mind, the avatar Zenos summoned to attack G'raha and Alisaie was unmistakable in his memory. He could also see features in the hands and hood that matched the altered body Zenos had taken on at the very End.
S'ria's hand immediately dropped to the handle of his gun. If it came closer to him, he didn't not even want it to enter melee range. 
He didn't want such a potentially dangerous and unpleasant reminder shoved in his face without warning, but fate didn't seem to care about that.
It opened its mouth, blindly staring in S'ria's direction, and spoke in a low garbled voice.
“You… You are… the friend?”
S'ria knew exactly what it was referring to, and that alone made his ears flatten and tail puff up.
“You were with Zenos.”
“Zenos… Yes, that was his name.” Its expression could not change much, but it regarded S'ria with increased intensity. “And you are the friend, are you not?”
It felt like mockery. After all this time, after putting all of this behind him, it would be thrown back in his face so suddenly? Friend?!
He stalked towards the voidsent, not yet determined on a course of action. He wanted to kill it, but that was not helpful to Vrtra – yet Zenos's avatar continuing to exist was not helpful to S'ria.
The sudden burst of light from his satchel stopped him in his tracks. He reached in and found Hydaelyn's crystal shining brilliantly in his hand. No sooner did he fully remove it from the bag before the voidsent suddenly became suffused with light – too blinding to directly observe. He looked away and shut his eyes against the flash.
S'ria shook his head and cautiously reopened his eyes as spots faded from his vision. Before him stood… not the avatar he knew and feared. No, this was a being no different in basic appearance than anyone in their group, aside from a deathly pallor. She(?) seemed just as shocked by the change, staring at her own hands as if they were foreign to her. 
“...but how?”
Her voice, too, was smooth and measured, no longer the garbled tones of before.
Some of the turmoil left S'ria with the voidsent in this new form, but he had not yet forgotten the circumstances of their prior meetings.
S'ria's ears swiveled to listen to Y'shtola speak, unwilling to turn his head away. This concept was somewhat… new to him. The idea of making a pact with a voidsent was not unheard of, but it invariably went awry. Promises were granted in name but not in spirit, or the summoner lost themself and was consumed, or all manner of awful outcomes. 
It made sense in concept, that Zenos would turn to such a thing in search of greater strength, but the sheer desperation S'ria felt it must take to commit to what Y'shtola was describing... it was overwhelming.
It wasn't even the pact that killed Zenos – it had somehow never truly endangered him.
“Zenos forged a covenant with a voidsent and maintained true control of himself…? I didn't think that was possible.”
“Actually, the –”.
Perhaps Y'shtola was about to explain to him why he was mistaken, but she was icily cut off.
“Covenant?” The voidsent’s face remained emotionless, but the word itself was said with great disdain. “A curse, more like. He stole my power. There was no equity in the arrangement.”
Ah, perhaps S'ria had it backwards. He'd wondered how Zenos survived such close interaction with a voidsent. Maybe the important question was how any voidsent could survive such dealings with Zenos.
She gestured to her torso, at her newly restored form. “My very essence was altered. Twisted into a tool to serve his desires.”
The phrasing alone was enough to make S'ria blanche, lips half-numb from how quickly the color left his face. It had not been so physically, not so extreme as her experience, but that was a concept S'ria was…familiar with, in multiple ways. Rose's nature quickly came to mind.
Beyond the instinctive disgust, though, there was immediate anger. In some sense, it was much the same for both of them. Zenos wanted S'ria to be someone he was not, to act in the ways Zenos longed for – and he cared not whether his attempts to put S'ria in that role were painful, whether attempting to mold S'ria into the imagined mirror would break him.
A low growl slipped from his throat, nearly unnoticed by him, but it was not directed at the voidsent this time… merely at a memory. In that instant, his feelings had pivoted so suddenly that it was nearly disorienting.
This was not Zenos’s avatar, a cruel entity content to layer its strength over Zenos's own, pleased to keep attacking until S'ria was at death's door. Not anymore – really, that had never been true. This was a person, whose mind and body had been treated with the same lack of dignity as him, a fellow victim of Zenos's quest for meaning.
S'ria would not consider her harmless or inherently their ally – but he would defend her if any of his companions chose violence all the same. This was not her fault.
It was not her fault, and yet. When her eyes locked back onto S'ria's and she took a breath to speak, he felt apprehensive.
“Zenos called you ’friend’. That's what you are? A friend?”
