#threads: ciri.
firewvlk · 2 years
@allxthingsxglxtter​​ (for calanthe)
sparring with calanthe had always been something ciri wanted to experience yet was never allowed to. it was no secret her grandmother sheltered her, but looking back, combat training from the lioness of cintra certainly would’ve made her life easier after cintra’s fall. but the naive child she was then was hardly who she grew up to be, life with witchers and living on the run forced her to grow up quickly and rely on herself. now thanks to this place, she finally had that opportunity. not that she took the sparring that seriously, choosing to instead use her teleporting skills to avoid calanthe’s strikes all together. ❝ oh, don’t look so glum, your majesty, not many can land hits on me. just cheap shots, ❞ she gestured to the large scar beneath her eye, with a hint of a grin, before twirling her sword. plunging zireael into the ground, she leaned against the hilt and softly added, ❝ cintra recovered, eventually. i’m sure you have questions. ❞
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hanzajesthanza · 4 months
hi i just thought about the fact that Ciri is probably THE LAST witcher. girl is the heir to Cintra, the only surviving Rat and the last witcher. brb gonna go sob......
ciri really is the Final Girl…
also this makes me think about her returning to the world to take eskel, lambert, and vesemir by the hand and into the cold, wet fog… 🥲
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gaygayaurel · 1 year
Not to be consumed by insanity but the fact people are still like "oh wow jad karadin is so nice girl nice i cant believe lambert would kill him" he was still a slaver and most of his wealth comes from slavery. Literally just pull the trigger. Plus I doubt he really stopped, he just stopped dealing with Hammond in riskier business.
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Closed Starter: Going to Be Okay (James/Ciri/Bonuses)
He's through the woods as fast as his legs can carrying him, clearing obstacles including a small flame, coughing but not stopping, never stopping.
He has to find her.
There is no other option.
James coughs as he bursts through the treeline, seeing her, not even seeing the others, running straight up--
Hitting a barrier and backing off slightly, his hand coming to his head, shaking himself off quickly and recovering. "CIRI!"
Cora looks up, alarmed. What the--? She looks to her brothers. Cal looks surprised and a bit confused.
Meredith has her head down, arms curled over her head. She'd stopped crying a long while ago. She didn't have any tears left. She doesn't look up at the cry. She didn't have any hope left, either.
Brandon Breyer glances to his sister and her counterpart, raising an eyebrow. Was that... his uncle, at a younger age?
Maruca's eyes widen and she looks to Atlas. They'd finally made it out here, for all the good it had been. Wylie looks up, lighting up with hope. It had to be, didn't it?
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anoddbunch · 2 months
@malumxsubest said: " oh? cannot sleep as well? it seems we share a common trait, i'd suppose. "
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"It's something shared only by the best." She said with amusement, a small smile on her lips as she looked at the other woman. It was cold, too cold, and she hadn't been able to sleep at all tonight. "Do you usually come out here in the dead of night when you can't sleep?"
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aamusedly · 1 year
@spakona / Ciri .
The name Cirilla stuck in the back of his head like a scab; unmoving, unwilling to drop, but guarding a wound he couldn't entirely see yet. It stuck enough that Crow was beginning to have a hard time focusing elsewhere, though he abandoned distraction fairly quickly.
He had a mission, self-imposed though it was, here in the Milky Way, and now it had a clear direction: to Cirilla Finonna Something Something Ringworm. Or something.
Crow hadn't picked up the fine details of her case, considering he'd left the data in a bit of a rush to avoid another arrest; Asari prisons weren't as fun as the vids from Earth painted them to be. He was more an engineer than he was a tracker, but there was an advantage here, and it came in the form of that buzzing of her name in the back of his head. A connection. A way out. When Crow found himself touching down on the great space station known as the Citadel, his chest felt like it was full of hot air and threatening to rise into the simulated atmosphere with the fake clouds up ahead.
He was excited. He'd only ever dreamed of this, when he closed his eyes and saw stars dancing and beckoning him home.
But that excitement had to be pushed down in favor of something more curated; a neutral expression of someone looking to hire one of the best mercenaries on the station.
A seedy bar-- that felt about right. Something like a club. The dancing lights cast reflections in the blue pallor of his skin, though he was careful to keep his hood and cowl up as he skulked in to look for whoever it was that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.
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torntruth · 2 years
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i  was  gonna  make  some  characters  very  specific  separation  banners....   but  i  feel  like  this  is  too  big.   any  smaller  and  you  wouldn’t  recognize  it’s  corvo  /  emily’s  sword.    it’s  so  plain  but  look  at  this  pretty  little  original  weapon. 