S'ria's lips parted in an expression far closer to a snarl than a smile. The apprehension had not been unwarranted, given the focus on this topic.
S'ria shook his head. “Whatever he may have claimed, I was not his friend.”
She looked down in concentration, pulling her hat low over her eyes. “Then… what is it? What is a friend?”
The words were quiet, spoken more to herself than as a question, and S'ria chose to interpret it that way.
In the silence that followed, S'ria felt… pity was probably the best word for it, even if it seemed unkind. If one was trying to understand human bonds and relationships, he could scarcely imagine a person whose worldviews might be more damaging to be subjected to for months straight. He was almost afraid to know what else she may think.
He was content to let Y'shtola handle negotiations – though he did feel a touch bad listening to her offer aether when they all knew Hydaelyn had given him quite a bit more than average. 
S'ria was more prepared this time, when the voidsent finished conversing with Y'shtola and slipped over to stand near him. 
“You're not his friend.” It wasn't a question. “When I served Zenos, my mind was shrouded in haze. But one thing was always clear – his obsession with the ‘friend’.” She shifted her hat in a motion that was quickly becoming familiar. “What the word means, I do not know exactly. I know only that it referred to you, and that yours was an important existence.”
There were many things S'ria could've said, but the only thing that left his mouth was “Ah”.
It was… a disturbing thought, that he preoccupied Zenos’s mind so wholly that it would be the only bit of clarity beyond the fog. She was offering a glimpse into Zenos’s inner workings, and after one moment of horrified curiousity, he realized that he did not wish to hear more.
It hovered on the tip of his tongue, the please never speak of this again, but he held it back. Even if he did not wish to explain, it was not her fault that she'd feel confused. 
S'ria could breathe easier when her scrutiny shifted away from him. There were no hard feelings over the questioning, given what had been done to her – or at least mostly no hard feelings. S'ria could admit to resenting it a bit. 
He wished he didn't feel so isolated out here. He could no longer feel the comforting hum of G'raha's distant presence through their rings – it'd cut off immediately upon entering this realm, a moment that surely scared G'raha despite knowing why.
Without that to turn to for comfort, he felt at a loss. Varshahn was a stranger to him, in these delicate matters at least. Estinien was neither close enough to him nor likely to handle the situation with grace, and Y'shtola…
Y'shtola was the best option of the group, someone he'd trust with his mental state if necessary, but she wasn't who he wanted. She was busy and S'ria could hardly imagine strolling up to her and asking if she could hold his trembling hands.
If only G'raha were here. Or Thancred, or the twins…
No, maybe not those last two. Just because they've seen S'ria at nearly his worst doesn't mean they should need to experience it again. 
S'ria settled for shoving his hands in his pockets, following the group and hoping that no more painful questions would come up before he could calm his heart.
No matter how disturbed he felt having all of that dredged up in his mind again, it did not change the… protectiveness that had welled up in him.
Ah, Zero. That was to be her name. It was as good as anything else, S'ria supposed, and helpful to have besides. He wished Zero had chosen such a thing for herself, but – she could've rejected it and did not, so that would have to be good enough. Giving her a name was fine, but if anyone started to press into her autonomy as a person, S'ria did not expect he'd hold his tongue.
They were bound together by shared suffering, were they not? It was only right that S'ria should feel the urge to look after Zero.
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incorrectinfinity ¡ 1 year
HELLO HI im not sure if u knew but a pack of rats can be called a mischief… i saw the fact and thought you might enjoy it..
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literally-just-there ¡ 6 months
(@pinky-in-blankets for the couple ask game! )
Do you get jealous or protective over your partner?
Hi Pinky !!
Answering for the Informant 🔍
➳ Do you get jealous or protective over your partner?
⋆ • 🧡 Seeker :
I do... I admit, it does irk me to come across other women fawning over my Info. "Oh, he is so handsome..." He is ! Thank you for noticing !
I remember one time when we passed by a wash house, we were not dating yet... There was a group of girls there, I stayed a little behind to tie my shoelaces, and as Info passed by them, they giggled and waved at him, acting all shy and blushing, bah...!
When I caught up with Info, I saw them and... oh, this sounds embarrassing now that I think about it... I took him by the arm so it looked like we were a couple. They got quiet real quick !
Info did not say anything about it, he just raised an eyebrow at me, oh gosh... this is embarrassing...
⋆ • 💙 Informant :
My dear Seeker is a beautiful and smart woman with a heart of gold, it is understandable many people admire her. But when this admiration verges on flirting, I... it irks me greatly.
The Sweep, Mr Leonard Valentine, Mr Li Guangming... I have my eyes on them especially. The first one asked her out once, the second one has regular conversations with her about his romance novels and is a notorious flirt, the third one is regularly late for his university classes because he wants to talk to her everytime she passes by the campus.
ask game here
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unfortunaterebels ¡ 9 months
Tags, tags, tags!
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chaotic-on-main ¡ 6 months
All 3 of my main simped after characters are voiced by Matt Mercer and have L names
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pinkpain ¡ 2 years
even seju's strap-ons are pink.
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uniqueedream ¡ 1 year
✩ Imogen Howard ~
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✩ Suzie Howard - mother
✩ Gus Howard - distant father
✩ Cassie Howard - older sister 
✩ Lexi Howard - older sister 
✩ Ian Howard - twin brother 
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✩ Imogen is the youngest of the Howard family despite having a twin
✩ She wants to leave her toxic family and chase her dreams of becoming slightly famous
✩ Suzie puts pressure on Imogen to save the bloodline of the Howard’s in cheerleading since Cassie & Lexi have let Suzie down
✩ Imogen suffers from: anxiety, stress, a possible ed (the warnings will be put up whenever I mention when she talks about it) & being compared to her other siblings
✩ Depending on the verse: Imogen’s age will change (16-25)
✩ Imogen goes by her stage name: Imogen - wanting to leave behind the fact that she’s a Howard
✩ Fc: Kristine Froseth
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unopenablebox ¡ 2 years
i had never bothered to like. check this before? or think about it very much? but i just bought & downloaded a book and read it in one sitting and happened to glance at the clock the second i finished, and i was like, oh, i could finally find out how long it takes me to read books by checking the download time
so i checked and it was almost exactly an hour start to finish, but like, it’s a YA/middle grade mystery novel, so you know, not totally surprising, but i thought i’d estimate the word count just to have a ballpark
apparently it’s an 83000-word book and this means i read like 1400 words per minute which to my understanding is. uh. unusual amongst people not specially trained for it
for some reason this has distressed me intensely
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thedeadthree ¡ 2 years
me looking at my brain to CREATE 🥀✨😵‍💫
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#*personal#leg.txt#its been so long since ive made something you would think with the resurgence of things i loved returned to me once more#and ofc the a*soiaf and t*lou hyperfixations that leg brain would be shelling out things like hotcakes…… WRONG#(​and the returning f*allout and t*es eras hehe <3)#i also miss making lore posts i need to do them again 🌞✨😖#pleased to inform that i did purchase f*allout 3 on pc this time so i could do another yelena playthrough hehehe 🌿✨🤭#I MISSES MY BABY ! olga and yelena my surgeon girles MY SUN AND STARS MY BABIES 🌿🥼✨😖🤍🦢#*MISSED <- darn technology 🥀✨😖#ok ok but also……. t*lou x f*allout au because i need for my soul for olga and yelena to be besties 🌿✨😖#(also logan and alaric interacting would be so INTERESTING oh my god sisjxjjx it would be lovely 🥀✨😌🥴)#(they just are that gif from the b*odyguard where they’re across from each other just like 😒 AISJUXHX)#(meanwhile olga and yelena: ✨besties✨ 💞🌸☺️ they’ll suffer each other’s presence for the loves of their lives 🌿✨😌)#iryna adopts lilibet ON SIGHT sksjzxhxj shes so her she’s like DAUGHTER 🖤✨😌#(iryna bringing another daughter to her and rauls family when sksjjzhx)#gisela hunts down nias mother for SPORT for how she raised nia ajsjsjzh treating her like a lab rat as opposed to a daughter 🥀✨😤#alaia and iryna and fiona besties on sight as well as they’re all artists in some medium (alaia and fiona are singers + iryna an artist 😌✨)#i need to start reading ifs again too alya and besties if you have any recs I would owe you my life 🥀✨😖#i was thinking of that today and with the theme of me reconnecting with things i love i need to read those again i miss them!!!!
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petals-and-all ¡ 4 months
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[ Sketches of Azazel and Esau with casual clothes ]
Ahh I'm so sorry they look a bit ehhhhh, I hope they're still okay </3
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corrupted-fae-king ¡ 5 months
“Which cookies if I may ask?” -Shapeshifter
"Sparks and Blue- wait- sorry- wrong names- Eternal Sugar and Shadow Milk."
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"I forgot they aren't, them, anymore."
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