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taleswrittena · 1 year
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@malumxsubest sent
‘ should the nightmares revisit you, i will be here ’ @ ciri with geralt???
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The nightmares have plagued her relentlessly. Usually, it's easy enough to get her to go back to sleep. Geralt promises her he will protect her and she believes him and so her eyes flicker between Geralt and to Amelia.
She is still unsure of what she thinks of Amelia but the woman is clearly powerful and someone that Geralt trusts. Should she trust her too? If Geralt trusts her, perhaps she shouldn't be so cautious.
"I don't want to go back to sleep. The man in the helmet will frighten me."
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"Ciri. You need your rest." Geralt says softly, reaching forward to brush a strand of ashen hair out of her face. The smile upon his lips is warm, fatherly, as he brings the woolskin blanket up and over the girl. "We will be right here, protecting you. Both of us."
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firewvlk · 2 years
@virtuousouls​​ (for skye)
although she had tried to use her powers to leave this world, ciri wasn’t certain she would actually leave if given the chance. all she had waiting for her back home was control of an empire she hated and an arranged marriage she wanted nothing to do with. she had family here, fake -- blood or not, made little difference to her. and skye was here... friends weren’t a luxury she was used to, it wasn’t easy to connect with others when you lived on the run, jumping from world to world, just to stay alive. she didn’t want to lose all of that just for some moral duty she never even wanted.
the sound of the crashing waves and scent of salt water always brought her comfort, reminding the ashen haired girl of her summers and winters spent in skellige as a child. she spent most nights at the beach when she needed to think or be alone, knowing the normal crowd wouldn’t be around this late. speak of the devil, she thought, a small smile tugging at her lips at the sound of footsteps and a familiar heartbeat. while she hadn’t been subjected to witcher mutations, she had received the same training and special herbs as them, leaving her senses damn sharp, for a human. plus, skye wasn’t exactly a quiet person. ❝ this spot is taken, you’ll have to find somewhere else to loiter, ❞ she quipped, her gaze still fixed on the water.
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desastreorcalamite · 3 months
Closed starter for @daydrcamings
"I'd rather ride alone." He spoke with honesty, wishing for time with only himself as company. His thoughts were more clear when he was on his own, unobstructed by the words of others. It was for this that he valued his time alone so heavily. Patting one of the paint mares on the neck, he moved to check the straps of her saddle.
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silcntsinners · 6 months
❝i’ve never been here, but i’ve heard stories.❞ (To Myrcella from Ciri )
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Her eyes fell on the girl when she spoke, a sweet smiling taking over Myrcella lips. “There are many stories about kings landing, good and bad, it just depends who tells them.” She spoke softly, glancing up at the walls of the red keep. “Would you like to go inside? I can bring you in without a fuss” Myrcella added, her eyes still remaining on the girl. “What stories have you heard? I would love to know the tales you have been told. I have grown up here, the red keep is my home” Myrcella added.
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nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Closed Starter: Waking Up (Waltz fam/Associates)
Cal had dozed off at one point or another, but he'd woken up somehow looking more tired than he 'd started, sat at his sister's bedside. He pulls a hand through his hair.
Keefe was standing back against the wall, close to Hemlock, but not forcing himself on her space, silently watching Ash, still not entirely sure he knows what's happening.
And there's Ash. Cold and still, laying on her own bed. The injuries healed up, though there's still dried blood in some places on her.
Completely still.
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l0nglives · 10 months
um , i don't care what filloni or lucas says , satine & obi-wan were much older than fifteen during the year on the run. unless discussed beforehand , my satine was seventeen & would celebrate her eighteenth birthday two months in. so , yes , teenagers , but not that young.
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theobsidicnstar · 1 year
New Tag Dump
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bluedillylee · 1 year
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previous seasons relationship summary
we’re really hitting the polyamorous vibes hard with my fav trio this season-love that for them
Image description below
[ID: Geralt and Jaskier are holding Yennefer’s hands as she explains their relationship. Vespula and Radovid are hanging off Jaskier. Sabrina, Phillipa and Trish’s heads are above Yennefer connected by sexual tension threads. Sabrina is connected to Marti, Phillipa is connected to her Redanian lover and Dijkstra and Triss is connected to Istredd. Istredd is connected to Yennefer as exes and to Geralt with sexual tension. Off to the left is Vilgefortz connected to Geralt with a fuck/kill thread.
Geralt is saying “Jaskier calls me the family goat❤️”
Yennefer is saying “OK so Geralt and I are in love and raising Ciri together. Jaskier is our babysitter and also my husband. Geralt and Jaskier are best friends and I have sexual tension with every sorceress I know. Vespula/Jaskier are ‘it’s complicated’ and Radovid/Jaskier have a fraught and possibly doomed romance going on.”
Vespula is saying “Hi spoon guy”
Jaskier is saying “don’t you dare bring up crushes!
Radovid is saying “haha I think I’m going to have a breakdown 👑” end ID]
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harrystylesfan2686 · 3 months
Disappearing Bodies
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Pairing: PolyFeysand x Reader
Summary: girls from several war camps have been disappearing, no one know how. So you, your high lord and lady try to investigate the case.
Warnings: dead bodies, murder.
A/N: heyy everyone! I know I haven't posted in forever, thats because I've had my biggest writers block ever. I tried to make this as interesting as possible; please consider leaving a comment and telling me your thoughts on this. Hope you like it!!!
And yes, I will be posting the part 2 in a few days.💕
Thanks for the request @shorttstackk.
Your eyes scan over your desk again, trying to find anything that can help you with this case. This new case has you working non stop, racking your brain to think of anything that can help solve this problem.
There have been reports coming in from almost every illyrian camp, complaints of females and young girls going missing without a foot print left behind. Nobody knows what's happening to those girls because none of them have been found yet.
Cassian has had his men search the entire Illyria, along with himself, Nesta and Morrigan to try and find some type of clue or location, but they have all come back with no avail. You and Azriel have been looked in his office, trying to find something in the files but that, too, doesn't help you at all.
Files are sprawled all over your desk. Some stating the names of the victims and some reporting thier last seen location. It's been eight days and twenty six victims, and that's all you know.
You sigh and close your eyes, head hung down as you go over the information you have, again, to just find something, anything that can help you find those innocent girls.
"Here." A thug filles the silence and your eyes open to see Azriel putting down a cup of tea. You straighten up from where you were standing with your arms rested on the edges of your desk.
Whispering a small thank you, you pick up the cup with one hand and stir the spoon with the other. Your eyes again looking at the names scribbled on the paper.
"Did you find anything new?" Azriel asks, sipping his from his own cup.
"No. You?" Your eyes look at his.
"None of my spies have picked on anything." His voice is calm, a contrast to the storm swirling in his eyes.
"How can this be possible?" Your eyebrows narrow in anger and frustration. "How can a someone be so clean in abduction that they don't leave a single thread behind?"
He hums, eyes analyzing the files. "Whoever it is, they are too good at covering thier tracks."
Silence fills the room again as the two of you fall quite, drinking the tae and thinking about the same thing again.
You were Azriel's second before finding your mates, the High Lord and Lady of Night Court. It was a surprise to everyone when you found out, considering how rare it is to find one mate, and finding two at that.
Three mates are extremely rare cases, only one out of a thousand pairs can you find a tripple pair. You were invited into the inner circle right away, everyone was kind hearted towards you.
But even though you were practically Azriels equal, you would never admit that. He taught you everything you know about spying and assassin ship. For you he will always be your senior.
The quiet between you was suddenly intrupted when Rhysands voice fills your head and the two of you leave everything and rush out of there as fast as possible.
Come to my office. Cassian found something.
The eight of you stand surrounding a table, on which lies a map of the Illyrian Forest.
"A few of my men stumbled upon an underground tunnel. While patrolling, one fell in, not knowing about the cave because it was covered up with branches and leaves." Cassian circles an area with ink. "This is where the cave is. We went in just to make sure it isn't some small hole or anything, and it isn't. The hole stretches out into a gaint cave after entering, big enough for all of us to fit in."
He glances at everyone before continuing, "There were bloody footsteps at the starting of the tunnel. A pair of them, one can be identified as a male and other a female."
The air thickens around the room, all of you worrid and a little relieved to find at least something relating this case.
"I'm not sure what is in it, but I didn't have my men search it, if this isn't the seriel criminal we want, but some entirely different creature , I'm not losing my men for nothing." He finishes and Rhysand hums, silently agreeing.
"Alright then, we will go to see what this is." Rhysand looks up at you all, waiting for you to nod and continues, "Amren will stay at Valaris, guarding while we're gone. Nesta can watch over the War camps, so that if any other kidnapping happens, she can inform us right away."
The both of them nod and even though Nesta looks like she wants to say something, she doesn't dare go against Rhys' orders. Cassian interlaces his fingers with hers, as if to say not to worry.
"I will enter the cave first, Feyre, Y/N, Azriel, Cassian, and Mor will follow after. Cassians soldiers will stay at the cave entrance in case we encounter the very criminal we are looking for." Everyone nods.
"Any questions?" Rhys looks at everyone with raised eyebrow.
When no one comments he stands up straight and extends his arms to you and feyre at each side of him, ready to winnow you out. Azriel mimics him and grabs hold of Cassian. Mor takes Nestas hand to drop her off at the camps first and follow us after.
"Let us go." Rhysands voice echos out as you all fade into darkness.
You walk through the woods with the others. Cassian leading your group and the rest of you follow close behind.
The entrance Cass found is surrounded with trees and grass, making it impossible to notice except the way it was found.
You reach there and Cass nods to one of his gaurds stationed near it. He turns to your group as you all stop with him, he points the hole, big only enough for one person to fit through.
Rhysand jumps in first and you all follow one by one. You go after Feyre and step up, looking around. It looks just like a normal Cave. Alighted with fire by cassian's comrades.
"Alright, I did not expect the cave to be this big." Mor's eyes scan over the walls with interest, before she looks at Cassian. "Sure you said it'd be big but I didn't expect this big. I mean you could fit an entire house in here."
Rhysand forms a small flame in his hand and steps forward taking the lead, "Everyone be on your gaurd." He doesn't need to remind you.
You walk between Rhysand and Feyre, her hand held yours in a tight grip, the only sign of her anxiousness. You walk further and further into the dark, the walls only illuminated by Rhys purple fire.
Suddenly you see a flicker of orange ahead, all of you noticing it at the same time as your steps falter for a second before continuing without making a sound. You step closer and finally see the scene ahead of you.
Your breath catches as you realized just what is happening. Candles surround a body of a girl, creating a circle in which the body is kept. She lies there as still as stone, eyes closed and not even breathing. The light from the candles shine against her skin that is now as pale as snow and lips that was probably soft and pink now cracked and blue.
Your hand slips from Feyre's as you step forward enough to see the face clearly. This is one of the girls you were looking for. Her name is Lyriana.
No. Was.
Now she's gone. Dead just as you expected. You still remember how her parents had begged you to find her when she got lost. How they begged you to find her and bring her back alive, offering you anything you wanted in return.
She was one of the firsts that was lost, it had been a week yet her parents never lost hope, knowing that their high lord and spymaster will find her. Well, you guess they did do that part.
"Is that-" Azriel starts but you speak before he could, knowing what he will say.
"Lyriana. Age 16. Single child. 7 days missing. A Valkerie in training. One of the first victims." Your voice sounds bland, void of any emotion and your mates pick up on the ill feelings starting to swirl inside you immediately.
"This isn't good." Mor comments under her breath.
"Oh yeah? What gave it away? The fire or the dead body?" Cassian replies just as slowly, his tone a mixture of sarcasm and anger.
You take another step closer to the body and just as Rhysand is about to warn you not to get too close, a sudden snap sounds and a hand wraps around you foot, the fingers clutching on tight enough to break bones;
And pulls.
You gasp out in pain, not expecting the attack and fall on your back. Your head hitting the hard ground but paying no mind to it, you take out a knife sheathed at your waist and thrust it on the hand with force.
At the same time a blast of purple fire hits the arm holding your foot. The force of your attacks together results in the arm cutting and blasting off into a mush of blood and muscle. An extremely unsettling site.
The blood flies to your body, small droplets smearing onto your leathers as you quickly brush off the remains of the fingers around your ankle and stand up. Soft hands hold you as Feyre forces you to step back with her and Rhysand stands before you, ready for another attack.
Now that out of danger, you see the arm that tried to hold you captive belongs to the very girl you declared dead. She now kneels and stands on her hands and knees, arching her back in an unnatural way. The eyes that were closed and peaceful, now are wide open and frowning at the lot of you with anger. You take in a sharp breath when you realize that her eyes doesn't have irises, they are entirely white white red nerves siding at the edges.
The hand that was blasted off, still driping tons of blood but it is as though she doesn't feel anything because she lets out a low growl before standing and streaking out her next attack.
Everyone is ready this time though, before Rhysand even lifts a finger, shadows cover Lyriana's entire body, slithering around like ropes and contract their hold. Thightly binding her limbs to her body and enabling her to do anything except squirm around on the ground, trying to fight.
Everyone stays silent for a while, only her growling and hissing echoing through the space, widened eyes staring shocked at Lyriana's state. She behaves as though she doesn't know anything but  attacking.
Rhysand turns to you and pulls you into his arms, "Are you alright?" His soft voice breaks the dark fog starting in your mind. You nod silently and rest your head against his shoulder. Feyre kneels at your side and gently touches the ankle that now covers a ring of dark red bruises in shape of a hand.
You step back a little to see the wound for yourself, half cresents form where the tip of the fingers were, stretching out into small sharp straches, oozing out little blood that was already starting to heal.
You sigh and step around them as they straighten up, "I'm fine. Let's keep going."
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